"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Aciw uxntoxnghoe | Asian Games | 亞洲運動會; 亞運
Atofng | Adam | 亞當
Auciw kioxngtongthea | European common market | 歐洲共同體
Bincirntorng | DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) | 民進黨
Binzwtorng | democratic party; the Democrats | 民主黨
Chietoong | erythrina | 刺桐
Chinbintorng | People First Party | 親民黨
Chittor | a district in Koelaang City | 七堵
Cinhog pattoafn | Eight Beatitudes (Catholic) | 真福八端
Enghog Goxtoafn | Five Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary (Catholic) | 榮福五端
Esupelanto | Esperanto | 世界語
Gvaixsuteknytoan | Esther (Catholic) | 艾斯德爾傳
Gvofid løtoxngcied | May day; Labor Day | 五一勞動節
Haytoafn | a city in Taitung County Taiwan | 海端
Hoekaotoo | Muslims | 回教徒
Hongsiin-toan | a classical novel of Chinese gods and heroes | 封神傳
Høekaotoo | Muslim | 回教徒
Irnto | India | 印度
Irntoxkaux | Hinduism | 印度教
Irntoxlaang | Indian | 印度人
Irntoxviuu | Indian Ocean | 印度洋
Iwtextektoan | Judith (Catholic) | 友弟德傳
Kangtorng | Labor Party | 工黨
Kengtoong | a city in Yunlin County | 荊桐
Kioxnghøo-tofng'oaan | Republican | 共和黨員
Kioxnghøtorng | Republican party | 共和黨
Kioxngsafntofng'oaan | communist | 共產黨員
Kioxngsafntorng | Communist party | 共產黨
Kioxngsarn-torng | the Communist Party | 共產黨
Kitog | Christ; Christ | 基督
Kitog-hoax | become Christian-like | 基督教; 基督化
Kitog-kaux | Christianity ─ usually means non-Catholic Christianity | 基督教
Kitog-lun | Christology | 基督論
Kitog-too | Christian | 基督徒
Kitok'hoax | Christianize | 基督化
Kitokkaotoo | Non-Catholic Christians | 基督教徒
Kitokkaux Lyzuo Zhenglienhoe | Young Women's Christian Association (Protestant); Y.W.C.A | 基督教女子青年會
Kitokkaux Zhenglienhoe | Young Men's Christian Association (Protestant); Y.M.C.A | 基督教青年會
Kitokkaux | Christianity; Christianity ─ (usually means non-Catholic Christianity) | 基督教
Kixntofng | Near East | 近東; 近東(中東)
Kokbintorng | National Party; K.M.T. in the Republic of China | 國民黨
Legtor | Green Island (off the southeastern Taiwan coast; site of a reformatory camp) | 綠島
Legtorng | Green Party | 綠黨
Liautofng poarntør | the Liaotung Peninsula | 遼東半島
Liautofng | the Liaotung | 遼東
Liungtor | Iwo Jima; one of the Bonin Islands | 硫磺島
Lotektoan | Ruth (Catholic) | 廬德傳
Løtofng | a city in Yilan County | 羅東
Mafthaix Hok'imtoan | Gospel according to Matthew. (Protestant) | 馬太福音傳
Mafto Hok'ym | Gospel according to Matthew (Catholic) | 瑪竇福音
Moekuiekefng Zabgoxtoafn | Fifteen decades of the Rosary (Catholic) | 玫瑰經十五端
Oafntofng | the Far East | 遠東
Oexlykonghoe kaotoo | Methodists | 衛理公會教徒
Omytohut | Amitaba | 阿彌陀佛
Pintofng | a city in Pingtung County | 屏東
Pintofng-koan | Pingtung County | 屏東縣
Pwntog Siulie hoe | OSB: Benedictine Srs. (Catholic) | 本篤修女會
Pwntok'hoe | OSB: Ordo Sti. Benedicti (Catholic) | 本篤會
Pwntok'hoexsu | Benedictines | 本篤會士
Sae kirn khortoax phaq-sykad | Something always happens when you are in a hurry; haste makes waste (Lit. rushed to the toilet; but the drawstring fastening the pants was knotted) | 欲速則無達。
Sailee toaxkiøo | Silo Bridge; the longest highway bridge in Taiwan | 西螺大橋
Seakaix uxntoxnghoe | Olympic Games | 世界運動會; 世運會
Seirnto | Western India | 西印度
Serngkonghoe kaotoo | Anglicans | 聖公會教徒
Suotoo Hengtoan | Acts of the Apostles (Protestant) | 使徒行傳
Taixtoong | a city in Yilan County | 大同
Tektong | a city in Changhua County | 竹塘
Textok Sw | The Epistle of Paul to Titus (Catholic) | 第鐸書; (鐸)
Thienzwkaotoo | Catholic | 天主教徒
Thorngkhor Goxtoafn | Five Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary (Catholic) | 痛苦五端
Tionglaam Poarntor | Indo-China Peninsula | 中南半島
Toaxto | a city in Taichung County | 大肚
Tøpixatoan | Tobias (Catholic) | 多俾亞傳
Zhengkaotoo | Puritans | 清教徒
Zhvemekef toktiøh thaang | lucky guess or shot; win by a fluke; (Lit. A blind chicken pecked a worm.) | 瞎眼雞啄到蟲; 瞎撞瞎著。
Zok'og-tøtoafn | indulge in all sorts of evildoings; commit many crimes | 作惡多端
Zonghoad-zeato | kinship system | 宗法制度
Zuxbintorng | the Liberal Democratic Party (Japan) | 自民黨
Zuxiutorng | Liberal Party (British) | 自由黨
Zuyhoftoan | All Men Are Brothers; a popular novel by Shih Nai an (施耐庵) | 水滸傳
Zwtohoe | CDD: Discipuli Domini (Catholic) | 主徒會
Zøftoan | An Ancient Chinese book | 左傳
aekog uxntong | patriotic movement | 愛國運動
aetoo | beloved disciple | 愛徒
aitong | cry bitterly | 哀慟
ang'aftoo | drawing; picture; painting | 尪仔圖; 圖畫
ang'ar-too | picture for illustration | 尪仔圖; 圖畫
antorngtoxng | very firm knot; very tight drawer; door or lid | 緊擋擋; 很緊
anzoaan-toax | safety-belt | 安全帶
anzoantoax | safety belt; seat belt; safety belt | 安全帶
aparto | an apartment, a flat, an apartment house | 公寓
armsattorng | gang of assassins | 暗殺黨
armto tinzhofng | do something under cover of doing something else; rendezvous secretly | 暗渡陳倉
armtox | veiled strife | 暗渡
arngto | cunning; crafty; deceitful | 齆肚; 甕肚; 陰險
arnpefng puttong | refuse sending troops to relieve friendly forces in distress | 按兵無動
arntoea | criminal record | 案底
atok'ar | a foreigner (American or European); foreigner; hooknose | 阿啄仔; 洋人; 大鼻子
bagtoe | eye-catching | 目地
baxnsiexntoong | slowpoke; container or place for placing bones of deceased that are not picked up by relatives | 萬善堂; 做事慢半拍
baxntoafn | all kinds of matters | 萬端
baxntoxngzog | slow motion | 慢動作
beftoee | horse's hoof | 馬蹄; 痕跡
beftoong | crabgrass | 馬唐
bengsw zhud køtoo | accomplished disciple owes his accomplishments to his great teacher | 名師出高徒
bengtoaxn | bright; wise judgment; fair and intelligent judgment; unbiased and wise decision | 明斷
beqtoax | garter | 襪帶
beqtoea | sole of a stocking 'sewed on' | 襪底
betoo | wrong path; the lost way; stray path; go astray; get lost; wrong path | 迷途
bexngtoee | proposition | 命題
bexngtoo | course of events in one's life | 命途
bextoea | the answer to a riddle; the key to a puzzle | 謎底
bidto | density; density | 密度
bidtoxkex | densimeter | 密度計
binzok uxntong | national movement | 民族運動
binzuo torng | a democratic party, the Democrats | 民主黨
binzwtorng | the Democratic Party | 民主黨
boafntoong | full house | 滿堂
boeqtoax | garter | 襪帶
boetok | syphilis | 梅毒
bofngto | informally transition; temporary transition; just getting along; put up with; be satisfied with | 罔渡; 暫且渡日; 得過且過
bofngtong | recklessly; dash or drive recklessly | 莽撞
bofngtorng | hasty; rash; impetuous; coarse; rude; hurried; reckless; careless in action; rude in manner | 糊塗; 懵懂; 鹵莽
bofngtorng-haxn | recklessly fellow; dash or drive recklessly fellow | 莽撞漢
boftoaxcie | female married to younger spouse | 某大姊
boftoaxku | wife's older brother | 某大舅; 妻之兄; 大舅子
bogtok | bell with wooden clapper | 木梆; 木鐸
bogtoong | shepherd boy; herd boy; shepherd; cowboy | 牧童
bogtor | see directly; witness; see with one's eyes | 目睹
bongtoong | blind child | 盲腸; 盲童
borng to | barely getting by | 罔度
boxngtoaxn | misjudgement, indiscreet judgement | 盲斷; 妄斷
boxngtong | reckless or rash actions; act recklessly or rashly | 妄動
boxngtoo | to attempt vainly, to make a vain attempt | 妄圖
boxtoe | cemetery | 墓地
budkex phøtong | price fluctuations | 物價波動
buhan toa | infinity | 無限大
bukii toheeng | life imprisonment | 無期徒刑
bukii-toheeng | life sentence | 無期徒刑
bunhoax uxntong | culture movement | 文化運動
buntofng hoxtuix | well-matched; a married couple that get along well together | 門當戶對
buntoo | disciples; disciple | 門徒
buntox | struggle by reasoning | 文鬥; 推理鬥爭
buto | without restraints; without restraints; very indulgent | 無度
butoafn | unjustified; without cause or reason; unjustified | 無端
butok puttioxnghw | ruthlessness is the mark of a truly great man; one who is not ruthless is not a truly great man | 無毒無丈夫
butorng buphaix | without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
buu tong ii thiofng | unmoved; hardhearted; callous; remain firm; stand pat | 無動於衷
buxntee jitoong | problem child | 問題兒童
buxntoee | problem; issue; topic | 問題
bwtoaxn | jump to conclusions without regard to reason; logic; propriety; etc; decide arbitrarily | 武斷
bwtong | to brandish, to flourish | 舞動; 繁榮
bwtox | to wage a struggle by force | 舞動; 武鬥
bøe-kegtong`ee | stolid | 未激動的
bøeqtoax | garter | 襪帶
bøfhe zeato | matriarchy | 母系制度
bøhoatto | unable; incapable | 無法度
bøo hoatto | no help for it; lawless (Lit. no plan) | 無法度; 沒辦法
bøo sektoxng | ineptness | 無適當
bøo tofngphaix | non-partisan | 無黨派
bøo toxliong | narrow minded | 無度量
bøo-hoatto | no way, unable to manage | 無法度
bøtoa bøsex | impolite | 無大無細; 無禮貌
bøtoa-bøsoex | impolite | 無大無細; 沒大沒小
bøtoaxbøsex | no polite | 無大無細
bøtoaxbøsoex | no polite | 無大無細
bøtoea-khox | split-seat pants | 無底褲; 開襠褲
bøtok | non-toxic | 無毒
bøtorng bøphaix | impartial; without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
bøtoxngzeng | no movement; quiet | 無動靜
bøxaftoax | hat lace | 帽仔帶
bøxtoax | hatband | 帽帶
chiamtexng habtoong | sign a contract | 簽訂合同
chiapto | steal, pilfer, theft, pilferage | 竊盜
chiato | the inclination of; gradient; grade; inclination | 斜度
chiatoxng | break; brake | 車擋; 剎車; 煞車
chiaujieen ee thaito | unconcerned attitude | 超然的態度
chiauto | to release souls from purgatory; assist a soul to get deliverance from punishment be born into this world again (Buddhism) | 超度; 超渡
chid-toaxciw | seven big continents | 七大洲
chientof | to move the capital to another place; relocate the national capital | 遷都
chietoee | test questions | 試題
chietok | test poison | 試毒
chietoong | India coral tree | 刺桐; 莿桐; 珊瑚樹
chietzhøf-tokmoo | to learn from each other by an exchange of views | 切蹉琢磨
chimhae toxngbut | deep sea fauna | 深海動物
chimpiao tongzeeng | express deep sympathy | 深表同情
chimto | depth; deepness; profundity; depth of a river or box; profundity of learning | 深度
chimtoat | to invade and to take away things by force; seize by force | 侵奪
chintongchiwciog | intimate friendship | 親同手足
chintoong | cousins of father's side | 親堂
chiofngtoat | take away forcibly | 搶奪
chioktong | to stir up someone's feeling; move one's heart; be touched emotionally | 觸動; 推動
chiongtong | impulse; impulse; sudden urge; be excited; over excited | 衝動
chiuhaytoong | a begonia | 秋海棠
chiutngg zhurntoan | gut-wrenching sadness | 愁腸寸斷
chiuxny-toax | rubber belt | 樹乳帶
chiuxtong | hole of the bole | 樹洞
chiwtoan | moves with calculation | 手段
chiwtoea | palm meaning heritage | 手底
chiwtofjiin | biceps | 手肚仁; 上臂之二頭肌
chiwtong | manual | 手動
chiwtor | fleshy part of the lower arm | 手肚; 肱肌; 手肚子
chiwtoxng | hand brake; hand brake | 手擋; 手剎車; 手煞車
chiøhto | scales; measure; linear measure | 尺度
chiørphoax paktofphoee | overwhelmed with laughter; rock with laughter | 笑破腹肚皮
chviaftoq | invite to a feast | 請桌
chvito | fresh | 青度; 新鮮度
chvitoong | Chinese parasol tree | 青桐
chviwtoat | sack; rob; to loot; to plunder; robbery | 搶奪
ciamtoafn | jut; acme; cusp; point; tip; high point; climax | 尖端
ciaplieen puttoan | continuously or incessantly | 接連無斷
ciaqtok | smoke opium | 吃毒; 吸毒
ciaqtok`ee | drug addict | 吃毒的
ciarmtoe | land area | 占地
ciartoafn sengsu | stir up trouble on a pretext or excuse | 藉端生事
ciartoafn | pretend | 藉端; 借端
ciau'iaau toxngphiexn | swindle or cheat by posing as a VIP or claiming to be related to a VIP | 招搖撞騙
ciaxmto | pass the times; to be temporarily out of work | 暫渡
ciaxmtoax | temporarily reside at; reside temporarily | 暫住
cibthea hengtong | collective action | 集體行動
cidkngr toarar | a reel of tape (i.e. for the electric recorder) | 一卷帶子
cidto | once, at one time | 一度
cidtoaxtuy | a heap of | 一大堆
cidtorng | one gang; group | 一黨
cidtox | be jealous of; begrudge; grudge | 嫉妒
cidtoxng | solitary building | 一棟
ciedtioong poftoarn | make up for deficiency in one part by great abundance or excellent in another part | 截長補短
ciedtoan | cut into two; cut off | 截斷
cientoafn | the front end | 前端
cientoo | future; prospect; promise in the sense of an indication of a successful prospect or future | 前途
cierntoafn | the cause of war | 戰端
cierntoe | battlefield | 戰地
cierntorky | fighter plane | 戰鬥機
cierntorlek | fighting capability; combat strength | 戰鬥力
cierntoroaan | combatant | 戰鬥員
cierntox iefnsip | war games; military maneuvers | 戰鬥演習
cierntox pogkekky | fighter bomber | 戰鬥爆擊機
cierntox sunviulam | battle cruiser | 戰鬥巡洋艦
cierntox | warfare; battle; combat; fight; war | 戰鬥
cietoa | the biggest | 至大
ciettoan | to break | 折斷
cipzerngtorng | the administration party; party in power | 執政黨
cipzexng-torng | the ruling party, the party in power | 執政黨
cirnto | degree of progress | 進度
cirntong | vibration; oscillation | 振動; 震盪; 震動
cirntoxpiør | work schedule | 進度表
cit'hii tiøx toaxtai | use a minnow to catch a whopper use a little bait to catch a big fish | 鯽魚釣鯉魚; 以小釣大; 以少誘多
cittoe | texture | 質地
cittox | be envious, be jealous | 嫉妒
ciwseg koeato | excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery | 酒色過度
ciwseg-cy-too | libertine; debauchee | 酒色之徒
ciwtok | alcoholism; alcohol poisoned | 酒毒; 酒精中毒
ciwtoo | a wine bibber; an alcoholic; drunkard | 酒徒
ciwzefng tiorngtok | alcoholism | 酒精中毒
cix toong tø hap | share the same ambition and purpose of a group of people; of one mind | 志同道合
cixnhux tongliuu | all in vain (Lit. all gone with the eastward stream) | 盡付東流
ciøh tiim toaxhae | completely without information or response; no news at all; without a trace (Lit. rocks falling into the sea) | 石沉大海
ciøhtoax | to lodge; to live (in rented accommodation); stay in another's house | 借帶; 借蹛; 寄宿; 投宿; 借住
ciøhzex toxjit | depend on loans for a living | 借債度日
ciøqkafmtofng | small stone tablet | 石敢當
ciøqtong | cave; stone cave | 石洞
cviartofng | proper, justified, right, just when | 正當
cviartongsii | right time | 正當時; 正好時機
cviartoo | the right way; the correct path; one's main business | 正途
cviatoa | very large, very big | 很大; 誠大
cyhoehtoax | tourniquet | 止血帶
cyntoan | diagnosis, to diagnose | 診斷
cyntoarnsw | medical certificate; written diagnosis | 診斷書
cyntoaxn | diagnoses; diagnostic; diagnose a disease | 診斷
cyntoaxn-sw | medical report | 診斷書
cyntong | vibrate; to shake; to move; be shocked or shaken | 震動
e torlaang | infectious | 會傳染的; 會度人
egthea toxngleghak | hydrodynamics | 液體動力學
enggiap nito | fiscal year | 營業年度
engtoaxn | brilliant and decisive | 英斷; 英明果斷
erngky-libtoaxn | make quick decisions as the occasion demands | 當機立斷
erngtofng | should; must | 應當
etoax | a shoelace; shoestring | 鞋帶
exnito | next school year | 下年度
extoea | bottom | 下底
gamtong | cavern; cave | 岩洞
giamtofng | cold winter | 嚴冬
giaqto | quota | 額度
gieen kuy zerngtoan | Let's resume the narration Let's go back to the main topic | 言歸正傳
gientong | what one says and does | 言動
gito zhongsefng | full of doubt; full of suspicion | 疑竇叢生
giwtoaxsøq | give the rope a jerk; play at a tug of war | 拉大索; 拔河
gixbu suotoo | lay apostle | 義務使徒
gixtoee | issue | 議題
goanhofng puttong | original form; unhampered with; (kept or left) intact or unopened | 原封無動
goansefng toxngbut | protozoa (zoology) | 原生動物
goantoea | originally; innate or essential character; natural intelligence | 原底; 原來; 本來; 素質
goantong | original power | 原動
goantoong | young scamp or scalawag; mischievous or naughty child | 頑童
goantoxnglat | motivating power | 原動力
goantoxnglek | original force or power; source of power | 原動力
goaxtoe | out of town | 外地
goeqkengtoax | sanitary napkin | 月經帶
goeqtoa | thirty-day moon of the lunar calendar; 31-day month of the Gregorian calendar | 月大
gongtoxnglek | power (mechanics); action (physics) | 原動力
gotoong | Chinese parasol tree; phoenix tree | 梧桐
goxhunzefng jiedto | short-lived enthusiasm | 五分鐘熱度
goxjip kitoo | go astray (morally) | 誤入歧途
goxngtoaxtay | big fool | 憨大呆; 大笨牛
guitog | critically ill; critical condition | 危篤
guto | cattle's tripe; ox-tripe | 牛肚; 老饕
gvexto | hardness; temper; without spontaneity | 硬度; 勉強
gvixto | hardness; temper | 硬度
gvofkoafn toanzexng | pleasant looking face with the five organs in normal shape and position | 五官端正
gvoftai tongtoong | five generations living under the same roof | 五代同堂
gvoftok | the five poisonous animals or creatures | 五毒
gvoftoo | people or disciples of our group | 我徒; 我輩
gvotoo | people or disciples of our group | 吾徒; 吾輩
gvotoong | phoenix tree | 梧桐
gvotorng | my political party; my faction | 吾黨
gymtoan | brocade, damask | 錦緞
gyn'aftorng | kids gang | 囝仔黨
gyn'ar-torng | a gang of children | 囡仔黨; 孩子群
gytoaxn | draft, decide | 擬斷
haa khortoax | fasten a belt | 繫褲帶
haantofluq | steering wheel | 方向盤; 源自日語ハンドル(handoru)
habtofng | ought to | 應該; 合當
habtoong | contract | 合同
hagleeng jitoong | children of school age | 學齡兒童
hagnito | school year | 學年度
hagtoo | apprentice | 學徒
hagtoong | school child; school children | 學童
haitoong | children; child | 孩童
haitox | to fight with weapons | 械鬥
haixtok | poison | 害毒
haixtox | to fight with arms or implements | 械鬥
hamtong | culvert | 涵洞
harmtoong | absurd | 諏唐; 荒唐
haux kafmtong thiefn | filial piety can move Heaven | 孝感動天
haxnto | restriction; limit; limitation | 限度
haxtok | to poison | 下毒
haytoax | edible brown alga; kelp; kelp | 海帶
haytoea | bottom of sea | 海底
haytoo | ocean map; sea chart | 海圖
haytoong | cherry-apple tree; flowering begonia | 海棠
he togchiuo | lay violent hands on | 下毒手
he-togchiuo | to lay violent hands on someone | 下毒手
heatoea | remaining items | 貨底
heftoa | fierce; anger | 火大
hengkerng-toaxtui | the criminal police unit | 刑警大隊
hengswtoxngcioxng | mobilize troops and stir up the people | 興師動眾
hengtoan | biographical material | 行傳
hengtong putpien | bodily mobility impaired | 行動無便
hengtong zuxiuu | freedom of movement | 行動自由
hengtong zuxjuu | move freely or without impairment | 行動自如
hengtong | action; movement; behavior | 行動
hengtoxngtiexn'oe | cellular-phone | 行動電話; (大哥大)
hexngtoan | record of action or behavior | 下傳; 行傳
hextoaxgoan | make a big vow (to a god) | 許大願; 下大願
hextok | to poison; give poison | 下毒
hi'iuo-toxngbut | rare animals | 稀有動物
hiabtoong | cooperate; work with others | 協同
hiedtolaeto | a headlight | 頭燈
hientofsiern | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺發炎
hietoxngmeh | pulmonary artery | 肺動脈
hiongtoo | wicked people; hoodlums | 歹徒; 雄圖; 凶徒
hito kong'ym | idle away time; waste one's time | 虛度光陰
hito | fish bally; pass the years in vain | 魚肚; 虛渡; 虛度
ho toaxzuie koaq`khix | be washed away by flood | 被大水割去
hoa'toong | bridal page; flower girl or ring bearer at a wedding | 花童
hoadtong | activities; actions; movable; flexible; activity | 活動
hoafnheg'uxntong | Opposition to nuclear energy | 反核運動
hoafnkiong uxntong | anti communist movement | 反共運動
hoafnlør-hoantoong | regain youth; rejuvenate oneself | 返老還童
hoafnnor-hoantoong | to rejuvenate | 反老還童
hoafntok uxntong | anti-drug campaign | 反毒運動
hoafntong susiorng | reactionary idea | 反動思想
hoafntong | reactionary; reaction | 反動; 反動(反作用)
hoafntong-huxnzuo | reactionary elements | 反動份子
hoafntong-lat | reaction force | 反動力
hoafntoo | rebel, traitor | 反徒; 叛徒
hoafntoxnglek | reaction force | 反動力
hoafntoxngphaix | reactionary party | 反動派
hoafntuix-torng | opposition party | 反對黨
hoaliuo-tok | venereal disease | 花柳毒
hoansefng-luitong | cheer thunderously; roaring applause | 歡聲雷動
hoanto | lead a joyful life | 歡度
hoantong | turn over | 翻動
hoaq toa hoaq sex | having power to command people | 喊大喊小
hoarntok | deal in narcotics | 販毒
hoatgoantoe | origin | 發源地
hoatserngtoe | angry | 發性地
hoatto | ways and means; way | 法度; 辦法; 法子; 方法
hoattoafn | dawn; to make a start | 發端
hoattok | to show poisonous | 發毒
hoattong | launching; kick off; to start; start a movement or activity | 發動
hoattong-ky | engine, motor | 發動機
hoattoxngky | an engine; a motor | 發動機
