"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Beng'ongzhvef | the planet Pluto | 冥王星
Binkoaan zhopo | Fundamental Knowledge in Democracy; a book dealing with the procedures of parliamentary rule; authored by Dr. Sun Yat-sen | 民權初步
Boafnzhefng | Ching Dynasty (1644-1911) | 滿清
Bogzhvef | Comet collides with Jupiter | 木星
Bongkofzhafn | Mongolian barbecue | 蒙古餐
Bykog Sinbunzhux | United States Information Service | 美國新聞處
Byzhaw | U.S. paper money | 美鈔
Ciawzheeng | a city in Kaohsiung County | 鳥榕; 鳥松
Goxzhef | a city in Taichung County of Taiwan | 梧棲
Guthaau bøo tuix befzhuix | not to the point; unconnected; incongruous (Lit. The head of an ox does not match the mouth of a horse.) | 牛頭無對馬嘴; 文不對題
Guu bøo hiafmzhao bøe puii | If a person doesn't encounter difficulties in his life he won't be a success. (Lit. If a cow doesn't eat coarse grass it won't get fat.) | 牛無吃險草不肥。
Gyn'aflaang u hvi bøo zhuix | A child should be seen and not heard | 小孩子有耳無嘴; 囝仔人有耳無嘴
Hayongzhvef | the planet Neptune | 海王星
Hengzhwn | a city in Pingtung County Taiwan | 恆春
Hoefzhvef | Mars; sparks | 火星
Huixzhvef pong Bogzhvef | Comet collides with Jupiter | 彗星撞木星
Høfhoef zhaq ti gusae | woman married to an unworthy husband (good flower planted in cow dung) | 好花插在牛糞
Høzhaix | Japanese food | 和菜; 日本菜
Kaoteeng-sinbunzhux | Holy See Information Service (H.S.I.S.) (Catholic) | 教廷新聞處
Karmzhat'vi | Control Yuan (one of the Five Organs of Chinese Government) | 監察院
Kimzhvef | Venus | 金星
Kokzex Texkiuu Koanzheklieen | the International Geophysical Year (IGY) | 國際地球觀測年
Kongkaux Kangzhenghoe | Y.C.W. (J.O.C.); Young Catholic Workers Association | 公教工青會
Logzhao | a city in Chiayi County | 鹿草
Pakkegzhvef | Polar Star | 北極星
Paktawzhvef | the Great Bear; the Big Dipper; North Star | 北斗星
Samzhefng Tøxzor | the Three Pure Ones | 三清道祖
Samzhefng | the Three Pure Ones | 三清
Serng Oexsengzhux | Provincial Health Department | 省衛生處
Serngbør zhwkied ciamlea | Feast of the Purification (Catholic) | 聖母取潔瞻禮
Serngzhafn | the Lord's Supper (Catholic) | 聖餐
Serngzheq | the Bible | 聖冊; 聖書
Suhoad zhaiphvoarsor | Court of Justice | 司法裁判所
Suozhoafn | a Chinese providence | 四川
Suozhoanzhaix | preserved mustard seasoned with salt and hot pepper; Su-chhoan style | 四川菜; 榨菜
Svoatafng-peqzhaix | Shantung cabbage | 山東白菜
Taixzhefng | (historical) the official name of the Qing dynasty | 大清
Tangsiezhux | a city in Yunlin County | 東勢厝
Tekzhaan | a city in Pingtung County | 竹田
Tengzhefng-Oo | Lake in Kaohsiung | 澄清湖
Tengzheng'oo | a famous lake in Kaohsiung | 澄清湖
Texjixzhux Seakaix taixciexn | the Second World War; World War II | 第二次世界大戰
Thaepegzhvef | Venus | 太白星
Thofzhvef | saturn | 土星
Thok'hog zhekgiam | Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) | 托福測驗
Tisae-naa katzhae | Decorate the pig manure basket ─ what a waste! | 多此一舉
Toaxzhwn | a city in Changhua County | 大村
Zhoanzhaix | Szechuan style cuisine | 川菜
Zuyzhvef | Mercury planet | 水星
aang-zhaetau | red string bean | 紅菜豆; 紅菜頭豆; 枝針葉豆工豆
aang-zhaethaau | carrot | 紅菜頭; 胡蘿蔔
aau taf zhuix khoaq | parching thirst | 喉乾嘴闊; 口乾舌燥
aezhafn | love-feast; simple meal consisting of a couple of dishes which are served promptly in small restaurants | 愛餐
ahbøfzhao | kind of motherwort; Leonurus sibiricus; Lindernia ciliata | 鴨母草
ahbøfzhuix | female duck beak | 鴨母喙
ahzhuiesiux | duckbill; platypus | 鴨嘴獸
aizhux | in turn, by turns, one by one | 挨次
amlaai-zhefkhix | to adopt the long one to make up the short | 掩來扯去
amlaizhefkhix | to rob peter to pay Paul | 掩來扯去
ampozhee | cicada | 庵埔蟬; 蟬的俗稱
amzhuix | cover one's mouth with the hand | 掩口
ang'afzheq | a picture book; comic book; comic book | 尪仔冊; 圖畫書; 漫畫書
ang'ar-zheq | picture book | 尪仔冊; 圖畫書
angheng zhutchviuu | commit adultery (in case of a married woman) | 紅杏出牆
anghexngzhaix | red spinach | 紅莧菜
angphoezhaix | eggplant | 紅皮菜; 紅 茄子
angphøezhaix | egg-plant | 紅花菜; 紅皮菜; 茄
angzhaa | Formosan aglaia, Formosan orchid tree | 紅柴; 臺灣樹蘭
angzhae | red cloth symbolized lucky | 紅綵
angzhaetau | red string bean, Vigna vexillata | 紅菜豆
angzhaethaau | carrot; radish; carrot | 紅蘿蔔
angzhaix | red leaf vegetable | 紅菜; 茄子
angzhang'afthaau | shallots | 紅蔥仔頭
anzhaq | settle; find a place for one; get a position for one | 安插; 安置
anzhngg | rites seeking peace for nuptials; the blessing for the new bridal bed | 安床
aozhaux | stinking | 腐臭
aphiernhunzhoef | opium pipe | 鴉片煙管
apzhuix | crush to pieces | 壓碎
armtiofng thezhvea | quietly or secretly alert someone like with a tug on the sleeve or a wink of the eye | 暗中提醒
armto tinzhofng | do something under cover of doing something else; rendezvous secretly | 暗渡陳倉
armzhaa | a secret inquiry | 暗查
armzhafn | supper; dinner | 晚餐
armzhaw ciexngiap | engage in unlicensed prostitution | 暗操賤業
armzhux | dark place; a secret place | 暗處
arngzhaix | a green vegetable | 甕菜
arnzhad | to investigate court cases | 按察
arnzhatsy | provincial judge 'arch' | 按察使
auxthaau-zhux | wife's family home | 後頭厝; 娘家
auxthauzhux | wife's family of origin | 後頭厝; 娘家
auxzhef | second wife (taken after the death of one's first wife) | 後妻; 繼室
auxzhud | next show | 後齣
auxzhutsix | next life | 後出世; 下輩子; 來生
auxzhux | next time; rear house | 後次; 下次; 後厝
auxzhwn | late spring | 後春
bafnzhaix | pick vegetables | 挽菜; 摘菜
bagzheg | measure distance with the eyes | 目測
bagzhvef bag'ngg | very anxious | 目青目黃; 十分焦急
bak zhefng bii siux | handsome | 目清眉秀
bakzhuix | touched it by mouth; food around mouth | 染嘴; 沾嘴
bangzhao | grass | 芒草
barn zhaix | to pick vegetables | 摘菜
barn zhao | pulling grass | 挽草
barn zhuiekhie | extract a tooth | 挽嘴齒; 拔牙
bawzhvef | Pleiades | 昴星
baxnkunzhao | yard grass, Eleusine indica | 蔓筋草
baxnlienzhefng | Chinese evergreen | 萬年青
bayteg zhud høfsurn | Accomplishments of a child can be greater than his parents. (Lit. a bad bamboo tree produces good bamboo shoots.) | 壞竹出好筍
bayzhef | ugly wife | 醜妻
be zhengzhør | cannot see distinctly | 未清楚
befzhao | straw for horse; horse fodder | 馬草
befzhat | horse thief | 馬賊
beng kay juzhuo | It is ordained | 命該如此
bengmoee zerngzhuo | formal wedding or marriage | 明媒正娶
bengsw zhud køtoo | accomplished disciple owes his accomplishments to his great teacher | 名師出高徒
bengzhad | observe clearly; be sharp and perspicacious; not to be fooled or taken in | 明察
bengzhefng | title; appellation; designation; name | 名稱; 頭銜
bengzhexng | fire rifles into the air as a warning to a mob; rioters | 鳴槍
bengzhux | position in a list of names | 名次
bengzhvef | celebrities | 明星
beqzhafng | Ledebar's garlic | 麥蔥
bexkokzhat | one guilty of treason | 賣國賊
bexphiørzhux | box office; ticket window | 賣票處; 售票處
bexzhaux | incorruptible; will not rot | 未臭; 無臭
bexzhud | sell | 賣出
bexzhunchiaf | unable to convince | 袂伸捙
bexzhwn | prostitute oneself | 賣春; 未剩; 無會剩
biauxchiuo hoezhwn | the hand that cures (used to describe a good physician) | 妙手回春
bidsuzhud | exported secretly | 密輸出
bidzhaa | a secret inquiry | 密查
bihsiøzhe | hide and seek | 覕相揣
bihsiøzhoe | hide and seek | 匿相找; 捉迷藏
bihzhuix | to purse up one's lips; puckered mouth; pout the lips; about to cry | 抿嘴; 覕喙; 撅嘴; 噘嘴; 無悅貌; 快哭的樣子
bin zhaozhaux | unpleasant face | 面臭臭; 臉上無悅
bin'ix zhekgiam | poll taking; public opinion survey | 民意測驗
binzhngg | bed | 眠床
binzhngg-au | behind headboard | 眠床後
binzhngg-khaf | under bed | 眠床腳
binzhngg-pafng | headboard | 眠床板
binzhngkex | back rest or bed rest | 眠床架
binzhngkvii | edge of the bed | 眠床墘
binzhngpafng | bed platforms | 眠床枋
binzhngphof | bed; berth | 眠床舖
binzhngpøo | bed goddess | 眠床婆
binzhngtø | broad board on the front of a bed; used for sitting | 眠床道; 床頭; 床沿
biq-siøzhøe | hide-and-seek | 匿相尋; 覕相揣; 捉迷藏
bixhunzhef | fiancee | 未婚妻
bixnzhaozhaux | unpleasant face | 臉上不悅
bixzhay | riddle; conundrum; riddle | 謎猜; 謎語; 謎題
bizhefng bogsiux | handsome; beautiful | 目清眉秀; 眉清目秀
boafnzhafn | evening meal; dinner; supper | 晚餐
boafnzhud | brim over; to overflow | 溢出
boafnzhwn | late spring | 晚春
boahzhao | a herb | 抹草; 草本植物
boaqzhao | jasmine | 茉草
boexzhud | sold | 賣出
boexzhunchiaf | unable to convince | 袂伸捙
bogkhofng itzhex | so conceited that nothing enters his eyes; very arrogant | 目空一切
bogzhaai | log for sawing; lumber | 木材
bogzhao | grass; grazing; pasturage; pasture; pasture | 牧草
bogzhefng bisiux | handsome; beautiful | 目清眉秀; 眉清目秀
bogzheg køchym | unfathomable; inscrutable | 莫測高深
bogzheg | measure distance with the eyes | 目測
bogzhux | contents of book | 目次
bongzhef | deceased wife | 亡妻
bongzhefng | to have a thorough understanding of | 摸清
boxek zeazhaai | trade sanction | 貿易制裁
boxng'iuzhao | nepenthe | 忘憂草
boxzhwn | last month of spring | 暮春
bozhuo | try to get; plot to take | 謀取
bulie zhwnau | make trouble without a cause; make trouble out of nothing | 無理取鬧
bunzhae | ornament, decoration (woman's dress) | 文采; 色彩
bunzhngg | bed; a bedstead | 眠床
burnzhantw | Formosan Ferret-Badger; Melogale moschata subaurantiaca | 瀵田豬; 湓田豬; 鼬獾
burnzhanty | Formosan Ferret-Badger; Melogale moschata subaurantiaca | 瀵田豬; 湓田豬; 鼬獾
burnzhuo | marmot | 瀵鼠; 鼢鼠; 地鼠; 鼬鼠
buxn`zhutlaai | braised | 燜出來
buzheg | helpless; no plan or policy | 無策
byhwnzhar | stir fried rice noodle | 米粉炒
byzhaw | U.S. dollar | 美鈔
byzheg | paddy rice | 米粟
byzhngf | granary for rice | 米倉
byzhox | rice vinegar | 米醋
bø'eeng chiezhax | very busy; no leisure | 非常忙碌
bøaftwnzhao | Abutilon indicum | 磨仔䃦草
bøchyn bøzheg | without kin or friends | 無親無戚
bøchyn-bøzheg | orphan without any relatives | 無親無戚
bøexhuozhoarn | gasps for breath; urgent | 未赴喘; 喘無過氣來
bøexzhaix`ee | vegetable seller | 賣菜的
bøexzhud | sale | 賣出; 袂出; 不出
bøherngzhux | disinterested, uninterested | 無興趣
bøhunzhuxn | making no proper measurement or examination; careless or inaccurate in doing things | 無分寸
bøkunzhao | dodder laurel 'a parasitic plant', Cassytha filiformis | 無根草
bøo huozhoarn | unable to catch breath | 無赴喘
bøo siøkauzhab | no mutual concern; not at all involved in his affairs | 無相交插; 無相往來
bøo zhaykafng | wasted effort, in vain | 徒勞
bøo zhengzhør | did not see clearly | 無清楚
bøo zhunpan | without any previous thought about it; as something coming unexpectedly | 無打算
bøsiin-bøzhae | not present and no spirits | 無精打采; 無神無采
bøtaxng zhoe | cannot be found | 無處尋; 找無到
bøzengzhaf | irrelevant; no differneces | 無精差
bøzhae cvii | waste of money (thing; etc.) | 無彩錢; 浪費錢
bøzhae mih | waste of money (thing; etc.) | 無彩物; 浪費物
bøzhae | unworthy of; unfortunate; of no use | 可惜; 無彩
bøzhaf | no difference, the same | 無差; 沒有差別
bøzhaosiaau | irresponsible; won't obey | 無責任; 無聽
bøzhaykafng | futile; not valid; ineffective; in vain; waste of effort; in vain; wasted effort | 無彩工; 白費工夫; 徒勞
bøzhuiesuie | person who doesn't know how to flatter | 無嘴美; 無會講好話
bøzhuiezuie | person who doesn't know how to flatter | 不會講好話
bøzhuix | silent | 無嘴; 沉默; 無反駁
bøzhøx | no mistake; quite sure; assured; can't go wrong; correct; without error; no mistake; That's right! Not bad! Right on! | 無錯; 沒錯
chiahzhuo | weasel | 赤鼠
chiapzhat | thief | 竊賊
chiarmzhuix | to break into a conversation or statement | 僭嘴; 插嘴
chiauzhe | search | 搜揣
chiauzheg | coordinate; dispose anew | 協調; 重新配置; 搜測
chiauzhek | expression; manner; spirited; vigorous; mediate; accommodate; make peace | 超摵; 撨摵; 大變動; 調解; 活躍
chiauzhoe | (v) search for; meticulously look for; scour; do a search (for); look up; search | 抄找; 搜查; 搜索
chiauzhud | exceed; surpass; overtake | 超出
chiauzhutlaai | search out | 搜出來; 搜到
chiauzhux | search a house | 搜厝; 搜查房子
chiauzhøe | to search | 搜尋
chiazhaa | transport timber | 車柴; 運木材
chiazheg | side at an oblique angle | 斜測; 斜面
chiazhngg | a lathe; lathe | 車床
chibwchiqzhu | soke softly, as if he was afraid of being heard | 嗤舞嗤呲
chid khazhngf | wipe the bottom (of a baby or old person); to deal with a failure situation | 拭尻川; 擦屁股; 收拾殘局
chienzhud | move out to a new address | 遷出
chietzhaix | cutting vegetables | 切菜
chietzhuix | cut up; chop up; mince | 切碎
chietzhøf-tokmoo | to learn from each other by an exchange of views | 切蹉琢磨
chiezhafng | prickly-ash; angelica-tree | 莿蔥; (一種樹名)
chiezhak | satire; irritating; offensive; provoking; unpleasant | 刺鑿; 無順眼; 不悅; 瘋刺; 刺激
chiezhao | nettle | 蕁麻
chiezheng | to try on; to fit on; try on clothing | 試穿
chiezhex-kiøx | the sound of big rain | 大雨聲; 哳嚦嘩啦
chiezhuo | spinous country-rat | 棘鼠; 刺鼠
chihzhoaq | flashing | 𩑾顫; 電光閃爍
chikøzhao | a type of grass for medication | 痴哥草
chimkuy zhuolie | unmarried daughters of the rich | 深閨處女
chimkw-kafnzhud | to have little contact with the world | 深居簡出
chimky kafnzhud | lead a secluded life | 深居簡出
chimzhuo | to annex; to swallow (up); to embezzle | 侵取; 侵佔; 侵吞
chinzheg | relatives; relatives on the father's side | 親戚
chinzhuix | kiss; spoken right from one's own mouth; to state personally; straight from the horse's mouth | 親嘴; 親喙; 親口
chinzu zhutmar | go out and take care of something in person; to confront the enemy personally | 親自出馬
chiokzhat | Japanese sparrow-hawk | 雀漆; 雀鷹
chionghongzhexng | submachine gun; fully automatic weapon | 衝鋒槍
chiongkhao-jii-zhud | blurt out | 衝口而出
chiongzhud | rush out; dash out; fight a way out | 衝出
chiqbwchiqzhuh | whisper; murmur | 細聲說話; 耳語
chirnzhae laang | any person | 凊彩人; 任何人
chirnzhae sofzai | any old place | 凊彩所在; 任何地方
chirnzhae ui | any old place | 凊彩位; 任何地方
chirnzhae | casualness; licentiousness; any old way; at random; in a haphazard way; anyhow; of no consequence; just as you please | 凊彩; 隨便; 任何
chirnzhaix | food which has gotten cold | 凊菜; 殘羹冷菜
chirnzhaysii | at any time; any day | 凊彩時; 任何時
chitkhazhngf | wipe the bottom (of a baby or old person), to deal with a failure situation | 擦屁股, 收拾殘局
chitzhae | colorful | 七彩
chitzhuix | to wipe mouth clean; wipe mouth | 擦嘴; 擦嘴巴
chitzhuix-pøehcih | all talking at once | 七嘴八舌
chitzhvef | the seven principal stars which form the Great Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major | 七星
chiuo bøo zhurnthiq | totally unarmed (Lit. Hand does have an inch of iron.) | 手無寸鐵
chiuo zhah'iøf | put one's hands on the hip joints; arms akimbo | 手插腰
chiuo zhahkøq | put one's hands on the hip joints; arms akimbo | 手插腰
chiutngg zhurntoan | gut-wrenching sadness | 愁腸寸斷
chiuzhao | spring grass | 秋草
chiwlo zhof | coarse and inferior workmanship | 手路粗; 手藝粗陋
chiwloxzhaix | est dishes | 手路菜
chiwthaix pekzhud | many disgraceful manners | 醜態百出
chiwzhaix | special dishes | 手菜
chiwzhaupurn | hand written copy | 手抄本
chiwzhaw | hand-written; handwritten | 手抄
chiwzheq | a manual; a handbook; hand book; manual | 手冊
chiwzhexng | hand gun; revolver; pistol; male masturbation; gun; pistol; revolver; be mischievous | 手槍; 手銃; 頑皮
chiwzhexng-gyn'ar | a mischievous body | 手槍囝仔; 調皮鬼
chixbuo-chixzha | boisterously | 吵吵鬧鬧
chixbwchixzhuh | whisper | 交頭接耳
chixzha | noisily | 吵鬧
chixzhao | situation; circumstances of market | 市草; 市場狀況
chizhafmlogpheg | miserable and desolate | 飼查某
chizharm | miserable; tragic; heartrending; pitiful; miserable | 悽慘
chizheg | arrange; plan; fix up | 安排; 考慮
chiøhzhao | grass to make fine straw bas and hat | 蓆草
chiøhzhuxn | measurements; dimension; size | 尺寸
chiøqzhao | rushes or grass for making a hat or mat | 藺草; 蓆草
chiørphoax laang ee zhuix | be overwhelmed with laughter; to roll with laughter | 笑破人的嘴
chviafzhud | please go out | 請出
chvihzhva-kiøx | gongs and drums | 鑼鼓聲
chviqzhngr | nasal tone | 擤聲; 鼻腔聲
chviu zhvethii | get covered with green moss | 生青苔
chviuozhud | sang | 唱出
chviuxzhvethii | moss growing | 上青苔
chviuzheg | winnow rice | 颺粟
chviuzhek'ar | winnow rice | 颺穀子
chvizhaix | vegetable; salad | 生菜; 青菜
chvizhao | green grass | 青草
chvizhar | fresh stir fried | 生炒
chvizharm | wretched; miserable | 悽慘
chvizharm-logpheg | wretched; miserable | 悽慘落魄
chvizhaw | Sumptuous meal food | 青抄; 腥臊; 豐盛餐食; 盛餐
chvizhaw'ar | medical herbs | 青草仔; 草藥
chvizhawaftee | herbal medicine tea | 青草仔茶
chvizhawaftiaxm | herbal medicine tea shop | 青草仔店
chvizhawpof | green pasture | 青草埔
chvizhoaq | health switch | 生掣
chvizhuix | green; jade color | 青翠
chvizhøf | fishy | 腥葷
chvyzhuix | tasty; to taste good; to wake up; to awaken; to be awake | 珍饈; 醒喙; 開胃; 醒嘴; 爽口
chykhakzhao | some type of herb | 鼠麴草
chym putkhøfzheg | immeasurable depth or profundity; extremely abstruse | 深無可測
chymzhvee | cymbals | 鐃鈸
ciaf thafng zhøe | can be find here | 此可尋
ciah zhvezhaw | have a banquet; eat a big dinner | 吃盛餐; 吃大餐
ciamzhaq | pincushion, needle-cushion | 尖插; 真墊
ciamzhuiegveh'ar | sharp plier | 尖喙夾仔
ciamzhuiekudar | small digging tools | 尖喙掘仔
ciamzhuix | pointed mouth | 尖嘴
ciamzhuo | shrew mouse | 尖鼠
ciaopurn zhutsiuu | sell at cost price (a common sales slogan in a Chinese shop) | 照本出售
ciaozhaw | make a copy of the original | 照抄
ciaozhuosu | following the order | 照次序
ciapzhuix | to answer; to respond; to converse; speak next; next speaker | 接嘴; 合攏; 接口; 搭腔; 接下去說
ciaqzhaelaang | vegetarian | 素食者; 吃菜人
ciaqzhaix | vegetarian; be a vegetarian | 食菜; 吃素
ciaqzhaix-laang | vegetarian | 食菜人; 素食者
ciaqzheng | the basic necessities of life(clothing and food); food and clothing | 食穿; 衣食
ciaqzhengniafpien | easy life | 食清領便
ciaqzhox | jealous; feel jealous (usually of rival in love) | 吃醋
ciaqzhun'ee | remnants of food, half eaten | 吃剩的
ciaqzhvezhaw | to have a banquet; to eat a big dinner | 吃腥臊; 吃盛餐
ciaqzhøf | non-vegetarian | 吃腥
ciaqzhøx | jealous | 吃醋
ciarkof-zhaix | an edible red algae | 鷓鴣菜
ciarkozhaix | red algae | 鷓鴣菜
ciarzherng | excuse | 藉稱
ciauhoaf jiafzhao | lascivious (usually said of a male); wolfish; a seducer of women | 招花惹草
ciaux zhuosu | follow the order | 照次序
ciawzhexng | fowling piece | 鳥槍
ciawzhiux | beak | 鳥嘴
ciaxmzhux | gradually | 漸次
cidee zhuix siang'ee cih | double tongued; fork tongued | 一個嘴雙個舌; 很會講話
cidkhw zhaan | a field | 一塊田
cidkwzhvea | sleep for a while | 睡一覺
cidzhefng | a thousand | 一千
cidzheng'nii | millenium, a thousand years | 一千年
cidzhengban | ten million | 一千萬
cidzheq | one copy, on volume | 一冊
cidzhngf | one thread | 一穿
cidzhngx | a string | 一串
cidzhog | a bunch | 一撮
cidzhok'ar | a small piece; a bunch | 一撮仔; 一小片
cidzhud | an act of play; one episode | 一齣
cidzhud-hix | an act, a play | 一齣戲
cidzhuix thoaan cidcih | news passed from mouth to mouth | 一嘴傳一舌; 相傳很快
cidzhuix | one mouthful | 一嘴; 一口
cidzhuolai | the whole hous ... | 一厝內; 整個屋子
cidzhurn'ar | an inch | 一寸仔
cidzhuxn | one inch | 一寸
cidzhvea | sleep the entire night | 一覺; 一醒
cie zhuietaf | quench thirst | 止渴; 止嘴乾
cie-zhuietaf | quench thirst | 止嘴乾; 止喙焦; 止渴
ciefnzhaai | to cut out a garment | 剪裁
ciefnzhae | cut the ribbon to inaugurate a building | 剪綵
ciefnzhao tikyn | exterminate completely; eradicate branch and root (Lit. cut the grass and remove the root.) | 剪草除根
ciefnzhao | mow or cut grass | 剪草
ciefnzhawky | lawn mower | 剪草機
cienzhar | to saute | 煎炒
cienzhef | ex-wife; former wife of a man who has remarried | 前妻
cienzhux | previous occasion; last time | 前次
ciernzheg | strategy; ruses of war | 戰策
ciernzheq | playbook for war | 戰冊
cietzhøx | moral integrity | 節操
ciezhux | aspiration and interest | 志趣
cih na`zhutlaai | stick out the tongue | 舌若出來; 頭探出舌頭
cili phørzhuix | completely disintegrated | 支離破碎
cimzhuix | kiss on lips | 親嘴; 唚喙; 吻嘴
ciokzhuix | white spoonbill | 鷺嘴; 琶鷺
ciongtiofng zhwli | make capital of | 從中取理
ciongzhuo | from now on | 從此
ciongzhøx ciuxzhøx | accept the consequences of a mistake and try to adapt oneself thereto; make the best of a bad job | 將錯就錯
cirnzhud | incoming and outgoing; get in and out; incoming and outgoing; (in Taiwanese) marching out; advance | 進出
cirnzhuo | aggressive; forge ahead with effort; be aggressive as in jockeying for position | 進取
cirnzhut'khao | import and export | 進出口
cirnzhutkhao | import and export | 進出口
cirnzhutkhawsiofng | import export business | 進出口商
cirnzhwsym | aggressiveness; desire to get ahead; enterprising spirit | 進取心
citlyzhvef | the Spinning Maid; the star Vega in the constellation Lyra | 織女星
citpurnzheq | this book | 這本冊; 這本書
citzhud | an act of play | 這出
citzhuix | whole of mouth | 這嘴
citzhux | this time; this time | 這次
ciuozhaxm | complain of; bitch; blow of; yaup; grouse; heavy imprecations; imprecate; rail at | 埋怨; 咒讖; 咒詛; 數落
ciuxte zhwzaai | acquire necessary material locally; employ local talent | 就地取材
ciuxte-zhwzaai | to obtain material from local sources | 就地取材
ciuxzhuo | then; thereupon; thereafter | 就此
ciwzhaix | dishes which go with drinks; food taken with wine | 酒菜
cixnzhud | all out | 盡出
cizhao | glossy ganoderma(Chinese Medicine) | 芝草; 靈芝
cizhud | expend; disperse; pay; expense | 支出
cizhuo | to withdraw; to draw | 支取
ciøhzhehzexng | library card | 借書證
ciøhzhud | to lend | 借出
ciøhzhuix | say hello; greet somebody; use one's influence on another's behalf; warn | 借嘴; 打招呼
ciøqzhux | stone house | 石厝; 石屋子
ciør thauzhuix | small family | 少頭厝; 小家庭
cvi zhuiekhof | lick mouth and lips | 舐嘴框
cviagoeqzhef | first ten days of the year | 正月初
cviagøeh-zhøef | beginning of Lunary January | 正月初
cviarzhafn | main meals of the day | 正餐
cviarzhuo | be formally admitted like students through entrance or qualifying examinations as opposed to those admitted on the list of alternative candidates | 正取
cviezhuix | to argue; to dispute; to debate | 爭論; 爭嘴
cviuozhaix | soy sauce pickles; pickled vegetables | 醬菜
cviuxzhaix | serving; to place dishes on the table | 上菜
cviuxzhngg | to go to bed | 上床
cviuxzhuo | one of the ten best; leading; distinguished; prominent | 可取; 上取
cviuxzhwn | spring has arrived | 上春
cviuzhaa | camphor wood | 樟木
cvix zhaecvix | deep fry vegetables | 炸菜丸; 煎菜煎
cvizhaw | paper money | 錢鈔
cvizhuo | a small insectivorous mammal; a man who pursuit money eagerly | 錢鼠; 尖鼠
cvy`zhutkhix | to push out | 掙出去
cvyzhao | new grass | 嫩草
cym zhuietuun | kiss the lips | 吻嘴唇
cynzhad | clinical diagnosis; examine and observe the progress of a disease | 診察
cynzhad-seg | doctor's room | 診察室
cynzhatseg | clinical office; examining room (medical) | 診察室
cyzhaix | edible red alga; laver | 紫菜
cyzhud iaotiarm | point out the essential point | 指出要點
cyzhud | point to; point out; indicate; call to notice | 指出
cyzhuiegiok | alexandrite | 紫翠玉
cyzhuo-ji'ie | that's all | 只此而已
e cioong khiør zhud | The mouth is the primary source of calamities (literally)--Careless talk may land one in trouble | 禍從口出
eafzhaix | lettuce | 萵仔菜
efngpør zhengzhwn | remain youthful forever | 永保青春
ekzheg | conjecture, guess, suppose | 臆測
ekzhud | brim over; to overflow | 溢出
ekzhux | advantage | 益處; 好處
engzheg | poppy; including opium poppy | 罌粟
engzhuix gex køekhaf | nothing to do but lick chicken bones | 閒著啃雞腳
engzhuix | to talk casually about | 閒嘴
engzhuxn | inch | 英寸; 英吋
erngkib-zhorsy | an emergency measure; a temporary expedient | 應急措施
erngzhaix | water spinach; water celery; water spinach | 甕菜; 蕹菜; 空心菜
exng zhaan | fertilize | 壅田
exngzhwn`ee | remnant, leftover | 用剩的
exzhud`tid | able to; can | 做得到; 會出得; 能討價還價
exzhux | next time | 下次
ezheg | husk rice | 輾榖; 碾粟
gauzhngfciah | exploit for profit | 賢吮食
gaxmzhat | rash thief | 笨賊; 憨賊
gefngzhuix | grind to pieces | 研碎
gegzhaf | deficit | 逆差
gegzhuix | broken jade | 玉碎
gengzhwn | the jasmine; celebrating the spring festival; welcome spring; ceremony of greeting the new year | 迎春
geqzhoef | beginning of a month | 月初
geqzhof | beginning of the month | 月初
geqzhud | moonrise | 月出
gezhngg | teeth ridge; gum; jawbone; gums | 牙床
giaafzhaix | vegetables or greens that the goose eats | 鵝菜
giaqkøzhef | oppose; to object | 唱反調
gieen zhud juu safn | A promise is a promise | 言出如山
gieen zhud pid heeng | He's as good as his word. If you promised; do it | 言出必行
ginhoex liofngzhefng | completion of a business transaction with goods delivered and payment made | 銀貨兩清
ginzhuo | ermine (an animal) | 銀鼠
giqgiqzhoaq | tremble or shake (with the cold, a fever or fear) | 戰慄, 戰抖
gito zhongsefng | full of doubt; full of suspicion | 疑竇叢生
gixzhat | to steal things to help the poor like Robin Hood or Liau Thiam-teng | 義賊; 俠客
gixzhuo | to consider punishment for offending official | 議處
gixzhux | take disciplinary action against (derelict officials; etc) | 議處
giøfzhuix | make signs with the mouth | 仰嘴; 噘嘴
goadzhuo | Formosan mouse | 月鼠
goankvia zhausaxng | original document has been copied and sent | 原件抄送
goanlaai juzhuo | I see; Now I understand what you mean So; that's what it is! | 原來如此
goanzhef | at first; at the beginning; to start; to begin | 起初
goanzhoxng | original | 原創
goanzhux | original place | 原處
goaxkaw zerngzheg | foreign policy | 外交政策
goaxsu kefngzhad | foreign affairs police | 外事警察
goaxzhef | field work involving running around; business trip need to travel | 外差
goaxzheg | wife's or mother's relatives; connections by marriage | 外戚; 外側
goaxzheq | additional books | 外冊
goaxzhoe | to page someone (someone is looking for you outside or you have a phone call) | 外找
goaxzhud | go out; be out of town | 外出
goeqzhef | first decade of the month | 月初
goexzheg | wife's or mother's relatives | 外戚
goxngjip bøo goxngzhud | careful and detailed calculation of how to make money but doesn't like to spend it | 精打細算; 只收入無支出; 憨入無憨出
goxzhaf | difference; inaccuracy; error; error (in mathematics) | 誤差
goxzhvekib | five star rating | 五星級
gubiin zerngzheg | policy of keeping the people in ignorance under a dictatorship; obscurantism | 愚民政策
guixzhaw | a counterfeity note; a forged banknote; counterfeit money | 偽鈔
gulengzhuie'ar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳嘴仔; 奶嘴
gulengzhuiear | pacifier, nipple | 牛奶喙仔
gunizhuiear | pacifier | 牛奶喙仔
guturnzhao | some type of grass | 牛頓草
guzhef | (formal self reference) your stupid wife | 愚妻
guzhuieafm | mask for cow to prevent eating while working | 牛喙罨
guzhuielafm | muzzle (for calf or ox) | 牛嘴罩; (以防止亂吃農作物)
guzhurn | stupid; foolish; folly; stupidity | 愚蠢
gvafzhux | elegant taste; refined pleasure | 雅趣
gvaixzhao | wormwood, moxa (grass) | 蒿草; 艾草
gvauq cidzhuix | bite one mouthful | 咬一嘴; 咬一口
gve-zhuiephøea | stiff jaw | 硬嘴頰; 硬喙䫌
gveizhuiepef | talk tough; refuse to admit mistake | 硬嘴䫌
gvexzhaa | hard wood | 硬柴
gvexzhuiepef | talk tough; refuse to admit mistake | 硬嘴扒; 嘴硬
gvexzhuix | brutumfulmen; bravado; swash | 硬嘴
gvi-zhuiephøea | stiff jaw | 硬嘴頰; 硬喙䫌
gviao zhuiekhie | pick one's teeth | 剔牙齒
gviauhzhuix | protrude one's lips | 翹嘴; 噘嘴; 突出唇
gviauq zhuietuun | upper lip naturally turned up | 翹嘴唇
gviawzhvoaf | take out a splinter | 挑刺芒
gviazhwn | celebrate the Spring Festival | 迎春
gviuo khazhngf | twist your butt | 扭尻川
gvixzhaa | hard wood | 硬柴
gvixzhuix | brutumfulmen; bravado; swash | 硬嘴
gvofzhae | polychrome | 五彩
gvofzhafn | lunch | 中餐; 午餐
gvofzhayhuun | colorful clouds | 五彩雲
gvofzhayseg | polychrome | 五彩色
gvoxzhngg | bed or couch; lie on a bed | 臥床
gøafzhaix | plant that swans eat | 鵝菜
gøeqzhof | beginning of the month | 月初
gøeqzhud | moonrise | 月出
gøeqzhøef | the beginning of the month | 月初
habzhuix | to meet one's taste | 合嘴
hafmzhuix | hit into pieces | 撼碎; 打碎
hag sinzheng | buy cloth | 購身穿; 買衣服
haglek zhekgiam | examination of scholastic ability | 學力測驗
haixzhux | harm; detriment; disadvantage; shortcomings | 害處; 破房子
hakzhaan | farmland; cropland | 購田; 買田地
hakzhux | buy a house | 蓄厝
hamsiuzhao | mimosa; the sensitive plant | 含羞草
hanzhofng | financial difficulty of a scholar | 寒窗
hanzuu-zhoaq | shredded sweet-potato | 蕃薯刨
haqzhuix | palatable; tasty; suit one's taste | 合嘴; 合口味; 對胃口
harnzhao | physique | 漢草; 體
hatzhae | cheer, applaud | 鼓掌; 喝采
hatzhuo | brown rat, Norwegian rat | 棕土
hauzhoarn | asthma | 哮喘
hawzhafn | weak crying | 呻吟
haxnzhaan | a dry farmland | 旱田
haxzheg | bad strategy; measure or policy | 下策
haxzhux | next time | 下次
hayzhadzuun | pirate ship | 海賊船
hayzhafng | a kind of sedge | 海茢
hayzhaix | any edible seaweed; agar-agar | 海菜
hayzhang'ar | a kind of sedge | 海蔥仔
hayzhao | seaweed; marine plants | 海草
hayzhat | pirate; sea rover | 海盜; 海賊
hayzhat-zuun | pirate ship | 海賊船
hazhao | tie up grass or straw in bundles | 綑草
hazhuu | a flaw; a blemish; a fault; an imperfection; a blot | 瑕疪; 瑕玼
heazhao | appearance of merchants | 貨草
hefsiøzhux | house fire | 火燒厝
hegzhuo | getting; acquisition | 獲取
hengkud zhoanchiesut | sternal puncture | 胸骨穿刺術
hengseg zhonghoong | look anxious and tense; be in a big hurry like a fugitive | 形色倉皇
hengsu zhaiphvoax | criminal trial | 刑事裁判
hengzerngzhwhwn | disciplinary measures taken against an official guilty of abuse of administrative powers as opposed to punishment meted out by a court of law | 行政處分
hengzhefng | repay entirely | 還還; 還清
hengzhvef | planet | 行星
herngkøf-zhayliet | cheerful; in high spirits; elated; jubilant | 興高采烈
herngzhux | interest; hobby; be interested in | 興趣
hexngzhaix | amaranth; edible amaranth | 莧菜
hiaau khazhngf | sodomy; feeling horny (be burnt by taking part in an unnecessary activity) | 多事; 自作孽; 嬲尻川
hiafmzhux | dangerous place | 險處
hiafngsiu zheng'eeng | enjoy an easy and comfortable life | 享受清閒
hiangzhoafn | village; countryside; rural area | 鄉村
hiarmzhat | shout the thief | 喊賊
hiauzherng | to invite | 邀請
hiauzhøe | turn over things in thorough search | 翻查
hiaxzhux | a house covered with tile; brick on the roof; tiled house | 瓦厝; 瓦房
hib tauxzhaix | stuffed bean sprouts | 翕豆菜
hiboefzhef | shaped like a fish's forked tail | 魚尾叉
hiefnlo`zhutlaai | disclose; reveal | 顯露出來
hiefnzhud | appear; to show in contrast | 顯出
hienzhef | good wife; good wife | 賢妻
hienzhef-liongbiør | dutiful wife and loving mother | 賢妻良母
hienzhef-liongbør | dutiful wife and loving mother | 賢妻良母
hienzheq | flip over the books; open the book | 翻冊; 翻書
hiernzhud | show | 現出
hiet'zhefng | serum; blood serum | 血清
hietzhefng liauhoad | serum therapy | 血清療法
hietzhefng | serum; serum | 血清
hietzhoanzexng | thrombosis | 血栓症
hiexn keazheg | offer a plan; strategy to win | 獻計策
hiexnzhefng | pay off at hand | 現清
hiexnzhwsii | modern; current; present; at present; now; nowadays | 現此時; 目今; 現在
hiezhud | theatrical bill; the measure of a play or movies | 戲齣; 齣戲
hilanzhea'ar | skin disease caused fish scales | 魚鱗𤺅仔
hilanzhex | wart | 魚鱗繭
hiongzhaix | coriander | 香菜; 芫荽
hiongzhoafn kaoiok | rural education | 鄉村教育
hiongzhoafn | rustic; village; countryside | 鄉村
hiongzhwn | country | 鄉村
hiuzhef | divorce one's wife | 休妻
hizhoafn | fishing village | 漁村
hizhwn | fishing village | 漁村
hizhøf | smell of fish | 魚腥
hiøhzhoarn | take a breath; take a break | 歇喘; 緩氣; 透口氣
hm'afzhao | gramineous plants (belonging to the grass family of plants) | 茅仔草; 茅草
hmlangzhuix | matchmaker mouth | 媒人嘴
hmzhao | cogongrass | 茅草; 白茅草
hoaciog-huzhef | formally married couple | 花燭夫妻
hoad zhuiechiw | beard beginning to grow; let your whiskers grow | 長鬍子; 發鬍鬚
hoad zhuiekhie | teething | 發嘴齒
hoafnzhat | traitor | 反賊; 叛賊
hoafnzhuix | deny what has been said | 翻供; 反嘴
hoafnzhvef | turn green out of fear | 反青; 變青色
hoahzhae | applaud, cheer | 喊彩; 喝采
hoahzhat | shout; Stop thief ! | 喊賊
hoaixzhux | disadvantage | 壞處
hoaizhwn | to begin to think of love; become sexually awakened (usually said of young girls) | 懷春
hoan'afzhafng | onion | 番仔蔥
hoanzhaan | turn the farmland over | 翻土; 翻田
hoanzhanthoo | turn the soil from farmland over | 翻田土
hoanzhao | turn the grass over; ruminate; chew the cud | 翻草; 反芻; 牛的反芻
hoanzhefng | settle an account; paid in full like an account or debt | 還清
hoanzhngf | repair the warehouse; turn over the warehouse | 翻倉
hoanzhuo | wild; desert rat; squirrel | 番鼠
hoanzhux | renovate | 翻厝; 房子翻新
hoarnzhefng | names widely called | 汎稱
hoarnzhux | buy and sell a house or piece of reality | 販屋
hoarnzhvea | arouse; awaken; call up | 喚醒
hoat zhaezay | plant and nourish vegetable seedlings | 培植菜苗
hoatzhae | prosperous; thriving; flourishing | 發彩; 興隆
hoatzhao | grow grass; grow grass | 長草; 長出草來
hoatzhef | legal wife | 髮妻
hoatzhud | to send forth; to issue; to emit; give out; utter | 發出
hoaxnzhøx | make mistakes | 犯錯
hoazhae | gorgeous | 華彩
hoazhao | flower and grass; also refer such painting | 花草
hoeazhao | appearance of merchants | 貨草
hoefkimzhvef | firefly; glowworm | 火金星; 螢火蟲
hoefsiøzhux | house on fire | 火燒厝; 失火; 房子著火
hoefzhaa | matches | 火柴
hoefzhoee | poker | 撥火棒
hoefzhuie'ar | spark plug | 火嘴仔; 火星塞
hoefzhuo | squirrel | 火鼠
hoefzhvef | mars | 火星
hoehzhefng | serum | 血清
hoelienzhuix | sweet words | 花嗹嘴; 巧言
hoexzhafn | have a meal together | 會餐
hoexzhud | money transfer out | 匯出
hoezhaix | cauliflower; cauliflower | 花菜; 花椰菜
hoezhao | flowers and plants; colored design; flowers and grass | 花草
hoezhuix | to retort | 反駁
hoezhwn | the return of spring; rejuvenation; return to spring bring back life to patient | 回春
hoezhør | flower and grass (paintings) | 花草
hof cy iok zhud | obvious; almost certain (said of the identity of a person who remains behind the scene or a criminal suspect against whom no evidence has yet been found) | 呼之欲出
hofngzhad | to inquire about and investigate | 訪察
hoksinzhaix | a kind of Asian vegetable | 福神菜
hongzhaai | just now; a short while ago | 方纔; 剛才
hongzhae | graceful bearing; elegant manners and appearance; fine deportment | 風采
hongzhafng | allium genus liliaceae for medicine | 風蔥
hongzhao | fragrant grass | 芳草; 艾香納
hongzhef | kite | 風吹
hongzheg | tentative plan | 方策
hongzheliern | windmill | 風吹輪
hongzhoef | kite | 風箏
hongzhoeliern | winmill | 風吹輪
hongzhuiekhao | tuyere | 風喙口
hongzhuix | a wind gap; edges of paper pasted together | 封嘴; 風嘴; 封口
hongzhuu | the crown prince | 皇儲
hongzhux | humor; wit; humorous; witty; interesting | 風趣; 封厝
hongzhuxn putloan | remain calm; cool and collected; maintain composure | 方寸無亂
hongzhuxn | heart; square inch | 方寸
hongzhøef | kite | 風箏; 風吹
hongzhøeliern | windmill | 風吹輦; 風車
hoo-zhezhef | (idiom) in a mess | 鬍碴碴; 一片狼籍; 雜亂無章
horngzhud | let out | 放出
hoxkhao zhaupurn | copy or abstract of one's census register | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao-zhaupurn | a written copy of the registered residence | 戶口抄本
hoxkhawzhaupurn | household registration transcript | 戶口抄本
hoxngbøea-zhao | spleenwort; ferns | 鳳尾草
hoxngzhef | to respectfully receiving your order | 奉差; 奉命出差
hozhaux | armpit odor | 狐臭
huhuzhahzhaq | give present (to one's elder; superior) | 孝敬有加
huihzhefng | serum | 血清
huixzhvef | Comet | 彗星
huizhuo | a flying squirrel; a polatouche | 飛鼠; 鼬鼠
hulanzhea'ar | fish scales | 魚鱗𤺅仔
hunbuun putzhuo | not to take or accept even a cent which is not deserved; be incorruptible | 分文無取
hunzhaan | land distribution | 分田
hunzhae | clouds illuminated by the rising or setting sun | 雲彩
hunzhao | the tobacco plants; tobacco | 煙草; 菸草
hunzhef | fork of a tree or a road | 分叉; 分岔; 分歧
hunzhelo | fork of a road | 分叉路; 分岔路
hunzhoef | tobacco pipe | 煙吹; 煙管
hunzhoethaau | bowl of a pipe | 煙斗頭; 煙吹頭
hunzhuiear | cigarette holder | 薰喙仔
hunzhuix | a cigarette holder | 煙嘴
hunzhuxn | judgement for propriety; a measure; within the bounds of propriety in speech and behavior | 分寸
hunzhøef | tobacco pipe | 煙斗; 薰吹; 旱煙袋; 煙吹
hunzhøethaau | head of tobacco pipe | 煙斗頭; 煙吹頭
huozhefng | settle up; paid in full | 付清
huozhud | (v) pay; pay out | 付出
huozofngzhaai | assistant bank manager; vice president of a party | 副總裁
hurntøxzhux | office of the dean of students | 訓導處
huxluo zhamzerngkoaan | the right for women to participate in public affairs; women's rights | 婦女參政權
huyzhat | bandit; robber | 匪賊
huyzhuix | emerald; jade | 翡翠
huyzhuix-gek | emerald; jade | 翡翠玉
huzhaq | to help; to assist; sustain; support (person to stand up; tottering regime | 扶插; 手插入其腋下而扶之; 擁護; 支持,
huzhef | consort; spouse; man and wife | 夫妻
huzhwn | fishing village | 漁村
huzhøf | aquatic foods | 魚臊
hvaihvaizhafn | be full of complaints | 哼哼潺
hviazhaa | to burn by wood; burn fire wood | 焚柴; 燃柴; 燒柴; 燒木柴
hviuxhviuxzhoarn | wheeze | 哮哮喘
hviuzhaa | wood incense; sandal wood | 檀木; 香木; 香柴
hviuzhao | vanilla | 香草
hviuzhoafn | village | 鄉莊; 鄉村
hvoaizhaa giajip zaux | argue irrationally; do things the way they won't work (to put sticks of wood into the stove sideways; contrary to the way they fit) | 強詞奪理; 橫柴抬入灶
hvoaizhvoax | cross bolt or bar (at a gate) | 橫閂
hwn bøexzhud serngpai | unable to decide who won | 分無出勝敗
hwn bøexzhud | cannot distinguish or discriminate | 分無出
hwnsyn zhuiekud | at the cost of one's life…; great danger; very risky | 粉身碎骨
hwnzhuix | porphyria; all to pieces; crush up; smash to pieces; grind to powder | 粉碎
hyzhud-boxnggoa | joy over unexpected good luck; unexpected joy | 喜出望外
hø cioong khao zhud | Careless talk may get one into trouble. (Trouble comes out of the mouth.) | 禍從口出
høeazhao | quality of goods | 貨草; 貨物品質
høeazhngf | warehouse | 貨倉
høefsiøzhux | a house in fire | 火燒屋; 火燒厝; 失火
høefzhaa | firewood; match | 火柴
høefzhuo | squirrel | 火鼠; 栗鼠
høezhuix | to retort | 回喙
høfphvae zhampoaxn | good and bad about half-and-half | 好壞參半
høfzhaa | good wood | 好柴
høfzhaythaau | good omen | 好彩頭
