"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zeg

Gvofsiofng laqzeg | Paschal candle | 五傷蠟燭
Hoxzegkie | Numbers (Catholic) Name for a book of the Bible | 戶籍紀
auxzeg | stepfather | 繼父; 後叔
azeg | uncle (father's younger brother); uncle (father's younger brothers) | 阿叔; 叔父; 叔叔
baxnzeg | youngest uncle among father's younger brothers | 慢叔; 最小的叔叔
biexnzeg | area; square measure; area; surface; dimensions | 面積
bixnzeg | acreage; area; proportion | 面積
but kek zeg hoarn | As soon as a thing reaches one extremity; it reverses its course. (Lit. The pendulum swings both ways.) | 物極則反; 物極必反
buzeg | without traces; no tracks; no mark left | 無跡
bøo goanzeg | unprincipled | 無原則
bøo zongzeg | disappear; traceless; trackless; vanish | 無蹤跡
chiwzeg | bugia, low candle with short handle | 手燭
ciaux kuizeg | according to regulations or reason | 照規則
ciernzeg huihoong | brilliant combat performance; extraordinary battle achievement | 戰績輝煌
ciernzeg | war record | 戰績
citzeg | interrogate; a responsibility; demands or responsibilities of office; one's duty and responsibility | 質責; 職責
cixnzeg | conscientiousness | 盡責
cyzeg | to criticize; to accuse; to find fault with; accuse | 指責
giabzeg | sale; gross proceeds; turnover; accomplishments | 業績
giamzeg | reprimand severely | 嚴責
gienzeg | duty of expressing criticism; opinion during tenure of office | 言責
goanzeg | principle; general rule; principle (of handling or doing something) | 原則
goanzeg-siong | in principle | 原則上; 在原則上
haykoafn soeazeg | customs tariff | 海關稅則
hengzeg khøfgii | behavior or manner that arouses suspicion | 行跡可疑
hengzeg | one's behavior or conduct; traces | 形跡; 刑責; 痕跡; 行跡
hietzeg | bloodstains | 血跡
hoatzeg | gain fame and fortune; rise to power and position | 發跡; 法則
hoezeg | painted candles used at wedding; etc | 花燭
hofzeg | otherwise, negation | 否則
hongkofng-uyzeg | high merit and great achievements | 豐功偉績
horzeg | or else; otherwise | 否則
hoxzeg | God of agriculture | 后稷; 農業神
hoxzeghoad | census law; household registration law | 戶籍法
hoxzegkhøx | section of census registration | 戶籍課
hunzaan huxzeg | delegation of authority; subsidiary | 分層負責
hunzaan-huxzeg | responsibilities divided by levels | 分層負責
hurnzeg | to reprimand; rebuke sharply | 訓斥
huxzeg | in charge of; take charge; with responsibility for; be responsible; bear the responsibility | 負責
huxzeg-jiin | responsible person, person in charge | 負責人
hviuzeg | incense and candle, paraphernalia of worship | 香燭
høfthvy tiøqaix zeg hoxlainiuu | take preventive measures (Lit. During good weather put aside some food to eat in rainy weather.) | 好天得要積雨來糧; 未雨綢繆
iauzeg | lumbar spine | 腰椎; 腰脊
iongzeg | volume, capacity, cubic content | 容積
itzeg | firstly | 一燭; 一則
jidzeg-gøeqlui | day after day and month after month; gradual accumulation over a long time; in time | 日積月累
jin'iefn zoadzeg | no trace of human habitation | 人煙絕跡
jinzeg | signs or traces indicating human presence | 人跡
jixzeg | the second young uncle | 二叔; 二則; 字跡
kamzeg | children's digestive ailment | 兒童消化系統疾病; 疳積
kauthofng-kuizeg | traffic regulations | 交通規則
khiefnzeg | denounced | 譴責
khiernzeg | accusation; blaming; rebuke; reprimand; to blame; to reproach | 譴責
khuyzeg | locus | 軌跡
khvikhor-liabzeg | to work sedulously in defiance of hardship and to stockpile as much as he (or she) can | 纏苦捏積; 費盡苦心攢錢
khøfzeg | performance review; periodic examination of employees work; to grade the service (of an employee) | 考績
kietzeg | to berate; to censure | 詰責
kimhviuzeg | refers to paper money, incense and candles | 金香燭
kizeg | miracles; wonders; strange things or happenings | 奇蹟
koanzeg | power and responsibility | 權責
kofzeg | relices; ancient remains; historic sites; historic remains | 古蹟
kokzeghoad | naturalization laws | 國籍法
kongzeg | meritorious deed, distinguished service | 公積; 功績
kuizeg | regulations; rules | 規則
kuyzeg | (in mathematics) locus | 軌跡
langzeg | human footprints | 人跡
laqzeg | candle | 蠟燭
laqzeg-sym | candlewick | 蠟燭心
laqzeg-taai | candlestick | 蠟燭台; 蠟燭臺
lexngzeg | your uncle | 令叔
liabzeg | (v) save or deposit money; (n) one's savings; accumulate small things little by little; lay out | 粒積; 積蓄; 儲蓄; 累積; 聚積
liafmzeg | to stop visiting places | 斂跡; 節儉累積
libzeg | immediately; at once; right away; at once; immediately | 立即