hoattoxnglek | motive force | 發動力
hoaxntong | a sore or boil inflamed or infected very badly | 疔瘡等患部發炎化膿
hoeatoa | internal heat (as cause of disease); fever | 火大; 火氣大
hoeftoa | angry | 火大
hoetoan | satin with flower pattern | 花緞
hoextoee | currency exchange | 匯兌
hoextoong | (v) jointly take care of a matter; go or do together | 會同
hoextorng | association people | 結黨; 會黨
hoghoad-tonggaan | a hoary head with a youthful face | 鶴髮童顏
hogtok | to attempt suicide by taking poison; take poison | 服毒
hohoo-totoo | muddled; confused | 糊糊塗塗
hok'imtoan | the Christian Gospel | 福音傳
hok'imtoong | a chapel | 福音堂
hokto | the range; a margin | 幅度
holie-hotoo | befuddled; bewildered; muddled | 糊裡糊塗
hong'uo tongciw | be in the same boat; sharing a common fate | 風雨同舟
hongkhofng-tong | bomb shelter, air raid shelter | 防空洞
hongkhongtong | air raid or bomb shelter | 防空洞
hongto | bearing; poise; manner; style; deportment | 風度
hongtof | imperial capital | 皇都
hongtok biexnkhu | gas mask | 防毒面具
hongtok | poison preventive | 防毒
hongtong | a smash hit; astir; to make a furor; cause an uproar | 轟動
hongtoo | blue print; great plan; far reaching plans | 宏圖; 鴻圖
hongtoong | absurd; preposterous; intemperate; ridiculous; wild | 荒唐
hongtor | barren island | 防堵
hor tok bøe ciah kviar | No one is capable of hurting his own children (Even a vicious tigress will not eat its cubs.) | 虎毒未食囝
horngsiaxsexng tong'uixsox | radioisotope | 放射性同位素
horngtoa | zoom out; enlarge; magnify; blowup; enlarge a photograph | 放大
horngtoaxkviax | magnifying-glass | 放大鏡
horngtong | profligate; debauched; to be easy in one's morals; dissipated | 放蕩
hoto | radian | 弧度
hotoo | ball up; blank out; silliness; confused | 糊塗
hoxgoa uxntong | outdoor games | 戶外運動
hoxlai-uxntong | indoor games | 戶內運動
hoxngtoong | the whole audience | 烘堂; 鬨堂; 體觀眾
hoxtoarn | cover one's defect | 護短
hoxtong | interactive action; reciprocal motion; to act mutually; interaction | 互動
hu'iuu-toxngbut | a mayfly; an ephemera | 蜉蝣動物
hudtoo | Buddhist disciple; a Buddhist | 佛徒
huihog-buto | squander money | 揮霍無度
huitong | to wave, to swing | 飛動
huitoong siøfkhør | tremendously important; no small matter; very serious; having grave consequence | 非同小可
huixto | latitude (degree) | 緯度
hunportoo | distribution chart | 分布圖; 分佈圖
huntoafn | high in the clouds | 雲端
huntorng | separate in factions | 分黨; 分派系
huntoxkhix | protractor | 分度器; 分角器
huole tonghoong | majestic; grand; splendid; magnificent | 富麗堂皇
huotoo | accompanying illustration, attached map, etc | 附圖
hurnhoad tokioong | rejuvenate a nation by dedicated work | 奮發圖強
hurntoa | (v) expand one's power or influence | 楦大; 擴大; 擴張
hurntox | contend; buffet; combat; strive; struggle; hard struggle; desperate fight; to struggle; fight desperately; make an effort | 奮鬥
huto | wasting time on useless stuffs | 虛渡; 虛度
huxhe-zeato | patriarchy | 父系制度
huxluo-uxntong | women's movement | 婦女運動
huxntok | dirty muddy(water) | 混濁
huy Kitoktoo | non-Christians | 非基督徒
huytoo | bandits; brigands; robbers | 匪徒; 土匪
huytorng | outlawed political party (In Taiwan the term usually applies to the Chinese Communist Party) | 匪黨
hvi'ar toaxtuix | ears very large--sign of good luck in making money (physiognomy) | 耳仔大對
hvoaito | (n) ferry | 橫渡; 渡船
hvoaitoaxnbin | cross section | 橫斷面
hvoaxtoa | helmsman; at the helm | 按舵; 掌舵
hvortong | very active or restless disposition | 好動
hvortor | fond of gambling | 好賭
hvortox | pugnacious, belligerent | 好鬥
hwn tofngphaix | divide into parties or factions | 分黨派
høeapex-zeato | monetary system | 貨幣制度
høflafmsaf cidtoxpar | He'll eat anything so he won't go hungry | 好壞吃無會餓; 好歹搔一度飽
høfserngtoe | good temper | 好性地
hør-toaxtvar | bravery (satiric meaning) | 好大膽
høtoong | lotus pool | 荷塘; 和同
høtor | gamble with big stakes | 豪賭
høxtoafn | balefulness; cause of a misfortune or disaster | 禍端
iaotoafn | essentials | 要端
iautong | sway; to shake; be disturbed | 搖動; 煽動; 動搖
ientok | lead poisoning; lead poisoning | 鉛毒
ientoo | along the way | 沿途
ietoo | intent; intention; intend; design; intend to do something | 意圖
igvor togzwn | egoistic; autocratic; bossy | 唯我獨尊
ili si too | interested only in material gain | 唯利是圖
ili-sixtoo | interested only in material gain | 唯利是圖
im'iok køeato | abandon oneself to the passion; excessive indulgence in the pursuit of pleasures | 淫慾過度
imtoaxzuie | flooding | 淹大水
imtoe | cemetery | 陰地
imtok | mean; cunning; in a clandestine way | 陰毒
imtong | dissipated, immoral, lewd wanton, dissipation, immorality, lewdness, wantonness | 淫蕩
ioktoong | about the same | 約同
iongkayto | melting point (chemistry) | 溶解度
iongtoo | use, way of use, application, purpose | 用途
ioxngto | expense | 用度
ioxngtoe | land | 用地
ioxngtoo | purpose of use; usage; usefulness | 用途
iphølaf pvixtok | ebola virus | 伊波拉病毒
irntoong | the forehead; glabellum; the flat area of bone between the eyebrows used as a craniometric point (anatomy) | 印堂; 前額; 兩眉中間處
itgientoong | rule by the voice of one man only | 一元堂; 一言堂
itkie-ittong | one's every action | 一舉一動
itkuo-ittong | every movement and every action | 一舉一動
itky-togsiux | One branch of the tree is particularly thriving.--to outshine others | 一枝獨秀
itmar-tongsiefn | be the first to take on the enemy or do a work | 一馬當先
itok | only | 唯獨
itong | move; to shift; to change | 移動
itpai-tote | crushing defeat; complete failure | 一敗塗地
itto | once, at one time | 一度
ittoafn | part | 一端
ittoo | a trip | 一途
ittoong | at the same time and place; together; together with; in the company of | 一同
ittøf liofngtoan | sever it with one blow (of the knife)--to take a decisive measure; sever relations by one stroke | 一刀兩斷
ittøliofngtoan | cut into two pieces with one knife - sever ties | 一刀兩斷
iujiuu-kvoaftoaxn | be peaceable and easygoing but lacking the strength to make quick decisions | 優柔寡斷
iuotongkwn | Cub Scouts | 幼童軍
iuotoong | small children; young child | 幼童
iutoe-khuhø | zip code | 郵遞區號
iutoexkhw | zip code | 郵遞區
iutongchiu | physic nut | 油冬樹; 麻風樹
iutoong | tung oil tree, Japan wood oil tree | 油桐
iux-lwtongkwn | Brownie | 幼女童軍
iwkii-toheeng | imprisonment for a definite time (as opposed to life imprisonment) | 有期徒刑
iwkoafn-tongkiok | authorities concerned | 有關當局
iwli-khøftoo | profitable (said of material profit) | 有機可圖
ixkaotoo | heretics) | 異教徒
ixkaux ee zoftoxng | impediment of disparity of cult (Catholic) | 異教的阻擋
ixkhao tongsviaf | The same thing is said by different mouths. People are unanimous in their opinion | 異口同聲
ixkhao-tongsviaf | with one voice; with one accord | 異口同聲
ixtoafn | heresy; strange principles; heresy; heretical doctrine | 異端
ixtong | changes; reshuffle | 異動
ixtoong | similarities and differences | 異同
iøqtok | the poisonous effect of a drug | 藥毒
iøtoax | waist belt | 腰帶
iøtor | broad leather girdle with several pockets in it girt round the waist (obsolete) | 腰兜; 圍裙; 腰包
jiafmtiøh tok | be infected with poison; poisoned | 染到毒
jiatoan | occlude | 遮斷
jiawtong | to stir up, to agitate | 擾動; 挑撥
jibto | enter the stomach--to eat | 入肚; 下肚
jibtorng | join a party | 入黨
jidkofng siautok | disinfect by exposing to the sunlight | 日光消毒
jiedhied toxngbut | warm-blooded animal | 熱血動物
jiedto | heat; temperature (of weather or invalid); zeal; earnestness | 熱度
jiedtok | hot poison | 熱毒
jiet-kofng-tongliong | mechanical equivalent of heat | 熱光當量; 熱功當量
jiin kioong cix toarn | Poverty stifles ambition | 人窮志短
jinsu ixtong | personnel changes | 人事異動; 調動
jiogzeeng chiongtong | arousal of the carnal appetite | 肉情衝動
jioxngto | transfer; convey; cede; assign; assignment; conveyance; cession; transfer; convey; cede; to turn over; sell | 讓渡; 讓與
jit toarn ia tioong | short days and long nights | 日短夜長
jitongcied | Children's Day (April 4) | 兒童節
jitoong | child; children | 兒童
jitoong-bunhak | literary writings for children; tales for children | 兒童文學
jitoong-cietbok | children's programs | 兒童節目
jitoong-kaoiok | education for children; primary education | 兒童教育
jitoong-kofngporkiok | radio play for children | 兒童廣播劇
jitoong-loghngg | kiddy-land; children's amusement park | 兒童樂園
jitoong-simlyhak | child psychology | 兒童心理學
jitoong-thogbut | juvenile publications | 兒童讀物
jitoong-tiexnsixkiok | children's TV show | 兒童電視劇
jiuloarn-uxntong | light exercise | 柔軟運動
jiutioong-zhurntoan | broken hearted | 柔腸寸斷
jixmtoong | self-identity; identification | 認同
jixntoong | recognize; agree | 認同
jixtoxboee | married for the second time (said of women) | 二度梅
jiøxtogzexng | uremia; uric poisoning | 尿毒症
jiøxtok | uremia | 尿毒
joaxtoa | how big, how large | 多大; 偌大
jujit tongsefng | rising like the sun in the eastern sky (said of career; prospects) | 如日東昇
juo-toa | become larger and larger | 越大; 愈大
jutoong chiwciog | like brothers | 如同手足
jutoong | like (a dream) | 如同
jwtong | twitch, wriggle, twitching, wriggling, peristalsis | 蠕動
kaetoa | the largest; biggest | 最大; 蓋大
kaetogsor | drug rehabilitation center | 戒毒所
kaetor | stop gambling | 戒賭
kafm'wn-topøx | grateful for kindness and seeking a way to recompense it | 感恩圖報
kafmkngf-to | degree of sensitivity to light | 感光度
kafmtofng | dare to be | 敢當
kafmtong | carry away; affect; move; sensation; to move; affect; or touch (mentally) | 感動
kafngtof | harbor city | 港都
kafntoarn | short; terse; brief | 簡短
kag-toxngliong | angular momentum | 角力矩; 角動量
kaikib-torzefng | class struggle | 階級鬥爭
kaitofng | should; ought to; should; proper to; deserve | 該當
kaitoong | go together | 偕同
kakto | angle; angle; measurement of an angle | 角度
kaktoxngliong | angular momentum | 角動量
kanggiap-tochi | industrial cities | 工業都市
kangtoe | construction area | 工地
kangzog-toaxtui | team or group of persons dispatched for a special task | 工作大隊
kantoan | intermittent, period of interruption | 間斷
kantorng | traitorous clique or party | 奸黨
kaoiok-thengto | level of education; educational background | 教育程度
kaoiok-zeato | educational system | 教育制度
kaotoea | finally; in the end | 到底
kaotog | to supervise and teach | 教督; 督導
kaotoo | church member; believer | 教徒
karm toong syn siu | feel deeply moved by a kindness (shown to somebody else) as if one were actually the object thereof (an expression used often in letters asking favors on behalf of someone else) | 感同身受
karmtog | oversee; supervise; overseer; supervision | 監督
karntoxngsoan | curse | 咒罵語
kasokto | acceleration | 加速度
katoan | family records | 家傳
katoax | Scotch tape | 膠帶
katofng | belongings | 家當
kattoax | knot | 結帶
kauthofng-toaxnzoat | cut off communication | 交通斷絕
kautong | monkey's den in the rocks | 猴洞
kauxserngtoe | bad temper | 厚性地
kauxto | thickness; ply | 厚度; 密度
kawsiøtoax | dogs united in copulation | 狗交配
kaxngto | the same degree | 同度; 仝度
kaxngtoo | (n) person in the same business or occupation; journey together; of the same trade or profession | 同途; 同行
kaxngtorng | same party; of the same party | 同黨
kaytog'iøh | antidote | 解毒藥
kaytogzef | antidote | 解毒劑
kaytok | detoxify; antidote the poison; neutralize a poison | 解毒
kaytoo | change profession; take a new road; use a new approach or method | 改行; 改途
kazok-zeato | family system | 家族制度
keato | excessive | 過度
kefng khaq-toa | enlarge or widen mechanically; with some instrument | 張大一點; 張較大
kefngtoe | situation | 境地
keftoxngzog | dummy play (in sports); a deceiving move | 假動作
keg-toaxkhafng | pretend to be rich | 裝有錢; 偽大孔
kegto | extreme; to the utmost | 極度
kegtoa | greatest; largest | 極大
kegtoa-hoax | maximization | 極大化
kegtoafn | extremity; radical; extreme; extremely; excess (used of any extreme action) | 極端
kegtong | excited; agitated | 激動
kehtoan | blocked or obstructed; to separate; cut off | 隔斷
keksyn-uxntong | reformation movement | 革新運動
kektong | aroused; stimulated; excited; overexcited; agitated; great excitement | 激動
kengsym-toxngpheg | heart-shaking; soul-stirring | 驚心動魄
kengto | longitude | 經度
kengtoan | classical books | 經傳
kengtof | capital city | 京都
kengtong | shift; to switch; to change | 更動; 驚動
kexngsoarn-uxntong | election campaign | 選舉運動; 競選運動
kha'auxtor | calf of the leg | 小腿肌; 腳後肚
khaauxtor | calf | 跤後肚
khahtoaxbin | more likely | 較大面
khaitoafn | the beginning; starting point | 開端
khaitong | start; to set in motion | 開動
khangtong | empty, hollow | 空洞
khangtoxng | blank time or day in the schedule; neutral gear; a flaw for attack | 空檔
khantngg-koarto | be deeply concerned | 牽腸掛肚
khao toat thienkofng | ingenuity that rivals the work of God (often referring to a work of art) | 巧奪天工
khaq-toaxbin | have a higher possibility | 較大面
kharngtoe | | 空地
khatoea | soles of feet | 跤底
khatofjiin | calf (of the leg) | 小腿肉; 腳肚仁
khatofkud | fibula | 跤肚骨
khator | calf of the leg | 腳肚; 小腿肌
khatoxng | foot brake | 腳擋; 跤擋; 腳煞車
khengkaf-toxngsarn | dissipate one's fortune | 傾家蕩產
khengkuo-boxngtong | heedless (reckless) undertaking; commit a rash act | 輕舉妄動
khia-toaxkor | occupy large share | 佔大股; 豎大股
khiaxmtngg-nehto | frugal | 儉腸凹肚; 省吃儉用
khiaxmtngnehto | frugal | 儉腸凹肚
khie'to | personality | 氣度
khie'too | to intend, to attempt, an attempt | 企圖
khientong | to involve; upset | 牽動
khiethea-toxngleghak | aerodynamics | 氣體動力學
khiethea-toxngleglun | kinetic theory of gases | 氣體動力論
khieto | personality | 氣度
khietoo | to intend, to attempt, an attempt | 企圖
khinto | little degree | 輕度
khiptogciar | drug addict | 吸毒者
khiptok | smoke opium | 吸毒
khiwtoaxsøq | tug of war | 搝大索
khngx toax | place; let alone; leave as it is | 放置
khoahto | width | 寬度; 闊度
khoahtoa | (adj) spacious; wide; lenient | 闊大; 寬大
khoanto | width | 寬度
khoantoa | leniency | 寬大
khoantor | a roundabout | 環島
khoaq-bofngtoxngsi | vast; broad | 非常廣大
khoato | span | 跨度
khoatoa | to exaggerate; exaggeration; arrogant | 誇大
khoftok | mistreat; abuse; illuse; treat (a slave or stepchild) with cruelty | 苦毒; 虐待
khoktoa | magnification; enlarge; amplify; magnify | 擴大
khoktok | cruel and maliciously | 酷毒
khongkuy-togsiuo | lead the lonely life of a widow or deserted wife | 空閨獨守
khongtong | empty; hollow; void of content; vast and empty; (said of a writing; thought) empty; shallow | 空洞
khorngtoa | to enlare; to expand; to swell; to distend; to dilate; to magnify; extend | 擴大
khorngtogsox | antitoxin | 抗毒素
khorngtok-sox | antitoxin | 抗毒素
khortoax | trousers belt; belt or string to fasten trousers round the waist | 褲帶
khuito | appetizer | 開肚
khurnsiux cy tox | fight desperately like a cornered wild beast; desperate fight | 困獸之鬥
khuykex-tøtoafn | full of schemes and tricks | 詭計多端
khyserngtoe | angry | 起性地
khytoafn | origin; beginning; origin; genesis | 起端
khørgoa-hoadtong | extracurricular activities | 課外活動
khørtoee | topic | 課題
khøtor | tadpole; pollywog | 蝌蚪
kiaam-toktog | salty | 鹹篤篤
kiamtoax | salted things | 鹹帶; 醃漬物
kiamtoktog | very salty | 鹹啄啄; 很鹹
kiaptoat | to plunder; to rob; to pillage | 劫奪
kiawtofng | gambling kingpin | 筊東
kierntof | select a city as the capital | 建都
kiet'hap-kakto | bond angle | 結合角度
kiet'hap-tngto | bond distance, bond length | 結合長度
kiettorng | assemble; gather; form a party (faction); form a clique or faction for evil purposes | 結黨; 成群結黨; 呼朋引伴; 結夥; 聚集
kiettorng-sengkuun | form a gang and gather a group | 結黨成群
kiexnkhofng-cyntoaxn | medical examination | 健康診斷
kiexnkied-kakto | bond angle | 鍵結角度
kiexnkied-tngto | bond distance, bond length | 鍵結長度
kimgiok-boafntoong | have one's house filled with riches | 金玉滿堂
kimtoong | young boys attending upon an immortal | 金童
kimtoong-gioglie | paper figures of male and female attendants of the deceased | 金童玉女
kimtoong-giogluo | paper figures of male and female attendants of the deceased | 金童玉女
kiongsuu-toadlie | argue irrationally | 強詞奪理
kiongto bøeq | doggedly determined on it; so that no entreaties or reasoning will move him | 硬要
kiongto | intensity (of light; magnetic force; etc); strength | 強度; 強渡
kiongtoa | mighty, powerful | 強大
kiongtoat | rob; take by force; steal by force | 強奪
kiongtoo | bandit; bandit; robber | 窮途
kioxngsarn-torng | Communist Party | 共產黨
kioxngtoong hurntox | strive united | 共同奮鬥
kioxngtoong keng'eeng | joint operation; operate jointly (business) | 共同經營
kioxngtoong koafnlie | joint control; control jointly | 共同管理
kioxngtoong koanli | common rights | 共同權利
kioxngtoong pixkøx | co-respondent in a suit | 共同被告
kioxngtoong seng'oah | collective life; community life; live together | 共同生活
kioxngtoong sengbeeng | joint statement; joint communique | 共同聲明
kioxngtoong suxgiap | joint undertaking (enterprise) | 共同事業
kioxngtoong tauzw | joint investment; invest jointly | 共同出資; 共同投資
kioxngtoong zhutzw | joint investment; invest jointly | 共同出資; 共同投資
kioxngtoong | common; share by all; to cooperate in (an undertaking; etc.); co-operation; common; collaborate | 共同
kioxngzuxittoong | all meet together in one place | 共聚一堂
kipcirntofng'goaan | extremist | 急進黨員
kipcirntorng | radical political party | 急進黨
kiptoxng | the emergency brake | 急擋
kirmtoo | to prohibit slaughter of animals; forbid the killing of animals (as in a drought) | 禁屠
kitoe | foundation | 基地
kitong | mobile | 機動
kitoo | wrong path; branching road | 歧途
kitoong | spiritualistic medium (through him spirits talk with men) | 乩童; 神棍; 童乩
kitoxngsexng | mobility; flexibility | 機動性
kiuhtoax | elastic | 縐帶; 鬆緊帶
kiuotoax | rubber garter, elastic band | 糾帶
kixntofng | the Near East | 近東
kngto | the intensity of light; intensity of light | 光度
koahtofng | assign, allot, divide to, allotment, assignment | 割通; 配額
koanbong ee thaixto | waiting attitude | 觀望的態度
koanto | altitude; height | 高度; 懸度
koantoa | tall and strong; big and tall | 高大
koaq tngto | hurt the bowels with poison; wound the heart with severe grief | 斷腸
koarntoxkaau | pour water into a hole in order to catch cricket; describe someone drinks a lot of beverage or water | 灌蟋蟀; 形容喝大量飲料
koartoo | to hang the picture; wall map; picture or scroll to illustrate a book | 掛圖
koattoaxn | to determin; to decide; to make a decision; to conclude; decision; determination | 決斷
koattoaxn-lat | power of decision | 決鬥力; 決斷力
koattoaxn-lek | power of decision | 決鬥力
koattox | a duel; to fight a duel | 決鬥
koeato | excessive; beyond the proper measure | 過度
koeato-sitai | period of transition | 過渡時代
koeatoxkii | period of transition | 過渡期
koeatoxngjii | hyperactive child | 過動兒
koefto | likes to eat rice pudding or rice pastry | 粿肚; 愛吃糕類的人
kofngtoaxoe | talk proudly; big; boastfully | 說大話
koftof | the old capital | 古都
koftofng taixhoe | shareholders meeting; stockholders conference | 股東大會
koftofng | shareholder or stockholder; shareholder | 股東
koftofngtiaxm | antique shop | 古董店
koftong | to encourage; to hearten | 鼓動; 鼓勵
koftoong | agree without giving serious consideration | 苟同
koftorng | antique article; bric-a-brac; antique; strange but interesting; useless article or person; curios; antique | 古董
kohaang-togchi | having a monopoly because of exclusive possession | 孤行獨市
kok'iuo puttoong | each different | 各有無同
kokbiin uxntong | popular (national) movement | 國民運動
kokto | institutes of a country; national spendings; administration of a State | 國度
koktoe | everywhere | 各地
koktof | the national capital; the capital | 國都
kokzex kioxngsafntorng | Communist International | 國際共產黨
kong'y zeato | socialized medicine | 公醫制度
kongtoan | open decide; open decision | 公斷
kongtoat | to attack and take it with force | 攻奪
kongtoaxn | arbitration; impartial judgment | 公斷
korng toaxsviaoe | brag | 講大聲話
korngtoan | satin | 貢緞
kortof | a former capital | 故都
kortoo | composition | 構圖
kotok | solitary (orphan or widow who lives alone) | 孤獨; 狐獨
kudtong | to dig a hole | 掘洞; 滑動?
