"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tiorng

bexngtiorng | to hit (the target) | 命中
bogbuu zuntiorng | contemptuous towards anthorities or superiors | 目無尊長
bogtiorng | church readers | 牧長
bok buu zuntiorng | show no respect to elders and superiors | 目無尊長
chintiorng | elders | 親長
ciwzefng tiorngtok | alcoholism | 酒精中毒
hak iuo zoantiorng | have acquired a specialty from study | 學有專長
hengtiorng | a respectful form of address for an elder brother or a man friend; senior | 兄長
hu-sengtiorng | negative grow | 負成長
lientiorng | elder person; senior person | 年長
nawtiornghofng | stroke | 腦中風
phengtiornglek | power of expansion | 膨脹力
pud tiorng'iong | useless; not useful for the purpose | 無中用
pud tiorng'ix | not quite up to one's ideal (expectations); not desirable; not suitable | 不中意
put'tiorng'iong | useless, awkward, dull, stupid | 無中用; 不中用
puttiorng'iong | useless | 無中用
sengtiorng køeatheeng | adolesce | 成長過程
sengtiorng | live; grow up; growth | 成長; 生長
siautiorng | ebb and flow | 消長
siexntiorng | good at; adept | 擅長
sinpakchixtiorng | New Taiepe City Mayor | 新北市長
sngf-tiorngtok | acidosis | 酸中毒
softiorng | one's specialty | 所長
svitiorng | grow, live | 生長
tegtiorng | special merits; strong points | 特長
tiorng | grow; to increase; greater; senior; a superior; a surplus; too many or too much | 長
tiorng'iong | useful (man) | 中用
tiorng'ix | suit one's fancy; agreeable; satisfied; meets the specifications; acceptable | 中意
tiorng'ong | flourishing, prosperous | 中旺
tiorngciorng | win a (lottery) prize | 中獎
tiorngcvix | got shot by an arrow | 中箭
tiornghofng | to suffer a stroke of paralysis; apoplexy; suffer a stroke of paralysis or apoplexy | 中風
tiorngkex | fall into trap; rise in price | 中計; 漲價
tiorngkhaxn | good to look at; presentability | 中看
tiorngkhix | inflated with air; flatulence | 脹氣
tiorngkoaan | rise high (water) | 漲高
tiorngkvoaai | rise high (water) | 漲高
tiornglaau | upflow | 漲流
tiorngliao | bingo | 中了
tiornglioong | important or useful | 中樑; 棟樑
tiorngmoar | overflow (water) | 漲滿
tiorngsiaa | bewitched | 中邪
tiorngsiofng | to hurt somebody insidiously; slander; defamation; hurt somebody insidiously; say damaging things about others before a third party; to slander; malign; speak ill of; injure a person's reputation | 中傷
tiorngsoarn | get elected | 當選; 中選
tiorngsuo | suffer sunstroke | 中暑
tiorngsym-cidsiuo | to hate deeply | 痛心疾首; 癉
tiorngteg | make a gold; quiver; bull's eye | 中的
tiorngthefng | pleased to hear; gratifying opinion | 中聽
tiorngtiaau | tide flows; flood tide | 漲潮
tiorngtioxng | flatulent | 脹脹
tiorngtiøh | hit | 中得; 打中
tiorngto | full of stomach; windy | 脹肚
tiorngtoa | expand; distend | 脹大
tiorngtoaxzuie | flooding | 漲大水
tiorngtok | to be poisoned; poisoning; toxicosis; food poisoning auto-intoxication | 中毒
tiorngzuie | swelling of a river; water rising very high; as at high tide or during a flood | 漲水
zengtiorng | grow; growth; increases and advances | 增長
zexngtiorng | to increase, augmentation | 增長
zoantiorng | special skill; specialty | 專長
zoxtiorng | offer a premium on; contribution | 助長
zuntiorng | older person; an elder; a senior | 尊長

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