"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Chienjixbuun | book formerly used as a primer, It has 1,000 characters, not one of which is repeated | 千字文; 千字經
Engbuun bunhoad | English grammar | 英文文法
Engbuun | written English language | 英文
Gvofhog limbuun | May all prosperity come to this house! | 五福臨門
Gøbuun | the Russian language | 俄文
Harnbuun | Chinese written language and literature; written Chinese | 漢文
Hiliap-buun | Greek written language | 希臘文
Hipeklaai-buun | Hebrew written language | 希伯來文
Hoabuun | Chinese language | 華文
Hoanbuun | sanskrip; sanskrit | 梵文
Hoatbuun | French; French written; reading; speaking language | 法文
Hoaxnbuun | Sanskrit | 梵文
Huilixbuun Sw | The Epistle of Paul to Philemon (Protestant) | 腓利門書
Huluun-sia | the Rotary Club | 扶輪社
Høbuun | Japanese written language | 和文
Jidbuun | Japanese language | 日文
Jubuun | scholars following Confucian thought; Confucianists | 儒門
Khofngbuun | Confucianists | 孔門
Khunluun-safn | the Kunlun Mountains (between Tibet and Sinjiang; extending to Central China) | 崑崙山
Lidbuun | Japanese language | 日文
Liongbuun | fame; glory; Longmen (place in Guangdong) | 龍門
Mobuun-kaux | Mormon Church | 摩門教
Papyluun | Babylon | 巴比倫
Phøløbuun | Brahman | 波羅門
Sinbuun ciukhafn | Newsweek | 新聞週刊
Sofløbuun | King Solomon | 所羅門
Swiaxmbuun | a main character in Taiwanese famous puppet show | 史豔文
Taibuun | Taiwanese | 台文
Taiguo-buun | Taiwanese writing | 台語文
Tekbuun | German language | 德文
Tiongbuun | Chinese | 中文
Tiongluun | an area in Taipei | 中崙
Zong-buun | Tibetan writing | 宗文; 藏文
ahtøfsuun | oppress someone to obey all the time | 押倒紋; 控制成習慣
armhuun | dark cloud | 暗雲
auxkhuun | logistics | 後勤
awhuun | wrinkles by folding | 拗痕; 壓折痕跡
badhuun | lots of clouds | 密雲
bagciw tengsuun | double eyelid | 目睭重紋; 雙眼皮
bagphuun | a wood tub | 木棚; 木盆
bagsuun | wrinkles near eyes | 目紋; 眼邊紋
baxnlie buhuun | cloudless | 萬里無雲
behuun-hoad | hypnotize; hypnotism; mesmerism | 迷魂法; 催眠術
behuun-iøh | magic potion; knockout drops; a drug to hypnotize a victim | 迷魂藥
behuun-tin | a maze; labyrinth, infatuated with a woman, enticed into vice | 迷魂陣
bengbuun kuisiux | daughter of an illustrious family | 名門閨秀
bengbuun | eminent family; world-famous; an express statement or provision; a clear statement | 名門; 名聞; 明文
biedbuun | put a whole family to death | 滅門
biedluun | destroy ethics; destroy human relations; incestuous | 滅倫
bixnphuun | washing basin; basin for washing hands and face; wash basin | 面盆; 臉盆
bonghuun | soul of departed; ghost; the soul (spirit) of a dead person | 亡魂; 亡靈; 幽靈; 鬼魂
boxhiø sinbuun | behind-the-scenes news; inside story | 幕後新聞
bun'guun | grained silver | 紋銀
bunbuun | gentle, scholarly | 文文
bungienbuun | the written language used in old China which is vastly different from the spoken language | 文言文
bunguun | Chinese stampedsilver ingots | 錠銀; 紋銀
buun puttuix tee | content of the writing is inconsistent with the title | 文無對題
buun | written language; composition; name of a river; stone's lines; lines; mosquito; touch with hands; hear; writing; composition; literature; culture; education; elegant; cultured; civil | 文; 汶; 玟; 紋; 捫; 聞
buun-tuix-ym | text to speech | 文對音
buun`ee | literary | 文的
buurn'bunbuun | gentle, scholarly | 文文文
bwguun | capital money, principal | 母銀; 本金
bøsuun ee gwgieen | pidgin | 無純的語言
bøsuun | impure | 無純; 精
bøxaftuun | hat edges | 帽仔唇
bøxtuun | hat brim; hat edge | 帽唇; 帽緣
chiabuun | twill | 斜紋
chiahchiuo khangkuun | bare hands; bare handed | 赤手空拳
chiahuun | car tracks | 車痕
chialiefnhuun | furrow; rut; wheel track | 車輪痕
chialuun | wheel | 車輪; 輪子
chiaukuun zoadluun | surpassing all others | 超群絕倫
chiaukuun | (n) predomination; above the average; uncommon | 超群
chiauluun | surpassing; outstanding | 超倫
chiefnbuun | not deep in knowledge | 淺聞
chienji-buun | thousand of words | 千字文
chienjixbuun | book formerly used as a primer; It has 1,000 characters; not one of which is repeated | 千字文
chiet'huun | cut | 切痕
chitsuun | seventy years; seventy days; the seven periods of seven days in the mourning period for parents | 七旬
chiwhuun | fingerprints; lines in the palm of the hand | 手紋; 手痕; 掌紋
chiwluun | handwheel | 手輪
chviarzuun | charter or hire a boat | 雇船
ciafnghuun | palm prints | 掌紋
ciaoluun | take turn | 照輪; 輪流
ciaothauluun | take turn from the beginning | 照頭輪
ciap'huun | a connection mark; seam or joint of cloth or lumber | 接痕; 接縫
ciarngzuun | steer the boat | 將船
ciau'uun | regularly | 齊勻; 源源不斷
ciauhuun | to call back the soul of the dead | 招魂
ciauuun | in good and sufficient measure, in constant regular succession, as rain or work | 齊勻
cidkuun | a troop of; a herd of; a crowd of | 一群
cidkuun-cidkuun | herds | 一群一群
ciduun | one circle, one round | 一勻
ciernhuun | battles | 戰雲
ciernzuun | military boat | 戰船; 軍艦