kuito | full of stomach | 整肚; 規肚
kuitoo | homeward journey | 歸途
kunsu hengtong | military action | 軍事行動
kuntoax | ligament; having to do with wife's relations or influence | 裙帶; 筋帶; 韌帶
kuntof | since; as; this being the case | 均都; 既然
kuntor | Islands | 群島
kunzuo togzhaai | autocracy | 君主獨裁
kuxsi-kwtong | large scale behavior, macroscopic behavior | 舊時舉動; 巨視舉動
kuxtorng | old party | 舊黨
kuykex tøtoafn | full of schemes and tricks; very tricky; crafty | 詭計多端
kvar ciah mxuix tok | acting recklessly | 敢吃無畏毒
kviaa toaxlea | pay the highest respect by kowtowing; make a deep obeisance | 行大禮
kviatof | capital city | 京都; 首府
kviatong | to surprise; to astonish; to startle; to stir up; to alarm; to bother; to disturb; surprise; to astonish; to startle | 驚動
kvoaf-toxngmeh | hepatic artery | 肝動脈
kwntong | roll; trundle | 滾動
kwtong | conduct; mammer; behavior | 舉動
kycie-hengtong | deportment; conduct; manner; air | 舉止行動
kynkib-toxnggi | urgent motion | 緊急動議
kytong | behavior; conduct; action; manner; movement; deportment | 舉動
køeato | to excess; beyond the mark | 過度; 過渡
køeato-sikii | period of transition | 過度時期
køeato-sitai | period of transition | 過度時代
køftoaxn | firm; decisive; resolute | 果斷
køftoaxn-zuxhux | pragmatic | 果斷自負
kørluxsexng-pvixtok | virus | 過濾性病毒
køterng-toxngbut | higher animals | 高等動物
køto | altitude; height | 高度
køto`ee | high degree of, a high level of, high | 高度的
køtoe | highland | 高地
køtoo | best students; distinguished disciple; your esteem student | 高徒
køtoong | hall with a high ceiling; your parents | 高堂
køtorng | upscale | 高檔
laau y toax`leq | get him to stay longer | 留他住下
lafmtoea | marshy soil | 沼澤土
lafng'aftoea | inside the cage | 籠仔底
lai-zoftoxng | came to stop | 來阻擋
laijidtopøx | return favor in the future | 來日圖報
laixsvoatawtoea | inner mountain valley bottom | 內山斗底
laixtoe | inland | 內地
laixtoea | inside | 內底
lamlie tonghau | co-education | 男女同校
lamtoo | blueprint; outline of a project | 藍圖
lamtoong | boy | 男童
langkoanharntoa | big guy | 人懸漢大
langtok | pus | 膿毒
lanto | degree of difficulty | 難度
lantoee | problem | 難題
laptoea | collapse | 塌底
larmto | big belly | 攬肚; 肚皮而下垂
larmtor | bulging; swollen; puffy; potbelly; portly; paunch | 凸肚
lau-tornggong | old is muddled | 老侗戇; 老糊塗
lauxhotoo | a dotard | 老糊塗
lauxkoftorng | antique; an ultraconservative | 老古董
lauxtoa | elderly person | 老大; 長者
lauxtoaxkofng | old man | 老大公
lauxtoaxlaang | (n) polite term for old woman or man | 老大人; 對老人的尊稱
lauxtong | a loophole; a shortcoming; loophole; shortcoming | 漏洞
lawtoa | supervisor | 老大
lawtoaxkøf | a reference to one's senior of equal standing | 老大哥
lea sor tongjieen | etiquette requires it | 禮所當然
lefnghied toxngbut | cold blooded animal | 冷血動物
lefngtorngkhox | refrigerating apparatus; refrigerator | 冷凍庫
lefngtorngzef | refrigerate; freeze; coolant; cooling agent; refrigerant | 冷凍劑
lefngtoxng sidphirn | frozen foods | 冷凍食品
lefngtoxng | freeze; refrigeration; refrigeration | 冷凍
legtoo zuxkioong | plucked up one's strength | 力圖自強
legtoo | try hard to; strive to; strive for earnestly | 力圖
legtorng | green party | 綠黨
leh to | disembowelment and slaughter animals | 剺肚
leng-sientoong | your deceased mother | 令先堂
lengbynto | sensitivity | 靈敏度
lengky ittong | have a brainstorm; to dawn on one suddenly | 靈機一動
lengløtiutoan | luxurious clothes | 綾羅綢緞
lengto | zero degree; nullity | 零度
lexngtoo | your pupil | 令徒
lexngtoong | your (merciful) mother | 令慈; 令堂
liab'ar hoaxntong | boil recurring after apparently healed | 粒仔發炎; 瘡疔發炎
liafmtor | fish maw | 膁肚
liamtongsii | abruptly; unexpectedly | 臨當時; 突然
liautok | to remove poison from human body | 療毒
liauxto | reckon; imagine; to infer | 料度
liawtoan | finish off; get done with something | 了斷
liawtoarn | finish off; get done with something | 了斷
liawtoaxn | finish off; get done with something | 了斷
libtorng | form a political party | 立黨
lie sor tongjieen | that which should be; in accordance with what is right; as a matter of course | 理所當然
liedlwtoan | menology; biography of distinguished ladies | 烈女傳
liedto | heat | 熱度
liedtoan | section in dynastic histories; devoted to biographies of famous men; biographies; series of biographies; collected biographies | 列傳
liedtok | heat poison induce ulcer | 熱毒
lienciab puttoan | successively; incessantly; continuously | 連接無斷
lienhap uxntoxnghoe | joint athletic meet | 聯合運動會
lienhoaa hito | spent one's best years without any achievements; wasted the best years of one's life | 年華虛度
lienhoaan-too | comic strips | 連環圖
lienkhoaan-to'oe | pictorial; story in series; comics; comic strip | 連環圖畫
lienkhoantoo | comic books | 連環圖
lienlieen puttoan | incessant | 連連無斷
liento | fiscal year | 年度
liento-uxsoaxn | annual budget | 年度預算
lientong | gearing | 連動
lientoong | together with; in addition to | 連同
limkaix unto | critical temperature (in physics) | 臨界溫度
limsii toxnggi | extraordinary motion | 臨時動議
lintoan | a silk and wool fabric | 綾緞
liofngtoafn | both ends; the two extremities; from end to end; from the beginning to the end; two ends or extremities | 兩端
liofngtoan | cut in two | 兩斷
liofngzhef toxngbut | amphibian animal | 兩棲動物
liog'imtoax | recording tape; magnetic tape | 錄音帶
lioghap tongzhwn | Spring comes all over the world | 六合同春
lioghoax uxntong | tree planting campaign | 綠化運動
liogtoadphirn | spoils; prey; prize; booty | 掠奪品
liogtoat | to seize by force; pillage; plunder; sack; to plunder; to pillage; to loot; to sack; despoil; rob | 掠奪; 略奪
liogtoat-sexng | predatory character | 掠奪性; 略奪性
liogtoe | land | 陸地
liogtoo | a rough drawing; a rough sketch | 略圖
liogtoong | similar; about the same; approximately the same | 略同
liongtofng | a good winter | 良冬; 隆冬
liongtoo | a good plan or scheme | 良圖
lioxngto | a measure, to measure | 量度
lip habtoong | draw up an agreement or trust deed; conclude a contract | 立合同
liuhied køeato | excessive bleeding | 出血過度; 流血過度
liutok | deleterious effect; harm to society | 流毒
liutong hoxkhao | registered temporary domicile | 流動戶口
liutong jinkhao | transient population or residents | 流動人口
liutong zupurn | floating capital | 流動資本
liutong | circulate, flow | 流動
liutong-hoxkhao | registered temporary domicile | 流動戶口
liutong-jinkhao | transient population or residents | 流動人口
liutong-kym | revolving funds; working capital | 流動金
liutong-zupurn | floating capital | 流動資本
liutoo | flow graph | 流圖
liutoxngbut | floating things (as drift wood) | 流動物
liutoxnglut | flow rate | 流動率
liutoxngsexng | mobility | 流動性
liwtoan | to break by twisting | 扭斷
liwtong | to wriggle, twist | 扭動
lixntoong | agree | 認同
loafnsefng-toxngbut | oviparous animals | 卵生動物
loafntong | peristalsis | 蠕動
loantoong | catamite, effiminate man or boy in homosexual relations | 亂石; 孌童
loaxntorng | rebel party or faction | 亂黨
lofngtoan | to monopolize, to forestall, monopoly | 壟斷
lofngtoaxn | to corner the market; to monopolize | 壟斷
log'imtoax | recording tape; magnetic tape | 錄音帶
log'imtorng | recording file | 錄音檔
log'viaftoax | video tape | 錄影帶
lomoaa-torng | ruffians as a group | 流氓黨
lomoatorng | gang of rascals | 流氓黨
longbiin-uxntong | agrarian movement | 農民運動
longkuun-kawtorng | disorderly crowd; a pack of dogs ─ a riot of evil persons | 狼群狗黨
longpoe tongheeng | in collusion; banded together for evil purposes | 狼狽同行
longto | density; viscosity; density; (in chemistry) concentration | 濃度
longtoe | farm land | 農地
longtofng | shackles | 琅噹
longtok | merciless; savage | 狼毒; 心狠手辣; 冷酷; 惡毒
longtong | delinquent (person) | 浪蕩
lorngphoartong | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
loxngtong | profligate, ill-behaved | 煽動; 浪蕩; 放蕩不
loxngtoxnghaxn | dissolute | 浪蕩漢
loxngtoxngzuo | prodigal; debauchee; loafer | 浪蕩子
loxtong | a flaw in argument | 漏洞
loxtoo | road | 路視; 路途
loxtosiong | on the road | 路途上
loxtotiofng | on the roa | 路途中
ludtong | rhythm | 律動
luitoong | alike | 雷同
luixtok | toxoid | 類毒
luixtoong | similar to; alike; similar; alike; similar to | 類同
luo toa zabpøeq piexn | As a girl grows; her appearance changes all the time A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood | 女大十八變
luo-tongzwkwn | girl scouts | 女童子軍
luo-tote | female disciples | 女徒弟
lutoong | as is | 如同
luytong | average by weight | 累重
lwtoo | journey; during one's trip | 旅途; 女徒
lykoaan uxntong | women's lib | 女權運動
lysoftongjieen | of course | 理所當然
lysoftonglieen | of course | 理所當然
lytoo | journey; trip; route; on one's way (to a destination+D1699n); during one's trip | 旅途
løqtoaxho | heavy rain, pouring | 落大雨
løtong | labor; working; labor (physically); ill; sweat; work; give trouble | 勞動
løtong-buxntøee | labor question | 勞動問題
løtong-ciar | laborer, worker | 勞動者
løtong-cied | Labor Day | 勞動節
løtong-kaikib | working classes | 勞動階級
løtong-kaix | working class | 勞動界
løtong-kayzø | to reform through forced labor | 勞動改造
løtong-køeato | overwork | 勞動過度
løtong-poxtviuo | Secretary of Labor (U.S.) | 勞動部長
løtong-sikafn | hours of labor | 勞動時間
løtong-thoanthea | labor body | 勞動團體
løtoxngciar | laborers; workers; laborer; workman | 勞動者
løtoxngcied | Labor Day | 勞動節
løtoxngkaix | world of labor | 勞動界
løtoxnglek | labor force | 勞動力
løtoxngpo | ministry of labor | 勞動部
mafnie-tonghofng | like the wind blowing a horse's ear ─ pay no heed to it | 馬耳東風
misetoax | cotton ribbon | 棉紗帶
mngho siongtofng | The two families are of equal rank | 門當戶對
mngtofng-hoxtuix | be well-matched in social and economic status (for marriage) | 門當戶對
mngtoo | a disciple | 門徒
mngtorng'ar | door stopper | 門擋仔
moafieto | satisfaction | 滿意度
moetok | syphilis | 梅毒
mokuytorng | devil party | 魔鬼黨
moxtok | to disturb, to bring trouble to | 冒督; 冒瀆
muitogsexng | syphilitic | 梅毒性
muitok | syphilis; syphilitic virus | 梅毒
naftong | to move away | 挪動
nao cyntong | brain concussion | 腦震盪
natoo | blueprint; outline of a project | 藍圖
nau toxngpaang | rough horseplay at a wedding; to play practical jokes on the newlyweds in the bridal chamber | 鬧洞房
nau toxngpoong | custom at marriages ─ to tease the new bride (generally takes place at night; just before the bride enters her bridal chamber with her husband for the first time) to make her laugh | 鬧新娘; 鬧洞房
nau-toxngpoong | teasing during wedding night | 鬧洞房
nauxtoa | make a big fuss | 鬧大
nauxtong | disturbance; uproar | 鬧動; 喧嘩; 騷動
nawphøf-too | electroencephalogram | 腦波圖
nawtiexnphøtoo | electroencephalogram | 腦電波圖
ngsitoax | yellow ribbon | 黃絲帶
ngtoan | satin | 黃緞
niaftoax | cravat; necktie | 領帶
niawkharmtoo | bird's-eye view; view from high above | 鳥瞰圖
nito | annual; yearly; anniversary; term of one year (school-year; fiscal year) | 年度
nito-uxsoaxn | annual budget | 年度預算
nitoea | end of year | 年底
niuxto | transfer (property or other rights) to another person | 讓渡
nngfthea toxngbut | mollusks; molluscs | 軟體動物
nngfthea-toxngbut | mollusca | 軟體動物
nngxsvef-toxngbut | oviparous animals (like birds; young are born from eggs) | 卵生動物
oafntofng | far east | 遠東
oanto | curvature, flexure | 彎度
oantoe | garden | 園地
oanzoaan toglip | complete autonomy | 完全獨立
oaqtong | active; act; move; activity; action | 活動
oar toaxpeeng | choose the best cuts; align oneself with the strongest or biggest group | 依靠勢力大的一邊
oarnthvioarntoe | resentment | 怨天怨地
oarntox | (v) envy; envy; be jealous; jealousy | 怨妒; 忌妒; a; 嫉妒; 妒忌
oarthvy-oarntoe | blames god and man | 怨天尤人
oetoax | shoelaces | 鞋帶
oexsengtoax | sanitary belt (for women during menstruation) | 衛生帶
oextoee | subject | 話題
oextoo | paint; draw designs; to draw a picture; drawing; drawing; draw a picture; draw a map or plan | 畫圖
oextoo`khylaai | start drawing | 畫圖起來
oextozoar | drawing-paper | 畫圖紙
ofngtoaxn | to decide unfairly | 枉斷; 無當判決
oftong | to scoop out a hole, to dig a hole | 挖洞
oksym-togheng | cruel hearted; with injurious conduct | 惡心毒行; 狠毒心腸
oktogpo | vicious step | 惡毒步
oktok | cruel; malicious; wicked; vicious; very wicked; cruel; malicious; viciousness | 惡毒
oktoo | hoodlum; hooligan; scoundrel; rascal | 惡徒
oktorng | wicked confederacy or clique; ugly mob | 惡黨
okuytong | dark cave | 烏鬼洞
olofbogzeatorng | louzy gang or political party | 烏魯木齊黨
olokto | bad heart; scoundrel; lout; evil intention; ill will | 壞心腸
othvi'armtoe | dark and cloudy | 烏天暗地
otofbae | motorcycle; motorcycle; autobike | 摩托車; 機車; 源自日語オートバイ(ootobai)
otogto | black belly | 烏毒肚
otong | black hole | 黑洞
otoraang | dark red | 紅黑色
otorang'afotoraang | dark red | 烏𪐞紅仔烏𪐞紅
otorang'ar | dark red | 烏𪐞紅仔
otorsym | black heart | 黑污心
otox | with black color; blotted or spattered with ink or dark colored dirt; blurred | 染污; 污黑; 帶黑色
otoxciawar | dark stomach birdy | 烏肚鳥仔
padtoo | another work | 別途; 另一種工作
pafngphiøx huytoo | brigands | 綁票匪徒
pafngtoo | kidnaper | 綁匪; 綁徒
pafntoo | the territory; the domain; dominion; map; household registers and maps; population and territory | 版圖; 領地
pafto | poorly | 飽肚
paftongtofng | quite enough | 飽冬冬; 很飽
pahbytoo | picture showing large numbers of beautiful women | 百美圖
pahtoafn | all matters | 百端
paigoa uxntong | anti-foreign agitation or movement | 排外運動
paihoee kitoo | linger in the wrong (evil) path | 徘徊歧途
paito | to ferry | 排渡; 擺渡
paitoxng | gear of a car | 排擋; 排檔
paixkaf toxngsarn | squander a patrimony and ruin the family | 敗家蕩產
paixtoee | weak and degenerate | 衰頹; 敗頹
pakto | the range; a breadth; a margin | 幅度
paktoat kongkoaan | deprive of civil rights | 剝奪公權
paktoat | to deprive of; deprive or strip one of (rights; property) divest | 剝奪
paktofbea | lower abdomen | 腹肚尾
paktofboea | lower abdomen | 腹肚尾
paktofiaw | hungry | 腹肚枵
paktofkuy | stomach | 腹肚胿
paktoflai | in the stomach | 腹肚內
paktoflai`loq | in the stomach | 腹肚內囉
paktofphoee | belly | 腹肚皮
paktofpvy | soft part of the side below the ribs | 腹肚邊
paktoftea | in the stomach | 腹肚底
paktofthafng'ar | stomach | 腹肚桶仔
paktoftharng | stomach | 腹肚桶
paktofthviax | stomachache | 腹肚疼
paktor iaw | empty stomach; hungry; get hungry | 肚子餓
paktor khuikhoaq | be large-minded; be generous; be magnanimous | 有度量
paktor leksuun | the abdomen flabby and flapped | 肚子皺紋
paktor pehchiaq-pehchiaq | feel unpleasant in the stomach | 肚子悶澀; 反胃
paktor thviax | belly ache; stomach pain; colic | 肚子痛
paktor tioxng | abdominal swelling | 肚子脹大
paktor tuhtuq | lie heavy on one's stomach; feel heavy in the stomach | 肚子脹脹的
paktor tviuotviux | belly overloaded or swollen; bloated (intestinal gas) | 肚子脹脹的
paktor tviux | feel heavy in the stomach | 肚子脹氣
paktor | belly; abdomen; inside; inner | 腹肚; 肚子
paktor-tharng | big belly | 腹肚桶; 大肚皮
paktor-tngg | intestines, bowels | 腹肚腸; 腸子
paktor-toax | belly band, girdle | 腹肚大; 腰帶
paktor-zuie | ascitic fluid | 腹斗水; 腹水
pangtoexsarn | real estate | 房地產
pangtofng | landlord | 房東
pangtor | Santalum album; wooden partition; stop up; wooden partition; wooden panel | 板堵; 板格
pantong | to move | 搬動
parngtoa | enlarge, set free to become large | 放大
parngtok | to poison; put poison in food or drink; to poison; infect with poison; to taint | 放毒
pattor | stomach | 腹肚
pautor | gambling | 包賭
paytong | to sway; to swing; to oscillate | 擺動
peatoafn | fault; error; abuses; corrupt practices | 弊端
peeng-sirntoo | layman (compared to clergy) | 平信徒; 普通信徒
pefngto | fish dies (Lit. a fish goes belly up) | 翻肚; 翻白
pefngtoxsoaf | abdominal cramps | 反肚痧
peftoo | target map | 靶圖
pehtiafmtorng | TV primtime 8pm program | 八點檔
pehtiafmtoxng | TV primtime 8pm program | 八點檔
pehtor | a town in Northern Taiwan | 八堵
peksiu-too | hundred animals picture | 百獸圖
peng'afn toxjit | lead a peaceful life | 平安度日
pengbin-too | a plain chart, a plane figure | 平面圖
pengbixntoo | floor plan; two dimensional plan | 平面圖
pengkyn sokto | average speed; mean velocity | 平均速度
pengtoafn | hostilities; beginning of hostilities | 兵端
pengtoo | jigsaw puzzle | 拼圖
pengtoong | equanimity | 平同
pengtoxng | frozen; to freeze; frozen hard | 冰凍
peqtoarhii | ribbon fish | 白帶魚
peqtoarhuu | white hairtail fish | 白帶魚
peqtoax | white hairtail | 白帶
peqtoax-hii | white hairtail | 白帶魚
peqtoong | paulownia tree | 白桐
phahtiexntong | play video game | 拍電動
phahtong | to perforate | 打孔; 拍洞
phahtoo | create a picture | 打圖
phektok | remove posi | 除毒; 辟毒
phengtoax | bandage | 繃帶
phengtoaxn | decide; arbitrate | 評斷
phengtoo | jigsaw puzzle | 拼圖
phetoax | belt | 皮帶
phetoaxn | appraise; to judge | 批斷
phiaau tor | prostitution and gambling ─ profligacy; patronize whore and gambling houses; indulge in fast women and slow horses | 嫖賭
phiaau-tor-irm | prostitution, gamble, and drinking alcohol | 嫖賭飲
phiautoee | title; heading; headline; caption; subject | 標題
phiautor | gamble | 嫖賭
phiento | declination (physics) | 偏度
phientoaxn | an unjust decision, a partial judgment | 偏斷
phientoo | wrong way | 偏途
phierntoan | segment; snatch | 片段; 片斷
phierntoo | con man; swindler; cheater; phony; cheater; impostor | 騙徒
phixtok | arsenic | 砒毒
phoah toax kengthaau | hang on the shoulder | 披在肩上
phoarto | (of a plot; etc.) fall through and stand exposed | 破肚; 破裂; 敗露
phoeatofng | allot shares | 配當; 分紅
phoeatongkym | stock dividend | 配動金; 股息
phoetoax | leather belt; belting for machinery | 皮帶
phofthiefn tongkhexng | whole world joins in congratulation; celebration; rejoicing | 普天同慶
phofto ciorngsefng | deliver (Buddhism); save all beings | 普渡眾生
phofto | birthday cereblation of a local god; large scale Buddhist rites for the dead | 普渡
phoftosi | Putuo Temple | 普陀寺
phoktox | to wrestle | 搏鬥
phorngphorngtoa | puffed | 膨膨大
phorngto tefmia | curse; used by a woman toward a man | 短命鬼; (罵人)
phorngto | swollen stomach; imply dead fish; belly swollen (of a corpse) | 凸肚; 肚脹
phorngtoa | swollen; expand; distend | 頭大; 妄自尊大; 脹大; 膨脹
phorngtoortefmia | big belly short life | 膨肚短命
phorngtor | embossed panel | 凸翹
phorngtoxtefmia | big belly short life | 膨肚短命
phurnsia cierntorky | jet fighter bomber plane | 濆射戰鬥機
phutong | (v) float and drift; (v) be unstable | 浮動
phvae-paktor | have a stomach disorder; have a weak digestive system; diarrhea | 拉肚子; 消化無好
phvae-uxntoo | downs on one's luck | 歹運途
phvaixtoax | suspenders | 揹帶
phvaybaktor | stomachache | 歹腹肚
phvaybattor | stomachache | 歹腹肚
phvaypaktor | running stomach ache | 歹腹肚
phvayserngtoe | bad temper | 歹性地
phvaysym togheng | wicked; cruel; injurious heart and conduct | 壞心毒行; 狼心狗肺
phvaytoo | hoodlums; bad guys; evil fellows | 歹徒
phvaytorng | bad group, evil gang | 歹黨; 惡黨
phvi toktog | term used to describe the shape of the nose of Occidental people | 鼻子高高的
phvixto-iam | nasosinusitis, sinusitis | 鼻竇炎
phvixtoxiam | sinusitis | 鼻竇炎
phvoartoarnlek | power of judgment | 判斷力
phvoartoaxn | adjudicate; make a decision; adjudication; judgment; decision; to judge; decide; give sentence; conclude; judgment; decision; conclusion | 判斷
phvoartoaxn-lek | discernment, ability to judge | 判斷力
phvoaxchviuotoax | audio-video sing along tape | 伴唱帶
phynheng toanzexng | correct conduct; well behaved; walk the straight and narrow | 品行端正
phøeakib-zeato | ration system | 配給制度
phøetoax | leather belt; leather lace | 皮帶
phøto | grade (slope); grade percentage of a slope | 坡度
phøtong | undulate; fluctuate; wave motion; undulating movements (of a field of grain in the wind); fluctuations | 波動
phøtong-hamsox | wave function | 波動函數
phøtong-hongthengseg | wave equation | 波動方程式
phøtong-leghak | wave mechanics | 波動力學
piahtofterng | wall plugging | 壁堵頂
piahtor | wall partition | 牆壁; 牆
piao-toaxcie | female cousin on the mother side | 表大姐
piao-toaxhviaf | male cousin on the mother side | 表大兄
piautoee | title | 標題
piawsi tong'ix | an expression of unanimity; indicate; show one's concurrence; approval | 表示同意
piernhoax tøtoafn | changeable | 變化多端
pierntong | change; fluctuation; upheaval; change (organization; arrangements); to reshuffle; reorganize; alter; to move | 變動
piexntofng | lunch (prepared beforehand); lunchbox; bento box; lunch box | 便當
