"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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amzoong | hide; conceal | 掩藏
armzoong | hide; conceal | 暗藏
baizoong | conceal; hide; bury; hide; conceal; bury treasure or weapons | 埋藏
isuzoong | private collection; keep something against the law | 衣私藏
khimzoong | adore (the supreme God) | 欽崇
khoaxkhoaxzoong | seek help anxiously | 急急奔
khogkhogzoong | impetuous; rash | 酷酷奔; 亂撞; 忙碌奔波
khorngzoong | mineral reserves; mineral resources | 礦藏
lefngzoong | to preserve by means of refrigeration | 冷藏
lengzoong-hoad | refrigeration method | 冷藏法
loaxnloaxnzoong | to run recklessly | 亂亂傱
pauzoong | conceal; store up | 包藏
pøfzoong | keep safely; protect; storehouse; treasury; treasure house; collection of treasures | 寶藏; 保藏
siuzoong | collect and keep (curios) | 收藏
suzoong | private collection; keep something against the law | 私藏
thuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
thuzoong | preservation; stock; stockage; store up; to hoard; safekeeping | 貯藏; 儲藏
thwzoong | save up, store up | 貯藏; 儲藏
thwzoong-seg | store room | 貯藏室; 儲藏室
thwzoong-sor | storage area, storehouse | 貯藏所; 儲藏所
tiefnzoong | collection | 典藏
tinzoong | to treasure up; enshrinement; keep something as a treasure (usually said of rare books and works of art); to treasure up | 珍藏
twnzoong | to store up. storage | 囤藏
unzoong | deposit; to hold in store | 蘊藏
wnzoong | hide; hide in secret; hide; conceal | 隱藏
zawzoong | make an effort to accomplish; work hard and hurry about constantly without resting | 奔波; 走傱; 奔走
zhuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
zoo | wooden cargo boat | 艚
zoong | rush about; leap and frisk about; make efforts; busy oneself about | 奔; 傱; 崇; 奔走; 衝; 藏
zoong`jibkhix | rush in | 衝進去
zoong`khix | rush | 奔去
zoong`køex | rushed | 奔過
zoong`laai | rush | 奔來
zoong`zhutkhix | rush out | 衝出去
zunzoong | honor; respect; hold in high regard | 尊崇
øzoong | frustrated | 窩藏; 心煩

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