"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Ciaukhef-unzvoaa | a famous hot spring place in Taiwan | 焦溪溫泉
armpvoaa | price or quotation which is kept from public knowledge but made known to a selected few | 暗盤
arnpvoaa | estimate | 按盤; 估計
awhvoaai | peremptory; overbearing; arbitrary | 蠻橫; 不講理
bagpvoaa | inkstone; ordinary old type of Chinese ink stand; on which bar ink is ground and mixed with water | 硯台; 墨盤
bahtvoaa | sexy; buxom beauty; a woman with an hourglass figure; a siren; a bombshell | 肉彈; 豐胸美女
beng'mvoaa armphiexn | deceive and cheat | 明瞞暗騙
bexkvoaa | not to feel cold | 未寒; 無冷
boafnpvoaa | overall | 全盤
bogpvoaa | a wooden tub | 木盤
buntvoaa | the literary world; the world of letters | 文壇
bwkipvoaa | Chinese chess board | 武棋盤
chiapvoaa | argue; conflict; to argue; to debate; to dispute | 爭執; 捙盤; 車搬; 爭論; 爭辯; 多費事
chiaupvoaa | repeat tiresomely or endlessly | 超盤; 反覆爭吵
chiefnpvoaa | a shallow dish | 淺盤
chimzuie zartvoaa | depth charge | 深水炸彈
chiwliutvoaa | a grenade; a hand grenade | 手榴彈
chiwpvoaa | back of the hand | 手盤; 手背
chviuopvoaa | disc; record; phonogram | 唱盤
ciaobeeng-tvoaa | a flare bomb, an illuminating shell | 照明彈
ciaobengtvoaa | flare | 照明彈
ciaxm texpvoaa | take care of one's constituency or sphere of influence | 佔地盤
cidpvoaa | one dish | 一盤
cienpvoaa | frying pan; griddle; ; clank; clang; sound of metal | 煎盤; 平底鍋; 煎鍋
citpvoaa | this dish | 這盤
ciuzex huitvoaa | intercontinental ballistic missile | 洲際飛彈
ciøqpvoaa | solid rock; large flat rock | 石盤
ciørtvoaa | pagan altar set up opposite a shrine for a celebration | 醮壇
cvyzvoaa | well spring | 井泉
cytvoaa | rosewood | 紫檀
expvoaa senglie | retail business | 下盤生意; 零售
gagtvoaa | music scene | 樂壇
gegpvoaa | jade plate or tray | 玉盤
gextvoaa | art world | 藝壇
gixtvoaa | court room; parliament or assembly | 議壇
goanzvoaa | fountainhead; primary source | 源泉; 泉源
goanzwtvoaa | atom bomb | 原子彈
goaxpvoaa | external quotations | 外盤
haqpvoaa | reasonable in price; worth the cost; worthwhile | 合盤; 合算
hawkvoaa | cry with cold | 哮寒; 叫冷
hegzuo-tvoaa | hydrogen bomb | 核子彈
hexngtvoaa | teaching profession (originally; the site where Confucius taught his students) | 杏壇
hiøhkvoaa | winter vacation; winter vacation | 歇寒; 放寒假; 寒假
hoafntvoaa | rebound | 反彈
hoat kui sngrpvoaa | punish someone to kneel on an abacus (Chinese calculator) | 罰跪算盤
hoatkvoaa | feel chilly | 發冷
hoepvoaa | disk; flower plate | 花盤
hoetvoaa | a city in Changhua County Taiwan | 花壇
honghiorngpvoaa | steering wheel | 方向盤
hongtvoaa pølee | bulletproof glass | 防彈玻璃
hongtvoaa | bulletproof; protect against bullets | 防彈
hoxpvoaa | protect the market | 護盤
hudtvoaa | Buddhist altar | 佛壇
hudzuo-tvoaa | nuclear bomb | 核子彈
hudzwtvoaa | H-bomb | 核子彈
huipvoaa | china plate | 瓷盤
huitvoaa | stray bullet or shell; ballistic missile | 飛彈
hutzvoaa | hot spring (boiling) | 沸泉; 溫泉
hviutvoaa | altar of incense | 香壇; 香檀
hvixpvoaa | ink slab; ink stone | 硯盤; 硯台
hvoaa | snore | 鼾
