"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zhør

be zhengzhør | cannot see distinctly | 未清楚
bøo zhengzhør | did not see clearly | 無清楚
hoezhør | flower and grass (paintings) | 花草
itzhefng-jixzhør | very clear | 一清二楚
itzhengjixzhør | very clear | 一清二楚
kamzhør | liquorice; licorice | 甘草
khyzhør | draft (a bill); draw up (plans); drafting; make a draft | 起草
kix-bøo zhengzhør | have no clear recollection; did not remember clearly | 記無清楚
kviaa-zhørlo | go the wrong way | 走錯路
logzhør | to join the bandits | 落草
løfzhør | scratchy; slipshod; careless in managing affairs; in a careless off hand manner | 潦草; 草率
pwnzhør | a book on Chinese (herbal) medicine | 本草
sinkefng zhørloan | nervous disorder; mental disorder | 神經錯亂
thienzhør | momordica cochinchinensis (grass) | 天草
thongzhør | woody plants | 蓪草
tongthionghaxzhør | cordyceps sinensis | 冬蟲夏草
zabzhørlaang | every kind of people | 各種人
zengsiin zhørloan | dementia; mental derangement; insanity; paranoia | 精神錯亂
zhengzhengzhøfzhør | clear; without ambiguity; know thoroughly | 清清楚楚; 清楚
zhengzhør | clear; without ambiguity; know thoroughly | 清楚; 清清楚楚
zhengzhør`aq | understood | 清楚矣
zhurnzhør | inch grass | 寸草
zhurnzhør-putliuu | leave not even a blade of grass; destroy completely | 寸草無留
zhøfzhør | careless; sloppy | 草草
zhøfzhør-liawsu | dispose of a thing carelessly or hastily | 草草了事
zhør | grass; straw; herb; weed; coarse; crude; draft of a writing; to draft; the script type of Chinese calligraphy | 草; 潦草; 楚; 軟木
zhørbie | unpolished rice; unpolished rice | 糙米
zhørbiu | wrong | 錯謬
zhørchioxng | manage; control or manipulate activities or people | 操縱
zhørchiu | cut or fell a tree | 砍樹; 伐木; 剉樹
zhørchiuar | cut or fell a tree | 剉樹仔; 伐木; 砍樹
zhørchiuo | make a slip; injure a person accidentally | 錯手; 失手
zhørcied | discouragement; disappointment; frustration; setback; defeat; failure | 挫折
zhørgo pekzhud | full of mistakes | 錯誤百出
zhørgo | error; false; incorrect; mistake; wrong; a mistake; fault | 錯誤
zhørgoxtiofng | in error | 錯誤中
zhørgvo | mistake | 錯誤
zhørgvoxee | mistake | 錯誤的
zhørhabthea | complex | 措合體; 錯合體
zhørhap | complex (chemistry) | 措合; 錯合; 複雜的
zhørhap-lixzuo | complex ion (chemistry) | 措合離子; 錯合離子; 絡離子
zhørheeng | conduct; behavior; deportment (as in school) | 操行
zhørhvi | deaf | 噪耳; 刺耳
zhørji | wrong words; misspelling; misprint | 錯字
zhørjin | mistaken | 錯認
zhørkag | delusion; false impression (by error due to the senses); false perception; illusion | 錯覺
zhørkoaix | blame unjustly | 錯怪
zhørkoex kihoe | let an opportunity slip by | 錯過機會
zhørkoex | let a chance slip by; to miss | 錯過
zhørlanghi | too loud that might cause deaf | 噪人耳
zhørlanghvi | disturb somebody | 擾人耳; 很吵
zhørliawliao | all went wrong | 剉了了
zhørloan | erroneous and mixed; disorderly; confused; abnormal; distraction | 錯亂
zhørmoo | to harass | 挫摩; 挫磨
zhørpai | frustrate; foil; defeat | 挫敗
zhørsid | mistake | 錯失
zhørsii | terms, expressions | 措辭; 措詞; 表達; 術語
zhørsiofng | to damp, to dampen | 挫傷
zhørsu | wrongdoing | 錯事
zhørsuu | terms, expressions | 措詞; 措辭
zhørsy | measure; step | 措施
zhørtiau | cut it off | 剉掉
zhørtix | to arrange, to manage | 措致
zhørym | noise | 噪音
zhørzap | complicated and confused | 錯雜
zhørzhaa | logging; fell trees for firewood | 砍柴; 剉柴
zhørzhørtiau | cut it off | 剉剉掉
zhørzofng | intricate | 錯綜
zørsu cyn-løfzhør | do things carelessly | 做事很草率

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