"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Amie-zok | Amis tribe | 阿眉族; 阿美族
Anzoaan Lysuxhoe | Security Council of the United Nations | 安全理事會
Athaix kengzex habzog hoexgi | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | 亞太經濟合作會議
Bahzarngzoeq | rice ball festival | 肉粽節
Bexngzofng-teg | Moso bamboo | 孟宗竹; 毛竹
Biauzok | Miao nationality (a minority of China); Miao people; Mao people of southwestern China | 苗族
Binzok zwgi | Three Principles of the People (nationalism; democracy; livelihood); by Dr Sun yet-sen; founding father (國父) of the Republic of China | 民族主義
Boafnzok | Manchus | 滿族
Bulurn-zok | Bunun tribe | 布農族; 布倫族
Ciuozoa ho padlaang sie | to harm someone by association; (because I make a promise difficult to fulfill it also hurts other people who are involved with me or who work with me to complete the promise.) | 咒詛給別人死
Goxgeqzoeq | the 5th of the 5th lunar month (a dragon boat regatta is held) | 五月節
Goxlidzoeq | Dragon Boat Festival | 五日節
Hajidzok | person who likes and admires Japan and Japanese people or things | 哈日族
Harnbinzok | Chinese race | 漢民族
Harnzok | the Han race | 漢族
Haxn køzor | | 漢高祖
Hienzong | a Buddhist monk in Tang dynasty who toured India for more than 10 years and brought back 600-odd Buddhist script | 玄奘
Hoefzoexkefng | Confiteor (Catholic) | 悔罪經
Hoezok | Mohammedans (one of the five races (Chinese | 回族
Hoxlie zoankhøf haghau | junior college of nursing | 護理專科學校
Hudzor | Buddha; Shankyamuni; Buddhist patriarchs | 佛祖
Iuzexng-zofngkiok | general post office | 郵政總局
Julaipudzor | Buddha | 如來佛祖
Kangzoafn | Engineering Junior College | 工專
Kaozofng | Pope | 教宗
Kaozofng-thongtiap | encyclical (Catholic) | 教宗通牒
Kimmngg-Mafzor | Quemoy and Matsu; two groups of islands off the Fukien coast remaining free from communism | 金門馬祖; 金馬
Kokzex-tegsiax-zocid | Amnesty International (AI) | 國際特赦組織
Lienhabkog anzoaan lysuxhoe | U.N. Security Council | 聯合國安全理事會
Lioghoatzoansw | The Complete Book of Six Law | 六法全書
Lulaipudzor | Buddha | 如來佛祖
Mafzofbiø | Matsu temple | 媽祖廟
Mafzofpøo | goddess of the sea much worshiped in Taiwan and the southern China coast | 媽祖婆
Mafzofsvef | Matsu's birthday | 媽祖生
Mafzor | goddess of the sea much worshiped in Taiwan and the southern China coast | 媽祖
Paioanzok | Paiwan | 排灣族
Pak'iog zocid | NATO | 北約組織
Phaioaan-zok | Paiwan tribe | 排灣族; 派灣族
Phvezor | legendary official in the reign of Emperor Yao (2356 B.C.) who was said to have lived 800 years | 彭祖
Phvizor | first ancestor or founder of a family | 鼻祖
Pilamzok | aboriginal in eastern Taiwan | 卑南族
Porlongzok | Bunun- aboriginal race in Taiwan | 布農族
Pudzofsvef | birthday of Sakyamuni Buddha The Third Prine | 佛祖生
Pudzofsvy | birthday of Sakyamuni Buddha The Third Prine | 佛祖生
Pvepozok | Formosan aborigines who submitted to Chinese rule and learned to speak Chinese | 平埔族
Pvipof-zok | Taiwanese plains aborigines | 平埔族
Samzhefng Tøxzor | the Three Pure Ones | 三清道祖
Serngbøfkwn huozo-thoan'oaan | auxiliary member of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍輔助團員
Serngbøfkwn kangzog-thoan'oaan | active Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍工作團員
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Siulyhoe | MIC: Miss Srs of the Immac Concept (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪修女會
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Thoankaux Siulyhoe | SMIC: Franc Miss Srs of the Imm Conc (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪傳教修女會。
Serngbør bøjiarm goanzoe | Immaculate Conception (Catholic) | 聖母無染原罪
Serngkaux zornglea | ecclesiastical burial | 聖教葬禮
Sezong | Tibet | 西藏
Siøxzok | Thao | 邵族
Svalidzoeq | tomb sweeping on Ching Ming Festivak | 三日節; 清明節
Texzong'oong | Buddhist idol ─ pho-sat (one of three Buddhist Bodhisattva) | 地藏王
Thae'afluo-zok | Tayal (Atayal) tribe (Taiwan aborigines); Tayal tribe | 泰亞落族; ???族; 泰亞魯族
Thaegvafzok | a aboriginal in Taiwan | 泰雅族
Thuthiog hoxzoxsia | Credit Union ─ C U | 儲蓄互助社
Thvikongzor | god | 天公祖
Tiong'iongzoeq | Double Ninth Festival | 重陽節
Tiongchiuzoeq | moon festival | 中秋節
Tøexzong-Oong | the King God of the land; a good king who was killed in battle and later deified | 地藏王
Zexngthor-zofng | pure land (Buddhism) | 淨土宗
Zozok | Tsou aboriginal | 鄒族
Zøzok | Cao aboriginal | 曹族
aezeeng putzoafn | changeable or unstable in love; fickle | 愛情無專
aezeeng zoan'id | steadfast in love; constant in love | 愛情專一
ahzof | rent deposit | 押租
amzoong | hide; conceal | 掩藏
angzoantefng | safety lights | 安全燈
angzoar | red paper | 紅紙
angzofng | red seabream, Dentex tumifrons | 紅鯮
anzoaan pynciafm | safety pin | 安全別針
anzoaan texid | safety first | 安全第一
anzoaan | safe; secure; safe; in security | 安全
anzoaan-bø | safety helmet | 安全帽
anzoaan-karm | sence of security | 安全感
anzoaan-kii | safe period | 安全期
anzoaan-sexng | safety | 安全性
anzoaan-toax | safety-belt | 安全帶
anzoanbø | motorcycle helmet | 安全帽
anzoankarm | sense of security | 安全感
anzoankhieloong | air bag for car; sometimes referred to as ke-kui-a; balloon) | 安全氣囊
anzoankii | safe period | 安全期
anzoanpynciafm | safety pin | 安全別針
anzoantoax | safety belt; seat belt; safety belt | 安全帶
anzoantør | safety island of a thoroughfare | 安全島
anzofng | install a device | 安裝
anzornglea | burial service; prayers at the grave (Catholic) | 安葬禮
anzoxng | bury; burial; bury; interment | 安葬
armzo | secret help | 暗助; 暗中幫助
armzoong | hide; conceal | 暗藏
atzor | stop; prevent; deter | 遏阻
awzoar | fold paper to mark columns for writing | 摺紙
azor | great-grandparent; great grandparents on both sides of the family | 阿祖; 曾祖父母; 曾祖
baizoong | conceal; hide; bury; hide; conceal; bury treasure or weapons | 埋藏
baizornglea | funeral ceremony | 埋葬禮
baizoxng | bury; inter; bury a corpse | 埋葬
baxntoxngzog | slow motion | 慢動作
baxnzoaan | perfect; extremely safe or sound; failure-proof | 萬全
baxnzok | all races | 萬族
beng putkay zoat | not destined to die (said of one who has had a narrow escape from death) | 命無該絕
bengzog | masterpiece | 名作
bexngzongteg | Moso bamboo, Phyllostachuys pubescens | 毛宗竹
biauzok | a minority of China(the Miao nationality) | 苗族
biedzoat | extinguish; become extinct; exterminate; annihilate; wipe out | 滅絕; 殲滅
biedzok | destroy a family including the relatives; genocide; wipe out an entire clan | 滅族
biefnzoe | pardon | 免罪
biefnzof | no lease; no rent | 免租
biexnbok zoanhuy | everything has changed beyond recognition | 面目全非
biexnliim zoadzerng | extinction of species; i.e | 面臨絕種
binzoghak | ethnology | 民族學
binzok buxntee | problem of nationalities | 民族問題
binzok ciesiong | a slogan meaning; The Nation above all! | 民族至上
binzok ee phienkiexn | racial prejudice | 民族的偏見
binzok enghioong | national hero | 民族英雄
binzok ieseg | national consciousness | 民族意識
binzok kekbeng | national revolution | 民族革命
binzok uxntong | national movement | 民族運動
binzok zengsiin | racial spirit | 民族精神
binzok zuxkoad | national self-determination | 民族自決
binzok zwgi | racialism; nationalism; the Principle of Nationalism (one of the Three Principles of the People) | 民族主義
binzok | race; people; nation; nationality; race; nation | 民族
bisi-zoxngthaix | microstate | 微小狀態; 微視狀態
bixnzoar | tissue | 面紙
bofngzoaa | a boa or python | 蟒蛇
bongzoaa | Taiwan warm snake | 蟒蛇; 盲蛇
boxau kangzokciar | behind-the-scenes workers | 幕後工作者
boxngzoar | gold-colored funeral paper for placing on top of tomb on Ching Ming Festival | 墓紙; 掃墓時放置墓上之黃色金紙
boxngzok | respected clan; respected family in a community; family of renown | 望族
boxngzong | light-minded; cursory; offhand | 輕率
bozof | module | 模組
bu'erng buzofng | not a trace left | 無影無蹤
bu'og putzog | capable of committing every crime under the sun | 無惡無作
bu'og-putzog | stop at nothing in doing evil; to be as wicked as possible | 無惡無作
bunbuo siangzoaan | adept with the pen and the sword | 文武雙全
bunbuo zoanzaai | excel in both literary and military arts | 文武全才
bunge zokphirn | literary works or productions | 文藝作品
busor-putzog | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無作; 無所不為
buxnzoe | denounce and punish; to sentence as guilty | 問罪
buxnzoxng | ask funeral | 問喪
buzo | helpless | 無助
buzofng | without traces | 無蹤
bwzofng chimliok | armed aggression | 武裝侵略
bwzofng kaytii | disarmament | 武裝解除
bwzofng poxtui | armed forces | 武裝部隊
bwzofng | armor; armament; arm oneself with | 武裝
bwzok | mother's clan; the paternal clan | 母族
bylongzoar | good quality of paper | 美濃紙
bøe-zoealaang | unable to be accepted in a society | 未做人
bøexzoex`tid | cannot do it | 做無得
bøkhahzoah | useless | 無較縒
bøo goanzoe sythay | Immaculate Conception of Mary; conceived without sin (catholic term) | 無原罪始胎
bøo zoansym | not with one's whole heart | 無專心
bøo zongzeg | disappear; traceless; trackless; vanish | 無蹤跡
bøokhaq zoah | useless | 無較濺; 沒有用
bøzoa | useless | 無行; 沒關係; 沒有用
bøzoaan | incomplete, lacking something | 無全; 不全
bøzoaq | no difference, the same | 無溢; 無差; 沒有差別
bøzoe | innocent | 無罪
chiaolie-zongtøf | to hide a dagger behind a smile | 笑裏藏刀
chiaptøxzoe | theft; larceny | 竊盜罪
chiaukuun zoadluun | surpassing all others | 超群絕倫
chiauzoat | incomparable; unsurpassed; unequaled; transcendent | 超絕
chiazoa | a line drawn at a slant | 斜行; 斜線
chid zoexzofng | seven capital sins (Catholic) | 七罪宗
chiekekzok'iong | stimulating | 刺激作用
chien'ii-zoxngthaix | transition state | 遷移狀態
chienzorng | leader of 1000 soldier | 千總; 千夫長
chienzoxng | to move the tomb to another place; remove a body from one grave to another | 遷葬
chiezoar | test paper, litmus paper | 試紙
chimciarmzoe | offense of misappropriation (in law) | 侵佔罪
chimzo | do advanced study | 深助
chinzok | clansmen; cognation; sib; relatives on the father's side | 親族
chiokboezok'iong | catalysis | 觸媒作用
chitpoxzoaa | cobra | 七步蛇
chitzoat | a verse of four lines with seven characters to a line | 七絕
chiwzog | hand made | 手作
chviuxphoezoar | thick and strong paper for drawing | 象皮紙
chvizoaa | Taiwan green snake. Green vine snake | 青蛇
ciaozoex | do it accordingly | 照做
ciapzoa | connect; wiring | 接線
ciaqzoe | plead guilty; receive punishment for sin or crime | 吃罪; 服罪; 頂罪
ciaqzor | eating worship food after ceremony | 食祖
ciaux pørzoar | according to the paper | 照報紙
ciauzof | to let | 招租
cidtøf zoar | one bundle of paper folded all into one from 25 sheets to 360 sheets | 一包紙; 一紮紙; 一刀紙
cidzoa | a row; a line; a single file; one line | 一行; 一逝
cidzoat | uniq | 一絕
cidzof | one group | 一組
cidzok | one family | 一族
cieen zofngthorng | ex-president | 前總統
ciefnzoar | paper-cut | 剪紙
ciefnzoex | cut | 剪做
ciernzefng zoxngthaix | state of war; state of hostilities | 戰爭狀態
cihofng zocid | fatty tissue | 脂肪組織
cihofng-zok | aliphatic | 脂肪族
cihzoar | fold paper | 摺紙
ciofng kofng por zoe | make up for faults by one's merits | 將功補罪
ciofng kofng siok zoe | atone for mistakes by meritorious service | 將功贖罪
ciofngzo | awards | 獎助
ciofngzok kehli | racial segregation; apartheid | 種族隔離
ciofngzok kekbeng | racial revolution | 種族革命
ciofngzok khinsi | racial discrimination | 種族歧視
ciofngzok pengterng | racial equality | 種族平等
ciofngzok | tribe; strips; race; phyle; race or tribe of people | 種族
ciofngzoxkym | scholarship | 獎助金
ciqzok-kiøx | washer noise | 洗衣聲
cirnzog | to lift up (or raise) one's head | 振作
citgiap zoankhøf haghau | vocational school or junior college | 職業專科學校
citzoa | this trip | 這行; 這一趟
citzof | this group | 這組
ciuozoa | cantrip; swear | 咒詛; 咒誓
ciuozor | beshrew; bann; anathematize | 咒詛; 詛咒
ciuzoaan | utterly; perfectness; complete and perfect | 周全; 週; 齊全
ciuzoarn | circumvolution; turnover; money circulation; sufficient to meet all needs | 周轉; 週轉
ciuzoarn-kym | money available for use | 周轉金; 週轉金
ciwzoan | corkscrew | 旋塞; 開瓶器
ciøhzo | with the help of | 借助
ciøzof | rent a house out; advertise for tenants | 招租
cviarzofng | authentic | 正宗
cviazoex efngheeng`ee | perpetuate | 成為永恆的
cviazoex | came; get; go; going to be | 成為
cviuxzoa | get on track; go smoothly; go well (business; training) | 上行; 上軌道
cynzog | bestir; exert oneself; stimulate | 振作
efng'oarn zociøq | perpetual leasehold | 永遠租借
efngkiuo zocid | permanent organization | 永久組織
enghioong zongpaix | hero worship | 英雄崇拜
engzofng iauxzor | bring glory to one's family and ancestors | 榮宗耀祖
exzoa | next time, next occasion, next trip, the line below, the next line | 下行; 下一行
exzoeatid | able to | 會做得
gafnkhøf zoankaf | oculist | 眼科專家
gauzoex | capable of | 賢做
gegzoarn | deteriorate; turn for the worse | 逆轉
geqzohuix | monthly rent | 月租費
gienzong | description | 言狀
ginhoatzok | silver haired group | 銀髮族
ginzoar | paper money to be burned for the death; mock money burned in idolatrous rites | 銀紙; 冥紙; 紙錢
goangoaan putzoat | continue without end | 源源無絕
goansie binzok | primitive races | 原始民族
goanzoar | original note; original paper | 原紙
goanzoe thoanseeng lun | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 原罪傳承論; 靈魂遺傳說
goanzoe | the original sin; original sin (theology) | 原罪
goanzofng | by original manufacturer | 原裝
goanzog | original author of a book | 原作
goanzokciar | original author of a book | 原作者
goanzong | original shape; original condition | 原狀
goanzonghoex | products imported intact (as distinct from those locally assembled or packaged) | 原裝貨
goanzongphirn | article assembled by the original manufacturer | 原裝品
goanzor | first founder of dynasty; remote ancestor; first founder of religious sect; first ancestor | 元祖; 原祖
goaxzoarn | supination | 外旋; 外轉
goaxzoe | how much; how many | 多少
goaxzok | foreigner; families or clans on the maternal side | 外族
goaxzor | grand parents of mother side; grandparents on my mothers side of the family | 外祖; 外曾祖父母; 外祖父母
goeqzohuix | rent | 月租費
guixzerngzoe | perjury (law) | 偽證罪
guixzofng | to disguise; fake; camouflage | 偽裝
guixzø-zoe | forgery | 偽造罪
guixzøxzoe | forgery | 偽造罪
gunzoar | hades pape | 銀紙
guphoezoar | thick packing paper | 牛皮紙
guphøezoar | brown paper, craft paper | 牛皮紙
guxzog | made by order of emperor | 御作
guzoad | stupid; foolish; folly; stupidity | 愚拙
gvofzok | Chinese Five Races(Chinese | 五族
gvofzong | the five internal organs (the heart | 五臟
gvofzong-lioghuo | all the great internal organs and intestines | 五臟六腑
gymzoaa | boa snake; boa constrictor | 錦蛇
gyzoe | pronounce a sentence; condemn to punishment; to draft a criminal case | 擬罪; 判罪
habzoex | to do together | 合做
habzog | cooperate | 合作
habzog-kimkhox | the (Taiwan) Cooperative Bank | 合作金庫
habzoksia | a co-op; a cooperative store | 合作社
habzoxng | to bury in one grave; bury in a common grave | 合葬
hak iuo zoantiorng | have acquired a specialty from study | 學有專長
hamchiaux kiwzoaan | be able to smile in Hades; die with satisfaction | 含笑九泉
hap-zoeatuy | pile up in one | 合做堆; 合做一堆
harnzok | the Han race | 漢族
haxmjip zoadkerng | get into extreme difficulty; be drawn into a hopeless situation | 陷入絕境
haxmzoe | a trap to be guilty | 陷罪
haxnsii zoansaxng | special delivery (in Chinese postal service) | 限時專送
haxnsii-zoansaxng | prompt delivery | 限時專送
haxzoe | to convict | 下罪
haxzog | lowly, humble | 下族; 卑微
