Gui | surname Wei; Wei | 魏
Guthaau bøo tuix befzhuix | not to the point; unconnected; incongruous (Lit. The head of an ox does not match the mouth of a horse.) | 牛頭無對馬嘴; 文不對題
Guu bøo hiafmzhao bøe puii | If a person doesn't encounter difficulties in his life he won't be a success. (Lit. If a cow doesn't eat coarse grass it won't get fat.) | 牛無吃險草不肥。
Gyn'aflaang u hvi bøo zhuix | A child should be seen and not heard | 小孩子有耳無嘴; 囝仔人有耳無嘴
Haxuiii | Hawaii | 夏威夷
Hoaq zuie e kientaxng | having unlimited wealth or power (lit He shouts at the water and it freezes.) | 喝水會堅凍; 有權有勢的人
Hoatkui | the Ark of the Covenant | 約櫃
Hoea siøf khaf suilaang poea | have to take care of or protect yourself (Lit. When people's feet get burnt; everyone has to rub out their own fire.) | 火燒腳隨人拂; 自己顧自己
Hongkui | | 風櫃; (澎湖地名)
Hui | (huy-~) non-, in- un- | 非
Huiciw | Africa; Africa | 非洲
Huienaixbeng Sw | The Epistle of Paul to Philemon (Catholic) | 費賴孟書
Huiesiin! | Many thanks! May I trouble you? | 費神
Huilixbuun Sw | The Epistle of Paul to Philemon (Protestant) | 腓利門書
Huiludpyn Kuntør | Philippine Archipelago | 菲律賓群島
Huiludpyn | Philippines | 菲律賓
Huixleeng | people's name | 慧玲
Huixnar | people's name | 惠娜
Huixzhvef pong Bogzhvef | Comet collides with Jupiter | 彗星撞木星
Høzuie put'hoan zvefzuie | One should mind his own business. (Don't mix river water with well water.) | 河水無犯井水
Iokkui | Ark of the Covenant | 約櫃
Ioong iuo kuixjuo cy wn | filial piety (Lit. The lamb has the grace to kneel to suck.) | 羊有跪乳之恩
Jixzuie | a city in Changhua County | 二水
Keklim'uiti | Greenwich | 格林威治
Kiamzuie | a city in Tainan County | 鹽水
Kuijiin | a city in Tainan County | 歸仁
Kuisafn | a city in Taoyuan County | 龜山
Lamhoekuisvoax | Tropic of Capricorn | 南回歸線
Luii | surname Lei; Lei | 雷
Mafkoantiauiog | Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895) | 馬關條約
Moekuiehoe | Confraternity of the Rosary (Catholic) | 玫瑰會
Moekuiekefng Zabgoxtoafn | Fifteen decades of the Rosary (Catholic) | 玫瑰經十五端
Moekuiekefng | Rosary | 玫瑰經
Moekuix Tøxbeeng Siulie Hoe | OP: Dominican Catech. Srs. of St. Joseph (Catholic) | 玫瑰道明修女會; (瑞士)
Muiseg ee Ludhoad | Mosaic Law (Catholic) | 梅瑟的律法
Oafnzuie laan kiux kixnhoea | Aid; if not immediate; is useless. (Lit. It is difficult to put out the fire in one's neighborhood with distant water.) | 遠水難救近火。
Pak'hoee kuisvoax | Tropic of Cancer | 北回歸線
Sam'ui itthea | three persons; One Nature ─ the Trinity | 三位一體
Sitpai uii sengkofng cy bør | Failure begets success If at first you don't succeed; try; try again | 失敗為成功之母。
Siuosuie | a city in Changhua County | 秀水
Suixhofng | a city in Taipei County | 瑞芳
Suixhong | a town in Northern Taiwan | 瑞芳
Suixpyn | a town in northern Taipei | 瑞濱
Suixsu | Switzerland | 瑞士
Suixsui | a city in Hualien County | 瑞穗
Suixtiern | Sweden | 瑞典
Taxmzuie | a seaside resort in Northern Taiwan | 淡水
Tiehuixphiefn | Book of Wisdom (Catholic) | 智慧篇
Tuisulea | absolution after Requiem Mass | 追思禮
Tuisw | Requiem Mass Toa-zaikii; Lent, the Period of Great Abstinence | 追思
Viumuii | a city in Taoyuan County | 楊梅
Viuu Kuiehuy | An Ancient Chinese Queen | 楊貴妃
Zhengzuie | a city in Taichung County | 清水
Zorng'uii | a city in Yilan County | 壯圍
Zuykuie kiøx paysui | bad company getting you onto trouble (Lit. water ghost encouraging individual to jump into water and drown) | 壞人的邀請
aau taf zhuix khoaq | parching thirst | 喉乾嘴闊; 口乾舌燥
aemai heng'uii | scandal (especially an illicit affair) | 曖昧行為
aemui | underhanded; deceitful; obscure | 曖昧
aesuie | love of beauty; want to be beautiful; desire for beauty; love of excellence | 愛美
ahbøfzhuix | female duck beak | 鴨母喙
ahtui | bring up the rear and supervise | 壓隊
ahzhuiesiux | duckbill; platypus | 鴨嘴獸
akpuii | apply fertilizer; water plants with liquidized night soil | 施肥; 沃肥; 澆肥
akzuie | watering; water things like flowers | 沃水; 澆水
amzhuix | cover one's mouth with the hand | 掩口
an'gui | safe and in danger | 安危
an'ui | be contented with the position | 安位
an'uii | safety and danger | 安危
an'uix | comfort; soothe; comfort; console | 安慰
ang'iøqzuie | mercurochrome; mercurochrome | 紅藥水
angbagzuie | red ink | 紅墨水
anghuihkiuu | red corpuscle | 紅血球
anguii | security and danger | 安危
anhuithvabeng | amphetamine; stimulants | 安非他命
ankahuix | allowances for support of dependents (given to draftees or officials assigned to an overseas post) | 安家費
aphiernkuie | opium fiend | 鴉片鬼
apzhuix | crush to pieces | 壓碎
armkuie | a sneaky guy; devilish | 暗鬼
aupuii | compost | 漚肥; 堆肥
auxkuix | next season | 後季
auxthuie | hind legs; hind legs of an animal | 後腿
auxtui | next group | 後隊
awhuiq | omiting blood | 嘔血
awzuie | vomit liquid or water | 拗水
bafng'afzuie | pesticides | 蠓仔水
bafng'ar-zuie | mosquito spray | 蚊仔水; 蠓仔水; 殺蟲液
bafng'azuie | insecticide, mosquito spray | 蚊仔水
bag zuie | got wet | 沐水
bag'iøqzuie | eye-lotion; eyewash | 目藥水
bagciw buibuy | eyes half-opened (closed) | 目睭微微; 眼睛半開
bagzuie | ink | 墨水
bagzuie-paan | ink bottle, inkpot | 墨水瓶
bagzuie-ui | ink paint | 墨水畫
bahlui | meat; different kinds of meat | 肉類
bakzhuix | touched it by mouth; food around mouth | 染嘴; 沾嘴
bakzuie | touch water; dabbling in water | 弄水; 沐水; 玩水; 沾水
barn zhuiekhie | extract a tooth | 挽嘴齒; 拔牙
baxn'og iim ui siuo | Lewdness is the worst of all sins | 萬惡淫為首
baxnbuitsid | foolproof; not one mistake or fault in a million | 萬無一失
baxng'uii | a wet dream, nocturnal emission | 夢遺; 夢遺精
baxngkiutui | a tennis team | 網球隊
baxngtui | the metal tied to the fishing net; small weights for sinking nets | 網錘
baxnkhuix | very slow in doing something | 慢氣; 慢一步
baxnsuixkiog | African marigold, Tagetes erecta | 萬瑞菊
baykhuix | unlucky | 醜氣; 運氣無好
bazuiesw | anesthetist | 麻醉師
bazuiezef | anesthetics | 麻醉劑; (藥)
bazuix | anaesthetization; anesthetize; to dope | 麻醉
bazuix-sw | anesthesiologist | 麻醉師; 麻醉專家
be koeazuie | impervious to water; waterproof | 未過水; 無透水
beeng suii hiøxsex | hand down a name to posterity | 名垂後世
beftui | cavalry company | 馬隊; 騎兵隊
beng'ui | famous painting | 名畫
beng'uu-hag'ui | honorary degree | 名譽學位
bengbuun kuisiux | daughter of an illustrious family | 名門閨秀
bengkuix | precious; valuable and rare; valuable; precious; rare | 名貴
beqafsui | ear of wheat | 麥仔穗
beqsui | ear of wheat | 麥穗
beqsuixhoong | a kind of water-willow, Justicia procumbeus | 麥穗紅
bexkaokhuix | can't be satisfied | 未夠氣; 無夠滿意
bidzuie | syrup | 蜜水
biefn'uix | get rid of fear | 免畏
biefnhuix | free of charge; free of charge; gratuitous; gratis | 免費
biexntuix | to face a person; situation; direction or object; opposite; facing | 面對
bihuihkngr | capillaries | 微血管
bihzhuix | to purse up one's lips; puckered mouth; pout the lips; about to cry | 抿嘴; 覕喙; 撅嘴; 噘嘴; 無悅貌; 快哭的樣子
bin tuix bin | face-to-face | 面對面
bixkuie | soon after; in a short time; not much or many; shortly thereafter | 未幾
bixluie | taste buds | 味蕾
bixntuix | face reality or the facts | 面對
bixnzuie | honor; reputation; feelings; emotions; appearance; countenance; personage | 面水; 面子
bixsui | not accomplished; aborted; used after a verb; fail in accomplishing; attempted without success; unaccomplished | 未遂
bixsuixhoan | unconsummated crime | 未遂犯
bixty lok suo suisiuo | unable to predict who will be the winner | 未知鹿死誰手
bixui | riddle drawing | 謎畫
bixzuie | dive | 沬水; 潛水
boafnkuix | late season | 晚季
boafnluie | bases-loaded; full base; bases full | 滿壘
boefsuii | follow close behind; to tail; to shadow | 尾隨
bog'uii | don't do it | 莫為
bong jii seng'uix | be awe-stricken by merely looking at it | 望而生畏
boxng'uii | wet dream | 夢遺
boxnghuix | to waste, to lavish | 妄費
bu'uii | inaction; inactivity; to let things take their own course | 無為
bu'uix | intrepidity | 無畏
budcitsiong ee an'uix | material comforts | 物質上的安慰
buibak | barely close the eyelids | 瞇目; 微瞇眼
buibuy | a little bit | 微微; 眼睛半開
buiie'buibuy | half-closed and not possible to be woken | 微微微
bukhuie | with a clear conscience; able to look people straight in the eye | 無愧
buleeng uilek | unable to help; can't do anything about it | 無能為力
buntofng hoxtuix | well-matched; a married couple that get along well together | 門當戶對
busofui | be indifferent; don't mind | 無所謂
busofuix | don't mind; one way or the other; do not care | 無所謂
busor put'uii | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無為
but ie hy uii kuix | A thing is valued if it is rare | 物以稀為貴
but ie lui zu | Birds of a feather flock together | 物以類聚
but kog iuo lui | Each thing has its classification | 物各有類
buu heng'uii lenglek ee laang | person without disposing capacity in law | 無行為能力的人
buun puttuix tee | content of the writing is inconsistent with the title | 文無對題
buun-tuix-ym | text to speech | 文對音
buxnsym bukhuix | examine oneself and find nothing to be ashamed of; with a clear conscience | 問心無愧
buxzuie | blow or spray water with the mouth when ironing clothes; watering house plants; to spray water or insecticide | 霧水
bwzofng poxtui | armed forces | 武裝部隊
bykui | rice container | 米櫃
bynhui | intelligent, sagacious | 敏惠
bøefkuix | buy with a expensive price | 買貴
bøefui | last seat | 末座
bøefzuikud | tailbone | 尾椎骨
bøexkuix | sell too expensive | 賣貴
bøkhuielat | without energy or strength | 無氣力
bøkhuix | breathless; expired | 無氣; 斷氣
bølun tøfui | no matter where; wherever | 無論那裏
bølun tøh'ui | no matter where, whereever | 無論佗位
bøo kuie jidzeeng | not many days ago. | 前幾天
bøo kuikie | ill-mannered, no discipline | 不規矩
bøo kuilut | undisciplined, disorderly | 無規律
bøo kuisym | not with one's whole heart | 無歸心; 無專心
bøo sofui | It does not matter | 無所謂
bøthaukuie | headless ghost | 無頭鬼
bøtuix | wrong, incorrect | 不對
bøzhuiesuie | person who doesn't know how to flatter | 無嘴美; 無會講好話
bøzhuiezuie | person who doesn't know how to flatter | 不會講好話
bøzhuix | silent | 無嘴; 沉默; 無反駁
bøzuix`ee | sober | 無醉的
chiaau soafui | move things slightly; without much alteration of their position | 移徙位; 挪移
chiabea-huix | travelling expenses | 車馬費
chiabefhuix | transportation allowance; travel expenses | 車馬費
chiahkuie | the 'REDS' (lit. the red devils) | 赤鬼; 赤魔
chiahuix | a fare; carfare | 車費
chiam'uii | fiber; fibre; fiber; plastic fiber | 纖維
chiamzuie | diving; dive | 潛水
chiangzuie | flush | 沖水
chiarmzhuix | to break into a conversation or statement | 僭嘴; 插嘴
chiatui | fleets | 車隊
chiatuiebin | diagonally opposite | 斜對面
chiau'imsog huiky | supersonic plane | 超音速飛機
chiaui | parking space | 車位
chiauimphøf | ultrasound | 超音波
chiausoafui | move things slightly, without much alteration of their position | 移動, 挪移
chiauzuie | mix water with powder; lime or flour | 攪水; 拌水
chiazuie-befleeng | an incessant streams of horses and carriages | 車水馬龍
chiefnzuie | fleet; shallowness; shallow water; a ford | 淺水
chiehui'oaan | test pilot | 試飛員
chiemuii | Taiwan raspberry | 刺莓; 虎婆刺
chiensafn baxnsuie | a thousand mountains and rivers; distant places; journey from afar.. | 千山萬水
chiensafn-baxnsuie | numerous mountains and rivers; a long and arduous journey | 千山萬水
chienthuii peklien | hammer into shape; form iron utensil; develop human character by persistent knocking into shape; undergo severe training and hammering; write with the utmost care (Lit. with countless changes and corrections) | 千錘百鍊
chietzhuix | cut up; chop up; mince | 切碎
chimzuie zartvoaa | depth charge | 深水炸彈
chimzuie | deep water; deep water | 深水
chinzhuix | kiss; spoken right from one's own mouth; to state personally; straight from the horse's mouth | 親嘴; 親喙; 親口
chiofng kwnzuie | pour boiling water on; pour hot water to make tea or coffee | 沖滾水
chiogzuie | to play in water; splash water; to splash into the water | 觸水; 玩水; 戲水
chioklui | by previous knowledge of similar objects | 觸類
chiokluii | hit a floating mine; step on a land mine | 觸雷
chiokmuii | accelerant; catalyst | 觸媒
chionghongtui | storm troops | 衝鋒隊
chionghuiq | hyperemia; congest; engorge | 充血
chiorngtui | column of troops | 縱隊
chirnthuii | weight; counter weight used with a steelyard | 秤槌; 秤錘
chirnzhae ui | any old place | 凊彩位; 任何地方
chitzhuix | to wipe mouth clean; wipe mouth | 擦嘴; 擦嘴巴
chitzhuix-pøehcih | all talking at once | 七嘴八舌
chiukuii | sunflower seeds | 秋葵; 向日葵
chiukuix | autumn; fall; autumn season | 秋季
chiuzuie | limpid eyes (of a woman) | 秋水
chiwsioghuix | service charge | 手續費
chiørphoax laang ee zhuix | be overwhelmed with laughter; to roll with laughter | 笑破人的嘴
chvihuii | porcelain produced in the period of Ming dynasty | 青磁
chvikhuix | raw-tasting | 豆腥氣
chviu'uii | a fence; a wall | 牆圍; 圍牆
chviuuii | wall around the house | 牆圍
chviuxzuie | to draw water; draw water | 汲水
chvizhuix | green; jade color | 青翠
chvizuie | unboiled water | 生水
chvykhuix | wake up | 醒氣
chvyzhuix | tasty; to taste good; to wake up; to awaken; to be awake | 珍饈; 醒喙; 開胃; 醒嘴; 爽口
ciafngkui | a shopkeeper; a manager (of a shop); accountant | 掌櫃; 出納
ciafngkui`ee | manager; shopkeeper (respectful term of address) | 掌櫃的
ciah-bøexpuii | eat without getting fat; eats but doesn't grow or put on weight | 吃無肥
ciamtuix | in allusion to; be aimed at; contrapose; aim directly at; to focus on | 針對
ciamzhuiegveh'ar | sharp plier | 尖喙夾仔
ciamzhuiekudar | small digging tools | 尖喙掘仔
ciamzhuix | pointed mouth | 尖嘴
ciamzuie zartaan | depth charge | 潛水炸彈
ciamzuie | diving; dive | 潛水
ciamzuie-oaan | a diver | 潛水員
ciaoluie | split | 照壘; 均分
ciap'ui | succeed to the throne | 接位; 繼位
ciapzhuix | to answer; to respond; to converse; speak next; next speaker | 接嘴; 合攏; 接口; 搭腔; 接下去說
ciaqciwzuix | become drunken | 吃酒醉; 吃醉
ciaqhuix | board; eating expenses | 食費; 膳費
ciaqiøh bøo tuielo | taking improper medicine | 沒吃對藥; 吃藥無對路
ciarm'ui | grab a place or seat ahead of others | 佔位
ciaux kuikie | according to regulations or reason | 照規矩
ciaux kuizeg | according to regulations or reason | 照規則
ciauzui | languish; consumption; pine; wilt; emaciation | 憔悴
ciawlui | bird family (as distinct from animals; fish; etc); birds | 鳥類
ciawluixhak | ornithology | 鳥類學
cidauzuie | a cup of water | 一甌水
cidee zhuix siang'ee cih | double tongued; fork tongued | 一個嘴雙個舌; 很會講話
cidkhawkhuix | in one breath, at a stretch, at a sitting | 一口氣
cidkhuie'ar | very short time | 一氣仔; 一下子; 一會兒
cidkuix | one quarter of a year, a season | 一季
cidlui | one kind | 一類
cidluie | one (eye; flower) | 一朵
cidpoxui | a part (of the body) | 一部位
cidtiaau khuiesi'ar | just a little breath left | 一條氣絲仔; 氣息如絲
cidtui | one team | 一隊
cidtuiesii | Twenty-four hours | 一對時
cidtuix | one pair; pair | 一對
cidtuix-sii | through twenty four hours | 一對時; 經過二四小時
cidui | a person body (polite), a place | 一位
cidzhuix thoaan cidcih | news passed from mouth to mouth | 一嘴傳一舌; 相傳很快
cidzhuix | one mouthful | 一嘴; 一口
cie lok uii mar | to confound right and wrong (Lit. call a stag a horse) | 指鹿為馬
cie pag uii hwn | fingertips for marriage | 指腹為婚
cie zhuietaf | quench thirst | 止渴; 止嘴乾
cie-zhuietaf | quench thirst | 止嘴乾; 止喙焦; 止渴
cied-tuiepvoax | half price off | 折對半
cien'ui | point guard | 前衛
ciernzeg huihoong | brilliant combat performance; extraordinary battle achievement | 戰績輝煌
cietserng huieiong | cut down on expenses; practice economy; economize; be thrifty | 節省費用
ciexnzuie | play with water | 弄水; 濺水
cili phørzhuix | completely disintegrated | 支離破碎
cilui | and so on, and so forth, and all that | 之類
cimzhuix | kiss on lips | 親嘴; 唚喙; 吻嘴
cin khuielat | do your best | 盡氣力
cingui | real or false | 真偽
ciofngkui`ee | manager; shopkeeper (respectful term of address) | 掌櫃的
ciofnglui | kind; class; category; variety; variety; class; kinds | 種類
ciofngsefng juu luii | thunderous applause | 掌聲如雷
ciok'ui | the rank of nobility; degree of nobility | 爵位
cioksu gagtui | jazz band | 爵士樂隊
ciokzhuix | white spoonbill | 鷺嘴; 琶鷺
ciongkui | a fictional character | 鐘魁
cirmzuie | soak in water; soak in water | 浸水
cirnzuie | water ingress | 進水
cit'ui koaan ee kaosu | high rank priest | 職位高的教士; 修道院院長
cit'ui | rank; position; one's office; one's position in an office | 職位; 這位
citkho'uii | within this range | 這箍圍; 這範圍內
citkhuix | this breath | 這氣
citlui | this kind | 這類
citui | military detachment or contingent | 支隊
citzhuix | whole of mouth | 這嘴
ciu'uii | around; surroundings | 周圍
ciuuii | circumference, all around | 周圍
ciuxui | to take a seat, to take one's seat | 就位
ciuzex huitvoaa | intercontinental ballistic missile | 洲際飛彈
ciwkhui'ar | corkscrew; can opener | 酒開仔; 開瓶器
ciwkhuix | alcoholic | 酒氣
ciwkuie | boozer; drunkard | 酒鬼
ciwzuix go taixsu | If you get drunk; you will make a big mistake | 醉酒誤大事
ciwzuix | drunkenness; intoxication; drunk | 酒醉; 喝醉
cixnlek jii uii | execute or perform with efforts; do one's best | 盡力而為
cixnsuie | perfect | 盡美
cixzui | who | 是誰
ciøhzhuix | say hello; greet somebody; use one's influence on another's behalf; warn | 借嘴; 打招呼
ciøqhoezuie | lime water | 石灰水
ciøqthuii | stone mallet | 石槌
ciøquii | ferns | 石圍; 石韋
ciør thauzhuix | small family | 少頭厝; 小家庭
cvi zhuiekhof | lick mouth and lips | 舐嘴框
cviafzuie | fresh water; fresh water as opposed to brackish water | 淡水; 汫水
cviarui | to pose | 正位
cviax tuiebin | directly across; face to face; directly opposite | 正對面
cviezhuix | to argue; to dispute; to debate | 爭論; 爭嘴
cvikhuix | The flow of money | 錢氣
cvikui | money chest; cash box | 錢櫃
cvikuie | a person who is very tricky in making money; greedy person | 錢鬼; 愛錢如命
cviuxkui | on the counter | 上櫃
cviuxui | to take seats | 入座; 上位
cviuxzuie | to go ashore | 上水; 上岸; 船卸貨
cvizuie | the flow of money; source of money | 錢水; 錢的流通
cvyzuie | well-water | 井水
cyhuiciar | leader; director; conductor | 指揮者
cyhuikoaan | right of command | 指揮權
cyhuikvoaf | a commanding officer; a commander | 指揮官
cyhuiq | to stop bleeding; hemostasis | 止血
cyhuitøf | saber of the commanding officer | 指揮刀
cym zhuietuun | kiss the lips | 吻嘴唇
cynkuix | costliness; dearly | 昂貴
cypag uihwn | prenatal betrothal (in old China) | 指腹為婚
cypag-ui-hwn | to bring about an marriage agreement at the pregnancies | 指腹為婚
cyzhuiegiok | alexandrite | 紫翠玉
efngsuii put'hiuo | be remembered forever by posterity; immortal | 永垂無朽
efpuii | short and stout | 矮胖
ekzuie | belch up a bit of gastric juices | 溢水
eng'u hag'ui | honorary degree | 榮譽學位
enggiabhuix | business expenses; operating costs | 營業費
enghoaa huokuix | splendor; wealth and honor | 榮華富貴
enghoaa-huokuix | glory; honor; and riches; splendor | 榮華富貴
engzhuix gex køekhaf | nothing to do but lick chicken bones | 閒著啃雞腳
engzhuix | to talk casually about | 閒嘴
erngpuii | to apply fertilizer | 施肥; 壅肥; 掏肥
erngtuix juliuu | field questions ably | 應對如流
erngtuix | answer questions | 應對
exng puii | fertilize | 壅肥
exnghuix | expenses | 用費
exthuie | a lower leg; a shank | 小腿; 下腿
gafnlui | tear | 眼淚
gagtui | band; musical band | 樂隊
gaixui | be disagreeable to stomach; stomach uncomfortable | 礙胃; 胃無舒服
gapzuie | gulp water (fish) | 顏水; 一張一張的喝水
garnzuie | cool something in cold water | 冷卻
gefngthuii | rolling-pin | 研槌; 杵
gefngzhuix | grind to pieces | 研碎
gegsuie hengciw | boat going against the stream; sail a boat against the current | 逆水行舟
gegtui | jade pendant | 玉墜
gegzhuix | broken jade | 玉碎
gegzuie | go against the current | 逆水
genghuiq | extravasated blood; blood clot | 瘀血; 凝血
geqzohuix | monthly rent | 月租費
giaxmhuiq | blood test | 驗血
giefnkiuohuix | research fund; research grant | 研究費
giin pwn'ui | silver standard (monetary) | 銀本位
gimcvizuie | dripping from the eaves | 屋簷水
ginkui | money drawer; till | 銀櫃
giogthuie | beautiful legs (woman) | 玉腿
giorng putkhuix thiefn | feel no shame before God | 仰無愧天
gisiin gikuie | have unnecessary suspicions | 疑神疑鬼
gisiin-gikuie | imagine all sorts of things; distrustful | 疑神疑鬼
gisin'gikuie | suspicious | 疑神疑鬼
gisym sefng armkuie | suspicion creates imaginary fears (Lit. suspicious heart imagines ghosts) | 疑心生暗鬼
gitioxngtui | guard of honor | 儀仗隊
gitui | honor guard | 儀隊
gixiofngtui | fire fighter | 義勇隊
gixkiab heng'uii | chivalrous conduct | 義俠行為
gixsuxthuii | gavel (used by the speaker of a legislature) | 議事槌
giøfzhuix | make signs with the mouth | 仰嘴; 噘嘴
goadkuiekoafn | laurel wreath | 月桂冠
goadkuix | laurel | 月桂
goan'ui | original situs; original place | 原位
goan'uie | origin and development | 原委
goaxkui | outer cabinet; outer cupboard; outer showcase | 外櫃
goaxui | parts of the country other than where one is; foreign lands; other place | 外位; 他方; 外地; 別的地方
goaxuii | outside; outer circles; anything surrounding the central figure or thing | 外圍
goaxuixlaang | strangers; people from other lands | 外鄉人; 外地人
goeqzohuix | rent | 月租費
goxngthuii | crass | 憨錘
goxsizuie | noon well water | 午時水
gui zerngkoaan | usurped authority | 偽政權
gui | false; counterfeit; simulated; artificial; illegal; not legally instituted | 偽
gui-kunzuo | hypocrite | 偽君子
guiboong | in great danger; danger of death | 危亡
guie | a surname; high | 隗; 頠
guigieen | as in a startling or shocking statement; cautious speech | 危言
guihai | to jeopardize; to harm; to endanger; injure | 危害
guiheeng | cautious conduct | 危行
guihiafmbut | dangerous goods; e.g.; explosives; poisons; inflammables | 危險物
guihiarm huxnzuo | dangerous elements; undesirable elements | 危險份子
guihiarm khuhek | danger zone | 危險區域
guihiarm sirnhø | danger signal | 危險信號
guihiarm susiorng | dangerous thoughts | 危險思想
guihiarm | danger; dangerous | 危險
guihiarm-sexng | danger, possibility of danger | 危險性
guii zai tarnsek | city under enemy attack that may fall at any moment; a patient critically ill and may die soon; dying | 危在旦夕
guii | to endanger; false; bogus; erroneous; wrong; danger | 危; 偽; 訛
guikib | emergency; critical; urgent; pressing | 危急
guikip | connoting risk and danger; urgent; pressing; hazardous; in a state of emergency | 危及
guiky | crisis; period of danger; danger point | 危機
guilaan | calamity; danger | 危難
guilan | peril, danger | 危難
guipeg | critical, urgent, pressing | 危逼; 急迫
guitog | critically ill; critical condition | 危篤
guiuu | butter, tallow, butter oil | 牛油
guixkunzuo | hypocrite | 偽君子
guixpex | counterfeit coin | 偽幣
guixsien | hypocrisy | 偽善
guixsiexnciar | hypocrite | 偽善者
guixzaq | protection | 偽詐
guixzernghuo | bogus government; government dominated by a usurper or traitor | 偽政府
guixzerngzoe | perjury (law) | 偽證罪
guixzexng | perjury; give false evidence | 偽證
guixzhaw | a counterfeity note; a forged banknote; counterfeit money | 偽鈔
guixzofng | to disguise; fake; camouflage | 偽裝
guixzø bunsw | counterfeit; forgery; false documents | 偽造文書
guixzø | to forge; to fabricate; to invent; forgery; forgery | 偽造
guixzø-zoe | forgery | 偽造罪
guixzøxciar | forger | 偽造者
guixzøxzoe | forgery | 偽造罪
gulengzhuie'ar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳嘴仔; 奶嘴
gulengzhuiear | pacifier, nipple | 牛奶喙仔
gumui | stupid; ignorant | 愚昧
gunizhuiear | pacifier | 牛奶喙仔
guthuie | a quarter of beef | 牛腿
guzhuieafm | mask for cow to prevent eating while working | 牛喙罨
guzhuielafm | muzzle (for calf or ox) | 牛嘴罩; (以防止亂吃農作物)
gvauq cidzhuix | bite one mouthful | 咬一嘴; 咬一口
gve-zhuiephøea | stiff jaw | 硬嘴頰; 硬喙䫌
gveizhuiepef | talk tough; refuse to admit mistake | 硬嘴䫌
gvexsexng kuiteng | rigid and inflexible ruling | 硬性規定
gvexzhuiepef | talk tough; refuse to admit mistake | 硬嘴扒; 嘴硬
gvexzhuix | brutumfulmen; bravado; swash | 硬嘴
gvexzuie | hard water; difficult; requiring a lot of effort | 硬水; 費勁; 艱巨
gvi-zhuiephøea | stiff jaw | 硬嘴頰; 硬喙䫌
gviao zhuiekhie | pick one's teeth | 剔牙齒
gviatui | welcome team; welcome unit | 迎隊
gviauhzhuix | protrude one's lips | 翹嘴; 噘嘴; 突出唇
gviauq zhuietuun | upper lip naturally turned up | 翹嘴唇
gvixzhuix | brutumfulmen; bravado; swash | 硬嘴
gvixzuie | hard water; difficult; requiring a lot of effort | 硬水; 費勁; 艱巨
gvoxkhuie | commit suicide by throwing oneself on a railroad | 臥軌; 臥軌自殺
gylui | vocabulary | 語彙
gøeqkuix | laurel | 月桂
gøxkhuie | commit suicide by throwing oneself on a railroad | 臥軌; 臥軌自殺
gøxkuie | ghoul; hunger | 餓鬼
hab'uii | to encircle | 合圍
habjii ui'id | joins together as one | 合而為一
habseeng-chiam'uii | synthetic fibers | 合成纖維
habzhuix | to meet one's taste | 合嘴
hadzuie | lacking of water | 缺水
hafmzhuix | hit into pieces | 撼碎; 打碎
hag'ui | diploma; an academic degree; university degree | 學位
hag'ui-bunpiin | diploma for a degree | 學位文憑
hag'ui-luxnbuun | thesis for a degree | 學位論文
haghuix | school fees; tuition; school expenses | 學費
hak juu gegsuie hengciw | Move ahead or be pushed backwards. (Learning is like sailing a boat up stream.) | 學如逆水行舟
hamlui | with tears in the eyes | 含淚
hamluie | with bud; half opened bud | 含苞; 含蕊; 半開之花
hansoafn-khuix | shabby | 寒酸氣
haqzhuix | palatable; tasty; suit one's taste | 合嘴; 合口味; 對胃口
harn'ui | Chinese painting | 漢畫
hauxhuix | school fee | 校費
hauxtui | the school team | 校隊
hauxtuie'oaan | proof-reader | 校對員
hauxtuix | proofread; proof | 校對
haxkui | kneel down | 下跪
haxkuix | summer season | 夏季
haxnkuix | dry season | 旱季
haxsuie | (Informal) entrails (especially pigs'); internal organs usually from pig | 下水; 雞雜; (指可食動物家禽內臟)
haxsuii | hang down, to droop | 下垂
haxtui | to fall | 下墮
haxui | seat in lower position | 下位
haykwn-liogcierntui | marine corps | 海軍陸戰隊
haysiong huiky | seaplane | 海上飛機; 水上飛機
hayzuie egtviuu | beach | 海水浴場
hayzuie tørkeg | seawater pours in | 海水倒激
hayzuie | sea water | 海水
heakui | container | 貨櫃
hefthuie | ham | 火腿
heghuieliau | nuclear waste | 核廢料
hegtuix | check; check on; check up | 核對
hegzwhuieliau | nuclear waste | 核子廢料
hekui | feedback | 回饋
heng'uihoan | criminal caught in the act | 行為犯
heng'uii | conduct; behavior; deportment; an act; action; conduct; deed | 行為; 胸圍
heng'uii-putbeeng | unclearly behavior | 行為無明
heng'viar siongsuii | follow somebody like a shadow; inseparable; very intimate like husband and wife | 形影相隨
hengkefngtui | criminal police section | 刑警隊
hengkerng-toaxtui | the criminal police unit | 刑警大隊
hengkerng-tui | detective squad | 刑警隊
hexkuix | summer time | 夏季
hexpuii | manure | 施肥; 下肥
hexthorng hunluixhak | phylogenetics; study of the evolution or development of a kind or type of animal or plant; racial history | 系統分類學
hi'ui | a vacant seat, a vacancy | 虛位
hiabzuie | draw water | 拹水