lienciofng khøfzeg | grading of an employee's performance at the end of the year; year end evaluation | 年終考績
liongsym khiefnzeg | feel the pricks of conscience; have a guilty conscience | 良心譴責
loadzeg | bad behavior, bad reputation, infamous behavior | 劣積; 壞行為
longzeg | scattered about; profusion; in total disorder or disarray; in pandemonium | 狼藉
loxzeg | to fulminate | 富麗堂皇; 怒齌; 齌怒
luyzeg | accumulate, pile up, gather more and more, accumulation | 累積
løzeg | the fruits of hard work; accomplishment; merit | 勞績
oanzoaan huxzeg | undertake full responsibility | 完全負責
okzeg | vile | 惡跡; 劣跡; 惡劣
pehzeg | uncle | 伯叔; 叔伯
piawzeg | son of grandfather's sister; son of grandmother's brother or sister; father's younger male cousin | 表叔
pitzeg | one's handwriting | 筆跡
pizeg | sorrow | 悲戚
pokzeg | polemic; refute; disputation | 駁斥
put'kuizeg | irregular | 無規則; 不規則
putcixn zeg thøex | either advance or retreat | 無進則退
seazeg | detailed rules (regulations); bylaws | 細則
sengzeg | grade; results (of work or study); records established or set; results; achievement; marks gained; average marks | 成績
sengzeg-tvoaf | school report card | 成績單
serngzeg | miracle | 聖蹟; 名勝古蹟
siaxzeg | gods of grain and soil, worshipping place | 射責; 社稷
sidzeg | actual results; tangible achievements | 實績
sinzeg | miracles | 神蹟
siwzeg | keep a regulation or rule | 修則; 守則
siøfzeg | brother-in-law ( husband's younger brother); younger brother of husband | 小叔; 丈夫之弟
soeazeg | customs tariff; customs order; customs table | 稅則
suizeg | forthwith, immediately, at once | 隨則
suxzeg | what's what; accomplishments; exploits of his or her lifetime | 事蹟
suzeg | an appellation or polite address for younger teachers who are associated with my teacher | 師叔; 私積
swzeg | the ruin of history; historic events; historic relics | 史蹟
søeazeg | tariff regulation | 稅則; 細則
texngzeg | fixed rule | 定則; 規則
thefzeg | bulk; cubage; volume; solidity; volume (of a solid); cubic contents of | 體積
thekzeg | to rate, to blame, to reproach | 嚇責; 斥責
thiokzeg | accumulate | 蓄積
thuikorng biexnzeg | extend the area | 推廣面積
thuzeg | to store; to stockpile; in store; accumulated | 儲積
tiafmzeg | light a candle | 點燭
tiaxmzegzek | very quiet | 恬寂寂
timzeg | sink and accumulate | 沈積
tokzeg | supervise and urge on | 督責
tuix pitzeg | analyze a handwriting (in an effort to ascertain its author) | 對筆跡
tuizeg | accumulate; to store up; to pile up; stack; store up; to pile; amass; gather together in great abundance | 堆積
tuxnzeg | accumulate, hoard, store up gradually | 頓積; 屯積
tviuxlangzeg | younger brother of wife's father | 丈人叔; 妻之叔父
twnzeg kikii | store up goods in the hope of selling them at higher prices later; hoard up | 囤積居奇
twnzeg | store up goods in the hope of selling them at higher prices later; hoard up | 囤積
uizeg | remains; vestige; relic; traces; historical traces; vestiges; relic | 遺跡
uyzeg | accomplishment | 偉績
vii-bixnzeg | area of a circle | 圓面積
ysinzokzeg | lead by example | 以身作則
ysyn zokzeg | show the way by example | 以身作則
zeateng kuizeg | institute regulations | 制定規則
zeg liab'aflaang | squeeze the pus out of a boil | 擠瘡; 擠疔膿
zeg thiauafcie | squeeze a pimple | 擠青春痘
zeg thiauar | pop pimples | 擠痘仔
zeg | traces; footsteps; track; footmark; footprint; a clue; search out | 蹟; 擠; 責; 燭; 即; 積; 叔; 跡; 浙; 則; 搾; 躓
zeg-kongløo | accumulate credit | 積功勞
zeg`sie | die of asphyxiation | 積死; 窒息而死
zeg`teq | accumulate | 積得
zeg`tiøh | crooked and injure tendon | 躓著; 挫了筋
zegbok | lonely (also siokbok, cibbok) | 寂寞
zegkoaxn | one's birthplace; one's native place | 籍貫; 籍眷
zeglee | thorny medicinal plant | 棘手的藥用; 蒺藜
zegtøe | domicile, place of residence | 籍地; 籍貫
zegzeng | quite | 寂靜
zerngzeg | achievements in one's official career; administrative achievements of a government; ruler or magistrate | 政績
zhaq laqzeg | put candles in a candlestick | 插臘燭
zoadzeg | be out of existence; vanish completely; be completely wiped out; extinct | 絕跡
zoexzeg | responsibility for misconduct | 罪責
zofngzeg | general principles | 總則
zongzeg | trail; trace; track; a trace; vestige; to follow up clues | 蹤跡
zuxzeg | blame oneself, self reproach | 自責
zwnzeg | criteria; rule; criterion; standard | 準則
ørzeg | miracle | 奧蹟

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