"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Angbag'uar taux lauxjiet | useless helper (Ang-bak-u-a is a person with impaired vision or a dim wit.) | 濫芋充數
Ioksuaf | Joshua (Protestant) | 約書亞
Paraguay | Paraguay | 巴拉圭
angtauar | red bean | 紅豆仔
armthauar | sunset | 暗頭仔
auar | cup | 甌仔
babuafkngf | the sky of dawn | 貓霧仔光
bagciuaang | blood-shot eyes | 目睭紅
bahhuar | pomfret | 肉魚仔
byciwthauar | rice wine | 米酒頭仔
chi niuar | engage in sericulture | 飼蠶仔; 養蠶
chiuafkhaf | foot of a tree; under the tree | 樹仔腳
chiuafngr | the shade of a tree | 樹仔蔭
chiuafoef | branches | 樹仔枝
chiuar | tree | 樹仔
chiwzefngthauar | finger | 手指頭仔
chviuar | wall | 牆仔
ciern chiuar | prune trees | 剪樹仔; 修剪樹木
ciuokuar | small insects that specialize in biting clothes, books, etc. | 蛀龜仔
ciwlauar | funnel | 酒漏仔
ciøqthauaflo | stone paved road; a gravel road | 石頭仔路
ciøqthauar | small stone | 石頭仔
cviuar | camphor | 樟仔
cviuarm | starch the cloth to make it smooth; starch with rice water | 上泔; 上漿使硬挺
guafkhox | blue-jean | 牛仔褲
guafkviar | calf | 牛仔囝; 牛犢子
guar | cattle | 牛仔; 牛
guar-kviar | calf | 牛仔囝; 牛犢
gulefng-thauar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳頭仔; 奶嘴
hiamkviuar | hot petter | 薟薑仔
hiexnlauar | freshly caught | 現流仔
hikauar | fishhook | 魚鉤仔
hiuar | kind of jacket with a heavy lining | 裘仔; 棉襖; 襖
hoahhuar | fish auction | 喝魚仔
hoankviuar | hot pepper; green or red peppers | 番椒仔; 辣椒
hoefhuar | stoker | 火扶仔
huafchi | fish arket | 魚仔市
huafzuie | magic words written on a paper then burnt to ashes and mixed with water for curing diseases; water casting evil spell | 符仔水
huar | written Taoist charm | 符仔
hvaethauar | rice wine | 幌頭仔
hviuab'ar | incense box or container; incense boat | 香盒仔
hviuap | box of incense | 香盒
hviuaxn | incense table; the altar | 香案
iu'iuar thviax | feel a slight pain | 憂憂仔痛; 微微的痛
iuar | pomelo | 柚仔
iuay | the smell of oil or a bad odor | 油挨; 臭油味
iuiuafthviax | a dull pain | 幽幽仔疼
iulauar | oil funnel | 油漏仔
iøo tauar | shake the dice | 搖骰仔
iøqpauar | medicine package; envelop prepared for prescribed medicine | 藥包仔
iøqthauar | fresh medicine brewed in pot | 藥頭仔
jiauafhii | loizai | 鱙仔魚
jiøxzuafkauq | diaper rash | 尿苴仔𩛩
jiøxzuar | diaper | 尿墊仔; 尿布
jwhviuap | incense boat | 乳香盒
kafmthauar | woman's mourning head-dress | 蓋頭仔; 首經; (喪服)
kauar bexthao | drain is clogged | 溝仔未解; 水溝無通
kauar | ditch; drain | 溝仔
khankauar | middleman; broker | 牽猴仔; 掮客; 中人
khaotiauar | crying tune | 哭調仔
khauar | lot; lots; straws | 籤仔
khazefngthauar | toes | 跤指頭仔
khazngfthauar | toe | 腳指頭仔
khuaq | detain; imprison | 拘押
kimkuafchiaf | beetle shaped Volkswagen | 金龜車
kiuaix | make love to; to woo | 求愛
koahtiuafbea | get something for nothing | 割稻仔尾
koahtiuafboea | sit back and enjoy the results | 割稻仔尾
koahtiuar | harvesting rice | 割稻仔
koaq tiuar | harvest rice | 割稻
kuaftharmpaang | bride’s brothers came to visis | 舅仔探房
kuar | beetle-shaped insects | 甲蟲
kuxcirnthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuxzerngthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kviarsviuar | woman’s mirror box | 鏡箱仔