haxzoxng | inter | 下葬
haykazoah | sea worm | 海虼蚻
hayzoaa | sea serpent; hydra | 海蛇
hegzoe | to commit a crime or sin | 獲罪
henghofng-zoklong | cause unrest; stir up trouble | 興風作浪
hengkiab-zokgi | put emphasis on righteousness | 行俠仗義
hengswbuxnzoe | mobilize troops to chastise rebels | 興師問罪
hengzofng | whereabouts of a person; baggage or luggage; traces or tracks of a person | 行裝; 行蹤; 形蹤
hengzofngkuypix | secretive movements; said of a person of dubious background; of many secrets and of doubtful character | 形蹤詭秘
hengzofngputteng | have no fixed residence; wander here and there unpredictably | 行蹤無定
hengzong | outward form; appearance | 形狀
hesimzoafn'ix | change of mind | 回心轉意
hiabzo | hand; help; work in accord | 協助
hiabzog | cooperate in doing | 協助; 合作
hiafmzor | difficult to cross | 險阻
hiafngboefzoaa | rattle snake | 響尾蛇
hiafngbøea-zoaa | rattlesnake | 響尾蛇
hienloexzo | good wife; better half | 賢內助
hietzok kiet'hwn | consanguineous marriage | 血族結婚
hietzok | a clam with blood relationship; clan related by blood | 血族
hiexntai zokkaf | modern writer | 現代作家
hiexnzong | current situation; present condition | 現狀
hiezofng | stage costume | 戲裝
hiezong | the lungs | 肺臟
hiongzoxng | sturdiness; martial | 雄壯
hoabie-zoadluun | very beautiful or elegant; beyond comparison (people; building; things; etc) | 華美絕倫
hoadzoe | punishment of sins | 罰罪; 定罪
hoafnzoad | suffer from being too smart | 反拙
hoafnzoarn | to turn back; turn inside out | 反轉
hoafnzof | to ruminate, rumination | 反芻
hoafnzok'iong | reaction | 反作用
hoanzoarn | to overturn | 翻轉
hoanzong | circularity; ring shape; ring | 環狀
hoarhak zok'iong | chemical action | 化學作用
hoarzofng | to apply cosmetics; dress; to make up; make up | 化妝; 化裝; 化粧
hoarzofng-seg | medical laboratory | 化妝室
hoarzofng-sut | cosmetology | 化妝術
hoarzofng-sw | cosmetologist | 化妝師
hoarzongphirn | cosmetic; cosmetics | 化粧品; 化妝品
hoarzongsw | beautician; beauty artist | 化粧師
hoatzog | (V;N): (have a) fit; spasm pasoxysm; fit of anger; (V) 1. break out (rash; showing disease); become evident (as disease through symptoms) 2. have a fit or spasm; (of a disease) to break out; act up; out of temper | 發作
hoatzoxng | to inform relatives and friends of a death | 發葬
hoaxnzoe heng'uii | criminal act | 犯罪行為
hoaxnzoe ieseg | guilt feelings | 犯罪意識
hoaxnzoe simlyhak | criminal psychology | 犯罪心理學
hoaxnzoe | to commit a crime; commit sins or crimes | 犯罪
hoeazoar | waste paper | 廢紙
hoeazoe | to show repentance, penance | 悔罪
hoefzoe | be filled with remorse because of one's faults or sins | 悔罪
hoefzorngtviuu | crematory; crematorium | 火葬場
hoefzoxng | cremate; cremation | 火葬
hoesimzoafn'ix | change of mind | 回心轉意
hoexzoxng | bury with one another | 會葬; 宗教告別式
hoezoa | stripe; streak | 花逝; 花紋; 紋路; 斑紋; 文理
hoezoar | papers with designs | 花紙
hoezoarn | to turn around | 迴轉
hogsiafzoar | carbon paper | 複寫紙
hogsiar-zoar | carbon paper | 複寫紙
hogzoe | to plead guilty | 服罪
hogzofng | clothes; costume; dress; wear | 服裝
hoksiu siangzoaan | enjoy both happiness and longevity | 福壽雙全
hoksiu zoankuy | have enjoyed both happiness and longevity (a laudatory expression about people who die at venerable age) | 福壽全歸
hong'uo buzor | take place on schedule regardless of weather changes | 風雨無阻
honggafnzoar | paper with squares for calligraphy practice | 方格紙; 方眼紙
honghiofng-zok | aromatic (chemistry) | 芳香族
honghiongzok-hoarhabbut | aromatic compound (chemistry) | 芳香化合物; 芳香族化合物
honghoarzoe | offense against public morals | 風化罪
hongtviuu zok'hix | take part in merely accidental amusement | 逢場作戲
hongzoaan | the nether world; the lower world | 黃泉
hongzofng | your whereabouts (respectful expression) | 芳蹤
hongzok | people of imperial lineage; imperial family | 皇族
hongzor | the emperor's ancestors | 皇祖
hongzoxng | very strong | 宏壯
hosinzoar | sticky fly paper | 胡蠅紙
hoxsvoarzoaa | kind of snake | 雨傘蛇
hoxzo | mutual aid; mutually; mutual help | 互助
hoxzoxng | elaborate funeral | 厚葬
hoxzoxsia | mutual help association; credit union | 互助社
hozog hui'uii | bully others as if the law were non existent | 胡作非為
hu'iorng kazok | dependent | 扶養家族
hudzor | Lord Buddha | 佛祖
huiezoar | waste paper | 廢紙
hunbee-zoxngthaix | comatose | 昏迷狀態
hunkafng habzog | perform a task by division of labor; division of labor | 分工合作
hunzoaa | heavy cigarette smoker; smokes opium (Lit. tobacco snake) | 煙蛇; 癮君子
hunzoar | cigarette paper | 煙紙
hunzof | rent out to joint tenants | 分租
hunzofng | divide booty among thieves | 分贓
huozo | assist | 輔助
huozofngsuleng | deputy commander-in-chief | 副總司令
huozofngthorng | vice president of a republic | 副總統
huozofngzhaai | assistant bank manager; vice president of a party | 副總裁
huozok'iong | secondary effects or reaction; side effect | 副作用
huozorng | vice-chairman; vice-chairwoman | 副總
hux-zofnglie | vice premier | 副總理
hux-zofngthorng | vice president | 副總統
hux-zok'viu | a deleterious effect, a side effect | 副作樣
huxnzok | turbidness; cloudiness; thickness | 混濁
huxzoe | bear the blame | 負罪
huxzok | relatives from father side | 父族
huxzoxng | accessories to be buried with death | 附葬
huyporngzoe | criminal offense of libel | 誹謗罪
huzo | support; aid; help; assistance | 扶助
huzoar | magic charm | 符仔; 符紙; 魔法魅力
huzoxhuix | money given for assisting in a hardship | 扶助費; (金)
huzoxkym | money given for assisting in a hardship | 扶助金
hvehzor | to deter | 驚阻; 嚇阻
hwzo | auxiliary | 輔助
hwzo-kaotø | assisted instruction | 輔助教導
hwzong | bowels; entrails; viscera | 腑臟
høefzoaa | fiery serpent | 火蛇
høefzorngtviuu | crematorium | 火葬場
høefzoxng | to cremate; cremation | 火葬
høesym-zoafn'ix | to repent; to relent | 回心轉意
høfzoarn | lucrative; profitable; easy to make money | 好賺
høxzoex | (v) be known by reputation as; (v) falsely claim to be sth | 叫做; 號做
høzoee | together | 和齊; 同心協力; 一起
iaxzofnghoe | night club | 夜總會
ichii hiexnzong | maintain the status quo | 維持現狀
iezoarn-simhoee | change one's mind | 意轉心回
iofngzoxng | brave and strong; stout; strong | 勇壯
isuzoong | private collection; keep something against the law | 衣私藏
itkoaxn-zok'hofng | consistent way of doing things | 一貫作風
itkoaxn-zokgiap | integrated operation (said of factories); through process | 一貫作業
itzofng | once case | 一宗
itzok | the whole family | 一族
itzorng | all together | 一總
iubok-binzok | nomads | 遊牧民族
iuozoar | fine smooth paper, finely shredded paper | 幼紙; 細紙
iuxzoarn | turn right | 右轉
iuzoar | oiled paper (for packing) | 油紙
iuzofng | travel | 遊蹤
iwzoe | guilty | 有罪
ixhoax-zok'iong | catabolism | 異化作用
ixkaux ee zoftoxng | impediment of disparity of cult (Catholic) | 異教的阻擋
ixzok | different race; different clan; alien race | 異族
ixzong | abnormal strange appearance | 異狀
izoafn | junior medical college | 醫專
izoarn | transfer (certain rights; holdings); remove | 移轉; 轉移
izofng | clothing | 衣裝
izok | bereaved family | 遺族; 失去親人的
izong | pancreatic | 胰臟
iøqzoar | medicine paper | 藥紙
iøzoaq | falter; stumble | 動搖; 搖曳; 搖晃
jin'iefn zoadzeg | no trace of human habitation | 人煙絕跡
jinzoaa | snake-head | 人蛇
jinzofng pexnghek | caught together with the goods (thief or robber) | 人贓並獲
jiogsiao-binzok | small nation | 弱小民族
jiogsiør-binzok | small and weak tribe | 弱小民族
jit zoansit | total eclipse of the sun | 日全蝕
jixnzoe | confess one's sin; acknowledge one's fault | 認罪
jixzoaflarng | wastepaper basket | 字紙簍
jixzoar | paper; wastepaper; paper with words written or printed upon it | 字紙
jixzoar-larng | waste basket; trash basket, wastepaper basket | 字紙簍; 字紙籠
joaxzoe | how many, how much | 多少
kafmhoax zoexjiin | convert sinners | 感化罪人
kafmkongzoar | sensitive paper | 感光紙
kafmoxzoe | forgery | 假冒罪
kafmzog-kafm'uii | have the courage to do what one believes should be done | 敢作敢為
kafzofng | pretend | 假裝
kahzof | 1st group | 甲組
kahzoxngsvoariam | thyroiditis; inflammation of the thyroid gland | 甲狀腺炎
kahzoxngsvoax chiettii chiwsut | thyroidectomy | 甲狀腺切除手術
kahzoxngsvoax zerng`khylaai | Basedow's disease; goiter | 甲狀腺腫起來
kahzoxngsvoax | thyroid gland; thyroid | 甲狀腺
kaikib-zocid | hierarchy | 階級組織; 教階組織
kangzog | work; occupation; a task; a job; toil; to work; job; work; task | 工作
kangzog-hauxlut | labor efficiency | 工作效率
kangzog-hok | working clothes | 工作服
kangzog-jin'oaan | workers; workers assigned to do a specific task of job | 工作人員
kangzog-liong | an amount of work | 工作量
kangzog-sikafn | hours of labor; the hours on duty | 工作時間
kangzog-toaxtui | team or group of persons dispatched for a special task | 工作大隊
kangzog-zexng | an identity card | 工作證
kangzok | consanguinity; same family, same sort | 同族; 仝族
kangzok'hoad | manual training | 工作法
kangzok'hok | working clothes | 工作服
kangzokjit | working-day | 工作日
kangzokseg | a workshop; a labor-room; studio; workroom | 工作室
kangzoktaai | a workbench | 工作台
kangzoktui | political workforce | 工作隊
kangzokzof | a working team | 工作組
kaozofng | pontiff; Pope | 教宗
kaozor | founder of a religion | 教祖; 教主
kapzoa | seam | 敆逝; 接縫; 接合線; 接縫處; 縫
kapzoex | combine | 合成
kauthofng-anzoaan | traffic safety | 交通安全
kauthofng-anzoanciw | traffic safety week | 交通安全週
kauthofng-toaxnzoat | cut off communication | 交通斷絕
kauxzoafphef | cardboard | 厚紙坯
kauxzoafphoef | cardboard | 厚紙坯
kauxzoar | cardboard | 厚紙
kawzok | nine gradation of kinship | 九族
kaxngzof | the same class, same section, same group | 同組; 仝組
kaxngzok | same race | 同族; 仝族
kayzoex | change to | 改做
kayzof | reorganize; reshuffle; reorganization | 改組
kayzofng | adopt a new package; refit; re-pack goods; to disguise; convert (a machine; vehicle) for a new use | 改裝; 改宗; 改教
kayzog | change to; change from planting one kind of crop to planting other crops | 改作
kayzoxng | reburied | 改葬
kazexng zoankhøf haghau | domestic science junior college | 家政專科學校
kazoah | cockroach | 膠蟑; 虼蚻; 蟑螂; 蜚蠊目
kazoaqsøf | cockroach's taste | 蟑螂味道
kazog | family | 家族; 佳作
kazogzwgi | sense of family | 家族主義
kazok | families; kindred; members of a family | 家族
kazok-tinthiab | family allowance | 家族津貼
kazok-zeato | family system | 家族制度
kefngzong | appearance; conditions; circumstances | 景狀
keftoxngzog | dummy play (in sports); a deceiving move | 假動作
kefzoex | feign; pretend | 假做
keh'afzoar | ruled paper | 格子紙; 方格紙
keh'ar-zoar | paper with squares | 格仔紙; 方格紙
kehzoa | a divided line | 隔線
kehzoat | blocked or obstructed; separated; cut off; isolate | 隔絕
kehzoat-he | isolated system | 隔絕系
kek'hoad-zoxngthaix | excited state | 激發狀態
khahzoah | makes little difference | 較差; 有用嗎
khaikizor | ncestor | 開基祖
khawzoad | clumsy | 巧拙
khengzofng | with light equipment | 輕裝
khiaxzoa | vertical line | 豎行; 直行列
khiezoat kati | renounce self | 棄絕自己
khiezoat seasiok | renounce the world | 棄絕世俗
khiezoat sialiam | reject impure thoughts (Catholic) | 棄絕邪念
khiezoat | breathe ones last | 氣絕; 棄絕
khimzoong | adore (the supreme God) | 欽崇
khinzoe | venial sin | 輕罪
khiofnghatzoe | blackmailing (offense of); intimidation; extortion | 恐嚇罪
khiokzoaan | suppress one's own feelings for the sake of greater interests | 曲全
khipbagzoar | blotting-paper | 吸墨紙; 吸水紙
khipbak-zoar | blotting paper | 吸墨紙
khipzuyzoar | blotting-paper | 吸水紙
khiøhjixzoar`ee | scavengers | 抾字紙的
khiøhlixzoar`ee | scavengers | 抾字紙的
khoaezong | blocks; lumpish | 塊狀
khoafnzor | dissuade | 勸阻
khoarnzor | to dissuade | 勸阻
khoaxkhoaxzoong | seek help anxiously | 急急奔
khogkhogzoong | impetuous; rash | 酷酷奔; 亂撞; 忙碌奔波
khongcieen-zoadhiø | be the first and probably the last | 空前絕後
khongzofng-taixtø | level thoroughfare leading to many places | 康莊大道
khorngzof | to resist to rent | 抗租; 抗拒租用
khorngzoong | mineral reserves; mineral resources | 礦藏
khuizoe | to offend another with what one says; writes or does | 開罪
khuzoaa | to charm snake | 踞蛇; 弄蛇
khvoarhofng-zoafntø | adapt oneself to circumstances | 看風轉舵
khvoarzoex | regard as; look upon as | 看做
khyzoaa | tooth problem | 齒蛇; 齒齦上的疾病
khørgoa-zokgiap | homework (for a student) | 課外作業
kiafmzoe | to reduce punishment; to cut down penalty | 減罪
kiafmzof | reduce; cut; or lower rent | 減租
kiap'hux zoxpiin | plunder the rich and help the poor (like Robin Hood) | 劫富助貧
kiap'hux-zoxpiin | rob the wealth to help the poor | 劫富助貧
kiarzoe | probation; suspend sentence; reprieve | 寄罪; 緩刑
kiauzofng | disguise; disguise one's dress | 喬裝
kiedzog | a masterpiece | 傑作
kienzoxng | strong and durable | 堅壯
kiet'og ciøzof | house for rent; house to let | 吉屋招租
kiexnkhofng-zoxngthaix | state of health | 健康狀態
kiexnzoaan | a good condition; in good order; flawless (usually referring to a system; institutions; etc.); healthy; wholesome; sound | 健全
kiexnzong | strong, well-build (body) | 健壯
kiexnzoxng | healthy and robust; strong and vigorous | 健壯
kiheeng-koaezong | strange; uncommon form | 奇形怪狀
kim'og-zongkiaw | build a magnificent house for a beloved woman (especially a concubine or mistress) | 金屋藏嬌
kimzoaftiaxm | a shop selling incense or gold and silver paper for worship | 金紙店
kimzoar | paper money for dead; mock money burned in idolatrous rites | 金紙; 銀紙; 冥紙
kinzoat | outroot; eradication; exterminate | 根絕
kiongzong | strengthen, encourage, strong | 強壯
kiongzorngzef | tonics | 強壯劑
kiongzoxng | strong; vigorous; robust; energetic; hale; vigorous | 強壯
kioxngzorng | altogether; in sum; in all; in total | 共總; 總共
kirmzoat | forbidden and isolated; banned and separate | 禁絕
kisut-oaxnzo | technical aid | 技術援助
kitøea-zoxngthaix | ground state | 基地狀態; 基底狀態
kiuozo | to relieve or help (persons); aid (with money or otherwise); relieve or help | 救助
kiuzo | to seek help; ask help | 求助
kiuzoaan | to seek a satisfactory result; to try to preserve oneself | 求全
kiwzoaan cy ha | underworld; Hades | 九泉之下
kiwzoaan | in grave; the underworld; under the earth; Hades; grave; Hades | 九泉
kixnzog | recent works (of a writer artist; etc.) | 近作
kixzoadofnglaiho | client with a very poor credit standing (excluded from banking service) | 拒絕往來戶
kixzoat lai'orng | sever communications or relations | 拒絕來往
kixzoat | rejection; to refuse | 拒絕
kizaan-zocid | basic structure or constitution of an organization; low-echelon organization | 基層組織
kizoat | unique; strange | 奇絕
kizofng-ixhok | strange or odd clothing | 奇裝異服
kiørzoex | be called; be known as | 叫做; 號稱; 稱做
koaezoe | blame | 怪罪
koaezong | strange condition; strange appearance; strange at appearance (shape) | 怪狀
koanzo | contribute to; endow; contribute; endowment | 捐助
koarnzofng | file; dossier; folder; archives; record of cases | 卷宗
koatzoat | make an irrevocable decision to terminate relationship | 決決; 絕交
koeasid-sionghaixzoe | unintentional injury | 過失傷害罪
koeasid-tiesyzoe | unintentional homicide | 過失致死罪
kofzoaan | to manage barely to survive | 苟全
kokkaf anzoaan hoexgi | National Security Council | 國家安全會議
kokzof | every category | 各組
kokzok | each and every race; all racies | 各族; 國族
kokzoxng | state funeral | 國葬
kongzoarn | (said of the earth or other major planets) revolution around the sun; revolve round the sun | 公轉
kongzofng-iauxzor | reflect glory on one's ancestors | 光宗耀祖
kongzor | ancestor | 公祖; 祖先
korzoaan | for the interest of the whole; for the sake of the country; organization; etc. | 顧全
