"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Auhoax | Europeanize, westernize | 歐化
Juhak | teaching of Confucius | 儒學
Khofsiuhoe | Passionists (Catholic) | 苦修會
Lienciauhoe | Taiwan Joint Admissions Association | 日商
Liuhongtør | Iwo Jima; one of the Bonin Islands | 硫磺島
Serngthea iuheeng | Procession of the Blessed Sacrament | 聖體遊行
Siauhinciuo | Shaohsing wine; a mild rice brew of golden yellows color; famous product of Shaohsing in Chekiang Province | 紹興酒
Suhoad zhaiphvoarsor | Court of Justice | 司法裁判所
Suhoat'vi | Judicial Yuan | 司法院
Suhoatpo | Ministry of Justice | 司法部
Thauhun | a city in Miaoli County | 頭份
auhofng | European fashion | 歐風
badciuhciuq | close; closed; secluded closely; woven; dense cloud; tight fitting | 密喌喌; 密無透風
bauh kangsu | contract to build public works or big projects | 貿工事; 承辦工事
bauh siogmih | buy things cheap by lot | 貿俗物; 大買便宜貨
bauh | vast profit; commerce; trade; contract a job to build or do something; contract for a piece of work; to buy the whole lot | 貿; 承攬; 包工; 大賺; 總攬; 承包
bauh`laai | bid a contract | 貿來; 包下買來; 承攬來
baxnlie buhuun | cloudless | 萬里無雲
be siauhoax ee mih | indigestible things | 袂消化的物
biauhoe | describe | 描繪
budlie liauhoad | physical therapy | 物理療法
buhai | harmless; not injurious | 無害
buham | incriminate falsely | 誣陷
buhan kongsy | ordinary business partnership | 無限公司
buhan toa | infinity | 無限大
buhan | limitless; infinite; unlimited | 無限
buhan-liong | unlimited in capacity | 無限量
buhau | ineffective; useless; to no avail; not valid | 無效
buhaxnliong | unlimited; not circumscribed by limits; indefinite; boundless; immense; without measure | 無限量
buhaxnzex | not limited; without qualification | 無限制
buheeng | formless; shapeless; spiritual; moral; invisible; invisibly; formless | 無形
buhengtiofng | imperceptibly; insidiously; unbeknown | 無形中
buhiø | heirless; without posterity | 無後
buhoad buthiefn | lawless and godless; totally devoid of conscience and respect for law | 無法無天
buhoad khør sy | unable to do anything about it | 無法可施
buhoad khør ti | there is no remedy for it; there is no way to settle the matter | 無法可治
buhoad | no way; impossible | 無法; 無法,沒辦法
buhoad-buthiefn | completely lawless and Godless; licentious | 無法無天
buhoakør | fig; fig | 無花果
buhoatbuthiefn | lawless | 無法無天
buhofng pud khylong | There must be a cause or reason for something (Lit. If there is no wind there are no waves.) | 無風無起浪
buhoong | fine; OK; may as well; might as well; just as well; doesn't matter; unimportant; does not constitute an obstacle or obstruction | 無妨
buhuy | that is; nothing but | 無非
bunsuhoad | Modern Literal Taiwanese | 文書法
bølun juhøo | in any case; at all events | 無論如何
chiapgiok thauhiofng | indulge in secret relations with women | 竊玉偷香
chiauhiexnsit zwgi | surrealism | 超現實主義
chiauhoaan jibsexng | transcend worldliness and attain holiness | 超凡入聖
chiauhoaan | remarkable, unusual, to transcend worldly things | 超凡
chiauhoaf | sybaritic | 超華; 奢侈
chiauhoan | above the average; uncommon | 超凡
chiqbwchiqzhuh | whisper; murmur | 細聲說話; 耳語
chiuhaytoong | a begonia | 秋海棠
chiuhoaai | sad feeling; sadness | 愁懷
chiuhofng | The autumn wind | 秋風
chiuhwn | the Autumnal Equinox; autumnal equinox | 秋分
chiuhøo | subtle | 秋毫
chixbwchixzhuh | whisper | 交頭接耳
chviwthauhviw | compete for putting the first incense stick | 搶頭香; 爭取上第一柱香
ciah-bøe siauhoax | slow of digestion; indigestible food | 吃未消化
ciauhaang | call for surrender of the enemy | 招降
ciauhoaan | anguish | 焦煩; 煩悶
ciauhoaf jiafzhao | lascivious (usually said of a male); wolfish; a seducer of women | 招花惹草
ciauhof | salutation; hello; salute | 招呼
ciauhofng yntiap | act the habitual flirt (said of a woman); make passes at men without discrimination | 招蜂引蝶
ciauhunsut | spiritism | 招魂術
ciauhuun | to call back the soul of the dead | 招魂
ciauhw | logger; axeman; woodsman | 樵夫
ciauhør | all of them are good | 都好
ciqciauh-kiøx | bird chirping | 鳥叫聲
ciuh | sound of bird, chirp, squeak | 啾; 啁; 吱
ciuhoe | weekly meeting | 週會
cviafphiqphuh | tasteless (food); insipid | 淡噗薄; 淡而無味
cviar phiqphuh | very insipid | 淡極了
