"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zhe

Boafnzhefng | Ching Dynasty (1644-1911) | 滿清
Ciawzheeng | a city in Kaohsiung County | 鳥榕; 鳥松
Goxzhef | a city in Taichung County of Taiwan | 梧棲
Kokzex Texkiuu Koanzheklieen | the International Geophysical Year (IGY) | 國際地球觀測年
Kongkaux Kangzhenghoe | Y.C.W. (J.O.C.); Young Catholic Workers Association | 公教工青會
Samzhefng Tøxzor | the Three Pure Ones | 三清道祖
Samzhefng | the Three Pure Ones | 三清
Serngzheq | the Bible | 聖冊; 聖書
Taixzhefng | (historical) the official name of the Qing dynasty | 大清
Tengzhefng-Oo | Lake in Kaohsiung | 澄清湖
Tengzheng'oo | a famous lake in Kaohsiung | 澄清湖
Thok'hog zhekgiam | Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) | 托福測驗
amlaai-zhefkhix | to adopt the long one to make up the short | 掩來扯去
amlaizhefkhix | to rob peter to pay Paul | 掩來扯去
ampozhee | cicada | 庵埔蟬; 蟬的俗稱
ang'afzheq | a picture book; comic book; comic book | 尪仔冊; 圖畫書; 漫畫書
ang'ar-zheq | picture book | 尪仔冊; 圖畫書
auxzhef | second wife (taken after the death of one's first wife) | 後妻; 繼室
bagzheg | measure distance with the eyes | 目測
bak zhefng bii siux | handsome | 目清眉秀
baxnlienzhefng | Chinese evergreen | 萬年青
bayzhef | ugly wife | 醜妻
be zhengzhør | cannot see distinctly | 未清楚
bengzhefng | title; appellation; designation; name | 名稱; 頭銜
bengzhexng | fire rifles into the air as a warning to a mob; rioters | 鳴槍
bihsiøzhe | hide and seek | 覕相揣
bin'ix zhekgiam | poll taking; public opinion survey | 民意測驗
bixhunzhef | fiancee | 未婚妻
bizhefng bogsiux | handsome; beautiful | 目清眉秀; 眉清目秀
bogkhofng itzhex | so conceited that nothing enters his eyes; very arrogant | 目空一切
bogzhefng bisiux | handsome; beautiful | 目清眉秀; 眉清目秀
bogzheg køchym | unfathomable; inscrutable | 莫測高深
bogzheg | measure distance with the eyes | 目測
bongzhef | deceased wife | 亡妻
bongzhefng | to have a thorough understanding of | 摸清
buzheg | helpless; no plan or policy | 無策
byzheg | paddy rice | 米粟
bøchyn bøzheg | without kin or friends | 無親無戚
bøchyn-bøzheg | orphan without any relatives | 無親無戚
bøo zhengzhør | did not see clearly | 無清楚
chiauzhe | search | 搜揣
chiauzheg | coordinate; dispose anew | 協調; 重新配置; 搜測
chiauzhek | expression; manner; spirited; vigorous; mediate; accommodate; make peace | 超摵; 撨摵; 大變動; 調解; 活躍
chiazheg | side at an oblique angle | 斜測; 斜面
chiezheng | to try on; to fit on; try on clothing | 試穿
chiezhex-kiøx | the sound of big rain | 大雨聲; 哳嚦嘩啦
chinzheg | relatives; relatives on the father's side | 親戚
chionghongzhexng | submachine gun; fully automatic weapon | 衝鋒槍
chiwzheq | a manual; a handbook; hand book; manual | 手冊
chiwzhexng | hand gun; revolver; pistol; male masturbation; gun; pistol; revolver; be mischievous | 手槍; 手銃; 頑皮
chiwzhexng-gyn'ar | a mischievous body | 手槍囝仔; 調皮鬼
chizheg | arrange; plan; fix up | 安排; 考慮
chviuzheg | winnow rice | 颺粟
chym putkhøfzheg | immeasurable depth or profundity; extremely abstruse | 深無可測
ciaqzheng | the basic necessities of life(clothing and food); food and clothing | 食穿; 衣食
ciaqzhengniafpien | easy life | 食清領便
ciarzherng | excuse | 藉稱
ciawzhexng | fowling piece | 鳥槍
cidzhefng | a thousand | 一千
cidzheng'nii | millenium, a thousand years | 一千年
cidzheq | one copy, on volume | 一冊
cienzhef | ex-wife; former wife of a man who has remarried | 前妻
ciernzheg | strategy; ruses of war | 戰策
ciernzheq | playbook for war | 戰冊
citpurnzheq | this book | 這本冊; 這本書
ciøhzhehzexng | library card | 借書證
cviagoeqzhef | first ten days of the year | 正月初
efngpør zhengzhwn | remain youthful forever | 永保青春
ekzheg | conjecture, guess, suppose | 臆測
engzheg | poppy; including opium poppy | 罌粟
ezheg | husk rice | 輾榖; 碾粟
giaqkøzhef | oppose; to object | 唱反調
ginhoex liofngzhefng | completion of a business transaction with goods delivered and payment made | 銀貨兩清
goanzhef | at first; at the beginning; to start; to begin | 起初
goaxkaw zerngzheg | foreign policy | 外交政策
goaxzhef | field work involving running around; business trip need to travel | 外差
goaxzheg | wife's or mother's relatives; connections by marriage | 外戚; 外側
goaxzheq | additional books | 外冊
goeqzhef | first decade of the month | 月初
goexzheg | wife's or mother's relatives | 外戚
gubiin zerngzheg | policy of keeping the people in ignorance under a dictatorship; obscurantism | 愚民政策
guzhef | (formal self reference) your stupid wife | 愚妻
hag sinzheng | buy cloth | 購身穿; 買衣服
haglek zhekgiam | examination of scholastic ability | 學力測驗
haxzheg | bad strategy; measure or policy | 下策
hengzhefng | repay entirely | 還還; 還清
hiafngsiu zheng'eeng | enjoy an easy and comfortable life | 享受清閒
hiauzherng | to invite | 邀請
hiboefzhef | shaped like a fish's forked tail | 魚尾叉
hienzhef | good wife; good wife | 賢妻
hienzhef-liongbiør | dutiful wife and loving mother | 賢妻良母
hienzhef-liongbør | dutiful wife and loving mother | 賢妻良母
hienzheq | flip over the books; open the book | 翻冊; 翻書
hiet'zhefng | serum; blood serum | 血清
hietzhefng liauhoad | serum therapy | 血清療法
hietzhefng | serum; serum | 血清
hiexn keazheg | offer a plan; strategy to win | 獻計策
hiexnzhefng | pay off at hand | 現清
hilanzhea'ar | skin disease caused fish scales | 魚鱗𤺅仔
hilanzhex | wart | 魚鱗繭
hiuzhef | divorce one's wife | 休妻
hoaciog-huzhef | formally married couple | 花燭夫妻
hoanzhefng | settle an account; paid in full like an account or debt | 還清
hoarnzhefng | names widely called | 汎稱
hoatzhef | legal wife | 髮妻
hoehzhefng | serum | 血清
hongzhef | kite | 風吹
hongzheg | tentative plan | 方策
hongzheliern | windmill | 風吹輪
hoo-zhezhef | (idiom) in a mess | 鬍碴碴; 一片狼籍; 雜亂無章
hoxngzhef | to respectfully receiving your order | 奉差; 奉命出差
huihzhefng | serum | 血清
hulanzhea'ar | fish scales | 魚鱗𤺅仔
hunzhef | fork of a tree or a road | 分叉; 分岔; 分歧
hunzhelo | fork of a road | 分叉路; 分岔路
huozhefng | settle up; paid in full | 付清
huzhef | consort; spouse; man and wife | 夫妻
ia zhekzerng | to plant rice seed | 撒粟種; 播稻種
iaxzhef | yaksha (nature spirits); a monstrous-looking devil; female demon | 夜叉
