"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: toaxn

bengtoaxn | bright; wise judgment; fair and intelligent judgment; unbiased and wise decision | 明斷
boxngtoaxn | misjudgement, indiscreet judgement | 盲斷; 妄斷
bwtoaxn | jump to conclusions without regard to reason; logic; propriety; etc; decide arbitrarily | 武斷
cyntoaxn | diagnoses; diagnostic; diagnose a disease | 診斷
cyntoaxn-sw | medical report | 診斷書
engtoaxn | brilliant and decisive | 英斷; 英明果斷
erngky-libtoaxn | make quick decisions as the occasion demands | 當機立斷
gytoaxn | draft, decide | 擬斷
hvoaitoaxnbin | cross section | 橫斷面
iujiuu-kvoaftoaxn | be peaceable and easygoing but lacking the strength to make quick decisions | 優柔寡斷
kauthofng-toaxnzoat | cut off communication | 交通斷絕
kiexnkhofng-cyntoaxn | medical examination | 健康診斷
koattoaxn | to determin; to decide; to make a decision; to conclude; decision; determination | 決斷
koattoaxn-lat | power of decision | 決鬥力; 決斷力
koattoaxn-lek | power of decision | 決鬥力
kongtoaxn | arbitration; impartial judgment | 公斷
køftoaxn | firm; decisive; resolute | 果斷
køftoaxn-zuxhux | pragmatic | 果斷自負
liawtoaxn | finish off; get done with something | 了斷
lofngtoaxn | to corner the market; to monopolize | 壟斷
luxntoaxn | discuss, to judge, conclude, pass a verdict | 論斷
ofngtoaxn | to decide unfairly | 枉斷; 無當判決
phengtoaxn | decide; arbitrate | 評斷
phetoaxn | appraise; to judge | 批斷
phientoaxn | an unjust decision, a partial judgment | 偏斷
phvoartoaxn | adjudicate; make a decision; adjudication; judgment; decision; to judge; decide; give sentence; conclude; judgment; decision; conclusion | 判斷
phvoartoaxn-lek | discernment, ability to judge | 判斷力
serngtoaxn | judgment | 聖斷
symtoaxn | examine and decide; pass judgment after an examination | 審斷
thietkhiøftidtoaxn | firm and accurate | 鐵口直斷
thihzhuietidtoaxn | firm and accurate | 鐵喙直斷
thuitoaxn | infer; deduce; predict by means of inference | 推斷
toarntoaxn | broken | 斷斷
toaxn | decide, determine, judge | 斷
toaxn'axn | to judge, to determine, to decide, to conclude | 斷案
toaxna'aukhafng | stentorian voice; very strong or sonorous voice | 大嚨喉孔
toaxnao bapix | cerebral palsy | 大腦痲痺
toaxnao | cerebral; cerebrum; cerebrum | 大惱; 大腦
toaxnau | trouble seriously | 大鬧
toaxnawkhaf | cerebral peduncles | 大腦腳
toaxnbixntoo | section plans; cross section diagram | 斷面圖
toaxngaai zoadpiaq | broken ridges and steep cliffs | 斷崖絕壁
toaxngieen | to be absolutedly sure; to say with certainty | 斷言
toaxnguo | judgement | 斷語
toaxnhuun | broken soul | 斷魂
toaxniaa | aunt | 大娘
toaxnii-toaxzeq | celebrate festival and new year | 大年大節
toaxniukof | husband's elder sister | 大娘姑; 丈夫之姊
toaxniuu | mistress of the house (when exist two wives) | 大娘; 原配
toaxniøkof | aunt | 大娘姑
toaxnjieen | flatly, utterly, absolutely, certainly, surely | 斷然
toaxnkaw | to break off relations with someone; to sever diplomatic relations; break off relations or friendship | 斷交
toaxnkix | biography; memoir; biography | 傳記
toaxnkwn | to root out, to be cured completely | 斷筋
toaxnkyn | to root out, to be cured completely | 斷筋
toaxnliet | to fracture, to break | 斷裂
toaxnniuu | run out of food | 斷糧
toaxnphiexn | fragment | 斷片
toaxnsoxng | to loss for good | 斷筋
toaxnteng | to judge, to determine, to decide, to conclude | 斷定
toaxntng | cut off | 斷斷
toaxnzoat koanhe | cut off connections | 斷絕關係
toaxnzoat lai'orng | all connection cut off; cut off communications; break off friendly relations | 斷絕來往
toaxnzoat pangkaw | sever diplomatic ties (relations) | 斷絕邦交
toaxnzoat | to break off; cut off; sever; discontinuity; break off (connection or friendship) | 斷絕
toaxnzuie | stop the water supply; turn off the water supply | 斷水
togtoaxn | to decide one's own; arbitrary; dogmatize; assertiveness; arbitrary decision; decision come to without consulting others; dogma; assert or decide on one's won authority | 獨斷; 毒斷
togtoaxn-togheeng | decide and act on one's own; act arbitrarily | 獨斷獨行
tongky libtoaxn | make prompt decisions | 當機立斷
zhaitoaxn | decide; decision | 裁斷
zhuitoaxn | infer; predict by means of inference; inference | 推斷
zoantoaxn | make decisions without consulting others; arbitrary | 專斷

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