cviuhii | octopus; devilfish | 章魚
cymthauhieen | pillow talk of a female companion; slanders or flatteries (Lit. Chinese fiddle played by one's pillow companion) | 枕頭弦; 枕邊細語
eftuhtuq | very short (in stature) | 矮愣愣; 很矮
eng'iorng liauhoad | dietary cure | 營養療法
gafsuhloo | gas stove | 瓦斯爐
gauhvay | complain of unfair treatment; discrimination or undeserved punishment; like to complain | 會哼; 很會呻吟; 叫屈; 哼
giuhoong | bovine bezoar | 牛黃
gong-tuhtuq | dumb; silly; inept | 傻愣愣
guhefng | self-depreciatory reference to oneself when addressing a colleague or friend less advanced in age (usually used in correspondence) | 愚兄
guhi | ox-ear; cow's ear; cattle's ear | 牛耳
guhix | ox lung | 牛肺
guhoaxn | cattle buyer and seller | 牛販
guhw | a fool, a dunce | 愚夫
guhy | cow market | 牛墟; 販牛場
guihiarm khuhek | danger zone | 危險區域
gutiofng-guhaux | blind devotion to one's lord and parents | 愚忠愚孝
gviauh | twitch | 搔; 蠕
gviauhgviauq`leq | pry up | 搔搔咧; ??咧
gviauhkhix | die | 蠕去; 死去
gviauhzhuix | protrude one's lips | 翹嘴; 噘嘴; 突出唇
hanzuhurn | yam stuch | 番薯粉
harmphuh | swollen with a disease | 浮腫; 譀浡; 癡肥; 水腫
hauhaw | rough and thick (skin) | 唬唬; 粗粗; 無平滑
hauhe | leave it | 候下; 放置著
hauhkhag | (shell) flake off | 殼剝落
hayviuhak | oceanography; oceanography | 海洋學
hengzerngkhuhek | political division of an area for administrative purposes | 行政區域
hiauh | a shell | 殼
hiauheng | unethical | 梟行; 僥倖; 無道德
hiauheng-cvii | ill-gotten wealth or gains | 僥倖錢; 橫財
hiauhexngcvii | | 僥倖錢
hiauhhiauq | peeling off | 僥僥; 藃藃
hiauhiaau | somewhat ramping | 爬坡
hiauhiarm | sly and crafty | 陰險; 僥險
hiauhiaw | lifting, peeling, wrapping | 墝墝; 僥僥; [*]; 脫僥
hiauhioong | change one's love; fierce dauntless | 薄情; 梟雄; 裊雄; 僥雄
hiauhkhag | shelling | 脫殼; 脫皮; 脫落
hiauhoarn | rebel | 違背; 背叛; 僥反
hiauhoef | immoral woman | 嬈花
hiauhphie | ruffian; bully | 剝痞
hiauhphoee | slough off dead skin | 脫皮
hiauhphøee | to peel off the skin; skin peel off; the shedding of shell; to come off or fall off | 剝皮; 脫皮; 脫殼; 脫落
hiauhthafn | warped and deformed | 藃蟶
hiauhu | let down; fail to live up to; disappoint | 僥負; 辜負
hietzhefng liauhoad | serum therapy | 血清療法
hiexntai-bunsuhoad | modern style of writing | 現代文書法
hiuhaan | leisure | 休閒
hiuhaan-oaqtang | enjoying leisure | 休閒活動
hiuhak | quit; leave of absence for a considerable period of time from school | 休學
hiuhiukiøx | scream; shout | 休休叫; 喊叫
hiuhoe | recess; adjourn a meeting | 休會
hng'iuhoe | garden party (yuan-you-hui) | 園遊會
horngsia liauhoad | radiotherapy; radiation therapy | 放射療法
horngsiaxsvoax liauhoad | radiotherapy | 放射線療法
huhap | correspond; conform; to cohere with; correspond; to match; to tally | 符合
huhek | capture weapons or documents from the enemy | 俘獲
huhoaa | flauntiness | 虛華
huhoaai | to be humble; open-minded | 虛懷
huhoad | art of incantation; charm or spell | 符法; 法術
huhoaxn | illusory; visionary; unreal | 虛幻
huhoe | fishermen's Association | 漁會
huhoo | vain; empty; unsubstantial | 虛浮
huhu | husband and wife | 夫婦
huhuix | waste, wasted money, dummy item | 虛廢; 浪費
huhuo | dried fish floss | 魚拊
huhuu | supporting on hands | 扶扶
huhuzhahzhaq | give present (to one's elder; superior) | 孝敬有加
huhø | symbol; sign; denotation; expression | 符號
huhøo | to follow, to echo | 符和
hvauqhvauh | the taste of undercooked taro, radish, etc. | 幌頭仔
hviuha | countryside | 鄉下 [*]
hviuhea | public worship at Buddhist temples; good attendance at temple | 香火
hviuhoea | incense | 香火
hviuhoefar | small bag of joss stick ash or written spells carried as a talisman | 香火仔; 隨身符; 香包
hviuhw | incense ashes | 香灰; 香烌
hviuhøea | incense burning in temple or in family altar; amulet; incense; heritage | 香火
hvoathauhybin | happy | 歡頭喜面
iauhoad | witchcraft; evil magic | 妖法
iauhofng | evil wind, evil custom of the society | 妖風
iauhorng | shake | 搖晃
itkoad-zhuhioong | fight it out; compete for the championship | 一決雌雄
iuhaan | carefree; leisure | 優閒; 悠閒
iuhaang | oil store | 油行
iuhak | to study abroad; to pursue advanced study far away from home; study in a foreign country | 遊學; 留學
iuhaxn | leisurely, unhurried | 遊漢; 優?; 悠?; 遊?