piexntofng-ah | lunch box; bento box | 便當盒; 飯盒
piexntok | bubo | 便毒
piexntong'ab'ar | bento box | 便當盒仔
piexntong'aqar | bento box | 便當盒仔
piexntongcvii | bento money | 便當錢
piexntongkheh'ar | bento box | 便當篋仔
piexntongkhok'ar | bento box | 便當觳仔
piexntongkoax | bento box cover | 便當蓋
piexntongzhaix | bento food | 便當菜
pintor | wooden partition | 隔板
pixtong | passive; to act on orders; passivity | 被動
pixtong-seg | passive form | 被動式
pixtong-sexng | passive nature | 被動性
piøfaftoax | wrist watch band | 錶仔帶
poadto | escape | 拔逃
poafntoo | mid-point, uncompleted work | 半途
poafntorng | group of rebels, insurgent organization | 半黨
poarntoo | midway; halfway | 半途
poattong | to move, to turn | 撥動
poaxntoo | a traitor | 叛徒
poaxntorng | insurgent | 叛黨
poeqtoaxsøq | the tug-o-war | 拔大繩
poesirm zeato | jury system | 陪審制度
poetoex | give gifts as at a wedding; birthday or funeral social life expenses ─ gifts given at a wedding; birthday or funeral | 陪隨; 應付紅白帖子
pogtong | revolt, riot, uprising | 爆動; 暴動
porngtok | blaspheme, blasphemy | 謗瀆; 褻瀆
portoax | lace | 布帶
poxjuo-toxngbut | mammal | 哺乳動物
pud siongtoong | different; not the same | 無相同
pudtoo | buddhist followers | 佛徒
puitoa | corpulence, hypertrophy | 肥大
puitoea | describe people with fat gene | 肥底
puntoxngsiaw | play Chinese flute | 歕洞簫
put'kafmtofng | You flatter me! I don't really deserve this | 無感動; 不敢當
put'sektofng | improper; unfitting; unsuitable | 無適當; 不適當
put'tong'ix | to disagree | 無同意; 不同意
put'toxng'iaau | unswerving, firm, steadfast | 無動搖; 不動搖
put'toxngsym | unaffected | 無動心; 不動心
put'zerngtofng | dishonest, illegal, unjust, improper | 無正當; 不正當
putkafmtofng | I really don't deserve this; don't deserve it; you flatter me | 無敢當
putsiaux cy too | worthless rascals | 無肖之徒
putsiongtoong | different | 無相同
putto | not crossing; over drafting checks | 無渡
puttoafn | not correct in conduct; e.g.; given over to gambling; lust; drink; wickedness | 無端
puttoan | constantly; continuously; unceasingly; unbroken; unceasing; continually; without interruption | 無斷; 不斷
puttofng | improper; unfair; unbecoming | 無當; 不當
puttok | not only ... but | 無獨
puttong sampør | a very fortunate person (Lit. hands don't need to move) | 無必勞動的富家人
puttong uthiofng | unmoved; flinty hearted; callous | 無動於衷
puttong | stand still; firm; motionless | 無動; 不動
puttong-sviaseg | with composure, do not turn a hair | 無動聲式; 不動聲色
puttongtø | different way | 無同道
puttoong hoanhiarng | extraordinary; remarkable | 無同凡響
puttoong | different; dissimilar; unlike; differ; dissimilar; unequal; unlike; not the same; different way | 無同; 不同
puttorng | unable to understand; dumb | 無懂; 愚純
puttoxng | improper; unfair; unbecoming | 無當
puttoxngsarn | real estate; immovable property; real estate; immovable assets | 無動產; 不動產
pvaixtoax | suspenders | 吊帶
pvebixntoo | floor plan | 平面圖
pvetoa | of equal size | 平大
pvextok | virus | 病毒
pviarheatoea | clearance | 摒貨底
pvitoe | flat ground | 平地
pvixtok | germ, virus | 病毒
pvixtoxng | hospital ward | 病動; 病室
pvoaf toaxhix | put on a play (Taiwanese opera) | 演歌仔戲
pvoartoo | halfway | 半途
pvoax-tiongtoo | mid-point of the trip | 半中途
pwntoan | biography | 本傳; 傳記
pwntoe | local | 本地
pwntoea | initially | 本底
pwntofbie | the customary rice | 在來米; 本島米
pwntoo | this way | 本途
pwntor | this island | 本島
pwntorng | our party; this party | 本黨
pøextoax | to wear | 背帶
pøfhiafmtoax | safety belt | 保險帶
pøfsiwtorng | Conservative Party | 保守黨
pøftor | treasure island - Taiwan | 寶島
pøxlek-uxntong | violent movement | 暴力運動
pøxtong | insurgent; riot; outbreak; sedition | 暴動
pøxtoo | mob; mobster; rioter; gangster | 暴徒
safntoe | origin | 產地
saitong | lion's den | 獅洞; 獅穴
samkhetorng | Ku Klux Klan | 三K黨
samtai tongtoong | three generations living under the same roof (under the extended family system) | 三代同堂
san'otor | coral island | 珊瑚島
sanhotor | coral island | 珊瑚島
sattok | disinfect | 殺毒; 消毒
sayserngtoe | have a temper | 使性地
seakaix taixtoong | universal brotherhood; Utopia | 世界大同
sefngtof | Provincial capital | 省都
sefngtofngpo | provincial headquarters of a political party | 省黨部
segto | maturity | 熟度
sekto | appropriate; within the limits; to a modest degree; proper amount; moderately; measurably | 適度
sektofng | appropriate | 適當
sektoxng | fitting; proper; suitable; adequate; appropriate; fit for; proper; competent | 適當
seng'oah thengto | standard of living | 生活程度
sengtoafn | accident | 生端
sengtofng keksef | Lit. make noise in the east while striking in the west ─ feigning tactics | 聲東擊西
sengtong | vivid; lively; lifelike | 生動
serng'iok chiongtong | sexual impulse | 性慾衝動
serng-tofngpo | Provincial Party Headquarters | 省黨部
serngtoan | holy tradition (general term) | 聖傳
serngtoax | a stole | 聖帶
serngtoaxn | judgment | 聖斷
serngtoe | famous places | 勝地
serngtoo | saints | 聖徒
si'aftoax | silk ribbons | 絲仔帶
siabtok | venting poison | 洩毒
siaktoaxbiin | deep sleep | 摔大眠
sianghofng tong'ix | mutual consent | 雙方同意
siangkoanto | relativity | 相關度
siangtorng | the same party | 相黨
siarheatoea | clearance | 卸貨底
siarngtoaxbiin | have a good sleep | 摔大眠; 睡大覺
siarngtoaxho | pouring | 摔大雨
siato | gradient; grade; inclination | 斜度
siaukek thaeto | negative attitude | 消極態度
siautog'iøh | disinfectant | 消毒藥
siautogkhix | sterilizer; autoclave | 消毒器
siautogmii | antiseptic cotton | 消毒棉
siautogseg | sterilization room (in a hospital) | 消毒室
siautogzef | antiseptic | 消毒劑
siautogzuie | antiseptic solution | 消毒水
siautok | sterilize; disinfect; pasteurize | 消毒
siautok-zef | disinfectant | 消毒劑
siautok-zuie | antiseptic solution | 消毒水
siaxhoe binzwtorng | social democrats | 社會民主黨
siaxhoe zeato | social system | 社會制度
siaxhoextorng | Socialist Party | 社會黨
siaxngtoo | same | 同圖
siaxngtorng | belonging to the same party | 同黨
sidtoe | solid ground | 實地
sidtoong | cafe, restaurant | 食堂
siekhatoxteng | | 四跤杜定
sientong | grotto where a genie or fairy lived in ancient time | 仙洞
sientoong | the boy who serve god; fairy messenger boy | 仙童
sierntoaxhi | white lie | 搧大耳
sierntoaxhvi | white lie | 搧大耳
sierntong | to provoke; instigate; stir up; agitate; instigation | 煽動
sierntoxngciar | agitators | 煽動者
sietkeatoo | blueprint | 設計圖
siettogzoe | sacrilege (Catholic) | 褻瀆罪
siettok sinbeeng | blasphemy; blaspheme the gods | 褻瀆神明
siettok | blaspheme; to abuse; to insult | 褻瀆
siexn toaxhvi | Lit. to slap the big ears ─ cheat or defraud a foolish person | 欺騙
sikoef oar toaxpeeng | people like the larger half of a watermelon ─ favor the winning side; be on the stronger side | 趨炎附勢; 勢利眼
simtiexntoo | electrocardiogram | 心電圖
simtong | touched | 心動
simtoong | heart-to-heart | 心同
simzaitoxbeeng | know well | 心知肚明
sin-toxngmeh | renal arteries | 腎動脈
sinnito | fiscal year, school year, etc | 新年度
sintoan | figure | 身段
sintoong | prodigy; child prodigy | 神童
sioktoarn | shorten | 縮短
sioktoee | homework | 習題
siongkoanto | relativity | 相關度
siongtofng | rather; correspond; fairly; pretty; quite; corresponding; equivalent; considerably; to a great extent; appropriate; proper | 相當
siongtoong | alike; identity; homology; same; same; identical; similar; alike | 相同
sioxngtoa | the biggest | 上大
sipto | humidity; moisture; degree of humidity | 濕度; 溼度
siptoe | wetlands | 溼地
siptoxpiør | hygrometer | 濕度表
sirngiorng puttoong | disparity of cult | 信仰無同
sirnhauxto | reliability and validity | 信效度
sirntoo | believer (of a religion) | 信徒; 信道
sitoan | silk and satin | 絲緞
sitoax | silk ribbon, silk sash | 絲帶
sitok | poison of corpse | 屍毒
sittoxng | irregular; improper (conduct) | 失當
siu kafmtong | be moved (to tears) | 受感動
siuo tongzefng | remain a virgin | 守童貞
siutoo | a felon, a prisoner | 修徒; 囚徒
siuxkhix-lagtoaq | be very short with (a person); be hopping mad | 怒氣沖天
siuxkhix-siuxtoaq | be very short with (a person); be hopping mad | 怒氣沖天
siuxtongbexkhie | cannot bear it; cannot accept it | 受當袂起
siuxtongboexkhie | cannot bear it; cannot accept it | 受當袂起
siuxtongputkhie | cannot bear it; cannot accept it | 受當無起
siw buntoo | receive pupils (apprentices) | 收門徒
siwtof | capital; national capital | 首都
sixtoa | a superior; parents | 序大; 父母; 長上; 長輩
sixtoaxlaang | a superior; parents | 序大人; 長上; 父母
sixuy uxntong | demonstration | 示威運動
siøf-lientoax | relatives; objects or associates so closely connected that when you take away one the other comes with it | 相連帶
siøfsortorng | minority political party | 少數黨
siøfto | bladder (pig); bladder; especially of a pig | 豬肚; 小肚; 豬膀胱
siøftoan | short biography | 小段; 小傳
siøftong | small hole | 小洞
siøftor | lower abdomen | 小腹
siør-toxngmeh | arterioles | 小動脈
siøtoax | to dwell together | 相住; 性交(狗)
siøtoex | follow each other | 相隨
sngf-tiorngtok | acidosis | 酸中毒
sngrpvoaa phvai toax kahciahphviaf | stingy; of calculating disposition | 算盤背在背上; 小氣
soafnkie uxntong | election campaign | 選舉運動; 競選運動
soanpox toglip | declaration of independence | 宣佈獨立
soatong | common whiting | 沙鮻
sokto haxnzex | speed limit | 速度限制
sokto | rate; speed; velocity; velocity; speed; (music) tempo | 速度
soktoax | pressure band | 縮帶
soktoxkex | speedometer; velocity indicator | 速度計
soktoxpiør | tachometer | 速度表
suhoad toglip | independence of the judiciary | 司法獨立
suhoad zeato | judicial system | 司法制度
suhoad-zeato | judicial system | 司法制度
suihofng zoafntoa | take action as the opportunity arises; irresolution | 隨風轉舵
suiitor | canteen | 水壺
suitoong | follow or accompany; together with | 隨同
sunhoee tosukoarn | circulating library | 巡迴圖書館
suotoo | Apostle (in the Bible) (Protestant) | 使徒
sutoefha | privately | 私底下
sutofng | should | 須當
sutok | Catholic priest | 司鐸
sutongsii | at that time | 斯當時
sutoo | teacher and pupil; master and his student (s) or apprentice (s) | 師徒
sutoong | private temple for ancestor; boy who waits upon a literary man | 祠堂; 書僮
suxtoafn | origin of the trouble or the quarrel; cause or origin of some very troublesome affair | 事端
suxtoo | career | 仕途
suytor | canteen | 水壺
sva'aftoax | shirt belt | 衫仔帶
svatong | collide | 相撞
svatox | jealous | 相妒
sviatoax | vocal cords | 聲帶
sviatof | city capital | 城都
sviatofng | east town | 城東
sviu-hoatto | devise means; think up a scheme | 想法子
svoaphøtoe | hillside | 山坡地
svoatoaxlaang | palm tree | 棕櫚的一種
svoatoe | mountain | 山地
svoatong | a cave; a cavern; a grotto; cave; tunnel; grotto; cavern | 山洞
svoatoo | mountain road | 山途
swtoo | disciples | 使徒
sym tok chiuo loah | callous and cruel; cold blooded; merciless in heart and deed | 心毒手辣
sym tong | become interested in something (usually as a result of persuasion) | 心動
sym-tiexntoo | electrocardiogram, ECG | 心電圖
symtoaxn | examine and decide; pass judgment after an examination | 審斷
sytorng | buddies | 死黨
sytox | fight furiously | 死鬥
søtong | an uproar; to cause an uproar; a riot; an agitation; an uproar; to riot; stir up; excite; disturbance | 騷動
taetong | drive | 帶動
tahtoea | bottom up | 貼底
tai-puttoong | very different | 大無同; 大不同
taitoafn | You(an honorific in addressing one's equal); you (an honorific in addressing one's equal in a letter); Your Honor | 台端
taixputsiongtoong | entirely; totally different | 大無相同
taixtiern hongtoo | realize one's ambition; to ride on the crest of success | 大展鴻圖
taixtoe | earth | 大地
taixtong'ar | green peper | 大同仔
taixtongzwgi | universalism; cosmopolitanism | 大同主義
taixtoong seakaix | a world where harmony; equality and justice prevail; universal brotherhood; political utopia | 大同世界
taixtoong siøfvi | substantially the same; much alike | 大同小異
taixtoong | great peace; universal concord; universal brotherhood; universal harmony | 大同
tamtofng | take responsibility upon oneself; undertake a task; to bear; put up with | 擔當
tangtorng | belong to the same party | 同黨
tanjiin togmar | solitary horseman ─ alone; single handed | 單人獨馬
tantok heng'uii | unilateral action (legal) | 單獨行為
tantok hengtong | independent action | 單獨行動
tantok hoatsefng | sporadic | 單獨發生
tantok | independent; alone; solely; erysipelas; an infectious disease characterized by diffusely spreading deep red inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes (disease) | 單獨; 丹毒
tauxzhaetoea`ee | prostitute; of humble origin; making display beyond real merit | 豆菜底的
teatof | imperial capital; metropolis | 帝都; 國都
tefngtong | to talk back; to offend or dispute with words | 頂撞
teftoxng | to resist, to check, to keep back | 抵堵; 抵擋
tegtoaxhø | king size; extra large size | 特大號
tengtoong jibseg | reach the inner hall (of some branch of learning); master a learning or skill | 登堂入室
tengtoong | go to the house, to visit | 登堂
texkhag pierntong | earth's crust change | 地殼變動
texngto | hardness, degree of hardness | 硬度
texngtoat | decide | 定奪
textoan | location of a piece of land; according to public records | 地段
textoo | map | 地圖
textoong | Garden of Eden; earthly paradise (Catholic) | 地堂
textoxngsan'iøo | earthquake | 地動山搖
thaekegtoo | diagram of cosmological scheme | 太極圖
thaeto | attitude | 態度
thafntong | contented and composed; straight-out | 坦蕩
thafntoo | a level road, a bright future | 坦途
thaisefng toxngbut | viviparous animals | 胎生動物
thaitok | congenital disease; hereditary disease | 胎毒
thaix-toa | too large, too big | 太大
thaixto | attitude; manner; demeanor | 態度
tham'ux togcid | officials corrupt and negligent of one's duties | 貪污瀆職
thamtoo | to covert; to desire or long for; be greedy of; seek after; to scheme for; covet; to plot; intrigue to get | 貪圖
thao øetoax | loosen the shoe strings | 解鞋帶
thaotoaxhofng | strong wind | 透大風
thaotoea | thoroughly | 透底
thaptor | concave or depressed panel | 塞肚
tharntoaxcvii | make a fortune | 趁大錢
thaukhahtoaxsyn | put the cart before the horse | 頭較大身
thauto | stow away; stowaway; to steal into another country by hiding oneself aboard a train; ship; airplane | 偷渡
thautoxciar | stowaway | 偷渡者
thautoxhoan | smuggler | 偷渡犯
thautoxkheq | smuggler | 偷渡客
thaxmtor | become crooked; (a wall; bottom of an old chair) somewhat concave; made so intentionally or become so through long use | 腰垂; 窞肚; 中間下墜; 中凹
thaxn toaxcvii | making large gains | 趁大錢; 發大財
theato | shaved | 剃度
theatoxzefng | shaman | 剃度僧
thengcie kunsu hengtong | cease military operations | 停止軍事行動
thengto | degree; tune; grade; extent; stage; state; condition; standard; required qualification; attainments | 程度
theto | To punt a boat | 撐渡
thetog | provincial commander-in-chief; general or admiral | 提督
thiaotong | to pulsate; to throb; to throb; pulsate; to beat (e.g.; the heart; pulse) | 跳動
thiaukoftorng | on purpose | 刁古董
thienbuntoo | star atlas; map of the stars | 天文圖
thiensioxngtoo | astronomical chart | 天象圖
thientoong texgek | Heaven and Hell | 天堂地獄
thientoong | paradise; Heaven | 天堂
thienzaai jitoong | child prodigy | 天才兒童
thietkhiøftidtoaxn | firm and accurate | 鐵口直斷
thieto | shaved | 剃渡
thiettoea | through to the end | 澈底
thihzhuietidtoaxn | firm and accurate | 鐵喙直斷
thoanthea hengtong | collective action | 團體行動
thoantoe | pass information along | 傳遞
thoattorng | leave the party; break off from one's party | 脫黨
thofng'id uxntong | unity movement; uniform activity | 統一運動
thoftoaxkhuix | deep breath | 吐大氣
thoftoe | land | 土地
thomato | tomato | 番茄
thor toaxkhuix | heave a long sigh of relief | 嘆大氣
thor-toaxkhuix | heave a long sigh of relief | 嘆大氣
thotong | cave in the earth | 土洞; 泥洞
thuitoan | conclude, make a diagnosis, conclusion, deduction, diagnosis | 推斷
thuitoaxn | infer; deduce; predict by means of inference | 推斷
thuitong | impel; propel; trigger into action; motivate; impetus; propulsive force; motivation; to push; to propel; to expedite; to push; lend impetus to; to inspire | 推動
thuitong-lat | motivation force, impelling force | 推動力
thun paktor | do with difficulty in order to warm dressed and well fed | 填飽肚子
thvetoxzuun | row ferry | 撐渡船
thviax-kaq toxng-bøextiaau | intolerable pain | 痛得忍無住
thvihoarn toexloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvikhoah textoa | the sky is big | 天闊地大
thvikongtoextø | justice | 天公地道
thvitoa | big; great | 天大
thvitoa-textoa ee su | matters as big as heaven and earth ─ important or serious matters | 天大的事
thvitoaxtextoa | huge | 天大地大
thvitoe | sky and earth | 天地
thytoat kongkoaan | disfranchise; deprive one of his civil rights | 褫奪公權
thytoat | snatch away; deprive of; strip off | 褫奪
thøeatorng | exit from party | 退黨
thørtoxng | appropriate; secure; ready; everything right; properly done; on a sound basis; well arranged; safe | 妥當
thørtoxng`løh | I've got it! I am sure of success. | 妥當啦; 很幸虧
tiaoto | calculate; consider; arrange | 調度
tiaotoax | suspenders; garters | 吊帶
tiaotong | dispatch; removal; redeployment; manoeuvre; shake; to transfer from one post to another | 調動
tiarmtofng | shop owner | 店東
tiaukoftorng | make a fool of somebody; play a trick; do mischief | 刁古董; 愚弄; 捉弄
tiauphøee-toaxy | mink coat | 貂皮大衣
tiautog | oversee, keep one's children in good behavior | 調獨; 雕琢
tiautong | move (official, troop), transfer | 調動
tiaux toaxtaang | the injection of the contents of a toa-tang usually in a hospital | 吊大筒
tiaw-koftorng | to kid, to play a trick on | 戲弄
tidciab hengtong | direct action | 直接行動
tidtngtidto | straightforward | 直腸直肚
tiefntoa | enlarge; expand; extend; swell; dilate | 擴大
tientogoansoex | | 田都元帥
tiesyn toxgoa | keep oneself from getting involved; be indifferent | 置身度外
tiexnhuoto | measurement of electricity usage | 電負度
tiexnto | electrogild; plating; electroplate; electroplating | 電鍍
tiexntong | powered by electricity | 電動
tiexntoxngchiaf | electric car | 電動車
tiexntoxngky | electric motor; induction motor | 電動機
tiexntoxngmih'ar | electric objects | 電動物仔
tiexntoxngmngg | electric gate; door | 電動門
timiato | celebrity rating | 知名度
timtoea | solid; sink to the bottom | 沉底
tiofngtoa | to grow up; to mature; vegetate | 長大
tionggixtoong | loyalty hall | 忠義堂
tiongto | medium; of the middle class (intermediate degree) | 中度
tiongtoad | suspension; interruption; discontinue | 中輟
tiongtoan | interrupt; suspension; discontinue | 中斷
tiongtofng | middle-east | 中東
tiongtoo | midway; mid way; half way; on the way; incomplete | 中途; 長途
tiorngto | full of stomach; windy | 脹肚
tiorngtoa | expand; distend | 脹大
tiorngtoaxzuie | flooding | 漲大水
tiorngtok | to be poisoned; poisoning; toxicosis; food poisoning auto-intoxication | 中毒
tioxngtoa | important, serious | 重大
tito | pig's stomach; pig's stomach; pork tripe | 豬肚
titong | delay, move slowly | 持動
tiutoan | broadloom silk; silk; general name for silk goods; silks and satins | 綢緞
tix cy toxgoa | leave it out of the calculation; ignore it utterly | 置之度外
tixntoo | plan of battle; map showing the deployment of troops | 陣圖
tiøh toaxpvi | got sick seriously | 中大病
tng'afto | intestines; the inner parts of a man or animal | 腸仔肚
tngftoa | turn big | 轉大
tngftoaxlaang | turn big person | 轉大人
tngpvextok | enterovirus | 腸病毒
tngpvixtok | enterovirus | 腸病毒
tngr toaxlaang | become an adult or of marriageable age; puberty | 青春期; 成熟期
tngto | length; in length; measurement | 長度
tngtongsii | just at that time | 當當時; 正在那個時候
tngtoo | long-distance; long distance; long journey | 長途
tngtoo-huiheeng | long distance flight | 長途飛行
tngtoo-lyheeng | long journey; long distance travel | 長途旅行
tngtoo-tiexn'oe | long distance telephone call | 長途電話
to | stomach; belly; hold (of a ship or boat) | 肚; 渡; 度
to'af | to write badly; to scribble | 塗鴉
to'ar | an undergarment covering chest and abdomen | 肚仔; 肚兜
to'axn | a design, pattern | 圖案
to'ek | flee; runaway; escape | 逃逸
to'oe | drawing; picture; illustrations in a magazine or book | 圖畫
to'ui | drawing, picture, painting | 圖畫
to-sviemia | flee for one's life | 逃生命
to-zhuiepar | live from hands to mouth | 度喙飽
to`køex | pass through, to spend (the day) | 逃過; 度過
toa paktor-thafng'ar | a woman's stomach protrudes either before or after pregnancy; a man or woman has dropsy; undernourished or starving child with big belly | 大肚仔 (病態的); 小腹大
