"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: uxthaau

Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
auxthaau | in the back; in the future; days to come; wife's family of origin | 後頭; 此後; 娘家
auxthaau-zhux | wife's family home | 後頭厝; 娘家
bauxthaau | contracter | 貿頭
chiuxthaau | bottom of a bole; stump; trunk | 樹頭; 樹椿
chviuxthaau | elephant's head, bride's wedding hair | 象頭; 上頭; 帶鳳冠
cviuxthaau-cviuxbin | to have no sense of shame | 恬無知恥
hør-tiauxthaau | a good omen | 好兆頭
kuxthaau | tycoon; magnet | 巨頭
lauxthaau | ancient roots | 老頭; 古樹根
sarngcviuxthaau | funeral procession to the grave site | 送成頭; 送到墓地
tauxthaau | bean dreg; the refuse from bean curd manufacturer | 豆頭; 豆渣
tiauxthaau | omen; foretoken; bodement; a straw in the wind; prelude; omen; augury | 兆頭; 預兆
tiuxthaau | stubble of rice | 稻莖
tngr auxthaau | back to your parents' home | 轉後頭
uxthaau | with a beginning | 有頭
uxthaau-bøbøea | leave a job incomplete or unfinished; quit doing something halfway; a thing given up before it is finished | 有頭無尾
uxthaau-uxbin | power position and good reputation | 有頭有臉; (有地位有名聲)
uxthaau-uxbøea | do a job from beginning to end; it has a beginning and an end | 有頭有尾; 有始有終
zuxthaau | from the beginning; from the beginning | 自頭; 從頭; 從開始; 自始
zuxthaau-ciebøea | all the way through; from the beginning to the end | 自頭至尾
zuxthaau-kaobøea | from the beginning to the end; all the way through | 自始至終

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