hiamkuix | too expensive | 嫌貴
hiarngjidkuii | sunflower | 向日葵
hiefnkuix | (n) riches and honor | 顯貴
hiengagtui | string band | 絃樂隊
hienhui | judiciousness | 賢慧
hiernkhuikhuy | open out like a dress; door or window | 獻開開; 袒開; 露開
hiernpengtui | gendarmerie | 憲兵隊
hiet'ui | points in the human body where acupuncture can be applied | 穴位
hietlui | blood and tears-extreme sorrow | 血淚
hietluixsuo | very sad story, heart rending tale | 血淚史
hieuie | tuberculosis; TB | 肺萎; 肺結核
hiexnheeng tiauiog | treaty in force | 現行條約
higui | fake; mendacity; leasing; falsity; untruth; false | 虛偽
hihuix | waste, wasted money, dummy item | 虛廢; 虛費
hilui | fish (as a general category) | 魚類
hiluii | torpedo | 魚雷; 水雷
hiluitherng | torpedo boat | 魚雷艇
him'uix | glad to hear news; delighted | 欣慰
hiong'uie | grandeur; majestic; stately | 雄偉
hiongkuykuie | very fierce looking | 兇巴巴; 兇鬼鬼
hiorngjidkuii | sunflower; helianthus | 向日葵
hiorngjidkuix | sunflower | 向日葵
hipkhuix | choke; stifle; suffocate | 翕氣; 窒息
hisuie høhaai | compatible like a fish in water (a happy marriage) | 魚水和諧
hit'ui | there; that place | 彼位; 那裡
hitlui | that species | 那類
hiuozuie | asperse; watering; sprinkling; sprinkle water | 灑水; 洒水
hiux phangzuie | spray air refresher | 灑香水
hiøxsefng khøfuix | The young have great potential. Youngsters have a lot of promise | 後生可畏
hmlangzhuix | matchmaker mouth | 媒人嘴
ho toaxzuie koaq`khix | be washed away by flood | 被大水割去
hoad hvuizaai | become wealthy by illegal and dishonest methods | 發橫財
hoad sinsuie | hand out paychecks; pay salary | 發薪水
hoad zhuiechiw | beard beginning to grow; let your whiskers grow | 長鬍子; 發鬍鬚
hoad zhuiekhie | teething | 發嘴齒
hoadkui | keep a person kneeling as punishment | 罰跪
hoafn'ui | feel like vomiting | 反胃
hoafntuix | oppose; come out against; raise an objection to | 反對
hoafntuix-ciar | adversary, opponent | 反對者
hoafntuix-torng | opposition party | 反對黨
hoafnzhuix | deny what has been said | 翻供; 反嘴
hoahuix | to spend; expense | 花卉; 花費
hoakuix | elegant; magnificent | 華貴
hoaloxzuie | eau de cologne; cologne water; Florida water; face lotion; perfume | 花露水
hoaluie | pistil and stamen, flower bud | 花朵; 花蕾
hoan'afkuie | foreign devil | 番仔鬼; 洋鬼子
hoan'ui | locant on a ring, position on a ring (chemistry) | 番位
hoanbeqsui | ear of corn | 番麥穗; 玉米穗
hoansefng-luitong | cheer thunderously; roaring applause | 歡聲雷動
hoarhak chiam'uii | synthetic fiber | 化學纖維
hoarhiarm uii ii | turn peril into safety | 化險為夷
hoarn pai uii sexng | turn the battle's tide; turn defeat into victory | 反敗為勝
hoarpuii | chemical fertilizer | 化肥
hoat kui sngrpvoaa | punish someone to kneel on an abacus (Chinese calculator) | 罰跪算盤
hoatluii | thundering | 發雷
hoatmuii | to mould, to grow mouldy | 發霉
hoax tek uii iuo | convert an enemy into a friend | 化敵為友
hoax uii o'iuo | disappear; vanish completely | 化為烏有
hoaxn'uii | range; area; domain; scope | 範圍
hoaxntiøqkuie | to see or meet a ghost | 犯著鬼; 遇到鬼
hoaxnzoe heng'uii | criminal act | 犯罪行為
hoeakui uxnsw | container shipment; container transport | 貨櫃運輸
hoeakui | container for transportation | 貨櫃
hoeakuixchiaf | container trailer | 貨櫃車
hoefsidhuix | food costs; the charge for board | 伙食費
hoefthuie sambengti | ham sandwich | 火腿三明治
hoefthuie | ham | 火腿
hoefzhuie'ar | spark plug | 火嘴仔; 火星塞
hoehuix | remitting charge | 匯費
hoehzuie | bloody water; bloodstained water | 血水
hoekhuix | feedback | 回饋
hoekui | feedback | 回饋
hoekuijiet | relapsing fever | 回歸熱
hoelienzhuix | sweet words | 花嗹嘴; 巧言
hoeluie | the pistils and stamens of a flower; a flower; blossom | 花蕊; 花朵
hoexhuix | remitting charge | 匯費; 會費
hoezhuix | to retort | 反駁
hoezuie | limewater | 灰水; 石灰水
hog'ui | be restored to the throne; restoration of monarchy | 復位
hoksuie lansiw | no use crying over spilt milk; misfortune cannot be undone (Spilt water is difficult to get back into the container.) | 覆水難收
hokzuie | ascites, dropsy of the abdomen | 腹水
holuieluix | very eloquent | 糊累累; 能言善道
hong'ui | point of the compass; direction | 方位
hong'uie | great; grand; vast; immense | 宏偉
honghuix | leave uncultivated; lie waste | 荒廢
hongkui | windmill; bellows; pair of bellows in a smithy | 風櫃; 風箱
hongliukuie | a man with many affairs | 風流鬼
hongsuie siensvy | geomancer | 風水先生
hongsuie | fengshui; a geomantic omen; Chinese geomantic system by means of which sites are determined for graves | 風水; 墳墓
hongzhuiekhao | tuyere | 風喙口
hongzhuix | a wind gap; edges of paper pasted together | 封嘴; 風嘴; 封口
hongzuie | a hot spring; waterproof | 防水; 溫泉; 磺水; 洪水
hongzuie-kangtheeng | waterproof engineering | 防水工程
hoo-luieluix | muddy | 糊瘰瘰
horngsiaxsexng tong'uixsox | radioisotope | 放射性同位素
horzuie | bail water with a bucket or both hands so as to empty the container; throw water on someone or something | 打水
hoxhui tiauiog | bilateral treaty in which the signatories grant favored nation status to each other | 互惠條約
hoxhui | mutually beneficial | 互惠
hoxkuix | rainy season; wet season | 雨季
hoxzuie | rainwater; rain | 雨水
hozog hui'uii | bully others as if the law were non existent | 胡作非為
hu'afzuie | water casting evil spell | 符仔水
hu'guii-zeakhuxn | help those in danger and relieve those in distress | 扶危濟困
hu'iofnghuix | family supporting expenses | 扶養費
hu'ui | a vacant seat, a vacancy | 虛位
huafzuie | magic words written on a paper then burnt to ashes and mixed with water for curing diseases; water casting evil spell | 符仔水
hudtuix | check up on; check; audit; compare | 核對
hugui | insincere; hypocritical | 虛偽
huhuix | waste, wasted money, dummy item | 虛廢; 浪費
hui'afiøo | porcelain pit | 磁仔窯
hui'afthoo | ceramic clay | 磁仔土; 陶土
hui'aftiaxm | china shop | 磁仔店; 陶器店
hui'ag | fertility; fertile | 肥沃
hui'ar | pottery; earthenware | 磁仔; 瓷仔; 陶器
hui'eeng | firefly | 飛螢
hui'iok | a leap; by leaps and bounds; advancing rapidly | 飛躍
hui'ioong | on wings; rise up and flutter like a flag; to fly about like dust | 飛揚
hui'iøo | kiln; pottery works; porcelain pit | 瓷窯
hui'oe'ar | small earthen cooking pot | 瓷鍋仔
hui'uii | amuck | 非為
hui'~ | (huy-~) non-, in- un- | 非
hui'øef | porcelain pot | 磁鍋
huiafn | tighten or bind with rope, cord or string | 飛安
huibe-phirn | non-sale article | 非賣品
huibeng | tragic; unnatural death; death by accident or violence | 非命
huibexphirn | not for sale | 非賣品
huibuo | wield; brandish; wave | 揮舞
huibøe-phirn | non-sale article | 非賣品
huibøexphirn | not-for-sale item | 非賣品
huichiaf | roller coaster | 飛車
huichiuo | to wave the hand | 揮手
huichviar budcixn | Do Not Enter | 非請勿進
huiciao | flying bird | 飛鳥
huiciofng | badge; insignia; an emblem; medal; insight | 徽章
huie | robber; jadeite; to ruin; to slander; bandits; rebels; insurgents; not | 匪; 卉; 斐; 毀; 翡; 誹
huie'eng | use all; consumed everything | 費用; 用掉
huie'iam | pneumonia | 肺炎
huie'iong | fees; expenses; cost; charges; expenditure; outlay | 費用
huie'ioong | ulcer | 潰瘍
huie'oaqliong | lung capacity | 肺活量
huiebuo | taboos | 費舞; 忌諱之事
huiebut | junk | 廢物
huiechiuo | disabled hand | 費手
huiechyn | break an engagement | 廢親; 解除婚約
huiecie | abolish, annul, put an end to | 廢止
huiecin khofsym | exhaust all one's efforts | 費盡苦心
huiecin | to exhaust; all wasted; spend all one has | 費盡
huiecixnsimhied | exhaust all of one's energy | 費盡心血
huiecvii | expensive, costly | 費錢
huiegieen | to avoid referring | 諱言
huiehuo | from the heart | 肺腑
huieiam | pneumonia | 肺炎
huieiong | expense | 費用
huiekae | difficult to understand | 費解
huiekafng | take a lot of time or work; labor consuming | 費工
huiekhiebut | useless things | 廢棄物
huiekhiehuietag | cumbersome | 費氣費觸
huiekhix | troublesome; troublesome; difficult to do or solve | 費氣; 費事; 麻煩
huiekhix-huietag | troublesome | 費氣費觸
huielat | waste of force; strength or effort | 費力
huielek | laborious; requiring strenuous effort | 費力
huielut | rate | 費率
huieoe | nonsense, persiflage | 廢話
huiepefng | disabled soldier or veteran | 廢兵
huiephaux | alveoli | 肺泡
huiepiøf | canceled bid | 廢標
huiepvi | tuberculosis | 肺病
huiesii | take; need; or waste a lot of time; time consuming | 費時
huiesiin | pay attention to; keep an eye on; thank you when asking someone a favor | 費神; 勞神 (拜託)
huiesu | trouble oneself about; troublesome; takes doing | 費事
huiesym | requiring much attention and concern | 費心
huietien | consume a lot of electricity; power consuming | 費電
huietui | abolish | 廢墜
huietuu | abolish, do away with | 廢除
huiezoar | waste paper | 廢紙
huiezuie | wastewater | 廢水
huigi | criticize; censure; dispute | 非議
huigvoo-huohoea | dig one's own grave; flirt with death (The flying moth is forever attracted to the flame.) | 飛蛾赴火
huigøo | a moth | 飛蛾
huih'ab | blood pressure | 血壓
huih'ab-kex | sphygmomanometer | 血壓計
huih'angsox | hemoglobin | 血紅素
huih'axn | murder, homicide | 血案
huih'ek | blood | 血液
huih'iog | blood-covenant | 血約; 血盟
huih'ixn | blood-seal | 血印
huih'un | circulation of the blood | 血運; 血液循環
huihaan | to wipe off perspiration | 揮汗
huihan-seng'uo | drops of perspiration falling down like a shower | 揮汗成雨
huihciab | blood plasma | 血汁; 血漿
huihciexn | bloody war | 血戰
huihcviw | blood plasma | 血漿
huiheeng kielogkhix | airplane black box | 飛行記錄器; (黑盒子)
huiheeng | V: make a flight, go by air. N: flying, aviation | 飛行
huiheng'oaan | pilot of a plane | 飛行員
huihengkaf | flyer | 飛行家
huihengkahparn | flight deck | 飛行甲板
huihengky | airplane | 飛行機; 飛機
huihengzuun | air ship | 飛行船
huihgaam | blood cancer | 血癌
huihhae | bloodbath | 血海; 血洗;
huihhafm | blood clam | 血蚶; 灰虷
huihheeng | blood type; blood group | 血型
huihhuun | bloody mark | 血痕
huihiarm | danger | 危險
huihii | blenny (fish) | 血魚; 土鮒
huihjiaq | blood stain | 血跡
huihkag | clotted blood, coagulated blood | 血塊; 血角
huihkhiaxm | anemia | 血缺; 貧血
huihkhix | courage with sense of justice | 血氣
huihkiuu | blood cell; corpuscle | 血球
huihkix | blood nevus | 血痣
huihkngr | vein; blood vessels | 血管
huihkvoa | blood and sweat; sweat and toil | 血汗
huihkwn | blood tendons | 血筋
huihkyn | blood vessel | 血筋; 血管
huihliaq | blood stains | 血跡
huihliuu | blood tumor | 血瘤
huihlo | blood passageway; passage for escape in a battle; bloody road | 血路; 血液循環
huihluun | corpuscle | 血球
huihmeh | blood circulation | 血脈
huihoaan | unusual; unique; uncommon; above the average | 非凡
huihoad | illegal; unlawful | 非法; 無法
huihoat'iuu | volatile oil; naphtha; gasoline; naphtha or other volatile oils | 揮發油
huihoatsexng | of a volatile nature | 揮發性
huihog | to spend extravagantly | 揮霍
huihog-buto | squander money | 揮霍無度
huihoo | Formosan flying fox | 飛狐; 狐蝠
huihoong | resplendency; glory; magnificent; splendid; glorious; brilliant | 輝煌
huihoong-thengtat | period of great accomplishment | 輝煌騰達
huihseg | scarlet; red; blood color | 血色
huihsy | coffee ground emesis | 血絲
huihtae | Blood stain; Small blood clot; gore | 血污; 小血塊; 血塊
huihtarng | blood sediment; blood lees | 血滓
huihtex | a clot | 血塊
huihthaang | hookworm | 血蟲; 鉤蟲
huihthngg | blood sugar | 血糖
huihthorng | lineage, family tree, pedigree | 血統
huihtii | bloody pond | 血池
huihuii | dull; rounded (knife); fat and round face | 無利; 淝淝; 圓圓的
huihuizøo | soap powder | 非肥皂
huihun | undeserved; improper to one's status | 非份
huihuy-cy-siorng | wishful thinking | 非非之想
huihuy-loaxnzøx | do evil | 胡作非為; 非非亂做
huihuy-safmzøx | capable of every evil | 非非糝做; 胡作非為
huihwn | twenty wedding anniversary | 磁婚
huihzhefng | serum | 血清
huihzuie | bloody water | 血水
huihøo | to wield one's writing brush | 揮毫
huii | fat; plump; portly; obesity; obese; corpulent; fertile; fertilize; fertilizers | 肥; 瓷; 磁; 無利
huiiok | to leap forward, to advance quickly | 飛躍
huiiøo | pottery kiln | 瓷窯; 陶器窯
huikae | ambiguous, difficult to understand | 非蓋; 費解
huikhiim | birds | 飛禽
huikhix | pottery; earthenware | 陶器
huikhoaechiaf | diesel train | 飛快車
huikhoaix | very fast; fast; rapidly; with lightning speed | 飛快
huikhvaf | porcelain pot | 磁鍋
huikie | to become fat (rich) oneself | 肥己
huikikhox | hangar | 飛機棚
huikipheeng | hangar | 飛機棚
huikiphiøx | airplane ticket | 飛機票
huikitviuu | airport; airport; airfield; aerodrome | 飛機場
huikud | fibula | 腓骨
huikuun | to wave one's fist | 揮拳
huiky sitsu | air accident; plane crash | 飛機出事
huiky | airplane | 飛機
huiky-sw | airplane-pilot | 飛機師
huiky-tviuu | airport | 飛機場
huikym juu thor | squander money like dirt; spend money like water | 揮金如土
huilaai iaxmhog | an unexpected romance or affair with a beauty | 飛來豔福
huilaan | to blame; to censure | 非難
huilan | to censure, to bring charges against | 非難
huilea | impolite; rude; indecorum; to molest sexually; indecent; improper morally; assault a woman sexually | 非禮
huilengky | airplane | 飛龍機; 飛機
huiliau | fertilizer | 肥料
huiliauxchviuo | fertilizer factory | 肥料廠
huilie | unreasonable | 非理
huilui | in tears; shed tears | 揮淚
huiluun | balance wheel; flywheel | 飛輪
huimothuie | fast runner | 飛毛腿
huiniao | birds | 飛鳥
huioear | small earthen cooking pot | 瓷鍋子
huiorng | maintain, support (family) | 扶養
huipang logkhofng | swing a stick or a baseball bat | 揮棒落空
huipang | swing a bat or club | 揮棒
huiphaux | to run quickly | 飛砲; 飛跑
huipvoaa | china plate | 瓷盤
huiq | blood; hemo | 血
huisiaam-zawpiaq | thief (climb over eaves and walls) | 飛簷走壁
huisioong chiwtvoa | emergency measures | 非常手段
huisioong sikii | time of emergency | 非常時期
huisioong sioxngsox | extraordinary appeal initiated by the procurator general of the Supreme Court | 非常上訴
huisioong | pretty much; grossly; very; extremeness; extraordinary; unusual | 非常
huisioong-sii | time of crisis | 非常時; 非常時期
huisog | posthaste; urgent; quickly | 飛速
huitaan | stray bullet or shell; ballistic missile | 飛彈
huitheeng | a dirigible; an airship; soar; mount of heaven | 飛艇; 飛騰
huitherng | air ship; flying boat | 飛艇
huithng | glaze (of porcelain) | 瓷碭; 釉藥
huitiap | flying saucer; unidentified flying object (UFO) | 飛碟
huitioxng | to soar; to skyrocket | 飛漲
huitong | to wave, to swing | 飛動
huitoong siøfkhør | tremendously important; no small matter; very serious; having grave consequence | 非同小可
huitvoaa | stray bullet or shell; ballistic missile | 飛彈
huitø | not ordinary rule | 非道
huitøxthea | non-conductor | 非導體
huix simsiin | consume or waste one's spiritual energies; take great pains | 費心神
huix | lung (see hi); river overflowing its banks, broken up, scattered, the military defeated (see hoe) | 肺; 廢; 痱; 狒; 諱; 費; 潰; 翡
huix-simsu | to demand attention | 費心思
huix-simsw | waste to no purpose | 費心思
huixbiet | devastation; complete destruction | 毀滅
huixbok | discerning eyes | 慧目; 慧眼
huixchvy | comet | 彗星
huixgarn seg enghioong | Discerning eyes can tell greatness from mediocrity | 慧眼識英雄
huixgarn | discerning eyes | 慧眼
huixhaam | your kind letter | 惠函
huixhoai | to destroy; to ruin | 毀壞
huixioong | to disfigure | 毀容
huixjieen | kind gracious | 惠然
huixkox | your patronage; be my customer; patronize my business establishment; your kindness; favor or patronage | 惠顧
huixliim | favor with one's presence (honorific expression) | 惠臨
huixsux | be kind enough to give me something; bestow graciously | 惠賜
huixsvoax | transverse thread of the warp, parallels of the latitude | 緯線
huixtie | to defame; to censure; to slander | 毀詆
huixto | latitude (degree) | 緯度
huixzeng | to present kindly | 惠贈
huixzhvef | Comet | 彗星
huixzuun | be so kind as to keep my gift, condescend to accept | 惠存
huiy | Swinhoe's maroon oriole | 栗色黃; 大緋鳥
huizhuo | a flying squirrel; a polatouche | 飛鼠; 鼬鼠
huizngf | tiles; ceramic tile | 磁磚
huizuxn | hydroplane, blimp, dirigible | 飛艇; 飛船
huizøo | soap | 肥皂
hului | fish | 魚類
hunbuun piedlui | divide into chapters and sections | 分門別類
hunkuie | heavy smoker; opium smoker | 煙鬼
hunlui | classification; classify; divide into classes; assortment; categories | 分類
hunluixpiør | classified list or table | 分類表
huntui | a subsection; divide a large mass into small groups; squad; division; detachment | 分隊
hunzhuiear | cigarette holder | 薰喙仔
hunzhuix | a cigarette holder | 煙嘴
huohuix | pay | 付費
huokuiepve | lingering disease | 長期病, 富貴病
huokuiepvi | lingering disease | 長期病; 富貴病
huokuix | wealth and social position; riches and honor | 富貴
huosuii | be incidental, be attendant on, be satellite of | 附隨; 附從
hurnhoad iwuii | hard working and promising young person | 奮發有為
huylui | robber; black sheep of the family | 匪類; 敗家子
huypoxng heng'uii | act of libel or slander; libel | 誹謗行為
huyzhuix | emerald; jade | 翡翠
huyzhuix-gek | emerald; jade | 翡翠玉
huzoxhuix | money given for assisting in a hardship | 扶助費; (金)
huzuie | water casting evil spell | 符水
hvi'ar toaxtuix | ears very large--sign of good luck in making money (physiognomy) | 耳仔大對
hviaa-kwnzuie | boiling water | 燒開水
hviazuie | heat water | 焚水; 燃水; 燒水
hviuiefn | smoke of burning incense, continuity of the family line | 香煙
hviukuix | incense with cassia or laurel blossoms aroma | 香桂
hvixtui | (n) eardrop; ear lobe | 耳墜; 耳垂
hvuihioxng | horizontal | 橫向
hvuii (hvoaai) | crosswise; horizontal; sideways (see hoai) | 橫
hvuii | crosswise; sideways; horizontal; wicked | 橫; 蠻橫
hvuikef | cross street | 橫街
hvuiparpax | overbearing | 橫霸霸
hvuizaai | windfalls | 橫財
hw chioxng hu suii | harmony between spouses (husband leads and wife follows) | 夫唱婦隨
hw'uix | to pacify, to soothe | 輔慰
hwn kuiecien | distinguish between prominent and humble people | 分貴賤
hwnsyn zhuiekud | at the cost of one's life…; great danger; very risky | 粉身碎骨
hwnzhuix | porphyria; all to pieces; crush up; smash to pieces; grind to powder | 粉碎
hwuix | soothe | 撫慰
høeakui | cargo; container | 貨櫃
høefluii | a landmine | 火雷; 地雷
høefthuie | ham | 火腿
høezhuix | to retort | 回喙
høezuie | limewater; greywater | 灰水
høfsym ho luii cym | unrequited goodness; to do good yet not be thanked but rather criticized (Good people struck by lightning.) | 好心被雷吻; 好心沒好報
høfzhuiesuie | good at being polite or flattering talk | 好嘴水; 嘴甜
høfzhuietao | good appetite | 好喙斗
høfzhuix | affable; talk friendly (out of good will) | 好嘴; 好喙; 嘴甜
høpeeng tiauiog | peace treaty | 和平條約
høqzhuix | crane's beak | 鶴嘴
hør-kuiejiin | good high-ranking person | 好貴人
hør-thauzhuix | courteous; polite; politeness | 好頭嘴; 懂禮貌; 會說話
hør-zhuietao | good appetite; not picky with food | 好嘴斗
høui | what is the meaning of | 何謂
høxsuie | source of troubles (said of a woman who is often the source of trouble) | 禍水
høxzuie | a woman of the source of troubles | 禍水
høzuie | river | 河水
i'iøqhuix | hospital bill; doctor's fee; medical allowance; medical expenses | 醫藥費
iafciexn-poxtui | combat troops | 野戰部隊
iamlui | salt (in chemistry) | 鹽類
iamzuie zuosia | saline injection | 鹽水注射; 打鹽水針
iamzuie | salt water; brine | 鹽水
iau'iaau iogtui | shaky; wobbly; very unstable (regime; authority) | 搖搖欲墜
iau'iaau siongtuix | facing one another at a distance | 遙遙相對
iau'uii | waistline | 腰圍
iauiog | sign a treaty | 邀約
iaukuie | hungry demons; spirits of those who have no one to offer sacrifices for them; a glutton; greedy | 餓鬼; 枵鬼; 饞嘴; 貪吃
iaxpuii | apply fertilizer | 施肥; 撒肥
ichihuix | maintenance charges; maintenance cost | 維持費
ienthuie | ham | 煙腿; 火腿
ienthuii | lead sinkers for fishing tackle; nets | 鉛墜; 鉛錘
ientui | plumb bob, sinker, lead weight | 鉛鎚
ientuii | plumb bob, sinker, lead weight | 鉛錘
ieui | means | 意謂
im'uie | sexual dysfunction | 陰萎
imgagtui | band (musical) | 音樂隊
imtoaxzuie | flooding | 淹大水
imzuie | a flood; flood the fields; irrigate; be flooded; be inundated | 淹水; 灌溉
in'ui | because; in view of the fact… | 因為
inhui | grace, favor, benefit, blessing | 恩惠
iofng'ioghuix | expenses for bringing up a child | 養育費
iofng'iok-huix | cost of raising a child | 養育費
iofngkahuix | family support allowance given to an employee sent away for an assignment which calls for his long absence from home | 養家費
iofngloxtui | track force | 養路隊
iofngløfhuix | money saved up for old age | 養老費
iong'uie | sexual impotence (male) | 陽萎
ionghong-im'uii | pretends to obey in punliv, but does in private | 陽奉陰違
ioong hong ym uii | observe rules or obey orders ostensibly; pretend to obey | 陽奉陰違
ioxngzuie | to use water; use water; water for a specific use | 用水
irnsoat'huix | printing expenses | 印刷費
irnzhuix | talk back; answer back; to retort | 應嘴; 應喙; 頂嘴
irnzhuix-irncih | answer back; to retort | 應嘴應舌; 還嘴; 頂嘴
itgieen-uiteng | reach a binding agreement verbally; It's a deal | 一言為定
itkhawkhuix | in one breath, at a stretch,at a sitting | 一口氣
itkuix | a season, one quarter (of the year) | 一季
itliusuie | fluent and clear in utterance | 一流美; 流利
itluie | first base | 一壘
itluii thienha hiarng | achieve enormous success at the very first try; become famous overnight | 一雷天下響
iu'ui | oil painting | 油畫
iuhui | favorable | 優惠
iuhui-søealut | import tariff rates for goods imported from a favored nation | 優惠稅率
iuhuix putciog | insufficient postage | 郵費無足
iuhuix | postage | 郵資; 郵費
iuhuixkog | favored nation (in international treaty) | 優惠國
iuiefn | lamp soot, lampblack, carbon black | 油煙
iuiu'afthviax | a smarting pain; labor pains | 憂憂的痛; 陣痛
iuiuafthviax | a dull pain | 幽幽仔疼
iukektui | guerrilla band; guerrillas | 游擊隊
iului | oil as a class of substances | 油類
iuopuii | young manure | 幼肥
iusafn oafnsuie | enjoy the scenery of mountain and water (lake or ocean); mountain climbing | 遊山玩水
iuserngtui | the championship team | 優勝隊
iuzuie | side profit or outside gaining in a deal such as kickbacks; well off | 油水; 闊氣; 有錢
iw'uii | capable, able, promising | 有為
iwkhuix | be ashamed | 有愧
iwlioong-uichiofng | lead innocent girls into prostitution | 誘良為娼
iwuii | promising; can accomplish great things; capable; able; efficient | 有為
ixlui | different species; different class; aliens; those of a different class or kind; nonhumans; aliens; different tribe or race | 異類
iøqlui | sorts or medicines | 藥類
iøqzuie | iquid medicine; liquid medicine | 藥水
iøuii | waistline; waistline; waist measurement | 腰圍
jib'uii | be selected or elected as one of the few; enter the final contest | 入圍
jibhoexhuix | entrance (initiation) fee | 入會費
jibtviuhuix | admission | 入場費
jibzhuix | enter or put into the mouth | 入嘴
jibzuie | water flowing in; to get flooded; ship water (as a boat); pour in water (as into a bottle); be flooded | 入水; 進水; 浸水; 裝水
jidzeg-gøeqlui | day after day and month after month; gradual accumulation over a long time; in time | 日積月累
jienliauxhuix | fuel fee | 燃料費
jiin ui baxnbut-cy-leeng | The human being is the most intelligent among creatures | 人為萬物之靈
jim kii sor uii | let him do as he pleases | 任其所為
jin'uii | artificial | 人為
jingieen khøfuix | Criticism should be feared; We should pay attention to criticism; Criticism should be heeded | 人言可畏
jinkofng-tiehui | artificial intelligence | 人工智惠; 人工智慧
jinlui | man; mankind; human beings; human race | 人類
jinlui-hak | anthropology | 人類學
jinluixhagciar | anthropologist | 人類學者
jinluixhak | anthropology | 人類學
jinsui | long life person; very old man or woman | 人瑞
jintøf-zhuiezap | Agreement is difficult if there are too many people. Secrecy is difficult if too many people share it | 人多嘴雜
jinzø-puiliau | chemical fertilizer | 人造肥料
jiogkuix | Japanese cinnamon; cassia tree; cinnamon | 肉桂
jioxng'ui | give up a seat; abdicate | 讓位
jiuzeeng-suxsuie | tender and soft as water | 柔情似水
jixkuie | how many above twenty? Which day of the last decade of the month? | 二幾; 二十幾
jixlui | a glossary, vocabulary | 字類; 字彙
jixluie | (baseball) second base | 二壘
jixluii | second base | 二壘
jixm'uii | be of the opinion that...; think that...; consider that.. | 認為
jixmkhuix | to bear one's breath | 認氣
jixn'uii | take for; regard as; consider to be | 認為
jixui | art of calligraphy | 二位; 字畫
jixzabkuie | How many above twenty? Which day of the last decade of the month? | 二十幾
joehuie | destroy; smash to pieces; wreck | 摧毀; 揉毀
juerng-suiheeng | always go together (said of two persons); inseparable | 如影隨形
juhii tekzuie | like fish in water (literally)--in agreeable circumstances; very satisfied or pleased; (said of newlyweds) very happy and contented | 如魚得水
juiet | joyful; glad; happy | 愉悅
juo-suie | become more pretty | 越美; 愈媠
juu luii koarnnie | like thunder roaring in one's ears (literally)--(your famous name) has long been known to me | 如雷貫耳
juzuix-juchy | be steeped in; be drunk with; fall head over heels in love; be crazy about | 如癡如醉; 如醉如癡
jymkhuix | to bear one's breath | 忍氣
ka zhuiecih | bite one's tongue | 咬嘴舌
ka zhuiekhykyn | clench one's teeth (as in pain or rage) | 咬嘴齒根
ka-zhuiekhykwn | to masticate | 咬喙齒根
ka-zhuiekhykyn | to masticate | 咬喙齒根
kaelui | crustacea | 甲殼類; 介類
kafmlui | tears | 感淚
kafmsuo-tui | expendables | 敢死隊
kafmswtui | expendables | 敢死隊
kafmsytui | forlorn hope; death band; suicide squad | 敢死隊
kafmzog-kafm'uii | have the courage to do what one believes should be done | 敢作敢為
kafngzhuix | port; harbor | 港嘴; 河口; 港口
kahkhaklui | crustaceans | 甲殼類
kahui | do someone a favor | 嘉惠
kahuix | home-use | 家費; 家用
kahzhuix | like the taste; suit one's taste (as food or drink) | 合嘴; 合口味; 可口
kajibhuix | entrance (membership) fee | 加入費
kakanghuix | cost of manufacturing | 加工費
kalui | family burden | 家累
kamzuie | holding water in the mouse; hold water in the mouth; swollen with moisture (as wood); be moist (as a towel or un-dried grain) | 含水
kan'guii | difficult and dangerous | 艱危; 艱險
kangbøftuix | in pairs (animals) | 雌雄配
kangpwnhuix | net cost of a product (cost of raw materials plus labor) | 工本費
kangthengtui | public works corps | 工程隊
kangzog-toaxtui | team or group of persons dispatched for a special task | 工作大隊
kangzoktui | political workforce | 工作隊
kankuie | crafty; cunning; sly; deceitful; cunning; sly | 奸鬼; 奸詭; 奸詐; 刁滑; 奸險; 狡猾; 奸詐的
kankuix | dry season; drought | 乾季
kanzhuix | straight-forward, downright | 干碎; 乾脆
kao pui høefchiaf | worthless (Lit. Dog barks at train.) | 狗吠火車; 無濟於事
kao'ui | arrive | 到位
kao-pui | the bark of a dog, to bark | 狗吠
kaoioghuix | cost of education; tuition | 教育費
kaokhuix | adequate; sufficient; abundant; enough | 足夠; 滿足; 到氣
kaopuii | too fat | 夠肥
kaotuix | proofing; corrector; correct proofs; proofread | 校對
kaoui | reach or arrive (at the destination) | 到位; 到達