toa taixcix | big things | 大代誌
toa tin | a large group of people | 大陣
toa | big; large; great; tall; high; extensive; vast; spacious; much; very; highly; extremely; the eldest; the highest in rank; full grown; adult; make large; make great | 大; 舵
toa-angsym | Hongkong glochidion | 大紅心
toa-axmkuy | goitre | 大頸規; 大頷胿; 甲狀腺腫
toa-buxntøee | big problem | 大問題
toa-gamciøh | big rocks | 大岩石
toa-goxngsoaf | whale shark | 大戇鯊
toa-hauxsvy | eldest kid | 大後生
toa-hoatzaai | make a fortune | 大發財
toa-hoeviu | big pattern | 大花樣
toa-hongho | storm | 大風雨
toa-huo'ofng | millionaire | 大富翁
toa-huoho | millionaire | 大富戶
toa-huosiofng | millionaire | 大富商
toa-imtuun | labia majora | 大陰唇
toa-jidcie | big day | 大日子
toa-kehøea | big family | 大家伙
toa-kekhao | a large family, large traditional family | 大家口; 大家庭
toa-koanleeng | almighty, all-powerful | 大權能
toa-kuiboo | large scale, great scale | 大規模
toa-køelo | big streets | 大街路
toa-phaethaau | overbearing manner | 大派頭
toa-pngxtiaxm | hotel (with a large building) | 大飯店
toa-poxhun | majority, greater part | 大部份
toa-pwn'viaa | national military headquarters | 大本營
toa-pwnsu | talent | 大本事
toa-siuxkhix | to rage | 大受氣
toa-suzex | high priest | 大祭司
toa-tek'heng | virtue | 大德行
toa-tharncvii | making large gains | 賺大錢; 發大財
toa-tøsox | majority | 大多數
toa-unzeeng | debt of gratitude | 大恩情
toa-zailan | great calamity ─ pestilence; flood or famine | 大災難
toa-zaizuo | man of wealth and property | 大財主
toa-zeajit | big ceremony date | 大祭日
toa-zeasw | high priest | 大祭司
toa-zerngthaau | big symptom | 大症頭
toa-zexngmeh | vena cava | 大靜脈
toa-zhengsaux | great clearance; general cleaning; clean the whole house | 大清掃
toa-zhutchiuo | generous | 大出手
toa-zupwnkaf | great capitalists | 大資本家
toa-zuxjieen | nature, the mother nature | 大自然
toa-zwkox | big customer | 大主顧
toa`ee | big one; boss | 大的
toaaftoaxlat | full strength | 大仔大力
toaar'toaxtoa | huge | 大大大
toaarkhuiezhoarn | asthma | 大氣喘
toaarkvaai | big item | 大個
toaarsiuuo | big birthday | 大壽
toaarsoeasiefn | brother-in-law- husbands of sisters | 大細仙
toad | escape, get away, remove | 奪
toadbok | seize one's attention, drizzling | 奪目
toadciaxm | to usurp | 奪佔
toadhoee | recover by force | 奪回
toadhøee | to recapture, recover | 奪回
toadkoaan | deprive one of his rights | 奪權
toadkymphiaw | win the first prize (in a race or game) | 奪錦標
toadli | grasping for gain | 奪利
toadlie | wrest justice | 奪理
toadphiaw | grasp the sign | 奪標
toadpvex | seize the handle | 奪柄
toadtid | to get, win, obtain | 奪得
toadzhuo | take by force; wrest from | 奪取
toafn | end; take; carry; marge; beginning; extremity; end; correct; proper; upright; modest; sober; decent; neat; well formed | 端
toafn'imkay | minor scale (in music) | 短音階
toafnchiog | short; brevity; briefness; short (time or life); brief; transient; ephemeral; terse | 短促
toafnciam | transient; brief; short period | 短暫
toafnkhiaxm | short of | 短欠
toafnkiexn | short view | 短見
toafnpefng | short pawn | 短兵
toafnpefng-siongciab | fight at close quarters; hand-to-hand combat | 短兵相接
toafnphao | short distance race; sprint | 短跑
toafnsi | shortsignted; cannot see beyond one's nose | 短視
toafnsiao | lack of | 短少
toafntvar | bunt; to bunt (in baseball) | 短打
toah | stubborn | 掇
toahbak | big eyes; strabismus, squint | 大目
toahbie | rinse rise | 掇米
toahthafng | open a sliding window | 大窗
toan | section; division; part; paragraph | 段; 傳; 緞
toan'gee | general shape; outline; clue; sigens | 端倪
toan'gvor | dragon boat festival | 端午
toancviax | correct; proper; upright; well formed | 端正
toangvofcied | the 5th of the 5th lunar month (a dragon boat regatta is held) | 端陽節; 端午節
toangvofzøeq | the Dragon Boat Festival | 端午節
toangvor | the fifth of the fifth lunar month | 端午; (節)
toante | transfer | 傳遞
toantiaq | authentic | 端的
toanzexng | correct; proper; upright; well formed | 端正
toanzofng | proper and correct in deportment | 端莊
toanzø | end do | 端做
toarar | a band, a belt; strap, cord | 帶子
toaraxm | pass the night; stay overnight | 過夜
toarchiuo | carry in the hand, carry a gift | 帶手; 手提
toarchiwmngh | gift | 帶手物
toarcvii | carry cash; have cash on one's person | 帶錢
toarhax | wear a symbol of mourning; wear crepe | 帶孝
toarhii | silver eel, ribbonfish | 帶魚
toarhoee | to bring back | 帶回
toarhøee | to bring back | 帶回
toarkhix | carry off; take to; take along with one | 帶去
toarkoex | been there | 蹛過
toarkui | pregnant | 帶球; 有身
toarkuo | been a long | 蹛久
toarlaai | bring here | 帶來
toarli | accuse falsely; bring a false charge against a person | 誣賴
toarliao | been there | 蹛了
toarlo | to act as a guide | 帶路
toarloa | accuse falsely; bring a false charge against a person | 誣賴
toarlui | to involve others in | 帶累
toarluii | to involve others in | 帶累
toarmii | spend the night; stay over night | 過夜; 住宿
toarn | short; be deficient; to want; shortcoming; faults; mistakes; errors | 短
toarn'axn | decide a case | 斷案
toarnchvie | to arouse, to awaken, to wake up | 斷醒
toarngieen | affirm; be absolutely sure; say with certainty | 斷言
toarniar | lead; guide; take the leadership of; conduct | 帶領
toarnjieen | decisive | 斷然
toarnlien | exercise | 鍛鍊
toarnsaxng | lost | 斷送
toarnteng | to conclude; to judge; to decide; determine; decide; settle; conclude; to judge; draw a conclusion | 斷定
toarnthiøtaai | scaffold | 斷頭台
toarntoaxn | broken | 斷斷
toarpefng | lead or have charge of troops | 帶兵
toarpvi | while quite unwell; said of exerting one's self notwithstanding sickness | 帶病; 抱病
toarsinlaang | carrier | 帶身人
toarsinmia | intractable chronic diseases | 帶身命; 罹患難治的慢性病
toarsyn | be with child, be pregnant | 帶身; 有身孕
toarthaau | to take the lead | 帶頭
toartien | electric, to have an electric charge | 帶電
toartiøh | on account of (a person or his kindness); out of regard to; out of consideration for | 顧念
toarvi | stay in hospital | 蹛院
toarvixtvoaf | hospital bill | 蹛院單
toarzhuttiøh | carry out | 帶出著
toarzhux | to live in one's residence; dwell | 住厝; 住在家裡
toarzoe | be born in sin, with sin | 帶罪
toat | to take by force; grab; seizing; take by force; rob; to plunder; snatch; to grasp; carry away (the first prize) | 奪
toat`khix | to take away by force | 奪去
toavia | big win | 大贏
toax | belt; band; sash; girdle; tape; ribbon; take along with; united; related; on account of; in consideration of; fated to | 帶; 蹛; 住
toax-bøe løh`khix | cannot accommodate (because of limitation of space) | 住無落下
toax-bøextiaau | can not live with others very long; he must leave a place or a job; can not stay very long | 待無住; 幹不下去
toax-thøhoef | a woman fated to lead a licentious life | 帶桃花
toax-zhuttviuu | to arrange to take a bar girl out the establishment where she works for the evening | 帶出場
toax-zørhoea | live together; cohabit | 住做夥
toax`ee | carried | 蹛的
toax`jiblaai | live in | 住進入
toax`khix | to take away | 大去; 帶去
toax`laai | to bring | 帶來
toaxaang | scarlet | 深紅
toaxaang-hoef | Chinese hibiscus, Rose of China | 大紅花; 朱槿
toaxamr | big aunty | 大阿姆
toaxanghoaf | big red flower | 大紅花
toaxanghoef | big red flower | 大紅花
toaxau`jit | three days from now | 大後日
toaxau`lit | the 3rd day from now | 大後日
toaxau`nii | the 3rd year from now | 大後年
toaxaukhafng | second day after tomorrow | 大後日
toaxauxnii | three years from the current year | 大後年
toaxaxmkuy | large tumor or goiter on the neck | 大頸規; 甲狀腺腫
toaxbagkhorng | arrogant; excessive | 大目孔
toaxbak | large eyes | 大目
toaxbaktor | pregnant | 大腹肚
toaxbarng | overcoat | 大衣
toaxbattor | pregnant | 大腹肚
toaxbauh | big profit; windfall | 大貿
toaxbe | big sale | 大賣
toaxbea | big guy; hot shot | 大尾
toaxbeh | barley; barley | 大麥; 裸
toaxbexkex | wholesale price | 批發價
toaxbextviuu | hypermarket like Costco | 大賣場
toaxbie | rice | 大面; 大米
toaxbin | large face, large surface, probably | 大面; 大部份
toaxbixnsiin | like to be in the spotlight; pushing; girl wanting in modesty; a girl who is shameless | 大面神; 愛出風頭; 厚臉皮
toaxbiø | big temple | 大廟
toaxboe | big sale | 大賣
toaxboea | big fish; big guy in a gang | 大尾
toaxboextviuu | hypermarket like Costco | 大賣場
toaxbofng | measure of size; a very large volume | 大摸; 體積大
toaxbong | big tomb | 大墓
toaxbor | wife; legal wife | 大某; 元配; 大老婆
toaxboxkofng | grave for unknown | 大墓公
toaxboxngkofng | grave for unknown | 大墓公
toaxbuo | big efforts | 大舞
toaxbuo-haxn | big person | 大拇漢; 高大
toaxbuo-khof | husky person | 大拇公
toaxbuo-kofng | thumb | 大拇公; 大姆指
toaxbuo-luie | large eyes | 大拇蕾; 大眼
toaxbuo-ofng | thumb | 大拇公; 大姆指
toaxbwlaang-toaxbwzerng | grown up | 大武人大武種
toaxbøe | wholesale marketing | 大買; 大賣; 批發
toaxchiaf | a cart | 大車
toaxchiu | big tree | 大樹
toaxchiuar | big tree | 大樹仔
toaxchiuxkhaf | under big tree | 大樹跤
toaxchiwbin | generous | 大手面
toaxchiwpid | generous | 大手筆
toaxchixn | big scales | 大秤
toaxchiøx | a horse-laugh, a hearty laugh | 大笑
toaxciah | gluttony; gluttonous; ravenous | 大食
toaxciamlea | big feast day (Catholic) | 大瞻禮
toaxciamsvoaterng | big mountain top | 大尖山頂
toaxciaq | big one | 大隻
toaxciaqkheq | big eater | 大食客
toaxciaqsex | bully; big guy take advantage of little guy | 大食細
toaxcie | elder sister | 大姐; 大姊
toaxcied | matters of principle | 大節
toaxciexn | the Great War | 大戰
toaxcih herngthih | A clumsy person always wants to show off. You don't have the necessary ability. (Lit. A person who stutters always wants to talk.) | 大舌興鐵; 口吃愛講話; 笨拙偏愛出風頭
toaxcih | literally; unable to speak clearly; stammer; dysphemia; stammer; stutter; someone who stammers or stutters | 大舌; 口吃; 結巴
toaxciongkwn | big general | 大將軍
toaxciorng | grand prize | 大獎
toaxciøh | large stone; rock | 大石
toaxciøqkor | big stone | 大石頭
toaxcyar | big sister | 大姊仔
toaxcympøar | big aunty | 大嬸婆仔
toaxcympøo | big aunty | 大嬸婆
toaxcythauar | big sister | 大姊頭仔
toaxe | exert self (physically) | 用力; 大力
toaxee | elder brother; respectful address to another; especially to one about our own rank and age | 大哥; 老大
toaxerng | billow; surge; strong sea wave | 大浪; 大湧; 大海浪
toaxgai | big trouble | 大礙
toaxgan | Chinese goose, swan goose, eastern bean goose | 大雁
toaxgeh | months with 31 days | 大月
toaxgiin | large silver foil paper | 大銀
toaxgoan | solemn vow (Catholic) | 大愿
toaxgoeh | month in which much business is done; e.g.; the 7th or the 12th | 大月; 旺季
toaxgoxngtay | idiot; mentally retarded person; simpleton; fool | 大呆子
toaxguu | big cow | 大牛
toaxguun | large silver dollar | 大銀
toaxgveq | large pod | 大莢; (豆)
toaxgøeh | the 31-day months; rush season; high season; season | 大月; 旺季
toaxha | a big building; mansion; palace; edifice | 大廈
toaxhabchviux | chorus sung by a large choir | 大合唱
toaxhae | the open sea | 大海
toaxhan | drought | 大旱
toaxhang | a large matter, important matter | 大漢; 大事項
toaxharnkhoarn | like a big guy | 大漢款
toaxharnkviar | eldest son | 大漢囝
toaxharnzabofkviar | eldest daughter | 大漢查某囝
toaxhau | big fish | 大鱟
toaxhaxn | adult; grown-up; tall person; large man; grow up | 大漢; 成人; 高個子; 長大
toaxhaxn-laang | giant, large person | 大漢人; 巨人
toaxhaxn`ee | big guy | 大漢的
toaxhea | big fire | 大火
toaxheeng | large scale | 大型
toaxhi | big ears | 大耳
toaxhievi | big theatre | 大戲院
toaxhitoaxbaq | big fish big meat- luxury meal | 大魚大肉
toaxhiuu | kind of jacket with a heavy lining | 大裘
toaxhiw | bawl | 大咻
toaxhix | drama, play on stage | 大戲
toaxhiøh | large leaves; rudder on a ship | 大葉
toaxho | heavy rain | 大雨
toaxhoah | long strides | 大步
toaxhoanthaau | big turn around | 大翻頭
toaxhoaq | shout | 大喝
toaxhoatkvoaf | grand justice | 大法官
toaxhoea | big fire | 大火
toaxhoef | big mess | 大花
toaxhofng | a strong wind; blustery; a gale; typhoon; great gale of wind | 大風
toaxhongsiw | harvest | 大豐收
toaxhuotoaxkuix | that rich | 大富大貴
toaxhvi | be foolish; fool (Lit. big ears; as big as those of a pig) | 傻瓜
toaxhviaf | the eldest brother; eldest brother | 大兄; 長兄; 大哥
toaxhvoa | great drought | 大旱
toaxhø | calamity; big disaster | 大禍; 大號
toaxhøea | a conflagration | 大火
toaxhør toaxpai | results maybe very good possibly very bad; uncertain results | 大好大壞
toaxi'ar | elder sisters of one's wife | 大姨仔
toaxiaa | uncle, old master | 大爺
toaxie | big chair | 大椅
toaxiexn | great feast | 大宴; 大筵
toaxii | mother's eldest sister; the eldest aunt; eldest sister of one's mother | 大姨; 大姨母
toaxix | careless, negligent | 大意
toaxiøtoaxpae | swagger | 大搖大擺
toaxji | big print | 大字
toaxjidcie | big day | 大日子
toaxjit | very auspicious day; when many persons get married | 吉日; 大日
toaxjoah | sultry, sultriness | 大熱
toaxkafng | skillful workman | 大工; 匠工
toaxkangsafn | big rivers and mountains- implay a country | 大江山
toaxkarng | big harbor | 大港
toaxkateeng | big family | 大家庭
toaxkauterng | top of the stream | 大溝頂
toaxkaw | stream | 大溝
toaxkear | big family | 大家仔
toaxkef siøfhang | streets and lanes; in every street and alley; all over the city | 大街小巷
toaxkef | main street | 大街
toaxkehoea | big family | 大家伙
toaxkekhao | clan; family | 大家族
toaxkelo | big street | 大街路
toaxkeq | big breed, large-sized body | 大格; 大種
toaxkhae | large sized characters (in Chinese calligraphy) carry off; take to; take along with one | 大楷
toaxkhafng | generous; elegant and composed; in good taste | 大方
toaxkhapøo | bigfoot lady | 大跤婆
toaxkhataang | large calves | 大跤胴
toaxkhaux | cry it loud | 大哭
toaxkhazhngf | big buttocks | 屁股大
toaxkhiefn | large; big; great; (round things) | 大的; (圓形的東西)
toaxkhiezaan | atmosphere | 大氣層
toaxkhoaan | large circle | 大環
toaxkhobuo | thumb | 大箍拇; 大姆指
toaxkhof | fat; obese | 大箍; 很粗大; 胖
toaxkhopea | stout | 大箍把; 肥胖; 粗壯
toaxkhotay | fatso; butterball; stupid; big clumsy fellow; bulky good-for-nothing fellow | 大箍呆; 大笨蛋; 大胖子
toaxkhud | big hole | 大窟
toaxkhuiezhoarn | asthma | 大氣喘
toaxkhuix | heavy breathing; the atmosphere | 大氣
toaxkhvef | big pit | 大坑
toaxkhytoaxløh | big ups and downs | 大起大落
toaxkhør | final or terminal examination; important examination; final examination in school | 大考
toaxkiafmkex | great reduction in price ─ great sale | 大減價
toaxkiettngg | large intestine; the bowel | 大結腸
toaxkii | large flag | 大旗
toaxkim | eldest aunt (uncle's wife); wife of wife's elder brother; wife of mother's eldest brother | 大妗; 大舅媽; 大舅母; 內兄嫂
toaxkipaai | big-name (actors or actresses); leading (movie stars or other performing artists); noted person; influential | 大枝牌; 紅人
toaxkix | long saw worked by two men | 大鋸
toaxkixmzhuix | gossip | 大妗喙
toaxkiøkhaf | under the big bridge | 大橋跤
toaxkiøo | big bridge | 大橋
toaxkiøpvy | big bridge side | 大橋邊
toaxkiøq | bigfoot | 大腳
toaxkiøthaau | big bridge | 大橋頭
toaxkiøx | to shout, to cry out | 大叫
toaxkngr | large pipe, large tube, large scroll | 大管; 大管子
toaxko'ar | big aunty on the father side | 大姑仔
toaxkof | eldest aunt (father's eldest sister); an aunt: father's eldest sister | 大姑; 大姑媽
toaxkofng | an extraordinary merit; a great achievement; great merit; great achievement | 大功
toaxkofnghieen | Chinese instrument | 大廣絃
toaxkog | the great powers, a powerful country | 大國
toaxkor | tom-tom; large drum; big drum | 大鼓
toaxku | eldest uncle (mother's oldest brother); eldest brother of one's mother; the oldest a-ku | 大舅; 大舅父
toaxkuar | wife's older brother | 大舅子
toaxkud | big bone | 大骨
toaxkuiboo | large scale; on a large scale | 大規模
toaxkurn | big boiling | 大滾
toaxkviaf siøfkoaix | be afraid of one's shadow; be scared to death of nothing | 大驚小怪
toaxkviaf | great fright | 大驚
toaxkviar | cornstalk; the eldest son | 大囝; 長子
toaxkvoaa | very cold; bitter cold | 寒冷; 大寒; 寒冷,大寒
toaxkvoaf | ranking officials | 大官
toaxkvoahor | high ranking officials like a tiger that eat human alive | 大官虎
toaxkwn | a great army, large forces | 大軍
toaxky | big one | 大支
toaxkøef | main street, wide street | 大街
toaxkøf | eldest brother | 大哥
toaxkøx | big mistake or shortcoming; punishment (in school; government); a major demerit | 大過
toaxlaang | my Load; panjandrum; adult; grown-up; full grown person | 大人; 成人
toaxlaang-khiekhaix | lofty quality as a big guy | 大人氣概
toaxlaau | a multistoried building; mansion; palace; edifice | 大樓
toaxlan | a disaster; a calamity | 大難
toaxlangtoaxzerng | grown up | 大人大種
toaxlao | great swindler | 大扭; 大騙子
toaxlat | energetically; vigorously; with a great effort | 大力
toaxlaxnphaf | big penis | 大𡳞脬
toaxlea | most solemn of ceremonies ─ including three kneeling and nine kowtows ─ performed in paying respects to a new master; foster parents (in old China) | 大禮
toaxlefbø | silk top hat | 大禮帽
toaxlefhok | formal or full dress | 大禮服
toaxleftngg | auditorium | 大禮堂
toaxlienbeeng | big alliance | 大聯盟
toaxliong | generous | 大量
toaxlit | big day | 大日
toaxlo | the highroad; avenue; highway; boulevard; main road; highway | 大路
toaxloah | very hot | 大熱
toaxloan | great turmoil; social or political upheaval; chao | 大亂
toaxloeh | big hat | 大笠
toaxloxloong | mainlander | 大路郎
toaxloxngzuo | big prodigal son | 大浪子
toaxloxpvy | big roadside | 大路邊
toaxloxterng | big road | 大路頂
toaxloxthaau | highway, main street, main road | 大路頭
toaxluie | big (eyes, flowers) | 大蕊; 大眼
toaxlym | to swig | 大喝; 大啉
toaxløo | big gong | 大鑼
toaxløtoaxkor | big gong and drum | 大鑼大鼓
toaxma | violent abuse | 大罵
toaxmaa | hemp | 大麻
toaxmi | a speciall Taiwanese thick noodle; thick coarse noodles | 大麵; 麵條
toaxmia | big life | 大名
toaxmiaa | your great name | 大名
toaxmisad | Missa cantata; sung mass; High Mass (Catholic) | 大彌撒
toaxmngg | a gate, the main entrance, the portico | 大門
toaxmngho | great households; well-to-do families | 大門戶
toaxmngkhao | big front door | 大門口
toaxmoa'iefn | marijuana | 大麻煙
toaxmoaa | hemp; marihuana; marijuana | 大麻
toaxmoaf | cope (clothes) | 大披; 大袍
toaxmr | aunt (father's elder brother's wife) | 大姆; 大伯母
toaxn | decide, determine, judge | 斷
toaxn'axn | to judge, to determine, to decide, to conclude | 斷案
toaxna'aukhafng | stentorian voice; very strong or sonorous voice | 大嚨喉孔
toaxnao bapix | cerebral palsy | 大腦痲痺
toaxnao | cerebral; cerebrum; cerebrum | 大惱; 大腦
toaxnau | trouble seriously | 大鬧
toaxnawkhaf | cerebral peduncles | 大腦腳
toaxnbixntoo | section plans; cross section diagram | 斷面圖
toaxngaai zoadpiaq | broken ridges and steep cliffs | 斷崖絕壁
toaxngieen | to be absolutedly sure; to say with certainty | 斷言
toaxnguo | judgement | 斷語
toaxnhuun | broken soul | 斷魂
toaxniaa | aunt | 大娘
toaxnii-toaxzeq | celebrate festival and new year | 大年大節
toaxniukof | husband's elder sister | 大娘姑; 丈夫之姊
toaxniuu | mistress of the house (when exist two wives) | 大娘; 原配
toaxniøkof | aunt | 大娘姑
toaxnjieen | flatly, utterly, absolutely, certainly, surely | 斷然
toaxnkaw | to break off relations with someone; to sever diplomatic relations; break off relations or friendship | 斷交
toaxnkix | biography; memoir; biography | 傳記
toaxnkwn | to root out, to be cured completely | 斷筋
toaxnkyn | to root out, to be cured completely | 斷筋
toaxnliet | to fracture, to break | 斷裂
toaxnniuu | run out of food | 斷糧
toaxnphiexn | fragment | 斷片
toaxnsoxng | to loss for good | 斷筋
toaxnteng | to judge, to determine, to decide, to conclude | 斷定
toaxntng | cut off | 斷斷
toaxnzoat koanhe | cut off connections | 斷絕關係
toaxnzoat lai'orng | all connection cut off; cut off communications; break off friendly relations | 斷絕來往
toaxnzoat pangkaw | sever diplomatic ties (relations) | 斷絕邦交
toaxnzoat | to break off; cut off; sever; discontinuity; break off (connection or friendship) | 斷絕
toaxnzuie | stop the water supply; turn off the water supply | 斷水
toaxoafn | big fight; bug curve | 大冤; 大灣
toaxoe | boastful speech bragging, boarst, rodomontade | 大話
toaxof | slaty-backed gull | 大鷗; 大黑脊鷗
toaxoo | Chinese violoncello | 大湖; 大胡
toaxpaai | important card, VIP, man of success | 大牌; 王牌
toaxpaang | eldest son's branch of family | 長房
toaxpaepaix | big celebration event | 大拜拜
toaxpafn | big class; Beijing Opera | 大班; 大戲; 京戲
toaxpag | big size; large size; large amount | 大幅