kviuar | mountain animal with barking sound is similar to that of a dog | 羌仔
kwnliauar | narrow band on the border of a cap of dress; piping | 滾條子
laixkauafpvy | inner ditch side | 內溝仔邊
lauafzhux | second-story house | 樓仔厝
lauar | funnel for liquids | 樓仔
laulauafsia | | 流流仔社
legtauar | green beans | 綠豆仔
liamkhauar | draw lots | 拈鬮仔
liangzuyzuar | cold water droplets water | 涼水珠仔
liauafhuu | Taiwanese dried fish | 鱙仔魚
liauafsi | take your time | 聊仔是; 慢慢來
liauar | hut; cabin; hut; a cottage | 寮仔; 小茅屋
liauliauar | slowly; by little and little | 聊聊仔; 慢慢地
liefntauar | dice; teetotum with six sides | 撚骰仔
liuafn | ammonium sulfate; ammonium sulfate | 硫銨; 硫安
liuar | a button | 鈕扣
liuar-khafng | a button hole | 鈕扣孔
liøxzuafkauq | diaper rash | 尿苴仔𩛩
liøxzuar | diaper | 尿苴仔
luafkviar | colt of an ass; foal of a donkey | 驢仔囝
luar | donkey | 驢子
miauafkviar | kitty cat | 喵仔囝
niauafciah | cat | 貓仔隻
niauafhvi | cat ear | 貓仔耳
niauafhviaf | cat | 貓仔兄
niauafkviar | kitten | 貓仔囡
niauafmngg | cat door | 貓仔門
niauafmof | cat hair | 貓仔毛
niauafoong | cat hair | 貓仔王
niauafsviaf | cat voice | 貓仔聲
niauafsvoaf | cat mountain | 貓仔山
niauar | cat; pussy | 貓仔; 貓
niuafchiu | mulberry | 娘仔樹
niuafhiøh | mulberry leaves | 娘仔葉; 桑葉
niuafkarn | silkworm cocoons | 娘仔繭
niuafkerng | silkworm cocoons | 娘仔繭
niuafkhag | cocoon | 娘仔殼; 蠶繭
niuafkiern | silkworm cocoons | 娘仔繭
niuafsy | silk of the silkworm | 娘阿絲; 蠶絲
niuaftau | silkworm chrysalis | 娘仔豆
niuar | a young woman's provisions; silkworm | 糧食; 蠶
niuar-chiu | mulberry | 娘仔樹; 桑樹
nngxsuar | two sets | 兩舒仔
noaxkauafbee | muddy | 爛溝仔糜
noaxthiauafcie | ulcer acne, pimple | 爛𤶃仔子
noaxthiauar | ulcer acne | 爛痘仔; 潰瘍性的面皰
oe huar | draw spells or charms; write incantations; to scribble or write unintelligibly | 畫符; 亂畫; 亂寫
oexhuar | imply bad handwriting | 畫符仔
othauafchiaf | black sedan | 烏頭仔車
othauafchiaf`laq | black sedan | 烏頭仔車啦
othauar | blackhead | 烏頭仔
pangthauar | same clan (family) | 房頭仔; 同一家族的人
parnghuar | a superstitious behavior to purse something | 使咒符; 放符
parngsytuaflaau | dump dead pigs to the river | 放死豬仔流
pauafkoea | bun kuih | 包仔粿
pauaføee | soft cloth shoes | 軟布鞋; 包鞋
pauar | meat patty or dumpling, steamed pie | 包仔
phahzuaftaai | Pachinko | 拍珠仔台
phepauar | leather bag | 皮包仔
phiørpauar | wallet | 皮包仔
phoepauar | leather bag | 皮包仔
phofngphuar | pump | 磅浦仔
pofthauar | axe | 斧頭仔
porluar | mop | 布攄仔
portiuar | transplant young rice plants | 播稻仔; 插秧
puaang | heat until white hot; make white hot | 燒紅; 烘紅
puafbin | bottle gourd face | 匏仔面
puar | squash; gourd; describe person's belly is big | 瓠瓜; 匏瓜; 形容人的肚子大
pvoariamviuar | half-yin and yang | 半陰陽仔
pvoarlauafterng | high rise | 半樓仔頂
pvoarlauar | house with high ceiling- so upper area can be another floor | 半樓仔
pvoax-chviuar | lower wall | 半牆仔
pvytauar | lentils | 扁豆仔
safnthiuafsafnthiw | skinny and tall | 瘦抽仔瘦抽
samkaeniuar | goddess of heaven | 三界娘仔
seaharnkuar | the youngest uncle on the mother side | 細漢舅仔
seaseatiauar | little | 細細條仔
siaxngthauar | in the beginning | 上頭仔
sibpattauar | dice | 十八骰仔
