"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zhap

jinciorng ee zhapiet thaixgu | racial discrimination | 人種的差別待遇
jinciorng ee zhapiet | racial segregation; apartheid | 人種的差別
thaixgu ee zhapiet | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
zefngzok zhapiet | racial discrimination | 種族差別
zhabzhap | blinking | 眨眨
zhap'engsu | be a busybody; meddle in others affairs | 管閒事
zhapaai | wooden cards | 柴牌
zhapaang | firewood room | 柴房
zhapafng | boards; planks | 柴板
zhapan | investigate | 查辦
zhapang'afzhngg | firewood room bad | 柴枋仔床
zhapang'ar | firewood room | 柴枋仔
zhapchiuo | interfere; meddle officiously; want a share in | 插手
zhapcidkhaf | get involve | 插一跤
zhapea | bundle of wood | 柴把; 捆柴
zhapee | wooden rake; one's wife; repining wife; a wooden rake; a termagant | 柴耙; 木耙; 木耙子; 悍婦
zhapeeng | wooden panel | 柴爿
zhaphea'ar | woodend panels | 柴杮仔
zhaphiøx | check ticket, punch ticket | 查票
zhaphiøx-oaan | conductor in the train | 查票員
zhaphoea'ar | chips of wood | 柴片仔
zhaphoee | bark of a tree | 木皮
zhaphuun | a wooden tub | 柴盆
zhaphvie'ar | panel of wood | 柴片仔
zhaphøee | bark of a tree | 柴皮
zhapiet thaixgu | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
zhapiet | difference; discrepancy; distinction; to make discrimination | 差別
zhapkhaf-zhapchiuo | get involved | 插腳插手
zhaplam | indiscriminately | 插濫
zhapoef | wooden dividing blocks | 柴批; 杯笈
zhappaai | shuffle | 插牌
zhapseg | mix color | 混色
zhapsiaau | have to do with (vulgar) | 插迢; 管它的
zhapsu | meddle | 管事; 插事; 干涉事; 管閑事
zhapudar | wooden idol | 柴佛仔; 木雕神像
zhaput | wooden Budda | 柴佛
zhaputtøf | almost; approximately; just about; differs only by a little bit; almost; nearly | 差無多; 差不多
zhapvoa'ar | wooden plate | 柴盤仔
zhapzap | mixed up; confusion | 混雜; 插雜; 複雜
zhapzhab | get involved | 插插
zhapzhuiezhapcih | get involved | 插喙插舌
zhapzhuix | interrupt the conversation; butt in | 插嘴; 插喙

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