toaxpahcvii | large sum of money | 大把錢; 鉅款
toaxpai | an utter defeat | 大敗
toaxpaktor | pregnant; be pregnant; be (big) with child | 大肚子; (懷孕)
toaxpan | generous; elegant and composed; profuseness; in good taste; elegant and composed; proud; haughty; arrogant | 大範; 大方; 擺架子
toaxpan'aftoaxpan | generous | 大範仔大範
toaxparn | elegant and composed | 大板
toaxpaw | large package, large parcel | 大包
toaxpeeng | side of honor; the right hand side; the larger half | 大邊; 大爿; 右邊
toaxpefng | soldier | 大兵
toaxpeh'ar | eldest uncle on the father side | 大伯仔
toaxpehkofng | eldest grand uncle on the father side | 大伯公
toaxpeq | husband's eldest brother | 大伯; 大伯父
toaxpeqzhaix | napa | 大白菜
toaxphahbe | big sale | 大拍賣
toaxphaix | generous; elegant and composed; in good taste | 大方
toaxphaux | cannon; ordnance; bulla; artillery; artillery shell; firecracker | 大炮; 巨砲; 大型爆竹
toaxphef | large batch of, a good deal of | 大批
toaxphiang | huge (guy) | 大龐
toaxphiexn | big piece | 大片
toaxphiøo | water hyacinth | 大瓢; 布袋蓮
toaxpho | account book | 大簿
toaxphoax | to destroy in a big way, to defeat utterly | 大破
toaxphoef | in great numbers, a large number of | 大批
toaxphvaylaang | big bad guy | 大歹人
toaxphøef | large batch of; a good deal of | 大批
toaxphøf | big slope | 大坡
toaxpid | large sum | 大筆
toaxpien | stool, shit, excrement | 大便
toaxpngxtiaxm | hotel with restaurant | 大飯店
toaxpo | long steps or strides; good; fast pace | 大步
toaxpoxhun | major part; largely; the greater part; majority | 大部份
toaxpoxkviaa | walk with long steps | 大步走
toaxpuii | feces; stool; shit | 大肥; 糞
toaxpuoho | big wealthy family | 大富戶
toaxpuoofng | monopoly; wealthy person | 大富翁
toaxpurn | large volume (book); large amount (capital); large size (plant); large capital | 大本
toaxput | Buddha | 大佛
toaxpux | very rich | 大富; 富豪
toaxpuxbør | the thumb; the big toe | 大拇指
toaxpuxofng | the thumb; the big toe | 大拇指
toaxpve | serious illness | 大病
toaxpvi | serious illness or ailment | 大病
toaxpviar | large cooky | 大餅
toaxpviarsaux | tidying tasks | 大摒掃
toaxpvix | shaft of a rudder | 舵柄
toaxpvoaa | a wholesaler | 大盤
toaxpvoaa-senglie | wholesale business | 大盤生意; 批發生意
toaxpvoax | the bulk of; major part; largely | 大半
toaxpwnviaa | headquarter | 大本營
toaxsafm | big tree | 大杉
toaxsaihviaf | big brother | 大師兄
toaxsaux | (have) a bad cough | 大嗽; 重咳
toaxseabak | eyes of different size; partial | 大小眼; 私偏
toaxseahang | big or small, all kind | 大細項
toaxseahaxn | big or little guy | 大細漢
toaxseasiefn | brother-in-law- husbands of two sisters | 大細仙
toaxseasien | men married to sisters | 連襟
toaxseasviaf | loudly | 大細聲
toaxseasym | partiality; be partial | 大小心; 偏心
toaxseatviu | men married to sisters | 連襟
toaxsek'hoex | common goods that sold everywhere | 大色貨
toaxsengsefng | gorilla | 大猩猩
toaxseq | heavy snow | 大雪
toaxsex | large and small; great and small; old and young | 大小
toaxsiar | capital letters; the elaborate form of Chinese numerals (used especially in accounting and writing checks) | 大寫
toaxsiefn | haughty manner; consider oneself as amazing | 大仙; 自以為了無起
toaxsiekex | the world | 大四界
toaxsiekoex | the world | 大四界
toaxsii | large spoon, tablespoonful | 大匙; 大湯匙
toaxsimkhuix | very angry and be out of breath; breathe hastily | 大心氣; 氣得上氣無接下氣; 呼吸急促
toaxsinmia | a stomach the size of an expecting mother about to deliver a child | 大身命; 肚子大得快臨盆之婦女
toaxsintoaxmia | big good life | 大身大命
toaxsiogbe | big sale | 大俗賣
toaxsiu | big birthday | 大壽
toaxsiw | capital repair | 大修; 大修(機械)
toaxsiøfciar | big sister | 大小姐
toaxsiør | all sizes, large and small, size, dimension | 大小
toaxsngg | fat; corpulent (of woman) | 大籠; 形容肥胖的女人
toaxsoarnthaau | large garlic | 大蒜頭
toaxsoat'svoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
toaxsoatsvoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
toaxsoaxn | garlic | 大蒜
toaxsoeabak | view others unfairly | 大細目
toaxsoeasiefn | brother-in-law- husbands of two sisters | 大細仙
toaxsoeasviaf | loudly | 大細聲
toaxsoeasym | very careful | 大細心
toaxsoex | big and small | 大細
toaxsox | majority | 大數
toaxsu | important events; significant national events; serious matters | 大事
toaxsuhviaf | big brother | 大師兄
toaxsuzex | high priest | 大司祭
toaxsvejit | big birthday | 大生日
toaxsvex | common name | 大姓
toaxsviaa | big city | 大城
toaxsviabefaau | speak very loudly; or rudely or with a raucous voice | 大聲尾喉; 大嗓子
toaxsviaf | loud sound; loud voice | 大聲
toaxsviaoe | speak loudly with confidence | 大聲話
toaxsviaseasviaf | screaming | 大聲細聲
toaxsvix | common name | 大姓
toaxsvoaf | big mountain | 大山
toaxsvy | big birthday | 大生
toaxsw | large size (clothes) | 大衫; 大軀
toaxswn | eldest son of eldest son; eldest grandson | 大孫; 長孫
toaxsyn | big body | 大身
toaxsøea | common large millet | 大細; 大黍
toaxsøeabak | view others unfairly | 大細目
toaxsøealuie | view others unfairly | 大細蕊
toaxsøeasviaf | to quarrel; to have a row | 大小聲; 大聲嚷叫; 吵架
toaxsøeq | heavy snow | 大雪
toaxsøex | all sizes, all persons (elderly and youngsters) | 大細; 大小
toaxsøex-sym | partial, unfair | 大細心; 偏心
toaxsøq | rope | 粗繩
toaxsør | eldest brother's wife | 大嫂
toaxtaang | bag of medicine or glucose for intravenous injection | 點滴
toaxtao | 24.052 liters | 大斗
toaxtau | soybean | 黃豆; (大豆)
toaxtay | idiot; mentally retarded person; simpleton; fool | 大呆
toaxtebak | great theme ─ an important matter; a long passage given out as a text | 大題目
toaxtefng | headlight | 大燈
toaxtex | uncivil to visitors from a sense of one's own importance; arrogant; insolent | 驕傲; 自大
toaxtexzuo | big landowner; landlord | 大地主
toaxthaau | large head; big man; influential person; VIP; big-head; stupid | 大頭
toaxthafng | strabismus, squint | 斜视
toaxtharncvii | make big bucks | 大趁錢
toaxthauar | big head guy | 大頭仔
toaxthaubuo | thumb | 大頭拇; 大姆指
toaxthauciafm | pin | 大頭針
toaxthauhii | big-head (fish), black silver carp, spotted silver carp | 大頭魚; 黑鰱
toaxthaukef | big boss | 大頭家
toaxthaupefng | soldier | 大頭兵
toaxthaupve | wish to be a great man (influential man) | 大頭病
toaxthautefng | thumbtack | 大頭釘
toaxthauzhafng | shallot (vegetable) | 大頭鬃; 大頭蔥; 分蔥
toaxthauzhaix | kohlrabi (vegetable) | 大頭菜
toaxthekhiim | cello | 大提琴
toaxthiøf | make much profit | 大賺
toaxthoaf | agricultural tools for concentrating millet | 大拖
toaxthoan'oaan | happy ending; happy reunion | 大團圓
toaxthonglo | road; street | 大馬路
toaxthuie | thigh | 大腿
toaxthuie-terng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂; 腰部
toaxthuykud | thigh bone | 大腿骨
toaxthuyterng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂
toaxthviaf | a big hall; the main hall; lobby; saloon; main hall or reception room of a large house; parlor | 大廳
toaxthviathaau | hall head | 大廳頭
toaxtiaau | large piece, long one, large size | 大條
toaxtiaulo | big street | 大條路
toaxtin | military group; production brigade; a large number of | 大陣; 大隊; 很多人
toaxtng'ar | the large intestine | 大腸仔
toaxtngg køx siøftngg | large intestine accuses the small intestine ─ hungry | 大腸告小腸; 肚饑
toaxtngg | the large intestine | 大腸; 肥腸
toaxtnggaam | colorectal cancer | 大腸癌
toaxtngkhurn | bacillus coli | 大腸菌
toaxtngthaau | the large intestine | 大腸頭
toaxtngx | dinner; feast; banquet | 大餐
toaxto | magnanimity; pregnancy | 大肚; 有身孕
toaxto-hii | top-minnow (fish) | 大都魚; 大肚魚
toaxto-koafn | eastern cuckoo | 大肚關; 杜鵑
toaxtoa | big big | 大大
toaxtoa-søeasøex | the big and the small ─ the whole family | 大大小小
toaxtoaxseasex | all (in a family) | 大大細細
toaxtoaxsviaf | very loud | 大大聲
toaxtoaxtex | very big (piece) | 大大塊
toaxtoaxthah | big big pile | 大大疊
toaxtochi | large city; metropolis | 大都市
toaxtohoe | great cities | 大都會
toaxtosad | carnage | 大屠殺
toaxtoxhi'ar | big belly fish | 大肚魚仔
toaxtoxhii | big belly fish | 大肚魚
toaxtoxkuy | pregant | 大肚胿
toaxtoxngmeh | main artery | 大動脈
toaxtoxsvoaf | a mountain in Taiwan | 大肚山
toaxtoxtharng | distended belly | 大肚桶
toaxtui | group; a large body of; production brigade; battalion (of military cadets; militia; or paramilitary units); a group (in an air force organization) | 大隊
toaxtuixtioong | hernia | 大墜腸
toaxtuu | master chef | 大櫥
toaxtuy | large heap; large pile; large number; large quantity; big pile | 大堆
toaxtvar | bold; to do things without much forethought and hesitation; daring; dauntless; fearless; audacious | 大膽
toaxtviaa | big and popular place | 大埕
toaxtviapvy | big plaza side | 大埕邊
toaxtviar | caldron | 大鍋
toaxtviuu | frequenters of gambling establishments | 外場; 外圍
toaxtviw | big bill, large piece of paper | 大張
toaxtøe | earth, ground, terra firma | 大地
toaxtøf | a big knife | 大刀
toaxtør | big island | 大島
toaxtøsox | majority; most; plurality | 大多數
toaxui | place of honor | 大位; 上座
toaxut | Latham's snipe (bird) | 大鷸
toaxvi | large court | 大院
toaxviaa | a smashing victory | 大贏
toaxviuu | ocean | 大洋
toaxvoafkofng | big bowl | 大碗公
toaxvoar | big bowl | 大碗
toaxwn | great grace | 大恩
toaxy | an overcoat, a cloak | 大衣
toaxzaan | important matter, serious matter | 大層; 大事
toaxzaang | big tree | 大欉
toaxzabofkviar | eldest daughter | 大查某囝
toaxzaux | big stove | 大灶
toaxzay | fast | 大齋
toaxzea | elder sister; eldest sister | 大姐
toaxzhafn | big meal | 大餐
toaxzhaix | mustard, radish | 大菜; 芥菜
toaxzhangthaau | green onions | 大蔥頭
toaxzhat | big thief | 大賊
toaxzhaw | bank note; paper money; bill (thousand dollars) | 大鈔; 大鈔(的); (如一千元的)
toaxzhengchiu | large banyan | 大榕樹
toaxzhexng | big gun, canon | 大槍; 大殿
toaxzhngf | large banyan | 大倉
toaxzhoarn | big gasp | 大喘; 喘息
toaxzhud | prime time of fruits | 大出
toaxzhuie'ar | big mouth | 大喙仔
toaxzhuiekor | big mouth | 大喙鼓
toaxzhuix ciah | gulp down; eat greedily | 狼吞虎嚥
toaxzhuix | big mouth | 大嘴
toaxzhuolai | in the big house | 大厝內
toaxzhut'aq | big grow | 大出矣
toaxzhutchiuo | generous | 大出手
toaxzhux | main building of a rural house, rich man's coffin | 大厝; 富家之棺木
toaxzhøx | glaring errors; blunder; big mistake | 大錯
toaxzoe | be guilty of the most heinous crimes | 大罪
toaxzofng | large batch or shipment; lots of; famous and influential family of long standing | 大宗
toaxzofngthorng | president | 大總統
toaxzok | greate clan, big clan | 大族; 大家族
toaxzuie | inundation; flood; overflow | 大水; 洪水
toaxzuo-toaxix | assertive | 大主大意
toaxzuun | ship; vessel; marine; barque | 大船
toaxzuun`nii | three years ago | 大前年
toaxzuxn | big river | 大圳
toaxzuxnii | three years ago | 大前年
toaxzuyhia | white ants | 大水蟻
toaxzuykauar | big ditch | 大水溝仔
toaxzuykaw | big ditch | 大水溝
toaxzwkaux | archbishop | 大主教
toaxzwtoaxix | making decision alone | 大主大意
toaxzøh`jit | the second day before yesterday (jit changes to the third tone) | 大前天; 大昨日
toaxzøh`lit | previous 3rd day | 大昨日
toaxzør | red jujube | 大棗
toaxøh | college, university | 大學
tobin | plan; drawing; blueprint | 圖面
toboad | to erase; to obliterate; to scribble | 塗抹
toboo | to plot, to plan | 多謀; 圖謀
tochi kea'oe | urban development plan; urban renewal plan | 都市計劃
tochi leghoax | plant trees in the city | 都市綠化
tochi | urban; city; town; city; metropolis | 都市
tochiuo | bare-handed, unarmed | 圖手; 徒手
tochixhoax | urbanize; urbanized; urbanization | 都市化
tochixlaang | city people | 都市人
tochixlai | inside city | 都市內
tochixpvi | endemic disease among city dwellers | 都市病
tocid | soil | 塗質
tocie | chef; cooker | 廚子; 廚師
tociofng | seal; chop (usually personal) | 圖章; 印章; 圖章,印章
toe | the earth; land; soil; ground; region; territory; place; locality; position; situation | 地
toea | fill; put in; contain | 裝
toeabextiøh | unable to catch up | 綴袂著
toeahoe'ar | participate in a Money club | 綴會仔
toeahoear | join private economic mutual aid club | 綴會仔
toeakiøxau`ee | steps kids | 綴轎後的
toealaang | follow others; imitate another; follow another's example; follow suit | 跟人; 仿傚別人
toealangzao | elope | 綴人跑; 私奔
toealo | follow on the road | 綴路; 愛跟班
toeatiaau | follow closely | 綴牢
toeatiautiaau | follow closely | 綴牢牢
toeazeeng-toea'au | follow about everywhere; a small child following closely before and after its mother | 跟前跟後; 孩子硬纏著母親
toeazengtoea'au | follow closely | 綴前綴後
toeazhuieboea | repeat a teacher's words in order to learn; repeat a man's words; feign having knowledge (which one just picked from his co-conversationalist) | 綴喙尾; 重複別人的話
toeazhuix | answer back | 綴喙
toebok | subject; title; topic | 題目
toee | heading; theme; subject; thesis; proposition; topic; sign; bring to notice; write down | 題
toefhe | background | 底系
toefkex | bottom price | 底價
toefphvix | negatives | 底片
toefpng | put rice into a bowl | 貯飯
toefpnggr | add rice | 貯飯
toefpo | bottom | 底部
toefpvoaa | chassis | 底盤
toefsoex | détails | 底細
toefsvoax | bottom line | 底線
toefsyn | base salary | 底薪
toeftix | foundation | 底蒂
toehoex | ruined; weakened; decadent; low-spirited; depresses | 頹廢
toekhox | question bank | 題庫
toesuu | motto | 題辭
toetang | earthquake | 地動
toex laang kviaa | follow another; go along in company with others | 跟著人走
toex laang liuheeng | follow new fashions | 趕時髦
toex zabor | have an illicit connection with a woman; womanize | 隨查某tøex-zhuiebøea
toex | follow; follow after; imitate (a person's example) | 跟; 隨; 仿效
toex-boefau | go along one in back of the other; to trail along behind | 隨尾後; 跟在後面
toex-bøextiøh | stay behind; can not overtake; can not come up | 跟無上
toex-bøtiøh tin | follow people but lose track of them; miss an appointment to go somewhere | 脫節; 脫隊
toex-hoe'ar | participate in a Money club | 搭會仔
toex-khajiaq | follow the track; follow in the footsteps of another | 跟足跡
toex`khix | follow | 綴去
toex`laai | follow | 綴來
toex`tiøh | follow | 綴著
toexbin | ground | 地面
toexcid | geology | 地質
toexcie | address | 地址
toexgak | hell | 地獄
toexguhoansyn | earthquake | 地牛翻身
toexha | underground | 地下
toexham | land subsidence | 地陷
toexhaxseg | basement | 地下室
toexhaxthiq | subway | 地下鐵
toexhaxtø | underground passage | 地下道
toexheeng | terrain | 地形
toexhngf | area | 地方
toexhøxmiaa | place name | 地號名
toexji | the second | 第二
toexkaix | boundary | 地界
toexkex | land price | 地價
toexkhw | zip code | 地區
toexkiafmsuo | local procuratorate | 地檢署
toexkiuu | earth | 地球
toexkizuo | land owner | 地基主
toexky | foundation | 地基
toexli | convenient location | 地利
toexlie | geography | 地理
toexluii | landmine | 地雷
toexlysw | Feng Shui master | 地理師
toexmiaa | place name | 地名
toexparn | floor | 地板
toexphee | land | 地皮
toexphiaw | landmark | 地標
toexpiao | surface | 地表
toexpiaw | landmark | 地標
toexpo | situation | 地步
toexpvoaa | territory | 地盤
toexsarn | estate | 地產
toextaix | zone | 地帶
toextang | earthquake | 地動
toexthaau | territory | 地頭
toextharn | carpet | 地毯
toextiarm | place; location | 地點
toextoo | map | 地圖
toextvoa | location | 地段
toexui | status | 地位
toexzaan | strata | 地層
toexzof | ground rent | 地租
toexzuo | property owner | 地主
toezaai | theme | 題材
tof | city; capital; metropolis; large city | 都
tofbeng | try to overcome someone else | 賭命
tofbiin | islanders | 島民
tofciet | to stop; to block up; to cut off an approach to | 堵截; 截堵
tofcvii | gamble for money | 賭錢
tofjieen | suddenly | 陡然
tofkhix | to do something out of spite; turn rusty; get in a rage and insist on doing something regardless of the consequences; for spite | 賭氣
tofkioong | force; compel | 勉強
tofkog | island nation | 島國
tofkvoa | corsage; broad pouch or apron worn on the belly as a money belt | 肚攜; 肚綰; 圍兜; 肚兜
tofkvoaxkhorar | apron | 肚綰褲仔
tofmia | gamble for the sake of survival | 賭命
tofng kiao | tip to winner when gambling | 東筊
tofng | east; eastern | 東
tofng'axn | files | 檔案
tofng'oaan | a party member | 黨員
tofngbu | party affairs | 黨務
tofngcid | party position | 黨職
tofngciofng | the constitution of a political party | 黨章
tofngkafng | the platform of a political party; political party worker | 黨綱; 黨工
tofngkie | party discipline | 黨紀
tofngkii | flag of a political party | 黨旗
tofngkoaf | song of a political party; political song | 黨歌
tofngkofng | platform of a political party | 黨綱
tofngkog | party and the nation; party government | 黨國
tofnglai | inside the party (party member) | 黨內
tofngmiaa | file name | 檔名
tofngphaix buxntøee | problem of parties | 黨派問題
tofngphaix | parties; factions; cliques; cliques; parties in politics | 黨派
tofngpo | the headquarters of a political party; Local Councils of the Nationalist party | 黨部
tofngthoaan | party group | 黨團
tofngtid | understand; know; make sense of | 懂得
tofngtoo | party members | 黨徒
tofngzek | party affiliation; party register | 黨籍
tofngzexng | party and the government administration | 黨政
tofngzwsek | party chairman | 黨主席
tofphog | to gamble; gambling; wager; gamble; gambling | 賭博
tofsaix | to block up; to stop up; clogging | 堵塞
tofsu | islands | 島嶼
tofthad | stoppage, choking up | 堵節; 堵窒
toftioxng | become bloated or swollen | 堵脹; 肚漲
toftiøh | gamble | 賭著
toftviuu | gambling joint; gambling den or house | 賭場
toftviux | become bloated or swollen | 堵脹; 肚脹
tofzu | to block up | 封鎖; 堵住
tog | nod | 盹; 琢; 打瞌睡
tog'id buji | the one and only; unique | 獨一無二
tog'id cinsiin | the only true God | 獨一真神
tog'id | unique, the only one | 獨一
tog'iefn | toxious fume, poisonous gas | 毒煙
tog'ioong | suppurating abscess | 毒膿; 毒瘍
tog'itbuji | one and only | 獨一無二
tog'itbuli | one and only | 獨一無二
tog'iuo | possessed by only | 獨有
tog'iøh | poison; toxicant; poisonous drugs | 毒藥
tog'ym | a voiced sound | 濁音
tog`tiøh | smashed | 啄到
togbogciw | dug out canoe | 獨木舟
togbogkiøo | single plank bridge | 獨木橋
togbogzuun | dugout canoe | 獨木舟
togbu | poison fog | 毒霧
togchi | no competitor or rival | 獨市; 無競爭對手
togchioxng | sing a solo; vocal recital | 獨唱
togchiuo | an atrocious act; a murderous scheme; venomous action | 毒手
togchix | poisonous thorn | 毒刺
togchviux | sing a solo; vocal recital | 獨唱
togciaxm | monopolize; monopolization; monopolise | 獨佔; 獨占
togcid | irregularity or misconduct in office; dereliction of duty | 瀆職
togcitzoe | irregularity or misconduct in office; dereliction of duty | 瀆職罪
togciuo | poisonous wine | 毒酒
togcvix | poisonous arrow | 毒箭
toggafnlioong | somebody blind in one eye | 獨眼龍
toggarn | one eyed | 獨眼
toggee | poison fangs | 毒牙
toggied | scorpion | 毒蠍
toghai jinsym | poison the minds of people | 毒害人心
toghai | to murder; to injure atrociously; injure seriously | 毒害
togheeng | malicious conduct | 毒行
toghoan | blasphemy | 瀆犯
toghuu | ruddy sheldrake (bird) | 瀆鳧
toghw | ruddy sheldrake (bird) | 雪鴨; 獨紅潤
togieen | loquacity | 多言
togjiet | infectious fever | 毒熱
togkaf keng'eeng | engage in a line of business without competition | 獨家經營
togkaf | exclusive | 獨家
togkakchiahkaw | single horn red dragon | 獨角赤蛟
togkakguu | single horn cow | 獨角牛
togkex | malicious plan | 毒計
togkhahix | one man show | 獨腳戲
togkhietvoaa | gas bomb | 毒氣彈
togkhix | poisonous gas; noxious gas; mephitis; air; exhaust; virus; miasma; malarious infections; morbific fumes | 毒氣
togkhurn | infectious pathogenic bacteria; germs | 毒菌; (傳染病之細菌)
togkoaan | absolute power | 獨權
toglaang | suppuration | 毒膿
toglek | single handedly, by oneself only | 獨立; 獨力
toglib'ee | independent | 獨立的
toglibkog | independent nation or country | 獨立國
toglip kaophaix | independent sects; Congregationalists | 獨立教派
toglip kikoafn | independent organ or institution (political or social) | 獨立機關
toglip kyliaxmjit | Independence Day; national day | 獨立紀念日
toglip soangieen | Declaration of Independence of the USA | 獨立宣言
toglip zengsiin | spirit of independence; independent minded | 獨立精神
toglip | independence; independent; self-contained; independence; independent | 獨立
togliuu | malignant tumor | 毒瘤
togmih | poison stuff | 毒物
togmngg | unique | 獨門
togphirn | narcotics drugs; narcotic; hard drug | 毒品
togpo | pace | 踱步; 毒計
togpvi | malignant disease | 毒病
togsad | poison to death; kill by poisoning | 毒殺
togsengzuo | only son (of a family); the Only begotten Son | 獨生子
togsexng | poisonous nature | 毒性
togsie | kill by poison | 毒死
togsien kii syn | keep oneself clean and pure; conduct oneself virtuously | 獨善其身
