"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tiarm

boafntiarm | full point | 滿點
bongtiarm | blind spot | 盲點
bytiarm | good point, good quality | 美點; 優點
ciap'hap-tiarm | a junction | 接合點
ciautiarm | focus; center of attraction; focus | 焦點
cidtiarm | one point; one o'clock; one point; on dot | 一點
ciongtiarm | terminus; end point; end; goal; terminal; termination; terminus; terminal point; the end | 終點
citiarm | a pivot | 支點
cittiarm | a dot, a point, a little | 這點
cytiarm | point out one's error; give direction or guidance | 指點
cyzhud iaotiarm | point out the essential point | 指出要點
gitiarm | doubtful or questionable point; suspicious; point | 疑點
goantiarm | origin | 原點
goxtiarm | to miss appointment; to be behind schedule of transportation; run late (of trains) | 誤點
hoantiarm | after midnight | 翻點
hoat'hoeftiarm | flash point; ignition point | 發火點
hoetiarm | spot; stain; speckle; spotted with small spots | 花點; 斑點
hoxtiarm | rain drops | 雨點
huttiarm | boiling point | 沸點
iaotiarm | a key point; gist; main (essential) point | 要點
iokteng textiarm | appointed place; place agreed upon | 約定地點
iongtiarm | the melting point | 熔點
iutiarm | good points; points of excellence or advantage; strong points; a merit; good qualities; advantage; peculiarity | 優點
jiogtiarm | weak point; weakness; shortcoming | 弱點
kautiarm | hook point | 鉤點
kauzhetiarm | crossing; crosspoint; intersection; crossing; point of intersection; junction | 交叉點
kefngtiarm | attractions | 景點
kegtiarm | extreme (point); climax; summit | 極點
khiarmtiarm | short-coming; a lack | 缺點
khiaxm kiafmtiarm | careless; wanting in method or decorum | 欠檢點
khoantiarm | to mark (a passage) with circles and dots | 圈點
khoattiarm | flaw; defect; disadvantage; imperfection; fault; a blemish | 缺點
khytiarm | starting point | 起點
kiafmtiarm | to behave (oneself); to inspect and arrange; check up; roll calling; inspection | 檢點
kietiarm | stronghold | 據點
koantiarm | one's view on a certain matter; a point of view; point of view; one's ideas or opinion concerning something | 觀點
koanzhattiarm | point of view; view point | 觀察點
kuotiarm | full stop, period (punctuation); [[kietiarm]]; a foothold, a stronghold | 句點; 據點
køeatiarm | counted | 過點; 一點之後
laktiarm | disgraceful | 落點; 失體面
legtiarm | point of force | 力點
liah-tioxngtiarm | to grasp the essential point | 捉重點
lientiarm | burning point | 燃點
limkaetiarm | critical point (in physics) | 臨界點
liogtiarm | weakness | 弱點
loadtiarm | weakness, badness | 劣點
loaxntiarm | badness, weakness; random order; random point | 亂點
loxtiarm | dew point | 露點
luo-tiarm'oaan | salesgirl; shop girl | 女店員
luxntiarm | point under discussion, point of an argument | 論點
mixtiarm'ar | noodle shop | 麵店仔
niautiarm | scar; spot; stain; speckle | 痘痕; 貓點
nngxtiarm-zuie | two dots of water | 兩點水
otiarm | black stain; blemish | 污點
pantiarm | fleck; mottle; spot; pock-mark; spotted; slightly pockmarked; specks; mottles | 斑點
pawhøtiarm | point of saturation (chemistry.) | 飽和點
pengtiarm | freezing point; zero | 冰點
phahtiarm | taking care; well-thoughtful; proactive | 打點
phiautiarm huhø | punctuation marks | 標點符號
phiautiarm | a punctuation mark; to punctuate; point; punctuation | 標點
phurnhoxtiarm | get sprinkled with rain; sprinkled | 下小雨
phurntiarm | to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt; ; fragrant | 噴點; 果料兒; 長斑點; 斑點
phvaytiarm | bad points | 難點
piautiarm | punctuation; point | 標點
poarntiarm | half an hour | 半點
pvoartiarm | half an hour | 半點
pvoatiarm | make an inventory; check | 盤點; 清點
setiarm | snack | 西點
sikantiarm | point in time | 時間點
sintiafmtiarm | very new | 新點點
siøfsortiarm | decimal point | 小數點
syn-tiafmtiarm | new and bright | 新點點
tefngtiarm | topmost; peak; utmost | 頂點
