"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tud

kau-tuttud | very thick | 厚突突; 很厚
thiqthiqtudtut | small talk | 喋喋突突
tudgarn | protruding eyes | 突眼; 凸眼
tudhiern | to protrude out; conspicuous | 凸顯
tudhoad | burst | 突發
tudhuy befngcixn | advance by leaps and bounds; progress rapidly | 突飛猛進
tudjieen | suddenly; unexpected; abrupt; all of a sudden; all at once; suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly | 突然
tudjienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
tudkeg kiafmzaf | make a search without prior notice or announcement | 突擊檢查
tudkeg | to attack suddenly; to raid; breakout; sally; attack suddenly; make a surprise attack; to raid | 突擊
tudkektui | shock troops; commando units | 突擊隊
tudlienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
tudphoarsexng | breakthrough | 突破性
tudphoax | breakthrough | 突破
tudpiexn | mutate; unexpected change; sudden political upheaval; unforeseen disaster | 突變
tudthaokviax | convex lens | 凸透鏡
tuduii | break through enemy encirclement or siege | 突圍
tudzhud | to thrust out; stand out; stretch out; protrude; projecting; jutting; protruding; outstanding; remarkable; jut out; sally forth | 突出

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