hvoaai | cross grained; perverse; presumptuous and unreasonable | 橫
hvoaai-parpax | bully | 橫霸霸
hvoaai`koex | crossover; athwart; thwart; traverse | 橫過; 橫越
hvoaai`køex | cross over | 橫過
hvoaihvoaai | cruel, unreasonable (person) | 橫橫
hvoaxpvoaa | preside over; direct; control; be in charge of | 按盤; 掌管
hvuii (hvoaai) | crosswise; horizontal; sideways (see hoai) | 橫
høpvoaa | to tie | 和盤
iamzvoaa | brine-spring | 鹽泉
iaukvoaa | starving | 飢寒
ienboxtvoaa | smoke bomb | 煙幕彈
iuzvoaa | gusher (oil well) | 油井
ju'ix sngrpvoaa | wishful thinking | 如意算盤
kafngtvoaa | preaching, pulpit | 講壇
kamzvoaa | fresh spring | 甘泉
kaotvoaa | teacher's platform (in the classroom) | 教壇
kattvoaa | set up a Taoist altar | 交定; 設壇
kaupvoaa | engage in business transaction or trade | 交盤; 交易
khapvoaa | the feet; the lower limbs; instep (of the foot) | 足背; 腳盤; 跗
khekpvoaa | (vinyl) record; LP; phonograph records); gramophone records) | 唱片; 曲盤
khengtvoaa | hydrogen bomb | 氫彈
khieiutvoaa | napalm bomb | 汽油彈
khieiuu-chiwliutvoaa | Molotov cocktail | 汽油手榴彈
khippvoaa | sucker (as in octopus) | 吸盤
khofng-tuix-khofng huitvoaa | air-to air missiles | 空對空飛彈
khofng-tuix-tøe huitvoaa | air-to-ground missiles | 空對地飛彈
khorngzvoaa | mineral spring | 礦泉
khuipvoaa | (said of a market) the opening price; opening quotation | 開盤
khytiexnpvoaa | electrophorus; generator | 起電盤
khytvoaa | erect an altar | 起壇; 建壇
kiexnpvoaa | keyboard | 鍵盤
kimtvoaa | golden altar | 金壇
kionghvoaai | high handed; overbearing; tyrannical | 強橫
kipvoaa | chequer; chessboard; chess or draughts board | 棋盤
kitvoaa | dividing altar | 奇壇; 乩壇
kiukvoaa | fear cold dare not to go out | 勼冷; 怕冷無敢出門
kiwzvoaa | hell, the Hades | 九泉
koantvoaa | a high altar | 高壇
koatvoaa | vocal circle or group | 歌壇
kui sngrpvoaa | kneel on abacus (way of punishment wife to husband) | 跪算盤; (太太罰先生的一種處法)
kuipvoaa | whole | 整盤
kutpvoaa | pelvis | 骨盤
kvoaa | cold; chilly; wintry; poor | 寒; 冷
kvoaa`laang | winter | 寒人; 冬季; 冬天
kvoaa`sie | cold to death | 寒死
kvoaa`tiøh | catch cold | 著涼; 寒著; 傷風
kvoaai | high, tall | 官; 懸; 高
kvoakvoaa | a little bit cold or chilly | 寒寒
laixpvoaa | inside information | 內盤
lamhvoaai | Southern Cross-Island | 南橫
lefngpvoaa | cold food (the first dish of the Chinese banquet); hors d'oeuvres | 冷盤
liah-thafnhvoaai | lay down horizontally | 掠坦橫; 橫放
liaqthafnhvoaai | hold it horizontally | 掠坦橫
liefnpvoaa | railway or streetcar turntable; rotating disk | 輪穀; 轉動盤
lienhoepvoaa | lotus | 蓮花盤
liuhongzvoaa | sulphur spring | 硫磺泉
liungzvoaa | sulphur springs | 硫磺泉
liutvoaa | stray bullet | 流彈
loaxntvoaa | play with mixed and unorthodox combination of instruments | 亂彈
lunpvoaa | steering wheel | 倫盤; 駕駛盤
luxntvoaa | forum; tribune of opinions; the world of criticism | 論壇
lwnkvoaa | to bear the cold | 忍寒; 省儉
moafpvoaa | whole dish | 滿盤
naixkvoaa | able to endure cold | 耐寒
noaxzvoaa | salivary gland | 瀾泉; 唾腺; 唾液腺
o'kvoaa | cloudy and cold | 陰冷
oaqzvoaa | living spring; gushing (water) spring | 活泉
okvoaa | dark and cold | 黑冷; 烏寒; 陰冷