høfzhuiesuie | good at being polite or flattering talk | 好嘴水; 嘴甜
høfzhuietao | good appetite | 好喙斗
høfzhuix | affable; talk friendly (out of good will) | 好嘴; 好喙; 嘴甜
høfzhux | advantage | 益處; 好處
høqzhuix | crane's beak | 鶴嘴
hør-thauzhuix | courteous; polite; politeness | 好頭嘴; 懂禮貌; 會說話
hør-zhaythaau | good start | 好彩頭
hør-zhuietao | good appetite; not picky with food | 好嘴斗
hør-zhuopvy | good neighbor | 好厝邊
høzhaix | Japanese meal or food | 和菜
høzhngg | riverbed | 河床
høzhoafn | river; stream | 河川
høzhoante | river bank; delta; flat lands | 河川地
høzhux | Where? What place? | 何處
ia zhekzerng | to plant rice seed | 撒粟種; 播稻種
iafzhafn | picnic; barbecue | 野餐
iafzhaix | vegetable grown in nature | 野菜
iafzhao | weed | 野草
iamzhaan | salt pan; salina | 鹽田
iaozhux | essentials | 要處
iaupafzhar | Hungry or full; he is still troublesome.--No matter what the circumstances; he causes a lot of trouble | 飢飽吵; 嘮叨無休
iaupar-zhar | squabble all the time; fuss unceasingly | 飢飽吵; 吵鬧無停
iaxzhafn | dinner | 夜餐
iaxzhat | a burglar | 夜賊
iaxzhef | yaksha (nature spirits); a monstrous-looking devil; female demon | 夜叉
ibiin-zerngzheg | emigration-immigration policy; colonization policy | 移民政策
ie-zw zhamkhør | assist further investigation | 以資參考
iefnzhud | perform; present (a play) | 演出
ienpid-zhad | eraser | 鉛筆擦
ienzhao | tobacco | 煙草
ienzhwn | quail | 鵪鶉
iezhux | interest | 意趣
imzhaan | flood the paddy fields | 灌溉; 淹田
imzhaf | tuning-fork | 音叉
imzhaf-iongzhøx | due to all sorts of accidental mishaps | 陰錯陽差
imzharm | gloomy, miserable | 陰慘; 暗淡的
imzhef | a tuning fork | 音叉
inzheg | relative by marriage | 姻親; 姻戚
inzhuo | therefore; on this account; therefore; thus; consequently; for this reason | 因此
iofngzhaam | silkworm breeding, sericulture | 養蠶
iongzhwn | plain | 陽春
ioxngzhux | function; application; use of; usefulness | 用處
irnzheq | print books | 印冊; 印書
irnzhud | to run off, to print, to come out in print | 印出
irnzhuix | talk back; answer back; to retort | 應嘴; 應喙; 頂嘴
irnzhuix-irncih | answer back; to retort | 應嘴應舌; 還嘴; 頂嘴
it'hw itzhef zex | monogamous | 一夫一妻制
it'hw itzhef zwgi | monogamy | 一夫一妻主義
it'hw tøzhef zwgi | polygamy | 一夫多妻主義
it'iaxzhef | one night stand | 一夜妻
itkoad-zhuhioong | fight it out; compete for the championship | 一決雌雄
itliam-cy-zhaf | (full adage: ‘itliam cy zhaf, ciongsyn cy hoex') a wrong decision made in a moment of weakness; a false step | 一念之差
itlieen-cy-kex zaixuu zhwn | Spring is the best time to do the year's work | 一年之計在於春
itlienzhoaxn | series; string; chain of | 一連串
itpefng-itzhud | one soldier or one servant | 一兵一卒
itzhatnar | in a split second; in a flash; in the twinkling of an eye | 一剎那
itzhefng-jixzhør | very clear | 一清二楚
itzhengjixzhør | very clear | 一清二楚
itzhex | all, everything | 一切
itzhoaxn | a string | 一串
itzhuxn | on inch | 一寸
iuu zhuo cien'orng | go from here | 由此前往
iuzhad | paint; paints; varnishes; oil paint | 油漆
iuzhad-saihu | painter; varnish | 油漆師父; 油漆匠
iuzhaehoef | rapeseed flowers | 油菜花
iuzhafng | fried onions for seasoning | 油蔥
iuzhaix | vegetables used for greens | 油菜
iuzhangkea | rice cake with fried onions ingredients | 油蔥粿
iuzhangkoea | rice cake with fried onions ingredients | 油蔥粿
iuzhangsof | shallots | 油蔥酥
iuzhay | mailman | 郵差
iuzheeng | Taiwan hemlock (tree) | 油榕; 臺灣鐵杉
iuzhef | postman | 郵差
iuzhok | postal cancellation; postmark | 郵戳
iuzhuo | from this hence; therefore | 由此
iuzhøf | non vegi fatty food | 油腥
iwekzhux | available; beneficial | 有益處; 有益
iwzhux | fun | 有趣
ixn laang khaq-zharm khiaxm laang | You have to keep your word. (Lit. To promise someone something is more serious than for someone to owe you a debt.) | 答應他人比欠他人更嚴重
ixzhae | strange burst of color | 異彩
ixzheg | estimate, predict, make a forecast, an estimate | 預測
ixzhux | different interest | 異趣
izhux | in order, by turns, one by one | 依次
iøhbexzhud | cannot figure it out | 猜不出, 猜不著
iøhbøexzhud | cannot figure it out | 猜無出; 猜不著
iøhzhutzhud | expected | 臆出出
iøo khazhnghoef | swing one's hips from side to side in walking | 扭屁股花
iøqzhao | herb medicine | 草藥; 藥草
iøqzhawar | clover medicine; medicinal herbs | 藥草仔; 草頭藥
iøqzheq | medical books | 藥冊; 藥書
iøzhek | hulled rice | 搖穀; 搖擺
iøzhoa | to rear; to bring up a child; take care of children | 撫育; 看帶兒女
iøzhoaq | be exited, to be moved by news or rumor | 搖曳; 搖掣
jiafzhao liamhoef | have one love affair after another (said of males) | 惹草拈花
jiafzhutsu | cause trouble | 惹出事
jiazhaxng | to conceal, to hide | 遮藏
jibzhuix | enter or put into the mouth | 入嘴
jibzhux | moving into a new dwelling; housewarming; move into a new house | 入厝; 進屋; 喬遷; 遷新居; 喬遷宴
jibzhwn | beginning of spring; about February 5-18 | 入春; 立春
jidzhud | sunrise | 日出
jinciorng ee zhapiet thaixgu | racial discrimination | 人種的差別待遇
jinciorng ee zhapiet | racial segregation; apartheid | 人種的差別
jinkezhuo'ar | residence | 人家厝仔
jinkezhux | people's house; ordinary home | 人家厝; 民房
jintøe-zhvesof | have trouble getting about in a strange land because of unfamiliarity with the local people and their customs | 人地生疏
jintøf-zhuiezap | Agreement is difficult if there are too many people. Secrecy is difficult if too many people share it | 人多嘴雜
jinzaai poeazhud | great talent appears successively (continuously) | 人才輩出
jinzhefng taixbengsuu | personal pronoun | 人稱代名詞
jinzhefng | person (in grammar) | 人稱
jinzhux | visitors ? | 人次
jiogzhofng | bed sore | 褥瘡
jip put'hw zhud | expenditure exceeding income; cannot make both ends meet | 入無敷出
jit zhud | sunrise | 日出
jiuloarn-thefzhaw | calisthenics | 柔軟體操
jiutioong-zhurntoan | broken hearted | 柔腸寸斷
jixnzhefng | see or know clearly (which is which); identify clearly | 認清
jixnzhøx | misidentify; mistaken recognition | 認錯
jixzhay | a riddle; the answer to which is a single word or character; riddle standing for one or more characters | 字猜; 字謎
jixzhux | two times, twice, the second time | 二次
jizhafngzharng | mixed up, confused, in confusion | 很亂, 亂七八糟
jukaf-suxzheg | as glue and varnish--close and inseparable friendship | 如膠似漆
juu bong zhof serng | as if awakened from dream--come to a sudden realization | 如夢初醒
juzhafngzharng | chaotic; untidy; messy; in a mess | 亂糟糟; 亂七八糟
juzhof | as always; as it was before | 如初
juzhuo | like this; thus; thus; like this | 如此
juzhuo-ji'ie | that's all | 只此而已
juzhuo-juzhuo | so so | 如此如此
juzhwjuzhuo | so so | 如此如此
ka zhuiecih | bite one's tongue | 咬嘴舌
ka zhuiekhykyn | clench one's teeth (as in pain or rage) | 咬嘴齒根
ka'iuu-thiamzhox | exaggerate or give embellishment to a story | 加油添醋
ka-zhuiekhykwn | to masticate | 咬喙齒根
ka-zhuiekhykyn | to masticate | 咬喙齒根
kaboaqzhaix | thick sharp mustard | 厚茉菜; 加茉菜
kafmzhae | can't say for sure; maybe | 敢彩; 也許; 或許; 說無定
kafngzhuix | port; harbor | 港嘴; 河口; 港口
kafnzhefng | for short; abbreviated appellation; to be called or known as...; for short | 簡稱
kafzhar | make a noisy disturbance | 絞吵; 吵鬧
kafzhek'ar kekhix | thrashing machine | 絞粟仔
kahzhafm | participation | 合參
kahzhuix | like the taste; suit one's taste (as food or drink) | 合嘴; 合口味; 可口
kaizhux | grades or ranks in officialdom | 階次
kakafng-zhutkhawkhw | export processing zone | 加工出口區
kakzhad | detect; awake; keep an eye on; understand; become aware of; discover; realize | 覺察
kakzhvea | awake from; be disillusioned | 覺醒
kamzhngf | ulcer on the skin | 疳瘡
kamzhør | liquorice; licorice | 甘草
kangthengzhux | department of engineering; the engineering department of a huge building project | 工程處
kanzhat | scoundrel; traitor | 奸賊
kanzheg | treacherous policy | 奸策
kanzhuix | straight-forward, downright | 干碎; 乾脆
kaobu-zhux | office of curriculum, faculty room | 教務處
kaobuxzhux | dean's office | 教務處
kaozhaai | instructional materials | 教才; 教材
kaozhux | arrive home | 到厝; 到家
kapzhafm | mixed | 合參; 混在一起
kapzheq | bind a book | 合冊; 裝訂書本
kapzhuix | joint of two boards; seam in a garment | 合嘴; 縫口; 接合處
karmzhad | supervision; surveillance; an inspection; superintend; look over | 監察
karmzhad-uy'oaan | member of Supervisory Committee | 監察委員
karmzhad-uyoaan | member of the Control Yuan | 監察委員
karmzhad-vi | Control Yuan | 監察院
karmzhat'oaan | inspector | 監察員
karmzhatjiin | auditor (in a corporation) | 監察人
karmzhatkoaan | power of control (one of the five powers of the government specified in the constitution of the Republic of China) | 監察權
karmzhatsuo | controlling inspector (appointed to help execute the power of control in the early years of the Republic of China) | 監察使
karmzhatzex | supervisory system | 監察制
karzheq | teaching; teach (usually for living) | 教冊; 教書
katzhae | decorate festoon; decorate with pendants | 結綵
kauhøex-huozhefng | cash on delivery; C.O.D | 交貨付清
kauthofng-kefngzhad | traffic policeman | 交通警察
kauxboaqafzhaix | thick mustard vegetable | 厚茉菜
kauxboaqzhaix | thick leaved beet | 茉仔菜
kauxzhat | full of thieves | 厚賊; 多賊
kauzhab | involve; implicated; associate; mix with others | 交插; 交往; 牽涉; 瓜葛; 結交; 打交道
kauzhaf | decussation; crossed; crossover | 交叉
kauzhay | render a report of what one has done in line of duty.; render a report of what one has done in line of duty | 交差
kauzhef | intersect; to cross | 交叉
kauzhefng | all handed over; everything delivered properly; nothing retained | 交清
kauzhetiarm | crossing; crosspoint; intersection; crossing; point of intersection; junction | 交叉點
kauzhud | to surrender something; hand in; hand over; extradite; render up | 交出
kauzhwn | just spring begins | 交春
kauzhøx | crossed | 交錯
kaw`zhutlaai | hook it out; fish it out | 鉤出來
kaxzhuiekhykwn | molar | 咬喙齒根
kaxzhuiekhykyn | molar | 咬喙齒根
kaxzhuietuun | bite the lips | 咬嘴唇
kaxzhuix | to masticate | 同嘴
kayzhefng | rename, retitle | 改稱
kayzhoah | misinterprete | 改斜; 誤解
kayzhøx | correct mistakes | 改錯
kazhaam | silk-worm | 家蠶
kazhad | glue paint | 膠漆
kazhafn | good meal | 佳餐
kazhaix | have additional and better foods than the usual fare | 加菜
kazhat | thief from within | 家賊
kazhat-lanhoong | It is hard or impossible to guard against a thief within the household | 家賊難防
kazhuo | house mouse | 家鼠
ke'nngxzhefng | white of an egg; the albumin | 雞蛋清; 蛋白
keanaafzhaix | Chinese kale, a wrinkled leaf cabbage like vegetable | 芥藍菜
keaneafzhaix | Chinese kale, a wrinkled leaf cabbage like vegetable | 芥藍菜
keazhaf | price difference | 價差
keazheg | stratagem; tactics; plan; device; a scheme; a trick; a trap | 計策
keazhngf | sores from scabies | 疥瘡
keazhoa | marriage; matrimony in general; marry or be married | 嫁娶; 結婚; 婚嫁
keazhud | woman to be married a husband | 嫁出; 嫁出門
keazhuix | spread the word | 過喙
kefngbu-zhuotviuo | Commissioner of Police (Provincial) | 警務處長
kefngbu-zhux | provincial police department | 警務處
kefngbuxzhux | Provincial Department of Police Affairs | 警務處
kefngzhad | patrol and investigate; policeman | 巡查; 警察
kefngzhad-hunkiok | police precinct headquarters | 警察分局
kefngzhad-kiok | police station | 警察局
kefngzhaix | vegetables picking | 揀菜
kefngzhatkiok | police department | 警察局
kefngzhuo | to pick out | 揀取
kefngzhvea | wake someone up with a start | 警醒
kefzhoex | dry grounded sticky rice | 粿粞
kefzhuiekhie | false teeth; dentures | 假嘴齒; 假牙
keg-sinzheng | vanity; e.g. in dress | 激身穿; 講究衣著
keg`zhutkhix | expel (from a family; village; society) | 革出去; 逐出去
kegkhao zhengzaxn | speak in the highest terms; praise lavishly | 極口稱讚
kehmii-zhaix | left over | 隔夜菜
kekzhud | knock out | 擊出
kekzhuix | knock to pieces; smash to smithereens | 擊碎
kemngzherng | a feather duster | 雞毛撢
kemozherng | feather duster | 雞毛撢
kengzhaan | farms | 耕田
kengzheq | classical books | 經冊; 經本,經書
kerng zhwn`ee | leavings; leftovers | 揀剩的
kerng`zhutlaai | pick out | 揀出來
kerngzhad | policeman | 警察
kexng iuo zhwsu | everyone's surprise; it did happen | 竟有此事
kexzhuo'ar | simple and small house | 低厝仔
kezherng | piece of split bamboo for chasing animals | 雞筅
kezhoee | tools for catching chickens | 雞箠
khabzhuix | close mouth | 磕嘴; 合嘴
khachiwbaq phiqphiqzhoaq | body all trembling with terror | 腳手肉皮皮掣; 手腳顫抖;
khahzharm | more miserable | 較慘
khaizhae | mined; exploit; excavate; to mine; deprive a girl of her virginity (not through marriage) | 開採; 開包
khaizhak | dig (a well; canal); to drill | 開鑿
khaizhoxng | to establish, to found | 開創
khakzhag | conclusive; definite | 確鑿
khanchyn-bafnzheg | seek special favor or help from somebody by elaborating on one's relationship (usually remote and indirect) with him; to try to cement ties or establish connections with an ulterior motive | 牽親挽戚; 拉關係
khang'ui-zhuozaan | vacant subshell (phys.) | 空位厝層
khanguzhvef | star Altair | 牽牛星
khangzhexng | shot without bullet | 空鎗
khangzhuiekorng | speak without evidence | 空口講; 空嘴講
khangzhuiepoxcih | talk nonsense | 空喙哺舌
khangzhuix | wound | 傷口; 空喙; 孔嘴
khangzhuix-poxcih | chewing one's tongue in an empty mouth ─ make false; deceitful promises | 空嘴嚼舌; 空喙哺舌; 空口說白話; 空談
khangzhuokefng | empty room | 空厝間
khangzhux | empty house | 空屋
khanzhea | involve; implicate | 牽扯
khaozhafn | crying | 哭潺; 哭孱
khaozharm | crying bitterly | 哭慘
khaq-zhutlat`leq | Exert yourself a bit more! | 多用力點; 較出力咧
kharmzhad | investigate; to review; examine | 勘察
kharmzhaxng | hid | 蓋藏
kharmzhuix | to cover the mouth, to let shut the mouth | 蓋嘴; 崁喙
kharpinzhexng | carbine | 卡賓槍
kharzhuix | to knock into pieces | 敲碎
khatzhaix | scoop food out of a pan or a pot | 挹菜; 舀菜
khauzhao | pull out weeds; weed out by the roots | 削草; 薅草; 拔草
khauzhar | criticize; find fault with | 刮吵; 計較
khaw zhao | pull the grass | 薅草
khawzhaux | halitosis; bad breath | 口臭
khax hunzhøef | knock the tobacco (ash) out of a pipe | 敲煙斗; 敲煙吹
khaxm zhao | cover with straw or grass; to thatch a roof with straw | 蓋草
khaxm zhuokoax | roof a building | 蓋厝掛
khaxm zhuoterng | roof a building | 蓋屋頂
khaxng laang ee zhaothauphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的臭頭痞
khazhng'au | behind; at the back; behind somebody's back | 尻川後; 背地裡; 背後
khazhng'au-oe | backbiting | 尻川後話; 背後話; 私詆
khazhng'auxoe | backbiting | 尻川後話
khazhngf cviu | sodomy; feeling horny (be burnt by taking part in an unnecessary activity) | 尻川癢; 多事; 自作孽
khazhngf tngg | stay too long; pay person too long a visit | 尻川長; 長屁股 (久留無離不受歡迎)
khazhngf | anus | 尻川; 屁股; 肛門
khazhngf-khafng | the anus, the fundament | 尻川孔; 尻川空
khazhngkaw | butt groove | 尻川溝
khazhngkhao | anus | 尻川口
khazhngkud | the hucklebone | 尻川骨
khazhngphea | buttocks; rump | 尻川臀; 臀部; 屁股
khazhngphoea | buttocks, rump | 尻川䫌
khazhngphøea | buttocks; rump | 尻川臀; 臀部; 屁股
khazhngtao | hips; buttocks | 尻川斗; 臀部
kheeng zhaebøea | gather up the leavings after a meal | 吃光剩菜; 集菜尾
khefbengzhvef | morning star; Venus | 啟明星; 晨星
khefzefng-zhux | tax office, revenue office | 稽征處; 稅捐處
khehzhngf | a cabin of a ship or a plane | 客艙
khehzhoaxn | guest star; someone from the audience appears onstage for an impromptu performance; (an established actor or actress) having walk-on role; cameo role; guest-star | 客串
khekzhef | incompatible with wife | 剋妻
khekzhvef | malignant star ─ a person who always bars another person from success; unbeatable rival; a jinx | 剋星
khiaozhuix | to pout (in displeasure); curled lips | 翹嘴; 嘟起嘴巴; 撅嘴
khiaukhaf liern zhuiechiw | put one leg over the other and twist the mustache ─ live in leisure | 蹺腿捻鬍鬚; 生活閒逸
khiaxmciah-liafmzheng | economize on clothing and food; live a frugal life | 儉吃儉穿
khiaxmzheng | save money on clothes | 儉穿; 穿得省儉
khiaxmzhuix | moderate in eating | 省吃; 儉嘴
khiaxzhear | marked with x as a rejection sign | 徛叉仔
khiaxzhux | reside; be a resident (of) | 徛厝; 住家; 豎厝
khie iuo zhwlie? | How can this be right? How absurd! | 豈有此理
khienzhud | to throw out | 丟出; 掔出
khietzhoafn | reveal | 揭穿
khietzhuo | acquisition | 擷取
khiezhaai | equipment and materials | 器材
khiezhexng | air-gun | 氣槍; 氣銃
khiezhoarn | asthma; pant; to gasp; asthma | 氣喘
khiezhofng | air window, ventilating window | 氣窗
khiezhux | next position; whereabouts; place one is heading | 去處
khihzhuix | harelip; a chipped or nicked edge; gap; breach; harelip; cleft lip | 兔唇; 缺喙; 缺嘴; 殘缺
khimzhat siefn khim'oong | If you want to capture a group of bandits; capture the ringleader first. ─ Stress what should be done first. First things first | 擒賊先擒王
khimzhef | imperial envoy; commissioner; ambassador | 欽差
khinkizhexng | light machine gun | 輕機槍
khinzhaezw | chopped celery | 芹菜珠
khinzhaix | celery | 芹菜
khipzhuo | seek (knowledge); suck (liquids) | 吸取
khixzhngg | can't sleep after changing the bed | 忌床
khixzhuix | ban certain foods when sick or other reasoning | 忌喙
khiøhzhaa | picking up wood; collect firewood | 撿柴; 拾柴
khoaezhafn | quick meal; snack; fast food; simple meal consisting of a couple of dishes which are served promptly in small restaurants | 快餐
khoaezhuix | loquacious, talkative | 快碎; 快喙
khoafnzheq | to put books in order; to tidy | 款冊; 收拾書本
khoahzhuix | the mouth is very wide; broad mouth | 闊嘴; 大嘴巴
khofbøefzhaix | Chinese lettuce; Ixeris chinensis | 苦尾菜
khofzhaix | bitter vegetable | 苦菜
khofzhef | the hard job; painful job | 苦差
khofzhor | suffering; pain; anguish; grief; bitterness; hardship | 苦楚
khofzhud | tragedy (play) | 悲劇; 苦齣
khongkhiezhexng | air rifle | 空氣槍 (打鳥)
khongkhix-zhexng | air gun | 空氣槍
khorngzhaethaau | boil the daikon over slow heat | 炕菜頭
khorngzhngg | a brick bed warmed by a fire underneath | 炕床
khuizhaan | convert waste land into paddy-field | 開田; 開墾田地
khuizhef | to open a slit in a dress; branch out (as a tree or limb) | 開叉; 分叉
khuizhexng | to shoot; to open fire; fire a rifle | 開銃; 開槍
khuizhud | to list; to state | 開出
khuizhuix | open the mouth to say something | 啟開; 嘴齒; 開口
khuizhøf | (said of vegetarians or people fasting) to shift ot meat-eating; cease being a vegetarian | 開葷; 破葷戒
khunzhaezw | chopped celery | 芹菜珠
khunzhaix | celery | 芹菜
khurnzhvea | wake up | 睡醒
khutzheg | to fall; drop; or go down; on one's knees; to kneel down; kneel down | 屈膝
khutzheg-tiaupaix | kneel down and worship | 屈膝朝拜
khuxkhuxzhoaq | to shiver | 顫顫抖
khuxn cidzhvea | have a sleep | 睡一覺; 睡一醒
khuzheg | to ruge; to spur; to order (a person) about | 驅策
khviuxzhuix | restrain the appetite from what is not agreeable | 禁碎; 禁食
khvoarexzhud | can distinguish | 看會出; 能辨別
khvoarthvizhaan | paddies without dependable irrigation water | 看天田
khvoarzhefng | to see clearly | 看清; 看清楚
khvoarzheq | read a book | 看冊; 看書
khvoarzhud | discern; espy; descry | 看出
khvoarzhutzhud | see someone through | 看出出
khvoarzhøx | be deceived by one's eyes; misjudge (by sight) | 看錯
khvoax-bøexzhud | cannot distinguish; cannot look | 看無出; 看袂出; 看不出; 不能辨別
khwnzherng | request with great earnestness ─ (used in an application) | 懇請
khy'iuo-zhwlie | totally unreasonable; What kind of reasoning is that? | 豈有此理
khyiuo-zhwlie | totally unreasonable; What kind of reasoning is that?; How absurd!; Preposterous! | 豈有此理
khyzhngg | to get out of bed; to get up; to rise from bed | 起床
khyzhof | in the beginning; at first | 起初
khyzhux | build a house | 起厝; 蓋房子
khyzhør | draft (a bill); draw up (plans); drafting; make a draft | 起草
khøfzhaa | to examine; to do research on | 考查
khøfzhad | inspect or look into (in order to get some useful information) | 考察
khøfzhad-lyheeng | inspection tour | 考察旅行
khøfzhad-thoaan | inspection team; research team | 考察團
khøfzhatthoaan | investigating commission | 考察團
khøfzhuo | worthy of praise or commendation | 可取; 可嘉
kiabzhuix | talkative | 劫嘴; 多嘴
kiafmzhad | inspect; inspection (archaic); prosecute | 檢察
kiafmzhad-kvoaf | a court prosecutor; an attorney general; procurator | 檢察官
kiafmzhae | may be; in case; supposing; perhaps; fear; I'm afraid...; I fear... | 假使; 檢采; 恐怕; 減採; 也許可能; 說無定
kiafmzhatkvoaf | public prosecutor; prosecuting attorney | 檢查官
kiafmzhatzhux | prosecuting attorney's office | 地檢處
kiafmzheg | detection | 檢測
kiamzhaepor | salted dry turnip | 鹹菜脯
kiamzhaix | pickled vegetables; pickles; mustard plant; pickled vegetables (especially mustard-green) | 鹹菜; 酸菜
kiamzhao | grass for making bags; sea-grass (used to make mats) | 鹹草; 鹵草; 海草
kiamzhay | concurrent posts | 兼差
kiapzhuix | chattering needlessly and offensively | 劫嘴; 喋喋不休; 冒犯性地喋喋無休
kiarzhngf | entrust a warehousing company with merchandise or a rice-mill with crops | 寄倉
kiarzhud | send out | 寄出
kiauzhef | a beloved wife; charming wife | 嬌妻
kiawzhar | to disturb; to stir; to interrupt; make a disturbance | 騷擾; 攪吵; 打擾
kiax`zhud | sent | 寄出
kiedzhud ee laang | eminent person | 傑出的人
kiedzhud | eminent; outstanding | 傑出
kiernsiaozhao | mimosa | 見笑草
kiet'hap-zhuosox | (chem.) bond order | 結合次素; 結合次數
kiet'hoad-huzhef | legally married couple ─ the first marriage for both husband and wife | 結髮夫妻
kietthauzhaix | kohlrabi; turnip | 大頭菜
kietzhud | bear fruit; go to seed | 結出
kiexnkied-zhuosox | bond order | 鍵結次素; 鍵結次數
kiexnsinzhaw | calisthenics | 健身操
kikoanzhexng | a machine gun; machine gun | 機關鎗; 機關銃; 機關槍
kimciafm-zhaix | daylily | 金針菜; 萱草
kimciamzhaix | lily flower | 金針菜
kimhizhao | an aquatic plant | 金魚草
kimzhuiekhie | gold-capped teeth | 金嘴齒
kiofngzhud | confess; confession; affidavit; make a deposition | 供出
kiongzex zhwhwn | compulsory measure (legal) | 強制處分
kiongzhofng | sky; firmament | 穹蒼
kiongzhuo | take by force | 強取
kioxngtoong zhutzw | joint investment; invest jointly | 共同出資; 共同投資
kioxngzhux | coexist | 共處
kirmcie zhutparn | suppress publication | 禁止出版
kirmzheq | prohibited book; banned book | 禁冊; 禁書
kirmzhuix | no food allowed | 禁喙
kiuozhad | maintain public order; disciplinary investigation | 糾察
kiuozhattui | disciplinary investigators | 糾察隊
kiuozhvef | unexpected deliverer; person who delivers from very pressing danger | 救星
kiuzhee | a bat (for tennis etc.) | 球桿; 撞球槌; 球竿
kiuzhngg | billiard table | 撞球桌面, 桌檯
kiuzhoee | billiards stick; hockey stick; golf club | 球竿; 撞球棒
kiuzhøee | a bat (for tennis etc.) | 球桿; 撞球槌; 球竿
kix-bøo zhengzhør | have no clear recollection; did not remember clearly | 記無清楚
kixzhuix | to be on a diet (because of ailment; etc;) | 忌嘴
kizheg | strange scheme; surprised scheme | 奇策
kizherngchiuo | machine gunner | 機槍手
kizhexng | machinegun | 機槍
kizhofng | cockpit of a small airplane; cabin of an airliner | 機艙
kizhor | foundation; basic; basis | 基礎
kizhux | next; secondly; secondly; the next in order; besides | 其次
kiørzhaix | order food (in a restaurant) | 叫菜; 點菜
kiørzhvea | awaken some one by calling him | 叫醒; 喊醒
kngfsym-peqzhaix | Chinese cabbage | 卷心白菜
kngfsym-zhaix | cabbage | 卷心菜
kngzhngg | portable stretcher | 鋼床; 擔架
ko'khiaxzhux | solitary house; isolated dwelling | 孤徛厝; 獨門獨戶
koad-zhuhioong | fight it out | 決雌雄
koae`zhao | abduct | 拐走
koahzhao | to cut grass; to mow grass | 割草
koahzhao-ky | mower | 割草機; 除草機
koahzhawky | lawn mower | 割草機
koanzhad | to observe | 觀察
koanzhad-lek | power of observation | 觀察力
koanzhad-oaan | observer | 觀察員
koanzhatlek | power of observation; insight | 觀察力
koanzhattiarm | point of view; view point | 觀察點
koanzheg | to observe and survey | 觀測
koaq zhuiechiw | to blame | 刮鬍子
koaq zhuiecih | cut out the tongue in punishment | 割舌頭
koarhø-zhux | a registry, a register office | 掛號處
koarnzhat | a confirmed thief | 慣賊
koarnzhoafn | penetrate; pierce through; understand thoroughly | 貫穿
koarnzhoaxn | customarily; always; usually; logical connection; to string or thread together; to connect | 貫串; 慣常
koarnzhwn | military dependent's | 眷村
koarzhaecie | mustard seed | 芥菜子
koarzhaix | leaf mustard; mustard-plant | 芥菜
koatzheg | an adopted policy; decision | 決策
koatzhuhioong | make victory and defeat; make success and failure | 決雌雄; 定勝負
koatzhuiephea | slap the cheek | 打耳光; 打嘴巴
koazheq | a songbook | 歌冊; 歌本
koazhvef | singing star | 歌星
koeazhar | be fried | 炒過
koeazhef | after the first ten days of a month | 過初; 過了月初
koeazhuix | pass on a message to third person | 過嘴; 傳話給第三者
koeazhøx | wrong doing; fault; mistake; error | 錯過
koefzhex | dry grounded sticky rice | 粿粞
koemngzherng | dusting gadget made with chicken feathers | 雞毛筅
koezhee | tools for catching chickens | 雞箠
kofngpeqzhat | lie | 講白賊
kofngzhud | speak out | 講出
kofngzhøx | to say it wrong; make a mistake in speaking | 講錯
kofzhad | an ancient temple | 古剎
kofzhef | suona | 鼓吹
kofzhehoef | morning glory | 鼓吹花
kofzheq | ancient books; lianhuanhua (graphic novel); books of ancient stories | 古冊; 古書; 故事書
kofzhoef | suona | 古吹; 嗩吶
kofzhoehoef | morning glory | 鼓吹花
kofzhux | ancient house | 古厝
kofzhuy | promote; inspire a person with; inculcate (an idea or a doctrine) in another | 鼓吹
kofzhøef | trumpet | 鼓吹; 喇叭
kokzhat | a traitor of the nation; traitor to the nation | 國賊
kokzheg | affairs of the state; national policies | 國是; 國策
kokzhuix | national cultural heritage | 國粹
kokzhux | from place to place; everywhere; everywhere; various places; all the places | 各處
kongsefngzhad | general examination (Catholic) | 公省察
kongzhaai | open judge; open decide | 公裁
kongzhaan | public field; public agricultural land | 公田
kongzhae | the luster; honorable; reputable; luster; brilliance; very richly decorated | 光彩
kongzhaf | (in math.) common difference | 公差; 數學公差
kongzhay | official assignments (usually involving travel); bearer of dispatch | 公差; 差遣
kongzhef | official errand | 公差
kongzhuo | attack and occupy | 攻佔; 攻取
kongzhux | public real estate (of same clan) | 公厝; 同族的共有房屋
kongzhuxn | decimeter | 公寸
kor zhek'ar | winnow un-hulled rice | 簸穀仔
korng-peqzhat | to tell a lie | 講白賊
korngzhuix | to smash to pieces | 摃嘴; 摃碎
korzhux | stay home | 看家; 顧厝
koteazhuo'ar | house alone by itself | 孤塊厝仔; 獨屋
koteazhux | solitary house; isolated dwelling | 孤塊厝; 獨門獨戶
kox zhuix bøo kox syn | care only about food; careless about one's dress (appearance) | 只顧吃的; 無顧穿的
kudzhoafn | to dig through | 掘穿
kudzhud | to dig out | 掘出
kudzhuo | computer mouse | 滑鼠
kuiezhux | (a polite expression) What's your native place? Where are you from? | 貴處
kuizhengban | thousands | 規千萬
kuizhud | the whole play (theater) | 整齣; 規齣
kuizhux | the whole house | 整厝; 規厝
kukhaf søo`zhutlaai | reveal one's true form; character; leave loopholes in one's story; said of a matter becoming known | 龜跤趖出來; 露出馬腳
kunhoad-zhaiphvoax | court martial | 軍法裁判; 軍法庭
kunzhay | petticoats and hairpin--women | 裙釵
kunzuo togzhaai | autocracy | 君主獨裁
kuqkuqzhoaq | tremble or shake (with the cold; a fever or fear) | 慄慄抖; 戰抖
kurn`zhutkhix | to roll out; Get out! | 滾出去
kurn`zhutlaai | to roll ou | 滾出來
kutzhea | marrow | 骨髓
kutzhoea | marrow; bone marrow | 骨髓
kutzhøea | marrow | 骨髓
kutzhøefiam | osteomyelitis; a purulent inflammation of the bone | 骨髓炎
kuxzheq | a second-hand book | 舊冊; 舊書
kuxzhux | old house; former house | 老家; 舊房子
kuyzhaai | special talent | 鬼才
kuyzhefng | how many thousands | 幾千
kuyzhog | how many groups | 幾撮
kuyzhuo | Nepal bandicoot rat | 鬼鼠
kuyzhux | ghost house | 鬼厝
kuyzhuxn | how many inches | 幾寸
kuzhux | a residence | 居厝
kviaa-zhørlo | go the wrong way | 走錯路
kviahoong-sitzhox | terrified and not know what to do; to panic | 驚惶失措
kviazhvehun | timid, cowardly (of stranger) | 怕生人
kviazhwn | to pay relatives or friends a visit in the New Year holiday season to be enjoying good luck; pay New Year's call; wish to somebody Happy Year | 行春; 拜年
kviazhøx | err, make a mistake, bad deeds | 驚錯; 犯錯
kvoafzhud | to expel; to drive out | 趕出; 逐出
kvoafzhutkerng | banish | 趕出境
kvoaimngg-zhvoarho | shut and lock the door | 關門閂戶
kvoar`zhutkhix | drive out; expel | 趕出去
kvoazhaa | coffin | 棺木; 棺柴; 棺材; (棺材)
kvoazhaa-tiaxm | coffin shop | 棺木店
kvoazhao | thatch; rushes | 茅草; 菅草; 寒芒
kvoazhatiaxm | coffin shop | 棺木店
kwzhae'ngg | yellow Chinese chives | 韭菜黃; 韭黃
kwzhaehoef | leek stalks; leek stems | 韭菜花
kwzhaix | Chinese chives; leeks; garlic chives | 韭菜
kwzhud | cite an example, introduce a subject, nominate a person | 舉出
kyliaxmzheq | autograph book | 紀念冊
kynkib-zhorsy | emergency measure | 緊急措施
kyzhud | point out | 舉出
køab-zerngzheg | high-handed policy | 高壓政策
køe'mngg-zherng | feather duster | 雞毛筅
køe'mngzherng | feather duster | 雞毛筅
køeazhngf | itch sore | 疥瘡
køeazhngg | itch sore | 過床; 癢痛 [*]
køeazhuix | over the mouth | 過嘴
køfzhaix-chixtviuu | fruit | 果菜市場
køhzhoa | remarry (said of a man) | 再娶
køkib-zhamboo | senior staff officer | 高級參謀
kølee-zhaix | cabbage | 高麗菜
kølezhaevyar | cabbage sprouts | 高麗菜穎仔
kølezhaix | cabbage | 高麗菜
kørjinzhngg | a single bed | 個人床; 單人床
køsoaf-iefnzhuo | Formosan blind mole | 高沙演鼠; 高山鼴鼠; 臺灣鼴鼠
køzhef | the man who supervises the boy actors in a company | 比喻反嘴
laam-zheasor | men's room | 男廁所
laau zhuiechiw | grow a beard; have a beard; grow a moustache | 留鬍子
labzhefng | pay the whole amount | 納清
lag zhuiekhie | lose teeth | 掉牙齒
laggoeqzhef | beginning of June | 六月初
laglagzhoaq | frightening | 慄慄掣
lai zhut'hoeq | internal bleeding | 內出血
laixsinzhuozngf | new village | 內新厝庄
laizhwn | next spring | 來春; 明年春天
lakzhad | acrylic paint | 落漆
lam'afzhaa | a type of hard lumber | 楠仔柴
lan'ie siongzhux | difficult to live or deal with | 難以相處
lanzhux | hard to get along; difficult points; problems | 難處
laosayzhvef | meteors; falling stars; shooting star | 落屎星; 彗星; 流星
lap zhuosøex | pay house rent | 繳房租
laqzhexng | hunting rifle; hunting gun; fowling piece; shotgun | 獵槍
larmzhaan | muddy field | 泥田
lau'afzhux | a building of two stories or more | 樓仔厝; 樓房
lau`zhutlaai | leak out | 漏出來
lauafzhux | second-story house | 樓仔厝
lauxzhaepor | old dried radish | 老菜脯
lauxzhafng | procuress; the Madame (of a brothel) | 老鴇; 老娼; 鴇母
lauxzhafng-thaau | procuress | 老娼頭; 鴇母
lauxzhangthaau | brothel madam | 老娼頭
lauxzhof | a rude fellow | 老粗
lauxzhud | to leak out | 漏出
lauxzhux | old house | 老厝
lauzhud | flow away | 流出
lauzhuienoa | spit saliva | 流喙瀾
lauzhuoboefterng | top floor | 樓厝尾頂
laxmlam-zhamzhafm | jumble up; be mixed together; be commingled; be mingled with | 濫濫摻摻; 混淆
laxmlaxmzhamzhafm | jumble up; be mixed together; be commingled; be mingled with | 混混參參
laxmzhafm | to mix | 濫摻
laxmzhuo | take what one does not deserve; take excessively | 濫取
laxngzhuiehoef | play? | 弄喙花
lefnglerng-zhengzhefng | deserted and quiet (said of a place) | 冷冷清清
lefngsu-zhaiphvoax-koaan | consular jurisdiction | 領事裁判權
lefngzhefng | sober, dispassionate | 冷清
lefngzhengzhefng | deserted | 冷清清
lefngzhuo | to accept, to receive | 領取
legzhefng | asphalt; pitch; another name of resin | 瀝青
legzherng | entreat earnestly; ask with zeal; eagerness | 力請
legzhux | many times in the past | 歷次
lekzhuo | a squirrel | 栗鼠
lengcizhao | a mythic plant of long life | 靈芝草
lenghuun zhorngzø soad | theory of the creation of a soul for every person at birth | 靈魂創造說
lengkutzhoea | spinal cord | 龍骨骨; 脊髓
lengkutzhøea | spinal cord | 龍骨髓; 脊髓
lengkvoaf-hoxngzhøea | rare delicacies | 龍肝鳳髓
lengzhefng | milkfish | 乳鯖
lengzhngf | orifice of a teat | 乳孔; 乳頭孔
lengzhngg | the emperor's bed | 龍床
lengzhuiear | nipple; papilla | 乳嘴仔
lengzhuix | fragments; odds and ends | 零碎; 零碎,零星
lengzhux | paper house (burned for the dead) | 靈厝; 紙屋
lexngzhaxn | your son-in-law | 令倩; 令婿
lexzhunhoef | corn poppy | 虞春花; 麗春花; 虞美人
lezhaan | plow a field, to till, plough rice fields | 犁田
liabzhuo | try to get; hunt for | 獵取
liafm zhanvef | catch a dragonfly between finger and thumb | 捉蜻蜓
liafm-zhanvy | to catch a dragonfly | 拈蜻蜓
liahzhuix | to tatter, to rend, to rip into pieces | 裂碎
liahzhvoaf | wood has a rough edge; have a hangnail | 落銷; 刺芒; 倒刺 (指頭)
liamzhanvef | dragonfly | 拈田嬰
liamzhanvy | dragonfly | 拈田嬰
liapzhuo | absorb (nutrition); to take in; take a photo; take in | 攝取
liaqkøzhef | resist; oppose; confrontation; antagonism | 唱反調
liaqzhat | to catch thieves; catch a thief | 掠賊; 捉賊
liaqzhutlaai | swept out | 掠出來
liarmzhaix | pinch vegetable's bad parts | 捻菜
liau bøexzhud | incalculable; beyond any guess or estimate | 料無出; 料不到
liauxzhud | expected | 料出
liauzhaa | sew up timber longitudinally | 裁柴; 鋸柴; 鋸木料
liauzhakeng'ar | timber room | 撩柴間仔
liauzhakoarn | timber shop | 撩柴館
liaxm zhuiephøea | pinch the cheek (when a child tells a lie) | 擰嘴頰
liaxm-kaq ozhvef-kek'hoeq | pinch and bruise severely | 擰得瘀青凝血
liaxmzhad | understand (another's difficulty) | 諒察
liaxmzheq | read out loud; learn by heart; to study | 念冊; 讀書; 念書
liaxmzhud | read it out | 唸出
libsyn zhuosex | establish oneself and manage to get along in the world | 立身處世
libzhux | settle a new house | 入厝
libzhwn | beginning of spring | 入春; 立春
lidzhud | sunrise | 日出
liedzhud | to list | 列出
liedzhutlaai | to list | 列出來
liedzhutlaai`ee | listed items | 列出來的
lienhoaan-zhexng | serial gun | 連環槍
lienzhae | a set of scrolls | 連彩; 輓聯喜聯
lienzhefng | young | 年青
lienzhoaxn | to string together; a string (of events) | 連串
liern zhuiechiw | stroke the beard; finger the moustache | 撚鬚; 空閒
liexnsip thefzhaw | physical training | 練習體操
liexnzhuiehoef | beak flower ? | 練喙花
limsii tiupixzhux | temporary office for the arrangement of ways and means | 臨時籌備處
limsii zhwhwn | provisional arrangement | 臨時處分
limzhngg ihak | clinical medicine | 臨床醫學
limzhngg kafnggi | clinical lecture | 臨床講義
limzhngg kenggiam | clinical experience | 臨床經驗
limzhngg sidgiam | experimentation (clinical) | 臨床實驗
limzhngg | clinical | 臨床
linkezhuo'ar | regular household | 人家厝仔
linzhuiear | pacifier | 奶喙仔
linzhuix | baby soother | 乳嘴; 奶喙
linzhux | visitors | 人次
liofngsiux zhenghofng | honest public servants attain high official rank without money in the bank | 兩袖清風
liofngzhad | Please understand, please considerate | 諒察
liofngzhef poxtui | amphibious force; amphibious troops | 兩棲部隊
liofngzhef toxngbut | amphibian animal | 兩棲動物
liofngzhef | amphibious | 兩棲
liofngzhef-lui | amphibious animals | 兩棲類
liofngzheg | two sides | 兩側
liofngzhux | twice; on two occasions | 兩次
lioghabzhae | a Taiwanese lottery | 六合彩
lioghap tongzhwn | Spring comes all over the world | 六合同春
liogkyn-zhengzeng | the purification of the six indriyas or sense-organs; free from human desions | 六根清淨
liogzhef | live on land | 陸棲
liogzhuo | be selected for a position; be accepted as a student; to seize; to rob | 略取; 錄取
liongkutzhoefiam | spinal meningitis | 脊 (髓)膜炎
liongzhef | good wife; virtuous wife | 良妻
liongzheg | good policy; good policy; scheme; or strategy | 良策
liongzhngg | the emperor's bed | 龍床
liorngzhud | stretch out | 踢出
lioxngzhad | make allowance for; take into consideration; sympathize | 諒察
liqzhuix | an opening, a rift | 裂碎
liuo`zhutlaai | dig out; gouge out | 挖出來
liuzhoaxn | (said of rebel troops) to roam about | 流竄
liuzhuix | eastern little blue kingfisher (bird) | 流翠鳥
liuzhvef | meteor | 流星
lixkazhutzao | run away from home | 離家出走
lixnbexzhud | can't make it out | 認不出
lixzhefng | depurate, to filter | 濾清
lo ti zhuix`nih | If you don't know the way; you should ask. find the way by asking | 路在口裡
loan-chixzha | (idiom) in a mess | 亂七糟
loan-zhauzhaw | (idiom) in a mess | 亂糟糟; 亂紛紛; 亂操操; 亂七八糟
loaxnsiin-zhadzuo | ministers or generals who rebel against the monarch or collaborate with the enemy | 亂臣賊子
loaxnzhauzhaw | in confusion; topsy-turvy; noisy and disorderly | 亂糟糟
loaxnzhoaxn | to run riot | 亂篡; 亂竄
loezhaan | plow a paddy | 犁田
logzhuix | gargle; rinse the mouth | 漱嘴
logzhuo | to select from candidates; pass examinee; admit student to college; be selected for a position; be accepted as a student | 錄取
logzhux | fun; amusement; joy; pleasure | 樂趣
logzhør | to join the bandits | 落草
long'afzhaa | unsplit stick of firewood | 弄仔柴; 細柴; 弄柴火棍
longgiabzhux | agriculture dept. | 農業處
longzhoafn buxntøee | rural problem | 農村問題
longzhoafn tiexnkhiehoax | rural electrification | 農村電氣化
longzhoafn | farm village; countryside; agricultural district | 農村
longzhofng | abscess | 膿腫; 膿瘡
longzhunkheg | rural music | 農村曲
longzhwn | countryside; rurality | 農村
lormzhaan | soft muddy fields | 窪田
lorngzhud | made | 挵出
lorzhud | expose | 露出
loxngzhøx | make mistake | 弄錯
loxzhao | street grass | 路草
loxzhud befkhaf | the horse's hoof shows ─ the plot is out; reveal one's true form or character; to slip; leave loopholes in one's story; the cloven foot appears | 露出馬腳
loxzhud | expose, disclose, lay bare | 露出
luiezhuix | (adj) scattered and fragmentary | 褸碎; 零碎
luikofng-zhuix | loud voice | 雷公嘴; 大聲公
luisiaxzhexng | laser gun | 雷射銃
luixzhuy | reason by analogy | 類揣; 類推
luizhuix | to grind; triturate; ground | 磨碎
luo-koazhvef | female singer | 女歌星
lux zhuiekhie | brush the teeth | 刷牙
luyzhux | over and over; repeatedly; many times | 屢次; 累次
luzhafngzharng | take the cloak | 挐氅氅
luzhwluzhuo | so so | 如此如此
lwnzhuix | hold back and not say it out; forbearance mouth | 忍嘴; 忍住無說
lwzhux | during one's trip or tour; while sojourning abroad | 旅次
lyheeng chiwzheq | travelers guidebook; an itinerary | 旅行手冊
lyzhae | take notice of; pay attention to | 理睬
lyzuo zhamzexng | women's suffrage | 女子參政
løezhaan | plow a field; to till; plough rice fields | 犁田; 耕田
løfzhøfji | confused or carelessly written characters; ill formed or scrawled character | 潦草字
løfzhøfsiar | write in a confused or scribbled manner; scribbled writing | 潦草寫