cihhuun | fold; crease; a mark left by folding | 摺痕
ciokbuun | an article to express good wishes; written prayer read aloud and then burned; as in worship of Sages; congratulatory message; oration (Catholic) | 祝文
ciorngbuun hofzuo | capable young man from a distinguished family | 將門虎子
cipkhuun | on duty | 執勤
ciqhuun | mark of a fracture, fracture-line | 摺痕; 折痕
citsuun | interpellate; interpellation; ask for explanation (as congress asks of minister); to question; to ask opinion officially | 質詢
ciukhafn sinbuun | weekly paper | 週刊新聞
ciuobuun | curses; imprecations | 咒文
ciwkuun | wine drinking game counting numbers with the fingers of the fist | 酒拳
ciøhsy hoanhuun | be reincarnated in someone else's body before they are buried (Chinese folklore) | 借屍還魂
ciøhuun | to call back the soul of the dead | 招魂
ciøqluun | urinary lithiasis, bladder stone | 石崙; 石痲; 結石
cviakuun | form a group | 成群; 成羣
cviarbuun | the main text; the body; the text | 正文; 正本
cviguun | money | 錢銀; 銀錢
cviuxhuun | a change in the weather | 起雲; 變天; 上雲
cviuxzuun | to get aboard a ship | 上船
cviwhuun | lines on palm of hand | 掌紋
cybuun | a fingerprint; a dactylogram | 指紋
cym zhuietuun | kiss the lips | 吻嘴唇
efngzuun | remain forever | 永存
egbuun | translation; version; translated texts | 譯文
egphuun | bathtub | 浴盆; 洗澡盆
engbuun | written English | 英文
exngbuun | to resort to writing | 用文
exngbuun`ee | o resort to writing | 用文的
exsuun | the last ten days of the month | 下旬
extuun | the lower lip; the underlip | 下唇
exuun | one generation lower in genealogical table | 後輩; 下勻
gegluun | rebellious to the family order | 逆輪; 逆倫
gexbuun | literature and the arts | 藝文
gibuun | liturgy, formal congratulatory message | 疑問; 儀文
gienbuun | language | 語文
gihuun | interrogatory | 疑雲
goanbuun | original manuscript; original language; original text | 原文
goaxbuun | foreign language | 外文
goaxuun | outside; external; outer edge | 外側; 外緣; 外勻
goxbuun | an error message; to hear an error information; misunderstand information | 誤聞
gukuun | herd of cattle | 牛群
guun | stare in anger; silver | 睨; 瞪眼; 銀
gviauq zhuietuun | upper lip naturally turned up | 翹嘴唇
gvofbuun | south gate of imperial palace; we | 午門; 我們
gvofluun | moral obligations; the five human relationships: between prince and minister; father and son; husband and wife; brothers; friends | 五倫
gvofzhayhuun | colorful clouds | 五彩雲
gwbuun | written language; language | 語文
gybuun | written language; language | 語文
gyn'afthuun | boy just about reaching manhood; about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囝仔豚; 青少年
gyn'ar-thuun | adolescent boy; boy just about reaching manhood, about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囡仔豚; 青少年
gøequun | lunar halo, halo of the moon | 月環
haa kuun | tie the skirt with a cloth belt | 縖裙
habkuun | to live in company; live in community | 合群
hag'ui-luxnbuun | thesis for a degree | 學位論文
hahuun | scabby | 瑕痕; 雲霞
hakuun | wear skirt | 穿裙; 繫裙子
hamhuun | chasm | 含痕; 有裂痕
hanbuun | a poor family; my poor family | 寒門
harnbuun | Chinese | 漢文
haxbuun | words that follow; statement that follows | 下文
haxsuun | the last ten days of the month; last ten days of a month | 下旬
hayluun | sea-going vessel | 海輪
haythuun | dolphin | 海豚
haytuun | dolphin; porpoise | 海豚
hayzhadzuun | pirate ship | 海賊船
hayzhat-zuun | pirate ship | 海賊船
heazuun | cargo ship | 貨船
hehuun | resurrection | 回魂
hengbuun | to send a despatch | 行文
hiaqhuun | wrinkle on the forehead | 額痕; 額上皺紋
hibuun | false news, false report | 虛文; 虛聞
hiebuun | text for play; play | 戲文; 戲本
hiernhoad tiaubuun | constitutional provisions | 憲法條文
hiexnguun | cash, ready money | 現銀; 現金
hiexnluun | classmates relationship | 硯倫
hiexntai-buun | modern writing; Modern Literal Taiwanese | 現代文
hiexnzuun | in stock; on hand; available | 現存
hikuun | a shoal of fish | 魚群
hinzuun | seasick; seasickness | 眩船; 暈船
hiorngguun | soldier's pay, civil servant's pay | 饗銀; 薪餉
hizuun | fish boat; fishing boat | 魚船; 漁船
hoabie-zoadluun | very beautiful or elegant; beyond comparison (people; building; things; etc) | 華美絕倫
hoabuun | Chinese wordings | 華文
hoafnbuun | radical of the Chinese character for bun | 漢字部首之一
hoahkuun | finger-guessing game | 划拳; 喝拳; 猜拳
hoanhuun | come to life again; revive from a swoon; faint; or apparent death | 還魂
hoanhuun-hok'uo | as changeable as clouds and rain (said of human affection) | 翻雲覆雨
hoanhuun-iøh | a medicine to cause reviving after death | 還魂藥
hoatlut tiaubuun | regulations | 法律條文
hoeazuun | freighter; cargo ship; vessel | 貨船
hoebuun | receipt | 回文; 回信
hoehhuun | bloody scars | 血痕
hoehluun | corpuscle | 血輪
hoehuun | come to life again; revive from a swoon; faint; or apparent death | 還魂
hoephuun | flower pot | 花盆
hogbuun | reply to letter | 覆文
hokbuun | reply | 覆文
hongbuun | to learn through hearsay; according to unconfirmed reports | 風聞; 鴻文
