"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tiog

Thientiog | ancient name of India | 天竺
kaytiog | rebuild, reconstruct, rebuilding, reconstruction | 改築; 改建
khutiogky | pursuit plane | 驅逐機
khutioglam | destroyer (naval) | 驅逐鑑; 驅逐艦
kierntiog | building; structure; build; construct | 建築
kierntiog-but | a building; a structure | 建築物
kierntiog-ioxngte | building (housing) lot | 建築用地
kierntiog-kangtheeng | construction work | 建築工程
kierntiog-zailiau | building materials | 建築材料
kierntiogbut | building | 建築物
kierntiogsw | architect | 建築師
phørtiog | broken bamboo | 破竹
siutiog | found a house | 修築
suiphøf tiogliuu | follow the current ─ do as others; time-server; speak and behave as others do without views of his own; a yes-man | 隨波逐流
thoftiog | aborigine | 土築; 土住
tiog | bamboo | 竹
tiogchiuo | start doing something; put or set one's hand to; begin to work on; make a beginning | 著手
tioggarn | concentrate in; focus on | 著眼
tioggoat | month by month | 逐月
tiogjit | day by day | 逐日
tiogkaf | every house, house by house | 逐家
tiogliok | lands (an airplane); alight; descend to the ground | 著陸
tioglok | with the result that; find the way to | 著落
tiogpo | step by step, from the first step | 逐步
tiogte | reach the ground; touch the ground | 著地
uiciofng kierntiog | buildings erected without a license or against the provisions of the building code; illegal structures | 違章建築; 違建
zeataai køtiog | be deep in debt; be up to one's ears in debt | 債台高築
zengtiog | additional building | 增築

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