kaozuie | ripen; mature (as fruit; animals) | 到水; 夠水; (水果; 成熟; 動物)
kapanhuix | overtime pay | 加班費
kapzhuix | joint of two boards; seam in a garment | 合嘴; 縫口; 接合處
kauhpuii | make compost for fertilizer | 𩛩肥
kauhpuui | compost; farmyard manure | 輾肥; 堆肥
kauirn | entice; ensnare; to lure | 勾引
kauiuo | make friends | 交友
kauiuu | have friendly contact with, people with whom one has friendly contacts, friends | 郊遊
kauixn | hand over the seals of office | 交印
kauthofng-kuizeg | traffic regulations | 交通規則
kauxzuie | too much rain | 多水; 厚水
kauzeahuix | allowance for entertainment; social contact; etc; social expenses | 交際費
kauzex-huix | cost of entertaining business associate and officials | 交際費
kawphuix | nonsense | 狗屁
kawthuie | dog's leg, a lackey | 狗腿
kaxng'ui | the same place, same seat | 同位; 仝位
kaxnglui | same kink; of one sort | 同類
kaxzhuiekhykwn | molar | 咬喙齒根
kaxzhuiekhykyn | molar | 咬喙齒根
kaxzhuietuun | bite the lips | 咬嘴唇
kaxzhuix | to masticate | 同嘴
kay'uii | compel enemy's siege, escape from a difficulty | 解圍
kayguii | head off danger | 解危
kaysiaa-kuizexng | forsake evil ways and return to the straight-and-narrow | 改邪歸正
kayuii | raise the siege; break through the cordon | 解圍
kazuie | glue; hair spray; sizing (for a rug); hair spray; hair-set | 膠水
keakhuix | pass away | 過氣
keazhuix | spread the word | 過喙
kef cidpvoax kuix | half again as much; a 50% price increase of | 貴一半; 加一半貴
kefkuie | pretend | 假鬼; 裝鬼
kefkuie-kefkoaix | feign to be a devil or a monster ─ pretend or feign (not to know; to be ill; deaf; dumb) | 假鬼假怪; 裝瘋賣傻
kefnghuie | cops and robbers | 警匪
kefngpixtui | garrison | 警備隊
kefzhuiekhie | false teeth; dentures | 假嘴齒; 假牙
kefzuix | pretend drunk | 裝醉
kegsuie | very pretty | 最美
kehtai-uithoaan | atavism | 隔代遺傳
kek'huix | to smash, to defeat | 擊廢; 擊潰
kekkhuix | put on too haughty an air (as a man of wealth; rank; or influence) | 激愧; 激氣; 傲慢; 擺架子
keksuie | false beauty | 裝美
kekthuithuii | play dumb | 激槌槌
kekui'afsiefn | boast; bragger | 雞規仔仙; 吹牛大王
kekui'ar | balloon (because its shape is like a balloon) | 雞規仔; 氣球
kekuisiefn | boast; bragger | 誇口者; 吹牛大王; 雞規仙
kekzhuix | knock to pieces; smash to smithereens | 擊碎
kengbuun-huixbuo | map and execute government policies and military affairs | 經文緯武
kenghui | longitude and latitude; warp and the woof; logical planning; main points of something | 經緯
kenghuix | budget; expenditure; expenses; ; expense; outlay; expenditure | 經費
kengkuie | extremely poor person | 矜鬼; 窮光蛋
kengsioong-huix | normal operating expenses | 經商費; 經常費
kerng'uix | awe; hold in awe and veneration; revere; look upon with respectful fear | 敬畏
kethuie | chicken leg; Lit. chicken-thigh ─ drumstick | 雞腿
kexui | lower position | 低位
khabzhuix | close mouth | 磕嘴; 合嘴
khafn hongkui | work the piston of the blacksmith's bellows | 拉風箱; 牽風櫃
khaghuiq | to spit blood | 咳血; 咯血
khahkuix | somewhat more expensive than was expected | 較貴; 貴一點
khahlexngkhuix | living be better off | 手頭鬆; 較鬆氣
khai'ui | appetizing; stimulate appetite | 開胃
khaihuix | expenditures; pay; expenses | 開費; 開支
khakiutui | a football team | 足球隊
khang'ui | empty seat; vacant or unoccupied seat | 空位
khang'ui-khuyhek | vacant orbital (phys.) | 空位軌域
khang'ui-zhuozaan | vacant subshell (phys.) | 空位厝層
khangzhuiekorng | speak without evidence | 空口講; 空嘴講
khangzhuiepoxcih | talk nonsense | 空喙哺舌
khangzhuix | wound | 傷口; 空喙; 孔嘴
khangzhuix-poxcih | chewing one's tongue in an empty mouth ─ make false; deceitful promises | 空嘴嚼舌; 空喙哺舌; 空口說白話; 空談
khanlui | tie down; implicate; drag; drag (into trouble); involve | 牽累
kharmzhuix | to cover the mouth, to let shut the mouth | 蓋嘴; 崁喙
kharzhuix | to knock into pieces | 敲碎
khathuie | thigh | 腳腿; 跤腿; 大腿
khauqkhauqpui | bark without stopping | 愕愕吠; 吠個無停
khawzuie | saliva, slaver, slanderous quarrel | 口水
kheh'ui | guest position | 客位
khehtui | visiting team (in sports) | 客隊
khezuie | stream water; water from a mountain stream | 溪水
khiaozhuix | to pout (in displeasure); curled lips | 翹嘴; 嘟起嘴巴; 撅嘴
khiarm'ui | lacking seats | 欠位
khiarmhuiq | anemia | 欠血
khiaukhaf liern zhuiechiw | put one leg over the other and twist the mustache ─ live in leisure | 蹺腿捻鬍鬚; 生活閒逸
khiaxm cidee kui | do everything but kneel (said of very urgent entreaty) | 欠一個跪
khiaxm cidkui | do everything but kneel (said of very urgent entreaty) | 欠一跪
khiaxmzhuix | moderate in eating | 省吃; 儉嘴
khiaxuii | place a mast | 豎桅
khiefnsarnhuix | severance pay, retiring allowance | 遣散費
khienlui | drag out | 牽累
khiesiaa-kuizexng | depart from evil and return to the good | 去邪歸正
khiezuie | soft drink; soda; soda pop; a carbonated drink | 氣水; 汽水
khihzhuix | harelip; a chipped or nicked edge; gap; breach; harelip; cleft lip | 兔唇; 缺喙; 缺嘴; 殘缺
khiofng'uix | fearful | 恐畏
khip'hied-kuie | a bloodsucker, a vampire | 吸血鬼
khip'hietkuie | vampire | 吸血鬼
khipzuie | sop | 吸水
khitzuie | custom of going to get water and washing the body of a person who has just died in the family | 乞水; (人死其家人到河邊求乞水來為死人淨身)
khixzhuix | ban certain foods when sick or other reasoning | 忌喙
khiøhhongsuie | take up a dead body and bury elsewhere; to collect the bones in an urn; re-burial; re-interment | 拾風水; 撿骨
khiøhzuie | collect water from the source | 抾水
kho'uii | encompass; surrounding | 箍圍; 周圍
khoaezhuix | loquacious, talkative | 快碎; 快喙
khoahzhuix | the mouth is very wide; broad mouth | 闊嘴; 大嘴巴
khoan'uie | to comfort, consolation | 寬慰
khoan'uix | to comfort | 寬慰
khoarlui | to involve (another) in | 掛累
khoarn'uix | exhort and comfort, exhortation and comfort | 勸慰
khoe'uie | tall and strong | 魁徫
khoezuie | stream | 溪水
khofng-tuix-khofng huitvoaa | air-to air missiles | 空對空飛彈
khofng-tuix-tøe huitvoaa | air-to-ground missiles | 空對地飛彈
khong'ui | vacant, vacant seat | 空位
khongkwn-siawuix | second lieutenant in the air force | 空軍少尉
khongkwn-sioxng'uix | air-force captain | 空軍上尉
khongkwn-tiong'uix | first lieutenant in the air force | 空軍中尉
khongtiofng-huijiin | trapeze show | 空中飛人
khornglui | minerals | 礦類
khorngzvoazuie | mineral spring water | 礦泉水
khorthuie | the tube of a trouser | 褲管; 褲腿
khui'iern | to start a show; to start a performance | 開演
khui'iøh | (n) medical prescription | 開藥; 處方
khui'ui | (literally) to open the stomach; increase the appetite | 開胃
khui'øh | start classes at the beginning of a semester | 開學
khuibin | remove facial hair and trim sideburn for women getting marry | 開面
khuibo | open; inaugurate (meeting) | 開幕
khuichi | to start trading; to open the market; start trading; open the market | 開市
khuichiaf | drive; drive a car; drive a car; start a vehicle | 開車
khuichiuo | open hands | 開手
khuiciarng | draw the winning numbers of a lottery | 開獎
khuiciern | To pick an auspicious day to begin cutting the cloth for the clothes that the bride and groom will wear for the occasion | 開剪; 看日子裁剪新郎新娘衣服
khuiciorng | draw the winning numbers of a lottery | 開獎
khuicviaf | at beginning of the year; the first day of the year; beginning of the New Year | 元旦; 開正; 開始新年頭
khuicvie | to dig or drill a well | 開井
khuicvii | bear one's share of the expenses; Dutch treat | 開錢; 分攤費用
khuicvix | to shot an arrow | 開箭
khuie | cunning; malicious; to cheat | 詭
khuie'ioong | duodenal ulcer; ulcer; ulceration | 潰瘍; 十二指腸潰瘍
khuieioong | duodenal ulcer | 潰瘍
khuiekhao | tone of voice | 口氣; 氣口
khuielat | energy; strength; force; power; vigor | 氣力
khuiemeh | breath and the circulation system; pulse | 氣脈
khuiesi'ar | almost die; one's breath become to weak | 氣絲仔; 微弱的氣息
khuiesid | breath | 氣息
khuiesy | very fine thread of breath; a tiny bit of breath | 氣絲
khuiethaau | tone of voice | 口氣; 氣頭
khuihefng | (literally) to open the chest; to open one's mind | 開胸
khuiho | open a bank account | 開戶
khuihoe | opening of a meeting; begin a meeting; hold a meeting | 開會
khuihoef | blossom; bloom | 開花
khuihoextiofng | be in session | 開會中
khuihofng | to open (a letter; ect.); break or open a seal | 開封; 開啟
khuihux | to be deficient; to be negligent in an obligation; to fail | 背恩; 虧負
khuihøea | to open fire; to engage in battle | 開火
khuiiøqar | prescribe medication | 開藥仔
khuikarng | to start a habor | 開港
khuikex | to ask for a price; to quote; ask for a price; to quote; the price quoted | 開價
khuikhaf | to forward march | 開步; 開腳
khuikhafng | to open a hole; make a hold; button hole | 開孔; 開洞
khuikhakhefng | bowlegged | 內彎腿; O型腿; 開腳框
khuikhakhorar | the pants that young kid wears with a hole in seat to facilitate going to the bathroom | 開腳褲仔
khuikhakhox | crotchless pants | 開跤褲
khuikhao | to open one's mouth; to speak | 開口
khuikhefng | joints opening and gaping in a piece of furniture; joints of a frame come loose | 開框; (接合物)
khuikhiaux | to open one's eyes to; (of a girl) to start getting sex-conscious; to reach puberty; start getting sex conscious; begin to acquire understanding | 開竅
khuikhiaxm | deficit; deficiency; insufficiency; failing; lacking; under obligation; have deficit; be in arrears | 虧欠
khuikhoad | deficit | 虧缺
khuikhoaq | expanse; wide; spacious; roomy | 開闊; 坦蕩; 寬廣; 寬闊
khuikhofng | spend more than one makes; be in the red | 虧空
khuikhoxng | (v) spend money without restraint; squander; exploit a mine | 開曠; 揮霍
khuikhuy | open; leave it open; opening | 開開; 開著
khuikhøx | lecture on a new subject in the curriculum; start class at the beginning of a new semester | 開課
khuikixm | to start prohibition | 開禁
khuikoafn giaxmsy | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
khuikoafn-giaxmsy | to open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
khuikw | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開裾
khuiky | boot up | 開機
khuilibhofng | extraction of the cubic root | 開立方
khuilo | lead the way; open up a road; open a road; to pioneer | 開路
khuilui | unable to make both ends meet; to spend more than one makes; to be in debt | 虧累
khuiløo | (in Chinese opera) to begin performance | 開鑼
khuimngg | to open the door | 開門
khuipenghofng | extraction of the square root | 開平方
khuiphaang | to start sail; set out; start on sailing (boat; ship; junk); start journey | 開帆
khuiphaux | open fire | 開砲
khuiphiørsor | place for counting ballots | 開票所
khuiphiøx | to count ballots or votes; count ballots or votes; write a check | 開票
khuiphoax | clarify; explain clearly; explain why and how | 開破; 啟發; 開導; 解說; 說明; 誘發; 誘導; 點化; 勸導; 闡明
khuipi'iøh | appetizer | 開胃藥; 開脾藥
khuipiaw | to announce the result of bidding in an open tender | 開標
khuipii | appetizing; to stimulate appetite; stir the appetite | 開胃; 開脾; 開脾胃
khuipiøf | to announce the result of bidding in an open tender | 開標
khuipo | start to execute; start | 開步; 起步
khuipurn | lose money in business | 貼本; 虧本
khuipvoaa | (said of a market) the opening price; opening quotation | 開盤
khuisek | to give a feast; to start the banquet | 開席
khuisiaux | to bill (one) for things purchased | 開數; 開賬
khuisid | to lose money; deficit | 虧失
khuisimsu | discreditable matter; matter for remorse; something which gives one a guilty conscience | 虧心事
khuisit | loss | 虧蝕
khuisngr | deficit; to de; lete; enfeebled or weakened by illness | 虧損
khuisurn | deficit; (financial) loss; damage and loss; deficit in business; suffer a loss | 虧損
khuisviaf | (literally) to open one's voice; to begin telling | 開聲
khuisviakhaux | cry with a loud voice | 開聲哭
khuisvoaf | to open a mountain | 開山
khuisym | to go against conscience | 虧心
khuisør | to unlock; open a lock | 開鎖
khuiteeng | start a court trial; hold a court session | 開庭
khuithai | to treat (someone) shabbily; to maltreat | 虧待
khuithaux | open and penetrate; open completely; remove obstacles from | 開透; 開通; 完結
khuithiaq | to explain; to expound; to interpret; elucidation; explain distinctly (e.g. the meaning of a phrase saying; or doctrine) | 開拆; 分析; 言教; 破說; 解說; 闡釋; 釋明
khuithviaf | open hall | 開廳
khuitiaxm | open a store; set up a store; open a shop; run a store | 開店
khuitid | fortunately; luckily | 虧得
khuitiern | to expand; to spread out; to develop | 開展
khuitii | new fish pond is open for business | 開池; 魚池開始營業
khuito | appetizer | 開肚
khuituu | to dismiss; to fire | 開除
khuitviuu | to beginning of a show or anything | 開場
khuitvoaf | to write a bill; to list expenditures or items needed; make out a bill or list; to fine | 開單; 開罰單
khuitø | (in ancient China) to clear the way for an important official | 開道
khuitøea-khox | a pair of bottomless trousers for babies; a pair of open-bottomed pants for children | 開底褲
khuitøf | surgical operation; to operate | 手術; 開刀
khuitøf-kiafmzaf | exploratory operation | 開刀檢查
khuitøpaang | operating room | 手術室; 開刀房
khuitøq | to serve; also to put on plate; begin a banquet | 開桌; 開動 (宴客時開始上菜)
khuix | air; breath; ashamed; odor | 氣; 愧; 氣息
khuizhaan | convert waste land into paddy-field | 開田; 開墾田地
khuizhef | to open a slit in a dress; branch out (as a tree or limb) | 開叉; 分叉
khuizhexng | to shoot; to open fire; fire a rifle | 開銃; 開槍
khuizhud | to list; to state | 開出
khuizhuix | open the mouth to say something | 啟開; 嘴齒; 開口
khuizhøf | (said of vegetarians or people fasting) to shift ot meat-eating; cease being a vegetarian | 開葷; 破葷戒
khuizoe | to offend another with what one says; writes or does | 開罪
khuizuun | to set sail; to weigh anchor; set sail; weigh anchor | 開船
khuizvea | dig; drill a well | 開井
khukuie | exorcise evil spirits | 驅鬼
khutui | a district contingent | 區隊
khuxthuii | pestle | 杵愚; 臼槌
khve'afzuie | water flowing through a ravine or valley | 澗仔水; 澗水
khviuxzhuix | restrain the appetite from what is not agreeable | 禁碎; 禁食
khvoarhongsuie | funsui | 看風水
khvoax hongsuie | practice geomancy in selecting a site for a tomb | 看風水
khvuie'oah | comfortable; be well off; feel well | 快活; 舒服; 富裕
khvuieoah | better (after illness), in comfortable circumstances | 快活
khvuix | put; lay | 放
khwnlui | fungi | 菌類
khykhuix | getting lucky | 起氣; 開始走運
khyluii | thunder, begin to thunder | 起雷; 打雷
khyphuiebin | fall out | 起呸面
khyui | the beginning position | 起位
khøfkuix | valuable; commendable | 可貴
khøfuix | awful; awe-inspiring; dreadful; horrible | 可畏
kiabzhuix | talkative | 劫嘴; 多嘴
kiafmpuii | reduce weight | 減肥
kiafn-suguii | think of the time of peril in times of peace; be prepared for possible future perils while enjoying peace | 居安思危
kiamzuie | salt water; brine | 鹽水; 鹹水
kiamzuie-oo | salt lakes | 鹹水湖
kiapzhuix | chattering needlessly and offensively | 劫嘴; 喋喋不休; 冒犯性地喋喋無休
kiarhuix | postage | 寄付; 寄費; 捐獻
kiawhuix | to pay fees | 繳費
kiawkuie | confirmed gambler | 賭鬼; 筊鬼
kiawzuie | mix with water; dissolve in water | 拌水; 攪水
kiedkuie | intelligent and cunning | 竭鬼; 又聰明又狡猾
kierngi put'uii bu'iorng ia | see an opportunity for doing right and fail to do it is cowardice | 見義無為無勇也
kierngi-iofng'uii | have the courage to do what is right; regardless of the consequences | 見義勇為
kierntiok'huix | building expenses | 建築費
kiet'iokkui | Ark of the Covenant (Catholic) | 結約櫃
kietluii | to form a drop or droplet or a bead | 結雷; 結成顆狀
kietsui | fruits or grains to grown into a cluster at the tip of a stem or stalk; come into ears (as grains) | 結穗
kiettui | form a caravan or group | 結隊
kiexn'ui | stomachic | 健胃
kiexn'uixsarn | digestive; a medicinal aid to digestion | 健胃散
kihaihoax-poxtui | mechanized troops | 機械化部隊
kimlui | gold and metals | 金類
kimmuisox | aureomycin | 金黴素
kimtiaw iuo ciuo kimtiaw zuix | Enjoy while one can | 今朝有酒; 今朝醉。
kimzhuiekhie | gold-capped teeth | 金嘴齒
kinsuii | follow; wait upon (as an attendant) | 跟隨
kiogpo bazuix | local anesthesia | 局部麻醉
kipuii | main periodic fertilization; fertilizers applied to soil before planting | 機肥
kirm'ui-kwn | imperial guards | 禁慰軍
kirmkhuix | hold (bate) one's breath | 禁氣; 憋住呼吸; 閉氣
kirmzhuix | no food allowed | 禁喙
kiuiuo | golfers | 球友
kiukuix | playing ball season | 球季
kiului | balls | 球類
kiuohoxtui | first aid corps | 救護隊
kiuozhattui | disciplinary investigators | 糾察隊
kiutui | ball teams | 球隊
kiuzuie | dehydration; to shrink after washing; shrinkage | 打折; 縮水
kiwuii | the literary form of Long time no see; I have not seen you for a long time (conventional). | 久違
kixhuix | things which one does not like others to do or say; things which one avoids saying or doing; a taboo; vinegar | 忌諱
kixn'ui | to guard the nearby | 近衛
kixn'ui'ar | nearby; neighboring; vicinity | 近位仔; 無遠的地方
kixnzuie | near the water | 近水
kixnzuie-lautaai | vantage ground | 近水樓台
kixzhuix | to be on a diet (because of ailment; etc;) | 忌嘴
kngfleafzuie | swirl | 捲螺仔水
koafnhad-hoaxn'uii | sphere of competency | 管轄範圍
koahhuiq | to give up the blood | 割血
koan'ui | high position | 高位
koanhuiq | donate blood (public) | 捐血
koaq zhuiechiw | to blame | 刮鬍子
koaq zhuiecih | cut out the tongue in punishment | 割舌頭
koarhøxhuix | registration fee (hospital) | 掛號費
koarkui | pregnant; said in blame of unmarried woman; swollen ear (of grain about to burst; just before chhut-sui | 充穗; 懷孕; 大肚子
koarlui | to involve (another) in | 掛累
koarnzuie | to blow water into (meat; chicken; etc) so as to increase weight before marketing; to pour water into something; torture a person by pouring water into his throat and nostrils; inject water (into meat to make it heavier) | 灌水
koarnzuix | get a person drunk | 灌醉
koarsuie | to hang up to look good | 掛水
koatsytui | forlorn hope; death band; suicide squad | 決死隊; (敢死隊)
koatzhuiephea | slap the cheek | 打耳光; 打嘴巴
koaxn-hof zuix | get a person drunk | 灌醉
koeakhuix | breathe one's last | 斷氣
koeakiamzuie | travel far overseas | 過鹽水
koeazhuix | pass on a message to third person | 過嘴; 傳話給第三者
koeazuie | has been washed; cross the water in a boat; across the water; pass over the water | 過水; 過洋
koekui'ar | ballon | 雞胿仔
kofhuii | ancient porcelains | 古磁
kofngkørhuix | outlay for advertisement | 廣告費
kofngthawkhuix | relieve one's mind or feelings talking it out with another | 講出氣
kofthuii | drum hummer; the hummer to beat a drum; drumsticks | 鼓槌
kofzvefzuie | well water | 古井水
kok'ui | everybody; ladies and gentlemen! | 各位
koklui | the various items; each and every item; all the items | 各類
koksuix | national cultural heritage | 國粹
kokzex texui | international status | 國際地位
kokzex tiauiog | international treaty | 國際條約
kokzhuix | national cultural heritage | 國粹
kong'ui | post; station | 崗位; (職務)
kong'uii | besiege | 攻危; 圍攻
konghuix | government expense; public expenditure; government funds | 公費
kongpui | to bark wildly; to utter wild words; to yell like a mad dog; to yell nonsense | 狂吠
korngthui'ar | hammer | 鎚子仔
korngthuii | hammer; mallet | 大槌; 摃槌
korngzhuix | to smash to pieces | 摃嘴; 摃碎
kox zhuix bøo kox syn | care only about food; careless about one's dress (appearance) | 只顧吃的; 無顧穿的
kui sngrpvoaa | kneel on abacus (way of punishment wife to husband) | 跪算盤; (太太罰先生的一種處法)
kui | kneel; cabinet; kneel; bow down to | 跪; 櫃; 皈; 歸; 餽
kui'ar | a cabinet; a sideboard; chest of drawers | 櫃仔; 櫃子
kui'axm | whole night | 整暗
kui'ee | wholly; entire; in mass | 整個
kui'id | back to one | 歸一
kui'iog | a mutual agreement | 歸約; 規約
kui'ngx | turn toward, look to in faith or hope | 規望; 歸向
kui'oar | attach oneself to somebody | 規近; 歸依
kui'oe | planning; project | 規劃
kui'ui | to return one's seat; to return one's position | 歸位
kui'urn | to return one's home to retire; to retire from public life | 歸隱
kui'uu | attribute to; revert to | 歸於
kui'y | to follow Buddhist faith; to become a Buddhist disciple; monk or nun | 歸依
kui'ym | (literally) to return to--to pass away | 歸陰
kui`løqkhix | kneel down | 跪落去
kuiaxn | arrest a criminal and bring him to court for prosecution | 歸案
kuibin | whole; entire or full face | 滿臉
kuiboea | last, final, terminal stage | 最後, 最終
kuiboo | scale; scope; scale; plan; structure | 規模
kuibuun | women's apartment; women's court; inner-house | 閨門; 閨中
kuibøea | finally; in the end; in the final analysis | 歸尾; 規尾; 最終; 最後
kuichiuo | take care of entire job | 整手; 一手包辦
kuicie | a whole bunch, a whole bundle, a whole fagot | 整疊; 規只
kuiciofng | rules and regulations | 規章
kuicviw | whole chapter | 整章
kuie huxsyn | possessed by demons | 鬼附身
kuie kafng | how many days? | 幾工
kuie kho'ar | several dollars | 幾箍仔
kuie | cunning; malicious; to cheat | 詭; 鬼
kuie'oaan | longan; dried longan | 桂圓
kuiecied | a season of a year | 季節
kuiecied-hofng | the konsoon, a seasonal wind | 季節風
kuiecien | the eminent and the humble; the expensive and the cheap; expensive and cheap; valuable and mean; high and low (social status) | 貴賤
kuieciet'hofng | monsoon; seasonal wind | 季節風
kuiee | entire | 規个
kuiegu | (a polite expression) your residence | 貴寓
kuieha | sir | 貴下
kuiehaam | (a polite expression) your letter | 貴函
kuiehaang | (a polite expression) your company | 貴行
kuiehau | (a polite expression) your school | 貴校
kuiehefng | (a polite expression) your elder brother | 貴兄
kuiehoef | sweet osmanthus | 貴花; 桂花; 銀桂,木犀
kuiehujiin | your wife (an honorific term) | 尊夫人
kuiehuo | (a polite expression) your home; your (honorable) residence | 貴府
kuiehuy | highly honored women officials or imperial concubines in ancient China; title of a lady-in-waiting; an imperial concubine | 貴妃
kuiejiin | a distinguished; high-ranking person; a court lady second to the queen in rank; man of high position; rescuer; person who helps us out of a difficulty | 貴人
kuiekaxn | What can I do for you? (What is) your business (here)? | 貴幹
kuiekefng | (a polite expression) How old are you? | 貴庚
kuiekhafn | quarterly (publication) | 季刊
kuiekheq | honored or distinguished guests; esteemed customer; honored guest | 貴客
kuiekhix | noble character; costly; highly valued; honorable; precious | 貴氣; 貴重
kuiekiexn | (a polite expression) your opinion | 貴見
kuiekog | (a polite expression) your country | 貴國
kuiekvef | What is your honorable age? How old are you? | 幾庚
kuiekvy | What is your honorable age? How old are you? | 幾庚
kuiekwn | third prize winner | 季軍
kuieky | twigs of cinnamon | 桂枝; 肉桂
kuiepinseg | VIP room | 貴賓室
kuiepyn | distinguished guests; important guest; V.I.P.; an honored (noble; distinguished) guest | 貴賓
kuiesamsafm | costly | 貴參參
kuiesiok | expensive and cheap | 貴俗
kuiesomsofm | expensive | 貴參參
kuiesu | (a polite expression) (What is) your business or affairs (here)? | 貴事
kuiesvex | what is your (honorable) surname? | 貴kuiesvix
kuiesvix | your surname (polite) | 貴姓
kuiete | your honorable place | 貴地; (客氣話)
kuieteg | Makino bamboo | 桂竹; 臺灣桂竹
kuietek'ar | laurel; bay tree | 桂竹仔
kuieteksurn | a popular Taiwanese bamboo Shoots | 桂竹筍
kuiethea | (a polite expression) your body; your phisical | 貴體
kuietheh | (a polite expression) your home | 貴宅
kuietiong | important, valuable | 貴重; 貴重的
kuietioxngphirn | articles of value; valuables | 貴重品
kuietøe | (a polite expression) your place | 貴地
kuiezeq | season | 季節
kuiezhux | (a polite expression) What's your native place? Where are you from? | 貴處
kuiezoar | ceremonial strips of yellow paper to put on grave at Ching Ming | 挂紙; 掃墓
kuiezoeq | season | 季節
kuiezok | the nobility; the blue-blood; nobility; a peer | 貴族
kuiezok-zerngti | aristocracy | 貴族政治
kuiezwsiuo | executioner | 劊子手
kuigoaan | revert to the original restore to the original | 歸原; 還原
kuihang | whole alley | 整巷
kuiheeng | return to the original owner | 貴還; 歸還
kuihiofng | to return to one's hometown; return to one's native place | 歸鄉
kuihioxng | yield to; go towards; convert to | 歸向
kuihoaan | to return (something to its owner); to come home; go back; send back (something) | 歸還
kuihoan | norm; standard; model; standard | 規範
kuihoax | to be naturalized as a citizen; (said of a protectorate state; etc.) to pledge allegiance to; naturalization; become naturalized | 歸化
kuihoee | return | 歸回
kuihoef | sunflower | 葵花
kuihok | submit, surrender | 歸服
kuihsoaf | scrape certain parts of the body to obtain relief from nausea or sunstroke | 刮砂
kuihuix | fees | 規費; 費用
kuihut | be converted to Buddhism | 求佛; 皈依佛門
kuihux | to follow (a leader in a revolution; etc.); to pledge allegiance to; complete set or suit | 歸附; 全套
kuii | certain herbaceous plants with big flowers | 葵; 馗
kuijit | all day long; the whole day; all day long | 整日; 歸日; 整天
kuikaix | rules of conduct | 規誡
kuikef | to return to one's home; whole family | 歸家; 全家
kuikefng | whole room | 整間
kuikekhao | all the persons in a family | 閤家口
kuikeq | standard; standards; specifications (of a manufactured item); norm | 規格
kuikhafng | be wounded; be injured | 負傷
kuikhix | clean-cut; straight forward; wholly; solely; entirely; exclusively; devotedly; wholeheartedly; devote or apply oneself to | 乾脆
kuikhngx | to admonish; to give friendly advice | 規勸
kuikhurn | whole bundle | 整捆; 成捆
kuikie | order; discipline; regularity | 規矩
kuikied | bring to an end or conclusion | 歸結
kuikii | the date of one's return | 歸期
kuikiu | to lay the blame on... | 歸咎
kuikiuu | the whole mass; the whole lump | 一團; 規球
kuikofng | to give the credit to; to hold someone responsible for a success; give credit for | 歸功
kuikog | to return to one's fatherland; return to one's native land | 歸國; 規國
kuiku | track-gauge | 規瓢
kuikuikykie | gentleman-like; polite; orderly | 規規矩矩
kuikuo | order; discipline; regularity | 規矩
kuikuun | a whole group, a whole mob, a whole flock | 整群
kuikux | a whole word, a whole sentence spoken | 整句; 規句
kuikuy-kykie | well behaved | 規矩規矩
kuikvoa | whole bunch | 整攜
kuikwn | fundamentally; basically; finally; in the end | 歸根
kuiky | a whole rod | 整枝; 規枝
kuikøo | in a bunch, in a cluster | 整個
kuikørgøeh | whole month | 整個月
kuilabhoad | inductive method; induction | 歸納法
kuilap | to induct (a theory; natural law; etc.); to sum up; conclude; induce | 歸納
kuilap-hoad | inductive method; induction | 歸納法
kuileeng | bride's visit to her parents after wedding | 歸寧
kuiliap | a whole ball, a whole fruit | 整粒; 規粒
kuiliet | a whole processiona whole line | 整列
kuiliuu | the whold tumor; the whole lump | 閤瘤; 全個瘤
kuilo | all the way; the whole road | 歸路
kuiludsexng | regularity | 規律性
kuilui | to categoritze; to classify | 歸類
kuiluie | a whole flower | 規律; 規蕊
kuiluo | a maiden; an unmarried girl | 閨女; 規旅?
