"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zoea

bøe-zoealaang | unable to be accepted in a society | 未做人
exzoeatid | able to | 會做得
hap-zoeatuy | pile up in one | 合做堆; 合做一堆
sakzoeatuy | put together | 捒做堆
taozoeahea | together | 鬥做伙
zoea'afng | be a husband | 做夫
zoea'au | finally; at last; the last; ultimate; final | 最後
zoea'au-thongtiap | ultimatum | 最後通牒
zoea'iaam | make slat | 做鹽
zoea'iw | the best; the superlative | 最佳
zoea'oe | speak out | 做話
zoea'og | to do bad things | 做惡
zoeabae | the worst | 最惡; 最䆀
zoeabahpviar | make meatloaf | 做肉餅
zoeabak | be a carpenter | 做木
zoeabak`ee | a carpenter | 做木的
zoeabang | dreaming | 做夢
zoeabie`ee | rice seller | 做米的
zoeabixsi | better | 做惟是; 那麼的話; 無如
zoeabor | be a wife | 做某
zoeachincviaa | become relatives | 做親成
zoeachitlit | perform 7th day memorial rites after his death | 做七日
zoeacide | do it | 做一下
zoeacidsii | do it for now | 做一時
zoeacieen | foremost, first | 最前
zoeaciofng | last one; the end | 最終
zoeaciuo | make wine | 做酒
zoeaciør | at least; the smallest | 最少; 至少
zoeaciøx | celebration of birthday of saint in Tao religion | 建醮
zoeacviaa | make | 做成
zoeagee | make teeth | 做牙
zoeageqlai | rest and recuperate body and mind after childbirth | 做月內
zoeagixniu | for fun; as a hobby | 做議量
zoeaheeng | make shape | 做形
zoeahix | perform a play | 做戲
zoeahng | the farthest, the farthermost | 最遠
zoeahoad | way of doing things | 做法
zoeahoef | make flower | 做花
zoeahofng | wind blow | 做風; 起風
zoeahongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zoeahui-kog | the most favored nation | 最惠國
zoeahuixkog thaixgu | most favored nation status | 最惠國待遇
zoeahø | make a sign | 做號
zoeahøea | together | 一同; 做夥
zoeahør | the best; had better | 最好
zoeakaf | the best; the superlative | 最佳
zoeakafng | work | 做工
zoeakafng`ee | worker | 做工的
zoeakang'ar | as a worker | 做工仔
zoeakanglaang | worker | 做工人
zoeakao | be a dog | 做狗
zoeake | most recent; nearest; recently | 最低; 最少
zoeake-kex | the lowest price, the minimum price | 最低價
zoeakex | make a price | 做價
zoeakhaf | be a worker | 做腳; 當工人
zoeakhafng | conspiracy | 做孔; 陰謀
zoeakheq | be a guest | 做客
zoeakhie | start | 做起
zoeakhiernsngr | punishment; scold | 做譴損
zoeaki | worship and feast on the anniversary of a person's death | 做忌; 忌日祭儀
zoeakin | most recent; nearest; recently | 最近
zoeakoaan | the supreme, the highest | 最高; 最懸
zoeakofng | became a grandfather | 做公
zoeakuie | play a ghost | 做鬼
zoeakun | most recent; nearest; recently | 最近
zoeakuo | at the longest | 最久
zoeakviar | be a son | 做囝
zoeakvoaf | to become governmental officials | 做官
zoeakøf haghuo | highest seat of learning | 最高學府
zoeakøf haxnto | the upper limit; the maximum | 最高限度
zoeakøf hoat'vi | the Supreme Court | 最高法院
zoeakøf jiedto | maximum heat | 最高熱度
zoeakøf kaizaan | the top level | 最高階層
zoeakøf kikoafn | the highest level of organization | 最高機關
zoeakøf koanlek | supreme power | 最高權力
zoeakøf sokto | maximum speed | 最高速度
zoeakøf thofngsoex | supreme commander; commander in chief of the armed forces | 最高統帥
zoeakøf tongkiok | the highest authorities | 最高當局