ibiin-zerngzheg | emigration-immigration policy; colonization policy | 移民政策
imzhef | a tuning fork | 音叉
inzheg | relative by marriage | 姻親; 姻戚
irnzheq | print books | 印冊; 印書
it'hw itzhef zex | monogamous | 一夫一妻制
it'hw itzhef zwgi | monogamy | 一夫一妻主義
it'hw tøzhef zwgi | polygamy | 一夫多妻主義
it'iaxzhef | one night stand | 一夜妻
itzhefng-jixzhør | very clear | 一清二楚
itzhengjixzhør | very clear | 一清二楚
itzhex | all, everything | 一切
iuzheeng | Taiwan hemlock (tree) | 油榕; 臺灣鐵杉
iuzhef | postman | 郵差
ixzheg | estimate, predict, make a forecast, an estimate | 預測
iøqzheq | medical books | 藥冊; 藥書
iøzhek | hulled rice | 搖穀; 搖擺
jinzhefng taixbengsuu | personal pronoun | 人稱代名詞
jinzhefng | person (in grammar) | 人稱
jixnzhefng | see or know clearly (which is which); identify clearly | 認清
jukaf-suxzheg | as glue and varnish--close and inseparable friendship | 如膠似漆
kafnzhefng | for short; abbreviated appellation; to be called or known as...; for short | 簡稱
kafzhek'ar kekhix | thrashing machine | 絞粟仔
kanzheg | treacherous policy | 奸策
kapzheq | bind a book | 合冊; 裝訂書本
karzheq | teaching; teach (usually for living) | 教冊; 教書
kauhøex-huozhefng | cash on delivery; C.O.D | 交貨付清
kauzhef | intersect; to cross | 交叉
kauzhefng | all handed over; everything delivered properly; nothing retained | 交清
kauzhetiarm | crossing; crosspoint; intersection; crossing; point of intersection; junction | 交叉點
kayzhefng | rename, retitle | 改稱
ke'nngxzhefng | white of an egg; the albumin | 雞蛋清; 蛋白
keazheg | stratagem; tactics; plan; device; a scheme; a trick; a trap | 計策
keg-sinzheng | vanity; e.g. in dress | 激身穿; 講究衣著
kegkhao zhengzaxn | speak in the highest terms; praise lavishly | 極口稱讚
kemngzherng | a feather duster | 雞毛撢
kemozherng | feather duster | 雞毛撢
kengzheq | classical books | 經冊; 經本,經書
kezherng | piece of split bamboo for chasing animals | 雞筅
khanchyn-bafnzheg | seek special favor or help from somebody by elaborating on one's relationship (usually remote and indirect) with him; to try to cement ties or establish connections with an ulterior motive | 牽親挽戚; 拉關係
khangzhexng | shot without bullet | 空鎗
khanzhea | involve; implicate | 牽扯
kharpinzhexng | carbine | 卡賓槍
khekzhef | incompatible with wife | 剋妻
khiaxmciah-liafmzheng | economize on clothing and food; live a frugal life | 儉吃儉穿
khiaxmzheng | save money on clothes | 儉穿; 穿得省儉
khiaxzhear | marked with x as a rejection sign | 徛叉仔
khiezhexng | air-gun | 氣槍; 氣銃
khimzhef | imperial envoy; commissioner; ambassador | 欽差
khinkizhexng | light machine gun | 輕機槍
khoafnzheq | to put books in order; to tidy | 款冊; 收拾書本
khofzhef | the hard job; painful job | 苦差
khongkhix-zhexng | air gun | 空氣槍
khuizhef | to open a slit in a dress; branch out (as a tree or limb) | 開叉; 分叉
khuizhexng | to shoot; to open fire; fire a rifle | 開銃; 開槍
khutzheg | to fall; drop; or go down; on one's knees; to kneel down; kneel down | 屈膝
khutzheg-tiaupaix | kneel down and worship | 屈膝朝拜
khuzheg | to ruge; to spur; to order (a person) about | 驅策
khvoarzhefng | to see clearly | 看清; 看清楚
khvoarzheq | read a book | 看冊; 看書
khwnzherng | request with great earnestness ─ (used in an application) | 懇請
kiafmzheg | detection | 檢測
kiauzhef | a beloved wife; charming wife | 嬌妻
kiet'hoad-huzhef | legally married couple ─ the first marriage for both husband and wife | 結髮夫妻
kikoanzhexng | a machine gun; machine gun | 機關鎗; 機關銃; 機關槍
kirmzheq | prohibited book; banned book | 禁冊; 禁書
kiuzhee | a bat (for tennis etc.) | 球桿; 撞球槌; 球竿
kix-bøo zhengzhør | have no clear recollection; did not remember clearly | 記無清楚
kizheg | strange scheme; surprised scheme | 奇策
kizherngchiuo | machine gunner | 機槍手
kizhexng | machinegun | 機槍
koanzheg | to observe and survey | 觀測
koatzheg | an adopted policy; decision | 決策
koazheq | a songbook | 歌冊; 歌本
koeazhef | after the first ten days of a month | 過初; 過了月初
koefzhex | dry grounded sticky rice | 粿粞
koemngzherng | dusting gadget made with chicken feathers | 雞毛筅
koezhee | tools for catching chickens | 雞箠
kofzhef | suona | 鼓吹
kofzhehoef | morning glory | 鼓吹花
kofzheq | ancient books; lianhuanhua (graphic novel); books of ancient stories | 古冊; 古書; 故事書
kokzheg | affairs of the state; national policies | 國是; 國策
kongzhef | official errand | 公差
kor zhek'ar | winnow un-hulled rice | 簸穀仔
kuizhengban | thousands | 規千萬
kutzhea | marrow | 骨髓
kuxzheq | a second-hand book | 舊冊; 舊書
kuyzhefng | how many thousands | 幾千
kyliaxmzheq | autograph book | 紀念冊
køab-zerngzheg | high-handed policy | 高壓政策
køe'mngg-zherng | feather duster | 雞毛筅
køe'mngzherng | feather duster | 雞毛筅
køzhef | the man who supervises the boy actors in a company | 比喻反嘴
laam-zheasor | men's room | 男廁所
labzhefng | pay the whole amount | 納清
laggoeqzhef | beginning of June | 六月初
laqzhexng | hunting rifle; hunting gun; fowling piece; shotgun | 獵槍
lefnglerng-zhengzhefng | deserted and quiet (said of a place) | 冷冷清清
lefngzhefng | sober, dispassionate | 冷清
lefngzhengzhefng | deserted | 冷清清
legzhefng | asphalt; pitch; another name of resin | 瀝青
legzherng | entreat earnestly; ask with zeal; eagerness | 力請
lengzhefng | milkfish | 乳鯖
liaqkøzhef | resist; oppose; confrontation; antagonism | 唱反調
liaxmzheq | read out loud; learn by heart; to study | 念冊; 讀書; 念書
lienhoaan-zhexng | serial gun | 連環槍
lienzhefng | young | 年青
liofngsiux zhenghofng | honest public servants attain high official rank without money in the bank | 兩袖清風
liofngzhef poxtui | amphibious force; amphibious troops | 兩棲部隊
liofngzhef toxngbut | amphibian animal | 兩棲動物
liofngzhef | amphibious | 兩棲
liofngzhef-lui | amphibious animals | 兩棲類
liofngzheg | two sides | 兩側
liogkyn-zhengzeng | the purification of the six indriyas or sense-organs; free from human desions | 六根清淨
liogzhef | live on land | 陸棲
liongzhef | good wife; virtuous wife | 良妻
liongzheg | good policy; good policy; scheme; or strategy | 良策
luisiaxzhexng | laser gun | 雷射銃
lyheeng chiwzheq | travelers guidebook; an itinerary | 旅行手冊