løfzhør | scratchy; slipshod; careless in managing affairs; in a careless off hand manner | 潦草; 草率
løkofzhef | gong | 鑼鼓吹
løqlang'ezhuix | being criticized by others | 落人的喙
løqzhaan | farming | 落田
løqzhaf | drop | 落差
løqzhao | to become a bandit | 落草
m-zhutsviaf | keep silence | 無出聲; 不做聲
maixkokzhat | one who collaborates with an enemy country; a traitor (to one's country) | 賣國賊
mauhzhuix | mouth without teeth | 卯嘴; 唇內縮
mauzhao | cogon-grass | 茅草
mauzheg | an earth-closet | 茅粟; 茅廁; 地下壁櫥
mefzhvea | wake up | 猛醒
mefzhveftiøh | wake up | 猛醒著
meh'afzhaix | lettuce | 萵仔菜
miauxzheg | wonderful plan | 妙策
miazhefng | a name; a title | 名稱
miazheq | list of names; roll of names; a register | 名冊; 名簿
miazhux | position in a list of names | 名次
mixhwnzhex | dough | 生麵糰
mixzhek | noodle ladle | 麵勺; 煮麵用的深漏勺
mixzhex | noodles | 麵粞
mngzhao | feather; plumage; plume; feathers; a fur | 毛草; 毛皮; 毛色; 毛髮; 羽毛; 毛
mngzhngg | bed; fleabag | 眠床; 床
mngzhngsiong | on the bed | 眠床上
mngzhuiear | door beak | 門喙仔
mngzhuiekhao | door beak | 門喙口
mngzhuix | door beak | 門喙
mngzhvoax | door latch; door bolt; gate bar | 門閂
moafbin zhunhofng | the whole face beaming with pleasure; looking happy and cheerful | 滿面春風
moafthvizhvef | gypsophila | 滿天星
moafzhuix | mouthful; constantly asserting | 滿嘴
moar`zhutlaai | overflow | 滿出來
moelangzhuix holuieluix | marriage brokers are a mealy-mouthed lot | 媒婆的話; 多誇張
moelangzhuix | good talker like matchmaker | 媒人喙
moezhaan | coal field | 煤田
moezhngg | coal-bed | 煤床
moxzhefng | prentend; claim falsely; make false claim to a title | 冒稱
mozhad | rub; take a rubdown; fricative; friction; trouble; friction; rubbing; chafe | 摩擦
mozhae | draw lots to determine the prize winners in a raffle or lottery | 摸彩
mozhao | talk about density of hairs | 毛皮; 毛色 (有關毛髮的美; 疏密等)
mozhatlek | friction | 磨擦力
mozhaykngx | lottery slip | 摸彩券
mozhaykoaxn | lottery slip | 摸彩券
muilangzhuix | good talker like a matchmaker | 媒人喙
muizhngf | syphilis; pox | 梅瘡; 梅毒
muizhngg | coal-bed | 煤床
muyzhux | every time | 每次
mxzay zhvea | soundly asleep (Lit. do not know to wake up) | 毋醒; 睡沉了
mxzhab | no matter; regardless of; pay no heed to | 毋管
naa-huyzhuix | Indian white-breasted kingfisher | 藍翡翠; 蒼翡翠
nafzhanchviu | as if | 若親像
nafzhud | to take out | 拿出
naixzhaw | durable | 耐操
naixzheng | durable | 耐穿
naixzhoafn | durable (cloths), to stand wear | 耐穿
nao zhut'hoeq | cerebral hemorrhage; apoplectic stroke; cerebral apoplexy | 腦出血
nao-zhut'hied | brain hemorrhage | 腦出血
narzhud | to take out | 拿出
nauxzhaizhay | make a big fuss | 鬧猜猜
nauxzhayzhae | make a big fuss | 鬧彩彩
nauxzhud | got into trouble | 鬧出
nawzhea | brain | 腦髓
nawzhoea | brains | 腦髓
nawzhøea | the substance of the brain. | 腦髓
nax zhuietuun | lick one's lips | 舐嘴唇
neafzhaix | Chinese kale | 芥藍菜
nee-afzhaix | Chinese kale | 芥藍菜
ngx hauxsvef ciaqzheng | rely on one's son for support | 望後生食穿; 依靠兒子奉養
ngzhaan | to transplant rice | 秧田
ngzheg | (millet) | 黃粟; 稷
ngzhuix | cover one's mouth; cover the mouth with the hand | 掩嘴; 掩口
niafzhefng | receive payment in full, receive salary without any deduction | 領清;,領實收金額
niafzhud | withdraw | 領出; 領取
niawzhexng | hunting gun | 鳥鎗
niawzhuo | mouse; rat | 鳥鼠; 老鼠
niawzhuo-hvi | rat's ears | 鳥鼠耳
niawzhuo-iøh | poison for killing rats | 鳥鼠藥; 老鼠藥
niawzhuo-khafng | holes where rats hide | 鳥鼠洞
niawzhuo-tauq | mousetrap | 捕鼠器
niawzhuo-tvar | timid like mouse | 貓鼠膽
niawzhwafoafn | feud | 鳥鼠仔冤
niawzhwafseg | mouse color- gray | 鳥鼠仔色
niawzhwafzexng | acute mouse bacterial infectious disease | 鳥鼠仔症
niawzhwar | mouse, rat, any of several members of the family Muridae | 鳥鼠仔
niawzhwphiag'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠擗仔
niawzhwtak'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠觸仔
niawzhwtngf | mousetrap | 鳥鼠張
niuu jip uii zhud | regulate expenses according to income | 量入為出
niuzhao | army provisions; rations and forage; provisions (for men) and fodder (for horses); food supplies for an army | 糧草; (食)
niuzhngf | granary; barn | 糧倉
nizhaix | New Year dishes | 年菜
nizhef | the beginning of the year | 年初
nizhefng | young | 年青
nizhoef | the beginning of the year | 年初
nizhof | the beginning of the year | 年初
nizhuie'ar | milk mouth | 奶嘴仔
nizhuiear | pacifier | 奶喙仔
nngfzhngg | a stretcher | 軟床
nngfzhuix | sweet talk | 軟嘴
nngxsvazhuiear | two to three bites | 兩三喙仔
nngxzhefng | white of an egg; the albumin | 蛋白; 卵清; 蛋清
noafzhvoar | vulgar | 撋琖; 粗俗
noar kiamzhaix | rub mustard greens; rub with hands | 揉芥菜來製鹹菜; 形容揉來揉去
noazhvoar | indolent, lazy, negligent | 懶熬; 懶惰的
nuixzhefng | egg white | 卵清
o'arngzhngx | balck vinegar jar | 烏甕串
o'azhuix | always said unlucky words | 烏鴉嘴
oafzhuix | ear near to another's mouth | 倚嘴; 交頭接耳
oaikøchiqzhoah | crooked | 歪膏揤斜
oaikøf chiqzhoah | winding (path; line); tortuous (person); dishonest | 彎彎曲曲; 無正直的; 不老實的
oaikøf-chixzhoah | all a hideous mess; in a state of confusion: | 歪三倒四; 亂七八糟
oaizhoah | deviate; diverge; wander; awry; diagonally | 歪斜; 扭曲; 偏差; 偏離
oaizhuiekef ciah høfbie | A chicken with a crooked mouth eats good rice. A fussy eater eats well | 歪嘴雞吃好米; 雖窮又挑食
oaizhuiekef | be fastidious about food; finicky eater; picky eater | 挑食者
oaizhuix | talk nonsense; drivel; to bend one's mouth; a crooked mouth (often the result of a stroke) | 歪嘴; 挑食; 胡說
oaqoaqbea pak ti sie-zhengchiu | A live horse tied to a dead banyan tree--to tie up resources and (personnel) in a useless project | 活馬綁在死榕樹; 埋沒人才
oaqzhud | survive | 活出
oarnzheq | hatred; to hate; bear a grudge; be displeased at one's fate | 怨慼; 哀怨; 怨恨
oarnzhoeq | hate | 怨慼
oarnzhøeq | repine, be displeased at oneself or one's fate | 怨慼
obixnzhat | squid; thief with mask | 烏面賊
ocyafzhaix | dark purple vegetable | 烏子仔菜
oe'afzhaix | a popular vegetable in taiwan which is usually stir-fried | 萵仔菜; 萵苣
oeafzhaelui | lettuce | 萵仔菜類
oeafzhaix | lettuce | 萵仔菜
oexof zhatpeh | scrawl about (on walls); said also of a child's dirty face; scribbling | 亂塗; 畫花臉
oexof-zhatpeh | write in careless manner | 畫黑塗白; 胡亂塗抹
oexsengzhux | department of public health | 衛生處
oexzheq | picture album | 畫冊
oexzhud | to draw out | 劃出
oexzhvef kokkaf | satellite (country); satellite nations | 衛星國家
oexzhvef | satellite | 衛星
ojyafzhaix | black cabbage | 烏子仔菜
okzhaux | stench | 惡臭
okzhef | a ferocious wife | 惡妻
okzhog | immoral (behavior); lusty | 齷齪
omxzhuix`ee | surgical mask | 掩嘴的
onglog'afzhuix | deceitful lips | 王碌仔嘴; 江湖的人的話; 亂講
opafnzhad | chalkboard eraser | 烏板擦
or`zhutlaai | scoop out | 挖出來
otiabzhwn | butterfly village | 蝴蝶村
otvi'afzhaix | solanum nigrum | 烏甜仔菜
oxmzhafzhar | luxuriant | 茂吵吵
ozhaix | brown algae | 黑菜; 黑褐藻
ozheeng | small-leaved banyan tree | 黑榕; 烏榕
ozhox | black vinegar | 黑醋
ozhuiepit'ar | black pencil | 烏喙筆仔
ozhvef | bruise; the skin assumes a dark blue color either by bruise or a subcutaneous injection | 瘀傷; 皮下瘀血
pafnzhux | print order of edition | 板次; 版次
pagzhaa | tied material | 綁材
pagzhaan | to assume as a tenant farmer | 瞨田; 包田耕作
pahjidzhao | zinnia (a type of plant or grass); youth and old age | 百日草; 百日菊
paixzhøx | to suffer a setback | 敗挫
paizhud | eject; exhaust; discharge | 排出
pak zhanhngg | hold a field by lease | 租田地
pak`zhutkhix | to contract out | 包出去; 包給人家
pang'afzhux | wooden house | 枋仔厝
pangzhux | wooden house | 板厝
panzhuix-aq | eastern spot-billed duck | 斑喙鴨
panzhux | the number of runs of scheduled buses; trains; flights; flight number of an airliner; designated number of a scheduled train | 班次
parnghongzhoef | fly a kite | 放風箏
parngzhaophuix | boast; brag; talk big | 放臭屁; 吹牛
parngzhexng | fire a gun; release a tile that enables any one of the other three players to complete his winning pattern (in mahjong game) | 放銃; 開槍
parngzhud | let out; emission; throw off | 放出
patsienzhae | red curtain | 八仙綵
paularm itzhex | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
pausimpeqzhaix | Chinese cabbage | 包心白菜
pausimzhaix | cabbage | 包心菜
pauzhafm | wrap up together | 包參; 包在一起
pauzhafng | prostitute | 包娼
paxnciwzhaix | prepare a feast | 辦酒菜
paxng khangzhexng | fire blanks; fire blank cartridges | 放空鎗
paxng-zhaophuix | to fart; Utter rubbish; Talk nonsense | 放臭屁
paxnkongzhux | office | 辦公處
paxnsuxzhux | agency; branch office (of an organization) | 辦事處
paxnzhaix | to serve with a dinner party; entertain guest at a feast | 辦菜; 準備宴席
peazhux | my place (self-depreciatory term) my place | 敝處; 寒舍
pee-liongzhuun | row a dragon boat; used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races | 扒龍船; 划龍船
pefngkofng zhwlie | act strictly according to official procedures or rules | 秉公處理
pefngpefngzhutlaai | inverted | 反反出來
pefngzheg | to turn to the side | 側翻
pefngzhud | turn inside out | 翻出; 翻出來
peg`zhutkhix | to force someone out; to compel someone out | 逼出去
peghoatzhongzhofng | gray-haired | 白髮蒼蒼
peh-zhangzhafng | pale | 白蔥蔥
pekzheg kanthiøo | at the top of a hundred foot pole ─ at the highest point | 百尺竿頭
pekzheg | to pursue | 逼促
pekzhud | push out | 逼出
peleng'afzhaix | spinach | 菠薐仔菜
pelengzhaix | spinach | 菠薐菜
pengkinzhea | on an average | 平均制
pengzhefng giogkied | incorruptible (said of one's character) | 冰清玉潔
pengzhngg | permafrost | 冰床
pengzhoaq | ice shaving machine | 冰刨; 冰礤; 刨冰機
peqbahzheeng | white fig (tree) | 白肉榕
peqkwzhaix | white chive | 白韭菜
peqniawzhuo | white rats | 白鳥鼠
peqthngzhafng | sticky sugar candy | 白糖蔥
peqzhadchid | liar | 白賊七
peqzhadchid`ar | lier | 白賊七仔
peqzhadoe | lies | 白賊話
peqzhaelor | cabbage marinade | 白菜滷
peqzhaethaau | daikon | 白菜頭
peqzhaix | cabbage; napa; Chinese cabbage | 白菜; 結球白菜
peqzhangzhafng | very white | 白蔥蔥
peqzhat | lie | 謊言; 白賊; 謊話
peqzhat-chit'ar | lier | 白賊七仔
peqzheeng | white fig tree | 白榕
peqzhox | white vinegar | 白醋
peqzhuiekhie | white teeth | 白嘴齒
pezhao | rake weeds; to harrow weeds; to hackele herbs or corn | 耙草
pezhud | climb out | 爬出
phaezhud | expedite; depute; send; appoint; dispatch | 派出
phaezhutsor | police station; police station; police substations | 派出所
phagzheg | sun or dry rice; place unhulled rice in the sun to dry before storage | 晒穀; 晒稻米
phahbofzhaix | a Taiwanese vegetable | 拍某菜
phahchiwzhexng | masturbate | 打手銃; 手淫
phahhor-liaqzhat iaxtiøh chyn-hviati | strike a tiger; to catch a thief; you should have your own brother to help you In emergencies only a brother will help | 打虎捉賊須靠親兄弟。
phahkhazhngf | spaking | 拍尻川
phahzhear | mark with a diagonal cross (x) | 打叉仔
phahzhef | cross | 打叉
phahzheg | removing grain shell | 打穀
phahzheksoef | unlucky words | 打穀衰; 無吉的話
phahzherng | mating | 打種; 動物交尾
phahzhexng | fire a gun | 打鎗; 開槍
phahzhoaq | to tremble, to shudder | 怕抖; 拍掣
phahzhud | shoot out | 拍出
phahzhuiekor | gossip; | 拍喙鼓
phahzhuix | smash; knapp; blow to pieces; smash; break into pieces | 打碎
phahzhutlarng | be eliminated from the basket (e.g.; rotten fruit) ─ omit; be left out; count for nothing | 被淘汰; 無中用之人
phahzhvea | awaken a person unintentionally | 吵醒
phahzhvef | eat raw (vegetables; seafood) | 打生; 生吃
phahzhvekviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phak zheg | un drying millet | 曝粟
phakzhaeaq | duck meat with vegetable | 覆菜鴨
phakzhaix | pickled vegetable | 覆菜
phangzhaa | aromatic treescented wood | 芳木; 芳柴
phangzhaix | present; bring food to the table | 端菜
phangzhao | fragrant grass, Japanese eupatorium | 香草
phangzhaux | fragrant and stinking; good and bad | 香臭; 善惡
phangzhud | bring it ou | 捀出
phanzhea | to involve, to implicate, to drag into matter | 攀扯
phaozhaix | Chinese pickled vegetables; pickled vegetables (Chinese style) | 泡菜
phaozhngf | shot through | 炮穿
phaq kizhor | lay a foundation; to base; do spade work; prepare oneself for bigger tasks ahead | 打基礎
phaq zhaekor | make the slightly higher ridges in a vegetable garden for planting vegetables | 造菜圃種菜
phaq zhao kviaf zoaa | beat the grass and startle the snake ─ frighten out of cover; cause undesired agitation | 打草驚蛇
phaq zhawchiøh | to weave a straw mat | 製草蓆
phaq zhawee | made straw sandals | 製草鞋
phaq zhuiekor | talk about unimportant matters; engage in idle talk | 聊天
phaq zhvekviaf | frighten people; startle; to scare | 驚嚇到
phaq-binzhngg | make a bed | 打眠床; 舖床
phaq-chiwzhexng | masturbate; masturbation | 拍手銃; 手淫; 打手鎗
phaq-kizhor | to do the groundwork | 打基礎; 拍基礎
phaq-zhawchiøh | make a grass | 打草席; 織草席
phaq-zhear | mark with "X", mark as "wrong" | 打叉仔
phaq-zhuiekor | to engage in chitchat | 打手鼓; 閒聊
pharzheg | empty grain | 打穀
phauzhef-lixzuo | abandon wife and kids | 拋妻離子
phauzhud | to throw out | 拋出
pheafzhao | barnyardgrass | 稗仔草
phek'hae zhengthiefn | blue ocean under a blue sky | 碧海青天
phengzhøx | misspelled | 拼錯
phiagzhud | kock out | 擗出
phiauzhud | to designate | 標出
phienzhaf | a deviation; an error | 偏差
phienzheq | edit; compile books | 編冊; 編書
phienzhoah | urn aside | 偏斜; 編斜
phienzhoarnciar | compiler; editor | 編纂者
phienzhoaxn | compile; edit | 編纂
phiernzhuix | food to treat guest | 騙嘴
phiernzhuo | obtain by fraud | 騙取
phietzhef | pen got damaged | 撇叉; 筆頭分叉
phiq khazhngf | sodomy; buggery | 男色; 難姦
phiqphiqzhoaq | tremble or shake (with the cold; a fever or fear) | 慄慄抖; 戰慄; 戰抖
pho-zheq | notebooks and books | 簿冊
phoahzhaan | farming | 施肥; 潑田
phoarkehzhuix | magpie beak | 破格喙
phoarkezherng | reams of rubbish | 破雞筅; 嘴巴吱吱喳喳講無完
phoarsvix irn zhenghofng | broken fan can make a cool breeze ─ everything has a use | 破扇引清風; 各有所用
phoarzhaa | wood cutting; split firewood | 劈柴; 破柴; 劈材
phoarzheh | broken sound | 破裂
phoarzhex | (adj) hoarse; rough; unclear and unshaped (of sound) | 破脆; 聲音破破; 聲音欠清脆
phoarzhuix | broken; to break; smashed; broken to shivers | 破碎
phoarzhuo'ar | broken house | 破厝仔
phoarzhux thafng'ar | small; poor house; hovel | 破厝仔; 草茅
phoarzhux | brken house; ruined house | 破屋; 破房子
phoarzuie imzhaan | let water into a field | 引水灌溉
phoatzhef | wife that is hard to deal | 潑妻
phoax zhaa | split wood | 破柴
phoeazhaix | accompany food (rice generally understood) with vegetable dishes; eat some food along with rice or liquor | 配菜; 吃飯佐菜
phoeazhaq | mating | 配插
phof binzhngg | make the bed | 舖床
phofzhaa | a general investigation | 普查
phog`zhutlaai | protuberant; bulging out; jutting out | 凸出來
phogphogzherng | palpitate | 卜卜跳; 砰砰跳
phokhazhngf | fltter | 扶尻川
phokzhuo | to gain, to obtain, to seize, to catch | 博取
phorngzhngg | spring bed | 凸床; 彈簧床
phorngzhuo | a squirrel | 松鼠; 膨鼠
phozheq | notebooks and books | 簿冊
phu'ioong zhutzuie | hibiscus rising out of water (descriptive of the gracefulness of a piece of writing; a woman) | 芙蓉出水
phu`zhutlaai | boil over; burst out | 舖出來
phuhiexnzhud | emerged | 浮現出
phuhzhexng | like to seek or be in the limelight | 冒衝; 愛出風頭
phuiezhuienoa | spit | 呸喙瀾
phuix zhuienoa | spit saliva; expectorate | 吐唾沫; 吐口水
phuix-zhuienoa | spurned | 呸嘴瀾; 吐痰; 唾棄
phurnzhad | spray paint; paint with a spray gun | 噴漆
phurnzhexng | spout water | 噴槍
phurnzhud | to jet, to spurt out | 噴出
phutzhaa | cutting wood | 砍柴; 劈柴
phuxzhexng | floatation | 浮症
phuxzhud | rush out | 浡出
phuzhud | come to the surface | 浮出
phuzhutlaai | rush out | 浮出來
phvae-thauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 壞預兆; 凶兆
phvae-zhaythaau | a bad sign | 壞預兆
phvae-zhoaxthaau | a person who leads in doing bad things | 歹帶頭; 帶頭做壞事
phvae-zhuietao | picky about what one eats | 歹嘴斗; 歹喙斗; 挑食
phvaixzhehpaw | backpack | 揹冊包
phvarzha'ar | fluffy wood | 冇柴仔
phvarzhaa | fluffy wood; soft or porous wood | 脆木; 無硬實之柴
phvarzheg | blighted grain; defective rice; unsold rice; empty rice chaff | 打穀; 空穀子; 無實之穀; 無米粒的稻榖
phvaykuie-zhothaau | bad leader who showed bad sample | 歹鬼帶頭; 作惡的頭子
phvayteg zhud høfsurn | Ugly bamboo produces tasty bamboo shoots. Bad parents have good children | 壞竹出好筍; 烏鴉生鳳凰
phvaythauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 歹頭采; 壞預兆
phvayzhao | weeds | 歹草; 野草; 壞
phvayzhaythaau | not auspicious (propitious) | 無吉祥
phvayzherngzhexng | bad temper and unease | 歹衝衝
phvayzhoaxthaau | lead by giving bad example | 壞榜樣; 帶壞
phvayzhuietao | hard to please with food; finicky | 歹嘴斗; 挑嘴; 偏食; 挑食
phvayzhuix | bad mouth; vicious tongue; foul mouthed; dirty language | 髒嘴; 歹喙; 口出無遜; 髒話; 不會說好話; 惡言
phvayzhux | bad points; shortcomings; defects | 壞處
phvayzhvef | bad star | 歹星
phveaphveazhoarn | pant hard like when running or carrying a heavy load | 急喘, 呼呼的喘
phvexphvexzhoarn | breathe very hard; pant | 怦怦喘
phvi bexzhud | cannot make out by smell what the thing is | 聞無出
phvixbagzhuix | one's appearance; facial features (in general) | 鼻目嘴; 臉貌; 面貌; 面孔
phvixphvaxzhoarn | asthma | 怦怦喘
phvixphvexzhoarn | hard to breath | 忐忑喘; 很喘
phvixphvixzhoarn | hard to breath | 噓噓喘
phvoaxzhoa | accompany the bridegroom to the bride's home | 伴娶
phvoaxzhoa`ee | best man | 伴娶的
phøezhao | fur | 皮草
phøfzheg | unfathomable, unexpectable, impossible to understand | 普測; 叵測
phørzhaxn | a flaw in argument | 破綻
phørzhuix | broken (hearted; hope); to come to pieces; shattered | 破碎; 打碎
piawhiexnzhud | behave | 表現出
piawhiexnzhutlaai | behave | 表現出來
piawtadzhud | explain | 表達出
piebit kefngzhad | secret police | 秘密警察
piedzhud simzhaai | ingenious; original (said of art or literary works; craftsmanship) | 別出心裁
piefn`zhutlaai | draw out (a stiff drawer) | 扳出來
pienzheg | challenge; put spurs to; spur on | 鞭策
pienzheq | edit; compile books | 編冊
pienzhud | make up | 編出
piernhoarzhud | change out | 變化出
piernzhud | change out | 變出
piesuzhux | secretariat | 秘書處
piexnsekzhud | Identified | 辨識出
piexntongzhaix | bento food | 便當菜
piexnzhaepng | a simple meal; a common meal | 便菜飯; 家常飯菜
piexnzhafn | potluck; ordinary meal (as distinguished from a feast) | 便餐
piexnzhaix | common food; ordinary food; pot-luck; simple food; ordinary meal; potluck; everyday fare | 便菜; 便飯
piexnzhux | convenient house | 便厝
pin'nngzhve'ar | betel nut; areca nut | 檳榔果仔
pitzhef | cracked and crossed | 裂叉
pitzhngf | very small rift; crevice; crack; fissure | 裂瘡; 很小的裂縫
pitzhuix | harelip; cleft lip; chapped lips | 裂口; 嘴唇裂開
pixzhuo | to be on the waiting list (for admission to a school); candidates on the waiting list | 備取
pizharm | miserable; dismal; tragic; grievous; tragic; pathetic; miserable; wretched | 悲慘
pizhøeq | sorrow | 悲慼
pnggrsizhexng | rattle snake | 飯匙銃
pngxsizhexng | cobra; cobra; very venomous snake found in the mountains of Taiwan | 飯匙倩; 飯匙銃; 眼鏡蛇
pngxzhaix | a meal; dishes to go with rice | 飯菜
poahzhud | to allot; distribute; allot | 撥出
poarnzhuy poarnciu | to be half willing (at heart) and half unwilling (in appearance) ─ often referring to price haggling or girls being seduced; between refusal and consent | 半推半就
poaxnzhat | rebel | 叛賊
poeazhud | all appear | 輩出; 一一出現
poeh`zhutlaai | pluck up; draw out; to extract (a thorn) | 拔出來
poehzhefng | eight thousands | 八千
poeiofngzhud | trained | 培養出
poeleng'afzhaix | spinach | 菠薐仔菜
poelengzhaix | spinach | 菠薐菜
poexzheq | memorize book | 背冊
poezhoa | marry | 陪娶
poezhud | fly out | 飛出
poezhuo | a flying squirrel | 飛鼠
poezhutlaai | fly out | 飛出來
pofzhof | repair roughly | 補粗; 粗修
pofzhuiekhafng | filling mouth holes- meaning eating snacks | 補喙空
pofzhuiekhie | have the teeth repaired; have the teeth filled | 補喙齒; 鑲牙
pog`zhutlaai | to bulge | 補出來; 鼓出來
pogpogzherng | palpitate very fast | 形容心臟跳得很快
pokongzhao | dandelion | 蒲公草
pokzhud | divination | 卜出
pongkoafn`ciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pongkoanciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
por zhuiekhie | denture | 補喙齒
portexzhuix | puppet show | 布袋喙
porzhaan | sowing; transplant rice | 播田; 佈田; 插秧
porzhanhw | farmer | 佈田夫
porzhankorng | farming tube | 佈田管
porzhud | broadcast | 播出
porzhuiear | many pieces of cloth | 布碎仔; 碎布
porzhuix | rags | 布碎
poxzhao | chew the cud or grass | 嚼草; 咀草
poxzhexng | rifle; rifl | 步鎗
pozhao | rush | 蒲草
pud`zhutkhix | to cast out | 逐出去
pudzhad | scroll of Buddha's image | 佛漆; 一幅佛像
puhzhutlaai | erupted | 暴出來
pui zhadar | bark at a thief | 吠小偷
puizhaan | piece of fertile land; rich rice fields | 肥田
pukongzhaix | kale | 羽衣甘藍; 芥藍
punzhef | fork of a tree or a road | 分叉; (分岔); (分歧)
punzhoef | play the Chinese trumpet; play a wind instrument | 歕吹; 喇叭
punzhud | blew | 歕出
punzhuiepy | blow mouth side | 歕喙觱
purnzhaan | compost field | 糞田
put'siongzhefng | unsuitable, do not match, disproportionate | 無相爭; 不相稱
putkøx-juzhuo | so-so, barely acceptable | 無過如此; 不過如此
putlie-putzhae | to brush off | 無理不睬
puttan juzhuo | not only so.. | 無但如此
putzai zhwhan | not subject to restrictions; do not apply | 無在此限
putzhefng | unsuitable, do not match | 無稱; 不稱; 不清; 不相稱
putzheg cy zay | unforeseen disaster; unexpected calamity | 無測之災
putzheg | unexpectedly; unfathomable; unexpected (death; disaster) | 無測; 突然
putzhengzai | not always this way | 不是常這樣
putzherng | irregular | 無整
putzhud sor liau | it turned out as expected | 無出所料
putzhud | not go beyond, not exceed | 無出; 不出
putzhøx | be right; not bad | 無錯
pvexzhngg | sickbed | 病床
pvexzhngpvy | hospital bedside | 病床邊
pvexzhngterng | hospital bed | 病床頂
pvezhuo'ar | flat roof house | 平厝仔
pviafzhuix | cookie crumbs | 餅碎; 餅渣
pviarzhefng | to get rid of; to clean away; to sweep away | 清除
pviarzhud | fight | 拚出
pviarzhutthaau | fight and ahead | 拚出頭
pviax-hof zhengkhix | clean up (a room; house) | 拼乎清氣; 打掃乾淨
pviax`zhutkhix | rush out | 拼出去
pviazheq | Chinese tones 'ping' and 'zoh | 平
pviezheng | change dress | 變穿
pviezhud | to change and become | 變出
pvixzhngg | sick bed; patient's bed | 病床
pvixzhud | braid out | 辮出
pviezhud | to change and become | 變出
pvoapvoazhutkhix | move out | 搬搬出去
pvoarciøzhoa | seek son-in-law who will live in wife's family and his son have same surname as wife's family | 半招娶; 生兒須繼承女家的姓
pvoarlo huzhef | cohabit | 半路夫妻; 露水夫妻
pvoarlo zhutkef | switch to a new profession one knows little about; change professions when one is no longer young; to start midway | 半路出家
pvoarthauzhvef | light headed; harebrained; versatile; a madcap (slang) | 半頭青; 刁蠻
pvoarzhngg | half bed | 半床
pvoarzhuix | half a mouth; a small amount | 半口; 半嘴
pvoarzhuy pvoarciu | be half willing (at heart) and half unwilling (in appearance) ─ often referring to price haggling or girls being seduced | 半推半就
pvoarzhvea pvoarkhuxn | half awake and half asleep; slumbering | 半醒半睡
pvoarzhvesek | half cooked; half raw; half green; half ripe | 半青熟
pvoazhaa | move firewood | 搬柴
pvoazhud | to move out | 搬出
pvoazhuix | wrangle; quarrel; bickering | 搬嘴; 抬槓
pvoazhutthviaf | remove a dying person from the bedroom to the hall | 搬出廳; 將臨死的人移到廳堂
pvoazhux | to move; to move house; move from one dwelling to another; change residence | 搬厝; 搬家
pvuixsizhexng | cobra | 飯匙銃
pvyzhuix | beaklike mouth; having a flat bill (like a duck's) | 扁嘴
pwnzhwn | our village | 本村
pwnzhør | a book on Chinese (herbal) medicine | 本草
pynzherng | apply for | 稟請; 請求
pyzhuo cy kafn | between this one and that one; between you and me; among them | 彼此之間
pyzhuo siong'aix | love one another; love each other | 彼此相愛
pyzhuo thuijiong | yielding to one another | 彼此推讓
pyzhuo | you and I; both parties; each other; mutual | 彼此
pyzhux | there, yonder | 比超; 彼處
pøefzhao | to push aside the grass | 扒草
pøefzhøe | to search | 扒找; 掰揣; 翻找
pøeleeng-zhaix | spinach | 菠苓菜; 菠薐菜; 波菜
pøelengzhaix | spinach | 菠苓菜
pøezhafn | participate in the Lord's Supper | 陪餐
pøezhuo | flying mouse | 飛鼠; 鼯鼠
pøfafn kefngzhad | public security policemen | 保安警察
pøfafn-kefngzhad | security police | 保安警察
pøfafn-zhwhwn | Peace Preservation Measures | 保安處分
pøhzhuix | (n) altercation; spat; wrangle; bicker; squabble; quarrel; to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate | 駁嘴
pølezhaix | cabbage | 玻璃菜; 高麗菜
pøqzhuix | bland | 薄嘴; 味道無夠
pør`zhutlaai | bail out (of custody) | 保出來
pørmiaa-zhux | registration office | 報名處
pørniawzhwafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pørzhud | broadcast | 播出
pørzhunlaan | primrose | 報春蘭
pøx zhanle'afoafn | seize opportunity to retaliation; revenge on account of a grudge | 乘機報小恨
safngiap zerngzheg | industrial policy (archaic) | 產業政策
safnzhaan | poor land; sterile field | 瘦田; 瘠田
sag`zhutkhix | push out | 推出去
sakzhud | punch out | 捒出
sam'afzhaa | cedar | 杉仔柴
sam'afzhux | cedar built house | 杉仔厝
samhoafn liofngzhux | time and again; repeatedly | 三番兩次
samzhaa | pine or fir lumber or wood | 三柴; 杉材
samzhafn | three meals: breakfast; lunch and supper | 三餐
samzhef | three-pronged fork; a trident | 三叉
samzhef-sinkefng | trigeminal nerve | 三叉神經
samzhelo | junction of three roads | 三岔路
samzhesuochiab | many wives | 三妻四妾
sanzhoafn | mountains and rivers | 山川
saochiwzhvef | comet; any person who brings bad luck | 掃帚星
saozhefng | to sweep clear, to eliminate | 掃清
saozhud | sweep | 掃出
saozhux | sweep the house | 掃厝; 打掃房子
sarn zhaan | barren | 瘦田
sarngzhud | send away | 送出
satkef zhwnng | kill the hen to get eggs ─ a very foolish act | 殺雞取卵
satzhawzef | herbicide | 殺草劑
satzhefng | finished; completed; be completed (said of films) | 殺青
saux`zhutkhix | sweep out | 掃出去
say zhuiephøea | slap one's cheeks | 賞嘴頰; 賞耳光
sayzhaan | plow the field with an ox-drawn plow | 耕田; 耕犁
sayzhud | drove | 駛出
sayzhuix | quick to tell others what to do but slow to take action or lift a hand to help | 捎嘴; 只會用嘴命令人
sea-bøexzhefng | unable to vindicate oneself | 洗無清
sea-bøexzhengkhix | cannot be washed clean | 洗無乾淨
seaseazhuie'ar | small bite | 細細喙仔
seazhad | inspect careful | 細察
seazhux | rent a house | 稅厝
sefng zhutchiuo | be the first to start something (e.g.; to attack his opponent); be the first to lend a hand or have a hand in | 先出手
sefngzhad | examine; to study; make self examination; to introspect; investigate (Catholic) | 省察
sefzhefng | wash; cleanse | 洗清
sefzhuix | brush one's teeth | 刷牙
segzhuix | familiar talk | 熟嘴
segzhux | seats | 席次
sekzhae | chromatic; hue; color; tint; hue; tint | 色彩
sekzhud | release | 釋出
senglyzhuix | tricks of the trade: saying what is not exactly true | 生意嘴
sengzhefng | claim | 聲稱
sernghienzheq | sage book | 聖賢冊
serngzheq | the Bible | 聖冊
serngzhux | bless a house (Catholic) | 聖厝
sezhafn | Western-style food; western food; European or American meals | 西餐
sezhanthviaf | western restaurant | 西餐廳
sezhantiaxm | western restaurant | 西餐店
siab zhuiekhyphang | lodge between the teeth | 塞牙縫; 比喻食物很少
siafsefng zhwgi | give up one's life for righteousness | 捨生取義
siafzhud | write out; make out | 寫出
siafzhøx | make a mistake in writing | 寫錯
siakzheg | throw millet | 摔粟
siangjiin-zhngg | double bed | 雙人床
siangjinzhngg | double bed | 雙人床
siangzanzhngg | double decked bunks | 雙層床
siangzhef siangsiog | roost together; sleep in the same place | 雙棲雙宿
siangzhef | forked | 雙叉; 交叉的
siangzhelo | branching roads; forked road | 雙叉路; 交叉路
siangzheloxkhao | double junction | 雙叉路口
siangzhvef | double stars | 雙星
siaozheq | account books? | 賬冊; 數冊
siap`zhutlaai | ooze or leak out in small quantities (through a crack) | 洩出來
siauzhay | to report mission accomplished | 銷差
siaxhoe zerngzheg | social policy | 社會政策
siaxngkongzhef | work ruler | 上工尺
siaxngzhekofng | work ruler | 上尺工
siaxzhud | shot | 射出
siaxzoat zhamkoafn | No visitors allowed | 謝絕參觀
siazheg | obliqueness | 斜測; 斜側
siazheq | obscene books | 淫冊; 邪冊; 淫書; 邪書
sibzhuix | fragment, chip | 拾碎; 零碎
sidbiin zerngzheg | colonial policy | 殖民政策
siebin zhofkøf | facing hostility; difficulty; or frustration on all sides; enemies on every side | 四面楚歌
sienzhaix | an edible red algae | 仙菜
sienzhao | plant for black jelly (Mesona procumbens); plant from which a cooling jelly is made | 仙草
sienzhao-pefng | ice with black jelly (Mesona procumbens); plant from which a cooling jelly is made | 仙草冰
sienzhao-tee | tea made with black jelly (Mesona procumbens | 仙草茶
siernzhuiephoea | slap face | 搧喙頰
siexn zhuiephea | slap one's cheek | 打耳光
siexnho-zheg | countermeasure | 善戶策; 對策
siexnzheg | clever scheme; good plan or policy | 善策
sihøo bøzhøx | exactly right; no mistake at all | 絲毫無錯
siin zhud kuie but | appear and disappear quite unpredictably like gods and demons | 神出鬼沒
simlie zhekgiam | psychological test | 心理測驗
simzhoe | seeking | 尋揣
simzhuix | heart-breaking, very sad | 心碎
sinbunzhux | Information Service | 新聞處
sinbuzhurnthiq | armless; defenseless | 身無寸鐵
sincix putzhefng | unconscious; in a state of coma | 神志無清
sinhengzhwn | new prosperous village | 新興村
sinkaf zhengpek | of respectable descent or parentage | 身家清白
sinkefng tiongzhw | nerve center | 神經中樞
sinkefng zhørloan | nervous disorder; mental disorder | 神經錯亂
sinsiuo-ixzhux | beheaded | 身首異處
sintix putzhefng | incapable of clear thinking; muddle headed | 神智無清
sinzhaai | statue, physique | 身才; 身材
sinzhae | countenance | 神彩
sinzhaix | new vegetable | 新菜
sinzhefng'axn | application | 申請案
sinzhefngjiin | applicant; one who makes a request to higher authorities | 申請人
sinzhefngsw | application; form; written request | 申請書
sinzhefngtiøh | application | 申請著
sinzheng | dress and personal adornment | 身穿; 服飾; 衣著
sinzherng | apply for; request; application; petition; apply for | 申請
sinzherng-sw | application form | 申請書
sinzherngchiuo | marksman | 神槍手
sinzhoafn | new community; new village | 新村
sinzhud`ee | new | 新出的
sinzhux | new house | 新厝
sinzhwn | early spring; lunar New Year | 新春
siogzhefng | common name; comm | 俗稱
siongbu zhamsu | commercial attache; commercial councilor | 商務參事
siongbu-zhuotviuo | administrative vice-minister | 商務次長; 常務次長
sionggvozhaa | pine wood | 松梧柴
siongzhaa | pine lumber | 松柴; 松木
siongzhaf | differ | 相差
siongzhefng | consort; worthy; equipoise; well matched; suit to; fit each other; match each other; be symmetrical | 相稱
siongzhuix | wound | 傷口
siongzhuo | associate with; be a friend of; squirrel | 松鼠; 相處
siongzhux | dealt; get along with; spend time together; to live together | 相處
siongzhwn-tiin | ivy | 常春藤
sioxngzheg | the best plan; best stratagem | 上策
sioxngzheq | the first volume of a book | 上冊
sioxngzhofng | heaven | 上蒼
sirnhøxzhexng | signal pistol | 信號銃
sirnzhef | messenger | 信差
sirnzhøx | moral integrity | 信操
sitkakzhad | unconscious | 失覺察
sitzhad | be neglectful of one's duty of supervision; neglect to inquire into; be careless | 失察
sitzheg | faulty policy; poor tactics or strategy; bad scheming or planning; mistake | 失策
sitzhøx | fault; muff; slipup; carelessness; make an error; make a mistake; fault | 失誤; 失錯
siuciezheq | amendment book | 修志冊
siuphiørzhux | ticket office; box office | 售票處; 售票口
siuxzhuo | be taken away | 受災; 被取出
siuxzhvef | star of old age (portrayed as a very old man with a large head); a person on his birthday | 壽星
siuzhuiechiw | to shave | 修喙鬚
siuzhuix | heal (wound) | 修碎; 收喙; 治好
siuzhuo | to receive, to accept | 收取
siwsek kiafmzhatkvoaf | chief procurator | 首席檢察官
siwzhoxng | the first of its kind; found; to start; initiate | 首創
siwzhux | first time | 首次
sixlek zhekgiam | vision test; visual acuity test | 視力測驗
sixzhad | inspect or look into (in order to get some useful information) | 視察; 考察
sixzhad-oaan | inspector | 視察員
sizhaf | time difference between two places | 時差
sizheq | book of poetry | 時冊; 詩書
siøciøhzhuix | greeting | 打招呼
siøfpeqzhaix | cabbage | 小白菜
siøfzhadthaw | thief | 小賊偷
siøfzhaix | plain dishes (as distinct from expensive courses) | 小菜
siøfzhat | petty thief; pilferer | 小偷; 茅賊
siøfzheq | pamphlet | 小冊
siøfzhoaxn | a kind of tuna | 小串; 小黃鮨鮪
siøfzhoef | small trumpet | 小叭
siøfzhongbeeng | mortal wisdom | 小聰明
siøfzhongbeng'ar | mortal wisdom | 小聰明仔
siøfzhongbiin | mortal wisdom | 小聰明
siøfzhux | small house, mense, personage, rectory | 小厝; 小房子
siøkauzhab | socialized | 相交插; 來往; 打交道
siøkeazhoa | married | 相嫁娶
siør-zhongbeeng | sharp witted but petty minded | 小聰明
siøzhafm | mix together | 相參; 混合
siøzhaq | cross pinky as a symbol for gambling | 相插
siøzhoa | go together; travel together | 同往; 相𤆬; 同行
siøzhoaxzao | took away | 相𤆬走
siøzhoe | mutual | 相揣
siøzhoexze | mutual | 相揣坐
siøzhorngti | joke; make fun of; jest | 開玩笑; 互相戲弄
siøzhutlo | pass each other on the road without knowing it; miss each other on the road; to cross (letters) | 相出路; 互相錯過
siøzhuun | treat each other with politeness; especially by each declining what the other offers or by consulting on an intended action | 相尊; 相禮讓
sngrzhud | figure it out | 算出
sngrzhutlaai | figure it out | 算出來
sngzhaix | sour pickle | 酸菜
sngzhox | vinegar | 酸醋
soafnzhud | pick out; to select; to elect | 選出
soafnzhuo | pick out; to select; to elect | 選取
soafzhux | change one's residence | 徙居; 搬家
soahzhvef | malignant star (usually said of a person) that brings war; deaths; calamities; disasters | 煞星
soanzhefng | claim | 宣稱
soarn`zhutlaai | voted | 選出來
soarzhuiebea | craving | 紲喙尾
soarzhuieboea | craving | 紲喙尾
soarzhuix | craving | 紲喙
soatzhud | to tell, speak, utter | 說出
soatzhøx | to have a slip of the tongue | 說錯
soax-zhuiebøea | add to other's talk, do according to othe's saying | 續嘴尾; 紲喙尾; 接話尾
soaxnciøqzhuix | honey tongued; plausible tongue | 鑽石嘴
soeakoafn khefzengzhux | tax office | 稅捐稽徵處
soeazhud | small show | 小齣
soeazhux | rent a house; rent out a house | 稅厝; 租房子
soefzhuix | wash mouth; brush teeth | 洗喙
soehzhud | speak up | 說出
sofzheng | whatever one wears | 所穿
sokchiuo buzheg | no way out; powerless; at the end of one's rope | 束手無策
sokzhaa | sandalwood; wood incense | 淨香; 香木片
sorzhaix | vegetarian dishes; simple fare | 素菜
sorzhux | several times | 數次
sozhaix | vegetables | 蔬菜
suhoad kefngzhad | judicial police | 司法警察
suizhefng | to show favour for | 垂青
suizhux | everywhere | 隨處
suluixzhutlaai | part of speech | 詞類出來
sunbun-zhux | office of inquiry, information office | 詢問處
sunbuxnzhux | information desk | 詢問處
sunhoee zhaiphvoarsor | circuit court | 巡迴裁判所
sunzhad | make the rounds of inspection | 巡察
sunzhanzuie | check one's tetorry | 巡田水
sunzhuix | pure; genuine; unadulterated; completely; entirely | 純粹
sunzwciernzheg | Sun Tzu's strategy | 孫子戰策
suobuxzhux | general affairs | 庶務處
suokuiejuzhwn | all seasons like spring | 四季如春
suozhud | be born of a concubine | 庶出; 庶子
suozhux hongthengseg | quartic equation; equation of the fourth degree (mathematics) | 四次方程式
suozhux | everywhere; everywhere; on every side; the four quarters | 四處
susefngzhad | particular examen (Catholic) | 私省察
suxbuxzhux | business office | 事務處
suxnzhux | in sequence | 順次
suzhaan | private field | 私田
suzhaxng | private possession | 私藏
suzhud hykhøfzexng | export permit | 輸出許可證
suzhud | exports; to export | 輸出
suzhutgiah | amount of exports; value of exports | 輸出額
suzhutphirn | exported goods; exportation | 輸出品
suzhutsøex | export duty | 輸出稅
suzhwn-kii | puberty | 思春期
svazhafm | mix, pool (money, resources) | 相參; 相混
svazhe | socialized with each other | 相揣
svazhea | talk to each other | 相扯
svazhef | three-pronged fork; a trident | 三叉
svazhefng | three thousand | 三千
svazhelo | junction of three roads | 三叉路
svazheloxkhao | junction where three roads meet | 三叉路口
svazhoa | go out together, go by linked hands | 相娶; 同出同入
svazhutlo | missed each other | 相出路
svazhøe | look for each other, visit each other | 相尋
svef tixzhngf | have piles | 生痔瘡
svef-bøexzhud`laai | unable to bring to birth | 生無出來
svezhngf | break out in sores; get boils or ulcers | 生瘡
svezhud | produce; give birth to; bring forth | 生出
svezhutlaai | give birth | 生出來
sviu-bøe zhud`laai | unable to call to mind; cannot remember | 想未出來
sviu-bøexzhud | be unable to think the plan, fail to anticipate | 想未出; 想袂出
sviuxzhaf | consider erroneously | 想錯
sviuxzhud | to reason out, to figure out | 想出
sviuxzhux | think of home; homesick | 想家
sviuxzhøx | to think incorrectly | 想錯
svixzhaethaau | pickle daikon | 豉菜頭
svixzhaix | pickle vegetables | 醃菜
svizhngf | have a weeping ulcer | 生瘍; 長瘡
svizhud | produce | 生出
svoaf-koahzhaix | cress | 山葛菜
svoaf-koarzhaix | Taiwan melicope | 山芥菜
svoaf-kwzhaix | a herb of lily | 山韮菜
svoaf-peqzhaix | Blumea lacera | 山白菜
svoaf-zhaethaau | Asi Bell-tree | 山菜頭
svoai'afzhvef | mango candied | 芒果青; (醃未熟之芒果)
svoakhinzhaix | mountain celery | 山芹菜
svoazhad | oriental poison sumac, Japanese evodia | 山賊; 山漆; 野漆樹
svoazhao | ziaparasu (Paiwan) | 山草
svoazhat | robbers; gang hide in the mountains | 山賊
svoazhat'ar | wax tree | 山賊仔; 山漆仔
svoazheeng | large-leaved baryan | 山榕; 雀榕
svoazhuo | mountain misce | 山鼠
svy`zhutlaai | born | 生出來
swzheq | history book, chronicle | 史冊; 史書
swzhud | resort to | 使出
syaq gve zhuiephoea | be unwilling to admit one's defeat; yield with bad grace; be a poor loser | 死鴉子硬嘴巴; 嘴硬
sym tit zhuix khoaix | honest and outspoken | 心直口快
symzhad | investigate, trace | 審察
syn zhutparn | new edition (of a book) | 新出版; 新版
syzhadafpor | dead thief | 死賊仔脯
syzheq | study mechanically; be a bookworm | 死冊; 死書; 只會讀; 無會活用
syzhoxng | to invent, to initiate | 始創
søea-zhengkhix | wash clean | 洗清氣
søeazhad | examine carefully, examine in detail | 細查; 細察
søeazhux | rent a house | 稅厝; 租房子
søefzhefng | wash clean | 洗清; 洗淨
søefzhuix | wash teeth | 洗喙; 刷牙
