"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zeq

Bahzarngzeq | rice ball festival | 肉粽節
Goxgoeqzeq | The double fifth, the dragon boat festival on which dragon boat race is held, May 5th, by the lunar calendar | 五月節
Goxjidzeq | Dragon Boat Festival, 5th of fifth lunar month | 五日節
Køh'oaqzeq | Easter | 閣活節; 復活節
Tiong'iongzeq | Double Ninth Festival | 重陽節
Tiongchiuzeq | the Mid-autumn Festival, 15th of the 8th month (lunar) | 中秋節
Zhengbengzeq | Feast of Tombs; a lunar period during which the Chinese worship at or clean the grave roughly corresponding to Easter time | 清明節; 清明
goxgoeqzeq | the 5th of the 5th lunar month (a dragon boat regatta is held) | 五月節; 端午節
goxjidzeq | Dragon Boat Festival; 5th of fifth lunar month | 五日節; 端午節
koeazeq | pass a festival; celebrate a festival | 過節
komof-zeqzerng | having no relatives and children (a curse) | 絕子絕孫
kuiezeq | season | 季節
lienhoezeq | lotus festival | 蓮花節
nizeq | seasonal festivals (as New year; May 5th; August 15th of the 8th month etc); according to the lunar calendar | 年節; (端午節; 中秋節)
oaqlangzeq | Living Man's Day | 活人節
papazeq | father's day | 爸爸節
phafngzeq | spin | 紡績
pviazeq | the four tones in old Chinese phonetics (the first tone belongs to ? While the remaining three tones belong to ?) | 平仄
sizeq | season | 時節
tangzeq | the winter solstice; Dec.2 (according to the solar calendar) | 冬至
tiongchiuzeq | the Mid-autumn Festival; 15th of the 8th month (lunar) | (節); 中秋
toaxnii-toaxzeq | celebrate festival and new year | 大年大節
tong'oafnzeq | children's play | 童玩節
tonggoafnzeq | children's play | 童玩節
unzvoazeq | hot spring festival | 溫泉節
zeq | festival; holiday; season | 節; 編; 仄
zeqkhuix | end of breath | 絕氣
zeqzerng | extinct; extinct species; extinct race | 絕種; 斷絕滅絕
zhunzeq | lunar new year | 春節

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