kozoar | (in medicine) a kind of edible film for wrapping medicine of bitter taste; paste paper | 糊紙
kuiezoar | ceremonial strips of yellow paper to put on grave at Ching Ming | 挂紙; 掃墓
kuiezoeq | season | 季節
kuiezok | the nobility; the blue-blood; nobility; a peer | 貴族
kuiezok-zerngti | aristocracy | 貴族政治
kuizoe ho .. | lay the blame on... | 歸罪於 …
kuizoe | blame; declare to be at fault | 規罪; 歸罪; 歸咎
kuizof | the whole group | 整組
kuizofng | revert to the original stock (as when an adopted child returns to the original family) | 歸宗
kuizok | the whole clan | 整族
kunzoat | exterminate; extermination | 根絕
kunzofng | follow in the track of; to shadow | 跟蹤; 軍裝
kuxsi-zoxngthaix | macro state | 舊時狀態; 巨視狀態
kuxzoad | refuse, reject, refusal, rejection | 拒絕
kuxzoat | to decline; to refuse; to reject | 拒絕
kuyzoa | how many | 幾行
kvoafzof | press for the payment of rent | 趕租; 催租
kvoazong | the liver | 肝臟
kymzoaa | Taiwan beauty snake; python | 錦蛇
kynzoaqban | merely a matter of time; sooner or later | 緊差晚 [*]
køfzoar | squared; lined paper | 稿紙
kørsid-satjinzoe | accidental homicide | 過失殺人罪
kørsid-sionghaixzoe | bodily injury done to others through negligence fees paid to a writer on piecework basis | 過失傷害罪
kørzoe | relate ones sins | 告罪
køsanzok | Taiwanese aboriginal; aborigines (Lit. high mountain tribe ─ aborigines themselves do not like this term) | 高山族
køsvoazok | Taiwan aborigine | 高山族
køzor | (paternal) great-great-grandfather | 高祖
laam pan lyzofng | disguised as a woman | 男扮女裝
labzof | to pay rent | 納租; 付租
lai-zoftoxng | came to stop | 來阻擋
laixloaxnzoe | treason | 內亂罪
laixzo | your wife (a complimentary term for another's wife) | 內助
laixzong | internal organs | 內臟
laixzor | paternal great grandparent | 內祖; 曾祖(父方)
lamtøfgyzok | Austronesian | 南島語族
lamzoaa | grass beauty, mountain snake | 濫蛇; 蝻蛇; 南蛇
lamzofng | men's wear; male costume | 男裝
laokhangzoa | empty hand | 落空行
lap texzof | pay land-tax | 繳地租
laqjidzoafterng | on top of calendar paper | 曆日紙頂
laqjidzoar | calendar paper | 曆日紙
laqzoar | wax paper; stencil paper | 蠟紙
lau-zofkofng | father's father's father; paternal great grandfather | 老祖公; 曾祖父
lau-zofmar | father's father's mother; paternal great grandmother | 老祖媽; 曾祖母
lauxzofkofng | male ancestors | 老祖公
lauxzofmar | grand old grand mom | 老祖媽
lauxzor | grand grand ancient | 老祖
laxmsarm ciuozoa | random or false swearing | 亂散; 發誓言
lefngzongchiaf | refrigerated car | 冷藏車
lefngzonghoad | refrigerated method | 冷藏法
lefngzongkhox | cold room; cold storage; refrigerator | 冷藏庫
lefngzoong | to preserve by means of refrigeration | 冷藏
legzoxng | robust; vigorous | 力壯; 力強
lengzoong-hoad | refrigeration method | 冷藏法
lexkhie-zoxngthaix | excited state | 勵起狀態
lexngzoa | next time; next trip | 另趟
liafmzoxng | to shroud and bury | 殮葬
liam siarzoexkefng | say the act of contrition; give sacramental absolution (Catholic) | 念赦罪經
liaqzoex | consider to be; regard as; assume | 意為
liauzoar | tease paper | 撩紙; 裁紙
liedzor | an illustrious ancestor; successive ancestors; array of ancestors | 烈祖; 列祖
liefnzoan | swivel | 輪轉; 旋轉
lienhap zocid | merger; cartel; multi-national company | 聯合組織
lienzofng | to join persons of different ancestors and make them bear the same family name | 聯宗
liernzoarn | rollover | 輾轉
liofngbin zokciexn | fight on two fronts | 兩面作戰
liofngzoaan kii bie | profit both parties or attain two objectives by a single act; arrange a matter so that both sides profit | 兩全其美
liofngzoaan | satisfy both parties; have it both ways; complete in both respects | 兩全
lioghoad zoansw | The complete Volume of Six Laws ─ an omnibus of modern Chinese Laws | 六法全書
lioghoad-zoansw | The Complete Volumes of Six Laws | 六法全書
liogkyn putzoaan | defective person (Buddhism) | 六根無全
liongthaau-zoabøea | dragon's head and snake's tail ─ dwindling away to nothing after an initial display of greatness | 龍頭蛇尾
liongzoaa huxnzap | motley crowd; the wise and the unwise huddled together | 龍蛇混雜
liongzoaa | men of extraordinary talent | 龍蛇
liongzoaan | dragon fountain | 龍泉
liuzoarn | to move from place to place; move from place to place; transmit; or be transmitted; from person to person; from generation to generation; to alternate | 流轉
liuzoe | save more | 留濟
liwzoarn | to wring; to wrench; to twist | 扭轉
lixnzoe | confess one's sin, acknowledge one's fault | 認罪
lixzoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 字紙籠
lixzoar | written paper | 字紙
loaxnloaxnzoong | to run recklessly | 亂亂傱
loexkøq zofnglie | Prime Minister | 內閣總理
loexkøq-zofnglie | prime minister; chancellor | 內閣總理
loexloan-zoe | treason | 內亂罪
loexzo cy kofng | through the assistance of one's wife | 內助之功
loexzo | your wife (a complimentary term for another's wife) | 內助
loexzoarn | pronation | 內旋; 內轉
loexzong | internal organs of the body; internal organs | 內臟
loexzoxnghak | Splanchnology | 內臟學
lofngzofngsi | totls is ... | 攏總是
lofngzorng | total; sum; total amount; total; all | 攏總; 總共; 全部; 都
log'ek-putzoat | people come one after another; in uninterrupted succession; continuous | 絡繹無絕
longgiap zoankhøf haghau | agricultural course in a junior college; agricultural college (junior) | 農業專科學校; 農專
longzoafn | agricultural course in a junior college; agricultural college (junior) | 農專; 農業專科學校
longzofng | heavy make-up; gorgeously dresses | 濃粧
longzog | farming; cultivation of crops | 農作
longzokbut | crops; farm products; farm produce; crops | 農作物
losizoan | screwdriver | 螺絲旋
losy-zoan | screwdriver | 螺絲鑽; 起子
loxngkhao-hoafnzoad | suffer from being too smart | 弄巧反拙
lulaihudzor | Tathagata | 如來佛祖
lulaipudzor | Tathagata | 如來佛祖
lunzoafnky | rotary press | 輪轉機
lunzoarn | to turn round; to revolve; to move in a cycle; go round and round; turn around; revolve; revolution; rotation movement | 輪轉
lunzog | crop rotation; rotate crops | 輪作
lunzok'hoad | crop rotation system | 輪作法
luo pan lamzofng | women disguised as men | 女扮男裝
luxnzoe | to be considered as an offense; decide on (s.o.'s) guilt; be considered as an offense | 論罪
luxzoar | filter paper | 濾紙
luyzoee | equal; balanced | 兌齊; 均衡
lwzofng | ladies outfit | 女裝
lyzofng | female dress | 女裝
løfzoad | my clumsy self | 老拙
løqzoxng | to bury | 落葬
løzog | manual labor; manual work or training (at school) | 勞作
mafzofbiøxtviaa | Matsu temple front plaza | 媽祖廟埕
mafzofkefng | Matsu temple | 媽祖宮
mafzofkengkhao | Matsu temple front | 媽祖宮口
mafzofkengpvy | Matsu temple side | 媽祖宮邊
mafzofsvef | Matsu's birthday | 媽祖生
mafzor | Goddess; fisher's Goddess | 媽祖
mafzor-kefng | matsu temple | 媽祖廟
mafzor-svy | matsu's birthday | 媽祖生
mi'afzoar | toilet paper; tissue-paper | 綿仔紙; 綿紙; 衛生紙
miauzok | an aboriginal tribe in southern China, Viename, etc. | 苗族
mithiefn-taixzoe | great crime (so great as to fill the universe) | 彌天大罪
mngxzoe | call a person to account; rebuke; reprimand; reprove; condemn | 問罪; 調查
moqzoar | film paper | 膜紙
muyzof | every group | 每組
ngx laang ee pangzo | idlers rely on other's help | 依賴他人幫助
ngzoar | yellow paper | 黃紙
nizoeq | the days around lunary new year | 年節
nizof | annual rent | 年租
oafnzoarn | tactful; mild and indirect; politely; managing by some indirect or roundabout manner; persuade or state something gently; suavely; without hurting another's feelings | 婉轉
oafzoaan | surreptitiously; would rather die for justice than live in disgrace | 瓦全
oah-siuxzoe | feel as if one were just living to suffer; suffer greatly | 活受罪
oanzoaan huxzeg | undertake full responsibility | 完全負責
oanzoaan toglip | complete autonomy | 完全獨立
oanzoaan | complete; entire; full; perfect; perfection; completeness; faultless; entirely; thoroughly | 完全
oanzoaan`ee | plenary | 完全的
oanzoarn | tactful; mild and indirect; politely | 婉轉
oaqtaxngzof | activity group | 活動組
oaqzoxng | bury alive | 活葬
oatzoad | scoop out clumsy | 穵拙
oaxnzo | assistance; aid; relieve; assist; help; to aid | 援助; 授助
oaxnzoxciar | financial supporter; patron | 援助者
oexsefng-zoar | toilet paper; bathroom tissue | 衛生紙
oexsengzoar | toilet paper; toilet tissue | 衛生紙
oextozoar | drawing-paper | 畫圖紙
oexzofng | makeup | 畫妝
okzoaa | viper | 惡蛇; 毒蛇
okzokgiet | mischief, a practical joke | 惡作孽
okzokkek | make fun | 惡作劇
ongzok | royal family; royal family; royal line | 王族
ozoaa | black snake | 黑蛇
paezor | worship ancestors | 祭祖; 拜祖
pahkhøf zoansw | encyclopedia | 百科全書
pahpoxzoaa | Hundred-pacer Snake | 百步蛇
pailiet-zohap | permutation and combination | 排列組合
paisied-zok'iong | excretory functions | 排泄作用
paix zofkofng | worship ancestors | 拜祖宗; 拜祖先
paix zofsiefn | worship ancestors | 拜祖宗; 拜祖先
pangzo | aid; help; help; to assist; to aid; lend a hand | 幫助
pangzof | rent; house rent | 房租
panzoarn | (idiomatic) to turn around (an undesirable situation); to turn around; to turn the side; to tip the scale | 篷轉; 扳轉
paporsatzok | | 巴布薩族
parngzoafhor | black letters or use slanderous flyers | 放紙虎
pauzoar | wrapped with paper | 包紙
pauzofng | packing; to pack; package; encase | 包裝
pauzonghuix | handling charge | 包裝費
pauzongzoar | packing (wrapping) paper | 包裝紙
pauzoong | conceal; store up | 包藏
paxnzoe | condemn a crime | 辦罪; 治罪
peh zao cidzoa | make a futile trip | 白跑一趟
pehkongzor | elder brother of great-grandpa | 父公祖; 曾伯祖父
pek'oadzok | Baiyue | 百越族
pekkhøf zoansw | encyclopedia | 百科全書
pekpo-zoaa | Hundred Pacer (also called Five Pacer Snake of One Hundred Designs), Agkistrodon acutus (produces hemotoxic venom) | 百步蛇
peqzoaa | white snake | 白蛇
peqzoafoji | black words on white paper- imply it was written clearly | 白紙烏字
peqzoar | white paper | 白紙
pexkongzor | legacy; inheritance | 爸公產; 祖產
pexngzofng | assemble; put together | 併裝
pexngzong | symptom of a disease | 病狀
phanghurn-zoar | perfumed paperc | 香粉紙
phangzoar | paper soaked with perfumes | 香紙
phaq zhao kviaf zoaa | beat the grass and startle the snake ─ frighten out of cover; cause undesired agitation | 打草驚蛇
phezoar | letter paper; stationery | 信紙; 信箋
phienzof | organize into groups | 編組
pho'afzoar | notebook paper | 簿仔紙
phoezoar | letter paper; heavy wrapping paper | 信紙; 皮紙
phurnzoaan | ornamental fountain | 噴泉
phvixzor | founder, originator | 鼻祖
phvoarzoe | to declare guilty | 判罪
phøezoaa | a skin disease; shingles | 皮蛇
phøezoar | letter paper, writing paper | 批紙
piahzoar | wallpaper | 壁紙
piedzofng | any house serving as a second home in the countryside; mountains or a resort area; villa; cottage; country villa; summer house | 別墅; 別莊
piernzoex | turn into | 變做
piernzofng | disguise; disguise oneself | 變裝; 喬裝改扮
pirnzoat | to get rid of | 驅逐; 擯絕
pirnzoxng | burial; funeral; bury | 殯葬
pizong | spleen | 脾臟
pizoxng | solemn and stirring; tragically heroic | 悲壯
pizoxng'iam | inflammation of the spleen | 脾臟炎
poadzok | promote | 拔擢
poeazoar | paste paper together | 裱紙; 褙紙
poexzor | defame one's ancestor; transgress and abandon ancestral customs | 背祖
poezoe | apologize; ask for forgiveness | 陪罪; 賠罪
poezoxng | bury (a person or things) along with the deceased | 陪葬
pofzo hoeapex | coins (one or five kak) | 補助貨幣
pofzo tiaukvia | supplementary items; clauses | 補助條件
pofzo | make up a deficiency; subsidize; assist; subsidize; to help (financially; economically) | 補助
pofzoxhuix | subsidy; bounty | 補助費
pofzoxkym | bursary; financial assistance; subsidy; subsidy; grant in aid; bounty | 補助金
pofzoxpex | coinage (one or five kak) | 補助幣
poxzo | procedure; sequence of doing something; measures; steps taken | 步驟
pudzor | respectful address of Buddha | 佛祖
put'habzog | non cooperation | 無合作; 不合作
put'kiexnzoaan | unsound | 無健全; 不健全
putlioong zok'iong | bad effect | 無良作用
putzoaan | incomplete | 無全
putzoat | endless | 無絕
pvepozoghoax | Taiwanese aboriginalized | 平埔族化
pvepozok | plains aboriginal tribes | 平埔族
pviafzof | high school class category which matches with the 3rd college entrance examins category | 丙組
pviezoex | change to; become | 變做
pvipozok | plains aboriginal tribes | 平埔族
pvixzong | symptom of a disease | 病狀
pøeazoar | to cover with paper | 褙紙
pøexzoa | reject one's oath, break a vow | 背誓
pøezoaa | a skin disease; shingle | 飛蛇; 飛蛇(皮膚病)
pøezoe | beg one's pardon | 陪罪; 賠罪
pøfkiexnzof | health group | 保健組
pøfliuu ee zoe | reserved sin (Catholic) | 保留的罪
pøfzo | make up a deficiency, subsidize | 補助
pøfzoaan lefngthor | preserve territorial integrity | 保全領土
pøfzoaan | protect to make whole; assure the safety of; protect or guard; keep intact; preserve intact | 保全
pøfzong | treasure | 寶藏
pøfzoong | keep safely; protect; storehouse; treasury; treasure house; collection of treasures | 寶藏; 保藏
pøfzoxngsi | treasure temple | 寶藏寺
pølezoar | cellophane | 玻璃紙
pøqzoar | thin paper; fine; very thin paper; tissue paper | 薄紙
pørzoafsiang | in the newspaper | 報紙上
pørzoafsiong | in the newspaper | 報紙上
pørzoar | newspaper; newsprint; newsprint | 報紙
pøxlek-hoaxnzoe | violent crime | 暴力犯罪
sakzoeatuy | put together | 捒做堆
samchitgvor kiafmzof | 375% rental reduction policy: the first step taken in Taiwan's land reform program; under which the ceiling of farm rental was fixed 375 of the yield | 三七五減租
sanzofng | mountain villa | 山莊
sarngzoxng | attend a funeral | 送葬
satjinzoe | homicide | 殺人罪
seapaw zocid | cellular tissue | 細胞組織
seaseazoa'ar | little strips | 細細逝仔
seazofng | family | 世宗
seazok | family | 世族
seazor | first ancestor or founder of a family | 始祖; 世祖; 鼻祖
seklai zonghoong | indoor decoration | 室內裝璜
sekzoar | color paper | 色紙
seng'oah zoxnghorng | living conditions | 生活狀況; (態)
sengsarn habzoksia | producers guild (cooperative) | 生產合作社
sengzoaan | help (others) accomplish something | 成全
sengzof | rent | 承租
serngkauzoe | crime of sexual intercourse | 性交罪
serngzuxzwzoe | crime of sexual autonomy | 性自主罪
sezofng | Western-style suit; foreign style of dress; a suit | 西裝
sezongkhox | trousers | 西裝褲
sezongtiaxm | tailor shop (western style) | 洋服店; 西裝店
siafzog | writing; composition | 寫作
siangthaau-zoaa | two heads snake | 雙頭蛇
siangthauzoaa | double-headed snake | 雙頭蛇
siangzoaan | both intact | 雙全
siaolieen zoexhoan | juvenile criminal | 少年罪犯
siaozoxng | young and strong | 少壯
siarzoe | pardon (a criminal); forgive (an offender); absolution from sin | 赦罪
siarzof | excuse payment of rent | 瀉租; 免交租金
siarzofkofng | make ancestors lose face | 卸祖公; 使祖先蒙羞
siarzofng | remove cosmetics | 卸妝
siauhoax zok'iong | digestive function | 消化作用
siauhongzof | fire fighter team | 消防組
siauhuix habzoksia | consumers cooperative | 消費合作社
siauhøefzoan | fireplug; hydrant | 消火栓
siauzoe | make up for a sin; do penance; make amends | 消罪
siawtee taixzog | great fuss about a small matter ─ making mountains out of molehills | 小題大作
siaxhoe kangzog | social work | 社會工作
siaxhoe zocid | social structure or organization | 社會組織
siaxhoexzof | social group | 社會組
siaxngzok | same race | 同族
siaxzoat zhamkoafn | No visitors allowed | 謝絕參觀
siaxzoat | exclude; prohibit; refuse; decline (an offer; request) | 謝絕
siaxzoe | make an apology; apologize; acknowledge one's fault | 請罪; 謝罪
sibzoaan sibbie | perfect | 十全十美
sibzoaan | perfect | 十全
sibzoanlo | perfect road | 十全路
