"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Ciaukhef-unzvoaa | a famous hot spring place in Taiwan | 焦溪溫泉
Cidnii voa jixsie'ee thaukef | be fickle; undependable; be unable to stick at one job (Lit. Within one year to change4 bosses.) | 一年換二四個頭家
Gvofhofng | a city in Hsinchu County of Taiwan | 五峰
Gvofhog limbuun | May all prosperity come to this house! | 五福臨門
Gvofid løtoxngcied | May day; Labor Day | 五一勞動節
Gvofkefng | classics; canon of Confucius: Book of Changes; Odes; Book of History; Book of Rites; Spring; Autumn Annals | 五經
Gvofkor | a city in Taipei County of Taiwan | 五股
Gvofsiofng laqzeg | Paschal candle | 五傷蠟燭
Gvofsiofng | Five Wounds of Jesus Christ | 五傷
Gvohong-biø | a temple | 五皇廟
Gvoo | a family name Wu | 吳
Gvor | Five Joyful Mysteries of Rosary (Catholic) | 五; 歡喜五端
Gvoxkhofng | Sun Wu-k'ung; aware of the nothingness of life, name of a fictitious monkey with supernatural powers | 悟空; 孫悟空
Habhoafn Svoaf | Mt. Hohuan | 合歡山
Habhoansvoaf | a mountain in Taiwan | 合歡山
Hoxngsvoaf | a town in Kaohsiung County Taiwan | 鳳山
Hvoahie Go | Five Joyful Mysteries of Rosary (Catholic) | 歡喜五端
Høhoansvoaf | a famous mountain in Taiwan; a mountain in Taiwan | 合歡山
Jidgvoo Ciernzefng | Russo-Japanese War | 日俄戰爭
Kanyoafliok svoaf | Mt. Calvary (Catholic) | 加爾瓦略山
Kuxkimsvoaf | Sanfrancisco | 舊金山
Køeathaau-kiaugvo | hubris | 過份驕傲; 過頭驕傲
Lamhoekuisvoax | Tropic of Capricorn | 南回歸線
Lampvoarkiuu | Southern Hemisphere | 南半球
Liogkwn kunkvoaf haghau | Military Academy | 陸軍軍官學校
Osvoathaau | black hilltop | 黑山頭
Pak'hoee kuisvoax | Tropic of Cancer | 北回歸線
Pakpvoarkiuu | Northern Hemisphere | 北半球
Pang'afsvoaf | a city in Pingtung County | 枋仔山
Panykaxn-pvoartør | Balkans Peninsula | 巴爾幹半島
Patkoarsvoaf | Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山
Peqgvoløsw | White Russian; Byelorussian | 白俄羅斯
Phvoaf | surname Pan; P'an (Pan) | 潘
Sexng Tøbenggvor Hoe | Order of St Dominic (Catholic) | 聖多明我會
Sionggvoo | the beautiful woman; Chang-o; who ascended to the moon after secretly eating her husband's immortality pill; a fairy on the moon | 嫦娥
Sogvoo | Russian | 蘇俄
Suhoad zhaiphvoarsor | Court of Justice | 司法裁判所
Svoarsay | a city in Changhua County | 線西
Svoatafng | Shantung | 山東
Svoatafng-iu | Shantung pumelo | 山東柚
Svoatafng-peqzhaix | Shantung cabbage | 山東白菜
Swn Gvoxkhofng | Monkey King, commonly known as [[Kaau Zethiefn]] | 孫悟空
Symphvoax ee jidcie | the Day of Judgment | 審判的日子
Tangsvoaf | a city in Yilan County | 冬山
Tangsvoahøo | Yilan County river | 冬山河
Tiong'iofng svoameh | Central mountain range (in Taiwan) | 中央山脈
Tngsvoaf | mainland China; Tang Shan Mountain; China mainland | 唐山
Tngsvoaf-laang | people in Taiwan came from China | 唐山人
Toan'gvofcied | seasonal festivals (as New year, May 5th , August 15th of the 8th month etc), according to the lunar calendar | 年節 (端午節, 中秋節)
Toangvofcied | seasonal festivals (as New year; May 5th; August 15th of the 8th month etc); according to the lunar calendar | 端午節
Tvoa | surname Duan; Tuan | 段
Tøbenggvor Hoe 大 | The religious order of St. Dominic; Dominicans; OP | 多明我會
Zhasvoaf | Shoushan (Chai) mountain in Kaohsiung | 柴山; 壽山
Zhawsvoaf | mountain in Taiwan now called Yangmingshan; Grassy Hill (hill in Hong Kong) | 草山
Zhvekoong lorngphoax voar | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
a'iensvoax | galvanized (zinc-coated) wire | 亞鉛線; 鐵絲
aang-sesvoax | red thread | 紅紗線
aehvor | be interested in; love; sports or art | 愛好
aehvorciar | an amature, lover | 愛好者
aehvox | fondness, liking, to like, to be fond of | 愛好
afnzvoafviu | What happened? | 按怎樣
afnzvoar | how, why | 按怎; 怎樣
ahkhvoar | mortgage | 押款
ahsuhsvoax | ground wire | 接地線
aiensvoax | galvanized (zinc-coated) wire | 亞鉛線
anggoa-svoax | infrared ray | 紅外線
anggoaxsvoax | infrared rays; infrared rays | 紅外線
angsvoax | red thread; red string; refers to the red string in Chinese folklore brings a man and his mate together; Chinese version of Cupid's arrow | 紅線
angtvoaf | red ticket | 紅單
armpvoaa | price or quotation which is kept from public knowledge but made known to a selected few | 暗盤
arnkhvoarbai`leq | try to press | 試按一下
arnpvoaa | estimate | 按盤; 估計
arnzvoafviu | how about; How? In what way or manner? What happened? | 按怎樣; 如何; 怎樣; 怎麼
arnzvoar | interrogative particle (same meaning as afnzvoar), Why? | 按怎; 怎樣
asvoaf | Chinese | 阿山
auxpiahsvoaf kia | said of a person with strong backing or powerful connections | 後壁山在; 靠山大
auxpiahsvoaf | background; said of powerful influence assisting a man | 後壁山; 後背景; 靠山; 後盾
auxpvoarjit | latter half of a day | 後半日
auxpvoarmee | after midnight; wee hours of the morning | 後半暝
auxpvoax | back half | 後半; 後半部
auxsvoaf | rear mountain; east coast of Taiwan; financial or social backing | 後山; 靠山; 臺灣東部
auxtvoa | latter part of a writing; musical composition; etc | 後段
awhvoaai | peremptory; overbearing; arbitrary | 蠻橫; 不講理
bagpvoaa | inkstone; ordinary old type of Chinese ink stand; on which bar ink is ground and mixed with water | 硯台; 墨盤
bagtao-svoax | thread used in carpenter's ink box and line for printing guidelines; ink utensil used by the carpenter to make markings | 墨斗線
bahkvoaf | sliced and dried meat; cured meat; dried meat | 肉干; 肉乾
bahsvoax | surgical catgut | 肉線; 羊腸線
bahtvoaa | sexy; buxom beauty; a woman with an hourglass figure; a siren; a bombshell | 肉彈; 豐胸美女
bakkvoa | soak with sweating; stain with perspiration | 沾汗; 沾到汗
batkhvoax | remembered to see it | 曾看
batkhvoax`kvix | saw it | 曾看見
baxngsvoax | net thread | 網線
baxnpvoaf | all; various; utterly; extremely; all; every; various; extremely; in many different ways | 萬般
baykhvoarsviux | ugly; getting out of bounds; too awful; disreputable | 無像樣; 難看; 醜看相
befvoa | saddle | 馬鞍
befvoaf | saddle | 馬鞍
beng'mvoaa armphiexn | deceive and cheat | 明瞞暗騙
benggvo | reason; intelligence or intellect (Catholic) | 明悟
bengkvoaf | officer | 明官
bexkvoaa | not to feel cold | 未寒; 無冷
bexsiusvoaf | can't bring a matter or a work to a conclusion; can't put in order; can't tidy up affairs; unmanageable | 未收山; 無法收場
biefnkvoaf | strip down someone's official rank | 免官
boafnpvoaa | overall | 全盤
boe'afkvoaf | dried plums; preserved plums | 梅仔干
boeafkvoaf | dried plums, preserved plums | 梅干
boefkhvoar | the final payment on a debt | 尾款
boethvoax | coal | 煤炭
bofsvoaf | background of wife | 某山; 妻家背景
boggvofhix | puppet show | 木偶戲
boggvor | wooden puppet | 木偶
bogpvoaa | a wooden tub | 木盤
bogthvoaroe | charcoal drawing | 木炭畫
bogthvoax | charcoal from wood | 木炭
bonggvor | selfless, self-forgetful, selflessly, to forget oneself | 忘我
bongkhvoax | feel and see; touch to feel; touch | 摸看; 摸摸看
bunbuo kvoa'oaan | civil and military officers | 文武官員
bunbuo pahkvoaf | all the various civil and military officials | 文武百官
bunbwkvoaf | civil and military officers | 文武官
bunkvoaf | government official; civil servant | 文官
buntvoaa | the literary world; the world of letters | 文壇
busvoartien | wireless | 無線電
busvoax tiexn'oe | radio telephone | 無線電話
busvoax tiexnpøx | radiogram; wireless telegram | 無線電報
bwkipvoaa | Chinese chess board | 武棋盤
bwkvoaf | military officer; military official; a military attache in a embassy | 武官
bwphvoa | dancing partner | 舞伴
bwtvoax | actress playing martial role; actors who take the parts of female warriors; character of a female warrior | 武旦
bø'ienthvoax | smokeless charcoal | 無煙炭
bøe-siusvoaf | unable to settle | 未收山; 無法結束
bøkaokhvoax | despise | 無夠看; 輕蔑人
bøkhvoax | din't watch | 無看
bøo intvoaf | out of blue; no reasons | 無因端
bøo pvoaree cvii | not a red cent | 無半的錢; 一毛錢也沒有
bøo pvoarji | not a word | 無半字
bøo pvoarphied | do not have a single skill or merit | 無半撇; 一無所長
bøo pvoarpo | useless | 無半步; 一點辦法都沒有
bøo pvoarsud | to have nothing; dispossessed | 無半屑; 什麼都沒有
bøo pvoarsy | not the least bit | 無半絲
bøo simkvoaf | absent-minded | 沒心肝; 沒良心; 無心肝
bøphvoa | without a companion; alone | 無伴; 沒有伴侶
bøpvoarhang | nothing | 無半項
bøpvoarlaang | no one at all; not a soul | 無半人
bøpvoarphied | useless | 無半撇
bøpvoarpo | no clues | 無半步
bøpvoarsiern | not a red cent | 一毛也沒有
bøpvoarsy | not at all | 無半絲
bøsvoartien | wireless; wireless telegraphy or telephone | 無線電
bøsvoax tiexn'oe | radio telephone | 無線電話
bøsvoax tiexnpøx | radiogram; wireless telegram | 無線電報
bøsvoax | wireless | 無線
bøyn-bøtvoaf | no reason | 無因無端; 無緣故
bøyn-tietvoaf | no reason | 空穴來風; 無因致端
chia'ar-svoax | cuts the sewing thread; reel | 車仔線; 裁縫線
chiaafsvoax | threads for sewing machine | 車仔線
chiapvoaa | argue; conflict; to argue; to debate; to dispute | 爭執; 捙盤; 車搬; 爭論; 爭辯; 多費事
chiasvoax | an oblique line | 斜線
chiatvoaf | (bus or train) ticket; train; bus ticket | 車單; 車票
chiaukhvoax | search | 搜看
chiaupvoaa | repeat tiresomely or endlessly | 超盤; 反覆爭吵
chid kvoa | wipe off perspiration | 拭汗; 擦汗
chiefnpvoaa | a shallow dish | 淺盤
chiefnsvoaf | hill; a knoll | 淺山
chiefnthvoa | a shoal | 淺灘
chiekhvoarmai | try me | 試看覓
chiekhvoax | test | 試看
chiet'voa | switch | 切換
chietsvoax | tangent | 切線
chimkvef pvoaria | in the dead of night; midnight | 深更半夜
chimsvoaf nalai | in the depths of mountainous forest | 深山林裡
chimsvoaf | heart of the mountain; deep in the mountains | 深山
chimzuie zartvoaa | depth charge | 深水炸彈
chinpeeng hvofiuo | relatives and friends | 親朋好友
chiongkvoaf | to confiscate | 充官; 沒收
chiongsvoax | disperse by force; a family scattered or separated in confusion by war or other great upheaval | 沖散
chiorngkoaxn-svoax | the railway or highway running the length of Taiwan | 縱橫線; 縱貫線
chirnkvoa | cold sweat; cold sweat | 凊汗; 冷汗
chirnkvoae | weigh beam | 秤桿
chitgoeqpvoax | fifteenth of the seventh lunar month, special day for worship of ancestral tablets | 七月十五, 中元
chitgøeh-pvoax | a festival on the seventh full moon in a lunar year | 七月半; 中元
chitgøeqpvoax | fifteenth of the seventh lunar month; special day for worship of ancestral tablets | 七月半; 中元
chiuo voae`tiøh | sprained an arm | 手扭著; 手扭傷
chiusvoax | unwind a thread by pulling it towards us | 曳線
chiuxkvoae | the trunk of a tree | 樹桿; 樹幹
chiwhvoa'ar | handle | 手扞仔
chiwkvoae | hand-stick, cane | 手杖; 手桿; 手枴
chiwliutvoaa | a grenade; a hand grenade | 手榴彈
chiwpvoaa | back of the hand | 手盤; 手背
chiwtvoa | means; avenue; craft; means; way; measure; steps; expedient | 手段
chiwvoafkud | carpus | 手腕骨
chiwvoar | finesse; a stratagem; craft; politics | 手碗
chiwvox | ugly | 醜惡
chix khvoarbai`leq | just try it | 試看覓咧
chviaftvoaf | invitation card | 請單
chvigoaxsvoax | ultraviolet ray | 青外線; 紫外線
chvithvoax | coal | 生炭; 石炭
chviukvoae | a rifle | 槍桿; 鎗桿
chviuopvoaa | disc; record; phonogram | 唱盤
chvygvo | understanding; awaken to realization | 醒悟
ciah-kirn lorngphoax voar | Haste makes waste | 吃緊撞破碗; 欲速則無達
ciamleftvoaf | calendar of feasts (Catholic) | 瞻禮單
ciamsvoax | needle and thread; needle and thread; needle work | 針線
ciaobeeng-tvoaa | a flare bomb, an illuminating shell | 照明彈
ciaobengtvoaa | flare | 照明彈
ciaokhvoax | ordinarily; as a rule | 照看; 看情形; 照常理看
ciaothvoaf | divide expenses according to the stake or share that each has | 分攤
ciapsvoarsefng | telephone operator | 接線生; 交換手
ciapsvoax | wire connection; make telephone connection | 接線
ciaptvoaf | orders | 接單
ciaqcvikvoaf | corrupted officers | 食錢官
ciaqkvoapng | be in a mandarin's service | 吃官飯; 當官
ciaqkvoasy | be involved in lawsuit | 吃官司
ciarmsvoax | be busy (of phone lines) | 佔線
ciaxm texpvoaa | take care of one's constituency or sphere of influence | 佔地盤
cidbea koax liafng'voaf | a woman with two husbands (Lit. a horse with two saddles) | 一馬掛兩鞍; 一女配兩夫
cidkhvoax | one peek | 一看
cidkvoaf pvoarcid | unimportant official post | 一官半職
cidlaang svoax cidlo | each goes his own way | 分道揚鑣; 一人散一路
cidnii-pvoarzaix | about a year; a year or so | 一年半載
cidpvoa'viu | the same kind | 一般樣
cidpvoaa | one dish | 一盤
cidpvoaf | the same kind, as usual | 一般
cidpvoarear | few | 一半个仔
cidpvoarjidar | few days | 一半日仔
cidpvoarjit | in a day or two; in a few days | 一兩天; 一半日
cidpvoarlidar | few days | 一半日仔
cidpvoarpae | just one time or two | 一半拜; 一兩次
cidpvoaviu | the same kind | 一般樣
cidpvoax | one-half | 一半
cidpvoax-cidpvoax | half and half | 一半一半
cidsvoax | one thread | 一線
cidtvoa | a length of; length; passage | 一段
cied-tuiepvoax | half price off | 折對半
cienliedsvoax | prostate gland | 前列線
cienpvoaa | frying pan; griddle; ; clank; clang; sound of metal | 煎盤; 平底鍋; 煎鍋
cienpvoax | first half | 前半
ciensvoax | the frontline; battlefront; front line in war | 前線
ciernjixmkvoaf | official of recommended appointment rank | 薦任官
ciernsvoax | the arena of war; line of battle | 戰線
ciesie putgvo | hold on to one's wrong belief till death | 至死無悟
cietbogtvoaf | program of a concert or show | 節目單
cietpvoax | to reduce (in price) by half; reduce by one half; reduce to half | 折半
cietsvoax | broken line (in Math) | 折線
cihongsvoax | sebaceous glands | 脂肪腺
cin khvoax lie | be decided by you; It is up to you | 盡看你; 全部看你的了
ciog hvoahie | be mad with joy; on top of the world | 欣喜若狂; 足歡喜
ciorngkvoaf | officer at the rank of admiral or general; military general | 將官
ciorngkvoar hiensuu | disparity of numerical strength is too great | 眾寡懸殊
ciorngkvoar puttek | One single person is no match for a crowd | 眾寡無敵
cip'hengkvoaf | executioner | 執行秘; 執行官
cipbee putgvo | adhere stubbornly to errors; hold on to wrong beliefs obstinately | 執迷無悟
cirnkhvoar | relief fund | 賑款
cisvoax | a branch line; branch line | 支線
citgiap goaxkaw-kvoaf | career diplomat | 職業外交官
citpvoaa | this dish | 這盤
citpvoax | this one-half | 這半
ciuo oaqkvoar | married in name; not in action | 空有夫妻之名; 無夫妻之實; 守活寡
ciuzex huitvoaa | intercontinental ballistic missile | 洲際飛彈
ciwkvoafee | widow | 寡婦, 守寡的
ciwkvoar zabor | widow | 守寡查某; 寡婦
ciwkvoar | widowhood; remain in widowhood | 守寡
ciwkvoar`ee | widow | 守寡的; 寡婦
ciwphvoa | drinking buddy | 酒伴
ciwzvoar | liquor bowl | 酒盞
ciøhkhvoar | to borrow money; to ask for a loan | 借款
ciøhtvoaf | a written acknowledgement for a debt | 借條; 借單
ciøqpvoaa | solid rock; large flat rock | 石盤
ciøqsvoaf | stone mountain | 石山
ciøqthvoarsngf | carbolic acid | 石炭酸
ciøqthvoax | anthracites; coal | 石炭; 煤
ciørtvoaa | pagan altar set up opposite a shrine for a celebration | 醮壇
cviaa-hvoahie | very glad | 很歡喜; 誠歡喜
cviagøeh-pvoax | mid lunar January | 正月半
cviuxhvoa | disembark; to go ashore; to go on shore (from a ship) | 上岸
cviuxkvoaf | to take up an official post; to assume office | 赴任; 上官
cviuxsvoaf | up to the mountain; ascend a mountain | 上山
cviuxsvoathaau | buried in cemetery of a furnel | 上山頭
cvyzvoaa | well spring | 井泉
cybeafphvoa | female friends who are very close | 姊妹仔伴
cygoaxsvoax | ultraviolet rays | 紫外線
cyhuikvoaf | a commanding officer; a commander | 指揮官
cymoeafphvoa | female close friends | 姊妹仔伴
cytvoaa | rosewood | 紫檀
e-pvoargoat | the moon at the last (or third) quarter | 下半月; 下弦月
e-pvoargøeh | second half of the month | 下半月
e-pvoarmii | past midnight | 下半夜
e-pvoarsyn | lower half of the human body; the lower parts of the body | 下半身
e-pvoartafng | second half of the year | 下半冬; 下半年
efnggvo | bright | 穎悟
eghvox | exchange of commodities | 易換; 易貨
enggvo | bright clever, intelligent | 英悟
erngtiaux jibgvor | be drafted (for military service) | 應召入伍
expvoaa senglie | retail business | 下盤生意; 零售
expvoargoat | last quarter moon | 下弦月; 下半月
expvoargøeh | the moon at the last (or third) quarter | 下半月
expvoarjit | latter half day; afternoon | 下半日
expvoarmee | 12am to sunrise | 下半暝
expvoarmii | 12am to sunrise | 下半暝
expvoarnii | latter six months of a year | 下半年
expvoarpof | afternoon | 下半晡; 下午
expvoarsyn | lower body | 下半身
expvoax | lower half, second half | 下半; 下一半
gafnsvoax | police informer leading to culprit's hide-out; eye line; in crime investigation | 眼線
gagkvoaf | prison or jail warden; official who in charge of music department | 獄官; 樂官
gagtvoaa | music scene | 樂壇
gaxmkao siaosviu tikvoakud | hope against hope; a prize beyond one's reach; unattainable goal (Lit. A stupid dog thinks about pig liver bones.) | 憨狗哨想豬肝骨; 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉
gegpvoaa | jade plate or tray | 玉盤
gekhyhvoa | the gums | 牙齒岸; 牙齦
geqpvoax | about the 15th day of the month | 月半
gextvoaa | art world | 藝壇
gextvoax | hetaira; geisha; girl artist of song and dance; geisha (girl) | 藝妲
giaqkvoae | holding a cane | 舉杖
giaxmkhvoax | to inspect | 驗看
giaxmsikvoaf | coroner | 驗屍官
giaxmtvoaf | inspection bill | 驗單
giefnphvoax | research and judge | 研發
ginsvoaf | silver mountain | 銀山
giofnggvo | lie on one's back | 仰臥
gixtvoaa | court room; parliament or assembly | 議壇
goadgvoo | fairy who is supposed to dwell in the moon | 月娥; 月裏嫦娥
goadlie sionggvoo | fairy who is supposed to dwell in the moon | 月裏嫦娥; 月娥
goantvoaf | original bill or list | 原單
goanzuo-pvoarkexng | atomic radii | 原子半徑
goanzvoaa | fountainhead; primary source | 源泉; 泉源
goanzwtvoaa | atom bomb | 原子彈
goaxhvoa | external shore; across shore | 外岸
goaxkaukvoaf | diplomat; diplomatic official | 外交官
goaxpvoaa | external quotations | 外盤
goaxsvoax | exterior lines; outside (phone) connection | 外線; 電線
goeqpvoax | fifteen of the month | 月半
gongsvoaf | get lost in the mountains | 傻山; 迷山路
goxsvoarphor | music score sheet; the musical score with five lines; staff (in music) | 五線譜
gubahkvoaf | beef-jerky | 牛肉乾
gulaxnphasvoai | mango | 牛𡳞脬檨
gviawzhvoaf | take out a splinter | 挑刺芒
gvo | anger; indignation; rage; wrath; fury; perception; incensed; wrathful; indignant | 怒; 傲; 悟; 臥; 敖; 晤; 誤; 訛
gvobii | pretty eyebrows | 娥眉
gvobiin | our people; my people | 吾民
gvoeh'ar | clip; cramp; haix, pincers,claws; | 鍥仔; 鉗子; 挾子; 鋏仔
gvoehgvoeq`leq | pick up here and there | 箝箝咧
gvoeq | pick up with pincers; chopsticks | 夾
gvoeq`khylaai | pick up with pincers; chopsticks or fire tongs | 夾起來
gvofafn | good afternoon | 午安
gvofar-hii | four-rayed threadfin (fish) | 五仔魚; 四絲馬魚拔
gvofau | afternoon | 午後
gvofbi | the five flavors(sweet | 五味
gvofbiin | our people; my people | 我民
gvofbuun | south gate of imperial palace; we | 午門; 我們
gvofcie | five fingers | 五指
gvofcieen | forenoon; A.M | 上午; 午前
gvofgek pexbuo | disobedient to parents | 忤逆爸母
gvofgek takekvoaf | disobedient to one's father-in-law and mother-in-law | 忤逆公婆; 忤逆乾家官
gvofgek | rebellion; defiant; disobedient; openly oppose one's parents; disobedient to parents | 忤逆
gvofgieen-sy | poem of five character-verses | 五言詩
gvofgiensy | verses with five characters to a line | 五言詩
gvofgu | meet accidentally | 偶遇
gvofheeng | he five elements (metal | 五行; 五刑; 五官; 神色
gvofhiafng | a mixture of various spices | 五香
gvofhiangbi | five spices used for flavoring | 五香味
gvofhiangboah | the powder of the mixture of various spices | 五香末
gvofhiofng | the five spices--cloves, cumin, fennel, aniseed, zanthoxylum seed | 五香
gvofhiø | afternoon | 午後
gvofhoad | accidental; chance; fortuitous; adventitious | 偶發
gvofhofng | our side | 我方
gvofhog | five blessings (talent; posterity; long life; wealth; and honor) | 五福; (好德; 康寧; 長壽; 富貴; 善終)
gvofhok | mourning for the five degrees of relationship | 五服
gvofia | midnight | 午夜
gvofjieen | by chance (accident); accidentally; unexpectedly) | 偶然
gvofjiin | disposition; temperament; temper | 五仁; 令人覺得有趣; 性情怪異
gvofkaix | the five commandments of Buddhist monastic discipline | 五戒
gvofkaktaixha | pentagon | 五角大廈
gvofkaphii | medicated millet liquor | 五加皮
gvofkapii | a spicy plant; liquor soaked in bark of this plant | 五加皮; 五加皮酒
gvofkefng | the Five Confucian Classics | 五經
gvofkek | puppet show; marionette | 偶劇
gvofkhiaux | five sense organs (ears; eyes; lips; nose; heart) | 五竅
gvofkimhaang | hardware store | 五金行
gvofkimtiaxm | hardware store | 五金店
gvofkoaan-hiernhoad | the quintuple constitution--legislative, executive, judicial, examination, and oversight | 五權憲法
gvofkoafn toanzexng | pleasant looking face with the five organs in normal shape and position | 五官端正
