"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tvoaf

angtvoaf | red ticket | 紅單
bøo intvoaf | out of blue; no reasons | 無因端
bøyn-bøtvoaf | no reason | 無因無端; 無緣故
bøyn-tietvoaf | no reason | 空穴來風; 無因致端
chiatvoaf | (bus or train) ticket; train; bus ticket | 車單; 車票
chviaftvoaf | invitation card | 請單
ciamleftvoaf | calendar of feasts (Catholic) | 瞻禮單
ciaptvoaf | orders | 接單
cietbogtvoaf | program of a concert or show | 節目單
ciøhtvoaf | a written acknowledgement for a debt | 借條; 借單
giaxmtvoaf | inspection bill | 驗單
goantvoaf | original bill or list | 原單
hietvoaf | program menu | 戲單; 節目表
hoadtvoaf | fine | 罰單
hoeatvoaf | list of commodities; invoice | 貨單; 廢單
hoetvoaf | bill of exchange | 匯單
hoextvoaf | bill of exchange | 匯單
hornghengtvoaf | clearance permit | 放行單
høeatvoaf | a shipping list | 貨單
høefchiatvoaf | railway ticket | 火車單; 火車票
intvoaf | cause; origin; root cause; reason | 因端; 事端
iøqtvoaf | (n) medical prescription; prescription; written prescription | 藥單; 藥方
katvoaf | punch a railway ticket | 剪票; 剪單
khotvoaf | cackle (as a hen about to lay an egg) | 呼單; 母雞啼 (準備下蛋)
khuitvoaf | to write a bill; to list expenditures or items needed; make out a bill or list; to fine | 開單; 開罰單
khuy iøqtvoaf | write out a medical prescription | 開藥單
koartvoaf | (said of a traveling Buddhist monk) to lodge in a temple for the night | 掛單
kofkeatvoaf | written estimate | 估價單
kofkex-tvoaf | written estimate | 估價單
kofngkørtvoaf | handbill | 廣告單
kotvoaf | single; alone; helpless; friendless; unaccompanied; solitary; solitary; alone | 孤單; 狐單
kuntvoaf | to allot equally | 均單
lauxkotvoaf | old and lonely | 老孤單
leftvoaf | a list of gifts | 禮單; 贈品目錄
liauxtvoaf | the list of materials; the list of stuff | 料單
liedtvoaf | make out list (of goods; invited guests; candidates; etc.) | 列單
lientvoaf | a document in duplicate; triplicate; etc.; certificate; document (in duplicate; triplicate) | 聯單
miatvoaf | name list; list of names | 名單
niaftvoaf | receipt for delivery; slip of paper which entitles the bearer to get something | 領單
nngxtvoaf | eggs (still in the ovary) | 胚卵; 幼卵
omiatvoaf | black list | 黑名單; 烏名單
pengtvoaf | draft soldier list | 兵單
phahtvoaf | buy a ticket | 買票
phextvoaf | bed sheet | 被單
phintvoaf | receipt | 憑單
phoeahoeatvoaf | invoice | 配貨單
phoextvoaf | quilt cover; cotton cover for the coverlet | 被單
phøextvoaf | quilt-cover; sheet | 被單
pintvoaf | certificate; receipt; on the evidence of a receipt or such document | 憑單
piøtvoaf | bid | 標單
puntvoaf | distribute flyer; distribute; hand out; issue handbill | 分單; 分發傳單
pøfhiafmtvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
pøfhiarm-tvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
pøftvoaf | formal note; document of guaranty | 保單
pørhoeatvoaf | application to pass goods through the customs | 報貨單
pørkoafn-tvoaf | customs declaration | 報關單
pørkoantvoaf | bill of entry | 報關單
pørtvoaf | an entry; an application to pass goods through the customs | 報單
sengtvoaf | accident | 生端; 生事端
sengzeg-tvoaf | school report card | 成績單
sengzektvoaf | report card; transcript of a student's scholastic record | 成績單; 成績表
siaotvoaf | bills; invoices | 賬單
siauxkaetvoaf | introduction sheet | 紹介單
siusøeatvoaf | tax bill | 收稅單
siutvoaf | recipe | 收單; 收據
soafntvoaf | election campaign flyers | 選單
soanthoaan-tvoaf | propaganda leaflet | 宣傳單
soanthoantvoaf | flyer | 宣傳單
soeatvoaf | bill of tax; tax form; transit pass for imports; tax invoice | 稅單
søeatvoaf | tax bill | 稅單
tahtvoaf | paste a card, paste an advertising poster | 搭單; 貼單
texnghøeatvoaf | order form (or blank); list of goods ordered | 訂貨單
texngkitvoaf | periodic sheets | 定期單
texngtvoaf | order | 訂單
thetvoaf | a bill of lading | 提單
thiahtvoaf | to buy a ticket for a ship; train | 買票; 拆單
thoantvoaf | flyleaf; handbill; leaflet; handbills; leaflets; circulars; notices | 傳單
thongkongtvoaf | announcement of death (Catholic) | 通功單
thongtitvoaf | notice | 通知單
tiaotvoaf | writ of summons; subpoena; summons for appearance in court | 傳票; 召集令
tixliaau-tvoaf | doctor order sheet | 治療單
tngrtvoaf | pawn ticket | 當票
toarvixtvoaf | hospital bill | 蹛院單
tviaxtvoaf | an order for goods, an order list | 定單
tvoaf | odd (number); single; alone; sole; only; simple; check; bill; list; slip of paper; ticket | 單
tvoaf-ynhø | single quotation marks (') | 單引號
tvoaftvoar | constantly, over and over | 單單; 繼續地
tvoatvoaf | alone; singly; solitary | 單單
voaxtvoaf | change the ticket or certificate (Certificate of Deposit) | 換單; (如定存到期要換)
zaehøeatvoaf | manifest; bill of lading | 載貨單
zaetvoaf | load list | 載單
zhaetvoaf | menu; bill of fare | 菜單
zhengtvoaf | bill; list; listing; checklist; inventory; detailed list of items which serves as a receipt; statement; statement of account | 清單
zhngtvoaf | bed sheets; bedclothes | 床單
zhut'høex-tvoaf | deliver merchandise | 出貨單
zofngtvoaf | total order | 總單
zunhoeatvoaf | inventory of goods | 存貨單
zunkheq miatvoaf | ship's passenger list | 船客名單
zuntvoaf | certificate of deposit; receipt issued by a bank to a depositor; against which payment of interest and; or capital is made | 存單

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