sidhorng zoafnpox | on-the-spot broadcasting | 實況轉播
siekhazoa'ar | l lizard | 四跤蛇仔
siekhazoaa | lizard | 四跤蛇
sienzor | title of any one of the genii | 仙祖; 先祖; 仙公
siettogzoe | sacrilege (Catholic) | 褻瀆罪
simlie zok'iong | imaginary perception; mental reaction | 心理作用
simlie zoxngthaix | state of mind | 心理狀態
simzong bapix | heart failure | 心臟麻痺
simzong jiok | timid; shy; fainthearted | 膽小; 怯懦
simzong kioong | bold (slang); impudent | 膽大
simzong soejiok | heart weak | 心臟衰弱
simzong textaix | heartland | 心臟地帶
simzong | heart (as an organ) | 心臟
simzong-hak | cardiology | 心臟學
simzong-pvi | heart disease, heart attack | 心臟病
simzoxnghak | cardiology | 心臟學
simzoxngkhøf | cardiology | 心臟科
simzoxngpve | heart disease (trouble) | 心臟病
simzoxngpvi | heart attack | 心臟病
sin'ge zonghabthea | cinemascope | 新藝綜合體
sinbunzoar | old newspaper | 新聞紙; 報紙
sinkefng zocid | nerve tissue | 神經組織
sinzo | god help | 神助
sinzong | the kidney | 腎臟
siogzoe | expiation; amends; condonation; redemption; atone for sin; buy freedom from punishment | 贖罪
siogzoexzngx | indulgence | 贖罪狀
sionggiap zoankhøf haghau | junior college of commerce | 商業專科學校; 商專
sionghaixzoe | injury (in law) | 傷害罪
siongho-zok'iong | interaction, interplay | 相符作用; 相互作用
siongzo | help each other | 相助
siongzoafn | junior college of commerce | 商專
sioxngpanzok | office worker | 上班族
sioxngzoe | the mos | 上濟
sirn'iong habzoksia | credit association (union); co-operative credit society | 信用合作社
sirnzoar | letter paper; stationery | 信紙
sitzofng | lost; missing; disappearance | 失蹤
siu kuxzoat | rebuff | 受拒絕
siuxzoe | receive the punishment for guilt; suffer hardships; have a bad time | 受罪
siuzof | collect rent | 收租
siuzongkaf | collector | 收藏家
siuzoong | collect and keep (curios) | 收藏
siwbong siongzo | help each other in guarding against enemies (said of neighbors in a community) | 守望相助
sixnzong | kidneys | 腎臟; 腎(臟)
sixnzoxng'iam | inflammation of the kidneys; nephritis | 腎臟炎
sixzok | lcan | 氏族
sizofng tiefnlarm | fashion show | 時裝展覽
sizofng | fashionable dress; fashion; modern dresses | 時裝
sizog | poems | 詩作
siøf ginzoar | burn paper money for the dead | 燒冥紙
siøf-pangzo | help each other | 相幫助
siøfsox binzok | minority ethnic group (in a multi-racial nation) | 少數民族
siøftøee taixzog | make great trouble out of a trifling matter; make much of a trifle; make a mountain out of a molehill | 小題大做
siøfzoe | venial sin | 小罪
siøfzof | group formed for a specific purpose | 小組
siøzoar | burn paper, burn paper money | 燒紙; 燒金銀紙
sngrzoex | can be taken as | 算做
soanzoarn | revolve; rotary; rotate | 旋轉
soazoar | sand paper | 沙紙
sofzoex | whatever one has done | 所作
sofzog sofuii | actions; behavior; conduct; what one does and how he behaves | 所作所為
sofzox | doings | 所作
sokkazoar | plastic paper; vinyl paper; cellophane | 塑膠紙
songzoxng | funeral service and burial | 喪葬
sorngzoxng | attend a funeral | 送葬
suhoan zoankhøf haghau | junior teachers college | 師範專科學校; 師專
suihofng zoafntoa | take action as the opportunity arises; irresolution | 隨風轉舵
sunzoaan | pure; spotless | 純全
suo buu zorngsyn cy te | die without a place for burial (a phrase usually used as a warning to somebody) | 死無葬身之地
suozoe | forgive a fault | 恕罪
suyzogkoarn | aquarium | 水族館
suzoong | private collection; keep something against the law | 私藏
svaf-oaxnzo | render assistance to each other, support one another | 相援助
svizoex | natural appearance; natural | 生做
svoarzoe | cloth joined together by thread | 縫線
syhengzoe | death penalty | 死刑罪
sym hoee ix zoarn | change one's mind; give up one's old (evil) ways; repent; start a new life | 心回意轉
syzoaa | dead snake | 死蛇
syzoe | capital punishment; death sentence | 死罪
syzor | first ancestor or founder of a family | 始祖; 世祖; 鼻祖
søswzoe | instigation | 唆使罪
taezong | ribbon | 帶狀
tagzof | every group | 每組; 逐組
tahzoar | paster; tags | 貼紙
taixpiawzog | representative works (of art; literature) | 代表作
taixzoaan | complete collection | 大全
taixzoafn | colleges and universities | 大專; (學校)
taixzoe køviuu | scapegoat | 代罪羔羊
taixzofng | lots of; in bulk | 大宗
taixzog | master work; serious action; your work; your script; your book; masterpiece | 大作
tangzoaa | bronze serpent | 銅蛇
tangzoe | felony | 重罪
tangzoeh'vii | winter solstice rice ball | 冬至圓
tangzoeq | winter solstice | 冬節
taozoeahea | together | 鬥做伙
taq piahzoar | to paste on the wall | 貼壁紙
taxngzoe | felony; heinous crime | 重罪
tefngzoe | take the guilt upon oneself for another | 頂罪
tehboxngzoar | put tomb paper under stones | 硩墓紙
tehboxzoar | put tomb paper under stones | 硩墓紙
tehzoar | put paper on the tombs in spring | 硩祖; 清明節置冥紙於墳墓上
tekzoe laang | offend a person | 得罪人
tekzoe | to offend; fall foul of; run foul of; incur blame or displeasure; I beg your pardon | 得罪
tekzoextiøh | offend | 得罪著
teng syzoe | condemn to death | 定死罪
tengbunzhefngzoe | pay a special visit to another's house for forgiveness | 登門請罪
tengsioong-zoxngthaix | stationary state | 靜常狀態
teq boxngzoar | to hold paper slips in place on a grave by putting small stones on them | 置墓紙
tesizoktuix | poem | 題詩作對
texha kangzog | underground activities; cloak-and-dagger operations | 地下工作
texngsioong-zoxngthaix | stationary state | 定常狀態
texngzoe | condemn; condemnation | 定罪
texngzoex | made to order; made to measure | 定做
texthauzoaa | an influential gangster in a community | 地頭蛇
texzof | land rent; land tax | 地租
texzong'ongbiø | | 地藏王廟
thaezor | first founder of dynasty; first emperor of a dynasty; earliest ancestor of a clan | 太祖
thamzofng ofnghoad | take bribes and pervert justice | 貪贓枉法
thauzeazor | worship ancenter | 頭祭祖
thauzoa | 1st time | 頭趟
thauzoex | do it in secret | 偷作
thex laang siogzoe | atone for the sins of mankind | 替人贖罪
thiabzoex | stack | 疊做
thiaozoa | skip a line | 跳行; 跳逝
thiefn buu zoat jiin cy lo | God will not close all doors. Heaven will always leave a door open | 天無絕人之路
thiefn zo zuxzoxciar | God helps those who help themselves | 天助自助者
thienkofng pud zokbie | Heaven is not cooperative ─ Weather turns foul when some activity requiring fine weather is scheduled | 天公無作美
thienzo | helped from heaven; unexpected help; an uncanny or very lucky break | 天助
thienzog cy hap | match made by heaven; a match blessed by God (used in congratulatory messages or greetings to a couple on their wedding) | 天作之合
thoanthoanzoarn | to pace about in an agitated state of mind; to bustle about restlessly | 團團轉
thoanzofng ciaptai | continue the family line by producing a male heir | 傳宗接代
thoanzofng | continue a clan or family | 傳倉; 傳宗
thoatzoe | exonerate someone from a charge | 脫罪
thonglek habzog | to join forces; cooperate for a common cause; to work in concert | 通力合作
thozoxng | bury in the ground, burial | 土葬
thuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
thuzongseg | storage room | 儲藏室
thuzoong | preservation; stock; stockage; store up; to hoard; safekeeping | 貯藏; 儲藏
thvoarhoax zok'iong | carbonization process | 碳化作用
thvy bøo zoadjiin cy lo | unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation | 天無絕人之路
thwzoong | save up, store up | 貯藏; 儲藏
thwzoong-seg | store room | 貯藏室; 儲藏室
thwzoong-sor | storage area, storehouse | 貯藏所; 儲藏所
thørzofng | suit | 套裝
thøthiefn taixzoe | great sin that stinks to heaven; the most grave crime; extremely serious offense | 滔天大罪
tiafmzong | punctiform, dot-like | 點狀
tiarmzof | rent for a shop | 店租
tidhe chinzok | direct or linear relation (as opposed to a collateral relation) | 直系親族
tiefnzoong | collection | 典藏
tieiofngsiangzoaan | wise and brave | 智勇雙全
tienzof | rent for a field | 田租
tiexnzor | (electricity) resistance; resistor | 電阻
tinzoong | to treasure up; enshrinement; keep something as a treasure (usually said of rare books and works of art); to treasure up | 珍藏
tiongchiuzoeq | mid autumn festival | 中秋節
tionghaux liofngzoaan | both loyal to one's country and filial to one's parents; be perfect both as a national hero and as a dutiful son | 忠孝兩全
tionghunzoe | bigamy | 重婚罪
tiongsyn zocid | reorganize | 重新組織
tiongsyn zongpi | refit | 重新裝備
titzoe | to offend | 得罪
tiupi siøfzof | ad hoc committee | 籌備小組
tiuxzog | rice farming | 稻作
tixzoe | punish a criminal according to law; bring to justice | 治罪
tizoe | confess a fault or crime | 知罪
toanzofng | proper and correct in deportment | 端莊
toarzoe | be born in sin, with sin | 帶罪
toaxngaai zoadpiaq | broken ridges and steep cliffs | 斷崖絕壁
toaxnzoat koanhe | cut off connections | 斷絕關係
toaxnzoat lai'orng | all connection cut off; cut off communications; break off friendly relations | 斷絕來往
toaxnzoat pangkaw | sever diplomatic ties (relations) | 斷絕邦交
toaxnzoat | to break off; cut off; sever; discontinuity; break off (connection or friendship) | 斷絕
toaxzoe | be guilty of the most heinous crimes | 大罪
toaxzofng | large batch or shipment; lots of; famous and influential family of long standing | 大宗
toaxzofngthorng | president | 大總統
toaxzok | greate clan, big clan | 大族; 大家族
toexzof | ground rent | 地租
togcitzoe | irregularity or misconduct in office; dereliction of duty | 瀆職罪
togzoaa | a venomous snake; toxicophobia; cockatrice; venomous snake | 毒蛇
tokzoat | super-eminent | 傑出; 卓絕
tonglek habzog | cooperation | 同力合作
tongzofng | children's garments | 童裝; 同宗
tongzok | of the same clan or class | 同族
torngzoex | as | 當做
torzoar | carbon paper | 浸紙; 𪐞紙; 複寫紙
tosiaw zok'hoex | cancelled and regarded as waste paper | 塗銷作廢
toxngzog | action; motion; movement; operation; action; movement; gestures; behavior | 動作
toxzoan | twist the meaning of something | 杜扭; 杜撰
toxzoat hiøxhoan | prevent and eliminate possible harmful consequences | 杜絕後患
toxzoat | prevent and eliminate | 渡絕
tozoar | a blueprint, a plan paper | 圖紙
tuhkazoe | nod in sleep; be drowsy; to doze | 打瞌睡
tuizofng | to follow the examples of the predecessors; to trace; to trail; follow up a clue | 追蹤
tuozog | a writing; a literary work; compose; write | 著作
tuozog-kaf | author, writer | 著作家
tuozog-koaan | copyright | 著作權
tuozokciar | writer; author | 著作者
tuozokkaf | author; writer | 著作家; (者)
tuozokkoaan | copyright | 著作權
tvafzhao kviazoaa | beat the grass and startle the snakes ─ frighten out of cover | 打草驚蛇
tvazoe | bear sin | 擔罪
tviaxzoex | custom made | 定做
tvikoefzoar | sweet rice cake paper | 甜粿紙
tvoazoa | one way (ticket) | 單程; 單逝; 單行
twnzoong | to store up. storage | 囤藏
tyzoe | stone for crime, bear the blame | 抵多; 抵罪
tøexthaau-zoaa | local strong man | 地頭蛇
tøexzof | rental | 地租
tøezo | raise money for charity | 地助; 題助; [*]; 慈善募款; 捐助
tøfzoarn-khienkhwn | reverse the universe | 倒轉乾坤
tøxlimzoar | ordinary printing paper (for books) | 道林紙
tøzoe | escape punishment | 逃罪
u zok'uii | capable of outstanding achievements | 有作為
u-zocid | in an organized way | 有組織
uiezoe | be afraid of punishment | 畏罪
uihuizoktae | do evil | 為非作歹
uihuy-zoktae | do evil | 為非作歹
uikhiezoe | offense of abandonment | 遺棄罪
uizo | assist | 惟助
uizofng | majestic | 偉宗; 威宗
uizok | those who are left of the family after the head dies | 遺族
unzoong | deposit; to hold in store | 蘊藏
uozoad | roundabout | 迂拙
uxnzoafnchiuo | driver | 運轉手
uxnzoarn | operate; rotate; orbit; drive vehicle; revolve; set in motion around a circular orbit; revolution | 運轉
uxnzog | operation | 運作
uxzoaan | complete, entire, whole | 有全; 完整
uxzoe | be guilty | 有罪
varthauzok | chin down people- staring smartphone | 向頭族
viuphøezoar | vellum | 羊皮紙
viuzofng | Western style of clothing; foreign style clothing (for ladies). (Foreign style clothes for a gentleman are called se-chong.) | 洋裝
viuzongneq | dress | 洋裝呢
viuzongtiaxm | dress shop | 洋裝店
vixzok | different race | 異族
vixzong | strange feature, abnormality | 異狀
voaxzoex | replace | 換做
wnzoong | hide; hide in secret; hide; conceal | 隱藏
ysinzokzeg | lead by example | 以身作則
ysyn zokzeg | show the way by example | 以身作則
zabofzor | great grandma | 查某祖
zabzoaan | perfect; excellent | 十全
zaezeazoar | recycled paper | 再製紙
zafmzoeh | rapidity and wisdom | 斬截
zaimau-siangzoaan | having both beauty and talents in full measure; a women both pretty and talented | 才貌雙全
zapozor | male ancient | 查埔祖
zarkhizoe | fraud (legal offense) | 詐欺罪
zarnzo | assist in accomplishing the object; support; back up; patronage | 贊助
zarnzoxjiin | patron; sponsor | 贊助人
zawcidzoa | take a trip | 走一趟
zawzoah | differ; something neat and ordering put into disarray; warped out of shape from receiving a heavy blow or shock | 走樣
zawzoong | make an effort to accomplish; work hard and hurry about constantly without resting | 奔波; 走傱; 奔走
zaxnzo | patronage; auspice; sponsor | 贊助
zeazog | design; produce; make; produce; manufacture; formulate | 製作
zeazor | worship ancestors | 祭祖; 拜祖
zefngzoezefngzoee | tidy | 整齊整齊
zefngzofng thaixhoad | all packed up and ready to go (usually said of troops on an expedition) | 整裝待發
zefngzofng | dress up | 整裝
zefngzok kehli | racial segregation; apartheid | 種族隔離
zefngzok kekbeng | racial revolution | 種族革命
zefngzok kisi | color segregation | 種族歧視
zefngzok pengterng | equality of all races | 種族平等
zefngzok zhapiet | racial discrimination | 種族差別
zefngzok | a race; race or tribe of people | 種族
zekkongzor | the younger brother of one's great grandfather | 曾叔公; 叔公祖
zekzoe | accusatory; accuse | 責罪; 責備
zengsiin zok'iong | psychological origin; caused by one's psychic state; psycho somatic | 精神作用
zengsiin zoxngthaix | mental state; moral condition or attitude | 精神狀態
zengsym kiedzog | masterpiece | 精心傑作
zengzhuo pofzoxkym | endeavor to get a subsidy | 爭取補助金
zengzoah | alter, change, difference | 爭差; 差別
zengzofbuo | great grandmother | 曾祖母
zengzofhu | great grandfather | 曾祖父
zengzofng | hardcover | 精裝
zengzor | grand grandfather | 曾祖
zernghuo pofzoxkym | government subsidies | 政府補助金
zerngti zocid | political organization | 政治組織
zerngzofng | genuine; orthodox; handed down directly from the founder; master | 正宗
zerngzog | crop | 種作
zerngzong | symptom | 症狀
zexzoe | take the blame for others | 坐罪
zezoaan | completion | 齊全
zhafmzong | miserable condition; tragic sight | 慘狀
zhafzog | hype | 炒作
zhaizoar | cut paper into portions with knife | 裁紙
zhaizofng | plant stolen goods to frame another | 栽贓
zhanzof | rent for a field | 田租
zhaozok | bad taste; disorderly; pell-mell; said of something we have heard or seen too much of | 雜亂; 臭濁; 下俗無雅
zhaukef-biedzok | confiscate the property and exterminate the family of an offender | 抄家滅族
zhauzog | operate; operation; handle; manipulate or operate a machine | 操作
zhawboefafzoaa | grass snake | 草尾仔蛇
zhayzofng | makeup | 彩妝
zhefngzoe | to admit one's error and ask for punishment; ask for punishment; appeal for leniency | 請罪
zheh'ar-zoar | notebook paper | 冊仔紙
zhoarnthofng zokpex | join together in practicing fraud | 串通作弊
zhongbeeng zoadterng | extremely clever or intelligent | 聰明絕頂
zhorngzo | create, creation | 創造
zhorngzo-lek | creativity | 創造力
zhorngzog | compose; creations; write original works of literature; an original work of literature or art | 創作
zhozoar | coarse but soft toilet paper; rough; heavy paper | 粗紙; 砂紙; 草紙
zhozoex | roughly made | 粗做
