"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Kitog | Christ; Christ | 基督
Kitog-hoax | become Christian-like | 基督教; 基督化
Kitog-kaux | Christianity ─ usually means non-Catholic Christianity | 基督教
Kitog-lun | Christology | 基督論
Kitog-too | Christian | 基督徒
Pwntog Siulie hoe | OSB: Benedictine Srs. (Catholic) | 本篤修女會
guitog | critically ill; critical condition | 危篤
he togchiuo | lay violent hands on | 下毒手
he-togchiuo | to lay violent hands on someone | 下毒手
igvor togzwn | egoistic; autocratic; bossy | 唯我獨尊
itky-togsiux | One branch of the tree is particularly thriving.--to outshine others | 一枝獨秀
jiøxtogzexng | uremia; uric poisoning | 尿毒症
kaetogsor | drug rehabilitation center | 戒毒所
kaotog | to supervise and teach | 教督; 督導
karmtog | oversee; supervise; overseer; supervision | 監督
kaytog'iøh | antidote | 解毒藥
kaytogzef | antidote | 解毒劑
khiptogciar | drug addict | 吸毒者
khongkuy-togsiuo | lead the lonely life of a widow or deserted wife | 空閨獨守
khorngtogsox | antitoxin | 抗毒素
kiaam-toktog | salty | 鹹篤篤
kiamtoktog | very salty | 鹹啄啄; 很鹹
kohaang-togchi | having a monopoly because of exclusive possession | 孤行獨市
kunzuo togzhaai | autocracy | 君主獨裁
muitogsexng | syphilitic | 梅毒性
oanzoaan toglip | complete autonomy | 完全獨立
oksym-togheng | cruel hearted; with injurious conduct | 惡心毒行; 狠毒心腸
oktogpo | vicious step | 惡毒步
otogto | black belly | 烏毒肚
phvaysym togheng | wicked; cruel; injurious heart and conduct | 壞心毒行; 狼心狗肺
phvi toktog | term used to describe the shape of the nose of Occidental people | 鼻子高高的
siautog'iøh | disinfectant | 消毒藥
siautogkhix | sterilizer; autoclave | 消毒器
siautogmii | antiseptic cotton | 消毒棉
siautogseg | sterilization room (in a hospital) | 消毒室
siautogzef | antiseptic | 消毒劑
siautogzuie | antiseptic solution | 消毒水
siettogzoe | sacrilege (Catholic) | 褻瀆罪
soanpox toglip | declaration of independence | 宣佈獨立
suhoad toglip | independence of the judiciary | 司法獨立
tanjiin togmar | solitary horseman ─ alone; single handed | 單人獨馬
tham'ux togcid | officials corrupt and negligent of one's duties | 貪污瀆職
thetog | provincial commander-in-chief; general or admiral | 提督
tiautog | oversee, keep one's children in good behavior | 調獨; 雕琢
tientogoansoex | | 田都元帥
tog | nod | 盹; 琢; 打瞌睡
tog'id buji | the one and only; unique | 獨一無二
tog'id cinsiin | the only true God | 獨一真神
tog'id | unique, the only one | 獨一
tog'iefn | toxious fume, poisonous gas | 毒煙
tog'ioong | suppurating abscess | 毒膿; 毒瘍
tog'itbuji | one and only | 獨一無二
tog'itbuli | one and only | 獨一無二
tog'iuo | possessed by only | 獨有
tog'iøh | poison; toxicant; poisonous drugs | 毒藥
tog'ym | a voiced sound | 濁音
tog`tiøh | smashed | 啄到
togbogciw | dug out canoe | 獨木舟
togbogkiøo | single plank bridge | 獨木橋
togbogzuun | dugout canoe | 獨木舟
togbu | poison fog | 毒霧
togchi | no competitor or rival | 獨市; 無競爭對手
togchioxng | sing a solo; vocal recital | 獨唱
togchiuo | an atrocious act; a murderous scheme; venomous action | 毒手
togchix | poisonous thorn | 毒刺
togchviux | sing a solo; vocal recital | 獨唱
togciaxm | monopolize; monopolization; monopolise | 獨佔; 獨占
togcid | irregularity or misconduct in office; dereliction of duty | 瀆職
togcitzoe | irregularity or misconduct in office; dereliction of duty | 瀆職罪
togciuo | poisonous wine | 毒酒
togcvix | poisonous arrow | 毒箭
toggafnlioong | somebody blind in one eye | 獨眼龍
toggarn | one eyed | 獨眼
toggee | poison fangs | 毒牙
toggied | scorpion | 毒蠍
toghai jinsym | poison the minds of people | 毒害人心
toghai | to murder; to injure atrociously; injure seriously | 毒害
togheeng | malicious conduct | 毒行
toghoan | blasphemy | 瀆犯
toghuu | ruddy sheldrake (bird) | 瀆鳧
toghw | ruddy sheldrake (bird) | 雪鴨; 獨紅潤
togieen | loquacity | 多言
togjiet | infectious fever | 毒熱
