"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zhah

chiuo zhah'iøf | put one's hands on the hip joints; arms akimbo | 手插腰
chiuo zhahkøq | put one's hands on the hip joints; arms akimbo | 手插腰
huhuzhahzhaq | give present (to one's elder; superior) | 孝敬有加
zhah'iofng | rice transplanting | 插秧
zhah'iøf | put hands at waist; put the hands on the hips | 插腰; 叉腰; 雙手插腰
zhah'ng'ar | planting seedlings | 插秧仔
zhah'ngf | planting seedlings | 插秧
zhah'oe | break into a conversation; an irrelevant episode | 插嘴; 插話
zhah'oef | transplant tree branches | 插枝
zhahaang | a timber store | 柴行
zhahchiu | insert tree | 插樹
zhahchiuo | interfere; take part in; meddle | 插手; 手插腰上
zhahchvy | set up green stalks | 插秧; 插艾草
zhahciafm | engage | 插針
zhahciog | step in | 插足
zhahea | firewood | 柴火
zhahhoe'ar | kibitzer at a mahjong game; sometimes more than just a kibitzer; sometimes he also bets or invests in one of the players | 插花仔; (打麻將用語)
zhahhoear | flower arrangement | 插花仔
zhahhoef | flowers arrangement; put flowers in the hair; arrange flowers; flower arrangement | 插花
zhahhvia | set up stalks of artemisia | 插秧; 插艾草
zhahhviw | incense | 插香
zhahii | dry fish; kind of dried fish called bonito (a mackerel like fish usually sliced into dried strips) | 柴魚; 鰹魚干
zhahjip | to inset, to put into, an insertion | 插入
zhahkheg | insert music; musical interlude or episode | 插曲
zhahki'ar | put out a flag; plant a flag | 插旗仔
zhahkor | enter into partnership | 插股; 加入股東
zhahkux | interrupt | 插句
zhahky | cutting | 插枝
zhahkøq | hands on hips | 插閣; 插腰
zhahløh | insert | 插落
zhahmoar | full | 插滿
zhahoea | firewood | 柴火
zhahofng | sequester; seize | 查封
zhahpafn | transfer study; place a student from another school according to his grade; enter another school according to one's grade | 插班
zhahpansefng | student from another school placed in another school according to his grade; student who enters another school according to his grade | 插班生
zhahpøx | advertisements during the program | 插播
zhahsit laan poef | completely surrounded (Lit. Even if you were given wings; you couldn't fly away.) | 插翅難飛
zhahsit | wing | 插翼
zhahsyn | get involved | 插身
zhahthaau | plug; adapter; a wall plug; electrical outlet | 插頭
zhahtoo | inset; illustrations; figure; an illustration or a cut in a book; magazine or newspaper | 插圖
zhahuar | dust generated from wood burning | 柴烌仔
zhahunhun'ar | differ a little | 差分分仔; 相差很小
zhahuu | dried bonito | 柴魚
zhahw | wood cutter, woodman | 柴屑; 樵夫
zhahzhahzhaq | crowded | 插插插
zhahzheeng | set up banyan stalks | 插榕; 插蓉樹枝
zhahzhuix | take up short; get in a word; chip in; break in; interrupt a narration; conversation; put a word in | 插嘴
zhahzhuix-zhahcih | take part in; meddle | 插嘴插舌
zhahzhve | set up green stalks | 插菁
zhahzø | electric socket; electric plug; electrical outlet | 插座
zhahø | lookup | 查號
zhahør | check it out | 查好

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