"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: toea

arntoea | criminal record | 案底
beqtoea | sole of a stocking 'sewed on' | 襪底
bextoea | the answer to a riddle; the key to a puzzle | 謎底
bøtoea-khox | split-seat pants | 無底褲; 開襠褲
chiwtoea | palm meaning heritage | 手底
extoea | bottom | 下底
goantoea | originally; innate or essential character; natural intelligence | 原底; 原來; 本來; 素質
haytoea | bottom of sea | 海底
heatoea | remaining items | 貨底
kaotoea | finally; in the end | 到底
khatoea | soles of feet | 跤底
lafmtoea | marshy soil | 沼澤土
lafng'aftoea | inside the cage | 籠仔底
laixsvoatawtoea | inner mountain valley bottom | 內山斗底
laixtoea | inside | 內底
laptoea | collapse | 塌底
nitoea | end of year | 年底
puitoea | describe people with fat gene | 肥底
pviarheatoea | clearance | 摒貨底
pwntoea | initially | 本底
siarheatoea | clearance | 卸貨底
tahtoea | bottom up | 貼底
tauxzhaetoea`ee | prostitute; of humble origin; making display beyond real merit | 豆菜底的
thaotoea | thoroughly | 透底
thiettoea | through to the end | 澈底
timtoea | solid; sink to the bottom | 沉底
toea | fill; put in; contain | 裝
toeabextiøh | unable to catch up | 綴袂著
toeahoe'ar | participate in a Money club | 綴會仔
toeahoear | join private economic mutual aid club | 綴會仔
toeakiøxau`ee | steps kids | 綴轎後的
toealaang | follow others; imitate another; follow another's example; follow suit | 跟人; 仿傚別人
toealangzao | elope | 綴人跑; 私奔
toealo | follow on the road | 綴路; 愛跟班
toeatiaau | follow closely | 綴牢
toeatiautiaau | follow closely | 綴牢牢
toeazeeng-toea'au | follow about everywhere; a small child following closely before and after its mother | 跟前跟後; 孩子硬纏著母親
toeazengtoea'au | follow closely | 綴前綴後
toeazhuieboea | repeat a teacher's words in order to learn; repeat a man's words; feign having knowledge (which one just picked from his co-conversationalist) | 綴喙尾; 重複別人的話
toeazhuix | answer back | 綴喙
uxtoea | has foundation | 有底
zhaetoea | leftover | 菜底
zuxtoea | from the bottom | 自底

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