zoeakøf | highest; supreme; maximum | 最高
zoeakøf-tiarm | the peak, the climax, the culminating point | 最高點
zoeakøhofng | summit; climax; orgasm | 最高峰
zoeakøkex | maximum price | 最高價
zoeakøtiarm | highest point or mark | 最高點
zoeakøtiaw | climax; culmination; orgasm | 最高潮
zoeakøto | the highest degree | 最高度
zoealaang | behavior; be a man; act humanely | 為人; 做人
zoealiao | finished | 做了
zoealinzeeng | do someone a favor | 做人情
zoeamar | beacme a grandmom | 做媽
zoeamoar | finished | 做滿; 完成
zoeaniaw | make prostitute | 做貓; 賣男色
zoeapaxng | diarrhea | 做放; 下痢
zoeapefng | being a soldier | 當兵
zoeaphvae | to do bad things | 做歹
zoeaphvoa | accompany someone | 做伴
zoeapien | ready-made | 做便; 現成的
zoeapurn | as capital | 做本
zoeasafnkhuix | flirt | 做瘦氣
zoeasaikofng | perform certain Taoist rituals | 做司公
zoeaseeng | finished | 做成
zoeaseg | make colors | 做色
zoeasenglie | do business | 做生理
zoeasid | farming | 耕作
zoeasiefn | first of all | 做仙
zoeasiin | play god | 做神
zoeasiong | the highest, supreme | 最上
zoeasioxngkib | highest class; superlative degree | 最上級
zoeasioxngphirn | prime quality | 最上品
zoeasiør konghunbør | least common denominator | 最小公分母
zoeasiør kongpoexsox | least common multiple | 最小公倍數
zoeasiør | smallest; minimum | 最小
zoeasngr | play game | 做玩
zoeasoaq | done | 做煞; 做完
zoeasu | do work | 做事
zoeasurn | do tenon | 做榫
zoeasuun | worship the haven every ten days of a month | 做旬; 日儀
zoeasvaf | make cloth | 做衫
zoeasviaf | speak out | 做聲
zoeasvilit | birthday celebration | 做生日
zoeasvoarkafng | part time job | 打線工
zoeasy | write poem | 做詩
zoeasyn hoatbeeng | the latest invention | 最新發明
zoeasyn | newest | 最新
zoeatai kong'ioksox | the greatest common divisor | 最大公約數
zoeatai | greatest; maximum; the biggest | 最大
zoeatea haxnto | the lowest limit; at least; minimum | 最低限度
zoeatea | most recent; nearest; recently | 最低; 最少
zoeatee | make tea | 做茶; 製茶
zoeathaau | be first; be head | 做頭; 為首
zoeathoo`ee | handyman who work on tiles, bricks, cemen | 做土的
zoeathozuie | handyman who work on tiles, bricks cement | 做塗水
zoeathøx | make sets | 做套
zoeatin | be together with | 一齊
zoeatoa | greatest; maximum; the biggest | 最大
zoeatoaxzuie | flood | 做大水
zoeatok huxjiin-sym | there is nothing more poisonous than the heart of woman | 最毒婦人心
zoeatuix | oppose | 作對; 找碴; 敵對
zoeatuy | get together | 做堆; 在一起
zoeatvia | deposit | 做定; 下訂金
zoeatøf | the most; at most | 最多數
zoeatøf-sox | the largest majority | 最多數
zoeauii | accomplishment | 做為
zoeaviu | being an role model | 做樣
zoeaze | at most | 最多
zoeazeeng | first, at first | 做情
zoeazexng | to be witness | 做證
zoeazhaan | farming | 種田
zoeazhaolaang | be a stinker | 做臭人
zoeazhat | to be a thief | 做賊
zoeazhof | at first; in the very beginning | 最初
zoeazhox | made vinegar | 做醋
zoeazhud | made | 做出
zoeazhøx | wrong doing | 做錯
zoeazngf | as a delaer | 做莊
zoeazoar | make paper | 做紙; 製紙
zoeazofng | as a dealer | 做莊
zoeazor | be grand grand parents | 做祖
zoeazuie | flooding | 做水
zoeazuo | to be host | 做主
zoeazuun | to build a ship | 做船; 造船

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