togkaf keng'eeng | engage in a line of business without competition | 獨家經營
togkaf | exclusive | 獨家
togkakchiahkaw | single horn red dragon | 獨角赤蛟
togkakguu | single horn cow | 獨角牛
togkex | malicious plan | 毒計
togkhahix | one man show | 獨腳戲
togkhietvoaa | gas bomb | 毒氣彈
togkhix | poisonous gas; noxious gas; mephitis; air; exhaust; virus; miasma; malarious infections; morbific fumes | 毒氣
togkhurn | infectious pathogenic bacteria; germs | 毒菌; (傳染病之細菌)
togkoaan | absolute power | 獨權
toglaang | suppuration | 毒膿
toglek | single handedly, by oneself only | 獨立; 獨力
toglib'ee | independent | 獨立的
toglibkog | independent nation or country | 獨立國
toglip kaophaix | independent sects; Congregationalists | 獨立教派
toglip kikoafn | independent organ or institution (political or social) | 獨立機關
toglip kyliaxmjit | Independence Day; national day | 獨立紀念日
toglip soangieen | Declaration of Independence of the USA | 獨立宣言
toglip zengsiin | spirit of independence; independent minded | 獨立精神
toglip | independence; independent; self-contained; independence; independent | 獨立
togliuu | malignant tumor | 毒瘤
togmih | poison stuff | 毒物
togmngg | unique | 獨門
togphirn | narcotics drugs; narcotic; hard drug | 毒品
togpo | pace | 踱步; 毒計
togpvi | malignant disease | 毒病
togsad | poison to death; kill by poisoning | 毒殺
togsengzuo | only son (of a family); the Only begotten Son | 獨生子
togsexng | poisonous nature | 毒性
togsie | kill by poison | 毒死
togsien kii syn | keep oneself clean and pure; conduct oneself virtuously | 獨善其身
togsin'ar | bachelor | 單身仔
togsinciar | bachelor; a celibate | 獨身者
togsinhaxn | bachelor; a celibate | 獨身漢
togsiuo | stand alone | 獨守
togsox | poisonous matter; toxin; poisonous matter | 毒素
togsvy | only son, born as the only child | 獨生
togsyn zwgi | the belief in the merits of remaining unmarried (as distinct from religious celibacy) | 獨身主義
togsyn | one alone; unaccompanied; unmarried; single | 單身; 獨身
togsyn'ee | single | 獨身的
togsyn-zwgi | celibacy | 獨身主義
togsyn`laq | single | 獨身啦
togtek | unique | 獨特
togthaang | injurious; poisonous insect | 毒蟲
togthwn | pocket (profit) without sharing (it) with anyone else | 獨吞
togtid | unique | 獨得
togtiin | poison ivy | 毒藤
togtoaxn | to decide one's own; arbitrary; dogmatize; assertiveness; arbitrary decision; decision come to without consulting others; dogma; assert or decide on one's won authority | 獨斷; 毒斷
togtoaxn-togheeng | decide and act on one's own; act arbitrarily | 獨斷獨行
togtok | only; solely | 獨獨; 僅僅
togtvar | cruel beating | 毒打
togzaang | poisonous plant | 毒欉; 有毒植物
togzaux | solo performance (in music) | 獨奏
togzexng | poisonous disease | 毒症
togzhaai zerngthea | totalitarian state; dictatorship | 獨裁政體; 專制
togzhaai zerngzheg | dictatorship; autocracy | 獨裁政策
togzhaai | dictatorially; dictatorship; autocracy; autocratical; dictatorial; arbitrary | 獨裁
togzhaiciar | autocrat, dictator | 獨裁者
togzhao | poisonous herbs | 毒草
togzhngf | venomous ulcer | 毒瘡
togzhoxng | create all by oneself ─ unique; original | 獨創
togzhuix | bad mouth | 毒嘴
togzoaa | a venomous snake; toxicophobia; cockatrice; venomous snake | 毒蛇
togzu | alone; by oneself; for oneself | 獨自
togzuie | poisonous liquid | 毒水
togzwn | domineering | 獨尊
toktog | pointed | 啄啄
toktoktog | very pointed | 尖尖尖
tuntog | firm, steady | 堅定; 敦篤
zektog | responsible for supervision | 責督; 管教
zhektog | supervision | 督測
zofngtog | governor-general; the governor general or the governor of a province; viceroy (ancient term); the governor of Taiwan; Hong Kong or India etc before the World War II | 總督
zofngtog-huo | governor's office | 總統府; 總督府
zuxkøf togsien | self complacency | 自高獨善

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