søehzhux | igloo, snow house | 雪厝; 雪屋
søhzhuo | ask for; to demand | 索取
søzhao | weed a rice field | 搓草; 挲草; (稻田); 除草
tahzhux | build a cottage, build a shack | 搭厝; 蓋房子
taigyzheq | Taiwanese book | 台語冊
taixhoxng ixzhae | to yield unusually brilliant results | 大放異彩
taixlyzhux | agency | 代理處
taixte hoezhwn | Spring has returned to the land | 大地回春
taixzhud | substitute | 代出
taixzhunhiofng | | 大村鄉
taixzhøx tegzhøx | very serious mistake | 大錯特錯
takzhuix | quarrel | 觸嘴; 爭論
tamzhaa | wet wood | 濕柴
tang'øzhaix | parsley; one species of parsley with black leaves; garland chrysanthemum | 茼蒿菜
tangzhaix | a kind of pickled cabbage; much used for flavoring | 冬菜
tangzhao | winter grass | 冬草
tanhongzhngg | spring bed | 彈簧床
tanjiin-zhngg | a single bed | 單人床
tanzhefng | colors; painting | 丹青
taozhoxng | assist one another in making or mending something | 幫助
taozhøe | help search for | 鬥尋; 鬥揣; 幫忙尋找
tapzhuiekor | debate; quarrel | 搭嘴股
taq zhunlieen | put up scrolls at New Year's time | 貼春聯
taqzhaf | to behavior incorrectly | 做錯
taqzhud | step out | 踏出
tarmzhvea | wake up | 頕醒
tarngzhngf | frostbite; chilblains | 凍瘡
tarngzhuiekhie | frozen teeth | 凍喙齒
tarnzhwn | birth | 誕春
tauphiørzhux | the polls, a voting booth | 投票處
taux-zhamsioong | consult | 鬥參詳
taux-zhutlat | to help | 鬥出力
tauxzhaegee | bean sprout | 豆菜芽
tauxzhaemi | bean sprout noodle | 豆菜麵
tauxzhaetea | prostitute; of humble origin; making display beyond real merit | 豆菜底; 煙花女人
tauxzhaetea`ee | prostitute; of humble origin; making display beyond real merit | 豆菜底的
tauxzhaetoea`ee | prostitute; of humble origin; making display beyond real merit | 豆菜底的
tauxzhaix | bean sprouts (more succulent than tau-chhai) | 豆菜
taxngzhuix | begin to say | 動口
tazhaa | dry wood | 乾柴
tazhao | hay; dried herbs | 乾草
tazhaw'ar | hay | 焦草仔
teafzhuix | pocket entrance | 袋仔喙
tefngzhux | in order; place in a series; order; rank; grade; sequence | 等次
tefzhexng | pistol; revolver | 手鎗
teg-binzhngg | bamboo bed | 竹眠床
tegzhefng | special description; (in logic) particular as opposed to universal | 特稱
tegzhud | outstanding; distinguished; eminent | 特出
tegzhuo thongty | specially sent for your information (a phrase used in writing a letter) | 特此通知
tehzhuix | crush to pieces | 壓碎
tek'afzhux | bamboo house | 竹仔厝
tek'ar-zhaix | a herb of a grass of Commerina | 竹仔菜
tekbagzhao | Egyptian grass | 竹目草
tekkøzhef | Y shape branches | 竹篙叉
tekofzhuix | top of teapot | 茶鈷喙
tekzhef | principal wife (as opposed to a concubine) | 嫡妻; 竹叉
tekzherng | bamboo scrub brush | 竹刷; 竹筅; 竹刷子
tekzhoee | bamboo rod | 竹箠
tekzhuxn cirnchiøq | the more he gets; the more he wants; small concessions lead to greater demands | 得寸進尺
tekzhvoaf | bamboo thorn | 竹扦
tekzhøee | bamboo rod | 竹箠; 竹鞭
teng'ar-zhao | corchorifolia (grass) | 亭仔草; 燈仔草
tengbunzhefngzoe | pay a special visit to another's house for forgiveness | 登門請罪
tengkaix zhwhwn | disciplinary action (against government officials) ranging from reprimand to dismissal; punishment of officials | 懲戒處分
tenglarng-zhao | Chinese lantern plant; Physalis angulata | 登籠草; 燈籠草
tengzhay | riddles put on transparent lanterns at the doors of scholars; puzzles written on lanterns | 燈猜
tengzhefng | defecation; clarify; clarification; muddy water settles | 澄清
tengzherng | submit an accusation, appeal, petition | 重請; 呈請
tengzhud | publish | 登出
tengzhutsix | be born again | 重出世
tengzhøe | try to find it back | 重尋
tepanzhuix | spout of a teapot | 茶壺嘴
terngzheq | bind a book | 釘冊; 釘書
texhngf sekzhae | local color; provincialism | 地方色彩
texid jinzhefng | first person (grammar) | 第一人稱
texji jinzhefng | second person (grammar) | 第二人稱
texjixzhwn | 2nd marriage | 第二春
texkiafmzhux | prosecuting attorney's office | 地檢處
texlixzhwn | 2nd marriage | 第二春
texngzhaa | firm wood material | 硬柴
texngzhor | lay a foundation | 定礎; 奠基
texsvaf jinzhefng | third person (grammar) | 第三人稱
texzhuo | gophers | 地鼠
tezhvef | green tea leaves (just picking from tea tree) | 茶青; 剛採下之茶葉
thad zhuiekhafng | give something to eat to a child to keep it quiet; make somebody keep a secret | 堵上嘴
thad`zhutkhix | kick out | 踢出去
thaepegzhvef | the evening star; Venus | 太白星
thaezhof | in the beginning; the beginning of all things | 太初
thafm`zhutkhix | awning or porch projects over a street | 探出去
thafng zøx zhamkhør | assist further investigation | 以資參考
thafnzhoah | awry, crooked | 傾歪; 曲.斜
thafnzhw | tilt; incline; slope; slant | 傾斜
thagsyzheq | study by rote | 讀死冊
thagzheh'aq | study | 讀冊矣
thagzhehcvii | tuition | 讀冊錢
thagzhehhoe | reading session | 讀冊會
thagzhehlaang | scholar; an intellectual; literati | 讀書人
thagzhehpaang | study room | 讀書房
thagzhehthviaf | study room | 讀書廳
thagzhehtøh'ar | desk | 書冊桌仔
thagzhehtøq | desk | 讀冊桌
thagzheq | to study | 讀冊; 讀書
thagzheq-laang | literate person | 讀冊人; 讀書人
thagzheq-paang | study | 讀冊書房
thagzhud | read out | 讀出
thaixgu ee zhapiet | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
thak mxcviaa zheq | make little progress in studies owing to hindrances; go to school but not graduate; not study diligently | 讀無成冊; 讀不成書
thak syzheq | to read books character by character without understanding the meaning | 讀死冊
thak-bøo zheq | not making progress in study | 讀無成冊
thaokinzhoarnkud | freezing to the tendon and muscle | 透筋竄骨
thaothvizhux | a residential building that belong to the same household- unlike condo | 透天厝
thaozhud | extend out to (road, passageway, etc.) | 滲出
tharmboxngzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmboxzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmloong zhwbut | as easy as taking things out of one's own pocket | 探曩取物
tharmzheg | to probe, to survey | 探測
tharmzhekkhix | detector | 探測器
thatzhuiekhafng | fill mouse with snacks | 窒喙空
thatzhuix | shut one's mouth, let stop talking, let one unable to talk or demand | 堵喙; 塞住嘴
thaukhakzhea | brain | 頭殼髓
thaukhakzhoea | brain | 頭殼髓
thaukhakzhøea | brain | 腦殼髓; 頭殼髓; 腦子
thaukhyzhof | in the beginning | 頭起初
thaumngzhaix | a hair-like vegetable | 頭毛菜
thaumozhaix | edible hair-like seaweed | 頭毛菜
thautefngzhngf | 1st class | 頭等艙
thauzhae | first prize in a lottery; omen | 彩頭; 預兆
thauzhaxng | conceal and hide (stolen or contraband goods) | 偷藏; 匿藏
thauzhoa søea'ii | keep a concubine without the wife's knowledge | 偷娶小老婆
thauzhoa | run off with (another's wife; young girl); kidnap | 誘拐; 綁票
thauzhoa`khix | abduct, kidnap | 偷娶去; 偷𤆬去; 拐走
thauzhud | 1st show | 頭齣
thauzhuix | mouths in a family | 家眷
thauzhuxn | cash; money | 頭寸
thauzhøea | brains; brain tissue | 腦髓
thaxm`zhutkhix | awning or porch projects over a street | 探出去
thaxn y ee zhuix | follow implicitly what he says | 照他的意思
thaxn-zhuieciah | earn just enough for one's own food but having nothing to spare for any one else | 趁嘴口; 賺嘴食; 糊口
theazhud | quit | 退出
thefzhaai | form or style (of literature); format; outward appearance of men or things | 體裁
thefzhad | examine or investigate with intensive personal attention; be understanding of or sympathetic toward | 體察
thefzhaw | exercise; gymnastic; calisthenics; physical exercises | 體操
theh`zhutkhix | take out; Take it out! | 拿出去
thengsyn jii zhud | thrust oneself out to face a challenge | 挺身而出
thengzherng | it is requested that...; apply for an appointment or position (a phrase used in official communication to a higher agency to introduce a request); petition | 呈請
theqzhud | raise (a question; opinion etc); to table; put forth | 提出
theqzhutlaai | show | 提出來
thezhud | to propose; to raise; to put forward | 提出
thezhux | echelon | 梯次
thezhvea | remind; arouse | 提醒
thiabzhao | pile straw up into stacks | 堆草
thiahzhoafn | to expose | 拆穿
thiahzhuix | tear to pieces | 拆碎
thiahzhux | pull down a house | 拆厝; 拆房子
thiaozhud | jump out; leap out | 跳出
thienpengzhvehø | Libra asterisk | 天秤星號
thienzhaam | wild silk moth | 天蠶
thienzhør | momordica cochinchinensis (grass) | 天草
thiettea tengzhefng | clarify a matter thoroughly; make a thorough investigation of (a case) | 徹底澄清
thietzhud | withdraw (troops); (troops) draw back; withdraw | 撤出
thihzhngg | steel beds | 鐵床
thihzhuietidtoaxn | firm and accurate | 鐵喙直斷
thiuzhoaq | convulse, cause convulsions | 抽搐
thiuzhud | draw out; pull out; take out; select from a lot | 抽出
thiw`zhutlaai | pull it out | 抽出來
thix zhuiechiw | shave the beard; shave the face; to humiliate | 刮鬍子
thizhaix | an edible green seaweed | 苔藻; 乾苔
thizhao | hoe or spade out weeds or grass | 苔藻; 鋤草
thiørzheg | sell unhulled rice | 糶穀; 賣稻穀
thiørzhud tiaqjip | sell and buy grain | 糶出糴入
thng'afpviafzhux | candy shop; sweets shop | 糖仔餅厝
thngsi'afzhaix | species of cabbage whose leaf looks like a teaspoon | 湯匙仔菜; 青江菜
thngxzhaix | heat the food again | 燙菜
thngzhafng | sticky sugar candy in Taiwa | 糖蔥
thoaf`zhutkhix | pull out | 拖出去
thoaf`zhutlaai | pull out (a drawer) | 拉出來
thoantadzhutkhix | convey it | 傳達出去
thoanthefzhaw | group calisthenics | 團體操
thoanzhud | proclaim, propagate | 傳出
thoat'erng jii zhud | overshadow others by showing one's ability and talents; overtake others; outscore rival teams (in a race; competition) | 脫穎而出
thoatkhao jii zhud | speak without thinking of the consequences; have a slip of lip | 脫口而出
thoatzhud | prolapse | 脫出
thoaxzhuix | rinse one's mouth | 漱口
thoazhud | drag away | 拖出
thoeazhud | retreat | 退出
thofngkeazhutlaai | statiscally | 統計出來
thofngzhud | protrude; to project; stick out | 突出
thofzhud | throw up | 吐出
thog zhuiekhie | tooth pick | 籤牙
thokakzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼厝
thokat'afzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼仔厝
thokatzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼厝
thongsirnzhux | one's address (especially for mail) | 通信處
thongzhefng | a general designation, commonly called | 通稱
thongzhør | woody plants | 蓪草
thopiahzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗壁厝
thor`zhutlaai | protrude; stick out; be forced (pressed) out; to bulge | 凸出來; 伸出; 突出
thorthorzhutlaai | split out | 吐吐出來
thorzhud cinzeeng | speak out the exact truth; say just what one thinks or the straight facts of the case | 吐出真情
thorzhud | to spit; to vomit, blurt out | 吐出
thox`zhutlaai | vomit food; disclose; to speak out (the whole truth) | 吐出來
thozhux | mud hut | 土厝; 泥屋
thozhvef | planet Saturn | 土星
thuizheg | conjecture; to fathom; deduce; infer; predict | 推測
thuizhud | to push out; present (a picture; a show) | 推出
thun zhuiekhie | fill a cavity | 補牙; 鑲牙
thuq zhuie'extao | support the chin on the hand | 手托著下巴
thuq zhuiekhie | pick one's teeth | 剔牙
thut`zhutkhix | get dislocated; (the joint of a machine or a piece of furniture) slips out | 滑脫了
thutzhoee | derail; be derailed; overstep bounds | 脫箠; 穿幫; 出洋相; 出軌
thuzhao | root out weeds | 除草; 鋤草
thvazhux | elsewhere | 他處
thviarbofzhaix | burdock | 疼某菜
thviazhud | understand the implication from what is heard | 聽出
thviazhuix | follow what one's superior says; be obedient | 聽話; 聽喙
thviazhøx | hear incorrectly; misunderstand what one has heard said | 聽錯
thvizhaa | add wood (to a fire) | 縫柴; 添柴
thvizhvef | stars | 天星
thvoafzhao | to hoe up grass and small shrubs | 鋤草
thvoar zhao | mowing lawn | 剷草
thvoarzhao | hoe out grass | 碳草
thvy zhaf te | very different | 天差地; 大無相同
thvy zhengzhefng | clear sky; a cloudless sky | 天清清
thøeazhud | with draw from | 退出
thørzhafn | combo meal | 套餐
thørzhud | to spit | 唾出
tiafmtefng katzhae | with illuminations and decorations | 張燈結彩
tiafmtengkatzhae | light up | 點燈結綵
tiafmzhaix | order food, select dishes to order | 點菜
tiafmzhud | point out, to number | 點出
tiafmzhvea | warn (by a hint) of a plot or other danger | 提醒
tiah zhek'ar | buy unhulled rice | 糴穀仔
tiaozhngg | hammock | 吊床
tiarmsiøzhoe | hide and seek | 踮相揣
tiauzhoaan | specialty select | 調拴; 特選
tiauzhud | call out | 調出
tiauzhuo | specially selected | 調取; 貂鼠; 特取; 特選
tiaxmzhuietiaxmcih | talkless | 恬喙恬舌
tibwzhaix | Portulaca oleracea (grass) | 豬母菜; 馬齒莧
tibwzhao | Portulaca oleracea (grass) | 豬母草; 馬齒莧
tibøfzhaix | sow dish | 豬母菜
tiefnhiexnzhud | showing | 展現出
tiefnzheq | classical books | 典冊; 經典
tiefnzhud | exhibit; exhibition; display; put on display at an exhibition | 展出
tieleeng zhekgiam | IQ test; intelligence test | 智能測驗
tielek zhekgiam | IQ test; intelligence test | 智力測驗
tiexnkøzhoef | the electric pot | 電鍋炊
tiexnzhaq | electric plug | 電插; 電插頭
tiezhuo | to triumph by means of strategy or tactics | 智取
tikøzhuix | person's mouth like pig's | 豬哥嘴; 豬嘴
timbee putzhvea | coma; apoplexy; deeply addicted to; infatuated with (vice; sinful ways) | 沉迷無醒
tinzhngg | rattan couch; bed with woven rattan or cane as a bottom | 藤床
tiongkog-zhaix | Chinese food | 中國菜
tionglieen soxng zhef | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
tiongzhaai | arbitration, mediation | 調解; 仲裁
tiongzhafn | lunch | 中餐; 午餐
tiongzhanthviaf | Chinese restaurant | 中餐廳
tiongzhefng | evergreen | 長青
tiongzhux | forte; virtue; advantage; metier; talent | 長處
tiongzhw sinkefng | nerve center | 中樞神經
tiongzhw | the central administration; the center; (nerve) center | 中樞
tioxng`zhutlaai | overflow | 漲出來
tioxngzhaai | to arbitrate; arbitration; act as arbiter; mediate | 仲裁
tioxngzheng | care appearance | 重穿
tiq`zhutlaai | dripped | 滴出來
tithauzhoea | pig's brains | 豬腦髓
tithauzhøea | pig's brain | 豬頭髓
titzhuxn cirnchiøq | The more one gets the more he wants. Small concessions lead to greater demands | 得寸進尺
tiuafzhaan | farm | 稻仔田
tiupixzhux | preparatory office; Bureau of Preparation | 籌備處
tiuxzhaan | farm | 稻田
tiuxzhao | straw; strawy; halm; rice straw | 稻草
tiuxzhawbi | straw flavour | 稻草味
tiuxzhawkhuun | straw stack; heap or stack of cut rice | 稻草堆
tiuxzhawkør | rice straw; rice stalks | 稻草桿; 稻稿
tiuxzhawlaang | scarecrow | 稻草人
tiuxzhawthaau | straw head | 稻草頭
tiuxzhawtuy | straw stack; heap or stack of cut rice | 稻草堆
tiuzhøx | plan to construct | 籌造
tixzhngf | hemorroids; piles | 痔瘡
tizhaix | food for pig | 豬菜
tizhaix-zhao | Dichrocephala bicolor (grass) | 豬菜草
tizhao | to weed (in farming); mow grass; cut weeds | 除草
tizhaozef | deodorant | 除臭劑
tizhawzef | herbicide | 除草劑
tizhøx | know one's faults; acknowledgement of fault | 知錯; 知過
tiøh zhadthaw | sustain a theft (burglary); be robbed | 得賊偷
tiøh zhvekviaf | alarmed; scared | 驚慌
tiøh-zhadthaw | be burglarized | 得賊偷; 著賊偷; 被偷東西
tiøq`zhutlaai | must get out | 得出來
tiøqzhadthaw | got stolen | 著賊偷
tiøqzhexng | be hit by gun shot | 中槍; 著銃; 得
tiøqzhvekviaf | scare | 著生驚
tiøqzuyzhw | bitten by a bug in the water, festered | 著水蛆
tiørzhoee | fishing rod; fish pole | 釣竿
tiørzhud | fish out | 釣出
tiøzhutkhix | leap or start out | 跳出去
tngboefzhvef | meteors; falling stars; shooting star | 長尾星; 彗星; 流星
tngf niawzhuo | catching mice | 張鳥鼠
tngf zhadar | lay in wait for a thief | 伺機捉小偷
tngf zhengzhwn | in one's youth; in young adulthood | 正青春時
tngfzhux | return home; a married woman return to visit her parents | 歸厝
tngg-khazhngf | stay too long; outstay one's welcome | 長屁股; (久留無離; 不受歡迎)
tngkhazhngf | being a guest that won't leave | 長尻川
tngnizhaix | mustard greens (eat at New year's Eve) | 長年菜; 除夕的特別菜
tngsiuxzhaix | longevity dishes | 長壽菜
tngzhang'afkhoghii | crocodile | 長蔥仔鱷魚
tngzharm | just now become very miserable; in the midst of misery | 當慘; 最悲慘的時候
tngzhexng | long gun; rifle | 長銃
to-zhuiepar | live from hands to mouth | 度喙飽
toa-zhengsaux | great clearance; general cleaning; clean the whole house | 大清掃
toa-zhutchiuo | generous | 大出手
toaarkhuiezhoarn | asthma | 大氣喘
toadzhuo | take by force; wrest from | 奪取
toarzhuttiøh | carry out | 帶出著
toarzhux | to live in one's residence; dwell | 住厝; 住在家裡
toax-zhuttviuu | to arrange to take a bar girl out the establishment where she works for the evening | 帶出場
toaxkhazhngf | big buttocks | 屁股大
toaxkhuiezhoarn | asthma | 大氣喘
toaxkixmzhuix | gossip | 大妗喙
toaxpeqzhaix | napa | 大白菜
toaxthauzhafng | shallot (vegetable) | 大頭鬃; 大頭蔥; 分蔥
toaxthauzhaix | kohlrabi (vegetable) | 大頭菜
toaxzhafn | big meal | 大餐
toaxzhaix | mustard, radish | 大菜; 芥菜
toaxzhangthaau | green onions | 大蔥頭
toaxzhat | big thief | 大賊
toaxzhaw | bank note; paper money; bill (thousand dollars) | 大鈔; 大鈔(的); (如一千元的)
toaxzhengchiu | large banyan | 大榕樹
toaxzhexng | big gun, canon | 大槍; 大殿
toaxzhngf | large banyan | 大倉
toaxzhoarn | big gasp | 大喘; 喘息
toaxzhud | prime time of fruits | 大出
toaxzhuie'ar | big mouth | 大喙仔
toaxzhuiekor | big mouth | 大喙鼓
toaxzhuix ciah | gulp down; eat greedily | 狼吞虎嚥
toaxzhuix | big mouth | 大嘴
toaxzhuolai | in the big house | 大厝內
toaxzhut'aq | big grow | 大出矣
toaxzhutchiuo | generous | 大出手
toaxzhux | main building of a rural house, rich man's coffin | 大厝; 富家之棺木
toaxzhøx | glaring errors; blunder; big mistake | 大錯
toeazhuieboea | repeat a teacher's words in order to learn; repeat a man's words; feign having knowledge (which one just picked from his co-conversationalist) | 綴喙尾; 重複別人的話
toeazhuix | answer back | 綴喙
togzhaai zerngthea | totalitarian state; dictatorship | 獨裁政體; 專制
togzhaai zerngzheg | dictatorship; autocracy | 獨裁政策
togzhaai | dictatorially; dictatorship; autocracy; autocratical; dictatorial; arbitrary | 獨裁
togzhaiciar | autocrat, dictator | 獨裁者
togzhao | poisonous herbs | 毒草
togzhngf | venomous ulcer | 毒瘡
togzhoxng | create all by oneself ─ unique; original | 獨創
togzhuix | bad mouth | 毒嘴
tokzhad | superintend and oversee; act as a watchdog; inspector | 督察
tokzhuy | urge to action, spur to action | 突推; 督催
tongthionghaxzhør | cordyceps sinensis | 冬蟲夏草
tongzhesii | back then | 當初時
tongzhngg | sleep together | 同床
tongzhngg-vixbong | have different dreams in the same bed (said of a troubled marriage) | 同床異夢
tongzhoesi'ar | back then | 當初時仔
tongzhoesii | back then | 當初時
tongzhof | at first; in the beginning; previously; at first; in the beginning | 當初
tongzhofng | a schoolmate; a schoolmate | 同窗
tongzhonghoe | a schoolmate reunion | 同窗會
tongzhosii | back then | 當初時
torngliangzhaai | pillars; capable great statesmanship person | 棟梁材
torngzhofng | frostbite; chilblains | 凍瘡
toxngzhad | insight | 洞察
toxngzhad-lek | insight | 洞察力
toxzhuieciah | earn only enough to feed oneself; nothing left over for family or savings ─ live from hand to mouth | 大嘴食; 餬口
tozheq | atlas | 圖冊
tubwzhaix | sow vegetable | 豬母菜
tubøfzhaix | sow vegetable | 豬母菜
tudzhud | to thrust out; stand out; stretch out; protrude; projecting; jutting; protruding; outstanding; remarkable; jut out; sally forth | 突出
tuiezhefng | symmetry, symmetrical | 對稱
tuiezheg | a measure; a countermeasure; measure (to deal with a problem); countermeasure; counter plan | 對策
tuiezhuie'ixn | reply immediately | 對嘴應; 馬上回答
tuiezhuix | a match for one in debate | 對嘴; 對喙
tuizhuix | from one's mouth (speaking out) | 從嘴; 對喙
tuizhøe | look for, seek out | 從尋; 追揣; 追蹤
tuozheq | write a book | 著冊; 著書
tuozhud | issue (books, articles), publish | 著出; 出版
turnzhøx | to encounter failure; to receive a setback; frustration | 頓挫
tuu zhuo cy goa | besides this (or these); in addition | 除此之外; 除此以外
tuu zhuo ygoa | besides this (or these); in addition | 除此之外; 除此以外
tuxnzhox | to encounter failure; to receive a setback; frustration | 頓挫
tuzhaix | pig dish | 豬菜
tuzhat | fend off or resist a robber, exterminate robbers | 追賊; 除賊; 㧣賊; 除滅; 抵擋強盜
tuzhawzef | herbicide | 除草劑
tuzhefng | take away entirely | 追到; 除清
tuzhøx | to get rid of wrong things; debug | 除錯
tvafzhao kviazoaa | beat the grass and startle the snakes ─ frighten out of cover | 打草驚蛇
tvafzhar | annoy peoples | 打吵; 打攪
tvazhaa | carrying woods with a rod over a shoulder | 擔柴
tvazhafng bøexzhaix | to do small business (Lit. carry onion and sell it) | 挑蔥賣菜; 比喻做小生意
tveazhvef | pretend not to know about a matter | 裝青; 裝糊塗
tvexzhud | pinch out | 捏出
tviafzhex | scrubbing brush for cleaning rice boilers | 鍋刷
tviafzhoex | bamboo scrubbing-brush or a cooking pan | 鼎搓; 竹刷子
tviazherng | submit an accusation, appeal, petition, etc | 定請; 呈請
tvikoefzhex | sweet cake ingredient | 甜粿粞
tviutviuzhoahzhoaq | nervous and shaking | 張張掣掣
tviuzheng | to dress a deceased person in the clothes prepared for burial | 張穿; (為死者穿壽衣)
tvix`zhutlaai | pretend | 裝出來
tvizhaix | """duck's tongue grass""; Monochoria vaginalis var. plantaginea"; beet; sugar beet | 甜菜; 角菜; 斛菜
tvoaxzhexng | shoot gun | 彈槍; 彈銃
twzhae | perhaps | 抵彩; 也許
twzhuix | converse or whisper to an ear | 抵嘴; 耳語
tøefzhexng | pistol, revolver | 短槍; 短銃; 手鎗
tøex-zhuiebøea | repeat what was talken | 綴喙尾
tøezhaai | subject matter, theme | 題材
tøfzhaix | an edible brown alga | 倒菜; 搗菜
tøfzhngg | bed, flat bed, to be confined to bed | 倒床; 病於床上
tøo`zhutkhix | escape out of a place; flee away | 逃出去
tørtøx-zhutlaai | pour out | 倒倒出來
tørzhud | pour out | 倒出
tørzhux | everywhere | 處處; 到處
tøxzhat | robbers and thieves | 盜賊
tøxzhuo | house breaking; purloin | 盜取
tøzhae tøzw | many faceted | 多彩多姿
tøzhae | well-rounded | 多采
tøzhaytøzw | colorful | 多采多姿
tøzhef | polygamy | 多妻
tøzhezex | polygamy | 多妻制
tøzhud tioxng'uii | break out from a heavy siege | 逃出重圍
tøzhud | escape | 逃出
tøzhuix | talks too much; edge of sword or knife | 多嘴; 多喙; 刀喙; 刀口
tøzhux | many times, again and again | 多次
u hunzhuxn | having a sense of propriety; knowing how far to go and when to stop | 有分寸
u zhuiesuie | good at polite phrases and flattering talk | 嘴甜
u zhutjip | uneven; not uniform (prices) | 有出入
u-herngzhux | interested | 有興趣
u-zhuobi | be interested in, like to know | 有趣味
u-zhutseg | promising | 有出色
u-zhutthoad | promising | 有出脫
uiegviauzhao | fear grass | 畏擽草
uiezhuix | dislike to eat | 畏嘴; 飫喙; 不想吃
uilozhaix | fired dishe | 圍爐菜
uixzhuo | for this reason.. | 為此
uixzhut'hoeq | gastrorrhagia; bleeding stomach ulcer | 胃出血
uixzhut'huiq | stomach bleeding | 胃出血
uixzhux | place | 位處; 地方
uizheg | legacy policy | 遺策
un'aix-huzhef | affectionate couple; devoted couple | 恩愛夫妻
unzhaf | temperature difference | 溫差
unzhngg | hotbed for plants, hotbed of vice, plot, etc | 溫床
utzhngg | rolling mill | 熨床; 抑床
uxherngzhux | have interest in | 有興趣
uxhixbøzhuix | no talk just listen | 有耳無喙
uxhvi bøzhuix | listen; don't talk; don't butt in (usually used when talking to children) | 只能聽; 無能說
uxhvixbøzhuix | no talk just listen | 有耳無喙
uxlo-bøzhux | said of a wandering vagrant or very poor man; who has no place to live; bum; vagabond | 無家可歸
uxloxbøzhux | a street has no home | 有路無厝
uxnzhaa | transport wood | 運柴
uxnzhauchiaf | bnknote car | 運鈔車
uxnzhud | export | 運出
uxzheg | predict | 預測
uxzhud-bøjip | having expenses but no income | 有出無入
uxzhuiebøsym | unintentional | 有喙無心
uxzhuix | talk to much | 有嘴
uxzhutthoad | outstanding | 有出脫
uxzhwn | leftover | 有剩
uzhuo | as a result | 於此
vi'afzhex | rice dough | 圓仔脆
vi'afzhoex | rice dough for making rice ball | 圓仔粞
vi'afzhøex | rice dough | 圓仔粞
viafkoazhvef | movie star | 影歌星
viafzhvef | movie star | 影星
viaxzheg | raise the grains | 颺粟
vii-zhuoterng | a dome, cupola,vault | 圓厝頂
viuzhaai | tailor | 洋裁
viuzhafng | onion | 洋蔥
viuzhaix | agar-agar | 洋菜
vixzhux | different place | 異趣
vizhaethaau | turnip (flower) | 圓菜頭
voafkhazhngf | hollow bottom of a bowl | 碗屁股, 碗底
voafzhuix | the ring of a bowl | 碗嘴
voaxzhud | swapped out food | 換齣
voaxzhuix | change taste | 換嘴
voaxzhuo | exchange | 換取; 交換
whiøxzhunsurn | after rain and feel like spring season | 雨後春筍
wn'afzhaan | fish farm | 塭仔田
wnzhaxng | to hide; to conceal; to disguise; obscure | 隱藏
wnzuyzhaan | irrigated fields with sure supply of water | 允水田; 灌溉充裕的水田
wtiu zhorngzøxsoad | creationism | 宇宙創造說
ymau zhwjiin | judge a person by his appearance or looks | 以貌取人
ymzuie-zhwlie | drinking water processing | 飲水處理
yn-zhux | his (her) or their home | 他家; 他們家
ynzhoa | to guide; to lead; guidance; lead; to guide | 引導; 引𤆬
ynzhud | to lead out, to bring about | 引出
yzhuo | thus, on that account | 以此
zabgøeh zhøezap | October 10; the Double Tenth; the National Day of the Republic of China | 十月初十
zabofkviafzhat | married daughter returning to the home of her parents and picking up things to take back to the home of her husband | 女兒回娘家, 將娘家的東西帶回夫家
zabofkviar-zhat | married daughter returning to the home of her parents and picking up things to take back to the home of her husband | 查某囝賊; 女兒回娘家; 將娘家的東西帶回夫家
zabzhab | meddlesome; interfere in the affairs of others | 雜插; 管閒事; 多事干涉
zabzhaix | hodgepodge; dish prepared by mixing or cooking the leftovers of a previous dinner feast | 雜菜; 什錦菜
zabzhaix-mi | vegetable noodle soup | 雜菜麵
zabzhao | wild grass; weeds | 雜草
zabzhawar | weed | 雜草仔
zabzhe'ar | girl or office boy hired for miscellaneous duties | 雜叉仔
zabzheafkafng | handyman | 雜差仔工
zabzhear | handyman | 雜謬
zabzhef | general servant, handy-man | 雜差
zabzhuix | miscellaneous, sundry | 雜碎
zabzhørlaang | every kind of people | 各種人
zaezhutsix | reborn | 再出世
zaezhux | again; once more | 再次
zafmzhao-tukwn | take care of a situation so that it is settled once and for all (Lit. Pull grass out by the roots.) | 斬草除根
zafngzhao | bundle grass or straw | 捆草
zafzhafn | breakfast; breakfast | 早餐
zafzhantiaxm | breakfast restaurant | 早餐店
zafzhaw | morning calisthenics | 早操
zafzhud-boafnkuy | go out early and return late (often said of a busy person) | 早出晚歸
zafzhwn | early spring | 早春
zaihoaa zhutcioxng | uncommon brilliance | 才華出眾
zaixzhux | in the house | 在厝
zaizeeng zhafmtiong | situation in an afflicted area is serious; a lot of heavy damage | 災情慘重
zangzhefng'ar | brush made of palm fibers | 鬃刷仔
zanzhux | gradation; levels; series; orderly arrangement; level | 層次
zaozherng | please | 奏請
zaozhuix | opening of stove | 灶嘴; 竈口
zarbwzhao | motherwort | 醡母草
zarcviuzhao | sorrel | 醡漿草
zarzhaix | preserved mustard seasoned with salt and hot pepper; Su-chhoan style | 榨菜; 四川菜
zarzhefng | false impersonation | 詐稱
zarzhuo | to extract by force | 搾取
zawsiøzhøe | make an effort to look for each other | 走相尋
zawzhe | looking everywhere | 走揣
zawzhoah | go crooked | 走斜; 走歪
zawzhoe | looking | 走尋
zawzhoextiøh | looking | 走尋著
zawzhud | run away | 走出
zawzhutkhix | went out | 走出去
zawzhutlaai | cme out | 走出來
zawzhutlai'aq | came out | 走出來矣
zawzhutlaineq | came out | 走出來呢
zawzhøe | run about in looking | 走尋; 走揣; 尋找
zaxmzhaa | cut wood | 砍柴
zaxmzhuix | to mince | 踐嘴; 鏨碎
zaxnzhuix | help persuade | 贊嘴; 幫忙說
zazhad | make official investigation | 查察; 調查
zazhefng | investigate thoroughly; clarify | 查清
zazhud | discover; find out; seek out | 查出
zeazhaai | (v) punish; (n) (economic) sanctions; sanction; punishment; punish; chastisement | 制裁
zeazøxzhud | manufactured | 製造出
zefngkahzhvoaf | finger nail thorn | 指甲扦
zefngzok zhapiet | racial discrimination | 種族差別
zekkek zerngzheg | positive policy | 積極政策
zekzhøea | spinal cord | 脊髓
zenghongciaqzhox | jealous | 爭風食醋
zengsiin zhørloan | dementia; mental derangement; insanity; paranoia | 精神錯亂
zengzhad | spy into; scout out; detection; scouting; to reconnoiter | 偵察
zengzhae | colorful; splendidness; brilliance; vividness; brilliant; high lights | 精彩; 精采
zengzhaf | to be different or difference From what is right or standard | 精差; 相差
zengzhar put'hiw | quarrel endlessly | 爭吵無休
zengzhar | to quarrel; to wrangle | 爭吵
zengzhatky | reconnaissance plane; scouting plane | 偵察機
zengzhaw | chastity; virginity; purity; moral rectitude | 貞操; 情操
zengzhef | former wife | 前妻
zengzheg | detect | 偵測
zengzhud | pound | 舂出
zengzhuix | pound to crash | 舂碎
zengzhuo pofzoxkym | endeavor to get a subsidy | 爭取補助金
zengzhuo sikafn | endeavor to avoid wasting time; act quickly; stall for time | 爭取時間
zengzhuo | try to get; strive for; compete for | 爭取
zengzhux | interesting point or aspect; what is intriguing or fascinating | 情趣; 前次; 上次
zengzhwtiøh | strive for | 爭取著
zengzhøx | chastity; virginity; purity; moral rectitude | 貞操
zerngzhaan | farming | 種田
zerngzhaix | grow vegetables | 種菜
zerngzhef | legal wife | 正妻; 正房
zerngzheg | policy | 政策
zerngzhud | grow out | 種出
zextiøh zhadzuun | take a pirate ship | 坐到賊船
zexzhaxm | masses for the dead | 坐懺
zexzhefng | settle and become a clear liquid | 坐清; 澄清; 靜置沉澱
zezhaxm | masses for the dead | 齊懺
zha | twitter | 喳
zha'ab'ar | small wooden case or box | 柴盒仔
zha'ang'ar | wooden human object | 柴尪仔
zha'ar | twig | 柴仔; 樹枝
zha'axn | examine the case from a legal standpoint | 查案
zha'i | discrepancy, difference | 差異
zha'iet | check | 查閱
zha'iuu | diesel | 柴油
zha'iuu-chiaf | diesel train | 柴油車; 柴油火車
zha'mng | enquire into, interrogate, investigate by questioning | 柴門; 查問
zha'og | a log cabin | 柴屋
zha'oo | a herb | 柴瑚; 高氏柴胡; 草藥
zha'yar | wooden chair | 柴椅仔
zhaa hoxkhao | make checks from house to house (said of police or census officials) | 查戶口
zhaa jixtiern | look up in a dictionary | 查字典
zhaa kheg`ee | wood carving; carved of wood | 柴刻的; 木彫的
zhaa | examine; investigate; search into; look up a word; investigate; to check; seek out; look into | 查; 柴
zhaa-bøe zhud`laai | cannot find out a fact; cannot check out a figure | 查無出來
zhaab'ar | small wooden case or box | 木盒子
zhaafhang | old ally | 柴仔巷
zhaafky | firewood | 柴仔枝
zhaaftiarmhang | old ally | 柴仔店巷
zhaaftiarmkhao | firewood store | 柴仔店口
zhaaftiaxm | firewood store | 柴仔店
zhaai | cut; cut paper; cloth with a knife or scissors; cut out or cut off; diminish; reduce; decide; to judge; form; style; to kill | 裁; 才; 材; 柴; 豺; 財
zhaam | silkworm | 蠶
zhaam-niuar | silkworm | 蠶娘仔
zhaan | irrigated field; agricultural land; field; rice field | 田; 殘; 蠶; 蜻
zhaau | faint | 撨
zhab taixcix | get involved | 插代誌
zhab | offer assistance; interfere with; meddle; associate with; have to do with; mix up or shuffle (cards) | 插; 洗牌; 干涉
zhab-pai'ar | shuffle cards | 插牌仔; 洗牌
zhab`tiøh | plug in | 插著
zhabak | knot in a log or piece of wood | 木節; 柴目; 木節瘤
zhabea | wooden horse used in gymnastics; hobbyhorse | 柴馬
zhabeeng | find out | 查明
zhabiu | error, fault, inaccuracy | 查謬; 差錯
zhabzhabløh | keep raining | 㴙㴙落
zhabzhabniq | blinking | 眨眨𥍉
zhabzhabtiq | raindrops | 眨眨滴; 雨滴
zhabzhap | blinking | 眨眨
zhachiaf | firewood car | 柴車
zhachiu | firewood | 柴樹
zhachiuar | firewood | 柴樹仔
zhachiuo | cross the arms | 插手
zhachviuo | lumber mill | 柴廠; 木材廠
zhacid | quality of lumber | 柴質
zhacidtiafm'ar | almost | 差一點仔
zhacvi'ar | wooden wedge | 柴楔仔; 樁
zhacvy | wooden wedge | 柴楔; 樁
zhacyn | check true | 查真
zhad | paint; lacquer; examine; observe; investigate; to survey; to study | 漆; 卷軸; 察; 擦; 山漆
zhad`ee | painted | 漆的
zhad`khix | painted | 擦去
zhadafbak | thief | 賊仔目
zhadafbin | thief | 賊仔面
zhadafchi | market of stolen articles | 賊仔市; 贓物市場
zhadafchiaf | thief car | 賊仔車
zhadafhex | stolen goods | 賊仔貨
zhadafhoex | stolen goods | 賊仔貨
zhadafhøex | stolen goods | 賊仔貨; 贓物
zhadafpof | thief | 賊仔埔
zhadafpor | thief | 賊仔脯
zhadafsexng | thief | 賊仔性
zhadar | thief | 賊仔; 小偷; 宵小; 梁上君子; 賊人; 竊賊
zhadar-høex | stolen goods | 賊仔貨; 贓物
zhadaxn | a case of theft; burglary | 賊案; 竊案
zhadbak | one's eyes look like a thief; sharp eyed; eyes with an evil glint | 賊眼
zhadbin | one's behavior looks like thief | 賊面
zhadchiuo | thief | 賊手
zhadheeng | thief like | 賊形
zhadhøea | a group of thieves, robber band | 賊夥
zhadhøex | stolen goods | 賊貨; 贓貨
zhadkhaf-zhadchiuo | thief | 賊腳賊手
zhadkhazhadchiuo | thief feet and hands | 賊跤賊手
zhadkhud | thieves den | 賊窟
zhadkhuix | suffocating, difficult to breath | 塞氣
zhadkud | thief bone | 賊骨
zhadkwn | thief army | 賊軍
zhadlaang | thief | 賊人
zhadloq | thief | 賊囉
zhadoong | head of a gang of robbers | 賊王
zhadpefng | rebel soldiers; enemy troops | 賊兵; 盜匪
zhadphvoa | companion in robbery or theft | 賊伴; 把風的
zhadpøo | a woman thief; female thief | 賊婆; 女賊
zhadsexng | a habit to steal; wiles; trickery; wickedness; viciousness; villainy | 賊性
zhadsioxng | criminal looks | 賊相
zhadsiu | den or hideout of thieves and bandits | 賊巢; 賊窩
zhadsiuo | leader among thieves | 賊首; 賊頭
zhadsym | inclination to steal | 賊心
zhadthaau | head of thief gang; head of a band of robbers | 賊頭; 賊首
zhadthaau-zhadnao | act suspiciously; acting stealthily | 賊頭賊腦
zhadthaw | goods being stolen; steal | 賊偷; 盜竊
zhadtong | thieves' cave | 賊洞
zhadtoo | thief | 賊徒
zhadtorng | gang of thieves; rebel faction; gang of bandits or rebels; group of traitors | 賊黨
zhadtvar | dare to do even the stealing | 賊膽
zhadviaa | thief gang | 賊營
zhadzhvef | meteor; thief | 賊星
zhadzngf | stolen goods | 賊贓
zhadzuun | pirate ship | 賊船
zhae iøqzhao | collect medicinal herbs | 採藥草
zhae | colorful embroidery for ceremory; pluck flowers; gather; to collect; select; to pick | 綵; 采; 彩; 採
zhae'aq | imitation duck made of vegetable; ducks | 素鴨; 菜鴨
zhae'iexn | agar jelly; agar | 菜燕; 洋菜; 海菜凍
zhae'iuu | oil of vegetable | 菜油; 花生油
zhaeaq | ducks | 菜鴨
zhaebea | leftover | 菜尾
zhaeboea | leftover food; remaining scraps of a feast | 菜尾; 殘餘菜餚
zhaebøea | leftover food | 剩菜; 菜尾
zhaechi | market place | 菜市; 菜市場
zhaechi'aflai | traditional market | 菜市仔內
zhaechi'afmiaa | traditional Taiwanese names | 菜市仔名
zhaechi'afoe | market talks | 菜市仔話
zhaechi'afpvy | traditional market side | 菜市仔邊
zhaechi'afthaau | traditional market head | 菜市仔頭
zhaechi'ar | market; market place | 菜市仔; 菜市場
zhaeciao | rookie | 菜鳥
zhaeciawar | rookie | 菜鳥仔
zhaecie | seed of vegetable; vegetable seeds | 菜籽; 菜子; 菜種子
zhaeciim | crab | 菜蟳
zhaecvii | the money to buy food; money for food | 菜錢; 買菜的錢
zhaecyafmia | female destiny | 菜子仔命
zhaecyar | vegetable seeds | 菜子仔
zhaecyiuu | rape seed oil | 菜子油
zhaehiøh | leaves of vegetable | 菜葉
zhaehiøqar | vegetable leaf | 菜葉仔
zhaehiøqlui | vegetables | 菜葉類
zhaehng'ar | vegetable garden | 菜園仔
zhaehngg | vegetable garden | 菜園
zhaehoarn'ar | greengrocer | 菜販仔
zhaehoaxn | vegetable peddler | 菜販
zhaehoef | a kind of venereal disease (syphilis); cauliflower; venereal diseases- VD | 菜花; 一種性病; 花菜
zhaeiexn | agar | 菜燕
zhaeiuu | vegetable oil | 菜油
zhaekab | pigeon | 菜鴿; 肉鴿
zhaekapbak | dumbo | 菜鴿目; 痴鈍的人
zhaekaq | Chinese cabbage or Swiss chard that has a long whitish stalk | 菜甲
zhaekea'ar | vegetable rack | 菜架仔
zhaekeh'ar | vegetable vendor's stall (at farmer's market or traditional outdoor market) | 菜攤仔; 菜架仔
zhaekhog | kohlrabi | 菜擴
zhaekoarn | restaurant | 菜館; 飯館
zhaekoear | snake melon | 菜瓜仔
zhaekoechiw | tendrils of chhai koe | 菜瓜鬚; 絲瓜氣根
zhaekoef | a kind of cucumber with sponge texture; Ridged Gourd; Luffa; Lufah; long soft cucumber; much used as a vegetable; a dishcloth gourd | 菜瓜; 絲瓜
zhaekoehiøh | snake melon leaves | 菜瓜葉
zhaekoehoef | snake melon flowers | 菜瓜花
zhaekoekviar | snake melon | 菜瓜囝
zhaekoemoee | snake melon conge | 菜瓜糜
zhaekoepoo | snake melon | 菜瓜蒲
zhaekoepox | skeletal fibers of the dried squash used as a scrubbing sponge | 菜瓜布; 絲瓜布
zhaekoepvear | snake melon | 菜瓜棚仔
zhaekoepvii | dishcloth gourd trellis | 菜瓜棚; 絲瓜棚
zhaekoetiauar | snake melon | 菜瓜條仔
zhaekoetiin | snake melon vine | 菜瓜藤
zhaekoezaang | snake melon tree | 菜瓜欉
zhaekoezhex | snake melon | 菜瓜摖
zhaekoezhøex | skeletal fibers of the dried squash used as a scrubbing sponge | 菜瓜脆; 絲瓜布
zhaekoezuie | snake melon | 菜瓜水
zhaekof | title or address of strict vegetarian women | 菜姑; 尼姑
zhaekor | ridges in a vegetable garden | 菜畦
zhaekvoaf | preserved vegetables | 菜乾
zhaekyn | inedible root of a vegetable | 菜根
zhaeliaau | vegetable garden | 菜寮
zhaelui | different kinds of vegetables | 菜類; 菜頭
zhaeluo'ar | a tool for shredded daikon, yum, etc | 菜鑢仔
zhaena'ar | vegetable basket | 菜籃仔
zhaenaa | a basket to carry vegetable; shopping basket | 菜籃
zhaepaw | steamed stuff with vegetable and meat; bun stuffed with vegetables | 菜包; 菜包子
zhaepea | a bunch of vegetables | 菜把
zhaephex | dishes | 菜配
zhaephoex | vegetables (or side dishes) to accompany rice and wine | 菜配; 伴飯伴酒的菜
zhaepng | rice with some vegetables | 菜飯
zhaepofafnng | dried radish egg dish | 菜脯仔卵
zhaepofar | dried radish | 菜脯仔
zhaepofbie | dry shredded radish | 菜脯米
zhaepofchiafm | dry shredded radish | 菜脯簽
zhaepofkin'ar | dry shredded radish | 菜脯根仔
zhaepofkyn borng ka kiaam | make do; put up with | 菜脯根罔咬鹹; 姑且將就
zhaepofkyn | dried vegetables | 菜脯筋
zhaepofnng | stir fried egg mixed with dry radish | 菜脯卵
zhaepor | long turnip sliced (salted and dried); dried radish | 菜脯; 蘿蔔乾
zhaepveafterng | vegetable shed top | 菜棚仔頂
zhaepvoaa | dish | 菜盤
zhaesef | vegetables | 蔬菜; 菜蔬
zhaeseg | menu (food) | 菜式; 菜餚
zhaesym | stem of cauliflower; kind of vegetable; vegetable stalk | 菜心
zhaesøef | vegetables | 菜蔬
zhaetau | long string bean; string bean | 菜豆; 四季豆
zhaetauar | kidney beans | 菜豆仔
zhaetea | leftover | 菜底
zhaethaang | worms in vegetable; green caterpillars found on vegetables | 菜蟲
zhaethaau | (n) radish; white turnip; radish | 菜頭; 白蘿蔔; 蘿蔔
zhaethaukea | rice carrot cake | 菜頭粿
zhaethaukoea | a steamed confection made of rice and grated turnips | 菜頭粿
zhaethaukøea | a steamed confection made of rice and grated turnips | 菜頭粿; 蘿蔔糕
zhaethauthngf | radish soup | 菜頭湯
zhaethngf | vegetable soup | 菜湯
zhaetiafm | a wooden block for cutting vegetable and meat | 菜砧
zhaetiam'ar | chopping block (cutting board) | 菜砧仔
zhaetiarmzabor | prostitute | 菜店查某