simpuaflee | depressed; withdrawn; remote; conduct of one with an inferiority complex | 媳婦仔螺; 孤伶; 羞澀; 愕呆狀
simpuar | little girl taken into the family in order to become daughter-in-law afterwards; sometimes a girl to be trained as a maid or for improper purposes | 新婦仔; 童養媳
sinkhuau | behind the body | 身軀後
sinniuar | bride | 新娘仔
sinpuar | child bride | 新婦仔
sioxngthauar | initially | 上頭仔
siuaq | take (a criminal suspect) into custody; detain; internment | 收押
siuarm | reduce the water content of rice | 收泔
siøfkoniuar | little giar | 小姑娘仔
siøfviuar | a lamb | 小羊仔
suafn | peace | 思安
svatuaflai | shirt cabinet | 衫櫥仔內
svatuar | shirt cabinet | 衫櫥仔
sviuaflai | inside the box | 箱仔內
sviuaftea | box bottom | 箱仔底
sviuafterng | box top | 箱仔頂
sviuar | chest; cabinet; trunk; box; case; box (wooden; iron) | 箱子
svoaviuar | goat | 山羊仔
sytuafkex | dead pig price- low pric | 死豬仔價
tahkauar | hook for hanging bag | 搭鉤仔
taq liauar | put up a shed; to set up a little cottage; hut or stable | 搭寮子
tauafcii | yam bean | 豆仔薯
tauafiuu | oil pressed from beans | 豆仔油
tauafkex | bean frame | 豆仔架
tauafkhag | husks of peas or beans | 豆仔殼
tauafleeng | long raised bed of beans | 豆子畦
tauaflui | bean | 豆仔類
tauafphøq | beans in distilled liquor | 豆仔滓
tauafthaang | bean worm | 豆仔蟲
tauaftiin | long stalks of peas | 豆仔藤
tauafzuu | yam bean | 豆仔薯
tauar | beans, peas, any of several lequmes; cide for gambling | 豆仔; 骰仔
tauaxn | turn oneself into police station; surrender oneself to justice | 投案
texhuar | brother-in-law | 弟婦仔
thaqlauar | build a story higher | 蓋樓房
thaucviuar | first born child | 頭一胎
thauthauar | secretly | 偷偷仔
theahiuau | after retire | 退休後
thiauafcie | pimple on the face; blackhead; acne | 青春痘; 面皰
thiauafkhaf | campaign supporters | 柱仔跤
thiauaflai | inside the column- campaign circle | 祧仔內
thiauar jiaq | an acne spot | 面皰跡
thiauar | pimple on the face; blackhead; acne | 面皰; 青春痘
thiethauar | have a hair cut | 剃頭仔
thihguafchiaf | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛仔車
thihguafchiaterng | on agricultural machinery | 鐵牛仔車頂
thihguar | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛仔
thofpauar | rustic or countrified person; hillbilly; country pumpkin | 土包子
thvy chirnthauar | increase quantity; amount; weight | 添秤頭; 增加稱量
tiauan'aan | hanging tight | 牢絚絚
tiauar | note; memo; chit | 紙條
tiexnhefkiuar | light ball | 電火球仔
tiexnhoefkiuar | light ball | 電火球仔
tiexnhoefthiauafkhaf | street light column bottom | 電火柱仔跤
tiexnhoefthiauar | street light column | 電火柱仔
tiexnhoefzuar | ght ball | 電火珠仔
tiexnkiuar | electric bulb | 電燈泡
tiuafboea | rice tail | 稻仔尾
tiuafhiøh | leave of rice | 稻仔葉
tiuafhngg | rice farm | 稻仔園
tiuafkhox | silk trousers | 綢仔褲
tiuafphafng | rice smell | 稻仔芳
tiuafpox | silk cloth | 綢仔布
tiuafsui | ear of rice | 稻仔穗
tiuafsvaf | silk garments | 綢仔衫
tiuafthaau | rice head | 稻仔頭
tiuafzhaan | farm | 稻仔田
tiuar | rice; paddy | 稻仔
tiutuaftiutuu | hesitate | 躊躇仔躊躇
tiørhuafng | kingfisher | 釣魚翁
toaxchiuar | big tree | 大樹仔
toaxcythauar | big sister | 大姊頭仔
toaxkuar | wife's older brother | 大舅子