gvofkoafn | the five senses organs (ears | 五官
gvofkog | the different grains of harvest; five major grain; grains of all kinds; food crops; our country | 五穀; 我國
gvofkog-pekkør | all the agricultural products | 五穀百果
gvofkym | the five metals(gold | 五金
gvofkym-haang | hardware store | 五金行
gvoflea | the five ceremonies | 五禮
gvofliin | sarcastic | 五仁
gvofliwkw | Tainan’s famous fish dish | 五柳居
gvofliwky | weet and sour fish especially in Tainan | 五柳居
gvoflo | the five roads; all roads; everywhere; in every direction | 五路; 各方
gvofloxlaang | people from all parts | 各地的人
gvofluun | moral obligations; the five human relationships: between prince and minister; father and son; husband and wife; brothers; friends | 五倫
gvofmar hunsy | tear body limb from limb; drawn and quartered | 五馬分屍
gvofpoex | people of our group | 我輩
gvofsefng sioxngcioxng | five-star general or admiral | 五星上將
gvofsefng | the five sacrifice's animals; sacrificial offerings (Lit. five kinds of domestic animals) | 五牲
gvofseg | the five colors(red | 五色
gvofsex kii chiofng | May you prosper for five generations! | 五世其昌
gvofsicviax | noon | 午時正
gvofsien | midday meal | 午膳
gvofsii | from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM | 午時
gvofsiong | idol; image | 偶像
gvofsiong'ixn | stigmata | 五傷印
gvofsioong | five cardinal virtues (love | 五常
gvofsox | even number | 偶數
gvoftai tongtoong | five generations living under the same roof | 五代同堂
gvoftai | five generation; the Five Dynasties in historic China | 五代
gvoftaixciw | five big continents (Africa | 五大洲
gvoftaixviuu | five big oceans (Atlantic | 五大洋
gvoftex | the five legendary emperors in prehistoric China | 五帝
gvoftok | the five poisonous animals or creatures | 五毒
gvoftoo | people or disciples of our group | 我徒; 我輩
gvofym | fifth note of pentatonic scale; the five notes of traditional Chinese music | 五音
gvofzhae | polychrome | 五彩
gvofzhafn | lunch | 中餐; 午餐
gvofzhayhuun | colorful clouds | 五彩雲
gvofzhayseg | polychrome | 五彩色
gvofzok | Chinese Five Races(Chinese | 五族
gvofzong | the five internal organs (the heart | 五臟
gvofzong-lioghuo | all the great internal organs and intestines | 五臟六腑
gvohii | carp (fish) | 伍魚; 鯃魚
gvojiin | we; myself; ourself | 吾人
gvokhii | leech | 蜈蜞; 水蛭
gvokhitefng | ㄇ shape nail | 蜈蜞釘
gvokoehhii | tilapia | 吳郭魚
gvokoehhuu | tilapia | 吳郭魚
gvokøeq-hii | tilapia | 伍郭魚; 吳郭魚
gvoløo | very hunger fellow | 饑囉
gvoo | we; suddenly; to intone in reading; a pretty young woman; lofty; in clamoring for food; to boil for a long time; to invite; a goose; decoy; stool pigeon; a sea-tortoise; I | 吾; 俄; 唔; 哦; 娥; 峨; 梧; 嗷; 熬; 邀; 鵝; 囮; 驁; 鰲
gvor | five | 五; 午; 我; 迕; 偶; 伍
gvotoo | people or disciples of our group | 吾徒; 吾輩
gvotoong | phoenix tree | 梧桐
gvotorng | my political party; my faction | 吾黨
gvoxban | arrogance; haughty; haughty and overbearing | 傲慢
gvoxchiaf | railway sleeping car | 臥車
gvoxhor | severe law-enforcing official; brave general; tyrannical official | 臥虎
gvoxhut | the Reclining Buddha | 臥佛
gvoxkhuie | commit suicide by throwing oneself on a railroad | 臥軌; 臥軌自殺
gvoxkud | proud character; innate pride; lofty character; lofty spirit; self-esteem | 傲骨
gvoxlioong | sleeping dragon -- a remarkable talent who has not been discovered | 臥龍
gvoxlogtviuu | playground | 娛樂場
gvoxlok | amusements; entertainments; recreation; enjoyment; relaxation; pleasure | 娛樂
gvoxsexng | savvy; power of understanding; power of insight; capacity for understanding | 悟性
gvoxsi | lordly; haughtily; look down upon | 傲視
gvoxsyn siongtvar | goad oneself ahead by depriving oneself all daily comfort and subjecting oneself to life's bitterness; nurse vengeance (Lit. lie on faggots and taste gall) | 臥薪嘗膽
gvoxzhngg | bed or couch; lie on a bed | 臥床
gyn'afphvoa | children companions | 囝仔伴; 玩伴
gyn'ar-phvoa | a companion or friend of a child | 囡仔伴; 玩伴; 童伴; 兒伴
gøeqpvoax | about the 15th day of the month | 月半; 一個半月
hanggvor | the army | 行伍; 華麗
hangsvoax | air line; routes (of an airline or shipping company) | 航線
hanzuu-kvoaf | dried sweet-potato slices | 蕃薯干
haqpvoaa | reasonable in price; worth the cost; worthwhile | 合盤; 合算
hawkvoaa | cry with cold | 哮寒; 叫冷
haxgvor | P.M | 午後; 下午
haxkibkvoa'oaan | petty or junior official | 下級官員
haxkvoaf | lower level employee | 下官
haxnsvoax | sweat gland | 汗腺; 汗線
haygan-svoax | coastal route of the Taiwan Railway | 海岸線
haygaxnsvoax | coastal line; coast route | 海岸線; 海線
hayhvoa | seacoast; seashore; seaside; water-front; coast | 海岸
hayhvoa-svoax | coast-line | 海岸線
hayhvoaxsvoax | coastal line | 海岸線
haysvoax | coastal route of Taiwan railway; coastal line; coast route | 海線; 海岸線
haytea tiexnlafmsvoax | submarine cable | 海底電纜線
hefsiøsvoaf | forest fire | 火燒山
hefsvoaf | vocalno | 火山
hefthvoax | charcoal | 火炭
hegzuo-tvoaa | hydrogen bomb | 核子彈
hengsu zhaiphvoax | criminal trial | 刑事裁判
hengsvoax | thymus gland | 胸腺
hengzerngkvoaf | administrative officials | 行政官
hengzerngtviwkvoaf | top administrator in an area or region | 行政長官
hengzexng-kvoaf | executive or administrative officer | 行政官
hexngtvoaa | teaching profession (originally; the site where Confucius taught his students) | 杏壇
hiawgvo | cognize; know; understand; realize | 曉悟; 覺悟
hiensvoax | line of the string; guitar or fiddle string | 絃線; 弦線
hiernkvoaf | offer an official job | 獻官
hietvoaf | program menu | 戲單; 節目表
hietvoax | Dan (Chinese opera); actress | 旦角; 戲旦; 女藝人
hiexnkaitvoa | the present stage | 現階段
hiexnkhvoar | cash | 現款
hikvoa'iuu | cod-liver oil | 魚肝油
hikvoaf | dry fish; dried fish | 魚乾; 魚干
hikvoaiuu | cod liver oil | 魚肝油
hinsvoaf | mountain-sick | 暈山; 昏眩; 因登山而暈眩; 眩山
hiongsvoax | thymus | 胸線; 胸腺
hipkvoa | to sweat; cover up warmly so as to perspire | 翕汗; 發汗; 悶汗
hisvoax | dotted line; imaginary line | 虛線
hit'hvoa | yonder shore | 彼岸
hiøhkvoaa | winter vacation; winter vacation | 歇寒; 放寒假; 寒假
hoaa khvoax | rough estimate | 計算看看
hoaan gvor høsafn | a slogan meaning; Let's restore our lost land! | 還我河山
hoad hvoaizaai | become wealthy by illegal and dishonest methods | 發橫財
hoadkhvoar | fine money | 罰款
hoadtvoaf | fine | 罰單
hoaf hvor goat oaan | ideal time for a wedding (The flowers are in full bloom; and the moon is full.) | 花好月圓
hoafnkiong-khornggvoo | a KMT slogan against communist and Russia | 反共抗俄
hoafntvoaa | rebound | 反彈
hoakhvoax | a rough calculation in mind | 花看; 概算
hoan'ek-kvoaf | translation officer | 翻譯官
hoat kui sngrpvoaa | punish someone to kneel on an abacus (Chinese calculator) | 罰跪算盤
hoatkhvoar | to give out money | 發款
hoatkvoa | to sweat; to induce perspiration; feel cold; chilly | 發汗; 發冷
hoatkvoaa | feel chilly | 發冷
hoatkvoaf | judge; gownsman; judiciary; judicial officer | 法官
hoatsvoax | emit emanate, radiate, evaporate | 發散
hoeakvoaf | an abolished officer | 廢官
hoeatvoaf | list of commodities; invoice | 貨單; 廢單
hoefgvo | awake to a sense of wrongdoing and repent | 悔悟
hoefsiøsvoaf | mountain fire | 火燒山
hoefsvoaf ionggaam | lava | 火山熔岩
hoefsvoaf poghoad | volcanic eruption | 火山爆發
hoefsvoaf | volcano | 火山
hoefsvoagaam | volcanic rock | 火山岩
hoefsvoahoef | volcanic ashes | 火山灰
hoefsvoameh | volcanic range | 火山脈
hoefsvoax | front line; firing line; fighting line | 火線
hoefthvoarhoea | charcoal fire | 火炭火; 炭火
hoefthvoax | charcoal | 木炭
hoehkvoa | blood and sweat; suffering and hard work | 血汗
hoehkvoaxcvii | hard-earned money; money earned with blood and sweat | 血汗錢
hoepvoaa | disk; flower plate | 花盤
hoetvoaa | a city in Changhua County Taiwan | 花壇
hoetvoaf | bill of exchange | 匯單
hoetvoax | a vivacious female role in opera; female impersonators | 花旦
hoexgvo | to meet or see personally | 會晤
hoextvoaf | bill of exchange | 匯單
hoksiaxsvoax | radiant rays | 輻射線
honghiorngpvoaa | steering wheel | 方向盤
hongkvoaf | to offer official | 封官
hongsvoax | line of defense | 防線
hongtvoa'y | bulletproof clothes | 防彈衣
hongtvoaa pølee | bulletproof glass | 防彈玻璃
hongtvoaa | bulletproof; protect against bullets | 防彈
hornghengtvoaf | clearance permit | 放行單
horngkhvoar | to make loans; to grant loans | 放款
horngsiaxsvoax ciaosioxng | radio graph | 放射線照相
horngsiaxsvoax ihak | radiotherapeutics | 放射線醫學
horngsiaxsvoax liauhoad | radiotherapy | 放射線療法
horngsiaxsvoax | radioactive rays | 放射線
hoxhvoa | a dike; a levee; an embankment | 護岸
hoxngsvoaf | (N) Fengshan (place in Guangxi); (N) Fengshan (city in Taiwan) | 鳳山
hoxpvoaa | protect the market | 護盤
hoxsvoarchiu | terminalia tree | 雨傘樹
hoxsvoarhoef | an inside-out opened umbrella | 雨傘花; (傘面朝已翻起)
hoxsvoarkud | ribs of an umbrella | 雨傘骨
hoxsvoarngr | shade from an umbrella | 雨傘影
hoxsvoarpvix | umbrella handle | 雨傘柄
hoxsvoarzad | type of poisonous snake; section of the foldable umbrella | 雨傘節; (蛇)
hoxsvoarzoaa | kind of snake | 雨傘蛇
hoxsvoax | umbrella | 雨傘
hudtvoaa | Buddhist altar | 佛壇
hudzuo tvoathaau | nuclear warhead | 核子彈頭
hudzuo-tvoaa | nuclear bomb | 核子彈
hudzwtvoaa | H-bomb | 核子彈
huigvoo-huohoea | dig one's own grave; flirt with death (The flying moth is forever attracted to the flame.) | 飛蛾赴火
huihkvoa | blood and sweat; sweat and toil | 血汗
huipvoaa | china plate | 瓷盤
huisioong chiwtvoa | emergency measures | 非常手段
huitvoaa | stray bullet or shell; ballistic missile | 飛彈
huixsvoax | transverse thread of the warp, parallels of the latitude | 緯線
hukvoaf | an aide-de-camp | 副官
hukvoaiuu | cod liver oil | 魚肝油
hungvoo | Oriental tobacco bud worm | 燻嗷; 煙蛾
hunkaesvoax | line of demarcation; borderline; boundary | 分界線
hunpiesvoax | secrete gland | 分泌腺
hunsuysvoax | divide; watershed | 分水線
hunsvoax | breakup; be dispersed; scattered or broken up | 分散
hunthvoaf | to share the expenses; share a financial burden or stocks | 分攤
huokvoaf | an adjutant; adjutant; aide-de-camp | 副官
husvoax | a dotted line | 虛線
hutzvoaa | hot spring (boiling) | 沸泉; 溫泉
huy gvor bok siok | I; and I alone; am qualified for or deserve a position | 非我莫屬
hviaa-hoefthvoax | burn charcoal as fuel | 燒木炭
hviutvoaa | altar of incense | 香壇; 香檀
hviuvoaftøq | temporary altar for worship of an idol passing by in procession | 香碗桌; 香案
hviuvoax | temporary altar for worship of an idol passing by in procession | 香案
hvixpvoaa | ink slab; ink stone | 硯盤; 硯台
hvo | oh? so this is it; exclamations | 喔; 感嘆詞; 原來如此; 是麼?
hvoa kekhix | operate a machine | 扞機器; 操作機器
hvoa | a shore; a coast; a beach; a bank | 岸; 扞; 掛手掌理; 按
hvoa'iøh | catalytic medicine, soldering flax | 化醫
hvoa-kengthaau | hang on | 掛肩頭
hvoa-zerngthaau | to diagnose | 按症頭; 診斷病情
hvoaa | snore | 鼾
hvoaai | cross grained; perverse; presumptuous and unreasonable | 橫
hvoaai-parpax | bully | 橫霸霸
hvoaai`koex | crossover; athwart; thwart; traverse | 橫過; 橫越
hvoaai`køex | cross over | 橫過
hvoabiin | to snore | 鼾聲
hvoaf | pleased; joy; glad | 歡
hvoafaxm | dusk; twilight; gloomy | 幻暗
hvoafof | secretly; clandestinely | 暗暗; 幻黑
hvoahie | merriment; joyfulness; joy; gladness; glad; happy; delight | 歡喜
hvoahvoahyhie | happy, delighted, full of joy | 歡歡喜喜
hvoahvoakiøx | snoorning | 鼾鼾叫
hvoai'og | wicked | 橫惡; 邪惡
hvoaibahsvef | of fierce or ferocious appearance | 橫肉生; 惡形惡狀的人
hvoaibin | transverse section | 橫面
hvoaigek | rebellious; disobedient; lawless | 橫逆
hvoaiheeng partø | bully; behave in total disregard of law | 橫行霸道
hvoaiheeng | proceed on ways other than proper usually evil; move sideways like crabs | 橫行
hvoaihek | violent, overbearing, unjust | 橫行; 無法無天
hvoaihioxng | horizontal | 橫向
hvoaihvoaai | cruel, unreasonable (person) | 橫橫
hvoaihvoai'køo | act unreasonably | 橫橫來; 亂來
hvoaihø | unexpected calamity | 橫禍; 橫
hvoaikef | cross street | 橫街
hvoaikeh | set oneself against; oppose; make a pair | 橫逆; 橫扴; 作對
hvoaikehmoh | the diaphragm | 橫隔膜
hvoaikekmøh | the diaphragm (physiology); abdominal diaphragm | 橫隔膜
hvoaikoaxn konglo | highway running from east to west; Cross Island Highway in Taiwan | 橫貫公路
hvoaikoaxn-konglo | the cross-island highway; east-west highway | 橫貫公路
hvoaikoaxn-svoameh | mountain range running from east to west | 橫貫山脈
hvoaikoong | rafter, ceiling joist | 橫栱
hvoaikoxng | strong transverse bar for a door | 橫槓; (門閂)
hvoaikviaa | walk sideways | 橫行
hvoaikvoae | stub supports horizontally | 橫杆; 桌子橫木
hvoaikvoay | cross-bars connecting the legs of a chair; table or bed | 橫杆
hvoaikøf | act against law and reason | 無理; 橫滾
hvoaikøkøo | cross; unreasonable; overbearing | 橫黏黏; 橫分無講理
hvoailaau | cross-current | 橫流
hvoailo | the horizontal road; east-west road | 橫路
hvoainiar | horizontal collar | 橫領
hvoainiuu | lateral beam | 橫樑
hvoaiparpax | overbearing | 橫霸霸
hvoaipax | perverse and tyrannical | 橫霸
hvoaipiern | horizontal tablet over door | 匾額; 橫扁
hvoaipø | high-handed | 橫暴
hvoaisef | horizontal yarn | 橫絲
hvoaisiar | write horizontally | 橫寫
hvoaisie | untimely death by accident | 橫死; 橫禍
hvoaisvoax | horizontal lines; horizontal lines | 橫線
hvoaisvy | difficult labor of childbirth | 橫產; 橫生; 非順產
hvoaitek | the common flute (played horizontally) | 橫笛
hvoaithofng | wood across the columns | 橫通; 柱間橫木
hvoaitit | either way; in either case; horizontal and perpendicular; in any case; anyway; in the end; in the long run | 橫直; 反正
hvoaito | (n) ferry | 橫渡; 渡船
hvoaitoaxnbin | cross section | 橫斷面
hvoaizaai | get rich illegally; making a windfall; good fortune which one doesn't deserve; illegal gains | 橫財
hvoaizah | put across, obstruct | 橫閘; 攔阻
hvoaizhaa giajip zaux | argue irrationally; do things the way they won't work (to put sticks of wood into the stove sideways; contrary to the way they fit) | 強詞奪理; 橫柴抬入灶
hvoaizhvoax | cross bolt or bar (at a gate) | 橫閂
hvoaizoa | horizontal stripe or row | 橫列
hvoar | swash; a short time; in a flash | 恍; 掩飾,; 不清楚; 不在意; 晃; 無明; 幻
hvoathaau-hybin | overjoyed | 歡頭喜面
hvoathauhybin | happy | 歡頭喜面
hvoax | empty; hollow; bare | 泛
hvoaxiøh | (traditional Chinese medicine) catalyst medicine | 焊藥
hvoaxkef | manage household affairs; manage family affairs | 持家; 管家; 理家
hvoaxmeh | check pulse | 按脈
hvoaxpvoaa | preside over; direct; control; be in charge of | 按盤; 掌管
hvoaxpvy | near the bank | 岸邊
hvoaxsiaux | treasurer; accountant; keep the accounts | 按數; 按帳
hvoaxthaau | control; be in charge of | 按頭; 掌頭; 掌管
hvoaxtiaxm | operate a business | 按店; 管理店務
hvoaxtoa | helmsman; at the helm | 按舵; 掌舵
hvoaxtvar | help to encourage | 按膽; 助膽
hvoaxtvia | fix or calm one's mind; take firm hold of; grasp; make up one's mind | 按定; 定下心
hvoaxtviafzaux | chef | 扞鼎灶
hvoaxtøf | ong-handled sword | 岸刀; 長柄刀
hvobiin | sound of snoring | 鼾聲
hvof | (onomat.); dumb; (modal particle indicating polite suggestion); ...right?; ...OK? | 鼾; 呼; 沒有什麼
hvofjim | denny | 否定; 否認
hvofjin | deny | 否認
hvofkerng | thriving | 好景
hvofkoad | to veto, to reject, a veto | 否決
hvofkofng | flames | 火光; 火焰
hvofkøf-huxoarn | strive after; run after high position or far-off things; idealistic; flighty | 好高騖遠
hvoflin | deny | 否認
hvofteng | denial | 否定
hvohvokiøx | continual crying | 鼾鼾叫; 哭聲
hvoo | Really? | 真的; 喔
hvoq | be in close contact | 好; 摀
hvor | good; nice; fine; excellent; very; much; pleasing in looks; taste; easy to deal with; to finish dressing; doing; all right! so that | 好
hvorbeeng | formerly; official honor or rank; love fame | 好名; 喜功名
hvorciah | be fond of eating | 好吃
hvorciexn | bellicose; hawkish; sabre-rattling; warmongering; warlike | 好戰
hvorciuo | fond of wine; given to wine | 好酒; 愛喝酒
hvorgieen | garrulous; talkative; loquacious; talktive | 好言; 好講話; 愛說話
hvorhak | fond of learning and scholarship; be fond of studying; diligent in the pursuit of knowledge | 好學
hvorhieen | fond to meddle in others' affairs; curious; full of curiosity; love fun and games; inquisitive | 貪玩; 好賢; 好管閒事
hvoriim | fond of debauchery; lustful; lecherous | 好淫; 好色的
hvoriorng | fond of some special duty; fight bravely | 好勇
hvorkaw | friendly | 好交
hvorkheq | hospitality; happy to receive guests | 好客
hvorkied-sengpheg | morbid preoccupation with cleanliness | 好潔成癖
hvorkii | curiousness; vagary; inquisitive | 好奇
hvorkii-sym | curiosity | 好奇心
hvorkioong | eager | 好強
hvorkisym | curiosity | 好奇心
hvorkøf | strive after | 好高; 有抱負; 自揚
hvorphiaau | fond of visiting prostitutes; frequent brothels; given to whoring | 好嫖
hvorpien | fond of arguing; argumentative; disputatious | 好辯; 愛辯
hvorsefng | to be afraid of death; cling to life | 好生
hvorseg | sensuality; lech; amorousness | 好色
hvorserngsym | loving to excel others; ambitious | 好勝心
hvorsexng | loving to excel others; ambitious; love to win; love pre eminence; emulative | 好勝
hvorsien | loving to do philanthropic work; delight in virtue and goodness | 好善
hvorsu | (n) bad action; deed (used ironically); be bent on making trouble; meddlesome | 好事
hvorsuxciar | meddler; busybody | 好事者
hvorsy | fond of charity | 好施
hvorteg | aspiring to a higher moral standard | 好德; 積德
hvortong | very active or restless disposition | 好動
hvortor | fond of gambling | 好賭
hvortox | pugnacious, belligerent | 好鬥
hvorzaai | covetous | 好財
hvorzeng | having a preference for quiet places | 好靜
hvox | love to; be fond of; be addicted to | 好
hvuii (hvoaai) | crosswise; horizontal; sideways (see hoai) | 橫
hwnkvoaf | tender (pork) liver; soft part of the pig's liver | 粉肝; 軟肝臟; 豬肝之肉質幼細者
hwnsvoax | vermicelli | 粉線
høeatvoaf | a shipping list | 貨單
høefchiatvoaf | railway ticket | 火車單; 火車票
høefsiøsvoaf | a firing volcano; meaning the super high heat in temperature | 火燒山
høefsvoaf pøxhoad | a volcanic eruption | 火山爆發
høefsvoaf | volcano | 火山
høefthvoax | coal | 木炭; 火炭
høekuy-svoax | the tropic of cancer or capricorn | 回歸線; 南回歸線
høfkhvoax | good appearance; beautiful; worth seeing; good-looking; pretty | 好看; 美麗
høhvoa | river banks; by the river side | 河岸
høpvoaa | to tie | 和盤
hør-chiwtvoa | good hand | 好手段
iamkvoaf | a eunuch | 宦官; 閹官
iamzvoaa | brine-spring | 鹽泉
iarm'vox | abhor, dislike, loathe | 厭惡
iarmvox | loath; dislike; detest | 厭惡
iaukvoaa | starving | 飢寒
iaukvoagø | suffer from starvation and cold | 飢寒餓; 饑寒交迫
iaxpvoax | midnight | 夜半
iaxsvoax | scatter about (as sand; seeds; or things strewn about without order) | 撒散
ienboxtvoaa | smoke bomb | 煙幕彈
iengvo | inure loss through delay | 延誤
ienhvoa | coast; inshore; coastal | 沿海; 沿岸
iensvoaf | along the mountain | 沿山
iensvoax | galvanized (zinc-coated) wire | 鉛線; 鐵絲
ientiongsvoax | extension cord; an extension | 延長線
igvoflun | solipsism; egoism | 惟我論
igvor togzwn | egoistic; autocratic; bossy | 唯我獨尊
igvor-lun | solipsism | 唯我論; 惟我論
ikvoaf | medical officer | 醫官
imkek-svoax | cathode ray | 音階線; 陰極線
intvoaf | cause; origin; root cause; reason | 因端; 事端
ioxngcin chiwtvoa | used every means available | 用盡手段
isvoaf-tørhae | to remove mountains and drain seas; very capable | 移山倒海
isvoariam | pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) | 胰腺炎
isvoax | pancreas | 胰腺
itgvor-itsip | to tell something exactly as it happened; systematically and in full detail | 一五一十
itlut khvoarthai | treat all in the same way | 一律看待; 一視同仁
itmar taix liofng'voaf | horse with two saddles; said of man filling two offices; doing two things at the same time | 一馬帶兩鞍
itpvoaf bincioxng | people in general | 一般民眾
itpvoaf siaxhoe | ordinary society | 一般社會
itpvoaf | generally; common; general; commonly; as a rule | 一般
itpvoaf-hoax | to generalize, generalization | 一般化
itpvoasexng | common quality | 一般性
itterng sukiekvoaf | secretary first class (of the embassy) | 一等書記官
ittvoaxløh | come to a stage where one can take a rest (from the work); complete the first stage (of the work) | 一段落
itøfsvoarsox | insulin | 胰島腺素
iu kviaf iu hvoahie | alarmed and happy at the same time | 又驚又喜
iuchiuo-hvorhieen | to live idleness; to be a lazy good-for-nothing | 遊手好閒
iujiuu-kvoaftoaxn | be peaceable and easygoing but lacking the strength to make quick decisions | 優柔寡斷
iuosvoax | a fine thread | 細線; 幼線
iuphvoa | playmate; travel company | 遊伴