oxhvoaai | the stem of taro leaf (used as vegetable) | 芋莖
paitvoaa | to set up an altar; set up a temporary shrine with a great many ornaments | 排壇; 設壇
pak'hvoaai | North cross | 北橫
pangpvoaa | crashed | 崩盤
pantvoaar | lazy | 貧惰
paxnpvoaa | preparing wedding materials | 辦盤; 準備婚禮用品
phahkvoaa-phahjiet | malaria; have a fever and ague fits; alternate fever and chills | 害冷熱病; 寒熱症
phahsngrpvoaa | calculate; to reckon on the abacus; be economical | 打算盤
phaotvoaa | shell | 炮彈
phaq-sngrpvoaa | to operate; use; work an abacus | 打算盤; 拍算盤
phoeatiexnpvoaa | distributor (automotive) | 配電機; 配電盤
phoepvoaa | germinal disk; blastoderm | 胚盤
phurnzvoaa | ornamental fountain; a fountain; a geyser; fountain; geyser | 濆泉; 噴泉
poepvoaa | cups and plates | 杯盤
pogliedtvoaa | bomb | 爆裂彈
poxpvoaa | lower abdomen | 部盤; 下腹
pudtvoaa | a buddhist estrade | 佛壇
pviafpvoaa | plate for serving biscuits | 餅盤
pvoaa | bend the feet under one; to scale (a wall); climb over; cross over | 盤; 越; 翻
pvoaa`jibkhix | climb in | 攀進去; 翻進去
pvoaa`køex | to pass over | 盤過; 移換過
pvoaa`tør | stumble | 絆倒
pvoapvoaa | every dish or plate (of meal) | 盤盤
saikongtvoaa | the altar where Taoist priests perform magic | 司公壇
seakhwntvoaa | bacterial bomb | 細菌彈
sengkvoaai | promote, elevate, rise in rank | 升官; 升懸; 升高
seqpvoaa | go round in the air | 踅盤
sidtvoaa | live shell; live ammunition | 實彈
siettvoaa | prepare the altar for sacrifice | 設壇
simkvoaafkviar | sweetheart | 心肝仔囝
sintvoaa | altar | 神壇
sitvoaa | circle of poets | 詩壇
siupvoaa | closing quotation (of a stock or commodity) for the day | 收盤
siøfpvoaa senglie | retail business | 小盤生意; 零售
siøzuyzvoaa | hot spring | 燒水泉; 溫泉
sngrbøpvoaa | not worthy to make a deal | 算無盤
sngrpvoaa phvai toax kahciahphviaf | stingy; of calculating disposition | 算盤背在背上; 小氣
sngrpvoaa | abacus | 算盤
soapvoaa | sandy area, sandy space | 沙盤
svoaafterng | mountain top | 山仔頂
svoaai | rude; vulgar; utterly wanting in propriety; negligent; audacious; cheeky; impudent | 蠻橫; 無明理
svoaauxciao | gray-faced vulture | 山後鳥
svoaisvoaai | act shamelessly; act perversely; stupid; muddleheaded | 很皮; 傻裏傻氣
syzvoaa | dried up spring | 死泉
tag sngrpvoaa | calculate (on abacus); be calculating | 打算盤
tag-sngrpvoaa | count with abacus | 打算盤; 觸算盤
tahtvoaa | erect an altar | 搭壇
taksngrpvoaa | use abacus- well calculated with plan | 擉算盤
tangpvoaa | brass bowl; lamp | 銅盤
tangtvoaa | bronz alter | 銅壇
te tuix khofng huitvoaa | ground-to-air missile | 地對空飛彈
tefngpvoaa | wholesale agent | 上盤
tefpvoaa | chassis | 底盤
tepvoaa | tea tray; tea tray; salver for a tea pot | 茶盤
texpvoaa | territory; place or territory occupied by usurpation (force); region under one's sphere of influence; foundation of a building or house | 地盤
thafngpvoaa | tray | 托盤; 桶盤; 請客用的大盤子
thafnhvoaai | thwart; crosswise | 橫放; 坦橫; 橫的
thaipvoaa | placenta | 胎盤
thaksngrpvoaa | caculated move | 擉算盤
thefngkvoaai | be proud and insolent | 挺官; 逞高
thepvoaa | placenta | 胎盤
thihpvoaa | steel tray | 鐵盤
thokpvoaa | a tray | 托盤