iuheeng | hold a procession | 遊街; 遊行
iuheg | lure | 誘惑
iuhexng | travelling pleasant | 遊興
iuhietviuu | place of amusement; recreation center; playground | 遊戲場
iuhii | gizzard shad (fish) | 遊魚; 油魚; 高鼻水滑
iuhix | game; play; game; amusement; pastime | 遊戲
iuhoan | distress; trouble; worry | 憂患
iuhoe | trust; secret meeting (between a couple in love) | 幽會
iuhoea | oil fire | 油火
iuhoee | remit by post; postal money order | 郵匯
iuhui | favorable | 優惠
iuhui-søealut | import tariff rates for goods imported from a favored nation | 優惠稅率
iuhuix putciog | insufficient postage | 郵費無足
iuhuix | postage | 郵資; 郵費
iuhuixkog | favored nation (in international treaty) | 優惠國
iuhuu | rose belt fish | 油魚
iuhviw | oily | 油香
iuhwn | percentage or proportion of fat | 油分
iutoe-khuhø | zip code | 郵遞區號
iwpi-buhoan | There is no danger when there is preparedness | 有備無患
jiauhuun | wrinkle; creases; folds | 皺紋; 皺痕
jibtviuhuix | admission | 入場費
jidkofng-liauhoad | sun cure | 日光療法
jidthauhoef | sunflower | 日頭花
jiedphauh | fever blister | 熱泡
jiuhii | dried cuttlefish | 魷魚; 鰇魚
jiuhikvef | squid soup | 鰇魚羹
jiuhoax | soften; tend to become weak and lax | 柔化
jiuhøo | soft; gentle; amiable; tender | 柔和
juha | as follows; as below | 如下
juhak | the teaching of Confucius | 儒學
juhefng-jute | like brothers | 如兄如弟
juhek ciepør | like acquiring a rare treasure (literally)--get what one has wished or desired for a long time | 如獲至寶
juhii tekzuie | like fish in water (literally)--in agreeable circumstances; very satisfied or pleased; (said of newlyweds) very happy and contented | 如魚得水
juhoad phaozex | do things according to an approved routine methods; do something exactly as others have done | 如法泡製
juhoaf-suxgiok | like flower and jade (literal)--(said of a girl) young; beautiful and pure | 如花似玉
juhoax | emulsify, emulsification | 乳化
juhor thiam'ek | like adding wings to a tiger (literally)--with added strength; greatly strengthened or reinforced | 如虎添翼
juhujiin | concubine | 如夫人
juhuun | like gathering clouds (literally)--many; plentiful; gather in a crowd | 如雲
juhøo | how (can we deal with…?) What do you think of it: How about it? | 如何
kaegiaam-khuhek | area under martial law | 戒嚴區域
kafmthaxn-huhø | exclamation mark | 感嘆符號
kalauh | fall down (something); to drop (something); lose something | 掉下; 交落; 遺落; 失落
kateeng-liauhoad | home treatment | 家庭療法
kauh | grumble; to murmur | 嘀咕; 抱怨
kauhap | join; contact; copulate; copulation | 交合; 性交; 交接
kauheeng | to return, to give back | 交還; 交?
kauhex | delivery | 交貨
kauhii | mackerel (fish) | 鉤魚; 臺灣馬加赫
kauhiofnggak | symphony | 交響樂
kauhiofngkheg | symphony | 交響曲
kauhiorng | symphonic | 交響
kauhiorng-gagthoaan | orchestra | 交響樂團
kauhiorng-gak | symphonic music | 交響樂
kauhiorng-kheg | symphonic music | 交響曲
kauhiornggak | symphonic music | 交響樂
kauhiorngkeg | symphonic music | 交響曲
kauhix | monkey show (in circus; zoo) | 猴戲
kauhkvoa | sweating | 腐汗; 汗垢; 汗濕
kauho | alternate, mutual, reciprocal | 交互
kauhoaan | hand back; restoration | 交還; 交還,交回
kauhoafn | get along with one other person very well | 交歡
kauhoe | rendezvous | 交會
kauhoee | hand back; restoration | 交回
kauhoex | deliver goods | 交貨
kauhofng | wage war; engage in battle | 交鋒
kauhpuii | make compost for fertilizer | 𩛩肥
kauhpuui | compost; farmyard manure | 輾肥; 堆肥
kauhux | consign; hand over; pay; hand over; delivery | 交付
kauhvi | whisper; confidential talk | 交耳; 耳語
kauhvi'ar | one of the radicals | 交耳仔; 耳朵旁; (漢字部首之一)
kauhvor | cordiality, to be on good terms, become friend | 交好
kauhøex | deliver goods | 交貨
kauhøex-huozhefng | cash on delivery; C.O.D | 交貨付清
kauhøex-jidkii | delivery day | 交貨日期
khanguhoef | morning glory | 牽牛花
khaphuhseflux | medicine capsule | 膠囊
khauh | startled; taken by surprise | 愕
khauhofng | dryness caused by the wind; be exposed to wind | 風刮; 刮風; 晾風
khimseg-tiauhøo | lutes are in harmony ─ felicity of husband and wife | 琴瑟調和
kho'uh'ar | to hiccough; to hiccup | 呼噎仔; 打嗝
khof-uh'ar | to hiccup | 呼嗝仔; 打嗝兒
khouh'ar | hiccup; hiccough | 呼噎仔; 打嗝; 打噎; 打呃
khuhek | district; parish; area; region; district; zone | 區域
khuhkhuh'saux | to cough continuously; to cough without stop | 咳咳嗽; 咳嗽無停
khuhkhuhsaux | coughing | 呿呿嗽
khuhwn | differentiate; partition; set apart; distinguish | 區分
khvauh | food chewing crunching sound | 摳