iusiuo-hvorhaan | loitering about and doing nothing; loafing | 游手好閒
iuzvoaa | gusher (oil well) | 油井
iwhvor | friendly | 友好
iwsvoax | wired | 有線
iwsvoax-tiexnsi | cable TV | 有線電視
iwtiaau-iwtvoa | systematical; orderly; properly and logically arranged | 有條有段; 有條有理
iøqtvoaf | (n) medical prescription; prescription; written prescription | 藥單; 藥方
iøthaau-pvoaxboea | act obsequiously (Lit. to bobble the head and wag the tail like a dog hoping to please the master) | 搖頭拂尾
jibgvor | to enlist in the arm forces; be enlisted in the army | 入伍
jibkhvoar | deposit money | 入款
jibkvoaf | to confiscate | 入官
jibsvoaf | go into the mountains | 入山
jibsvoazexng | mountain pass | 入山證
jidpvoax | day and a half | 日半; 一天半
jidsvoax | solar rays | 日線; 日光
jiedsvoax | heat rays | 熱線
jiongsvoax | woolen yarn for knitting | 絨線
jixiofnghoarthvoax | carbon dioxide | 二氧化碳
jixioong-hoarthvoax | carbon dioxide | 二氧化碳
jixmkvoaf | be appointed to be government official | 任官
jixnkhvoax | recognize | 認看
ju'ix sngrpvoaa | wishful thinking | 如意算盤
jwsvoax | mammary gland | 乳腺
kaesvoax | boundaries; confines; sideline; draw a line (in order to show the border); boundary line; division line | 界線
kafnghvoa | port | 港岸
kafngtvoaa | preaching, pulpit | 講壇
kagvor | ideal couple; devoted couple | 佳偶; 嘉偶
kagvor-thienseeng | an ideal marriage; divinely arranged | 佳偶天成
kahzoxngsvoariam | thyroiditis; inflammation of the thyroid gland | 甲狀腺炎
kahzoxngsvoax chiettii chiwsut | thyroidectomy | 甲狀腺切除手術
kahzoxngsvoax zerng`khylaai | Basedow's disease; goiter | 甲狀腺腫起來
kahzoxngsvoax | thyroid gland; thyroid | 甲狀腺
kaitvoa | stage or phase (in a developmental or evolutionary process) | 階段
kakgvo | Original meaning ─ roused to a comprehension (of one's failing). Be prepared (ready) for; be resolved to do; make up one's mind to do; be resigned | 覺悟
kakpvoax | fifteen cents; one dime and a half | 角半; 一角五分
kamzvoaa | fresh spring | 甘泉
kanghvoa | river shore | 江岸
kaokvoaf | military teacher; military instructor | 教官
kaotvoaa | teacher's platform (in the classroom) | 教壇
kapsvoax | seam- space between things | 接縫; 兩端結合線; 合線
karnglogsvoax | parachute | 降落傘
karngløqsvoax | parachute | 降落傘
karnsvoax | main railway line, trunk line | 幹線
kattvoaa | set up a Taoist altar | 交定; 設壇
katvoaf | punch a railway ticket | 剪票; 剪單
kauhkvoa | sweating | 腐汗; 汗垢; 汗濕
kauhvor | cordiality, to be on good terms, become friend | 交好
kaukhvoar | make payments or pay bills | 交款
kaupvoaa | engage in business transaction or trade | 交盤; 交易
kauvoa hulor | exchange of prisoners | 交換俘虜
kauvoa iekiexn | exchange of views | 交換意見
kauvoa koksw | exchange of credentials | 交換國書
kauvoa tiaukvia | give and take condition | 交換條件
kauvoa | change; replace; exchan;ge or interchange | 交換
kauvoaxchiuo | telephone operator | 接線生; 交換手
kauvoaxsor | place for barter | 交換所
kauvoaxtaai | switchboard | 交換台
kauxkvoa | sweating | 厚汗; 多汗
kaxngphvoa | companion | 同伴
kay'voa | change, correct | 解換; 改換
kayphvoax | amended judgment; change a sentence (meted out by a lower court) | 改判
kaysvix-voaxmiaa | change name | 改姓換名
kaysvoax | break up, disband, disperse | 解散
kayvoa | change; exchange or substitute one for another; change; replace; put another in place of | 改換
kef cidpvoax kuix | half again as much; a 50% price increase of | 貴一半; 加一半貴
kefngkaesvoax | boundary line | 境界線
kefngkvoaf | police sergeant; sarge; police officer | 警官
kefngkvoaf-haghau | police academy | 警官學校
kefsvoaf | rock garden; false mountain | 假山
kefvoa | change, correct | 假換; 改換
kekgvofjiin | make jokes and act witty | 激五仁
kekgvofliin | make jokes and act witty. | 激五仁
kekliet-chiwtvoa | strenuous; hard exercise | 劇烈手段
keksvoarsvoax | be careless or unconcerned | 裝散散; 無在乎; 故意不重視
kekvoaf | chicken liver; chicken liver | 雞肝
keng'voa | replace; to substitute | 更換
kengsvoax | meridian or longitude | 經度; 經線
keq cidliap svoaf | separated by a mountain | 隔一座山; 隔一粒山
khaf voay`tiøh | sprained foot | 腳扭傷
khaf zvoai`tiøh | sprained foot | 腳撰著; 腳扭傷
khafng hvoahie | fruitless joy | 空歡喜
khansvoax | pull strings; pull wires; act as go-between; make a line with a cord | 拉線; 牽線
khaokhvoar | to deduct money | 扣款
khapvoaa | the feet; the lower limbs; instep (of the foot) | 足背; 腳盤; 跗
kharsvoax | to strike to separate apart | 敲散
khathau'uvoar | knee-cap | 腳頭予碗; 膝蓋骨
khaukhvoar | to deduct money | 削款
khawhvoa | a port | 口岸
khehkvoaf | customer | 客倌; 顧客
khehvoa | river shore; embankment along a river | 溪岸
khekpvoaa | (vinyl) record; LP; phonograph records); gramophone records) | 唱片; 曲盤
khengtvoaa | hydrogen bomb | 氫彈
khia koansvoaf khvoax bea siøthad | look on unconcerned | 豎高山看馬相踢; 袖手旁觀
khieiutvoaa | napalm bomb | 汽油彈
khieiuu-chiwliutvoaa | Molotov cocktail | 汽油手榴彈
khiekvoaf | resign as an officer | 去官; 棄官
khimsvoax | instrument strings; strings of any musical instrument | 琴線
khioksvoarbie | curvaceous | 曲線美
khioksvoax | arc; curved line; curve | 曲線
khioksvoax-bie | curvaceous | 曲線美
khippvoaa | sucker (as in octopus) | 吸盤
khitciah kvoar biøxkofng | A homeless beggar expelled the superior of the Buddhist temple in which he asked for a night's lodging ─ usurp what is asked for a night's lodging ─ usurp what is other's. The camel got his head into the tent | 乞丐趕廟公; 鳩佔鵲巢
khofng-tuix-khofng huitvoaa | air-to air missiles | 空對空飛彈
khofng-tuix-tøe huitvoaa | air-to-ground missiles | 空對地飛彈
khoftvoax | the bitter female role in Chinese opera; actress who plays a tragic part | 苦旦; 青衣
khoksvoax | to diffuse, to spread | 擴線; 擴散
khongkwn-bwkvoaf | air attache | 空軍武官
khopvoax | $1.50 | 一元半
khorngkvoaf | to rebel (to civil officers) | 抗官
khorngsvoaf | mountains containing mineral deposits; mine | 礦山
khorngzvoaa | mineral spring | 礦泉
khorngzvoazuie | mineral spring water | 礦泉水
khotvoaf | cackle (as a hen about to lay an egg) | 呼單; 母雞啼 (準備下蛋)
khudthausvoaf | bald mountain | 𣮈頭山
khuipvoaa | (said of a market) the opening price; opening quotation | 開盤
khuisvoaf | to open a mountain | 開山
khuitvoaf | to write a bill; to list expenditures or items needed; make out a bill or list; to fine | 開單; 開罰單
khurnvoax | wake up late | 睡晚; 起得晚
khusvoax | to get rid of, to drive out | 驅散
khutvoa | section | 區段
khuy iøqtvoaf | write out a medical prescription | 開藥單
khvoa'afsi | to delay action; to put off a project | 寬仔是; 慢慢(來); 款仔是
khvoa'ar | slow; gradual; to delay; to slacken; to put off | 寬仔; 緩緩
khvoa'oah | easy life | 寬活; 舒服
khvoaf | wide; relax | 寬
khvoaixkhvoaixkiøx | sound of cymbals | 銅鑼的聲音
khvoakhvoa'ar kviaa | walk slowly (leisurely) | 寬寬仔走; 款款仔走; 緩緩仔走
khvoakhvoa'ar si | take one's time; Take it easy. Don't hurry! | 寬寬仔是; 款款仔是; 緩緩仔是
khvoakhvoa'ar | do leisurely | 寬寬仔; 款款仔; 緩緩仔
khvoar | money; style | 款
khvoar'm | look down on, make light of | 看不起, 瞧不起
khvoarbai | try to take a look at | 看覓; 看看; 試試看
khvoarbai`leq | try; make a trial; to test | 看覓咧; 試試看; 看看
khvoarbexkhie | look down | 看袂起
khvoarbexlaai | see but cannot understand | 看不來, 看不懂
khvoarboexkhie | look down | 看袂起
khvoarbøe-løh`khix | can't keep looking | 看未落去; 看不下去
khvoarbøexlaai | see but cannot understand | 看無來; 看不懂
khvoarbøextiøh | unable to see it (because something is obstructing the view) | 看無到
khvoarbøo bagte | despise | 看無目地; 看無起
khvoarbøo | unable to see; unseen; look down upon; despise; ignore; disregard; turn a blind eye to; contempt; contemptuous; despise; scorn; scornful; (v) loathe | 看無; 看無到; 看輕
khvoarcieen-khvoarau | to look at front and back | 看前看後
khvoarcincyn | identify clearly | 看真真
khvoarcviuo | watch palm | 看掌
khvoarcviuxbak | think well off; to respect | 看上眼
khvoarcyn | to see clearly; to have a real look at | 看真; 看真確
khvoarexkhie | have a high opinion of; to respect; worth respecting | 看得起
khvoarexzhud | can distinguish | 看會出; 能辨別
khvoarguu | a cowherd; to herd or take care of cattle; herd cow; pasture cattle | 放牛; 看牛; 牧牛
khvoarguu`ee | watch the cow | 看牛的
khvoargøeh | admire full moon | 賞月; 看月
khvoarhix | to watch a show; see and enjoy show | 看戲
khvoarhoad | opinion; viewpoint; view-point | 看法
khvoarhofng-sayphaang | adapt oneself to circumstances | 看風駛帆
khvoarhofng-zoafntø | adapt oneself to circumstances | 看風轉舵
khvoarhongsuie | funsui | 看風水
khvoarisefng | see the Dr. | 看醫生
khvoarji | read, read life from name | 看字
khvoarjit | pick a special day; choose a lucky day (by a fortune-teller) | 擇日; 看日; 挑日子
khvoarkhao | able to stand | 看口; 看頭
khvoarkhie | to look upon; up to one's standard | 看起
khvoarkhoarn | it seems; it looks as if; depends on circumstances; decide depending on circumstances | 看款; 看情形
khvoarkhyn | to underestimate; undervaluation; underrate; despise | 看輕; 瞧不起; 輕視
khvoarkngx | to look at a test paper | 看卷
khvoarkoaxn | used to see | 看慣
khvoarkoeakoex | despise; slight | 看過過; 看透; 看無順眼
khvoarkox | to look after; take care of; watch over; take care of | 看顧; 照顧
khvoarkvix | see; sight; perceive; catch sight of; perceive by sight; happen to see; to see without the pre-determined purpose or intention of looking at; have the faculty or power of seeing | 看見; 看到; 見過
khvoarkøex | seen | 看過
khvoarlaai-khvoarkhix | looking this way and that | 看來看去; 東張西望
khvoarlaam | watch laam | 看南
khvoarlaang | judging a person | 看人
khvoarlangbøo | look down | 看人無
khvoarle | see as a pattern; model | 看例
khvoarliao køq khvoax | take a look; see again and again | 看了擱看
khvoarliawkhvoax | take a look, see again and again | 看了又看
khvoarlit | choose an auspicious day | 看日
khvoarm | look down on; make light of | 看無; 瞧無起
khvoarmai | to take a look at; to examine and survey; to visit or call on; to see the sights | 看覓; 試試看; 看看
khvoarmeh | take the pulse | 看脈; 把脈
khvoarmia | tell fortunes | 看命; 算命; 相命
khvoarmia-siefn | physiognomist | 看命先; 看命仙; 相士
khvoarmia-sien'ar | fortune-teller | 看命先仔; 命相師
khvoarmia-siensvy | fortune-teller | 看命先生; 命相師
khvoarmiaxsiefn | fortune teller | 看命仙
khvoarmngg | a door or gate keeper; a watchman; to watch or guard the door | 看門
khvoarmxcviuxbak | despise, look down on | 看不上眼
khvoarmxtiøh | be deceived by one's eyes; misjudge (by sight) | 看無對; 看錯
khvoaroah | feel fine, easy | 看活; 快活
khvoarpag | watch north | 看北
khvoarpan | samples | 樣品; 看辦
khvoarpar | read or look at to one's heart's content; feast one's eye on | 看飽; 看夠
khvoarphoax | see through a thing; to be resigned to what is inevitable; see through (trick; falseness); decide to quit (after seeing through); discern | 看破; 看開
khvoarputzai gafnlai | make light of | 看不在眼內
khvoarputzaixgafnlai | make light of | 看不起眼
khvoarpve | examine the patient | 看病
khvoarpvi | examine the patient | 看病
khvoarsay | watch west | 看西
khvoarsii | to look a good time; choose a lucky time to move; bury a person | 看時; 卜時間; 擇時; 看時辰
khvoarsioxng | to visit physiognomist or fortune-teller; to practice physiognomy; practice physiognomy; visit a physiognomist or fortune-teller; look at a photograph | 看相; 看相片; 算命
khvoarsiuo | watch | 看守
khvoarsiux | depending on circumstantces | 看粹; 樣子
khvoarsviux | quality of being worth looking at | 看相
khvoarsvoaf | to practise geomancy (in selecting a site for a tomb or building) | 看山; 看風水
khvoarsvoaf`ee | a person who is special to practise geomancy (in selecting a site for a tomb or building) | 看山的; 地理師; 看風水的人
khvoartaai | grandstand | 看台; 看臺
khvoartafng | watch east | 看東
khvoartafng-khvoarsay | look all around; gawk around | 看東看西; 東張西望
khvoartang | value very highly; to esteem; appreciate | 看重; 器重; 重視
khvoartefng | look at the lights | 看燈
khvoarthaau | that which is worth seeing; keep an eye on; keep watch (as sentry set by persons secretly engaged in some illegal; impure; or improper action); act as a lookout | 看頭; 把風
khvoarthaau-khvoarbøea | give occasional help (like a master in a shop); look after a business for a man in his absence | 看頭看尾; 關照
khvoarthai | to treat (another; a child; friend; etc.); treatment; take care of; to wait for; await | 看待
khvoarthaothaux | see through; discern; forecast (the turn of events) | 看透透; 看開
khvoarthaux | see through; discern; forecast (the turn of events) | 看透; 看透,看開
khvoarthvizhaan | paddies without dependable irrigation water | 看天田
khvoarthvy ciaqpng | live by honest means | 看天吃飯
khvoarthvy | live by honest means | 看天
khvoartiong | pay attention to | 看重
khvoartioxng | to feel satisfied with; to favor (a choice); to chose; to prefer; to like | 看中; 看上
khvoartiøh | watch; glimpse; clap eyes on; get a view of; catch sight of; see | 看著; 看到; 看見
khvoartva | be deceived by one's eyes; misjudge (by sight) | 看錯
khvoaru-ciaqbøo kantvaf giexn | dreaming impossible dreams (Lit. You see it; but can't have; you just yearn for it.) | 看有吃無只有癮
khvoarviu | follow the example | 看樣
khvoarzay | to understand by sight | 看知
khvoarzeeng-khvoarau | anytime (anything) be carefully | 看前看後
khvoarzefng | see it clearly | 看精; 看清楚
khvoarzengheeng | depending on circumstances | 看情形
khvoarzexng | see a doctor; see a patient | 看症; 看病
khvoarzhefng | to see clearly | 看清; 看清楚
khvoarzheq | read a book | 看冊; 看書
khvoarzhud | discern; espy; descry | 看出
khvoarzhutzhud | see someone through | 看出出
khvoarzhøx | be deceived by one's eyes; misjudge (by sight) | 看錯
khvoarzoex | regard as; look upon as | 看做
khvoarzøee | (in military) Face right!; to follow the example of; to emulate (someone) | 看齊
khvoarzøx | consider to be...; count as.. | 算做; 看作,看成; 看做
khvoax chiwsioxng | read palm as a means of fortune-telling; to practice palmistry | 看手相
khvoax hongsuie | practice geomancy in selecting a site for a tomb | 看風水
khvoax kihoe | look for a chance; opportunity | 看機會
khvoax laang bøbagte | look down upon others | 看人無目地; 看無起人家
khvoax laang mxkhie | treat a person with contempt | 看人未起; 看無起人家; 瞧不起人
khvoax laang-thaubin | rely on others and have to watch their every expression | 看人頭面; 依賴他人
khvoax paxnsex | watch how affairs are going | 看辦勢; 看情形
khvoax texlie | practice geomancy in selecting a site for a building | 看地理
khvoax thviseg | watch the signs of the weather | 看天色
khvoax viu | follow (some one's) example | 看 ...的樣; 學 ...的樣
khvoax y køeakøex | have the upper hand; be able to overcome him with the utmost ease; hold a person cheap; undervalue | 看他過過; 吃定了他
khvoax | look at; observe; watch over; examine | 看
khvoax-bøbeeng | did not see clearly | 看無明; 沒看清楚
khvoax-bøexbeeng | cannot see distinctly | 看未明; 看無清楚
khvoax-bøexcviuxbak | cannot set a high value on; look down on | 看無上眼; 看不起
khvoax-bøexhiao | see but not comprehended | 看無懂
khvoax-bøexkhie | to look down upon; to despise | 看無起
khvoax-bøexkhix | I can't look at all of them (The time is so short; there are so many) | 看無了; 看不完; 看未去
khvoax-bøexkoaxn | detest; to disdain | 看無慣
khvoax-bøexzhud | cannot distinguish; cannot look | 看無出; 看袂出; 看不出; 不能辨別
khvoax-bøkhie | look down upon; despise | 看無起
khvoax-bøo | cannot find; look but not see (sometimes has the meaning of not know how to) | 看無; 看無懂; 看不到
khvoax-bøtiøh | did not manage to see it (from my coming too late or my not being near enough; though it really was there) | 看無到; 沒有看到
khvoax-hiexnhien | see clearly; be seen clearly | 看現現; 顯露的; 易見的
khvoax-kah'ix | feel satisfied with; prefer; to like | 看甲意; 看中
khvoax-kaq sinsiin | looking intently | 看甲神神; 看得發呆
khvoax-kaux | saw (something) | 看到
khvoax-koarnsix | used to seeing; accustomed to seeing | 看慣勢; 看慣
khvoax-køeakøex | look down upon; despise | 看過過; 看無起; 看穿
khvoax-seabin | it seems; it looks as if | 看勢面; 看情形; 察言觀色
khvoax-uxkhie | to have a high opinion of; to respect; thinks highly of | 看有起; 看得起
khvoax`khylaai | looks like | 看起來
khvoax`kvix | saw; to see (with one's eyes) | 看見
khvoax`laai | It seems, It appears | 看來
khvoax`tiøh | watch; glimpse; clap eyes on; get a view of | 看著; 看見
khyhvoa kiw`khix | receding gums | 牙齦縮起; 牙齦萎縮
khyhvoa | gums | 齒齦; 齒岸
khysvoaf | to land | 起山; 上山; 上岸; 崛起; 登陸
khytiexnpvoaa | electrophorus; generator | 起電盤
khytvoaa | erect an altar | 起壇; 建壇
khøfhvoa | severe draught | 洘旱
khøfhvox | can …? may … ? | 可好
khøfkvoaf | examiner | 考官
khøfvoa | drought | 旱災
khøfvox | abominable; hateful | 可惡
khørhvoa | draw alongside the shore, quay of pier | 靠岸
khørsvoaf | a patron; a supporter; a tower of strength | 靠山
khørvoa | great drought | 乾旱; 旱災
kiafm'egkvoaf | quarantine officer | 檢疫官
kiafmzhad-kvoaf | a court prosecutor; an attorney general; procurator | 檢察官
kiafmzhatkvoaf | public prosecutor; prosecuting attorney | 檢查官
kiaugvo | proud; arrogant; haughty | 驕傲
kiawkhvoar | to make payments (to some authorities; etc.) | 繳款
kiawkvoaf | keeper of a gambling house | 賭官; 作莊
kiawphvoa | fellow-gambler | 賭伴
kiawsvoax | to spread out (some thing) by stirring (typically for cooking) | 攪散
kienkvoaf | dried (salt fish or meat); mummified; desiccated | 結乾; 凝乾
kiexnpvoaa | keyboard | 鍵盤
kikvoaf | a flag-staff | 旗官
kimkimkhvoax | look very intently or earnestly | 金金看; 凝視
kimpngxvoar | good employment | 金飯碗; 好差事
kimsvoaf | gold mountain; gold mine | 金山
kimsvoarlieen | anomatis | 金線蓮
kimsvoax | golden thread | 金線
kimtvoaa | golden altar | 金壇
kimzvoar | marigold | 金紙; 金盞花
kinthvoaf | to share (an obligation; etc.) equally; to spread equally; to divide equally | 均攤
kionghvoaai | high handed; overbearing; tyrannical | 強橫
kiongzex-chiwtvoa | coercive measure | 強制手段
kipvoaa | chequer; chessboard; chess or draughts board | 棋盤
kitvoaa | dividing altar | 奇壇; 乩壇
kiugvor | seek a spouse | 求偶
kiuhsvoax | elastic cord; string; band; etc. | 縐線; 鬆緊線
kiukvoaa | fear cold dare not to go out | 勼冷; 怕冷無敢出門
kiwgvor-cied | 5% discount | 九五折
kiwgvor-cizwn | (literary) imperial throne | 九五之尊
kiwzvoaa | hell, the Hades | 九泉
kixnsvoaf | close mountain; the nearby mountain | 近山
kiøhvoa | shore of bridge | 橋岸; 橋欄
kngfsvoax | to roll up wire or string | 捲線
kngrkhiim-phvoaxzaux | piano accompaniment | 鋼琴伴奏
kngrkvoa | copper coins used in temple workship | 貫捾
kngrsvoax | steel wire | 鋼線; 鋼絲
kngsvoax | rays of light | 光線
koaan svoaf | high mountain | 懸山
koankhvoar | donate money; contribute funds; sum collected or subscribed; collect funds | 捐款
koankhvoax | to look at; to observe or inspect; to see; look at attentively | 觀看
koansvoaf | high mountain | 高山; 懸山
koantvoaa | a high altar | 高壇
koartvoaf | (said of a traveling Buddhist monk) to lodge in a temple for the night | 掛單
koatvoaa | vocal circle or group | 歌壇
koax befvoaf | wear a saddle | 掛馬鞍
koeapvoarsox | the majority; more than half | 過半數
koex gvofkoafn | kind of solitaire played with dominoes | 過五關
kofkeatvoaf | written estimate | 估價單
kofkex-tvoaf | written estimate | 估價單
kofngkørtvoaf | handbill | 廣告單
kofngsvoax | pipeline | 管線
kokpvoax | fifty-fifty | 各半
kokvoar | the formal first-person designation used by the ruler in former times; alone; a bachelor | 孤寡
kongkhvoar | public funds | 公款
kongphvoax | to judge in public; public trial; bring (a case; person) to trial | 公判
kongsymphvoax | general judgment (Catholic) | 公審判
kotvoaf | single; alone; helpless; friendless; unaccompanied; solitary; solitary; alone | 孤單; 狐單
kovoaxsør | mutually marry daughter to each other | 姑換嫂
kui sngrpvoaa | kneel on abacus (way of punishment wife to husband) | 跪算盤; (太太罰先生的一種處法)
kuikvoa | whole bunch | 整攜
kuipvoaa | whole | 整盤
kuipvoarpof | for a long time | 規半晡
kuisvoaf | whole mountain | 整山
kuisvoaphviaa | all over the mountains and plains | 規山坪
kuisvoax | the whole time | 整線
kuivoar | a whole bowl (of food) | 整碗; 規碗
kunhoad-symphvoax | trial by court-martial | 軍法審判
kunhoad-zhaiphvoax | court martial | 軍法裁判; 軍法庭
kunhoatkvoaf | judge advocate | 軍法官
kunkvoaf haghau | military academy | 軍官學校
kunkvoaf | a military officer | 軍官
kunphvoax | military sentence | 軍判
kunthvoaf | to allot equally | 均攤
kunthvoax | to spread evenly; to divide equally | 均攤
kuntvoaf | to allot equally | 均單
kutpvoaa | pelvis | 骨盤
kuykvoa | how many | 幾攜
kuythvoaf | how many stands | 幾攤