kuilut | laws; rules or regulations; discipline; regularity | 規律
kuimii | the whole night | 整暝
kuinaa | a whole basket | 整籃; 規籃
kuinii | one complete year; throughout the year | 全年; 整年
kuinii-tharngthvy | the whole year through | 一年到頭
kuinitharngthvy | a year | 規年迵天
kuioe | map out; draw up (a plan); a plan or scheme | 規劃
kuipaai | a whole raw, a whole rank | 整排
kuipaang | the private quarters of a house where women live; a boudoir; women's apartments | 閨房
kuipafn | the whole class | 整班
kuipafng | whole country | 整邦
kuipak'hea | full of rage | 規腹火
kuipak'hoea | full of rage | 規腹火
kuipakhoea | belly full of anger/fire | 閤腹火; 暴怒
kuipaw | the whole bag | 整包
kuipeeng | the whole half | 規爿
kuipexng | to merge with; to unite with; to put together | 歸併
kuipha | the whole (blister) | 整皰
kuiphaang | the whole set; whole | 整組; 全部
kuiphiaq | to evade (obligations or duties); to shun or avoid | 規避
kuiphid | the whole (piece of cloth) | 整匹
kuiphiexn | whole region | 一大片
kuiphviar | the whole thick slice; over a considerable surface (e.g.; a skin disease) | 整片
kuiphvix | the whole piece | 整片
kuiphvy | whole chapter | 整篇
kuipii | whole | 整脾
kuipo | whole portion | 整部
kuipof | whole noon | 整埔
kuipvoaa | whole | 整盤
kuipvoarpof | for a long time | 規半晡
kuiq | to pare; to shave; to scrape | 刮
kuisef | (literally) to return to heaven--to pass away | 歸西
kuisengkhw | the whole body; all over the body | 全身軀
kuiserng | the whole province | 整省
kuisiafng | whole pair | 整雙
kuisiefn | go to the Buddhist heaven; die | 歸仙; 歸西天
kuisielaang | lifetime; all one's life; all life long | 歸世人; 一生
kuisien | follow the good | 歸善
kuisiog | one's final setting place; (said of a woman) marriage; conclusion; be married to a man | 歸宿
kuisiok | be returned to, revert to | 歸屬
kuisiu | whole nest | 整巢
kuisiux | the daughter of a rich or noble family | 閨秀
kuisun | to yield; to submit; to surrender; allegiance | 歸順
kuisuun | a whole trace | 整紋; 規巡
kuisviw | the whole box | 整箱
kuisvoaf | whole mountain | 整山
kuisvoaphviaa | all over the mountains and plains | 規山坪
kuisvoax | the whole time | 整線
kuisym su cvix | have a yearning for one's home (Lit. When the mind is bent on returning; it is like a flying arrow) | 歸心似箭
kuisym | absorption; concentrate; concentrate; concentration; engrossed; whole-heartedly | 歸心; 規心; 全心全意; 專心
kuisyn | the whole body | 全身
kuiteng | provision; stipulate; prescription; regulation; provide; stipulations; prescribe; ordain | 規定
kuitex | whole piece | 整塊
kuitheeng | regulations and rules | 規程
kuithiefn | (literally) to return to heaven--to pass away; die | 歸天
kuithor | (literally) to return to land; return to dust; die | 歸土
kuithvy | the whole sky | 滿天
kuithøx | the whole set | 整套
kuitiaau | regulation, the whole rod | 整條; 規條
kuitin | as a group; as a mob; as a block; as a galaxy; the whole group; large company; whole crowd | 整群; 規陣; 大伙兒; 歸陣; 一群; 大伙兒,一群
kuitiofng | inside the private quarters of a house where women live | 閨中
kuito | full of stomach | 整肚; 規肚
kuitoo | homeward journey | 歸途
kuitui | (said of stranglers; individual members of an organization) to return to the fold; to return to the ranks; to rejoin the group; return to the fold; return to the ranks; return to the army | 歸隊
kuituix | the whole team | 整隊
kuituu | (in abacus calculation) division of a number consisting of three or more digits | 歸除
kuituy | the whole pile | 全堆; 成堆
kuityn | all (of a group) | 成陣; 成群
kuitø | course, orbit, railway | 規道; 軌道
kuitøhterng | all over the table-top | 整桌頂
kuivoar | a whole bowl (of food) | 整碗; 規碗
kuix | season of a year; expensive | 貴; 季; 掛; 劌; 挂
kuix`tiøh | expensive | 貴到
kuixcidkhaf | single genuflection (Catholic) | 跪一腳
kuixie | kneeling bench | 跪椅
kuixkiuu | kneel and beseech | 跪跪; 跪求
kuixpaix | kowtow and worship on bended knees; kneel down and worship | 跪拜
kuixphag | to kneel down and to fall flat on the ground; kneel and prostrate one's self | 跪伏
kuixtaai | counter | 櫃臺; 櫃台; 櫃檯
kuixtiam | cushions for kneeling; kneeling cushion | 跪墊
kuixtuu | a cabinet; a cupboard; a sideboard | 櫃櫥
kuixzeng | gift | 餽贈
kuixzuie | dema | 膭水
kuiy | devotion; conversion; become a believer | 歸依
kuiym | go to Hades | 歸陰
kuizaang | the whole tree | 整叢
kuizad | whole section | 整節
kuizeg | regulations; rules | 規則
kuizexng | to return to the right cause; (said of rebellious elements; etc.) to return to the side of the government; turn back to the right way | 歸正
kuizhengban | thousands | 規千萬
kuizhud | the whole play (theater) | 整齣; 規齣
kuizhux | the whole house | 整厝; 規厝
kuizngf | the whole village | 全村
kuizoe ho .. | lay the blame on... | 歸罪於 …
kuizoe | blame; declare to be at fault | 規罪; 歸罪; 歸咎
kuizof | the whole group | 整組
kuizofng | revert to the original stock (as when an adopted child returns to the original family) | 歸宗
kuizok | the whole clan | 整族
kuizuo | to return to the Lord--conversion; return to the Lord ─ conversion | 歸主
kuizø | the whole (mountain) | 整坐
kukw-suisuy | hesitating; procrastinating; stealthy; furtive | 鬼鬼祟祟
kun'ui | sovereign position | 君位
kungagtui | military (naval) band; regimental band | 軍樂隊
kunhuix | military expenses | 軍費; 軍事費
kunsuii | follow; accompany | 跟隨
kunsuxhuix | military expenses | 軍事費; 軍費
kuntui | army | 軍隊
kurnthuii | stick and hammer | 棍槌
kutsuii | marrow | 骨髓; 骨?
kuykuie suixsui | very deceitful and intriguing; stealthy; furtive; secretive | 鬼鬼祟祟
kuykuie-suixsui | misfortunes brought by evil spirits; stealthy; clandestine | 鬼鬼祟祟
kuyluie | how many | 幾朵
kuysui | misfortunes brought by evil spirits; stealthy; clandestine | 鬼祟
kuytui | how many teams | 幾隊
kuyui | how many persons | 幾位
kvafsie-tui | a suicide squad; a death band; a commando unit given a very dangerous mission | 敢死隊
kvafsytui | suicide squad; commando unit given a very dangerous mission | 敢死隊
kvar ciah mxuix tok | acting recklessly | 敢吃無畏毒
kvia'uix | to be afraid; to be scared | 驚畏; 敬畏; 害怕
kviaflui | children | 兒女; 子孫
kvialauzuie | flowing water | 流通的水
kviekuie | (literally) to see the devil--Nonsense! | 見鬼
kvilui | alkali | 鹼類
kviuzuie | ginger water | 薑水
kvizuie | alkaline water | 鹼水
kvoa'ui | a government or official position | 官位
kvoafkuie | drive out demons | 趕鬼; 驅鬼
kvoafthuii | a rolling wooden stick used as a tool to make dough into wheaten foods | 簳鎚; 簳麵桿
kvoai'ui | high position | 官位; 高位
kvoakhuix | impressive style or manner | 官氣
kvoar kuie | to expel the ghosts | 趕鬼
kvoaxkui | be pregnant | 掛櫃; 比喻女人懷孕
kvoaxzuie | carry water in a basket; sweat; perspiration; dropsy | 提水; 捾水; 水腫; 攜水; 汗水
kvui | county | 縣
kvuikixm | imprison, jail, lock one in | 關禁
kvuikvaf | imprison, jail | 關監; 入監
kvuiky | shutdown computer | 關機
kvuimngg | close the door | 關門
kvuisie | stick shut (window, door) | 關死; 關死了
kvuix | Charm amulet | 護身符
kwn-gagtui | military band | 軍樂隊
kwnzuie | boiling water | 開水; 滾水
kwnzuie-koaxn | thermos bottle; vacuum bottle | 滾水罐; 熱水瓶
køeakhuix | to die | 過氣; 逝世
køeazhuix | over the mouth | 過嘴
køeazuie | slightly washed | 過水
køekui'ar | balloon | 氣球仔; 雞胿仔
køethuie | Chicken leg | 雞腿
køfhuix | fees paid to the contributor of a published article; payment to a writer on piecework basis | 稿費
køhuih'ab | high blood pressure | 高血壓
køkengtui | a Church choir | 歌經隊
køkuix | nobleness; dignity; costly; valuable; noble | 高貴
køui | high position | 高位
laan-uixzeeng | shy | 難為情
laau phvixhuiq | bloody nose | 流鼻血
laau phvixzuie | snivel; snot nose | 流鼻水
laau zhuiechiw | grow a beard; have a beard; grow a moustache | 留鬍子
labhuix | pay the bill | 納費
lag zhuiekhie | lose teeth | 掉牙齒
lahsapkuie | dirty; unclean; soiled; mean; base; low; foul; unfair | 垃圾鬼; 骯髒; 髒鬼
lahsapzuie | dirty water | 垃圾水
laixkui | inner shelf | 內櫃
laixuii | inner circles | 內圍; 裡圈
lalatui | a cheer team | 啦啦隊
lamhui | south latitude | 南回; 南緯
lamlui | ragged, tattered, slovenly | 襤褸
lamluie | (of clothes) tattered; torn and ragged; shabby | 襤褸; 破衣
lamzuie | pouring water; soak with water; sprinkle wet; pour water on something; pour water on one's self while bathing | 淋水
lan'uixzeeng | be shy | 難為情
lan'uizeeng | feel ashamed; uneasy; embarrassed; bashful | 難為情
langhuiq | human blood | 人血; 膿血
langzuie | pus | 膿水; 膿汁
laokhuix | lose face; be unmasked; show the cloven hoof; blushed; feel mortified; disgrace oneself; expose one's defects | 漏氣; 露出馬腳; 出醜
laozuie | go into the water; (woman) become prostitute; draw the water (out of a plumbing system); to drain water | 落水; 瀉水; 放水
lauhuiq | shed blood | 流血
lauthuiseg | staircase | 樓梯式
lauthuithaau | staircase | 樓梯頭
lauxhoftui | tiger team | 老虎隊
lauxkuikuo | old rules; old practice | 老規矩
lauxzuie | (said of containers; holds; etc) leaking of water; leaking (said of containers; holds) | 漏水
lauzhuienoa | spit saliva | 流喙瀾
lauzuie | flowing water; current | 流水
laxmhuix | spend money immoderately; to waste money | 濫費
laxmluix | (of clothes) tattered; torn and ragged | 襤褸
laxmtui | fleet; naval task force; naval squadron | 艦隊
laxngzhuiehoef | play? | 弄喙花
lefngtui | leader of a team; group | 領隊
lefngzuie | cool water; unboiled water; cold water | 冷水
legpuii | green manure | 綠肥
legtauxkuie | bad green beans | 綠豆鬼
lelui | spiral shellfish | 螺類
leng'ui | memorial tablet | 靈位; 牌位
leng'uii | able; resourceful | 能為
lengborng-zuie | lemonade | 檸檬水
lenghuun uithoaan soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 靈魂遺傳說
lengzhuiear | nipple; papilla | 乳嘴仔
lengzhuix | fragments; odds and ends | 零碎; 零碎,零星
lengzuie | milk | 乳水; 奶水
lesoaan thuicirnky | screw propeller; propeller; screw | 螺旋槳
liahhuix | to scrap, to tear up | 捉廢; 裂廢
liahzhuix | to tatter, to rend, to rip into pieces | 裂碎
liangzuie | soda; pop; cold water | 涼水; 汽水; 冷飲
liap'ui | to assume the throne in place of the legitimate ruler | 攝位
liaqkuie | to arrest a ghost | 掠鬼
liaqthafnhvuii | hold it horizontally | 掠坦橫
liauiorng | convalescence, recuperate, convalesce | 療養
liauzuie | to wade across water; walk through shallow water(river) | 涉水; 涉木
liaxm zhuiephøea | pinch the cheek (when a child tells a lie) | 擰嘴頰
lib'uie | legislator | 立委
lib'uii | shortlisted | 入圍
libthofui'afn | RIP | 入土為安
liedtui | dress ranks; line up | 列隊
liedui | all the ladies and gentlemen present; Ladies and gentlemen! (polite phrase in addressing several persons) | 列位
lienhap laxmtui | united fleet | 聯合艦隊
lienlui | to involve; implicate | 連累
lientui | (of air force) a wing; battalion | 聯隊
lientuix | (n) vertical written couplet usually placed along either side of a doorway; antithetical scrolls (for hanging on walls) | 聯對; 對聯
liern zhuiechiw | stroke the beard; finger the moustache | 撚鬚; 空閒
liexnzhuiehoef | beak flower ? | 練喙花
limciwzuix | drunk | 啉酒醉
limguii | the point of death; in grave danger | 臨危
limsii kenghuix | extraordinary expenses | 臨時經費
limsiøciwzuix | drunk | 啉燒酒醉
limzuie | drink water | 喝水; 飲水
lin'uii | artificial | 人為
linlui | human | 人類
linpuii | phosphate fertilizer | 燐肥
linsngf puiliau | phosphatic manure; phosphate | 燐酸肥料
linzhuiear | pacifier | 奶喙仔
linzhuix | baby soother | 乳嘴; 奶喙
liofngzhef poxtui | amphibious force; amphibious troops | 兩棲部隊
liofngzhef-lui | amphibious animals | 兩棲類
liogcierntui | the marines; the Marine Corps | 陸戰隊
liogkuix | cinnamon | 肉桂
liogkwn sioxng'uix | army captain | 陸軍上尉
liogpuii | green manure | 綠肥
liogsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 六水; 青山綠水
liong'ui | imperial throne | 龍位
liong'uie | cool and great | 良偉
liongkuix | very high (prices) | 隆貴
liongmuii | able matchmaker | 良媒
liongsym iwkhuix | conscience stricken | 良心有愧
lioxnglek jii uii | estimate one's strength or resources before doing something | 量力而為
lip uiciog | make a will | 立遺囑
liqzhuix | an opening, a rift | 裂碎
liului | to shed tears; shed tears; weep | 流淚
liusuie | flowing water | 流水
liuzhuix | eastern little blue kingfisher (bird) | 流翠鳥
liuzuie | flowing water; current | 流水
lixkuie | a fierce ghost; a malicious spirit | 厲鬼
lixn'uii | think; believe | 認為
lixui | to leave one's post | 離位
lixzuie | filtering | 離水
lixzuie-khix | water filter | 離水器; 濾水器
lo pud sib'uii | people do not pick up what others have left on the roadside; descriptive of a society in which honesty and good order prevail | 路無拾遺
lo ti zhuix`nih | If you don't know the way; you should ask. find the way by asking | 路在口裡
loaxntui | fall in disorder | 亂墜
lob løqkhix zuie`nih | step into water (carelessly) | 踩落水裏去
loexkox buiw | no anxiety about the home or family | 內顧無憂
log'ui | rank and post | 祿位
loghoaf liusuie | like flowers scattered in a flowing stream ─ (a person's condition) completely ruined; (of a fight) turn everything topsy-turvy; very miserable | 落花流水
loghoaf-liusuie | like flowers scattered in a flowing stream – the saddening state of a fallen family or country | 落花流水
logzhuix | gargle; rinse the mouth | 漱嘴
lok sie suii chiuo | At whose hand did the deer die ? ─ After all, who got it ? Who will win ? | 鹿死誰手
lokui | bellow for a furnace or forge | 風箱
longkengtui | agricultural demonstration team (particularly referring to those teams dispatched to work abroad) | 農耕隊
longpoe uikafn | work hand in glove (in evil ways); gang up with somebody | 狼狽為奸
longpoe-uikafn | to gang up with somebody | 狼狽為奸
lorngthuii | get a mallet | 弄槌
loxhuix | travel expenses | 路費
loxkhuie | railway tracks | 路軌
loxnghuix | spend extravagantly or wastefully | 浪費
loxngkuie | to hatch plots; (v) secretly make mischief | 弄鬼; 搞鬼
loxngkuie-loxngkoaix | set people against one another by carrying tales; cause others to quarrel; tease dogs and make them fight | 弄鬼弄怪; 挑撥離間
loxtui | road team | 路隊
loxzuie | dew; scent; dewdrops | 露水
lui kip bukof | involve the innocent | 累及無辜
lui kip thajiin | involve or implicate others | 累及他人
lui | tears; weep; to cry; flowing water | 淚; 累; 攂; 類
lui'uo | thunder shower, thunderstorm, thunder and rain | 雷雨
lui`khylix | pull it up with a rope | 挽上去; 推上去
lui`laang | iring; wearisome | 累人
lui`løqkhix | let it down with a rope | 縋落去
luiciao | thunderbird | 雷鳥
luie ciphiøx | give a check in exchange for money | 調支票
luie | to adjust; (a measure word); flower bud; flowers partly opened; unopened flower buds | 累; 壘; 蕊; 蕾; 朵; 調整
luiezhuix | (adj) scattered and fragmentary | 褸碎; 零碎
luihii | grouper (fish) | 雷魚; 疎點石斑
luihurn | grind to powder | 褸粉; 磨粉
luihuun | thundercloud | 雷雲
luii kor | drumming | 擂鼓
luii | thunder | 雷; 鐳; 磨; 擂
luii`phoax | break it | 褸破
luikeg | struck by lighting ─ thunder | 雷殛
luikek | hit by thunder | 雷擊
luikekgvofgak | hit by thunder | 雷擊五嶽
luikngr | percussion cap; detonator | 雷管
luikofng sihnax | thunder and lightning | 雷電交加
luikofng | thunder God; god of thunder | 雷公
luikofng-bin | a ferocious face | 凶惡貌; 雷公面
luikofng-ciao | Lagopus mutus | 雷公鳥; 雷鳥
luikofng-zhuix | loud voice | 雷公嘴; 大聲公
luikongsexng | bad tempor | 雷公性
luikor | to beat a drum | 擂鼓
luile | fiercely; violently | 雷厲
luiphuun | a mortar | 擂盆; 研缽
luipiet | category | 類別
luipoaq | beating bowl for tea | 擂缽
luisia | laser | 雷射
luisiaxzhexng | laser gun | 雷射銃
luisiin | the god of thunder | 雷神
luisviaf | thunder | 雷聲
luisw | the god of thunder | 雷師
luitaai | an arena for contests in martial arts; platform for contests in martial arts | 擂台
luitadbang | radar network | 雷達網
luitaisiong | ring | 擂台上
luitaizuo | ring master | 擂台主
luitat | radar | 雷達
luiteeng | thunder; crash of thunder; symbolic of anger; great wrath or fury; rage; overwhelming; overpowering | 雷霆
luithuii | pestle; to poke | 擂槌; 杵
luitien kaukaf | thunderstorm | 雷電交加
luitii | landmine area | 雷池
luitoong | alike | 雷同
luitui | troublesome, involved, not straight-forward | 無直接; 累贅; [*]
luituy | be impervious to reason; won't listen to reason | 多餘無簡; 頑固不通
luivoar | pharmacist's mortar | 擂碗; 臼
luix | to interchange | 調換; 輪流
luixcip | gather | 累積; 收集
luixgarn | teary eyes | 淚眼
luixheeng | similar form | 雷形; 類形
luixhud | collective review | 集體審查 [*]
luixhøo | a river of tears – very sad; deep sorrow | 淚河
luixkip | involve (others) in trouble | 累及
luixkor | drumming immediately; drumming one after another | 礌鼓; 擂鼓; 緊接打鼓
luixphiefn | concordance, a collection of writings | 類編; 索引
luixpie | to teach by analogy | 類比; 比較
luixpiefn | a book of reference arranged according to subject matter | 類編
luixpiet | category | 類別
luixpøx | to make a collective report | 類報
luixsu | to resemblance; similar to; similar; alike | 類似
luixsvoax | the lacrimal glands | 淚腺
luixtexng | to classify, to sort (of writings) | 類定; 彙訂; 彙定; 類訂
luixthuy | reason by analogy | 類推
luixtok | toxoid | 類毒
luixtoong | similar to; alike; similar; alike; similar to | 類同
luixzhuy | reason by analogy | 類揣; 類推
luixzu | Birds of the same feather flock together | 類聚
luixzuie | tears | 淚水
luixzw | tears | 淚珠
luixzø | to become involved in a crime and suffer the consequence | 累坐
luizhuix | to grind; triturate; ground | 磨碎
luizuxnho | thundershower | 雷陣雨
lut'ui | lose one's throne | 黜位; 失去王位
lux zhuiekhie | brush the teeth | 刷牙
lwhuix | travelling expenses | 旅費
lwnkhuix | short of breath; suffocate | 忍氣; 憋氣
lwnlui | to hold back one's tears | 忍淚
lwnzhuix | hold back and not say it out; forbearance mouth | 忍嘴; 忍住無說
lyhuix | traveling expenses | 旅費
lym zuie | drink water | 啉水
løflui | tears of an old person | 老淚
løhuix | cost trouble and expenses | 勞費
løqlang'ezhuix | being criticized by others | 落人的喙
løqlui | to shed tears | 落淚
løqpuii | spread fertilizer | 下肥; 落肥; 施肥
løqui | abdicate, leave the throne | 下位; 遜位
løquii | lower a mast | 落桅; 下桅
løqzuie | to fall into water | 落水; 下水
løthuii | gongstick; stick used to beat a gong; clapper for a gong | 鑼槌
løzuie | dreggy water; muddy water | 濁水
mauhzhuix | mouth without teeth | 卯嘴; 唇內縮
mauxsidkuie | imposter, pretender | 冒失鬼; 騙子
mazuix | anesthesia; narcosis; to anesthetize | 麻醉
mixlui | noodles kind | 麵類
mngsui'ar | hair hanging down at side of woman's head | 劉海仔
mngtofng-hoxtuix | be well-matched in social and economic status (for marriage) | 門當戶對
mngtuix | Spring Festival couplets; New Year scrolls | 門對; 門聯; 春聯
mngzhuiear | door beak | 門喙仔
mngzhuiekhao | door beak | 門喙口
mngzhuix | door beak | 門喙
moafluie | baseball with runners on 3 bases | 滿壘
moafzhuix | mouthful; constantly asserting | 滿嘴
moefui | every place, every person | 每位
moekuiehoef | rose (flower) | 玫瑰花
moekuix | rose | 玫瑰; 玫瑰(花)
moelangzhuix holuieluix | marriage brokers are a mealy-mouthed lot | 媒婆的話; 多誇張
moelangzhuix | good talker like matchmaker | 媒人喙
mohpiahkuie | eavesdropper | 貼牆鬼; 竊聽者
mokuie | devil; demon; monster; fiend | 魔鬼
moxmui | presumptuous, headlong, to take the liberty of | 冒昧
mui | younger sister; evil spirit | 妹; 魅
mui'afkvoaf | dry plum | 梅子干
mui'ar | plum tree | 梅仔
mui'iefn | soot; lampblack | 煤煙
mui'iuu | coal oil, kerosene | 媒油; 煤油
mui'uo | East Asian rainy season; rainy season in early summer (when plums are ripening) | 梅雨
mui'wkuix | rainy season | 梅雨季
muie | every, each | 每
muie-zafkhie | every morning | 每早起
muihoaf | the plum flower | 梅花
muihoef | plum blossom | 梅花
muii | go-between | 媒; 糜; 煤; 稀飯
muikaethea | media | 媒介體
muikaix | mediation; medium | 媒解; 媒介
muikhieloo | gas stove (coal) | 煤氣爐
muikhix | coal gas | 煤氣
muikhoxng | coal-mine; colliery | 煤礦
muikhurn | mycete | 黴菌
muikhvy | coal-pit | 煤坑
muikiuu | briquette, a coal ball | 煤球
muikuiehoef | rose blossom | 玫瑰花
muikuix | rose | 玫瑰; 玫瑰(花)
muilaang | marriage broker; matchmaker; go-between | 媒人; 媒婆; 媒人,
muilangkofng | male matchmaker | 媒人公
muilangpøar | female matchmaker | 媒人婆仔
muilangzhuix | good talker like a matchmaker | 媒人喙
muimuii | gluey | 糜糜
muipng | cooked rice | 糜飯
muipøo | a female marriage broker; a female go-between of marriage; female matchmaker | 媒婆
muisox | enzyme | 酶素
muithea | media | 媒體
muithefkaix | media | 媒體界
muithvoax | coal | 媒炭; 煤炭
muitogsexng | syphilitic | 梅毒性
muitok | syphilis; syphilitic virus | 梅毒
muixsaix | a brother-in-law (husband of a younger sister) | 妹婿; 妹夫
muizaan | a coal-seam | 煤層
muizaf | coal cinders | 煤渣
muizhngf | syphilis; pox | 梅瘡; 梅毒
muizhngg | coal-bed | 煤床
muy'ui | every place, every person (polite) | 每位
muymuie | every time | 每每
mxzay thvite kuie kyn tang | He doesn't know how heavy the heavens and earth are. ─ He doesn't know anything | 毋知天地幾斤重; 毋知天高地厚
naa-huyzhuix | Indian white-breasted kingfisher | 藍翡翠; 蒼翡翠
nakiutui | a basketball team | 籃球隊
nao zekzuie | hydrocephalic; a condition caused by an accumulation of serous fluid within the cranium; especially in infancy; often causing great enlargement of the head | 腦積水
nauxkuie | being hunted by ghost; be haunted | 鬧鬼
nax zhuietuun | lick one's lips | 舐嘴唇
ngkimkuix | expensive gold | 黃金貴
ngmuii | yellow plum | 黃梅
ngzhuix | cover one's mouth; cover the mouth with the hand | 掩嘴; 掩口
niaftui | leader of a team; group | 領隊
niar sinsuie | receive pay; get salary | 領薪水
niawlui | birds; avis | 鳥類
niawluixhagkaf | ornithologist | 鳥類學家
niawluixhak | ornithology | 鳥類學
nihuix | yearly dues | 年費
niuu jip uii zhud | regulate expenses according to income | 量入為出
niuxthuii | counter weight of a large steelyard | 量錘
niuxui | give one's seat to; give place to; make place for; abdicate | 讓位
nizhuie'ar | milk mouth | 奶嘴仔
nizhuiear | pacifier | 奶喙仔
nizuie | milk | 奶水; 乳水
nizuix | pacifier | 奶嘴
nngfkhuix | gentle; relaxed | 軟氣; 輕鬆
nngfzhuix | sweet talk | 軟嘴
nngfzuie | weak; feeble; flabby | 軟水; 軟弱
nngxluie | two (flowers, eyes) | 兩蕊
nngxphuiear | small egg not developed completely or missing something | 發育不全的小蛋
nngxsvazhuiear | two to three bites | 兩三喙仔
nngxtiarm-zuie | two dots of water | 兩點水
nngxuixsox | two digits | 兩位數
noaui | field | 欄位
nui | two | 兩
nuie | soft; flexible | 軟
nuix`koex | crawl; creep; reeve; cross | 穿過
nuixjiin | egg yolk | 卵仁
nuixzhefng | egg white | 卵清
o'azhuix | always said unlucky words | 烏鴉嘴
o'kuithaau | pimp | 烏頭龜; 妓院主人
oadkhuie | go beyond what is proper; off the track | 越軌
oadkuie | go beyond what is proper; off the track | 越軌
oafnsuie-kixnhøea | a distant water is unable to put out the near-by fire (entirely inadequate means) | 遠水近火
oafnzengtui | expeditionary force; visiting team | 遠征隊
oafzhuix | ear near to another's mouth | 倚嘴; 交頭接耳
oafzuie | lean against the water | 倚水
oaizhuiekef ciah høfbie | A chicken with a crooked mouth eats good rice. A fussy eater eats well | 歪嘴雞吃好米; 雖窮又挑食
oaizhuiekef | be fastidious about food; finicky eater; picky eater | 挑食者
oaizhuix | talk nonsense; drivel; to bend one's mouth; a crooked mouth (often the result of a stroke) | 歪嘴; 挑食; 胡說
oaizuix | twisted mouth | 歪嘴
oankhuie | bending track | 彎軌
oankuie | un-avenged ghost of a murdered man haunting the murderer | 冤魂; 冤鬼
oanviw hiezuie | mandarin ducks playing in the water--love-making | 鴛鴦戲水
oaqhuiq | live blood | 活血
oaqzuie | fresh water; flowing (not stagnant) water; living water | 活水
obui'afbarng | mosquito | 烏蝛仔蚊
obui'ar | tick | 烏蝛仔
ochvy genghuiq | blood stasis | 烏青凝血
oe sansuie | draw or paint landscapes; to flatter; say irresponsible things | 畫山水; 吹牛
oeafzhaelui | lettuce | 萵仔菜類
oefpuii | short and fat | 矮肥
oepuih | shoehorn | 鞋拔
oepuiqar | shoehorn | 鞋拔仔
oexmuii | salted dried plum | 話梅
oexsafn-oexsuie | say irresponsible things; talk at random; to flatter | 花言巧語; 吹牛
oexsengtui | sanitation squad | 衛生隊
oexsud poxtui | garrison troops | 衛戌部隊
of-kuykuie | dark | 黑鬼鬼
ofnghuix kimcvii | spent money to no purpose | 枉費金錢
ofnghuix simsiin | spend all one's energy (mental labor) uselessly | 枉費心神
ofnghuix | to spend in vain; to waste; waste; spend to no purpose | 枉費
ofngsykuie | dead in vain ghost | 枉死鬼
okkuie | malicious demon; evil spirit; devil | 惡鬼; 魔鬼
okui'ar | turtle | 烏龜仔
okuithaau | turtle head | 烏龜頭
okuykuie | dark | 烏鬼鬼
olayhuiq | hematoma (haematoma); a swelling filled with extravasated blood | 烏滓血
omuii | black coal | 黑梅; 烏煤; 黑煤
omxzhuix`ee | surgical mask | 掩嘴的
ong'ui | a king's position | 王位
onglog'afzhuix | deceitful lips | 王碌仔嘴; 江湖的人的話; 亂講
othngzuie | molasses | 黑糖水
oxngkuix | peak period; busy; high season | 旺季
ozhuiepit'ar | black pencil | 烏喙筆仔
ozuie | lake water; lake water | 湖水; 烏水
paai texkuie? | What is your seniority among your brothers ? | 排行第幾?
