"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bykym | U.S.A. dollar | 美金
Hiekiet'hut Hongti-Tiongsym | T.B. Prevention and Treatment Center | 肺結核防治中心
Iok'han Hok'ym | The Gospel According to John (Protestant) | 約翰福音
Jiogbong Hok'ym | The Gospel According to John (Catholic) | 若望福音
Koan'ym | goddess of mercy Kwan-yin | 觀音
Koan'ym-mar | the Goddess of Mercy Buddha; the feminine form of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva | 觀世音
Koan'ym-phosad | the Goddess of Mercy Buddha | 觀音菩薩
Koansea'ym | the Goddess of Mercy Buddha | 觀世音
Kym | surname Jin; Chin | 金
Mafnykog Hok'ym | Gospel according to Mark (Catholic) | 瑪爾谷福音
Mafto Hok'ym | Gospel according to Matthew (Catholic) | 瑪竇福音
Osolaf Serngsym Hoe | OSC: Ursulines of the S. Heart (Catholic) | 烏蘇拉聖心會
Posym | a city in Changhua County | 埔心
Serngbør Serngsym Hoe | CICM: Cong Immac Cordis Mariae; Scheut (Catholic) | 聖母聖心會
Serngbør Serngsym Siulie Hoe | CSCM: Srs of the SH of Mary of Taichung (Catholic) | 聖母聖心修女會
Serngbør butiaxm cy sym | Immaculate Heart of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母無玷之心
Serngsym | His Majesty's heart; Sacred heart (Catholic) | 聖心
Symkeapo | Ministry of Audit | 審計部
Symphvoax ee jidcie | the Day of Judgment | 審判的日子
Thoan'ge Tiongsym | Communication Arts | 體委會
aekoksym | love of country; patriotism | 愛國心
aesym | loving heart | 愛心
ahkym | deposit; deposit; security money | 押金
angsym | red heart; If husband and wife work together, everything will turn out all right. (If husband and wife have the same heart, red dirt will turn into gold.) | 紅心
ankym | golden-brimmed; gold plate; gild; to gold plate | 安金; 鍍金; 鑲金; 裝金
ansym | feel at ease; peace of mind; peace; ease; calmness of mind; put oneself at ease | 安心
au'ym | guttural sound; phonetic glottal | 喉音
aymai | dubious | 曖昧
bagkym | eyesight vision | 目金; 眼力
baxncioxng itsym | all for one and one for all; with one aspiration in their heart; solidarity | 萬眾一心
baxnkym | numerous gold; priceless | 萬金
be ansym | heart or conscience filled with remorse or trouble; devoid of peace; uneasy; insecure; anxious | 無安心
be horngsym | heart or conscience filled with remorse or trouble; devoid of peace; uneasy; insecure; anxious | 無放心
bea jinsym | craftily gain the hearts of people; win someone over | 買人心
beng'usym | desire for fame; ambition | 名譽心
bengsym | inscribe on one's mind | 銘心
binsym | popular sentiment; popular sentiments; the public mind; the hearts and minds of the people | 民心
boaa hof kym | polish smooth; brighten; burnish | 磨乎金
bogzheg køchym | unfathomable; inscrutable | 莫測高深
boxek tiongsym | trade center | 貿易中心
busym | not intentional; without any intention; have no mind to | 無心
buun-tuix-ym | text to speech | 文對音
buxnsym bukhuix | examine oneself and find nothing to be ashamed of; with a clear conscience | 問心無愧
bwsutkym | pension | 撫恤金
bwym | vowel | 母音
bykym | Anerican currency | 美金
bymau | handsome; good-looking; attractive looks; beautiful face of a woman | 美貌
bymiau | wonderful | 美妙
bymoar | harmonious and beautiful | 美滿
bysym | kernel of rice | 米心
bøafsym | rubs the heart; great pains taken for something; trouble taken | 磨仔心
bøefsym | bottom end | 尾心; 最後
bøfkym | business capital; capital lent out | 母金; 本錢; 資本
bøfym | a vowel; vowels | 母音
bøfzuo liensym | Lit.- mother and son's heart always join together; i.e. love between mother and child | 母子連心
bøiaam ymsit | salt-free diet | 無鹽飲食
bøkiesym | absent-minded, forgetful | 無記心; 心不在焉
bøliongsym | heartless | 無良心
bølun symmih laang | no matter who; whoever | 無論甚麼人
bølun symmih sofzai | no matter where | 無論甚麼所在
bølun symmih | no matter what; whatever | 無論甚麼
bøo kuisym | not with one's whole heart | 無歸心; 無專心
bøo liongsym | conscienceless | 無良心
bøo naixsym | fretfully impatient | 無耐心
bøo phiensym | impartial | 無偏心
bøo siøfsym | carelessly | 無小心
bøo symmih | nothing | 無什麼
bøo zoansym | not with one's whole heart | 無專心
bøo-symmih | nothing particular, not particularly, not very | 沒什麼
bøsym kea uxix | feign interest | 無心假有意
bøsym | careless | 無心
bøxafsym | center of grindstone | 磨仔心; 磨心
chiahkym | pre gold | 紅金; 純金
chiahsym | loyalty | 赤心
chiahtvar-tiongsym | wholehearted devotion | 赤膽忠心
chiasym | axle; axle or spindle of a wheel | 車心; 車軸
chienchiuo-koan'ym | a Bodhisattva with thousand hands | 千手觀音
chienkym siøfciar | young lady of a wealthy family | 千金小姐
chienkym | daughter; courteous expression referring to another's daughter (Lit. a thousand pieces of gold) | 千金
chienlymar | horse with enormous speed and stamina | 千里馬
chiirm'chimchym | deeply | 深深深; 潛潛潛
chimchym | deeply; extremely; rather deeply; very deeply | 深深
chiokbok siongsym | see something which brings someone's sorrowful memory to mind | 觸目傷心
chirnsym | deter; having lost heart about a matter; show coldness to; one's craze forswears off | 斷念; 凊心; 心灰; 灰心
chisym boxngsiorng | silly and fantastic notions; daydreaming | 癡心妄想
chisym | blind love; blind passion; silly wish | 癡心
chitcymoe | seven sisters | 七姐妹
chiuxsym | heart of tree-trunk | 樹心
chiuxym | tree shadow | 樹陰
chiwciog zeeng chym | love between brothers is deep; (Lit. Blood is thicker than water.) | 手足情深
chiwsym | palm; center of the palm | 手心
chym hokhib | deep breathing | 深呼吸
chym putkhøfzheg | immeasurable depth or profundity; extremely abstruse | 深無可測
chym | take over, occupy illegally | 侵; 侵吞; 深; 佔領
chymchirm | just now | 剛剛
chymciaq laai | just arrived | 剛來
chymkaux | just arrived | 剛到
chymkhix aokud | just barely left | 剛去
chymkhu | bedding | 寢具
chymku | bedding | 寢具
chymlaai | just arrived | 剛來
chymseg | bedroom | 寢室
chymsit ku hoex | unable to eat or sleep because of deep worries or sorrow | 寢食俱廢
chymsit lanboong | constantly in one's mind | 寢食難忘
chymsit put'afn | restless due to deep worries | 寢食無安
chymtaai | a sleep carriage in a train | 寢台
chymzhvee | cymbals | 鐃鈸
chyn cymoe | sisters born of the same parents | 親姐妹
ciafngkym | a prize; a reward; an award; a bonus; bonus | 獎金
ciah tiafmsym | take refreshments; have tea or a light lunch | 吃點心
ciamsym giefnkiux | study diligently,and concentrately with a quiet mind | 潛心研究
ciamsym | concentrate on | 潛心
ciaqlym | to eat and drink | 吃飲; 食啉
ciausym | (adj) anxious | 焦心; 焦慮
cidsym | wholeheartedly; one mind | 一心
cidym | a single tone | 一音
ciekym | as of today | 至今
cienkym | down payment | 前金
cimcym`leq | kiss a bit | 吻吻咧
cinkym putphvax høea | men of abilities fear nothing; Truth is ultimately louder than lies or slanders. True loyalty can stand the test of adversity. (Lit. Pure gold is not afraid of being heated.) | 真金無怕火
cinkym | pure gold | 真金
cinsym | (adj) sincere; heartfelt; from the bottom of one's heart; real or actual intention; sincere; sincerity | 真心
ciofng sym pie sym | judge another's feelings by your own; compare your feelings with his; empathize | 將心比心
ciofnghagkym | scholarship; a fellowship | 獎學金
ciofnghak-kym | scholarship, fellowship | 獎學金
ciofngkym | bonus; prize; premium; prize money; bounty; bonus | 獎金
ciofngzoxkym | scholarship | 獎助金
ciokkym | 26k gold | 足金
ciongkym yau | in future | 從今以後