toaxthauar | big head guy | 大頭仔
toaxzuykauar | big ditch | 大水溝仔
tuafkvar | piglet | 豬仔囝
tuafkviar | piglet | 豬仔囝
tuaflai | in the cabinet | 櫥仔內
tuafterng | cabinet top | 櫥仔頂
tuar | small press; cupboard; type of cage or trap | 櫥子
twthauar | just now | 拄頭仔
tøxsuar | Taoist priest | 道士仔
uichviuafterng | wall top | 圍牆仔頂
viuafbak | eye which does not close completely when the person is asleep | 羊眼目
viuafhiexn | lamb smell | 羊仔羶
viuafkviar | baby lamb | 羊仔囝
viuafsae | lamb shit | 羊仔屎
viuafthaau | lamb head | 羊仔頭
viuang'ar | doll | 洋尪仔
viuar | sheep; goat | 羔羊; 山羊
viukaktauar | type of bean smaller than green bean | 羊角豆仔
voafthauar | medium sized bowl | 碗頭仔
yliauafterng | bench top | 椅條仔頂
ythauar | wooden stool | 椅頭仔
yzuar | chair cushions | 椅墊仔
zefngthauafbak | finger joint; knuckle | 指頭仔目; 關節
zefngthauafboea | finger tail | 指頭仔尾
zefngthauafbøea | finger tip | 指頭仔尾; 指尖
zefngthauafterng | finger tip | 指頭仔頂
zefngthauar | finger or toe | 指頭仔; 腳指
zeg thiauafcie | squeeze a pimple | 擠青春痘
zeg thiauar | pop pimples | 擠痘仔
zengkhuafkviar | mortar | 舂臼仔囝
zengkhuar | mortar | 舂臼仔
zerngchiuafcied | Arbor Day; March 12; anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's death | 植樹仔節
zexng chiuar | plant trees | 種樹仔
zhaam-niuar | silkworm | 蠶娘仔
zhachiuar | firewood | 柴樹仔
zhaekoetiauar | snake melon | 菜瓜條仔
zhaetauar | kidney beans | 菜豆仔
zhaetuafkhaf | kitchen cabinet | 菜櫥仔跤
zhaetuar | kitchen cabinet | 菜櫥仔
zhahuar | dust generated from wood burning | 柴烌仔
zhai thiauar | plant a pillar | 豎柱子; 豎桿子
zhankauar | gutter for irrigation | 田溝仔; 田間小溝
zhankiauar | upstart; nouveau riche | 田驕仔; 大地主
zhanthauaflo | rice farm pathway | 田頭仔路
zhanthauar | rice farm | 田頭仔
zhao'iuay | unpleasant oily smell from being kept too long | 臭油味
zhaochviekuar | stinky bug | 臭腥龜仔
zhaokauar | stinky ditch | 臭溝仔
zhaothauar | brat | 臭頭仔
zhaozhveakuar | stinky bug | 臭腥龜仔
zhasviuar | wooden box | 柴箱仔
zhathauang'ar | wooden idol; wooden figure; people who have no feeling | 柴頭尪仔; 無感情的人
zhawliauar | straw hut | 草寮仔
zhawthauar | Chinese herbs | 草頭仔; 草藥
zhehpauar | booklet | 冊包仔
zhehtuaflai | inside bookshelf | 冊櫥仔內
zhehtuar | bookshelf | 冊櫥仔
zheng'iuar | lustration and concinnity | 清幽仔
zhørchiuar | cut or fell a tree | 剉樹仔; 伐木; 砍樹
zoafliauar | long strips of paper torn evenly | 紙條子
zoafsviuar | cardboard box | 紙箱仔
zoaftiauar | note | 紙條仔
zuaang | bright red; vermilion | 朱紅
zuafciøh | beads | 珠仔石
zuaflien | beads chain | 珠仔鍊
zuaftefng | needle with one end is bigger for knitting | 珠仔釘
zuaix | benevolence, affection, love, kindly (elderly persons) | 慈愛
zuangseg | scarlet | 朱紅色
zuar | pearls; beads | 珠子
zurnkauar | ditch | 圳溝仔
zuyguar | water buffalo | 水牛仔
zuykauafpiaq | ditch walls | 水溝仔壁
zuykauaftea | bottom of ditch | 水溝仔底
zuykauar | ditch | 水溝仔
zuykviuar | water ginger | 水薑仔
zuytiuar | rice aberdeen | 水稻仔
zuzuaang | scarlet | 朱朱紅
zvaftiuafbea | cut ricegrass end | 斬稻仔尾
zvaftiuafboea | cut ricegrass end | 斬稻仔尾
zøx-khauar | prepare straws for drawing | 作刮仔

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