kuytvoa | how many sections | 幾段
kuyvoar | how many | 幾碗
kvesvoax | wrap the thread around | 經線
kvikvikvoaiqkvoaih | incessant grumbling | 吱吱叫
kvisvoax | wrap the thread around | 經線
kvoa | sweat; perspiration | 汗; 捾; 串
kvoa'ar | a reed | 菅仔; 塞芒; 蘆葦
kvoa'iam | hepatitis, inflammation of the liver | 肝炎
kvoa'iuo | own by the government | 官有
kvoa'iwtøe | public lands | 官有地; 國有地
kvoa'ixn | official seal | 官印
kvoa'oaan | an official; government official | 官員
kvoa'oe | the language of officialdom; Mandaria | 官話; 官腔
kvoa'ui | a government or official position | 官位
kvoa'un | official reputation | 官運
kvoa'uy | dignity of a government official | 官威
kvoa`laang | winter | 寒人
kvoaa | cold; chilly; wintry; poor | 寒; 冷
kvoaa`laang | winter | 寒人; 冬季; 冬天
kvoaa`sie | cold to death | 寒死
kvoaa`tiøh | catch cold | 著涼; 寒著; 傷風
kvoaai | high, tall | 官; 懸; 高
kvoabaang | Themeda triandra; a coarse grass (used for making brushes; brooms; etc.); stalks of the reed used for brooms | 菅芒; 蘆草花
kvoabeng | Chinese miscanthus | 官芒
kvoabiin | officer and people | 官民
kvoachiog | Chinese magpie | 官鵲; 喜鵲
kvoachixn | cold (climate); frigid; very cold | 寒凊; 寒冷
kvoacid | a government post; position; or office; government post; government service | 官職
kvoaciog | title | 官爵
kvoacit | official position | 官職
kvoacyn | stalks of thatch | 蘆草; 菅蓁; 寒芒
kvoae | staff, scepter | 杖; 桿; 枴
kvoaf gvexhoax | cirrhosis | 肝硬化
kvoaf | post; rod; flag-staff | 杆; 官; 肝; 竿; 乾
kvoaf-lincy | heparin | 肝磷脂
kvoaf-toxngmeh | hepatic artery | 肝動脈
kvoafbarng | chase away mosquito | 趕蚊
kvoafbun | ill-informed, not well-informed | 寡問
kvoafbuun | ill-informed | 寡聞
kvoafchiaf | hurry to catch the train | 趕車
kvoafgieen | taciturn; not given to talk | 寡言
kvoafhu | widow | 寡婦; 守寡的
kvoafhw | a widower | 寡夫
kvoafjiin | (the royal) we | 寡人
kvoafkafng | to hurry a work; to rush a work; hurry up to finish a job | 趕工
kvoafkaux | to arrive in haste; to come hurriedly; by the time when...; arrive at with top speed | 趕到
kvoafkhuy | to drive away | 趕開
kvoafkib | in a hurry | 趕急
kvoafkirn | in a hurry; immediately; quickly; hurry up!; in haste; make haste | 趕緊; 趕快
kvoafkoong | in haste, in a flutter | 趕狂; 趕忙
kvoafkuie | drive out demons | 趕鬼; 驅鬼
kvoafkw | to live as a widow | 寡居
kvoafli | chase off, drive away | 趕離
kvoaflo | hurry to one's destination | 趕路
kvoafmekafng | hurry work at night | 趕夜工
kvoafmi | use a rolling wooden stick to make dough into wheaten foods | 簳麵
kvoaforng | rush to | 趕往
kvoafpan | hurry work | 趕辦
kvoafsvoax | drive away and scatter | 趕散; 趕散,驅散
kvoafthaau | an oligarch | 寡頭
kvoafthuii | a rolling wooden stick used as a tool to make dough into wheaten foods | 簳鎚; 簳麵桿
kvoafthøex | drive enemy back, rout | 趕退; 打退
kvoaftiok | to expel; to drive out | 趕逐; 放逐
kvoaftuu | drive out and get rid of | 趕逐; 趕鋤; 趕除; 除掉
kvoafzam | hurry to finish a scheduled stage | 趕站; 趕工
kvoafzar | to act before it is too late | 趕早
kvoafzhud | to expel; to drive out | 趕出; 逐出
kvoafzhutkerng | banish | 趕出境
kvoafzof | press for the payment of rent | 趕租; 催租
kvoagaam | liver cancer | 肝癌
kvoagee | government office; police station | 官衙
kvoahaam | title of an official; official rank | 官銜; 官衙
kvoahofng | code of official conduct; on the official side | 官方
kvoahok | uniform of an official | 官服
kvoahong | official emoluments | 官俸
kvoahuo | offices of a local government; authorities | 官府
kvoahøea | irritable and unpredictable | 肝火
kvoai | a county; perverse | 縣; 執拗的
kvoai'aq | to take into custody | 關啊; 關押
kvoai'mngg | shut the door, lock up the house | 關門
kvoai'ui | high position | 官位; 高位
kvoaiam | hepatitis | 肝炎
kvoaike | height | 高度
kvoaikex | high price | 高價
kvoaikixm | lock in, imprison, jail | 關禁
kvoaikvaf | imprison | 關監; 關監牢; 監禁
kvoaiky | shutdown computer | 關機
kvoailaau | tall building | 高樓; 懸樓
kvoaimngg | slam the door; close a door; close down; stop doing business | 關門
kvoaimngg-zhvoarho | shut and lock the door | 關門閂戶
kvoaiqkvoaiqkiøx | squeaky sound; sound of a goose when quacking; sound of a squeaky chair; sound when eating certain foods | 吱吱叫
kvoaisie | close down; closed doors | 關死; 把門關死; 關門
kvoaisvoaf | high mountain | 高山
kvoaitaai | high tower, high platform | 高臺
kvoaitefng | to switch off the light | 關燈
kvoaiwte | public lands | 官有地, 國有地
kvoaix | be accustomed to | 慣
kvoaixtiøh | be sprained | 扭到; 扭傷
kvoaixtviuo | head of county government | 縣長
kvoajiedar | malaria | 寒熱仔; 瘧疾
kvoajiet | cold and hot | 寒熱
kvoajiet-zexng | malaria | 寒熱症; 瘧疾
kvoajoah | chills and fever; malaria | 寒熱
kvoakaf | the emperor; the government authorities | 官家
kvoakaix | officialdom | 官界
kvoakay | rank (of a military officer or a civil servant) | 官階
kvoakhix | official airs; bureaucratic airs; chilly air; cold air | 寒氣
kvoakhuix | impressive style or manner | 官氣
kvoakib | rank or grad of a government official | 官級
kvoakoarn | hepatic duct | 肝管
kvoakor | stocks held by the government | 官股
kvoakuy | rule of government | 官規
kvoakvoaa | a little bit cold or chilly | 寒寒
kvoakwn | government troops | 官軍
kvoalaang | officer | 官人; 官吏
kvoalerng | cold; chilly; chilling | 寒冷
kvoali | government official | 官利; 官吏
kvoaliaau | bureaucrats; government official | 官僚
kvoaliedar | malaria | 寒熱仔
kvoalieen | porcine diaphragm which is a popular food in Taiwan | 肝𦟪
kvoalip haghau | established by the government; Government schools | 官立學校; 公立學校
kvoalip | to establish by government; bureaucratic manner | 官立; 公立
kvoaloah | hot and cold | 寒熱
kvoamiaa | official title | 官名
kvoamngg | close the door | 關門
kvoaniuu | army provisions and payroll; official foodstuff | 官糧
kvoaoaan | officers | 官員
kvoaoe | language of officialdom; Mandarin | 官話
kvoapaai | official bulletin board | 官牌
kvoapan | government operated | 官辦
kvoapefng | officers and men; government troops | 官兵
kvoaphaix | to assign by government; to send by government; appoint (name; designate) by an official | 官派; 官府指派的
kvoaphirn | grade or rank ( in the nine-grad system for government officials in former times) | 官品
kvoapve | liver trouble; liver ailment | 肝病
kvoapvi | hepatitis | 肝病
kvoapøx | official newspaper; a government journal | 官報
kvoar barng | to expel the mosquitos | 趕蚊子
kvoar chiaf | to drive a cart or carriage; to catch a bus or train | 趕車
kvoar kuie | to expel the ghosts | 趕鬼
kvoar puttek cioxng | the few cannot withstand the many; a single individual cannot withstand the multitude; to be overpowered by the enemy's larger number; You can't beat city hall | 寡無敵眾
kvoar | catch up; hurry; widowed; solitary; small quantity; few | 趕; 寡
kvoar-mikafng | work on into night | 趕暝工; 趕夜工
kvoar`khix | to rush to; to hurry to | 趕去
kvoar`laang | to drive poeple out; to drive people away | 趕人
kvoar`zhutkhix | drive out; expel | 趕出去
kvoasiax | house of government | 官舍
kvoasie | die of cold | 凍死
kvoasied | to establish by government | 官設
kvoasoarn | elected by government | 官選
kvoasox | heparin | 肝素
kvoasu | a government agency; government offices | 官署
kvoasvaf | winter clothes; winter clothes | 冬衣; 寒衫; 寒衣
kvoasy | lawsuit | 官司
kvoasøex | taxes of government | 官稅
kvoataxng | cold (climate); frigid; very cold | 寒凍; 寒冷
kvoateng | official rule | 官定
kvoaterng | official grad or rank | 官等
kvoathviaf | government office; the authorities | 官廳
kvoathvy | cold weather; winter | 冬天; 寒天
kvoathy | winter | 冬天
kvoathy-sii | winter time; cold weather time | 寒天時
kvoatie | official residence | 官邸
kvoatieen | a official land | 官田
kvoatiøh | catch cold | 傷風; 感冒
kvoatvar | intimate; intimacy; sincere; courage | 肝膽
kvoatviuo | an official boss | 官長; 長官
kvoatviuu | officialdom; official circles; official life | 官場
kvoax | see; observe | 觀; 看
kvoaxaxmcvii | hang money around the neck of a child because he is too young to handle money | 汗頷錢; 用紅線綁錢掛在小孩脖子上
kvoaxkui | be pregnant | 掛櫃; 比喻女人懷孕
kvoaxkyn | a towel for perspiration | 汗巾
kvoaxlaau-saptiq | beads of perspiration; perspiration much like running water | 汗流如水
kvoaxsib | wet with perspiration | 汗濕
kvoaxsip'ar | light perspiration | 汗濕仔
kvoaxsiøh | the smell of perspiration | 汗騷
kvoaxsngf | wour (smell) of perspiration | 汗酸; 汗臭
kvoaxsviuu | sweat mixed with dirt | 汗垢
kvoaxsvoax | sweat gland | 汗腺
kvoaxthafng'ar | barrel with handle | 捾桶仔
kvoaxtvia | engage | 文定; 攜定
kvoaxzuie | carry water in a basket; sweat; perspiration; dropsy | 提水; 捾水; 水腫; 攜水; 汗水
kvoaxzw | beads of perspiration | 提珠; 汗珠
kvoay bøtaq | laid to; but still ajar (as folding-doors not quite shut; not ready to be bolted) | 沒關緊
kvoay | cross-bars connecting the legs of a chair; table or bed | 杆; 關; 橫杆
kvoay`khylaai | close it | 關起來
kvoayar | a cane; stick | 枴仔
kvoazex | system of civil service | 官制
kvoazhaa | coffin | 棺木; 棺柴; 棺材; (棺材)
kvoazhaa-tiaxm | coffin shop | 棺木店
kvoazhao | thatch; rushes | 茅草; 菅草; 寒芒
kvoazhatiaxm | coffin shop | 棺木店
kvoazong | the liver | 肝臟
kvoo | to snore | 鼾; 打鼾
kynsu-khvoapan | Things that have to be taken care of quickly and should be managed slowly | 急事緩辦; 遇急無慌; 冷靜處理
kø'khofng-tvoathiaux | jump from high altitude; bungee jumping | 高空彈跳
køab-chiwtvoa | high-handed measure; tyrannical measure | 高壓手段
køapsvoax | high tension wires | 高壓線
køeapvoax | over one half | 過半
køeasvoaf | over the mountain | 過山
køeasvoahviw | Taiwan wampee; Clausena lunulata | 過山香
køeasvoatøf | big-eye snake, garter snake, sword-over-the-mountain, Taiwan rat snake, yellow wind snake (non-poisonous), Zaocyc dhumnades oshimai | 過山刀
køq voa | change over again; at least a second time | 擱換; 再換
køsvoazok | Taiwan aborigine | 高山族
laam-pvoarkiuu | the Southern Hemisphere | 南半球
laau chirnkvoa | cold sweat | 流凊汗
labkhvoar | to surrender in all sincerity | 納款
lafmvoa | lazy; idle; sloth; | 懶惰
laikhvoax | come and see | 來看
laixpvoaa | inside information | 內盤
laixsvoaf | mountain area; inland; deep within the mountains | 內山; 深山
laixsvoalo | mountain road | 內山路
laixsvoatawtoea | inner mountain valley bottom | 內山斗底
laixsvoax | inside contacts; inside contacts; indoor wiring; an extension | 內線; 內陸
lamhvoaai | Southern Cross-Island | 南橫
lamhvoaikonglo | Southern Cross-Island Highway | 南橫公路
langkhehkvoaf | guest | 人客官
langkhehlahhvoq | guest? | 人客啦乎
lauchirnkvoa | breaking into a cold sweat | 流凊汗
laukvoa | perspire | 出汗; 流汗
laukvoa-sviuu | sweating hard | 流汗濕
laukvoaxlaukhør | sweating hard | 流汗流洘
laukvoaxlautiq | sweating | 流汗流滴
laukvoaxsafmtiq | sweating | 流汗糝滴
lautaxngkvoa | sweating hard | 流重汗
lauxkotvoaf | old and lonely | 老孤單
lauxphvoa | one's spouse in old age; one's dear old companion ─ one's spouse in old age | 老伴; 老伴兒
lauxtheagvofar | old veteran | 老退伍仔
lauxtvoax | impersonator of old woman; actor playing the part of an old woman; role of the old female in Chinese opera | 老旦
lefnggvo | to understand; to comprehend | 領悟
lefngkvoa | cold perspiration (as in great fright) | 冷汗
lefngpvoaa | cold food (the first dish of the Chinese banquet); hors d'oeuvres | 冷盤
lefngsu-zhaiphvoax-koaan | consular jurisdiction | 領事裁判權
leftvoaf | a list of gifts | 禮單; 贈品目錄
lenggefngkvoaf | dried dragon eye fruit | 龍眼乾
lengkvoaf-hoxngzhøea | rare delicacies | 龍肝鳳髓
lengsvoariam | mastitis | 乳腺炎
lengsvoax | mammary gland | 乳腺
lengzvoakvii | | 龍泉墘
liah khvoarbai | measure by spans | 量一量; 測一測
liah y khvoax`cide | give a glance at him | 瞄他一下
liah-thafnhvoaai | lay down horizontally | 掠坦橫; 橫放
liahzhvoaf | wood has a rough edge; have a hangnail | 落銷; 刺芒; 倒刺 (指頭)
liap'hoxsvoax | the prostate gland; the prostate gland | 攝護腺
liaqkhvoax | estimate; reckon | 掠看; 略估; 估計
liaqthafnhvoaai | hold it horizontally | 掠坦橫
liauboxngsvoaf | lookout mountain | 瞭望山
liauxtvoaf | the list of materials; the list of stuff | 料單
liawgvo | understand thoroughly | 了悟
libgvor | enlist in the army | 入伍
liedsvoax | hotline | 熱線
liedtvoaf | make out list (of goods; invited guests; candidates; etc.) | 列單
liefnpvoaa | railway or streetcar turntable; rotating disk | 輪穀; 轉動盤
liefnsvoax | to twist the thread, to rope, to twist | 轉線; 撚線
lienhap ciernsvoax | united front | 聯合戰線
lienhap-ciernsvoax | united front | 聯合戰線
lienhoepvoaa | lotus | 蓮花盤
lienkietsvoax | connecting line (math) | 連結線
liensvoax | unbroken; continuous | 連線
lienthvoax | chain charcoal | 鍊炭
lientvoaf | a document in duplicate; triplicate; etc.; certificate; document (in duplicate; triplicate) | 聯單
liexnthvoax | charcoal | 鍊炭
limpasvoariam | lymphadenitis | 淋巴腺炎
limpasvoax | lymphatic glands | 淋巴腺
linthausvoax | milk duct, mammary gland | 乳頭腺
liofnghvoa | both sides | 兩岸
lionghvor | good, fine | 良好
liongphvoa | good companion | 良伴
liuhongzvoaa | sulphur spring | 硫磺泉
liungzvoaa | sulphur springs | 硫磺泉
liusvoarheeng | streamlined; sleek | 流線型
liusvoax | untangle string by wrapping it around your hand or a stick | 挽線
liusvoax-heeng | streamlined | 流線型
liutvoaa | stray bullet | 流彈
lixsvoax | be scattered about; be separated from one another | 離散
loaxntvoa | say what should not be said; to fire (shoot) at random; take a pot shot | 亂說; 亂打
loaxntvoaa | play with mixed and unorthodox combination of instruments | 亂彈
log'imsvoax | recording line | 錄音線
loggvor | backward; out-of-date; backward; over conservative; be behind the times; anachronistic; outmoded; outdated; fall behind; lag behind; straggle | 落伍
logsien-hvorsy | willing to do good and give help to the poor; charitable; benevolent | 樂善好施
loxngkef svoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 家破人亡
loxngkesvoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 弄家散宅
loxsvoax | route; (political) course; railroad line; route; course; bus line | 路線
loxtvoa | road section | 路段
luikekgvofgak | hit by thunder | 雷擊五嶽
luivoar | pharmacist's mortar | 擂碗; 臼
luixsvoax | the lacrimal glands | 淚腺
lun'voa | to rotate, rotation | 輪換
lunpafn-thøeavoa | take turns in rotation | 輪班替換
lunpvoaa | steering wheel | 倫盤; 駕駛盤
lunvoa | go by turns; alternate | 輪換
luxnliongsvoaf | | 崙龍山
luxntvoaa | forum; tribune of opinions; the world of criticism | 論壇
luykhvoax | average looking | 累看
lwkvoaf | a female court official | 女官
lwnkvoaa | to bear the cold | 忍寒; 省儉
lwphvoa | a lady companion | 女伴
ly'afkvoaf | dried plum | 李仔干; 李子乾
lyphvoa | female inmates; female companion | 女伴
lytiesvoax | sanity line | 理智線
løqhoxthvihvoq | (is it a )raining day? | 落雨天乎
løqsvoaf | go down the slope; come down from a hill; (the sun) sets behind a hill | 下山; 落山
løqsvoahofng | falling wind | 落山風
m'afkvoaf | dried plum | 梅仔干
miatvoaf | name list; list of names | 名單
mixkvoaf | dry noodles | 麵干
mixsvoarkoo | noodle paste | 麵線糊
mixsvoax | vermicelli | 麵線; 細麵條
mixsvoax-thngf | thin noodles soup | 麵線湯
mngxkhvoax | make enquiries | 問看; 問問看
mngzhvoax | door latch; door bolt; gate bar | 門閂
moafpvoaa | whole dish | 滿盤
moafsiesvoaf | whole mountain | 滿四山
moafsvoa'aang | reddish mountain | 滿山紅
moafsvoaf | whole mountain; full mountain | 滿山
moafsvoaphiern'iar | mountains and plains | 滿山遍野
moafsvoaphviaa | whole mountain area | 滿山坪
moafsym hvoahie | filled with joy | 滿心喜樂
moasvoax | flaxen thread; linen thread; twine | 麻線
moethvoax | coal | 媒炭; 煤炭
mohvo'ar | an evil spirit that bewitches people | 魔鬼仔
mohvof | a Taiwanese pastry | 毛呼
mui'afkvoaf | dry plum | 梅子干
muithvoax | coal | 媒炭; 煤炭
mxhør khvoax | not pretty; Don't look! | 毋好看; 不要看
naixkvoaa | able to endure cold | 耐寒
nawsvoax | nerves | 腦腺
nghvoar | rare | 黃罕; 罕
nglenghvoa | | 黃龍岸
niaftvoaf | receipt for delivery; slip of paper which entitles the bearer to get something | 領單
niau'niaukhvoax | look (wait) very intently for some one | 貓貓看; 望眼欲穿
niau'niaw-khvoax | expect to see someone who never came | 貓貓看; 望眼欲穿
niauafsvoaf | cat mountain | 貓仔山
niauniaukhvoax | eyes wide open keep watching the front | 貓貓看
nihnihkhvoax | anxciously looking ahead | 眨眨看
nisvoax | yarn | 呢線; 奶腺; 乳腺; 絨線; 毛線
nithvoax | peat | 泥炭
niusvoax | umbrala | 涼傘
nngfsvoax | flexible wire; fuse wire | 軟線; 保險絲
nngxtvoaf | eggs (still in the ovary) | 胚卵; 幼卵
noafzhvoar | vulgar | 撋琖; 粗俗
noaxzvoaa | salivary gland | 瀾泉; 唾腺; 唾液腺
noazhvoar | indolent, lazy, negligent | 懶熬; 懶惰的
nyhaxsvoariam | mumps; parotitis inflammation of a parotid | 耳下腺炎; 腮腺腫
o'hvoar | color of sky become a little dark | 天色微黑
o'kvoaa | cloudy and cold | 陰冷
oafhvoa | rely on (for support; etc); depend on; approach the river bank or quay for tie up | 倚按; 倚靠; 靠岸
oafsvoaciaqsvoaf | make a living based up where you live | 倚山食山
oah-høefsvoaf | active volcano | 活火山
oaqzvoaa | living spring; gushing (water) spring | 活泉
oarnvox | hate | 怨惡; 怨恨
oefsimkvoaf | sincere, expose my heart | 挖心肝
oexseng'voar | sanitary bowls | 衛生碗
oexsvoax | to draw a line | 畫線
of simkvoaf | evil hearted | 黑心; 黑心肝
ofsimkvoaf | sincerely | 挖心肝
ohvoa | lake front | 湖畔
okvoaa | dark and cold | 黑冷; 烏寒; 陰冷
omiatvoaf | black list | 黑名單; 烏名單
onglaikvoaf | dried pineapple | 鳳梨干
opeqtvoa | say what should not be said; fire (shoot) at random; take a pot shot | 烏白彈; 亂說; 亂打
osimkvoaf | cruel | 烏心肝
osvoaf | black mountain | 烏山
osvoathaau | black mountain | 烏山頭
oxhvoaai | the stem of taro leaf (used as vegetable) | 芋莖
oxhvoaikvoaf | dry the stem of taro leaf | 芋莖乾
oxkvoae | taro stem | 芋稈
pag-pvoarkiuu | the Northern Hemisphere | 北半球
pahkvoaf | all kind of government officials; all officials; rulers generally | 百官
pahpvoaf | by every means; in numerous ways; all kinds; all sorts; every kind | 百般
paisvoax | align | 排線
paitvoaa | to set up an altar; set up a temporary shrine with a great many ornaments | 排壇; 設壇
paix gvofsiong | worship idols; idol worship | 拜偶像
paix-gvofsiong | worship images | 拜偶像
pak'hayhvoa | northern seashore | 北海岸
pak'hvoa | northern shore | 北岸
pak'hvoaai | North cross | 北橫
pak'hvoaikonglo | North Cross Highway in Northern Taiwan | 北橫公路
panbea-svoax | pedestrian crosswalk | 斑馬線
panbefsvoax | pedestrian crossing (marked with stripes); zebra stripe crossing | 斑馬線
pangpvoaa | crashed | 崩盤
pangsvoaf | a landslide; a landslip; landslip; landslide | 崩山; 山崩
panmafsvoax | pedestrian crossing (marked with stripes); zebra stripe crossing | 斑馬線
pansvoax | a kind of carp | 斑腺; 斑線; [*]
pantvoa | idle; remiss; slack; laziness | 怠惰
pantvoaar | lazy | 貧惰
pantvoaxkud | lazy bone | 貧惰骨
pantvoaxkuie | lazy ghost | 貧惰鬼
parngkhvoax | relax (regulation, discipline) | 放看; 放寬
parngphvoa | by turn; alternately; in turn | 輪流
parngsvoax | to take out stitches; remove sutures; take out the stitches | 拆線; (開刀後)
patgvofcied | fifteen percent discount | 八五折
patkoarsvoakhaf | bottom of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山跤
patkoarsvoameh | Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山脈
patkoarsvoaterng | top of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山頂
pauvoa | guarantee for exchange; guarantee to change (unsuitable goods); to guarantee replacement (of unsatisfactory goods) | 包換
paxkvoaf | dismiss from office | 罷官
paxng bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see; let it go | 假裝看無見
paxnpvoaa | preparing wedding materials | 辦盤; 準備婚禮用品
paxntvoa | lazy | 貧惰
paxntvoaxkud | lazy bone | 貧惰骨
pefngkhvoax | turn over and look | 反看; 翻看
pehsvoaf | mountain climbing; hill-climbing; climb or go up into the mountains | 爬山; 登山
pengheeng-svoax | parallel lines | 平行線
pengheengg-svoax | parallel lines | 平形線
penghengsvoax | parallel lines | 平行線
pengsvoaf | an iceberg; iceberg | 冰山
pengtvoaf | draft soldier list | 兵單
peqhvoar-seg | clay color | 白幻色
peqthvoax | diphtheria | 白炭; 白喉
pexbwkvoaf | officers who care of people (like parents) | 爸母官; 縣官
pexbøfkvoaf | magistrate (popular term for); local official | 爸母官
phaang laang ee pngxvoar | be a wife; be in another's house (either for protection or as a dependent) | 寄人籬下; 當人家的媳婦
phafngsvoax | spin thread | 紡線; 紡紗
phagkvoaf | dry (eatables) in the sun | 打乾; 曝乾; 曬乾; 食物晒成干
phahchirnkvoa | getting chilled | 打凊汗; 惡寒