ciongkym | henceforth | 從今
cioong sym sor iok | do as one wishes connoting an absence of opposition or objection | 從心所欲
cirnzhwsym | aggressiveness; desire to get ahead; enterprising spirit | 進取心
cit'ym | this tone | 這音
ciuzoarn-kym | money available for use | 周轉金; 週轉金
cixnsym | wholehearted; put all one's heart into it | 盡心
ciøqbø'afsym | man in the middle; coordinator; mediator; a person who suffers complaints from both disputants (Lit. pivot bar or center of the upper and lower mill stones) | 石磨仔心; 中人; 斡旋者
cviarkym | pure gold | 真金
cviarym | standard pronunciation | 正音
cviwhagkym | scholarship, fellowship | 獎學金
cviwkym | prize-money | 獎金
cviwsym | center of the palm | 掌心
cym zhuietuun | kiss the lips | 吻嘴唇
cym | kiss | 吻; 唚
cym'ar | aunt (father's younger brother's wife) | 嬸仔; 小嬸
cym'mr | aunt (father's younger brother's wife) | 嬸母; 嬸母伯母
cymbog'ar | railroad ties | 枕木仔
cymbok | railroad ties | 枕木
cymiaa | to mention by name; to name; nominate | 指名
cymkud | occipital bone | 枕骨
cymmar | now; just | 現在
cymoai | sister | 姊妹
cymoe | sister | 姊妹
cymoeafphvoa | female close friends | 姊妹仔伴
cymoexchi | sister cities | 姊妹市
cymoexhoef | famous sisters due to their beauty; beautiful sisters | 姊妹花
cymoexphiefn | twin literary products usually by the same author that run in the same vein | 姊妹篇
cympøo | great aunt (grandfather's younger brother's wife); wife of paternal grandfather's younger brother | 嬸婆; 嬸奶奶; 叔祖母
cymtaai | bed | 枕台
cymthaau | pillow | 枕頭
cymthaau-loong | pillow case | 枕頭囊; 枕頭套
cymthaau-pox | pillow cover | 枕頭布
cymthaau-te | pillow case | 枕頭袋; 枕頭套
cymthauhieen | pillow talk of a female companion; slanders or flatteries (Lit. Chinese fiddle played by one's pillow companion) | 枕頭弦; 枕邊細語
cymthauloong | pillow case | 枕頭廊; 枕套
cymthauthøx | open ended pillow case | 枕頭套
cyteng ymsit | give a diet | 指定飲食
eg'ym | sound transcription | 譯音
exngsym | attentive(ly) or diligent(ly) | 用心
gag'ym | musical sounds | 樂音
gegsym | in disagreement with what one wants | 逆心; 無順心
gengsym | cold hear; concentrate | 心冷; 凝心; 無甘心; 鬱悶
giaugisym | doubt | 懷疑心; 僥疑心
gisym sefng armkuie | suspicion creates imaginary fears (Lit. suspicious heart imagines ghosts) | 疑心生暗鬼
gisym | to doubt; to suspect; doubt; suspicion; a suspicious mind | 疑心; 懷疑
gisym-pve | hypersensitivity; suspicion | 疑心病
gisym-pvi | hypersensitivity; suspicion | 疑心病
goan'ym | primary sounds of vowels | 原音
goaxsym | circumcenter; intentions or designs disloyal to one's spouse or employer | 外心
gusym | heart of a cow | 牛心
gvexsym | cruel; ruthless | 狠心; 心硬; 硬心
gvixsym | cruel; ruthless | 狠心; 硬心; 心硬
gvofkym | the five metals(gold | 五金
gvofkym-haang | hardware store | 五金行
gvofym | fifth note of pentatonic scale; the five notes of traditional Chinese music | 五音
gw'ym | articulation, speech sound | 語音
gw'ym-hak | phonetics, phonology | 語音學
gwym | accent; pronunciation; articulation; speech sound | 語音
gy'ym | sound of a language | 語音
gym | a puddle; tearful | 涔
gym'y | luxurious clothings | 錦衣
gymkef | golden pheasant | 錦雞
gymkii | flag of honor; embroidered flag | 錦旗
gymkw | stooped of an old person | 錦龜; 傴僂
gymloong | instructions for dealing with an emergency; wise counsel; a secret master plan | 錦囊
gymloong-biauxkex | clever scheme yet to be revealed | 錦囊妙計
gymphiausaix | sports tournament | 錦標賽
gymphiaw | championship; pennant | 錦標
gympiaw | championship, trophy | 錦標
gymsiong-thiamhoaf | embroider flowers on a piece of brocade--to make a good thing even better | 錦上添花
gymsiux | embroidered silk | 錦鏽; 錦繡
gymsiux-høsafn | land of splendor--one's fatherland | 錦繡河山
gymtoan | brocade, damask | 錦緞
gymzoaa | boa snake; boa constrictor | 錦蛇
gyym texngphiøx | phone call to make reservation for train ticket | 語音訂票
gyym | accent; pronunciation; articulation; speech sound | 語音
habkym | an alloy; alloy | 合金
habsym | join hearts together (to work on something) | 合心
haghau kikym | school endowments | 學校基金
hansym | to feel the blood running cold; afraid; fearful; appalling | 寒心
haosym | filial attitude; filial heart | 孝心
harn'ym | the sound of Han | 漢音
haymar | hippocampus; sea horse | 海馬
haymicid | spongy | 海綿質
haymii | sponge; rubber foam; plastic form | 海綿
haymii-thea | a mass of erectile tissue | 海綿體
haymngg | (N) Haimen (place in Jiangsu) | 海門
haymoaa | sea eel; sea univalve | 海鰻
haysym | sea-cucumber, sea slug, trepang | 海參
hegsym | core; core (of a matter | 核心
hengkhym | the breadth of mind; bosom | 胸襟
hengsym | perseverance; determination; constant mind | 恆心
hexkoatsym | take a firm resolve | 下決心
hi'engsym | desire for glory and wealth; vanity | 虛榮心
hiabsym | (N) Tongxin (place in Ningxia) | 協心; 同心
hiausym | cease to be faithful; to disobey or defy one's heart | 僥心; 負心; 薄情; 變心; 違背之心
hiernkym | donation; offer a cash contribution | 獻金
hiernkym-te | collection bag, offering bag | 獻金袋
hiernsym | give one's heart, dedicate oneself | 獻心
hiexnkym | cash; ready money | 現金; 現今
himhym | happily; prosper | 欣欣
himhym-hiorng'eeng | blooming like flowers in spring; (said of business; financial; situation prospering; flourishing | 欣欣向榮
hiong'ym | mother tongue | 鄉音
hiongsym bixsuo | undying ambition; not give up yet | 雄心未死
hiongsym pudput | very ambitious | 雄心勃勃
hiongsym | (adj) callous | 狠心; 雄心
hiorngsiong-sym | ambition, desire to get ahead | 向上心
hisym | not self-opinionated; ready to take advice | 虛心
hito kong'ym | idle away time; waste one's time | 虛度光陰
hoadkym | fine; to fine | 罰金
hoafnsym | heart changed | 反心; 變心
hoanhym | jubilation; joy | 歡欣
hoanhym-kofbuo | be overjoyed; very pleased; dancing with joy | 歡欣鼓舞
hoansym | annoyed mind; light hearted | 煩心
hoat'ym | pronunciation; pronounce | 發音
hoat'ym-hak | phonetics, phonology | 發音學
hoatkym | have a gleam (in one's eye) | 發金; 發亮
hoatsym | make up one's mind; awakening from truth | 發心; 起菩提心
hoe'ym | echo | 回音
hoefkongsym | very angry and anxious (Lit. like fire burning the heart) | 火攻心
hoefsym | to repent in mind | 悔心; 悔意
hoesym hiorngtø | turn the mind to the true path | 回心向道
hoesym | disappointed; | 灰心; 花心; 花蕊
hoexym | perineum | 會陰
hoeym | reply; answer a letter; an echo | 回音
hok'ym | Gospel; good news; the gospel | 福音
hongkym | jars containing the bones of the dead; urn | 隍金; 納骨甕
hongkym-axng | urn for human bones | 封骨甕
hongsym | affection or heart of a young lady | 芳心
horngsym | breathe freely; disburden; set one's heart at rest; feel easy | 放心
hoym | colloquial dialect, vernacular, patois, local accent | 呼音
hudsym | Buddhist mind; core of a matter; inner circle of a political party or government | 佛心; 核心
huiecin khofsym | exhaust all one's efforts | 費盡苦心
huiesym | requiring much attention and concern | 費心
huikym juu thor | squander money like dirt; spend money like water | 揮金如土
hunsym | give some attention; give a thought; fail to pay full attention; fail to concentrate; distraction; indecision | 分心
huo'ym | obituary notice | 訃音
huoym | obituary notice | 訃音
husym | humble; open-minded | 虛心
hux hiexnkym | pay cash | 付現; 付現金
huxsym | hart change and fail a lover; ungrateful; heartless | 負心
huxtamkym | share of financial responsibility | 負擔金; 負擔費
