"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tiok

butiok | unable to definitely believe; no visible progress; no way to find | 無著; 無可確信
bøtiok | irresponsible | 無著; 無負責任
horngtiok | to exile; exile; cast off, oust, expel, expatriate | 放逐
huotiok | adhere to; stick together | 附著
kektiok | drive away, drive out | 激逐; 逐出
khutiok | get rid of; to drive out (bad customs; harmful insects; enemies etc.) | 驅逐
khwntiok | to persecute; to oppress cruelly | 宭逐; 迫害
kierntiok | building; structure; build; construct | 建築
kierntiok'huix | building expenses | 建築費
kierntiok-hak | architecture | 建築學
kierntiokbut | structures; buildings | 建築物
kierntioksw | licensed architect | 建築師
kierntioktiofng | be under construction | 建築中
kii køf ittiok | be superior in intelligence; stratagem; skill etc.; to one's opponent | 棋高一著
kvoaftiok | to expel; to drive out | 趕逐; 放逐
legkierntiok | green building | 綠建築
parngtiok | to send into exile | 放逐
pirntiok | to expel, to oust | 驅逐; 擯逐
siettiok | plan and build | 設著; 設築
sintiok | newly built | 新築
thoftiok | aborigine | 土著
timtiok | unmoved; impassive; self-possessed; composed; thoughtful; in speak in; quiet in manner; not acting or speaking at random | 沉著
tiok | build, construct, erect; burn; to blaze; to flame; blaze up; catch fire; kindle | 築; 燃燒
tiokchviuu | build walls | 築牆
tiokciam | little by little; gradually | 逐漸
tiokkarng | construct a harbor | 築港
tiokkiaau | bamboo bridge | 竹橋
tioklo | build roads | 築路
tiokpax | raised levee; build a dam | 築壩
tioksviaa | build a city wall or castle | 築城
tiokthee | build a dike or embankment | 築堤
tiokzø | construct; built; fabricate; fabrication; construction | 築造; 建造
titiok | chasing | 馳逐
tuitiok | to chase after; hunt; run after | 追逐
zengtiok | extend or enlarge | 增築; 擴建

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