"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tiap

Kaozofng-thongtiap | encyclical (Catholic) | 教宗通牒
bongtiap | a kind of brill | 芒鮃; 蒙鰈
ciauhofng yntiap | act the habitual flirt (said of a woman); make passes at men without discrimination | 招蜂引蝶
cidtiap'afkuo | for a moment, a very short time | 一霎仔久
cidtiap'ar | a short while, a moment | 一會仔
cidtiap'ar-kuo | in a little while | 一會仔久
cidtiapkwar | just a little while | 一會兒
cittiap | nowadays; today | 現今; 此刻
cittiap'ar-kuo | this long | 這摺仔久
gvextiap | hard drive | 硬碟
gvixtiap | hard drive | 硬碟
hittiap | that time | 那時
hoafnkantiap | counter espionage | 反間諜
hongtiap | counter espionage | 防諜
hotiap | butterfly | 蝴蝶
hoxngtiap | smaller citrus dog | 鳳蝶
huitiap | flying saucer; unidentified flying object (UFO) | 飛碟
huytiap | robber's spy; agent of the rebels; Chinese Communist agent | 匪諜
kantiap | spy | 間諜
karntiap | spy | 間諜
kektiap | flounder (fish) | 比目魚; 棘鰈
kongtiap | CD-ROMs | 光碟
ng'otiap | yellow butterfly | 黃蝴蝶
otiap | butterfly | 蝴蝶
otiap-hoef | the iris | 蝴蝶花
otiap-laan | butterfly orchid | 蝴蝶蘭
otiap-poex | pearl oyster | 黑蝶貝
siaptiap | closely; tightly; neatly tied or packed up; neatly arranged; so as to take up little room; containing much with little bulk | 精巧; 精緻
suisintiap | flash drive | 隨身碟
tengteeng tiabtiap | piled on one another; crowded together densely | 重重疊疊; 累累
thongtiap | diplomatic communications or messages | 通牒
tiabtiap laai | coming over and over again | 常常來
tiabtiap | talkative; chatter; to rattle | 喋喋
tiap | pile up; repeat; pile things one on top of another; build up a house one story higher; laid or put on in addition | 疊
tiap'afkuo | a while; a moment; for some time; in just a moment | 摺仔久; 一會兒
tiap'ar-kuo | a moment, a short time | 摺仔久; 一會兒
tvaftiap | maltreat (as a woman does to a female slave); to torture | 虐待; 打揲; 整人
zantiap | overlapping | 層疊
zoea'au-thongtiap | ultimatum | 最後通牒

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