huzoxkym | money given for assisting in a hardship | 扶助金
hviatixcymoe | my dear friends | 兄弟姊妹
hvorkii-sym | curiosity | 好奇心
hvorkisym | curiosity | 好奇心
hvorserngsym | loving to excel others; ambitious | 好勝心
hw'ym | a consonant | 輔音
hwnsym | cruel | 狠心
hwsud-kym | a pension, a compensation | 輔恤金; 撫恤金
hwym | a consonant | 輔音
hym | cherish; glad; adore; glad; gladly; joyful; delighted; happy | 欣; 忻; 盺
hysym | happy heart | 喜心
høesym | disappointed; disheartened | 灰心
høesym-zoafn'ix | to repent; to relent | 回心轉意
høfsym ho luii cym | unrequited goodness; to do good yet not be thanked but rather criticized (Good people struck by lightning.) | 好心被雷吻; 好心沒好報
høfsym | kindhearted; well-meaning; kind | 好心
høfsym-høfheng | good in heart and conduct | 好心好行
høqchym | needlefish, soundfish | 河魚
høsym | harmony | 和心
høym | harmony in sound | 和音
iafkym | metallurgy | 冶金
iafsym pudput | full of ambition | 野心勃勃
iafsym | ambition; ambition (especially of the objectionable kind); greediness | 野心
iaxchym-jinzeng | in the quiet of the night; deep in the night | 夜深人靜
iedsym | pleasingl | 悅心
ienkym | money collected for religious purpose | 延金; 緣金; 捐款
ienpid-sym | lead of a pencil | 鉛筆心
ikym | up to now | 迄今
im'ym | overcast; gloomy; dusky; gloomy | 陰暗
imsym | very dense and luxuriant foliage | 陰森; 淫心; 貪慾; 陰心
imthym | tricky, crafty, treacherous (similar to im-hiam) | 陰鴆
inai-sym | overly reliant nature | 依賴心
inaixsym | reliance; dependence | 依賴心
iofnglør-kym | pension, annuity for the aged | 養老金
iofnglør-nikym | old age pension | 養老年金
ioglok-tiongsym | recreation center | 育樂中心
iogsym | desire; lust | 慾心
ioong hong ym uii | observe rules or obey orders ostensibly; pretend to obey | 陽奉陰違
ioxngkym | middleman's fees; commission | 佣金
ioxngsym liongkhor | well-intentioned but little understood | 用心良苦
ioxngsym | attentive(ly) or diligent(ly); pay attention; be careful | 用心
ipiao-cymoe | female maternal cousins | 姨表姊妹
isym | shift heart | 移心
isym-cy-lun | insincere utterances; comments | 違心之論
isym-lun | idealism | 違心論; 唯心論; 唯心論,唯心主義
it'orng zeeng chym | fall deeply in love; head-over-heels in love | 一往情深
itkheg-chienkym | One moment is worth a thousand pieces of gold.--Time is precious. (said of newlyweds during honey-moon) | 一刻千金
itlok-chienkym | A promise is (worth as much) as a thousand teals; a solemn promise | 一諾千金
itsym | wholeheartedly | 一心
itsym-it'ix | of one heart and mind; bent on doing something | 一心一意
iusym | anxiety | 憂心
iuu chiern jip chym | from shallow to profound--of progressive studies | 由淺入深
iwkhao-busym | say what one does not mean | 有口無心
iwsym | have the intention, have the determination | 有心
ixsym | different heart | 異心
jibchym | to invade | 入侵
jibsym | get into the heart; take something or someone to heart; fully accept | 入心
jiedsym | eager; enthusiastic; eagerness; enthusiasm; zeal; earnestly; devoted | 熱心
jiin lør sym putlør | young at heart; man may be old in years; but his heart need not be old; An old man chasing young women | 人老心無老
jikym | now; used as the following: | 而今; 如今
jinbien-siuosym | gentle in appearance but cruel at heart; wolf in sheep's skin | 人面獸心
jinsym | human heart; popular feeling; the will of the people; human heart; will; feeling or emotion; morale | 人心
jinsym-jinsut | benevolent in heart and deed (usually used as a eulogy for medical practitioners) | 仁心仁術
jinsym-putciog | The human heart never knows satiety | 人心無足
jit kiuo kiexn jinsym | Time reveals a man's heart | 日久見人心
jixkym | now, at the present times | 如今
jixsym | double-minded; insincere | 二心
jixym | pronunciation of written letter or word | 字音
jukym | now; nowadays; these days; at present | 如今
jymbextiaau | cannot endure it | 忍無住
jymchiøx | repress laughter | 忍笑
jymciar | ninja | 忍者
jymjiok | to endure disgrace; insults and humiliations; bear disgrace and insult while discharging one's duties conscientiously | 忍辱
jymjiok-huxtiong | suffer disgrace and insults in order to accomplish a task | 忍辱負重
jymjiong | to forbear, forbearance | 忍讓
jymkhix | to swallow insult and humiliation; to restrain one's temper; restrain one's anger | 忍氣
jymkhix-kiuzaai | control one's anger so as to get wealth | 忍氣求財
jymkhix-thunsviaf | restrain one's temper and say nothing; keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
jymkhuix | to bear one's breath | 忍氣
jymky | to suffer hunger | 忍飢
jymnai | bear patiently; to endure; to exercise restraint; tolerant; patience | 忍耐
jymputzu | cannot endure it | 忍無住
jymsexng | forcibly restrain one's temper | 忍性
jymsiu thorngkhor | endure suffering patiently | 忍受痛苦
jymsiu | to endure; to bear; to suffer; endure patiently | 忍受
jymsym | merciless; hardhearted; unfeeling; pitiless; mercilessly; hard-hearted; ruthless | 忍心
jymthoxng | to bear pain | 忍痛
jymthviax | bear pain patiently | 忍痛
jymzu | to restrain by will power | 忍住
ka'ym | good news | 佳音
kachym | deepen; to worsen; to make more severe | 加深
kaesym | vigilance; wariness; watchfulness | 戒心
kafmhoax jinsym | move the hearts of men | 感化人心
kafmsym | thoughtful; laudable; admirable; praiseworthy | 感心; 值得稱讚; 了無起; 令人讚賞
kamsym jymsiu | willing to endure | 甘心忍受
kamsym | willingly; cf. kam-goan | 甘心
kamsym-bengbok | die without dissatisfaction; die happy | 甘心瞑目
kamsym-log'ix | freely; cordially | 甘心樂意
kamsym-zenggoan | heartily willing; thoroughly pleased (to do a work or give a gift) | 甘心情願
kaoiok-kikym | endowment (foundation) for educational purpose; scholarship fund | 教育基金
kasw tie baxnkym | letter from home is worth ten thousand pieces of gold | 家書抵萬金
kausym | heart-to-heart talk | 交心
kawsviakym | ninety percent pure gold | 九成金
kaxng'ym | the same sound, same tone | 同音; 仝音
kaxngsym | consensus | 共心; 一條心; 共識
kaym | good news, a good voice | 佳音
kaymar | decoding | 解碼
kaymiaa | change one's name; change the name | 改名
kaysym | change one's mind | 改心
keasym | too bad | 過心
kefuxsym | feign sincerity; hypocrisy | 假有心; 故作好心
keh'ym | soundproof; sound insulation; soundproof | 隔音
keksym | heavy-hearted; burn with indignation; bear strong dissatisfaction | 扎心; 激心; 怨憤; 革心; 格心
kengsym | heart-stricken, frightening | 驚心
kengsym-toxngpheg | heart-shaking; soul-stirring | 驚心動魄
kesym | chicken's heart; chicken heart | 雞心
kexym | bass, low voice, low-pitched sound | 低音
khaisym | feel happy | 開心
khangsym | hollow; empty mind; hollow; hollow-centered like a bone; radish or tree trunk | 空心
khangsym-mi | macaroni | 空心麵; 通心麵
khao si sym huy | say one thing and mean another ─ hypocrisy; meaning contrary to what is spoken | 口是心非
khaw'ym | accent | 口音
khawym | provincial accent; dialect | 口音; 腔調
kheacymoe | sworn sisters; sometimes intimate friends form this relationship (Note: for sworn brothers only kiat-pai hia-ti is used; because khe-hia has another verbal association.) | 契姐妹; 結拜姐妹
khekkud-bengsym | permanently imprint (another's favor) on the mind; remember with gratitude constantly and forever | 刻骨銘心
kheksym | heartbreak | 剋心
khengsym | to fall in love | 傾心
khiaxlym | saving water | 豎飲
khiaxsym | spin in one place as a top, stand motionless | 站心