honghuun jinbut | heroic figure; famed personage; one who is constantly in the news | 風雲人物
honghuun | wind and clouds; unpredictable changes; spirit or soul of a young lady | 風雲; 芳魂
hongzuun | to seal and store up | 封住; 封存
hubuun | impractical formality or ceremony | 虛文; 虛聞
hudbuun texzuo | Buddhist priests and nuns | 佛門弟子
hudbuun | Buddhism; the Buddhist faith | 佛門
huihengzuun | air ship | 飛行船
huihhuun | bloody mark | 血痕
huihluun | corpuscle | 血球
huikuun | to wave one's fist | 揮拳
huiluun | balance wheel; flywheel | 飛輪
hukuun | school of fish | 魚群
hunbuun piedlui | divide into chapters and sections | 分門別類
hunbuun putzhuo | not to take or accept even a cent which is not deserved; be incorruptible | 分文無取
hunbuun | a single cent | 分文
hunhuun | foggy | 魂魂
huobuun | obituary notice | 訃文; 訃音
huun khay kiernjit | turn of fortune for the better (When the clouds part; the sun comes out.) | 雲開見日
huun khuy kviejit | turn of fortune for the better (When the clouds part; the sun comes out.) | 雲開見日
huun | grave; mound | 墳; 雲; 痕; 渾; 焚; 魂; 餛; 頒
huzuun | fish boat | 漁船
hvi'ar-tuun | ear lobe | 耳仔唇; 耳垂
hvixtuun | the ear lap; the rim of the ear | 耳脣; 耳輪
høbuun | rich and powerful family | 豪門
høeabudzuun | cargo ship; freighter | 貨物船
høeazuun | cargo vessel | 貨船
høefzuun | steamship; a fire ship | 火船; 輪船
høehuun | to rise from dead; to revive | 回魂; 還魂; 甦生
høtuun | a blowfish; a puffer; globefish | 河豚; 河魨
høxhog bubuun | The source of good and bad fortune is uncertain. (Fortune and misfortune do not come through a definite door.) | 禍福無門
høxkheq engbuun | house is crowded with well wishers (on a happy occasion) | 賀客盈門
iaxkhuun | night duty | 夜勤
iedkuun | outstanding | 逸群
ienbuun | door by door | 沿門
ienthuun | soot | 煤煙; 煙囤
imhuun | dead spirit; ghost; soul; soul or spirit of a dead person | 陰魂
imtuun | labia (physiology) | 陰唇
insuun | to follow the routine, conservative, negligence | 因循
itbuun | one article; one cent | 一文
itbuun-puttit | not worth a penny; worthless | 一文無值
iubuun | the pylorus | 幽門
iuluun | oil tanker; cruise ship; tanker; oiler | 油輪; 遊輪
iupiexnzuun | post boat | 郵便船
iuzuun | an ocean liner; a mail carrier | 遊船; 郵船
ixbuun | variation | 異文
jiaubuun | wrinkle; creases; folds | 皺紋
jiauhuun | wrinkle; creases; folds | 皺紋; 皺痕
jiausuun | wrinkles; creases; floods; rumples | 皺紋
jibbuun | become a disciple; guide-book | 入門
jinbuun | humanities; culture; human affairs | 人文
jinbuun-texlie | political geography | 人文地理
jinbuun-zwgi | humanism | 人文主義
jinkuun | crowd of people; the masses; crowd; throng; multitude | 人群
jinluun | ethical relations; human morals; human duties; principles of human relationships; morality | 人倫
jixsuun | twenties | 二旬
jixuun | special characters used in the name of the family for indicating their generation (There are; for instance; four persons whose names are Ko Tek-jin 高德仁 Ko Tek-gi 高德義 Ko Tek-le 高德禮 Ko Tek-ti 高德智。 Once we look at their names | 字輩; 字勻
juhuun | like gathering clouds (literally)--many; plentiful; gather in a crowd | 如雲
kabuun | house door; family clan; family (viewed in the light of its social standing) | 家門
kaesuun | draw a line | 界線; 界紋
kafngthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 港豚
kahkutbuun | ancient Chinese font; oracle bone or shell writing | 甲骨文
kak'huun | soul | 覺魂
kaluun | gallon | 加侖; (容量單位)
kamtuun | take the lips between the teeth | 含唇
kangthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 江豚
kaobuun | the door of Buddhism, a sect of Buddhism | 教文; 教門
kaokhøbuun | UNESCO | 教科文
kap'huun | seam | 敆痕; 接縫
karbu-thenghuun | ride mist and float on clouds (as immortals do) | 駕霧騰雲; 騰雲駕霧
karhuun | ride on a cloud | 駕雲
kaukuun | a type of Chinese boxing resembling the movements of a monkey | 猴拳; (拳法之一種)
kaxzhuietuun | bite the lips | 咬嘴唇
kebuun | women's apartment; women's court; inner-house | 閨門; 閨中
keng'uun | till and weed; cultivate | 耕耘
kengbuun | scripture; written prayers; classical text | 經文
kengbuun-huixbuo | map and execute government policies and military affairs | 經文緯武
kengluun | principles and policies in government administration | 經綸
kernggiap-logkuun | respect work and enjoy company | 敬業樂群
khaibuun-kiernsafn | talk or write right to the point | 開門見山
khaihuun-kiernjit | from dark to light; from obscurity to clarity | 開雲見日
khangkuun | bare-handed; hold nothing in the hand; barehanded | 空拳
khangzuun | empty ship | 空船
khefexng-buun | a responsive reading | 啟應文
khehluun | a passenger ship | 客輪
khehzuun | commercial boat; passenger ship; liner | 客船
khengbuun-tioxngbuo | put the sword above the pen | 輕文重武
khengphuun | overturn a bowl | 傾盆
khiebuun-ciuxbuo | quit civilian life and join the army | 棄文就武
khiezuun | steamship; steamer | 汽船
khihhuun | defects | 缺痕
khin'guun | aluminum | 輕銀