løkofzhef | gong | 鑼鼓吹
mauzheg | an earth-closet | 茅粟; 茅廁; 地下壁櫥
miauxzheg | wonderful plan | 妙策
miazhefng | a name; a title | 名稱
miazheq | list of names; roll of names; a register | 名冊; 名簿
mixhwnzhex | dough | 生麵糰
mixzhek | noodle ladle | 麵勺; 煮麵用的深漏勺
mixzhex | noodles | 麵粞
moxzhefng | prentend; claim falsely; make false claim to a title | 冒稱
naixzheng | durable | 耐穿
nawzhea | brain | 腦髓
ngx hauxsvef ciaqzheng | rely on one's son for support | 望後生食穿; 依靠兒子奉養
ngzheg | (millet) | 黃粟; 稷
niawzhexng | hunting gun | 鳥鎗
nizhef | the beginning of the year | 年初
nizhefng | young | 年青
nngxzhefng | white of an egg; the albumin | 蛋白; 卵清; 蛋清
nuixzhefng | egg white | 卵清
oaqoaqbea pak ti sie-zhengchiu | A live horse tied to a dead banyan tree--to tie up resources and (personnel) in a useless project | 活馬綁在死榕樹; 埋沒人才
oarnzheq | hatred; to hate; bear a grudge; be displeased at one's fate | 怨慼; 哀怨; 怨恨
oexzheq | picture album | 畫冊
okzhef | a ferocious wife | 惡妻
ozheeng | small-leaved banyan tree | 黑榕; 烏榕
parngzhexng | fire a gun; release a tile that enables any one of the other three players to complete his winning pattern (in mahjong game) | 放銃; 開槍
paularm itzhex | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
paxng khangzhexng | fire blanks; fire blank cartridges | 放空鎗
pefngzheg | to turn to the side | 側翻
pekzheg kanthiøo | at the top of a hundred foot pole ─ at the highest point | 百尺竿頭
pekzheg | to pursue | 逼促
pengkinzhea | on an average | 平均制
pengzhefng giogkied | incorruptible (said of one's character) | 冰清玉潔
peqbahzheeng | white fig (tree) | 白肉榕
peqzheeng | white fig tree | 白榕
phagzheg | sun or dry rice; place unhulled rice in the sun to dry before storage | 晒穀; 晒稻米
phahchiwzhexng | masturbate | 打手銃; 手淫
phahzhear | mark with a diagonal cross (x) | 打叉仔
phahzhef | cross | 打叉
phahzheg | removing grain shell | 打穀
phahzheksoef | unlucky words | 打穀衰; 無吉的話
phahzherng | mating | 打種; 動物交尾
phahzhexng | fire a gun | 打鎗; 開槍
phak zheg | un drying millet | 曝粟
phanzhea | to involve, to implicate, to drag into matter | 攀扯
phaq-chiwzhexng | masturbate; masturbation | 拍手銃; 手淫; 打手鎗
phaq-zhear | mark with "X", mark as "wrong" | 打叉仔
pharzheg | empty grain | 打穀
phauzhef-lixzuo | abandon wife and kids | 拋妻離子
phek'hae zhengthiefn | blue ocean under a blue sky | 碧海青天
phienzheq | edit; compile books | 編冊; 編書
phietzhef | pen got damaged | 撇叉; 筆頭分叉
pho-zheq | notebooks and books | 簿冊
phoarkezherng | reams of rubbish | 破雞筅; 嘴巴吱吱喳喳講無完
phoarsvix irn zhenghofng | broken fan can make a cool breeze ─ everything has a use | 破扇引清風; 各有所用
phoarzheh | broken sound | 破裂
phoarzhex | (adj) hoarse; rough; unclear and unshaped (of sound) | 破脆; 聲音破破; 聲音欠清脆
phoatzhef | wife that is hard to deal | 潑妻
phogphogzherng | palpitate | 卜卜跳; 砰砰跳
phozheq | notebooks and books | 簿冊
phuhzhexng | like to seek or be in the limelight | 冒衝; 愛出風頭
phurnzhexng | spout water | 噴槍
phuxzhexng | floatation | 浮症
phvaixzhehpaw | backpack | 揹冊包
phvarzheg | blighted grain; defective rice; unsold rice; empty rice chaff | 打穀; 空穀子; 無實之穀; 無米粒的稻榖
phvayzherngzhexng | bad temper and unease | 歹衝衝
phøfzheg | unfathomable, unexpectable, impossible to understand | 普測; 叵測
pienzheg | challenge; put spurs to; spur on | 鞭策
pienzheq | edit; compile books | 編冊
pitzhef | cracked and crossed | 裂叉
pnggrsizhexng | rattle snake | 飯匙銃
pngxsizhexng | cobra; cobra; very venomous snake found in the mountains of Taiwan | 飯匙倩; 飯匙銃; 眼鏡蛇
poehzhefng | eight thousands | 八千
poexzheq | memorize book | 背冊
pogpogzherng | palpitate very fast | 形容心臟跳得很快
pongkoafn`ciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pongkoanciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
poxzhexng | rifle; rifl | 步鎗
punzhef | fork of a tree or a road | 分叉; (分岔); (分歧)
put'siongzhefng | unsuitable, do not match, disproportionate | 無相爭; 不相稱
putzhefng | unsuitable, do not match | 無稱; 不稱; 不清; 不相稱
putzheg cy zay | unforeseen disaster; unexpected calamity | 無測之災
putzheg | unexpectedly; unfathomable; unexpected (death; disaster) | 無測; 突然
putzherng | irregular | 無整
pviarzhefng | to get rid of; to clean away; to sweep away | 清除
pviax-hof zhengkhix | clean up (a room; house) | 拼乎清氣; 打掃乾淨
pviazheq | Chinese tones 'ping' and 'zoh | 平
pviezheng | change dress | 變穿
pvoarlo huzhef | cohabit | 半路夫妻; 露水夫妻
pvuixsizhexng | cobra | 飯匙銃
pynzherng | apply for | 稟請; 請求
safngiap zerngzheg | industrial policy (archaic) | 產業政策
samzhef | three-pronged fork; a trident | 三叉
samzhef-sinkefng | trigeminal nerve | 三叉神經
samzhelo | junction of three roads | 三岔路
samzhesuochiab | many wives | 三妻四妾
saozhefng | to sweep clear, to eliminate | 掃清
satzhefng | finished; completed; be completed (said of films) | 殺青
sea-bøexzhefng | unable to vindicate oneself | 洗無清
sea-bøexzhengkhix | cannot be washed clean | 洗無乾淨
sefzhefng | wash; cleanse | 洗清
sengzhefng | claim | 聲稱
sernghienzheq | sage book | 聖賢冊
serngzheq | the Bible | 聖冊
siakzheg | throw millet | 摔粟
siangzhef siangsiog | roost together; sleep in the same place | 雙棲雙宿
siangzhef | forked | 雙叉; 交叉的
siangzhelo | branching roads; forked road | 雙叉路; 交叉路
siangzheloxkhao | double junction | 雙叉路口
siaozheq | account books? | 賬冊; 數冊
siaxhoe zerngzheg | social policy | 社會政策
siaxngkongzhef | work ruler | 上工尺
siaxngzhekofng | work ruler | 上尺工
siazheg | obliqueness | 斜測; 斜側
siazheq | obscene books | 淫冊; 邪冊; 淫書; 邪書
sidbiin zerngzheg | colonial policy | 殖民政策
siexnho-zheg | countermeasure | 善戶策; 對策
siexnzheg | clever scheme; good plan or policy | 善策
simlie zhekgiam | psychological test | 心理測驗
sincix putzhefng | unconscious; in a state of coma | 神志無清
sinkaf zhengpek | of respectable descent or parentage | 身家清白
sintix putzhefng | incapable of clear thinking; muddle headed | 神智無清
sinzhefng'axn | application | 申請案
sinzhefngjiin | applicant; one who makes a request to higher authorities | 申請人
sinzhefngsw | application; form; written request | 申請書
sinzhefngtiøh | application | 申請著