phahkvoaa-phahjiet | malaria; have a fever and ague fits; alternate fever and chills | 害冷熱病; 寒熱症
phahkvoar | beat to make move (more quickly) | 拍趕; 趕路
phahkvoasy | sue; take to court; litigate; plead; have a lawsuit | 打官司; 訴訟
phahsngrpvoaa | calculate; to reckon on the abacus; be economical | 打算盤
phahsvoax | to break up (a marriage; family; etc.); scatter; to separate (other persons); to dishevel | 打散; 拆散
phahtvoaf | buy a ticket | 買票
phak'voar | flip a bowl | 覆碗
phaotvoaa | shell | 炮彈
phaq kao khvoax zwlaang | forgive someone for the sake of a related person (Lit. Consider its master before beating a dog.) | 打狗看主人
phaq-kvoasy | to litigate; to go to court | 打官司; 拍官司
phaq-pvoarsie | beating to half death | 打半死
phaq-sngrpvoaa | to operate; use; work an abacus | 打算盤; 拍算盤
phaubudsvoax | parabola; geometric parabola | 拋物線
phaubut-svoax | parabola | 拋物線
phausvoax | to spread | 拋線; 拋散
phaybixnsiøkhvoax | evil face | 歹面相看
phaykhvoarbin | grumpy | 歹看面
pheng khvoarbai | compare; make a comparison | 比比看
phengphvoaroaan | judge or umpire in a debate or contest; juror | 評判員
phengphvoax teksid | critically decide the merits and demerits of a case | 評判得失
phengphvoax | to judge; criticize; to judge; decide (in a beauty contest) | 評判
phephvoax | appraise; to judge | 批判
phexng'voax | compete; or compare who arrives the last | 比晚
phexngkhvoax | compare | 比看
phextvoaf | bed sheet | 被單
phiagphiak tvoa | palpitate | 跳個無停
phiausvoax | float | 飄散
phintvoaf | receipt | 憑單
phitgvor | puppet | 匹偶
phoeagvor | spouse; spouse | 配偶
phoeahoeatvoaf | invoice | 配貨單
phoeasvoax | wiring; wire (a house) | 配線
phoeatiexnpvoaa | distributor (automotive) | 配電機; 配電盤
phoephvoarciar | critic | 批判者
phoephvoax | to criticize | 批判
phoepvoaa | germinal disk; blastoderm | 胚盤
phoextvoaf | quilt cover; cotton cover for the coverlet | 被單
phogphogtvoa | palpitate | 砰砰跳
phongkøfsvoai | mango | 蘋果檨
phorngsesvoax | woolen yarn | 蓬梳線; 毛線
phorngsvoax | woolen yarn | 毛線
phoxngkøfsvoai | mango | 蘋果檨
phurnhoefsvoaf | volcano | 濆火山
phurnzvoaa | ornamental fountain; a fountain; a geyser; fountain; geyser | 濆泉; 噴泉
phusvoax | floating thread | 浮線; 浮在布面上之
phutøkvoaf | raisin; raisins | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phutøo-kvoaf | raisins | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phvae-khvoarsviux | badly behave | 歹看相
phvae-simkvoaf | the heart is not good; evilly reads; bad mind; evil heart | 壞心腸; 歹念; 壞心眼; 心地無良
phvarthvoax | coal | 冇炭
phvaybixnsiøkhvoax | look bad | 歹面相看
phvaykhvoarbin | look bad; embarrassed | 歹看面
phvaykhvoarsviux | appearance bad looking | 歹看肖; 樣子難看
phvaykhvoax | ugly; distressing to look at; not worth seeing; ugly; bad looking | 歹看; 不好看; 難看; 無好看
phvaykhvoax`laq | look bad | 歹看啦
phvaykvoaf | bad officer | 歹官
phviavoar siakti | throw down bowls and chopsticks in a sulk; pet; or rage | 丟碗丟筷; 發怒; 使性子。
phvixvoaf | bridge of the nose | 鼻鞍
phvoa kviafsaix | men and women who accompany the bridegroom to the bride's home | 伴新郎
phvoa langkheq | entertain guests | 陪客
phvoa sinniuu | men and women who accompany the bride to the bridegroom's home | 伴新娘
phvoa | accompany; mutual | 伴
phvoaf | a Chinese family name; a vassal state | 潘; 籓
phvoaraxn | legal case; judge a lawsuit; case in court; pronounce sentence | 判案
phvoarbøe | vendition; cadge; huckster; monger | 販賣
phvoarheeng | to pass sentence on someone | 判刑
phvoarhex | merchandising | 販貨
phvoarhoex | merchandising | 販貨
phvoarhøex | products of vendition | 販貨
phvoarjim | judge | 判認
phvoarkoad | pronounce judgment; legal decision; legal judgment; verdict; sentence; to hand down a sentence; to judge | 判決
phvoarkoad-buun | written legal sentence or judgment | 判決文
phvoarkoatsw | verdict; sentence in writing | 判決書
phvoarkvoaf | judge; a judge in Hades; fierce looking judge in the afterlife court of law | 判官; 法官
phvoarle | a legal precedent; a test case; legal precedents; precedent (said of court decisions) | 判例
phvoarpiet | distinguish; divide; to tell apart | 判別
phvoarsuu | legal decision, sentence | 判詞
phvoarteng | decide judgment | 判定
phvoartoarnlek | power of judgment | 判斷力
phvoartoaxn | adjudicate; make a decision; adjudication; judgment; decision; to judge; decide; give sentence; conclude; judgment; decision; conclusion | 判斷
phvoartoaxn-lek | discernment, ability to judge | 判斷力
phvoartvar | scare | 破膽
phvoartvia | to determine; to decide | 判定
phvoarun | judgment | 判論
phvoarzoe | to declare guilty | 判罪
phvoax | give a legal decision; to buy and to resell; judge; hand down a sentence; decision; decide; conclude; cut in two; to divide | 判; 販
phvoaxbuo | be a dancing partner | 伴舞
phvoaxchiuo | a present or a gift for the visit; small gift (bring gift to visit friends) | 伴手; 隨手帶的禮物; 小禮物 (拜訪人家或親友所帶的)
phvoaxchiwlea | gift | 伴手禮
phvoaxchviuoky | audio-video amplifier for sing along activities | 伴唱機
phvoaxchviuotoax | audio-video sing along tape | 伴唱帶
phvoaxchviux | accompany singing | 伴唱
phvoaxciah | companion food | 伴食; 陪食
phvoaxkax | escort | 伴駕
phvoaxkex | a bridesmaid; accompany (escort) a bride to her future home (usually in a company of six or a dozen people) | 伴嫁
phvoaxkhuxn | accompany | 伴睏
phvoaxkviaa | accompany | 伴行
phvoaxlaang | accompany laang | 伴人
phvoaxlu | companion; pal; buddy; chum | 伴侶
phvoaxniuu | bridesmaid | 伴娘
phvoaxtiøh | accompany | 伴著
phvoaxzaux | accompany (music); accompaniment; accompany (a soloist); play an accompaniment | 伴奏
phvoaxze | sitting companion | 伴坐
phvoaxzhoa | accompany the bridegroom to the bride's home | 伴娶
phvoaxzhoa`ee | best man | 伴娶的
phøeagvor | consort, spouse | 配偶
phøephvoax | comment on, criticize, comment, criticism | 批判
phøextvoaf | quilt-cover; sheet | 被單
phøhhvoa | slope protection | 駁岸
phøtøkvoaf | raisins; sultanas | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
pie khvoarbai | make a comparison | 比比看
piefnthøsvox | the tonsil | 扁桃腺
piern'voa | vary; alternate | 變換
piernvoa | vary; alternate; exchange | 變換
piexnkhvoax | make a decision depend on condition | 便看; 看情形而決定
pintvoa | lazy; indolent | 懶惰; 貧惰
pintvoaf | certificate; receipt; on the evidence of a receipt or such document | 憑單
pintvoaxkud | lazybones; a lazy person | 懶骨頭
pintvoaxsiefn | lazy bone | 貧惰仙
pintvoaxthaang | lazy bug; a lazy person | 懶惰蟲
pixkvoay`ee | pent-up | 被關的
pixntvoa | lazy; idle | 懶惰
pixntvoaxkud | lazy bones | 懶骨頭
pixphvoax | sentenced | 被判
piøtvoaf | bid | 標單
pngxkvoakhørsex | Clinging to the power of others | 傍官靠勢
pngxkvoakhørsix | Clinging to the power of others | 傍官靠勢
pngxvoar | rice bowl | 飯碗
poahkhvoar | to allocate or appropriate funds, appropriation | 撥款
poahsvoax | winnow (grain) | 簸散
poahzvoax | winnow (frain) | 簸閂
poatkhvoar | to appropriate money | 撥款
poephvoa | accompany; companion; keep company | 陪伴
poephvoax | accompany, keep company | 陪伴
poephvoaxkoex | accompanied | 陪伴過
poepvoaa | cups and plates | 杯盤
poezvoar | bowl | 杯碗; 盞
pofkipsvoax | line of logistic support; supply line | 補給線
pogliedtvoaa | bomb | 爆裂彈
por hoxsvoax | repair an umbrella | 補雨傘
poxhvoa | port | 埠岸
poxkvoaf | an officer | 部官
poxpvoaa | lower abdomen | 部盤; 下腹
pudtvoaa | a buddhist estrade | 佛壇
punsvoax | disperse; scatter; decentralize | 分散
puntvoa | idle; sluggard; lazy; mike | 怠惰
puntvoaf | distribute flyer; distribute; hand out; issue handbill | 分單; 分發傳單
puntvoaxkud | lazy bone | 貧惰骨
put'hvor | not good, bad | 無恍; 不好
put'iwhvor | unfriendly | 無友好; 不友好
puttegchiwtvoa | play hard | 無擇手段
pviafkvoaf | biscuit; biscuit; cracker; cookie | 餅乾
pviafpvoaa | plate for serving biscuits | 餅盤
pviarchirnkvoa | sweating | 拚凊汗
pviarkvoa | try to the extent of sweating | 傾汗
pviavoar-pviati | throw down bowls and chopsticks in a sulk; pet; or rage | 拋碗拋箸; 發怒; 使性子。
pvievoa | change, exchange | 變換
pvoa bafng'ar | swat away mosquitoes | 拌蠓仔
pvoa hosiin | brush (drive) away flies | 趕蒼蠅
pvoa sengkhw | whisk or shake one's clothes gently to remove the dust | 拂身體
pvoa | accompany; mutual | 伴; 拌; 拂
pvoa'aftea | bottom of a plate | 盤仔底
pvoa'ar | dish; plate; tray | 盤仔; 盤子
pvoa'ar-hii | golden-skinned pargo (fish) | 盤仔魚; 血鯛
pvoa'oe | quarrel | 盤話; 鬥嘴; 爭論
pvoa'un | transport | 搬運; 運搬
pvoa'uxnhuix | moving or transportation charge; freight; carriage expenses | 搬運費
pvoaa | bend the feet under one; to scale (a wall); climb over; cross over | 盤; 越; 翻
pvoaa`jibkhix | climb in | 攀進去; 翻進去
pvoaa`køex | to pass over | 盤過; 移換過
pvoaa`tør | stumble | 絆倒
pvoachiaf | transfer to another vehicle; to stir up trouble; change trains or cars | 換車; 盤車; 移來移去; 亂翻東西
pvoachviar | invite | 邀請; 搬請; 接(父母)同位
pvoachviuu | to climb over the wall; climb a wall; go in and out by climbing a wall or fence | 越牆; 翻牆
pvoaciøh | great rock; massive rock | 磐石
pvoaf portexhix | have puppet shows | 演布袋戲
pvoaf toaxhix | put on a play (Taiwanese opera) | 演歌仔戲
pvoaf | move; remove; shift; transport | 搬; 演
pvoaf-kalea | put on a puppet show | 演傀儡; 演傀儡戲
pvoaf-korsu | act out a story | 演故事; 演劇
pvoaf`khix | to carry away; move out | 搬去; 搬走
pvoafhii | manfish | 魬魚
pvoafhuu | manfish | 魬魚
pvoahii | golden-skinned pargo (fish) | 盤魚; 血鯛
pvoahix | acting; put on a play; a stage play | 演戲; 搬戲
pvoahoex | remove goods | 搬貨
pvoahør | move well | 搬好
pvoaiern | rehearsal | 搬演
pvoajip | move in | 搬入; 越過牆而進入
pvoakhafng | move everything out | 搬空
pvoakhie | move up | 搬起
pvoakoex | climb over | 翻過
pvoakvii | pan qian | 盤墘
pvoalaai | move in | 搬來
pvoalaai-pvoakhix | carry hither and thither; carry; move here and there | 搬來搬去
pvoaliao | moved | 搬了
pvoaløh | move down | 搬落
pvoaløqlaai | move down | 搬落來
pvoanoar | socializing | 盤撋; 交際應酬
pvoaoe | pass misinformation | 搬話
pvoaphof | after patient die move his body to the parlor | 盤鋪; 病人斷氣後將他移至大廳
pvoapvoaa | every dish or plate (of meal) | 盤盤
pvoapvoaf | move | 搬搬
pvoapvoakhix | move | 搬搬去
pvoapvoazhutkhix | move out | 搬搬出去
pvoaqtharng | change barrel | 拔桶
pvoarbag'ar | make believe you don't notice something (Lit. one eye open and one closed) | 半目仔; 睜一眼閉一眼仔
pvoarbe-pvoarsaxng | sell goods at rock bottom prices (said by shop owners as a sales gimmick) | 半買半送
pvoarbin | half face; half side | 半面
pvoarbin-siongsek | slightly acquainted with a man | 半面常適; 有點認識
pvoarbixnsek | sounds like met somewhere | 半面熟
pvoarchiaa-goat | half-reclining moon | 半斜月
pvoarchiagoat | half moon | 半斜月
pvoarchvie | half awake | 半醒
pvoarchvisek | half-cooked | 半生熟; 半熟
pvoarciaqgø | starve; hungry | 吃無飽; 半吃半餓
pvoarciøzhoa | seek son-in-law who will live in wife's family and his son have same surname as wife's family | 半招娶; 生兒須繼承女家的姓
pvoarcviapeh | half fat; half lean | 半成白; 肥瘦參半
pvoarcviapuii | half fat; half lean | 半成肥; 瘦參半
pvoarcviu-løqe | give up halfway; leave something unfinished | 半上落下; 半途而廢
pvoaree | half (of a thing) | 半個
pvoargiah | half amount | 半額
pvoargoadheeng | half moon shape | 半月型
pvoargvexnngr | between too much firmness and too much yielding; half threatening and half pacifying | 半硬軟; 軟硬兼施
pvoargøeh | half moon | 半月
pvoargøeqjit | half month | 半個月
pvoarhae | in the middle of an ocean | 半海; 大洋中
pvoarhang | half item | 半項
pvoarhofng'ar | child of mixed descent; mixed blood; child of an inter-racial marriage; half-breed | 半荒仔; 混血兒; 混種
pvoariafmmng'ar | un authorized prostitutes (not legally open for business) | 半野門仔; 私娼仔
pvoariammui'ar | half-yin and yang | 半陰陽仔
pvoariamviuar | half-yin and yang | 半陰陽仔
pvoariamviuee | half-yin and yang person | 半陰陽的
pvoariamviuu | hermaphrodite; (slang) | 陰陽人
pvoariaupar | half full | 半飢飽
pvoarim'ioong | androgynous; Having both female and male characteristics; hermaphrodite | 陰陽人
pvoarimkay | chromatic scale (music) | 半音階
pvoariøf | mid waist; the waist | 半腰; 半截腰
pvoarji | half word | 半字
pvoarjit | half-day; half a day | 半日; 半天
pvoarkafng | half-day; half a day | 半天; 半天工夫
pvoarkafng-pvoarthak | work while studying at school | 半工半讀
pvoarkangbøfar | hermaphrodite (slang) | 半公母仔; 陰陽人
pvoarkantiofng | of very doubtful fidelity | 騎牆派; 兩面討好
pvoarkausiaf | buy; sell on one half cash and one half credit | 半刨賒; 一半現款一半賒帳
pvoarkex | half price; fifty per cent discount | 半價
pvoarkexng | radius | 半徑
pvoarkhaihoax | semi-civilized | 半開化
pvoarkheg | half of a quarter | 半刻
pvoarkhoaan | semi-circle, semi-circular | 半環
pvoarkhongtiofng | open air; sky; aerial; overhead | 半空中
pvoarkhuy | half opened | 半開
pvoarkiamtvy | neither salty nor sweet; between salty and sweet | 半鹹甜
pvoarkii | flag at half mast | 半旗
pvoarkiuu | hemisphere | 半球
pvoarku | half new | 半舊
pvoarkui | neal down in one foot | 半跪; 單腳跪
pvoarkuo'oe | half sentence; barely speak up | 半句話
pvoarkuxløh | half worn out; worn; but still quite usable | 中古的; 半新無舊
pvoarkviaa-pvoarzao | trot along | 邊走邊跑; 疾走
pvoarkviazao | foot race | 半行走; 競走
pvoarkyn | half kilo | 半斤
pvoarkyn-pøehniuo | eight ounces and half a catty ─ six of one and half a dozen of the other; half and half; equal; no difference | 半斤八兩
pvoarkynii | half year | 半紀年
pvoarlaau | medium sized tide (around the 7th or 8th of the lunar month) | 半潮; 頂樓
pvoarlafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
pvoarlamhaa | hung up unfinished (an affair); before one is through with one's work; do (a thing) by halves | 半罩圍; 半途 (做事)
pvoarlamhvaa | hung up unfinished (an affair), before one is through with one's work, do (a thing) by halves | 一半, 半途 (做事)
pvoarlamniu'ar | a bisexual person | 半陰陽仔
pvoarlamviuu | a bisexual person; doubtful sex; hermaphrodite | 陰陽人; 無男不女; 半
pvoarlauafterng | high rise | 半樓仔頂
pvoarlauar | house with high ceiling- so upper area can be another floor | 半樓仔
pvoarlauxlaang | half old people | 半老人
pvoarlauzuie | medium sized tide (around the 7th or 8th of the lunar month) | 半潮水
pvoarlit | half day | 半日
pvoarlo huzhef | cohabit | 半路夫妻; 露水夫妻
pvoarlo zhutkef | switch to a new profession one knows little about; change professions when one is no longer young; to start midway | 半路出家
pvoarlo | half-way; half of the way; half of the road; at the middle of a journey; on the way; on the road | 半路
pvoarlo'ar | half way | 半路仔
pvoarloxsay | amaeture | 半路師
pvoarløflau | middle aged | 半老老; 中年老
pvoarmear | midnight | 半暝仔
pvoarmee | midnight | 半夜
pvoarmesi'ar | midnight | 半暝時仔
pvoarmesvakvef | midnight | 半暝三更
pvoarmi'ar | midnight | 半暝仔
pvoarmia | half alive; exceedingly serious; as good as dead | 半命; 半死
pvoarmii | midnight | 半夜; 半暝
pvoarmoar | half-filled | 半滿
pvoarnii | half a year | 半年
pvoarnikafn | within half year | 半年間
pvoarnizeeng | half year ago | 半年前
pvoaroah | barely alive; half alive | 半活
pvoarpaq | fifty years of age; fifty; half a hundred (years of age) | 半百
pvoarpeeng | half side | 半爿; 半邊
pvoarpengsvoaf | banyan mountain | 半爿山
pvoarphiøx | a half-fare ticket; half fare ticket | 半票
pvoarphvix | half piece | 半片
pvoarpo'ar | half afternoon | 半晡仔
pvoarpof | half of morning; afternoon; half day; one morning; one afternoon | 半埔; 上午九時或下午三時
pvoarsek | cooked; half done | 半熟
pvoarsie | half-dead; half dead and half alive; neither dead or alive; half dead; almost dead | 半死
pvoarsielaang | half of one's life; half a lifetime; very long time | 半輩子; 半生
pvoarsii | half an hour | 半時; 一小時
pvoarsirn'gi'ar | half faith | 半信疑仔
pvoarsiu-kii | half-life | 半壽期
pvoarsixn | half believing and half doubting; doubtful; suspicious | 半信
pvoarsixn-pvoargii | between believing and suspicion; half believing and half doubting; doubtful; suspicious | 半信半疑
pvoarsiøfsie | half-dead; half dead | 半小死; 半死
pvoarsiøfsii | half an hour | 半小時
pvoarsiølerng | tepid (water); lukewarm (food water etc) | 半燒冷; 微溫; 溫的; 半冷半熱
pvoarsoef-kii | half-life | 半衰期
pvoarsox | half | 半數
pvoarsui | half-side paralyzed | 半遂
pvoarsveseeng | born; inborn; innate | 天生的
pvoarsvoa'ar | kids with parents from China and local Taiwanese | 半山仔
pvoarsvoaf | half way up a mountain | 半山
pvoarsvoaf`ee | Taiwanese who has lived in mainland for a long time | 半山的; 住過內地的臺灣人
pvoarsy | half of a thread; very small amount | 半絲
pvoarsyn | half of the body; used (articles); second hand | 半身; 半新
pvoarsøq | an obstacle | 絆索
pvoartafng | half a year | 半年
pvoartaux | half noon | 半晝
pvoartefar | half piece | 半塊仔
pvoartefng | the poll tax; (cf.; teng) | 半丁; (人頭稅)
pvoarthafngsae | half bucket of shit | 半桶屎
pvoarthafngsai'ar | half-bucket apprentice, imply the student is not there yet | 半桶師仔
pvoarthafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
pvoarthafngzuie | one who makes great display of little knowledge dabbler; only know a little but say a lot; ignorant | 半桶水; 形容只懂得一半
pvoarthauzhvef | light headed; harebrained; versatile; a madcap (slang) | 半頭青; 刁蠻
pvoarthef | sit in a inclining position | 半躺
pvoarthetør | sit in a inclining position | 半躺倒
pvoarthvetør | recline | 半躺倒
pvoarthvy | mid sky; up in the air; up in the sky | 半天; 半空中
pvoarthwn-pvoarthox | hem and haw; telling only part of what one knows | 欲言又止
pvoartiafmzefng | half an hour | 半點鐘
pvoartiarm | half an hour | 半點
pvoartiaumia | almost die | 半條命
pvoartiong'ngf | half way; in the middle; halfway; midway | 半中央; 中間; 中途
pvoartiongzam | one half; in part | 半中站; 半途
pvoartoo | halfway | 半途
pvoartvar | half a dozen; six | 半打
pvoartøq | half table | 半桌
pvoartør | half fell; a peninsula; to fall by an obstruction; half collapsed | 半倒; 半島; 絆倒
pvoartøxthea | semiconductor | 半導體
pvoartøxthefkaix | semiconductor world | 半導體界
pvoarvii | a semicircle; half circle; semicircle | 半圓
pvoarym | semitones | 半音
pvoarzad | half section | 半節
pvoarzaix | half a year | 半載
pvoarzam | midway | 中途
pvoarzhngg | half bed | 半床
pvoarzhuix | half a mouth; a small amount | 半口; 半嘴
pvoarzhuy pvoarciu | be half willing (at heart) and half unwilling (in appearance) ─ often referring to price haggling or girls being seduced | 半推半就
pvoarzhvea pvoarkhuxn | half awake and half asleep; slumbering | 半醒半睡
pvoarzhvesek | half cooked; half raw; half green; half ripe | 半青熟
pvoarzuix | half drunk; half drunk; half tipsy; inebriated | 半醉
pvoasiaux | transfer the account entries; copy an account; transfer accounts from one book to another | 盤數; 抄賬簿
pvoasiofng | dealer | 盤商
pvoasngx | plan | 盤算
pvoasoafui | move or remove (one's dwelling or things) to another place | 半搬移
pvoasoaq | moved | 搬煞
pvoasoar | move; remove things to another place; (persons) change their residence | 搬移; 搬徙; 遷移
pvoasvoaf koeaniar | cross mountains | 翻山越嶺
pvoasvoaf | cross the mountain; climb over a mountain; cross over a mountain | 越山; 翻山; 攀山
pvoasvoakeaniar | long journey | 盤山過嶺
pvoasvoakoeaniar | over the ridge | 盤山過嶺
pvoatiarm | make an inventory; check | 盤點; 清點
pvoatngr | move and turn | 搬轉
pvoatviuu | making appearance in different events | 搬場; 趕場
pvoaun | transport | 搬運
pvoauxnchiaf | van or truck for moving stuff | 搬運車
pvoauxnky | handling machine | 搬運機
pvoavoa | move and change | 搬換
pvoax geqlit | half month | 半月日
pvoax goeqjit | half month | 半月日
pvoax kofgoeh | half a month | 半個月
pvoax kongkhay | semi-open | 半公開
pvoax kørgoeh | half a month | 半個月
pvoax sengphirn | semi-finished products; half-finished products | 半成品
pvoax sidbinte | country nominally independent (whose sovereignty is often infringed upon by great powers) | 半殖民地
pvoax thaobengthea | translucent; partially transparent | 半透明體
pvoax tiafmzefng | half an hour | 半小時
pvoax | half | 半; 絆
pvoax-chviuar | lower wall | 半牆仔
pvoax-cviapeh | half fat and half lean meat | 五花肉; 半肥半瘦
pvoax-khafm'ar | half of a storefront | 半坎仔; 半間的門面
pvoax-løflau | middle-aged | 半老老
pvoax-tamtaf | demp | 半濕乾
pvoax-tiongtngg | mid-point | 半中長; 半路
pvoax-tiongtoo | mid-point of the trip | 半中途
pvoax`tør | to fall by an obstruction | 絆倒
pvoaxbarng | drive out mosquitoes | 拂蚊
pvoaxhi | shake the ears (dog, cow, etc.) | 拂耳; 拌耳
pvoaxhvi | shake the ears (dog, cow, etc.) | 拂耳
pvoaxkhuy | brush off, get free from | 拂門; 拌開; 推開
pvoaxmngg | shake feathers, shake hair | 拌毛