khoaezuun | an express boat | 快船
khoarnseabuun | message of encouragement | 勸世文
khoarnsex-buun | religious tract | 勸世文
khongbuun | Buddhism; the teaching which regards everything as unreal; or immaterial; the school of unreality; Buddhism the doctrine which regards everything as unreal; immaterial | 空門
khongkimsuun | to make a gold line | 鑲金紋; 鑲有金線
khorguun | treasury money | 庫銀
khorzuun | goods in stock | 庫存
khuizuun | to set sail; to weigh anchor; set sail; weigh anchor | 開船
khunkhuun | diligently, hard-working | 勤勤
khuun | diligent; industrious | 勤; 蜷; 捲纏; 囷; 堆; 捲軸; 捆
khyhuun | clouds rise | 起雲
khyluun | (machine) gear; toothed wheel; a gear | 齒輪; 牙輪
khyzuun | disembark | 起船; 登陸
khørbuun | text of school book; text | 課文
kiarzuun | to deposit (money) | 寄存
kibuun | to hear unique news; to learn strange news | 奇聞
kiernbuun | information; what one sees and hears | 見聞
kiesuxbuun | written narration; narrative writing | 記敘文
kiettorng-sengkuun | form a gang and gather a group | 結黨成群
kietzuun | credit balance, foreign exchange reserve (said of government finance) | 結存
kimguun | money | 金銀
kimsuun | gold stripes | 金線
kin'uun | even (blending; etc.); uniform; well mixed | 均勻
kioxngzuun | to co-exist; to survive together; coexistence; live together | 共存
kioxngzuun-kioxng'eeng | mutual well-being and prosperity | 共存共榮
kitøfbuun | a written prayer | 祈禱文
kitør-buun | written prayer | 祈禱文
kiuomia-zuun | lifeboat | 救命船; 救生船
kiuosefng-zuun | lifeboat | 救生船
kiuosengzuun | lifeboat | 救生船
kiwbuun | (literally) I have heard of your name for a long time | 久聞
kixnbuun | the things heard recently | 近聞
koafn thienbuun | practice astrology or astronomy | 觀天文
kofbuun | ancient written language; an old Chinese literary style; ancient writings; classics | 古文
kohuun | wandering ghost; disembodied spirit with no one to make offerings to it | 孤魂
kok'huun | national spirit | 國魂
kokbuun | the written national language; national literature (language) | 國文
kongbuun | anus | 肛門; 公文
korngguun | tribute money | 敲銀; 貢銀
kudluun | a pulley | 滑潤; 滑輪
kuibuun | women's apartment; women's court; inner-house | 閨門; 閨中
kuikuun | a whole group, a whole mob, a whole flock | 整群
kuisuun | a whole trace | 整紋; 規巡
kun'uun | even; uniform; well mixed | 均勻
kunkuun`leq | boil a while | 燉燉咧
kutluun | joint; large joint (of the limbs) | 骨輪; 關節
kutphuun | pelvic bones | 骨盆
kuun thngf | (of actors; entertainers; etc.) to appear onstage; (of products) to appear in the market | 焄湯
kuun | fist; boxing; finger-guessing | 拳; 煮透
kuun-hof noa | boil very soft | 燉爛
kuxbuun | an old story | 舊文
kuxzuun`nii | the year before last year | 大前年; 舊存年
kuykuun | how many | 幾捆
kuysuun | how many (terms) | 幾巡
kviakuun | to do shadow boxing | 行拳
kviazuun | be a sailor, employed on board | 行船; 做船員
kvoafbuun | ill-informed | 寡聞
kørzuun | paddle a boat; row a boat | 划船
labguun | pay taxes | 繳錢; 繳稅
lagsuun | sixty years | 六旬
laixkhuun | indoor service; desk work | 內勤
laixkuun | petticoat | 襯裙
laluun-siøf | lukewarm | 拉圇燒; 溫的
larnghuun | clear sky | 曠雲; 破雲
lefbuun | written liturgy or ritual | 禮文; 書面禱告文
lefngbuun | not in popular demand; not in vogue | 冷門
lefngkafngzuun | pilot boat | 領港船
legsuun | wrinkle in face; dress | 慄紋; 成皺紋
leksuun | fold; crease; wrinkle forming of itself (in a dress worn too long; on the neck of a fat man; or wrist of a child) | 皺紋
lengbuun lengbuo | can compose and perform military exercises; gifted in both intellectual and martial arts; efficient in both brainy and brawny activities | 能文能武
lengguun | silver dollar | 龍眼; 銀元
lenghuun putbiet lun | theory of the immortality of the soul | 靈魂無滅論
lenghuun putbiet | immortality of the soul; the soul is immortal | 靈魂無滅
lenghuun samsw | three qualities of the rational soul; faculties of the soul | 靈魂三司
lenghuun sengsit soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is propagated; Traducianism | 靈魂生殖說
lenghuun uithoaan soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 靈魂遺傳說
lenghuun zhorngzø soad | theory of the creation of a soul for every person at birth | 靈魂創造說
lenghuun | soul; spirit | 靈魂; 凌雲
lengzuun | dragon boats (used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races) | 龍船
liamsvakuun | one-piece dress | 連衫裙
liap'huun | to summon souls of the dead | 攝魂
liaqkuun | to box | 掠拳; 打拳
lienbuun | join hands article | 連文
lienluun | rings indicating the growth of a tree; annual (growth) ring | 年輪
liexngak lenghuun | souls in Purgatory | 煉獄靈魂
liexnkuun | to practice boxing | 練拳
liexnzeng lenghuun | purify the soul | 煉淨靈魂
limphuun | about to deliver a child (of expecting mother); near child birth; parturition | 臨盆
linbuun | humanities | 人文
linkuun | people | 人群
linluun | human relations | 人倫
liogsuun | sixty years | 六旬
liqhuun | chasm | 裂痕; 裂紋