sinzheng | dress and personal adornment | 身穿; 服飾; 衣著
sinzherng | apply for; request; application; petition; apply for | 申請
sinzherng-sw | application form | 申請書
sinzherngchiuo | marksman | 神槍手
siogzhefng | common name; comm | 俗稱
siongzhefng | consort; worthy; equipoise; well matched; suit to; fit each other; match each other; be symmetrical | 相稱
sioxngzheg | the best plan; best stratagem | 上策
sioxngzheq | the first volume of a book | 上冊
sirnhøxzhexng | signal pistol | 信號銃
sirnzhef | messenger | 信差
sitzheg | faulty policy; poor tactics or strategy; bad scheming or planning; mistake | 失策
siuciezheq | amendment book | 修志冊
sixlek zhekgiam | vision test; visual acuity test | 視力測驗
sizheq | book of poetry | 時冊; 詩書
siøfzheq | pamphlet | 小冊
soanzhefng | claim | 宣稱
sofzheng | whatever one wears | 所穿
sokchiuo buzheg | no way out; powerless; at the end of one's rope | 束手無策
suizhefng | to show favour for | 垂青
sunzwciernzheg | Sun Tzu's strategy | 孫子戰策
svazhe | socialized with each other | 相揣
svazhea | talk to each other | 相扯
svazhef | three-pronged fork; a trident | 三叉
svazhefng | three thousand | 三千
svazhelo | junction of three roads | 三叉路
svazheloxkhao | junction where three roads meet | 三叉路口
svoazheeng | large-leaved baryan | 山榕; 雀榕
swzheq | history book, chronicle | 史冊; 史書
syzheq | study mechanically; be a bookworm | 死冊; 死書; 只會讀; 無會活用
søea-zhengkhix | wash clean | 洗清氣
søefzhefng | wash clean | 洗清; 洗淨
taigyzheq | Taiwanese book | 台語冊
tanzhefng | colors; painting | 丹青
tefzhexng | pistol; revolver | 手鎗
tegzhefng | special description; (in logic) particular as opposed to universal | 特稱
tekkøzhef | Y shape branches | 竹篙叉
tekzhef | principal wife (as opposed to a concubine) | 嫡妻; 竹叉
tekzherng | bamboo scrub brush | 竹刷; 竹筅; 竹刷子
tengbunzhefngzoe | pay a special visit to another's house for forgiveness | 登門請罪
tengzhefng | defecation; clarify; clarification; muddy water settles | 澄清
tengzherng | submit an accusation, appeal, petition | 重請; 呈請
terngzheq | bind a book | 釘冊; 釘書
texid jinzhefng | first person (grammar) | 第一人稱
texji jinzhefng | second person (grammar) | 第二人稱
texsvaf jinzhefng | third person (grammar) | 第三人稱
thagsyzheq | study by rote | 讀死冊
thagzheh'aq | study | 讀冊矣
thagzhehcvii | tuition | 讀冊錢
thagzhehhoe | reading session | 讀冊會
thagzhehlaang | scholar; an intellectual; literati | 讀書人
thagzhehpaang | study room | 讀書房
thagzhehthviaf | study room | 讀書廳
thagzhehtøh'ar | desk | 書冊桌仔
thagzhehtøq | desk | 讀冊桌
thagzheq | to study | 讀冊; 讀書
thagzheq-laang | literate person | 讀冊人; 讀書人
thagzheq-paang | study | 讀冊書房
thak mxcviaa zheq | make little progress in studies owing to hindrances; go to school but not graduate; not study diligently | 讀無成冊; 讀不成書
thak syzheq | to read books character by character without understanding the meaning | 讀死冊
thak-bøo zheq | not making progress in study | 讀無成冊
tharmzheg | to probe, to survey | 探測
tharmzhekkhix | detector | 探測器
thaukhakzhea | brain | 頭殼髓
thengzherng | it is requested that...; apply for an appointment or position (a phrase used in official communication to a higher agency to introduce a request); petition | 呈請
thiettea tengzhefng | clarify a matter thoroughly; make a thorough investigation of (a case) | 徹底澄清
thiørzheg | sell unhulled rice | 糶穀; 賣稻穀
thongzhefng | a general designation, commonly called | 通稱
thuizheg | conjecture; to fathom; deduce; infer; predict | 推測
thvy zhengzhefng | clear sky; a cloudless sky | 天清清
tiah zhek'ar | buy unhulled rice | 糴穀仔
tiefnzheq | classical books | 典冊; 經典
tieleeng zhekgiam | IQ test; intelligence test | 智能測驗
tielek zhekgiam | IQ test; intelligence test | 智力測驗
tionglieen soxng zhef | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
tiongzhefng | evergreen | 長青
tioxngzheng | care appearance | 重穿
tiøqzhexng | be hit by gun shot | 中槍; 著銃; 得
tngf zhengzhwn | in one's youth; in young adulthood | 正青春時
tngzhexng | long gun; rifle | 長銃
toa-zhengsaux | great clearance; general cleaning; clean the whole house | 大清掃
toaxzhengchiu | large banyan | 大榕樹
toaxzhexng | big gun, canon | 大槍; 大殿
togzhaai zerngzheg | dictatorship; autocracy | 獨裁政策
tongzhesii | back then | 當初時
tozheq | atlas | 圖冊
tuiezhefng | symmetry, symmetrical | 對稱
tuiezheg | a measure; a countermeasure; measure (to deal with a problem); countermeasure; counter plan | 對策
tuozheq | write a book | 著冊; 著書
tuzhefng | take away entirely | 追到; 除清
tviafzhex | scrubbing brush for cleaning rice boilers | 鍋刷
tviazherng | submit an accusation, appeal, petition, etc | 定請; 呈請
tvikoefzhex | sweet cake ingredient | 甜粿粞
tviuzheng | to dress a deceased person in the clothes prepared for burial | 張穿; (為死者穿壽衣)
tvoaxzhexng | shoot gun | 彈槍; 彈銃
tøefzhexng | pistol, revolver | 短槍; 短銃; 手鎗
tøzhef | polygamy | 多妻
tøzhezex | polygamy | 多妻制
uizheg | legacy policy | 遺策
un'aix-huzhef | affectionate couple; devoted couple | 恩愛夫妻
uxzheg | predict | 預測
vi'afzhex | rice dough | 圓仔脆
viaxzheg | raise the grains | 颺粟
zabzhe'ar | girl or office boy hired for miscellaneous duties | 雜叉仔
zabzheafkafng | handyman | 雜差仔工
zabzhear | handyman | 雜謬
zabzhef | general servant, handy-man | 雜差
zangzhefng'ar | brush made of palm fibers | 鬃刷仔
zaozherng | please | 奏請
zarzhefng | false impersonation | 詐稱
zawzhe | looking everywhere | 走揣
zazhefng | investigate thoroughly; clarify | 查清
zekkek zerngzheg | positive policy | 積極政策
zengzhef | former wife | 前妻
zengzheg | detect | 偵測
zerngzhef | legal wife | 正妻; 正房
zerngzheg | policy | 政策
zexzhefng | settle and become a clear liquid | 坐清; 澄清; 靜置沉澱
zhaekoezhex | snake melon | 菜瓜摖
zhafmzheq | miserable | 慘慼
zhahzheeng | set up banyan stalks | 插榕; 插蓉樹枝
zhaizheg | conjecture; guess; to surmise; a surmise | 猜測
zhamkhøfzheq | reference book | 參考冊
zhanzheng'ar | rice farm green | 田青仔
zhaozhexng | arrogant | 臭衝
zharngzheq | collection | 藏冊
zhatzherng | paint brush | 漆刷
zhauzheq | copy book | 抄冊
zhe thaulo | looking for jobs | 揣頭路
zhe | sit; be seated | 坐