khie gisym | become suspicious | 起疑心
khiensym | devout; reverently | 虔心
khieym | aspirate | 氣音; 去音
khin'ym | light tone | 輕音
khip'ym | sound-absorbent | 吸音
khisym | cheating heart | 欺心
khiøhkym | collect the bones of the dead for re-burial | 撿骨; 拾金
khoansym | to feel at rest; to set one's mind at ease; to feel free from anxiety | 寬心
khoarsym | be concerned about; to worry about; keep in mind | 掛心
khofkhao-pøsym | exhort or remonstrate with earnest words prompted by a kind heart | 苦口婆心
khofsym | great pains taken for something; painstaking; efforts; hard application; hard work; do one's best; make every possible effort | 苦心
khok'ym | amplify the sound | 擴音
khok'ym-ky | a loud-speaker, a microphone | 擴音機
khongkym | to plate with gold; to spend some time abroad to add to the impressiveness of one's background; to gold plate; valuable; precious | 鍍金; 鑲金
khuisym | to go against conscience | 虧心
khulymuq | cream | 鮮奶油
khy'ym | set the pitch, to decide the standard pitch for a song | 起音
khym | respect; reverent; imperial | 欽
khymar | opening price; minimum; at least | 起碼
khymiaa | to give a name; to christen | 起名; 取名
khymngkngr | goose bump | 起毛管
khymof bae | unhappy | 起毛䆀
khymof giafng | happy; enjoy | 起毛婸
khymof | emotion; frame; state of mind; mood (transliteration of the Japanese word; kimo) | 起毛; 心境,; 情緒; 心情; 心境
khyym | the beginning sound or tone | 起音; 齒音
kiapsym | partition board, above and below | 夾心; 隔板
kiapsym-zexng | angina pectoris | 絞心症
kiarkym | save; deposit | 寄金; 存款於銀行
kiensym | to insist; to maintain unyieldingly; to continue upholding; to remain committed to; with fixed purpose; with determined mind | 堅心; 決心; 堅持; 堅決; 一心一意
kiet'hut hongti-tiongsym | T.B. prevention and treatment center | 結核防治中心
kietpaix-cymoe | sworn sisters; sometimes intimate friends form this relationship (Note: for sworn brothers only kiat-pai hia-ti is used; because khe-hia has another verbal association.) | 結拜姐妹
kiirm'kimkym | extremely golden | 金金金
kikym | fund; foundation | 基金; 基本金
kimcym | golden rules, proverbs | 金針; 金科玉律
kimkym | golden and bright | 金金
kiongkexng Serngsym | devotion to the Sacred Heart (Catholic) | 恭敬聖心
kiongsym-zef | a heart stimulant | 強心劑
kipwnkym | fund; foundation | 基本金; 基金
kisym putlioong | harbor evil intentions | 居心無良
kitiau-ym | fundamental tone, base tone | 基調音
kiuozex-kym | relief money | 救濟金
kngfsym-peqzhaix | Chinese cabbage | 卷心白菜
kngfsym-zhaix | cabbage | 卷心菜
koahkym | gold paper goods used for worshiping | 割金
koan'ym | high-pitched tone | 高音; 懸音
koan'ym-teg | broad leaved lady balm, Hedge bamboo, Koanyin bamboo | 高音竹; 觀音竹; 筋頭竹
koankym | to donate; to contribute | 捐金; 捐款; 捐獻
koanløqym | one kind of hypnotism and mesmerism | 高落音; 一種降靈術或催眠術
koansym | to be concerned about; to show concern; concern; give attention to | 關心
koarsym | to worry; have on one's mind; worry about; troubled in mind; to worry | 掛心
koatsym | determination; make up one's mind; decide | 決意; 決心
koeasym | feel at ease; be relieved | 心安
kofkym | the ancient and modern times; ancient and modern times | 古今
kofng sym | to launch a psychological offense | 攻心
kofym | prounciation of characters in ancient times; thyme according to such pronunciation | 古音
kok'ym | the sound system of the national language | 國音
kokbiin-nikym | National Pension Program | 國民年金
kong'ym juu cvix | Time flies like an arrow | 光陰如箭
kong'ym su cvix | Time passes as fast as a flying arrow | 光陰似箭
kong'ym | time | 光陰
kongkym | public funds (money); government funds | 公款; 公金
kongsym | attack intelligently | 功心
kongsymphvoax | general judgment (Catholic) | 公審判
kongteg-sym | regard for public welfare; public-mindedness | 公德心
kongteksym | regard for public welfare; public-mindedness | 公德心
kongzekkym | reserve fund | 公積金
kopiao-cymoe | paternal female cousins; a-ko's daughters | 姑表姊妹
korbut-tiongsym | shopping center for second-hand goods | 購物中心
kudkym | panning (for precious metals) | 掘金; 淘金
kui'ym | (literally) to return to--to pass away | 歸陰
kuisym su cvix | have a yearning for one's home (Lit. When the mind is bent on returning; it is like a flying arrow) | 歸心似箭
kuisym | absorption; concentrate; concentrate; concentration; engrossed; whole-heartedly | 歸心; 規心; 全心全意; 專心
kuiym | go to Hades | 歸陰
kunchym-tiekox | deep-rooted; time-honored; firmly established; deeply entrenched | 根深蒂固
kunhoad-symphvoax | trial by court-martial | 軍法審判
kusym | one's (good; bad) real intentions | 居心
kuymii | how many | 幾暝
kuymngg | the door of Hades, entry to the Hades | 鬼門; 鬼門關
kuymngg-koafn | the gate to the land of ghosts | 鬼門關
kuymngkoafn | front door of Hades | 鬼門關
kvechym | far on in the night | 更深
kviasym | to be shaken; to be frightened | 驚心
kviasym-taxngpheg | alarmed; scared | 驚心動魄
kvichym | late at night | 深更
kvy-chym | late at night | 更深
kym paw giin | better outside than inside (said of wound healed but festering inside); tiles put over grass roof | 金包銀; 金玉其外敗絮其中
kym | gold | 金; 亮
kym-exhngf | this evening | 今下昏; 今晚
kym-expof | this afternoon | 今下埔; 今天下午
kym-extaux | this noon | 今下午
kym-søfsii | golden key | 金鎖匙
kym`ee | of gold; golden; glittery | 金的; 金色的
kymkii | embroidered flag; pennant; embroidered flag; pennant; banner presented as a prize or symbol of one's appreciation | 錦旗
kymloong | bag made of brocade (used to hold manuscripts for poetry in ancient times); brocade bag (used to hold manuscripts for poetry in ancient times) | 錦囊
kymloong-biauxkex | clever scheme yet to be revealed | 錦囊妙計
kymphiausaix | championship tournament | 錦標賽
kymphiaw | championship; trophy | 錦標
kympiaw | trophy (for a sports champion); championship (in a tournament) | 錦標
kymsiong-thiamhoaf | add flowers to embroidery; to give something or someone additional splendor | 錦上添花
kymsiux-høsafn | land of splendor ─ one's fatherland | 錦繡河山
kymtiuu | brocade | 錦綢
kymzoaa | Taiwan beauty snake; python | 錦蛇
køchym | lofty and deep (knowledge) | 高深
køeasym | overheated | 過心
kølesym | ginseng | 高麗蔘; 高麗參
køym | high-pitched tone | 高音
laam-kexym | bass | 男低音
laam-koan'ym | tenor | 男高音; 男懸音
laam-tiong'ym | baritone | 男中音
labkym | pay gold | 納金
laixsym | the heart; interior; heart; the bottom of one's heart; one's inmost heart; one's real intention | 內心
lamkexym | bass (music) | 男低音
lamkøym | tenor | 男高音
lamtiong'ym | baritone | 男中音
lamzaai-lymau | The man is able; and the woman is beautiful ─ an ideal couple | 男才女貌
langbin-siuosym | having the face of a man but the heart of a beast; gentle in appearance but cruel at heart ─ wolf in sheep's skin; an iron claw in a velvet glove | 人面獸心
langsym | popular feeling; the will of the people | 人心
laqzeg-sym | candlewick | 蠟燭心
laqzeksym | candle wick | 燭燭心
lauxlangnikym | elderly pensione | 老人年金
lauxpøar-sym | kind and compassionate heart; excessive solicitude; useless precaution | 老婆仔心
lefkym | cash gift; monetary gifts | 禮金
lefngsym | apathetic; unenthusiastic; discouraged | 冷心
legkym | plate with molten gold | 歷金; 鍍金
lek pud ciongsym | strength is not equal to the will; have too little power or resources to do as much as one wishes; The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak | 力無從心