liqsuun | rent; crack; rip cleavage; fissure | 裂紋
liuzuun | preserve; reserve; keep in reserve | 留存; 保存
lixhuun | opening on fracture or split | 離痕
lixkuun | stray from the group | 離群; 利群
lixsuun | profits | 利純; 利潤
loaxnhuun | chaos cloud | 亂雲
loaxnluun | commit incest; incest | 亂倫
loexkorsuun | steroid | 內固醇
logkuun | group play; group life as part of education | 樂群
longhuun bidpox | dark clouds stretch all over the sky ─ sign of impending storm | 濃雲密佈
longkuun | wolf pack | 狼群
longkuun-kawtorng | disorderly crowd; a pack of dogs ─ a riot of evil persons | 狼群狗黨
loxhuun | road mark | 路痕
luiphuun | a mortar | 擂盆; 研缽
lunzuun | steamship; steamboat; steamer; steamship | 輪船
luun | wheel | 輪; 倫
luun`tiøh | tak turn | 輪到
luxnbuun | dissertation; essay; treatise; monograph; discourse | 論文
løfkuun | the fist | 老拳
løharnkuun | a game played by Taiwanese during drinking alcohol | 羅漢拳
løqzuun | go by boat; go ashore; leave the ship; disembark | 下船; 坐船; 裝船
mauhtuun | lips | 凹唇
minykuun | mini-skirt | 迷你裙
nax zhuietuun | lick one's lips | 舐嘴唇
ngzuun | seedling boat | 秧船
niauhuun | scar | 貓痕; 麻子
niluun | rings indicating the growth of a tree; annual (growth) ring | 年輪
nybuun | all of you (literary expression) | 爾等; 你們
o'ienthuun | soot | 煤煙渣
oafnhøea-zuxhuun | If you play with fire you will get burned | 玩火自焚
oanhuun | un-avenged ghost of a murdered man haunting the murderer | 冤魂
oanphuun | end the grave | 完墳
oaqzuun | current account | 活存
oexhuun | draw a line | 畫線
oexsuun | draw lines | 畫線
of-haythuun | black dolphin | 黑海豚
ohuun | a thick cloud; nimbus | 黑雲; 烏雲
oienthuun | black smoke | 烏煙黗
ongzuun | King ship; dragon boats (used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races) | 王船
pafn'afzuun | banzai boat | 板仔船
pagzuun | charter a vessel | 租船
pahkefngkuun | pleated skirt | 百襉裙; 百摺裙
pahkerng-kuun | pleated skirt | 百葉裙; 百襇裙; 百襉裙; 百摺裙
pahuun | scar | 疤痕
paktor leksuun | the abdomen flabby and flapped | 肚子皺紋
pakzuun | stripping ship | 剝船
panbuun loxnghuo | wield an axe before Lo Pan; the God of carpenters ─ be conceited; show off one's talent or skill before an expert | 班門弄斧
panbuun | stripes; striped | 斑紋
panbuun-loxnghuo | to show off in front of experts | 班門弄斧
pang'afzuun | Fangzi Boat | 枋仔船
panhuun | stripes; streaky marks; marks left by beating; scar | 斑痕; 瘢痕
parbuun | leopard crest | 豹紋
parngzuun | launch a boat or ship, set sail | 放船; 下水
pauzuun | engage a boat for one's own use | 包船
pee-lengzuun | row a dragon boat; used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races | 扒龍船; 划龍船
pee-liongzhuun | row a dragon boat; used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races | 扒龍船; 划龍船
pefngzuun | to turn over a boat; overturn boat | 翻船
pekbuun putjuu itkiexn | hear about a thing many times is not equal to a single look at it ─ Seeing is believing | 百聞無如一見
pelengzuun | dragon boat | 扒龍船
pengzuun | warship | 兵船; 軍艦
peqbuun | white bird | 白文
peqguun | silver | 白銀
peqhaythuun | white dolphin | 白海豚
peqhuun | white cloud | 白雲
peqoexbuun | writing in vernacular Chinese | 白話文
pezuun | paddle a boat | 耙船; 扒船; 划船
phahkuun | boxing (sport); practice boxing | 打拳; 拍拳
phangkuun | swarm of bees; wasps | 蜂群
phangsapbuun | soap | 芳雪文
phangzuun | sailboat; sailing vessel; sailing vessel | 帆船
phaozuun | ship with cannon | 炮船; 砲艦
phazuun | anchor a ship; boat | 泊船; 泊碇
phek'huun | cloud | 碧雲
phiensym-luun | eccentric wheel | 偏心輪
phoarpengzuun | an icebreaker; a boat of ship that busts the surface ice so other ships can pass | 破冰船
phoarzuun | broken down ship | 破船
phoeazuun | shipping by ships | 海運
phokbuun | knowledgeable | 博聞
phoksu-luxnbuun | dissertation, doctorate thesis | 博士論文
phuhuun | floating cloud | 浮雲
phuun | grave; mound | 墳; 盆
phvayguun | counterfeit coin | 歹銀; 假幣
phvayzuun | bad ship | 歹船
phvoarkoad-buun | written legal sentence or judgment | 判決文
phøbuun | ripple; corrugation | 波紋
phøezuun | mail steamer | 批船
pibuun | inscription on a stone tablet; the inscription on a monument; epitaph; inscriptional writing | 碑文
piebuun siaxkheq | close the door to visitors; to refuse visitors; to lead a retiring life | 閉門謝客
piernsuun | become pure | 變純; 遍巡
piexnphuun | bed pan | 便盆
piexnzuun | convenient boat | 便船
pihsuun | cracks | 摺痕; 翻折的紋路
pinbuun | verdict | 憑文
pit'huun | a crack; a fissure; a rift; flaw | 裂痕; 必痕
pitgiap luxnbuun | thesis | 畢業論文
pitsuun | crack; lines of a crack; lines of cleavage; required patrol | 裂紋; 必巡
poadbuun | postscript | 跋文
poadkuun | outstanding | 拔群
poexluun | against logic | 背倫
poezuun | airplane | 飛船
pokbuun | refutation | 駁文
pokzuun | barge | 駁船
porhuun | cloth mark | 布痕
porkørbuun | report | 報告文
poxbuun | class; section; department | 部門
poxkengzuun | whale boat | 捕鯨船
punpuun`leq | blow slightly | 吹吹咧