khyphauh | raise blisters; to bubble | 起泡
kiky-tuqtuh | point fingers and talk behind some's back | 指指揬揬
kiuhak | to receive education; to study | 求學
kiuheeng | spheroid; spherical | 球形
kiuhkad | to tangle and tie together | 臉結; 糾纏打結
kiuhkiuq | wrinkled | 縐縐; 縮狀
kiuhkyn | spasm; convulsion | 抽筋; 痙攣
kiuho | pray for rain | 求雨; 祈雨
kiuhoad | method of requisition | 求法
kiuhoafn | seek intercourse with a woman | 求歡
kiuhog | seek good fortune | 求福
kiuhsvoax | elastic cord; string; band; etc. | 縐線; 鬆緊線
kiuhtoax | elastic | 縐帶; 鬆緊帶
kiuhun | enmity, hatred | 求恨; 仇恨
kiuhwn | to propose (to a woman) for marriage | 求婚
kiuhøo | sue for peace; propose negotiation of peace | 求和
koad-zhuhioong | fight it out | 決雌雄
koatzhuhioong | make victory and defeat; make success and failure | 決雌雄; 定勝負
kuhee | shrimp, Penaeus japonicus | 龜蝦
kuhhwn | smoke (cigarette; pipe) | 抽煙
kutthauhoef | bone ashes | 骨頭灰
kutthauhw | bone ash; ashes of a cremated corpse | 骨頭灰
kviuhoef | ginger flower | 薑花
kviuhurn | ginger powder | 薑粉
kykytuqtuh | censure; criticize | 指指點點
lanciauhoef | lotus flower | 蓮蕉花
lansiauhoax | dyspepsia, indigestion | 難消化
lauh | fall; drop; be missing | 落
lauhe | leave; leave behind; keep back | 留下
lauhioxng | flow direction | 流向
lauhoeh'aq | bleeding | 流血矣
lauhoehlautiq | bleeding | 流血流滴
lauhoeq | bleed | 流血
lauhuiq | shed blood | 流血
lengsiuhoe | retreat | 靈修會
liauhoad | a cure; a therapy; medical treatment | 療法; 治療法
lidthauhoef | dizzy | 日頭花
lienciauhoef | lotus banana flower | 蓮蕉花
liuh | a little | 略
liuha | leave; preserve; detain; stop; remain; stay | 留下
liuhagsefng | a student studying abroad; (foreign) exchange student; one who has studied abroad | 留學生
liuhak | study abroad; study in a foreign country | 留學
liuhaksefng | students sent abroad to study | 留學生
liuheeng | be in fashion; fashionable; much in vogue (style; customs); be widely circulated or accepted | 流行; 慣行
liuheeng-sexng kafmmo | influenza; flu | 流行性感冒
liuhek | river valley; a basin; drainage basin | 流域
liuhengkoa'ar | pop songs | 流行歌仔
liuhengkoaf | popular song | 流行歌
liuhengpve | epidemic | 流行病
liuhengpvi | epidemic | 流行病
liuhengsexng kafmmo | influenza; flu | 流行性感冒
liuhengsexng | popularity | 流行性
liuhichiw | catfish whiskers | 鰇魚鬚
liuhied køeato | excessive bleeding | 出血過度; 流血過度
liuhied | bleeding; to shed blood | 流血
liuhii | dried cuttlefish | 魷魚
liuhioxng | flow direction | 流向
liuhoan | flow | 流患
liuhoarbut | a sulfate; sulphide; sulphuret | 硫化物
liuhoargiin | silver sulfide | 硫化銀
liuhoax | sulphides | 硫化
liuhoe | adjournment of a meeting; failure to hold a meeting; be adjourned; be called off | 流會
liuhofng baxnsex | hand down a fragrant reputation to all generations | 流芳萬世
liuhofng chienkor | hand down a fine reputation; be honored by all generations | 流芳千古
liuhofng | to hand down a fine reputation through history; traditional custom; hand down a fine reputation through history; be honored by posterity | 流芳; 流風
liuhongkøf | sulfur paste | 硫磺膏
liuhongzvoaa | sulphur spring | 硫磺泉
liuhoong | sulfur; brimstone | 硫磺
liuhoxng | to exile; to banish | 流放
liuhukvy | catfish soup | 鰇魚羹
liuhuu | catfish | 鰇魚
liuqsiuh | bright and smooth | 亮滑
luhuliin | concubine | 如夫人
luhøo | how | 如何
løqphauh | hail | 下雹
mafmafhuhw | careless; casual; fair; so-so | 馬馬虎虎
mafmar huhw | careless; perfunctory; sloppy; slovenly | 馬虎; 馬馬虎虎
mafmar-huhw | careless; casual; just so-so | 馬馬虎虎; 過得去
mauhkhie | missing tooth | 缺牙
mauhmauq | mouth without teeth | 卯卯
mauhtuun | lips | 凹唇
mauhzhuix | mouth without teeth | 卯嘴; 唇內縮
mimimauhmauq | crooked; askew; What a mess! | 歪七扭八; 糟透了
mimy-mauhmauq | damaged; out of shape | 凹凹癟癟
mixpauhw | bread crumbs | 麵包屑
mngtauh'ar | door-latch | 門栓仔
moluhine | morphine, morphia | 嗎
mxkamtiuhtiuq | care a lot | 毋甘搐搐
natauhiøh | leaf of the pandanus tree; screw-pine leaf | 林投葉
ngkiuhoef | yellow ball-shape flower | 黃毬花
niauhiim | ponda | 貓熊
niauhuun | scar | 貓痕; 麻子
niuhioxng | money for food and other supplies in army | 糧餉
nngfkauhkauq | extremely soft | 軟𩛩𩛩
nngfkauqkauh | very weak in constitution; too soft and unpleasant to eat (food) | 軟綿綿; (食物)
nngfkiuhkiuq | very soft (dough; food; body) | 軟綿綿
oafsuhloo | gas stove | 瓦斯爐
oan'iuhoe | garden party | 園遊會
oaqtauh'ar | steel trap | 活篤仔; 捕獸器