zhaetiaxm | restaurant; girlie restaurant | 菜店; 酒家
zhaetiaxm-zabor | barmaid; bar girl | 菜店查某; 酒家女
zhaetngg | a Buddhist temple; monastery where the inhabitants are vegetarians | 菜堂; 尼姑庵; 寺; 齋堂
zhaetoea | leftover | 菜底
zhaetuafkhaf | kitchen cabinet | 菜櫥仔跤
zhaetuar | kitchen cabinet | 菜櫥仔
zhaetuu | kitchen cupboard; cupboard for provisions | 菜櫥
zhaetvarafterng | kitchen cabinet top | 菜擔仔頂
zhaetvarar | vegetable stall | 菜攤仔
zhaetvax | vegetable stall or basket of vegetables carried to market for sale | 菜攤; 菜擔
zhaetvoaf | menu; bill of fare | 菜單
zhaetøf | cleaver; chopper; kitchen knife | 菜刀
zhaetøq | vegetarian dishes | 菜桌
zhaevoar | bowl filled with cakes or vegetable food used in worship | 菜碗; 素菜碗
zhaezaihngg | vegetable garden | 菜栽園
zhaezaxng | small packet of peanut and rice | 菜叢; 菜粽; 素棕
zhaezay | vegetable seedlings | 菜苗
zhaezhoaq | a slicer which can be used to shave potato or carrot | 菜刨; 刨皮器
zhaf cyn-lixkefng | very different | 很離譜; 差真離經
zhaf zøe | differ a lot | 差多
zhaf | fork; a prong; to thrust; to stab | 叉; 差
zhafbøo-loaxze | there isn't much difference | 差不多
zhafchiuo | take part in, to wrangle, bother someone | 攪局
zhafchvie | awaken with noise | 吵醒
zhafkelaxtheh | noisy family fighting all the time | 吵家抐宅
zhafkiørsviaf | noise | 吵叫聲
zhafkofphiøx | speculate in stocks | 炒股票
zhafkøenng | scrambled egg | 炒雞蛋
zhafla | annoy, cause disturbance | 吵抐
zhafloan | noisy | 吵亂
zhafm | and (used as a conjunction connecting nouns but not adjectives); with | 和; 摻; 攙; 參; 跟; 加
zhafm'axn | ghastly murder case; tragedy | 慘案
zhafmheeng | atrocity, dreadful deed | 慘行; 暴行
zhafmi | fry noodles; fried noodles | 炒麵
zhafmkek | tragedy; calamity | 慘劇
zhafmkerng | dreadful sight; dire circumstances | 慘景
zhafmkhog | cruel and sadistic | 慘酷
zhafmkiok | dreadful result; tragic ending; wretched circumstances; tragic event; tragedy | 慘劇; 慘局
zhafmkiørsviaf | scream | 慘叫聲
zhafmkiøx | give a blood curdling scream or shriek | 慘叫
zhafmliet | severe; furious; desperate; terrible | 慘烈
zhafmpai | crushing defeat; serious crushing; heavy defeat | 慘敗
zhafmpeh | pale | 慘白
zhafmsad | massacre; cruel massacre; to kill by cruel or violent means | 慘殺
zhafmsie | to die miserably; meet a violent or tragic death | 慘死
zhafmsu | sad thing; tragedy | 慘事
zhafmtam | all gone wrong; difficult (business); pale (face); lacking brightness; dull; miserable; laborious; arduous | 慘憺; 不景氣; 慘淡
zhafmthoxng | deeply grieved; painful; bitter | 慘痛
zhafmtiong | disastrous, calamitous | 慘重
zhafmzheq | miserable | 慘慼
zhafmzhoeq | miserable | 慘慼
zhafmzhøeq | miserable, wretched, repining | 慘慼; 泣不成聲
zhafmzong | miserable condition; tragic sight | 慘狀
zhafn | groan; moan; meal; food; to eat | 餐; 呻; 潺; 呻吟; 孱
zhafn'afkefng | scalion | 蔥仔莖
zhafnau | make a disturbance with noise; create or make a disturbance; be noisy; to quarrel; a clamor; a din | 吵鬧
zhafng | green onion | 蔥
zhafnngxpng | fried rice with egg | 炒卵飯
zhafphafng | seasoning | 炒芳
zhafpng | fry rice; fried rice | 炒飯
zhafsek | fried | 炒熟
zhafsiexnhii | fried eel | 炒鱔魚
zhafsoef | make trouble without a cause; to make trouble out of nothing | 吵衰; 無理取鬧
zhafsviaf | noise | 吵聲
zhaftexphøee | engage in land speculation | 炒地皮
zhafzap | noisy, confused | 吵雜
zhafzhaix | fried vegetables | 炒菜
zhafzhar | fried; quarrel
zhafzhuix | quarrel | 吵嘴
zhafzhvea | wake a person up by being noisy | 吵醒
zhafzog | hype | 炒作
zhag'ar | chisel; chisel; a gouge | 鑿仔; 鑿子
zhagbak | dazzling; blinded by bright light; dazzling; an obstacle to the view; an eyesore | 刺目; 鑿目; 無順眼; 刺眼
zhaghvi | unpleasant to hear; irritate to ears; words that irritate feeling | 刺耳
zhagiah | balance; difference between two amounts or figures | 差額
zhagiam | to examine, examination (doctor, customs officer) | 查驗
zhagkhafng | chip; chisel; peck at; make a mortice | 鑿孔
zhaglaang | sting a person | 刺人
zhago | errors; blunders; miscalculations | 差誤
zhagphoax | pierce; puncture | 刺破
zhagsiofng | puncture wound | 刺傷
zhagtiøh kutphang | offend a man by speaking so as to reveal his wrong doing; touch on a sore point | 刺到骨縫; 說到癢處
zhagtiøh | pierced; punctured | 刺到; 刺著
zhagzhak | stinging; irritating | 刺刺
zhah'iofng | rice transplanting | 插秧
zhah'iøf | put hands at waist; put the hands on the hips | 插腰; 叉腰; 雙手插腰
zhah'ng'ar | planting seedlings | 插秧仔
zhah'ngf | planting seedlings | 插秧
zhah'oe | break into a conversation; an irrelevant episode | 插嘴; 插話
zhah'oef | transplant tree branches | 插枝
zhahaang | a timber store | 柴行
zhahchiu | insert tree | 插樹
zhahchiuo | interfere; take part in; meddle | 插手; 手插腰上
zhahchvy | set up green stalks | 插秧; 插艾草
zhahciafm | engage | 插針
zhahciog | step in | 插足
zhahea | firewood | 柴火
zhahhoe'ar | kibitzer at a mahjong game; sometimes more than just a kibitzer; sometimes he also bets or invests in one of the players | 插花仔; (打麻將用語)
zhahhoear | flower arrangement | 插花仔
zhahhoef | flowers arrangement; put flowers in the hair; arrange flowers; flower arrangement | 插花
zhahhvia | set up stalks of artemisia | 插秧; 插艾草
zhahhviw | incense | 插香
zhahii | dry fish; kind of dried fish called bonito (a mackerel like fish usually sliced into dried strips) | 柴魚; 鰹魚干
zhahjip | to inset, to put into, an insertion | 插入
zhahkheg | insert music; musical interlude or episode | 插曲
zhahki'ar | put out a flag; plant a flag | 插旗仔
zhahkor | enter into partnership | 插股; 加入股東
zhahkux | interrupt | 插句
zhahky | cutting | 插枝
zhahkøq | hands on hips | 插閣; 插腰
zhahløh | insert | 插落
zhahmoar | full | 插滿
zhahoea | firewood | 柴火
zhahofng | sequester; seize | 查封
zhahpafn | transfer study; place a student from another school according to his grade; enter another school according to one's grade | 插班
zhahpansefng | student from another school placed in another school according to his grade; student who enters another school according to his grade | 插班生
zhahpøx | advertisements during the program | 插播
zhahsit laan poef | completely surrounded (Lit. Even if you were given wings; you couldn't fly away.) | 插翅難飛
zhahsit | wing | 插翼
zhahsyn | get involved | 插身
zhahthaau | plug; adapter; a wall plug; electrical outlet | 插頭
zhahtoo | inset; illustrations; figure; an illustration or a cut in a book; magazine or newspaper | 插圖
zhahuar | dust generated from wood burning | 柴烌仔
zhahunhun'ar | differ a little | 差分分仔; 相差很小
zhahuu | dried bonito | 柴魚
zhahw | wood cutter, woodman | 柴屑; 樵夫
zhahzhahzhaq | crowded | 插插插
zhahzheeng | set up banyan stalks | 插榕; 插蓉樹枝
zhahzhuix | take up short; get in a word; chip in; break in; interrupt a narration; conversation; put a word in | 插嘴
zhahzhuix-zhahcih | take part in; meddle | 插嘴插舌
zhahzhve | set up green stalks | 插菁
zhahzø | electric socket; electric plug; electrical outlet | 插座
zhahø | lookup | 查號
zhahør | check it out | 查好
zhai pudar | set up and idol; have an idol in the house | 豎佛仔; 立神像
zhai sinbeeng | erect the idol | 豎神像; 立神像
zhai sinzuo | set up ancestral tables | 豎神主; 立祖先牌位
zhai thiauar | plant a pillar | 豎柱子; 豎桿子
zhai ti hiaf | always stay at a place without ever going away like an idle fellow or as a petitioner urgently asking and refusing to depart | 豎在彼; 楞在那兒
zhai | set at proper spot; loiter | 豎; 放置; 豎立; 閒坐; 在
zhai'oaan | work force reduction; eliminate unnecessary staff or personnel; lay off workers | 裁員
zhai'y | tailoring | 裁衣
zhai`teq | stand upright | 豎著; 安置著
zhaibe | guess a riddle | 猜謎
zhaibee | guess a riddle; guess a riddle | 猜謎
zhaibi | guess a riddle | 猜謎
zhaibuun | wooden door | 柴門
zhaichiøq | tailor's measure | 裁尺
zhaiciern | to tailor; to cut a dress from a pattern | 裁剪
zhaiciør | cut down | 裁少
zhaie | wooden chair | 柴椅
zhaigii | suspect; suspicion; to doubt | 猜疑
zhaiguo | riddle | 猜語; 謎語
zhaihongchia'ar | sewing machine | 裁縫車仔
zhaihongchiaf | sewing machine | 縫紉車
zhaihongchiøq | sewing ruler | 裁縫尺
zhaihonghoad | sewing mechanism | 裁縫法
zhaihongky | sewing machine | 縫衣機
zhaihongsaihu | tailor or seamstress | 裁縫師父
zhaihongsay | tailor | 裁縫師
zhaihongtiaxm | tailor shop; dress maker's shop | 裁縫店
zhaihoong pofsibpafn | training class for tailoring | 裁縫補習班
zhaihoong | to tailor; a tailor; needlework; tailoring; tailor or seamstress | 裁縫
zhaihoong-chviu | tailor | 裁縫匠
zhaihoong-ky | sewing machine | 裁縫機
zhaikab | fit | 裁合
zhaikhiern | dispatch | 差遣
zhaikhofng | miss one's step | 踩空
zhaikhuy | cut apart with a knife or scissors | 裁開
zhaikhør | justify | 裁可
zhaiki | jealous; jealousy | 猜忌
zhaikiarm | reduce personnel or staff | 裁減
zhaikoad | make the final decision; judge and decide; decision or approval of a superior or supervisor | 裁決
zhaikoaq | cut (paper) into size | 裁割
zhaikuun | morra; mora; guess at fingers | 猜拳
zhaikwn | disarmament | 裁軍
zhailap | receive and adopt | 裁納
zhailiau | material; data; stuff; ingredients | 材料
zhailoong | wolf; wolves | 豺狼
zhaioaan | eliminate unnecessary staff or personnel, lay off workers | 裁員
zhaipefng | reduce the number of troops | 裁兵
zhaiperngtiau | cut and drop | 裁併掉
zhaipexng | cut down and merge | 裁併
zhaiphoax | penetrate the meaning; to guess the meaning | 猜破
zhaiphvoarkoaan | jurisdiction | 裁判權
zhaiphvoarkvoaf | judge | 裁判官
zhaiphvoarsor | court of justice | 裁判所
zhaiphvoaruyoaan | member of a panel of judges or referees | 裁判委員
zhaiphvoax | to judge; a verdict; a judge; a referee; an umpire; verdict or judgment by law | 裁判
zhaiphøx | penetrate the meaning; to guess the meaning | 猜破
zhaisi | ruling | 裁示
zhaisiorng | guess; a surmising | 猜想
zhaisof | talented | 才疏
zhaisvaf | cut cloth for dress making | 裁衣
zhaisviu | guess; presume; conjecture | 猜想
zhaiteng | adjudicate; judge; bring in a verdict; arbitration; adjudication; decision; arbitrate; adjudicate upon | 裁定
zhaithied | abolish | 裁撤
zhaitiuu | colored silk | 裁綢
zhaitiøh | guess right | 猜中; 猜著
zhaitoad | to decide | 裁奪
zhaitoat | decide; decision | 裁奪
zhaitoaxn | decide; decision | 裁斷
zhaitvia | be settled, decided | 裁定; 裁決
zhaitøf | cutter | 裁刀
zhaiubi | diesel smell | 柴油味
zhaiuu | diesel | 柴油
zhaix | vegetable; groceries; meat; dishes; vegetable; green; food eaten with rice or alcoholic drinks | 菜
zhaixlip | pillar; to set; to place; to plant | 豎立
zhaixterngheng | become angry don't like to move | 豎頂行; 使性子坐著無動
zhaixthiau | upright column | 豎柱; 立柱子
zhaixtiaau`teq | stadn upright | 豎住著; 置立好
zhaixzhai | be motionless; steady | 豎穩; 不動; 穩固
zhaixzvea'oong | people who argue fallaciously | 豎諍王; 強辯者
zhaizheg | conjecture; guess; to surmise; a surmise | 猜測
zhaizoar | cut paper into portions with knife | 裁紙
zhaizofng | plant stolen goods to frame another | 栽贓
zhak | chisel | 鑿; 刺,; 扎
zhak-thaokøex | make a hole clear through | 鑿透過; 鑿穿
zhak`phoax | gouge | 鑿破
zhak`tiøh | be pricked of stabbed | 鑿著
zhakag | wood corner | 柴角
zhakangsvef | coarse and awkward looking (as a large boned person) | 柴工生; 高大而遲鈍
zhakangtviuu | firewood workshop | 柴工場
zhakaw | bamboo pole to pull branches down | 柴鉤; 鉤子
zhakeng'ar | firewood room | 柴間仔
zhakeq | hatchet | 柴鍥
zhakex | wooden framework | 木架; 柴架
zhakhatharng | wooden bucket | 柴跤桶
zhakhaux | seize | 查扣
zhakheg | woodcut | 柴瓢; 柴刻
zhakhidar | wooden stake; pile or post | 柴樁仔; 木樁
zhakhit | wooden post; tent peg | 柴樁; 柴杙; 木栓(樁)
zhakhof | large diameter log whether long or short | 木頭; 柴箍
zhakhoterng | firewood hoop top | 柴箍頂
zhakhør | investigate, search into, examine, study, look up | 查考
zhaki | difference | 差距
zhaki'ar | firewood | 柴枝仔
zhakiah | wooden clogs or wooden shoes worn in Taiwan | 柴屐; 木屐
zhakixm | ban | 查禁
zhakiøo | wooden bridge | 柴橋; 木橋
zhakoeq | hatchet | 柴鍥
zhakof | useless and poisonous mushrooms growing on trees | 柴菇; 木菇
zhaku | gap, difference, discrepancy | 差距
zhakui | wooden container | 柴櫃; 木櫃
zhakurn'ar | wooden stick | 柴棍仔
zhakvoaf | pork liver (tough not tender) | 柴肝; 質粗硬的豬肝
zhaky | wooden stick | 柴枝
zhalaang | puppet | 柴人; 木偶
zhaliaau | wooden yard | 柴寮
zhaliau | timber; lumber; furniture | 木料; 木材; 柴料
zhaliauxhaang | firewood shop | 柴料行
zhalo | the wrong way | 叉路
zham | murmur of flowing water | 潺
zham'ar | silkworm | 蠶仔
zham'iaam | add salt | 加鹽; 參鹽
zham'u | participate | 參與
zham'uo | join with; associate with; take part in; participate in | 參與
zham'wkarm | sense of participation | 參與感
zhambeeng | clarity by additional information | 參明; 查明
zhamboo | the general staff officer; military consulter; official strategist; counselor or advisor | 參謀
zhamchiu | Japanese mulberry | 蠶桑; 小葉桑
zhamchvy | comet, constellation Orion | 蠶星; 獵戶星座; 蠶戶星座
zhamchy | unequal; not uniform; confused; irregular; mixed in confusion | 參差
zhamciaux | reference; please refer to; in accordance with; with reference to | 參照
zhamciexn | participation in war; enter or join a war | 參戰
zhamciog | take part in | 參酌
zhamgi | counsel; to advise | 參議
zhamgi-oaan | member of an advisory council | 參議員
zhamgiap | sericulture | 蠶業
zhamgieen | slander; backbite | 讒言
zhamgixgoaan | senator | 參議員
zhamgixhoe | local legislatures | 參議會
zhamgixoaan | senator | 參議員
zhamgixvi | Senate; the upper house | 參議院
zhamgvoo | silkworm moth | 蠶娥; 蠶蛾
zhamhap | mix; blend with other materials | 攙合
zhamhiw | ginseng | 參香
zhamhoe | participate in a meeting, attend a meeting | 參會; 參加開會
zhamhorng | visit | 參訪
zhamhør | mix well | 摻好
zhamii | kapok | 參彌; 柴棉
zhamjip | add in; interpolate | 摻入; 參入
zhamkaciorng | participation award | 參加獎
zhamkaf Misad | attend Mass (Catholic) | 參加彌撒
zhamkaf | join in; participate in; take part in; participation in; participate or take part in; join; join with others | 參加
zhamkakoex | participated | 參加過
zhamkhuix | ashamed; ashamed | 慚愧
zhamkhvoax | consult | 參見; 參看
zhamkhøfsw | reference book | 參考書
zhamkhøfzheq | reference book | 參考冊
zhamkhøfzw | reference book | 參考書
zhamkhør | consult; refer to; use as reference; examine into; compare; to collate; refer to; reference | 參考
zhamkiern | silkworm's cocoon | 蠶繭
zhamkiexn | reference; interview; pay respects | 參見
zhamkoafn | make a tour of; educational tour; make a tour of inspection; to pay a visit to a school | 參觀
zhamkoankoex | visited | 參觀過
zhamkuntviuo | presidential chief military aide | 參軍長
zhamkwn | to join the military; military staff officer | 參軍
zhamlam | mix in | 參混; 摻濫; 混合
zhamleq | mix together | 合著
zhamliet | participate | 參列
zhamluo | silkworm girl | 蠶女
zhamng | enquire into; interrogate; investigate by questioning | 查問
zhamngg | wooden door | 柴門
zhamnng | silkworm eggs | 蠶卵
zhampaix | worship; call on formally; pay a courtesy call | 參拜
zhampeh | mix white | 參白
zhampvoax | half and half | 參半
zhamsaeciar | contestant | 參賽者
zhamsaix | participate | 參賽
zhamsieen | zen zen | 參禪
zhamsiongcide | consultation | 參詳一下
zhamsiongcidexlaq | consultation | 參詳一下啦
zhamsioong | consult together; consult with | 參詳; 商量
zhamsit | cannibalize | 蠶食
zhamsoafnjiin | candidate | 參選人
zhamsoafnliin | candidate | 參選人
zhamsoarn | participate in | 參選
zhamsox | parameter | 參數
zhamsu | councilor | 參事
zhamsy | silk from wild silkworm | 蠶絲
zhamsyn | recency; newness | 嶄新
zhamtam | to dilute | 參淡; 摻淡; 攙淡
zhamtau | horse bean | 蠶豆
zhamthay | bamboo tray for silkworm | 蠶胎; 籮筐
zhamthienkofbok | towering ancient tree | 參天古木
zhamthngg | add sugar | 攙糖
zhamtiern | exhibitors | 參展
zhamtiøh | mixed with | 摻著
zhamzap | mix; mixed; mixed up; complicated | 摻雜; 參雜; 複雜
zhamzexng | participate in politic matter; participation in the government | 參政
zhamzexng-koaan | suffrage | 參政權
zhamzexng-vi | senate | 參政院
zhamzhab | middle in other's business | 參涉; 管閒事
zhamzhaf | unequal; not uniform; confused; irregular; mixed in confusion | 參差
zhamzhaf-putzee | uneven | 參差無齊
zhamzhafm | mixed | 摻摻
zhamzhaq | participate | 參插
zhan'afboea | farm end | 田仔尾
zhan'aq | Ta Duck | 田鴨
zhan'ar | farm | 田仔
zhan'iar | rice paddy and meadow | 田野
zhan'irm | food and drink | 餐飲
zhan'vef | dragon fly | 田嬰; 蜻蜓
zhan'viuu | rice field like ocean | 田洋; 稻田
zhan'vy | dragon fly | 蜻蜓; 田嬰
zhanbaq | upper soil | 田肉; 上層土壤
zhanbin | soil face | 田面
zhanchiaf | dining car; dining train; dining car | 餐車
zhanchie | field rat | 田鼠
zhanchiw | a swing | 田秋; 鞦韆
zhanchviu | be like; similar to; such as; looks as if; it appears like; look like | 好像; 相似
zhanchvy | between-season plant to improve soil | 田青; 田菁
zhang'afpviar | scallions cooky | 蔥仔餅
zhang'afthaau | scallion head | 蔥仔頭
zhang'afzw | chopped scallion | 蔥仔珠
zhang'ar | scallions | 蔥仔
zhangboah | scallion powder | 蔥末
zhangiap | farm estate | 田業; 田產
zhangkorng | scallions | 蔥管
zhangpeh | scallion white stem | 蔥白
zhangsiøkoef | scallion chicken | 蔥燒雞
zhangthaau | onion | 蔥頭; 洋蔥
zhangzhuix | crispy scallion | 蔥脆
zhanhng'ar | farm | 田園仔
zhanhngg | fields and garden; cultivated land (either wet or dry) | 田園
zhanhngg-zhuotheh | land and houses | 田園房地; 家園; 田園厝宅
zhanhngpvy | farm side | 田園邊
zhanhoe | dinner party | 餐會
zhanhoex | crippled; disabled | 殘廢
zhanhuix | boarding expenses; food bill | 餐費
zhanhvoa | a small diving ridge in a farm field; ridges between plots of farmland | 田岸; 田埂
zhanhvoa'ar | rice farm pathway | 田岸仔
zhanhvoa-lo | footpaths between rice fields | 田岸路; 田間小徑
zhanhvoaaflo | rice farm pathway | 田岸仔路
zhanhvoaafterng | rice farm pathway top | 田岸仔頂
zhanhvoaafzhao | rice farm pathway grass | 田岸仔草
zhanhvoaxkhaf | rice farm pathway | 田岸跤
zhanhvoaxkvii | rice farm pathway | 田岸墘
zhanhvoaxlo | ridge | 田岸路
zhanhvoaxpvy | rice farm pathway | 田岸邊
zhanhw | farmer | 田夫; 農夫
zhanjiok | weak | 孱弱
zhankab | frog | 田蛤
zhankap'afkviar | baby frog | 田蛤仔囝
zhankap'afsiuu | breaststroke | 田蛤仔泅
zhankap'ar | small land frog | 田蛤仔; 田雞; 虎皮蛙; 青蛙
zhankauar | gutter for irrigation | 田溝仔; 田間小溝
zhankaw | a small canal to water rice farm field | 田溝
zhankef | frog | 田雞; 青蛙
zhankhex | title deeds to rice paddy land; deed of sale for fields | 田契
zhankhoex | farm deed | 田契
zhankhu | tableware; mess kit; dinner-service; dinner set; eating utensils | 餐具
zhankhw | farm | 田區
zhankhøex | paddy title, deed | 田契
zhankiaau | farmers who got rich by farmland price jump | 田僑
zhankiauar | upstart; nouveau riche | 田驕仔; 大地主
zhankoarn | restaurant | 餐館
zhankoaxn | meal coupon; meal ticket | 餐券
zhanku | tableware; mess kit; dinner-service | 餐具
zhankwn | table napkin | 餐巾
zhankyn | table napkin; napkin | 餐巾
zhankøef | paddy frog | 田蛙; 田雞; 虎皮蛙
zhanlai | in the farm | 田內
zhanlear | farm snail | 田螺仔
zhanlee | paddy snail; fresh water or paddy snail; pond; mud snail | 田螺
zhanlo | s small road in the rice field | 田路
zhanmoaa | mud eel | 田鰻; 鱔魚
zhanpvy | farm side | 田邊
zhanpvy-zhao | farm side grass | 田邊草
zhansia | farm house | 田舍
zhantau | horse bean | 蠶豆
zhante | land used for irrigated fields | 田地
zhantea | farm | 田底
zhanthaau | farm | 田頭
zhanthauaflo | rice farm pathway | 田頭仔路
zhanthauar | rice farm | 田頭仔
zhanthaukef | landlord of agricultural land; owner of the field | 田頭家; 地主
zhanthobi | rice farm smell | 田塗味
zhanthoo | siol of rice farm; soil of rice fields | 田土
zhanthviaf | dining hall; dining hall; restaurant; mess hall | 餐廳
zhantiarm | food | 餐點
zhantien | one who leases land to farm | 田佃; 佃農
zhantiofng | on the farm | 田中
zhantiong'ngf | center farm | 田中央
zhantiong'ngkhw | center farm area | 田中央區
zhantoe | farm | 田地
zhantøe | siol of rice farm | 田地
zhanvef | dragon fly | 蜻蜓
zhanvy | dragon fly | 蜻蜓
zhanzhaan | bear the pain to do something; straight forward; clear-cut | 殘殘; 狠下心; 乾脆; 無多思量地
zhanzhan'ar | decisive | 殘殘仔
zhanzhao | "sienzhao" jerry | 田草; 仙草
zhanzhawpof | rice farm grass | 田草埔
zhanzheng'ar | rice farm green | 田青仔
zhanzhuo | mice in the farm field | 田鼠
zhanzngf | country village; fields and villages; the country | 田庄; 鄉下; 鄉村
zhanzngf-laang | country-man; villager | 田庄人
zhanzngf-soong | country bumpkin, hick, rube | 田庄俗; 鄉下土包子
zhanznglaang | grange people | 田庄人
zhanzof | rent for a field | 田租
zhanzuie | water for irrigating the field | 田水
zhanzuo | owner of the field | 田主; 地主
zhao | grass, weed | 草; 草木
zhao'iongzaan | ozone layer | 臭氧層
zhao'ioong | ozone | 臭氧
zhao'iu'iefn | unpleasant oily smell | 臭油煙
zhao'iuay | unpleasant oily smell from being kept too long | 臭油味
zhao'iubi | unpleasant oily smell from being kept too long | 臭油味
zhao'iukao | unpleasant oily smell | 臭油垢
zhao'iutharng | unpleasant oil barrel | 臭油桶
zhao'iuu | kerosene | 臭油; 煤油
zhao'oaan | moth balls | 臭丸; 樟腦丸
zhao'tvo | bluff | 臭彈
zhaobagni | fragrant glorybower | 臭茉莉; 臭目; 吹牛
zhaobah'eng'ar | carbuncle | 臭肉癰仔
zhaobaq | meat that is spoiled or putrefied; putrid flesh like in a sore | 臭肉; 腐爛的肉
zhaobi | bad order; stinky; rotten; bad smelling; suppurating | 臭味
zhaobin | unhappy face; sour; ill natured look | 臭臉; 繃著臉
zhaochvibi | rotten smell | 臭腥味
zhaochvibuo | Taiwan stink snake; Stinking Goddess; Stinking Green Snake; keeled Snake | 臭腥母
zhaochviebuo | Taiwan stink snake, Stinking Goddess, Stinking Green Snake, keeled Snake | 臭仙母, 臭青公 (蛇)
zhaochviekuar | stinky bug | 臭腥龜仔
zhaochvikofng | Taiwan stink snake; Stinking God; Stinking Green Snake; keeled Snake | 臭腥公
zhaochvix | The vegetation is luxuriant. | 臭腥
zhaochvy | fishy taste; fish smell | 臭腥
zhaochvy-kw | Reeve's turtle | 臭腥龜; 臭青龜; 金龜
zhaociab | stinky juice | 臭汁
zhaociao | dark hoopoe | 臭鳥; 戴勝
zhaocien | low grad; grows; spreads and flourishes quickly | 臭賤; 生命(野生); 容易繁殖; 賊; (植物)
zhaociwhiexn | foul smell of liquor | 臭酒味
zhaocvii | dirty money | 臭錢
zhaocviw | bird camphor tree, Taiwan cryptocarya | 臭樟
zhaohefhwn | burnt smell | 臭火薰
zhaohefsiøf | burned | 臭火燒
zhaoheftaf | burnt | 臭火焦
zhaoheng | vile objectionable conduct | 臭行; 卑鄙行為
zhaohiamhiafm | pungent urine odor | 臭薟薟
zhaohiexn | bad smell; a strong disagreeable odor; heavy smell like rotten meat | 腥臊; 臭羶; 羶味; 臭腥味
zhaohiielaang | deaf | 臭耳聾
zhaohixarng'ar | deaf | 臭耳甕仔
zhaohixlaang | deaf | 臭耳聾
zhaohoaan | camphor | 臭礬
zhaohoea | burnt | 臭火
zhaohoefhwn | give off a burning smell; the odor of smoke | 臭火燻; 燒焦
zhaohoefsiøf | burned | 臭火燒
zhaohoeftabi | burnt smell; taste burnt; burnt taste | 臭火乾味
zhaohoeftaf | burnt | 臭火焦
zhaohofng | stink | 臭風
zhaohongbi | smell of rotten vegetables | 臭風味; 菜類封藏無好而變質之味
zhaohvi | deaf | 耳聾; 臭耳
zhaohvi-laang | deaf person | 臭耳人; 聾子
zhaohviw | bad-tasting (of sun-burned sweet potatoes or potatoes); rotten sweet potatoes | 臭香; 地瓜腐蝕; 臭味
zhaohvixarng'ar | deaf | 臭耳甕仔
zhaohvixlaang | deaf; deaf person | 臭耳人; 重聽; 聾; 聾人
zhaohøea-hwn | smoking and burnt order | 臭火燻; 臭火薰; 燒焦味
zhaohøefhwn | scorched; charred | 臭黑燻
zhaohøefløf | scorched; burnt | 臭黑囉; 燒焦
zhaohøefsiøf | burnt | 臭火燒
zhaohøeftaf | burnt; char; scorch | 臭火乾; 燒焦
zhaoiang | vain in a bad way | 臭煬
zhaoiaukoaix | stingy devil | 臭妖怪
zhaoiu'ay | unpleasant oily smell | 臭油餲
zhaoiukao | stinky grease | 臭油垢
zhaoiukaobi | bad as a filthy shirt or pillow | 臭油垢味
zhaoiuu | kerosene | 臭油
zhaoiøqoan'ar | smelly pills | 臭藥丸仔
zhaojiøxhiafm | foul smell of urine | 尿臭味
zhaojiøxphoax | foul smell of urine | 尿臭味; 臭尿破
zhaokau'ar | foul smell ditch | 臭溝仔
zhaokauar | stinky ditch | 臭溝仔
zhaokhaf | an ulcerated foot | 臭腳; 癩腳
zhaokhafng | rotted out | 缺陷; 東西有洞
zhaokhaphvixliaam | having a sore or ulcer on the shinbone | 臭腳鼻黏; 脛骨瘡
zhaokharm | center of the tree is rotted out; rotten wood | 臭坎; 湊巧; 木頭心有洞
zhaokhasiøh | bad odor from feet; stinking feet; nauseous smell of feet; the smell of dirty or unwashed feet | 腳臭騷; 腳丫的汗臭味; 腳臭
zhaokhazhngf | rotten ass | 臭尻川
zhaokhi'ar | (n) tomato | 臭蜞仔; 臭柿仔; 蕃茄; 番茄
zhaokhix | go bad; rot | 臭去
zhaokof | mold with smell | 臭菰
zhaokvoaxsngbi | smelly sweat sour | 臭汗酸味
zhaokvoaxsngf | bad smell of sweat; stinky sweat | 汗臭味; 汗臭
zhaokvokvof | stinking noisome; nauseatingly bad smelling; nauseous | 臭烘烘; 臭極了
zhaolaang | shameless people | 臭人; 無廉恥的人; 卑鄙的人
zhaolau | old-appearing; appearing much older than one really is | 老醜; 臭老; 老態; 未老先衰; 看起來比本人老
zhaolauxhiexn | odor of old people | 臭老獻
zhaolenghiexn | very young and inexperienced like a sucking child; the smell of a sucking child | 乳臭味; 乳臭未乾
zhaolengtaibi | slur | 臭奶呆味
zhaolengtay | speak with a lisp; baby talk | 臭奶呆; 齒語音無正
zhaolintay | slur | 臭奶呆
zhaoliøxhiafm | smelly urine | 臭尿薟
zhaoma | scold badly | 臭罵
zhaomiaa | bad reputation | 惡名; 臭名,惡名
zhaomiasviaf | bad reputation | 臭名聲
zhaomomof | stinky | 臭毛毛
zhaonitay | callow | 臭乳呆; 乳臭未乾
zhaonoa | rotten; careless; putrefy; rot | 臭爛; 散漫
zhaooaan | smelly pills | 臭丸
zhaophiøo | tiny water fern | 臭薸; 慢江紅
zhaophoarpox-bi | stingy | 臭破布味
zhaophuiesiefn | arrogant | 臭屁仙
zhaophuiethaang | arrogant | 臭屁蟲
zhaophuix | intestinal gas (say a person so exaggerated in talking) | 臭屁; 屁
zhaophuo | smell of food after expiration date; molded; has a moldy smell or taste like food; cloths or a place | 臭黴; 臭殕; 黴臭味; 發霉
zhaophwbi | smelly | 臭黴味
zhaophwkhix | burnt | 臭殕去
zhaosae | smelly shit | 臭屎
zhaosae-hiexn | smelly shit | 臭屎惡
zhaosimkvoaf | always trying to injure people; a wicked mind | 壞心肝; 存心無良
zhaosiøfkviar | bum; a tramp | 臭小囝
zhaosiøh | stinking (as dirty socks or old sneakers) | 臭騷; 臭氣
zhaosngbi | the warm vapor of fermentation; the odor of something turned sour | 醙酸味
zhaosngf | go sour; smell sour; sour from being kept too long; turn sour | 臭酸; 餿了; 變醙
zhaosngf`khix | turn sour | 醙酸去
zhaosngpo | bad old tricks | 臭酸步; 慣用毒法
zhaosym | said of a plant when its core is rotten; said of a person who is bad on the inside but looks good on the outside | 臭心; 心爛了
zhaotabi | burnt smell; taste burnt; burnt taste | 臭焦味
zhaotaf por bøsek | add insult to injury (Lit. substitute uncooked food for burnt food offered to someone to eat) | 截長補短
zhaotaf | scorched; burnt | 燒焦; 臭焦
zhaotaphie | burnt | 臭焦疕
zhaotapng | burnt rice | 臭乾飯
zhaotapof | slut | 臭查埔
zhaotaseg | burnt color | 臭乾色
zhaotauxhu | fermented bean curd (a popular Chinese food item) | 臭豆腐
zhaothaang | bed bugs | 臭蟲
zhaothaau kauxiøh | many kinds of medicine used without effect | 難症費藥
zhaothaau | scap of the scalp; dandruff; scabby or mangy head | 臭頭; 癩頭; 生頭瘡
zhaothaau-køe'ar | be scolded often (Lit. stinky head chicken) | 臭頭瓜仔; 常常挨罵
zhaothaau-noaxhvi | face covered with boils and eruptions | 爛頭爛耳
zhaothau'ar | bald person (impolite) | 臭頭仔
zhaothauar | brat | 臭頭仔
zhaothaukear | bald chicken implying a person who is depressed | 臭頭雞仔
zhaothaukoear | bald chicken implying a person who is depressed | 臭頭雞仔
zhaothauphie | brat | 臭頭痞
zhaothobi | having an unpleasant earthy taste; damp; earthy smell | 臭土味
zhaothoo-hiexn | strong smell or taste of mud and earth | 臭土味
zhaotvoa | chat without sense; boast; brag; talk big | 臭彈; 吹牛; 胡扯亂蓋
zhaotvoaar | bluff | 臭彈仔
zhaotwkharm | manage to make enough quantity; unexpectedly; by chance; accidentally | 湊夠數; 湊巧
zhaozapof | slut | 臭查埔
zhaozhaux | stinky | 臭臭
zhaozhexng | arrogant | 臭衝
zhaozhuiehiexn | bad breath | 臭喙羶
zhaozhuiekag | suppurating corners of the mouth | 臭嘴角
zhaozhve'ar | smelly | 臭腥仔
zhaozhveabuo | Taiwan stink snake; Stinking Goddess; Stinking Green Snake; keeled Snake | 臭仙母; 臭青公 (蛇)
zhaozhveakuar | stinky bug | 臭腥龜仔
zhaozhvear | stinky spine snake | 臭腥仔
zhaozhvekofng | smelly | 臭腥公
zhaozhveku'ar | smelly bugs | 臭腥龜仔
zhaozhvex | The vegetation is luxuriant | 臭腥; 生腥味
zhaozhøbi | smelly | 臭臊味
zhaozhøf | fishiness; odor or taste of smelly meat or fish | 腥臭; 臭臊; 腥臊; 魚腥味; 腥味
zhaozok | bad taste; disorderly; pell-mell; said of something we have heard or seen too much of | 雜亂; 臭濁; 下俗無雅
zhaozuie | water of bad odor | 臭水
zhaozuykorng | smelly pipes | 臭水管
zhaozuykorng-bi | has the taste of old bamboo water pipes | 臭水管味
zhap'engsu | be a busybody; meddle in others affairs | 管閒事
zhapaai | wooden cards | 柴牌
zhapaang | firewood room | 柴房
zhapafng | boards; planks | 柴板
zhapan | investigate | 查辦
zhapang'afzhngg | firewood room bad | 柴枋仔床
zhapang'ar | firewood room | 柴枋仔
zhapchiuo | interfere; meddle officiously; want a share in | 插手
zhapcidkhaf | get involve | 插一跤
zhapea | bundle of wood | 柴把; 捆柴
zhapee | wooden rake; one's wife; repining wife; a wooden rake; a termagant | 柴耙; 木耙; 木耙子; 悍婦
zhapeeng | wooden panel | 柴爿
zhaphea'ar | woodend panels | 柴杮仔
zhaphiøx | check ticket, punch ticket | 查票
zhaphiøx-oaan | conductor in the train | 查票員
zhaphoea'ar | chips of wood | 柴片仔
zhaphoee | bark of a tree | 木皮
zhaphuun | a wooden tub | 柴盆
zhaphvie'ar | panel of wood | 柴片仔
zhaphøee | bark of a tree | 柴皮
zhapiet thaixgu | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
zhapiet | difference; discrepancy; distinction; to make discrimination | 差別
zhapkhaf-zhapchiuo | get involved | 插腳插手
zhaplam | indiscriminately | 插濫
zhapoef | wooden dividing blocks | 柴批; 杯笈
zhappaai | shuffle | 插牌
zhapseg | mix color | 混色
zhapsiaau | have to do with (vulgar) | 插迢; 管它的
zhapsu | meddle | 管事; 插事; 干涉事; 管閑事
zhapudar | wooden idol | 柴佛仔; 木雕神像
zhaput | wooden Budda | 柴佛
zhaputtøf | almost; approximately; just about; differs only by a little bit; almost; nearly | 差無多; 差不多
zhapvoa'ar | wooden plate | 柴盤仔
zhapzap | mixed up; confusion | 混雜; 插雜; 複雜
zhapzhab | get involved | 插插
zhapzhuiezhapcih | get involved | 插喙插舌
zhapzhuix | interrupt the conversation; butt in | 插嘴; 插喙
zhaq kamciax | plant sugar cane slips | 插甘蔗
zhaq laqzeg | put candles in a candlestick | 插臘燭
zhaq | insert; plant; gird on; bear; bet; wager; insert; stick into; thrust into; to plant like a young seedling | 插
zhaq`jibkhix | stick into; insert | 插入去
zhaq`khylaai | stick into | 插起來
zhaq`løqkhix | stick into | 插落去
zhar byhurn | fry rice noodles; fried rice noodles | 炒米粉
zhar | fry or parch in frying pan with little or no fat | 炒; 吵
zhar`ee | fried | 炒的
zhar`laang | bother a person by being noisy; hollering or requesting things; disturb someone | 擾人; 打擾人
zhar`sie | noisy; bothering | 吵死; 煩死
zhar`sie-laang | make someone angry; annoy; bother; disturb; also used as a light swear word with the meaning; You are driving me nuts. (Lit. You are so disturbing it's killing me.) | 吵死人
zharm buu jintø | inhuman; brutal | 慘無人道
zharm buu thienjit | said of life under a tyrannical government; so dark; or full of suffering; that it is as if the sun were not in the sky | 慘無天日
zharm putjirm tor | so tragic that one cannot bear to look at it | 慘無忍睹
zharm | miserable; wretched; unfortunate; tragic; sorrowful; tragic; cruel; brutal; gloomy | 慘
zharm`aq | Goodness! Heaven! | 慘啊
zharmgie | predict good or bad | 讖語
zharmguo | prophecy | 讖語; 預言
zharmhoea | repent of sin; repentance | 懺悔
zharmhoealiok | confessions | 懺悔錄
zharmhoeasuu | Penitential Rite of the Mass (Catholic) | 懺悔詞
zharmhoefkhix | repent | 懺悔偈
zharmhoex zuxsyn | repent and turn over a new leaf | 懺悔自新
zharmhoex | repent of one's sin | 懺悔
zharmhøea | repent of sin, repentance | 懺悔
zharn | sheep crowding | 羼
zharng | cloak | 氅
zharngbi | dive | 潛泳
zharngbiq | hide | 躲藏; 潛匿
zharngchiw | exaggerated confidence; get rude; bumptious (Lit. moustache bristling with rage) | 氅鬚; 聳鬚; 鬚毛豎起; 展威風; 髮指; 高傲自大
zharngjip | hide in | 藏入
zharngkhix | hide | 藏去
zharngmih | hide something | 藏物
zharngmngg | hair that stands on end; feathers ruffled as when a bird is ill; spread the tail feathers like a turkey cock | 豎毛
zharngmokngr | get goosebumps | 氅毛管; 起雞皮疙瘩
zharngmoo | hair that stands on end; feathers ruffled as when a bird is ill; spread the tail feathers like a turkey cock | 豎毛
zharngpøfsviw | treasure chest | 藏寶箱
zharngzhao | die; dead | 死去
zharngzhaxng | disorderly hair; confusion; disheveled | 氅氅; 毛髮豎起無整; 毛茸茸的
zharngzheq | collection | 藏冊
zharngzuie | diving | 潛水
zharngzuybi | dive | 潛水匿
zharngzuyoaan | diver | 藏水員
zharngzuysvaf | diving suit | 藏水衫
zharngzuytui | diving team | 藏水隊
zharnjieen | bright | 燦然
zharnkngf | bright | 燦光
zharnlan | brilliant; dazzling; splendid; brilliant; splendid; dazzlingly bright | 燦爛
zharnlan-huihoong | brilliant and magnificent | 燦爛輝煌
zharnlan-konghuy | brilliant and glorious | 燦爛光輝
zhasap'ar | chips of wood | 柴屑仔
zhasef | coarse wooden comb | 梳子
zhasiaau | vulgar language | 粗話; (罵人好管閒事)
zhasiaux | audit account | 查數
zhasiong | wooden image | 柴像
zhasit | make sure | 查實
zhasiw | check | 查收
zhasngf | wooden wedge or pin | 柴栓
zhasoef | wood comb | 柴梳
zhasut'ar | wood chips | 柴屑仔
zhasuun | inquire | 查詢
zhasviuar | wooden box | 柴箱仔
zhasviw | wooden box | 柴箱
zhasøef | wooden comb | 柴梳; 木梳子
zhat khaq-og laang | A thief becomes ferocious on being detected | 賊比失主還兇; 強詞奪理。
zhat kiab zhat | one robber robbing another of his booty; someone who cheats being cheated in turn | 賊劫賊; 黑吃黑
zhat | thief; burglar; robber | 賊; (小偷); 小偷
zhat'ar | eraser | 擦仔; 檫仔; 橡皮
zhat'horng | investigate by visiting sources of information | 察訪
zhat'hut | check | 察核
zhat'iuu | to oil, to rub on oil, to varnish | 漆油
zhat'of | ebony; pitch-dark; darkness | 漆黑
zhat'seg | paint color | 漆色
zhat'øee | to polish shoes | 擦鞋
zhataxmpøqar | (adv) almost; just about to | 差淡薄仔; 差點兒
zhatbin | painting surface; varnish surface | 漆面
zhatefng | wooden peg | 木釘
zhateng'ar | wooden peg | 柴釘仔
zhatgiam | investigate carefully | 察驗; 查驗
zhatgieen-koanseg | gather another's frame of mind through his words and expression | 察言觀色
zhathaau | wood; an idol; dull and slow-acting person; curse or scolding meaning a stupid ignorant person; also a curse against an idol calling it a useless block of wood because it doesn't answer requests (Lit. a block of wood; or stump; or trunk of wood) | 柴頭; 木頭
zhathafng'aflai | inside wooden pail | 柴桶仔內
zhatharng | wooden pail | 柴桶; 木桶
zhathau'ar | wooden head | 柴頭仔
zhathauang'ar | wooden idol; wooden figure; people who have no feeling | 柴頭尪仔; 無感情的人
zhathaulaang | wooden head people | 柴頭人
zhathaumngg | wooden door | 柴頭門
zhathiau | wooden post | 柴柱
zhathui'ar | gavel, mallet | 漆陶仔; 木槌
zhathuii | wooden pestle; beetle; heavy stick for beating things | 柴槌
zhatiafm | cutter board; wooden block for cutting things upon | 柴砧
zhatiøh | check | 查著
zhatkag | perceive; detection; discover | 察覺
zhatkhaxm | survey; examine | 察勘
zhatkhix | lacquerware | 漆器
zhatkym | lacquered gold | 漆金
zhatliau | material for painting | 漆料
zhatlie | investigate the principle involved | 察理
zhatnar | flash | 剎那
zhatpan | investigate a case and determine how to handle it | 察辦
zhatpeh | paint white | 漆白
zhatseg | to color | 著色; 塗顏色
zhatsiaux | cancel the account | 擦數; 一筆勾消
zhatsiaw | blot out | 擦消; 抹掉
zhatsiofng | friction burn, scrape wound | 擦傷
zhattiau | to wipe out | 漆掉
zhattoat | research and make a decision | 察奪
zhattøq | paint table | 漆桌
zhatuikefng | firewood room | 柴堆間
zhatuipvy | firewood side | 柴堆邊
zhatuix | check | 查對
zhatuy | wood pile | 柴堆
zhatviaa | wood yard | 柴埕
zhatzef | liniment | 擦劑
zhatzherng | paint brush | 漆刷
zhatzhud | painted | 漆出
zhatøee | shine shoes | 擦鞋
zhatøf | heavy wood-chopping machete; large cleaver for splitting wood; hatchet | 柴刀
zhau'oaan | copied | 抄完
zhaubextiøh | chase but not catch | 追不到
zhaubiet | destroy completely | 剿滅
zhaubøextiøh | chase but not catch | 追無到
zhauchiorngciar | manipulators | 操縱者
zhauchioxng | manage; manipulate; steering; to manage; control or manipulate activities; people or market prices | 操縱
zhauh | noisy | 嘈
zhauhoaan | fidget; fidgety; troubled; uneasy in mind | 操煩; 操心
zhauhofng | foreclose; seal off a person's home because of debt | 抄封
zhaukaf | to search somebody's house and confiscate his property | 抄家
zhaukef | to search somebody's house and confiscate his property | 抄家; 剿家
zhaukef-biedzok | confiscate the property and exterminate the family of an offender | 抄家滅族
zhaukhorngtiøh | manipulating | 操控著
zhaukhoxng | manipulating | 操控
zhaukoaan | exercise power | 操權
zhaukuun | fist | 操拳
zhaukør | make a neat copy of a draft | 抄稿
zhaulien | drill; exercise; to drill troops; exercise the body | 操練
zhauliok | make a copy of | 抄錄
zhaulok | copy | 抄錄
zhauløo koeato | be excessively loaded with cares | 操勞過度
zhauløo | over work to become tired; be under the weight of cares; be loaded with cares | 操勞
zhaupefng | train soldiers; exercise soldiers; to drill troops | 操兵; 練兵
zhauphiøx | banknote; money bill | 鈔票
zhaupurn | hand-written copy; manuscript | 抄本
zhaupvoaa | trader | 操盤
zhauqzhauh-liam | keep on talking | 嘈嘈唸; 喋喋無休
zhauqzhauqtiq | keep dripping | 嘈嘈滴
zhausiar | copy by hand | 抄寫
zhausiin | anxious; worry; trouble about take pains | 勞心; 操神; 操心
zhausimpehpag | anxious | 操心擘腹
zhausip | crib; plagiarism | 抄襲
zhausiuo | integrity; virtue; integrity | 操守
zhausoar | migration | 撨徙
zhausym pehpag | anxious grieved state of mind | 操心煩惱
zhausym | to worry about; worry | 操心; 焦心
zhautang | actuate | 操動
zhautviuu | playground; maidan; drill ground; drill or exercise field; athletic field | 操場
zhautøf | ghost writer | 操刀
zhaux khazhngf kviaf laang ngf | afraid that one's own secret or fault will be disclosed | 怕人揭瘡疤。
zhaux | rotten; bad-smelling; stinking; stinky; rotten; bad smelling; suppurating; a wound discharging pus | 臭
zhaux-simhefng | wicked, vile, with evil intention | 臭心胸
zhaux`khix | become bad smelly | 袍去; 臭掉
zhauzaf | to confiscate, condiscation | 沒收; 抄查
zhauzheq | copy book | 抄冊