zhuizof | press for payment of rental | 催租
zhuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
zhunzoeq | lunar new year | 春節
zhunzofng | spring clothes; spring fashion | 春裝
zhuolyzog | first work of an author; first work | 處女作
zhuozof | rental fee; rent (for house; flat) | 厝租; 房租
zhutlabzof | cashier group | 出納組
zhutzof | rent out; hire out; for rent; put up for rent | 出租
zhutzoxng | funeral procession; carry a coffin out to the grave; escort a funeral | 出葬; 出殯
zhwzoe | punish crime | 處罪; 判罪
zhøfzoar | rough paper | 草紙
zhørzofng | intricate | 錯綜
zngxzoar | official form for filing a plaint | 狀紙
zngzoex | disguise; pretend; assume a false; counterfeit or feigned appearance; to fake merchandise | 扮成; 偽裝
zo itpix-cy-lek | lend a hand | 助一臂之力
zo | assist; help; to help; to aid; assist | 助
zo'eneq | rental | 租的呢
zo'iog | lease | 租約
zo'iong | to rent for use | 租用
zo'oaan | section member | 組員
zoa | a line or stripe; a trip of voyage; line; a row; time; next time or this time | 行; 逝; 誓; 趟
zoa'ar | small snake, young snake | 蛇仔; 小蛇
zoa'iøqar | snake medicine | 蛇藥仔
zoaa | the twelve signs of the zodiac; The animals used as the signs for the characters of the cycle of twelve: (rat; cow; tiger; rabbit; dragon; snake; horse; sheep; monkey; chicken; dog; pig) | 狗; 牛; 虎; 兔; 龍; 蛇; 馬; 羊; 猴; 雞; 十二生肖 (鼠; 豬)
zoaa-lui | snake family | 蛇類
zoaan | complete; even; equal; well mixed like bread dough | 全; 齊全
zoaan-imhuo | whole note | 全音符
zoaan-taixsiax | plenary indulgence (Catholic) | 全大赦
zoaan-zengsiin | whole mind | 全精神
zoachiw | snake tongue | 蛇舌
zoad | splash; spill by shaking | 濺; 溢
zoad`zhutlaai | to leak out | 濺出來; 溢出來
zoadau | no heir | 絕後
zoadbang | despair; be hopeless | 絕望
zoadbeng | die; death | 絕命
zoadbiau | exquisiteness; extremely good or wonderful; exquisite | 絕妙
zoadbong | despair; be hopeless | 絕望
zoadciaw | unique skill | 絕招
zoadgaai | cliff | 斷崖
zoadge | unique feat; stunt or performance | 絕藝
zoadgi | absolute justice | 絕義
zoadhak | lost art or learning; unique and matchless art or learning; discard conventional or worthless learning | 絕學
zoadhiøxsuu | posterity cut off; without an heir; without male posterity | 絕後嗣
zoadho | heirless; without posterity; probably cannot be repeated again (said of extremely good writing; painting) | 絕嗣; 絕後代
zoadieen | insulate, dissociation | 絕緣; 斷絕關係
zoadieen-thea | insulator | 絕緣體
zoadienthea | electric or thermal insulator | 絕緣體
zoadiok | to sterilize, sterilization | 絕慾; 絕育
zoadjiaq | completely disappear | 絕跡
zoadjiet | heat insulation | 絕熱
zoadkaf | extremely good; excellent | 絕佳
zoadkaw | cease friendship | 絕交
zoadkerng | desperate spot; end of one's rope; helpless situation | 絕境
zoadkhafn | cease publication | 絕刊
zoadkhuix | breathe one's last | 氣絕; 絕氣; 斷氣
zoadkuun | unmatched; peerless | 絕群
zoadkux | excellent sentence | 絕句
zoadky | extraordinary skill; a feat or stunt | 絕技
zoadlo | dead end | 絕路
zoadluun | without match; peerless; unparalleled | 絕倫
zoadmia | die; death | 絕命
zoadniuu | run out of food | 絕糧
zoadparn | out of print; out of print books | 絕版
zoadpiaq | cliff; precipice; cliffs | 絕壁
zoadpid | one's last writing; cease writing at the death of the writer | 絕筆
zoadpo | the cruelest way | 絕步; 最惡毒的手段
zoadseg | incomparably beautiful girl | 絕色
zoadsex | peerless; matchless; unique | 絕世
zoadsiok | above worldly ways; sever oneself from worldly ways or matters (originally Buddhist) | 絕俗
zoadsit khornggi | hunger strike | 絕食抗議
zoadsit | fast; go on a hunger strike | 絕食
zoadsuu | no heir | 絕嗣; 無後
zoadtai kajiin | matchless beauty | 絕代佳人
zoadtai | matchless or peerless in one's generation | 絕代; 無後
zoadtaixhonghoaa | peerless elegance | 絕代風華
zoadterng | the top of a mountain peak; extremely | 絕頂
zoadtng | cut off | 絕斷
zoadtuie'e | definitely will | 絕對會
zoadtuielun | absolutism | 絕對論
zoadtuix anzeng | complete bed rest | 絕對安靜
zoadtuix hoafntuix | positively against another's demands | 絕對反對
zoadtuix hogcioong | absolute obedience | 絕對服從
zoadtuix tøsox | an absolute majority | 絕對多數
zoadtuix | absolutely; positively | 絕對
zoadtøe | place of despair | 絕地
zoadzaai | incomparable talent or capability | 絕才
zoadzeeng | cease relationship | 絕情; 寡情
zoadzeg | be out of existence; vanish completely; be completely wiped out; extinct | 絕跡
zoadzerng | extinct | 絕種
zoadzexng | incurable (mortal) disease | 絕症
zoafab'ar | carton | 紙盒仔; 紙匣
zoafap | paper case | 紙盒
zoafbin | paper face | 紙面
zoafchviuo | paper mill | 紙廠
zoafcvii | paper money for dead; mock money burned in idolatrous rites | 紙錢; 冥紙
zoafcviw | paper pulp | 紙漿
zoafgiap kongsy | pulp and paper mill | 紙業公司
zoafgiap | paper industry or enterprise | 紙業
zoafhaang | paper shop; a shop selling paper | 紙行
zoafhefkøf | Paper hot pot | 紙火鍋
zoafhii | paper fish | 紙魚
zoafhix | paper-slide show | 紙戲; 紙人故事(教學)
zoafhoef | paper flower | 紙花
zoafhoefkøf | paper hot pot | 紙火鍋
zoafhor | paper tiger | 紙虎
zoafhoxsvoax | paper umbrella | 紙雨傘
zoafhuiky | paper airplane | 紙飛機
zoafhuilengky | paper airplane | 紙飛行機
zoafhw | paper ash; ashes of paper | 紙灰
zoafhwn | cigarette | 紙煙
zoafhøh | paper crane | 紙鶴
zoafiuo'ar | shredded paper | 紙幼仔
zoafiux | shredded paper | 紙幼; 紙屑
zoafji | Paper word | 紙字
zoafkheh'ar | paper box | 紙篋仔
zoafkhix | paper container | 紙器
zoafkhoesvix | paper fan | 紙詼扇
zoafkhok'ar | paper bag | 紙觳仔
zoafkin'ar | paper towel | 紙巾仔
zoafkngr | paper roll | 紙捲
zoafkyn | paper napkin | 紙巾
zoaflaang | paper servants (burned in funerals) | 紙人; (陪葬用)
zoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 紙籠
zoafli | paper word | 紙字
zoafliaau | slip of paper | 紙條
zoafliau | quality of paper | 紙料; 紙錢
zoafliau'ar | paper strip | 紙條仔
zoafliauar | long strips of paper torn evenly | 紙條子
zoaflog | bag | 紙橐; 紙袋
zoaflok'ar | paper bags | 紙袋仔; 紙橐仔
zoafn | focus on; specialize in; only; specially; solely; alone; to concentrate; to focus; monopolize; specialize; exclusive; special | 專; 耑; 磚
zoafn'ek | translation | 轉譯
zoafn'guii ui'afn | turn a perilous situation into a safe one; advert a danger or peril | 轉危為安
zoafn'ii sixsvoax | turn the gaze; divert public attention; draw attention to some other matter | 轉移視線
zoafn'ii tixnte | evacuate positions (military) | 轉移陣地
zoafn'ii | transfer (certain rights; holdings); remove | 移轉; 轉移
zoafn'iong | used for other purpose | 轉用
zoafn'ix | change mind | 轉意; 轉移
zoafn'ngx | turn face to | 轉望; 轉向
zoafn'oafn boahkag | talk in a roundabout way | 轉彎抹角
zoafn'oafn | make a turn | 轉彎
zoafn'oafn-seqkag | talk in a roundabout way; not straightforward | 轉彎踅角; 拐彎抹角
zoafn'un kongsy | forwarding company; a transportation company | 轉運公司
zoafn'un | transport; convey; to forward; be in constant cyclic motion; have a change in luck (for the better) | 轉運
zoafn'uxnkarng | transit port | 轉運港
zoafn'uxnzam | transfer station | 轉運站
zoafn'voa | to exchange | 轉換
zoafn'ym | tone change | 轉音
zoafnbøe | resale | 轉賣
zoafnchiuo | sale; fall into another's hands | 轉手
zoafnciab | transfer | 轉接
zoafnciah | earn for living; cheat somebody out of something; earn one's livelihood; to cheat | 營生; 賺食; 訛詐; 詐騙
zoafnciaqvoar | one's job (slang) | 掙食碗; 飯碗
zoafncied | turning point | 轉折
zoafnciexn | fight in one place after another | 轉戰
zoafncirn | referral for diagnosis | 轉診
zoafncixn | advance backward; to retreat (literally; euphemism) | 轉進
zoafnciøq | lend; what has been borrowed | 轉借
zoafncvii | earn money by work; business | 賺錢
zoafngarn sengkhofng | in the twinkling of an eye it is gone the vanity of life | 轉眼成空
zoafngarn | soon; one moment; turn the eye; a short time after (said only of things past); an instant | 轉眼
zoafngi | a trope | 轉喻; 轉義
zoafngiap | change one's trade; change one's career | 轉業
zoafnhaang | change one's occupation | 轉行
zoafnhagsefng | transfer student | 轉學生
zoafnhak | transfer to another school | 轉學; 轉校
zoafnhau | transfer to another school | 轉學; 轉校
zoafnheeng | transformation | 轉形
zoafnhengtiofng | in transition | 轉型中
zoafnhioxng | change direction of wind; turn to the direction of | 轉向
zoafnhoad | send or distribute through another person or office | 轉發
zoafnhoarzøx | transform | 轉化做
zoafnhoax | transform, react | 轉化; 轉變
zoafnhoee | turning back; turn back; to return | 轉回
zoafnhofng | change of wind; sudden change of attitude | 轉風
zoafnhø uihog | turn a disaster into a blessing | 轉禍為福
zoafnjim | transfer; be transferred to another office; get a transfer | 轉勤; 轉任
zoafnjiong | transfer ownership or title | 轉讓
zoafnjip | to turn into | 轉入
zoafnkag | turn the corner; go around the corner | 轉角
zoafnkaw | send in care of or by way of someone else | 煩交; 轉交
zoafnkax | a women remarries; pass a tax burden on to consumers; pass the blame or responsibility to someone else | 轉嫁
zoafnkhiin | transfer; be transferred to another office; get a transfer | 轉勤; 轉勤,轉任; 轉任
zoafnkhix | turn to | 轉去
zoafnkhuun | transfer to another office | 轉存; 轉勤; 調職
zoafnkiax | forward mail to | 轉寄
zoafnkiu | turn around | 轉柩
zoafnkiuu | intercede for; to petition through someone | 轉求
zoafnky | an opportunity to make change; turning point usually from bad to good | 轉機
zoafnkøx | tell the other party; transmit the message | 轉告
zoafnlaai | turn around | 轉來
zoafnlaai-zoafnkhix | walk back and forth; change one's residence frequently; go from company to company; pass from hand to hand | 轉來轉去
zoafnlextiarm | turning point | 轉捩點
zoafnlim | transfer | 轉任
zoafnlip | transfer in | 轉入
zoafnlok | transcription | 轉錄
zoafnloo | a converter | 轉爐
zoafnluntaai | transmigration of souls wheel in hell (Taoist term) | 轉輪台; (陰間)
zoafnløo | a converter | 轉羅
zoafnniu | to devolve, to transfer | 轉讓
zoafnpiernzøx | change to | 轉變做
zoafnpiexn | change; transform; undergo change; a change or shift of attitude or thinking | 轉變
zoafnporzam | relay station | 轉播站
zoafnpox | relay a broadcast or telecast | 轉播
zoafnpvoaa | turntable | 轉盤
zoafnsaxng | forward a letter or something to another address; send on in care of | 轉送
zoafnsex | reincarnate; transmigrate into another body (of the soul); reincarnation (Buddhism) | 轉世; 轉生
zoafnsiaux | transfer accounts (banking) | 轉數
zoafnsiuu | resell | 轉售
zoafnsog | rotational speed | 轉速
zoafnsoxng | to send on, to transfer | 轉送
zoafnsurnkafn | suddently | 轉瞬間
zoafnsyn | to turn around (body); turn the body; turn around | 轉身
zoafntaai | change the channel; revolving stage | 轉台; 轉臺
zoafntat | transmit through another person or office; convey | 轉達
zoafnteeng | To petition; present or communicate to superior | 轉呈
zoafntek | an axle, a shaft | 轉軸
zoafnthea | swivel | 轉體
zoafnthoaan | repost | 轉傳
zoafnthog | request through another; entrust to another | 轉託
zoafntiau | modulation (in music) | 轉調
zoafntngr | turn back, turn over, turn upside down, turn inside out | 轉動; 轉過頭
zoafntong | revolve | 轉動
zoafntoo | jobhopping | 轉途; 換職業
zoafntuix | turn face toward | 轉對; 轉向
zoafnvi | transfer | 轉院
zoafnvoa | change; transform; transition; to change | 轉換
zoafnvoaxkii | transition period | 轉換期
zoafnvoaxzøx | conversion | 轉換做
zoafnzaix | republish from other newspaper or book; reproduction; reprinting; reproduce or reprint from | 轉載
zoafnzoarn | change | 轉轉
zoafnzof | sublease; sub let | 轉租
zoafnzog | change the crop | 轉作
zoafnzøx | convert to | 轉做
zoafpaai | playing cards | 紙牌
zoafpafng | cardboard; pasteboard; cardboard | 紙板; 紙枋
zoafpai'ar | playing cards | 紙牌仔
zoafpang'ar | pper factory | 紙枋仔
zoafpaw | package wrapped in paper | 轉包; 紙包
zoafpex | paper money; notes | 紙幣
zoafphef | paper letter | 紙坯
zoafphiøx | paper currency; banknotes | 紙鈔; 紙票; 鈔票; 銀票
zoafphoef | paper letter | 紙坯
zoafphvix | scrap of paper | 紙片
zoafphøee | paper cover (of a book) | 紙皮
zoafpid | pen and paper | 紙筆
zoafpoef | paper cup | 紙杯
zoafsiong taam pefng | impractical schemes; theoretical; empty talk; academic talk | 紙上談兵
zoafsviuar | cardboard box | 紙箱仔
zoafsvix | paper fan | 紙扇
zoafsyn | paper | 紙身; 紙質
zoaftang'ar | paper tube | 紙筒仔
zoafte | paper bag | 紙袋
zoafte'ar | paper bag | 紙袋仔
zoaftear | paper bag | 紙袋仔
zoaftefng | paper lantern | 紙燈
zoafterng | paper top | 紙頂
zoafthaau-zoafbøea bøo lie ee miaa | Your name is not on the paper | 紙頭紙尾沒你的名字; 無法證明是你的權
zoafthauzoafboea | paper ends | 紙頭紙尾
zoaftiaau | slip of paper | 紙條
zoaftiau'ar | a small piece of paper | 小紙仔
zoaftiauar | note | 紙條仔
zoaftiaxm | paper store | 紙店
zoaftøf | knife for cutting folded paper | 紙刀
zoafviu | paper pattern; sample of paper | 紙樣
zoafy | paper clothes | 紙衣
zoafzhux | paper house (burned funerals) | 紙厝; 陪葬用
zoafzuun | paper boat | 紙船
zoafzøx | paper made | 紙做
zoah | any difference; bias; differ | 差
zoaheeng | serpentine | 蛇形
zoai | twist or wrench; sprain | 扭; 跩
zoai`tiøh | twisted to | 扭到
zoai`tng | twisted and broken | 扭斷
zoaixcih | twist | 扭折
zoaixkiuu | curve ball (baseball) | 扭球; 變化球; 曲線球
zoakhafng | snake pit | 蛇洞
zoakhag | left out shell of snake; slough of a snake | 蛇殼
zoakoef | snake gourd | 蛇瓜
zoakviar | baby snake | 蛇囝
zoakw | snake turtle | 蛇龜
zoalui | snakes | 蛇類
zoamoaa | snake eel, serpent eel | 蛇鰻
zoan | turn; twist; screw; spin | 旋; 轉; 鏇
zoan'Taai | the whole of Taiwan | 全台; 全臺
zoan'axn | special case (to be dealt with separately) | 專案
zoan'giabkhw | professional area | 專業區
zoan'giabkib | professional level | 專業級
zoan'giabparn | professional edition | 專業版
zoan'giap | special or principal occupation | 專業
zoan'goaan | source of spring water | 泉源
zoan'id | devoted to one thing; specially; wholly; concentrate one's attention | 專一
zoan'iog | special appointment | 專約
zoan'iong | reserved specifically for someone | 專用
zoan'ioxngtø | dedicated lane | 專用道
zoan'iuo bengsuu | proper noun | 專有名詞
zoan'iuo | sole, exclusive | 專有
zoan'iwmiasuu | proper nouns | 專有名詞
zoan'ix | dedicated | 專意
zoan'oaan | specialist (government post) | 專員
zoan'uyhoe | national committee | 全委會
zoan`tng | spin off | 鏇斷
zoanbe teghie | all rights reserved | 專賣特許
zoanbe | monopoly (government; state); monopolize | 專賣
zoanbextiaxm | specialty store | 專賣店
zoanbien | the whole | 全面
zoanbiet | utter ruin; annihilation | 全滅; 徹底消滅
zoanbiin kiexnpør | National Health Insurance | 全民健保
zoanbiin uxntong | an activity for everybody to participate in | 全民運動
zoanbiin zerngti | democracy; government by all the people | 全民政治
zoanbiin | all people | 全民
zoanbin ciernzefng | total war | 全面戰爭
zoanbin kongkeg | all out offensive | 全面攻擊
zoanbin | all-around; comprehensive; total; overall | 全面
zoanbixnsexng | comprehensiveness | 全面性
zoanboong | all dead | 全亡
zoanbu | attend with one's whole heart | 專務
zoanbun'ar | specialized | 專門仔
zoanbuun siulie phahjixky | typewriter repair specialist | 專門修理打字機
zoanbuun | specific; special; particular; complete text | 專門; 全文
zoanbuun-bengsuu | technical term | 專門名詞
zoanbuun-kaoiok | technical education | 專門教育
zoanbuun-kileeng | a specialized technique | 專門機能; 專門技能
zoanbuun-uyoaan | senior specialist (a government post) | 專門委員
zoanbøe | monopoly | 專賣
zoanbøexkiok | monopoly bureau | 專賣局; 公賣局
zoanbøexkoaan | patent; monopoly right | 專賣權
zoanchi | the whole city | 全市