putbuun-putbun | care nothing about; an a ttitude of indifference; cut off all communications | 無聞不問
putluun | immorality; immoral; illicit | 無倫
putsuun | impure | 無純; 不純; 精
puun kekui'ar | blow up a toy balloon | 吹雞規仔; 吹氣球
puun kekuy | boast; brag; draw a long bow | 吹牛
puun koekui'ar | blow a balloon | 歕雞胿仔
puun lapaf | blow the trumpet; play the trumpet | 吹喇叭
puun lapaq | blow the trumpet; play the trumpet | 吹喇叭
puun phyn'ar | play the flute | 吹笛仔
puun pi'ar | blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
puun pipi'ar | blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
puun | blow; blow with the mouth; breathe out; blow out | 吹; 歕
puun-hof sid | blow out (a candle) | 吹熄
puun-køekuy | boast | 吹氣球; 歕雞胿; 吹牛
puun-piar | to blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
pvetefzuun | punt | 平底船
pvi'uun | even | 平勻
pvoazuun | transfer to a boat; transship merchandise; change ships; transshipment; reshipment | 換船
pwnbuun | This article; main body of a writing | 本文
pwnguun | original capital | 本銀
pykuun | Chinese boxing bout | 比拳
pøezuun | airship | 飛船; 飛行船
pøfzuun sveamia | preserve one's life | 保存生命
pøfzuun | keep; conservation; conserve; maintain; preserve; store; maintain; safeguard; safekeeping | 保存
pøløbuun-kaux | Brahmanism | 婆羅門教
sai'afthuun | half-grown lion | 獅仔豚; 幼獅
samgvor sengkuun | in groups of three or five | 三五成群
samhuun chitpheg | three spirits and seven animal souls which a human possesses | 三魂七魄
samhuun | three souls of man: one ascends to heaven; one goes to earth; one stays with the corpse | 三魂
sapbuun | soap (from Portuguese: sabao) | 肥皂; 雪文
sarnbuun | prose; prose writing; prose | 散文
satbuun | soap | 肥皂; 雪文
satbuun-phøf | soap bubble | 肥皂波; 肥皂泡
sayzuun | sail; sail a boat | 駕船; 開船
seabuun | oath | 誓文
sefbixnphuun | washbasin | 洗臉盆; 臉盆
sefegphuun | bathtub | 洗澡盆; 浴盆
senghuun | vegetative soul | 生魂; 星雲
sengkuun kiettui | gather in groups | 成群結隊
sengkuun | form into groups | 成群; 星群
sengzuun kexngzefng | the struggle for existence | 生存競爭
sengzuun | exist; live; existence; life; survival; existence; to live; survive | 生存
seviuzuun | western ship | 西洋船
siafbuun | write a letter | 行文
sianghie limbuun | have simultaneously two happy events in a family (as a son getting married on his father's birthday) | 雙喜臨門
siangkhaf tah siangzuun | try to keep neutral between two courses or parties; double dealing; double dealer | 雙腳踏雙船; 三心兩意
siauhuun | rapture; be held spellbound (by a beautiful woman); overwhelmed by beauty; love; enraptured; ecstasy | 銷魂; 狂喜; 消魂
siaxkuun | community | 社群
siaxng'uun | same generation | 𫝛勻
sinbuun jinbut | people in the news; VIPs | 新聞人物
sinbuun kieciar | reporter; a correspondent | 新聞記者; 記者
sinbuun kofngpox | news broadcast | 新聞廣播
sinbuun thongsirnsia | news agency | 新聞通訊社
sinbuun | news | 新聞
sinhuun | human soul; soul | 靈魂; 神魂
sinkafngbuun | written Taiwanese created by ministre in early stage | 新港文
sionghuun | scar; scaur; cicatrice; weal; scars from wounds | 傷痕
siongzuun | merchant ship | 商船
sioxnghaxbuun | the context of a written work | 上下文
sioxngsuun | upper part of the month; first ten days of a month | 上旬
siqsuun | liquefy; liquid gradually reduce | 蝕循; 液體逐漸減少
sit'huun logpheg | despondent; listless; dejection | 失魂落魄
sitkuun | become lost from one's group | 失群
siuhuun | spiritual ceremony | 收魂
siuokuun | embroidered skirt | 繡裙
siuophuun | show basin | 秀盆
siuxbuun | subject | 受文
siuzuun | put aside; receive for keeps; receive for custody | 收存
siøfguun | small money, small change | 小銀; 零錢
siøfkuun | a small flock, small group, minority group | 小群
siøfsuun | 旬- 10 days | 小旬
siøfzuun | a small boat | 小船
siøguun | burn paper money | 燒銀; 燒紙錢
siøzhuun | treat each other with politeness; especially by each declining what the other offers or by consulting on an intended action | 相尊; 相禮讓
soatbuun | soap | 肥皂
sofbuun-sofkiexn | what is heard and seen | 所聞所見
sorbuun | sparse text | 疏文
subunsubuun | decorous | 斯文斯文
subuun saote | scholastic dignity trails in the dust | 斯文掃地
subuun | gentle; polite; cultured; refined; elegant (person) | 斯文
sunsuun | pure | 純純
suun khvoarbai | go about and inspect | 巡查一下; 巡看覓
suun | draw a line | 巡; 馴; 醇; 殉; 盹; 旬; 純; 徇; 畫線; 詢; 循; 紋
suun-budcid | pure substance | 純物質
suxbuun | a preface | 序文
suxsuxbuun | narration | 敘事文
suyguun | mercury | 水銀
sva'afkuun | blouse and skirt, jacket and skirt | 衫仔裙; 衣裾
svakuun | coat and skirt | 衫裙
sviuguun | inlay with silver | 鑲銀
svoahuun | spirit or soul of a mountain | 山魂
svoarbuun | prose | 散文
svoarluun | electric coil | 線輪
sybuun | dead language | 死文; 已廢的語言
syhuun | dead soul | 死痕; 死魂
sysuun | wrinkles; lines hard to disappear | 死紋; 無輕易消失的線條
tahzuun | take a boat; take ship; take passage on a boat; board a boat | 搭船
taigybuun | Taiwanese literary | 台語文
tangphuun | bronze laver | 銅盆