togsin'ar | bachelor | 單身仔
togsinciar | bachelor; a celibate | 獨身者
togsinhaxn | bachelor; a celibate | 獨身漢
togsiuo | stand alone | 獨守
togsox | poisonous matter; toxin; poisonous matter | 毒素
togsvy | only son, born as the only child | 獨生
togsyn zwgi | the belief in the merits of remaining unmarried (as distinct from religious celibacy) | 獨身主義
togsyn | one alone; unaccompanied; unmarried; single | 單身; 獨身
togsyn'ee | single | 獨身的
togsyn-zwgi | celibacy | 獨身主義
togsyn`laq | single | 獨身啦
togtek | unique | 獨特
togthaang | injurious; poisonous insect | 毒蟲
togthwn | pocket (profit) without sharing (it) with anyone else | 獨吞
togtid | unique | 獨得
togtiin | poison ivy | 毒藤
togtoaxn | to decide one's own; arbitrary; dogmatize; assertiveness; arbitrary decision; decision come to without consulting others; dogma; assert or decide on one's won authority | 獨斷; 毒斷
togtoaxn-togheeng | decide and act on one's own; act arbitrarily | 獨斷獨行
togtok | only; solely | 獨獨; 僅僅
togtvar | cruel beating | 毒打
togzaang | poisonous plant | 毒欉; 有毒植物
togzaux | solo performance (in music) | 獨奏
togzexng | poisonous disease | 毒症
togzhaai zerngthea | totalitarian state; dictatorship | 獨裁政體; 專制
togzhaai zerngzheg | dictatorship; autocracy | 獨裁政策
togzhaai | dictatorially; dictatorship; autocracy; autocratical; dictatorial; arbitrary | 獨裁
togzhaiciar | autocrat, dictator | 獨裁者
togzhao | poisonous herbs | 毒草
togzhngf | venomous ulcer | 毒瘡
togzhoxng | create all by oneself ─ unique; original | 獨創
togzhuix | bad mouth | 毒嘴
togzoaa | a venomous snake; toxicophobia; cockatrice; venomous snake | 毒蛇
togzu | alone; by oneself; for oneself | 獨自
togzuie | poisonous liquid | 毒水
togzwn | domineering | 獨尊
tohap | situation; the status of affairs; circumstances; occasion; opportunity | 都合; (安排); 時間; 情況; 場合; 時間(安排)
tohapsiong | on the circumstances | 場合上
toheeng | figure; logo; graphics; plane (solid; geometrical) figure; sketch; contour; outline | 圖形; 徒刑
tohkui | chest of drawers, cashier's desk in a store, desk with drawers | 桌櫃
tohoe | a big city; metropolis; metropolis (archaic) | 都會
tohoexkhw | metropolitan area | 都會區
tohw | butcher | 屠夫
tojieen | useless; meaningless; in vain; vainly; vainness | 徒然
tok | to poison; blasphemy | 毒; 獨; 瀆
tok'hak | a supervisor of schools | 獨學; 督學
tok'oat | excellence; remarkable; outstanding; predominance; brilliance | 卓越
tok`laang | to poison people | 毒死人
tok`lang | to poison people | 毒人
tok`tiøh | be poisoned | 毒著
tokae | diagrams and pictures for teaching purposes; illustrations; illustrate by a diagram | 圖解; 塗改
tokbaq | chop or hew meat; to chop meat into pieces | 剁肉
tokbie | to peck rice | 剁美; 啄米
tokboaa | to cut and polish; to study and improve; to mold | 琢磨
tokbogciao | woodpecker | 啄木鳥
tokbok | wood pecking | 啄木
tokchiog | to urge; to press; get after; urge a person to do; demand | 督促
tokciux | chick breaking the shell so as to get out | 啄殼; 出殼
tokerng | the prospect or view (from a mountain, etc.) | 途境
tokexng | way; passes; approach; avenue; gateway; path; road; track; road | 途徑
tokgek | carve or work precious stones | 啄玉; 琢玉
tokhataw | underfoot | 塗跤兜
tokjieen | outstanding; stasely | 卓然
tokkafng | oversee work or workmen, overseer, superviser | 督工
tokkhag | chick breaks the shell | 啄殼; 出殼
tokkiexn | exalted view | 卓見
tokkw | nodding; head bent down (in sleep or drowsiness) | 篤居; 打瞌睡
tokpan | oversee management | 獨辦; 督辦
tokphoax | smash, break by smashing | 剁破; 啄破
tokphvi | pointed nose | 大鼻
tokphvi'ar | person with an aquiline (hook) nose ─ foreigner | 大鼻仔; 洋人
tokphvixsvoaf | pointed nose | 篤鼻山
tokseg | a lofty idea, an elaborated view | 獨色; 卓識
toksit | sincere; honest; faithful; sure-enough | 篤實; 啄食
toksixn | to have deep faith in; honest; trustworthy; religiosity | 篤信
toktiau | chop off | 剁掉
toktin | oversee a procession or a battle | 督陣
toktiøh | chopped | 剁著
toktng | chop off | 剁斷
toktog | pointed | 啄啄
toktoktog | very pointed | 尖尖尖
toktuu | prominent, eminent, outstanding | 突出
toktø | to direct and supervise; urger; guide; direct and supervise | 督導
toky | speculate, agree in opinion, be on good terms, agreeable | 獨一; 投機
tokzeg | supervise and urge on | 督責
tokzezee | chop even | 剁齊齊
tokzhad | superintend and oversee; act as a watchdog; inspector | 督察
tokzhuy | urge to action, spur to action | 突推; 督催
tokzoat | super-eminent | 傑出; 卓絕
tokzøx | chopped | 剁做
toli | to desire to make profit; to make money; desire to make money or profit; to plan to make money | 圖利
toliau | coating; paint | 塗料
toløo bueg | toil in vain | 徒勞無益
toløo bukofng | work without achieving anything; to labor without success; vain efforts | 徒勞無功
toløo | labor in vain, waste | 多勞; 徒勞
tong | meet with accidentally | 遇; 洞; 撞
tong'ab | isopiestic (same pressure) | 同壓; 等壓
tong'afsør | father side cousin's wife | 堂仔嫂
tong'eeng | East ocean | 東瀛
tong'iaau | children's songs | 童謠
tong'iesw | written consent; letter of authorization | 同意書
tong'iuu | tung oil; wood oil obtained from the seeds of paulownia | 桐油
tong'ix | agree with; to consent; approval | 同意
tong'oafnzeq | children's play | 童玩節
tong'oe | stories for children; fables; nursery stories; juvenile stories | 童話
tong'ui | same place | 同位
tong'ui-goansox | isotope | 同位元素
tong'uixsox | isotope | 同位素
tong'wn | same temperature; stratospheric | 同溫
tong'ym | same note | 同音
tong'øh | a fellow student; schoolmate; classmate | 同學
tong-bølo | get lost on the road | 撞無路; 迷路
tong`tiøh | be bumped, have collided with | 撞到; 撞著; 遇到
tongbeeng | a league; an alliance; union; alliance; league; confederacy; allied by treaty | 同盟
tongbeeng-kog | allied nations | 同盟國
tongbengkog | allied nations; ally; confederated states | 同盟國
tongbieen | to hibernate, winter sleep | 冬眠
tongbiin | to hibernant; hibernation | 冬眠
tongboo | plot together; conspire; coconspirator | 同謀
tongbu cy kib | pressing obligation; business or task of the greatest urgency at present | 當務之急
tongbør-vixhu | having the same mother but different fathers | 同母異父
tongchvy | child star | 童星
tongchyn | cousin on the father side | 堂親
tongcieen | present, current | 當前
tongcioxng soanpox | announce before a crowd; announce publicly | 當眾宣佈
tongcioxng | in the presence of all | 當眾
tongcix | winter solstice | 冬至; 同志
tongcix-aix | camaraderie | 同志愛
tonggi-suu | a synonym | 同意辭; 同義詞
tonggiap konghoe | guild; trade union | 同業公會
tonggiap | people of the same occupation; profession; same trade; same trade; person of same business | 同業
tonggixsuu | synonym | 同義詞
tonggoafnzeq | children's play | 童玩節
tongha | presently, just now | 當下
tonghaang | same trade or business | 同行
tonghaghoe | Alumni Association | 同學會
tonghak | a fellow student; schoolmate | 同學
tongheeng | accompany | 同行
tonghiarng | share blessings or happiness | 分享; (同享)
tonghiofng | people from the same county; town; etc.; people from the same province; county; town | 同鄉
tonghionghoe | Association of Fellow Provincials | 同鄉會
tonghiorng | sharing joys; share bliss | 同享
tonghoafn | do duty by turns; be on duty (archaic) | 當番; 輪班當值
tonghoan'ar | spiritualism | 幢幡仔
tonghoax | to assimilate; nationalization; intussusception; assimilation; amalgamation; become changed so as to resemble something else | 同化
tonghoe | organized self-supporting, congregation | 同會; 堂會
tonghofng bunhoax | oriental culture | 東方文化
tonghofng | the east; oriental | 東方
tonghoong | imposing; impressive; stately; grandiosity; the winter curfew (imposed annually to guard against undesirable elements); take precautions against thieves at the end of the year | 堂皇; 冬防
tonghu-vixbuo | same father but not the same mother | 同父異母
tonghviaf | older nephew | 堂兄
tongjieen | as it should be; without doubt; certainly; of course; matter of course; naturally; deservedly | 當然
tongjiin | colleagues | 同仁
tongjit | at that day; within a day; on the same day; just on that day (in the past) | 當日; 當天
tongkaf | be in charge | 當家
tongkafm kioxngkhor | stick together through thick and thin; sharing joys and sorrows; share bliss and adversity together | 同甘共苦
tongkafng | child labor | 童工
tongkarm | have the same feeling; sympathize; sympathy; same sentiment; be of the same opinion | 同感
tongkhexng | celebrate together; universal celebration | 同慶
tongkhor-tongkafm | sharing each other's fortunes; share the ups and downs of life | 同苦同甘
tongkhorng | the apple of one's eye; purchas; pupilla; pupil of the eye | 瞳孔
tongkhorng-horngtoa | have mydriasis | 瞳孔放大
tongkhorng-khorngtoa | mydriasis (dilation of the pupil) | 瞳孔散大
tongkhorng-soksiør | have miosis | 瞳孔縮小
tongkii | the same age, the same period | 同期
tongkii-sefng | classmate | 同期生
tongkiok | authorities (concerned) | 當局; 當局(者)
tongkisefng | classmate | 同期生
tongkisii | at that time; at which time | 當期時
tongkoaan | be in charge, be in power, the authorities, to keep in power | 當權
tongkoachvy | child singer | 童歌星
tongkor | a big drum for ceremony or opera | 銅鼓; 堂鼓
tongkui'ahmi | Angelica duck noodle | 當歸鴨麵
tongkui'aq | dish of duck seasoned with ligusticum | 當歸鴨
tongkuix | winter season | 冬季
tongkuy | levisticum; ligusticum; whose root is used as medicine; type of medicine | 當歸
tongkuy-ucin | end in death or ruin of both combatants; die together with | 同歸於盡
tongkw | live together; cohabit | 同居
tongkw-jiin | cohabitant | 同居人
tongkwn | scouts | 童軍
tongky libtoaxn | make prompt decisions | 當機立斷
tongky | living together | 同居
tongky-jiin | cohabitant | 同居人
tongkym | present time; today | 當今
tonglai | in the hall | 堂內
tonglek habzog | cooperation | 同力合作
tongleng kiuozex | relief of the poor during winter months | 冬令救濟
tongleng | winter time; winter months | 冬令
tongliaau | fellow officials; colleagues | 同僚
tonglieen | childhood; that year | 童年; 當年
tongliin | colleagues | 同仁
tongliong | equivalence (chem.) | 同量; 當量
tonglit | same day | 當日
tongliuu hab'ux | wallow in mire with somebody | 同流合污
tonglo | same route; same goal | 同路
tongloghoe | gay party | 同樂會
tonglok boafnhoe | evening party (held within an organization; school) | 同樂晚會
tonglok | to enjoy together; rejoice together | 同樂
tonglui | be an associate (usually of a bad party); same class or kind | 同類
tongluo | virgin girl | 童女
tongnihoe | same year gathering | 同年會
tongnii | that year, in former years | 同年; 當年
tongpaang | in the same room; sexual intercourse | 同房
tongpafn | a classmate; same class | 同班
tongpaw | a compatriot; a fellow countryman; uterine brothers; compatriots | 同胞
tongphvoa | accompany | 同伴
tongpo | same footsteps; synchro step; synchronization | 同步
tongpoex | same generation | 同輩
tongpoong | bridal chamber, cohabit, marriage room, live as a husband and a wife | 同旁; 同房
tongpvi | suffering the same disease | 同病
tongpvi-siongliin | fellow sufferers have mutual sympathy; misery loves company | 同病相憐
tongsafn zaekhie | again take up official duties; return to officialdom; be reinstated; stage a comeback (said of a retired person) | 東山再起
tongsefng | child | 童生
tongsernghwn | same-sex marriage | 同性婚
tongserngloaan | homosexuality; homosexual love; lesbian love | 同性戀
tongsexng | the same nature; the same character; common characteristics; the same sex; same surname | 同姓
tongsii | at the same time; simultaneously; meantime; meanwhile; then; at that time; in those days; just then; at that very moment | 同時; 當時
tongsu | a colleague; to serve the same person; act together; act as a colleague; fellow workers | 同事; 當事
tongsuxciar | the party concerned; those directly involved | 當事者
tongsuxjiin | the party concerned; those directly involved | 當事者; 當事人
tongsuxtiofng | among colleagues | 同事中
tongsym hab'ix | of one mind | 同心合意
tongsym | concentric; of one heart | 同心
tongsyn | childlike innocence | 童心
tongsør bukhy | equally honest with aged and child customers | 童叟無欺; (小孩老人都無欺騙)
tongsør | aged and child customers | 童叟
tongtai | in the present age | 當代
tongte | this place; local | 當地
tongterng haglek | with the same intellectual capacity and scholastic achievements (said of persons without a diploma in comparison with those who have one) | 同等學力
tongterng | of the same rank or class; equivalence; equality; same rank or class; the same (in importance; responsibility) | 同等
tongtexlaang | local people | 當地人
tongtexmiaa | local place name | 當地名
tongthionghaxzhør | cordyceps sinensis | 冬蟲夏草
tongthiøpaxnghad | a wake-up call | 當頭棒喝
tongtiofng | right in the middle; among | 當中
tongtit | to be on duty by turn; take one's turn on duty; be on duty by turns; be in charge (at evening studies or on night duties) | 當值; 值勤
tongtofng ciah | constantly eating instead of stopping (as he ought) | 吃個無停
tongtoong | dignified; impressive; imposing; grave and dignified; magnificent; fair and square; venerable | 堂堂
tongtoong-zerngzexng | dignified and imposing | 堂堂正正
tongtut | abrupt; rude; blunt; accident | 唐突
tongtviuu kauhoex | cash on delivery; C. O. D | 當場交貨
tongtviuu | on the spot; then and there; in the very act | 當場
tongtø | people engaged in the same pursuit; people with the same ideals | 同道
tongtøe | this place; locals | 當地
tongtøexzuo | local master | 當地主
tongzai | together with | 同在
tongzeeng | to sympathize; to be in sympathy with; feel pity for; compassion; sympathize; be in sympathy with; have sympathy for | 同情
tongzefng | virginity; a virgin | 童貞
tongzengluo | virginity; a virgin | 童貞女
tongzengsym | sympathy; compassion; pity | 同情心
tongzhesii | back then | 當初時
tongzhngg | sleep together | 同床
tongzhngg-vixbong | have different dreams in the same bed (said of a troubled marriage) | 同床異夢
tongzhoesi'ar | back then | 當初時仔
tongzhoesii | back then | 當初時
tongzhof | at first; in the beginning; previously; at first; in the beginning | 當初
tongzhofng | a schoolmate; a schoolmate | 同窗
tongzhonghoe | a schoolmate reunion | 同窗會
tongzhosii | back then | 當初時
tongzofng | children's garments | 童裝; 同宗
tongzok | of the same clan or class | 同族
tongzuo | (virgin) boy | 童子; 瞳子
tongzwkwn toaxloxviaa | camporee; jamboree | 童子軍大露營
tongzwkwn | boy scout | 童子軍
tongzøx | as | 當做
too | drawing; picture; graph; chart; picture; dice | 圖; 骰
toom | the sound of something being thrown into the well | 丼
toong | copper; bronze; brass | 銅; 同
toong-cirnthex | advance or withdraw together; stay on or quit together | 同進退
toong-hviasør | older nephew | 堂兄嫂
toong-hviati | nephews | 堂兄弟
toong`ee | same surname | 同的; (指堂兄弟姐妹一輩)
topax | plot and encroach upon | 圖罷; 謀圖
tophvix | picture, illustration, print | 圖片
topiør | chart; diagram | 圖表
topo | to go on foot, to walk | 步行
topøx | try to repay an obligation or grace | 圖報
tor | dry measure somewhat like a peck; equals ten chin; one-tenth of a chioh | 斗; 肚; 打賭; 賭
tor-gafnlek | exert one's power of sight; as in examining an article before buying; to scrutinize | 賭眼力
tor-suviaa | gamble | 賭輸贏
tor-sviemia | risk one's life | 賭生命
torcix | fighting spirit; combative; fighting spirit; pugnacious spirit; pugnacious disposition | 鬥志
torgutviuu | bull ring | 鬥牛場
torguu | bullfight | 鬥牛
torgviutviuu | bullring | 鬥牛場
torgviuu | bullfight | 鬥牛
torhii | Taiwan kingyo (fish) | 肚魚; 鬥魚
torhin | be very envious; bitter envy; hate born of envy to hate | 妒恨
torhun | be very envious; bitter envy; hate born of envy to hate | 妒恨
torkef | fight gamecocks; cockfight | 鬥雞
torkhi | be envious, be jealous | 妒忌; 妒嫉
torki | to be jealous of; envy; heartburn | 妒忌; 妒嫉
torky | competition, contest | 鬥雞; 鬥技
torky-tviuu | playing field, arena, ring | 鬥雞場; 鬥技場
tormthaau | nod the head | 點頭
torng | political party or gang | 黨
torng'afsviaf | brake noise | 擋仔聲
torng'ar | brake | 擋仔
torng'axn | archive; record; file | 檔案
torng'viaa | succeed in a trial of endurance | 撐贏
torngbextiaau | unable to stop; cannot help | 擋袂牢
torngbøextiaau | can not bear something; compelled to do something | 擋無著; 不支; 架不住
torngchiaf | put on the brake; stop a passing car; traffic jam | 煞車; 攔車; 堵車
tornggong | foolish, silly | 侗戇; 戇呆; 戇人; 愚笨
tornghongchviuu | windshield | 擋風牆
torngkhuy | to parry | 擋架; 擋開
torngkied | to freeze; congelation; froze; frozen; freeze (an account; asset) | 凍結
torngkuxn | drag; brake | 動槓; 煞車槓
torngliangzhaai | pillars; capable great statesmanship person | 棟梁材
torngliong | equivalent | 當量
tornglioong cy zaai | great statesmanship person | 棟樑之才
tornglioong | the beams; the ridgepole; a man of great ability; lesser and greater beams ─ pillars of the State | 棟樑
tornglo | block the road; in the road; bar the way | 擋路
torngphoear | disc brake pads | 擋皮仔
torngputzu | can't stop | 擋無住
torngsiofng | suffer injuries or illness as a result of long exposure to cold weather; frostbite; exposure | 凍傷
torngsoafnjiin | successful candidates | 當選人
torngsoarn | get elected | 當選
torngsoarn`aq | elected | 當選矣
torngsviaf | brake noise | 噸聲
torngthaau | stamina | 耐力
torngtiaau | stop effectively | 擋住
torngtiaau`teq | stopped | 擋住著
torngtiam | block and quite | 擋恬
torngtittiaau | able to stop, and sustain | 擋得住
torngtiøh | block | 擋著
torngtvia | block | 擋定
torngzhofng | frostbite; chilblains | 凍瘡
torngzoex | as | 當做
torngzu | stop, hinder, prevent | 擋住
torngzøex | reckon something as, take something as | 當做
torngzøx | use one thing as the equivalent of another; represent; to regard as; consider as being; receive as | 當作
torsym | immersion | 浸心
tortaam | damaged by dampness or by water soaking in | 浸濕; 染濕
torthaux`køex | downside | 倒頭過
tortix | to battle of wits; a contest of wits; brain fight | 鬥智
tortiøh | infected; damaged by dampness; ink spreading | 染著
torzefng | struggle; contend; to conflict | 爭鬥; 鬥爭
torzoar | carbon paper | 浸紙; 𪐞紙; 複寫紙
tosad | massacre; butcher; a wholesale slaughter | 屠殺
tosi | show with illustrative pictures | 浸視; 圖示
tosiaw zok'hoex | cancelled and regarded as waste paper | 塗銷作廢
tosiaw | to cancel | 塗銷
tosiong | graphic, a portrait | 圖像
tosukoarn | library | 圖書館
tosuseg | reading room; library | 圖書室
tosw koafnlyoaan | librarian | 圖書管理員
tosw | maps; charts and books | 圖書
tote | an apprentice; a pupil; apprentice; pupil; disciple | 徒弟
tote'ar | students; apprentice | 徒弟仔
totefng | a drawing pin; thumbtacks; thumbtack | 圖釘
totexee | apprentice | 徒弟的
tothaxn | mud and coals; be burned as coal | 塗炭
totheeng | a totem | 圖騰
totiofng | midway; on one's way of; on the way; en route | 途中
totøf | a butcher knife | 屠刀
toviu | plain; design; diagram | 圖樣
tox | fight; to struggle; to quarrel; contend; to contest; to conflict; vie; compete | 鬥; 染
tox`køex | get by | 渡過
tox`laang | infect people | 傳染別人
tox`lang | infect people | 渡人
tox`tiøh | contamination | 沾上; 渡上
toxboea | area below the belly button | 肚尾; (臍下三寸處)
toxbuun siaxkheq | shut out visitors; refuse to see callers | 杜門謝客
toxciafm | thermometer | 度針
toxciah | make a living | 糊口
toxexkoex | encountered | 度會過
toxgiin | plate with silver | 鍍銀
toxgoa | beyond the estimate | 渡外
toxhae | to sail across a sea | 渡海
toxhioxng | to conduct to, to lead to | 導向
toxhøo | to cross a river | 渡河
toxjit junii | pass a day as if it were a year; a day seems as long as a year | 度日如年
toxjit | pass the day; make a living (usually said of poorly paid jobs) | 度日; 渡日
toxkaau | insect like a wingless grasshopper; very destructive to crops; a species of cricket | 蟋蟀; 杜猴; 臺灣大蟋蟀
toxkar | vacation | 渡假
toxkex | spend | 度過
toxkhao | a ferry, ferry crossing | 渡口
toxkirn | earthworm | 杜蚓
toxkiøo | ferry bridge | 渡橋
toxkoafn | cuckoo; rhododendron; cuckoo; goatsucker; nightjar | 杜鵑; 小杜鵑
toxkoafn-hoef | azalea, ericaceae flower | 杜鵑花
toxkoai'ar | tadpole | 蝌蚪仔; 肚胿仔
toxkoanhoef | azalea | 杜鵑花
toxkoee | toad | 肚蛙
toxkoex lankoafn | tide over a difficulty | 渡過難關
toxkoex | overcome; get through | 度過
toxkui'ar | toad | 肚胿仔
toxkurn | earthworm | 蚯蚓
toxkuun | earthworm | 蚯蚓
toxkwn'ar | earthworm | 杜蚓仔; 蚯蚓