leng chienkym | your daughter | 令媛; 令愛; 令千金
liaqym | catch the tone | 捉音
liaxmkefng hunsym | distractions at prayer | 念經分心
libchym | to invade | 入侵
libsym | make mind | 立心; 立志
libthea sviaym | stereophonically reproduced sound | 立體聲音
liedsym | enthusiastic | 熱心
lieen chym jidkiuo | after a long lapse of time | 年深日久
lienciofng ciofngkym | annual bonus | 年終獎金
liencysym | sprout in center of water lily | 蓮子心
lienhoekym | paper gold money for ceremony | 蓮花金
lienkhym | mutual reference among husbands of sisters | 連襟
lienkym | mutual reference among husbands of sisters | 連襟; 年金; 年俸
liensym | heart to heart; the heart of a lotus seed; my bitter heart | 聯心; 蓮心
liexnkym | refine gold by fire; purify gold by fire | 煉金
likym | an internal tax on the transit of goods | 釐金
lim'ym-lo | a shady avenue | 林蔭路; 林陰路; 林蔭道
limlym`leq | drink up | 飲飲咧; 啉啉咧
limsilym'iaw | temporary | 臨時臨要
linsym | ginseng | 人參
liog'ym | recording; transcription; record on tape; transcribe a program; record sound | 錄音; 六音
liongsym hoat'hien | The conscience is moved | 良心發現
liongsym iwkhuix | conscience stricken | 良心有愧
liongsym khiefnzeg | feel the pricks of conscience; have a guilty conscience | 良心譴責
liongsym sorngsid | utterly conscienceless | 良心喪失
liongsym | conscience; goodness of heart | 良心
liusym | be attentive, be vigilant | 留心; 警惕的
liutong-kym | revolving funds; working capital | 流動金
lixsym | centrifugal | 離心
lixsym-khix | a centrifuge | 離心器
lixsym-lat | centrifugal force | 離心力
loaxnsym | insanity | 亂心; 精神錯亂
loexsym | the heart; interior; heart; the bottom of one's heart; one's inmost heart; one's real intention | 內心
log'ym | recording; transcription; record on tape; transcribe a program; record sound | 錄音
longsym kawheng | heartless and cruel; rotten to the core | 狼心狗肺
longsym kawhix | heartless and cruel; rotten to the core | 狼心狗肺
longsym | beastly; completely without conscience; heartless; cruel; vindictive; savage; brutal | 狼心
lukym | now | 如今
luo-kexym | alto | 女低音
luo-kø'ym | soprano | 女高音
luo-køym | soprano | 女高音
lw'ym | vulva, female private part | 女陰
lwym | female voice, soprano; vulva | 女音; 女陰
lyjiin-sym | weak minded; feminine | 女人心
lym ciuo | drink wine or liquor | 吃酒; 喝酒
lym sinniuu ciuo | attend a wedding feast | 喝喜酒
lym tee | drink tea | 啉茶
lym thngf | drink tea | 啉湯
lym zuie | drink water | 啉水
lym | drink; drinks | 飲; 啉
lym`koex | have drank | 啉過
lymciar | ninja | 忍者
lymjieen | magisterial | 凜然
lymkvii | edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline | 斂墘; 邊緣
lymlaau | high tide; rising tide | 斂流; 漲潮
lymliet | piercingly cold | 刺骨; 凜冽
lymlirm | severely cold; icy; just about to fall short | 凜凜; 臨臨
lymlirm`ar | almost | 臨臨仔
lymlym'ar | just; barely; scarcely; close to; (adv) almost; just about to; just enough; be approaching; just barely enough | 斂斂仔; 臨臨仔; 略少於; 幾乎; 僅僅; 差點兒
lymnai | endure | 忍耐
lymsiu | bear | 忍受
lymsym | bear it | 忍心
løqsym | feel at ease; set one's mind at rest | 入心; 靜下心
løqym | go into hell | 落陰; 下陰府
løsym | to labor mentally; to be anxious; thinking deeply or anxiously about something | 勞心
løsym-pehpag | much vexed or anxious about matters | 勞心疾苦
m-kamsym | not reconciled | 無甘心
m-køeasym | be sorry; feel apologetic | 無過心
m-sysym | won't give up | 無死心
michym | very late at night | 暝深; 夜闌; 深夜
misym | cotton ball | 綿心; 燈芯
misyminoa | determined | 綿死綿爛
moafsym hvoahie | filled with joy | 滿心喜樂
moafsym | have one's heart filled with something; wholeheartedly | 滿心
muy'ym | every tone | 每音
muymii | every night | 每暝
muymuie | every time | 每每
mxkamsym | unwilling | 毋甘心
mxkøeasym | cannot bear the thought of it (e.g.; of leaving one's family to go abroad); feel very much grieved and dissatisfied with one's self for what one has done (e.g. for injuring one's own child) | 毋放心; 過意不去
na'auym | guttural sound; phonetic glottal | 嚨喉音
na'ym | guttural sound; phonetic glottal | 喉音
naixsym | patience; patient; perseverance | 耐心
naymaf | a wet nurse; a nursing mother | 奶媽
ngkym | gold | 黃金
ngkym-lut | the Golden Rule | 黃金律; 金科玉律
ngkym-sitai | golden age | 黃金時代
niaw khaux niawchie kea uxsym | pretend to be sad (Lit. The cat cries over the death of a rat.) | 貓哭耗子假慈悲。
nibøea-sviwkym | year-end bonus | 年終賞金; (獎金)
nikuo gøeqchym | for many years; as years go by | 年久月深; 經年累月
nikwgeqchym | over time | 年久月深
nikwgoeqchym | over time | 年久月深
nikym | annuity | 年金; 養老金
nngfsym | tender hearted; kind hearted | 心軟; 軟心
noaxsym | rotton hear | 爛心
o'ym | cloudy; dark sky | 黑陰; 烏陰; 陰晦
o'ym-thvy | cloudy sky, cloudy weather | 黑陰天; 烏陰天
oansym | center point of circle | 圓心
oaqtaxngtiongsym | activity center | 活動中心
oim'oym | cloudy | 烏陰烏陰
okim'afokym | black shining gold | 烏金仔烏金
okim'okym | black shining gold | 烏金烏金
oksym-togheng | cruel hearted; with injurious conduct | 惡心毒行; 狠毒心腸
okym | shiny dark; shiny black; give forth a black luster | 黑金; 烏金; 黑亮
oloksym | wicked; evil (Lit. black heart) | 壞心腸; 心黑
onglaisym | pineapple core | 王梨心
ophwkym | gray gold | 烏殕金
orsym | nausea | 噁心
osym | middle of a lake | 湖心
otorsym | black heart | 黑污心
oym | cloudy | 黑陰; 陰晦
paekym zwgi | worship of Mammon; pae'kMammonism | 拜金主義
pafnkym | gold plated; body work (automobile) | 鈑金; 板金
paithvaf-sym | parochial attitude | 排他心
paixhoai jinsym | demoralize; corrupt people's hearts; perversion of one's mind | 敗壞人心
pak'ym | northern tunes | 北音
parngphuix afn kawsym | make empty promises; offer empty consolation | 說假話以安撫之; 空虛的許諾
parngsym | to take it easy | 放心
pat'ym | Chinese musical sounds from eight materials | 八音
paukym | to plate with gold; cover or plate with gold; gild with gold | 包金; 鍍金
paxng bøe løqsym | cannot stop worrying | 放無下心; 放心不下
pehkimkym | open up eyes | 擘金金
pehkym | open eyes | 剝金; 眼睛張開
peng'ym | phonetical spelling of words | 拼音
peng'ym-hoax | alphabetization | 拼音化
pengsiongsym | ordinary heart | 平常心
pengsym | calm of mind | 冰心
peqkym | platinum | 白金
peqlym | drink for nothing | 白飲
peqoexym | colloquial tone | 白話音
peqphvixsym | Paguma larvata taivana | 白鼻心
pexbwsym | parents' hearts | 爸母心
pexngkhøf-hoadkym | fine; forfeit | 併科罰金
phahkym | make an object made by gold | 打金; 作金工
phau koatsym | hold on to one's determination; determined | 抱決心
pheaym | dubbing | 配音
pheng'ym | phonetical spelling of words | 拼音
pheng'ym-hoax | alphabetization | 拼音化
phengjymhoad | culinary art; cookery; recipe | 烹飪法
phengjympafn | cooking class | 烹飪班
pherngkym | money sent by bridegroom on betrothal; money sent at betrothal by the bridegroom's parents to the parents of the bride | 聘金
phiauzwn'ym | standard pronunciation | 標準音
phiensym | one-sided; partial; partiality; bias; partial; favoritism | 偏心
phiensym-luun | eccentric wheel | 偏心輪
phikym | draped | 披襟
phoarym-ji | broken sound word | 破音字
phoeatongkym | stock dividend | 配動金; 股息
phoeaym | dub in (a movie) sound track; synchronize; dubbing | 配音
phofngzuie lym | drink water out of the hands | 捧水喝
phokkor-thongkym | be well informed in things past and present; be well versed in ancient and modern learning | 博古通今