oniauhviaf | black cat brother | 烏貓兄
paesuhagge | apprenticeship | 拜師學藝
paitui iuheeng | parade in demonstration; form a procession | 排隊遊行
paktor tuhtuq | lie heavy on one's stomach; feel heavy in the stomach | 肚子脹脹的
pauh'vie | budding; to bud | 發芽
pauhaam baxn'iuo | embracing all things | 包含萬有
pauhaam zaixlai | be included in | 包含在內
pauhaam | inclusion; including; containment; contain; comprise; include; contain | 包含
pauhaw | to bawl | 咆哮
pauhefng | elder brother by same father | 胞兄
pauhengte | brothers by the same parents | 胞兄弟
pauhgee | germination; sprouting; budding; germinate; to sprout; to bud | 發芽
pauhii | abalone; sea-ear; abalone | 鮑魚
pauhkhie | buck teeth | 凸牙; 暴牙
pauhofng | packing; casing; close; paste or seal up carefully (a parcel; letter) | 包封; 包裝
pauhog'ar | cloth wrapper; package wrapped in cloth | 包袱仔
pauhogkin'ar | furoshiki | 包袱巾仔
pauhogkwn | wrap | 包袱巾
pauhogkyn | a cloth wrapper; cloth wrapper; wrapping cloth | 包袱巾; 包巾
pauhok | baggage; bundle of clothes; burden; encumbrance | 包袱
pauhut | contain a seed, contain meat (of nut, etc) | 包核; 帶核
pauhuu | abalone | 鮑魚
pauhviaf | brother | 胞兄
pengphauh | hail (storm) | 冰雹
phah'uh'ar | belch | 打嗝仔
phahkalauh | (v) lose due to carelessness; demolish; let fall | 拍交落; 弄丟; 遺失; 掉下去; 丟掉
phahkaqlauh | loss | 打交落; 遺失
phaq-chiuhofng | autumn breeze | 打秋風; 拍秋風
phaq-ciauhof | greeting | 打招呼
phaq-ciuhofng | to send a goodwill, to seek financial help | 打秋風
phauh | blister | 皰; 雹
phekauhix | shadow play | 皮猴戲
phiautiarm huhø | punctuation marks | 標點符號
phoehuhak | dermatology | 皮膚學
phoekauhix | puppet shadow show | 皮猴戲
phuh | thin; flimsy | 薄
phuhieen | suspended, in suspension | 暫停; 懸
phuhien | emerge | 浮現
phuhiexn | emerge | 浮現
phuhiexnzhud | emerged | 浮現出
phuhlofphehlar | propeller (of a ship; plane) | 推進機
phuhuun | floating cloud | 浮雲
phuhzhexng | like to seek or be in the limelight | 冒衝; 愛出風頭
piuhor | fierce tiger | 彪虎
puh'mm | sprout flower bud | 萌萼; 發萼
puh'vie | sprout; put forth buds; bud at the side | 萌芽; 發芽
puhgee | budding; sprout; put forth buds | 萌芽; 發芽
puhiaf | calabash; wooden scoop or bowl made of one piece of wood; (said in jest) a sun helmet; ladle made of dry gourd | 匏杓; 匏桸; 葫蘆瓢
puhiakhog | wooden scoop shell | 瓠桸觳
puhlaang | pus | 暴膿
puhliap | germination | 萌粒
puhpha | blister; rise in blisters | 暴泡; 生水泡; 起泡
puhphaf | get a blister | 暴泡
puhphang | blistering | 暴縫
puhphøeh | blistering | 暴泡; 起泡
puhphøf | bubble; froth; lather | 暴波; 起泡沫
puhzhutlaai | erupted | 暴出來
put'liuheeng | not in fashion | 無流行; 不流行
pørthauhofng | the blast of wind precedes a typhoon | 播頭風; 颱風前奏風
safntiuhtiuq | skinny | 瘦搐搐
sankviuhoear | mountain ginger flower | 山薑花仔
sauhofng | cracked by dry wind | 脆風; 裂開; 乾枯
seapauhak | cytology | 細胞學
seatiauhang | small ally | 細條巷
sefngliok huhø | ellipsis; apostrophe; abbreviation | 省略符號
seviuhoax | foreign influence; westernize | 西洋化
siauhaxn | sky | 霄漢
siauhoarek | digestive fluids | 消化液
siauhoax hexthorng | digestive apparatus or system | 消化系統
siauhoax khiekoafn | digestive organs | 消化器官
siauhoax putlioong | indigestion; dyspepsia | 消化無良
siauhoax zok'iong | digestive function | 消化作用
siauhoax | digest; digestive; digest (food); to absorb mentally | 消化; 硝化
siauhoax-ek | digestive fluid | 消化液
siauhoax-svoax | digestive gland | 消化腺
siauhoax-tø | alimentary tract | 消化道
siauhoex | consume; consumption; expend; expense | 銷燬
siauhofng | leak air | 漏氣
siauhong'oaan | fire fighters | 消防員
siauhongchiaf | fire engines | 消防車
siauhongtui | fire brigade | 消防隊
siauhongzof | fire fighter team | 消防組
siauhoong | fire-fighting; fire fighting; prevention and extinction of fires | 消防
siauhoong-tui | fire brigade, fire department | 消防隊
siauhoong-tuixoaan | firemen; fire fighter | 消防隊員
siauhuie | destroy | 銷毀
siauhuieciar | consumers | 消費者
siauhuiephirn | consumer goods; expendable materials | 消費品
siauhuiesoex | consumption tax | 消費稅
siauhuietiau | consume | 消費掉
siauhuix habzoksia | consumers cooperative | 消費合作社
siauhuix | consume; consumption; consumption | 消費; 銷毀
siauhuun | rapture; be held spellbound (by a beautiful woman); overwhelmed by beauty; love; enraptured; ecstasy | 銷魂; 狂喜; 消魂
siauhøea | fire extinguishing | 消火
siauhøefkhix | fire extinguisher | 消火器; 滅火器
siauhøefzef | fire extinguishing chemical | 消火劑