tansuun | simple; plain; simplicity; simple; simple hearted; unsophisticated | 單純
tarhuun | overcast sky; cloudy day | 雲罩
tefbuun | essay | 短文
tefkuun | short skirt | 短裙
tefng'uun | last generation | 頂勻
tefngsuun | the precede ten days in a month | 上旬
tefngtuun | upper lip | 頂唇; 上唇
teng'afhuun | nail hole; nail marks | 釘仔痕
tengbuun paehorng | make a special call on another; at his home | 登門拜訪
tengbuun tapsia | make a special call on another at his home to express gratitude | 登門答謝
tengbuun | enter a house; pay a special visit to another's house | 登門
tenghuun | nail mark, scar of a nail, nail-print | 釘痕; 指甲印
tengsuun | double-fold eyelids | 層紋; 徵詢; 雙眼皮
texhngf sinbuun | local news | 地方新聞
texngkizuun | regular liner | 定期船
texngzuun | certificate of deposit | 定存
thaekegkuun | taichichuan; often referred to as shadow boxing | 太極拳
thaekhofng-zuun | space craft | 太空船
thaekhongzuun | space craft (capsule); spaceship | 太空船
thak zeabuun | read sacrificial prayers | 讀祭文
tharmsuun | to inquire about | 探尋; 探詢
thauhø sinbuun | headline news; lead story in a paper | 頭號新聞
thausuun | first ten days after death | 頭旬
thengbuun | official letter to a higher agency (from a lower agency or from the people); petition; appeal | 呈文
thenghuun | fly | 騰雲
thenghuun-karbu | mount the clouds; as gods do | 騰雲駕霧
thezuun | punting | 撐船
thienbuun boxng'oafnkviax | astronomical telescope | 天文望遠鏡
thienbuun sorji | an astronomical figure | 天文數字
thienbuun texlie | astronomy and geography; astrology and geometry | 天文地理
thienbuun | astronomy; heavenly bodies; heavenly bodies; astronomy | 天文
thienbuun-hak | astronomy | 天文學
thienluun cy lok | family love and joy | 天倫之樂
thienluun | family affection; heavenly moral obligations; natural relationships of man | 天倫
thihkahzuun | ironclad | 鐵甲船
thoabang-hizuun | trawler | 拖網魚船
thoaluun | a tug, a tugboat | 拖輪
thoanbuun | rumor | 傳聞
thoazuun | take a ship in tow; a tow; tug boat | 拖船
thongkhuun | commute | 通勤
thortuun | harelip; cleft lip | 兔唇
thudluun | become dislocated | 脫輪
thunhuun-thorbu | swallowing clouds and breathing out mists ─ magical tricks | 吞雲吐霧
thunthuun | muddle headed | 沌沌
thuun | black; dirt | 塵; 鈍
thuzuun | storage; safekeeping; savings; to store or stockpile | 儲存
thvetoxzuun | row ferry | 撐渡船
thvezuun | propel a boat with a pole; pole a boat | 搖船; 撐船
thøeakhuun | go off duty, leave work | 退勤; 下班
thøfhizuun | fishing boat | 討海舟; 捕魚舟
thøseg sinbuun | news of illicit love | 桃色新聞
thøtuun | peach-shaped lips | 桃唇; 櫻唇
tiaobuun | message of condolence; words of condolence; funeral oration; memorial address | 弔文; 弔唁函
tiaubuun | text of a treaty; regulation; law | 條文; 條紋
tiauzazuun | survey ship | 調查船
tidhuun | word-for-word translation; literal translation; verbatim translation | 直譯
tidsuun | straight line | 直線
timluun | to down and perish; wallow | 沈淪; 沉淪
timzuun | shipwreck; sunken ship; scuttle a ship | 沉船
tiongkokbuun | Chinese literature | 中國文
tiongsuun | the middle part of a month; middle decade of a month | 中旬
tiongzuun | exist forever; last forever | 長存
tiuxzhawkhuun | straw stack; heap or stack of cut rice | 稻草堆
tix jiok bofngbuun | to treat with indifference; act as if one had not heard; turn a deaf ear to | 置若罔聞
tngfluun | turn (one's eyes) | 轉輪; 轉動
tngkuun | long skirt | 長裙
tngzuun | galley | 長船
toa-imtuun | labia majora | 大陰唇
toaxguun | large silver dollar | 大銀
toaxnhuun | broken soul | 斷魂
toaxzuun | ship; vessel; marine; barque | 大船
toaxzuun`nii | three years ago | 大前年
togbogzuun | dugout canoe | 獨木舟
toxbuun siaxkheq | shut out visitors; refuse to see callers | 杜門謝客
toxkuun | earthworm | 蚯蚓
toxzuun | ferry; a ferryboat; passage boat | 渡船
tuun | lip; labial; labium | 唇; 脣
tuunchiog | to urge, to hasten | 敦促
tvafkorsuun | cholesterol | 膽固醇
tviabuun | written statement of accusation or defence | 埕文; 呈文; 書面指控或辯護聲明
tviafthuun | carbon incrustation on backside of a pan | 鼎灶; 鍋灰
tviaftuun | the edge of a pot | 鍋緣
tviaxguun | deposit money | 訂銀; 定銀
tøbuun tøkiexn | extensively informed | 多聞多見
tøbuun | well-informed, learned | 多聞
tøeguun | raise money by subscription to help some purpose | 題銀
tøfbuun | prayer in a set form or formula; litany (Catholic) | 禱文
tøfsuun | put the press in trousers or clothes; determine the nature of a relationship | 倒紋; 使衣服線條固定; 使定性
tøhkuun | table cloth | 桌裙
tøhuun | scar | 刀痕
tøkiexn tøbuun | have seen and heard a lot; have wide experience; well versed | 多見多聞
uibuun | wrote the article | 為文
uikuun | apron | 圍裙
uiqhuun | draw or score a line | 劃痕
uisinkuun | around skirt | 圍身裙
uisuikuun | apron | 圍錘裙
uisukuun | apron | 圍舒裙
uixhuun | draw or score a line | 畫雲
un'unsunsuun | tender and pure | 溫溫純純
un'uun | evenly | 勻勻
unkhuun | polite; courteous; civil; show sincere regard for | 慇懃; 慇勤
unsuun | gentle; good natured; docile; obedient | 溫順; 溫馴; 溫柔