zoanchiaf | special bus; reserved bus; special vehicle for a particular purpose | 專車
zoancid | full-time | 專職
zoancip | entire set of books; complete works of Shakespeare | 全集
zoangiap | speciality; professional; special or principal occupation | 專業
zoangiap-hurnlien | training in a specialty | 專業訓練
zoangiap-jin'oaan | a professional staff | 專業人員
zoangiap-tieseg | professional knowledge, a thesis | 專業智識; 專業知識
zoangiap-zengsiin | dedication to a job | 專業精神
zoanha | under the ground- dead people | 泉下
zoanhaam | letter written for a specific purpose | 專函
zoanhaghau | whole school | 全學校
zoanhau | whole school | 全校
zoanhiarm | the complete insurance | 全險
zoanhied | whole blood | 全血
zoanho | special bank account | 專戶
zoanhoex | completely crippled; useless | 全廢
zoanhorng | special visitation | 專訪
zoanhux bwzofng | be armed to the teeth; with all the equipment issued to a soldier such as rifle; ammunition; sack; shovel | 全副武裝
zoanhux | complete set | 全副
zoanhvoaai | tyranny, despotic | 專橫
zoanhør | all good | 全好
zoanjieen | entirely; absolutely | 全然
zoanjieen`ee | utter | 全然的
zoanjiin | person specially assigned for a task; job | 專人
zoanjim ee lauxsw | full time teacher | 專任的老師; 專任教員
zoanjim | full time (job); shoulder entire responsibility; full time employee | 專任
zoanjim-kao'oaan | full time teacher | 專任教員; 專任的老師
zoanjit | the whole day | 全日
zoanju | be cured, be healed (illness or wound) | 專渝; 痊癒
zoanjuu | be cured, be healed (illness or wound) | 專渝; 痊癒
zoankaf | the whole family | 全家; 專家
zoankafng | wholly for the special purpose; take the trouble to; purposely | 專程; 專工; 特地
zoankahog | family photo | 全家福
zoankaohoe | whole church | 全教會
zoankef | the whole family | 全家
zoankerng | panorama | 全景
zoankhafn | special issue of magazine | 專刊; 特刊
zoankhiin | full attendance | 全勤
zoankhinciorng | full attendance award | 全勤獎
zoankhoaan | monopoly | 專權
zoankhoarn | fund designated for a specific use | 專款
zoankhw | a special zone, a special administrative region | 專區
zoankhøf | specialized fields or disciplines; particular course or field of study | 專科
zoankhøf-haghau | junior college | 專科學校
zoankiok | situation as a whole; the overall situation | 全局
zoankiuhoax | globalization | 全球化
zoankiuu | whole earth; the globe; the world | 全球
zoankoaan | complete authority; exclusive authority; or rights; (literary) to monopolize power; despotism | 全權; 專權
zoankoaan-taixpiao | representative vested with full authority | 全權代表
zoankoaan-taixsaix | ambassador plenipotentiary | 全權大使
zoankoaan-uyjixmzng | commission with full powers | 全權委任狀
zoankoan | whole county | 全縣
zoankoarn | take exclusive charge of a matter | 專管
zoankofng | entire credit; concentrate in studying a specific field; study a subject exclusively | 全功; 專攻; 專功
zoankog hoxkhao tiauzaf | national census | 全國戶口調查
zoankog ittix | whole nation taken together | 全國一致
zoankog | the whole country or nation; national; nationwide | 全國
zoankoksexng | whole country | 全國性
zoankui | special sales counter | 專櫃
zoankvia | special case | 專件
zoankwn | the whole army | 全軍
zoankwn-hogbut | the whole army was lost; the army was totally annihilated | 全軍覆沒
zoanky | plane designated for a special use such as flying a VIP or some valuable goods; chartered plane | 專機
zoanlaan | special column in a newspaper or magazine | 專欄
zoanlaan-zokkaf | columnist | 專欄作家
zoanlaang | a special person, by an assigned person | 專人
zoanleeng | almighty; omnipotent; almighty; all round athlete | 全能
zoanleeng-uxntong | decathlon for men; pentathlon for women | 全能運動
zoanlek ie hux | spare no efforts | 全力以赴
zoanlek | with all one's strength; with whole hearted dedication | 全力
zoanli teghie | patent | 專利特許
zoanli | patent; exclusive to one person monopoly | 專利
zoanli-koaan | patent right | 專利權
zoanlieen | all-union | 全聯
zoanliin | dedicated person | 專人
zoanlim | full-time | 專任
zoanlixkoaan | patent right | 專利權
zoanlixphirn | patented articles | 專利品
zoanluytvar | home run; a homer | 全壘打
zoanløo | romaziation | 全羅
zoanmau | overall picture or appearance | 全貌
zoanmngg | specialized in | 專門
zoannii | one complete year; throughout the year | 全年; 全年,整年
zoannoaa | column | 專欄
zoanpaang | private room | 專房
zoanpafn | entire class; the whole class; the whole squad | 全班
zoanpan | specifically devoted to deal | 專辦
zoanphvy | whole | 全篇
zoanphøf | All wave (radio) | 全波
zoanpi | everything is prepared; all is ready | 全備; 備齊
zoanpiin | all wave (TV) | 全頻
zoanpo | entirely; wholly; the whole; completely; fully | 全部
zoanpvoaa keaoe | overall program or plan | 全盤計劃
zoanpvoaa | overall (plan); whole (affair); whole matter | 全盤
zoansaix | an envoy extraordinary | 專使
zoanseakaix | whole world | 全世界
zoanseng | in full bloom, at the high | 全乘; 極盛
zoanseng-sitai | heyday; zenith; prime | 全盛時代
zoanserng | whole province | 全省
zoansexng | complete victory; make a clean sweep | 全勝
zoansiax | plenary indulgence | 全赦
zoansien | infinite or perfect good | 全善
zoansiin koarnzux | pay undivided attention to; concentrate on | 全神貫注
zoansim'ar | concentrate | 專心仔
zoansimzoanlek | wholeheartedly | 全心全力
zoansin'ee | brandnew | 全新的
zoansiok | exclusive; (specially) attached to… | 專屬
zoansit | total eclipse | 全蝕
zoansiu | live one's full lifespan; die of natural causes | 全壽
zoansiukhøf | two year program of study in a four year college that does not lead to a degree and is consequently equivalent to work in a junior (two year) college | 專修科
zoansiw | study (a subject) exclusively | 專修
zoansixn | all believe | 全信
zoansox | whole amount; the total number | 全數
zoansvoax | whole line | 全線
zoansw | complete book; complete set of books | 全書
zoansy | entire dead body; complete corpse | 全屍
zoansym itcix | concentrate or focus attention; thoughts; or efforts | 專心一志
zoansym | concentrate in; with all one's heart; wholeheartedly | 專心; 全心
zoansym-zoan'ix | wholehearted; with all one's heart | 全心全意
zoansyn | brand-new; absolutely new; the whole body | 全新; 全身
zoantaai | all of Taiwan | 全台
zoantee iefnkarng | special subject; topic lecture | 專題演講
zoantee | topic | 專題
zoanteeng | special-purpose trip | 專程
zoanthea hoafntuix | unanimous opposition | 全體反對
zoanthea zarnseeng | unanimous approval | 全體贊成
zoanthea zhutsek | perfect attendance | 全體出席
zoanthea | all; whole; entire; whole body; everybody; in all; plenary assembly; unanimously | 全體
zoantheeng | special trip | 專程
zoanthoaan | whole group | 全團
zoanthog | a full-time nursery | 專託; 全託
zoanthøx | full suit of clothes; a whole set (books; furniture; machinery) | 全套
zoantioong | one's specialty; what one excels in | 專長
zoantiorng | special skill; specialty | 專長
zoantix-zoanleeng | omniscient and almighty | 全智全能
zoantngg | overall length; specility | 全長; 專長
zoantoaxn | make decisions without consulting others; arbitrary | 專斷
zoantoee | topic | 專題
zoantøe | the whole earth, land | 全地; 大地
zoantøee | special topics | 專題
zoantør | everything fell down | 全倒; 全島
zoanviaa | win all | 全贏; 全營
zoanzaai | extensive abilities; master of all trades; a factotum | 全才
zoanzeeng | dedicated | 專情
zoanzefng | specialization | 專精
zoanzex ee zerngti | autocratic government | 專制的政治
zoanzex | autocratic; tyrannical; dictatorship; autocracy; despotism; absolutism; be autocratic or arbitrary | 專制
zoanzex-zerngthea | autocracy | 專制政體
zoanzex-zwgi | despotism; tyranny | 專制主義
zoanzexng | specialize in | 專政
zoanzhef | send specially | 專差; 特派
zoanzoaan | exclusively; entirely; undividedly | 全是; 都是
zoanzoafn | specialized | 專專
zoanzux | concentrate on, to fix one's attention on | 專注; 專心
zoanzø | the whole audience, every person present | 全坐; 在座全體
zoaphøee | snake skin | 蛇皮
zoaphøesiern | pityriasis; skin disease marked by the shedding of bran-like scales of epidermis | 蛇皮癬
zoaq | slop; splash about; spill by shaking | 濺; 泏; 溢; 泄
zoaq`zhutlaai | spill out | 濺出來; 溢出來
zoaqbin | inclined plane | 斜面
zoaqym | out of tune | 差音
zoar | paper | 紙
zoar-ang'ar | paper character | 紙尪仔
zoar-hoxsvoax | paper umbrella | 紙雨傘
zoar-khoesvix | paper fan | 紙詼扇
zoarn hiofng uii kied | turn evil into good fortune | 轉凶為吉
zoarn kofng uii siuo | change from the offensive to the defensive | 反攻為守
zoarn pai uii sexng | turn defeat into victory | 轉敗為勝
zoarn siuo uii kofng | change from the defensive to the offensive | 反守為攻
zoarn | turn; to transfer; turn about; to return; manage and arrange | 轉聯
zoarn-padtoo | change one's trade or profession | 轉別途; 轉行
zoarnlieen | to get connected in a series, to exchange experiences with others | 轉聯
zoasiofng | injure caused by snake | 蛇傷
zoat auxtai | take revenge on a man by killing all his children | 絕後代; 絕嗣
zoat | break off; cut; discontinue; terminate | 絕
zoathaau | snake head | 蛇頭
zoatkex | a foolish scheme, my plan | 方案; 拙計
zoatload | clumsy, bad, poor | 絕劣
zoatok | snake poison | 蛇毒
zoatpun | unwise | 拙笨
zoatvar | snake gall; gall or bile of a snake used as medicine | 蛇膽
zoatzog | a humble way to mention one's work | 拙作
zoaxn'giok | delicacy | 饌玉
zoaxnbuun | to write an essay | 論文; 撰文; 譔文
zoaxnkhuy | unscrew | 旋開
zoaxnsiar | write | 撰寫
zochiaf | car rental | 租車
zocid ee hunliet (zongkaux) | schism | 組織的分裂
zocid | organization; to organize; to form; to constitute; found; organization; formation; tissue; texture | 組織
zocit'hak | histology | 組織學
zocit'hoad | government; laws governing organizations | 組織法
zocit'hoax | systematize; systematization; organized | 組織化
zociøq | let rent; to lease; to take on lease | 租借
zociøq-tøe | leased territory; settlement or concession granted to a foreign nation usually as a result of military defeat for a specified time | 租借地
zocvii | rent money, fee for hiring | 租金; 租錢
zoe iuo erngtid | The punishment is well deserved | 罪有應得
zoe kay baxnsie | The crime deserves ten thousand deaths | 罪該萬死
zoe | many; much | 濟; 罪
zoea'afng | be a husband | 做夫
zoea'au | finally; at last; the last; ultimate; final | 最後
zoea'au-thongtiap | ultimatum | 最後通牒
zoea'iaam | make slat | 做鹽
zoea'iw | the best; the superlative | 最佳
zoea'oe | speak out | 做話
zoea'og | to do bad things | 做惡
zoeabae | the worst | 最惡; 最䆀
zoeabahpviar | make meatloaf | 做肉餅
zoeabak | be a carpenter | 做木
zoeabak`ee | a carpenter | 做木的
zoeabang | dreaming | 做夢
zoeabie`ee | rice seller | 做米的
zoeabixsi | better | 做惟是; 那麼的話; 無如
zoeabor | be a wife | 做某
zoeachincviaa | become relatives | 做親成
zoeachitlit | perform 7th day memorial rites after his death | 做七日
zoeacide | do it | 做一下
zoeacidsii | do it for now | 做一時
zoeacieen | foremost, first | 最前
zoeaciofng | last one; the end | 最終
zoeaciuo | make wine | 做酒
zoeaciør | at least; the smallest | 最少; 至少
zoeaciøx | celebration of birthday of saint in Tao religion | 建醮
zoeacviaa | make | 做成
zoeagee | make teeth | 做牙
zoeageqlai | rest and recuperate body and mind after childbirth | 做月內
zoeagixniu | for fun; as a hobby | 做議量
zoeaheeng | make shape | 做形
zoeahix | perform a play | 做戲
zoeahng | the farthest, the farthermost | 最遠
zoeahoad | way of doing things | 做法
zoeahoef | make flower | 做花
zoeahofng | wind blow | 做風; 起風
zoeahongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zoeahui-kog | the most favored nation | 最惠國
zoeahuixkog thaixgu | most favored nation status | 最惠國待遇
zoeahø | make a sign | 做號
zoeahøea | together | 一同; 做夥
zoeahør | the best; had better | 最好
zoeakaf | the best; the superlative | 最佳
zoeakafng | work | 做工
zoeakafng`ee | worker | 做工的
zoeakang'ar | as a worker | 做工仔
zoeakanglaang | worker | 做工人
zoeakao | be a dog | 做狗
zoeake | most recent; nearest; recently | 最低; 最少
zoeake-kex | the lowest price, the minimum price | 最低價
zoeakex | make a price | 做價
zoeakhaf | be a worker | 做腳; 當工人
zoeakhafng | conspiracy | 做孔; 陰謀
zoeakheq | be a guest | 做客
zoeakhie | start | 做起
zoeakhiernsngr | punishment; scold | 做譴損
zoeaki | worship and feast on the anniversary of a person's death | 做忌; 忌日祭儀
zoeakin | most recent; nearest; recently | 最近
zoeakoaan | the supreme, the highest | 最高; 最懸
zoeakofng | became a grandfather | 做公
zoeakuie | play a ghost | 做鬼
zoeakun | most recent; nearest; recently | 最近
zoeakuo | at the longest | 最久
zoeakviar | be a son | 做囝
zoeakvoaf | to become governmental officials | 做官
zoeakøf haghuo | highest seat of learning | 最高學府
zoeakøf haxnto | the upper limit; the maximum | 最高限度
zoeakøf hoat'vi | the Supreme Court | 最高法院
zoeakøf jiedto | maximum heat | 最高熱度
zoeakøf kaizaan | the top level | 最高階層
zoeakøf kikoafn | the highest level of organization | 最高機關
zoeakøf koanlek | supreme power | 最高權力
zoeakøf sokto | maximum speed | 最高速度
zoeakøf thofngsoex | supreme commander; commander in chief of the armed forces | 最高統帥
zoeakøf tongkiok | the highest authorities | 最高當局
zoeakøf | highest; supreme; maximum | 最高
zoeakøf-tiarm | the peak, the climax, the culminating point | 最高點
zoeakøhofng | summit; climax; orgasm | 最高峰
zoeakøkex | maximum price | 最高價
zoeakøtiarm | highest point or mark | 最高點
zoeakøtiaw | climax; culmination; orgasm | 最高潮
zoeakøto | the highest degree | 最高度
zoealaang | behavior; be a man; act humanely | 為人; 做人
zoealiao | finished | 做了
zoealinzeeng | do someone a favor | 做人情
zoeamar | beacme a grandmom | 做媽
zoeamoar | finished | 做滿; 完成
zoeaniaw | make prostitute | 做貓; 賣男色
zoeapaxng | diarrhea | 做放; 下痢
zoeapefng | being a soldier | 當兵
zoeaphvae | to do bad things | 做歹
zoeaphvoa | accompany someone | 做伴
zoeapien | ready-made | 做便; 現成的
zoeapurn | as capital | 做本
zoeasafnkhuix | flirt | 做瘦氣
zoeasaikofng | perform certain Taoist rituals | 做司公
zoeaseeng | finished | 做成
zoeaseg | make colors | 做色
zoeasenglie | do business | 做生理
zoeasid | farming | 耕作
zoeasiefn | first of all | 做仙
zoeasiin | play god | 做神
zoeasiong | the highest, supreme | 最上
zoeasioxngkib | highest class; superlative degree | 最上級
zoeasioxngphirn | prime quality | 最上品
zoeasiør konghunbør | least common denominator | 最小公分母
zoeasiør kongpoexsox | least common multiple | 最小公倍數
zoeasiør | smallest; minimum | 最小
zoeasngr | play game | 做玩
zoeasoaq | done | 做煞; 做完
zoeasu | do work | 做事
zoeasurn | do tenon | 做榫
zoeasuun | worship the haven every ten days of a month | 做旬; 日儀
zoeasvaf | make cloth | 做衫
zoeasviaf | speak out | 做聲
zoeasvilit | birthday celebration | 做生日
zoeasvoarkafng | part time job | 打線工
zoeasy | write poem | 做詩
zoeasyn hoatbeeng | the latest invention | 最新發明
zoeasyn | newest | 最新
zoeatai kong'ioksox | the greatest common divisor | 最大公約數
zoeatai | greatest; maximum; the biggest | 最大
zoeatea haxnto | the lowest limit; at least; minimum | 最低限度
zoeatea | most recent; nearest; recently | 最低; 最少
zoeatee | make tea | 做茶; 製茶
zoeathaau | be first; be head | 做頭; 為首
zoeathoo`ee | handyman who work on tiles, bricks, cemen | 做土的
zoeathozuie | handyman who work on tiles, bricks cement | 做塗水
zoeathøx | make sets | 做套
zoeatin | be together with | 一齊
zoeatoa | greatest; maximum; the biggest | 最大
zoeatoaxzuie | flood | 做大水
zoeatok huxjiin-sym | there is nothing more poisonous than the heart of woman | 最毒婦人心
zoeatuix | oppose | 作對; 找碴; 敵對
zoeatuy | get together | 做堆; 在一起
zoeatvia | deposit | 做定; 下訂金