tegtiarm | characteristics; peculiarities; special features | 特點
terngtiarm | fruit or clothes) grow black specks | 斑点
tetiarm ciauthai | entertain with refreshments | 茶點招待
tetiarm | tea cake; cake and tea ─ refreshments | 茶點
tetiarm'ar | tearoom; brothel; a teahouse | 茶室仔; 茶店仔
texngtiarm | fixed point | 定點
textiarm | place; locality; site; spot | 地點
thofsafntiarmpvy | native products store side | 土產店邊
tiafmtiarm cyn | very reliable; everything exact | 精確
tiafmtiarm | bit by bit | 點點
tiarm bag'iøh | apply eye lotion | 點眼藥
tiarm hoehlo | strike him with the point of the finger in some part that causes great pain; weakness or sickness | 點血路; 點穴
tiarm iency | put on lipstick | 擦口紅
tiarm | point; spotdot; drop; dot; dot; spot; speck; point; drop; small amount; a little; snacks; refreshment; hours; to dot; to mark; to teach; to point out; to light; to ignite; to nod (the head) | 點
tiarm'afkhaf | asphalt | 點仔膠
tiarm'afpvy | shop side | 店仔邊
tiarm'ar | small shop; store | 店仔; 小店
tiarm'ar-kaf | a song | 點仔膠; 點膠
tiarm'au | shop back | 店後
tiarm'oaan | a shpo clerk; shopman; employees in a shop; shop clerk; salesman or saleswoman | 店員
tiarm-hof tøh | to burn; to light; kindle; light a fire | 點亮
tiarm`tøh | clicked | 點著
tiarmbi | skin diving | 站泳; 踮沬; 潛泳; 潛水
tiarmbin | a shop situated on a thoroughfare; shop front | 店面; 舖面
tiarmbu | routine work in a store or shop; matters connected with the shop | 店務
tiarmho | store; shop | 店戶; 商店
tiarmhø | the name of a business establishment | 店號
tiarmkaf | shop | 店家
tiarmkef | shop | 店家
tiarmkhafng | hide in a hole; cave; be at home don't like to go out | 玷孔; 躲在洞內; 居家無出
tiarmkhangkw | frog at the bottom of the well | 踮空龜
tiarmkhao | the outside of a shop; a store front | 店口
tiarmlai | inside shop | 店內
tiarmlie | inside shop | 店裡
tiarmmiaa | the name of store | 店名
tiarmmngg | shop door | 店門
tiarmmnggoa | shop outside | 店門外
tiarmphof | a shop; a store | 店舖
tiarmphor | store; shop | 店舖
tiarmphox | store; shop | 店舖
tiarmpør | guarantee (for a person's reliability) given by a shopkeeper | 舖保; 店保
tiarmsiu | go back to den; nest (of birds) | 回巢; (禽類)
tiarmsiøzhoe | hide and seek | 踮相揣
tiarmsøex | rent for a shop | 店租
tiarmtea | stock-in-trade | 存貨
tiarmteng'ar | shop | 店亭仔
tiarmthaau | store front; store; business shop | 店頭; 店舖
tiarmthaukef | shop boss | 店頭家
tiarmtofng | shop owner | 店東
tiarmtviuo | shop manager | 店長
tiarmzof | rent for a shop | 店租
tiarmzuo | proprietor (of a store or shop) | 店主
tiongsimtiarm | central point; focus point; important point | 中心點
tiongtiarm | midpoint | 中點
tioxngtiarm | focus point; point of emphasis; important point; lay emphasis on; attach importance to | 重點
tngxtiarm hofng | not the least breath of wind | 一點風也沒有
tngxtiarm | not even a bit; not even a penny | 斷點; 一點兒也沒有
toextiarm | place; location | 地點
toxtiarm | comma (,) | 逗號; 逗點
tøextiarm | place; point; site; situation; spot | 地點
uotiarm | blot; spot; stain; taint | 污點; 汙點
viutiarm | melting point | 鎔點
ynhøeftiarm | ignition point; flash point | 引火點
zabsvatiarm | silly (slang); acting in a stupid manner which evokes delight and laughter rather than disgust; dumb broad | 十三點; 三八
zaftiarm | breakfast | 早點
zengtiarm | (by) hour; hours | 鐘點
zhaaftiarmhang | old ally | 柴仔店巷
zhaaftiarmkhao | firewood store | 柴仔店口
zhaetiarmzabor | prostitute | 菜店查某
zhantiarm | food | 餐點
zhaytiarm | marking; scoring | 採點; 打分數; 評分
zhut'hoattiarm | starting place or point | 出發點
zoafnlextiarm | turning point | 轉捩點
zoeakøf-tiarm | the peak, the climax, the culminating point | 最高點
zoeakøtiarm | highest point or mark | 最高點
zoex tiarmbin | become a storefront | 做店面
zøx tiarmbin | become a storefront | 做店面

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