toxkym | gild; aureate; plate; plating; gilding; plate with gold; spend some time abroad to add to the impressiveness of one's background | 鍍金; 渡金
toxkøeajit | get by | 渡過日
toxkøex | to tide over; overpass; voyage | 渡過
toxlai | came | 渡來
toxliong toa | broad minded | 度量大
toxliong | large-minded; instrument for measuring; capacity for forgiveness; degree of magnanimity | 肚量; 度量
toxliong øeh | sordid; petty minded; stingy | 度量小
toxlioxngheeng | weights and measures, lengths, capacity and weight | 度量橫
toxliuu | layover; linger; remain; stay; make a stop; stick around | 逗留
toxm | nod | 點; (頭)
toxmsøee | crestfallen; dejected | 垂頭喪氣 [*]
toxng | hinder, prevent, stop | 堵; 棟; 擋
toxng'goanleng | order for mobilization | 動員令
toxng'iaau | sway; to shake; be disturbed | 搖動; 動搖
toxng'iong | use; apply; employ | 動用
toxng'ioong | movement | 動容
toxng'oaan | mobilization; preparation for war | 動員
toxng'oe | animation | 動畫
toxng-bøexkuo | can't last; be going to die | 耐無久; 命將終; 不長久
toxng-bøextiaau | unable to hinder; cannot be prevented; to try to stop; but fail in the attempt; unable to endure; cannot bear it; intolerable | 擋無住; 耐不了; 忍不住
toxng-bøkuo | can't last; be going to die | 耐無久; 命將終; 不長久
toxng-extiaau | oppose effectually; can endure; can stand up to | 擋得住; 撐得住; 忍得住
toxng-tørtngr | block to reverse | 堵倒轉
toxng`leq | stop | 擋咧
toxng`tiøh | blocked | 堵到
toxngban | comic | 動漫
toxngbeh | artery | 動脈
toxngbudar | animals | 動物仔
toxngbudcid | animal matter | 動物質
toxngbudhak | zoology | 動物學
toxngbudhngg | a zoo; a zoological garden | 動物園
toxngbudkaix | animal kingdom | 動物界
toxngbuo | use force | 動武
toxngbut hunluixhak | systematic zoology | 動物分類學
toxngbut phiaupurn | zoological specimens | 動物標本
toxngbut | an animal; a creature; moving creatures | 動物
toxngbut-hak | zoology | 動物學
toxngbut-kaix | animal kingdom | 動物界
toxngchiaf | motor car | 動車
toxngchiuo | begin fighting, begin action | 動手
toxngciog | to know clearly | 洞覺; 洞燭
toxnggaai | cave cliff | 洞崖
toxnggi | propose or move a resolution | 動議; 動議,提議
toxnggvaau | moving line | 動爻
toxnghiet | cave; grotto; burrow | 洞穴
toxnghioxng | tendency, trend | 動向
toxnghoan'ar | bamboo pole with a piece of cloth attached carried by the second son in the funeral procession of his parents; in order to lead the soul to the grave | 引幡仔; 靈幡
toxnghu | dissolute woman | 蕩婦; 荒淫
toxnghøea | got angry | 動火
toxngjiin | moving, exciting, touching | 動人
toxngkafng | kick off the work | 動工
toxngkhafng | break open a hole; lay bare; speak ill of (a person) behind his back; to backbite; inform the police on (a person) | 穿洞; 背後說人壞話
toxngkhao | mouth of a cave | 動口; 洞口
toxngkhie | begin, start, begin action | 動起; 起動
toxngkhud | cave | 洞坑; 洞窟
toxngkiukefng | pool room | 撞球間
toxngkiuu | play billiards; play pool | 撞球; 打撞球
toxngkiuu-kefng | billiard parlor, pool room | 動撞間; 撞球場
toxngkofng | kick off the work | 動工
toxngky | motives; motivation; intentions; motive; inducement | 動機
toxnglaai-toxngkhix | move around | 動來動去
toxnglai | in the cave | 洞內
toxnglat | motive power, driving force, impetus | 動力
toxngleghak | dynamics | 動力學
toxnglek | dynamic force; power; driving force; mechanical power; dynamic force | 動力
toxngliefnchiaf | motor vehicle | 動輪車
toxngliin | moving | 動人
toxngliong | momentum (phys.) | 動量
toxnglo | to get angry, become angry | 動怒
toxngloan | disturbance; disorder; agitation; unrest; commotion; agitation | 動亂
toxngloan`ee | restive | 動亂的
toxngmeh gvexhoax | arteriosclerosis; sclerosis of the arteries | 動脈硬化
toxngmeh | an arterial; artery | 動脈
toxngmeqliuu | aneurysm | 動脈瘤
toxngnawkyn | think; secretly plan to get some coveted thing; try to obtain the affection of a beautiful woman; use one's brains | 動腦筋
toxngpaang | an inner chamber; the bedroom for new couple | 洞房
toxngpefng | start the war | 動兵
toxngphoax | poke a hole; break through (with a finger) | 撞破; 刺破
toxngponghoaciog | bridal anthurium | 洞房花燭
toxngpoong hoaciok'ia | wedding night; the first night | 洞房花燭夜
toxngpoong | the bedroom for new couple; innermost chambers; nuptial chamber; consummate a marriage | 洞房
toxngsarn | movable property; movables | 動產
toxngseg | to understand thoroughly | 洞識
toxngsiaw | type of flute; bamboo flageolet | 洞簫
toxngsie | kill by collision | 撞死
toxngsiofng | omjire by collision | 撞傷
toxngsuu | a verb; verb | 動詞
toxngsym | excite one's desire (for fame, money, rank) | 動心
toxngsyn | to depart; to set out; move on | 動身
toxngtaan | to budge; to move; to stir | 動彈
toxngthai | the movement; development; dynamic | 動態
toxngthaix | the movement; development; dynamic | 動態
toxngthofng | hit through | 撞通
toxngthviaf | eloquent, convincing | 動聽
toxngtiøh | be poked with something long | 撞到
toxngtoxnghvaix | tottering; crumbling | 盪盪搖
toxngtoxnghvix | tottering; crumbling | 盪盪擲
toxngtut | bump | 撞突
toxngzeng | sign of action; in motion or at rest; movement and repose; action | 動靜
toxngzhad | insight | 洞察
toxngzhad-lek | insight | 洞察力
toxngzog | action; motion; movement; operation; action; movement; gestures; behavior | 動作
toxoah | barely make a living | 渡活; 謀生
toxpar | make a living | 渡飽; 餬口; 糊口
toxpefar | brown cricket | 土蟋蟀
toxpeh'ar | cricket | 土爬仔; 杜伯仔; 蟋蟀
toxpit'ar | cricket | 土裂仔; 蟋蟀
toxsie | subsist in hardship | 度死; (一天過一天等死)
toxsioong | Taiwan fir (tree) | 杜松
toxsiøfgeh | a famous Tainan noodle shop- getting by a tough short month | 度小月
toxsiøfgoat | a famous Tainan noodle shop- getting by a tough short month | 度小月
toxsiøfgoeh | a famous Tainan noodle shop- getting by a tough short month | 度小月
toxsox | degree; grade; dimensionality; reading (of a barometer; thermometer; water meter); number of degrees of latitude or longitude | 度數
toxsvy | plating | 鍍生
toxtaang | plated copper | 鍍銅
toxteng | very confident; assured; determinately; species of lizard | 杜定; 篤定; 蜥蜴
toxthaau | ferry, ford | 渡頭; 渡船口
toxtiarm | comma (,) | 逗號; 逗點
toxtioxng | stomach bulge | 肚脹
toxtngg | stomach intestine | 肚腸
toxui'ar | frog | 杜蝛仔
toxurn | earth-worm | 杜蚓; 蚯蚓
toxwn'ar | earthworm | 杜蚓仔; 蚯蚓
toxzaai | navel | 肚臍; 肚臍眼
toxzafm | thermistor | 度針
toxzaikhafng | belly button | 肚臍空
toxzaitix | belly button pedicle | 肚臍蒂
toxzaitoax | navel cord | 肚臍帶
toxzex | full year old especially when referring to a child's age | 週歲; 度晬
toxzhuieciah | earn only enough to feed oneself; nothing left over for family or savings ─ live from hand to mouth | 大嘴食; 餬口
toxzoan | twist the meaning of something | 杜扭; 杜撰
toxzoat hiøxhoan | prevent and eliminate possible harmful consequences | 杜絕後患
toxzoat | prevent and eliminate | 渡絕
toxzunthaau | wharf; jetty for passenger boats | 渡船頭
toxzuun | ferry; a ferryboat; passage boat | 渡船
tozheq | atlas | 圖冊
tozoar | a blueprint, a plan paper | 圖紙
tozukoarn | library | 圖書館
tozvae | butcher; slaughter; slaughter (livestock); to butcher | 屠宰
tozvae-tviuu | a slaughter-house, an abattoir | 屠宰場
tozvaysøex | slaughter tax (levied for animals slaughtered) | 屠宰稅
tozvaytviuu | slaughter house; abattoir | 屠宰場
tuntog | firm, steady | 堅定; 敦篤
tuto | pork belly | 豬肚
tutoo | pig butcher | 豬屠
tvaftoan | interrupt, discontinue | 打斷
tvaftong | moved | 打動
tvaftor | make a bet; to wager | 打賭
tvar toa paw thvy | extremely audacious; recklessly bold | 膽大包天
tvar toa sym søex | brave but cautious; courageous but careful or circumspect | 膽大心細
tvito | sweetness | 甜度
tvitoex | entangled | 纏綴
tviuoto | distended belly | 脹肚
tviuotoa | swell | 脹大; 漲大
tviutoaq | disobey | 張掇
tviutoe | venue | 場地
tytofng | confront | 抵當
tytoxng | withstand | 抵擋
tøextoo | map; atlas; plat | 地圖
tøtoafn | many kinds; a great variety; many parts; in many ways | 多端
u siøtoartiøh | willing to do a favor on account of some third party | 互相尊重
u torngthaau | able to hold out | 有擋頭
uitoax | umbilical cord | 臍帶
uitok | evil legacy | 遺毒
uitor | contain | 圍堵
uitorng | rest of the bandits | 餘黨
uixtoo | draw or paint a picture | 畫圖
unhied toxngbut | warm blooded animal | 溫血動物
unhongtok | pestilence | 瘟磺毒
unto | temperature; temperature | 溫度
unto-kex | room thermometer | 溫度計
unto-piør | clinical thermometer, temperature chart | 溫度表
untoxkex | thermometer | 溫度計
untoxpiør | temperature chart | 溫度表
utorng | rump party | 餘黨
uxhoatto | able to | 有法度
uxntong | exercise; lobby; run; motion; movement; sports; physical exercises; motion; movement; a social movement; campaign; to lobby | 運動
uxntong-hoe | games | 運動會
uxntong-kaf | athlete, sportsman | 運動家
uxntong-khiezaai | sports supplies; sports equipment; sporting goods | 運動器材
uxntong-sinkefng | motor nerve | 運動神經
uxntong-taixhoe | big athletic meet | 運動大會
uxntong-tviaa | stadium | 運動埕
uxntong-tviuu | playing field | 運動埕
uxntong-zengsiin | sportsmanship | 運動精神
uxntong-øee | sneakers, sport shoes | 運動鞋
uxntoo | one's fate; fortune; luck | 命運; 運氣
uxntoxng'oaan | athlete; lobbyist; electioneer | 運動員
uxntoxng'øee | sneakers | 運動鞋; 布鞋
uxntoxnghoe | athletic meet; sports meeting | 運動會
uxntoxngkaf | sportsman; athlete | 運動家
uxntoxngkhox | sweatpants | 運動褲
uxntoxngliong | momentum | 運動量
uxntoxngsvaf | sweatshirt | 運動衫
uxntoxngtviaa | sports field | 運動埕
uxntoxngtviapvy | sports field side | 運動埕邊
uxntoxngtviuu | playground; stadium; gymnasium; sports arena | 運動場
uxtoea | has foundation | 有底
uxtok | poisonous; venomous | 有毒
uxtorngthaau | defensive | 有擋頭
uxtoxng | sustainable; durable | 有當; 耐用
uytoa | great | 偉大
viaftoax | film | 影帶
viatoe | campsite | 營地
viutoan | western clothes | 洋緞
vixkaotoo | gentile | 異教徒
vixtoafn | heresy; heretical; heterodox; heterodoxy; heresy; false doctrine | 異端
vixtoong | similarity and dissimilarity | 異同
voaxto | change belly- change taste? | 換肚
voaxtoo | change route | 換途
wn toong zaezø | unusual favor or help rendered to someone in bad luck which enables him to stand on his own feet again | 恩同再造
wntoxng | safe; settled; firm; solidly placed | 穩當
wtoan | woolen stuff, woolen material; camlet and similar strong alpaca or woolen stuffs | 羽緞; 毛料; 毛料子
ycioxng puttoong | different from other people; extraordinary; unlike others | 與眾無同
ykie-toxjiin | assume that other people think the same | 以己度人
ymciuo buto | drink more wine than one can stand | 飲酒無度
ynto tøhoan | extradition | 引渡逃犯
ynto | extradite; extradite; extradition | 引渡
ytok kongtok | fight evil with evil | 以毒攻毒
zabhang-uxntong | decathlon | 十項運動
zaeto | again | 再度
zaftongsii | formerly; long ago | 早當時; 很早以前
zaitoax | navel cord | 臍帶
zaixiaftorng | opposition party or parties | 在野黨
zaixiar-torng | the Opposition Party | 在野黨
zaixtoe | local | 在地
zaixtoexlaang | local people | 在地人
zaizexng-nito | fiscal year | 財政年度
zarntoong | agree with; concurrence; consent to; approve of | 贊同
ze-toaxui | occupy the chief seat; be a president; sit in the place of honor at a banquet or some other function | 坐大位; 坐上位
zeato | a system; an institution | 制度
zeato'oaan | draughtsman; cartographer | 製圖員
zeatoo | make charts or blueprints; draw plans | 製圖
zeatoseg | drafting or drawing room | 製圖室
zeeng toong chiwciog | be attached to each other like brothers | 情同手足
zefngto | swell up | 腫肚
zefngtorng | party consolidation, consolidation of the Party | 整黨
zekkek ee thaeto | positive attitude | 積極的態度
zekpehtoaxhviaf | uncle older brother | 叔伯大兄
zektog | responsible for supervision | 責督; 管教
zektox | envy | 嫉妒
zekzuy-toxngbut | vertebrate | 椎骨動物; 脊椎動物
zeng ie zex tong | beat action by inaction | 靜以制動
zengbeeng toadli | contest for fame and riches | 爭名奪利
zengbidto | precision | 精密度
zengkarm chiongtong | emotional impulse; outburst of emotion | 情感衝動
zengkhix siautok | disinfect with steam | 蒸汽消毒
zengkioong torsexng | desire to excel over others; fight for the leading role | 爭強鬥勝
zengkoaan toadli | fight for selfish gains; scramble for personal gains | 爭權奪利
zengsiin løtoxngciar | white collar worker | 精神勞動者
zengtoadciexn | battle over a city; strategic point | 爭奪戰
zengtoafn | cause of dispute; quarrel or fight | 爭端
zengtoat | to contend for; struggle for; contend for; to fight for | 爭奪
zengtox | combat | 爭鬥
zerngti oaqtong | political activities | 政治活動
zerngtoan | to break by an effort | 掙段
zerngtofng ee heng'uii | correct behavior | 正當的行為
zerngtofng ee iaokiuu | formal demand; fair claim | 正當的要求
zerngtofng ee lyiuu | just cause; proper reason | 正當的理由
zerngtofng ee suxgiap | legitimate business | 正當的事業
zerngtofng hong'oe | legal self defense | 正當防衛
zerngtofng | validness; justness; legality; legitimacy; proper; legal; fair and proper; as it should be | 正當
zerngtoo | the right path; proper way or course | 正途
zerngtorng | political party; political party | 政黨
zerngtorng-zerngti | party politics or government; a form of democracy wherein the majority party forms the cabinet with the opposition acting as watchdog | 政黨政治
zerngzexng-tongtofng | open and above board; fair and square; with dignity and impartiality | 正正當當
zetoax | umbilical cord | 臍帶
zetoe | run on a bank | 擠兌
zhadtong | thieves' cave | 賊洞
zhadtoo | thief | 賊徒
zhadtorng | gang of thieves; rebel faction; gang of bandits or rebels; group of traitors | 賊黨
zhaetoea | leftover | 菜底
zhahtoo | inset; illustrations; figure; an illustration or a cut in a book; magazine or newspaper | 插圖
zhaitoad | to decide | 裁奪
zhaitoat | decide; decision | 裁奪
zhaitoaxn | decide; decision | 裁斷
zhantoe | farm | 田地
zharm putjirm tor | so tragic that one cannot bear to look at it | 慘無忍睹
zhattoat | research and make a decision | 察奪
zhauløo koeato | be excessively loaded with cares | 操勞過度
zhawtoe | countryside | 草地
zhawtoexlaang | Taiwanese redneck | 草地人
zhawtoexsoong | Taiwanese redneck | 草地倯
zhaytoax | color string | 綵帶
zheato | brittleness | 脆度
zhekbin-too | a lateral view, profile | 側面圖
zhekto | measurement | 推測; 測度
zhektog | supervision | 督測
zhektong | plan to carry out; instigate | 策動
zhenggutoo | pornography | 春牛圖
zhengkaotoo | Puritanism | 清教徒
zhexngmoaa-toarhax | wear very deep mourning clothes | 披麻帶孝
zhngtok | gangrene, syphilitic ulcer | 疽毒; 瘡毒
zhoafntoaxkhuix | draw a long breath; sigh a deep sigh | 歎大氣
zhoarn-toaxkhuix | take a deep breath, sigh deeply | 喘大氣; 深呼吸
zhoarntoat | seize power or the throne | 篡奪
zhoarntoong | band together (to do something evil); to gang up | 串同
zhortoong | acetone | 丙酮; 醋酮
zhotoa | big size; thick and big | 粗大
zhuiesy-baxntoan | body broken into pieces; smashed | 碎屍萬斷
zhuito | conjecture | 揣度; 推度
zhuitoaxn | infer; predict by means of inference; inference | 推斷
zhuitong | push a sales project; lend impetus to a movement | 推動
zhun'gutoo | weather forecast pictures | 春牛圖
zhunhaytoong | spring begonia | 春海棠
zhunhofng-itto | sexual intercourse | 春風一度
zhunkiongtoo | pornographic drawings | 春宮圖
zhuntok | examine one's purpose and thought | 伸讀
zhunzeeng-hoattoxngkii | puberty | 春情發動期
zhuotoe | house land | 厝地
zhurntoan | heart torn to pieces (used to describe extreme grief) | 寸斷
zhurntong | stupid | 蠢動
zhut'hoeq koeato | excessive bleeding | 出血過度; 流血過度
zhuteg suotoafn | cardinal virtues (Catholic) | 樞德四端
zhuttong | dispatch or send out troops; armored units or reinforcements | 出動
zhuyto | to conjecture, to guess | 揣度
zhuytok | draw inferences from evidence | 揣督; 揣度; 臆測
zhwn-ha-chiw-tofng | spring, summer, autumn and winter | 春夏秋冬
zhwtoan | mange | 處斷
zhwtongkym | now | 此當今; 現在
zngkoftorng | make fun of; play jokes | 妝古董; 作弄; 尋人開心
zngtoa | to pretend oneself great | 裝大
zoafntong | revolve | 轉動
zoafntoo | jobhopping | 轉途; 換職業
zoanbiin uxntong | an activity for everybody to participate in | 全民運動
zoanleeng-uxntong | decathlon for men; pentathlon for women | 全能運動
zoantoaxn | make decisions without consulting others; arbitrary | 專斷
zoantoee | topic | 專題
zoarn-padtoo | change one's trade or profession | 轉別途; 轉行
zoatok | snake poison | 蛇毒
zoeakøf haxnto | the upper limit; the maximum | 最高限度
zoeakøf jiedto | maximum heat | 最高熱度
zoeakøf sokto | maximum speed | 最高速度
zoeakøf tongkiok | the highest authorities | 最高當局
zoeakøto | the highest degree | 最高度
zoeatea haxnto | the lowest limit; at least; minimum | 最低限度
zoeatoa | greatest; maximum; the biggest | 最大
zoeatoaxzuie | flood | 做大水
zoeatok huxjiin-sym | there is nothing more poisonous than the heart of woman | 最毒婦人心
zoex-toaxzuie | flooding | 做大水
zofngsutok | dean (ecclesiastical) (Catholic) | 總司鐸
zofngthorng torngsoafnjiin | president elect | 總統當選人
zofngtog | governor-general; the governor general or the governor of a province; viceroy (ancient term); the governor of Taiwan; Hong Kong or India etc before the World War II | 總督
zofngtog-huo | governor's office | 總統府; 總督府
zofngtok'huo | the office of a governor general (viceroy); government general | 總督府
zofngtoo | general map | 總圖
zofngtoxng'oaan | general mobilization | 總動員
zofngtoxng'oanhoad | law of general mobilization | 總動員法
zoftoxng | influence to stop; braking; hindrance; stop; be in the way; block the way; hinder | 阻擋
zongpøftoo | treasure map | 藏寶圖
zongtoo sirnkefng | Apostles Creed (Catholic) | 宗徒信經
zongtoo taixsuxliok | Acts of Apostles (Catholic) | 宗徒大事錄
zongtoo | the Apostles | 宗徒
zorng-toxng'oaan | general mobilization | 總動員
zorngtoa | big and imposing, lusty, strong | 壯大
zoxtoxngsuu | auxiliary verb; an auxiliary verb | 助動詞
zukym torngkied | freezing of funds or capital | 資金凍結
zunto | middle part of a boat | 船肚; 船身中央
zuntoa | rudder | 船舵
zuntor | ship's hold cabin; the hold of a vessel | 船艙; 船肚; 船身
zuntorng | archive | 存檔
zutoong | kid servant who serve masters during reading | 書童
zux toaxkofngsia | massive (more than 100 cc) intravenous infusion | 打點滴
zux toaxtaang`ee | massive (more than 100 cc) intravenous infusion | 打點滴
zuxiuu hengtong | free movement; a free hand; free action | 自由行動
zuxiuu-torng | the Liberal Party | 自由黨
zuxkag uxntong | self renewal movement, a drive to promote dedication to the nation | 自覺運動
zuxkioong uxntong | self strengthening and self renewal self improvement movement | 自強運動
zuxkøf togsien | self complacency | 自高獨善
zuxtoa | boastful, conceited | 自大
zuxtoan | autobiography; autobiography | 自傳
zuxtoaxkoong | megalomania | 自大狂
zuxtoea | from the bottom | 自底
zuxtong poxzhexng | automatic rifle | 自動步槍
zuxtong tiexn'oe | dial telephone | 自動電話
zuxtong tiexnthuy | escalator | 自動電梯
zuxtong | automatic, automatically, voluntary, of one's own free will | 自動
zuxtong-hoarnbøexky | vending machine | 自動販賣機
zuxtong-hoax | automation | 自動化
zuxtor | assemble for gambling | 聚賭
zuxtoxngchiaf | automobile; motorized vehicle | 自動車; 汽車
zuxtoxnghoax | automation (of factories); automated | 自動化
zuxtoxngmngg | automatic door | 自動門
zuxtoxngsuu | intransitive verbs | 自動詞
zuxtoxngzuxhoad | spontaneously | 自動自發
zuxzog-zuxtoafn | arbitrary decision; arbitrarily; at one's own discretion | 自作自端
zuychiator | waterwheel jam | 水車堵
zuyliamtong | cave behind water falls | 水簾洞
zuyliok liofngzhef-toxngbut | amphibian | 水陸兩棲動物
zuyloxtoo | hydrographic map | 水路圖
zuysiong-uxntong | water sports; aquatic sports | 水上運動
zuytof | city of canals (like Venice) | 水都
zwtoee | subject | 主題
zwtong | leading; take action; lead in taking action; initiative; take the initiative; of one's own accord | 主動
zwtoxngciar | prime mover | 主動者
zwtoxngmeh | aorta | 主動脈
zwtoxngseg | active voice (grammar) | 主動式
zøeatoa | perform as the leader, be the head of a group | 做大
zøex-toaxzuie | have a flood | 做大水; 鬧水災
zørhoea toax | live together; cohabit | 住在一起
zørog-tøtoafn | indulge in all sorts of evildoings; commit many crimes | 作惡多端
zørog-zørtok | act very wickedly | 做惡做毒; 為非做歹
zørtoa | perform as the leader; be the head of a group; love to show off | 做大; 做老大; 愛出風頭
zørtoaxzuie | flood; floodwater | 做大水
zørtofng | be host to | 做東
zørtok | make poison | 做毒
zøx toaxzuie | flood (disaster) | 做大水
zøx-toaxzuie | have a flood | 做大水; 鬧水災
zøxtoa | developed and becoming bigger | 坐大
øetoax | shoestring; latchet | 鞋帶

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