siauhøefzoan | fireplug; hydrant | 消火栓
sidbut liauhoad | diet therapy | 食物療法
sinhwn huhu | newlyweds | 新婚夫婦
sinniuhaghau | birdal school | 新娘學校
sinniuhoef | bride’s flowers | 新娘花
sinsiuhak | study of ascetics | 神修學
sirngiorng liauhoad | faith healing | 信仰療法
siuhaam | receive a letter | 收函
siuhak | quick school | 修學
siuhau | to bear fruit, to produce effect | 收效
siuhee | withdraw | 收回
siuhegcied | harvest date | 收獲節
siuhek | harvest; fruit (of efforts); gather in the crops | 收穫; 收獲
siuheng | stylite; ascetic practices; practice Buddhist or Taoist rules (often strict and ascetic in nature) | 修行
siuhexngtiofng | practicing | 修行中
siuhiexn | consititution amendment | 修憲
siuhin | hatred; spite; animosity; enmity; hostility | 仇恨
siuhioxng | collect duties, collect taxes | 收向; 收餉
siuhix | end of show | 收戲
siuho | repair | 修護
siuhoad | receive and send out (official papers; documents); office clerk who takes care of the receiving and sending out of official correspondence | 收發
siuhoan | prisoner; jailbird; prisoner; convict; jail bird | 囚犯
siuhoarurnhoad | collection, transportation and distribution | 收化運發
siuhoatseg | office through which official correspondence of an organization is received or sent out | 收發室
siuhoe sernggoan | religious profession | 修會聖願
siuhoee | to get back, to recover, to restore, to recall | 收回
siuhok | subdue and win the allegiance of | 收服; 收復
siuhuix | cost | 收費
siuhun | hatry | 仇恨
siuhuun | spiritual ceremony | 收魂
siuhøea | to sell goods | 售貨
siuhøea'oaan | shop clerk; salesclerk | 售貨員
siuhøeajiin | receiver of the delivered goods; consignee | 收貨人
siuhøee | to get back, to recover, to restore, to recall | 收回
siuhøex | receive delivered goods | 收貨; 售貨
siuokiuhoef | hydrangea | 繡球花
siusuhak | rhetoric (as a subject of study) | 修辭學
sixuy iuheeng | protest march; demonstration parade | 示威遊行
sngf-giuhgiuq | very sour | 酸極了
sngf-kiuhkiuq | very sour | 酸極了
sokkix huhø | shorthand script | 速記符號
su tai ciauhofng | High trees attract the wind. ─ Famous persons attract criticisms easily | 樹大招風
suha | privately; secretly | 私下
suhaam | private letter | 私函
suhae | collection of words ─ a dictionary | 辭海
suhau | private school; wait or attend upon; serve | 私校; 伺候
suhaxn | to roar | 嘶喊
suheeng | lynching | 私刑
suhhoehkuie | bloodsucker; vampire | 吸血鬼
suhhoeq | extraction of pus | 吸膿; 吸血
suhhuihloong | bloodsucker | 欶血狼
suhhwn | smoke tobacco | 吸煙
suhiaw | smuggler | 私梟
suhied | blood transfusion | 輸血
suhietciar | blood donor | 輸血者
suhiofng bunte | literary family | 書香門第
suhiofng | think of one's home; homesick | 思鄉
suhiongpve | homesickness; nostalgia | 思鄉病
suhkhuix | inspire, breathe in | 吸氣
suhkorng | straw | 欶管
suhlaang | extraction of pus | 吸膿; 吸血
suhlefng | suck milk | 吸乳; 吮乳
suhliawliao | suck them all | 欶了了
suhoad hengzerngkoaan | judicial administrative authority | 司法行政權
suhoad hengzerngpo | the Ministry of Justice | 司法行政部
suhoad kefngzhad | judicial police | 司法警察
suhoad kikoafn | judicial organizations | 司法機關
suhoad ngguu | profiteer serving as arbitrator or liaison between a judge and a defendant | 司法黃牛
suhoad toglip | independence of the judiciary | 司法獨立
suhoad zeato | judicial system | 司法制度
suhoad | jurisdiction; judicature; calligraphy | 司法; 書法
suhoad-koaan | jurisdiction | 司法權
suhoad-vi | Judicial Yuan | 司法院
suhoad-zeato | judicial system | 司法制度
suhoan hag'vi | normal college | 師範學院
suhoan haghau | normal school | 師範學校
suhoan kaoiok | normal education | 師範教育
suhoan taixhak | normal university | 師範大學
suhoan zoankhøf haghau | junior teachers college | 師範專科學校; 師專
suhoan | teacher training; worthy of being patterned after; master; tutor; teacher; imitate; emulate; a short term for normal schools | 師範
suhoan-hag'vi | a teacher's college | 師範學院
suhoan-haghau | a normal school | 師範學校
suhoan`ee | normal university for training students | 師範的
suhoatkaf | calligrapher | 書法家
suhoatkaix | legal profession | 司法界
suhoatkoaan | jurisdiction | 司法權
suhoatkvoaf | legal officer; judge | 司法官
suhoaxnpo | Teacher Department | 師範部
suhoaxnsefng | students of a normal school or college | 師範生
suhoe | conduct a meeting | 私會; 司會
suhoeq | blood transfusion | 輸血
suhoexciar | chairman of a meeting | 輸血者; 主席
suhok | plain clothes; e.g.; detective; mufti; civilian clothes | 便衣