zhauzog | operate; operation; handle; manipulate or operate a machine | 操作
zhavi | difference; discrepancy; odds; diversity; contrast; discrepancy; difference | 差異
zhavoar | wooden bowl | 柴碗
zhaw | drill; to exercise; grasp; manage; restrain; to practice | 操; 剿; 抄
zhaw'afky | blade of grass, stalk | 草仔枝; 草木
zhaw'ar | common grass, grass or weed | 草仔
zhaw'mf | strawberry | 草莓
zhaw`ee | copied | 抄的
zhaw`khylaai | to copy something | 抄下來
zhaw`laq | copy | 抄啦
zhawafbi | grass taste | 草仔味
zhawafcie | grass seed | 草仔子
zhawafkea | Taiwanese style herbal cake | 草仔粿
zhawafkoea | Taiwanese style herbal cake | 草仔粿
zhawafky | blade of grass, stalk | 草仔枝
zhawafkøf | grass paste | 草仔膏
zhawafpof | grass ground | 草仔埔
zhawafpoterng | grass ground | 草仔埔頂
zhawafseg | grass color | 草仔色
zhawaftee | herbal tea | 草仔茶
zhawafterng | grass ground | 草仔頂
zhawar | short grass; grass | 草仔
zhawbak | grass and trees; vegetation | 草木
zhawbarng | mosquito | 草蚊
zhawbiin | caomin | 草民
zhawboefafzoaa | grass snake | 草尾仔蛇
zhawbogtiofng | in the vegetation | 草木中
zhawbok | grass and tree | 草木
zhawbø | straw hat | 草帽
zhawchix | thorn, brier | 草刺; 荊棘
zhawchiøar | straw mat | 草蓆仔
zhawchiøh | grass mat; mat or matting made of straw or special species of grass | 草蓆; 草席
zhawchiøqar | straw mat | 草蓆仔
zhawchiøqkoaf | straw mat song | 草蓆歌
zhawcviw | bird camphor tree, Taiwan cryptocarya | 草漿
zhawcyar | kind of vine whose seeds can make a jelly | 草子仔; 愛玉
zhawee | grass sandals | 草鞋
zhawetwn | straw shoe pier | 草鞋墩
zhawgoaan | prairie; grassland | 草原
zhawhee | grass shrimp; freshwater shrimp | 草蝦; 長臂蝦
zhawhii | grass carp; fish that feeds on grass | 草魚
zhawhuu | grass carp | 草魚
zhawiøh | herb medicine | 草藥
zhawiøqar | herbal medicine | 草藥仔
zhawjixthaau | grass; one of the 17 radicals | 草字頭; 草根; 部首
zhawkaau | grasshopper; an insect like a large grasshopper | 螳螂; 草猴
zhawkeh'ar | grass wedge | 草鍥仔
zhawkeq | grass wedge | 草鍥
zhawkhox | the outer sheath of a rice stalk | 稻屑
zhawkhuun | bunch grasses | 草囷
zhawkoeh'ar | sickle | 草鍥仔
zhawkof | mushroom | 草菇
zhawkunbuo | Hawaiian dance; hula hula | 草裙舞
zhawkuun | grass skirt | 草裙
zhawkwn | grass root | 草根
zhawky | stalk of grass; a straw | 草枝
zhawkyn taixsaix | grassroots ambassador; trainee under the 4H Club exchange program | 草根大使
zhawkyn | grass roots | 草根
zhawlaan | cold orchid | 草人; 寒蘭
zhawlaang | scarecrow | 草人
zhawlarng | straw basket | 草籠
zhawlau | create a disturbance | 草漏; 吵鬧
zhawlegseg | green grass color | 草綠色
zhawleh | sun or rain hat; made of grass or palm | 草帽; 草笠
zhawlek-seg | grass green color | 草綠色
zhawleqar | sun or rain hat; made of grass or palm | 草笠帽; 草笠
zhawliaau | a shelter made of straw | 草寮
zhawliau | herb family; animal feed; fodder | 草料
zhawliauar | straw hut | 草寮仔
zhawloeh | Straw hat | 草帽
zhawloeqar | grass hat | 草笠仔
zhawlui | grass family | 草類
zhawlyar | paramecium | 草履仔
zhawløeh | a bamboo leaf hat | 斗笠; 草笠
zhawmaau | my lowly home | 草茅
zhawmeh | grasshopper | 蚱蜢
zhawmeh'afkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢仔公
zhawmeh'ar | grasshopper | 草蜢仔
zhawmehkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢公
zhawmeq | grasshopper, locust | 草蜢; 蝗蟲
zhawmm | strawberry | 草莓
zhawmuii | strawberry | 草莓
zhawmxcviux | strawberry jelly | 草莓醬
zhawnau | create a disturbance | 吵鬧
zhawnehkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢公
zhawneq | grasshopper | 草蜢
zhawnih'ar | grasshopper | 草蜢仔
zhawnihkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢公
zhawnikofng | grasshopper | 草蜢公
zhawniq | grasshopper; locust | 蚱蜢; 蝗蟲; 螽蟴
zhawniuu | grass grain | 草糧
zhawoee | straw sandals | 草鞋
zhawparoong | bully | 草霸王
zhawpaw | jerk; grass bag | 草包
zhawphie | small sod of turf | 草皮
zhawphoe | small sod of turf | 草皮
zhawphoeafterng | turf | 草皮仔頂
zhawphviar | a sod of turf | 草皮; (塊)
zhawpo'afpvy | turf side | 草埔仔邊
zhawpo'afterng | turf top | 草埔仔頂
zhawpo'ar | grassy plain; meadow; pasture ground | 草埔仔; 草坪
zhawpof | grassy plain; meadow; pasture ground | 草埔; 草地
zhawpokvii | turf edge | 草埔墘
zhawpolai | inside turf | 草埔內
zhawpopvy | turf edge | 草埔邊
zhawpurn | herbaceous | 草本
zhawpuu | rice straw pile | 草瓠; 草垺; 草堆
zhawpvii | rice straw pile | 草平
zhawsef | waterweed | 草蔬
zhawsiax | my lowly home | 草舍; 寒舍 (客氣話)
zhawsngf | oxalic acid | 草酸
zhawsngf-iaam | oxalate, salt of oxalic acid | 草酸鹽
zhawsøh'ar | rope | 草索仔
zhawsøq | grass rope; rope or cord made of straw grass | 草繩; 草索
zhawtah | grass tread | 草踏
zhawte | the country; countryside | 鄉下
zhawte-sinsu | country gentleman | 鄉下紳士
zhawtexlaang | countryman; bumpkin; a rustic; a hick | 鄉下佬
zhawtexsoong | hick; a rube | 土包子
zhawthaau | grass; one of the 17 radicals; 艸 | 草根; 草字頭; 部首
zhawthauar | Chinese herbs | 草頭仔; 草藥
zhawthiuo | clown | 小丑
zhawtoe | countryside | 草地
zhawtoexlaang | Taiwanese redneck | 草地人
zhawtoexsoong | Taiwanese redneck | 草地倯
zhawtuiterng | on top of a pile of grass | 草堆頂
zhawtuy | a pile of grass | 草堆
zhawtviaa | grass ground | 草埕
zhawtviuu | grassy ground | 草場; (操場)
zhawtwn | haystack | 草堆
zhawtøe | the country; rural locality; grassland | 鄉下; 草地
zhawtøe-laang | country man, rustic | 草地人
zhawtøexkhix | Taiwanese redneck | 草地氣
zhawtøexsoong | country folk | 草地松; 草地倯; 打扮舉止俗氣如鄉下
zhawyn | a sheaf or bundle of hay or straw | 草因; 草絪; 捆草; 小卷之乾燃料
zhawzap | noise | 吵雜
zhawzarng | bunch of rice straw | 草摠; 稻草把
zhawzhao | so so | 草草
zhawzhawaf | rural people flocking to cities for work | 不起眼, 土包子
zhawzhawar | rural people flocking to cities for work | 無起眼; 土包子
zhawzhuo'ar | grass house | 草厝仔
zhawzhux | a house with its roof made of straw; straw house or hut | 草屋; 茅舍; 草茅
zhawøee | sandal | 草鞋
zhax | surprised | 詫
zhaxm | foretell; prophesy; regret; repent; confess one's sin | 讖; 懺
zhaxn | illuminating; Bright; illumined; bright; resplendent; brilliant; glittering | 燦; 璨; 粲
zhaxng | conceal; hide; conceal something | 藏; 聳; 掩蓋; 藏匿; 豎
zhaxng-mngkngr | feeling uneasy | 氅毛毛; 起雞皮疙瘩
zhaxng-zuybi | dive underwater | 藏水匿; 藏水沬; 潛水
zhaxng`teq | hidden | 藏得; 潛得
zhaxzhaxkurn | Noisy | 鬧哄哄
zhay tengbee | guess; solve an enigma | 猜燈謎
zhay | guess | 猜
zhay'iong | to adopt, to select to use, to decide to use, adoption | 猜用; 採用
zhay-bøtiøh | failed to guess correctly | 沒猜中
zhay`tiøh | guessed it right | 猜著
zhaybea | purchase, procurement | 採買, 採購
zhaybit | collect honey | 採蜜
zhaybøea | purchase; procurement | 採買; 採購
zhaycip | collect; gather materials or specimens together | 採集
zhayciøh | variegated stone | 採石; 彩石
zhayciøqtviuu | stone quarry | 採石場
zhayhaa | red clouds at sunset | 彩霞
zhayhoat | bandits break into a house at night and commit rape (Lit. pluck flowers) | 採伐
zhayhoe | painting such as mural | 彩繪
zhayhoef | cut and pick up flower; bandits break into a house at night and commit rape (Lit. pluck flowers) | 採花
zhayhoephafng | men who have always had sex with women and then abandoned them | 採花蜂
zhayhoezhat | rapist | 採花賊
zhayhofngkør | interview draft | 採訪稿
zhayhoong | rainbow | 彩虹
zhayhorng | interview; make inquiries like a newsman; get news | 採訪
zhayhorng-kieciar | news reporter | 採訪記者
zhayhuii | painted pottery | 彩陶; 彩瓷
zhayhuun | clouds of many hues | 彩雲
zhayiong | adopt; assume; adoption; adopt a suggestion; new technique or employees | 採用
zhayiøh | look for herb to make medicine | 採藥
zhaykafng | take time | 採工
zhaykarng | to purchase, to buy, to go shopping | 採港; 採購
zhaykef | pose for the audience's admiration onstage (originally said of Beijing opera players) | 亮相
zhaykhoxng | mine minerals | 採礦
zhaykii | veriegated flags | 彩旗
zhaykiuu | silk festoon | 綵球
zhaykngx | lottery | 彩券
zhaykoarnlaq | lottery | 彩券啦
zhaykoaxn | lottery | 彩券
zhaykoef | step on the street | 踩街
zhaykofng | lighting | 採光
zhaykor | purchase; procurement | 採買; 採購
zhaykox | stock up; procurement; purchase | 採購
zhaykut | to excavate, to mine | 採掘
zhaykym | mine for gold | 採金; 淘金
zhaylaau | temporary platform decorated with festoons for celebration | 彩樓
zhaylap | adopt; naturalize; adoption; accept or adopt an idea; opinion or proposal | 採納
zhaymuii | to mine coal | 採煤
zhaypaai | dress rehearsal | 彩排
zhaypan | to buy | 採港; 採辦
zhayphiøx | lottery | 彩票
zhayphvoax | judgement; judge | 裁判
zhaypiin | ornamental screens; multicolored screens | 彩屏
zhayseg | variegated colors; to color | 彩色
zhayseg`ee | colour pencil | 彩色筆
zhaysekparn | chromolithograph printing | 彩色版
zhaysiukii | harvest period | 採收期
zhaysiw | harvest | 採收
zhaysixn | believe; accept as truth | 採信
zhaytee | pick tea leaves | 採茶
zhaytefng | colorful lantern | 彩燈
zhaytekoaf | Hakka folk songs sung while picking tea | 採茶歌
zhayteng | to make decision | 裁定
zhaythaau | presage; an omen | 兆頭; 彩頭; 預兆
zhaytiah | go out to buy product | 採糴; 採購
zhaytiarm | marking; scoring | 採點; 打分數; 評分
zhaytiuu | colored silk | 彩綢; 綵綢
zhaytoax | color string | 綵帶
zhayui | color painting | 彩畫
zhayviu | sampling | 採樣
zhayzhuo | adopt; take or adopt an attitude or measure | 採取
zhayzofng | makeup | 彩妝
zhayzw | dive for pearls | 採珠
zhazaw | unburned charcoal and wood | 柴㷮
zhazay | find out | 查知
zhazexng | verify | 查證
zhazhaa | stiff; clumsy; not lively; not to gesticulate; no gestures | 柴柴; 無生動; 不靈活
zhazhao | firewood | 柴草
zhazhoe | check | 查揣
zhazhud | to search out | 差出; 查出
zhazhutlaai | find out | 查出來
zhazhøx | an error, a mistake, a fault, an inaccuracy | 差錯
zhazøe | differ significantly | 差多
zhazøo | a trough | 柴槽
zhe thaulo | looking for jobs | 揣頭路
zhe | sit; be seated | 坐
zhe'ahkvoaf | bailiff; process server | 查封官
zhe'aq | place under attachment | 查封
zhe'ar | fork | 叉仔
zhe'eng`ee | houseboy; maid of all work; handy man; servant | 吹佣的
zhe-mxtiøh | apologize for a fault | 賠無是
zhe`tiøh | found | 揣著
zhea | tear; pick at; pluck; average out money or time | 扯; 平均
zhea-auxthuie | to pull one back, to hinder one from success | 扯後腿
zheaha | to tear off | 撕下
zheahui | to tear down and destroy | 撕下
zheajiok | weak; fragile; delicate | 脆弱
zheakhi | hard, crunch persimmon | 脆柿
zheakhuix | sign | 短嘆
zheakhuy | to tear away, to tear asunder | 扯開; 扯後腿
zheakoe'ar | crispy melon | 脆瓜仔
zheakud | cartilage | 脆骨; 軟骨
zhealat | abrupt force; cut precipitously | 快力; 猛力忽而中斷
zhealuii | short and abrupt thunder; peal of thunder; close thunder | 霹雷; 響雷; 近雷
zheamia | unfortunate fate; die quickly | 脆命; 易受傷害
zheaphoax | to tear to pieces | 扯破; 撕成碎片
zheaphoee | crisp | 脆皮
zheaphøe'aq | roasted Peking duck | 脆皮鴨
zheaphøee | fragile | 慷慨; 皮層薄弱
zheapviar | shortbread | 脆餅
zhear | niuzi | 箠仔
zheasiofng | abrasion; scratch; suffer a scratch | 擦傷
zheasor | WC; toilet; a privy | 廁所
zheatii | toilet tub | 廁池
zheatiøh | have the skin scraped; have an abrasion | 擦到; 搓到
zheato | brittleness | 脆度
zheazhex | fragile; brittle; crisp | 脆脆; 易受傷害的; 脆脆的
zhechiab | wife and concubine; wife and concubine(s) | 妻妾
zhechiuo | cross hand | 叉手
zhee | long thin rod of wood or bamboo; a whip | 叉; 棍子; 鞭子
zheeng | banyan tree | 榕
zhef kea | steamed rice cake | 炊粿
zhef li zuo saxn | family break up (Lit. wife leaving and children dispersing) | 妻離子散
zhef | fork; a prong; to thrust; to stab | 叉; 差; 妻
zhef`khylaai | pick up with a fork | 叉起來
zhef`nih | within the first ten days of the month | 月初; 初旬
zhef`tiøh | blowing | 吹著
zhefha | to tear off | 扯下
zhefhui | to tear down and destroy | 扯廢
zhefkhuy | to tear away, to tear asunder | 扯開
zhefng zhud uu laam | to surpass one's master or teacher in learning (Lit. Green comes from blue; but it excels blue.) | 青出於藍
zhefng | green; blue; young; youth | 青
zhefng'afn | inquire after a person's health; give regards to; pay one's respect to | 請安
zhefng'ar | soft brush for dusting; a feather duster | 撢仔; 刷仔
zhefng-purnsøx | dung cleaning | 清糞埽
zhefngbeng | solicit; request; ask for instructions or orders | 請命
zhefnggoan | petition; beseech | 請願
zhefnggoaxnsw | written petition | 請願書
zhefnghøo | ask for truce and negotiate for peace | 請和
zhefngkaocide | asking for opinion; consultation | 請教一下
zhefngkar | beg off; ask for leave; vacate; ask for leave of absence | 請假
zhefngkaux | consult; remit to; consultation; a polite term used before asking a question (Lit. I beg you to instruct me.) | 請教
zhefngkii | The fiance after the wedding day is decided; send the matchmaker to his fiancee; for her family's approval | 請期; 結婚禮俗之一
zhefngkiukoaan | right of claim | 請求權
zhefngkiuopefng | ask for reinforcement | 請救兵
zhefngkiusw | bill | 請求書
zhefngkiuu | ask; beg; request; require; solicit; sue for; claim; to demand | 請求
zhefngkofng | ask for recognition; ask higher level person to record somebody's meritorious deeds so that person can get a reward | 請功
zhefngleng | apply for permission; ask for guidance | 請令
zhefngsaux | cleaning; clean up; scavenge | 清掃
zhefngsi | request instruction; ask for instructions from a superior | 請示
zhefngsii | resign | 請辭
zhefngthog | to request a person to do something | 請託
zhefngthuun | sweep the dirt from things like beams; roof; idols or ceiling | 筅黗; 打掃
zhefngzoe | to admit one's error and ask for punishment; ask for punishment; appeal for leniency | 請罪
zhefphoax | to tear to pieces | 扯破
zheg hoeasiu | lessen the years of one's life | 縮減歲壽
zheg khaq-khuy | widen a gap or distance | 測較開; 隔開一點
zheg khaq-tea | shorten by adjustment | 測較短; 縮短一點
zheg khaq-tngg | lengthen by adjustment | 測較長; 拉長一點
zheg sikafn | adjust time to one's convenience | 撥時間
zheg | red; bare; naked | 赤; 粟; 測; 穀子; 促; 調整
zheg'afmi | noodles with peppery sauce | 擔仔麵
zheg-jixsox | word count | 測字數
zheg`teq | talk about | 扯得
zheg`tiøh | talk about | 扯著; 觸著; 碰到
zhegtiøh | chuck | 摵著
zhegzhek`leq | move backward and forward | 甩一甩; (含有上下甩勻之意)
zheh | sink down like a wall on a foundation; come down like a sail when the rope is too loose | 垂; 塌; 沉下
zheh'ar | notebook | 冊仔
zheh'ar-zoar | notebook paper | 冊仔紙
zhehhø | registration number | 冊號
zhehkea'ar | bookcase | 冊架仔
zhehkex | book shelf; lectern; book stand | 書架
zhehkhefng | book frame | 冊框; 冊筐
zhehkhuix | sob | 啜泣; 唏噓; 咽聲
zhehkiab | loose-leaf binder, a box to contain a series of paper-back books | 冊夾; 書夾
zhehkiok | bookstore | 書局
zhehkui | bookcase | 冊櫃
zhehkux | book sentence | 冊句; 書句
zhehmiaa | name of a book; title of books; name of a book | 書名
zhehofng | seal | 差封
zhehongky | hair dryer | 吹風機
zhehpaang | private study or library, book store | 冊房; 書房
zhehparn | book edition | 冊版
zhehpauar | booklet | 冊包仔
zhehpauhok | booklet | 冊包袱
zhehpaw | satchel; book bag | 書包
zhehphoee | cover or back of a book | 書皮; 封面
zhehphvai'aftea | backpack bottom | 冊揹仔底
zhehphvai'ar | satchel | 冊揹仔
zhehphøee | book cover | 書皮
zhehpiin | grid screen | 柵屏
zhehpurn | books | 冊本
zhehsym | (zhøehsym) heartbroken | 慼心; 心懷怨恨; 懷恨在心
zhehthaang | bookworm | 書蟲
zhehthvoaf | bookstall | 書攤
zhehthøx | case or cover for holding; several books | 書套
zhehtiaxm | bookstore | 書店; 冊店
zhehtuaflai | inside bookshelf | 冊櫥仔內
zhehtuar | bookshelf | 冊櫥仔
zhehtuu | bookshelves; book case | 書廚; 冊櫥; 書櫥
zhehtøea | book bottom | 冊底; 原稿
zhehtøh'afpvy | desk side | 冊桌仔邊
zhehtøh'afterng | desk top | 冊桌仔頂
zhehtøh'ar | desk | 冊桌仔
zhehtøhterng | desk top | 冊桌頂
zhehtøq | study desk, study table | 冊桌; 書桌
zhehurn | cooking powder | 炊粉
zheiah | envoy; office boy; office worker | 差役
zheiaqkvoaf | escort officer | 差役官
zheid | the first day of the month | 初一
zhek | dangle; reel; stagger; swag; weave | 惻; 摵; 搖晃; 震動
zhek'ar | paddy; rice; unhulled rice | 粟仔; 稻仔
zhek'erng | side stroke (swim) | 側泳
zhek'exng | treat with courtesy | 款待
zhek'ha | my dear parents (a greeting in a letter to parents) literally: kneeling down | 膝下
zhek'hauxsor | weather station | 測候所; 氣象所
zhek'heasiu | loss of longevity | 促歲壽
zhek'hiern | send; to commission; depute; dispatch | 差遣
zhek'hoax | become communism society | 赤化
zhek'hoe | surveying and mapping | 測繪
zhek'hoeasiu | have one's life shortened by Heaven on account of wickedness | 摵歲壽; 減壽
zhek'hofng | imperial appointment | 冊封; 測謊; 敕封
zhek'hongkex | weather vane | 測風計
zhek'hongkhix | lie different way | 測謊器
zhek'hongky | a lie different way | 測謊機; 測謊器
zhek'ieen | sounding line | 測鉛; 測深器
zhek'iensvoax | lead line for taking soundings | 測鉛線
zhek'imkhix | sound locator | 測音器
zhek'oar | press close; as on a man | 擠近; 靠近
zhek'oe | engineer; plan; schedule; plan | 策畫; 策劃
zhek'ox | offend the majesty of a god by unclean conduct in his presence; draw down calamity on another by impure conduct; filthy; obscene | 積惡; 褻慢
zhek'urn | pity | 惻隱; 惻隱之心
zhek'vii-khix | a cyclometer | 惻圓器; 測圓器; 週期計
zhek'ym | to locate a sound | 惻音; 測音
zhek`cide | check | 惻一下
zhekaq | dispatch; use or hire a servant | 差遣; 差使
zhekawlee | dog howling | 吹狗螺
zhekbien | flank; profile; side; aspect | 側面
zhekbin | side view; side | 側面
zhekbin-too | a lateral view, profile | 側面圖
zhekbok | side look | 側目
zhekbun | policy question | 策問
zhekchimkhix | sounding line | 測深器; 測鉛
zhekchiuo | bare hands | 赤手
zhekchvy | immature rice | 粟青
zhekciawar | sparrow | 雀鳥仔; 粟鳥仔; 麻雀
zhekcirnhoe | policy advancement | 策進會
zhekciu | condescend, meet somebody, accept another's premises | 屈服; 將就
zhekgiam | test; workout; examination; test; examine; a test or quiz | 測驗
zhekgoaxsvoax | akawai Line | 赤外線
zhekhiern | to dispatch, to send, errand | 差遣
zhekim | wife's aunt; wife of wife's brother | 妻妗; 妻之舅母; 內弟媳
zhekkaekud | patella, knee cap | 測髕骨; 膝蓋骨
zhekkakkhix | a goniometer | 測角器
zhekkeg | a flank attack | 側擊
zhekkiarm | reduce | 促減; 切減
zhekkun | advance | 促近
zheklegkex | hand dynamometer | 測力計
zhekli | red dysentery | 赤痢
zhekliap | rice grain | 稻粒
zhekliok | stratagem; strategy; tactic; device; a trick; policy | 策略
zhekliong | calibrate; calibration; measure; measurement; geodetic survey; to survey | 測量
zhekliong-hak | surveying | 測量學
zhekliongtui | survey team | 測量隊
zheklioong | survey | 測量
zheklioxng'oaan | land surveyor | 測量員
zheklioxnghak | surveying | 測量學
zheklioxngkhix | surveying instrument | 測量器
zheklioxngkiok | surveying office | 測量局
zheklioxngsw | land surveyor | 測量私; 測量員
zhekmngg | side door | 側門
zheknie | inclining one's ears to listen | 側耳
zhekpeq | Chinese arbor vitae | 測柏; 側柏; 喬木簡歷
zhekpiin | abject poverty | 赤貧
zhekseeng | absolute sincerity | 赤誠
zhekseg | concubine | 側室
zheksoef | meet with a demon; sickness or bad luck | 無吉
zheksokkhix | speedometer | 測速器
zheksor | toilet | 廁所
zhektaix | red belt | 赤帶
zhekteng | determination; determine; quantitative | 測定
zhektexhak | geodesy; the branch of applied math that tracts the exact position of geographical points; curvature; shape and dimensions of the earth | 測地學
zhekthefng | listen | 側聽
zhekthor | red soil | 赤土
zhektiexnkhix | electrometer | 測電器
zhektiong | ocus on focus on | 側重
zhektiøh y ee iesux | acted against his will or wishes | 違反了他的意思
zhekto | measurement | 推測; 測度
zhektog | supervision | 督測
zhektong | plan to carry out; instigate | 策動
zhektviaa | rice drying ground | 粟埕; 晒場
zhektø | equator | 赤道; ?道
zheku | wife's uncle; wife's brother | 妻舅; 內弟
zhekvax | blow Yeast | 吹酵
zhekzerng | seed rice | 稻種; 粟種
zhekzhngf | grain silo; rice granary; barn | 穀倉; 粟倉
zhekzhvef | millet green | 粟青
zhekzngf | granary, grain elevator | 穀莊
zhekzuo | a newborn baby | 赤子
zhelerng | dreariness | 淒冷
zheliaang | chilly; cold feeling | 淒涼
zheng | wear or put on like clothes; but not a hat; cap or glasses | 穿
zheng'aang | clear red | 清紅
zheng'afchiu | banyan | 榕仔樹
zheng'afchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕仔樹跤
zheng'afchiuxkofng | old banyan tree | 榕仔樹公
zheng'afchiuxterng | banyan tree top | 榕仔樹頂
zheng'afkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕仔跤
zheng'afkofng | banyan | 榕仔公
zheng'afkør | banyan fruit | 榕仔果
zheng'ar | banyan | 榕仔; 榕樹
zheng'eeng | in easy circumstances; free from care; anxiety; or need of toiling | 清閒
zheng'id | eleven hundred | 千一; 一千一百
zheng'itseg | uniformly | 清一色
zheng'iuar | lustration and concinnity | 清幽仔
zheng'iw | lustration and concinnity | 清幽
zheng'un | clearance | 清運
zheng'viu | thousands of styles | 千樣
zheng'ym | clear tone | 清音
zheng-bøextiaau | cannot wear it any longer (due to rise in temperature) | 穿無住
zhengban | ten millions | 千萬
zhengbee | congee | 清糜
zhengbeeng | Tomb-sweeping Day | 清明
zhengchiu | banyan | 榕樹
zhengchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕樹跤
zhengchvie | clear-headed; sober; sobriety; disenchantment | 清醒
zhengcid | competent; suitable or equal to the job one is doing | 稱職
zhengcinkoarn | Mohammedan restaurant; where no pork is served | 清真館
zhengcinsi | mosque | 清真寺
zhengciuo | a kind of rice wine; kind of rice wine; sake | 清酒
zhenggutoo | pornography | 春牛圖
zhenggvar | elegant; neat; graceful; neat and refined like in taste or adornment | 清雅
zhenghaan zwte | child of a poor person | 清寒子弟
zhenghaan | poor but clean and honest; cold and crisp weather; cold and bright moonlight | 清寒
zhenghae | blue sea | 青海
zhenghea | eliminate body inflammation | 清火
zhenghiarng | reverberant | 清響
zhenghioong | claim leadership; occupy dominating position | 稱雄
zhenghoea | eliminate body inflammation | 清火
zhenghof | a form of address; appellation; name; designate; address by an honorable designation; to style; a designation | 稱呼
zhenghofng benggoat | aloof (Lit. a soothing wind and the bright moon are my sole companions.) | 清風明月
zhenghofng | refreshing breeze; soothing wind or breezes | 清風
zhenghog | happiness without worries and cares | 清福
zhenghuun | light cloud | 青雲
zhenghø | a title; designation | 稱號
zhenghøea | annealing | 清火; 退火
zhengkaotoo | Puritanism | 清教徒
zhengkerng | quite, and clear environment | 清境
zhengkhieafzhengkhix | clean | 清氣仔清氣
zhengkhiekhoarn | clean | 清氣款
zhengkhieliuliw | very clean | 清氣溜溜
zhengkhiesviux | a morbid fear of getting dirty; mysophobia; morbid preoccupation with cleanliness | 清氣癖; 潔癖
zhengkhietangtafng | very clean | 清氣噹噹
zhengkhiezhengkhix | very clean | 清氣清氣
zhengkhix | cleanness; clean | 清氣; 乾淨
zhengkhor | poor but clean and honest | 清苦
zhengkhøx | simple; pure; plain; unmixed; few member in the family | 單純; 家庭成員少
zhengkied | clean; cleaning; cleanly; clean; neat; cleanliness; sanitary | 清潔
zhengkiettui | cleaning team | 清潔隊
zhengkietzef | detergent | 清潔劑
zhengkonggarn | glaucoma | 青光眼
zhengkvoaf | honest officials | 清官
zhengkøf | aloof from politics and material pursuits; morally lofty or upright; not interested in politics or other worldly things | 清高
zhengkør | fresh fruits | 青果
zhenglerng | cold | 清冷
zhengliaam | incorrectness; rectitude; upright; incorruptible; integrity | 清廉
zhengliaang ymliau | cool beverage or drink; soft drink | 清涼飲料
zhengliaang | cool; pure and cool; refreshing | 清涼
zhengliamkvoaf | an official of integrity | 清廉官
zhengliangzef | refrigerant | 清涼劑
zhenglie | put in order; check up; clear; liquidation; sort out; liquidate debts; settle accounts; arrange; tidy up; clearance sale | 清理
zhenglieen | youth | 青年
zhenglienhoe | YMCA or YWCA | 青年會
zhenglienkii | puberty; adolescence | 青年期
zhenglienlaang | young people | 青年人
zhenglienthoaan | youth corps | 青年團
zhenglioong | very strong dragon | 青龍
zhengliuu | clear stream | 清流
zhenglo | clear dew | 清露
zhenglorng | loud and clear like a sound or voice; clear and crisp like the weather | 清朗
zhengmoaai | congee | 清糜
zhengmoee | thin rice gruel | 清粥
zhengmuii tekmar | innocent affection between a boy and a girl in their childhood | 青梅竹馬
zhengmuii | green plums; unripened plums | 青梅
zhengnaa | clear blue | 清藍
zhengnii | a thousand years | 千年
zhengpang | Little league baseball team for upper middle school students | 青棒
zhengpax | become the most powerful nation in the world or part of the world; hold an undisputed position of strength; occupy the leading position in certain field of sports | 稱霸
zhengpeeng | peace and justice; (said of disposition) pure; honest and peace loving | 清平
zhengpefng | fresh clean scraped ice | 清清; 清冰
zhengpeh | clean; innocence; pure; unblemished | 清白
zhengpeh'afchiu | banyan | 榕柏仔樹
zhengpeh'ar | pine tree | 松柏仔
zhengpehniar | pine; fir; | 松柏嶺
zhengpek | said of a person's character or family background; clean; unsoiled; innocent; unimpeachable | 清白
zhengpeq | pine; fir; conifers | 松柏
zhengphafng | refreshing fragrance; gently and pleasantly fragrant; not too strong | 清香
zhengphiin | poor | 清貧
zhengpiin | poor and virtuous | 清貧
zhengpng | rice | 清飯
zhengsafn legsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 青山綠水
zhengsafn | put on coat or shirt | 青山
zhengsaux | clearing; clean up; scavenge; cleaning; to clean | 清掃
zhengsea | wash; to bathe | 清洗
zhengsia | express thanks | 稱謝
zhengsiaolieen | adolescent; juvenile; teen-ager; youngsters and young adults | 青少年
zhengsiaopang | Little league baseball team for lower middle school students | 青少棒
zhengsiaux | pay bill; pay off all one's debt; settle all one's accounts | 清數
zhengsien | praise and admire | 稱羨
zhengsiin | declare oneself a vassal; be subjugated; concede defeat; submit to the victor | 稱臣
zhengsiong | praise; extol | 稱頌
zhengsionghoe | Youth Chamber of Commerce | 青商會
zhengsioong | pay back | 清償
zhengsiux | handsome; comeliness; good looking; with clear cut features; handsome without the aid of cosmetics | 清秀
zhengsiw | lead a life of few wants and ambitions | 清修
zhengsixn | clear letter | 清信
zhengsngx | purge; liquidation, balance accounts | 清算
zhengsoaxn | liquidate; liquidation | 清算
zhengsoea | clean | 清洗
zhengsorng | cleanlily; quiet and comfortable | 清爽
zhengsuo | annals of history; history | 青史
zhengsuun | clear and pure | 清純
zhengsym kvoafiok | purge one's mind of desires and ambitions | 清心寡慾
zhengsym | very gratifying and no pressure; obligation | 清心
zhengsyn | refreshing style or fashion | 清新
zhengtaam | an empty talk | 清談
zhengtam | insipidity; insipidness; dull or sluggish market; food without vegetable oil or heavy seasoning | 清淡
zhengtee | green tea; green tea; to entertain with only tea and nothing else | 清茶
zhengteeng | government of Ching Dynasty | 清廷
zhengthaam | clear up phlegm | 清痰
zhengthiefn pheklek | sudden and unexpected (Lit. a bolt from the blue) | 青天霹靂
zhengthiefn | blue sky | 青天
zhengthienpegjidkii | Chinese National flag (Lit. flag of blue sky and bright sun) | 青天白日旗
zhengthngf | clear soup; consomme; broth | 清湯
zhengtiau | clear out | 清掉
zhengtii | eliminate; be rid of; liquidate; purge; remove; clean or tidy up a house | 清除
zhengtun | boil or stew without soy sauce or anything that would color the soup; stew or steam meat without seasoning | 清燉
zhengtuu | clean out; clear away; decontaminate; climinate; get rid of; clear | 清除
zhengtvi'ar | sweet | 清甜仔
zhengtviuu | get every movie goer out before the next show starts (said of theaters) | 清場
zhengtvoaf | bill; list; listing; checklist; inventory; detailed list of items which serves as a receipt; statement; statement of account | 清單
zhengtvy | lightly sweet | 清甜; 甜而爽口
zhengtø | sweeping the streets | 清道
zhengtøxhw | street sweeper | 清道夫
zhengzaf | check; investigate; survey thoroughly; thorough checkup | 清查
zhengzai | since | 既然
zhengzar | early in the morning; dawn | 清早; 清晨
zhengzaxn | compliment; applaud; extoll; give credit for; praise; admiration | 稱讚
zhengzeng | clean and quiet; quiet like in a house or surroundings | 清靜
zhengzhae | energetic | 清彩; 即爽
zhengzhaykhylaai | energetic | 清彩起來
zhengzhefng | clean | 清清
zhengzhefng-baxnban | huge amount | 千千萬萬
zhengzhengkhiekhix | clean | 清清氣氣
zhengzhengpeqpeh | innocent | 清清白白
zhengzhengzhøfzhør | clear; without ambiguity; know thoroughly | 清清楚楚; 清楚
zhengzheq | inventory; list containing in detail all items or records to be handed over to a successor to an office; inventory | 清冊
zhengzhunkii | adolescence | 青春期
zhengzhunniafterng | youth ridge top | 青春嶺頂
zhengzhunniar | youth ridge | 青春嶺
zhengzhuntau | adolescent pimples | 青春痘
zhengzhuo | attempt to secure | 清取
zhengzhvea | wide awake; clear-minded; sober | 清醒
zhengzhwn | youth; youthful; adolescence; springtime of life | 青春
zhengzhør | clear; without ambiguity; know thoroughly | 清楚; 清清楚楚
zhengzhør`aq | understood | 清楚矣
zhengzuie | clear or freshwater | 清水
zhengzvoaa | crystal clear fountain | 清泉
zheniq | within the first ten days of the month | 月初, 初旬
zhephaix | send; to depute | 差派
zheq | measure; hate; to dislike | 測; 冊; 書; 厭惡; 恨
zherng pvixkar | ask for sick leave | 請病假
zherng suxkar | ask for leave for business reasons | 請事假
zherng | please; engage someone as a teacher or doctor; invite | 請
zherng'ar | toy gun | 銃仔; 玩具槍
zherng'iefn | give forth smoke | 冒煙
zherng'ix | compliment | 稱意
zherng'iøh | gunpowder | 鎗藥; 火藥
zherng'zhengzhefng | extremely clan | 清清清
zherngbøea | guntail | 銃尾
zherngbøeftøf | bayonet | 銃尾刀
zherngchiuo | hired gunman; gunman; substitute writer | 鎗手
zherngcid | earn one's wings; up to scratch | 稱職
zherngcie | bullet; shot; slug | 子彈
zherngciexn | gun battle; exchange of rifle or pistol fire | 鎗戰
zhernggarn | embrasure in a fort or vessel; gun hole for firing; or made by bullet; gun muzzle | 鎗眼
zhernghiarng | bang | 銃響
zhernghoad | gun method | 銃法
zherngiaxia | arrogant | 衝夜夜
zherngkex | rifle rack | 鎗架
zherngkhafng | embrasure in a fort or vessel; gun hole for firing; or made by bullet; gun muzzle | 鎗眼
zherngkhao | gun barrel; muzzle of a gun | 鎗口
zherngkoaan | rise up | 拉高; 升高
zherngkoad | execute by shooting | 槍決
zherngkoaxkoa | arrogant | 衝呱呱
zherngkorng | barrel of rifle | 鎗膛
zherngkui | gun cabinet | 銃櫃
zherngkvoae | blunderbuss | 銃桿
zherngkw | seek or be in the limelight; presumptuous; smug; tacky; vain; focus on one's appearance; meddlesome; officious | 銃龜; 出風頭
zherngpe | kill | 銃斃
zherngphutphud | arrogant | 衝怫怫
zherngphvi koo`ee | said of articles badly made; easily coming to pieces | 無堅牢的
zherngphvi | blow the nose | 醒鼻; 醒鼻涕
zherngsad | execute punishment by gunshot; execute by shooting | 鎗殺; 槍決
zherngsiofng | gunshot wound; shell or gun wound | 槍傷
zherngsiuo | sniper | 銃手
zherngsviaf | sound of gunshot | 鎗聲
zherngsym | feel pleasant | 稱心
zherngsyn | gun body | 銃身
zherngthaau | rifle butt | 槍托
zherngtiøh | dash | 沖著
zherngtui | gun team | 銃隊
zherngzhexng | arrogant | 衝衝
zherngzhuix | gun hole | 銃嘴
zherngzvoaa | fountain; a spring; well up | 清泉; 湧泉
zherngzøx | rush to do | 衝做
zhesaix | errand, a messenger | 差使; 信使
zheseg | one's legal wife | 妻室
zhesiao | wife and children | 妻小
zhesngg | steamer | 炊床
zhesu | errand | 差事
zhesuo | send someone | 差使
zhesyn cy sor | place to stay | 棲身之所
zhetao | steamer | 炊斗
zhex | brush forcibly; brittle; crisp; brittle; fragile; hard but easily breakable | 脆; 用力刷
zhexbøo | unable to find it | 揣無
zhexisefng | seeing a doctor | 揣醫生
zhexlaai | seek | 揣來
zhexmahoaan | looking for trouble | 揣麻煩
zhexmxtiøh | apologize | 說抱歉
zhexng thokhix | affected by the cold damp air of the ground | 沾受地氣
zhexng | gun; rifle; guns; pistols; rifles | 槍; 倩; 秤; 稱; 蒸; 凊; 銃; 擤; 鎗
zhexng'øee tiørboeh | dress up; wear shoes and socks | 打扮斯文
zhexng-koakoaa | arrogant | 譀呱呱
zhexng`khylaai | rise like vapor or smoke | 昇起來
zhexng`tiøh | blew | 擤著; 凊著; 蒸著
zhexng`zhutlaai | well up; gush forth | 湧出來; (衡出來)
zhexnghør | wear well | 穿好
zhexngjibkhix | wear | 穿入去
zhexngkhakef | hop | 單腿跳
zhexngliao | wore | 穿了
zhexngmoaa-toarhax | wear very deep mourning clothes | 披麻帶孝
zhexngsiøf | wear warm clothes | 穿暖
zhexngsvaf | dress up; attire; get dressed; put on coat or shirt | 穿衣; 穿衣服
zhexngtiøh | run into; encounter; meet | 遇到
zhexngzhaq | apparel; clad; dress; dressing; manner of dress | 穿著; 打扮
zhexngzhud | wear | 穿出
zhexputsi | find out | 找無是
zhexsiaux | cast accounts; account; bear; shoulder; to carry a burden; load; encumbrance | 算數 負擔
zhextea | sediment; precipitate | 沉澱
zhextvia | sit down | 坐定
zhexu | found | 揣有
zhezharm | deplorable | 淒慘
zhezhaw | rich dishes | 腥臊
zhezuo | wife | 妻子
zhngbuo | Godness to care baby | 床母; 育兒之神; 床母神
zhngbør zøx kiehø | birthmark | 胎痣
zhngbør | female spirits that takes cares for infants shortly before and after birth like nurses | 床婆; 床母
zhngciafm ynsvoax | serve as a go between | 穿針引線
zhngciafm | thread a needle | 穿針
zhngf | granary; a shed; cockpit of a small airplane, cabin of an airliner | 倉; 瘡; 穿; (殼糧)
zhngf`køex | passing through | 穿過
zhngf`zhutlaai | passing through | 穿出來
zhngfciah | look for embezzling | 倉吃; 找吃的
zhngfhut | suck on kernels | 啃核
zhngfkhafng | pick a hole in | 尋孔
zhngfkud | gnawing bones | 喫骨; 啃骨
zhngg | bed; couch; bedding | 床
zhngkhao | entrance of ship cabin | 艙口
zhngkhia | bedpost | 床站; 床柱
zhngkhox | storehouse; warehouse; shed; granary | 倉庫
zhngkngx | thread, pass through a small hole | 穿鑽; 貫穿
zhngkui | bed cabinet | 床櫃
zhngkvii | bed | 床墘
zhngkwn | sheet | 床巾
zhngkyn | sheet; bedspread; bed sheet; coverlet; bed linen; bed sheet; bedclothes | 床單; 床巾
zhnglai | in the cabin | 艙內
zhngpafng | headboard | 床枋
zhngphang | pass through a very narrow slit | 穿縫; 穿過細縫
zhngphof | bed and bedding | 床鋪; 床舖
zhngpvitøq | bedside table | 床邊桌; 床旁桌
zhngpvy | bedside | 床邊
zhngr | separate bone from meat (or fish) with teeth; suck on something inside the mouth like bones or kernels | 啃; 吮; 喫; 啃骨頭吐刺; 嗑瓜子
zhngr-bahkud | gnaw flesh and bones | 啃肉骨
zhngr-koecie | gnaw watermelon seeds | 啃瓜子
zhngrar | skewed fishes | 串仔
zhngrar-hii | bluefin tuna | 槍仔魚; 串仔魚; 黑鮪
zhngrphang | manage to go through a difficult situation | 鑽營; 鑽縫
zhngrphi | sneeze | 擤鼻
zhngrphvi | sneeze | 擤鼻
zhngrzuybi | dive into water | 鑽水沬
zhngsvoakaq | pangolin | 穿山甲
zhngsvoax | thread a needle | 穿線
zhngterng | on the bed | 床上
zhngthaau | head of bed or couch | 床頭
zhngthaux`køex | penetrated | 穿透過
zhngtiam | mattress | 床墊
zhngtok | gangrene, syphilitic ulcer | 疽毒; 瘡毒
zhngtviux | bed net | 床帳
zhngtvoaf | bed sheets; bedclothes | 床單
zhngtø | broad board on the front of a bed; used for sitting | 床沿; (床頭)
zhngx | to string together; to mix up; to conspire; to connect; (a measure word); string | 串; 鑽
zhngx`køex | skewed | 串過
zho'axn | initial plan | 初案
zho'eng | casual use | 粗用
zho'ia | the first night on marriage | 初夜
zho'iar | coarse and fierce, rough, vulgar | 粗野; 粗獷
zho'iorng | tough (person), husky, solid (object) | 粗勇; 粗壯
zho'oe | rough words | 粗話
zho'un | first fortune | 初運
zhoa gyn'ar | baby sit | 看孩仔; 帶孩仔
zhoa simpu | get a daughter in law | 娶媳婦
zhoa | guide; lead; conduct; marry; take a wife | 娶; 導; 帶領
zhoa-køeamngg | bring home to be a wife | 娶過門; 娶過來
zhoa-søea'ii | take a concubine | 娶細姨
zhoa`tiøh | married | 娶著
zhoaan keazngf | prepare marriage outfit given to a daughter | 準備嫁妝
zhoaan | be ready for; prepare; to fasten; select or choose people or things; usually means to prepare materials | 拴; 攢; 準備
zhoaan-hof pien | get materials or people ready | 預備好
zhoaan-khachiuo | prepare manpower | 拴腳手; 備人馬
zhoaan-piexnpien | be ready for; make all necessary preparations | 備齊了; 備好
zhoaarbor | get married | 娶某
zhoachiafm | draw lots | 抽籤; 撮籤
zhoad | utmost | 啜; 摘; 歠; 撮; 蕝; 蕞; 最
zhoafbak | oblique eyes | 斜目
zhoafn | bore (a hole); to prick (with a needle or thorn) | 穿; 刺痛
zhoafnbexli | can't catch one's breath | 喘不過氣來
zhoafnbøexli | can't catch one's breath | 喘未離; 無過氣來
zhoafnkhix | breath | 喘氣
zhoafnkhuiekhafng | panting | 喘氣空
zhoafnkhuiesviaf | wheezing | 氣聲喘
zhoafnkhuix | take a breath; breathe | 呼吸; 喘氣
zhoafnphvexphve | wheezing | 喘怦怦
zhoafnphvixphve | breathe heavily; gasp pant; puff | 喘忐忑; 喘得要命
zhoafnpvi | athema | 喘病
zhoafntoaxkhuix | draw a long breath; sigh a deep sigh | 歎大氣
zhoah | oblique; slanting; sloping | 斜
zhoah`khix | go diagonally | 斜去
zhoahchiafm | shredded food | 刨籤; 掣籤
zhoahcidtiøo | frightened | 掣一趒
zhoahjiø | involuntarily pass urine | 泄尿
zhoahkviaf | scare; affright; spook | 驚嚇
zhoahlaau | strongly flowing stream or river | 急流; 水流急
zhoahpefng | a dessert of shaved ice | 刨冰; 礤冰
zhoahpengki'ar | ice crusher | 礤冰機仔
zhoahsae | involuntary bowel movement; involuntarily pass feces | 泄便; 疶屎; 拉屎; 忍無住而泄屎
zhoahtng | break apart; break the rope or chain by a sudden pull on it | 扯斷
zhoahzao | push away | 掣走
zhoahzefng | ejaculation | 斜精; 泄精
zhoahzhoaq | scare | 掣掣
zhoahzhvesae | children who have an involuntary stool because of fear | 掣青屎; 小孩因驚嚇而解的綠便。
zhoanbiin | villager | 村民
zhoanchid | kawasachi | 川七
zhoanciaukaux | prepare thoroughly | 攢齊到
zhoancvii | gather money | 拴錢
zhoanhw | male residents of a village | 村夫
zhoanhw-siogzuo | village man | 村夫俗子
zhoanhør | prepare well | 攢好
zhoanju | have been cured; to have recovered from illness | 痊癒
zhoankarnsu | village clerk | 村幹事
zhoankiofng | collusion among witnesses or suspects | 川芎
zhoankof | country girl; village girls | 村姑
zhoanliau | prepare material | 拴料
zhoanliuu putseg | constant flow; an incessant flow; continuous flow of traffic; people or conversation | 川流無息
zhoanlok | village | 村落
zhoanpafng | let slip something which one has tried to conceal | 穿幫
zhoanpan | prepare and get ready | 拴辦; 準備
zhoanpien | prepare and get ready | 拴便; 備妥
