Ciausiongkiok | China Merchants Steamship Company | 招商局
Tiausiern | Korea | 朝鮮; 韓國
aix kiusiuu | love one's enemies (Catholic) | 愛仇敵
bextaxng siusip | pandemonium; wild disorder or confusion; hopeless situation; out of control | 未當收拾; 無可收拾
biausiar | describe; depict; portray; description | 描寫
busi | ignore; disregard; pay no attention to; ignore; take no account of | 無視; 輕視,; 蔑視
busiafng | one and the only | 無雙
busiap | irrelevant to; unrelated to | 無涉
busie buciofng | without beginning without end; eternal | 無始無終
busihiw | no time to rest | 無時休
busii bukheg | every minute and every moment | 無時無刻
busii bute | every minute and everywhere | 無時無地
busiin | atheist, atheistic | 無神; 無神主義
busiin-lun | atheism | 無神論
businlun | atheism | 無神論
businluxnciar | atheist | 無神論者
busiong kong'eeng | matchless honor; the highest honor | 無上光榮
busiong | highest; nothing above; the acme; nonpareil | 無上
busioong | impermanence; inconstant; irregular | 無常; 無償
bøo thausiin | absent-minded | 無頭神; 記性差
bøthausiin | absent minded; forgetful | 記性壞; 無頭神; 健忘
chiausioong | above the average; uncommon | 超常
chiausiw | receive more funds than needed; collect more tax revenues than expected | 超收
chiusieen | cicadas | 秋蟬
chiusirm | the autumn trial | 秋審
ciausiw | to enroll, to accept, to admit | 招收
ciekøf busiong | highest; most exalted; supreme | 至高無上
ciusioong | complete and perfect; nothing left out | 周詳
guihiarm susiorng | dangerous thoughts | 危險思想
gusiin | gadfly; stinging fly that attacks cattle | 牛蠅
hausiaau | exaggerate; fail to keep one's word; make glib promise; speak irresponsibly; lie | 詨精; 嘐潲; 謊言; 說謊
hiausiao | wild | 嬲狂; 淫亂
hiausiuo | to behead | 梟首
hiexntai susiorng | current thought | 現代思想
hoafnbin busioong | always changing | 反面無常
hoafnhog busioong | unstable in mind; inconsistent or changeable (said a person) | 反覆無常
hoafntong susiorng | reactionary idea | 反動思想
huozusidheeng | put a plan into practice | 付諸實行
husied | nominal, fictitious, in name | 虛設
husit | fetch up; help grow or develop; patronize a junior employee | 扶植; 虛實; 腐蝕
husiuu | captive, prisoner | 俘泅; 囚犯
hviusia | rustic; village; countryside | 鄉社; 村子; 村落; 鄉村
hylo-busioong | having an unpredictable temper | 喜怒無常
hør-siausid | good news | 好消息
iausiaa | evil spirit; immoral spirit; weird; weirdness; strange; monstrous | 妖邪; 妖怪
iausie | starve to death | 餓死
itpid-kausiaw | undo something by a single stroke; all cancelled; settle an account once for all | 一筆勾消
itpiin-jusiern | poor as a church mouse; penniless | 一貧如洗
iusiah | small spoon for measuring oil | 油杓
iusiefn | preferentially; precedence; priority; preferential(ly) | 優先
iusiefn-koaan | preferential right, first right | 優先權
iusiefn-pienpaai | hierarchy | 優先編排
iusienkoaan | preferential right | 優先權
iusiofng | grief; sorrowful; worried and grieved | 憂傷
iusiuo-hvorhaan | loitering about and doing nothing; loafing | 游手好閒
iusiux | excellent; distinguished; superior; outstanding; foremost; remarkable | 優秀
iusiux-ciorng | outstanding award | 優秀獎
iwbeeng-busit | having the name but no reality; in name only | 有名無實
iwkhefng-susiorng | Rightist idea | 右傾思想
jiausiax | forgiveness; spare | 饒赦
jusi | as if | 如是
jusiong | as above | 如上
jusioong | as usual | 如常
kausiap | negotiate; negotiate with; talks | 交涉
kausiaux | turn over the account; hand over accounts | 交數; 交賬; 交帳
kausiaw | delete; strike out | 勾銷
kausiw | delivery | 交收
kekbeng-susiorng | revolutionary idea | 革命思想
khalusiwmuq | calcium | 鈣質
khausiaq | planning; scrape; jeer at; laugh at; make fun of | 刨削; 刮削; 諷刺