padlui | different kine | 別類
padtui | different team | 別隊
padui | another person (polite), other place | 別位; 別地方; 別處,別位
padui'ar | other place | 別位仔
pae'kuie? | which day of the week | 拜幾
paekui | kneel and worship or venerate | 拜跪; 跪見
paekuie | Which day of the week? | 拜幾
pafkui | fully ripened grains | 飽櫃; 穀物熟飽
pafnghuie | kidnaper | 綁匪; 綁徒
pafnkoaan swioxnghuix | royalties on books | 版權使用費
pafsui | solid kernel; large full ear of grain | 飽穗; 飽滿的穗; 穀物豐穗
pafzuie | the fully ripened crop; filled (fruit or grain) | 飽水; (水果; 穀類); 豐富; 成熟飽滿
pahkuie | hundred and ? | 百幾
pai'ui | memorial tablet, ancestral tablet | 牌位
paikut'aftui | skinny team | 排骨仔隊
paitui iuheeng | parade in demonstration; form a procession | 排隊遊行
paitui | stand in line; line up; form a line; form a queue; fall into line or formation; line up (as when buying train or bus tickets); stand in a queue | 排隊
paitui`laq | line up | 排隊啦
paixhuihpvi | septicemia, blood poisoning | 敗壞病; 敗血病
paixhuihzexng | septicemia | 敗血症
paixlui | the scum; the dregs; the degenerate; ruin; corrupt one's fellows; corrupted people; dregs of society; a bad class | 敗類
paizuie | to drain off water; drainage; draining; pump out | 排水
paizuie-kaw | drainage ditch | 排水溝
paizuie-korng | drainage pipeline | 排水管
paizuie-liong | displacement | 排水量
paizuie-turnsox | displacement; in tons | 排水噸數
pak'hui | north latitudes; northern latitude | 北緯
paktor khuikhoaq | be large-minded; be generous; be magnanimous | 有度量
paktor-zuie | ascitic fluid | 腹斗水; 腹水
paluie-buo | ballet | 芭蕾舞
pan'un-huix | freight, transportation charge, moving charge | 搬運費
pangkiuu tui | a baseball team | 棒球隊
pantvoaxkuie | lazy ghost | 貧惰鬼
panzhuix-aq | eastern spot-billed duck | 斑喙鴨
par kab zuix | having drunk and eaten to one's heart's content | 酒醉飯飽
parnghuiq | having blood in one's stool | 放血; 便血
parngkhuilaq | let go | 放開啦
parngphuietau | bean caused fart | 放屁豆
parngphuix afn kawsym | make empty promises; offer empty consolation | 說假話以安撫之; 空虛的許諾
parngphuix | break wind; fart; break wind; pass gas; to boast; to brag; talk big; Stuff and nonsense! What rot! | 放屁
parngsuii | let hand down | 放垂; 放下
parngzhaophuix | boast; brag; talk big | 放臭屁; 吹牛
parngzuie | to let water out; to discharge water; let water out; let the other side win (a game; contest) purposely; sell a match or game; take a dive (boxing) | 放水
patbien uihofng | awe inspiring reputation extending in every direction; influential in every quarter | 八面威風
pathionglui | reptiles; Reptilian | 爬蟲類
pathiongluixhak | Herpetology | 爬蟲類學
pau'uii | surround; envelop; besiege; envelopment | 包圍
pauioong | be patient, to bear patiently | 包容
pauuii | surround, envelop, besiege, envelopment | 包圍
pauzonghuix | handling charge | 包裝費
paxng kawphuix | Nonsense! Rubbish! Baloney! | 放狗屁
paxng-kawphuix | to fart; Utter rubbish; Talk nonsense | 放狗屁
paxng-zhaophuix | to fart; Utter rubbish; Talk nonsense | 放臭屁
paxngkiutui | baseball team | 棒球隊
paxnkonghuix | special administration allowances (paid to the head of an office in addition to the regular salary) | 辦公費
peg buu khøfuii | nothing can be done | 百無可為
peh-huihkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
pehkhuikhuy | open up | 擘開開
peklioong uichiofng | force good women to be a prostitute | 逼良為娼
peksien haux uisiefn | of all virtues filial piety is chief | 百善孝為先
peng'afzuie | carbonated cold drink | 冰仔水; 汽水
pengkui | freezer | 冰櫃
pengterng hoxhui | reciprocal favored treatment | 平等互惠
pengthngzuie | sweet ice water | 冰糖水
pengtui | troop | 兵隊; 軍隊
pengzuie | ice water | 冰水
peqhuihkiuu | a white blood cell | 白血球
peqhuihpvi | leukemia | 白血病
peqhuix | to waste; to be in vain; use up or spend without profit | 白費
peqkwnzuie | plain boiled water | 白開水; 白滾水
peqmuii | white coal | 白煤; 白梅
peqsui | white ear of grain; rice plants become white (as a result of wind or worms) | 白穗
peqzhuiekhie | white teeth | 白嘴齒
peqzuie | plain water | 白水
pethanglui | reptile | 爬蟲類
pezuie | Squeeze water | 耙水
phaetuix | party (loanword) | 派對
phahluii | to thunder | 打雷; 拍雷
phahluitaai | join a contest in feats of prowess on stage (said of Chinese pugilists) | 打擂台
phahzhuiekor | gossip; | 拍喙鼓
phahzhuix | smash; knapp; blow to pieces; smash; break into pieces | 打碎
phangkhuix | fragrance | 芳氣
phangkuix | Chinese cryptocarya | 香桂; 攀桂
phangzuie | cologne; perfume; toilet water; perfume; scent | 香水; 芳水
phanhuix | traveling expense | 盤費
phanthuie | to sit with legs crossed, to squat | 盤腿; squat; of; to; from; may; Mandarin); be; (reading
phao'ui | run pit | 跑坑; 炮位
phaoluii | cannon mine | 砲雷
phaopefng poxtui | artillery units | 砲兵部隊
phaotui | a team of artillery soldiers | 炮隊
phaozuie | soak in water | 泡水; 泡水(攙水)
phaq zhuiekor | talk about unimportant matters; engage in idle talk | 聊天
phaq-zhuiekor | to engage in chitchat | 打手鼓; 閒聊
phauxkhuix | feel shame | 抱愧
phawthuie | to run errands | 跑腿
pheatuix | pair | 配對
phek'huiq | bloodshed in the war for justice | 碧血
pheksuie | green water | 碧水
phenghuix | collapse; break down; fall to pieces; cave in | 崩潰
phengthuii | weight | 秤錘
phengzuie cy kaw | short acquaintanceship | 萍水之交
phengzuie sionghoong | patches of duckweed meeting ─ unexpected meeting of friends abroad; to meet by accident | 萍水相逢
phexngsuie | compre who is prettier; beauty contest (rivalry); very beautiful | 比美; 很美麗
phiauioong | blown into the air, to waft, to flutter | 飄揚
phientui | form into columns; organize into teams; formation (of ships or aircraft); formation (of aircraft); organize into groups | 編隊
phiernkuie | fool a ghost ( imply unbelievable); Do you think you can thus deceive me? Nonsense! | 騙鬼; 鬼話連篇; 鬼才相信
phiernzhuix | food to treat guest | 騙嘴
phoahzuie lansiw | Spilled water cannot be retrieved (literally) ─ One cannot undo an accomplished fact | 潑水難收
phoahzuie | spread water; dash or throw water with force; throw out water; splash | 潑水
phoanhuix | traveling expenses | 盤費
phoaq lefngzuie | pour cold water on the idea | 潑冷水
phoarhuix | lost money | 破費
phoarkehzhuix | magpie beak | 破格喙
phoarzhuix | broken; to break; smashed; broken to shivers | 破碎
phoarzuie imzhaan | let water into a field | 引水灌溉
phoarzuie | break water | 破水
phoea'ui-hoarhabbut | complex compound | 配位化合物
phoea'uixky | complexing group | 配位居
phoeatuix | pair up; make a pair; to mate | 配對
phoex-thautuix | match 1st pair | 配頭對
phofngzuie lym | drink water out of the hands | 捧水喝
phorngzuie | pump water | 膨水
phosoafui | move to another place | 鋪徙位; 移動位置
phu'ioong zhutzuie | hibiscus rising out of water (descriptive of the gracefulness of a piece of writing; a woman) | 芙蓉出水
phuie | spit | 呸; 表唾棄或斥責嘆
phuie'aang | spit blood | 吐血
phuiebin | angry; unrationale; refuse to acknowledge one's defeat; poor loser | 屁面; 呸面; 翻臉; 反臉; 輸無起; 不認帳
phuiehietkak | spit | 呸㧒捔
phuiehoeq | spit blood | 吐血; 呸血
phuiehuiq | hemoptysis; spit blood | 唾血; 呸血; 咯血
phuiekw | seek or be in the limelight | 愛出風頭
phuieliao | pooh | 呸了
phuienoa | to spit (in contempt); spit; expectorate | 呸瀾; 吐痰; 呸; 吐口水
phuiephuix | cheeky, uppity | 呸呸
phuiesag | spit out | 呸棄; 吐棄
phuiethaam | spit out phlegm; expectorate | 吐痰
phuiethaau-phuiebin | high temper; unapproachable | 傲氣無恥
phuiethat'ar | fart | 屁窒仔
phuietiau | spit | 呸掉
phuiezhuienoa | spit | 呸喙瀾
phuix zhuienoa | spit saliva; expectorate | 吐唾沫; 吐口水
phuix | intestinal gas (say a person so exaggerated in talking) | 屁; 呸; 臭屁; 睡
phuix-hietkak | spit it out | 吐擲棄
phuix-zhuienoa | spurned | 呸嘴瀾; 吐痰; 唾棄
phunzuie | spoil water | 餿水
phurnzuie | spray water; spurt water out of; to water in small quantities; a few drops at a time; fountain; jet | 噴水
phurnzuie-khix | water sprayer | 噴水池; 噴水器
phurnzuie-tii | ornamental fountain | 噴水池
phuxzuie | blow or spray water with the mouth when ironing clothes; watering house plants; to spray water or insecticide | 濆水
phuzuie | floating on top of water; float; waft; to swim | 浮水; 浮在水面; 浮在水上
phvae-heng'uii | bad behavior | 歹行為
phvae-zhuietao | picky about what one eats | 歹嘴斗; 歹喙斗; 挑食
phvarkuix | Chinese cryptocaryac | 冇桂
phvaykuie | malicious demon; evil spirit; devil | 惡鬼
phvaykuie-zhothaau | bad leader who showed bad sample | 歹鬼帶頭; 作惡的頭子
phvayzhuietao | hard to please with food; finicky | 歹嘴斗; 挑嘴; 偏食; 挑食
phvayzhuix | bad mouth; vicious tongue; foul mouthed; dirty language | 髒嘴; 歹喙; 口出無遜; 髒話; 不會說好話; 惡言
phvixbagzhuix | one's appearance; facial features (in general) | 鼻目嘴; 臉貌; 面貌; 面孔
phvixhuiq | nose bleeding | 鼻血
phvixuixkorng | nasogastric tube | 鼻胃管
phvixzuie | nasal mucus; water or liquid mucus from nose; snivel | 鼻水
phyn'ui | product quality | 品位
phyncitpwn'ui | quality first | 品質本位
phynlui | product type; classes | 品類
phyuie | mean | 卑鄙
phøea'ui-hoarhabbut | complex compound | 配位化合物
phøea'uixky | complexing group | 配位基
phørhuix | waste money; spend recklessly | 破費
phørzhuix | broken (hearted; hope); to come to pieces; shattered | 破碎; 打碎
pi'ui | spleen and stomach | 脾胃
piah'ui | a mural; a fresco; a wall-painting | 壁畫
piahluii | barrier | 壁壘
piawsi hoafntuix | express or indicate one's opposition | 表示反對
piebit tiauiog | secret treaty | 秘密條約
piern'ui | displacement, change position | 變位
piernsui | paralysis of one side of the body | 半遂; 癱瘓; 罵人愚笨
piexn'y-tui | non-uniform | 便衣隊
piexnmuilaang | handy matchmaker | 便媒人
pinhuiq-zexng | anemia | 貧血症
pit'suiaux | necessary | 必需要
pit'ui | strokes | 筆畫
pit'uih | pen strokes | 筆畫; 筆劃
pitkhui'aq | cracked | 裂開矣
pitsuiaux | necessary | 必需要
pitzhuix | harelip; cleft lip; chapped lips | 裂口; 嘴唇裂開
piui | stomach and the pancreas -- the stomach in relation to appetite | 脾胃
pixhuix | taboo | 避諱
pixlui | be involved | 被累
pixluiciafm | a lightning rod; needle gap arrester; lightning arrester | 避雷針
pixluii-ciafm | lightning rod | 避雷針
piøzuie | small flat stones thrown by children to skim along the water surface | 漂水; 漂石子
pngxlui | rice | 飯類
poadzui jinzaai | man of outstanding talents | 拔萃人才
poadzui | excerpt, quotation, selection | 拔萃
poafnsui | half-side paralyzed | 半遂
poahsui | tassel | 撥穗
poarnkuikoarn | semicircular canal | 半規管
poarnsui | hemiplegia; paralysis of half of one's body | 半遂
poarnsyn putsui | hemiplegia ─ paralysis of half of one's body | 半身無遂
poaxnhuie | rebels; insurgents; mutineers; revolutionaries; rioters | 叛匪
poealui | shellfish | 貝類
poexsuie-tin | backwater | 背水陣
pofhuii | porcelain | 補瓷
pofhuiq | reinforce blood | 補血
pofpii lixsuie | tonic; diuretic | 補脾利水
pofsibhuix | tuition fee | 補習費
pofui | tonic for stomach | 補胃
pofzhuiekhafng | filling mouth holes- meaning eating snacks | 補喙空
pofzhuiekhie | have the teeth repaired; have the teeth filled | 補喙齒; 鑲牙
pofzoxhuix | subsidy; bounty | 補助費
pokuichiu | palmetto tree | 蒲葵樹
pokuii | Chinese fan palm | 蒲葵
por zhuiekhie | denture | 補喙齒
porkui | loom | 布櫃; 布織機
porlui | cloth | 布類
porluii | lay mines (in the sea or river) | 佈雷
pornghuie | slander | 謗誹; 誹謗
portexzhuix | puppet show | 布袋喙
poruii | curtain, drapes | 布圍; 布縵
porzhuiear | many pieces of cloth | 布碎仔; 碎布
porzhuix | rags | 布碎
poxjwlui | mammals; mammalian | 哺乳類
poxlui | division; category | 部類
poxtui | detachment; squad; unit; troops; (army) corps; military unit | 部隊
poxtuixtviuo | commanding officer; CO | 部隊長
poxui | part (of body), region | 部位
pud ie uii jieen | come to a different conclusion; disagree | 無以為然
pud pengterng tiauiog | unequal treaties | 無平等條約
pui zhadar | bark at a thief | 吠小偷
pui | dogs bark; to bark at | 吠
pui'ag | rich soil | 肥沃
pui'nngr | soft and chubby; meaty and tender; fleshy and delicate; fat and plump (man or animal) | 肥軟; 肥嫩
pui'øea | short and stout | 肥矮; 矮胖
puibaq | fat; fat meat | 肥肉
puie'ar | prickly heat rash | 痱仔; 痱子
puie'ar-hurn | talcum powder | 痱仔粉; 痱子粉
puieafhurn | talcum powder baby powder; prickly heat powder | 痱子粉; 爽身粉
puiear | prickly heat; heat rash; heat spots | 痱子
puih | pull up; uproot; draw; unsheathe (sward; knife) | 拔
puih-hofchiw | lotto | 拔虎鬚; 抽籤
puih`tør | pull up | 拔倒; 拉倒
puihiakhok'ar | gourd shell ladle | 瓠桸觳仔
puii | fat | 肥
puii-lutlud | very fat | 胖嘟嘟
puii-zutzud | fatty dripping | 肥朒朒
puii`khylaai | become fat; put on weight | 胖起來
puiie'puipuii | so fat | 肥肥肥
puiiuu | fat oil | 肥油
puiliau | fertilizer; fertilizer in general | 肥料
puiliauxchviuo | fertilizer plant | 肥料廠
puilutlud | plump | 肥朒朒
puinngfafpuinngr | plump | 肥軟仔肥軟
puinngfar | plump | 肥軟仔
puinngr | meaty and tender, fleshy and delicate, fat and plump (man or animal) | 肥軟
puipeh | chubby and white; fat and fair (infants or women) | 肥白; 白胖
puiphaxng | fat | 肥胖
puipuii | chubby | 肥肥
puipuxn | rich manure | 肥糞
puiqkiaxm | take the sword | 拿劍
puiqtøf | take the knife | 拔刀
puisarn | fat and skinny | 肥瘦
puisuie | pleasingly plump | 肥美
puisyn | fat body | 肥身; 肥胖
puitai | corpulence, hypertrophy | 肥大
puite | rich; fertile soil | 肥地
puitea | describe people with fat gene | 肥底
puithoo | rich soil | 肥土
puithurn | short and fat | 肥碩
puitibah'ar | fat pork | 肥豬肉仔
puitoa | corpulence, hypertrophy | 肥大
puitoea | describe people with fat gene | 肥底
puity | fat pig; fat pig; fat pig like fellow (said in scolding) | 肥豬
puitøe | rich soil | 肥地
puix | boil; heat rashes | 沸; 痱
puizhaan | piece of fertile land; rich rice fields | 肥田
puizuie | fertilize water | 肥水
puizutzud | plump | 肥朒朒
punkekui'ar | blow balloon- imply making up stories | 歕雞胿仔
punkhuiciah | (n) divide; separate | 分開食; 分家
punkhuix | exhalation; expiration; exhale | 呼氣; 吹氣,呼氣
punkoekui'ar | blow balloon- imply making up stories | 歕雞胿仔
punkuilui | separate by category | 分歸類
puntui | divide into groups | 分隊
punzhuiepy | blow mouth side | 歕喙觱
punzuie | a divide | 分水
puq puiear | break out in prickly heat | 生痱子
put'hap-kuiteng | not conform to the rules | 無合規定; 不合規定
put'hoafntuix | no objection | 不反對; 無反對;
put'kuikie | misbehaved | 無規矩; 不規矩
put'kuizeg | irregular | 無規則; 不規則
put'sui | fail | 無遂
put'swkuie | undead | 無死鬼
put'thaozuie | waterproof, watertight, impermeable | 無透水; 不透水
put'uii ulek | spare no efforts | 無遺餘力
putciog uikii | nothing strange; extraordinary or remarkable about it | 無足為奇
putkhuix | be unashamed | 無屈; 不愧
putkuie-putkoaix | dress; make up ugly; unsightly | 無鬼不怪; 打扮得很難看
putkuilo | no return | 無歸路
putsui | fail | 無遂
putsuo-kuie | dirty, immoral person | 無死鬼; 不死鬼; 卑鄙的人
putswkuie | a licentious guy; bawdy (said of a man); lecherous; shameless | 風流鬼; 變態性格者; 無要臉; 好色
puttuix | not right; wrong | 無對
putzexng heng'uii | wrong action | 無正行為
puun kekui'ar | blow up a toy balloon | 吹雞規仔; 吹氣球
puun koekui'ar | blow a balloon | 歕雞胿仔
puxnui | hedging | 孵卵
pvexguii | dying of illness; about to die of an illness | 病危
pviafzhuix | cookie crumbs | 餅碎; 餅渣
pviarhuiq | fight fiercely | 拚血
pviarzuie | dump water | 傾水; 倒水; 放掉水
pviax-kaoui | just managed to arrive in time | 拼到位
pviekuie pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 裝鬼作怪
pviekuie | to do mischief; to cause trouble; play tricks | 搞鬼; 搞花樣
pviekuie-pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 變鬼變怪
pvoa'uxnhuix | moving or transportation charge; freight; carriage expenses | 搬運費
pvoarcviapuii | half fat; half lean | 半成肥; 瘦參半
pvoariammui'ar | half-yin and yang | 半陰陽仔
pvoarkui | neal down in one foot | 半跪; 單腳跪
pvoarlauzuie | medium sized tide (around the 7th or 8th of the lunar month) | 半潮水
pvoarsui | half-side paralyzed | 半遂
pvoarthafngzuie | one who makes great display of little knowledge dabbler; only know a little but say a lot; ignorant | 半桶水; 形容只懂得一半
pvoarzhuix | half a mouth; a small amount | 半口; 半嘴
pvoarzuix | half drunk; half drunk; half tipsy; inebriated | 半醉
pvoasoafui | move or remove (one's dwelling or things) to another place | 半搬移
pvoazhuix | wrangle; quarrel; bickering | 搬嘴; 抬槓
pvui | meal; repast | 飯
pvuixsizhexng | cobra | 飯匙銃
pvyzhuix | beaklike mouth; having a flat bill (like a duck's) | 扁嘴
pwn suilaang | divide family property to set up separate fraternal households | 分隨人; 分家
pwn'ui | basis; one's proper duty | 本位
pwnluie | home base (baseball) | 本壘
pytuix | rival | 比對
pyzhuo thuijiong | yielding to one another | 彼此推讓
pøesioong-huix | compensation, indemnity | 賠償費
pøfafn-tui | public security corps, public security policemen, security force | 保安隊
pøfantui | public security corps; a unit of public security policemen | 保安隊
pøfhiafmhuix | premium on an insurance policy; insurance fees | 保險費
pøfhiarm-huix | insurance premium | 保險費
pøfhoxhuix | protection fees | 保護費
pøfhuix | insurance premium | 保費
pøfioglui | conservation | 保育類
pøfkoafnhuix | storage fee | 保管費
pøfkuix | precious; valuable; valuable; precious | 寶貴
pøfluie | earthwork for defense; fortress | 堡壘
pøfluii | fortress | 堡壘
pøfui | imperial throne, royal throne | 寶位
pøfuixtui | guard | 保衛隊
pøhzhuix | (n) altercation; spat; wrangle; bicker; squabble; quarrel; to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate | 駁嘴
pøqzhuix | bland | 薄嘴; 味道無夠
pørhuix | newspaper subscription bill | 報費
pøxluii | thunder storm | 暴雷
pøxthiaux-juluii | stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 暴跳如雷
sabui'afsabuy | tiny; unclear; foggy | 沙微仔沙微
sabuisabuy | tiny; unclear; foggy | 沙微沙微
safn beeng zuie siux | mountains are bright; and the waters are fair (descriptive of scenic beauty) | 山明水秀
sakkhuikhix | grab away | 捒開去
sam'ui-itthea | the Trinity | 三位一體
sam'uii | three measurements of a woman; the vital statistics | 三圍
sammui | samadhi, the most profound state of meditation, the best way of doing something | 三摩; 三昧
sampatkhuix | nonsense | 三八氣
sansuie | landscape; mountains and rivers; natural scenery (slang) flattery | 山水
saoluii-therng | a minesweeper | 掃雷艇
saoluitherng | minesweeper | 掃雷艇
sapmuii | soap | 雪文
sapmuipheh | soap bubbles | 雪文沫
sapmuiphøf | soap bubbles | 雪文波
sarmmngkuie | messy hair ghost | 鬖毛鬼
sarnghuix | derivery fee | 送費
sarnkuie | poor and miserable person (a curse word) | 窮鬼
satbunzuie | suds | 肥皂水
say zhuiephøea | slap one's cheeks | 賞嘴頰; 賞耳光
saykuie | take advantage of ghost power | 屑鬼; 利用鬼
sayzhuix | quick to tell others what to do but slow to take action or lift a hand to help | 捎嘴; 只會用嘴命令人
sayzuie | watery feces | 糞水; 稀屎
sealek hoaxn'uii | one's sphere of influence; one's domain | 勢力範圍
sealui | subcategory | 細類
seaseazhuie'ar | small bite | 細細喙仔
seaui | tiny seat | 細位
sefnghuix | save on expenses; shave costs | 省費
sefsinkhuzuie | bath water | 洗身軀水
sefthauzuie | water for wash hairs | 洗頭水
sefzhuix | brush one's teeth | 刷牙
segsu hag'ui | M.A | 碩士學位
segzhuix | familiar talk | 熟嘴
sekkuie | man given up to lewdness ─ like a demon hungry for lust; satyr; rake; roue | 色鬼
sekzuie | color; color | 色水; 顏色
seng'oah-huix | cost of living | 生活費
seng'oaqhuix | living expenses | 生活費
seng'uii | to become | 成為
sengbut-lui | animals | 生物類
sengkuun kiettui | gather in groups | 成群結隊
senglyzhuix | tricks of the trade: saying what is not exactly true | 生意嘴
sengsafnhuieiong | cost of production | 生產費用
sengtuix | provincial headquarters of KMT | 成對
serngkoaf-tui | church choir | 聖歌隊
serngkoatui | choir | 聖歌隊
serngzuie | holy water | 聖水
sex pud uii jiin | swear to fight to finish | 誓無為人
sexng-heng'uii | sexual intercourse | 性行為
si'uix | awe, create a sense of fair and respect | 示視畏; 使敬畏
siaa-tuiebin | not directly opposite; diagonally opposite | 斜對面
siab zhuiekhyphang | lodge between the teeth | 塞牙縫; 比喻食物很少
siabsuie | wade in; ford; paddle | 涉水
siabzuie | leaking (water) | 漏水
siakuie | demon, devil, evil spirit | 賒鬼; 魔鬼
siangbixntøkuie | double-sided sword ghost | 雙面刀鬼
siangkhuie | double-track | 雙軌
siangluie | two flowers (eyes) | 雙朵; (兩隻眼睛)
siangsiafng-tuietuix | in pairs and couples | 雙雙對對
siangthuie | two legs | 雙腿
siangtuix | two pairs; two couples | 相對
siangtøfzuie | double pour | 雙倒水
siaokui | accountant; bookkeeper | 掌櫃; 管賬的
siaolienkhuix | youthful | 少年氣
siaopaxngtui | little league baseball team | 少棒隊
siaouix | the army; air force or marine corps second lieutenant; (navy) ensign | 少尉
siarmui | my younger sister | 舍妹
siauhongtui | fire brigade | 消防隊
siauhoong-tui | fire brigade, fire department | 消防隊
siauhoong-tuixoaan | firemen; fire fighter | 消防隊員
siauhuie | destroy | 銷毀
siauhuieciar | consumers | 消費者
siauhuiephirn | consumer goods; expendable materials | 消費品
siauhuiesoex | consumption tax | 消費稅
siauhuietiau | consume | 消費掉
siauhuix habzoksia | consumers cooperative | 消費合作社
siauhuix | consume; consumption; consumption | 消費; 銷毀
siauia | a snack before going to bed, midnight snack | 宵夜
siauiaau | wander about for pleasure, loiter about | 逍遙
siauimkhix | muffler on an engine | 消音器
siautogzuie | antiseptic solution | 消毒水
siautok-zuie | antiseptic solution | 消毒水
siauxkaehuix | introduction fee | 紹介費
siauzuie | to settle disputes and bring peace; wring out the water | 通水; 息事寧人
siawkuie | devi | 少鬼
siaxhoe texui | social position (status) | 社會地位
siaxm'iofnghuix | alimony | 贍養費
siaxnglui | men or things of the same sort | 同類
siaxzuie | shoot out water, spurt | 射水
sibji cytngg huieioong | duodenal ulcer | 十二指腸潰瘍
sibkym putmui | pick up a piece of lost gold or money and return it to the owner | 拾金無昧
sibzhuix | fragment, chip | 拾碎; 零碎
sidbut hunluixhak | classificatory botany | 植物分類學
sidhui | affordable | 實惠
sidthionglui | insectivores (zoology) | 食蟲類
sie'uii | everywhere | 四圍
sieciu'uii | in every direction; on every side | 四周圍
siefn haxchiuo uii kioong | It's always advantageous to make the first move or take the initiative | 先下手為強
siekhoui'ar | surounding | 四箍圍仔
siekhouii | surounding | 四箍圍
siekuix | four seasons | 四季
sielamsuii | tearful; tears welling up | 四南垂; 眼淚汪汪流
sienhongtui | the vanguard of an army | 先鋒隊
siernzhuiephoea | slap face | 搧喙頰
sieuii | around | 四圍
siexn zhuiephea | slap one's cheek | 打耳光
siexnhuix | charge for board | 膳費
siin hoxzuie | catch rainwater (in a vessel or in the upturned hand); store rain water | 蓄雨水
siin zhud kuie but | appear and disappear quite unpredictably like gods and demons | 神出鬼沒
siin-kuie | god and evil spirit | 神鬼
sim'afkhuix | heart spirit- tea that are good for your health | 心仔氣
simhuiq | (one's) energy | 心血
simkhuix | spirit | 心氣
simluie | center of a flower | 心朵; 芯蕊
simzhuix | heart-breaking, very sad | 心碎
simzuix | noisy | 心嘈
sin'ui | abode or seat of an idol | 神位
sin'uii | as | 身為
sin-tan'ui | nephron; new unit | 新單位; 腎單位
sinkuix | upstart | 新貴
sinsuie | salary | 薪俸; 薪水
sinzuie | salary | 薪資
siogkuix | hollyhock (plant) | 蜀葵
sioksiao hoaxn'uii | reduce the scope | 縮小範圍
sioksiarhuix | board | 宿舍費
sioksiax-huix | dormitory fees | 宿舍費
siong'ui | injure the stomach | 傷胃
siong'uie | a member of the standing committee | 常委
siong'y uibeng | rely upon each other for life | 相依為命
siongluie | tired | 相累
siongsui | good omen, good luck | 相隨; 祥瑞
siongsuii | follow; be a couple; accompany | 相隨
siongtui | business team | 商隊
siongtuiekhvoax | watching at eacher | 相對看
siongtuiesexng | relativity | 相對性
siongtuiesuu | relative words | 相對詞
siongtuix | be relative to; face each other; face to face; opposed; relative; versus | 相對
siongzhuix | wound | 傷口
sioxng'ui | highest position, upper position | 上位
sioxng'uix | lieutenant (navy); captain (army; marine; air force) | 上尉
sioxngsuie | the most beautiful | 最美; 最美麗
sipsip'ar-zuie | small quantity of water | 濕濕仔水; 一點點水
sipuii | apply fertilizer | 施肥
siqzuie | water erosion | 蝕水
sit'ui | lose a throne, be dismissed from a position | 失位; 失去王位
sitkhuix | lose face | 丟臉
sittui | lose one's credit, sink, fail | 失墜; 失去
sittuix | lose one's mate | 失對; 喪偶
sitzuie | dehydrated | 失水
siuhuix | cost | 收費
siuieen | collect donation | 修緣
siuimky | radio receiving set, radio | 收音機
siuioong | give shelter to, accommodate, receive and make a place for | 收容
siuiorng | adopt | 收養
siuo kuikie | observe rules; regulations; well-behaved | 守規矩
siuo kuilut | observe discipline | 守規律
siuokui | frame for embroidery | 繡櫃
siuolui | animals; fauna | 獸類
siutui | call together members of a team to disband the group | 收隊
siuxek'huix | money paid to the government for the benefit derived from public construction projects | 受益費
siuxhui | be benefited; receive benefit | 受惠
siuxlui | be involved (in another's affairs) | 受牽累
siuxuii | be surrounded | 受圍; 被圍
siuzhuiechiw | to shave | 修喙鬚
siuzhuix | heal (wound) | 修碎; 收喙; 治好
siuzuie | swimming | 泅水; 游泳
siwui | place of honor | 首位
sixnsuie | seminal fluid; semen | 腎水; 精液
sixsi-huihuy | gossip; scandal; rumors | 是是非非
siøciwzuix | drunk | 燒酒醉
siøciøhzhuix | greeting | 打招呼
siøfhuix | tip; tip (given to a waiter; porter) | 小費
siøfkhuix | narrow-minded, mean, stingy | 小氣
siøfkuie | little ghost; demon; common inferior ghost | 小鬼
siøflui | small item | 小類
siøfmui | sister | 小妹
siøfthuie | calf of the leg | 小腿
siøftui | small contingent; a detachment | 小隊
siøhuie | destroy by burning | 燒毀
siøhuiee | pottery maker, potter | 陶匠
siøhuii | fire pottery | 燒陶; 燒磁
siøhuii`ee | pottery maker; potter | 燒陶的
siøkhuix | nice and warm | 燒氣; 溫暖的感覺
siøsuii | good friends or man and wife keep company | 相隨
siøthuix | change a person or article deceitfully and fraudulently | 互調
siøtuiebin | face to face | 相對面
siøtuiekhvoax | face to face | 相對看
siøtuiesioxng | face each other | 相對相
siøtuietek | enemy | 相對敵
siøzuie | hot water | 燒水; 熱水
sngbui'afsngbuy | a bit sour | 酸微仔酸微
sngbui'ar | sou | 酸微仔
sngfui | injurious to the stomach | 傷胃
sngfzuie | play with water as a child does | 玩水
sngkhuix | having a slight sour smell | 酸氣; 酸味
sngmuii | plum | 酸梅
sngmuithngf | plum juice | 酸梅湯
sngsuichiu | mulberry tree | 桑垂樹
sngsuii | fruit of mulberry tree | 桑葚; 桑果
sngzuie | stomach acid | 酸水
soafkhao-zuie | gargle | 漱口水
soafui | flight; flit; move; move; remove (persons or things) to another place | 徙位; 遷移; 換地方
soahbøea-ui | last seat | 尾息位
soahuiefn | smoke shark food | 鯊魚煙
soanzuie | whirlpool, eddy | 旋水
soarkuix | mountain sweet osmanthus | 犀桂; 銳葉木犀
soarzhuiebea | craving | 紲喙尾
soarzhuieboea | craving | 紲喙尾
soarzhuix | craving | 紲喙
soax-zhuiebøea | add to other's talk, do according to othe's saying | 續嘴尾; 紲喙尾; 接話尾
soaxnciøqzhuix | honey tongued; plausible tongue | 鑽石嘴
soeaui | small seat | 細位
soefzhuix | wash mouth; brush teeth | 洗喙
soekhuix | be out of luck | 衰氣
sofhuix tang | expenses are heavy | 費用大
sofhuix | expenses; expenses | 所費; 費用
sofui | so-called; as it is said; that which is called; so-called | 所謂
sofuii | acts; deeds; what is done | 所為
sofzog sofuii | actions; behavior; conduct; what one does and how he behaves | 所作所為
soksiarhuix | dormitory fee | 宿舍費
som'afkhuix | ginseng smell | 參仔氣
sorsiong huieiong | fees entailed in a lawsuit | 訴訟費用
sorui | digital | 數位
sosui'ar | hair hanging down at side of woman's head | 劉海仔
sozatui | search party | 搜查隊
su zai jin'uii | matters are accomplished by man's labor | 事在人為
su'iong kenghuix | necessary expenses | 需用經費
su'uii | thought; thinking | 思維
suhhoehkuie | bloodsucker; vampire | 吸血鬼
suhhuihloong | bloodsucker | 欶血狼
suhkhuix | inspire, breathe in | 吸氣
suhuiesefng | self-supporting pupils | 私費生
suhuiq | blood transfusion | 輸血
suhuix liuhak | Study abroad using personal funds | 私費留學; 自費留學
suhzuie | suck up water | 吸水
sui | ear (corn); head (grain); bunch (grapes); ear of grain; the flower of grasses; graceful | 祟; 瑞; 遂; 睡; 隧; 燧; 穗; 璲
sui'aix | to show gracious concern for; to love | 垂愛
sui'e'ar | one by one | 隨个仔
sui'eafsuiee | one by one | 隨个仔隨个
sui'ee | everyone | 隨個; 每人
sui'ieen | go along with fate; some action; some person | 隨緣
sui'ietiofng | at will | 隨意中
sui'ix | according to one's wish; as one likes it; as one pleases; follow one's own inclination | 隨意
sui'oaan | entourage; retinue; aides on a tour; followers; an attendant | 隨員
suiaophirn | necessities; essentials | 需要品
suiaotiøh | needed; required | 需要著
suiaux | necessity, be in demand | 需要
suiax`ee | needs | 需要的
suibo | dusk | 垂暮
suiborng | although; even so | 雖罔
suichiuo khøfteg | easy to get; be within easy reach | 垂手可得
suichiuo kvoaimngg | Close the door with the same hand (Lit. Close the door behind you.) | 隨手關門
suichiuo | Pmod: as you go; as you do (sthg else); [[suxnchiuo]]; as you wish; as you pass by; easily (obtain); as one pass by; at once; without hesitation; freely | 隨手
