"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tieen

Koantieen | a city in Tainan County | 官田
Liongtieen | a place in Taiwan | 隆田
Pafntieen | Sakata | 坂田
Potieen | a place in Taiwan | 莆田
hongtieen | fields left uncultivated; desolate fields | 荒田
iamtieen | slattern; salt bed | 鹽田
iutieen | oil field | 油田
kengciar iuo kii tieen | land to the tiller (final phase of the land reform program on Taiwan) | 耕者有其田
kengtieen | plough the fields; cultivated fields or land | 耕田
koatieen-lyha | do not tie your shoe strings in a melon patch nor adjust your hat under a plum tree ─ a position that invites suspicion; give no needless grounds for suspicion | 瓜田李下
kvoatieen | a official land | 官田
lamtieen-ciornggiok | get a girl or woman pregnant | 藍田種玉
liogtieen | dry field | 陸田
liongtieen | fertile fields; good land; fertile field; good land | 良田
longtieen | farmland; agricultural fields | 農田
moetieen | coal-field | 煤層; 煤田
poantieen | viaticum; Supplies for a journey | 盤纏
santieen | mountain farm | 山田
simtieen | one's heart, one's attitude | 心田
siuxtieen | allot public land to a person for farming purpose | 授田
songtieen | mulada | 桑田
tantieen | the lower part of abdomen; (in Taoism) the region three inches below the navel; the pubic region | 丹田
tieen | irrigated field; agricultural land; field; rice field | 田; 填
zhonghaysongtieen | vicissitudes of life | 滄海桑田

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