zoeatøf | the most; at most | 最多數
zoeatøf-sox | the largest majority | 最多數
zoeauii | accomplishment | 做為
zoeaviu | being an role model | 做樣
zoeaze | at most | 最多
zoeazeeng | first, at first | 做情
zoeazexng | to be witness | 做證
zoeazhaan | farming | 種田
zoeazhaolaang | be a stinker | 做臭人
zoeazhat | to be a thief | 做賊
zoeazhof | at first; in the very beginning | 最初
zoeazhox | made vinegar | 做醋
zoeazhud | made | 做出
zoeazhøx | wrong doing | 做錯
zoeazngf | as a delaer | 做莊
zoeazoar | make paper | 做紙; 製紙
zoeazofng | as a dealer | 做莊
zoeazor | be grand grand parents | 做祖
zoeazuie | flooding | 做水
zoeazuo | to be host | 做主
zoeazuun | to build a ship | 做船; 造船
zoecied | destroy; vandalize | 摧折
zoee | to break; to devastate; to ravage | 摧; 璀
zoeh | a section; cut off (a length) | 截
zoehkhuix | measure word for the solar year is divided into twenty-four solar terms | 節氣
zoehlit | festival | 節日
zoehuie | destroy | 摧毀
zoeq | festival; holiday; season | 節
zoeqzerng | to end; cut short; break off; (of living organism) become extinct; extinct animals; extinction | 絕種
zoex tiarmbin | become a storefront | 做店面
zoex | work; make; do; act as; give a party or reception | 做; 作
zoex-byle | the most beautiful | 最美麗
zoex-bøexkaux | cannot do it | 做無到
zoex-bøexkhie | cannot do it | 做無起
zoex-bøexkhix | cannot do it | 做無去; 做不了
zoex-bøexlaai | cannot do it | 做無來
zoex-bøexliao | cannot finish it | 做無了
zoex-chincviaa | became relatives | 做親成
zoex-cidhoea | together | 做一夥
zoex-exkaux | able to do it | 做會到
zoex-exkhie | able to do it | 做會起
zoex-exkhix | able to do it | 做會去; 能做成
zoex-exlaai | able to do it | 做會來
zoex-exliao | able to finish it | 做會完
zoex-gixniu | to kill time | 做消遣; 做藝量
zoex-hongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zoex-høesviu | be a monk | 做和尚
zoex-høflaang | be a good person | 做好人
zoex-iwhau | the most effective | 最有效
zoex-kangge | make artifacts | 做工藝
zoex-khangkhøex | do homework | 做工課
zoex-khitciah | as a bagger | 做乞食
zoex-khøfvox | the vilest, the most abominable | 最可惡
zoex-kongteg | do good deeds | 做功德
zoex-kopøo | be an aunt | 做姑婆
zoex-kuythaau | be a bad guys leader | 做鬼頭
zoex-køkib | superlative | 最高級
zoex-langtai | be a human being | 做人代; 人情事
zoex-moafgøeh | celebrate one month old newborn | 做滿月
zoex-phofphiexn | most widespread | 最普遍
zoex-senglie | do business | 做生理
zoex-sinloong | be a groom | 做新郎
zoex-sinniuu | be a bride | 做新娘
zoex-sinseg | the newest style | 最新式
zoex-svijit | celebrate birthday | 做生日
zoex-tionglaang | be the middleman | 做中人
zoex-titlaai | able to do it | 做得來
zoex-toaxzuie | flooding | 做大水
zoex-tuienii | a year ceremony after a person died | 做對年
zoex-tviaxtiøh | engaged | 做定著; 訂了婚約
zoex`laang | matched | 做人; 配嫁
zoexaxn | court case of criminal record | 作案; 罪案
zoexbiin | sinful people | 罪面; 罪民
zoexciør | more or less | 濟少
zoexgiap | sin | 罪業
zoexgiet chimtiong | sin or crime is very great | 罪孽深重
zoexgiet | sin; great crime; sin | 罪孽
zoexheeng | criminal acts; atrocities | 罪行
zoexheng | sinful deed, criminal act | 罪行
zoexhiaam | criminal suspect | 罪嫌
zoexhoan | criminal; offender; culprit | 罪犯
zoexhoat | punishment for sin; retribution | 罪罰
zoexjiin | sinner; sinner; criminal; offender | 罪人
zoexkaibaxnsie | guilty of death | 罪該萬死
zoexkhoef | main figure of a criminal gang; chief offender; ringleader | 罪魁
zoexkhøef | chief offender, ringleader in crime | 罪魁
zoexkoax | fault; offence; sin | 罪過
zoexkox | fault, offence, sin | 罪過
zoexkwn | root of sin | 罪跟; 罪根
zoexkyn | root of sin | 罪跟; 罪根
zoexkøx | trepass; error; offence; crimes; sins; transgressions; fault | 罪過
zoexliin | sinner | 罪人
zoexmiaa | name of a criminal case; name of a crime; the charge | 罪名
zoexoe | talking much when he should be quiet; much or many words; talkative | 濟話
zoexog | crime, sin, wickedness, vic | 作惡; 罪惡
zoexokkarm | guilty | 罪惡感
zoexsiong kazoe | add offense on top of another | 罪上加罪
zoexyn | cause of a crime | 罪因
zoexzeg | responsibility for misconduct | 罪責
zoexzex | debt of sin | 罪債
zoexzexng | crime evidence | 罪證
zoexzng | statement of committed crime according to the laws; nature of an offense or crime; charge brought against a person | 罪狀
zoexzoe | plenty | 濟濟
zoexzofng | capital sins | 罪宗
zoexzong | charges, document with crimes | 罪狀
zoezaan | to destroy wantonly | 摧殘
zoezoaan | full, complete | 濟全
zoezvar | regular even, neat and tidy | 均勻
zof | group; a team; a section; department; organization; organize; arrange; to form; set up or assemble (radio; motorcycle) | 組; 租
zof`laang | rented out | 租人
zofbiø | temple for ancestors | 祖廟
zofbong | ancestral tomb | 祖墓; 祖墳
zofbuo | grandmother | 祖母
zofbør | grandmother | 祖母
zofcie | to stop; stop or prevent; prohibit or proscribe | 阻止
zofciog | chew; masticate | 咀嚼
zofgai | thwart; impede; obstacle or hindrance; obstruct; impede | 阻礙
zofgaixciøh | stumbling stone | 阻礙石; 絆腳石
zofgaixtiøh | hinder | 阻礙著
zofgiap | a business handed down by ancestors; ancestral property; trade or business inherited from one's ancestors | 祖業
zofhu | grandfather | 祖父
zofkef | ancestral home | 祖家; 老家
zofkeq | separate by partition; diaphragm; or boundary; be separated; cut off; be isolated | 阻隔; 阻礙
zofkhafm | ancestral niche | 祖龕
zofki | worship ancestors | 祖忌
zofkofng | male ancestors; ancestors | 祖宗; 祖公; 祖先; 祖先(男)
zofkog | mother country; mother land | 母國; 祖國
zofkong'afsae | inheritance | 祖公仔屎
zofkong'afsarn | inheritance | 祖公仔產
zofkong'ar | ancient | 祖公仔
zofkonghngg | ancient park | 祖公園
zofky | ancestral home | 祖居
zoflaan | stop; prevent; retard | 阻攔
zoflat | power to obstruct | 阻力
zofleeng | ancestral spirits | 祖靈
zoflek | the force of resistance | 阻力
zofmar | female ancestor; great grandmother | 祖媽; 曾祖母
zofng | fill in or up; to pack; to load; pretend; to feign; adorn; dress or make up ornamental dressing; decorate a room; to store; to keep; to install a machine or equipment; to load goods; clothes and personal effects | 裝; 宗; 批
zofng'ee | as a whole | 總的
zofng'isw | Chief Resident | 總醫師
zofng'ix | general opinion | 總意; 一般的輿論
zofng'uxsoaxn | general budget | 總預算
zofngbau | total trade | 總貿
zofngbauh | contract or to buy the whole lot | 統括; 全買
zofngbok | general index | 總目
zofngbu | general administration; general affairs | 總務
zofngbu-khørtviuo | General Affairs Section Chief | 總務課長
zofngbuxkhøx | Office of General Affairs | 總務課
zofngbuxtviuo | Officer of General Affairs | 總務長
zofngbuxzhux | Office of General Affairs | 總務處
zofngbøe | whole sale | 總賣
zofngbøo | none | 那有; 難道
zofngchiarng | main factory | 總廠
zofngchviuo | industrial complex (all snatched) | 總廠; (統統搶光)
zofngcip | the complete works of one or more authors | 總集
zofngcyhuipo | headquarters of a high command | 總指揮部
zofngcyhuy | commander in chief | 總指揮
zofnggiah | total amount; gross amount of number | 總額
zofnghaang | main office; head office of a firm | 總行
zofnghab | sum together | 總合
zofnghad | general jurisdiction | 總轄
zofnghap | conglomeration; assemblage | 總合
zofnghoe | general office; General Assembly; general meeting | 總會
zofnghoextviuo | head of an entire order of society | 總會長
zofnghø | main store, main office, main number | 總號
zofnghøo | summation; sum total; total; grand total | 總和; 總共
zofngjinkhao | total population | 總人口
zofngkafm | director | 總監
zofngkaokvoaf | head of the military instructors in a school | 總教官
zofngkaolien | chief coach of a sports delegation | 總教練
zofngkaozuo | archbishop | 總教主
zofngkarnsu | general management | 總幹事
zofngkenglie | president | 總經理
zofngkex | grand summation; the sum total…; in all | 總計
zofngkhay | wide open | 總開
zofngkied | conclude; sum up; conclusion; summation; finale; sum up | 總結
zofngkiok | head office; headquarters (of polite in a city or county) | 總局
zofngkiong | total; the total; in all | 總共
zofngkoad | summing up; sum up; summarize | 總決; 總括
zofngkoankwn | champion | 總冠軍
zofngkoarn | general manager; superintendent; supervisor; director; manager | 總管
zofngkofng | general principles | 總綱
zofngkofngcidkux | in summary | 總講一句
zofngkongkeg | general offensive | 總攻擊
zofngkongsy | head office | 總公司
zofngkorng | finally; in conclusion; generally speaking | 總講; 總而言之
zofngkorng`cidkux | in a word; to sum up; to sum it all up in one sentence | 總而言之
zofngkuy | essenocc undertakinge, summation | 總歸
zofngky | switchboard; operator; telephone switchboard | 總機
zofngkøex | all passed | 總過; 全通過
zofnglarm taixkoaan | be in full power; have full control of the government | 總攬大權
zofnglarm | monopolize; take over the entire management of an affair | 包攬; 總攬
zofngle | general rule | 總例; 總則
zofnglefngsu | consul general | 總領事
zofnglefngsuxkoarn | consulate general | 總領事館
zofnglefngtui | team leader | 總領隊
zofnglie | chancellor; president; director; to manage; to control; prime minister; premier; chairman (of a political party) | 總理
zofngliong | gross; total amount | 總量; 總共
zofnglun | general discussion; summary; introduction | 總論
zofngmaxsi | in short | 總嘛是
zofngpan | general office | 總辦
zofngpaw | total package | 總包
zofngpaxkafng | general strike | 總罷工
zofngpefng | total soldiers | 總兵
zofngpengkyn | overall average | 總平均
zofngpho | general ledger; general directory; ledger | 總簿; 總帳簿
zofngphoehoad | equipment or outfit (especially of a soldier) | 總批發
zofngphof | large wooden bed for at least five persons; bed platform on which tatami's are laid in a Japanese home | 通舖; 總鋪; 大臥舖; 大木板床; 床鋪
zofngphorsay | chef | 總舖師
zofngphox | chef; cook (polite term) | 廚師; 總舖
zofngpo | general headquarters | 總部
zofngpvexvi | general hospital | 總病院
zofngsi | but | 可是; 總是; 但是
zofngsiaux | total | 總數
zofngsicid | resign en masse (usually a cabinet) | 總辭職
zofngsionghoe | general chamber of commerce; federation of businessmen | 總商會
zofngsngx | count totally | 總算; 全部算
zofngsoarn | general election | 總選
zofngsoex | general leader | 總帥
zofngsox | total amount; gross amount of number | 總數
zofngsu | headquarters; head office | 總署
zofngsuleng | commander in chief | 總司令
zofngsulexngpo | general headquarters (military) | 總司令部
zofngsutok | dean (ecclesiastical) (Catholic) | 總司鐸
zofngtaixlie | general agent (business) | 總代理
zofngtaixlyjiin | general agent | 總代理人
zofngtang | gross weight | 總重
zofngtat | total value; total price | 總值
zofngthea | overall | 總體
zofngthefciexn | all out war; total war | 總體戰
zofngthofnghuo piesutviuo | Presidential Secretary General | 總統府秘書長
zofngthofnghuo | presidential office | 總統府
zofngthofnghwzeeng | in front of the presidential palace | 總統府前
zofngthofngzex | political system under which the president is the chief executive | 總統制
zofngthorng hauxsoafnjiin | presidential candidate | 總統後選人
zofngthorng torngsoafnjiin | president elect | 總統當選人
zofngthorng | president (of a government) | 總統
zofngthorng-huo | president's office | 總統府
zofngthwn | annex all | 全吞
zofngtiaxm | head office (of a business) | 總店
zofngtid | get all | 總得; 全部得到
zofngtiøh | get all | 總著; 全部得
zofngtog | governor-general; the governor general or the governor of a province; viceroy (ancient term); the governor of Taiwan; Hong Kong or India etc before the World War II | 總督
zofngtog-huo | governor's office | 總統府; 總督府
zofngtok'huo | the office of a governor general (viceroy); government general | 總督府
zofngtoo | general map | 總圖
zofngtoxng'oaan | general mobilization | 總動員
zofngtoxng'oanhoad | law of general mobilization | 總動員法
zofngtui | corps | 總隊
zofngtviuo | general officer | 總長
zofngtvoaf | total order | 總單
zofngtøee | main-subject | 總蹄; 總題; 主題
zofngzeg | general principles | 總則
zofngzhaai | president; director general; president or governor of a bank; political party | 總裁
zofngzhambotviuo | chief of the general staff | 總參謀長
zofngzhea | headquarter address | 總扯
zofngzhefng | generic name; general term | 總稱
zofngzhux | head office | 總處
zofngzwkaux | patriarch | 總主教
zofngzwpid | chief editorial writer | 總主筆
zofpaai | ancestral tablet | 祖排; 靈牌
zofpie | deceased grandparents | 祖妣
zofpøo | grand grand mom | 祖婆
zofsarn | inherited property; ancestral estate | 祖產
zofseeng | be made up of, be composed of, be organized by | 組成
zofsiefn | ancestors | 祖先
zofsien'ar | ancient | 祖先仔
zofsiong | ancestors | 祖上
zofsu'iaa | the founder | 祖師爺
zofsubiø | a Taiwanese temple | 祖師廟
zofsukofng | ancient | 祖師公
zofsun'ar | grandchildren | 祖孫仔
zofsuzhaan | ancestors farm | 祖師田
zofsw | the founder of a school of academic learning; patron saint; founder of a sect; originator of a craft or trade | 祖師
zofteg | virtuous deeds of one's ancestors | 祖德
zofthad | obstract, block a way | 阻擋; 阻塞
zofthoaan ee piehngf | formula handed down from generation to generation | 祖傳秘方
zofthoaan piehngf | ancestral secret recipe | 祖傳祕方
zofthoaan | traditional; handed down from the ancestor; patrimonial tradition; handed down from ancestors (property; trade secrets or medical knowledge) | 祖傳; 祖傳的
zofthoanpiehngf | ancestral secret recipe | 祖傳祕方
zoftoxng | influence to stop; braking; hindrance; stop; be in the way; block the way; hinder | 阻擋
zoftøe | ancestral land | 祖地
zofzek | ancestral home | 祖籍
zofzhux | ancestral home; native place | 祖家; 祖厝; 祖家,老家; 老家
zofzofng | ancestorship; ancestors; forefathers; forebears | 祖宗
zofzu | to stop completely | 阻止; 擋住
zog | do; make; to farm | 作
zog'ym | voiced tone | 濁音
zogchyn | relatives of same ancestorship; very distant relative of the same surname | 族親
zoggie | ethnic language | 族語
zoggyhoax | ethnicity | 族語化
zogiah | rent | 租額
zogiin | rent money | 租銀; 租金
zogjiin | the clansmen | 族人
zogkuun | ethnic groups | 族群
zoglai | within the clan | 族內
zogliin | tribe | 族人
zoglui | clans or tribes | 族類
zoglør | clan elders | 族老
zogmiaa | clan name | 族名
zogphaix | cliques within same ancestors; division of a clan | 族派
zogphor | genealogy; family tree; genealogical table; family register; pedigree of a clan | 族譜
zogsvix | clans of the same surname | 族姓
zogswn | clan grandson | 族孫
zogtiofng | within the clan | 族中
zogtviuo | sheik; the senior in a clan; chief of a clan; chieftain | 族長; 酋長
zoguun | rent money | 租銀
zohap | company; organized; consolidate; unite; combinations (math); association | 公司; 組合
zoho | tenant; tenant | 租戶
zohuix | rent money | 租費; 租金
zoiog | deed of rental or lease | 租約
zoiong | rent for use; rented from others | 租用
zojim | rent a house | 租賃
zok | clan; tribe; tribe; clan; family; race of people; family or genus of animals | 昨; 族; 怍
zok'hap | cooperation | 作合; 使結合
zok'hoad | practice a black art; resort to magic arts; way of doing things; course of action; practice | 作法
zok'hoex | make void; nullify; cancel | 作廢
zok'hofng | one's way of doing things; style; manner | 作風
zok'ib | make a low bow with folded hands | 作揖
zok'iong | capillarity; capillary phenomenon; effect; action | 作用
zok'og | do wrong | 作惡
zok'uii | conduct; behavior; achievement; action | 作為
zok'uy | domineer | 作威
zok'uy-zok'hog | domineering | 作威作福
zokaix | leased area; concession | 租界
zokaix-tøe | concession land | 租界地
zokbut | agricultural produces | 作物
zokbuun | composition; write an essay | 作文
