"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zøf

simzøf | heartbroken | 心慒
zøf | meet with, incur, be victimized | 遭; 慒; 煩悶; 不舒服; 糟; 鬱悶
zøfafchiu | jujube tree | 棗仔樹
zøfafkii | jujube, date season | 棗仔期
zøfar | haily jujube tree | 棗子; 棗仔
zøfchiuo | left hand | 左手
zøfek | the left wing or leftist in politics, left wing, military left flank | 左翼
zøfgarn | left eyes | 左眼
zøfheeng | walk on the left – implies not following the norm | 左行
zøfhieen | port side | 左舷
zøfhoong-seg | jujue-red color | 棗紅色
zøfiu uilaan | not know which side to turn to; be indecisive; be in a dilemma | 左右為難
zøfiu | either side, approximately, about | 左右
zøfiu'ar | about; roughly | 左右仔
zøfiu-chiuo | an assistant | 左右手
zøfiuo | left and right, to influence, subordinates | 左右
zøfiuo-chiuo | an assistant | 左右手
zøfiuxchiuo | left and right hands, able assistants, top aides | 左右手
zøfkhaf | left foot | 左腳
zøfkheeng | left leaning | 左傾
zøfkhefng | left leaning | 左傾
zøfkhefng-hunzuo | the Leftiests | 左傾份子; 左傾分子
zøfliau | cooking ingredient | 佐料
zøfliin iuxsiax | neighbors | 左鄰右舍
zøfloong | jujube farmers | 棗農
zøflunzhexng | revolver | 左輪槍
zøfphaix | left party; leftist | 左派
zøfpiefn | on the left, the left side | 左邊
zøfpix | left arm | 左臂
zøfsarn | inherited property | 祖產
zøfseg | jujube | 棗色
zøfsimpaang | left auricle | 左心房
zøfsimseg | left ventricle | 左心室
zøfsioxng | premier | 左相; 左丞相
zøfsoaan | left-roll, left-winding | 左旋
zøfsw-iuxsiorng | think over and over; ponder | 左思右想
zøftø | unconventional | 左道; 旁門左道
zøfzexng | supporting evidence of one's statement | 左證; 佐證
zøfzoarn | turn left | 左轉
zøzøf | structure, construction, organization | 糟糟; 煩悶
øzøf | endeavor to get a subsidy | 渦糟; 心煩

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