"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: vih

chvihee | shrimp | 生蝦; 青蝦
chviheeng | night heron (bird) | 蒼鷺; 夜鶯
chvihii | raw fish | 生魚
chvihiphvix | sashimi | 生魚片
chvihoaan | alum | 生礬; 綠礬
chvihoafn | barbarian | 生番
chvihoef | fresh flowers | 鮮花; 青花
chvihoef-hii | a kind of sardine | 青花魚
chvihuii | porcelain produced in the period of Ming dynasty | 青磁
chvihun | not familiar | 生份; 陌生
chvihurn | powder | 菁粉
chvihuxnlaang | a stranger | 生份人; 陌生人
chvihzhva-kiøx | gongs and drums | 鑼鼓聲
chvihøef | raw ash | 生灰
cvihang | money | 錢項
cvihoax | crystallization | 晶化
goxpviheeng | a pentagon | 五邊形
hvixpvihofng | rumor hearsay; something to be disregarded | 耳邊風
kviaf-svihun | timid | 驚生份
kviasvihun | fear of strangers | 驚生份
kvihurn | alkaline powder | 鹼粉
lagpviheeng | a hexagon | 六邊形
liuchviho | meteor | 流星雨
løqhoxthvihvoq | (is it a )raining day? | 落雨天乎
pengheeng siepviheeng | parallelogram | 平行四邊形
pvihofng | square, square of a number | 平方
pvihwn | evenly divided | 平分
pvihøex | same age | 平歲
siepviheeng | 4 sides | 四邊形
svihnaq | sparkling | 爍爁
svihnax | sparkling | 爍爁
svihun | not familiar | 生份; 陌生
svihun-laang | stranger | 生份人; 陌生人
svihuxnlaang | stranger | 生份人; 陌生人
sviqsvih-svoaiqsvoaih | rickety; shaky | 爍爍寨寨; 磨擦的聲音
thvihoad | divine law, low of Heaven | 天法
thvihoarn texloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvihoarn toexloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvihøea | add fuel to a fire; fire from heaven; be dazzled by fire | 添火; 瞪火; 天火; 受光目眩
tvih | desire or wish for (a person or thing) | 要
viheeng | circular shape; spherical shape; circular; round in shape | 圓形

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