"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zoaf

Kangzoafn | Engineering Junior College | 工專
aezeeng putzoafn | changeable or unstable in love; fickle | 愛情無專
hesimzoafn'ix | change of mind | 回心轉意
hoesimzoafn'ix | change of mind | 回心轉意
høesym-zoafn'ix | to repent; to relent | 回心轉意
izoafn | junior medical college | 醫專
jixzoaflarng | wastepaper basket | 字紙簍
kauxzoafphef | cardboard | 厚紙坯
kauxzoafphoef | cardboard | 厚紙坯
khvoarhofng-zoafntø | adapt oneself to circumstances | 看風轉舵
kimzoaftiaxm | a shop selling incense or gold and silver paper for worship | 金紙店
laqjidzoafterng | on top of calendar paper | 曆日紙頂
lixzoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 字紙籠
longzoafn | agricultural course in a junior college; agricultural college (junior) | 農專; 農業專科學校
lunzoafnky | rotary press | 輪轉機
parngzoafhor | black letters or use slanderous flyers | 放紙虎
peqzoafoji | black words on white paper- imply it was written clearly | 白紙烏字
pørzoafsiang | in the newspaper | 報紙上
pørzoafsiong | in the newspaper | 報紙上
sidhorng zoafnpox | on-the-spot broadcasting | 實況轉播
siongzoafn | junior college of commerce | 商專
suihofng zoafntoa | take action as the opportunity arises; irresolution | 隨風轉舵
suzoafn | junior teachers' college | 師範專科學校, 師專
taixzoafn | colleges and universities | 大專; (學校)
uxnzoafnchiuo | driver | 運轉手
zoafab'ar | carton | 紙盒仔; 紙匣
zoafap | paper case | 紙盒
zoafbin | paper face | 紙面
zoafchviuo | paper mill | 紙廠
zoafcvii | paper money for dead; mock money burned in idolatrous rites | 紙錢; 冥紙
zoafcviw | paper pulp | 紙漿
zoafgiab'ar | paper holder, a paper clip | 紙夾子
zoafgiap kongsy | pulp and paper mill | 紙業公司
zoafgiap | paper industry or enterprise | 紙業
zoafhaang | paper shop; a shop selling paper | 紙行
zoafhefkøf | Paper hot pot | 紙火鍋
zoafhii | paper fish | 紙魚
zoafhix | paper-slide show | 紙戲; 紙人故事(教學)
zoafhoef | paper flower | 紙花
zoafhoefkøf | paper hot pot | 紙火鍋
zoafhor | paper tiger | 紙虎
zoafhoxsvoax | paper umbrella | 紙雨傘
zoafhuiky | paper airplane | 紙飛機
zoafhuilengky | paper airplane | 紙飛行機
zoafhw | paper ash; ashes of paper | 紙灰
zoafhwn | cigarette | 紙煙
zoafhøh | paper crane | 紙鶴
zoafiuo'ar | shredded paper | 紙幼仔
zoafiux | shredded paper | 紙幼; 紙屑
zoafji | Paper word | 紙字
zoafkheh'ar | paper box | 紙篋仔
zoafkhix | paper container | 紙器
zoafkhoesvix | paper fan | 紙詼扇
zoafkhok'ar | paper bag | 紙觳仔
zoafkin'ar | paper towel | 紙巾仔
zoafkngr | paper roll | 紙捲
zoafkyn | paper napkin | 紙巾
zoaflaang | paper servants (burned in funerals) | 紙人; (陪葬用)
zoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 紙籠
zoafli | paper word | 紙字
zoafliaau | slip of paper | 紙條
zoafliau | quality of paper | 紙料; 紙錢
zoafliau'ar | paper strip | 紙條仔
zoafliauar | long strips of paper torn evenly | 紙條子
zoaflog | bag | 紙橐; 紙袋
zoaflok'ar | paper bags | 紙袋仔; 紙橐仔
zoafn | focus on; specialize in; only; specially; solely; alone; to concentrate; to focus; monopolize; specialize; exclusive; special | 專; 耑; 磚
zoafn'ek | translation | 轉譯
zoafn'guii ui'afn | turn a perilous situation into a safe one; advert a danger or peril | 轉危為安
zoafn'ii sixsvoax | turn the gaze; divert public attention; draw attention to some other matter | 轉移視線
zoafn'ii tixnte | evacuate positions (military) | 轉移陣地