suhtaf | carefully use a cloth or paper napkin to absorb the dampness of an object | 吸乾
suhtiøh | suck | 吸著
suhu | master workman; tutors, masters (collectively), polite term of address for such artisans as carpenters, masons, cooks | 師傅; 師父; 帥父
suhuiesefng | self-supporting pupils | 私費生
suhuiq | blood transfusion | 輸血
suhuix liuhak | Study abroad using personal funds | 私費留學; 自費留學
suhun | private | 私份
suhviaf | elder apprentice (said by younger ones) | 師兄
suhviati | fellow students under the same master or tutor | 師兄弟
suhzuie | suck up water | 吸水
suhøex | smuggled goods; goods whose source cannot be traced (usually referring to stolen articles) | 私貨
svethauhoatboea | toxin efflux | 生頭發尾
tauh | constantly; very frequently | 無斷地
tauh'ar | a trap | 捕捉機仔
tauhaang | surrender; give up; hauldown one's flag | 投降
tauhap | see eye to eye; in rapport | 投合
tauhe | vow and pray | 許下; 求願
tauhiaam | complain to someone else | 投嫌; 發牢騷
tauhiøq | stay for a night | 投歇; 投宿
tauhliw'ar | a snap (used on a garment as a fastener) | 鬥鈕仔; 子母扣
tauhøo | throw into a river; drown oneself in the river | 投河
tauqtauh | slowly; constantly; very frequently; incessantly | 常常; 經常; 無斷地; 屢屢
taxngthauhix | highlight | 重頭戲
tegpiet khuhek | special administrative districts | 特別區域
tenghviuhoef | lilac | 丁香花
texguhoansyn | earthquake | 地牛翻身
thauhaam | the official title of a person; honor | 頭銜
thauhiah | forehead | 額頭; 頭額; 前額
thauhiin bag'axm | dizzy head and dimmed vision | 頭昏眼花
thauhiin | be dizzy | 頭眩
thauhinbag'axm | dizzy | 頭眩目暗
thauhinhiin | dizzy | 頭眩眩
thauhofng | headache | 頭荒 [*]
thauhviaf | leader | 頭兄
thauhviw | the first person to offer incense (put joss stick in the incense pot) at the beginning of a ceremony | 頭香
thauhø sinbuun | headline news; lead story in a paper | 頭號新聞
thauhø | number one; leading; the best; the largest; first quality or sort; first signal or mark | 頭號
thetefng iuheeng | torch light procession | 提燈遊行
thiafm iuhviw | money of sesame oil | 香油錢
thiam'iuhviw | add oil fragrance- a type of donation made by Taiwanese who worship in temple | 添油香
thiauhix | challenge | 挑戲
thiauhw | a carrier, a porter | 挑夫
thien'y buhoong | perfect (secret); flawless (workmanship) | 天衣無縫
thihthiq-thuqthuh | murmur | 啼啼吐吐
thiqthih-thuqthuh | chatty | 鐵鐵鏟鏟
thiuhioxng | collect duties or taxes | 抽稅
thiuhoeq | withdraw blood (from a vein) | 抽血
thiuhofng | pump air | 抽風
thiuhongky | exhaust fan | 抽風機
thiuhuiq | blood-letting | 抽血
thiuhwn | to tarnish, to defame | 抽分; 抽頭
thoguhoansyn | earthquake | 塗牛翻身
thothuhhii | Taiwanese fish | 土托魚
thuh | naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet and reserved in manner; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 癡呆
thuh'ar | type of straight hoe; spade; shovel | 鏟仔; 黜仔; 鏟子
thuhcviuo | bald on forehead and crown of head | 額高; 禿額
thuhhiah | bald | 禿頭; 禿額
thuhkoaan | hold up high on the hand or on a pole | 托高
thuhphoax | expose a man's pretensions; to break with the end of a pole or bamboo | 刺破
thuhthaau | bald; shaven head; headed person | 禿頭
thuhthoky | scraper | 黜土機
thuqthuh | dull; quiet; stupid; naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet and reserved in manner; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 土土; 癡呆
thviartiuhtiuq | painful twitch | 疼搐搐
tiauh | constantly; very frequently | 時常
tiauhap | mix; compound | 調合
tiauhoe | morning rally; morning session for moral instruction in schools | 朝會
tiauhoef | dress flowering shrubs into various fanciful shapes; engrave figures or pictures | 雕花
tiauhok | ceremonial dress, formal dress | 朝服
tiauhøo | mix; to blend; harmonize; bring into agreement; adjust; harmonious | 調和
tiauqtiauh laai | come (go) very frequently | 時常來; (去)
tiauqtiauh | constantly; very frequently | 常常
tiaxmciuhciuq | quite | 恬喌喌
tiexnkhix liauhoad | electrotherapy | 電氣療法
tiexnliauhoad | electrotherapy | 電療法
tiexnzuhak | electromagnetism; as a science | 電磁學
tihtuh | stammer, stutter | 滴出; 吞吐
tikøf khafn tuix guhy khix | to bring a boar to the cow market put the saddle on the wrong horse (literally) | 張冠李戴; 牛頭無對馬嘴
tiqlytiqtuh | stutter in speaking; to stammer in speaking; as a liar who has to invent new lies on the spot | 吞吞吐吐
tiuh | beat (pulse), twitch | 搐