zhoanpiexnpien | prepare in advance | 攢便便
zhoanpng | prepare rice | 拴飯
zhoanpoex | fritillary | 川貝
zhoansankaq | pangolin | 穿山甲
zhoansia | houses in a village | 村舍
zhoansu | qualification register of an officer | 銓敘
zhoansvoakaq | anteater, pangolin | 穿山甲; 食蟻
zhoansøf | shuttle | 穿梭
zhoantviuo | head of a village; village mayor | 村長
zhoanzezee | prepare thoroughly | 攢齊齊
zhoanzhaix | prepare food | 拴菜
zhoanzhoaan | prepare | 拴拴
zhoanzw | traveling expenses | 川資
zhoanzøee | select and make fully ready; and all in order for a purpose; all fully prepared | 備齊
zhoaq hietkak | pull out and throw away like gray hair or ends of threads | 拔掉; 扯掉
zhoaq hiettiau | pull out and throw away like gray hair or ends of threads | 拔掉; 扯掉
zhoaq moo | pluck feathers | 拔毛
zhoaq sit | pluck the wings of a fowl or bird to prevent flight | 拔翼毛
zhoaq zhuiechiw | pull or jerk out the hair of the beard | 扯鬍子
zhoaq | pluck (feathers; hair); jerk (a line); pull up (a plant); shiver | 顫; 掣; 拔; 抖; 跳,
zhoaq`zhutlaai | involuntarily pass; let slip out involuntarily | 泄出來
zhoaqciafm | pointed | 斜尖
zhoaqkag | bevel | 斜角
zhoaqtuiebin | diagonally opposite | 斜對面
zhoaqzhoah | askew; awry; out of line | 斜斜
zhoar | bias; oblique; sideways; askant | 斜
zhoargee | crooked tooth | 斜牙
zhoarn | pant; breathe hard; panting; puffing; pant; gasp for breath; asthma | 喘
zhoarn'angtefng | rush through a red light | 闖紅燈
zhoarn'iern | participate in a stage play or movie filming | 串演
zhoarn'ui | acquire the throne without legal procedure of a kingdom | 篡位
zhoarn'vie | bud, put forth buds | 串芽; 發芽; 出芽
zhoarn-toaxkhuix | take a deep breath, sigh deeply | 喘大氣; 深呼吸
zhoarnhø | to bring about big trouble; to incur calamity | 闖禍
zhoarnjip | intrude | 竄入
zhoarnkae | make change without permission; alter a writing with an evil intent | 竄改; 篡改
zhoarnkefng | collaborate to make false testament in a court | 串供
zhoarnkiofng | collusion among witnesses or suspects | 串供
zhoarnkoaan | usurpation; usurp authority | 篡權
zhoarnkorng | repeatedly state the same thing | 串講; 總是說
zhoarnky | bunch of branches | 串枝; 生出枝
zhoarnkøex | usurped | 篡過
zhoarnlieen | insert in series | 串連
zhoarnlip | become an unlawful ruler | 篡立
zhoarnphiexn | swindle; to collaborate in a swindle | 串騙
zhoarnthaux | crosstalk | 串透
zhoarnthofng zokpex | join together in practicing fraud | 串通作弊
zhoarnthofng | conspire with (enemy); collude or conspire | 串通
zhoarntiøh | string | 串著
zhoarntoat | seize power or the throne | 篡奪
zhoarntoong | band together (to do something evil); to gang up | 串同
zhoarntø | trespass | 闖道
zhoarnvie | germination | 串芽; 發芽
zhoarnzheq | edit book | 篡冊; 編輯書本
zhoarnzhoaxn | every time; always- doing bad things | 串串; 每每(作惡)
zhoarnzw | string of pearls or beads | 串珠
zhoarnzøx | make skewers | 做串
zhoat'hap | match | 撮合
zhoat'iaux | summary | 概括; 摘要
zhoaxbofaq | got a wife | 娶某矣
zhoaxbor | marry a wife; take a wife | 娶妻; 娶某
zhoaxbøo | unable to find one to get married | 娶無
zhoaxchincviaa | children get married | 娶親成
zhoaxchyn | children get married; get married; to take a wife | 娶親
zhoaxgyn'afee | babysitter | 帶囡仔的
zhoaxjiø voa siarmsae | The devil you know is better than the one you don't know. (Lit. the former employee used to wet the bed; this one dirtied his pants.) | 越換越糟
zhoaxjiø | bed-wetting; enuresis; urinate involuntarily (as children); wet the bed | 尿床; 泄尿; 遺尿
zhoaxkarng | pilot a ship into harbor | 領港
zhoaxkex | accompany bridegroom to the bride's home | 伴郎
zhoaxliø | enuresis | 泄尿
zhoaxlo | lead the way; guide; guide | 帶路; 𤆬路; 領路
zhoaxlo`ee | guide | 帶路的; 嚮導
zhoaxloxee | guide | 帶路的, 嚮導
zhoaxloxkef | gift for bride visiting her parents 1st time after getting married | 帶路雞; 岳父母送給女婿的一對雞; 新娘首次回娘家
zhoaxloxkoef | chicken gift from bride's family symbolized to bring bride to where she was from | 𤆬路雞
zhoaxn | to seize; to usurp; seize power; usurp the throne | 篡; 穿; 串; 竄
zhoaxn`køex | skewer | 串過
zhoaxng | rush; trespass | 闖
zhoaxsea'ii | take a concubine | 娶細姨
zhoaxsinniuu | take a bride | 娶新娘
zhoaxsinpu | get married | 娶新婦
zhoaxthaau | lead; pioneer; initiate; be the first to do something | 帶頭; 𤆬頭; 領頭
zhoaxzao | take someone away | 帶走
zhobeh | coarse grain | 粗糧; 粗麥
zhochiern | superficial | 粗淺
zhochiuo puxnkhaf | awkward; maladroit; clumsy | 粗手笨腳
zhochiuo | not delicate; not careful | 粗手
zhochiw | beginning of autumn; early autumn; first of the autumn months | 初秋
zhochix | first trial or experience | 初試
zhociah | coarse food | 粗食
zhocirn | examine a patient for the first time | 初診
zhociøh | rough stone | 粗石
zhoe laang ee khangphang | find fault with others; look for defects in others; watch for a chance | 找人孔縫; 別人的缺點
zhoe laang | look for someone; visit someone | 找人
zhoe mahoaan | ask for trouble; find fault | 找麻煩
zhoe sylo | act so as to bring death and ruin on one's self | 找死
zhoe thaulo | looking for jobs | 揣頭路
zhoe | search for; seek; visit; search; look for; to visit | 尋; 找
zhoe'ar | long thin rod of wood or bamboo; a whip | 箠仔; 棍子; 鞭子
zhoe`tiøh | found (past participle) | 找到
zhoea | marrow; pith; essence | 髓
zhoear | stick used to punish kids | 箠仔
zhoee | long thin rod of wood or bamboo; a whip | 箠; 棍; 鞭子
zhoef koea | steamed rice cake | 炊粿
zhoef | blow like the wind | 吹
zhoehkhuix | sob | 啜泣; 唏噓; 咽聲
zhoehofng | air in the wind | 晾風
zhoehongky | hair dryer | 吹風機
zhoehsym | despair | 慼心
zhoehurn | cooking powder | 炊粉
zhoehør | cook well | 炊好
zhoeid | lunar new year | 初一
zhoejip | blow in | 吹入
zhoekawlee | howl of a dog; see a ghost | 狗長鳴; 狗看到鬼魂而叫
zhoekhie | blow up | 吹起
zhoekiao | steamed dumplings | 蒸餃
zhoekoea | steam glutinous rice cakes | 蒸粿
zhoekoex | blew | 吹過
zhoelaai | blow | 吹來
zhoelarng | steamer for cooking | 蒸籠
zhoeløh | blow off | 吹落
zhoemokiuzhuu | pick fault unfairly | 吹毛求疵
zhoepng | steam rice | 蒸飯
zhoeq | hate; to dislike | 恨; 厭惡
zhoesaxn | blow off | 吹散
zhoesek | cooked | 炊熟
zhoesngg | steam box | 炊床
zhoetao | cooking bucket | 炊斗
zhoetiau | blow away | 吹掉
zhoetiøh | blow | 吹著
zhoetør | blow down | 吹倒
zhoex | scrub; scour; to scrape | 搓; 刷; 擦
zhoexbøo | look for but not find | 揣未; 揣無到
zhoexhoee | recall | 揣回
zhoexkhafng-zhoexphang | look for an opportunity to extort money or to slander or injure others; look for trouble (Lit. Look for opportunities and place.) | 找孔找隙; 找麻煩
zhoexkhangzhoexphang | seeking for any short coming; picky | 揣空揣縫
zhoexkhie | pick up | 揣起
zhoexkhvoax | look for and see | 揣看; 找看
zhoexkiuu | seek; explore | 尋求
zhoexlaai | guess | 揣來
zhoexthaothaux | have searched or looked everywhere | 找透透
zhoexthaulo | look for a job | 揣頭路
zhoextiøh | find by searching | 找到
zhoextngflaai | look back | 揣轉來
zhoexu | have succeeded in finding | 找有
zhoexzhud | found it | 揣出
zhoexzhutlaai | found it | 揣出來
zhoezao | blow away | 吹走
zhoezaux | play | 吹奏
zhoezhaix | steam food | 蒸菜
zhoezuykiao | steamed dumplings | 蒸水餃
zhof niar Serngthea | first Communion (Catholic) | 初領聖體
zhof | first ten days of the month; rough | 初; 粗
zhof-bypng | rough rice meal | 粗米飯
zhof-khachiuo | unskilled laborer | 粗腳手; 苦力
zhof-kviebin | first meeting or interview | 初見面
zhof-kørkae | first confession (Catholic) | 初告解
zhof-sionghoe | meet for the first time | 初相會
zhof-sionghoong | meet for the first time | 初相逢
zhof-zhaepng | coarse meal | 粗菜飯
zhofkør | manuscript | 初稿
zhofliok | roughly, generally | 初略
zhofng | granary; a shed | 倉; (殼糧)
zhofngpong | rash; hurried; careless; run against; spoil or break things | 鹵莽; 匆忙
zhofngzhofngpoxngpong | in a hurry; bump | 衝衝碰碰
zhog | small group; pinch (salt); cluster (flower); clump (tree); pinch of sugar | 撮; 捏; 簇; 蔟; 少數
zhogu | first encounter | 初逢; 初遇
zhogvi | big and strong | 粗硬
zhoha | early summer | 初夏
zhohagciar | novice (Catholic) | 初學者
zhohak | begin to learn; beginning stage of studying a subject; a beginner | 初學
zhohak-sinsw | novice master | 初學神師
zhohak-siuluo | novice (female) | 初學修女
zhohak-siusu | novice (male) | 初學修士
zhohax | mourning sign | 帶孝
zhohoad | not a fine method | 粗法
zhohoan | first time offender; first offence; first offender | 初犯
zhohoat'heeng | first issue (of postage stamps) | 初發行
zhohoe | first encounter | 初會
zhohoee | 1st time | 初回
zhohoef | rough flowers | 粗花
zhohoex | course commodities; crude products | 粗貨
zhohoo | crude | 粗糊; 粗暴
zhohud | careless | 粗忽
zhohui'ar | coarse porcelain | 粗瓷仔
zhohuii | coarse stoneware; coarse earthenware china | 粗瓷
zhohwn | first marriage (of a person who has remarried) | 初婚
zhohøex | not fine goods | 粗貨
zhoia | bridal night | 初夜
zhoiaam | coarse salt | 粗鹽
zhoiar | barbaric; homebred; robust; ungracious; rude; unpolished or unrefined; rustic and coarse | 粗野
zhoid | 7th grader in Taiwan | 初一
zhoiorng | burlier; robust; strong; stout | 粗勇; 粗壯
zhojim | first appointment | 初任
zhok | pinch | 戳; 踩; 鑿
zhok'hap | make a match | 撮合
zhokafng | labor worker; unskilled laborer | 粗工
zhokaw | a new friend; a bowing acquaintance | 初交
zhokay | introductory | 初階
zhokhaf | thick feet | 粗腳
zhokhaf-taxngchiuo | crude acting; rude; violent; wild | 粗手笨腳
zhokhie | from the beginning | 初起
zhokhng'iuo'ar | coarse chaff | 粗糠幼仔
zhokhngf | rice hulls; coarse rice husks; rice chaff | 粗糠; 穀殼
zhokhuy | first opening | 初開
zhokib tionghak | junior middle school | 初級中學
zhokib | elementary; first grade | 初級
zhokii | rudiment; first of initial stage; early or earlier stages | 初期
zhokippafn | first grade class | 初級班
zhokkerng | be touched by the sight | 觸景
zhokør | first draft (of a poem; play; novel) | 初稿
zholaang | a person behave in a rough manner; person of much muscle but little refinement; person of little education | 粗人
zholo | rough, rustic (house, furniture) | 粗陋; 簡陋
zholoaan | first love | 初戀
zholoan | first love | 初戀
zholofoe | vile and obscene language | 粗魯話; 粗話
zholofzholor | rude | 粗魯粗魯
zholoong | junior middle agricultural school | 初農
zholor | impertinent; wanting in refinement; rude; rough | 粗魯; 粗糙; 簡陋
zholør | awkward, uncultivated (person) | 粗魯
zhong'efng | Japanese goshawk | 蒼鷹
zhong'erng | smart and outstanding | 聰穎
zhongbaang | hurried, hasty, haste, busily, hastily | 匆忙
zhongbeeng zoadterng | extremely clever or intelligent | 聰明絕頂
zhongbeeng zuxgo | too smart (Lit. ruined by one's own cleverness.) | 聰明自誤
zhongbeeng | wise; clever; intelligent; clever; bright; quick of comprehension | 聰明
zhongbeeng-zaitix | cleverness and intelligence | 聰明才智
zhongbirn | clever and intelligent | 聰敏
zhongboong | a feeling of don't know what to do; hurried; hasty; flurried | 蒼茫; 匆忙
zhongchiog | hastily | 匆綽; 匆促
zhongcieen | before bed | 床前
zhonggek | chalcedony | 玉髓
zhonghae | sea | 滄海
zhonghaysongtieen | vicissitudes of life | 滄海桑田
zhonghoong | in hurry; in confusion | 倉惶
zhonghui | intelligent; astute; clever | 聰慧
zhongliim | a jungle; bush; grove; brush; thicket; a large monastery; forest; jungle | 叢林
zhongliim-tøextaix | a bushfield, jungle area | 叢林地帶
zhongnor | old and weak | 蒼老
zhongpong | careless; hurried; rash | 倉惶; 匆忙
zhongsefng | in great quantity (of grass); weeds; lush growth | 叢生; 蒼生
zhongsofng | vicissitudes | 滄桑
zhongsw | a series of books; collection; collection of books; set of books issued in the same format by publisher | 叢書
zhongtaam | talks on random or special subjects | 叢談
zhongthiefn | My God; the heavens; the sky | 蒼天
zhongzap | conglomerated | 叢雜
zhongzhofng | in a hurry | 匆匆; 怱怱
zhongzhofng-bongboong | rush; in a hurry | 蒼蒼茫茫
zhongzhuix | green and bright like leaves after a spring shower | 蒼翠
zhongzud | sudden | 倉卒
zhongzuxn | smart and handsome | 聰俊
zhonii | first year | 初年
zhooe | vile and obscene language | 粗話, 粗魯話
zhoong | scab | 藂
zhoor'zhozhof | very rough | 粗粗粗
zhopalihvay | very rough cloth or hands | 粗巴離哼; 很粗糙
zhopar | eat plenty; fill stomach; satisfy hunger | 粗飽; 只求填飽之食物
zhoparn | initial edition; first edition | 初版
zhoparn`ee | initial edition; first edition | 初版
zhopeapex | coarse; rough surface | 粗刺刺; 粗糙的
zhopepee | very rough | 粗耙耙
zhophef | rough | 粗坯
zhophiang | rough and big | 粗龐
zhophiefn | first issue of a compilation | 初編
zhophirn | coarse products | 粗品
zhophoee | rough skin of fruit or vegetable | 粗皮
zhophoef | first product; first painting on the wall | 初坯; 第一次生產之物; 第一次粉刷牆壁
zhophøee | rough skin | 粗皮
zhophøq | stout; muscular | 粗壯
zhopo | elemental; elementary; preliminary; first step; elementary steps; a primer | 初步
zhoporar | coarse cloth | 粗布仔
zhoporsvaf | coarse shirt | 粗布衫
zhopox | coarse clothes | 粗布
zhopuii | having big body and fatty | 粗肥
zhopun | having big body and stupid | 粗笨
zhopurn | large capital business | 粗本; 大資本
zhopvoaa | rough plate- rough dishes | 粗盤
zhopø | rude; rough; crude | 粗暴
zhor | pitiful; sad | 楚
zhoraxng | vinegar jar | 醋甕
zhorchiuo putkip | be caught unawares or unprepared; be taken by surprise | 措手無及
zhorhae sengphøf | disturbance due to jealousy; martial trouble arising from infidelity | 醋海生波
zhorng'ix | create new meanings | 創意
zhornggiap | star new business; be the founder of a business; start a business | 創業
zhorngha | created | 創下
zhornghoad | a way of handling things | 作法; 弄法
zhornghør | make good | 創好; 弄好
zhorngkerng | play a trick or prank, do mischief | 創景; 戲弄
zhorngkhafn | put out the first issue of a periodical | 創刊
zhorngkhafng | plotting; set a snare | 創孔; 玩花樣; 設圈套
zhorngkhanhø | first issue of a periodical | 創刊號
zhorngkhie | create | 創起; 做起
zhorngkie | unprecedented undertaking | 創舉
zhorngkiexn | created | 創建
zhornglibciar | founder; organizer | 創立者
zhornglip | foundation; organization; establishment; found; set up; establish | 創立; 創辦
zhornglip-uyoaan | organizing committee | 創立委員
zhorngpan | foundation; organization; establishment; found; set up; establish | 創立; 創辦
zhorngpaxnciar | founder; organizer | 創辦者
zhorngpaxnjiin | founder; organizer | 創辦人
zhorngphvae | damaged | 創歹
zhorngpien | woud | 創便
zhorngseeng | established | 創成
zhorngsex | creation | 創世
zhorngsie | create; start; begin; commence | 創始
zhorngsied | establish; start or set up an office or agency | 創設; 設立
zhorngsiofng | be wounded; hurt; injury; trauma | 創傷
zhorngsu | creation | 創事
zhorngsviaflaq | what's up? | 創啥啦
zhorngsviar | doing what | 創什; 做什
zhorngsyn | innovate; innovation; create | 創新
zhorngtafng-zhorngsay | making odd stuff | 創東創西
zhorngti | chaff; hoax; trick with; make fun of; tease; make fun of; make a fool of | 戲弄; 創治; 捉弄
zhorngzhaix | meal preparation | 創菜; 備餐
zhorngzo | create, creation | 創造
zhorngzo-lek | creativity | 創造力
zhorngzog | compose; creations; write original works of literature; an original work of literature or art | 創作
zhorngzø | creation; create; invent; invention; produce from nothing | 創造
zhorngzø-lek | creativity | 創造力
zhorngzøhzhutlaai | created | 創作出來
zhorngzøxlek | originality; creative ability; the talent to create | 創造力
zhorof | gull-billed tern (bird) | 鷗黑
zhorsiin | jealous person | 醋神
zhorsngf | acetic acid | 醋酸
zhorsuu | wording of a letter or diplomatic note; diction | 措辭
zhorsy | measure; step (to be taken); measure; a step | 措施
zhortharng | jealous woman; jealous person | 醋桶; 醋罐; 醋罈(子)
zhortix | to arrange, to manage | 措置
zhortoong | acetone | 丙酮; 醋酮
zhosarn-hu | prinipara, woman having her first child | 初瘦婦; 初產婦
zhosiab | hard to do (Lit. coarse and rough) | 艱辛
zhosiafng | Junior Middle Commercial | 初商
zhosid | labor work | 粗工; 粗活
zhosied | Initial setting | 初設
zhosii | in the beginning | 初時
zhosimtaixix | careless | 粗心大意
zhosiofng | junior middle commercial school | 初商
zhosioghex | vulgar goods | 粗俗貨
zhosioghoex | vulgar goods | 粗俗貨
zhosiogmih | common; cheap; inferior articles | 粗俗物; (便宜)的東西
zhosiogmih'ar | vulgar goods | 粗俗物仔
zhosiok | cheap and readily available; vulgar in manner; very cheap and inferior | 粗俗; 便宜; 便宜貨
zhosiok`ee | vulgar | 粗俗的
zhosirm | first hearing of a case at court; preliminary screening of applications or entries in a contest | 初審
zhosiuvi | novitiate | 初修院
zhosoarn | preliminary election | 初選
zhosuun | the upper part of a month | 初旬
zhosviaf | harsh; rough tone of voice | 粗聲
zhosviu | first thought | 初想
zhosvoax | coarse line | 粗線
zhosy | coarse texture (of fruits) | 粗絲
zhosym | careless; rash and careless (Lit. cruel or rough heart) | 粗心
zhotafng | first winter | 初冬
zhotai | first generation, early period | 初代
zhotang | rough and heavy; bulky and heavy; work of a coolie or unskilled laborer that needs more muscles than brains | 粗重; 笨重
zhotee | rough tea- courtesy way to treat friends | 粗茶
zhoterng | elementary; primary or elementary (grade) | 初等; 初級
zhoterng-kaoiok | elementary education; primary education | 初等教育
zhotharng | thick bucket | 粗桶
zhotiofng | junior high school; junior middle school | 初中
zhotiongpo | junior high school | 初中部
zhotiongsefng | junior high school student | 初中生
zhotoa | big size; thick and big | 粗大
zhotvoa | first period | 初段
zhovoar | thick bowl | 粗碗
zhox | acetic; vinegar | 醋
zhoxng | do; make; create; make; invent; begin; do | 搞; 創; 做; 幹
zhoxng-cvikhafng | make money | 創錢孔; 搞錢
zhoxng`sie | put to death | 創死; 弄死
zhozeaphirn | intermediary product that requires further processing; product of low quality; crude or coarse product | 粗製品
zhozex | rough | 粗製
zhozex-laxmzø | turn out products in large quantity without any regard for quality | 粗製濫造
zhozhaa | thick firewood | 粗柴
zhozhaan | cruel and violent; cruel or violent in character; inhuman; un natural | 粗暴; 粗殘; 殘忍; 殘暴
zhozhaix piexnpng | rough meal as a humble way expressing to guests | 粗菜便飯
zhozhaix | common food; ordinary food | 粗菜
zhozhaix-piexnpng | common everyday dinner; pot luck | 粗菜便飯
zhozhaix-pøqciuo | ordinary food and weak wine | 粗菜淡酒
zhozheg | coarse millet | 粗粟
zhozheng | mufti; dishabille; civvies; negligee; everyday clothes; to wear every day | 便服; 便裝
zhozhof | ordinary; common; roughly; coarsely | 粗粗; 初初; 最初
zhozhud siaxhoe | still inexperienced; go out into the world for the first time | 初出社會
zhozhud | first appearance; debut | 初出
zhozhuix | bad languages | 粗嘴; 惡口
zhozhux | first time; on the first occasion | 初次
zhozhwn | early spring | 初春
zhozoar | coarse but soft toilet paper; rough; heavy paper | 粗紙; 砂紙; 草紙
zhozoex | roughly made | 粗做
zhoøh | beginner | 初學
zhu cidtør | slip and fell | 跙一倒
zhu | wigg someone with billingsgate; slip; to slide | 滑; 澍; 噴; 跙; 囂罵
zhu'iaux | center of administration | 樞要
zhu-poaqtør | slip and fall | 趄跌倒; 滑倒
zhu`cide | slip | 滑一下
zhu`løqkhix | tumble over; slide down | 栽落去; 仆倒
zhu`tør | slip and fell | 趄倒
zhu`zhutkhix | slip away | 滑出去
zhubinzhngg | make the bed, make up the bed | 鋪床
zhuchiøh | lay a matting | 敷蓆
zhud bøfthay | newly born infant | 出母胎
zhud kørsi | issue or publish a notice | 貼出公告
zhud zuyzw | suffer from chicken pox | 長水痘
zhud | buyer offering a lower price; talk down the price | 出; 齣; 講價; 還價
zhud-hongthaau | show off, ostentatious | 出風頭
zhud`khix | get out | 出去
zhud`laai | come out | 出來
zhuhbak | didn't pay attention; did not see it | 覷目
zhuheeng | mold; prototype | 雛型
zhuhhoaf | extinguish | 弄熄
zhuhioong | female and male- heroine and hero | 雛雄
zhuhioxng | tendency; trend; one's inclination | 趨向; 傾向
zhuhløqkhix | tumble over | 仆倒, 栽下去
zhuhpuxn | thrust in a little manure beside the rice plant | 撒糞; 撒一點糞肥
zhuhzhuq | eyes dim or nearly closed | 瞇花; (眼睛)
zhui'aan | tighten or bind with rope; cord or string | 勒緊
zhui'uie | make excuses; make excuses or pretences for not doing anything; to lay the blame or duty on another; generally with the idea of more or less falsehood | 推諉
zhuiaxn | push the case | 推案
zhuibiin | drowsy; hypnotic; sleepy; hypnosis; hypnotize | 催眠
zhuibin'iøh | hypnotic; hypnotic medicines; sleeping pill | 催眠藥; 安眠藥
zhuibinsut | hypnotism; art of hypnotism; hypnosis | 催眠術
zhuichiaau | adjust a difference in money matters; discuss a bargain till the price is fixed; change something into | 調整; 改換
zhuichiog | hasten; press; urge; press; expedite; to urge; to push; demand for payment | 催促
zhuicied | to break off | 催折; 摧折
zhuiciernsw | letter of recommendation | 推薦狀; 推薦書
zhuiciernsy | letter of recommendation | 推薦狀; 推薦書
zhuiciernzng | letter of recommendation | 推薦狀; 推薦書
zhuiciexn | recommend; recommendation; recommend a proposition; propose | 推薦
zhuicirnky | propeller, propulsion system | 推進機; 推進器
zhuicixn | propulsion; propel; promote | 推進
zhuie | Bone marrow | 髓
zhuie'afm | face mask | 嘴罨; 口罩
zhuie'ar | beak; mouth | 喙仔
zhuie'exhaai | chin | 嘴下頦
zhuie'exhafm | chin | 嘴下頦
zhuie'extao | chin; jowl | 嘴下斗; 喙下斗; 下顎; 下巴
zhuie'iux | fine crumbs | 碎幼; 細屑
zhuieafm | face mask | 喙罨
zhuiebaa | numb mouth | 嘴痲
zhuiebaq | meat cut into small pieces | 碎肉
zhuiebat | close mouth | 嘴密
zhuiebea | beak tail; mouth end | 喙尾
zhuiebie | broken rice | 碎米
zhuieboea | good at greeting | 嘴甜; 很會打招呼
zhuiebøea | the last swallow (food) | 嘴尾; 最後一口
zhuiechiuthaau | beard stubble | 嘴鬚頭; 鬚根
zhuiechiw | beard; facial hair; moustache; whiskers | 鬍鬚; 喙鬚; 鬍子
zhuiechiw-hohoo | thick and coarse beard | 嘴鬚糊糊; 腮鬍
zhuiechixn | feel sick or nauseous and have no appetite | 嘴凊; 淡澀
zhuiechiørbagchiøx | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 眉開眼笑
zhuieciafm | bird's bill, beak | 嘴針; 鳥嘴
zhuieciah-zhuiemxjin | not to acknowledge fault | 無承認犯行
zhuieciaqmih | food | 喙食物
zhuieciaqmih'ar | food | 喙食物仔
zhuieciaqmiq | food | 喙食物
zhuieciaqmiqar | food | 喙食物仔
zhuiecih | tongue | 喙舌; 舌頭
zhuieciøh | macadam | 嘴舌; 碎石
zhuieciøqar | gravel | 碎石子
zhuieciøqky | crusher; stone breaker | 碎石機
zhuieciøqlo | gravel road | 碎石路
zhuiecvii | change- money | 碎錢; 零錢
zhuieextao | chin | 喙下斗
zhuiegiin | broken silver; change | 碎銀
zhuiegiok | jade | 翠玉
zhuiegvi | stubborn | 嘴硬
zhuieheeng | mouth shape | 嘴形; 喙形
zhuiehiøqchiu | broken leaf tree | 碎葉樹
zhuiehiøqchiuxpvy | broken leaf tree edge | 碎葉樹邊
zhuiehoef | eloquent | 喙花
zhuieiam'iaam | broken into tiny bits | 碎鹽鹽
zhuiejiao | beak claw | 喙爪
zhuiejiok | weak; delicate; fragile; weakness | 脆弱
zhuiekafng | odd jobs | 碎工; 雜工
zhuiekag | corners of the mouth | 嘴角; 喙角
zhuiekhafng | mouth; cavity of the mouth | 嘴孔; 嘴巴; 口腔
zhuiekhao | the manner of talking; the mouth; at the lips | 嘴口; 口邊
zhuiekhau-zhuiekhao | be unable to recall something very familiar | 嘴口嘴口; 好像知道而說無出來
zhuiekhawzhuiekhao | be unable to recall something very familiar | 好像知道而說不出來
zhuiekhie sngf | teeth feeling pain; as by drinking something very cold | 牙齒酸痛
zhuiekhie thviax | toothache | 嘴齒痛
zhuiekhie zefngheeng | othodonatry | 嘴齒整形
zhuiekhie | teeth | 嘴齒; 喙齒; 牙齒
zhuiekhie-huun | scars from bites | 喙齒痕
zhuiekhie-hvoa | gums | 嘴齒岸; 齒齦
zhuiekhie-kwn | mouth tooth root | 嘴齒根
zhuiekhie-phang | mouth gap | 嘴齒縫
zhuiekhiim | harmonica | 嘴琴
zhuiekhoaix | talk fast | 嘴快
zhuiekhof | the area on the human face immediately surrounding the mouth and lips | 嘴框; 嘴巴
zhuiekhygaam | tooth cancer | 喙齒癌
zhuiekhyhoeq | tooth blood | 喙齒血
zhuiekhyhuun | scars from bites | 嘴齒痕
zhuiekhyhvoa | gums | 嘴齒岸; 齒齦
zhuiekhykwn | root of teeth | 嘴齒根; 喙齒根
zhuiekhykyn | root of teeth | 嘴齒根; 喙齒根
zhuiekhykøf | tooth paste | 喙齒膏
zhuiekhynoa | tooth decay | 喙齒瀾
zhuiekhyphang | tooth gap | 喙齒縫
zhuiekhysviuu | thin liquor on the surface of teeth | 喙齒液
zhuiekhythaau | stump or root of a tooth | 嘴齒頭; 齒根嘴鬚頭
zhuiekiog | China aster | 翠菊
zhuiekoaq | cut into pieces | 碎割
zhuiekokoo | broken into tiny bits | 碎糊糊
zhuiekor | quarrel; gossip | 嘴鼓; 雜言
zhuiekud | small and brittle bone | 碎骨
zhuiekud-hwnsy | corpse splattered in a thousand pieces; a body smashed to smithereens | 粉身碎骨
zhuiekviebagkvix | eye witness | 喙見目見
zhuiekvix-bagkvix | see often | 經常相見
zhuielafm | animal's snout; muzzle | 口罩; (動物用)
zhuielai | inside the mouth | 口中
zhuieliern | the face, feature | 嘴撚; 喙臉; 嘴臉
zhuieliet | broken to pieces | 碎烈; 碎裂
zhuielo | good taste | 嘴路; 吃興
zhuielofm | animal's snout; muzzle | 口罩; (動物用)
zhuienoa | saliva; spittle | 嘴涎; 喙瀾; 唾液; 口水
zhuienoaxzuie | saliva | 喙瀾水
zhuiepef | bird's bill; beak | 嘴扒; 鳥類的嘴
zhuiepeh | white beak | 喙白
zhuiephea | the cheek | 嘴巴
zhuiephoea | facial skin | 嘴頰; 臉頰
zhuiephoef | the cheek | 嘴巴
zhuiephoefbaq | cheek | 喙䫌肉
zhuiephoefkud | cheek bone | 嘴頰骨
zhuiephoefpvy | mouth side | 喙䫌邊
zhuiephvix | small broken pieces; fragments; splinters; shreds; chips | 碎片
zhuiephøea | cheek | 嘴巴; 喙䫌; 面頰
zhuiepox | left-over cloth (used to make patchwork); small cloth pieces; rags | 碎布
zhuiepvy | the sides of mouth | 嘴邊
zhuiesab | detritus | 碎屑
zhuieseg | emerald | 翠色
zhuiesex | the mouth expression during talking | 嘴勢
zhuiesngx | counting by mouth | 嘴算; 用口算
zhuiesuie | saliva | 喙水
zhuiesy-baxntoan | body broken into pieces; smashed | 碎屍萬斷
zhuieta'aukhoaq | thirsty | 喙焦喉渴
zhuietaf | thirsty | 口渴; 喙焦
zhuietao | appetite | 胃口
zhuietax | face mask | 嘴罩; 口罩
zhuietaxmzhuix | easy to say; agreeable to one's taste; casually | 嘴談嘴; 順口說出
zhuietea | mouth bottom | 喙底
zhuieterng | mouth top | 喙頂
zhuiethaau | top of mouth | 嘴頭
zhuietun | dumb mouth | 嘴鈍
zhuietunphee | lips | 喙脣皮
zhuietunphoee | lips | 喙脣皮
zhuietunphøee | lips | 嘴唇皮
zhuietuun khiaokhiaux | upper lip naturally turned up (angry) | 嘴唇翹翹的; (生氣的樣子)
zhuietuun sosof | parched lips | 嘴唇乾燥
zhuietuun | lips | 嘴唇; 喙脣
zhuiezhaam | gluttonous | 喙饞
zhuiezhaan | gluttonous | 嘴饕
zhuiezhaux | bad breath | 喙臭
zhuiezhuix | smash; hogged | 碎碎
zhuiezhvef | verdant | 翠青
zhuiezuie | mouth | 嘴水; 嘴巴
zhuiezvoaa | saliva | 喙殘
zhuiheeng | carry into operation what has already been decided; implement | 推行
zhuihoafn | overthrow a government; prove incorrect a theory or principle | 推翻
zhuihoarzef | catalyst | 催化劑
zhuihoax | catalysis | 催化
zhuihoex | to shatter, to demolish, to despoil | 推貨; 吹貨; ?廢
zhuihuie | destroy (enemy positions; heavy weapons) | 摧毀
zhuihuu | reminder | 催符
zhuihw | puff; boast of; brag of | 吹噓
zhuikhoaq | expand, promote | 催喊; 推廣
zhuikiao | press for payment of taxes | 催繳
zhuikie | elect to an office; recommend for a post | 推舉
zhuikiux | study; reason out; investigate | 推究
zhuikorng | propagate; extend; promote sales | 推廣
zhuikuo | elect to an office; recommend for a post | 推舉
zhuikvoar | haste; hasten; hurry; urgency; urgent | 催趕
zhuilie siawsoad | detective story; a whodunit | 推理小說
zhuilie | reasoning; reasoning; inference; induction; to reason; infer the unknown from the known | 推理
zhuilui-gafsuq | tear gas | 催淚瓦斯
zhuiluixtvoaa | tear gas bomb | 催淚彈
zhuilun | reasoning; infer; deduce; inference; infer (in mathematics) corollary | 推論
zhuiløh | urge down | 催落
zhuimafkapiefn | rush | 催馬加鞭
zhuimia | push fate | 推命
zhuimoo | criticises; find quarrel in a straw | 吹毛
zhuimoo-kiuzhuu | try to find out trifling faults (Lit. blow apart the hair to find out the defect of a fur) | 吹毛求疵
zhuipaai | arrange, assign | 推排; 安排
zhuipeg | hasten; to press | 催迫; 催促
zhuiphaix taixpiao | elect representatives | 推派代表
zhuiphaix | delegate someone (after consultation) | 推派
zhuisag | push | 推捒
zhuisefng | to hasten child delivery; drug to hasten the birth of child; induce labor | 催生
zhuisiau'oaan | salesman or saleswoman | 推銷員
zhuisiaux | dun a debtor | 催數
zhuisiaw | press a sale; promote sales; to sell | 推銷
zhuisiax | decline an invitation or offer | 推卸
zhuisie | strangle someone or something | 絞死; 勒死
zhuisiorng | infer; deduce | 推想
zhuisngx | calculate mentally; cast a horoscope; make a rough estimate | 推算
zhuisoarn | elect representatives | 推選
zhuisoaxn | calculate mentally; cast a horoscope; make a rough estimate | 推算
zhuisu | judge; judge in court | 推事
zhuisuu | decline | 推辭
zhuisvy | to hasten child delivery | 催生
zhuitaix | support a leader | 推戴
zhuiteng | illation; constructive; presume; putative | 推定
zhuithoky | bulldozer | 推土機
zhuithorzef | emetic; a medicine that induces vomiting | 催嘔劑
zhuithør | demand urgently the payment of a debt | 催討
zhuitiern | extend (plan) | 催典; 推展
zhuito | conjecture | 揣度; 推度
zhuitoaxn | infer; predict by means of inference; inference | 推斷
zhuitong | push a sales project; lend impetus to a movement | 推動
zhuitør | overturn; topple | 推倒
zhuix gvi | talk tough; refuse to admit mistake | 嘴硬
zhuix khoaix | rash in speech; incapable of keeping secrets | 嘴快
zhuix khoaq | thirst | 口渴
zhuix lalahao | said in praise of a child beginning to talk a good deal; or in blame of a man who talks too much | 嘴啦啦叫; 多嘴
zhuix pehkhuy | open the mouth | 嘴張開
zhuix siab | having a bad taste in the mouth and disinclined to eat like a person a little under the weather | 口澀
zhuix tun | not skilled in talking | 嘴笨
zhuix zhaux | halitosis | 口臭
zhuix | mouth | 嘴; 喙; 碎
zhuix-extao soesoee | have a hanging or drooping jaw | 下頷鬆弛
zhuix-extao | chin | 嘴下斗; 下頷
zhuix-kokoo | crash; break up | 碎糊糊
zhuizaux | play | 吹奏
zhuizhaan | to ravage; to ruin | 摧殘
zhuizheg | guess; inference; presumption; conjecture; a guess; make a guess; supposition; inference; to conjecture; suppose; infer | 推測
zhuizhud | push out; present a show or a picture | 推出
zhuizof | press for payment of rental | 催租
zhuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
zhuizun | labor pains | 陣痛; (生產時)
zhukwn | bed sheet | 床單; 舒巾
zhuky | helm; pivot; very young prostitute (under 18 years) | 樞機; 雛妓
zhukyn | bed sheet | 床單; 舒巾; 墊巾
zhuliuloong | slide | 趨流籠
zhuløh | slide down | 趨落
zhuløqlaai | slide down | 趨落來
zhun | at the risk of; run the risk of | 存; 冒…險
zhun'afhoef | spring flower | 春仔花
zhun'aflai | inside the village | 村仔內
zhun'aftee | spring tea | 春仔茶
zhun'ar | spring | 春仔
zhun'au | saved for the future | 存後
zhun'auxpo | leave ground for retreat; not to press one's advantage | 存後步; 留後步
zhun'efng | spring warbler | 春鶯
zhun'gutoo | weather forecast pictures | 春牛圖
zhun'iuu | spring outing | 春遊
zhun'iøf | to stretch oneself | 伸腰
zhun'iøh | aphrodisiacs | 春藥
zhun'oe | pornography, pornographic pictures | 春話; 春宮圖
zhun'uo | spring rain | 春雨
zhun'uun | stretch body in a lazily manner | 伸緩; 伸勻; 伸懶腰
zhun'y | spring cloth | 春衣
zhunbang | Spring dream | 春夢
zhunbiin | villager | 村民
zhunbo | end of spring | 春暮
zhunchiuo | stretch out hands | 伸手
zhunchiw | climate; an ancient period of Chinese history | 春秋
zhunchviaf | very clear | 明白; 清楚
zhuncied | lunar new year festival; lunar new year holidays | 春節
zhunciuo | spring wine; feasts during the lunar new year holidays | 春酒
zhuncvii | saving; deposit; have money left; money left | 儲蓄; 剩錢
zhungiah | balance; remains | 餘額
zhunguu | ticket scalping | 春牛
zhunha | spring summer | 春夏
zhunha-chiutafng | spring; summer; autumn; winter | 春夏秋冬
zhunhaan | chilly spring | 春寒
zhunhaytoong | spring begonia | 春海棠
zhunhe`teq | remaining | 剩下得
zhunhiao | spring has broken | 春曉
zhunho | spring rain | 春雨
zhunhoef | spring flower | 春花
zhunhofng moafbin | smile broadly; cheerful look | 春風滿面
zhunhofng | spring wind; spring breezes; favor; happy smile | 春風
zhunhofng-itto | sexual intercourse | 春風一度
zhunhu | village lady | 村婦
zhunhuy | parental affection | 春暉
zhunhwn | spring equinox; vernal equinox; vernal equinox | 春分
zhunhøex | leftover | 剩貨
zhunjit | spring days | 春日
zhunkar | spring break | 春假
zhunkarnsu | village clerk | 村幹事
zhunkerng | spring scenery | 春景
zhunkhaf | stretch out legs | 伸腳
zhunkhaf-zhutchiuo | reaching out | 伸腳伸手
zhunkhao | village entrance | 村口
zhunkhix | reach out | 伸去
zhunkiofng | ponograph | 春宮
zhunkiongtoo | pornographic drawings | 春宮圖
zhunkiw | stretch | 伸勼
zhunkngr | spring rolls; meat and vegetables rolled within thin pancakes eaten as a snack | 春捲
zhunkoaan | stretch out | 伸懸
zhunkof | country girl | 村姑
zhunkofng | spring scenes; natural charms of Spring; lustful scenes like a sexual act | 春光
zhunkofng-bengbii | beautiful scenes of spring | 春光明媚
zhunkuix | springtime; spring season; spring | 春季
zhunkunbafn'am | stretch tendons | 伸筋挽頷
zhunlaan | orchid in the spring | 春蘭
zhunleng | spring weather | 春令
zhunlie | village | 村里
zhunlieen | a poetry put on gate during Lunar New Year; new year couplets written on strips of red paper and pasted on doors usually containing words of luck | 春聯
zhunloarn | warm spring | 春暖
zhunlok | dorp; settler | 村落
zhunluii | spring thunder | 春雷
zhunluun | give a stretch; stretch one's limbs | 伸倫; 伸懶腰
zhunmuii | spring plum | 春梅
zhunniuu | spring food | 春糧
zhunpan | without any previous thought about it, as something coming unexpectedly | 存範
zhunpaxnsie | prepare for death; go on an expedition that may prove fatal; take unnecessary chances; at the risk of one's life | 存範死; 孤注一擲
zhunpng | leftover food | 春飯; 剩飯
zhunpun | dull, silly, stupid | 蠢的
zhunseg | spring scenery; spring scenery; joyful appearance or expression; sensual scenes | 春色
zhunsia | village | 村社
zhunsiaw | romantic spring evening; spring nights; night rendezvous between lovers; night of wedding | 春宵
zhunsie | dare to die; determine to die | 存死; 敢死
zhunsioxngzhwn | the best village | 村上村
zhunsurn | fresh bamboo shoots in the spring; spring bamboo shoots | 春筍
zhunsym tang | longing for sexual gratification | 春心動
zhunsym | sexual feeling | 春心; 存心
zhuntee | spring tea | 春茶
zhunthaau | early spring | 初春
zhunthvy | Spring | 春天
zhunthøar | spring peach | 春桃仔
zhunthøo | spring peach | 春桃
zhuntiern | to spread, to stretch, to expand | 伸展
zhuntit | stretch out straight | 伸直
zhuntiuu | spring silk | 春綢
zhuntixn | village | 村鎮
zhuntngchiuo | stretch out a long arm (said of a beggar or man always requesting money or things) | 伸長手; 求乞
zhuntngg | elongate; stretch out long like caterpillar or branches of a tree gradually lengthening or encroaching | 伸長
zhuntngtngg | elongation | 伸長長
zhuntok | examine one's purpose and thought | 伸讀
zhuntviuo | head of a village | 村長
zhunzeeng | sexual desire; the longing for the opposite sex | 春情
zhunzeeng-hoattoxngkii | puberty | 春情發動期
zhunzeq | lunar new year | 春節
zhunzex | spring sacrifices; rites for ancestor worship in spring | 春祭
zhunzhaam | spring silk worn | 春蠶
zhunzhao | spring grass | 春草
zhunzhud | stretch out | 伸出
zhunzhwn | streth | 伸伸
zhunzngf | village | 村庄
zhunzoeq | lunar new year | 春節
zhunzofng | spring clothes; spring fashion | 春裝
zhunzøeq | the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year | 春節
zhuo lo putthofng | road closed to vehicle or pedestrian | 此路無通
zhuo | rats; manage; place oneself in; a place; office; department in a government agency | 鼠; 取; 處
zhuo'ar | little house | 厝仔; 小屋
zhuo'iaux | secondary, of secondary importance | 次要
zhuo-aekhaux | bawl; to cry | 取愛哭; 最可取
zhuo`khix | to take away | 取去
zhuo`laai | to fetch, to bring | 取來
zhuoau | back of the house | 厝後
zhuobefterng | roof | 厝尾頂
zhuobi | interesting; fascinating; amusing; taste; relish; interest; hobby | 趣味; 有趣; 興趣
zhuobin | appearance of a house | 厝面; 房子的門面
zhuobixlaq | interesting | 趣味啦
zhuobixzhuobi | interesting; fun | 趣味趣味
zhuoboefterng | roof | 厝尾頂
zhuobuun | anecdote | 趣聞
zhuociaw'ar | sparrow | 麻雀仔
zhuociawar | sparrow | 厝鳥仔
zhuocid | ridge of a roof | 厝脊; 屋脊
zhuogoa | outside house | 厝外
zhuohia | tegular; tile; roof tile | 厝瓦; 屋瓦
zhuohia'ar | roof tiles | 厝瓦仔
zhuohiaxzhux | house with roof tiles | 厝瓦厝
zhuohioxng | Interesting | 趣向
zhuohoa | roof tiles | 厝瓦
zhuohoa'ar | roof tiles | 厝瓦仔
zhuohofng | prescription; write a medical prescription; a medical prescription | 處方
zhuohø | next number | 次號; 下一號
zhuoiaux | collateral; lesser; secondary; subordinate; not very important | 次要
zhuojit | the next day, the following day | 次日
zhuokag | corner of a house | 厝角; 厝桷; 屋角
zhuokakciao | sparrow | 厝角鳥
zhuokakciaw'ar | sparrow | 厝角鳥仔
zhuokakciawar | sparrow | 厝角鳥仔
zhuokakthaau | house corerns | 厝角頭
zhuokefng | roon in a house | 厝間; 次經; 房屋
zhuokerng | circumstances, situation | 厝景; 處境
zhuokex | price of house | 厝價
zhuokhaf | base of a house; tenant of a house | 厝客; 厝跤; 地基
zhuokhapvy | neighborhood | 厝跤邊
zhuokhex | deed to a house | 厝契
zhuokhoex | house contract | 厝契
zhuokhøex | lease agreement | 厝契; 房契
zhuokib | sub | 次級
zhuokoax | the roof (Lit. house cover) | 厝頂; 房頂
zhuolaam | male virgin | 處男
zhuolai | inside of house; indoor; in the house | 屋內; 厝內; 家中
zhuolaixlaang | insider | 厝內人
zhuolie | conduct; disposal; disposition; do; handle; manage; second daughter | 處理; 處女; 次女
zhuoluo | virgin | 處女
zhuoluo-moh | hymen | 處女膜
zhuolymøh | hymen; maidenhead | 處女膜
zhuolyte | virgin land or soil | 處女地
zhuolyzog | first work of an author; first work | 處女作
zhuomngkhao | gate | 厝門口
zhuopafn | house shape | 厝辨; 房子形態
zhuophirn | second-rate, seconds | 次品
zhuopvi'ar | neighbor | 厝邊仔
zhuopvikehpiaq | neighbor | 厝邊隔壁
zhuopvilaang | neighbor | 厝邊人
zhuopvitaw | neighbor | 厝邊兜
zhuopvithaubea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboefar | neighboor | 厝邊頭尾仔
zhuopvy | neighbor; neighborhood | 厝邊; 鄰居; 隔壁
zhuoseacvii | rent; house tax | 厝稅錢
zhuosex | be in the world | 處世
zhuosoeacvii | rent; house tax | 厝稅錢
zhuosoex | house rent | 厝稅; 房租
zhuosox | times of repeating; number of times | 次數
zhuosu | order of occurrence | 次序
zhuosyn | house | 厝身