zhe'ahkvoaf | bailiff; process server | 查封官
zhe'aq | place under attachment | 查封
zhe'ar | fork | 叉仔
zhe'eng`ee | houseboy; maid of all work; handy man; servant | 吹佣的
zhe-mxtiøh | apologize for a fault | 賠無是
zhe`tiøh | found | 揣著
zhea | tear; pick at; pluck; average out money or time | 扯; 平均
zhea-auxthuie | to pull one back, to hinder one from success | 扯後腿
zheaha | to tear off | 撕下
zheahui | to tear down and destroy | 撕下
zheajiok | weak; fragile; delicate | 脆弱
zheakhi | hard, crunch persimmon | 脆柿
zheakhuix | sign | 短嘆
zheakhuy | to tear away, to tear asunder | 扯開; 扯後腿
zheakoe'ar | crispy melon | 脆瓜仔
zheakud | cartilage | 脆骨; 軟骨
zhealat | abrupt force; cut precipitously | 快力; 猛力忽而中斷
zhealuii | short and abrupt thunder; peal of thunder; close thunder | 霹雷; 響雷; 近雷
zheamia | unfortunate fate; die quickly | 脆命; 易受傷害
zheaphoax | to tear to pieces | 扯破; 撕成碎片
zheaphoee | crisp | 脆皮
zheaphøe'aq | roasted Peking duck | 脆皮鴨
zheaphøee | fragile | 慷慨; 皮層薄弱
zheapviar | shortbread | 脆餅
zhear | niuzi | 箠仔
zheasiofng | abrasion; scratch; suffer a scratch | 擦傷
zheasor | WC; toilet; a privy | 廁所
zheatii | toilet tub | 廁池
zheatiøh | have the skin scraped; have an abrasion | 擦到; 搓到
zheato | brittleness | 脆度
zheazhex | fragile; brittle; crisp | 脆脆; 易受傷害的; 脆脆的
zhechiab | wife and concubine; wife and concubine(s) | 妻妾
zhechiuo | cross hand | 叉手
zhee | long thin rod of wood or bamboo; a whip | 叉; 棍子; 鞭子
zheeng | banyan tree | 榕
zhef kea | steamed rice cake | 炊粿
zhef li zuo saxn | family break up (Lit. wife leaving and children dispersing) | 妻離子散
zhef | fork; a prong; to thrust; to stab | 叉; 差; 妻
zhef`khylaai | pick up with a fork | 叉起來
zhef`nih | within the first ten days of the month | 月初; 初旬
zhef`tiøh | blowing | 吹著
zhefha | to tear off | 扯下
zhefhui | to tear down and destroy | 扯廢
zhefkhuy | to tear away, to tear asunder | 扯開
zhefng zhud uu laam | to surpass one's master or teacher in learning (Lit. Green comes from blue; but it excels blue.) | 青出於藍
zhefng | green; blue; young; youth | 青
zhefng'afn | inquire after a person's health; give regards to; pay one's respect to | 請安
zhefng'ar | soft brush for dusting; a feather duster | 撢仔; 刷仔
zhefng-purnsøx | dung cleaning | 清糞埽
zhefngbeng | solicit; request; ask for instructions or orders | 請命
zhefnggoan | petition; beseech | 請願
zhefnggoaxnsw | written petition | 請願書
zhefnghøo | ask for truce and negotiate for peace | 請和
zhefngkaocide | asking for opinion; consultation | 請教一下
zhefngkar | beg off; ask for leave; vacate; ask for leave of absence | 請假
zhefngkaux | consult; remit to; consultation; a polite term used before asking a question (Lit. I beg you to instruct me.) | 請教
zhefngkii | The fiance after the wedding day is decided; send the matchmaker to his fiancee; for her family's approval | 請期; 結婚禮俗之一
zhefngkiukoaan | right of claim | 請求權
zhefngkiuopefng | ask for reinforcement | 請救兵
zhefngkiusw | bill | 請求書
zhefngkiuu | ask; beg; request; require; solicit; sue for; claim; to demand | 請求
zhefngkofng | ask for recognition; ask higher level person to record somebody's meritorious deeds so that person can get a reward | 請功
zhefngleng | apply for permission; ask for guidance | 請令
zhefngsaux | cleaning; clean up; scavenge | 清掃
zhefngsi | request instruction; ask for instructions from a superior | 請示
zhefngsii | resign | 請辭
zhefngthog | to request a person to do something | 請託
zhefngthuun | sweep the dirt from things like beams; roof; idols or ceiling | 筅黗; 打掃
zhefngzoe | to admit one's error and ask for punishment; ask for punishment; appeal for leniency | 請罪
zhefphoax | to tear to pieces | 扯破
zheg hoeasiu | lessen the years of one's life | 縮減歲壽
zheg khaq-khuy | widen a gap or distance | 測較開; 隔開一點
zheg khaq-tea | shorten by adjustment | 測較短; 縮短一點
zheg khaq-tngg | lengthen by adjustment | 測較長; 拉長一點
zheg sikafn | adjust time to one's convenience | 撥時間
zheg | red; bare; naked | 赤; 粟; 測; 穀子; 促; 調整
zheg'afmi | noodles with peppery sauce | 擔仔麵
zheg-jixsox | word count | 測字數
zheg`teq | talk about | 扯得
zheg`tiøh | talk about | 扯著; 觸著; 碰到
zhegtiøh | chuck | 摵著
zhegzhek`leq | move backward and forward | 甩一甩; (含有上下甩勻之意)
zheh | sink down like a wall on a foundation; come down like a sail when the rope is too loose | 垂; 塌; 沉下
zheh'ar | notebook | 冊仔
zheh'ar-zoar | notebook paper | 冊仔紙
zhehhø | registration number | 冊號
zhehkea'ar | bookcase | 冊架仔
zhehkex | book shelf; lectern; book stand | 書架
zhehkhefng | book frame | 冊框; 冊筐
zhehkhuix | sob | 啜泣; 唏噓; 咽聲
zhehkiab | loose-leaf binder, a box to contain a series of paper-back books | 冊夾; 書夾
zhehkiok | bookstore | 書局
zhehkui | bookcase | 冊櫃
zhehkux | book sentence | 冊句; 書句
zhehmiaa | name of a book; title of books; name of a book | 書名
zhehofng | seal | 差封
zhehongky | hair dryer | 吹風機
zhehpaang | private study or library, book store | 冊房; 書房
zhehparn | book edition | 冊版
zhehpauar | booklet | 冊包仔
zhehpauhok | booklet | 冊包袱
zhehpaw | satchel; book bag | 書包
zhehphoee | cover or back of a book | 書皮; 封面
zhehphvai'aftea | backpack bottom | 冊揹仔底
zhehphvai'ar | satchel | 冊揹仔
zhehphøee | book cover | 書皮
zhehpiin | grid screen | 柵屏
zhehpurn | books | 冊本
zhehsym | (zhøehsym) heartbroken | 慼心; 心懷怨恨; 懷恨在心
zhehthaang | bookworm | 書蟲
zhehthvoaf | bookstall | 書攤
zhehthøx | case or cover for holding; several books | 書套
zhehtiaxm | bookstore | 書店; 冊店
zhehtuaflai | inside bookshelf | 冊櫥仔內
zhehtuar | bookshelf | 冊櫥仔
zhehtuu | bookshelves; book case | 書廚; 冊櫥; 書櫥
zhehtøea | book bottom | 冊底; 原稿
zhehtøh'afpvy | desk side | 冊桌仔邊
zhehtøh'afterng | desk top | 冊桌仔頂
zhehtøh'ar | desk | 冊桌仔
zhehtøhterng | desk top | 冊桌頂
zhehtøq | study desk, study table | 冊桌; 書桌
zhehurn | cooking powder | 炊粉
zheiah | envoy; office boy; office worker | 差役
zheiaqkvoaf | escort officer | 差役官
zheid | the first day of the month | 初一
zhek | dangle; reel; stagger; swag; weave | 惻; 摵; 搖晃; 震動
zhek'ar | paddy; rice; unhulled rice | 粟仔; 稻仔
