"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zek

Bwzekthiefn | An empress in China | 武則天
Byzek | U.S.A. citizen, nationality | 美籍
Ekzekkheknie | Ezechiel (Catholic) | 厄則克耳; (則)
Hoaex Byzek | American of Chinese descent | 華裔美籍
Oadlamzek | Vietnamese | 越南籍
azek'ar | younger uncle on the daddy’s side | 阿叔仔
bizek'hwn | calculus; math | 微積分
cin zekjim | do one's duty | 盡責任
ernghu ee zekjim | inescapable responsibility | 應負的責任
goanzek | ancestral home (town) | 原籍
goaxzek jinsu | foreigners; aliens | 外籍人士
goaxzek løkafng | foreign laborers | 外籍勞工
goaxzek | foreign | 外籍
hagzek | one's name on the school roll; school or college register | 學籍
hogzek | to regain one's naturalization | 復籍
hoxzek | a census register; census registration | 戶籍
hoxzek-pho | a household registry | 戶籍簿
hu zekjim | same as hu-chek | 負責任
høfzekteg | fortunate (resulting from a credit balance of merit accumulated over several generations or transmigrations) | 好積德; 品德好
hør-zekteg | fortunate | 好積德
iongzeklut | volume rate for housing construction | 容積率
itchiog-zek'hoad | imminent; touch-and-go (Lit. One slight touch; and off it goes.) | 一觸即發
itpheg-zek'hap | become good friend or partners after brief contact | 一拍即合
jibzek | be naturalized; have one's name entered in the family register | 入籍; 歸化
jip kokzek | acquire citizenship | 入國籍
kaozek | Church roll | 教則; 教籍
kekzek | remove name from an official register | 革除; 開除…籍
kokzek | nationality; citizenship; one's nationality | 國籍
kongzekkym | reserve fund | 公積金
kunzek | military register | 軍籍
lahzektaai | candlestick, a pair of candlesticks | 蠟燭台
laqzek'hoea | candle fire | 蠟燭火
laqzek'iuu | candle drippings | 燭淚油
laqzeksym | candle wick | 燭燭心
laqzektaai | candlestick | 蠟燭台
lientaix zekjim | joint responsibility | 連帶責任
longzek | disorderly; messy; untidy; dishonorable | 狼藉
luyzeklaai | accumulate | 累積來
nao zekzuie | hydrocephalic; a condition caused by an accumulation of serous fluid within the cranium; especially in infancy; often causing great enlargement of the head | 腦積水
pafnzek | a register for publication | 版籍
pengzek | military register | 兵籍
phvae-zekteg | no good deeds | 做壞事; 歹積德; 沒有好的積德
phvayzekteg | having much demerit; do bad deeds (one's past that will affect descendants) | 品德壞; 失德
pwnzek | native origin; one's original domicile; one's permanent home address | 本籍
seazek'ar | husband's younger brother; brother-in-law | 小叔仔
sefngzek | ancestral home (town) | 省籍
sengzekpiør | reported card | 成績表
sengzektvoaf | report card; transcript of a student's scholastic record | 成績單; 成績表
siangteeng kokzek | dual nationality | 雙重國籍
siarzekjim | shirk responsibility | 卸責任
siarzeklim | shirk responsibility | 卸責任
siu liongsym ee zekpi | suffer remorse | 受良心的責備
siøfzek'ar | uncle | 小叔仔
suzek | books | 書籍
taizek | Taiwanese | 台籍
thoatzek | renounce one's citizenship; withdraw from membership | 脫籍
thuisiax zekjim | shirk one's responsibility | 推卸責任
thuy zekjim | shirk (escape) one's responsibility; lay the blame at another's door | 推責任
tiaxmzegzek | very quiet | 恬寂寂
tioxngtai zekjim | heavy responsibility | 責任重大; 重大責任
tizek | remove or cancel a name from the family or school register | 除籍
tofngzek | party affiliation; party register | 黨籍
tvaf-zekjim | bear responsibility | 負責任
tøxteksiong ee zekjim | moral responsibility | 道德上的責任
u zekjim | responsible (accountable) for | 有責任感
zek | book; register; census register; domicile; be registered as a native of | 籍; 籍貫
zek'aan | tight | 窄緊
zek'ab | backlogging; in arrears; neglect handling official papers; legal cases | 積壓
zek'ar | uncle on the father side and younger than father | 叔仔
zek'hau | immediate results | 即效; 積效
zek'he | accumulate | 積下
zek'herngkheg | impromptu | 即興曲
zek'hexng | to improvise; to extemporise; improvisation | 即興
zek'hoaq | scold | 責呼; 責罵
zek'hoat | chastise | 責罰
zek'hoef | candle flower | 燭花
zek'huiq | blood blister | 積血; 淤血
zek'hun | accumulate hatred | 積恨
zek'hunpiør | points table | 積分表
zek'hunzex | points system | 積分制
zek'hwn | total marks; integral calculus | 積分
zek'høea | candle-light | 燭火
zek'iukor | blue-chip stocks | 績優股
zek'oar | get close | 窄倚
zek'oaxn | cherish envy or resentment | 積怨
zek'og | evil | 積惡