pvoaxnoar | come into contact with; have dealing with; communication; social intercourse | 交友
pvoaxpvoa`leq | whisk; flick | 拂一拂
pvoaxsaxm | dishevel (hair) | 半亂; 拌鬖; 蓬亂
pvoaxtiau | shake off dust; brush off dirt | 拂掉
pvoazao | move away; take away; remove; move | 搬走
pvoazay | transplant (plants) | 移苗; 移植
pvoazhaa | move firewood | 搬柴
pvoazhud | to move out | 搬出
pvoazhuix | wrangle; quarrel; bickering | 搬嘴; 抬槓
pvoazhutthviaf | remove a dying person from the bedroom to the hall | 搬出廳; 將臨死的人移到廳堂
pvoazhux | to move; to move house; move from one dwelling to another; change residence | 搬厝; 搬家
pvoazuun | transfer to a boat; transship merchandise; change ships; transshipment; reshipment | 換船
pvythøo-svoax | tonsil | 扁桃腺
pvythøsvoax | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺
pvythøsvoax-iam | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺炎
pwnkvoaf | this officer | 本官
pygvor | you and me | 彼我
pykhvoax | compare | 比看
pynsvoax | needle and thread | 針線
pøfhiafmkvoae | bumper | 保險桿
pøfhiafmtvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
pøfhiarm-tvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
pøfkvoaf | keeper of a gambling house | 補官; 睹場老闆
pøfsvoaf | treasure mountain, Golconda', source of great wealth | 寶山
pøftvoaf | formal note; document of guaranty | 保單
pøhhvoa | revetment | 駁岸
pøhhvoaxgoa | outside revetment | 駁岸外
pøhhvoaxkhaf | revetment | 駁岸跤
pøhhvoaxlai | inside revetment | 駁岸內
pøhhvoaxpvy | revetment | 駁岸邊
pøhhvoaxterng | revetment | 駁岸頂
pøhkhvoarbai | take a chance; have a try at; risk it; chance it | 試試看; 碰碰運氣
pørhoeatvoaf | application to pass goods through the customs | 報貨單
pørkoafn-tvoaf | customs declaration | 報關單
pørkoantvoaf | bill of entry | 報關單
pørkvoathviaf | newsroom | 報官廳
pørtvoaf | an entry; an application to pass goods through the customs | 報單
saihvoa | west coast | 西岸
saikongtvoaa | the altar where Taoist priests perform magic | 司公壇
saipenghvoa | west coast | 西爿岸
saipvoarkiuu | western hemisphere | 西半球
saisvoaf | western mountains | 西山
samchitgvor kiafmzof | 375% rental reduction policy: the first step taken in Taiwan's land reform program; under which the ceiling of farm rental was fixed 375 of the yield | 三七五減租
samgvor sengkuun | in groups of three or five | 三五成群
samleng gvofsyn | repeated orders and injunctions | 三令五申
samsafm-gvofgvor | small groups of people scattered here and there | 三三五五
samsvoarlo | fork | 三線路
samsyn-gvofleng | give repeated orders | 三申五令
sansvoax | mountain route (Taiwan trains has mountain route and ocean route) | 山線
sarngcviuxsvoaf | funeral procession to the grave site | 送成山; 送到墓地
sarngsvoathaau | send the mountain | 送山頭
sarnpengsvoax | open skirmish line (military) | 散兵線
say-pvoarkiuu | Western Hemisphere | 西半球
seakhwntvoaa | bacterial bomb | 細菌彈
sef-pvoarkiuu | western hemisphere | 西半球
sefar-svoax | type of thread | 紗仔線
sefnggvo | awake to; realize; awake from (errors; illusions); come to one's senses | 醒悟
sefvoafzefng | dishwashing liquid | 洗碗精
sefvoar | wash bowels | 洗碗
segthvoax | burning charcoal | 熟炭
sehsvoaterng | snow mountain top | 雪山頂
sehtiofng sarngthvoax | give timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
sehvoa | west coast | 西岸
sehøhvoa | west river bank | 西河岸
sengkhw bøo pvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkhw tngxpvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkvoaai | promote, elevate, rise in rank | 升官; 升懸; 升高
sengkvoaf hoatzaai | attain higher rank and acquire great wealth | 升官發財
sengkvoaf | promote in official rank | 升官
sengsidsvoax | gonads | 生殖腺
sengtvoaf | accident | 生端; 生事端
sengzeg-tvoaf | school report card | 成績單
sengzektvoaf | report card; transcript of a student's scholastic record | 成績單; 成績表
sepvoarkiuu | Western Hemisphere | 西半球
seqpvoaa | go round in the air | 踅盤
serngsvoaf | cemetery (Catholic) | 聖山; 墓地
sesvoaf | west mountain | 西山
sesvoax tiaux tangzefng | A heavy bell suspended by a very thin string. ─ very inadequate; matters in a very dangerous state | 絲線吊銅鐘; 岌岌可危
sesvoax | cotton thread | 綿線; 棉線; 絲線
si'afsvoax | silk thread | 絲仔線
siahhvoa | soldering iron | 杓岸; 錫的銲料
siak'voar-siakti | throw down the bowls and chopsticks; very angry | 摔碗摔筷; 很生氣
siangphvoa | companion | 雙伴
siao'khvoar | account | 帳款
siaotvoaf | bills; invoices | 賬單
siapkixkvoai | very astringent | 澀執拗
siasvoax | oblique line | 斜線
siauhoax-svoax | digestive gland | 消化腺
siausvoax | disperse, melt away, vanish, waste away | 消散
siauxkaetvoaf | introduction sheet | 紹介單
sidtvoaa | live shell; live ammunition | 實彈
sie-høefsvoaf | dormant or extinct volcano | 死火山
sie-kaq tngxpvoaree | all dead; none left alive | 死光了
siesvoax | disperse; scatter around; scattered in all directions | 四散
siettvoaa | prepare the altar for sacrifice | 設壇
sikvoaf | resign public office | 辭官
simkvoa'afkviar | one's beloved child | 心肝分囝
simkvoa'ar | sweetheart | 心肝仔
simkvoaafkviar | sweetheart | 心肝仔囝
simkvoabaq | sweetheart | 心肝肉
simkvoaee | sweetheart | 心肝的
simkvoaf chinchviu tøf teq koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
simkvoaf hvoaxtvia | keep one's mind at ease; make up one's mind on | 心肝按定; 拿定主意
simkvoaf khaq-gve thiq | heart harder than iron (in the sense of showing no pity or refusing to make up a dispute) | 鐵石心腸
simkvoaf liaqzai | keep one's mind at ease; make up one's mind on | 拿定主意
simkvoaf parngkhuy | keep one's mind at ease | 心情放鬆
simkvoaf phuphuu | unsettled and inattentive | 心猿意馬
simkvoaf thviax | grief; severe pain about the heart | 心痛
simkvoaf tyntang | become interested in something (usually as a result of persuasion) | 心動
simkvoaf | my dear; honey; heart; heart; mind; darling; honey | 心肝
simkvoakhut'ar | pit of the stomach; region between the ribs | 心肝骨仔
simkvoakor | heart drum | 心肝鼓
simkvoalai | in the heart | 心肝內
simkvoanngr | heart-hearted | 心肝軟
simkvoatea | deep in the heart | 心肝底
simkvoathaau | around the pit of the stomach or the heart | 心肝頭
simkvoavyar | the deepest core point in the human heart | 心肝穎仔
simlimsvoax | forest line | 森林線
simthaau hvoa-hof tvia | set determinedly to a task | 心頭扞定; 心意立定
sinkengsvoax | nerves | 神經線
sinsvoaf | gods mountain | 神山
sintvoa | figure | 身段
sintvoaa | altar | 神壇
siong-pvoargøeh | first half of a month | 上半月
siong-pvoaria | before midnight | 上半夜
sionggvoo | Taiwan cypress (tree) | 松梧; 臺灣扁柏
sionggvozhaa | pine wood | 松梧柴
siongtuiekhvoax | watching at eacher | 相對看
sioxnggvor | forenoon; A.M | 上午; 午前
sipsip'afkvoa | light sweat | 濕濕仔汗; 一點點汗
sisvoax | silk thread | 絲線
sitsvoax | lost and scattered; dispersed | 失散
sitvoa | time period | 時段
sitvoaa | circle of poets | 詩壇
siukhvoax | watch (television) | 收看
siuosvoax | silk thread; embroidery thread | 繡線
siuosvoax-kiog | spirea (flower) | 繡線菊
siupvoaa | closing quotation (of a stock or commodity) for the day | 收盤
siusvoaf | end; conclude; close | 結束; 完了
siusøeatvoaf | tax bill | 收稅單
siutvoaf | recipe | 收單; 收據
siuvoar | clear the table (after a meal); put dishes back (on shelf after washing) | 收飯
siuxkvoar | be driven out | 受趕; 被趕
siuxkvoay | be imprisoned | 受關; 被拘禁
siwkvoar | remain in widowhood | 守寡
siwsek kiafmzhatkvoaf | chief procurator | 首席檢察官
sixafnzvoar | why? | 是按怎
sixafnzvoar`laq | why? | 是按怎啦
sixhvor | whether or not | 是否
sixhvox | liking for, taste for, hobby, to reflesh, to indulge in, to be addicted to | 嗜好
sixnsiong-svoax | adrenal gland | 腎上腺
sixnsioxngsvoarsox | adrenalin | 腎上腺素
sixnsioxngsvoax-sox | adrenalin | 腎上腺素
sixsvoax | the line of vision or sight ─ the straight line between an object and one's eyes | 視線
sixzvoafviu | what's wrong? | 是怎樣
siøf hoefthvoax | make charcoal | 燒木炭
siøf-parngphvoa | number of men uniting to help one another in turn; to help mutually | 相放伴; 輪流幫忙
siøfgvofkym | small hardware | 小五金
siøfkvoaf | petty official | 小官
siøfpvoaa senglie | retail business | 小盤生意; 零售
siøfpvoax | minority | 小半
siøfsvoaf | small mountain, hill | 小山
siøftvoax | actor who takes female parts | 小旦
siøkhvoarviu | following one another's example | 相仿效
siøkhvoax | look at one another | 相看
siøkvoar | catch up | 相趕
siøparngphvoa | take turn to help each other in farming | 相放伴
siøphvoa | two or more people doing something together | 相伴
siøsvoaf | burnt mountain | 燒山
siøtheavoa | take turns; in alternate shifts | 相替換; 輪流
siøtuiekhvoax | face to face | 相對看
siøvoa | mutually exchange | 相換
siøzuyzvoaa | hot spring | 燒水泉; 溫泉
sngrbøpvoaa | not worthy to make a deal | 算無盤
sngrkhvoax | count up and see | 算看; 算算看
sngrpvoaa phvai toax kahciahphviaf | stingy; of calculating disposition | 算盤背在背上; 小氣
sngrpvoaa | abacus | 算盤
sngrpvoajie | abacus beads | 算盤只
soafntvoaf | election campaign flyers | 選單
soanphvoax syheeng | sentence to death | 宣判死刑
soanphvoax | to sentence, to pass judgement, to render | 宣判
soanthoaan-tvoaf | propaganda leaflet | 宣傳單
soanthoantvoaf | flyer | 宣傳單
soapvoaa | sandy area, sandy space | 沙盤
soasvoax | sand line | 沙線
soat'svoaf | snow mountain | 雪山
soathvoaf | a sandbank after a low tide | 沙灘
soatparsvoaf | a mountain in Sinteg | 雪霸山
soatsvoaf | snow mountain | 雪山
soeatvoaf | bill of tax; tax form; transit pass for imports; tax invoice | 稅單
sofkhvoax | whatever one sees | 所看
sofng'voaivoay | cool and fun | 爽歪歪
suhoatkvoaf | legal officer; judge | 司法官
suichiuo kvoaimngg | Close the door with the same hand (Lit. Close the door behind you.) | 隨手關門
suicioong bwkvoaf | an aide-de-camp | 隨從武官
suitidsvoax | vertical line | 垂直線
sukiekvoaf | clerk of a law court | 書記官
suleng-kvoaf | prefect | 司令官
sulexngkvoaf | commander | 司令官; 司令
sunhoee zhaiphvoarsor | circuit court | 巡迴裁判所
sunkhvoax | go about and inspect | 巡看
sunkvoaf | police inspector | 巡官
sunsvoaf | make inspection of mountain | 巡山
sunthaukhvoarboea | look around | 巡頭看尾
suohwn gvofliet | fall to pieces; total disintegration | 四分五裂
suosiar gvofjip | round off (a number); (in arithmetic) to count one-half and higher fractions as units and disregard the rest | 四捨五入
suphvoax | peddler | 私販
susiorng loggvor | old-fashioned in thinking; out-dated ideas | 思想落伍
susymphvoax | particular judgment (Catholic) | 私審判
suun khvoarbai | go about and inspect | 巡查一下; 巡看覓
suxbuxkvoaf | administrative official; commissioner | 事務官
suxkvoaf | sergeant; non-commissioned officers | 士官
suxkvoatviuo | master sergeant | 士官長
suyhvor | water and fire | 水火
suykhvoar | pretty style | 媠款
svakhvoax | stare or look at one another | 相看
svakvef-pvoarmee | late at night (usually after midnight) | 三更半夜
svakvemepvoax | midnight | 三更暝半
svakvepvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvipvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvipvoarmii | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvy-pvoarmii | late at night (usually after midnight) | 三更半夜
svatiafmpvoax | 3:30pm that Taiwan's bank close time | 三點半
svatvoaxlun | 3 stages theory | 三段論
svatvoaxseg | 3 stages | 三段式
svavoa | change with each other | 相換; 互換
sveamiaxsvoarterng | on lifeline | 性命線頂
sveamiaxsvoax | lifeline (in figurative sense) | 生命線
svekithvoarhiøh | twigs and leaves ? | 生枝湠葉
svesvoai'ar | chancre | 下疳仔
svethvoax | family; race; or animals spread; multiply; and increase | 生衍; 繁殖
sviafkhvoar | what do you think? | 啥款
sviapvoax | fifteen percent | 成半; 一成半
sviemiaxsvoax | lifeline | 性命線
sviqsvih-svoaiqsvoaih | rickety; shaky | 爍爍寨寨; 磨擦的聲音
svisvoai'ar | syphilis | 生檨仔
svisvy svoaixsvoai | rickety; shaky | 磨擦的聲音
svithvoax | multiply (as family) | 生衍; 生湠; 繁衍; 繁殖
sviu khvoarbai`leq | try to call to mind; think over again | 想想看
sviuxkhvoarmai | let me think | 想看覓
sviuxkhvoax | think over, consider carefully | 想看; 想想看
svoa'ar | a mango | 芒果
svoa'au | on the other side of the mountain; the east coast of Taiwan | 山後
svoa'e | lower part of a mountain, foot of a mountain | 山下; 山腳
svoa'iar | mountain field | 山野
svoa'iøf | path along the ledge halfway up a mountain; mid-slope of a mountain | 山腰
svoa'iøh | mid-slope of a mountain | 山腰
svoa'o | sweet potato | 山芋; 野芋頭
svoa'of | East Asia rook, eastern rook | 山烏; 禿鼻鴉
svoa'ut | woodcock (bird) | 山鷸
svoa'w | basin (low-lying geographical feature); depression | 山洿; 盆地
svoa-mokuo | Taiwan beech | 山毛櫸
svoaafterng | mountain top | 山仔頂
svoaai | rude; vulgar; utterly wanting in propriety; negligent; audacious; cheeky; impudent | 蠻橫; 無明理
svoaauxciao | gray-faced vulture | 山後鳥
svoabaa | wildcat | 山貓
svoabefliw | end of mountain | 山尾溜
svoaboefliw | end of mountain | 山尾溜
svoaboong | mountain fog | 山雺
svoabu | mountain fog | 山霧
svoabøea | end of mountain (top) | 山尾; 山頂
svoabøefliw | very top of a hill; the extremity of the base of a hill | 山尖上
svoachiog | titmice, mountain birds | 山雀
svoachvy | Tsuno-kusa-nemo (grass) | 山青; 田菁草
svoaciafm | peak of a mountain | 山尖
svoaciao | mountain bird | 山鳥
svoaciøf | climbing pepper | 山椒
svoaenghoef | mountain cherry | 山櫻花
svoaf pafng te lih | mountains collapsing and the earth cracking up (descriptive of sound) | 山崩地裂
svoaf | mountain; hill; island; dry land or the shore as opposed to water; wild (animal or plant); a grave | 山
svoaf-bøefliw | crest or peak of a mountain | 山尾抽; 山尾溜; 山頂
svoaf-cysof | sansakun (Bunun) (plant) | 山紫蘇
svoaf-enghoef | Taiwan cherry | 山櫻花; 緋櫻
svoaf-genggerng | mountain longan | 山龍眼
svoaf-gipee | Taiwan loquat | 山枇杷
svoaf-hociøf | aromatic litsea, mountain litsea, Taiwan devilpepper | 山胡椒
svoaf-jiogkuix | fragrant cinnamon; Cinnamomum randaieuse | 山肉桂
svoaf-khofkoef | Japanese hop (plant) | 山苦瓜
svoaf-khofleng | Asia bell-tree, Formosan ash, Hocker beggartick | 山苦楝
svoaf-kiet'ar | Taiwan lemon | 山桔仔
svoaf-koahzhaix | cress | 山葛菜
svoaf-koarzhaix | Taiwan melicope | 山芥菜
svoaf-kwzhaix | a herb of lily | 山韮菜
svoaf-mokuo | Taiwan beech | 山毛櫸
svoaf-nataau | climbing screw-pine | 山露兜
svoaf-ngky | cape jasmine | 山黃梔
svoaf-ngmoaa | dense-flowered false nettle, India charcoal tremas | 山冀麻; 大苧麻
svoaf-onglaai | Taiwan adina | 水王梨; 鳳梨
svoaf-pankhiw | Formosan turtle-dove | 山斑鳩
svoaf-peqzhaix | Blumea lacera | 山白菜
svoaf-phu'ioong | Taiwan cotton-rose, mountain rose mallow | 山芙蓉
svoaf-phutøo | porcelain ampelopsis, wildgrape | 山葡萄
svoaf-porcie | Cuming cordia | 山布子
svoaf-pun'nngg | Formosan beauty-berry | 杜虹花
svoaf-sienzaf | Formosan crabapple | 山仙查
svoaf-soarnthaau | Formosan veratrum, Formosa lily | 山蒜頭
svoaf-sorefng | mountain jasmine | 山素英
svoaf-teglaan | Japanese eupatorium | 山澤蘭
svoaf-thotau | a kind of alyce clover, Alysicarpus nummularifolius | 山土豆
svoaf-tibaq | Ceylon ardisia | 山豬肉
svoaf-zhaethaau | Asi Bell-tree | 山菜頭
svoaf`nih | in the mountain | 山裡
svoafbe | sell retail | 散賣
svoafboe | retail | 散賣
svoafho | individual investors | 散戶
svoafkafng | leave the factory after the day's work is done | 散工
svoafphiøx | small change | 散票
svoagaai | a precipice | 山崖
svoagaam | mountain cliff | 山岩; 山崖
svoagak | gak | 山獄
svoagamlai | inside mountain cliff | 山岩內
svoagiaam | mountain rock, a cliff | 山岩; 山嚴; 山巖
svoahae | mountain and ocean | 山海
svoaheeng | mountain shape | 山行
svoahied | hillside grave, cave in a mountain or hill | 山穴
svoahngg | dry fields on hills | 山園
svoahoef | mountain flower | 山花
svoahofng | mountain wind | 山峰; 山風
svoahuun | spirit or soul of a mountain | 山魂
svoahøo | mountain and river | 山河
svoai | mango | 檨*
svoai'afbin | overbearing, arrogant, unreasonable | 耍賴
svoai'afchvy | Taiwanese green mango | 檨仔青
svoai'afciab | Taiwanese green mango juice | 檨仔汁
svoai'afkhaf | under Taiwanese green mango tree | 檨仔跤
svoai'afkvoaf | dry Taiwanese green mango | 檨仔乾
svoai'afzhvef | mango candied | 芒果青; (醃未熟之芒果)
svoai'ar | mango | 檨仔; 芒果
svoai'ar-zaang | mango tree | 檨仔欉; 芒果欉
svoaisvoaai | act shamelessly; act perversely; stupid; muddleheaded | 很皮; 傻裏傻氣
svoaiøf | mid-slope of a mountain | 山腰
svoaiøqcii | mountain yam | 山藥薯
svoakafn | in the mountains | 山間
svoakao | wild dog | 山狗
svoakau'ar | ravine | 山溝仔
svoakaw | a gully | 山溝
svoakef | pheasant | 山雞
svoakerng | mountain view | 山景
svoakhaf | the foot of a hill or mountain | 山腳; 山跤; 山下
svoakhafng | mountain cave | 山孔; 山空; 山穴
svoakhaxm | hill; precipitous bank (on a shore or at a stream) | 山崁; 山崖; 山嵌
svoakhefng | Taiwan sapium (tree) | 山框; 山桕
svoakhi'ar | Morris persimmon, red-flowered persimmon | 山柿仔; 油柿
svoakhia | mountain niche | 山徛
svoakhiaq | mountain crevice | 山隙
svoakhiim iafsiux | wild birds and beasts | 山禽野獸
svoakhiim | mountain birds, wild birds | 山擒; 山禽
svoakhinzhaix | mountain celery | 山芹菜
svoakhiw | hills | 山丘
svoakhud | valley; gorge | 山坑
svoakhve'ar | valley; gorge | 山坑仔
svoakhvef | valley; gorge | 山坑; 山谷
svoakhvy | mountain dent | 山坑
svoakhw | mountain area | 山區
svoakiab | a ravine | 山峽
svoakiok | Japanese farfugium | 山菊; 山花粉
svoakog | valley; daie; hollow; ravine | 山谷
svoakoklai | In the valley | 山谷內
svoakvii | mountain | 山墘
svoakviw | Japanese horseradish (plant) | 山薑
svoakw | Reeve's turtle | 山龜; 金龜
svoakøef | Swinhoe's Blue peasant (hen) | 山雞
svoalaai | mountain pear | 山梨
svoalai | mountainous country; within the mountains | 山裏; 山內
svoalaixtawtea | remote mountains | 深山裏頭
svoalee | mountain peach | 山梨
svoalip | black-capped kingfisher | 黑頭翡翠
svoaliux | accentor, prunella bird | 山鷚
svoalo | ghaut; mountain path | 山路
svoaloah | mountain snake | 山剌
svoalok | deer | 山鹿
svoaloxpvy | mountain roadside | 山路邊
svoalun | small mountain; mesa; plateau | 山崙
svoalun'ar | long, low, flat hill | 山崙仔
svoameh | mountain chain; hump; mountain range | 山脈
svoamoa'ar | dense-flowered false nettle | 山麻仔; 大苧麻
svoamoaa | fibrous plant to make rope | 山麻
svoanaa | mountain forest | 山林
svoanalai | mountain forest | 山林內
svoania | mountain tombs | 山陵
svoaniar | mountain head; mountains in general | 山嶺
svoaniaw | wildcat | 山貓
svoaniuu | Formosan blue magpie | 臺灣藍鵲
svoapafng | landslide | 山崩
svoapag | mountainside | 山腹
svoapaw | aboriginal | 山胞
svoaphang | crevice or cleft in a mountain | 山縫
svoaphutøo | mountain grapes | 山葡萄
svoaphviaa | sidehill; hillslope; brae; mountain side; hillside; mountain slope | 山坡; 山坪; 山坡地
svoaphøf | mountain side; mountain slope; hillside; hillside | 山坡
svoaphøte | slope of a hill | 山坡地
svoaphøterng | hillside top | 山坡頂
svoaphøtoe | hillside | 山坡地
svoapiaq | hogback | 山壁
svoapoadar | mountain guava | 山菝仔
svoapof | gently sloping or level grassy place on a hill | 山埔; 山坡
svoapof-kviw | Ziaparas (Paiwan), fine-leaved chaste-tree | 山埔薑; 山埔姜
svoapvy | mountainside | 山邊
svoarbe | sell individual item | 散賣
svoarboe | sell individual item | 散賣
svoarbuun | prose | 散文
svoarbøe | sell retail | 零售
svoarchi | closed market, market closes | 散市; 收市
svoarcie | slugs; bird shot | 散彈; 獵槍
svoargoa | off-line | 線外
svoarheeng | careless and sloppy | 散形
svoarhengsvoarheeng | forgetful, lazy, careless | 散形散形
svoarhoad | wild; feral | 野生
svoarhoe | dismiss a congregation; dissolve an assembly; dismiss a meeting | 散會
svoarhviw | incense for selling by retail; common joss stick | 散香; 一根一根的香
svoariah | odd sheets | 散頁
svoarieen | meal following funeral ceremonies | 散筵; 喪筵
svoarjiet | refrigeration (medicine) | 散熱
svoarkafng | leave the factory after the day's work is done | 散工
svoarkhiin | casual work | 散勤
svoarkhix | disperse; scatter; separate; sever; die away; fade away | 散去; 分離; 消逝
svoarkhoaan | coil | 線圈
svoarkhuy | to scatter, to disperse | 散開
svoarkokoo | scattered | 散糊糊
svoarliawliao | scattered | 散了了
svoarlo | electrical circuit; (railway) line; (air) route | 線路
svoarluun | electric coil | 線輪
svoarmoaa | a deep-sea eel | 線鰻
svoarpafn | dismiss a crew or gang | 散班; 下班
svoarpefng | paratroopers | 傘兵
svoarphiøx | change | 零錢; 散票
svoarphofngphorng | in disorder; in a mess | 散凸凸; 凌亂; 四散紛飛
svoarpoo | sew | 線裒
svoarpøx | wire report | 線報
svoarseg | dispersion | 散色
svoarsid | scatter and become lost | 散失; 失散
svoarsiefn | careless and sloppy; unorganized; scattered | 散漫; 無定性
svoarsiensvoarsiefn | forgetful, lazy, careless | 散仙散仙
