"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zad

bagzadar | squid | 木賊仔
bagzadchiarm | baked cuttlefish | 烏賊叉
bøzam-bøzad | without the discretion | 沒有分寸; 無斬無扎
chiuo-exzad | lower arm | 手下節; 手下臂
chiuo-tefngzad | upper arm | 手上節
chiwzad | skill; finesse | 手節; 手腕
ciongzad | section | 章節
cviuzad | chapters and sections; chapter and sections of a writing | 章節
exzad | next section; next verse | 下節; 下扎; 下一段
haxnzad | letters | 翰札
hitzad | that section | 那扎; 彼節
hoxsvoarzad | type of poisonous snake; section of the foldable umbrella | 雨傘節; (蛇)
imzad | a syllable | 音節
kengzad | Bible verse | 經文; 經節
khofzad | bitter | 苦節
kietzad | tube ligation | 結紮
kinzad | muscles and joints; careful and cautious (in managing matters) | 根節
koanzad | joint; articulation | 關節
koanzad-iam | arthritis | 關節炎
kuizad | whole section | 整節
kunzad | (N) Zhouzhi (place in Shaanxi); careful; attentive | 周到; 根節
kutzad | joins (of bones); one bone between two joints | 骨節
kuyzad | how many | 幾節
lauxkinzad | old people | 老根節
pauzad | to wrap; to pack up; wrap; to bandage; to pack | 包紮
phoezad | letter | 信節
phøezad | letter | 信節; 批札; 信札
pienzad | trochanter | 鞭節
pvoarzad | half section | 半節
serngkefng-zad | Bible text, verse of scripture | 聖經節
sinkefng-zad | ganglion | 神經節
sunngxkngr kietzad | female sterilization; ligation of the fallopian tubes | 輸卵管結紮
suzengkoarn kietzad | vasectomy; male sterilization | 輸精管結紮
tefngzad | upper arm, upper leg, upper section | 頂節; 上節
tekzad | a section of bamboo-joint | 竹節
tekzad-thaang | walkingstick (insect) | 竹節蟲
thoatzad | dislocate a joint | 脫節
tiwzad | elbow joint | 肘節
tngfzad | node | 長節
tngxzad | broken section | 斷節
tøf-imzad | polysyllable, polysyllabic | 多音節
u-zaxmzad | with a proper procedure | 有節制
zad sikafn | make arrangement so as to keep a schedule | 計時
zad teq eng | economize | 省著用
zad | knot; joint; verse; fidelity; uprightness; festival; holiday; season; rhythm; restrain; control; economize | 節; 紮; 模(量)
zad-twhør | regulate or arrange it properly | 節拄好; 適度; 適量
zad`teq | economize | 節得
zadbak | very close together (of bamboo or sugar cane) | 塞目; 很密; (有節植物)
zadcvicvy | cluster togethe; solid | 實櫼櫼
zadcvy | cluster together; to mass | 密集
zadhafm | very close together (of sugar cane) | 節密; (有節植物)
zadkhix | panting | 塞氣
zadkhuix | can't breathe | 窒息
zadmoh | fastidious, finicky | 節膜; 苛求的囉唆的; 挑剔的
zadpag | have substance; substantial; compact; solid; compressed | 實腹; 實心
zadphvi | nose stuffed up with a cold | 鼻塞; 實鼻
zadsit | solid | 實實
zadsym | heartburn | 塞心
zadthaau | stupid | 塞頭
zadthofngthorng | packed tight; crowded | 擠滿滿
zadzat | very full | 塞塞; 實實的
zaxmzad | control; self control; check; be moderate in; temperance; abstinence; proper restraint; to be moderate | 站節; 分寸; 節制
zengzad | struggle, make an effort | 情節; 掙扎
zerngzad | flounder; agonise; scrabble; struggle; tug | 掙扎
zuozad | troops be stationed at | 駐紮
zuxzad | take up a military position | 駐紮
zwnzad | judgement for propriety; use in duly limited proportion (as money; food); be moderate | 撙節; 分寸; 節制; 斟酌

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