thongpvoaa kea'oe | draw up a complete scheme; overall plan | 全盤計劃
thongpvoaa khøflu | consider every possible angle; take into consideration every aspect of matter | 全盤考慮
thongpvoaa | all of the same sort; (goods) all alike; every aspect (of a matter) | 全盤
thotvoaa | alter of earth | 土壇; 泥壇
thuxnkvoaai | to raise the level by filling in | 儲高; 坉懸; 填高
thvikongtvoaa | temporary shrine put up (usually across a street) for the worship of Giok-te | 天公壇
thvitvoaa | Altar to Heaven | 天壇
thvoaa | to spread; to open; to divide equally | 攤
tiag sngrpvoaa | use an abacus; reckon on the abacus | 打算盤
tiagsngrpvoaa | abacus | 擉算盤
tiak sngrpvoaa | do abacus - budget wisely | 擉算盤
tiaksngrpvoaa | abacus | 擉算盤
tiausekpvoaa | palette | 調色盤
tionghvoaai | Central Cross-island Highway | 中橫
tiongpvoaa | wholesale trade | 中盤; 批發商
tiorngkvoaai | rise high (water) | 漲高
tipvoaa | delay, hold back | 遲盤
tiøxkvoaa | shiver with cold | 中寒; 冷得發抖
tngfkvoaa | suddenly become cold | 轉冷; 變冷
toaxkvoaa | very cold; bitter cold | 寒冷; 大寒; 寒冷,大寒
toaxpvoaa | a wholesaler | 大盤
toaxpvoaa-senglie | wholesale business | 大盤生意; 批發生意
toefpvoaa | chassis | 底盤
toexpvoaa | territory | 地盤
togkhietvoaa | gas bomb | 毒氣彈
tvipvoaa | hinder someone | 纏盤
tviuokvoaai | rise high (water) | 脹高; 漲高
tvoaa | play musical instruments | 彈; 壇
tvoaa-kngrkhiim | to play piano | 彈鋼琴
tvoaa-mihoef | to bow cotton | 彈棉花
tvoaa`phoax | break it | 彈破
tøexpvoaa | one's turf; one's territory under control | 地盤
tør-thafnhvoaai | lying crosswise; e.g.; across a bed | 倒坦橫
tørthvoaa | retrogress | 倒彈; 倒退
tøxhioxng huitvoaa | guided missile | 導向飛彈
tøxtvoaa | a missile, a guided missile | 導彈
uiekvoaa | feel a chill; feel shivery; have a cold fit | 畏寒; 怕冷
unzvoaa | hot-spring | 溫泉
uxpvoaa | have a plan | 有盤
viaftvoaa | movie circles; movie world | 影壇
viapvoaa | military base | 營盤
vipvoaa | a disk | 圓盤
voafpvoaa | dishes; china | 碗盤
zartvoaa | bombs | 炸彈
zeatvoaa | altar; altar for sacrifice | 祭壇
zerngtvoaa | political arena | 政壇
zhaepvoaa | dish | 菜盤
zhanhvoaaflo | rice farm pathway | 田岸仔路
zhanhvoaafterng | rice farm pathway top | 田岸仔頂
zhanhvoaafzhao | rice farm pathway grass | 田岸仔草
zhaotvoaar | bluff | 臭彈仔
zhaupvoaa | trader | 操盤
zhengzvoaa | crystal clear fountain | 清泉
zherngzvoaa | fountain; a spring; well up | 清泉; 湧泉
zhopvoaa | rough plate- rough dishes | 粗盤
zhuiezvoaa | saliva | 喙殘
zhuiluixtvoaa | tear gas bomb | 催淚彈
zhutzvoaa | have spring water | 出泉; 流出水來
zhvoaa`køex | across | 橫過
zoafnpvoaa | turntable | 轉盤
zoanhvoaai | tyranny, despotic | 專橫
zoanpvoaa keaoe | overall program or plan | 全盤計劃
zoanpvoaa | overall (plan); whole (affair); whole matter | 全盤
zuxchviux-zuxtvoaa | praise one's own effort or achievement; do something all by oneself | 自彈自唱
zuyzvoaa | spring; fountain; a spring | 水泉; 泉源
zuyzvoaa-pvy | beside spring | 水泉邊
zvoaa | crystal clear fountain | 泉
zwtvoaa | a bullet, a shell, a cartridge, a shot; H-bomb | 子彈

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