khusiaa | to expel evil; to keep evil spirits away; expel noxious influence (evils) | 驅邪
khusiuo | observe the traditional custom | 遵守
kiausiofng | overseas businessman | 僑商
kiausioong | a lofty pine | 撬松; 喬松
kiausiw | bashful; modest and retiring | 嬌羞
kipcixn-susiorng | radical ideas | 急進思想
kiusiar | beg alms | 求捨
kiusiin | pray to the gods | 求神
kiusinmngxput | worship god and Buddha | 求神問佛
kiusiuu | enemy | 仇讎; 仇恨
kixntai-susiorng | modern thought | 近代思想
kokbiin susiorng | national sentiment | 國民思想
kongpøx-susiuu | take private revenge under guise of public justice | 公報私仇
korng hausiauoe | bullshit | 講嘐潲話
kusiin | fruit fly | 果蠅; 龜蠅; 蚜蟲
kusiøf | to warm oneself (by a fire; etc.); sit crouching in some warm place (as in a sunny sheltered spot or near a fire) | 痀燒; 取暖; 蹲下取暖
kuxsusiorng | old-fashioned ideas, archaic thinking | 舊思想
kysex busiafng | unique; peerless; without a match in the world | 舉世無雙
lausiax | diarrhea | 流瀉
lausiuo | remain stationed at a camp in the rear (of the troops) | 留守
lausix | flow momentum | 流勢
liausiax | forgiveness | 饒赦
liausiofng | to heal the wound | 療傷
liusid | be washed away | 流失
liusiin | to pay attention; to be careful | 留神
mausia | a cottage, a hut | 茅舍
mausiax | straw hut; my humble cottage | 茅舍; 茅?
miausiin | evening person; nocturnal | 喵神
niauniausioxng | eyes wide open keep watching the front | 貓貓相
niausiin | stingy; narrow; petty | 小氣
niusiong-kunzuo | burglars (Lit. gentlemen up on the beams) | 樑上君子
niusit | foodstuffs; cereals; provisions; food; grain for human consumption | 糧食
niusit-kiok | food control bureau | 糧食局
oan'oansiusiuu | enmity | 冤冤仇仇
osviusi'afzaang | black acacia | 烏相思仔欉
pausiaux | loan | 包數
pausiaw | monopoly of sales; assume the responsibility for the sale (of a certain commodity) | 包銷
pausid | bid a contract | 包事; 包工
pausie | certain to die | 包死
pausimpeh | white inside | 包心白
pausimpeqzhaix | Chinese cabbage | 包心白菜
pausimzhaix | cabbage | 包心菜
pausiofng | contractor | 包商
pausiofng-pox | bandage | 包傷布; 繃帶
pausitthaau | bidding a task or contract | 包事頭
phausia | projectile | 拋洩; 拋射
phausiaxthea | projectile | 拋洩體; 拋射體
phausiuu | to put on sales; dump large stocks of merchandise on the market in order to force down prices | 拋售
phiausi | use symbols (as on a map) to indicate various ideas | 標示
phiausiuu | sell by tender | 標售
piausi | mark | 標示
putkhør siusip | pandemonium; wild disorder or confusion; hopeless (situation); out of control | 無可收拾
pvoarkausiaf | buy; sell on one half cash and one half credit | 半刨賒; 一半現款一半賒帳
siausiarm | escape stealthily | 消閃
siausiaux | cancel debts | 銷賬
siausiaw | bleak | 蕭蕭
siausid lengthofng | well informed | 消息靈通
siausid | news; information; disappear; vanish; disappear; die out | 消息; 消失
siausih | gradually diminish or waste away; e g; by evaporation or melting | 消蝕; 漸漸減少
siausiu | died down; gone | 消消
siausiuu | sell; sale; demand | 銷售; 消售
siausiuxliong | sales volume | 銷售量
siusi | ratings | 收視
siusiaq | pare down smooth, emend (document) | 修飾; 修削
siusiaux | collect payment of accounts, to collect debt | 收數; 收賬
siusien | reform and cultivate virtue | 修善
siusiog | shrink; constrict | 收縮
siusiog-sexng | contractility | 修縮性; 收縮性
siusip henglie | make preparations for a trip; get the baggage ready | 收拾行李
siusip | trim; pack; settle with; clear away; gather up and put in order; to tidy; kill (a person) | 收拾
siusirnjiin | recipient of a letter | 收信人
siusiu | receive; accept | 收受
siusiw | collect | 收收
siusiw`cide | collect it | 收收一下
siusiw`khylai'aq | collect | 收收起來矣