suicioong bwkvoaf | an aide-de-camp | 隨從武官
suicioong | to accompany and attend to; follow; obey; accompany; aides; attendants | 隨從
suie | attractive; beautiful; pretty; nice; in good shape; pretty; beautiful; lovely; good looking | 美; 媠
suie'aq | pretty | 媠矣
suie-tangtafng | gorgeous | 媠噹噹
suie-zabor | pretty women | 美查某
suie`laq | pretty | 媠啦
suigieen | casually | 隨言
suiguii | be in imminent danger or in a precarious state (said of an illness or situation) | 垂危
suihang | each article separately; as in lifting things or in discussing matters | 隨項; 一項一項的
suiheeng | entourage; retinue; follow or accompany someone on a trip | 隨行
suihiø | right after; immediately afterward | 隨後
suiho | door by door | 逐戶
suihofng sayphaang | sail with the wind ─ follow the line of least resistance | 隨風使帆
suihofng zoafntoa | take action as the opportunity arises; irresolution | 隨風轉舵
suihofng | sail with the wind | 隨風
suihuxn | give instruction, teach | 隨訓; 垂訓
suihviuthoaan | group of people march in an incense procession | 隨香團
suihviw | march in an incense procession | 隨香
suihøo | amiable; obliging | 隨和
suii thoaan suii kaux | be available for an immediate summons to court | 隨傳隨到
suii | to follow; act according to. immediately. every; each one; one by one; hang down | 垂; 隨
suiitor | canteen | 水壺
suijieen si afnnef | be that as it may | 雖然如此
suijieen | although; though; even though; in spite of; even if | 雖然
suikax | accompany emperor | 隨駕
suikhix | pants legs raveled | 褲管繸散
suikierngpiexn | adapt to changing circumstances | 隨機應變
suikox | regard with kindness | 垂顧
suikwn kieciar | war correspondent | 隨軍記者
suikwn sinhu | military chaplain | 隨軍神父
suiky erngpiexn | adapt oneself quickly to changing circumstances | 隨機應變
suiky | according to the circumstance | 隨機
suilaang laai | coming forward one by one | 隨人來; 個別來
suilaang | independently; every man for himself | 隨人; 各隨人; 各管個的
suilangciah | one by one eating separately; as in a cafeteria; start a separate family | 隨人吃; 個別吃; 分伙
suiliab'afsuiliap | one at a time | 隨粒仔隨粒
suiliam | have gracious thoughts towards | 垂念
suilieen | although | 雖然
suiliin | your kindly compassion | 垂憐
suiliuo | weeping willow | 垂柳; 水柳,垂柳
suilui | to shed tears | 垂淚
suiløh | hang down | 垂落
suiløqlaai | hang down | 垂落來
suiok | self-interest, selfish desires | 私慾, 私欲
suiphviear | movie stars appear on stage in person at the premiere of a movi | 隨片仔
suiphvix tengtaai | movie stars appear on stage in person at the premiere of a movie | 隨片登台
suiphøf tiogliuu | follow the current ─ do as others; time-server; speak and behave as others do without views of his own; a yes-man | 隨波逐流
suipid | an essay, sketch | 隨筆
suipien ciah | eat anything at all ─ not choosy | 隨便吃
suipien korng | talk at random; extempore speech | 隨便說
suipien | casual; as you like; as you see fit; as you please; careless | 隨便
suisii suite | at all times and places; any time and any place; whenever and wherever | 隨時隨地
suisii | at any moment; immediately; right away; at all times; any time | 隨時; 即時; 馬上
suisinpør | some article counted very precious and always carried with one; e.g.; some rare and valuable ornament; a charm; a keepsake | 隨身寶
suisintiap | flash drive | 隨身碟
suisiok | fall in with prevailing customs; to act according to the prevailing customs or practices | 隨俗
suisuii-piexnpien | easy going; casual; sloppy; inattentive | 隨隨便便
suisuy | easy going; casual; sloppy; inattentive | 隨隨
suisym sor iok | do anything one's heart dictates | 隨心所欲
suisym | at one's will | 隨心
suisyn ee miqkvia | things that one carries on one's person; personal effects | 隨身東西
suisyn ee svakhox | clothes for change one takes along on a trip | 隨身衫褲
suisyn | on the person | 隨身
suithaxn-suiciah | use money just as fast as earned; live from hand to mouth | 隨趁隨吃; 隨賺隨吃
suithea | hypophysis | 垂體
suithiøo | be crestfallen; to be greatly discouraged or disappointed | 垂頭
suitiaux | hanging | 垂吊
suitidsvoax | vertical line | 垂直線
suitit | vertical; plumb; perpendicular; vertical | 垂直
suitoong | follow or accompany; together with | 隨同
suiviu | follow a pattern, follow an example | 循樣; 照樣
suiwliim | privately owned forest or woodland | 私有林
suix | haggard; worried; sad; spit | 悴; 粹; 啐
suixbieen | sleep; sleeping | 睡眠
suixbiin putciog | want of sleep; insufficient sleep | 睡眠無足
suixbiin sikafn | sleeping hours | 睡眠時間
suixbiin | sleep; sleep | 腄眠
suixhviw | good incense | 瑞香
suixjiin | the man who find fire | 燧人
suixput'habgarn | sleep with eyes open | 睡無闔眼
suixsioong | good omen | 隨常; 瑞祥; 預兆
suixtø | tunnel | 隧道
suizai | according to one's wish, at one's own discretion | 隨便; 隨在; 隨意
suizaixlie | you are welcome to…; it is your own choosing to… | 隨在你
suizang'ar | every tree | 隨欉仔
suizeg | forthwith, immediately, at once | 隨則
suizhefng | to show favour for | 垂青
suizhux | everywhere | 隨處
sului | document; documents; papers | 書類; 詞彙; 文書; 辭類
suluixzhutlaai | part of speech | 詞類出來
sunløo-tui | a patrol team | 巡邏隊
sunløtui | military patrol | 巡邏隊
sunsui | genuine, pure, unadulterated | 純瑞; 純粹
sunsuix | pure; genuine; unadulterated; completely; entirely | 純粹
sunzhanzuie | check one's tetorry | 巡田水
sunzhuix | pure; genuine; unadulterated; completely; entirely | 純粹
sunzuie | make inspection of waterway | 巡水
suohae uii kaf | make the country a big family; achieve perfect unity within the empire (said of emperors); lead a wandering life | 四海為家
suokuie'aang | four seasons red | 四季紅
suokuiehoong | four seasons red | 四季紅
suokuieiaau | four seasons folk songs | 四季謠
suokuiejuzhwn | all seasons like spring | 四季如春
suokuix | four seasons | 四季
suouii | four merits; the Four Supports of a State: propriety, morality, modesty, sense of shame | 四維; (禮, 義, 廉, 恥)
suq zuie | sucking water | 欶水
surn'ui | abdicate a throne, give up a position for | 遜位; 退位
suuii | thought | 思維
suxn'ui | rank | 順位
suxnzuie hengciw | sailing with the tide (literally); all going on well | 順水行舟
suxnzuie | sail with the stream or current | 順水
suykhuix | well done | 媠氣
suysuie | pretty | 媠媠; 美美
suysuysuie | very pretty | 媠媠媠
sva'afkui | wardrobe | 衫仔櫃
sva'afkuix | hanger | 衫仔掛
svaf-tuiepie | compare | 相對比; 相比
svahkhuix | fail to grasp an opportunity | 煞氣; 失機會
svaluie | third base (baseball) | 三壘
svasui | follow | 相隨
svasuii | follow | 相隨
svatuiethaau | counter part | 相對頭
svatuix | face one another | 相對; 相對面
sviupuii | obesity | 過肥
sviwniawkuix | watch birdy season | 賞鳥季
svizuie | unboiled water; or food that had liquid came out when sitting idle for too long | 生水
svoaf-jiogkuix | fragrant cinnamon; Cinnamomum randaieuse | 山肉桂
svoartui | dismiss a troop | 散隊; 解散隊伍; 散完
svoazuie | mountain water | 山水
svoazvoazuie | mountain spring water | 山泉水
svuie | bright; frank; open-hearted; pleasure | 爽
swn'ui | disagree with the stomach | 傷胃
syaq gve zhuiephoea | be unwilling to admit one's defeat; yield with bad grace; be a poor loser | 死鴉子硬嘴巴; 嘴硬
sykhuix | lifeless | 死氣
sykhut'afzuie | dead water | 死窟仔水
sykuikie | dead rules | 死規矩
sym juu cysuie | Lit. the heart is like still water ─ a mind without worries; cares; ambition or worldly desires | 心如止水
sym tit zhuix khoaix | honest and outspoken | 心直口快
sytuiethaau | sworn; enemy | 死對頭
syzuie | stagnant water | 死水
søea'ui | small seat | 小位
søefui | gastric lavage | 洗胃
søefzhuix | wash teeth | 洗喙; 刷牙
søehzuie | snow water | 雪水
søhzuie | suck up water | 吸水
sørzuie | lack of moisture | 燥水
taai texluii | to plant or bury land mines; set a mine | 埋地雷
tafcidui | which person | 那一位
tafui | where; which place; what place; where; whereabouts? | 何處
tafui'ar | where | 佗位仔
tag'ui | every person | 每人; 逐位
tah'ui | Where? | 那裡, 何處
taixhoad luiteeng | become very angry | 大發雷霆
taixiuo-khøfui | very promising; very hopeful | 大有可為
taixpiawtui | representative team | 代表隊
taixuie | extraordinary big | 大偉
takuix | dry season; drought | 乾季
takzhuix | quarrel | 觸嘴; 爭論
tan'ui | unit; standard (of weights and measure); military unit or organization | 單位
tangkuix | winter season | 冬季
tanglui | be of the same kind | 同類
tangmuii | winter plum | 冬梅
tanluii | thundering; thunder pearls | 打雷; 雷鳴
tanluikofng | thunderstorm | 霆雷公
tanluikongsviaf | thunde | 霆雷公聲
tantok heng'uii | unilateral action (legal) | 單獨行為
taozuie | swim against the current | 鬥水; 逆游
tapzhuiekor | debate; quarrel | 搭嘴股
taq huiky | take an airplane; board an airplane | 搭飛機
taqsoad simmuii | go out into the snow looking for flowering plum trees ─ get an inspiration for a poem | 踏雪尋梅
tarngloxzuie | date; to have a date (slang) | 約夜會
tarngsngkuie | stingy person | 凍霜鬼
tarngzhuiekhie | frozen teeth | 凍喙齒
tauaflui | bean | 豆仔類
tauzuie | jump into the water; commit suicide in this manner | 投水
taxmzuie | freshwater; Tamsui township | 淡水
taxng loxzuie | accepting drew- imply dating in the evening | 凍露水; 晚上約會
taxngsuisuii | heavy as weight | 重錘錘
taxngzhuix | begin to say | 動口
tazuie | dry; dried up | 乾涸; 水份消失
te tuix khofng huitvoaa | ground-to-air missile | 地對空飛彈
tea'ui | emperor's throne | 帝位
teafzhuix | pocket entrance | 袋仔喙
tefng'afthuii | hammer | 釘仔鎚
tefng'ui | higher seat, upper seat | 上位; 上面位置
tefnglui | class, kind | 上類; 等類
tefpvui | put rice in a bowl | 貯飯
tegkhiefntui | naval task force | 特遣隊
tegkongtui | commando units; rangers | 特攻隊
tegtuix heng'uii | hostile act; hostility | 敵對行為
tegtuix | rivalry; to turn against; be hostile to; oppose | 敵對
tehzhuix | crush to pieces | 壓碎
tek'ui'aflai | inside bamboo garden | 竹圍仔內
tek'ui'aftea | deep inside bamboo garden | 竹圍仔底
tek'ui'ar | bamboo garden | 竹圍仔
tek'uii | bamboo fence (around a house; yard) | 竹圍
tekkøkuie | ghost which is very thin and tall; like a bamboo pole; very thin and tall fellow; a bean-pole | 長腿鬼; 瘦長的人
tekofzhuix | top of teapot | 茶鈷喙
teng'ar-thuii | hammer for driving nails or tacks | 釘仔鎚; 釘仔槌; 鎚子
teng'ui | ascend the throne; begin a reign | 登位
tengkiehuix | registration fee (general use); expenses of registration | 登記費
tengliogpoxtui | assault troops; amphibious military forces | 登陸部隊
tengsantui | mountaineering party | 登山隊
tepanzhuix | spout of a teapot | 茶壺嘴
tesizoktuix | poem | 題詩作對
texhaxzuie | ground water | 地下水
texkuie | which one of all (by order or number)? | 第幾
texluii høefphaux | military mines | 地雷火炮
texluii | land mine | 地雷
texng'ui | assign positions to | 定位
texui | condition; position; status; social rank or position | 地位
thad zhuiekhafng | give something to eat to a child to keep it quiet; make somebody keep a secret | 堵上嘴
thaemui | delinquent girl | 太妹
thafnhvuii | horizontal | 坦橫
thah'ui | location of the tower | 塔位
thai'ui bøcviax | Transverse Position Presentation (obstetrics) | 胎位無正
thai'ui | position of child in the womb | 胎位
thaix-kuix | too expensive | 太貴
thamzuie | pond water | 潭水
thanglui | worm; bug; insect; insects or reptiles; as a species | 蟲類
thao cidee khuix | relax (as taking a break from hard work); let out one's anger (as complaining) | 鬆一口氣; 透一口氣
thao tiongkhuix | relieve depression | 敨中氣
thaokhuix | to let air in or ou | 透氣
thaozuie | pour water into another liquid; to mix in water | 攙水; 摻水
tharmhiafmtui | expedition team; exploration party | 探險隊
tharnkhuix | groan; sigh; suspire | 嘆氣
tharnlauzuie | take advantage of the flowing water | 趁流水
tharnsuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
thatkhuix | choke; suffocation; strangulate | 窒息
thatzhuiekhafng | fill mouse with snacks | 窒喙空
thatzhuix | shut one's mouth, let stop talking, let one unable to talk or demand | 堵喙; 塞住嘴
thau'ui | chief seat | 頭位
thauiab | take stealthily and conceal behind the back or in one's clothing | 偷揜
thaukhuie | to peep | 偷窺
thauluie | stolen base; base stealing; steal a base | 盜壘
thautefng'ui | 1st class | 頭等位
thauthuix | secretly put a bad article or inferior person in place of a good one | 偷換
thautuix | 1st pair | 頭對
thauzhuix | mouths in a family | 家眷
thauzuie | first crop, first fruits, first harvest | 頭水; 第一次收穫
thawkhuix | ventilation; take a breath; ventilate | 透氣; 敨氣
thaxmthui | be deeply in debt, owe heavily | 重債; 欠大債
thaxn uii koafn cie | the most magnificent sight of all; an unrivaled sight; a sight never to be forgotten | 歎為觀止
thaxn y ee zhuix | follow implicitly what he says | 照他的意思
thaxn-zhuieciah | earn just enough for one's own food but having nothing to spare for any one else | 趁嘴口; 賺嘴食; 糊口
thaykøkuie | literally; a leprous devil; filthy; dirty; nauseous; nasty; indecent | 骯髒鬼
thea'ui | abdicate | 退位
theasykuie | scapegoat | 替死鬼 (代人受罪者)
thefui | physique; position; posture | 體位
thengchiahuix | parking fee | 停車費
thengchiaui | parking space | 停車位
thengkhuix | hold one's breath | 停氣; 停止呼吸
thenglui-hoarhabbut | hydrocarbons (chemistry) | 停留化合物; 烴類化合物; 碳氫化合物
thengzuie | out of water | 停水
thengzun'afhuix | ship parking fee | 停船仔費
thezuie | the water within the membrane capsule in which the fetus develops | 胎水
thiab haghuix | subsidize tuition fee | 補貼學費
thiahhuie | to demolish, to tear down, to destroy by tearing down | 拆壞; 拆毀
thiahthuie | split leg | 拆腿
thiahzhuix | tear to pieces | 拆碎
thiaozuie piawiern | diving exhibition | 跳水表演
thiaozuie | to dive; to jump into the water; drown oneself | 跳水
thiaozuie-zuxsad | drown oneself | 投水自殺
thiauciexn heng'uii | provocative actions | 挑戰行為
thiauzuie | to carry water | 挑水
thiefnkhuikhuy | unfold | 展開開
thienha uikofng | The world is for all. The world belongs to everyone | 天下為公
thiensiakuie | devil | 天邪鬼
thiethuie | muscle strain | 牚腿
thihchiu khuihoef | literally; the blooming of an iron tree ─ an impossibility; something that very rarely happens | 鐵樹開花
thihkhuie | iron rails | 鐵軌
thihkui | steel cabinet; a safe; safe | 鐵櫃
thihkuie | iron rails | 鐵軌
thihthuii | an iron hammer; hammer | 鐵鎚; 鐵槌
thihzhuietidtoaxn | firm and accurate | 鐵喙直斷
thihzuie | preparation for iron-tonic | 鐵水; 鐵劑
thiuhuiq | blood-letting | 抽血
thiuzuie beftharng | flush toilet; western style toilet bowl; commode | 抽水馬桶
thiuzuie | pumping pump; unwatering; pump water | 抽水; 揚水
thiuzuie-ky | a water-pump | 抽水機
thiuzuie-zam | a pumping station | 抽水站
thix zhuiechiw | shave the beard; shave the face; to humiliate | 刮鬍子
thngzuie | sweetened water; sugar solution | 糖水
thoalui | cumber; encumber; involve or implicate (in a debt or some dangerous affair) | 拖累; 連累
thoaluixtiøh | dragged down | 拖累著
thoanhuix | tour fee | 團費
thoankiet'uilek | solidarity withy power | 團結為力
thoanmuii | media | 傳媒
thoanthoaan uizu | be completely surrounded (by rows of enemy troops) | 團團圍住
thoanthoaan-uizu | to surround completely | 團團圍住
thoantui | team | 團隊
thoatkhuie | jump the track, be derailed | 脫潰; 脫軌
thoatkuie | to derail; run off the rails | 脫軌
thoatzuie | dehydrate; dehydrated | 脫水
thoaxzhuix | rinse one's mouth | 漱口
thoaxzuie | wash down with water | 汰水; 沖水
thoazuie | dehydrating | 脫水
thoeasykuie | scapegoat | 替死鬼
thofhuie | bandits; brigands; robbers | 匪徒; 土匪
thofjiogkuix | soil cinnamon | 土肉桂
thofkhuix | to sigh | 歎氣; 吐氣; 嘆氣
thofluii | blind person (slang) | 瞎眼; (罵人)
thoftoaxkhuix | deep breath | 吐大氣
thog zhuiekhie | tooth pick | 籤牙
tholui | earth-made object | 土類; 泥類
thor toaxkhuix | heave a long sigh of relief | 嘆大氣
thor-toaxkhuix | heave a long sigh of relief | 嘆大氣
thorhuiq | vomit or bring up blood; spit blood | 吐血
thorkhuix iongbii | got over his temper and smoothed out his frown | 吐氣揚眉
thorkhuix | aspiratory; feel elated and exultant | 吐氣
thorsui | ear of grain just appearing | 吐穗; 出穗
thorzuie | expectorate water | 吐水; 吐酸水
thozuie | plastering | 土水; 泥水工作
thozuie-chviu | master mason | 塗水匠
thozuie-cviu | master mason | 土水匠
thozuie-saihu | mason | 土水司父; 塗水師傅; 水泥匠
thudui | slip out of place, become dislocated | 脫位
thui | hammer; to fall down; hang down heavily; as a pocket with a weight in it; involve in trouble or responsibility | 倕; 垂; 墜; 累
thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面; 癡呆相
thui'afbin-thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面槌仔面; 癡呆相
thui'ar | hammer | 槌仔; 槌子
thui'mngg | to push the door | 推門
thui'uie | make excuses; make excuses or pretences for not doing anything; to lay the blame or duty on another; generally with the idea of more or less falsehood | 推諉
thuiaxn | push the case | 推案
thuibin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌面; 癡呆相
thuichiuo | to push the hand | 推手
thuiciernsw | letter of recommendation | 推薦書
thuicierntiøh | recommended | 推薦著
thuiciexn | recommendation; recommend (somebody for a job) | 推薦
thuicirnky | propeller (of a ship; plane) | 推進機; 推進器
thuicixn | impel; to push forward; to move ahead; propel | 推進
thuie | shank; stalk; stem; block; obstruct; leg; leg; thighs | 腿
thuiemngg | molt and get new feathers | 換毛
thuievoa | put an inferior article (or person) deceitfully in place of a better; mend by putting in an entirely new piece | 調換
thuievoaxkngx | foreign exchange; certificates | 兌換券
thuiheeng kokgie | to advocate the use of the national language (Mandarin) | 推行國語
thuiheeng | push; promote (a scheme); carry into operation what has already been decided | 推行
thuihengjiin | promoter | 推行人
thuihioxng | to push into | 推向
thuihoafn | topple over; demolish; explode; reversal; overturn; to push over; to overthrow (a government); to stultify (a theory; principle) | 推翻
thuii | naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 槌; 錘; 遲鈍; 愚蠢
thuii`køf | fool | 槌哥; 錘哥; 傻瓜
thuiie'thuithuii | dump; dull | 槌槌槌
thuikhaf | bottom of a ladder | 推腳; 梯腳
thuikhaw | to consider, polish writings | 推敲
thuikhiog | to decline, deny, refuse | 推屈; 推卻
thuikhoaq | expand, widen | 推棄; 推廣
thuikhuy | to push off, to push away | 推開
thuikie | recommend | 推舉
thuikiux | to examine | 推究
thuikofngciar | promoter | 推廣者
thuikorng biexnzeg | extend the area | 推廣面積
thuikorng | to extend; popularize; extend; propagate | 推廣
thuikud | malleus | 鎚骨
thuikuo | recommend for promotion | 推舉
thuilek | thrust | 推力
thuilie | to reason; logic; reasoning; reasoning; ratiocination; infer from | 推理
thuilun | infer; follow out a train of argument; inference; deductions | 推論
thuinar | to massage, massage therapy | 推拿
thuipaai | arrange (a matter), assign (a person), arrangement, ordering | 推排; 安排
thuiphaix | elect or recommend representatives to.. | 推派; 推銷
thuipurn sokgoaan | investigate origins; ascertain the causes; trace the origins | 推本溯源
thuisag | push away | 推棄
thuisiau'oaan | salesman; saleswoman | 推銷員
thuisiaw | promote sale; to sell; push sales | 推銷
thuisiax zekjim | shirk one's responsibility | 推卸責任
thuisiax | to shift on to somebody else | 推卸
thuisii | decline (an invitation), refuse | 推辭
thuisiorng | infer; deduce | 推想
thuisngx | to figure out; to calculate | 推算
thuisoar | to move, change, move by pushing | 推徙
thuisoarn | elect (representatives) | 推選
thuisoaxn | calculate; reckon | 推算
thuisu | judge; assessor; magistrate | 推事
thuisuu | to decline; to reject; refuse politely | 推辭
thuiteng | to conclude | 推定
thuithog | to make an excuse, to shift off, on the presence of | 推託
thuithoky | bulldozer | 推土機
thuithoo-ky | bulldozer | 推土機; 推塗機
thuithuii | foolish and frank; simple minded | 愚直; 傻兮兮
thuitiern | driving; impel; impulse; urge; budge | 推展
thuitoan | conclude, make a diagnosis, conclusion, deduction, diagnosis | 推斷
thuitoaxn | infer; deduce; predict by means of inference | 推斷
thuitong | impel; propel; trigger into action; motivate; impetus; propulsive force; motivation; to push; to propel; to expedite; to push; lend impetus to; to inspire | 推動
thuitong-lat | motivation force, impelling force | 推動力
thuitør | to push down, topple | 推倒
thuix | to change; put in place of; to substitute; abolish; instead of; in place of | 蛻; 調換; 調包
thuixtang | heavily weighted and hanging down; like a pocket; fasten a weight on a curtain so that it may hang down evenly | 垂重
thuixthui | hanging heavily; like a weighted pocket or bag | 下墜
thuizheg | conjecture; to fathom; deduce; infer; predict | 推測
thuizhud | to push out; present (a picture; a show) | 推出
thuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
thuizwn | give the place of honor | 推尊
thun zhuiekhie | fill a cavity | 補牙; 鑲牙
thuq zhuie'extao | support the chin on the hand | 手托著下巴
thuq zhuiekhie | pick one's teeth | 剔牙
thveathuie | aching leg muscles (from over exercising) | 托腿; 腿僵硬
thvi'ui | imperial throne | 天位; 皇位
thviazhuix | follow what one's superior says; be obedient | 聽話; 聽喙
thviethuie | spread legs | 牚腿
thvizuie | give more water; replenish the water | 加水
thvoa'ui | stall or booth (especially a fixed one in a market) | 攤位
thvoarsngzuie | carbonic water; soda water | 碳酸水
thvoarzuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
thwzuie-tii | cistern | 貯水池
thykhuikhuy | spread wide open | 褫開開
thøea'ui | exit | 退位
thøeazuie | water retreat | 退水
thøfiarkuie | nasty guy | 討厭鬼
thørzuie | permeable | 透水
ti tafui | Where? | 在那裡?
tiaam-løqzuie | sink into water | 沉下水
tiao'uix | offer condolence | 吊慰; 弔慰
tiaotau-kuie | hanging ghost | 吊投鬼; 縊死
tiauiar | government and the people | 朝野
tiauiog | treaty, pact, convention, covenant | 條約
tiauioktiofng | treaty | 條約中
tiauiorng | nurse one's health, take care of oneself | 調養
tiauzuie | tide; tidewater | 潮水
tiaxmzhuietiaxmcih | talkless | 恬喙恬舌
tibøfzuie | sow water | 豬母水
tiehui | wisdom, intelligence, wit | 智惠; 智慧
tiehuixheeng | smart style | 智慧型
tiexn'ui | electric potential; voltage | 電位
tiexnhuiq | offer a libation of blood | 獻血; 貧血
tiexnhuix | power rate; electric bill | 電費
tiexnhøea kui'ar | electric bulb | 電火球仔
tiexnkui'ar | electric (light) bulb; unwanted third party accompanying courting couple | 電球仔
tiexnpørhuix | cable charge; telegram fee | 電報費
tiexnthuimngg | elevator door | 電梯門
tiexnzuo tan'ui | electromagnetic steel | 電子單位
tihhuiq | pig blook | 豬血
tihuiq | pig's blood, cooked rice admixed with pig's blood | 豬血
tihzuie | throating; water dropping; the eaves of a house; the place below the eaves on which the water drops | 滴水
tikøf khafn tuix guhy khix | to bring a boar to the cow market put the saddle on the wrong horse (literally) | 張冠李戴; 牛頭無對馬嘴
tikøzhuix | person's mouth like pig's | 豬哥嘴; 豬嘴
tim pvoarciwzuie | wine and water each in part | 酒水各一半來燉
timzuix | dead-drunk; to become intoxicated; euphoria; intoxicated; befuddled | 沈醉
tinkuix | valuable; preciousness; treasurable; treasure; very precious | 珍貴
tiong'uie | member of a central committee, member of presbytery | 中委
tiong'uii | surround the enemy; the enemy surrounds us | 重圍
tiong'uix | lieutenant (in the army) | 中尉
tiongbeng huokuix | May you live long and be successful ! | 長命富貴
tiongkhuix | qi in spleen and stomach | 中氣
tiorngtoaxzuie | flooding | 漲大水
tiorngzuie | swelling of a river; water rising very high; as at high tide or during a flood | 漲水
tioxng'iaux sului | important documents | 重要書類
tirn'ui | occupy a place or position or a seat, uselessly occupied | 擋位; 鎮位; 佔位
tithaupuii | mumps; parotitis inflammation of a parotid | 腮腺腫; 豬頭肥; 腮腺炎; 耳下腺炎
tithuie | leg of pork | 豬腿
tiuafsui | ear of rice | 稻仔穗
tiuxsui | grain; ear or spike of the rice plant | 稻穗
tixliauhuix | doctor's fee | 治療費
tixsuie | regulate waterways; rivers to prevent flooding; flood control | 治水
tixzuie | regulate waterways; rivers to prevent flooding; flood control | 治水
tngfkhuix | breath (after bad condition) | 轉氣; 回光返照
tngg-huieioong | intestinal ulcer | 腸潰瘍
tngg-uieioong | intestinal ulcer | 腸潰瘍
tngthautuiebin | face to face | 當頭對面
tngtoo-huiheeng | long distance flight | 長途飛行
tngxkhuix | breathe one's last; die | 斷氣
tngxzuie | stop the water supply; turn off the water supply | 斷水
to'ui | drawing, picture, painting | 圖畫
to-zhuiepar | live from hands to mouth | 度喙飽
toa-kuiboo | large scale, great scale | 大規模
toaarkhuiezhoarn | asthma | 大氣喘
toarkui | pregnant | 帶球; 有身
toarlui | to involve others in | 帶累
toarluii | to involve others in | 帶累
toartui | lead a group, leader of a group, party, team or mission | 帶隊
toaxbuo-luie | large eyes | 大拇蕾; 大眼
toaxhuotoaxkuix | that rich | 大富大貴
toaxkhuiezhoarn | asthma | 大氣喘
toaxkhuix | heavy breathing; the atmosphere | 大氣
toaxkixmzhuix | gossip | 大妗喙
toaxkuiboo | large scale; on a large scale | 大規模
toaxluie | big (eyes, flowers) | 大蕊; 大眼
toaxnzuie | stop the water supply; turn off the water supply | 斷水
toaxpuii | feces; stool; shit | 大肥; 糞
toaxsimkhuix | very angry and be out of breath; breathe hastily | 大心氣; 氣得上氣無接下氣; 呼吸急促
toaxsøealuie | view others unfairly | 大細蕊
toaxthuie | thigh | 大腿
toaxthuie-terng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂; 腰部
toaxtui | group; a large body of; production brigade; battalion (of military cadets; militia; or paramilitary units); a group (in an air force organization) | 大隊
toaxtuixtioong | hernia | 大墜腸
toaxui | place of honor | 大位; 上座
toaxzhuie'ar | big mouth | 大喙仔
toaxzhuiekor | big mouth | 大喙鼓
toaxzhuix ciah | gulp down; eat greedily | 狼吞虎嚥
toaxzhuix | big mouth | 大嘴
toaxzuie | inundation; flood; overflow | 大水; 洪水
toeazhuieboea | repeat a teacher's words in order to learn; repeat a man's words; feign having knowledge (which one just picked from his co-conversationalist) | 綴喙尾; 重複別人的話
toeazhuix | answer back | 綴喙
toexluii | landmine | 地雷
toexui | status | 地位
togzhuix | bad mouth | 毒嘴
togzuie | poisonous liquid | 毒水
tohkui | chest of drawers, cashier's desk in a store, desk with drawers | 桌櫃
tong'ui | same place | 同位
tong'ui-goansox | isotope | 同位元素
tong'uixsox | isotope | 同位素
tongkui'ahmi | Angelica duck noodle | 當歸鴨麵
tongkui'aq | dish of duck seasoned with ligusticum | 當歸鴨
tongkuix | winter season | 冬季
tonglui | be an associate (usually of a bad party); same class or kind | 同類
toxkui'ar | toad | 肚胿仔
toxngbut hunluixhak | systematic zoology | 動物分類學
toxui'ar | frog | 杜蝛仔
toxzhuieciah | earn only enough to feed oneself; nothing left over for family or savings ─ live from hand to mouth | 大嘴食; 餬口
tubwzuie | sow water | 豬母水
tubøfløqzuie | beach where a sow tried to save her babies | 豬母落水
tudkektui | shock troops; commando units | 突擊隊
tuduii | break through enemy encirclement or siege | 突圍
tuhuihkea | pork blood cake | 豬血粿
tuhuiq | pig blood | 豬血
tui | team; let down by a rope; descend by a rope; to fall down; to sink; hang down heavily | 隊; 墜; 縋
tui'ar | pendant | 墜仔; 墜子
tui'eg | to recollect | 追憶
tui'ek | to recollect, to recall, to remember | 推詢
tui'mng | to ask in return, inquire into | 推問
tui`løqlaai | get lowered to us by a rope; hang down heavily; like a branch loaded with fruit almost bent to the ground | 墜下來
tuichiog | chase | 追捉
tuiciaf | from here, from this point | 從這; 對遮
tuicib | stacking together | 堆集; 追緝
tuie | hammer | 捶
tuie'ao | fold in half | 折半
tuie'exng | correspondence; parallelism | 對應
tuie'oe | dialog; dialogue; conversation | 對話
tuie'oexky | an intercom | 對話機
tuie'uu | in regard to, as to | 對於
tuieao | 50% discount | 對拗
tuiebin | cross the street; just opposite in position; on the opposite side; right in front; face to face | 對面
tuiebixn'of | fine-leaved chaste-tree | 對面烏
tuiebixnhoef | spiny randua (flower); spiny randia, Randia spinosa | 對面花; 山石榴
tuiebixnhofng | wind cross over | 對面風
tuiebixnkhim'ar | opposite lapel | 對面襟仔
tuiechiofng | directly opposite; so as to injure good fortune of a house or grave; coming in collision with the horoscope | 對沖; 衝突; 正沖
tuiechiok | oppose face to face | 對觸; 對抗
tuiechiuo | an opponent; an adversary; a match; other party; a rival | 對手; 伙伴…對手
tuiechiøx | smile back | 對笑
tuieciaf | from here, this way | 從這裏
tuieciaopiør | contrastive or comparative table | 對照表
tuieciaux | to compare; to contrast; cross reference; contrast; comparison; compare; to contrast | 對照
tuieciaw | focus | 對焦
tuiecid | to confront each other with questions | 對質
tuiecie | two parties make statements face to face | 對質; 對指
tuiecied | fifty percent discount | 對折
tuieciexn | join in battle | 對戰; 應戰
tuieciorng | check the results of a lottery or raffle to see if one holds the winning ticket | 對獎
tuieciørpiør | synopsis, table for comparison | 對照表
tuieciøx | to compare; to contrast; cross reference | 對照
tuieexng | correspond | 對應
tuiegan | opposite shore | 對岸