phokym | pave with gold | 鋪金
phoxngsym | indignant; furious | 蓬心; 蘿蔔空心
phvarsym | hollow; devoid of content; hollow; nothing in mind | 空心; 中心鬆而無實
phvaylym | drink bad | 歹啉
phvaymia | bad life; difficult situation; bad fortune (e.g.; a man who earns a poor living) | 歹命; 苦名; 命無好; 苦命
phvaymiaa | disreputable; disgraceful; dishonor; disgrace; shame | 歹名; 惡名; 無名譽
phvaymiaxkviar | bad luck kid | 歹命囝
phvaymiaxlaang | bad luck person | 歹命人
phvaymih | bad egg; scoundrel; bastard | 歹物; 妖物; 壞東西; 壞蛋
phvaymih'ar | bad stuff | 歹物仔
phvaymiqar | monster; goblin; demon; foul disease | 歹物仔; 妖怪; 暗疾
phvaymngh | ominous; disease | 歹物
phvaysym togheng | wicked; cruel; injurious heart and conduct | 壞心毒行; 狼心狗肺
phvaysym | ill-intentioned; wicked; evil minded | 歹心; 壞心眼
phvixym | nasal tone, nasal sound | 鼻音
phøea'ym | dub | 配音
phøxsym | palpitations | 抱心; 心悸
phøxsym-soaf | angina | 抱心砂; 狹心症; 腦貧血
piao-cymoe | female first cousins of another surname; daughters of maternal uncles and aunts and of father's sisters | 表姐妹; 表姊妹
piauym | transcription | 標音
piawcymoe | cousin | 表姊妹
piern'ym | umlaut (in phonetics); change voice | 變音
piernsym | to cease to be faithful; change in faith or loyalty; turn traitor; jilt a lover | 變心
piet iuo ioxngsym | have a hidden purpose (in so doing or speaking) | 別有用心
piin liongsym | as one's conscience dictates; fair in dealing | 憑良心
piin symmih | on what basis; why; on what grounds? | 憑甚麼
pinliongsym | honestly | 憑良心
pinsym | by heart | 憑心
pitsym | pencil lead | 筆心
poaxnsym | rebellious | 叛心
poeasym | vest; waistcoat; sleeveless jacket | 背心
poesym'oaan | jurymen | 陪審員
poesymthoaan | jury | 陪審團
poexsym | vest, waistcoat, sleeveless garment | 背心
pofsiongkym | compensation | 補償金
pofzoxkym | bursary; financial assistance; subsidy; subsidy; grant in aid; bounty | 補助金
porym | broadcast; broadcasting; make broadcasts; go on the air | 播音; 音
porym-seg | a studio | 播音室
posym | dried up from the core | 埔心; 中心枯萎
poxngcym | thermometer | 磅針
poxngsym | hollow | 蓬心
put'horngsym | to feel uneasy | 無放心; 不放心
put'ioxngsym | inattentive | 無用心; 不用心
put'jymsym | could not bear to, to be soft-hearted to | 無忍心
put'kafmsym | unwilling, not reconciled to | 無感心
put'kamsym | unwilling | 不甘心
put'koansym | indifferent, indifference | 無關心; 不關心
put'siøfsym | careless | 無小心; 不小心
put'toxngsym | unaffected | 無動心; 不動心
putjymsym | could not bear to, to be soft-hearted to | 無忍心
pviesym | change mind | 變心
pvoarym | semitones | 半音
pwn'ym | original tone | 本音
pwnkym | principal (as distinct from interest) | 本金
pøfhiafmkym | insurance | 保險金
pøfhiarm-kym | insured amount | 保險金
pøfzerngkym | security deposit; money paid as guarantee or bail | 保證金
pøfzexng-kym | bond, deposit, security money | 保證金
pøsym | patience | 婆心
pøx kaym | carol; caroling; caroling; report good news | 報佳音
pøx-ka'ym | sing carols in Christmas evening | 報佳音
safnlym | to drink liquor without eating anything | 瘦凜; 喝酒而沒什麼配菜
saicymoe | group of women who studied under the same teacher (They refer to each other as sai-chi or sai-moe.) | 師姊妹
samsym liofng'ix | irresolute; vacillating; changeable; waver | 三心兩意
saosegym'ar | thin bamboo branches on the bamboo broom | 掃梳笒仔
saoym | whistle | 哨音
sarnsym | to do something to relieve boredom or weariness; have some recreation | 散心
sasymiq | sashimi | 生魚片; 源自日語さしみ(sashimi); 日語漢字為「刺身」
seakym | tax | 稅金
sefsym | regenerate | 洗心
sekkym | interest on money | 息金
sengsym | earnest; faithful; sincerity | 誠心
siangsym | two hearts | 雙心
siao'ym | whistle | 哨音
siasym | evil; thoughts; depraved or licentious heart | 邪心
siau'ym-khix | sound muffler | 消音器
siaxkym | commision | 謝金
siaxngsym | with one heart | 同心
sibkym putmui | pick up a piece of lost gold or money and return it to the owner | 拾金無昧
sid binsym | lose the support of the people; alienate the masses | 失民心
sidsym | sincere, sincerity | 實心; 誠心
siexnsym | good heart | 善心
simsym | constantly thinking | 心心
simsym-liaxmliam | mindful | 心心念念
simsym-siong'ixn | complete meeting of minds; in complete rapport; our opinions tally exactly | 心心相印
sinkym | salary | 薪金
sinsym | body and soul; body and mind | 身心
siogkym | ransom | 贖金; 贖款
siogsym | redemption | 贖心
siongkym | indemnity, money paid in reparation | 商金; 償金
siongsym chiekud | poignant | 傷心刺骨
siongsym | grief; heartbroken; dolour; deeply hurt; break one's heart; very sad; grieved | 傷心
sioxngha itsym | one heart and mind | 上下一心
sirnsym | believing heart; faith; confidence | 信心
sit'ym | lost voice | 失音
sitsym | go mad, lose one's mind, idiotic, insane | 失心; 失去理智
siu liongsym ee zekpi | suffer remorse | 受良心的責備
siuboefym | Closing note | 收尾音
siukym | gratuity, reward | 收金; 酬金
siularm jinsym | win the people's hearts | 收攬人心
siuløkym | reward | 酬勞金
siuosym | bestiality; beastliness | 獸心
siusym | cultivate oneself | 收心; 修心
siuxkym | idolatrous paper with the character siu written on it | 壽金
siuym | radio receiving | 收音
siøcym | kiss; to kiss | 接吻
siøfgvofkym | small hardware | 小五金
siøfsym | careful; cautious | 小心
siøkym | burn mock paper in worship of the gods | 燒金; 燒金紙
siøsym bøo siqpurn | be careful; you can't be too careful | 小心無蝕本; 小心不吃虧
siøsym | be careful | 小心
sngfsym | rack one's brain, sweat over | 傷心; 費勁兒
soakym | gold dust | 沙金
soeakym | tax; geld | 稅金
soktesym | shrink tea heart | 縮茶心
sorngsid liongsym | lost one's conscience | 喪失良心
suisym sor iok | do anything one's heart dictates | 隨心所欲
suisym | at one's will | 隨心
sunkym | pure gold | 純金
suosym | sympathetic, humane and kind | 四心; 恕心
susym | consideration on own benefit only; selfishness; private or selfish motive; favoritism; partial; unfair | 私心
susymphvoax | particular judgment (Catholic) | 私審判
suxnsym | go well | 順心
svacym | kiss each other | 相吻; 相唚; 互吻
svahsym | fail to grasp an opportunity | 三心; 煞心; 很想要
svesymngg | an important point where error is fatal | 生死門; 緊要關頭
svia'ym | voice | 聲音
sviaym | sound | 聲音
sviukym | beset with gold | 鑲金
sviwkym | reward; prize money; bonus | 賞金; 獎金
sym bee ix loan | muddle one's brains | 心迷意亂
sym beeng juu kexng | mind is as clear as a mirror ─ devoid of personal emotions; feelings or sense of gain and loss | 心明如鏡
sym boarn ix ciog | be fully contented complacent | 心滿意足
sym hoaan ix loan | fretful and confused | 心煩意亂
sym hoee ix zoarn | change one's mind; give up one's old (evil) ways; repent; start a new life | 心回意轉
sym hofng ix loan | lose one's wits totally; be shaken and perturbed; extremely nervous | 心慌意亂
sym hy | apprehensive; always fear or worry about something | 心虛
sym juu cysuie | Lit. the heart is like still water ─ a mind without worries; cares; ambition or worldly desires | 心如止水
sym juu tøf koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
sym kafm zeeng goan | be totally willing; willingly | 心甘情願
sym khao juu id | The mouth agrees with the mind (literally) ─ to speak one's mind frankly | 心口如一
sym kviaf baq thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym kviaf garn thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym lerng | my heart received it ─ phrase used when declining an invitation or a present | 心領