siusixlut | ratings | 收視率
siusizaang | lovesickness tree | 相思欉
susiafngky | thought branch | 思想枝
susiar | typographical; write | 書寫
susied | private; privately established | 私設
susii | that memoent | 斯時; 其時
susiofngciexn | ideological warfare; the battle for people's minds | 思想戰
susiofnghoan | political offense; political prisoner | 思想犯
susiofngkaf | thinker; man of (profound) thought; philosopher | 思想家
susiofngkaix | realm (world) of thought | 思想界
susiofngkhie | think of | 思想起
susiok | private school | 私塾
susiorng iuoti | childish thinking; naive | 思想幼稚
susiorng loggvor | old-fashioned in thinking; out-dated ideas | 思想落伍
susiorng zuxiuu | freedom of thought | 思想自由
susiorng | thoughts; thinking; thinking; ideas; conception; mentality | 思想
susiorng-kaf | a thinker | 思想家
susiorng-sexng | an ideological level , the ideological content (of sa writing) | 思想性
susiuu | personal grudge | 私仇
susixn | Epistle (Catholic) | 書信
svatusiekhaux | deductions | 三除四扣
sviusi'afchiu | acacia tree | 相思仔樹
sviusi'afhoef | acacia flower | 相思仔花
sviusi'ar | Taiwan acacia | 相思仔; 想思樹
sviusichiu | acacia tree | 相思樹
sviusinaa | Taiwan acacia forest | 相思林
sviusipvi | lovesickness | 相思病
sviusitau | acacia beans | 相思豆
sviusizeeng | lovesickness | 相思情
syn susiorng | modern thinking; modern thought | 新思想
taixsiausiofng | consignee | 代銷商
tausia | project, throw image | 投射
tausiog | lodging | 投宿
texkiusiong | on the earth | 地球上
thausiafm | to peep | 窺視
thausip | make a surprise attack, attack without warning | 偷襲
thichiøx busioong | hysteria | 啼笑無常
thienha busiafng | unequalled in all the world | 天下無雙
thiusiong bengsuu | abstract nouns | 抽象名詞
thiusiong khaeliam | abstract concepts or ideas | 抽象概念
thiusiong | abstract; metaphysical; abstract (as opposed to concrete) | 抽象
thiusiong-kaeliam | abstract concept | 抽象概念
thiusiong-koanliam | abstract idea | 抽象觀念
thiusioxng'oe | abstract painting | 抽象畫
thiusioxnglun | abstract discussion | 抽象論
thiusioxngphaix | abstractionism; abstractionist school | 抽象派
thiusioxngteg | abstract | 抽象的
tiausia | out of bloom; fade; run tiauput | 凋謝; 褪色
tiausib | humid; damp; moist; muggy; wet; wetting | 潮濕
tiausiin | courtiers; ministers of state | 朝臣
tiausiong | effigy; carve and idol; carved statue; sculpture | 雕像
tidciab kausiap | direct negotiation | 直接交涉
tiusied | plan to establish | 籌設
tusit | net weight, net measure | 除實; 淨重
tviusinsex | put on airs | 張身勢
usi | and so; there upon; hence; consequently; thus | 於是
usin | leftover | 餘剩
usixhof | therefore | 於是乎
viusiofng | foreign merchants; foreign firms | 洋商
viusit | western food | 洋食
zhausiar | copy by hand | 抄寫
zhausiin | anxious; worry; trouble about take pains | 勞心; 操神; 操心
zhausimpehpag | anxious | 操心擘腹
zhausip | crib; plagiarism | 抄襲
zhausiuo | integrity; virtue; integrity | 操守
zusien imgaghoe | charity concert | 慈善音樂會
zusien kikoafn | charitable institution | 慈善機關
zusien pvexvi | charity hospital | 慈善醫院
zusien suxgiap | charitable enterprise; philanthropic undertaking | 慈善事業
zusien | charitable; benevolent toward the poor; philanthropic; charity; philanthropy; humanitarianism | 慈善
zusien-chi | charitable bazaar | 慈善市; 義賣場
zusien-kaf | a philanthropist | 慈善家
zusien-suxgiap | charitable work, philanthropic work | 慈善事業
zusiexnhoe | charity | 慈善會
zusiexnkaf | philanthropist | 慈善家
zusiofng | consultation | 諮商
zusioong | kindness; benevolent; kind; benign; benignant (said of elderly persons) | 慈祥
zusixn sitai | information age | 資訊時代
zusixn | information | 資訊
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