zokciar | author; author of a composition or novel | 作者
zokciexn | make war; military operations; strategy | 作戰
zokex | rent or rental money | 租價
zokgak | play music | 作樂; 奏樂
zokgiab'oaan | operator | 作業員
zokgiabpho | workbook | 作業簿
zokgiabpho'ar | workbook | 作業簿仔
zokgiap | homework; exercises; firm's main fields of operation | 作業
zokgiet | play a plunk; mischievous; naughty; act very wickedly; do evil; do something that causes harm to others; mischievous child | 作孽; 頑皮; 淘氣; 惡作劇的; 調皮
zokgiet`ee | wickedly | 作孽的
zokheg | suite (music) | 組曲
zokhex | lease or rental agreement | 租契
zokhoex | make it not effective | 作廢
zokhofng | behavior; conduct | 作風
zokkaf | a writer; author; writer | 作家
zokkheg | compose music; composition of musical pieces | 作曲
zokkheg-kaf | composer | 作曲家
zokkhekciar | composer | 作曲者
zokkoaix | cause trouble; injure like a demon causing trouble or as someone's secret opposition; to behave in an idle and wicked way (said of a young man) | 作怪
zoklang | tease | 作弄
zokliau | food for cook | 作料
zokloan | rebel; make insurrection; stage armed rebellion; rebel; start an uprising | 作亂
zoklok | make merry; have fun; enjoy | 作樂
zoklong | annoy or possessed by a demon); play tricks on; to fool; instigate | 作弄; 搗蛋
zokpex | cheating; cheat; cheat in an examination; indulge in corrupt practices | 作弊
zokphirn | opus; work; handicraft; work of a writer or artist | 作品
zokseeng | made | 作成
zoksid | rest | 作息
zoksukaf | lyricist | 作詞家
zoksuu | lyrics | 作詞
zoksy | compose poetry | 作詩
zokvia | component | 組件
zokym | rent money; rent money | 租金
zokzong | molest or afflict as a demon, injure | 作崇; 作惡
zokøq | form a cabinet in government | 組閣
zolip | establish | 組立; 組織
zong | form; written appeal | 狀
zong'erng | trace; vestige | 蹤影
zong'un | load and ship | 裝運
zong'viar | trail | 蹤影
zong'viuu | admire everything of foreign (especially western) origin | 崇洋
zongbiø | temple for ancestors; ancestral temple of the ruling family; imperial ancestral temple | 宗廟
zongboo-zok'viu | be pretentious; act with affected manners | 裝模作樣
zongbut | stolen goods; stolen goods; plunder; booty; loot; obtained illicitly | 贓物; 藏物
zongchinhoe | clan association | 宗親會
zongchyn | relatives of same ancestorship; members of the same clan; people of the same ancestry | 宗親
zongcie | general purpose; leading idea; purport; purpose; aim; objective | 宗旨
zongcvii | busy oneself about borrowing money | 量錢; 調頭寸
zongge | variety show | 綜藝
zonggiaam | solemn; solemnity; dignified; stately | 莊嚴
zonghabhoad | method of synthesis | 綜合法
zonghabparn | comprehensive | 綜合版
zonghap gexsut | art which requires both visual sense and hearing to appreciate (such as performing arts) | 綜合藝術
zonghap pvexvi | polyclinic hospital; general hospital | 綜合醫院
zonghap | put together; include; inclusive; synthesis; gather together; collective (news reporting); synthesize | 綜合
zonghefng | clansman of one's generation who is older than oneself; a polite designation for a friend with the same surname as oneself | 宗兄
zonghoad | rules within a clan governing order of succession; marriage | 宗法
zonghoong | decoration; adorn; upholster; decorate room | 裝潢
zongjiaq | trace | 蹤跡
zongkaf | banker in gambling games | 莊家
zongkahchiaf | armored vehicle; a tank | 裝甲車
zongkahpefng | armed forces | 裝甲兵
zongkaohak | religious studies | 宗教學
zongkaokaf | religious person | 宗教家
zongkaokaix | religious circles; religious world | 宗教界
zongkaosiong | religiously | 宗教上
zongkaq | armored | 裝甲
zongkaq-poxtui | armored troops or units | 裝甲部隊
zongkaq-sw | an armed division | 裝甲師
zongkaux kaykeg | Reformation; religious revival | 宗教改革
zongkaux kisi | religious prejudice | 宗教歧視
zongkaux kongjiet | fanatic | 宗教狂熱
zongkaux thoanthea | religious organization | 宗教團體
zongkaux zhaiphvoarsor | The Holy Office or tribunal established during the period of the Inquisition | 宗教裁判所
zongkaux | religion | 宗教
zongkaux-hoexgi | synod | 宗教會議
zongkexng | serious and respectful; grave and reverent | 莊敬; 崇敬; 莊重
zongkhix | go | 傱去
zongkiaw | hide one's kept woman at a secret residence; marry a concubine | 藏嬌
zongkoafn | general and comprehensive view; view the whole situation | 綜觀
zongkoex | go over | 傱過
zongkviarjiin | hidden, behind the mirror people | 藏鏡人
zongkviarliin | hidden, behind the mirror people | 藏鏡人
zongkøf | lofty; upright | 崇高
zonglaai | come | 傱來
zonglaai-zongkhix | move about rapidly back and forwards; hop from place to place (on business) | 跑來跑去; 四處奔走
zonglamzawpag | go south and north | 傱南走北
zongpaix | worship; admire; idolize; adore | 崇拜
zongpan | attired; impersonation; playact; pretend | 裝扮
zongphaix | a clique; branches of a clan or religion; school of philosophy or academic learning | 宗派
zongphaix`ee | schismatic | 宗派的
zongphoex | to decorate; assembly line (factory) | 裝配
zongphoex-chviuo | an assembly plant | 裝配廠
zongphoex-kafng | a fitter, an assembler | 裝配工
zongphøex | assembly; fabricate; put together; assemble | 裝配
zongphøex-chviuo | an assembly plant | 裝配廠
zongphøex-kafng | a fitter, an assembler | 裝配工
zongpi | equipments (portable); equipment or outfit (especially of a soldier) | 裝備
zongpurn | an edition for library purposes; to be kept as a specimen; not for general use | 藏本
zongpøftoo | treasure map | 藏寶圖
zongseg | adorn; decoration; ornament; ornamentation; doll up; make up; adorn; embellish | 裝飾; 裝備
zongseg-phirn | article of ornament or decoration | 裝飾品
zongsekphirn | ornamental item; decorative article | 裝飾品
zongsiax | load and unload | 裝卸
zongsied | equipped with; install or equip | 裝設
zongsiong | advocate | 崇尚
zongsiw | fix up a building or room; decorate and repair; equip; refurbish | 裝修
zongsixn | worship | 崇信
zongsog | attire; dress; pack up; pack up and get ready to travel; dress up; clothing or attire | 裝束
zongsukaf | book collector | 藏書家
zongsuu | a small temple for ancestors; ancestral temple or clan shrine | 宗祠
zongsw | collection of books; collect books; book collection | 藏書
zongsyn | hide oneself | 藏身
zongtafng-zongsay | work ambitiously | 撞東撞西; 為生計奔波
zongtexng | bookbinding; bind up; binding; stitch; bind pages into a volume or book | 裝訂
zongtiong | solemn; serious and respectful, grave and reverent | 莊重
zongtit | very distant junior relative of the same surname | 宗姪
zongtix | device; fit; unit; installation; install (equipment); mechanical device | 裝置
zongtoo sirnkefng | Apostles Creed (Catholic) | 宗徒信經
zongtoo taixsuxliok | Acts of Apostles (Catholic) | 宗徒大事錄
zongtoo | the Apostles | 宗徒
zongzaix | to load, to stow | 裝載
zongzaix-liong | load capacity | 裝載量
zongzeg | trail; trace; track; a trace; vestige; to follow up clues | 蹤跡
zongzhud | go out | 傱出
zongzhutzongjip | in and out | 傱出傱入
zongzog | to pretend | 裝作
zongzok | a group of people of same ancestors; clan or family; kindred | 宗族
zongzwkoaan | suzerainty | 宗主權
zongzwkog | suzerain state | 宗主國
zoo | wooden cargo boat | 艚
zoong | rush about; leap and frisk about; make efforts; busy oneself about | 奔; 傱; 崇; 奔走; 衝; 藏
zoong`jibkhix | rush in | 衝進去
zoong`khix | rush | 奔去
zoong`køex | rushed | 奔過
zoong`laai | rush | 奔來
zoong`zhutkhix | rush out | 衝出去
zopiet | group | 組別
zor | group; a team; a section; department; organization; organize; arrange; to form; set up or assemble (radio; motorcycle) | 組; 祖
zorng kanghoe | federation of labor unions | 總工會
zorng kangthengsw | chief engineer | 總工程師
zorng kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zorng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts | 總決算
zorng kørkae | general confession (Catholic) | 總告解
zorng paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
zorng phiencib | editor in chief | 總編輯
zorng sngx | finally | 總算
zorng soafnkie | general election | 總選舉
zorng taixpiao | chief delegate | 總代表; 主席代表
zorng zwkaux | archbishop | 總主教
zorng | all together; in all; general; all; general; overall; complete; total; chief; principal; central | 總; 惚
zorng'iong'iøh | medicine for increasing sexual performance | 壯陽藥
zorng-jii-gieen`cy | in summary | 總而言之
zorng-karnsu | general secretary, executive secretary | 總幹事
zorng-kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zorng-kiafmzaf | general examination | 總檢查
zorng-kikoafn | general office | 總機關
zorng-kinthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zorng-kunthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zorng-paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 總包攬
zorng-suleng | commander-in-chief | 總司令
zorng-toxng'oaan | general mobilization | 總動員
zorng`si | after all | 總是
zorngbie | grandeur and serenity; splendor; sublime | 狀美
zorngcix | stir up courage; rouse one's spirit | 壯志
zorngcix-bixsiuu | die before the fulfillment of his ambition or aspiration; usually said of a martyr or hero | 壯志未酬
zorngcix-lenghuun | soaring ambition or aspiration | 壯志凌雲
zornggii | funeral ceremony; burial or funeral rites | 葬儀
zornggiok-baihiofng | bury a beauty; untimely death of a beauty | 葬玉埋香
zornggisia | funeral home | 葬儀社
zorngkhix | appearance of strong and brave; brave morale; splendid spirit | 壯氣
zorngkie | great achievement; daring act; courageous feat | 壯舉
zorngkien | healthy and strong | 壯健
zorngkoafn | grand outlook; grand sight; great (beautiful) view | 壯觀
zorngkuo | great achievement; daring act; courageous feat | 壯舉
zorngkøf | noble, dignified, lofty, highminded | 壯高
zorngle | grand; magnificent; splendid; grand and imposing; splendid; grandeur; splendor | 壯麗
zornglea | funeral rite; funeral; burial service | 葬禮
zornglieen | the prime of a person; the prime of life | 壯年
zornglienkii | prime of life | 壯年期
zorngliet hisefng | die a martyr; die a hero's death; die for one's country | 壯烈犧牲
zorngliet | great | 壯烈
zorngseg | funeral; burial service | 葬式; 葬禮; 葬儀; 告別式
zorngsu | husky; brave man; stout hearted man; hero | 壯士
zorngsyn | bury dead body | 葬身
zorngsyn-cy-tøe | burial ground | 葬身之地
zorngtai | large and strong; big and strong; vigorous | 壯大
zorngtefng | able bodied man; an adult fit for military service | 壯丁
zorngthaix | big and imposing, lusty, strong | 壯太
zorngtoa | big and imposing, lusty, strong | 壯大
zorngtvar | get more confidence; be courageous; very bold; strengthen one's courage | 壯膽
zorngtøe | burial site; burial ground; grave | 葬地
zorngzex | funeral and memorial service | 葬祭; 葬禮
zoseeng | constitute; form; constitution; compose; composition; form; compose; constitute; organize | 組成
zosoex | expenditure for rent | 租稅
zosøex | rental fee | 租稅; 租金; 租賃
zote | rent land | 租地
zothaau | group lead | 組頭
zothaix | organization | 組態
zothoaan | form a group | 組團
zotiaxm | rental shop | 租店
zotui | form a team | 組隊
zotviuo | section chief; chief of a department or section in a government agency; foreman of a factory | 組長
zotøe | lease land | 租地
zox | make; do; use as; use for; be; serve as; play the part of; be | 奏
zoxchiuo | helpers; assistants | 副手; 助手
zoxciexn | help in battle | 助戰
zoxeg | help | 助益
zoxgieen | advice | 助言; 勸告
zoxgoankhix | help vitality | 助元氣
zoxiern | assistant actor | 助演
zoxiu | help; protect; to aid | 助佑
zoxjiin uii khoaelok-cy-purn | Happiness lies in rendering help to others. Service begets happiness | 助人為快樂之本。
zoxkaux | instructor; teaching assistant | 助教
zoxkofng | assist | 助攻
zoxkuo | secondary proposer | 助舉; 附議
zoxlat | to help | 助力
zoxlek | help | 助力
zoxlie kokbuxkhefng | Undersecretary of State | 助理國務卿
zoxlie | assistant (in organization); an assistant; to assist | 助理
zoxlie-hoxsu | practical nurse | 助理護士
zoxlyoaan | assistant | 助理員
zoxng | bury; strong | 葬; 壯; 粽; 壯大
zoxnggoaan | highest literary degree | 狀元
zoxnghorng | circumstances; condition; situation; situation | 狀況
zoxnghuo | internal organs; entrails | 臟腑
zoxngkhix | internal organs | 臟器
zoxngsw | storage of books in a library | 藏書
zoxngthai | situation; a state; condition | 狀態
zoxngthaix | situation; a state; condition | 狀態
zoxpiin | help the poor | 助貧
zoxsafnhu | midwife; maternity nurse | 助產婦
zoxsafnpøo | midwife | 助產士
zoxsafnsu | midwife | 助產士; 產婆
zoxsarn | assist in childbirth | 助產
zoxsarn-su | midwife | 助產士
zoxseeng | assist or help accomplish something | 助成; 幫助
zoxsiauhoax | aid digestion | 助消化
zoxsoarn | help with election campaign | 助選
zoxsuu | auxiliary (in grammar) | 助詞
zoxthviakhix | hearing aid | 助聽器
zoxtin | cheer or root for a contestant | 助陣
zoxtioong | foster, further, promote, contribute to | 助長
zoxtiorng | offer a premium on; contribution | 助長
zoxtiu uigek | help wicked people to continue to do bad things | 助紂為虐
zoxtoxngsuu | auxiliary verb; an auxiliary verb | 助動詞
zoxtvar | enhance one's courage; encourage | 助膽; 壯膽
zoxuy | encourage (often an evildoer); goad on | 助威
zoxzan | help; assist | 助贊; 贊助
zoxzao | aid to leave | 助走
zozhud | let out or rent out; lease a house or car); hire | 租出; 出租
zozhux | rent a house; rent out a house | 租厝
zu-zokgiet | act to invite trouble of oneself | 自作孽
zuixzong | pancreas | 膵臟; 胰臟
zunzof | boat charter | 船租
zunzoong | honor; respect; hold in high regard | 尊崇
zuozhehzof | registration section | 註冊組
zuxvi-zofng'isw | chief resident (in a hospital) | 住院總醫師
zuxzo | self dependence, help oneself | 自助
zuxzo-zhafn | buffet lunch or dinner, cafeteria meal | 自助餐
zuxzo-zhanthviaf | cafeteria | 自助餐廳
zuxzoafnchiaf | bicycle | 自轉車; 自行車; 腳踏車
zuxzoarn | revolving on its own axis (e.g., the planets) | 自轉
zuxzoat | suicide | 自絕
zuxzog zwtviw | reach a decision one is not in a position to make; take liberties | 自作主張
zuxzog | one's work; pretending to be wise, act on one's own judgment, act as if one were an expert, presumptuous, pretentious | 自作
zuxzog-tøzeeng | imagine oneself as the favorite of one of the opposite sex; be under the hallucination that the other party is willing | 自作多情
zuxzog-zhongbeeng | pretending to be wise; act on one's own judgment; act as if one were an expert; presumptuous; pretentious | 自作聰明
zuxzog-zuxsiu | one reaps what he sows; suffer the consequences of one's own doing | 自作自受
zuxzog-zuxtoafn | arbitrary decision; arbitrarily; at one's own discretion | 自作自端
zuxzokgiet | self-inflicted sin | 自作孽
zuxzokzuxsiu | self-inflicted | 自作自受
zuxzokzuxzoafn | self-made | 自作自專
zuxzoxzhafn | buffet | 自助餐
zuyzoaa | water snake; water snake | 水蛇
zuyzof | payment for using water; the bill for water irrigation | 水租; 水費; 灌溉用水費
zuyzogkoarn | aquarium | 水族館
zuyzok | the group of living things in the water; aquatic animals | 水族
zuyzoxng | water funeral | 水葬
zuzo | help another with money, provide financial assistance | 資助
zwnzoex | to regard (a person or thing) as; treat as though; consider to be; to deem | 準做; 以為
zøezoaan | everything in order | 齊全
zøfzoarn | turn left | 左轉
zørzofng | be the bank while gambling | 做莊; (家)
zørzog | affectation | 做作
zøxzoafchviuo | paper mill | 造紙廠
zøxzoar | make paper | 造紙
zøxzoe | forgery | 坐罪
zøxzog | structure, construction, organization | 造作; 裝潢; 構造; 裝置; 隔間
øq zoex | hard to do | 僫做
øzoong | frustrated | 窩藏; 心煩

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