zek'ui | enthronement | 即位
zekaf | rule one's household well | 齊家
zekbok | brick | 積木
zekbun | call to account; bring to account | 責問
zekhuxn | help in need | 濟困
zekjim koanliam | sense of responsibility | 責任觀念
zekjim tioxngtai | heavy responsibility | 責任重大
zekjim | responsibility; obligation; duty | 責任
zekjim-karm | sense of responsibility | 責任感
zekjit | starting immediately today | 即日
zekjixmkarm | sense of responsibility | 責任感
zekkek ee laang | very active person | 積極的人
zekkek ee thaeto | positive attitude | 積極的態度
zekkek hunzuo | activist; enthusiast; a radical | 積極份子
zekkek zerngzheg | positive policy | 積極政策
zekkek zwgi | positivism | 積極主義
zekkek | active; positive; zealous; positive(ly) | 積極
zekkheg | immediately; at once; promptly | 即刻; 即時
zekkhoad | shortfall | 積缺
zekkngf | candle light | 燭光
zekkoaix | blame and scold | 責怪
zekkofng | grandfather's younger brother; younger brother of one's paternal grandfather | 叔公; 叔祖父
zekkog hongky | store up food in anticipation of famine; prepare for a rainy day | 積穀防飢
zekkongzor | the younger brother of one's great grandfather | 曾叔公; 叔公祖
zekkud | vertebra, spinal column | 椎骨; 脊骨
zeklaan | scold; blame | 責難
zeklaang | squeeze out the pus | 擠膿; 積膿
zeklim | responsibility | 責任
zekloong | pus collect | 集膿; 積膿; 集膿液
zeklui | candle tears | 燭淚
zekløo sengcit | fall sick from persistent overwork | 積勞成疾
zekløo | overwork to ill | 積濁; 積勞
zekma | blame; scold | 責罵
zekme | blame, scold | 責罵
zekpeh'ahviaf | uncle brother | 叔伯阿兄
zekpeh'asør | uncle aunty | 叔伯阿嫂
zekpehcybe | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zekpehcymoai | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zekpehcymoe | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zekpehhviati | father side’s cousins | 叔伯兄弟
zekpehhviati'ar | uncle brother | 叔伯兄弟仔
zekpehsiøfti | uncle young brother | 叔伯小弟
zekpehtoaxhviaf | uncle older brother | 叔伯大兄
zekpeq | cousins on father's side; paternal uncles in general and all cousins of father having the same surname | 叔伯; 伯叔
zekpeq-cymoe | female cousins of same surname | 叔伯姐妹; 堂姊妹
zekpeq-hviati | male cousins; male cousins of same surname | 叔伯兄弟
zekpeq`ee | father side’s relatives | 叔伯的
zekpi | assail; rebuke | 責備
zekpien | even if | 即便
zekseeng | blame; responsibility; accumulation of virtue or good character; instruct | 責成; 責任
zeksek | offhand; extempore; extemporaneous; impromptu; on-the-spot | 即席
zekseq | accumulated (fallen) snow | 積雪
zeksi | namely; that is | 即是
zeksiao sengtøf | Saving little by little will ensure abundance. (Lit. Many a pickle (little) makes a mickle (much) | 積少成多
zeksie | die immediately | 即死
zeksien | do good things for years | 積善
zeksien-cy-kaf | virtuous family | 積善之家
zeksii | immediately; at once; promptly | 即刻; 即時
zeksip | accumulated habits | 積習
zeksithofng | instant messaging | 即時通
zeksoad | accumulated (fallen) snow | 積雪
zeksox | sum total | 積數
zeksun'ar | uncles and nephews (of father's side) | 叔孫仔; 叔姪
zeksuo | even if | 即使
zeksviaf | cadence; iambus | 仄聲
zekswn | one's nephews and nieces | 叔孫
zeksym | candle wick | 燭心
zektaai | candlestick; candleholder; pricket; candlestick; candlestand | 燭台; 燭臺
zekteg | do good things for years; accumulate merit | 積德; 前世報應
zekthad | suffocation | 積窒
zekthiog | save; saving; amassment; accumulate; accumulate (savings) | 積蓄
zektiøh | be wounded or cut to the bone | 扭傷
zektog | responsible for supervision | 責督; 管教
zektox | envy | 嫉妒
zektvar | punish by flogging or lashing | 責打
zekzaai | amass wealth | 積財
zekzhøea | spinal cord | 脊髓
zekzoe | accusatory; accuse | 責罪; 責備
zekzu | save; stockpiling; accumulate; accumulate; amass; store up | 積儲; 積聚
zekzuie sengtii | The ocean is made up of many drops of water | 積水成池
zekzuie | seeper; hydrops; store or dam up water; accumulated water in low lying areas after a shower | 積水
zekzuun | store; lay up | 積存
zekzuy | vertebra | 脊椎; 椎骨
zekzuy-khorng | vertebral foramen | 坐椎骨; 脊椎孔
zekzuy-toxngbut | vertebrate | 椎骨動物; 脊椎動物
zekzw | backbone, vertebral column | 椎骨; 脊椎骨
zekzøx | accumulate | 積做
zofzek | ancestral home | 祖籍
zunzek | registered nationality of a boat; registration (nationality) of a ship | 船籍

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