sym loan jumoaa | entangled; perplexed | 心亂如麻
sym loan | confused and perturbed | 心亂
sym niar | my heart received it ─ phrase used when declining an invitation or a present | 心領
sym nngr | tender hearted; kind hearted | 心軟
sym peeng khix høo | be in a calm mood | 心平氣和
sym pud iukie | cannot control one's mind or emotion; cannot help but.. | 心無由主; 心不由己
sym pud iuzuo | cannot control one's mind or emotion; cannot help but.. | 心無由主; 心不由己
sym putzai iexn | absent minded; the mind running on other things | 心無在焉
sym sngf | feel sick at heart from grief; grief stricken | 心酸
sym taau ix hap | be in perfect agreement or harmony (usually said of intimate friends or lovers) | 心投意合
sym thiaux | heart beat; palpitation of the heart caused by fear or anxiety | 心跳
sym thviax | grieved at heart; feel pain in one's heart (figuratively) | 心痛
sym tit zhuix khoaix | honest and outspoken | 心直口快
sym tok chiuo loah | callous and cruel; cold blooded; merciless in heart and deed | 心毒手辣
sym tong | become interested in something (usually as a result of persuasion) | 心動
sym | heart | 心
sym'axn | try a case (archaic) | 審案
sym'iet | examine; to review | 審閱
sym-sngf | sad at heart | 心酸
sym-soafn | sad, grief | 心酸
sym-tiexntoo | electrocardiogram, ECG | 心電圖
sym`nih | in mind | 心裡
symbie | beauty contest; appreciation of the beautiful; be artistic or esthetic | 審美
symbun | interrogate (in court) | 審問
symgi | to deliberate, to consider (critically), investigate, deliberation | 審議
symgiim | think deeply | 沈吟
symhek | examine and consider | 審核
symhoan | trial | 審犯
symhut | examine and consider | 審核
symkex-po | audit department | 審計部
symliao | deliberated | 審了
symlie | deal with a case | 心理; 審理; 處理
symmih cie | What? | 甚麼子
symmih khoarn | What kind? What sort? | 甚麼樣
symmih sii | At what time? When? | 什麼時; 何時
symmih sofzai | Where? | 甚麼所在
symmih taixcix | What's the matter? | 甚麼事
symmih voafkøf | What kind of stuff... (always used with sim-mih; unpolite way to ask the stuffsl) | 什麼碗糕; 什麼玩意
symmih | What; Which; what kind of; no matter what | 什麼
symmng | interrogate (in court) | 審問
symphvoarsy | trial division | 審判司
symphvoartaai | judge's bench | 審判台
symphvoartviuo | chief justice; presiding judge | 審判長
symphvoax | judge; judgment; try (a case or person in court); a trial | 審判
symphvoax-kvoaf | judge | 審判官
symphvoax-thviaf | courtroom | 審判廳
symsi | examine | 審視
symsit | make a careful enquiry | 審實; 公正的審問
symsofgoan | wish | 心所願
symteng | authorize after examination; authorization of a book; authorize (a publication) | 審定
symthaux | permeation, osmosis | 滲透
symtoaxn | examine and decide; pass judgment after an examination | 審斷
symzaf | examine; to review; investigate; to screen | 審查
symzaf-uyoaan | examining committee | 審查委員
symzhad | investigate, trace | 審察
sysym | give up; having lost hope or desire for a thing | 死心
søeakym | tax | 稅金
søeasym | careful | 細心; 小心
tafmsym | fearful, anxious, worried | 擔心
tag'ym | every tone | 每音; 逐音
tagsym | poisonous heart | 毒心
tahsym | intimate; attached to; loving each other very much; as relatives or as very intimate confidential friends | 貼心
taixkym | to borrow money, borrowed money | 代金; 貸款
tamsym | worry over; be concerned about; care about; be worried; be apprehensive | 擔心; 談心; 耽心
tan'ym | monotone | 單音
tangsym hiablek | with one mind and united strength | 同心協力
tangsym | with one heart | 同心
tansym | to worry, to be anxious | 擔心
taux-gaulym | good at drinking | 鬥賢啉
taxngsym | touch one's heart | 動心
teg jinsym | be popular; have won the favor of the people | 得人心
tegsym | axle, shaft | 軸心
tehtexkym | deposit; returnable lease money | 抵押金
tengsym | lamp wick; wick | 燈心
tesym | tea | 茶葉; 茶心
tesym-tee | tea (beverage) | 茶心茶
texngsym | settle the mind; confident; composed | 定心
texsym ynlek | terrestrial gravitation | 地心引力
texsym | geocentre; center of the earth | 地心
thaechym | much too; far too | 太深
thaeym | the moon | 太陰
thaix-chym | much too; far too | 太深
thamsym | cupidity; greed; covetous; greedy | 貪心
tharngsym | penetrate to heart | 透心
tharnsiøf lym | drink while (the tea; soup) is hot | 趁熱喝
thaukhaksym | the central point of the head; from which the hair radiates | 頭殼心; 腦心
theagvofkym | compensation after discharge from military | 退伍金
thefthiab-sym | show appreciation of | 體貼心
thesym tiaotvar | be scared; cautious and anxious; jittery; wary | 提心吊膽
thiente liongsym | to speak the truth; in fact; from the bottom of my heart; in all fairness or justice | 天地良心
thihkoan'ym | Ageratum conizoides (tee) | 鐵觀音
thiok'ym-khix | gramophone, phonograph | 蓄音器
thiok'ym-ky | gramophone, phonograph | 蓄音機
thiongsym | heartfelt | 衷心
thoaan hok'ym | preach the gospel | 傳福音
thoankietsym | co-operative spirit | 團結心
thofym | local dialect, potois | 土音
thog'ym | reading notes | 讀音
thorngsym | pained at heart | 痛心
thukym | savings | 貯金; 儲金
thupixkym | reserve fund | 儲備金
thviarsym | love, affection, warm heart | 疼心
thvy oym | dark cloudy sky | 陰天
thwkym | have a savings account | 貯金; 儲金
thøeahiukym | pension; lump sum paid on retirement | 退休金
ti'ym | grasp the significance | 知音
tiafmsym | refreshment; snacks; snack; small hasty meal at any hour | 點心
tiafmsym-tiaxm | refreshment shop | 點心店
tiafmthiq sengkym | transform common metal into gold ─ make a poor writing into a literary masterpiece by skillful retouching | 點鐵成金
tiauym | tune; put (a piano) in tune | 調音
tid binsym | be popular | 得民心
tid jinsym | be popular; have won the favor of the people | 得人心
tidsym | straight-hearted | 直心
tiesym | heartfelt | 致心
tiexnkym | electroplate with gold | 電金; 鍍金
tiong'ym | baritone; alto | 中音
tiongsym jinbut | central figure key figure | 中心人物
tiongsym | the center; heart; the middle; loyal; faithful | 中心; 忠心
tiorngsym-cidsiuo | to hate deeply | 痛心疾首; 癉
tioxngkym lefphexng | employ with a high pay | 重金禮聘
tioxngsym | the center of gravity | 重心; 重點
tisym | pig heart | 豬心
tiym | bosom friend | 知音
tng'ym | prolonged sound; long vowel | 長音
tngfsym | to pinch off the central shoot of a growing plant do that it grows wider rather than taller | 轉心; 將芽折掉
toa-angsym | Hongkong glochidion | 大紅心
toadkymphiaw | win the first prize (in a race or game) | 奪錦標
toaxcympøar | big aunty | 大嬸婆仔
toaxcympøo | big aunty | 大嬸婆
toaxlym | to swig | 大喝; 大啉
toaxseasym | partiality; be partial | 大小心; 偏心
toaxsoeasym | very careful | 大細心
toaxsøex-sym | partial, unfair | 大細心; 偏心
tog'ym | a voiced sound | 濁音
toghai jinsym | poison the minds of people | 毒害人心
tong'ym | same note | 同音
tongkym | present time; today | 當今
tongsym hab'ix | of one mind | 同心合意
tongsym | concentric; of one heart | 同心
tongzengsym | sympathy; compassion; pity | 同情心
torsym | immersion | 浸心
toxkym | gild; aureate; plate; plating; gilding; plate with gold; spend some time abroad to add to the impressiveness of one's background | 鍍金; 渡金
toxngsym | excite one's desire (for fame, money, rank) | 動心
tukym | save money | 儲金
tun'ym | labial sound | 唇音
tuqym | a break through sound | 突音
tusym | pig hear | 豬心
tvar toa sym søex | brave but cautious; courageous but careful or circumspect | 膽大心細
