"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Gvoo | a family name Wu | 吳
Jidgvoo Ciernzefng | Russo-Japanese War | 日俄戰爭
Sionggvoo | the beautiful woman; Chang-o; who ascended to the moon after secretly eating her husband's immortality pill; a fairy on the moon | 嫦娥
Sogvoo | Russian | 蘇俄
goadgvoo | fairy who is supposed to dwell in the moon | 月娥; 月裏嫦娥
goadlie sionggvoo | fairy who is supposed to dwell in the moon | 月裏嫦娥; 月娥
gvoo | we; suddenly; to intone in reading; a pretty young woman; lofty; in clamoring for food; to boil for a long time; to invite; a goose; decoy; stool pigeon; a sea-tortoise; I | 吾; 俄; 唔; 哦; 娥; 峨; 梧; 嗷; 熬; 邀; 鵝; 囮; 驁; 鰲
hoafnkiong-khornggvoo | a KMT slogan against communist and Russia | 反共抗俄
huigvoo-huohoea | dig one's own grave; flirt with death (The flying moth is forever attracted to the flame.) | 飛蛾赴火
hungvoo | Oriental tobacco bud worm | 燻嗷; 煙蛾
hvoo | Really? | 真的; 喔
kvoo | to snore | 鼾; 打鼾
sionggvoo | Taiwan cypress (tree) | 松梧; 臺灣扁柏
zhamgvoo | silkworm moth | 蠶娥; 蠶蛾

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