"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zhoarn

bøexhuozhoarn | gasps for breath; urgent | 未赴喘; 喘無過氣來
bøo huozhoarn | unable to catch breath | 無赴喘
hauzhoarn | asthma | 哮喘
hiøhzhoarn | take a breath; take a break | 歇喘; 緩氣; 透口氣
hviuxhviuxzhoarn | wheeze | 哮哮喘
khiezhoarn | asthma; pant; to gasp; asthma | 氣喘
phienzhoarnciar | compiler; editor | 編纂者
phvexphvexzhoarn | breathe very hard; pant | 怦怦喘
phvixphvaxzhoarn | asthma | 怦怦喘
phvixphvexzhoarn | hard to breath | 忐忑喘; 很喘
phvixphvixzhoarn | hard to breath | 噓噓喘
thaokinzhoarnkud | freezing to the tendon and muscle | 透筋竄骨
toaarkhuiezhoarn | asthma | 大氣喘
toaxkhuiezhoarn | asthma | 大氣喘
toaxzhoarn | big gasp | 大喘; 喘息
zhoarn | pant; breathe hard; panting; puffing; pant; gasp for breath; asthma | 喘
zhoarn'angtefng | rush through a red light | 闖紅燈
zhoarn'iern | participate in a stage play or movie filming | 串演
zhoarn'ui | acquire the throne without legal procedure of a kingdom | 篡位
zhoarn'vie | bud, put forth buds | 串芽; 發芽; 出芽
zhoarn-toaxkhuix | take a deep breath, sigh deeply | 喘大氣; 深呼吸
zhoarnhø | to bring about big trouble; to incur calamity | 闖禍
zhoarnjip | intrude | 竄入
zhoarnkae | make change without permission; alter a writing with an evil intent | 竄改; 篡改
zhoarnkefng | collaborate to make false testament in a court | 串供
zhoarnkiofng | collusion among witnesses or suspects | 串供
zhoarnkoaan | usurpation; usurp authority | 篡權
zhoarnkorng | repeatedly state the same thing | 串講; 總是說
zhoarnky | bunch of branches | 串枝; 生出枝
zhoarnkøex | usurped | 篡過
zhoarnlieen | insert in series | 串連
zhoarnlip | become an unlawful ruler | 篡立
zhoarnphiexn | swindle; to collaborate in a swindle | 串騙
zhoarnthaux | crosstalk | 串透
zhoarnthofng zokpex | join together in practicing fraud | 串通作弊
zhoarnthofng | conspire with (enemy); collude or conspire | 串通
zhoarntiøh | string | 串著
zhoarntoat | seize power or the throne | 篡奪
zhoarntoong | band together (to do something evil); to gang up | 串同
zhoarntø | trespass | 闖道
zhoarnvie | germination | 串芽; 發芽
zhoarnzheq | edit book | 篡冊; 編輯書本
zhoarnzhoaxn | every time; always- doing bad things | 串串; 每每(作惡)
zhoarnzw | string of pearls or beads | 串珠
zhoarnzøx | make skewers | 做串

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