"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ute

Eksuteklaf | Esdras (Catholic) | 厄斯德拉
Gvaixsuteknytoan | Esther (Catholic) | 艾斯德爾傳
Sexng ørsuteng Hoe | CR: Canonici Reg Sti Aug (Catholic) | 聖奧斯定會
busii bute | every minute and everywhere | 無時無地
bute-zuxioong | extremely embarrassed or ashamed (Lit. no place to hide) | 無地自容
butegchiuo | cannot be matched; without a rival | 無敵手
butek | without equal in strength; matchless; not equaled; cannot be matched; without a rival | 無敵
buteng | indefinite, uncertain | 無定
chiauterng | surpass | 超等
ciautek | swamp; morass; marsh; bog; dismal; slough | 沼澤
cidautee | a cup of tea | 一甌茶
ciøqthaute | rocky soil; ground full of rocks; not good for cultivation | 石頭地
gute | (formal self reference) your stupid younger brother | 愚弟
hute | amulet | 護袋; 護身符
hviute | perfume satchels | 香袋
hviutear | sachet | 香袋仔
iutee | slender-leaved camellia | 油茶; 細葉山茶
iuteeng | simple post office (as in a park or on campus); postal kiosk | 郵亭
iutefng | an oil lamp; oil-lamp | 油燈
iutefngsefng | a top student; an outstanding student; honor student | 優等生
iutefngsviuo | special prize | 優等賞
iuterng | top grade; excellent grade; highest class; excellent | 優等
juhefng-jute | like brothers | 如兄如弟
kautefng | hook the nail | 鉤釘
kiutek | enemy; rival | 仇敵
lautefngboea | top floor | 樓頂尾
lauterng | upstairs; upstairs; the upper story | 樓頂; 樓上
liauteeng | course of treatment | 療程
liuteeng | process | 流程
niuteeng | pavilion | 樑亭; 涼亭
paute | younger brother; younger brother by same father and mother | 胞弟
phiauliuu buteng | drift about; wander aimlessly | 漂流無定
phiautee | heading; title; headline | 標題
piautee | heading; title; headline | 標題
put'iuteg | can't help but | 無由得
putliuu ute | without leaving leeway or elbow room | 無留餘地
pøfliute | land reserved for a certain purpose; territory set apart for a certain class of people | 保留地
siautefng | turn off light | 宵燈; 熄燈
simthautengteeng | thoughtful | 心頭重重
sinkhutea | bottom of the body | 身軀底
siuteg | cultivate virtue | 修德
siutek | enemy; foe | 仇敵
siuteng | revision | 修訂
siuterngparn | revised edition | 修訂版
siuterngpurn | revised edition | 修訂本
siutexng tiau'iog | revise a treaty | 修訂條約
siutexng | revise | 修訂
sofhioxng-butek | invincible; carry all before one; encounter no significant opponent on the way | 所向無敵
sute | junior (male); younger fellow student or apprentice under the same master | 師弟
sutefha | privately | 私底下
texkiuterng | on the earth | 地球頂
thaepeng'viuterng | on the Pacific Ocean | 太平洋頂
thautefng'ui | 1st class | 頭等位
thautefngzhngf | 1st class | 頭等艙
thauterng | first class; the best quality; vertex | 頭頂; 頭等
thauterng`ee | the best; on vertex | 頭等的
tiaute | dynasty | 朝代
tiauteeng | ancient government; court (of a sovereign); imperial court | 朝廷; 朝庭
toaxkauterng | top of the stream | 大溝頂
toaxthautefng | thumbtack | 大頭釘
tviute | playground; stage; place where a show or game is played; including the space for the audience or spectators | 場地
ute | spare ground; elbow-room; leeway | 餘地
utek | legacy benefits | 餘澤
viutee | tea | 洋茶
viutefng | western lamp | 洋燈
yliauterng | bench top | 椅條頂
zaarmthautefmia | head cut short life | 鏨頭短命
zaxmthautefmia | be headed short life | 鏨頭短命
zhuteg suotoafn | cardinal virtues (Catholic) | 樞德四端

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