svoarsoaf | loose sand | 散沙
svoarsvoax | asunder; dispersive; scatter; disarray | 散散
svoarsvoax`khix | be scattered; to be wholly scattered all in different directions; in confusion and disorder | 散散去
svoarsøq | clew; clue; cue; key; scent | 線索
svoarterng | line top | 線頂
svoarthaau | line end | 線端
svoartiaau | line | 線條
svoartin | disperse the ranks (of a procession or group) | 散夥
svoartui | dismiss a troop | 散隊; 解散隊伍; 散完
svoartviuu | be over (said of a show; a meeting) | 散場
svoarzaai | odds materials for re-processing | 線材
svoarzaang | scattered plants, wild plants | 散叢; 野生植物
svoarzngf | loose packed | 散裝
svoarzoe | cloth joined together by thread | 縫線
svoarøh | after class | 散學
svoasafm | Japanese podocarp, Nankang podocarp | 山杉; 竹柏
svoasafnbut | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產品; 山產物; 山產
svoasafnphirn | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產品; 山產物; 山產
svoasaix-teg | Hind's cane | 山塞竹
svoasarn | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產; 山產物; 山產品
svoasex | form or appearance of mountains | 山勢
svoasiin | guardian spirit of a mountain | 山神
svoasix | mountain | 山勢
svoasviaa | mountain castle | 山城
svoasvoai'ar | mountain mango | 山檨子
svoasvoax | mountain (railway) line | 山線
svoatang'øf | mountain artemisia annua | 山苳蒿
svoatangpeh | superior type of cabbage | 山東白
svoatangpeqar | napa | 山東白仔
svoatau-kwn | Horsefield euchresta | 山豆根
svoate | mountainous region | 山地
svoatee | mountain tea | 山茶
svoaterng | top of the mountain; mountain top; up on the mountain | 山頂
svoatexlaang | aborigine | 山地人
svoathaau | burial ground; cemetery | 山上; 山頭; 墓地
svoathox | hares | 山兔
svoati'afbaq | wild boar meat | 山豬仔肉
svoati'ar | wild boar | 山豬仔
svoatibaq | wild boar meat | 山豬肉
svoatiefn | mountain top | 山巔
svoatiin | mountain rattan | 山藤
svoatikee | pickled wild pig meat | 山豬醬
svoatin'ar | mountain rattan | 山藤仔
svoatiofng | in the mountain | 山中
svoatoaxlaang | palm tree | 棕櫚的一種
svoatoe | mountain | 山地
svoatong | a cave; a cavern; a grotto; cave; tunnel; grotto; cavern | 山洞
svoatoo | mountain road | 山途
svoatviuu | open area of mountain | 山場; 農場
svoatw | palm tree | 山豬
svoaty | wild boar | 野豬; 山豬
svoaty-baq | boar's meat | 山豬肉
svoatøe | mountainous region | 山地
svoatøea | foot of a mountain | 山底
svoaviar | mountain shadow | 山影
svoaviuar | goat | 山羊仔
svoaviukøf | goat | 山羊羔
svoaviumoaa | arbor; tall tree | 一種喬木
svoaviuu | Formosan serow, Formosan mountain sheep | 山羊
svoax | gland | 散; 線; 腺
svoax-seapaw | gland cell | 腺細胞
svoax-søeapaw | gland cell | 腺細胞
svoax`khix | to disperse, to drop away | 散去
svoaxho | individual stock investor | 散戶
svoaxphiøx | scattered votes | 散票
svoazafng | Formosan sugar palm | 糖棕; 桄榔子
svoaze | mountain fastness | 山寨
svoazhad | oriental poison sumac, Japanese evodia | 山賊; 山漆; 野漆樹
svoazhao | ziaparasu (Paiwan) | 山草
svoazhat | robbers; gang hide in the mountains | 山賊
svoazhat'ar | wax tree | 山賊仔; 山漆仔
svoazheeng | large-leaved baryan | 山榕; 雀榕
svoazhuo | mountain misce | 山鼠
svoazngf | mountain villa | 山莊
svoazuie | mountain water | 山水
svoazvoazuie | mountain spring water | 山泉水
svy-svoai'ar | have a bubo | 生檨仔; (淋巴結炎)
swkvoaf | official historian | 史官
swnhvox | to wear away | 損耗
swnhvox-lut | rate of waste | 損耗率
swnkvoaf | dried bamboo shoot; dried bamboo shoots (for eating) | 筍干; 筍乾
sygvofkhied | sworn; enemy | 死對頭
symmih voafkøf | What kind of stuff... (always used with sim-mih; unpolite way to ask the stuffsl) | 什麼碗糕; 什麼玩意
symphvoarsy | trial division | 審判司
symphvoartaai | judge's bench | 審判台
symphvoartviuo | chief justice; presiding judge | 審判長
symphvoax | judge; judgment; try (a case or person in court); a trial | 審判
symphvoax-kvoaf | judge | 審判官
symphvoax-thviaf | courtroom | 審判廳
syzvoaa | dried up spring | 死泉
syzvoax | boast | 死煎; 吹牛
søeatvoaf | tax bill | 稅單
søefvoar | dishwashing | 洗碗
søhkvoa | underwear absorbs perspiration | 吸汗
tafm khvoarbai | to taste by licking; have a taste; take up on the tip of the finger so as to see what an substance is like; especially by tasting it | 銜看覓
tafmkvoaf | pickled pig liver | 膽肝; 醃肝
tafng-pvoarkiuu | eastern hemisphere | 東半球
tag sngrpvoaa | calculate (on abacus); be calculating | 打算盤
tag-sngrpvoaa | count with abacus | 打算盤; 觸算盤
tahtvoaa | erect an altar | 搭壇
tahtvoaf | paste a card, paste an advertising poster | 搭單; 貼單
tahvoa | drought | 乾旱; 焦旱
taisvasvoax | | 台三線
taixgvor | the big self; the state; the nation | 大我
taixkekvoaf | everybody | 大家官
takekvoaf | husband's parents | 乾家官; 大家官; 公婆; 公公婆婆
taksngrpvoaa | use abacus- well calculated with plan | 擉算盤
takvoaf | father-in-law; husband's father | 公公; 大官; 乾官
tamgvo | delay, hinder, waste other person's time | 耽誤
tamphvoax | negotiation; negotiate; treat; negotiation; decide by informal talks | 談判
tang'ar-mixsvoax | vermicelli boiled in a earthen jar | 筒仔米線; 筒仔麵線
tanghayhvoa | east coast | 東海岸
tanghvoa | east coast | 東岸
tangphvoa | company; companion | 同伴
tangpvoaa | brass bowl; lamp | 銅盤
tangsvoax | copper wire; brass wire; thicker brass for copper wire | 銅線
tangtvoaa | bronz alter | 銅壇
tansvoax | single (railroad) line | 單線
taokhvoax | help look after | 鬥看; 幫忙看顧
taophvoa | join together in a company | 鬥伴; 湊個伴兒
tau'ar-voar | bowl used to throw dice in gambling | 豆仔碗; 骰子盒
tauxkvoacvix | fried tofu | 豆干炸
tauxkvoaf | dry bean curd; spiced and dried bean curd; bean curd that has been pressed in a cloth | 豆干; 豆乾; 豆腐干
tauxkvoaf-cvix | fat fried soft bean-curd | 豆干炸; 豆乾糋; 油炸豆腐
tauxkvoakag | small fried tofu like Japanese tempeh | 豆乾角
tavoa | dry season | 乾旱
te tuix khofng huitvoaa | ground-to-air missile | 地對空飛彈
te'afsvoax | linen or ramie thread | 苧麻線
tefngpvoaa | wholesale agent | 上盤
tefngpvoarmee | upper midnight | 頂半暝
tefngpvoarmii | upper midnight tefngpvoarsyn | 頂半年
tefngpvoarsyn | upper body | 頂半身
tefngpvoax | upper half | 上半
tefngsvoaf | top mountain | 頂山
tefngsvoax | top line | 頂線
tefngtvoa | previous paragraph | 頂段; 前段
tefpvoaa | chassis | 底盤
tefsvoax | baseline | 底線
tegjixmkvoaf | official holding a post of the special appointment rank | 特任官
tek'hvoaxkiøpvy | bamboo shore bridge | 竹岸橋邊
tekkvoaf | bamboo rod | 竹杆
tekzhvoaf | bamboo thorn | 竹扦
teng'voa | to change over again (after a previous change) | 重換
tengzvoar | small saucer lamp | 燈盞
tepvoaa | tea tray; tea tray; salver for a tea pot | 茶盤
terng-pvoarmee | before midnight | 上半夜
terng-pvoarpof | forenoon | 上半晡; 上午
terng-pvoartafng | first six months of a year | 上半年
tesvoaf | tea mountain | 茶山
texhngf tviwkvoaf | magistrate | 地方長官
texhngkvoaf | officials of local governments | 地方官
texit'svoax | first line | 第一線
texitsvoax | first line | 第一線
texnghøeatvoaf | order form (or blank); list of goods ordered | 訂貨單
texngkitvoaf | periodic sheets | 定期單
texngthvoax | good hard charcoal | 較硬的木炭
texngtvoaf | order | 訂單
texpengsvoax | horizon | 地平線
texpvoaa | territory; place or territory occupied by usurpation (force); region under one's sphere of influence; foundation of a building or house | 地盤
textvoa | location of a piece of land, according to public records | 地段
thaai-pvoarsie | almost got killed | 殺半死
thaepengsvoaf | peaceful mountain | 太平山
thaevoax | extremely late or too late | 太晚
thafngkvoa | bucket handle | 桶捾
thafngpvoaa | tray | 托盤; 桶盤; 請客用的大盤子
thafnhvoaai | thwart; crosswise | 橫放; 坦橫; 橫的
thafnhvoaisvef | transverse position presentation (obstetrics) | 坦橫生; 難產
thaipvoaa | placenta | 胎盤
thaix voax | too late | 太晚
thaksngrpvoaa | caculated move | 擉算盤
tham'iim hvorseg | debauched; viciously sensual | 貪淫好色
thamkvoaf | corrupt officials; malfeasant | 貪官
thamkvoaf-uoli | avaricious government officials and grasping underlings; corrupt officials | 貪官污吏
thamkvoauoli | corrupt officials | 貪官汙吏
tharmkhvoarbai | seeking out | 探探看
tharmkhvoax | investigate | 探看; 查看
thaukeniuu`hvoq | are you boss's wife? | 頭家娘乎
thaukhak'voafkud | skull | 頭殼碗骨
thaukhak'voar phoax`khix | skull fracture | 頭蓋碗破去
thaukhak'voar | skull; cranium | 頭蓋骨; 頭殼碗
thaukhvoax | peek; peek at; to peep; to look stealthily or secretly | 偷看
thaumngg pvoarpeh | hair gray; about half white | 頭髮半白
thautvoa | the first paragraph or section (in an essay); the first division | 頭段
thauvoa | change secretly | 偷換
thaw khvoax | peeping; cheat | 偷看
theagvofkym | compensation after discharge from military | 退伍金
theagvofpefng | discharged soldier; veterans | 退伍兵
theagvofzexng | Discharge Papers (military) | 退伍證
theagvor kunjiin | retired soldier; discharged serviceman; ex-soldier; veterans | 退伍軍人
theagvor | be discharged from military service | 退伍
theavoa | by turns; to change off doing work or holding office in succession | 替換
thefgvo | comprehend | 體悟
thefhvoa | the bank of a river | 堤岸
thefngkvoaai | be proud and insolent | 挺官; 逞高
thehonghvoa | embankment | 堤防岸
thehonghvoaxterng | top of the embankment | 堤防岸頂
thehvoa | the bank of a river | 堤岸
thepvoaa | placenta | 胎盤
therngkhvoax | allow one to look | 提看; 可以看
thetvoaf | a bill of lading | 提單
thiahsvoax oanviw | to separate lovers; break up a married couple | 拆散鴛鴦
thiahsvoax | to break up; split apart; to dismantle; separate (man and wife) forcibly or cruelly | 拆散
thiahtvoaf | to buy a ticket for a ship; train | 買票; 拆單
thiaobwphvoa | dancing partner | 跳舞伴
thiaosvoax | to parachute; parachute | 跳傘
thiensvoax | aerial; antenna (for radio; TV) | 天線
thiet'voa | fire an official and replace him with a new one | 撤換
thih'afthvoax | iron coal | 鐵仔炭
thih'voafbøar | iron ball shape hat, imply life time job | 鐵碗帽仔
thihkvoae | iron stick, iron rod | 鐵杖; 鐵桿
thihpvoaa | steel tray | 鐵盤
thihsvoarbang | barbed wire entanglements | 鐵絲網
thihsvoax | galvanized (zinc-coated) wire | 鐵絲
thihsvoax-bang | barbed wire entanglement | 鐵絲網
thiofngsvoaf | a hill where graves gather | 塚山
thiq pngxvoar | iron rice bowl ─ very secure job | 鐵飯碗
thiuvoa | extract to replace | 抽換
thoantvoaf | flyleaf; handbill; leaflet; handbills; leaflets; circulars; notices | 傳單
thoatsvoax | go off the rails; to de-rail; be eccentric; digress; not thorough in work | 脫線; 脫離本題
thoatsvoax-thoatsvoax | somewhat crazy | 脫線脫線
thoatthay voaxkud | to disembody (and become immortal); change oneself inside out; radical change of conduct | 脫胎換骨
thoeavoa | substitute | 替換
thoeavoax | delay; latency | 延遲
thofhuyafsvoaf | bandit | 土匪仔山
thofsvoai'ar | Taiwanese mango | 土檨仔
thohvoa | tuan | 土岸
thokpvoaa | a tray | 托盤
thong'egkvoaf | interpreter | 通譯官
thongkongtvoaf | announcement of death (Catholic) | 通功單
thongpvoaa kea'oe | draw up a complete scheme; overall plan | 全盤計劃
thongpvoaa khøflu | consider every possible angle; take into consideration every aspect of matter | 全盤考慮
thongpvoaa | all of the same sort; (goods) all alike; every aspect (of a matter) | 全盤
thongtitvoaf | notice | 通知單
thothvoarhurn | carbon powder | 塗炭粉
thothvoarkhoxng | charcoal mine | 土炭壙
thothvoaroaan | charcoal | 塗炭丸
thothvoarsae | coal cinders; dross | 煤炭渣
thothvoax | coal | 土炭; 塗炭; 煤炭
thothvoax-iuu | coal oil, kerosene | 土炭油; 煤油
thothvoax-khoxng | coalmine | 土炭壙; 煤礦
thothvoax-sab | cinders, clinkers | 土炭屑; 熔渣
thothvoax-sae | cinders, clinkers | 土炭屑; 熔渣
thotvoaa | alter of earth | 土壇; 泥壇
thuievoa | put an inferior article (or person) deceitfully in place of a better; mend by putting in an entirely new piece | 調換
thuievoaxkngx | foreign exchange; certificates | 兌換券
thuthvoar | root out, dig up (with a hoe) | 鋤剷; 鏟鋤
thuxnhvoa | fill in a dike, raise a dike or bank | 儲岸; 填堤
thuxnkvoaai | to raise the level by filling in | 儲高; 坉懸; 填高
thuxnsvoaf | make a hill or mound by filling | 填山
thviakhvoax | listen to see whether | 聽看
thvikongtvoaa | temporary shrine put up (usually across a street) for the worship of Giok-te | 天公壇
thvitvoaa | Altar to Heaven | 天壇
thvoa | to spread; to open; to divide equally | 攤
thvoa'ui | stall or booth (especially a fixed one in a market) | 攤位
thvoaa | to spread; to open; to divide equally | 攤
thvoaf | open and spread out (for sale); apportion; distribute; a stall or mat on which goods are displayed for sale | 攤; 灘; 急流
thvoafpvee | to level slightly and smooth down the surface of a piece of ground; filling up slight depressions with its own earth | 鋤平
thvoafpvii | to spread out even; go snacks | 攤平
thvoafzhao | to hoe up grass and small shrubs | 鋤草
thvoaheeng | pay by installments; to return in portions; installment plan | 攤還
thvoahoaan | repay in installments | 攤還
thvoahoarn | a pedlar's stand, a street stall; a small stand where pedlars sell things | 攤販
thvoahoaxn | peddlers; stall keepers | 小販; 攤販
thvoakhao | mouth or foot of rapids | 攤口; 灘口
thvoalap | pay by installments | 攤還; 分期繳納
thvoaphaix | allot, distribute (in equal shares) | 攤派; 分配
thvoar zhao | mowing lawn | 剷草
thvoar | shovel; spade; uproot (small plants) or cut away about the roots with a hoe; to level with a hoe | 剷; 鋤
thvoarhoarbut | carbides | 碳化物
thvoarhoax zok'iong | carbonization process | 碳化作用
thvoarhoax | carbonize; carbonization | 碳化
thvoarhw | mine worker | 礦夫
thvoarhøea | charcoal fire | 炭火
thvoariuo'ar | pieces of charcoal | 碎炭仔
thvoariux | charcoal | 炭幼
thvoariøo | charcoal kiln | 炭窯
thvoarkafng | coal miner | 炭工
thvoarkhafng | mine | 炭空
thvoarkhangkhao | coal mine entrance | 炭空口
thvoarkhanglai | inside coal mine | 炭空內
thvoarkhornghw | coal miner | 炭礦夫
thvoarkhoxng | colliery; coal mine | 炭礦; 煤礦
thvoarkhuy | disperse; scatter; decentralize; spread out; extend | 擴散; 湠開; 擴展; 蔓延
thvoarkhvef | coal pit (in mining) | 炭坑
thvoarkhvy | coal pit (in mining) | 炭坑
thvoarkiuu | charcoal ball | 炭球
thvoarloo | charcoal stove; brazier | 炭爐
thvoaroe | charcoal drawings | 炭畫
thvoarpid | charcoal pencil for drawing | 炭筆
thvoarsae | charcoal ash | 炭灰
thvoarsiofng | coal or charcoal dealer | 炭商
thvoarsng'iaam | carbonates | 碳酸鹽
thvoarsngf ciøqhoef | carbonate of lime | 碳酸石灰
thvoarsngf | carbonic acid | 碳酸
thvoarsngkaq | potassium carbonate | 碳酸鉀
thvoarsngzuie | carbonic water; soda water | 碳酸水
thvoarsox | carbon | 碳素
thvoarzerng | reproduce | 湠種
thvoarzhao | hoe out grass | 碳草
thvoarzuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
thvoasiaux | pay by installments | 攤數; 分期付款
thvoax | charcoal; coal; (in chemistry) C-carbon; propagate | 炭; 碳; 衍
thøeagvor | be discharged from military service | 退伍
thøeavoa | switch over; replacing; replacement; substitution | 替換
tiafmpvoarzefng | an hour and a half | 點半鐘
tiafmpvoax | an hour and a half | 點半
tiag sngrpvoaa | use an abacus; reckon on the abacus | 打算盤
tiagsngrpvoaa | abacus | 擉算盤
tiah gvofkog | buy grain | 糴五穀
tiak sngrpvoaa | do abacus - budget wisely | 擉算盤
tiaksngrpvoaa | abacus | 擉算盤
tiao'voa | exchange a position | 吊換; 調換
tiaotvoaf | writ of summons; subpoena; summons for appearance in court | 傳票; 召集令
tiaovoa | transpose; to exchange | 調換
tiaukhvoar | conditions or particulars | 條款
tiausekpvoaa | palette | 調色盤
tiauvoa | to replace; to exchange; to swap | 調換
tidjidkvoaf | officer on duty for the day | 值日官
tidsengkvoaf | officer on duty for the week | 值星官
tidsvoax | a straight line; steep; sharp line | 直線
tidsvoax-heeng | linear | 直線形
tidtit-thvoax | cutaneous diseases spread more and more; (rats) propagate | 直直衍; 一直繁殖
tiefngagkvoaf | prison guard; prison official | 典獄官
tiexn'oe ciapsvoarsefng | telephone operator | 電話接線生
tiexn'oexsvoax | phone wire | 電話線
tiexnhefsvoax | electric fire wire | 電火線
tiexnhoefsvoax | electric fire wire | 電火線
tiexnhøefsvoax | electric fire wire | 電火線
tiexnsvoax zawhøea | short circuit | 電線走火
tiexnsvoax | electric wires; telegraph wires | 電線
tikhamixsvoax | pig feet noodle | 豬跤麵線
tikvoaf | pig's liver | 豬肝
tikvoaf-seg | maroon color | 豬肝色
tikvoakud | pig liver bone | 豬肝骨
tikvoaseg | liver colored | 豬肝色; 紅褐色
tim pvoarciwzuie | wine and water each in part | 酒水各一半來燉
timbek kvoafgieen | taciturn | 沉默寡言
tiofngkvoaf | governor; one's superior in office; a commanding officer | 長官
tiong'iongsvoaf | Central mountains | 中央山
tionggvor | noon; noon; midday; twelve o'clock noon | 中午
tionghvoaai | Central Cross-island Highway | 中橫
tionghvoaikonglo | Central Cross-island Highway | 中橫公路
tiongpvoaa | wholesale trade | 中盤; 批發商
tiongpvoasiofng | mid-market; middle man | 中盤商
tiorngkvoaai | rise high (water) | 漲高
tipvoaa | delay, hold back | 遲盤
tipvoax | to delay | 纏絆
tiu'ar-svoax | silk thread | 綢仔線; 絹線
tiukhvoar | plan to raise money | 籌款
tix hviuvoar | set an incense table | 置香案
tixliaau-tvoaf | doctor order sheet | 治療單
tixm khvoarbai`leq | try to weigh by poising on the hand (one thing or comparing the weight of two things) | 量量看; (用手)
tixnsvoax | line of battle; front | 陣線
tiøh kvoajiedar | got malaria | 著寒熱仔
tiøh kvoaliedar | got malaria | 著寒熱仔
tiørkvoa'ar | fishing pole | 釣竿仔
tiørkvoaf | fishing rod; fish pole | 釣竿
tiørsvoax | a fishing line; a fish twine; fishing line | 釣線; 釣魚線
tiøxkvoaa | shiver with cold | 中寒; 冷得發抖
tngfkvoaa | suddenly become cold | 轉冷; 變冷
tngfvoa | change | 轉換
tngkhvoax | keep watch for (to trap a person) | 長看; 等待注視
tngrtvoaf | pawn ticket | 當票
tngsvoaf | Mainland China | 唐山
tngsvoalaang | people in Taiwan came from China | 唐山人
tngsvoax | long thread | 長線
tngx simkvoaf | strike one's breast; when terribly disappointed at losing a good opportunity especially through one's own fault or at finding good news to be false | 搥胸
tngxpvoartiq | not half a drop (of rain or water) | 斷半滴
tngxsvoax | disconnection; line rupture | 斷線
toan'gvofcied | the 5th of the 5th lunar month (a dragon boat regatta is held) | 端陽節, 端午節
toan'gvor | dragon boat festival | 端午
toangvofcied | the 5th of the 5th lunar month (a dragon boat regatta is held) | 端陽節; 端午節
toangvofzøeq | the Dragon Boat Festival | 端午節
toangvor | the fifth of the fifth lunar month | 端午; (節)
toarvixtvoaf | hospital bill | 蹛院單
toaxciamsvoaterng | big mountain top | 大尖山頂
toaxhoatkvoaf | grand justice | 大法官
toaxhvoa | great drought | 大旱
toaxkvoaa | very cold; bitter cold | 寒冷; 大寒; 寒冷,大寒
toaxkvoaf | ranking officials | 大官
toaxkvoahor | high ranking officials like a tiger that eat human alive | 大官虎
toaxpvoaa | a wholesaler | 大盤
toaxpvoaa-senglie | wholesale business | 大盤生意; 批發生意
toaxpvoax | the bulk of; major part; largely | 大半
toaxsoat'svoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
toaxsoatsvoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
toaxsvoaf | big mountain | 大山
toaxtoxsvoaf | a mountain in Taiwan | 大肚山
toaxvoafkofng | big bowl | 大碗公
toaxvoar | big bowl | 大碗
toefpvoaa | chassis | 底盤
toefsvoax | bottom line | 底線
toexpvoaa | territory | 地盤
toextvoa | location | 地段
tofkvoa | corsage; broad pouch or apron worn on the belly as a money belt | 肚攜; 肚綰; 圍兜; 肚兜
tofkvoaxkhorar | apron | 肚綰褲仔
togkhietvoaa | gas bomb | 毒氣彈
tokphvixsvoaf | pointed nose | 篤鼻山
tongphvoa | accompany | 同伴
tuiehvoa | opposite shore | 對岸
tuiekaksvoax | diagonal (line) | 對角線
tuiekhvoax | interview; watch attentively each other | 對看; 初次約見; 互看
tuiepvoarpwn | divide in equal shares; divide equally | 對半分
tuiepvoarthaxn | make 100 percent profit | 賺一倍
tuiepvoax | a half; one half; dimidiate; half-and-half; half each | 對半
tuievoa | to exchange; to barter; to swap; exchange; to barter | 對換; 兌換
tuikvoar | try to catch up with or overtake; to chase | 追趕
tuisimkvoaf | strike the breast; beat the breast (in deep grief) | 搥心肝
tuix guu tvoakhiim | play a lute before an ox ─ speak to someone about something completely incomprehensible to him | 對牛彈琴
tuixgvor | troops in ranks and files; a line of people; troops in ranks and files | 隊伍
tuixsvoax | plumb line | 墜線; 垂直線
tuixvoa | to exchange to | 兌換
tukhamixsvoax | pig leg rice noodle | 豬跤麵線
tukvoaf | pig liver | 豬肝
tukvoaseg | dark red | 豬肝色
tvex-bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see | 假裝沒有看到
tviaxtvoaf | an order for goods, an order list | 定單
tvii svoax | wind thread | 纏線; 繞線