tviaxkym | earnest money; deposit; deposit; down payment | 訂金; 定金
tymia | pay the supreme penalty for murder | 抵命; 償命
tøexsym-khiplat | gravity | 地心吸力
tøkym | gold hunting | 淘金
tølo chym | doctors asking high fees; the charges are exorbitant | 刀路深; 索價昂(醫生)
tøsym | be very suspicious; oversensitive; tricky; treacherous | 多心
tøxteksym | moral integrity | 道德心
u-thviarsym | loving | 有疼心; 有愛心
ui symmih | What for? Why? | 為什麼
ui'iokkym | forfeit or penalty (imposed for breach of contract or agreement) | 違約金
ui-symmih | why? For what reason? | 為什麼
uieløkym | monetary reward for a person's services; a bonus | 慰勞金
uihofng-lymlirm | awe inspiring; imposing | 威風凜凜
uipoe liongsym | betray one's conscience | 違背良心
uisym | idealism | 維心
ukym | as of today | 於今
utkym | turmeric plant | 鬱金
uxnkym | shipping fee | 運金
uxpixkym | reserve (emergency) fund; contingency funds | 預備金
uxsym | have an intention; intend | 有心
uxzhuiebøsym | unintentional | 有喙無心
viafym | audiovisual | 影音
visym | center | 圓心
vixsym | different heart | 異心
voaxsym | change one's attitude | 換心; 改變態度
vorsym | nauseated | 噁心
wn chym gi tiong | The spiritual debt is deep and great | 恩深義重
wnsym | free from fear or sorrow; with an easy mind | 溫心; 穩心; 放心地
ym | sound; voice; tone; to submerge; to flood; overcast; female nature; negative principle in nature; sound; voice; tone or timbre; musical note; news or information (usually used in correspondence) | 音; 淹; 陰
ym'iong | for drink, drinkable | 飲用
ym'ioxngzuie | water | 飲用水
ym-ioong | positive and negative principles in nature | 陰陽
ym-lixzuo | negative ion, anion | 陰離子
ym-tiexnhøo | negative electrical load | 陰電荷
ym`khix | be flooded, be inundated | 淹去
ym`sie | drown | 淹死
ymau zhwjiin | judge a person by his appearance or looks | 以貌取人
ymciuo buto | drink more wine than one can stand | 飲酒無度
ymciuo | drink alcohol | 飲酒
ymhied | swallow the blood | 飲血
ymhun | grievance | 飲恨
ymkhib | cried for grievance | 飲泣
ymliau | beverages; drinks | 飲料
ymphirn | soft drink | 飲品
ymsit | food and drink; drinking and eating | 飲食
ymsit-lamluo | people's basic instincts are food and sex | 飲食男女; 食色性也
ymsit-tiaxm | cafe, restaurant | 飲食店
ymsuie-sugoaan | When you drink the water, think of the spring.--Be grateful for the means by which you have profited | 飲水思源
ymtee | yum cha | 飲茶
ymzuie-sugoaan | never forget one's origins | 飲水思源
ymzuie-zhwlie | drinking water processing | 飲水處理
ymzuyky | drinking fountain | 飲水機
ynsym | fuse | 引心; 導火線
zab'ym | noises; humming or other unwanted sounds in recordings | 雜音
zabcymoe | ten sisters (bird's name) | 十姊妹
zadsym | heartburn | 塞心
zaibiin kiuozeakym | relief fund | 災民救濟金
zaksym | distracted | 心煩
zankym | residual capital | 殘金
zawym | out of tune; variation in sound; wrong tone in singing or speaking; to be flat | 走音; 走調
zeeng chym su hae | Love is as deep as the sea (usually said of parental love) | 情深似海
zekpehcymoai | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zekpehcymoe | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zekpeq-cymoe | female cousins of same surname | 叔伯姐妹; 堂姊妹
zeksym | candle wick | 燭心
zengchym | strong affection; warm hearted; affectionate; loving; tender; kindly; deeply attached | 情深
zengsym kiedzog | masterpiece | 精心傑作
zengsym | careful; whole heartedly; with all one's mind | 精心
zengzhuo pofzoxkym | endeavor to get a subsidy | 爭取補助金
zernghuo pofzoxkym | government subsidies | 政府補助金
zesym | unite | 齊心
zexng'ym | mute | 靜音
zexngsym | calm one's mind; peaceful mind | 靜心
zhadsym | inclination to steal | 賊心
zhaesym | stem of cauliflower; kind of vegetable; vegetable stalk | 菜心
zhaosym | said of a plant when its core is rotten; said of a person who is bad on the inside but looks good on the outside | 臭心; 心爛了
zhatkym | lacquered gold | 漆金
zhausym pehpag | anxious grieved state of mind | 操心煩惱
zhausym | to worry about; worry | 操心; 焦心
zhaykym | mine for gold | 採金; 淘金
zhaymuii | to mine coal | 採煤
zhehsym | (zhøehsym) heartbroken | 慼心; 心懷怨恨; 懷恨在心
zhek'ym | to locate a sound | 惻音; 測音
zheng'ym | clear tone | 清音
zhengliaang ymliau | cool beverage or drink; soft drink | 清涼飲料
zhengsym kvoafiok | purge one's mind of desires and ambitions | 清心寡慾
zhengsym | very gratifying and no pressure; obligation | 清心
zherngsym | feel pleasant | 稱心
zhoehsym | despair | 慼心
zhosym | careless; rash and careless (Lit. cruel or rough heart) | 粗心
zhunsym tang | longing for sexual gratification | 春心動
zhunsym | sexual feeling | 春心; 存心
zhuolymøh | hymen; maidenhead | 處女膜
zhurn'ym | every bit of time | 寸陰
zhurnkym lanbøea zhurnkong'ym | an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time | 寸金難買寸光陰
zhurnsym | feelings; heart with emphasis on its smallness and its being the source of sincerity | 寸心
zhuymoo | investigate, search out | 揣摩
zhwtongkym | now | 此當今; 現在
zhøehsym | (adj) heartbroken; desperate | 慼心; 失望
zhøehsym-oarnmia | griefing | 慼心怨命
zhørym | noise | 噪音
zoafn'ym | tone change | 轉音
zoansym itcix | concentrate or focus attention; thoughts; or efforts | 專心一志
zoansym | concentrate in; with all one's heart; wholeheartedly | 專心; 全心
zoansym-zoan'ix | wholehearted; with all one's heart | 全心全意
zoaqym | out of tune | 差音
zoeatok huxjiin-sym | there is nothing more poisonous than the heart of woman | 最毒婦人心
zog'ym | voiced tone | 濁音
zokym | rent money; rent money | 租金
zuchym | senior; seniority | 資深
zukym torngkied | freezing of funds or capital | 資金凍結
zukym | relief goods (funds) | 資金
zunkym | money deposited in the account | 存金; 存款
zunsym putlioong | cherish an evil intention | 存心無良
zunsym | intentionally; purposely; intention; intentionally; cherish something in the heart | 存心
zuo'ym | pronounciation mark | 注音
zuo'ym-huhø | phonetic signs, phonetic symbols | 注音符號
zuo'ym-jixbuo | phonetic alphabets | 注音字母
zuosym | attentively | 注心; 專心
zuoym | pronounce mark; employ phonetic signs or tone marks | 注音
zuoym-huhø | phonetic sign (symbol); tone marks | 注音符號
zupisym | compassion | 慈悲心
zupwnkym | capital for a business enterprise | 資本金
zusym | kind heart; kind heart; tender hearted | 慈心; 慈悲心腸
zuxkor-ciekym | from antiquity up to the present | 自古至今
zuxkym | from now on | 自今
zuxsirnsym | self-confidence | 自信心
zuxsixn-sym | self-confidence | 自信心
zuxzunsym | sense of self respect, pride | 自尊心
zuxzwn-sym | sense of self respect, pride | 自尊心
zuychym hoefjiet | misery caused by government oppression | 水深火熱
zuychym | depth of water | 水深
zuykym | water gold | 水金
zuymeh | vein of water | 水脈
zuymngg | flood gate; water-control gate; floodgate; water gate | 水門
zuymngg-suxkvia | The Watergate case | 水門事件
zuymoh | water film | 水膜
zwnpi-kym | reserve fund | 準備金
zwnpixkym | preparatory funds, (in banking) reserve, contingency fund | 準備金
zwym | consonant; consonant (phonetics) | 子音
zøesym | Be of one mind | 齊心
zøhsym | depressed | 作心; 憂悶
zørzhat sym hy | A thief has a guilty conscience. One who has done something bad secretly cannot look others in the eye | 做賊心虛
zøsym | discomfort; experience nausea; sad and uncomfortable; left auricle | 焦慮; 慒心; 悶悶不樂

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