"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tvar

aitvar | to be beaten | 挨打; 被毆打
antvar | safe hit in the sport of baseball | 安打
awtvar | beat; hit | 毆打
borngtvar | reckless | 罔膽
bøtvar | no guts; timid; coward | 無膽; 膽小
chiahtvar-tiongsym | wholehearted devotion | 赤膽忠心
ciawar-tvar | cowardice; timid | 鳥仔膽; 膽小
cidtvar | one dozen | 一打
cyn zaixtvar | very courageous | 膽壯; 真在膽
goxngtvar | silly; stupid | 憨膽; 戇膽; 愚蒙輕率的; 魯莽
gutvar | cattle's gallbladder | 牛膽
gvoxsyn siongtvar | goad oneself ahead by depriving oneself all daily comfort and subjecting oneself to life's bitterness; nurse vengeance (Lit. lie on faggots and taste gall) | 臥薪嘗膽
gøxsyn siongtvar | endure hardships to accomplish some ambition; determination for revenge (Lit. an allusion to the King of Yueh (越王勾踐) who slept on firewood for a mattress and had a gall bladder hung over his bed to remind him of the bitterness (gall) of his defeat so | 臥薪嘗膽
haytvar | sea urchin | 海膽
himtvar | gut of bear; bear's gall prepared as medicine | 熊膽
hitvar | fish gall | 魚膽
horngtvar | to get bold | 放膽
hosiin-tvar | no guts | 蝴蠅膽; 膽小
hvoaxtvar | help to encourage | 按膽; 助膽
høftvar | have guts; bold | 好膽; 大膽
hør-toaxtvar | bravery (satiric meaning) | 好大膽
kaitvar | deserve a beating | 該打
khaotvar | to beat, to flog | 哭打; 叩打
khiaptvar | cowardly | 怯膽; 膽性
khoftvar | bile | 苦膽
khoktvar | torture; harsh beatten | 酷打
khuttvar-sengciaw | confess under torture to a crime one hasn't committed | 屈打成招
khøftvar | beat; torture | 拷打
kongtvar | to attack; to raid; to invade; mount an attack; assault | 攻打
kvoatvar | intimate; intimacy; sincere; courage | 肝膽
lektvar | (adj) timid; loose courage; be scared | 慄膽; 喪膽; 膽怯; 膽慄
lengtvar | dragon's bile; the gentian | 龍膽
liaptvar | scared | 攝膽; 膽小
liexntvar | test courage | 練膽
liwtvar | to grapple | 扭鉤
lo tvar putpeeng | indignant at injustice toward others | 路抱無平
loxpvitvarar | street stand | 路邊擔仔
lwntvar | to be afraid; to be scared | 忍膽; 害怕
mixtvarafau | noodle shop | 麵擔仔後
mixtvarar | noodle peddler | 麵攤子
ngtvar | Alseodaphne hainanensis | 黃膽
ngtvar-pvi | yellow-jaundice, icterus | 黃膽病; 黃疸病
niawzhuo-tvar | timid like mouse | 貓鼠膽
paitvarar | selling stuff on the street using a stand or on the floor | 排擔仔
parngtvar | boldly and confidently | 放膽
paxngtvar | hit with a bat | 棒打
phoartvar | scare; scared; be astounded; lose courage; be frightened out of one's wits; become terrified | 破贍; 破膽; 喪膽
phvoartvar | scare | 破膽
pientvar | flog with a whip; flagellate | 鞭打
pin'nngtvarar | betel nut peddler | 檳榔攤子
puttvar | no fight | 無打
pvoartvar | half a dozen; six | 半打
sektvar pauthiefn | extremely daring in lewdness | 色膽包天
siangtvar | play doubles (in tennis); doubles | 雙打
sittvar | lose courage | 失膽; 喪膽
siøftvar | coward; timidness; craven; chicken | 膽小; 小膽
sorngtvar | appal | 喪膽
sotvar | soda | 蘇打
sotvar-hurn | sodium bicarbonate | 蘇打粉
tantvar | tennis singles | 單打
tawtvar | great boldness | 斗膽
thesym tiaotvar | be scared; cautious and anxious; jittery; wary | 提心吊膽
thorngtvar | to beat soundly; give a severe thrashing | 痛打
tioxngtvar | heavy beating | 重打
titvar | pig guts | 豬膽
toafntvar | bunt; to bunt (in baseball) | 短打
toaxtvar | bold; to do things without much forethought and hesitation; daring; dauntless; fearless; audacious | 大膽
togtvar | cruel beating | 毒打
tuietvar | fight each other; exchange blows | 對打
tvar kietciøh | gall stones | 膽結石
tvar toa paw thvy | extremely audacious; recklessly bold | 膽大包天
tvar toa sym søex | brave but cautious; courageous but careful or circumspect | 膽大心細
tvar | strike; to beat; to hit; smash; to attack; to fight; to knock; to play; to shoot; to cause (use as an auxiliary); copulate; to mate | 打; 膽; 拍
tvar-ciauhof | greetings | 打招呼
tvar-iukeg | engage in guerrilla warfare; (humorously) to use; borrow; or take another's belongings without permission; to board or lodge at one place after another without payment | 打游擊
tvar-kietciøh | have cholelithiasis, have gall stones | 膽結石
tvarafmi | danzi noodles | 擔仔麵
tvarafui | a small or booth vendor | 擔仔位
tvarar | load | 擔仔
tvarmi | Taiwanese noodle (Tainan local snack) | 擔麵
tvaroe | talk | 打話
tvarthaau | load | 擔子; 擔頭; 負擔
tvarthau'ar | load | 擔頭仔
tvarui | a small or boot vendor booth | 攤位
tvarzeeng | carry the front | 擔前
tviuotvar | bloating | 脹膽
zaixtvar | daring, courageous, plucky | 在膽
zektvar | punish by flogging or lashing | 責打
zhadtvar | dare to do even the stealing | 賊膽
zhaetvarafterng | kitchen cabinet top | 菜擔仔頂
zhaetvarar | vegetable stall | 菜攤仔
zhwtvar | timid | 鼠膽
zoanluytvar | home run; a homer | 全壘打
zoatvar | snake gall; gall or bile of a snake used as medicine | 蛇膽
zorngtvar | get more confidence; be courageous; very bold; strengthen one's courage | 壯膽
zoxtvar | enhance one's courage; encourage | 助膽; 壯膽

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