zhuosøex | house tax | 厝稅; 房租
zhuote | site; ground; building lot; plot | 厝地
zhuotefngbøea | roof ends | 厝頂尾
zhuotefngkoax | roof cover | 厝頂蓋
zhuoterng | the roof (Lit. house cover) | 厝頂; 次等; 房頂
zhuoterng-thafng | a dormer window | 厝頂窗
zhuothauciao | sparrow | 厝頭鳥
zhuothaukef | landlord | 厝頭家; 房東
zhuotheh | residence; house; house and yard; houses in general | 厝宅; 住宅; 屋園
zhuothiau | supporting column of a building | 厝柱
zhuothviaf | hall | 厝廳
zhuoti | to dispose of; dispose | 處置; 捉弄
zhuotix | dispose of, manage, settle | 處置
zhuotoe | house land | 厝地
zhuotviaa | house yard | 厝埕
zhuotviuo | director of a division; head of a department in a government agency | 次長; 處長
zhuotviuu | house yard | 厝場
zhuozeeng | house front | 厝前
zhuozeeng'auxpiaq | the front and back of the house | 厝前後壁
zhuozeng'auxpiaq | the front and back of the house | 住家的前後
zhuozhux | everywhere | 處處; 到處
zhuozof | rental fee; rent (for house; flat) | 厝租; 房租
zhuozuo | landlord; landlady (of a house); owner of a house | 厝主; 房東
zhupafnchiaf | tendency car | 趨板車
zhupafng | lay down boards so as to make a level surface | 敷板; 舖木板
zhupefng | ice skating | 趨冰
zhuphe | comfort | 舒被
zhuphoe | make the bed, spread out the coverlet ready for use, mattress | 舒被
zhuphøe | spread out the coverlet ready for use; make up the bed; a mattress | 舖被
zhuphøe-hipnoa | bed sore | 褥瘡
zhuq | hiss; fizzle; scorch with a small fire like that of cigarette or joss stick | 燒; 眵; 灼; 瞇縫眼; 嘶嘶聲; 噓聲; 焠
zhurn | stupid | 蠢
zhurn'ym | every bit of time | 寸陰
zhurnchiøq | dimension; measure; size; measurement | 尺寸; 寸尺
zhurnkym lanbøea zhurnkong'ym | an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time | 寸金難買寸光陰
zhurnpeqthaang | inchworm | 寸白蟲
zhurnpo lan'ii | hard to walk even an inch | 寸步難移
zhurnpo lanheeng | difficult to advance even an inch | 寸步難行
zhurnpo putli | follow closely without allowing the distance to widen more than an inch | 寸步無離
zhurnpo | tiny step | 寸步
zhurnpun | stupid | 蠢笨; 粗俗
zhurnsym | feelings; heart with emphasis on its smallness and its being the source of sincerity | 寸心
zhurnte | inch of land; tiny piece of land | 寸地
zhurnthiq | arm; small dagger | 寸鐵
zhurnthor pitzefng | Even an inch of land has to be fought for | 寸土必爭
zhurnthor | every bit of land | 寸土
zhurnthuii | inch mallet | 寸槌
zhurntoan | heart torn to pieces (used to describe extreme grief) | 寸斷
zhurntong | stupid | 蠢動
zhurnzaai | dumbo | 蠢材
zhurnzhuxn | inch by inch | 寸寸
zhurnzhør | inch grass | 寸草
zhurnzhør-putliuu | leave not even a blade of grass; destroy completely | 寸草無留
zhurnzør | fried plum | 寸棗
zhuseq | ski | 趨雪
zhusex | trend; tendency; trend; tendency | 趨勢
zhusoeq | ski, slide on snow | 滑雪
zhusøeq | ski | 滑雪; 趨雪
zhut'ee | paid | 出的
zhut'hae | leave port; take to the high seas | 出海
zhut'haykhao | estuary | 出海口
zhut'heeng | travel | 出行; 往旅行
zhut'hex | shipments | 出貨
zhut'hiarm | escape from crisis; danger; accident; extricate from danger | 脫險
zhut'hied | bleeding | 出血
zhut'hien | appear | 出現
zhut'hiexn'ee | appeared | 出現的
zhut'hix | pull up the curtain to start the play | 出戲
zhut'hoad ee sikafn | time of departure | 出發的時間
zhut'hoad | start a journey | 出發
zhut'hoattiarm | starting place or point | 出發點
zhut'hoeq koeato | excessive bleeding | 出血過度; 流血過度
zhut'hoeq | hemorrhage | 出血
zhut'hoex | put a new product (on the market); unload cargo (from a ship) | 出貨
zhut'hofng | wind blow | 出風; 起風
zhut'hongkhao | air outlet | 出風口
zhut'hongthaau | be famous; seek publicity | 出風頭
zhut'huiq | bleeding | 出血
zhut'huun | outside the line (as in tennis) | 出痕; 出界外
zhut'høea | out of fire | 出火
zhut'høex | unload cargo; put out a new product; shipment | 出貨; 上市
zhut'høex-tvoaf | deliver merchandise | 出貨單
zhut'iefn | belch smoke | 冒煙
zhut'iern | act in a play or movie | 出演; 上演
zhut'iuu | go on an excursion | 出遊
zhut'safnte | origin | 出產地
zhut'siaxhoe | enter the workplace/society | 出社會
zhut'svialaai | speak out | 出聲來
zhut'svoaf | funeral | 出山
zhut'uii | out | 出圍
zhut'un | get out of an unlucky period of life into a lucky one | 開運; 好運道
zhut'vi | be discharged from a hospital; leave the hospital | 出院
zhut'viuu | go abroad | 出國
zhut'øh | graduate | 出學; 畢業
zhutbe | sell; betray; betrayal | 出賣
zhutbea | go out | 出馬
zhutbeng | issue an order | 出命; 下令
zhutbi | taste or flavor comes out like in brewing tea | 味透
zhutbie | grow rice | 出米; 產米
zhutbin | to appear personally; to come forward; to act on one's own capacity or on behalf of an organization; to present oneself; assume the responsibility in mediation or negotiation; act on someone else's behalf; show up; present oneself | 出面
zhutboe | betray | 出賣
zhutboea | do completely | 出尾; 圓滿收局
zhutbut | hunt | 出沒
zhutbøe | sell out | 出賣
zhutchiaw | favorable balance of trade; export surplus | 出超
zhutchiuo | start (a fight; a doing); buy; put forth the hand; to attack | 出手; 動手
zhutchviuo | product coming out of the factory | 出廠
zhutciab | juice | 出汁
zhutciaux | issue a decree | 出照; 頒佈聖旨
zhutciaw | begin to fight | 出招
zhutciexn | going out to fight a battle; to make war | 出戰
zhutcioxng | outstanding; stand out; be foremost | 出眾
zhutcirn | make a house-call (doctor) | 出診
zhutciuo | vomit after being drunk | 出酒; 酒醉嘔吐; 酒後嘔吐
zhutciøf | reach agreement; make an appointment | 相約
zhutcvii | help by donating money; pay money; pay a bill; offer or contribute money | 出錢; 付錢
zhuteg suotoafn | cardinal virtues (Catholic) | 樞德四端
zhutgak | get out of jail | 出獄
zhutgee | to put out a sprout; shoot or bud | 發芽
zhutgiah | have more than enough, exceed | 出業; 超額
zhutgiap | graduate | 畢業; 出業
zhutgieen putsuxn | utter insulting remarks; to insult | 出言無遜
zhutgieen | speak out | 出言
zhutgiin | pay money | 出銀
zhutgoa | leave home; go to trip; not at home; leave one's home to conduct some business with the intention of returning | 出外; 外出
zhutgoaxlaang | outsider | 出外人
zhutgøeh | when the moon comes out | 出月; 月亮出來
zhutjibkhao | exit | 出入口
zhutjim | take office | 出任
zhutjinbeng | die | 出人命
zhutjiong | sell; for sale | 出讓
zhutjip | to come and go; discrepancy; inconsistency; incoming and outgoing; receipt and expense; difference; come in and go out; inconsistency | 出入
zhutjit | sunrise | 日出; 太陽冒出來
zhutkafng | do work; to contribute labor | 出力; 義工
zhutkarng | going out of harbor; leave harbor like a vessel; to export | 出港
zhutkax | drive out | 出駕
zhutkef | leave home to be a monk or nun; leave home and give himself (herself) to Buddha | 出家
zhutkefngzexng | exit permit | 出境證
zhutkeg | leave base or camp; to attack or raid the enemy | 出擊
zhutkelaang | monk or nun | 出家人
zhutkeq | be out of position or place, be out of order | 出膈; 離譜
zhutkerng | exit the country; departure; leave a place or country | 出境
zhutkerng-zexng | exit visa | 出境政; 出境證
zhutkex | buyer offering a lower price; talk down the price | 講價; 出價; 議價; 出嫁; 還價
zhutkhachiuo | action | 出跤手
zhutkhafn | publish | 出刊
zhutkhao boxek | export trade | 出口貿易
zhutkhao siongjiin | make insulting remarks | 出口傷人
zhutkhao | export; exit; leave the harber; export; an exit | 出口
zhutkhao-høex | products for export | 出口貨
zhutkhawsengciofng | quick thinking, and excellent eloquence | 出口成章
zhutkhawsiofng | exporters | 出口商
zhutkhawsøex | export duty | 出口稅
zhutkheng | when there is a rainbow | 出虹; 現虹
zhutkheq | girl get married | 嫁出
zhutkhielaq | went out | 出去啦
zhutkhiin | go to the office; go on duty; check in | 出勤; 上班
zhutkhix | vent one's anger; take one's spite out on another | 出氣
zhutkhoad | there is a vacancy | 出缺
zhutkhuie | derail; behave contrary to normal pattern | 出軌
zhutkhuix | vent one's anger upon | 出氣
zhutkhuun | go office; go to work; work | 出勤; 上班
zhutkied | exit | 出結; 出證
zhutkii zeasexng | win by using surprise tactics | 出奇制勝
zhutkii | surprise | 出奇
zhutkiok | forced out of play; strikeout | 出局
zhutkiø | the bride gets out of the sedan chair to enter the groom's house | 出轎; 新娘出轎
zhutkiøq | kick out | 出腳
zhutkoafn | carry the coffin to the grave | 出棺
zhutkoex | out | 出過
zhutkog | go abroad | 出國
zhutkuie | derail; behave contrary to normal pattern | 出軌
zhutkuy | be married for the first time | 出閨
zhutkvaf | be released from prison, get out of jail | 出監; 出獄
zhutkvoa | perspire | 出汗; 流汗
zhutkvy | cause a caustic order (tea leaves) | 出羹; 生鹼
zhutkwn | send troops | 出軍; 出兵
zhutkøq | get married (said of a girl) | 出閣
zhutlaai | come out; bring out | 出來
zhutlaang | run with pus; suppurate | 出膿
zhutlab'oaan | cashier | 出納員; 出納
zhutlabzof | cashier group | 出納組
zhutlai'aq | out already | 出來矣
zhutlaiee | out | 出來的
zhutlaikhix | get out of here | 出來去
zhutlap | a cashier; a treasurer; a teller; a pay clerk | 出納
zhutlarng | become current; appear in the market | 上市
zhutlat | help by donating manpower; put forth one's strength | 出力; 用力
zhutleng | issue or publish an order | 下令; 出命令
zhutliao | paid | 出了
zhutlim | take office | 出任
zhutlip | in and out | 出入
zhutlo | escape hatch; outlet; way out; exit; the road to success | 出路
zhutloo | baked | 出爐
zhutlui | better than average, superior, above average | 出類; 出類拔萃; 拔群
zhutmar | go forth to battle; offer oneself as a candidate; go out and face something | 出馬
zhutmiaa | be famous; renowned; well-known; become famous; famous | 出名; 有名
zhutmngg | go out of home; leave the home; go out the door; take a trip | 出門
zhutmoa'ar | have the measles | 出麻仔
zhutmoaa | break out with measles | 出麻; 出麻疹
zhutniuu | pay | 出糧
zhutnng | hedge | 出卵; 孵化
zhutpafn | graduate | 出班
zhutpafn'ee | published | 出版的
zhutpafn'giap | publisher | 出版業
zhutpafnbut | publications | 出版物
zhutpafngiap | publishing business | 出版業
zhutpafnhoad | publication law | 出版法
zhutpafnkoaan | literary property; copyright | 出版權
zhutpafnsia | publisher | 出版社
zhutpafnsiofng | publisher | 出版商
zhutpan | distinguish | 出辨
zhutparn zuxiuu | freedom of the press | 出版自由
zhutparn | publish; publication | 出版
zhutparn-siofng | publisher | 出版商
zhutparn-soex | publication royalties | 出版稅
zhutpefng | sending out troop to fight; send forth soldiers | 出兵
zhutphaang | setting out to sail; sail | 出帆; 揚帆; 船開航
zhutphia'ar | measles | 出癖仔
zhutphiah | bleak out with measles; have measles | 出疹; 出癖; 出麻疹
zhutphiaqar | measles | 出癖仔
zhutphirn | manufacture products; products of company; manufactured things; produce; to send an article to an exhibition | 出品
zhutphoax | reveal a secret; become known like a secret; to leak out a secret | 顯露; 出破; 洩露; 露出破綻
zhutphwn | escape; flee one's home and live in exile | 出奔
zhutpixn | carry a coffin to the grave; funeral procession | 出殯
zhutpngr | out of the list; notice | 出榜; 告示
zhutpurn | lay out money; invest capital | 出資
zhutsafnte | origin | 出產地
zhutsaix | compete | 出賽
zhutsarn | products; produce; natural products; to produce | 出產
zhutsay | become an independent worker; become a journeyman after being an apprentice | 出師; 藝滿
zhutsefng | born | 出生
zhutsefng-jibsuo | risk one's life; go beyond the call of duty | 出生入死
zhutsefng-zerngbengsw | birth certificate | 出生證明書
zhutseg | outstanding; successful in performance; promising person; man or woman | 出色; 出息
zhutsegpho | roll book; attendance record book | 出席簿
zhutsek | be present (at a meeting or class); be present at class or a meeting; attendance | 出席
zhutsenglut | birth rate | 出生率
zhutsiaxhoe | enter society; to go to work | 出社會
zhutsiin | very concentrate in attention; be absent minded; absorbed in thought; in mental concentration; in ecstasy; divine or supremely great when speaking of literary or artistic works | 出神; 專注; 入神
zhutsiu | out of the nest | 出巢
zhutsiuu | sell; offer goods for sale | 出售
zhutsix | be born; be born | 出世; 出生
zhutsofng | carry to the grave | 出喪
zhutsor | police station | 出所; 派出所
zhutsu | accident | 出事
zhutsui | grain maturing to the point of producing ears of grain | 出穗; 結穗
zhutsuun | to patrol; make the rounds (used for a general head or chief) | 出巡
zhutsvef zerngbeeng | birth certificate | 出生證明
zhutsvef | birth certificate | 出生
zhutsvef-jibsie | expose oneself to great danger | 出生入死
zhutsviaf | making vocal sound; speak out; utter | 出聲
zhutsvialaai | speak out | 出聲來
zhutsvoaf | carry a coffin to the grave; funeral procession | 出殯; 出山
zhutsvy | born | 出生
zhutsw | publish a book | 出書
zhutsyn | one's previous experience or occupation; be a graduate of a university; be a native of; rise from poverty to wealth and rank | 出身
zhuttaai | on the stage` | 出台
zhuttaixcix | something happened; got into trouble | 出代誌
zhuttau | acne; smallpox | 出痘; 生天花
zhuttaux | fought | 出鬥
zhuttay | be born | 出胎
zhuttee | set a theme; to make out questions for an examination | 出題
zhutteeng | appear in court | 出庭
zhuttefng | have a male offspring | 得子; 出丁; 生兒子
zhutthaau surn kag | take responsibility and so suffer a loss | 出頭損角; 樹大招風
zhutthaau | outstanding; appear; show up; present oneself; special skill; play tricks | 出頭; 出人頭地; 出面; 花樣
zhutthauthvy | the day of success; make good or become successful (said of people of humble origin) | 出頭天; 熬出頭了
zhutthay | be born | 出胎
zhutthiøo | person superior to others in excellence or in skill | 出頭; 出人頭地
zhutthoaan | start a trour | 出團
zhutthoad | out of dilemma; break away from sufferings; make good or succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 出脫; 脫離困境
zhutthoatbøo | outstanding yet? | 出脫無
zhutthor | be unearthed like antiques; be discovered | 出土
zhutthviaf | the bride goes to the dining room to have dinner | 出廳; 結婚當晚新娘出大廳吃晚餐
zhuttin | go out in procession or file to battle | 出陣
zhuttioxng | inflation; overspoken | 出脹; 言行無符常識
zhuttiøq | person superior to others in excellence or in skill | 出擢
zhuttngg | come out | 出堂
zhuttong | dispatch or send out troops; armored units or reinforcements | 出動
zhuttviuu | come on the scene; appear; go on stage (said of actor); enter the stadium or arena (said of an athlete) | 出場
zhuttviw | leave home on business (said of officials) | 出差; 出張
zhuttø | debut | 出道
zhuttøee | create questions in an examine | 出題
zhutzai lie | you are welcome to…; it is your own choosing to… | 隨你的便
zhutzai | 隨便 + personal pronoun | 隨便; 出在
zhutzao | run away from home; desert one's family | 出走
zhutzefng | going out to fight a war; go to the front | 出征
zhutzeng | come off retreat (Catholic) | 出靜
zhutzhaix | place dishes on the table | 上菜
zhutzhao | going out to hunt for heads of other tribes | 出草; 出去獵首級
zhutzhaw | military training | 出操
zhutzhay | leave home on business (said of officials) | 出差
zhutzheq | published | 出冊
zhutzhoee | got into trouble | 出箠
zhutzhoef | cook out | 出炊
zhutzhud | not highly regard | 出出; 齣齣
zhutzhud-jibjip | constantly going in and out | 進進出出
zhutzhuix | speak; to flatter | 開口; 靠嘴巴
zhutzhutjibjip | in and out | 出出入入
zhutzhux | provenance; run away | 出處; 出厝; 走出家
zhutzof | rent out; hire out; for rent; put up for rent | 出租
zhutzoxng | funeral procession; carry a coffin out to the grave; escort a funeral | 出葬; 出殯
zhutzuie | vent one's anger; take one's spite out on another | 出水; 出水了; 出氣
zhutzuun | send out the ship- fishing | 出船
zhutzuyzw | water droplets | 出水珠
zhutzvoaa | have spring water | 出泉; 流出水來
zhutzw | put up capital; present capital;finance a business; have smallpox | 出珠; 出資; 出天花
zhutzwix | plan; scheme; provide an idea; incite or instigate | 出主意
zhutør | slip and fall | 滑倒
zhuun | inform a superior or a friend of what we mean to do; get permission; ask a person's consent | 尊; 存
zhuun-auxpo | see zhun'auxpo | 存後步
zhuun-phvayix | bad intension | 存歹意
zhuun-thienlioong | conscience | 存天良
zhux | house; home; manage; place oneself in; a place; office; department in a government agency | 厝; 次; 處; 房子
zhux-lioxngzwsox | secondary quantum number | 次量子數
zhux`ee | secondary, inferior, second grade, substandard | 次的; 次等的; 副
zhuxkao | order the dog to do something | 使狗
zhuxn | Chinese inch; 3.02 cm; an inch | 寸
zhuxnpan | make example | 存範
zhuxnsie | risk one's life; defy death | 冒死
zhuxtøfkhix | If you throw banana peels there, you will cause someone to slip and fall. | 香蕉皮如丟在那兒, 會害人滑倒。
zhuxtør | slip and fall | 跙倒
zhuy | shirk; to decline; to yield; excuse oneself | 推; 摧; 催; 勒緊
zhuy`sie | strangle | 勒死
zhuymoo | investigate, search out | 揣摩
zhuyto | to conjecture, to guess | 揣度
zhuytok | draw inferences from evidence | 揣督; 揣度; 臆測
zhuyzaan | destroy, ruin | 廢墟
zhuyzheg | conjecture, guess | 揣測
zhuzhao | mowing | 趨草
zhuzhw | askant; obliquity | 斜斜
zhva | sound; make noise; do; manage | 做; 錚; 鈸聲; 吵聲
zhvae | Variegated colors | 彩; 摘
zhve'afzaang | areca- imply reckless | 菁仔欉
zhve'angtefng | traffic light | 紅綠燈
zhve'ar | areca palm | 青仔; 檳榔樹; (種子)
zhve'iaw | very hungry | 青餓; 飢餓
zhve'mr | brother or sister's mother-in-law | 親姆; 親家母
zhve'ngg putciab | The old grain is used up before the harvest of the new crop A period of insufficiency to tide over | 青黃無接
zhve'ngg | pale and yellowish | 青黃; 黃疸病
zhvea | awake; wake up; become sober | 醒
zhvea`aq | awake | 醒矣
zhvea`khylaai | return to consciousness; wake up; brought to one's senses | 醒過來; 醒了
zhveaftii | areca pond | 青仔池
zhveafzaang | betel palm tree (a person dumb as a wooden chicken) | 菁仔欉
zhveangtefng | traffic light | 青紅燈
zhveangtengkhaf | under traffic light | 青紅燈跤
zhvear | areca palm | 菁仔
zhvebeqafciuo | draught beer | 生啤仔酒
zhvebie zwcviaa png`ar | fait accompli; What is done cannot be undone (Lit. The rice has been cooked.) | 生米煮成飯
zhvebin | easy to get angry | 青面; 容易生氣
zhvebin-liaugee | evil looking; coarse looking | 青面獠牙
zhvebixnliaugee | green-faced fangs | 青面獠牙
zhveboee | green plums; unripened plums | 青梅
zhvechiuo | beginner; novice | 生手
zhvechiuxzaang | areca tree | 青樹欉
zhvechixn | chilly | 青凊; 生凊; 陰冷的; 悽涼
zhveciah | eat raw | 生食
zhveciøh | bluestone | 青石
zhveciøqhoef | quicklime | 生石灰
zhvecvyar | areca flower | 青茈仔
zhveea'zhvezhvef | extreme green | 青青青
zhvef | fresh like fruits; meat; eggs or vegetables | 鮮
zhvef-gulefng | fresh milk | 鮮牛乳; 鮮牛奶
zhvef-hoanciøar | bell pepper | 青蕃椒仔
zhvefbak | easy on the eye; neat and clear | 醒目
zhvefgo | awake (from errors; illusion); to come to one's senses | 醒悟
zhvefgvo | waken up to understanding | 醒悟
zhvefsex | vivifies; gives life to; arouses to action | 醒世
zhvefzhvea | be conscious, be awaken, not in sleep | 醒醒; 清醒
zhvegek | emerald | 青玉; 翡翠
zhvegii | feel nauseated, become dubious, become suspicious | 醒疑; 起疑心
zhvegin'giin | saucer eyes, saucer-eyed | 眼睛很大
zhvegingiin | saucer eyes; saucer-eyed | 撐很大
zhvegoaxsvoax | ultraviolet ray | 青外線; 紫外線
zhvegulefng | fresh milk (not condensed or powdered) | 鮮牛乳; 鮮奶
zhvehii | fresh fish (not salted) | 鮮魚
zhvehoafn | aborigines of Taiwan; an unruly fellow; unreasonable | 生蕃; 生番; 無講理
zhvehoan'afkviw | spicy pepper | 青番仔薑
zhvehoea | green fire | 青火
zhvehoef | fresh flowers (not artificial) | 鮮花
zhvehoegiaam | green limestone | 青灰岩
zhvehun | unacquainted with person or place | 生份; 陌生的; 無熟悉的
zhvehunlaang | stranger | 生分人
zhvehuxnkarm | unfamiliar | 生份感
zhvehuxnlaang | a stranger | 陌生人
zhvehøhøo | greenish | 青荷荷
zhveia | starry night | 星夜
zhvejii | stars | 星兒
zhvekhaf | new hand; raw recruit | 新手
zhvekhag | green shell | 青殼
zhvekhuix | raw-tasting | 鮮吃; 豆腥氣
zhvekib | star rating | 星級
zhvekii | rhizome - plant for medicine | 青耆
zhvekiuu | planets; stars | 星球
zhvekngf | starlight | 星光
zhvekong'ho | a sudden shower | 青狂雨; 驟雨
zhvekonggarn | glaucoma | 青光眼
zhvekonglat | working very vigorously like a strong young man who does not economize his strength; sometimes too roughly or rashly | 青狂力; 蠻力
zhvekoong | acting very impulsively and hastily; lose one's self possession | 倉皇; 生狂; 慌張
zhvekviaf | be startled at | 驚愕; 生驚; 吃驚
zhvekviw | un pickled ginger | 生薑
zhvekyn | clue vein | 青筋; 靜脈
zhvekøfhaang | fresh fruits store | 青果行
zhvekør | fresh fruits | 青果
zhvelek | turquoise | 青綠
zhvelengtøf | large sword of ancient Chinese | 青龍刀
zhvelerng | cold; frigid | 寒冷; 生冷
zhvelernglexng | greenish | 青蘢蘢
zhvemee mxkviaf zhexng | Ignorance is bliss. What you don't know won't hurt you. (Lit. A blind person doesn't fear a gun.) | 瞎子無怕槍; 初生之犢不畏虎。
zhvemee | blind | 盲目; 青盲; 瞎眼; 盲人
zhvemee`ee | blind person | 青盲的; 瞎子
zhvemeee | blind person | 盲人, 瞎子
zhvemeguu | blind cow (scolding) an illiterate | 青盲牛; 文盲
zhvemelaang | blind | 青盲人
zhvemfpøo | mother-in-law | 親姆婆
zhvemr | honorific title given to the mothers of married couple; which term is used by the families of the couple | 妻姆; 親家母
zhvepeh | pale and sickly | 青白; 蒼白
zhvephøee | rawhide; untanned hide | 生皮
zhvepiarngpiaxng | greenish | 青迸迸
zhvepo'afterng | top of the grass field | 青埔仔頂
zhvepoxngpeqpong | rush; careless | 青磅白磅
zhveseg | green color; sky blue | 青色
zhvesiin | stars; planets | 星辰
zhvesof | unacquainted with a matter; place; person; job | 生疏
zhveswnsurn | become pale with fear | 青筍筍; 怕得臉色發青
zhvetaang | bronze | 青銅
zhvetee | green tea | 青茶
zhvetefng | green light | 青燈
zhvetek'ar | green bamboo | 青竹仔
zhveteksy | bamboo snake | 青竹絲; (毒蛇)
zhvethauchirnbin | angry; mad | 生頭凊面
zhvethi'ar | lettuce | 青苔仔
zhvethiaothiaux | live and still jumping up and down | 青跳跳
zhvethii | green moss | 青苔
zhvetii | green moth, green algae | 青池; 青苔
zhvezhaelui | lettuce | 生菜類
zhvezhafng | onion | 青蔥
zhvezhaix | vegetables; greens | 青菜; 蔬菜
zhvezhang'afthaau | onion | 青蔥仔頭
zhvezhao | medical herbs | 青草
zhvezharm | tragic; miserable; wretched | 淒慘
zhvezharm-logpheg | very miserable | 悽慘落泊; 慘透了
zhvezhaw | Sumptuous meal food; banquet | 大餐; 腥臊; 豐盛餐食
zhvezhaw'ar | medical herb | 青草仔; 草藥
zhvezhawaftee | herb tea | 青草仔茶
zhvezhawaftiaxm | herb tiaxm | 青草仔店
zhvezhawar | green grass | 青草仔
zhvezhawoo | a green lake which is in Sinzu | 青草湖
zhvezhawtee | green grass tea | 青草茶
zhvezhuieafzhvezhuix | verdant | 青翠仔青翠
zhvezhuiezhvezhuix | verdant | 青翠青翠
zhvezhuix | fresh green like growing plants | 青翠
zhvezhvef | greenish | 青青
zhvezhvekongkoong | rush; rul | 生生狂狂
zhvezuie | unboiled water | 生水
zhvezø | constellation | 星座
zhvoaa`køex | across | 橫過
zhvoaf | clevis pin; stab; prick; a thorn; a splinter | 刺; 扦; 芒刺; 插銷
zhvoar`koex | graze (as an arrow or bullet) | 擦過
zhvoar`køex | graze (as an arrow or bullet) | 闖過
zhvoarlo | short cut | 閂路; 走捷徑
zhvoarmngg | snib; bolt a door | 閂門
zhvoartø | trespass | 闖道
zhvoarzhvoax`khylaai | bolt up | 閂閂起來
zhvoax | instead; contrary (to expectations); always; to string together; to mix up; to conspire; to connect; (a measure word); string; more (than sth else); even; bolt with a bar; latch or bolt of a door | 閂; 闖
zhw textharn | spread carpet | 舖地毯
zhw thafn'ar | spread blanket | 舖毯仔
zhw zhawchiøh | spread mat | 舖草蓆
zhw zhngkyn | spread the bed sheets | 舖床巾
zhw | lay; arrange; sloping; inclined | 敷; 趨; 樞; 斜; 趄; 鋪; 樞紐; 雛; 舒; 滑
zhw'au | after this, from now on | 此後; 今後
zhw'ek | bubonic plague | 鼠疫
zhw`løqkhix | slide down a slope | 滑落去
zhwau | from now on; from now on; henceforth | 此後; 從此以後
zhwchiaux | tease; play a joke | 取笑
zhwek | plague | 鼠疫
zhwgi | righteous | 取義
zhwgoa | besides; in addition; moreover | 此外
zhwha | took down | 取下
zhwheeng | inflict punishment; punish; execute; mete out a sentence | 處刑
zhwhie | a slender marine fish | 鼠鱚; 細長的海魚
zhwhngf | prescription, formula | 處方
zhwhoad | how to take | 取法
zhwhoafn | this time | 此番; 今回
zhwhoat | punish; punishment; punish | 處罰
zhwhoee | to take back | 取回
zhwhofng | prescription | 藥方; 處方
zhwhun | punishment | 處份
zhwhwn | punish; disposition; settle; manage; get rid of; punish | 處分
zhwhøee | to take back | 取回
zhwhøo | reconciliation; mediation | 處和; 調停
zhwiet | please; to please a person; to curry popularity | 取悅
zhwiong | access | 取用
zhwkerng | the position one is in; the circumstances one faces | 處境
zhwkhakkea | Taiwanese glutinous rice cake | 鼠麴粿
zhwkhakkoea | Taiwanese glutinous rice cake | 鼠麴粿
zhwkhakzhao | Taiwanese glutinous rice cake | 鼠麴草
zhwkhar | trick | 取巧
zhwkheg | now; this moment | 此刻
zhwkhiao | to take a snap course | 取巧
zhwkhiaux | to manipulate things for selfish purpose, to take advantage of others | 取巧
zhwkhix | in the future; afterward | 將來; 今後; 從此以後
zhwkhoarn | take money from; draw money (from a bank) | 取款
zhwkietlea | Purification ceremony | 取潔禮
zhwkoad | decided by; rest with; put to death; execute; decide; resolve | 取決; 處決
zhwlaai | fetched | 取來
zhwli | receive interest, profit | 取利
zhwlie | handle; manage; dispose; disposition; to handle | 處理
zhwloarn | to warm oneself | 取暖
zhwlok | get one's jollies; make merry; have a good time | 取樂
zhwluo | virgin | 處女
zhwlytiau | dispose of | 處理掉
zhwmiaa | name | 取名
zhwn | know very thoroughly; as a man's whole character | 剩; 鰆; [*]; 伸; 很熟識; 賰; 春
zhwn-ha-chiw-tofng | spring, summer, autumn and winter | 春夏秋冬
zhwn-tngchiuo | stretch out- asking for a favor | 伸長手
zhwn`cide | stretch out | 伸一下
zhwn`ee | remaining | 剩的
zhwn`zhutkhix | stretch out | 伸出去
zhwnau | raise hell; be unreasonable | 取鬧
zhwniuu | take grain | 取糧
zhwnpun | dull | 蠢笨
zhwoat | please | 取悅
zhwpoex | gang | 鼠輩
zhwpør | take treasure | 取寶
zhwsex | conduct oneself in life | 處世
zhwsexng | won | 取勝
zhwsiaw | annul; cancel; rescind; revoke; cancel; nullify | 取消
zhwsiax | choose; discriminate; select | 取捨
zhwsie | punish with death | 處死
zhwsii | this moment; right now; this moment | 此時
zhwsii-zhwkheg | at this time | 此時此刻
zhwsiok | cheap | 取俗; 看中價廉
zhwsixn | win the trust | 取信
zhwsu | this matter; handle business; deal with affairs; manage the business | 此事; 處事
zhwtai | replace; substitute; supersede; replace; substitute | 取代
zhwtai-ky | substitution group | 取代機
zhwte | here | 此地
zhwtex | enforce (law); ban; clampdown; prohibit; punish the violator of a police regulation; to ban | 取締
zhwthee | enforce (law), prosecute, to ban, to prohibit | 取締
zhwthex | enforce (law); ban; clampdown | 取締
zhwti | manage | 處治; 煩人; 判決
zhwtiau | remove | 取掉
zhwtid | take; get; obtain | 取得
zhwtiofng | here | 此中
zhwtiongnoaa | take center column | 取中欄
zhwtix | dispose of; deal with | 處置
zhwtoan | mange | 處斷
zhwtongkym | now | 此當今; 現在
zhwtvar | timid | 鼠膽
zhwwn | plague | 鼠瘟
zhwzaai | select material for a book or article | 取材
zhwzarm | behead; decapitate | 處斬
zhwzhud | to take out, to bring out | 取出
zhwzhux | here | 此處
zhwzoe | punish crime | 處罪; 判罪
zhø'iuu | bash oil | 臊油
zhøchioxng | to handle | 操縱
zhøe | track; trace | 尋; 揣; 追尋
zhøe'id | the first day of the month | 初一
zhøe-boo | cannot find | 找無
zhøe-bøextiøh | unable to find, unable to locate | 找無到; 揣袂著
zhøe-bøo | cannot find | 揣無
zhøe`tiøh | found it | 尋到
zhøea | marrow | 髓
zhøee | drag on the floor | 箠; 拖在地上
zhøef | blow; cooking; initial; steaming | 吹; 炊; 初; 蒸
zhøef-kawlee | dog howling | 吹狗螺
zhøef`køex | to blow over | 吹過
zhøef`nih | in the beginning (of a month, season) | 初裡; 在上旬
zhøehii | cook fish by steaming | 蒸魚; 炊魚
zhøehkhuix | stop respiration; suppress feeling | 慼氣; 憋氣
zhøehmia | grief | 慼命
zhøehofng | blow air | 吹風
zhøehsym | (adj) heartbroken; desperate | 慼心; 失望
zhøehsym-oarnmia | griefing | 慼心怨命
zhøekuie | Which date of the month? | 初幾
zhøekyn | cooking towel | 炊巾
zhøekøea | braise rice cake | 蒸粿; 炊粿
zhøelag | to blow off | 吹掉; 吹落
zhøeliaang | blow cool | 吹涼
zhøeløh | to blow off | 吹落
zhøepng | cook rice | 炊飯
zhøeq | hate; complain | 慼; 怨恨; 厭惡
zhøesiaw | play flute | 吹簫
zhøesid | to blow out | 吹熄
zhøesie | to commit suicide, to try to kill oneself | 尋死
zhøesngg | steamer basket | 炊床; 蒸籠
zhøesuun | beginning of season | 初旬
zhøetør | to blow down | 吹倒
zhøex | crisp; fragile | 脆; 摖
zhøexkhafng | seize every opportunity | 尋工; 揣空
zhøexkiuu | seek after (God, truth) | 尋求; 揣求
zhøexlaang | to find a person, to visit (a friend), to look for someone | 尋人; 揣人; 找人
zhøexphang | seeking seams; find shortcomings | 尋縫; 找缺點
zhøexsie | to commit suicide, to try to kill oneself | 揣死
zhøexzhud | to find out, to discover, to search out | 找出; 揣出; 尋出
zhøf | meat or fish; meat diet; stimulative food such as garlic; onion; leek which is forbidden to Buddhist monks and vegetarians | 葷; 臊; 腥; 薑
zhøfaxn | draft copy | 初案; 草案
zhøfbok kaipefng | grass and trees were all troops imaginary fears of a routed army | 草木皆兵
zhøfbok | grass and trees; vegetation | 草木
zhøfbø | straw hat | 草帽; 蓪草帽
zhøfheng | conduct; behavior; deportment (as in school) | 操行
zhøfhoef | straw flower | 草花; 蓪草之造花
zhøfiog | draft an agreement or contract | 草約
zhøfji | cursive style of writing; characters written in the script type | 草字; 草書
zhøfkakkoea | Taiwanese herbal cake | 草麴粿
zhøfkan'ar | olive | 橄欖仔
zhøfkannafheeng | oliver shape | 草橄欖形
zhøfkannar | oliver | 草橄欖
zhøfkhakkea | Taiwanese herbal cake | 草麴粿
zhøfkoafn jinbeng | treat human life as grass attach no importance to human life | 草菅人命
zhøfkør | sketch; draft; rough sketch or draft | 草稿
zhøfliok | roughly, generally | 草略
zhøfpurn | herbaceous | 草本
zhøfsiar | cursive style of writing; script type of calligraphy | 草寫
zhøfsud | careless; slapdash | 草率
zhøfsw | cursive style of writing; running or cursive handwriting; cursive characters | 草書
zhøftah | step on grass | 草踏
zhøfthad | cork stopper | 草塞; 軟木塞
zhøfthat'ar | cork; plug; filters the mouth | 軟木塞; 草塞仔; 濾嘴
zhøfzhoxng | at the beginning of a business | 草創
zhøfzhuix | trifling; trivial; pettiness | 瑣碎
zhøfzhør | careless; sloppy | 草草
zhøfzhør-liawsu | dispose of a thing carelessly or hastily | 草草了事
zhøfzoar | rough paper | 草紙
zhøhlaang | scold people obscenely | 操人; 辱罵人
zhøhma | swearing | 惡罵; 罵髒話
zhøliau | coarse material | 粗料
zhøq | scold someone with vulgarity; scold with obscene language | 罵; 謾罵; 罵髒話
zhøq-karnkiau | scold with obscene language | 罵姦撽; 謾罵; 辱罵
zhør | grass; straw; herb; weed; coarse; crude; draft of a writing; to draft; the script type of Chinese calligraphy | 草; 潦草; 楚; 軟木
zhørbie | unpolished rice; unpolished rice | 糙米
zhørbiu | wrong | 錯謬
zhørchioxng | manage; control or manipulate activities or people | 操縱
zhørchiu | cut or fell a tree | 砍樹; 伐木; 剉樹
zhørchiuar | cut or fell a tree | 剉樹仔; 伐木; 砍樹
zhørchiuo | make a slip; injure a person accidentally | 錯手; 失手
zhørcied | discouragement; disappointment; frustration; setback; defeat; failure | 挫折
zhørgo pekzhud | full of mistakes | 錯誤百出
zhørgo | error; false; incorrect; mistake; wrong; a mistake; fault | 錯誤
zhørgoxtiofng | in error | 錯誤中
zhørgvo | mistake | 錯誤
zhørgvoxee | mistake | 錯誤的
zhørhabthea | complex | 措合體; 錯合體
zhørhap | complex (chemistry) | 措合; 錯合; 複雜的
zhørhap-lixzuo | complex ion (chemistry) | 措合離子; 錯合離子; 絡離子
zhørheeng | conduct; behavior; deportment (as in school) | 操行
zhørhvi | deaf | 噪耳; 刺耳
zhørji | wrong words; misspelling; misprint | 錯字
zhørjin | mistaken | 錯認
zhørkag | delusion; false impression (by error due to the senses); false perception; illusion | 錯覺
zhørkoaix | blame unjustly | 錯怪
zhørkoex kihoe | let an opportunity slip by | 錯過機會
zhørkoex | let a chance slip by; to miss | 錯過
zhørlanghi | too loud that might cause deaf | 噪人耳
zhørlanghvi | disturb somebody | 擾人耳; 很吵
zhørliawliao | all went wrong | 剉了了
zhørloan | erroneous and mixed; disorderly; confused; abnormal; distraction | 錯亂
zhørmoo | to harass | 挫摩; 挫磨
zhørpai | frustrate; foil; defeat | 挫敗
zhørsid | mistake | 錯失
zhørsii | terms, expressions | 措辭; 措詞; 表達; 術語
zhørsiofng | to damp, to dampen | 挫傷
zhørsu | wrongdoing | 錯事
zhørsuu | terms, expressions | 措詞; 措辭
zhørsy | measure; step | 措施
zhørtiau | cut it off | 剉掉
zhørtix | to arrange, to manage | 措致
zhørym | noise | 噪音
zhørzap | complicated and confused | 錯雜
zhørzhaa | logging; fell trees for firewood | 砍柴; 剉柴
zhørzhørtiau | cut it off | 剉剉掉
zhørzofng | intricate | 錯綜
zhøsiofng | negotiation; consultation | 磋商
zhøx kamciax | cut sugarcane; sugarcane harvest | 砍甘蔗; 採收甘蔗
zhøx | drill; to exercise; grasp; manage; restrain; to practice | 操; 剉; 措; 錯; 伐; 砍; 糙
zhøzhaix | meat or fish | 葷菜; 腥菜; 臊菜
zng'afzhux | brick house | 磚仔厝
zngf zherngcie | load a gun | 裝子彈
zngx`zhutlaai | drilled through | 鑽出來
zoad`zhutlaai | to leak out | 濺出來; 溢出來
zoafzhux | paper house (burned funerals) | 紙厝; 陪葬用
zoanthea zhutsek | perfect attendance | 全體出席
zoanzhef | send specially | 專差; 特派
zoaq`zhutlaai | spill out | 濺出來; 溢出來
zoeazhaan | farming | 種田
zoeazhaolaang | be a stinker | 做臭人
zoeazhat | to be a thief | 做賊
zoeazhof | at first; in the very beginning | 最初
zoeazhox | made vinegar | 做醋
zoeazhud | made | 做出
zoeazhøx | wrong doing | 做錯
zofngbuxzhux | Office of General Affairs | 總務處
zofngzhaai | president; director general; president or governor of a bank; political party | 總裁
zofngzhambotviuo | chief of the general staff | 總參謀長
zofngzhea | headquarter address | 總扯
zofngzhefng | generic name; general term | 總稱
zofngzhux | head office | 總處
zofsuzhaan | ancestors farm | 祖師田
zofzhux | ancestral home; native place | 祖家; 祖厝; 祖家,老家; 老家
zongkaux zhaiphvoarsor | The Holy Office or tribunal established during the period of the Inquisition | 宗教裁判所
zongzhud | go out | 傱出
zongzhutzongjip | in and out | 傱出傱入
zoong`zhutkhix | rush out | 衝出去
zozhud | let out or rent out; lease a house or car); hire | 租出; 出租
zozhux | rent a house; rent out a house | 租厝
zuie løh ciøh zhud | Stones come into view with a drop in the water line (literally) The truth comes to light eventually | 水落石出
zuie-erngzhaix | water cress | 水蕹菜; 水甕菜
zunzhefng | honorific; title of respect; honor a person with an honorific title | 尊稱
zunzhngf | cabin of s ship; the hold (of a boat or ship) | 船艙
zunzhuo | access | 存取
zunzhuun | inform a superior or a friend of what we mean to do; get permission; ask a person's consent | 尊讓
zuoseeng taixzhøx | commit a serious mistake | 鑄成大錯
zuozhehcvii | registration money | 註冊錢
zuozhehhuix | registration fee | 註冊費
zuozhehzof | registration section | 註冊組
zuozheq chiwsiok | registration procedures | 註冊手續
zuozheq siongphiaw | registered trade mark | 註冊商標
zuozheq zwjim | chief registrar (school) | 註冊主任
zuozheq | register; register (with authorities concerned); register for school | 註冊
zuozheq-zhux | registry, registrar's office | 註冊處; 註冊組
zuq`zhutlaai | exuded | 注出來
zuxbeeng zhengkøf | consider oneself morally superior to others; look down on all others as vulgar or dishonest | 自鳴清高
zuxjieen zhusex | natural trend | 自然趨勢
zuxtong poxzhexng | automatic rifle | 自動步槍
zuxzhaai | commit suicide | 自裁; 自殺
zuxzhad | make a self examination | 自察
zuxzhafn | get together for luncheon or dinner | 聚餐
zuxzhefng | style oneself as…, pretend to be, call oneself, to claim | 自稱
zuxzhoxng | self-made | 自創
zuxzhuo | bring upon oneself | 自取
zuxzhuy | to brag about oneself, to make a boast of oneself | 自吹
zuxzhøe mahoaan | look for trouble | 自找麻煩
zuxzhøe | suffer from one's own action; ask for it | 自找
zuxzo-zhafn | buffet lunch or dinner, cafeteria meal | 自助餐
zuxzo-zhanthviaf | cafeteria | 自助餐廳
zuxzog-zhongbeeng | pretending to be wise; act on one's own judgment; act as if one were an expert; presumptuous; pretentious | 自作聰明
zuxzoxzhafn | buffet | 自助餐
zuyerngzhaix | water spinach | 水蕹菜
zuyhunzhef | hookah pipe | 水薰吹
zuyhunzhoef | water pipe, hookah | 水薰吹
zuylauzhaa | water flow wood | 水流柴
zuyliok liofngzhef-toxngbut | amphibian | 水陸兩棲動物
zuyløh-ciøqzhud | come to the bottom | 水落石出
zuysiong-kefngzhad | harbor police | 水上警察
zuyzhaan | rice farm; paddy field; rice field | 水田
zuyzhae | water colors | 水彩
zuyzhafng | welsh onion | 水蔥
zuyzhanpvy | farm side | 水田邊
zuyzhao | grass grows in the water; water plant | 水草
zuyzhaybi | watercolor | 水彩味
zuyzhayoe | water color painting | 水彩畫
zuyzhayoexkaf | watercolorist | 水彩畫家
zuyzhefng | clear water | 水清
zuyzhenghihien | clear water showing fishes | 水清魚現
zuyzhenghihiexn | clear water showing fishes | 水清魚現
zuyzhexng | a squirt gun; water gun | 水槍
zuyzhngf | water tank | 水艙
zuyzhngg | water bed | 水床
zuyzhw | (Zoology) a tadpole | 水蛆; 蝌蚪
zuzhad | red paint | 朱漆
zuzhafng | chopped onion | 珠蔥
zuzhek'hoe | information council | 資策會
zuzhuo kijiok | ask for an insult; invite humiliation | 自取其辱
zveazhuix | debate | 諍喙
zvezhar | brawl | 爭吵
zvoaxzhud | splash | 濺出
zwkeazhux | chief accounting office | 主計處
zwzhaai | person in authority, exercise authority | 主裁
zwzhaix | cook; prepare food or dishes | 煮菜; 做菜
zøeazhøx | do something wrong | 做錯
zøflunzhexng | revolver | 左輪槍
zøhzhaan | farm; cultivate rice fields | 種田; 作田; 耕作
zøhzhanlaang | farmer | 農夫人
zørsenglyzhuix | eloquence in business speech | 做生理喙
zørsu cyn-løfzhør | do things carelessly | 做事很草率
zørzhaan | farm | 種田
zørzhanlaang | peasant | 農夫
zørzhaolaang | be a bad guy | 做臭人
zørzhat sym hy | A thief has a guilty conscience. One who has done something bad secretly cannot look others in the eye | 做賊心虛
zørzhat | steal, be a thief | 做賊
zørzhud | make | 做出
zørzhutlaai | made it | 做出來
zørzhøx | do (something) wrong | 做錯
zøxzheq | printing books | 造冊
zøxzhux | offend | 造次
øe'afzhaix | lettuce | 萵仔菜; 蒿仔菜
øexzhud | able to; can | 能出; 會出
øqzhuix-øqcih | repeat a man's words in his presence in a mocking way | 學嘴學舌; 學人口音

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