"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zhab

bøo siøkauzhab | no mutual concern; not at all involved in his affairs | 無相交插; 無相往來
kauzhab | involve; implicated; associate; mix with others | 交插; 交往; 牽涉; 瓜葛; 結交; 打交道
mxzhab | no matter; regardless of; pay no heed to | 毋管
siøkauzhab | socialized | 相交插; 來往; 打交道
zabzhab | meddlesome; interfere in the affairs of others | 雜插; 管閒事; 多事干涉
zhab taixcix | get involved | 插代誌
zhab | offer assistance; interfere with; meddle; associate with; have to do with; mix up or shuffle (cards) | 插; 洗牌; 干涉
zhab-pai'ar | shuffle cards | 插牌仔; 洗牌
zhab`tiøh | plug in | 插著
zhabak | knot in a log or piece of wood | 木節; 柴目; 木節瘤
zhabea | wooden horse used in gymnastics; hobbyhorse | 柴馬
zhabeeng | find out | 查明
zhabiu | error, fault, inaccuracy | 查謬; 差錯
zhabzhabløh | keep raining | 㴙㴙落
zhabzhabniq | blinking | 眨眨𥍉
zhabzhabtiq | raindrops | 眨眨滴; 雨滴
zhabzhap | blinking | 眨眨
zhamzhab | middle in other's business | 參涉; 管閒事
zhapzhab | get involved | 插插

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