tuiegoa | for foreign or overseas (consumption; use); resist foreign aggression | 對外
tuiehiaf | toward there, to that | 對那; 對遐
tuiehiaf-khix | going toward there, toward that direction | 對那去; 對遐去
tuiehien | cash; redeem; redemption; cash in; realise | 兌現
tuiehioxng | opposite | 對向
tuiehoarn | adverse; contrary; converse; inverse; reverse; on the; on the other hand; on the contrary; opposite; contrary | 對反; 相反
tuiehofng | the other side; the other party; the other side; the other party | 對方
tuiehux | cope with; to deal with | 對付
tuiehvoa | opposite shore | 對岸
tuiehø jibzø | to seat according to the designated number indicated on the ticket | 對號入座
tuiehø | to check the number; to fit; a check mark | 對號
tuiehøxchiaf | reserved seat train | 對號車
tuiekafngky | walkie talkie | 對講機
tuiekag | opposite angle | 對角
tuiekaksvoax | diagonal (line) | 對角線
tuiekefng | antiphon (Catholic) | 對經
tuiekeh | conflict of views; in direct opposition to one's wishes or plans | 作對; 違背
tuiekhim'afsvaf | collars | 對襟仔衫
tuiekhim'ar | collars | 對襟仔
tuiekhofng siaxkeg | ground-to-air firing; to fire into the air (in warning) | 對空射擊
tuiekhorngsaix | dual meet (between opposing teams from two different cities or countries) | 對抗賽
tuiekhoxng | to be opposed to each other; to be in opposition to each other; compete; against; be opposed to each other; be in opposition to each other; face each other in opposition | 對抗
tuiekhoxng-sexng | antigonism | 對抗性
tuiekhvoax | interview; watch attentively each other | 對看; 初次約見; 互看
tuiekoad | duelling; rencounter | 對決
tuiekorng | intercom | 對講
tuiekux | antithetical sentence | 對句
tuiekør | proof read; to correct proof | 對稿
tuielaang | personal, personnel, to person | 對人
tuielai | domestic, internal | 對內
tuielieen | Chinese couplet (often written and mounted on scrolls to be hung up on the wall) | 對聯
tuielip | to be opposed to each other; opposite; opposition; opposed to each other; in opposition to each other | 對立
tuieliuu | convection (in physics) | 對流
tuielo | proper, suitable (medicine) | 對路; 對症
tuiemng | ask face to face | 對問
tuiemngg | the opposite door, facing the door | 對問; 對門
tuienii | the first anniversary of a person's death | 對年; 一週年忌
tuienii-ki | the first anniversary of a person's death | 對年忌
tuieoe | dialogue, conversation | 對話
tuieoexsviaf | dialogue | 對話聲
tuiepaix | bride and bridegroom saluting each other | 對拜
tuiepeeng | opposite side | 對反
tuiepeh | a dialogue | 對白
tuieperng | adverse; contrary; comverse; inverse; reverse | 對反; 相反
tuiephaq | fight each other; exchange blows | 對打
tuiepie | contrast, compare | 對比
tuieputkhie | I am sorry. I apologize | 對無起; 對不起
tuieputzu | pardon me; excuse me; sorry; I beg your pardon; I am sorry. I apologize. | 對無住; 對不住; 對不起
tuieputzux | sorry | 對無住
tuiepvoarpwn | divide in equal shares; divide equally | 對半分
tuiepvoarthaxn | make 100 percent profit | 賺一倍
tuiepvoax | a half; one half; dimidiate; half-and-half; half each | 對半
tuiepwn | divide equally (between two persons) | 平分; 對分
tuiepør | investigate and verify the credit rating of a guarantor | 對保
tuiesiaq | cut | 對削
tuiesiaux | compare accounts | 對數; 對賬
tuiesiaxng | opposite | 對相
tuiesii | to stand opposite to each other | 對時
tuiesiong | the object; the subject; object (of an action); subject (of consideration) | 對象
tuiesioxng | gaze at each other; glare at each other; looking intently at each other | 互視; 對相; 對看; 對視
tuiesirm | examine a case with both sides present | 對審
tuiesox | a logarithm; logistic | 對數
tuietaam | conversation | 對談
tuietaang | alike; (evidence) agreeing exactly | 吻合; 對同; 一致
tuietab jii liuu | give answers fluently | 對答如流
tuietab | answer; to reply orally | 對答
tuietag | to contact; butt | 對觸; 相觸
tuietee | right question | 對題
tuietek | to oppose; opponent; antagonize; enemy; oppose | 敵對; 仇敵; 對敵
tuieterng | equal; on an equal footing; equal to | 對等
tuiethaau | opponent; adversary; rival | 對頭
tuiethaau-oankezuo | very party with whom we have the feud or quarrel; a rival | 對頭冤家主; 仇家
tuiethai | in dealings with; treat; treat (a person kindly; cruelly; treat one another | 對待
tuiethauchyn | similar background for marriage purpose | 對頭親
tuiethauhofng | headwind | 對頭風
tuiethaukorng | two parties making a bargain or settling an affair for themselves without any arbiter or such medium | 當面講
tuietiaux | exchange positions; posts; places | 對調
tuietie | settle up an account | 對致; 結賬
tuietiofng | center; middle; just in the middle | 對中; 對準中心; 正中
tuietiong | highly value and rely on | 對重; 器重
tuietit | straight | 對直
tuietiøh | against | 對著
tuietuietuix | absolutely matched | 對對對
tuietuix | exactly, just | 對對; 正中
tuietuo | balance account | 對抵; 對拄; 結帳
tuietuu | subtract, balance an account | 對除
tuietvar | fight each other; exchange blows | 對打
tuievoa | to exchange; to barter; to swap; exchange; to barter | 對換; 兌換
tuieze | set face to face | 對坐
tuiezexng hexiøh | give the right prescription for an illness ─ take the right remedial steps to correct a shortcoming | 對症下藥
tuiezexng | examine and compare the evidence on both sides; establish evidence through personal confrontation or signed statement | 對證; 對症
tuiezhefng | symmetry, symmetrical | 對稱
tuiezheg | a measure; a countermeasure; measure (to deal with a problem); countermeasure; counter plan | 對策
tuiezhuie'ixn | reply immediately | 對嘴應; 馬上回答
tuiezhuix | a match for one in debate | 對嘴; 對喙
tuiezurn | adjust (a machine part) to the right or proper position; aim at | 對準
tuigoa | from outside | 從外; 對外
tuiheeng | recover (what has been taken away illicitly) | 追還
tuihefng | beat one's breast with the fist in grief or displeasure; especially grief for one's own folly or on failing to use a good opportunity | 搥胸
tuihiaf-khie | from there on, starting from that point | 從彼起; 對遐起; 從那起
tuihoaan | recover (what has been taken away illicitly) | 追還
tuihoee | recover (what has been taken away illicitly); catch up with someone on the way and make him come back | 追回
tuihwn | chasing points | 追分
tuii hengkharm | beat one's breast with the fist in grief or displeasure; especially grief for one's own folly or on failing to use a good opportunity | 搥胸坎
tuii khaciahphviaf | massage the back by light pounding with fists | 搥背
tuii | to fist slightly; strike with a mallet over and over; beat out metal into foil; to beat iron; making it malleable; to thump with the fist; to massage the body by beating with the hand; especially the upper part of the body; to beat (grain) | 搥; 捶
tuiietioong | falling intestines | 墜腸
tuijim | subsequent confirmation | 追認
tuijin | ratify | 追認
tuijiog | chase, pursue | 追逐
tuikaf uxsoaxn | additional budget; supplementary budget | 追加預算
tuikaf | to make an addition; superaddition; backhander; make an addition; add to a list something omitted; make a supplementary charge | 追加
tuikeg | to pursue, chase, follow up a victory | 追極; 追擊
tuikiao | demand payment (of tax arrears; debts) | 追繳
tuikiuu | to go after; to seek; to pursue; chase; follow after; seek; pursue; go after; to court (a woman); courtship | 追求
tuikiux | try insistently to find out (the ultimate cause); investigate and punish | 追究
tuikvoar | try to catch up with or overtake; to chase | 追趕
tuikyn buxntøea | raise one question after another (in order to get to the bottom of a matter) | 追根問底
tuiliah | to pursue and apprehend; to chase | 追掠; 追捕
tuiliam | remember with nostalgia or gratitude; to think on kindness or good deeds done to us in times long past; review the past | 追念
tuilin | ratify | 追認
tuimng | question insistently; examine minutely | 追問
tuimngxløqkhix | questioning | 追問落去
tuipefng | soldiers in pursuit | 追兵
tuipeg | pursue hotly | 追逼; 緊追
tuipo | to hunt down | 追步
tuipor | hunt down | 追捕
tuipuii | compost; dunghill; compost ─ an organic fertilizer (manure) | 堆肥
tuipvie | beat flat (with hammer or fist) | 鎚扁
tuipvii | poound flat, pound level | 追平; 搥平
tuisad | chase | 追殺
tuisiim | to trace, hunt down | 追尋
tuisimkvoaf | strike the breast; beat the breast (in deep grief) | 搥心肝
tuisiorng | recall | 追想
tuisog | to retrace, to date back to | 追尋; 追溯
tuisox | to retrace, to date back to | 追訴; 追溯
tuisuii | to follow after; pursue; follow (a leader; master) | 追隨
tuisviu | recall, reflect | 追想
tuisviuo | recall, reflect | 追想
tuisw sienboong | commemoration of the dead (Catholic) | 追思先亡
tuisw | recall, reflect on | 追思
tuisw-lefpaix | Requiem Service (Protestant) | 追思禮拜
tuithiog | to hound, to run after | 追逐
tuithør | demand one's share | 追討
tuitiok | to chase after; hunt; run after | 追逐
tuitiøh | overtake | 追到
tuitø | to commemorate; commiseration; commemorate (the dead); grieve for a person's death | 追悼
tuitø-hoe | memorial service | 追悼會
tuitøxhoe | memorial service | 追悼會
tuiuphøh'ar | lard | 豬油粕仔
tuiuu | pig oil | 豬油
tuix guu tvoakhiim | play a lute before an ox ─ speak to someone about something completely incomprehensible to him | 對牛彈琴
tuix laang bøextid køex | offend people; act so that men will blame; unable to justify one's action | 對人無得過
tuix pitzeg | analyze a handwriting (in an effort to ascertain its author) | 對筆跡
tuix | versus; couple; face to face; all right; right; correct; proper; to check or ascertain; to oppose or face; parallel; opposing; pair; couple; to; as to; with regard to | 對
tuix`køex | rectified | 對過
tuixar | a pendant; sinker | 墜子
tuixciin | let the plummet hang down; plummet | 測錘; 墜繩; 吊線; 墜錘線
tuixciøh | meteorite | 墜石
tuixgvor | troops in ranks and files; a line of people; troops in ranks and files | 隊伍
tuixheeng | formation | 隊形
tuixhien | cash | 兌現
tuixhuie | to crash | 墜毀
tuixiuo | teammate | 隊友
tuixke | hang low | 垂低
tuixkhakhix | beriberi | 墜跤氣
tuixkii | flag of a team | 隊旗
tuixlaau | commit suicide by jumping from a building; to fall from a building | 墜樓
tuixlioong | hernia | 墜腸
tuixløh | to indulge in evil ways; to sink in moral standard; to degenerate; degenerate; sink low | 墮落; 墜落
tuixmar | to fall off a horse | 墜馬
tuixoaan | member of a group | 隊員
tuixpo | team | 隊部
tuixsek | meteorite | 隕石
tuixsvoax | plumb line | 墜線; 垂直線
tuixtang | drop weight | 墜錘
tuixte | fall; failure; crash; to fall to the ground | 墜地
tuixthay | abortion; to have miscarriage; to abort; abortion; have an abortion; cause an abortion | 墮胎; 打胎
tuixthef | abortion; have an abortion; cause abortion | 墮胎
tuixtioong | hernia; rupture | 疝氣; 脫腸
tuixtviuo | the team leader; the captain; header; team leader; captain of a sports team; commanding officer of a small military unit | 隊長
tuixtø | tunnel; tube | 隧道
tuixvoa | to exchange to | 兌換
tuixzefng | emit semen involuntarily, have a wet bed | 浮腫; 遺精
tuixzuie | have edema | 浮腫; 水腫
tuizaf | to investigate; to trace; follow up | 追查
tuizeg | accumulate; to store up; to pile up; stack; store up; to pile; amass; gather together in great abundance | 堆積
tuizhuix | from one's mouth (speaking out) | 從嘴; 對喙
tuizhøe | look for, seek out | 從尋; 追揣; 追蹤
tuizofng | to follow the examples of the predecessors; to trace; to trail; follow up a clue | 追蹤
tuizøx | hammer as | 捶做
turn'ui | burdening (ton) | 噸位
tuthaupuii | pig head fat | 豬頭肥
tuxkhuix | feel wronged and act irrationally | 賭氣; 呼吸困難
tuxzuie | water flooding; affusion; dam up a stream | 注水; 駐水; 浸水; 堵水
tvafluii | thunder | 打雷
tvapuii | carry (on both ends of shoulder pole) fertilizer; manure | 挑肥
tvapuii`ee | carrier of the (on both ends of shoulder pole) fertilizer; manure | 打肥的
tvarafui | a small or booth vendor | 擔仔位
tvarui | a small or boot vendor booth | 攤位
tvazuie | carry water by manpower; carry two buckets of water with a pole over the shoulder | 挑水
tviukuie | a stubborn; headstrong devil (person); a person of very fixed opinion | 脹鬼; 故作逢拗
tviuozuie | swollen with damp; waterlogged; full of water; a diseased swelling of the body | 水腫
tvoa'ui | a unit | 單位
tvuixnawkyn | brainless | 斷腦筋
twzhuix | converse or whisper to an ear | 抵嘴; 耳語
tøefmiaxkuie | ghost | 短命鬼
tøex-zhuiebøea | repeat what was talken | 綴喙尾
tøexhaxzuie | subterranean water | 地下水
tøexkuie | Which number? Which sequence? | 第幾; ...?
tøexluii | a land | 地雷
tøexui | condition; place; position; standing; status | 地位
tøf-khaihuix | spent more money | 多開費
tøfcidui | which person | 那一位
tøfui | where | 哪裡
tøfui'ar | where | 佗位仔
tøh'afui | table seats | 桌仔位
tøh'ui | table position | 佗位
tøh'uii | table hanging | 桌帷
tøhkui | table cabinet | 桌櫃
tøhkuixpvy | table cabinet | 桌櫃邊
tømuithea | multimedia | 多媒體
tøo cy iauiaw | escape without leaving a single trace behind | 逃之夭夭
tørthauthuii | counter attack to win | 倒頭槌
tørzuie | pour water | 倒水
tøxhioxng huitvoaa | guided missile | 導向飛彈
tøxhuie | robbers; bandits | 盜匪
tøxteg tuixløh | moral decadence; demoralization | 道德墮落
tøxzuix | euphoria; euphory; inebriation; inebriety | 陶醉
tøzhud tioxng'uii | break out from a heavy siege | 逃出重圍
tøzhuix | talks too much; edge of sword or knife | 多嘴; 多喙; 刀喙; 刀口
tøzuix | highly pleased, intoxicated, fascinate | 多醉; 陶醉
u kuikie | well mannered | 有規矩
u zhuiesuie | good at polite phrases and flattering talk | 嘴甜
u zok'uii | capable of outstanding achievements | 有作為
u-khuielat | energetic, with strength | 有氣力
u-kuilut | disciplined | 有規律
ui khorngtiofng | dilated stomach | 胃擴張
ui symmih | What for? Why? | 為什麼
ui | paint or draw; painting; drawing; picture | 畫; 位; 胃; 為
ui'aix | keep sake passed on by the deceased | 遺愛
ui'ar | seat | 位仔
ui'iaux | It's very important that you do what I have told you (a conventional phrase for closing a formal letter of injunction) | 為要
ui'iog | breach of contract; break a contract or agreement | 違約
ui'iokkym | forfeit or penalty (imposed for breach of contract or agreement) | 違約金
ui'ioong | portrait of a dead person; image of the deceased | 遺容
ui'iøf | encircle the waist | 圍腰
ui'oar | come close to surround | 圍偎; 圍近; 圍倚
ui'og | do evil | 為惡
ui'uii | encircling, enclose with curtain | 圍圍; 圍腰
ui-haxsuii | gastroptosis | 胃下垂
ui-hoea'ioong | gastric ulcer | 胃潰瘍
ui-symmih | why? For what reason? | 為什麼
uiaix | keepsake passed on by the deceased | 遺愛
uibeeng | prestige | 威名
uibeng | last will and testament, dying wishes | 遺命; 違命; 遺囑
uiberng | mighty | 威猛
uibiin | survivors | 遺民
uibong | prestige; an imposing reputation | 威望
uiboong | forgotten; blow over; mislay | 遺忘
uibudlun | materialism | 唯物論
uibuo | majestic, brave-looking | 威武
uibut | things left behind by a dead person; personal belongings of a dead person; effects | 遺物
uibut-lun | materialism | 唯物論
uibuun | wrote the article | 為文
uibøea | top of the mast | 桅杆; 桅尾
uichii | support; resist; maintain; maintenance | 維持
uichviuafterng | wall top | 圍牆仔頂
uichviugoa | outside the wall | 圍牆外
uichviuu | enclosing wall; fence | 圍牆
uicie | until; no farther; as far as to...; only so far as this | 為止
uicie`loq | stopped | 為止囉
uiciofng kierntiog | buildings erected without a license or against the provisions of the building code; illegal structures | 違章建築; 違建
uiciofng | disobey regulations | 違章
uiciog | will of a dead person; instruction of a dying person | 遺囑
uiciøx | shine all around | 威照; 照射
uie | unique; the only; yes | 惟; 葦; 鮪; 唯
uie'afn | comfort, console | 慰安; 安慰
uie'uix | tired of, dislike after plenty (taste) | 厭厭; 不想再吃
uieafn | to comfort, to console, consolation | 慰安; 安慰
uiebun | consolation; sympathy; comfort; console; show sympathy by making inquiries consolation; condole with (one on the death of his loved one) | 慰問
uieciexn | condolences | 慰薦
uiegieen | dare not to tell | 諱言
uiegviauzhao | fear grass | 畏擽草
uiejoah | feel of heat | 畏熱
uiekhu | fear | 畏懼; 長懼
uiekiaam | afraid to eat salty food | 畏鹹
uiekvix | afraid to meet | 畏見
uiekvoaa | feel a chill; feel shivery; have a cold fit | 畏寒; 怕冷
uielaan | flinch; can not tide over difficulties | 畏難
uielaang | timid, afraid to meet people | 畏人
uielerng | have an anguish chill; be afraid of eating things considered too cooling; e.g.; ice; have a cold fit | 覺冷; 怕冷; 畏寒
uieliuu | try to retain (a person intending to resign) in office | 慰留
uieloah | fear of heat | 畏熱
uielø | consolation | 慰勞
uieløkym | monetary reward for a person's services; a bonus | 慰勞金
uieløo | giving recognition to someone for the service rendered; to console the laborers; acknowledgment for services rendered; entertain and cheer (sometimes by means of material gifts) | 慰勞
uiesie | be afraid of death | 畏死; 怕死
uiesiog | cower; cringe; flinch; wince; shrink; to recoil; hesitating; cringing | 畏縮
uiesu | Fearful | 畏事
uieuieuix | tired of, dislike after plenty (taste) | 飫飫飫
uieuix | bored; tired of eating | 畏畏; 無願再吃
uiezhuix | dislike to eat | 畏嘴; 飫喙; 不想吃
uiezoe | be afraid of punishment | 畏罪
uigiaam | dignity; majesty; prestige | 尊嚴; 威嚴
uigiap | property left by the deceased, business left after death | 遺業
uigieen | will; instructions; words of a dying person; will; testament | 遺言
uigii | dignity | 威儀
uigoan | last wish | 遺願
uigvor | participation | 為伍
uih | stroke in a Chinese character | 劃
uih-sitai | epoch-making | 劃時代
uihaai | remains of a deceased person; corpse | 遺骸
uihai | be a cause of trouble; bring trouble | 為害; 為患
uiham | regretful; unsatisfactory; regrettable; deplorable; to regret; be sorry for | 遺憾
uihan | serve as a limit; exclusively; no more or no longer than | 為限
uihe | bequeath | 遺下
uihee | hold together; tie | 維繫
uiheeng | majestic manner | 威形; 態度威嚴; 威行
uiheg | threaten; intimidate; threat; intimidation | 威脅; 威嚇
uihiabtiøh | threatening | 威脅著
uihiap | threaten; intimidate; threat; intimidation | 威脅; 威嚇
uihiexn | violate the constitution; violation of the constitution | 違憲
uihiux baxnnii | bad reputation that will be long remembered (Lit. The stench will persist for 10000 years.) | 遺臭萬年
uihiux | decay | 遺朽
uiho | support; resist; maintain; maintenance | 維護
uihoad | illegal; unlawful; lawless; irregularity; against the law; unlawful | 違法
uihoafnciar | offender; violator | 違反者
uihoan | break a law; transgress; violate a commandment; violate (a rule or law) | 違犯
uihoarn | infarction; violation; violate an agreement; break a; contradict; disregard (the rules); violate | 違反
uihofng | proud; majestic; awe inspiring appearance | 威風
uihofng-lymlirm | awe inspiring; imposing | 威風凜凜
uihofng-saote | suffer a drastic fall in one's prestige | 威風掃地
uihuisafmzøx | do evil | 為非糝做
uihuizoktae | do evil | 為非作歹
uihuizørphvae | do evil | 為非做歹
uihun | things unaccomplished after the death | 遺恨
uihuy-zoktae | do evil | 為非作歹
uii lipaf | put a fence around property | 圍籬笆
uii sor iok uii | do what one wants to do | 為所欲為
uii | surround; fiber | 圍; 幃; 纖維; 桅
uii`khylaai | surround something or somebody | 圍起來
uii`laai | surround | 圍來
uii`tiau | to surround | 圍掉
uiiog | breach of contract, break a contract or agreement | 違約
uijiao | to surround, to enclose, around | 圍了; 圍繞
uijiaq | remains | 遺跡
uijiin siexnlioong | he is a good; kind hearted man | 為人善良
uijiin supiao | be a model of virtue for others | 為人師表
uijiin tiongho | be a loyal and sincere person | 為人忠厚
uijiin | one's personality; temperament or character | 為人
uijiø-zexng | nocturia, bed wetting | 遺尿症
uikaix | set a boundary | 圍界; 劃界
uikefnghoad | law for the punishment of police offences | 違警法
uikeh | oppose a superior, disobey | 違逆
uikerng | break a police regulation; breach of police regulations | 違警
uikexng | contravention | 違警
uikhexng | surplus of luck (such as comes to virtuous families)--blessings left to one's children | 餘慶
uikhiezoe | offense of abandonment | 遺棄罪
uikhix | abandon; desert; desertion; worn away by rubbing: e.g.; a tire | 遺棄; 磨損
uikhoaan | authoritarian | 威權
uikhoarn | balance; surplus money | 餘款
uikhof | hoop | 圍箍
uikhoxng bexngleng | disobey orders | 違抗命令
uikhoxng | defy and oppose; disobey | 違抗
uikhuxn | surround and besiege; besiege; beleaguer; surround | 圍困
uikib | critical | 危急
uikiexn | illegally built | 違建
uikii | the encirclement chess known as go in Japan; which was invented by the Chinese at a very early date | 圍棋
uikirmphirm | contraband | 違禁品
uikirmphirn | contraband | 違禁品
uikix | use as proof; use as evidence | 為憑; 為據
uikixm | defy a prohibition | 違禁
uikoaan | authority, influence, power | 威權; 權威
uikoafn | onlookers | 圍觀
uikof | orphans | 遺孤
uikofng | besiege; encircle and attack; besiege | 圍攻
uikun'ar | apron | 圍裙仔
uikuun | apron | 圍裙
uikuy | against regulations | 違規
uikwn | war correspondent | 圍巾
uikyn | scarf; muffler; cravat; neckerchief; muffler; scarf | 圍巾
uikør | manuscripts left after death | 遺稿
uilaan | baffle; under the harrow; be difficult; be troublesome; troubled; distressed; in a difficulty or dilemma; make things difficult (for another) | 為難
uilau | omition; to leave out; to miss out; to pass by; to neglect and forget an item | 遺漏
uileeng | prestige | 威靈
uilegmi | cup of noodles | 維力麵
uilek | might; power; strength; force; force that inspires awe; destructive force (of a typhoon; earthquake; nuclear device) | 威力
uileng | disobey orders | 違令
uilengtien | prestige hall | 威靈殿
uili'ar | fence | 圍籬仔
uilie-lun | rationalism | 唯理論
uilii | fence | 圍籬
uiloo | meal taken together by all the members of a family on New Year's Eve (Lit. surrounding the fireplace) | 圍爐
uilozhaix | fired dishe | 圍爐菜
uilylun | anti-rationalism | 違理論
uipeg | besiege and compel | 圍逼; 圍迫
uipiao | legacy | 遺表
uipiin | use as proof; use as evidence | 為憑; 幃; 為據
uipiøf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder | 圍標; 搓圓仔湯
uipoe liongsym | betray one's conscience | 違背良心
uipoe | to disobey; to go against; defy; to disregard | 違背
uipoexciar | violators | 違背者
uipoextiøh | violate | 違背著
uipor | round up | 圍捕
uiq | scrape a hole; take up on the finger; dig out from a crack; scrape a hole; to bore; to shovel; to scoop | 挖
uiqhuun | draw or score a line | 劃痕
uiqji | engrave character | 劃字
uiqphoax | inscribe or scratch so deep to ruin the material | 畫破; 劃破
uiqsiofng | damage or injure by scratching | 劃傷
uiqtvia | draw a line of demarcation | 劃定
uisad | siege | 圍殺
uisafnsøex | legacy tax; inheritance tax | 遺產稅
uisarn | property left behind by a deceased person; legacy | 遺產
uisefng | as a living | 為生
uisengsox | vitamin; vitamin | 維生素
uisid | lost; to lose | 遺失
uisied | omit inadvertently, emit semen outside a woman's vagina | 遺精; 遺洩
uisien | do good | 為善
uisiin | generals of a emperor who lost the war | 遺臣
uisimluxnciar | spiritual person, idealist | 唯心論者
uisinkuun | around skirt | 圍身裙
uisiong | portrait of a dead person | 遺像
uisitbut | lost articles | 遺失物
uisiw | maintain | 維修
uisixn | (n) prestige; veneration; trust | 威信
uisofng | widow | 遺孀
uisox | balance; remainder in division; complement of a number | 餘數
uisuikuun | apron | 圍錘裙
uisukin'ar | scarf | 圍軀巾仔
uisukun'ar | apron | 圍軀裙仔
uisukuun | apron | 圍舒裙
uisviaa | to besiege a city | 圍城
uisw | note left behind by a dead person; a will; ancient books scattered or lost; manuscripts published posthumously | 遺書
uisym | idealism | 維心
uisyn | revolution; reform | 維新; 圍
uiteg | power and benevolent rule | 威德; 遺德
uitek | power and grace | 威澤
uithabeng | vitamin | 維他命
uithea | corpse; carcass | 遺體
uithoaan | heredity; inheritance; hereditary; heredity; be transmitted from one's parents | 遺傳
uithoanhak | study of heredity; genetics | 遺傳學
uithoanpve | hereditary disease | 遺傳病
uithoanpvi | hereditary disease | 遺傳病
uithoansexng | heredity; hereditary | 遺傳性
uithoantiøh | Inherited | 遺傳著
uitiaau | jail | 圍牢
uitoax | umbilical cord | 臍帶
uitok | evil legacy | 遺毒
uitor | contain | 圍堵
uitorng | rest of the bandits | 餘黨
uitviux | curtain for dividing | 幃帳
uiuii | encircle | 圍圍
uiuii`khylaai | surrounded | 圍圍起來
uix | fear; respect; comfort; feed; company grade military officer | 畏; 慰; 餵; 尉
uix-siawjiin | bashful person | 畏小人; 害羞的人
uix-siawlea | be shy, bebashful | 畏小禮; 害羞的人
uixbaai | draw eyebrows | 畫眉
uixbeeng-uixli | for fame and wealth | 為名為利
uixchviw | painter | 畫匠
uixciab | gastric juices | 胃汁; 胃液
uixegsox | pepsin | 胃液素
uixek | gastric juice | 胃液
uixgaam | gastric cancer; cancer of the stomach | 胃癌
uixgoaan | bit | 位元
uixgvor | for myself; selfishness | 為我
uixhaan | cold in the stomach--supposed to be the cause of loss of appetite; dyspepsia | 胃寒
uixhaxsuii | gastroptosis | 胃下垂
uixhoflan | mislead, tell a lie | 畫虎𡳞
uixhuieioong | gastric ulcer | 胃潰瘍
uixhuo | the stomach | 胃腑
uixhuun | draw or score a line | 畫雲
uixhø | mark, make a mark | 畫號
uixhøea | heat in the stomach--biliousness | 胃火
uixhøo | What for? Why? | 為何
uixhøo? | Why? How come? | 為何
uixiam | gastritis | 胃炎
uixiøh | pepsin | 胃藥
uixji | engrave character | 畫字
uixjiin | for the sake of others | 為人
uixjiok | indigestion, dyspepsia | 胃弱
uixkafng | work of painting, ornamental painter | 畫工
uixkaux | discipline left by the deceased one | 遺教
uixkeq | individuality | 遺格; 個性
uixkhao | appetite | 胃口; 食慾
uixkhuieioong | gastric ulcer | 胃潰瘍
uixkngr | gastrostomy tube | 胃管
uixkog koankhw | sacrifice one's life for one's country | 為國捐軀
uixkog tiebeng | risk life for one's country | 為國致命
uixkokcixntiofng | be loyal to the country | 為國盡忠
uixky | rank | 位居
uixlaang | humanness | 為人
uixliao | for the sake of; on account of | 為了; 為著
uixpafng | sketchpad | 畫板
uixphoarkhafng | stomach rupture | 胃破空
uixpiin | painted screen | 畫屏
uixpo | the part of stomach | 胃部
uixpve | stomach ailment or complaint | 胃病
uixpvi | stomach ailment or complaint | 胃病
uixsarn | medicinal powder for stomach trouble | 胃散; (胃藥)
uixsefng | health | 衛生
uixsengti | sanitary chopsticks | 衛生箸
uixsiofng | damage or injure by scratching | 畫傷
uixsioxng | phase | 畫相
uixsioxng-phøf | phase wave | 畫相波
uixsngf koeatøf | acid dyspepsia; pyrosis | 胃酸過多
uixsngf | stomach acid | 胃酸
uixsor | place | 為所; 場所
uixsu | for the matter | 為事
uixsvafmiq | why? For what? | 為啥物
uixsviafmih | why? For what? | 為啥物
uixsviafmiq | why? For what? | 為啥物
uixsvoar | stomach powder | 胃散
uixsvoax | gastric gland | 胃腺
uixsw | for personal interests | 為私
uixthea | the body | 胃體
uixthviax | stomach pain or ache | 胃痛
uixtix | position; location; position (in space); location; position (in an organization) | 位置
uixtiøh | for the sake of; on account of | 為了; 為著
uixtng'iam | gastroenteritis | 胃腸炎
uixtng'iøh | medicine for the stomach and bowels; a digestive | 胃腸藥
uixtng'iøqar | gastrointestinal | 胃腸藥仔
uixtngg | stomach and intestine; stomach and intestines | 胃腸
uixtngg-iam | inflammation of stomach and intestine | 胃腸炎
uixtngg-pvi | gastroenteric disease | 胃腸病
uixtngkhøf | Gastroenterology | 胃腸科
uixtngpvi | digestive ailment; disease of stomach and bowels | 胃腸病
uixtoo | draw or paint a picture | 畫圖
uixtvia | draw a line of demarcation | 畫定
uixzhuo | for this reason.. | 為此
uixzhut'hoeq | gastrorrhagia; bleeding stomach ulcer | 胃出血
uixzhut'huiq | stomach bleeding | 胃出血
uixzhux | place | 位處; 地方
uixzvoafviu | why? For what? | 為怎樣
uizah | fence in an area | 圍閘; 圍遮
uize | sit around | 圍坐
uizefng | spermatorrhoea | 遺精
uizeg | remains; vestige; relic; traces; historical traces; vestiges; relic | 遺跡
uizexng | perjury; false evidence | 偽證
uizheg | legacy policy | 遺策
uizo | assist | 惟助
uizofng | majestic | 偉宗; 威宗
uizok | those who are left of the family after the head dies | 遺族
uizu | to surround, to encircle | 圍住
uizuo | take responsibility; be the most important; be the chief or principal (element; component) | 為主
uizurn | draw a line; set a limit; norm; standard | 為準
uizøx | surround | 圍做
unhui | favor; grace; benefit | 恩惠
unthunkuie | you filthy imp or wretch! (said in scolding) | 骯髒鬼
unzuie | warm water | 溫水
urnzuie | dip in water | 沾水; 搵水
uxcidui | there is a (man) | 有一位
uxhixbøzhuix | no talk just listen | 有耳無喙
uxhvi bøzhuix | listen; don't talk; don't butt in (usually used when talking to children) | 只能聽; 無能說
uxhvixbøzhuix | no talk just listen | 有耳無喙
uxkui | pregnant | 有膭
uxn bagzuie | dip (a brush) in ink | 沾墨水
uxn zuie | dip the end of something into water | 沾水
uxnhuix | freight charges; freight | 運費
uxsuie-bøkvoa | not true; no foundation there is no basis | 無實在的; 無根據的
uxzhuiebøsym | unintentional | 有喙無心
uxzhuix | talk to much | 有嘴
uy'uie | to assent obsequiously, yes- yes | 委委; 唯唯
uy'uie-hofhor | to echo others | 委委命命; 唯唯??