unzuun | caressing; gently considerate and attentive; bed of rose | 溫存
uo saxn huun siaw | rain stops; and the sky clears up | 雨散雲消
usukuun | cook's apron | 圍軀裙
uun | even; smooth; patrol; make one's round; slow; to postpone; succession; equal; even; alike | 勻; 巡; 緩; 連續的
uxnbuun | verse | 韻文
uxuun | do repeatedly | 有勻; 連續的
viubuun | Western writing | 洋文
viukuun | flocks of sheep or goats | 羊群
viuu jip longkuun | perilous (Lit. sheep entering a pack of wolves) | 羊入狼群
vixbuun | peculiar news | 異聞
wtiu-zuun | a space ship | 宇宙船
ynbuun | a quotation | 引文; 引述
ynhuun | call back the souls of those who have died away from home | 招魂; 引魂; 引靈
zanzuun | survival | 殘存
zasuun | reference; inquiry; investigate; enquire if there are any complaints | 查詢
zeabuun | eulogy; written or printed prayer; read and burned; prayers said at the offering of any sacrifice | 祭文
zefngkahhuun | scratch | 指甲痕
zefngzuun | to deposit a sum | 整存
zekzuun | store; lay up | 積存
zengbuun | to solicit for an article or essay, call for a paper | 徵文
zengsuun | unmixed | 精純
zerngbuun | text | 證文; 正文
zernghauxkuun | syndrome | 症候群
zerngzuun | to deposit a sum | 正存
zextiøh zhadzuun | take a pirate ship | 坐到賊船
zexzuun | travel by boat | 坐船; 乘船
zhadzuun | pirate ship | 賊船
zhaibuun | wooden door | 柴門
zhaikuun | morra; mora; guess at fingers | 猜拳
zhaphuun | a wooden tub | 柴盆
zhasuun | inquire | 查詢
zhaukuun | fist | 操拳
zhawkhuun | bunch grasses | 草囷
zhawkuun | grass skirt | 草裙
zhayhuun | clouds of many hues | 彩雲
zhefngthuun | sweep the dirt from things like beams; roof; idols or ceiling | 筅黗; 打掃
zhenghuun | light cloud | 青雲
zhengsuun | clear and pure | 清純
zhosuun | the upper part of a month | 初旬
zhuiekhie-huun | scars from bites | 喙齒痕
zhuiekhyhuun | scars from bites | 嘴齒痕
zhuietuun khiaokhiaux | upper lip naturally turned up (angry) | 嘴唇翹翹的; (生氣的樣子)
zhuietuun sosof | parched lips | 嘴唇乾燥
zhuietuun | lips | 嘴唇; 喙脣
zhun'uun | stretch body in a lazily manner | 伸緩; 伸勻; 伸懶腰
zhunluun | give a stretch; stretch one's limbs | 伸倫; 伸懶腰
zhuobuun | anecdote | 趣聞
zhut'huun | outside the line (as in tennis) | 出痕; 出界外
zhutkhuun | go office; go to work; work | 出勤; 上班
zhutsuun | to patrol; make the rounds (used for a general head or chief) | 出巡
zhutzuun | send out the ship- fishing | 出船
zhuun | inform a superior or a friend of what we mean to do; get permission; ask a person's consent | 尊; 存
zhuun-auxpo | see zhun'auxpo | 存後步
zhuun-phvayix | bad intension | 存歹意
zhuun-thienlioong | conscience | 存天良
zhøesuun | beginning of season | 初旬
zngzuun | to load a ship | 裝船
zoadkuun | unmatched; peerless | 絕群
zoadluun | without match; peerless; unparalleled | 絕倫
zoafnkhuun | transfer to another office | 轉存; 轉勤; 調職
zoafzuun | paper boat | 紙船
zoanbuun siulie phahjixky | typewriter repair specialist | 專門修理打字機
zoanbuun | specific; special; particular; complete text | 專門; 全文
zoanbuun-bengsuu | technical term | 專門名詞
zoanbuun-kaoiok | technical education | 專門教育
zoanbuun-kileeng | a specialized technique | 專門機能; 專門技能
zoanbuun-uyoaan | senior specialist (a government post) | 專門委員
zoaxnbuun | to write an essay | 論文; 撰文; 譔文
zoeasuun | worship the haven every ten days of a month | 做旬; 日儀
zoeazuun | to build a ship | 做船; 造船
zogkuun | ethnic groups | 族群
zoguun | rent money | 租銀
zokbuun | composition; write an essay | 作文
zorngcix-lenghuun | soaring ambition or aspiration | 壯志凌雲
zubuun | rich and influential families | 朱門
zunsuun | act up to; follow instructions | 遵循
zunzhuun | inform a superior or a friend of what we mean to do; get permission; ask a person's consent | 尊讓
zuobuun | order (merchandise) | 訂貨; 注文; 訂購; 定購
zusuun | interrogation; question; to consult; seek an advice; inquire about; consult; consultation | 諮詢; 咨詢
zuun kaux kiøthaau zuxjieen tit | It will take care of itself when the time comes. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it | 船到橋頭自然直。
zuun | boat; vessel; a ship | 船; 存; 舟
zuun`nii | the year before last | 前年
zuxhuun | burn oneself to death | 自焚
zuxkie pøfzuun | self preservation | 自己保存
zuxkuun | a clustered group, a cluster | 自群; 聚群
zuxkuun-hunseg | cluster analysis | 自群分析; 聚群分析
zuybuun | water pattern | 水紋
zuyguun | mercury; quicksilver | 水銀
zuyhuun | water stains; watermarks | 水痕; 漣漪
zwbuun | main body of court verdict | 主文
zøeasuun | perform regular memorial rites after relative's death | 做旬
zøguun | rent money | 租銀
zørbuun | write a composition, compose an essay | 作文
zørsuun | perform regular memorial rites after relative's death | 做旬; 做旬忌
zøxhog jinkuun | do good deeds to benefit all like building a road, bridge, school or orphanage | 造福人群
zøxzuun kongsy | shipbuilding company | 造船公司
zøxzuun | construct a ship; build a ship | 造船
øqbuun | study literature | 學文

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