tvikhapvoarchiuo | got in a way | 纏跤絆手
tvipvoaa | hinder someone | 纏盤
tvipvoax | stumbling | 纏絆; 糾纏
tviuokvoaai | rise high (water) | 脹高; 漲高
tviwkvoaf | an official boss | 官長; 長官
tvoa | measure word for paragraph; one half; in part | 段; 彈; 一半; 射擊; 半途
tvoa'ar | bill; receipt; ticket; pieces of paper with written words on it | 單仔
tvoa'ui | a unit | 單位
tvoa`khuy | hit to break it up | 彈開
tvoa`tiøh | got hit | 彈到
tvoaa | play musical instruments | 彈; 壇
tvoaa-kngrkhiim | to play piano | 彈鋼琴
tvoaa-mihoef | to bow cotton | 彈棉花
tvoaa`phoax | break it | 彈破
tvoabin | one-sided; single-sidee | 單面
tvoachviux | sing and play (the piano; guitar) at the same time | 彈唱
tvoachyn | without father (or mother) | 單親
tvoaf | odd (number); single; alone; sole; only; simple; check; bill; list; slip of paper; ticket | 單
tvoaf-ynhø | single quotation marks (') | 單引號
tvoaftvoar | constantly, over and over | 單單; 繼續地
tvoagarn | single eye | 單眼
tvoagoanzuo-lixzuo | monoatomic ion | 單原子離子
tvoaguo | one word; one language | 單語
tvoahongbin | one-sided, unilateral | 單方面
tvoahø | an odd number; singular; odd numbers | 單號
tvoaimciet'suu | single syllable vocabulary | 單音節詞
tvoaimcietsuu | single syllable vocabulary | 單音節詞
tvoaji | a word | 單字
tvoakag | horns of the altar | 單角; 壇角
tvoakhachiuo | having no assistants; only one born (no brothers and sisters) | 單跤手; 獨自一人
tvoakhaf | foot of an altar; single foot | 單腳; 壇腳
tvoakheg | single song | 單曲
tvoakhiim | to play; play piano; play (string instruments not with a bow but with a plucking action); play the piano or organ; play the harp | 彈琴
tvoakux | a note, a bill, a receipt | 單據
tvoalat | elastic force | 單力; 彈力
tvoapurn | single volume | 單本; 單行本
tvoapvy | side of an alter | 單邊; 壇邊
tvoaseg | play the harp | 彈瑟
tvoasek | well-practiced on a music instrument | 彈熟
tvoasexng | elasticity | 單性; 彈性
tvoasinlaang | single | 單身人
tvoasox | singular number | 單數; 多數
tvoasviemngg | single leaf door | 單扇門
tvoasvoax | odd | 單線; 單程
tvoasyn | unaccompanied; alone; unmarried; single | 單身
tvoatafng | having only one harvest in the year | 單冬; 一期作
tvoateeng | of one fold or thickness of material; one ply | 單層
tvoatheeng | one-way | 單停; 單程
tvoatiaq | pick single item | 單選
tvoatvoaf | alone; singly; solitary | 單單
tvoax | actor who takes the part of a female; female role in Chinese opera; female character in a play | 旦
tvoaxcie | pellet | 顆粒; 彈子,子彈
tvoaxciin | make the chalk line or ink line strike the wood (or other material) so as to make a straight line | 以墨線劃線; (木匠)
tvoaxløh | end (of a paragraph; section; stage; period) | 段落
tvoaxzhexng | shoot gun | 彈槍; 彈銃
tvoazaux | to play 9a stringed musical instrument); play; strike the strings (or keys) | 彈奏
tvoazeeng | before the altar | 壇前
tvoazoa | one way (ticket) | 單程; 單逝; 單行
tvoazuo | altar master | 壇主
tøe'afsvoax | ramie thread | 苧仔線
tøefsvoax | bottom line | 底線
tøexhngkvoaf | official over a locality or region | 地方官
tøexhvoa | dike of earth | 地岸; 堤
tøexpengsvoax | the horizon | 地平線
tøexpvoaa | one's turf; one's territory under control | 地盤
tøhkvoay | cross bars or rungs connecting the legs of table | 桌杆; 桌撐; 桌子架
tøkvoar | many or few | 多寡
tøpvoax | assumedly; as like as not; for the most part | 多半
tør-thafnhvoaai | lying crosswise; e.g.; across a bed | 倒坦橫
tørchiwafkvoae | left hand | 倒手仔桿
tørchiwafvoaiq | lefty | 倒手仔𨂿
tørchiwkvoayar | lefty | 倒手拐仔
tørthvoaa | retrogress | 倒彈; 倒退
tørtvoa | rebound | 反彈
tøxhioxng huitvoaa | guided missile | 導向飛彈
tøxhoefsvoax | direct cause (of a development or event); fuse; train of powder | 導火線
tøxhøefsvoax | fuse (for igniting explosives); the direct cause of an event | 導火線
tøxtvoaa | a missile, a guided missile | 導彈
uiekvoaa | feel a chill; feel shivery; have a cold fit | 畏寒; 怕冷
uigvor | participation | 為伍
uixgvor | for myself; selfishness | 為我
uixsvoar | stomach powder | 胃散
uixsvoax | gastric gland | 胃腺
uixzvoafviu | why? For what? | 為怎樣
un'ar thvoaheeng | pay a debt gradually by installments | 勻仔攤還; 慢慢的攤還
unzvoaa | hot-spring | 溫泉
unzvoahiofng | hot spring township | 溫泉鄉
unzvoanng | hot spring egg | 溫泉卵
unzvoazeq | hot spring festival | 溫泉節
uxkaokhvoax | enough to see; capable | 有夠看
uxkvoaf | reserve officer (military) | 預官
uxnpvoaf | transport | 搬運; 運搬
uxphvoa | have a companion or associate | 有伴
uxpi-kunkvoaf | reserve officer; officer on the reserve list | 預備軍官
uxpvoaa | have a plan | 有盤
uxsuie-bøkvoa | not true; no foundation there is no basis | 無實在的; 無根據的
uyjixmkvoaf | appointed officials | 委任官
viaftvoaa | movie circles; movie world | 影壇
viapvoaa | military base | 營盤
viarkvoa | sweat; perspiration | 出汗
vievievorvox | making noise- complained | 喑喑噁噁
vievox | speech impediment | 喑噁; 語音無清
vipvoa'ar | round plate | 圓盤仔
vipvoaa | a disk | 圓盤
visvoa'ar | rounded mountain which is a place in Taipei | 圓山仔
visvoaf | rounded mountain which is a place in Taipei | 圓山
viusvoax | western umbrella | 洋傘
viutngsvoax | suture catgut | 羊腸線; 肉線
vivivoaih'voaiq | entangled | 嚶嚶𨂿𨂿
vivoar | round bowl | 圓碗
vivy-voaiqvoaih | creaking noise of a chair or table; frizzle; imitation of hissing sounds | 咿咿嘎嘎; 吱吱叫
voa cidkux oe laai korng | in other words | 換句話說
voa lengkhie | change baby teeth for the permanent set | 換牙; 換乳齒
voa thngf bøo voa iøh | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換藥
voa thngf bøo voa liap | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換粒; 換湯無換藥
voa | change; to exchange; replace | 換; 易
voae | sprain; strain (a limb) | 扭傷
voaf | saddle | 鞍
voafafhoef | ivy-leaf morning glory, Chinese morning glory | 碗仔花
voafar | bowl | 碗仔
voafbø'ar | skull cap | 碗帽仔; (無邊便帽)
voafgoa | bowl outside | 碗外
voafkea | half price, fifty per cent discount | 碗粿
voafkhazhngf | hollow bottom of a bowl | 碗屁股, 碗底
voafkoea | despise, slight | 碗粿
voafkofng | big bowel; large serving bowl | 碗公; 大碗; 大的碗; 海碗
voafkonghoef | morning glory | 碗公花; 牽牛花
voafkud | skull | 顱骨; 頭蓋骨
voafkui | cupboard; kitchen cabinet | 碗櫃
voafkvii | edge of a bowl | 碗緣
voafkøea | rice bowl cake | 碗粿
voafkøf | What kind of stuff... (always used with symmih; impolite way to ask the stuffsl) | 碗糕; 玩意兒; 什麼東西
voafkøkea | salty rice pudding | 碗糕粿
voafkøkoea | salty rice pudding | 碗糕粿
voaflai | bowl inside | 碗內
voafliau | porcelain | 碗料; 搪瓷; 瓷器
voafphied | bowls and plates | 碗碟; 碗盤
voafpox | a piece of cloth for cleaning dishes | 碗布
voafpvoaa | dishes; china | 碗盤
voaftao | bowl | 碗斗
voafthaau | top of the bowl | 碗頭
voafthauar | medium sized bowl | 碗頭仔
voafthngf | soup in a bowl | 碗湯
voafthoo | clay for porcelain | 碗土; 陶土; 瓷器
voafti | (n) dishware; tableware; bowls and chopsticks | 碗箸; 碗筷; 餐具
voaftu | bowl and chopsticks | 碗箸
voaftuu | sideboard; china cupboard; china cabinet | 碗櫥
voaftøea | bottom of the bowl | 碗底
voafux | anchorage, harbor, haven | 港口; 避風港
voafvoar | every bowl | 碗碗
voafzhuix | the ring of a bowl | 碗嘴
voai | main branch of tree | 樹的主要分支; 椏
voaih | noise of a door creaking | 吱吱響
voaiq | squeak like a door; honk of a goose; squeaking; cricket | 歪; 輾軋聲
voaiqvoaiqkiøx | long creaking sound of a door or window | 吱吱響
voaivoailaau | leaking water all over the place | 四散流; (形容到處是水)
voar | bowl | 碗
voarkaux | late arrival | 晚到; 晏到
voarkhuxn | go to bed late | 晚睡
voarkhuy | late opening | 晏開; 晚開
voarlaai | come late | 遲到
voarvoarvoax | very late | 晚晚晚
voarvoax | late, too late | 晚晚; 晏晏
voaterng | saddle top | 鞍頂
voax khie`laai | get up late | 晏起來
voax | late; too late | 晚; 晏; 遲; 遲,
voax`aq | it's late | 晚矣
voaxaang | change red | 換紅
voaxchiaf | change cars; trains; to transfer to another train | 換車
voaxchiuo | change hands (e.g.; house or land); to change from one hand to the other (when carrying a heavy basket) | 換手
voaxciah | works exchange food | 換食; 用工作來換食物
voaxciaqvoaxciah | taste different variety | 換食換食
voaxcvii | change or exchange money | 換錢
voaxhoafn | change shift | 換番
voaxhoef | change flower in a vase | 換花
voaxjim | change position | 換任
voaxkefng | change a load from one shoulder to the other | 換肩
voaxkhie | change baby teeth for the permanent set | 換牙; 換齒; 換乳齒; 換牙,換乳齒
voaxkhix | circulate fresh air | 換去; 換氣
voaxkhoarn | change one's manner | 換款; 改變態度
voaxkhuix | breathe | 換氣
voaxkoex | changed | 換過
voaxkuix | change dress proper for the season | 換季
voaxlaai | change | 換來
voaxlaang | change people | 換人
voaxmiaa | change one's name | 換名; 易名
voaxmngg | molt | 換毛
voaxnii | change year | 換年
voaxoaan | changed | 換完
voaxpafn | change shifts; to change to another class; take turns | 換班
voaxpan | change sponsoring | 換辦
voaxparn | change edition | 換版
voaxpeeng | change sides, turn inside out | 換爿; 換邊
voaxphof | change shop | 換舖
voaxsinvoaxsyn | renew | 換新換新
voaxsngx | conversion | 換算
voaxsoaq | changed | 換煞
voaxsvaf | change clothing | 換衫; 換衣服
voaxsym | change one's attitude | 換心; 改變態度
voaxsyn | change an old thing for a new one | 換新
voaxtai | change generation | 換代
voaxthiab | brotherhood; exchange cards; giving all the particulars of birth; and thus become sworn brothers | 換帖; 結拜
voaxthiab`ee | buddy | 換帖的; 結拜兄弟
voaxtiaau | change era | 換朝
voaxtiau | changed | 換掉
voaxtiøh | changed | 換著
voaxto | change belly- change taste? | 換肚
voaxtoo | change route | 換途
voaxtvoaf | change the ticket or certificate (Certificate of Deposit) | 換單; (如定存到期要換)
voaxtøee | change subject | 換題
voaxui | alter one's place or office; change the place (of a thing); change one's seat | 換位
voaxviu | change style | 換樣
voaxze | change seat | 換坐
voaxzhud | swapped out food | 換齣
voaxzhuix | change taste | 換嘴
voaxzhuo | exchange | 換取; 交換
voaxzoex | replace | 換做
voaxzuo | change owners (house or land); change ownership | 換主
voaxzurn | change for correction | 換準
voaxzøx | change to | 換成
voay | bend | 彎; 拉; 勒索; (胡琴)
voaytiøh | strained | 扭著
voaytng khakud | lose one's footing and break a leg bone | 扭斷腳骨
vof | whine | 嗚
vorsym | nauseated | 噁心
vorvox | nauseated | 噁噁
vovof | whine | 唔唔
vovokhuxn | snooze | 唔唔睏
vovokiøx | whine | 嗚嗚叫
vovosiøq | whine | 唔唔惜
vovy | calling | 呼嚶
vox | hate; hateful; ok means evil; wrong; bad | 惡
wtiu-svoax | cosmic ray | 宇宙線
wtiuxsvoax | cosmic ray; cosmic radiation | 宇宙線
yafkvoay | cross-bars or rungs connecting the legs of a chair, stool | 椅子橫杆
ykvoae | chair rod | 椅杆
ykvoar tegcioxng | fight a numerically superior enemy | 以寡敵眾
ynsvoax | fuse; lead information | 引線; 導火線
zabofphvoa | female accompany | 查某伴
zaehøeatvoaf | manifest; bill of lading | 載貨單
zaetvoaf | load list | 載單
zafvoax | morning and night | 早晚; 早晏
zakhvoax | look into a matter | 查看
zartvoaa | bombs | 炸彈
zawbea-khvoarhoef | to give a hurried glance (Lit. look at the flowers while passing on horseback) | 走馬看花
zawsvoaf | hiking | 走山
zawsvoakef | walking pheasant | 走山雞
zawsvoax | disperse | 走散; 散開
zeatvoaa | altar; altar for sacrifice | 祭壇
zefng'voaivoay | swollen | 腫歪歪
zefngkahzhvoaf | finger nail thorn | 指甲扦
zengliedsvoax | prostate gland | 前列腺
zengphvoa | love partner | 情伴
zengpvoarjit | forenoon; morning | 前半天
zengpvoarsefng | first half of life | 前半生
zengpvoax | front half, first half | 前半
zengsvoaf | front mountain | 前山
zepvoaf-zepvoaf | and so on | 這般這般
zernggvor | noon | 正午; 中午
zernghuo-kvoa'oaan | government authority; agents of the government; government officials | 政府官員
zerngseg tamphvoax | formal discussion | 正式談判
zerngtvoaa | political arena | 政壇
zexgvo | sitting and lying | 坐臥
zhadphvoa | companion in robbery or theft | 賊伴; 把風的
zhaekvoaf | preserved vegetables | 菜乾
zhaepvoaa | dish | 菜盤
zhaetvoaf | menu; bill of fare | 菜單
zhaevoar | bowl filled with cakes or vegetable food used in worship | 菜碗; 素菜碗
zhaiphvoarkoaan | jurisdiction | 裁判權
zhaiphvoarkvoaf | judge | 裁判官
zhaiphvoarsor | court of justice | 裁判所
zhaiphvoaruyoaan | member of a panel of judges or referees | 裁判委員
zhaiphvoax | to judge; a verdict; a judge; a referee; an umpire; verdict or judgment by law | 裁判
zhakvoaf | pork liver (tough not tender) | 柴肝; 質粗硬的豬肝
zhamgvoo | silkworm moth | 蠶娥; 蠶蛾
zhamkhvoax | consult | 參見; 參看
zhampvoax | half and half | 參半
zhanhvoa | a small diving ridge in a farm field; ridges between plots of farmland | 田岸; 田埂
zhanhvoa'ar | rice farm pathway | 田岸仔
zhanhvoa-lo | footpaths between rice fields | 田岸路; 田間小徑
zhanhvoaaflo | rice farm pathway | 田岸仔路
zhanhvoaafterng | rice farm pathway top | 田岸仔頂
zhanhvoaafzhao | rice farm pathway grass | 田岸仔草
zhanhvoaxkhaf | rice farm pathway | 田岸跤
zhanhvoaxkvii | rice farm pathway | 田岸墘
zhanhvoaxlo | ridge | 田岸路
zhanhvoaxpvy | rice farm pathway | 田岸邊
zhao'tvo | bluff | 臭彈
zhaokvoaxsngbi | smelly sweat sour | 臭汗酸味
zhaokvoaxsngf | bad smell of sweat; stinky sweat | 汗臭味; 汗臭
zhaokvokvof | stinking noisome; nauseatingly bad smelling; nauseous | 臭烘烘; 臭極了
zhaosimkvoaf | always trying to injure people; a wicked mind | 壞心肝; 存心無良
zhaotvoa | chat without sense; boast; brag; talk big | 臭彈; 吹牛; 胡扯亂蓋
zhaotvoaar | bluff | 臭彈仔
zhapvoa'ar | wooden plate | 柴盤仔
zhaupvoaa | trader | 操盤
zhavoar | wooden bowl | 柴碗
zhayphvoax | judgement; judge | 裁判
zhe'ahkvoaf | bailiff; process server | 查封官
zhehthvoaf | bookstall | 書攤
zheiaqkvoaf | escort officer | 差役官
zhek'iensvoax | lead line for taking soundings | 測鉛線
zhekgoaxsvoax | akawai Line | 赤外線
zhengkvoaf | honest officials | 清官
zhengliamkvoaf | an official of integrity | 清廉官
zhengsym kvoafiok | purge one's mind of desires and ambitions | 清心寡慾
zhengtvoaf | bill; list; listing; checklist; inventory; detailed list of items which serves as a receipt; statement; statement of account | 清單
zhengzvoaa | crystal clear fountain | 清泉
zherngkvoae | blunderbuss | 銃桿
zherngzvoaa | fountain; a spring; well up | 清泉; 湧泉
zhngciafm ynsvoax | serve as a go between | 穿針引線
zhngsvoakaq | pangolin | 穿山甲
zhngsvoax | thread a needle | 穿線
zhngtvoaf | bed sheets; bedclothes | 床單
zhoansvoakaq | anteater, pangolin | 穿山甲; 食蟻
zhoaxjiø voa siarmsae | The devil you know is better than the one you don't know. (Lit. the former employee used to wet the bed; this one dirtied his pants.) | 越換越糟
zhoexkhvoax | look for and see | 揣看; 找看
zhopvoaa | rough plate- rough dishes | 粗盤
zhosvoax | coarse line | 粗線
zhotvoa | first period | 初段
zhovoar | thick bowl | 粗碗
zhuiekhie-hvoa | gums | 嘴齒岸; 齒齦
zhuiekhyhvoa | gums | 嘴齒岸; 齒齦
zhuiezvoaa | saliva | 喙殘
zhuikvoar | haste; hasten; hurry; urgency; urgent | 催趕
zhuiluixtvoaa | tear gas bomb | 催淚彈
zhut'høex-tvoaf | deliver merchandise | 出貨單
zhut'svoaf | funeral | 出山
zhutkvoa | perspire | 出汗; 流汗
zhutsvoaf | carry a coffin to the grave; funeral procession | 出殯; 出山
zhutzvoaa | have spring water | 出泉; 流出水來
zhvefgvo | waken up to understanding | 醒悟
zhvegoaxsvoax | ultraviolet ray | 青外線; 紫外線
zhvoaa`køex | across | 橫過
zhvoaf | clevis pin; stab; prick; a thorn; a splinter | 刺; 扦; 芒刺; 插銷
zhvoar`koex | graze (as an arrow or bullet) | 擦過
zhvoar`køex | graze (as an arrow or bullet) | 闖過
zhvoarlo | short cut | 閂路; 走捷徑
zhvoarmngg | snib; bolt a door | 閂門
zhvoartø | trespass | 闖道
zhvoarzhvoax`khylaai | bolt up | 閂閂起來
zhvoax | instead; contrary (to expectations); always; to string together; to mix up; to conspire; to connect; (a measure word); string; more (than sth else); even; bolt with a bar; latch or bolt of a door | 閂; 闖
zhørgvo | mistake | 錯誤
zhørgvoxee | mistake | 錯誤的
zoafhoxsvoax | paper umbrella | 紙雨傘
zoafn'ii sixsvoax | turn the gaze; divert public attention; draw attention to some other matter | 轉移視線
zoafn'voa | to exchange | 轉換
zoafnciaqvoar | one's job (slang) | 掙食碗; 飯碗
zoafnpvoaa | turntable | 轉盤
zoafnvoa | change; transform; transition; to change | 轉換
zoafnvoaxkii | transition period | 轉換期
zoafnvoaxzøx | conversion | 轉換做
zoanhvoaai | tyranny, despotic | 專橫
zoanpvoaa keaoe | overall program or plan | 全盤計劃
zoanpvoaa | overall (plan); whole (affair); whole matter | 全盤
zoansvoax | whole line | 全線
zoar-hoxsvoax | paper umbrella | 紙雨傘
zoeakvoaf | to become governmental officials | 做官
zoeaphvoa | accompany someone | 做伴
zoeasvoarkafng | part time job | 打線工
zoex-khøfvox | the vilest, the most abominable | 最可惡
zofngkaokvoaf | head of the military instructors in a school | 總教官
zofngtvoaf | total order | 總單
zongkaux zhaiphvoarsor | The Holy Office or tribunal established during the period of the Inquisition | 宗教裁判所
zongphoeasvoax | general wholesale distribution (of commodities in a given area) | 裝配線
zuie pangsvoaf | mud slide | 水崩山; 土石流
zunhoeatvoaf | inventory of goods | 存貨單
zunkheq miatvoaf | ship's passenger list | 船客名單
zunkhvoar | money on deposit | 存款
zuntvoaf | certificate of deposit; receipt issued by a bank to a depositor; against which payment of interest and; or capital is made | 存單
zurnhvoa | banks of a brook; the bank of the canal | 圳岸
zuxchviux-zuxtvoaa | praise one's own effort or achievement; do something all by oneself | 自彈自唱
zuxgvo | come to one's senses | 自悟
zuxgvor an'uix | console oneself | 自我安慰
zuxgvor hisefng | self sacrifice | 自我犧牲
zuxgvor kaesiau | self introduction | 自我介紹
zuxgvor kiafmthør | self examination; review one's conduct; achievement | 自我檢討
zuxgvor phoepheeng | self criticism; criticize oneself | 自我批評
zuxgvor tøzuix | indulge in daydreaming; to be intoxicated by the joy of one's imaginary successes; build castles in Spain | 自我陶醉
zuxgvor | ego; selfhood; self; ego | 自我
zuypengsvoax | horizontal line | 水平線
zuysvoax | waterline | 水線
zuyzvoa'ar | water splash | 水濺仔
zuyzvoaa | spring; fountain; a spring | 水泉; 泉源
zuyzvoaa-pvy | beside spring | 水泉邊
zvoa zuie | squirt | 濺水
zvoa | splash, spout out in a jet | 濺; 噴
zvoa'iuu | brew oil | 煎油
zvoa'iøh | decoct (herb) | 煎藥
zvoa`laang | splash people | 濺人
zvoaa | crystal clear fountain | 泉
zvoacvie | artesian well, spring | 泉井
zvoaf iøqar | brew Chinese herb medicine | 煎藥
zvoaf kapy | brew coffee | 煮咖啡
zvoaf kwnzuie | boil water | 燒滾水
zvoaf tee | make tea | 煎茶
zvoaf | boil, decoct, infuse, extract by boiling | 煎; 燒
zvoaf`ee | brewed | 煎的
zvoafviu | how; how | 怎樣; 怎麼樣
zvoafviu'ar | how so | 怎樣仔
zvoafviu`aq | what's wrong? | 怎樣啊
zvoafviu`laq | what's wrong? | 怎樣啦
zvoagoaan | origin or source of water; fountain-head; fountainhead | 泉源
zvoahør | fried | 煎好
zvoai | write | 撰
zvoai`tiøh | twist an ankle; to sprain a joint | 扭傷
zvoaixtiøh | twist an ankle, to sprain a joint | 扭傷
zvoaiøqar | decoction | 煎藥仔
zvoaliuu | stream | 熬油; 溪流
zvoar | separate lard from fat, boast | 盞; 怎
zvoariuu | decoct lard from fat | 熬油; 熬
zvoarti'iuu | deep-fry fat | 炸豬油
zvoatee | boil water to make tea | 燒茶; 煮開水
zvoax | How? In what way or manner? What happened? | 煎; 吹牛
zvoaxjiø | urine; pumpship; piss; pee | 小便
zvoaxliao | splashed | 濺了
zvoaxsiaau | emit semen | 濺迢; 射精
zvoaxtiøh | splashing | 濺著
zvoaxzefng | emit semen | 濺精; 射精
zvoaxzhud | splash | 濺出
zvoaxzuie | sprinkle | 濺水
zvoazuie | spring water; spring water | 泉水
zvoazøx | fried | 煎做
zwgvofciafm | meridian needle | 子午針
zwgvofsvoax | meridian | 子午線
zwgvor | meridian | 子午
zwgvor-svoax | a meridian | 子午線
zwkhøfkvoaf | chief examiner | 主考官
zwkoafn ee khvoarhoad | subjective view | 主觀的看法
zwtvoaa | a bullet, a shell, a cartridge, a shot; H-bomb | 子彈
zø hoxhvoa | build a dike or embankment | 築堤
zøeaphvoa | accompany someone | 做伴
zøhsitphvoa | worker accompany | 作穡伴
zørkvoaf | be a governmental officer; be a government official; hold a government post | 做官; 作官
zørpeng'afphvoa | comrade in military | 做兵仔伴
zørphvoa | be a companion | 作伴; 做伴
zørvoa | drought | 做旱
zøx-khvoarthaau | be a watchman | 把風的
zøxgvo liofng'iong | reclining chair that can also be used as a bed | 坐臥兩用
zøxgvo | chair bed; a chair that can be used as a chair or a bed | 坐臥
zøxsvoaf | orogenic | 造山
ø'afmixsvoax | vermicelli with oyster | 蚵仔麵線
øafmixsvoax | oyster noodle soup | 蚵仔麵線
øh-phvae zuie pafng svoaf | hard to learn good thingsd and easier to learn bad things | 學歹水崩山
økvoaf | dry oyster; dried oysters | 蠔干

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