uy'uie-loglok | obsequious, servile, say alway yes | 委委命命; 唯唯諾諾
viatui | camp | 營隊
vikhuie | compasses | 圓規
visuii | rounded hammer | 圓錘
viumuii | strawberry tree | 楊梅
viuthuie | gigot | 羊腿
viuzuie | amniotic fluid | 羊水
viwpuii | pour shit | 舀肥
viwzuie | ladle water | 舀水
voafkui | cupboard; kitchen cabinet | 碗櫃
voafzhuix | the ring of a bowl | 碗嘴
voaxkhuix | breathe | 換氣
voaxkuix | change dress proper for the season | 換季
voaxui | alter one's place or office; change the place (of a thing); change one's seat | 換位
voaxzhuix | change taste | 換嘴
vuikogkef | hide and seek | 掩咯家
wkuix | rainy season | 雨期; 雨季
wntui | steady fall | 隕墜
wsuie | Rain water--one of the lunar terms; about February 19--March 4 | 雨水
wtiu-huiheeng-oaan | an astronaut, a cosmonaut, a spaceman | 宇宙飛行員
y'uii | to think, to consider | 以為
ybut uii piin | take something as a pledge or proof | 以物為憑
ycixn-uithøex | pretend to move ahead in order to hide the intention to retreat | 以進為退
ykofng-uisiuo | take the offensive in a basically defensive operation | 以攻為守
ym'ioxngzuie | water | 飲用水
ymsuie-sugoaan | When you drink the water, think of the spring.--Be grateful for the means by which you have profited | 飲水思源
ymzuie-sugoaan | never forget one's origins | 飲水思源
ymzuie-zhwlie | drinking water processing | 飲水處理
yn kuie jip theh | invite ghosts into one's home--employ a person who afterwards proves very injurious | 引狼入室
ynzuie | convey water, pilot a ship through a canal | 引水; 領港
ysien uilok | take pleasure in virtue | 以善為樂
yui | suppose; assume | 以為
yuii | think | 以為
zabhuix | incidental expenses; sundry expenses; miscellaneous expenses | 雜費
zabjixcytngg huieioong | duodenal ulcer | 十二指腸潰瘍
zabkuie | How many more than ten? (between eleven to nineteen); Which day of the second decade in the month? | 十幾
zabofkuie | female ghost; demoness | 查某鬼; 女鬼
zabzhuix | miscellaneous, sundry | 雜碎
zadkhuix | can't breathe | 窒息
zaehunlui | resort | 再分類
zafkuix | draught | 早季
zaiui | know where it is situated | 知位; 知道何處
zaixui | holding an office; reign | 在位
zangzuie | pour water upon oneself or on someone or something | 淋水; 灇水
zao-bøexkhuikhaf | too busy to leave; cannot leave | 走未開腳; 跑無了
zaozhuix | opening of stove | 灶嘴; 竈口
zaqzuie | obstruct the flow of water; dam up; impede the flow of water | 堵水
zargui | false | 詐偽
zarmzuie | glutinous water | 踐水; 醮水
zatkhuix | hypopnea | 節氣; 呼吸無順
zatuix | check or examine one by one | 查對
zauhuie | launch attacks against bandits | 剿匪
zawbexkhuikhaf | unable to get away | 走袂開跤
zawboexkhuikhaf | unable to get away | 走袂開跤
zawzuie | smuggle | 走水; 走私
zawzuie-høex | black market merchants | 走水貨
zawzuie`ee | smuggler | 走水的; 走私的
zaxmzhuix | to mince | 踐嘴; 鏨碎
zaxnzhuix | help persuade | 贊嘴; 幫忙說
ze-toaxui | occupy the chief seat; be a president; sit in the place of honor at a banquet or some other function | 坐大位; 坐上位
zeaguii | aid the endangered or needy | 濟危
zeakuie | How many months over one year of age? | 肚祭; 一週歲又幾個月
zeateng kuizeg | institute regulations | 制定規則
zeazøxhuix | manufacturing expenses | 製造費
zefngcytui | seed team (in sports meetings) | 種子隊
zefnglui | category; variety; class; kinds | 種類
zefngzuie | edema | 腫水; 水腫
zehkhuix | the twenty four seasonal periods into which the lunar year is divided; each consisting of 15 days | 節氣
zehkuiesexng | season | 節季性
zek'huiq | blood blister | 積血; 淤血
zek'ui | enthronement | 即位
zeklui | candle tears | 燭淚
zekzuie sengtii | The ocean is made up of many drops of water | 積水成池
zekzuie | seeper; hydrops; store or dam up water; accumulated water in low lying areas after a shower | 積水
zengkhuxthuii | pestle for a large rice mortar worked by hand | 舂臼錘; 舂杵; 舂槌
zengkuix | last season | 前季
zengliuzuie | distilled water | 蒸溜水; 蒸餾水
zengthuie | fore quarter or fore leg of an animal like a cut of meat; fore leg | 前腿
zengthuii | clapper or tongue of a bell; striker for a bell; hammer or mallet of mortar; an instrument to ring a bell | 鐘搥; 鐘舌
zengtiafmhuix | remuneration for teaching paid by the hour | 鐘點費
zengzhuix | pound to crash | 舂碎
zengzuie | spermatozoa | 精水
zeqkhuix | end of breath | 絕氣
zerng'uie | a political commissar | 政委
zerngkuikwn | regular army | 正規軍
zerngti texui pengterng | equal standing in politics | 政治地位平等
zerngtofng ee heng'uii | correct behavior | 正當的行為
zexng'uie | a political commissar | 政委
zexngzuie | still water; stagnant water | 靜水
zexui | seat place | 座位; 坐位
zhadkhuix | suffocating, difficult to breath | 塞氣
zhaehiøqlui | vegetables | 菜葉類
zhaekoezuie | snake melon | 菜瓜水
zhaelui | different kinds of vegetables | 菜類; 菜頭
zhafzhuix | quarrel | 吵嘴
zhahzhuix | take up short; get in a word; chip in; break in; interrupt a narration; conversation; put a word in | 插嘴
zhahzhuix-zhahcih | take part in; meddle | 插嘴插舌
zhakui | wooden container | 柴櫃; 木櫃
zhamkhuix | ashamed; ashamed | 慚愧
zhangzhuix | crispy scallion | 蔥脆
zhanhuix | boarding expenses; food bill | 餐費
zhanzuie | water for irrigating the field | 田水
zhaophuiesiefn | arrogant | 臭屁仙
zhaophuiethaang | arrogant | 臭屁蟲
zhaophuix | intestinal gas (say a person so exaggerated in talking) | 臭屁; 屁
zhaozhuiehiexn | bad breath | 臭喙羶
zhaozhuiekag | suppurating corners of the mouth | 臭嘴角
zhaozuie | water of bad odor | 臭水
zhapzhuiezhapcih | get involved | 插喙插舌
zhapzhuix | interrupt the conversation; butt in | 插嘴; 插喙
zharngzuie | diving | 潛水
zharngzuytui | diving team | 藏水隊
zharnlan-huihoong | brilliant and magnificent | 燦爛輝煌
zhathui'ar | gavel, mallet | 漆陶仔; 木槌
zhathuii | wooden pestle; beetle; heavy stick for beating things | 柴槌
zhatuikefng | firewood room | 柴堆間
zhatuipvy | firewood side | 柴堆邊
zhatuix | check | 查對
zhawlui | grass family | 草類
zhawmuii | strawberry | 草莓
zhawtuiterng | on top of a pile of grass | 草堆頂
zhayhuii | painted pottery | 彩陶; 彩瓷
zhaymuii | to mine coal | 採煤
zhayui | color painting | 彩畫
zhea-auxthuie | to pull one back, to hinder one from success | 扯後腿
zheahui | to tear down and destroy | 撕下
zheakhuix | sign | 短嘆
zhealuii | short and abrupt thunder; peal of thunder; close thunder | 霹雷; 響雷; 近雷
zhefhui | to tear down and destroy | 扯廢
zhehkhuix | sob | 啜泣; 唏噓; 咽聲
zhehkui | bookcase | 冊櫃
zhekliongtui | survey team | 測量隊
zhengkiettui | cleaning team | 清潔隊
zhengmuii tekmar | innocent affection between a boy and a girl in their childhood | 青梅竹馬
zhengmuii | green plums; unripened plums | 青梅
zhengsafn legsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 青山綠水
zhengzuie | clear or freshwater | 清水
zherngkui | gun cabinet | 銃櫃
zherngtui | gun team | 銃隊
zherngzhuix | gun hole | 銃嘴
zhngkui | bed cabinet | 床櫃
zhoafnkhuiekhafng | panting | 喘氣空
zhoafnkhuiesviaf | wheezing | 氣聲喘
zhoafnkhuix | take a breath; breathe | 呼吸; 喘氣
zhoafntoaxkhuix | draw a long breath; sigh a deep sigh | 歎大氣
zhoaq zhuiechiw | pull or jerk out the hair of the beard | 扯鬍子
zhoaqtuiebin | diagonally opposite | 斜對面
zhoarn'ui | acquire the throne without legal procedure of a kingdom | 篡位
zhoarn-toaxkhuix | take a deep breath, sigh deeply | 喘大氣; 深呼吸
zhoehkhuix | sob | 啜泣; 唏噓; 咽聲
zhohui'ar | coarse porcelain | 粗瓷仔
zhohuii | coarse stoneware; coarse earthenware china | 粗瓷
zhonghui | intelligent; astute; clever | 聰慧
zhongzhuix | green and bright like leaves after a spring shower | 蒼翠
zhopuii | having big body and fatty | 粗肥
zhozhuix | bad languages | 粗嘴; 惡口
zhui'aan | tighten or bind with rope; cord or string | 勒緊
zhui'uie | make excuses; make excuses or pretences for not doing anything; to lay the blame or duty on another; generally with the idea of more or less falsehood | 推諉
zhuiaxn | push the case | 推案
zhuibiin | drowsy; hypnotic; sleepy; hypnosis; hypnotize | 催眠
zhuibin'iøh | hypnotic; hypnotic medicines; sleeping pill | 催眠藥; 安眠藥
zhuibinsut | hypnotism; art of hypnotism; hypnosis | 催眠術
zhuichiaau | adjust a difference in money matters; discuss a bargain till the price is fixed; change something into | 調整; 改換
zhuichiog | hasten; press; urge; press; expedite; to urge; to push; demand for payment | 催促
zhuicied | to break off | 催折; 摧折
zhuiciernsw | letter of recommendation | 推薦狀; 推薦書
zhuiciernsy | letter of recommendation | 推薦狀; 推薦書
zhuiciernzng | letter of recommendation | 推薦狀; 推薦書
zhuiciexn | recommend; recommendation; recommend a proposition; propose | 推薦
zhuicirnky | propeller, propulsion system | 推進機; 推進器
zhuicixn | propulsion; propel; promote | 推進
zhuie | Bone marrow | 髓
zhuie'afm | face mask | 嘴罨; 口罩
zhuie'ar | beak; mouth | 喙仔
zhuie'exhaai | chin | 嘴下頦
zhuie'exhafm | chin | 嘴下頦
zhuie'extao | chin; jowl | 嘴下斗; 喙下斗; 下顎; 下巴
zhuie'iux | fine crumbs | 碎幼; 細屑
zhuieafm | face mask | 喙罨
zhuiebaa | numb mouth | 嘴痲
zhuiebaq | meat cut into small pieces | 碎肉
zhuiebat | close mouth | 嘴密
zhuiebea | beak tail; mouth end | 喙尾
zhuiebie | broken rice | 碎米
zhuieboea | good at greeting | 嘴甜; 很會打招呼
zhuiebøea | the last swallow (food) | 嘴尾; 最後一口
zhuiechiuthaau | beard stubble | 嘴鬚頭; 鬚根
zhuiechiw | beard; facial hair; moustache; whiskers | 鬍鬚; 喙鬚; 鬍子
zhuiechiw-hohoo | thick and coarse beard | 嘴鬚糊糊; 腮鬍
zhuiechixn | feel sick or nauseous and have no appetite | 嘴凊; 淡澀
zhuiechiørbagchiøx | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 眉開眼笑
zhuieciafm | bird's bill, beak | 嘴針; 鳥嘴
zhuieciah-zhuiemxjin | not to acknowledge fault | 無承認犯行
zhuieciaqmih | food | 喙食物
zhuieciaqmih'ar | food | 喙食物仔
zhuieciaqmiq | food | 喙食物
zhuieciaqmiqar | food | 喙食物仔
zhuiecih | tongue | 喙舌; 舌頭
zhuieciøh | macadam | 嘴舌; 碎石
zhuieciøqar | gravel | 碎石子
zhuieciøqky | crusher; stone breaker | 碎石機
zhuieciøqlo | gravel road | 碎石路
zhuiecvii | change- money | 碎錢; 零錢
zhuieextao | chin | 喙下斗
zhuiegiin | broken silver; change | 碎銀
zhuiegiok | jade | 翠玉
zhuiegvi | stubborn | 嘴硬
zhuieheeng | mouth shape | 嘴形; 喙形
zhuiehiøqchiu | broken leaf tree | 碎葉樹
zhuiehiøqchiuxpvy | broken leaf tree edge | 碎葉樹邊
zhuiehoef | eloquent | 喙花
zhuieiam'iaam | broken into tiny bits | 碎鹽鹽
zhuiejiao | beak claw | 喙爪
zhuiejiok | weak; delicate; fragile; weakness | 脆弱
zhuiekafng | odd jobs | 碎工; 雜工
zhuiekag | corners of the mouth | 嘴角; 喙角
zhuiekhafng | mouth; cavity of the mouth | 嘴孔; 嘴巴; 口腔
zhuiekhao | the manner of talking; the mouth; at the lips | 嘴口; 口邊
zhuiekhau-zhuiekhao | be unable to recall something very familiar | 嘴口嘴口; 好像知道而說無出來
zhuiekhawzhuiekhao | be unable to recall something very familiar | 好像知道而說不出來
zhuiekhie sngf | teeth feeling pain; as by drinking something very cold | 牙齒酸痛
zhuiekhie thviax | toothache | 嘴齒痛
zhuiekhie zefngheeng | othodonatry | 嘴齒整形
zhuiekhie | teeth | 嘴齒; 喙齒; 牙齒
zhuiekhie-huun | scars from bites | 喙齒痕
zhuiekhie-hvoa | gums | 嘴齒岸; 齒齦
zhuiekhie-kwn | mouth tooth root | 嘴齒根
zhuiekhie-phang | mouth gap | 嘴齒縫
zhuiekhiim | harmonica | 嘴琴
zhuiekhoaix | talk fast | 嘴快
zhuiekhof | the area on the human face immediately surrounding the mouth and lips | 嘴框; 嘴巴
zhuiekhygaam | tooth cancer | 喙齒癌
zhuiekhyhoeq | tooth blood | 喙齒血
zhuiekhyhuun | scars from bites | 嘴齒痕
zhuiekhyhvoa | gums | 嘴齒岸; 齒齦
zhuiekhykwn | root of teeth | 嘴齒根; 喙齒根
zhuiekhykyn | root of teeth | 嘴齒根; 喙齒根
zhuiekhykøf | tooth paste | 喙齒膏
zhuiekhynoa | tooth decay | 喙齒瀾
zhuiekhyphang | tooth gap | 喙齒縫
zhuiekhysviuu | thin liquor on the surface of teeth | 喙齒液
zhuiekhythaau | stump or root of a tooth | 嘴齒頭; 齒根嘴鬚頭
zhuiekiog | China aster | 翠菊
zhuiekoaq | cut into pieces | 碎割
zhuiekokoo | broken into tiny bits | 碎糊糊
zhuiekor | quarrel; gossip | 嘴鼓; 雜言
zhuiekud | small and brittle bone | 碎骨
zhuiekud-hwnsy | corpse splattered in a thousand pieces; a body smashed to smithereens | 粉身碎骨
zhuiekviebagkvix | eye witness | 喙見目見
zhuiekvix-bagkvix | see often | 經常相見
zhuielafm | animal's snout; muzzle | 口罩; (動物用)
zhuielai | inside the mouth | 口中
zhuieliern | the face, feature | 嘴撚; 喙臉; 嘴臉
zhuieliet | broken to pieces | 碎烈; 碎裂
zhuielo | good taste | 嘴路; 吃興
zhuielofm | animal's snout; muzzle | 口罩; (動物用)
zhuienoa | saliva; spittle | 嘴涎; 喙瀾; 唾液; 口水
zhuienoaxzuie | saliva | 喙瀾水
zhuiepef | bird's bill; beak | 嘴扒; 鳥類的嘴
zhuiepeh | white beak | 喙白
zhuiephea | the cheek | 嘴巴
zhuiephoea | facial skin | 嘴頰; 臉頰
zhuiephoef | the cheek | 嘴巴
zhuiephoefbaq | cheek | 喙䫌肉
zhuiephoefkud | cheek bone | 嘴頰骨
zhuiephoefpvy | mouth side | 喙䫌邊
zhuiephvix | small broken pieces; fragments; splinters; shreds; chips | 碎片
zhuiephøea | cheek | 嘴巴; 喙䫌; 面頰
zhuiepox | left-over cloth (used to make patchwork); small cloth pieces; rags | 碎布
zhuiepvy | the sides of mouth | 嘴邊
zhuiesab | detritus | 碎屑
zhuieseg | emerald | 翠色
zhuiesex | the mouth expression during talking | 嘴勢
zhuiesngx | counting by mouth | 嘴算; 用口算
zhuiesuie | saliva | 喙水
zhuiesy-baxntoan | body broken into pieces; smashed | 碎屍萬斷
zhuieta'aukhoaq | thirsty | 喙焦喉渴
zhuietaf | thirsty | 口渴; 喙焦
zhuietao | appetite | 胃口
zhuietax | face mask | 嘴罩; 口罩
zhuietaxmzhuix | easy to say; agreeable to one's taste; casually | 嘴談嘴; 順口說出
zhuietea | mouth bottom | 喙底
zhuieterng | mouth top | 喙頂
zhuiethaau | top of mouth | 嘴頭
zhuietun | dumb mouth | 嘴鈍
zhuietunphee | lips | 喙脣皮
zhuietunphoee | lips | 喙脣皮
zhuietunphøee | lips | 嘴唇皮
zhuietuun khiaokhiaux | upper lip naturally turned up (angry) | 嘴唇翹翹的; (生氣的樣子)
zhuietuun sosof | parched lips | 嘴唇乾燥
zhuietuun | lips | 嘴唇; 喙脣
zhuiezhaam | gluttonous | 喙饞
zhuiezhaan | gluttonous | 嘴饕
zhuiezhaux | bad breath | 喙臭
zhuiezhuix | smash; hogged | 碎碎
zhuiezhvef | verdant | 翠青
zhuiezuie | mouth | 嘴水; 嘴巴
zhuiezvoaa | saliva | 喙殘
zhuiheeng | carry into operation what has already been decided; implement | 推行
zhuihoafn | overthrow a government; prove incorrect a theory or principle | 推翻
zhuihoarzef | catalyst | 催化劑
zhuihoax | catalysis | 催化
zhuihoex | to shatter, to demolish, to despoil | 推貨; 吹貨; ?廢
zhuihuie | destroy (enemy positions; heavy weapons) | 摧毀
zhuihuu | reminder | 催符
zhuihw | puff; boast of; brag of | 吹噓
zhuikhoaq | expand, promote | 催喊; 推廣
zhuikiao | press for payment of taxes | 催繳
zhuikie | elect to an office; recommend for a post | 推舉
zhuikiux | study; reason out; investigate | 推究
zhuikorng | propagate; extend; promote sales | 推廣
zhuikuo | elect to an office; recommend for a post | 推舉
zhuikvoar | haste; hasten; hurry; urgency; urgent | 催趕
zhuilie siawsoad | detective story; a whodunit | 推理小說
zhuilie | reasoning; reasoning; inference; induction; to reason; infer the unknown from the known | 推理
zhuilui-gafsuq | tear gas | 催淚瓦斯
zhuiluixtvoaa | tear gas bomb | 催淚彈
zhuilun | reasoning; infer; deduce; inference; infer (in mathematics) corollary | 推論
zhuiløh | urge down | 催落
zhuimafkapiefn | rush | 催馬加鞭
zhuimia | push fate | 推命
zhuimoo | criticises; find quarrel in a straw | 吹毛
zhuimoo-kiuzhuu | try to find out trifling faults (Lit. blow apart the hair to find out the defect of a fur) | 吹毛求疵
zhuipaai | arrange, assign | 推排; 安排
zhuipeg | hasten; to press | 催迫; 催促
zhuiphaix taixpiao | elect representatives | 推派代表
zhuiphaix | delegate someone (after consultation) | 推派
zhuisag | push | 推捒
zhuisefng | to hasten child delivery; drug to hasten the birth of child; induce labor | 催生
zhuisiau'oaan | salesman or saleswoman | 推銷員
zhuisiaux | dun a debtor | 催數
zhuisiaw | press a sale; promote sales; to sell | 推銷
zhuisiax | decline an invitation or offer | 推卸
zhuisie | strangle someone or something | 絞死; 勒死
zhuisiorng | infer; deduce | 推想
zhuisngx | calculate mentally; cast a horoscope; make a rough estimate | 推算
zhuisoarn | elect representatives | 推選
zhuisoaxn | calculate mentally; cast a horoscope; make a rough estimate | 推算
zhuisu | judge; judge in court | 推事
zhuisuu | decline | 推辭
zhuisvy | to hasten child delivery | 催生
zhuitaix | support a leader | 推戴
zhuiteng | illation; constructive; presume; putative | 推定
zhuithoky | bulldozer | 推土機
zhuithorzef | emetic; a medicine that induces vomiting | 催嘔劑
zhuithør | demand urgently the payment of a debt | 催討
zhuitiern | extend (plan) | 催典; 推展
zhuito | conjecture | 揣度; 推度
zhuitoaxn | infer; predict by means of inference; inference | 推斷
zhuitong | push a sales project; lend impetus to a movement | 推動
zhuitør | overturn; topple | 推倒
zhuix gvi | talk tough; refuse to admit mistake | 嘴硬
zhuix khoaix | rash in speech; incapable of keeping secrets | 嘴快
zhuix khoaq | thirst | 口渴
zhuix lalahao | said in praise of a child beginning to talk a good deal; or in blame of a man who talks too much | 嘴啦啦叫; 多嘴
zhuix pehkhuy | open the mouth | 嘴張開
zhuix siab | having a bad taste in the mouth and disinclined to eat like a person a little under the weather | 口澀
zhuix tun | not skilled in talking | 嘴笨
zhuix zhaux | halitosis | 口臭
zhuix | mouth | 嘴; 喙; 碎
zhuix-extao soesoee | have a hanging or drooping jaw | 下頷鬆弛
zhuix-extao | chin | 嘴下斗; 下頷
zhuix-kokoo | crash; break up | 碎糊糊
zhuizaux | play | 吹奏
zhuizhaan | to ravage; to ruin | 摧殘
zhuizheg | guess; inference; presumption; conjecture; a guess; make a guess; supposition; inference; to conjecture; suppose; infer | 推測
zhuizhud | push out; present a show or a picture | 推出
zhuizof | press for payment of rental | 催租
zhuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
zhuizun | labor pains | 陣痛; (生產時)
zhunkuix | springtime; spring season; spring | 春季
zhunluii | spring thunder | 春雷
zhunmuii | spring plum | 春梅
zhurnthuii | inch mallet | 寸槌
zhut'huiq | bleeding | 出血
zhut'uii | out | 出圍
zhutkhuie | derail; behave contrary to normal pattern | 出軌
zhutkhuix | vent one's anger upon | 出氣
zhutkuie | derail; behave contrary to normal pattern | 出軌
zhutlui | better than average, superior, above average | 出類; 出類拔萃; 拔群
zhutsui | grain maturing to the point of producing ears of grain | 出穗; 結穗
zhutzhuix | speak; to flatter | 開口; 靠嘴巴
zhutzuie | vent one's anger; take one's spite out on another | 出水; 出水了; 出氣
zhvekhuix | raw-tasting | 鮮吃; 豆腥氣
zhvezhaelui | lettuce | 生菜類
zhvezhuieafzhvezhuix | verdant | 青翠仔青翠
zhvezhuiezhvezhuix | verdant | 青翠青翠
zhvezhuix | fresh green like growing plants | 青翠
zhvezuie | unboiled water | 生水
zhøehkhuix | stop respiration; suppress feeling | 慼氣; 憋氣
zhøekuie | Which date of the month? | 初幾
zhøfzhuix | trifling; trivial; pettiness | 瑣碎
zngrzuie | dive into water | 鑽水; 潛水
zngsuysuie | dress up | 妝媠媠
zoaa-lui | snake family | 蛇類
zoadkhuix | breathe one's last | 氣絕; 絕氣; 斷氣
zoadtuie'e | definitely will | 絕對會
zoadtuielun | absolutism | 絕對論
zoadtuix anzeng | complete bed rest | 絕對安靜
zoadtuix hoafntuix | positively against another's demands | 絕對反對
zoadtuix hogcioong | absolute obedience | 絕對服從
zoadtuix tøsox | an absolute majority | 絕對多數
zoadtuix | absolutely; positively | 絕對
zoafhuiky | paper airplane | 紙飛機
zoafhuilengky | paper airplane | 紙飛行機
zoafn'guii ui'afn | turn a perilous situation into a safe one; advert a danger or peril | 轉危為安
zoafnhø uihog | turn a disaster into a blessing | 轉禍為福
zoafntuix | turn face toward | 轉對; 轉向
zoalui | snakes | 蛇類
zoankui | special sales counter | 專櫃
zoanthea hoafntuix | unanimous opposition | 全體反對
zoarn hiofng uii kied | turn evil into good fortune | 轉凶為吉
zoarn kofng uii siuo | change from the offensive to the defensive | 反攻為守
zoarn pai uii sexng | turn defeat into victory | 轉敗為勝
zoarn siuo uii kofng | change from the defensive to the offensive | 反守為攻
zoeahui-kog | the most favored nation | 最惠國
zoeahuixkog thaixgu | most favored nation status | 最惠國待遇
zoeakuie | play a ghost | 做鬼
zoeasafnkhuix | flirt | 做瘦氣
zoeathozuie | handyman who work on tiles, bricks cement | 做塗水
zoeatoaxzuie | flood | 做大水
zoeatuix | oppose | 作對; 找碴; 敵對
zoeauii | accomplishment | 做為
zoeazuie | flooding | 做水
zoehkhuix | measure word for the solar year is divided into twenty-four solar terms | 節氣
zoehuie | destroy | 摧毀
zoex-toaxzuie | flooding | 做大水
zoex-tuienii | a year ceremony after a person died | 做對年
zofngcyhuipo | headquarters of a high command | 總指揮部
zofnglefngtui | team leader | 總領隊
zofngtui | corps | 總隊
zoglui | clans or tribes | 族類
zohuix | rent money | 租費; 租金
zok'uii | conduct; behavior; achievement; action | 作為
zoksui | curse (a person with an evil), throw an evil spell over, haunt, torment | 作祟
zongkaq-poxtui | armored troops or units | 裝甲部隊
zotui | form a team | 組隊
zoxjiin uii khoaelok-cy-purn | Happiness lies in rendering help to others. Service begets happiness | 助人為快樂之本。
zoxtiu uigek | help wicked people to continue to do bad things | 助紂為虐
zu'ui | ladies and gentlemen; honored guests | 諸位
zu-ie-uii-si | opinionated | 自以為是
zubui'afzubuy | a little bit ? | 滋微仔滋微
zuhzuie | water coming out of (somewhere) | 注水; 冒出水來
zui | who | 誰; 悴; 膵
zuie bøexsiaw | poor drainage | 水無通
zuie løh ciøh zhud | Stones come into view with a drop in the water line (literally) The truth comes to light eventually | 水落石出
zuie pangsvoaf | mud slide | 水崩山; 土石流
zuie siaw`khix | water has been drained off; flood waters have abated | 水消去; 水退去
zuie sied putthofng | so crowded (or so carefully guarded) that it is impossible even for water to seep through | 水泄無通
zuie | water; liquid; fluid; juice; sap | 水
zuie'ofng | drunkard | 醉翁
zuie-erngzhaix | water cress | 水蕹菜; 水甕菜
zuie-lagiaa | water spider | 水蛤蜊; 水蜘蛛
zuie-oanviw | water mandarin duck | 水鴛鴦
zuie-zengkhix | steam, steam vapor | 水蒸氣; 水蒸汽
zuiebanbaang | unconsciously drunk | 醉茫茫
zuiebangbaang | dead drunk | 醉茫茫
zuiebongboong | inebriated; under the influence of alcohol | 醉醺醺
zuiechiuo | drunken | 醉酒
zuiechvie | wake up from drunken | 醉醒
zuieciuo | drunken | 醉酒
zuiegarn | drunken eyes | 醉眼
zuiegieen | talk while drunk | 醉言
zuiehaxn | drunkard | 醉漢
zuieix | drunken look; slightly drunk | 醉意; 微醉
zuiejiin | drunkard | 醉人
zuieofng | old soak (drunkard) | 醉翁
zuiesefng-boxngsuo | lead a befuddled life (as if drunk or in a dream) | 醉生夢死
zuiesiefn | drunkard | 醉漢
zuiezuix | drunken | 醉醉
zuii | cut off using a knife; cut off by cutting all round (e.g.; sugar cane; the neck; a limb); cut off with a knife; not by one cut but with a sawing motion; beat down the price | 截; 宰; 切下; 殺價
zuikud | vertebra | 椎骨
zuiorng | nourish | 滋養
zuiupafn | gifted class | 資優班
zuix | become drunken; drunk; intoxicated; tipsy; infatuated; charmed | 醉
zuix-zengsiin | wake up drunk | 醉精神; 醉醒過來
zuixzong | pancreas | 膵臟; 胰臟
zukui | bookshelf | 書櫃
zului | books; tears | 書類; 珠淚
zun'ui | dignity | 尊位
zun'uii | mast (of a ship) | 船桅
zunhuix | fare for a voyage | 船費
zunkuix | eminent; noble; high in rank; honorable; noble | 尊貴
zuntui | a feel of sheep | 船隊
zuozhehhuix | registration fee | 註冊費
zupy-uihoaai | merciful; clemency; mercy | 慈悲為懷
zurnzuie | water of a brook | 圳水
zuxgvor an'uix | console oneself | 自我安慰
zuxgvor tøzuix | indulge in daydreaming; to be intoxicated by the joy of one's imaginary successes; build castles in Spain | 自我陶醉
zuxhuix liuhak | Study abroad using personal funds | 私費留學; 自費留學
zuxhuix | one's own financial resources; pay one's own expenses | 自費
zuxjiensuie | natural beauty; beauties of nature | 自然美
zuxjixn'uii | I think | 自認為
zuxkafm tuixløh | abandon oneself to wanton ways, indulge in debauchery out of one's own free will | 自甘墮落
zuxkhuix | feel ashamed | 自愧
zuxlaizuie | running water; domestic water; central water supply | 自來水
zuxlixn'uii | I think | 自認為
zuxoextui | militia corps, a team of citizen soldiers for local self defense | 自衛隊
zuxsad bixsui | attempted suicide | 自殺未遂
zuxuix | comfort oneself, self consolation | 自慰
zuyhuix | water bill | 水費
zuykethuie | frog legs | 水雞腿
zuykui | water tank | 水櫃
zuykuie kiøx kauthøex | ghost of drowned A tempting B to commit suicide in order to take A's place by transmigration | 水鬼找替身
zuykuie | water spirit; water goblin; (slang) frogman | 水鬼
zuykuyaftui | marine corps | 水鬼仔隊
zuyluii | torpedo | 魚雷; 水雷
zuyluitherng | mine layer, torpedo boat | 水雷艇
zuypuichiaf | sewerage removal tank truck | 水肥車
zuypuii | collected human body waste; night soil | 水肥
zuysiong-huiky | seaplane; a hydroplane | 水上飛機
zuytø-zuie | domestic water, running water | 水道水; 自來水
zuytøxzuie | tap water | 水道水
zuyui | water elevation; water stage; water level; watermark | 水位
zuyzuie | watery | 水水; 太稀
zveazhuix | debate | 諍喙
zvefzuie put'hoan høzuie | not to interfere in the affairs of another | 井水無犯河水
zvefzuie | well water | 井水
zvoa zuie | squirt | 濺水
zvoaf kwnzuie | boil water | 燒滾水
zvoaxzuie | sprinkle | 濺水
zvoazuie | spring water; spring water | 泉水
zvuiear | drill | 鑽仔
zwn'uix | warrant officer | 准尉
zwui | theme | 主位
zwuie | chairperson | 主委
zøehkhuix | seasonal changes | 節氣; 季節
zøehkuix | season | 季節; 節季
zøex-cidui | together at one place | 做一位; 在一起
zøex-toaxzuie | have a flood | 做大水; 鬧水災
zøfiu uilaan | not know which side to turn to; be indecisive; be in a dilemma | 左右為難
zøhzuie | bank or dam a watercourse so as to turn it into the fields | 堵水
zørkui | make a scorpion | 做膭
zørkuie zørkoaix | very crafty and injurious; with pretence of honesty or friendship | 搞鬼作怪
zørkuie | be a ghost or demon; cause trouble secretly; be a bad or evil person | 做鬼
zørsafnkhuix | flirt | 做瘦氣
zørsenglyzhuix | eloquence in business speech | 做生理喙
zørthozuie | handyman who specialize in tiling, cements, etc | 做塗水
zørtoaxzuie | flood; floodwater | 做大水
zørtuiethaau | counter part | 做對頭
zørtuix | oppose; be at enmity with; act against; be someone's rival or opponent | 作對; 作對頭
zøruii | be a | 做為
zørzuie | flood | 做水
zøx toaxzuie | flood (disaster) | 做大水
zøx tuienii | first anniversary of death memorial service | 做對年; (死後一週年之祭拜)
zøx tuiethaau | oppose; be at enmity with; act against; be someone's rival or opponent | 作對; 作對頭
zøx-cidui | together at one place | 做一位; 在一起
zøx-toaxzuie | have a flood | 做大水; 鬧水災
zøxui | seat place | 坐凳; 座位
øefpuii | rotund | 矮肥
øh-phvae zuie pafng svoaf | hard to learn good thingsd and easier to learn bad things | 學歹水崩山
øqzhuix-øqcih | repeat a man's words in his presence in a mocking way | 學嘴學舌; 學人口音
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