zoafn'ii | transfer (certain rights; holdings); remove | 移轉; 轉移
zoafn'iong | used for other purpose | 轉用
zoafn'ix | change mind | 轉意; 轉移
zoafn'ngx | turn face to | 轉望; 轉向
zoafn'oafn boahkag | talk in a roundabout way | 轉彎抹角
zoafn'oafn | make a turn | 轉彎
zoafn'oafn-seqkag | talk in a roundabout way; not straightforward | 轉彎踅角; 拐彎抹角
zoafn'un kongsy | forwarding company; a transportation company | 轉運公司
zoafn'un | transport; convey; to forward; be in constant cyclic motion; have a change in luck (for the better) | 轉運
zoafn'uxnkarng | transit port | 轉運港
zoafn'uxnzam | transfer station | 轉運站
zoafn'voa | to exchange | 轉換
zoafn'ym | tone change | 轉音
zoafnbøe | resale | 轉賣
zoafnchiuo | sale; fall into another's hands | 轉手
zoafnciab | transfer | 轉接
zoafnciah | earn for living; cheat somebody out of something; earn one's livelihood; to cheat | 營生; 賺食; 訛詐; 詐騙
zoafnciaqvoar | one's job (slang) | 掙食碗; 飯碗
zoafncied | turning point | 轉折
zoafnciexn | fight in one place after another | 轉戰
zoafncirn | referral for diagnosis | 轉診
zoafncixn | advance backward; to retreat (literally; euphemism) | 轉進
zoafnciøq | lend; what has been borrowed | 轉借
zoafncvii | earn money by work; business | 賺錢
zoafngarn sengkhofng | in the twinkling of an eye it is gone the vanity of life | 轉眼成空
zoafngarn | soon; one moment; turn the eye; a short time after (said only of things past); an instant | 轉眼
zoafngi | a trope | 轉喻; 轉義
zoafngiap | change one's trade; change one's career | 轉業
zoafnhaang | change one's occupation | 轉行
zoafnhagsefng | transfer student | 轉學生
zoafnhak | transfer to another school | 轉學; 轉校
zoafnhau | transfer to another school | 轉學; 轉校
zoafnheeng | transformation | 轉形
zoafnhengtiofng | in transition | 轉型中
zoafnhioxng | change direction of wind; turn to the direction of | 轉向
zoafnhoad | send or distribute through another person or office | 轉發
zoafnhoarzøx | transform | 轉化做
zoafnhoax | transform, react | 轉化; 轉變
zoafnhoee | turning back; turn back; to return | 轉回
zoafnhofng | change of wind; sudden change of attitude | 轉風
zoafnhø uihog | turn a disaster into a blessing | 轉禍為福
zoafnjim | transfer; be transferred to another office; get a transfer | 轉勤; 轉任
zoafnjiong | transfer ownership or title | 轉讓
zoafnjip | to turn into | 轉入
zoafnkag | turn the corner; go around the corner | 轉角
zoafnkaw | send in care of or by way of someone else | 煩交; 轉交
zoafnkax | a women remarries; pass a tax burden on to consumers; pass the blame or responsibility to someone else | 轉嫁
zoafnkhiin | transfer; be transferred to another office; get a transfer | 轉勤; 轉勤,轉任; 轉任
zoafnkhix | turn to | 轉去
zoafnkhuun | transfer to another office | 轉存; 轉勤; 調職
zoafnkiax | forward mail to | 轉寄
zoafnkiu | turn around | 轉柩
zoafnkiuu | intercede for; to petition through someone | 轉求
zoafnky | an opportunity to make change; turning point usually from bad to good | 轉機
zoafnkøx | tell the other party; transmit the message | 轉告
zoafnlaai | turn around | 轉來
zoafnlaai-zoafnkhix | walk back and forth; change one's residence frequently; go from company to company; pass from hand to hand | 轉來轉去
zoafnlextiarm | turning point | 轉捩點
zoafnlim | transfer | 轉任
zoafnlip | transfer in | 轉入
zoafnlok | transcription | 轉錄
zoafnloo | a converter | 轉爐