zhek'erng | side stroke (swim) | 側泳
zhek'exng | treat with courtesy | 款待
zhek'ha | my dear parents (a greeting in a letter to parents) literally: kneeling down | 膝下
zhek'hauxsor | weather station | 測候所; 氣象所
zhek'heasiu | loss of longevity | 促歲壽
zhek'hiern | send; to commission; depute; dispatch | 差遣
zhek'hoax | become communism society | 赤化
zhek'hoe | surveying and mapping | 測繪
zhek'hoeasiu | have one's life shortened by Heaven on account of wickedness | 摵歲壽; 減壽
zhek'hofng | imperial appointment | 冊封; 測謊; 敕封
zhek'hongkex | weather vane | 測風計
zhek'hongkhix | lie different way | 測謊器
zhek'hongky | a lie different way | 測謊機; 測謊器
zhek'ieen | sounding line | 測鉛; 測深器
zhek'iensvoax | lead line for taking soundings | 測鉛線
zhek'imkhix | sound locator | 測音器
zhek'oar | press close; as on a man | 擠近; 靠近
zhek'oe | engineer; plan; schedule; plan | 策畫; 策劃
zhek'ox | offend the majesty of a god by unclean conduct in his presence; draw down calamity on another by impure conduct; filthy; obscene | 積惡; 褻慢
zhek'urn | pity | 惻隱; 惻隱之心
zhek'vii-khix | a cyclometer | 惻圓器; 測圓器; 週期計
zhek'ym | to locate a sound | 惻音; 測音
zhek`cide | check | 惻一下
zhekaq | dispatch; use or hire a servant | 差遣; 差使
zhekawlee | dog howling | 吹狗螺
zhekbien | flank; profile; side; aspect | 側面
zhekbin | side view; side | 側面
zhekbin-too | a lateral view, profile | 側面圖
zhekbok | side look | 側目
zhekbun | policy question | 策問
zhekchimkhix | sounding line | 測深器; 測鉛
zhekchiuo | bare hands | 赤手
zhekchvy | immature rice | 粟青
zhekciawar | sparrow | 雀鳥仔; 粟鳥仔; 麻雀
zhekcirnhoe | policy advancement | 策進會
zhekciu | condescend, meet somebody, accept another's premises | 屈服; 將就
zhekgiam | test; workout; examination; test; examine; a test or quiz | 測驗
zhekgoaxsvoax | akawai Line | 赤外線
zhekhiern | to dispatch, to send, errand | 差遣
zhekim | wife's aunt; wife of wife's brother | 妻妗; 妻之舅母; 內弟媳
zhekkaekud | patella, knee cap | 測髕骨; 膝蓋骨
zhekkakkhix | a goniometer | 測角器
zhekkeg | a flank attack | 側擊
zhekkiarm | reduce | 促減; 切減
zhekkun | advance | 促近
zheklegkex | hand dynamometer | 測力計
zhekli | red dysentery | 赤痢
zhekliap | rice grain | 稻粒
zhekliok | stratagem; strategy; tactic; device; a trick; policy | 策略
zhekliong | calibrate; calibration; measure; measurement; geodetic survey; to survey | 測量
zhekliong-hak | surveying | 測量學
zhekliongtui | survey team | 測量隊
zheklioong | survey | 測量
zheklioxng'oaan | land surveyor | 測量員
zheklioxnghak | surveying | 測量學
zheklioxngkhix | surveying instrument | 測量器
zheklioxngkiok | surveying office | 測量局
zheklioxngsw | land surveyor | 測量私; 測量員
zhekmngg | side door | 側門
zheknie | inclining one's ears to listen | 側耳
zhekpeq | Chinese arbor vitae | 測柏; 側柏; 喬木簡歷
zhekpiin | abject poverty | 赤貧
zhekseeng | absolute sincerity | 赤誠
zhekseg | concubine | 側室
zheksoef | meet with a demon; sickness or bad luck | 無吉
zheksokkhix | speedometer | 測速器
zheksor | toilet | 廁所
zhektaix | red belt | 赤帶
zhekteng | determination; determine; quantitative | 測定
zhektexhak | geodesy; the branch of applied math that tracts the exact position of geographical points; curvature; shape and dimensions of the earth | 測地學
zhekthefng | listen | 側聽
zhekthor | red soil | 赤土
zhektiexnkhix | electrometer | 測電器
zhektiong | ocus on focus on | 側重
zhektiøh y ee iesux | acted against his will or wishes | 違反了他的意思
zhekto | measurement | 推測; 測度
zhektog | supervision | 督測
zhektong | plan to carry out; instigate | 策動
zhektviaa | rice drying ground | 粟埕; 晒場
zhektø | equator | 赤道; ?道
zheku | wife's uncle; wife's brother | 妻舅; 內弟
zhekvax | blow Yeast | 吹酵
zhekzerng | seed rice | 稻種; 粟種
zhekzhngf | grain silo; rice granary; barn | 穀倉; 粟倉
zhekzhvef | millet green | 粟青
zhekzngf | granary, grain elevator | 穀莊
zhekzuo | a newborn baby | 赤子
zhelerng | dreariness | 淒冷
zheliaang | chilly; cold feeling | 淒涼
zheng | wear or put on like clothes; but not a hat; cap or glasses | 穿
zheng'aang | clear red | 清紅
zheng'afchiu | banyan | 榕仔樹
zheng'afchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕仔樹跤
zheng'afchiuxkofng | old banyan tree | 榕仔樹公
zheng'afchiuxterng | banyan tree top | 榕仔樹頂
zheng'afkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕仔跤
zheng'afkofng | banyan | 榕仔公
zheng'afkør | banyan fruit | 榕仔果
zheng'ar | banyan | 榕仔; 榕樹
zheng'eeng | in easy circumstances; free from care; anxiety; or need of toiling | 清閒
zheng'id | eleven hundred | 千一; 一千一百
zheng'itseg | uniformly | 清一色
zheng'iuar | lustration and concinnity | 清幽仔
zheng'iw | lustration and concinnity | 清幽
zheng'un | clearance | 清運
zheng'viu | thousands of styles | 千樣
zheng'ym | clear tone | 清音
zheng-bøextiaau | cannot wear it any longer (due to rise in temperature) | 穿無住
zhengban | ten millions | 千萬
zhengbee | congee | 清糜
zhengbeeng | Tomb-sweeping Day | 清明
zhengchiu | banyan | 榕樹
zhengchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕樹跤
zhengchvie | clear-headed; sober; sobriety; disenchantment | 清醒
zhengcid | competent; suitable or equal to the job one is doing | 稱職
zhengcinkoarn | Mohammedan restaurant; where no pork is served | 清真館
zhengcinsi | mosque | 清真寺
zhengciuo | a kind of rice wine; kind of rice wine; sake | 清酒
zhenggutoo | pornography | 春牛圖
zhenggvar | elegant; neat; graceful; neat and refined like in taste or adornment | 清雅
zhenghaan zwte | child of a poor person | 清寒子弟
zhenghaan | poor but clean and honest; cold and crisp weather; cold and bright moonlight | 清寒
zhenghae | blue sea | 青海
zhenghea | eliminate body inflammation | 清火
zhenghiarng | reverberant | 清響
zhenghioong | claim leadership; occupy dominating position | 稱雄
zhenghoea | eliminate body inflammation | 清火
zhenghof | a form of address; appellation; name; designate; address by an honorable designation; to style; a designation | 稱呼
zhenghofng benggoat | aloof (Lit. a soothing wind and the bright moon are my sole companions.) | 清風明月
zhenghofng | refreshing breeze; soothing wind or breezes | 清風
zhenghog | happiness without worries and cares | 清福
