"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tiux

Toaxtiuxtviaa | Dadaocheng; big rice drying-field; historic section of Taipei City | 大稻埕
thviartiuotiux | electric pain | 疼搐搐
tiux | day; daytime; daylight | 晝
tiuxboea | rice end | 稻尾
tiuxjiedpve | rice blast; rice plant mold | 稻熱病
tiuxkøfthaau | stubble of rice | 稻莖頭
tiuxkør | rice stalks | 稻株
tiuxpea | sheaf of rice | 稻把
tiuxpi | to plan, to prepare | 籌備
tiuxsab | chaff (including fragments of straw) | 稻屑; 稻糠
tiuxsad | green rice leaf-hopper | 稻蝨; 臺灣黑尾浮塵子
tiuxseq | the droppings of rice in the field after harvest | 稻穗
tiuxsui | grain; ear or spike of the rice plant | 稻穗
tiuxthaang | insects found on rice plants | 稻蟲
tiuxthaau | stubble of rice | 稻莖
tiuxtviaa | rice drying field; courtyard ground for shine rice | 稻埕; 晒穀場
tiuxzhaan | farm | 稻田
tiuxzhao | straw; strawy; halm; rice straw | 稻草
tiuxzhawbi | straw flavour | 稻草味
tiuxzhawkhuun | straw stack; heap or stack of cut rice | 稻草堆
tiuxzhawkør | rice straw; rice stalks | 稻草桿; 稻稿
tiuxzhawlaang | scarecrow | 稻草人
tiuxzhawthaau | straw head | 稻草頭
tiuxzhawtuy | straw stack; heap or stack of cut rice | 稻草堆
tiuxzog | rice farming | 稻作
tiuxzøq | rice farming | 稻作
wtiuxkoafn | cosmological view | 宇宙觀
wtiuxlaang | cosmic people | 宇宙人
wtiuxlun | cosmology | 宇宙論
wtiuxlut | laws of the universe | 宇宙律
wtiuxsvoax | cosmic ray; cosmic radiation | 宇宙線

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