zoafnluntaai | transmigration of souls wheel in hell (Taoist term) | 轉輪台; (陰間)
zoafnløo | a converter | 轉羅
zoafnniu | to devolve, to transfer | 轉讓
zoafnpiernzøx | change to | 轉變做
zoafnpiexn | change; transform; undergo change; a change or shift of attitude or thinking | 轉變
zoafnporzam | relay station | 轉播站
zoafnpox | relay a broadcast or telecast | 轉播
zoafnpvoaa | turntable | 轉盤
zoafnsaxng | forward a letter or something to another address; send on in care of | 轉送
zoafnsex | reincarnate; transmigrate into another body (of the soul); reincarnation (Buddhism) | 轉世; 轉生
zoafnsiaux | transfer accounts (banking) | 轉數
zoafnsiuu | resell | 轉售
zoafnsog | rotational speed | 轉速
zoafnsoxng | to send on, to transfer | 轉送
zoafnsurnkafn | suddently | 轉瞬間
zoafnsyn | to turn around (body); turn the body; turn around | 轉身
zoafntaai | change the channel; revolving stage | 轉台; 轉臺
zoafntat | transmit through another person or office; convey | 轉達
zoafnteeng | To petition; present or communicate to superior | 轉呈
zoafntek | an axle, a shaft | 轉軸
zoafnthea | swivel | 轉體
zoafnthoaan | repost | 轉傳
zoafnthog | request through another; entrust to another | 轉託
zoafntiau | modulation (in music) | 轉調
zoafntngr | turn back, turn over, turn upside down, turn inside out | 轉動; 轉過頭
zoafntong | revolve | 轉動
zoafntoo | jobhopping | 轉途; 換職業
zoafntuix | turn face toward | 轉對; 轉向
zoafnvi | transfer | 轉院
zoafnvoa | change; transform; transition; to change | 轉換
zoafnvoaxkii | transition period | 轉換期
zoafnvoaxzøx | conversion | 轉換做
zoafnzaix | republish from other newspaper or book; reproduction; reprinting; reproduce or reprint from | 轉載
zoafnzoarn | change | 轉轉
zoafnzof | sublease; sub let | 轉租
zoafnzog | change the crop | 轉作
zoafnzøx | convert to | 轉做
zoafpaai | playing cards | 紙牌
zoafpafng | cardboard; pasteboard; cardboard | 紙板; 紙枋
zoafpai'ar | playing cards | 紙牌仔
zoafpang'ar | pper factory | 紙枋仔
zoafpaw | package wrapped in paper | 轉包; 紙包
zoafpex | paper money; notes | 紙幣
zoafphef | paper letter | 紙坯
zoafphiøx | paper currency; banknotes | 紙鈔; 紙票; 鈔票; 銀票
zoafphoef | paper letter | 紙坯
zoafphvix | scrap of paper | 紙片
zoafphøee | paper cover (of a book) | 紙皮
zoafpid | pen and paper | 紙筆
zoafpoef | paper cup | 紙杯
zoafsiong taam pefng | impractical schemes; theoretical; empty talk; academic talk | 紙上談兵
zoafsviuar | cardboard box | 紙箱仔
zoafsvix | paper fan | 紙扇
zoafsyn | paper | 紙身; 紙質
zoaftang'ar | paper tube | 紙筒仔
zoafte | paper bag | 紙袋
zoafte'ar | paper bag | 紙袋仔
zoaftear | paper bag | 紙袋仔
zoaftefng | paper lantern | 紙燈
zoafterng | paper top | 紙頂
zoafthaau-zoafbøea bøo lie ee miaa | Your name is not on the paper | 紙頭紙尾沒你的名字; 無法證明是你的權
zoafthauzoafboea | paper ends | 紙頭紙尾
zoaftiaau | slip of paper | 紙條
zoaftiau'ar | a small piece of paper | 小紙仔
zoaftiauar | note | 紙條仔
zoaftiaxm | paper store | 紙店
zoaftøf | knife for cutting folded paper | 紙刀
zoafviu | paper pattern; sample of paper | 紙樣
zoafy | paper clothes | 紙衣
zoafzhux | paper house (burned funerals) | 紙厝; 陪葬用
zoafzuun | paper boat | 紙船
zoafzøx | paper made | 紙做
zoanzoafn | specialized | 專專
zuxzoafnchiaf | bicycle | 自轉車; 自行車; 腳踏車
zuxzokzuxzoafn | self-made | 自作自專
zøxzoafchviuo | paper mill | 造紙廠

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