zhenghuun | light cloud | 青雲
zhenghø | a title; designation | 稱號
zhenghøea | annealing | 清火; 退火
zhengkaotoo | Puritanism | 清教徒
zhengkerng | quite, and clear environment | 清境
zhengkhieafzhengkhix | clean | 清氣仔清氣
zhengkhiekhoarn | clean | 清氣款
zhengkhieliuliw | very clean | 清氣溜溜
zhengkhiesviux | a morbid fear of getting dirty; mysophobia; morbid preoccupation with cleanliness | 清氣癖; 潔癖
zhengkhietangtafng | very clean | 清氣噹噹
zhengkhiezhengkhix | very clean | 清氣清氣
zhengkhix | cleanness; clean | 清氣; 乾淨
zhengkhor | poor but clean and honest | 清苦
zhengkhøx | simple; pure; plain; unmixed; few member in the family | 單純; 家庭成員少
zhengkied | clean; cleaning; cleanly; clean; neat; cleanliness; sanitary | 清潔
zhengkiettui | cleaning team | 清潔隊
zhengkietzef | detergent | 清潔劑
zhengkonggarn | glaucoma | 青光眼
zhengkvoaf | honest officials | 清官
zhengkøf | aloof from politics and material pursuits; morally lofty or upright; not interested in politics or other worldly things | 清高
zhengkør | fresh fruits | 青果
zhenglerng | cold | 清冷
zhengliaam | incorrectness; rectitude; upright; incorruptible; integrity | 清廉
zhengliaang ymliau | cool beverage or drink; soft drink | 清涼飲料
zhengliaang | cool; pure and cool; refreshing | 清涼
zhengliamkvoaf | an official of integrity | 清廉官
zhengliangzef | refrigerant | 清涼劑
zhenglie | put in order; check up; clear; liquidation; sort out; liquidate debts; settle accounts; arrange; tidy up; clearance sale | 清理
zhenglieen | youth | 青年
zhenglienhoe | YMCA or YWCA | 青年會
zhenglienkii | puberty; adolescence | 青年期
zhenglienlaang | young people | 青年人
zhenglienthoaan | youth corps | 青年團
zhenglioong | very strong dragon | 青龍
zhengliuu | clear stream | 清流
zhenglo | clear dew | 清露
zhenglorng | loud and clear like a sound or voice; clear and crisp like the weather | 清朗
zhengmoaai | congee | 清糜
zhengmoee | thin rice gruel | 清粥
zhengmuii tekmar | innocent affection between a boy and a girl in their childhood | 青梅竹馬
zhengmuii | green plums; unripened plums | 青梅
zhengnaa | clear blue | 清藍
zhengnii | a thousand years | 千年
zhengpax | become the most powerful nation in the world or part of the world; hold an undisputed position of strength; occupy the leading position in certain field of sports | 稱霸
zhengpeeng | peace and justice; (said of disposition) pure; honest and peace loving | 清平
zhengpefng | fresh clean scraped ice | 清清; 清冰
zhengpeh | clean; innocence; pure; unblemished | 清白
zhengpeh'afchiu | banyan | 榕柏仔樹
zhengpeh'ar | pine tree | 松柏仔
zhengpehniar | pine; fir; | 松柏嶺
zhengpek | said of a person's character or family background; clean; unsoiled; innocent; unimpeachable | 清白
zhengpeq | pine; fir; conifers | 松柏
zhengphafng | refreshing fragrance; gently and pleasantly fragrant; not too strong | 清香
zhengphiin | poor | 清貧
zhengpiin | poor and virtuous | 清貧
zhengpng | rice | 清飯
zhengsafn legsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 青山綠水
zhengsafn | put on coat or shirt | 青山
zhengsaux | clearing; clean up; scavenge; cleaning; to clean | 清掃
zhengsea | wash; to bathe | 清洗
zhengsia | express thanks | 稱謝
zhengsiaolieen | adolescent; juvenile; teen-ager; youngsters and young adults | 青少年
zhengsiaux | pay bill; pay off all one's debt; settle all one's accounts | 清數
zhengsien | praise and admire | 稱羨
zhengsiin | declare oneself a vassal; be subjugated; concede defeat; submit to the victor | 稱臣
zhengsiong | praise; extol | 稱頌
zhengsionghoe | Youth Chamber of Commerce | 青商會
zhengsioong | pay back | 清償
zhengsiux | handsome; comeliness; good looking; with clear cut features; handsome without the aid of cosmetics | 清秀
zhengsiw | lead a life of few wants and ambitions | 清修
zhengsixn | clear letter | 清信
zhengsngx | purge; liquidation, balance accounts | 清算
zhengsoaxn | liquidate; liquidation | 清算
zhengsoea | clean | 清洗
zhengsorng | cleanlily; quiet and comfortable | 清爽
zhengsuo | annals of history; history | 青史
zhengsuun | clear and pure | 清純
zhengsym kvoafiok | purge one's mind of desires and ambitions | 清心寡慾
zhengsym | very gratifying and no pressure; obligation | 清心
zhengsyn | refreshing style or fashion | 清新
zhengtaam | an empty talk | 清談
zhengtam | insipidity; insipidness; dull or sluggish market; food without vegetable oil or heavy seasoning | 清淡
zhengtee | green tea; green tea; to entertain with only tea and nothing else | 清茶
zhengteeng | government of Ching Dynasty | 清廷
zhengthaam | clear up phlegm | 清痰
zhengthiefn pheklek | sudden and unexpected (Lit. a bolt from the blue) | 青天霹靂
zhengthiefn | blue sky | 青天
zhengthienpegjidkii | Chinese National flag (Lit. flag of blue sky and bright sun) | 青天白日旗
zhengthngf | clear soup; consomme; broth | 清湯
zhengtiau | clear out | 清掉
zhengtii | eliminate; be rid of; liquidate; purge; remove; clean or tidy up a house | 清除
zhengtun | boil or stew without soy sauce or anything that would color the soup; stew or steam meat without seasoning | 清燉
zhengtuu | clean out; clear away; decontaminate; climinate; get rid of; clear | 清除
zhengtvi'ar | sweet | 清甜仔
zhengtviuu | get every movie goer out before the next show starts (said of theaters) | 清場
zhengtvoaf | bill; list; listing; checklist; inventory; detailed list of items which serves as a receipt; statement; statement of account | 清單
zhengtvy | lightly sweet | 清甜; 甜而爽口
zhengtø | sweeping the streets | 清道
zhengtøxhw | street sweeper | 清道夫
zhengzaf | check; investigate; survey thoroughly; thorough checkup | 清查
zhengzai | since | 既然
zhengzar | early in the morning; dawn | 清早; 清晨
zhengzaxn | compliment; applaud; extoll; give credit for; praise; admiration | 稱讚
zhengzeng | clean and quiet; quiet like in a house or surroundings | 清靜
zhengzhae | energetic | 清彩; 即爽
zhengzhaykhylaai | energetic | 清彩起來
zhengzhefng | clean | 清清
zhengzhefng-baxnban | huge amount | 千千萬萬
zhengzhengkhiekhix | clean | 清清氣氣
zhengzhengpeqpeh | innocent | 清清白白
zhengzhengzhøfzhør | clear; without ambiguity; know thoroughly | 清清楚楚; 清楚