tiuhe | to throw down; to lay aside | 丟下
tixliauhuix | doctor's fee | 治療費
tngliauheeng | long strip | 長條形
tngtuheeng | long strip | 長株形
toaxbauh | big profit; windfall | 大貿
toaxsuhviaf | big brother | 大師兄
toaxthauhii | big-head (fish), black silver carp, spotted silver carp | 大頭魚; 黑鰱
toex laang liuheeng | follow new fashions | 趕時髦
toexguhoansyn | earthquake | 地牛翻身
tongtviuu kauhoex | cash on delivery; C. O. D | 當場交貨
tuh | sudden; abrupt; unexpected; strike hard with the point of the finger; to strike with the point of a stick in the direct line of the stick; pierce or thrust through | 突; 揬; 指; 刺
tuh`sie | pork to death | 刺死
tuh`tiøh | touch (with a stick) | 刺到
tuhai anlioong | suppress the evil and pacify the good | 除害安良
tuhai | get rid of bad habits; practices or persons | 除害
tuhbiin | to nod in sleep; be drowsy; to doze | 打盹
tuhix | pig lung | 豬肺
tuhkaze | doze off | 盹瞌睡
tuhkazoe | nod in sleep; be drowsy; to doze | 打瞌睡
tuhkw | nodding; head bent down (in sleep or drowsiness) | 盹龜; 打盹; 打瞌睡
tuhofng | go against the wind, go upwind | 突風; 㧣風; 逆風行走
tuhuihkea | pork blood cake | 豬血粿
tuhuiq | pig blood | 豬血
tuhuy | unavoidably; unexceptionably; unless; except; unless | 除非
tuiethauhofng | headwind | 對頭風
tuqtuh | sulk and don't want to talk | 愣愣; 閉口無說話
tvar-ciauhof | greetings | 打招呼
tviuhap | an occasion; a situation; a condition; occasion; situation; case; condition | 場合
tøex-liuheeng | follow the fashion | 隨流行; 綴流行; 學時髦
tøtøf pauhaam | understanding | 多多包涵
uhexng | be fond of, delight in, have a fancy for | 有興; 餘興
uhiux | bad reputation that will be long remembered (Lit. The stench will persist for 10000 years.) | 遺臭; 遺臭萬年
unjiuhiofng | lovers nest | 溫柔鄉
viuhaang | foreign firm | 洋行
viuhiin | epilepsy; vertigo; epilepsy | 癲癇; 羊眩; 羊癲癇; 眩暈
viuhoax | foreign influence; westernize | 洋化; 熔化
viuhoef | cement | 洋灰; 合土
viuhoex | foreign goods | 洋貨; 外國貨
viuhogtiaxm | tailor shop (western style) | 洋服店; 西裝店
viuhogtuu | dress cupboard | 洋服櫥
viuhok | western style clothing; suit | 洋服
viuhwn | foreign tobacco | 洋煙
viuhøef | Portland cement | 洋花; 洋灰
viuhøex | foreign goods | 洋貨
viuthauhiin | dizziness | 羊頭眩
zauhiet | a lair or den of wild beast | 巢穴
zauhoat | suppress | 剿伐
zauhuie | launch attacks against bandits | 剿匪
zawsuhøex | smuggled goods | 走私貨
zengsiin liauhoad | psycho therapy | 精神療法
zhauh | noisy | 嘈
zhauhoaan | fidget; fidgety; troubled; uneasy in mind | 操煩; 操心
zhauhofng | foreclose; seal off a person's home because of debt | 抄封
zhauqzhauh-liam | keep on talking | 嘈嘈唸; 喋喋無休
zhehpauhok | booklet | 冊包袱
zhuhbak | didn't pay attention; did not see it | 覷目
zhuheeng | mold; prototype | 雛型
zhuhhoaf | extinguish | 弄熄
zhuhioong | female and male- heroine and hero | 雛雄
zhuhioxng | tendency; trend; one's inclination | 趨向; 傾向
zhuhpuxn | thrust in a little manure beside the rice plant | 撒糞; 撒一點糞肥
zhuhzhuq | eyes dim or nearly closed | 瞇花; (眼睛)
zoankiuhoax | globalization | 全球化
zofngbauh | contract or to buy the whole lot | 統括; 全買
zoxsiauhoax | aid digestion | 助消化
zuhan | beads of perspiration | 汗珠
zuhiofng | scholarly | 書香
zuhoax | magnetize; magnetization | 磁化
zuhoef | bead flower | 珠花
zuhofng | the management (of a shop; factory) | 資方
zuhoo | vassal | 諸侯
zuhu | loving father; affectionate father; kindly father | 慈父
zuhzuie | water coming out of (somewhere) | 注水; 冒出水來
zuhø | book number | 書號; 書名
zuhøo | mutually friendly and kind | 慈和
zuo'ym-huhø | phonetic signs, phonetic symbols | 注音符號
zuoym-huhø | phonetic sign (symbol); tone marks | 注音符號
zuxhuix liuhak | Study abroad using personal funds | 私費留學; 自費留學
zuxjieen liauhoad | naturopathy, natural ways of healing without drugs | 自然療法
zuyphauh | water blister | 水泡
zør-kauhvi | making earrings | 左鉤耳
zøxpiauhe | coordinate system | 座標系

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Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or back match.

Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]

Search Term:

"Hiexntai-buun" to

Unlike the above form, this form allows you specify number of spelling error.
Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
For wildcard matching, use regular expression described in the above form with '0' spelling error.

Match Error #:

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