"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zak

Lienpafng tiauzakiok | Federal Bureau of Investigation; FBI (of the United States) | 聯邦調查局
kazak | choking on food | 咳逆; 嗆到食物
tiøh kazak | be choked or suffocated with (tea) | 嗆到
tiøqkazak | got cough | 著咳嗾
zak | choking or suffocating sensation from drink or food caught in the throat | 嗾*; 嗾; 嗆
zak`sie | choke to death | 嗾死
zak`tiøh | against | 逆著
zakefng | study the Bible | 查經
zakefng-hoe | Bible class, Bible meeting | 查經會
zakefng-pafn | Bible class | 查經班
zakengpafn | Bible class | 查經班
zakhaux | seize | 查扣
zakhaxm | examine; investigate | 勘查; 查勘
zakhiin | make the rounds and check officers to see if they are doing their duties during office hours | 查勤
zakhor | study with references | 查考
zakhvoax | look into a matter | 查看
zakhør | investigate; examine; ponder | 查考
zakiarm | check up; inspect | 查驗
zakixm | prohibit or ban after investigation (usually said of pornographic books; immoral shows; gambling) | 查禁
zakoaxn | look into official files to find something for reference | 查卷
zaksie | choke to death | 齪死
zaksym | distracted | 心煩
zakzag | messy | 齪齪; 促促
zakzø | to disturb; to bother; to trouble | 打擾; 齪嘈

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