zhengzheq | inventory; list containing in detail all items or records to be handed over to a successor to an office; inventory | 清冊
zhengzhunkii | adolescence | 青春期
zhengzhunniafterng | youth ridge top | 青春嶺頂
zhengzhunniar | youth ridge | 青春嶺
zhengzhuntau | adolescent pimples | 青春痘
zhengzhuo | attempt to secure | 清取
zhengzhvea | wide awake; clear-minded; sober | 清醒
zhengzhwn | youth; youthful; adolescence; springtime of life | 青春
zhengzhør | clear; without ambiguity; know thoroughly | 清楚; 清清楚楚
zhengzhør`aq | understood | 清楚矣
zhengzuie | clear or freshwater | 清水
zhengzvoaa | crystal clear fountain | 清泉
zhephaix | send; to depute | 差派
zheq | measure; hate; to dislike | 測; 冊; 書; 厭惡; 恨
zherng pvixkar | ask for sick leave | 請病假
zherng suxkar | ask for leave for business reasons | 請事假
zherng | please; engage someone as a teacher or doctor; invite | 請
zherng'ar | toy gun | 銃仔; 玩具槍
zherng'iefn | give forth smoke | 冒煙
zherng'ix | compliment | 稱意
zherng'iøh | gunpowder | 鎗藥; 火藥
zherng'zhengzhefng | extremely clan | 清清清
zherngbøea | guntail | 銃尾
zherngbøeftøf | bayonet | 銃尾刀
zherngchiuo | hired gunman; gunman; substitute writer | 鎗手
zherngcid | earn one's wings; up to scratch | 稱職
zherngcie | bullet; shot; slug | 子彈
zherngciexn | gun battle; exchange of rifle or pistol fire | 鎗戰
zhernggarn | embrasure in a fort or vessel; gun hole for firing; or made by bullet; gun muzzle | 鎗眼
zhernghiarng | bang | 銃響
zhernghoad | gun method | 銃法
zherngkex | rifle rack | 鎗架
zherngkhafng | embrasure in a fort or vessel; gun hole for firing; or made by bullet; gun muzzle | 鎗眼
zherngkhao | gun barrel; muzzle of a gun | 鎗口
zherngkoaan | rise up | 拉高; 升高
zherngkoad | execute by shooting | 槍決
zherngkoaxkoa | arrogant | 衝呱呱
zherngkorng | barrel of rifle | 鎗膛
zherngkui | gun cabinet | 銃櫃
zherngkvoae | blunderbuss | 銃桿
zherngkw | seek or be in the limelight; presumptuous; smug; tacky; vain; focus on one's appearance; meddlesome; officious | 銃龜; 出風頭
zherngpe | kill | 銃斃
zherngphvi koo`ee | said of articles badly made; easily coming to pieces | 無堅牢的
zherngphvi | blow the nose | 醒鼻; 醒鼻涕
zherngsad | execute punishment by gunshot; execute by shooting | 鎗殺; 槍決
zherngsiofng | gunshot wound; shell or gun wound | 槍傷
zherngsiuo | sniper | 銃手
zherngsviaf | sound of gunshot | 鎗聲
zherngsym | feel pleasant | 稱心
zherngsyn | gun body | 銃身
zherngthaau | rifle butt | 槍托
zherngtiøh | dash | 沖著
zherngtui | gun team | 銃隊
zherngzhexng | arrogant | 衝衝
zherngzhuix | gun hole | 銃嘴
zherngzvoaa | fountain; a spring; well up | 清泉; 湧泉
zherngzøx | rush to do | 衝做
zhesaix | errand, a messenger | 差使; 信使
zheseg | one's legal wife | 妻室
zhesiao | wife and children | 妻小
zhesngg | steamer | 炊床
zhesu | errand | 差事
zhesuo | send someone | 差使
zhesyn cy sor | place to stay | 棲身之所
zhetao | steamer | 炊斗
zhex | brush forcibly; brittle; crisp; brittle; fragile; hard but easily breakable | 脆; 用力刷
zhexbøo | unable to find it | 揣無
zhexisefng | seeing a doctor | 揣醫生
zhexlaai | seek | 揣來
zhexmahoaan | looking for trouble | 揣麻煩
zhexmxtiøh | apologize | 說抱歉
zhexng thokhix | affected by the cold damp air of the ground | 沾受地氣
zhexng | gun; rifle; guns; pistols; rifles | 槍; 倩; 秤; 稱; 蒸; 凊; 銃; 擤; 鎗
zhexng'øee tiørboeh | dress up; wear shoes and socks | 打扮斯文
zhexng-koakoaa | arrogant | 譀呱呱
zhexng`khylaai | rise like vapor or smoke | 昇起來
zhexng`tiøh | blew | 擤著; 凊著; 蒸著
zhexng`zhutlaai | well up; gush forth | 湧出來; (衡出來)
zhexnghør | wear well | 穿好
zhexngjibkhix | wear | 穿入去
zhexngkhakef | hop | 單腿跳
zhexngliao | wore | 穿了
zhexngmoaa-toarhax | wear very deep mourning clothes | 披麻帶孝
zhexngsiøf | wear warm clothes | 穿暖
zhexngsvaf | dress up; attire; get dressed; put on coat or shirt | 穿衣; 穿衣服
zhexngtiøh | run into; encounter; meet | 遇到
zhexngzhaq | apparel; clad; dress; dressing; manner of dress | 穿著; 打扮
zhexngzhud | wear | 穿出
zhexputsi | find out | 找無是
zhexsiaux | cast accounts; account; bear; shoulder; to carry a burden; load; encumbrance | 算數 負擔
zhextea | sediment; precipitate | 沉澱
zhextvia | sit down | 坐定
zhexu | found | 揣有
zhezharm | deplorable | 淒慘
zhezhaw | rich dishes | 腥臊
zhezuo | wife | 妻子
zhoarnzheq | edit book | 篡冊; 編輯書本
zhozheg | coarse millet | 粗粟
zhozheng | mufti; dishabille; civvies; negligee; everyday clothes; to wear every day | 便服; 便裝
zhuizheg | guess; inference; presumption; conjecture; a guess; make a guess; supposition; inference; to conjecture; suppose; infer | 推測
zhutzheq | published | 出冊
zhuyzheg | conjecture, guess | 揣測
zhvemee mxkviaf zhexng | Ignorance is bliss. What you don't know won't hurt you. (Lit. A blind person doesn't fear a gun.) | 瞎子無怕槍; 初生之犢不畏虎。
zngf zherngcie | load a gun | 裝子彈
zoanzhef | send specially | 專差; 特派
zofngzhea | headquarter address | 總扯
zofngzhefng | generic name; general term | 總稱
zunzhefng | honorific; title of respect; honor a person with an honorific title | 尊稱
zuozhehcvii | registration money | 註冊錢
zuozhehhuix | registration fee | 註冊費
zuozhehzof | registration section | 註冊組
zuozheq chiwsiok | registration procedures | 註冊手續
zuozheq siongphiaw | registered trade mark | 註冊商標
zuozheq zwjim | chief registrar (school) | 註冊主任
zuozheq | register; register (with authorities concerned); register for school | 註冊
zuozheq-zhux | registry, registrar's office | 註冊處; 註冊組
zuxbeeng zhengkøf | consider oneself morally superior to others; look down on all others as vulgar or dishonest | 自鳴清高
zuxtong poxzhexng | automatic rifle | 自動步槍
zuxzhefng | style oneself as…, pretend to be, call oneself, to claim | 自稱
zuyhunzhef | hookah pipe | 水薰吹
zuyliok liofngzhef-toxngbut | amphibian | 水陸兩棲動物
zuyzhefng | clear water | 水清
zuyzhenghihien | clear water showing fishes | 水清魚現
zuyzhenghihiexn | clear water showing fishes | 水清魚現
zuyzhexng | a squirt gun; water gun | 水槍
zuzhek'hoe | information council | 資策會
zøflunzhexng | revolver | 左輪槍
zøxzheq | printing books | 造冊

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