"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zoxng

anzoxng | bury; burial; bury; interment | 安葬
baizoxng | bury; inter; bury a corpse | 埋葬
bisi-zoxngthaix | microstate | 微小狀態; 微視狀態
buxnzoxng | ask funeral | 問喪
chien'ii-zoxngthaix | transition state | 遷移狀態
chienzoxng | to move the tomb to another place; remove a body from one grave to another | 遷葬
ciernzefng zoxngthaix | state of war; state of hostilities | 戰爭狀態
habzoxng | to bury in one grave; bury in a common grave | 合葬
haxzoxng | inter | 下葬
hiongzoxng | sturdiness; martial | 雄壯
hoatzoxng | to inform relatives and friends of a death | 發葬
hoefzoxng | cremate; cremation | 火葬
hoexzoxng | bury with one another | 會葬; 宗教告別式
hongzoxng | very strong | 宏壯
hoxzoxng | elaborate funeral | 厚葬
hunbee-zoxngthaix | comatose | 昏迷狀態
huxzoxng | accessories to be buried with death | 附葬
høefzoxng | to cremate; cremation | 火葬
iofngzoxng | brave and strong; stout; strong | 勇壯
kahzoxngsvoariam | thyroiditis; inflammation of the thyroid gland | 甲狀腺炎
kahzoxngsvoax chiettii chiwsut | thyroidectomy | 甲狀腺切除手術
kahzoxngsvoax zerng`khylaai | Basedow's disease; goiter | 甲狀腺腫起來
kahzoxngsvoax | thyroid gland; thyroid | 甲狀腺
kayzoxng | reburied | 改葬
kek'hoad-zoxngthaix | excited state | 激發狀態
kienzoxng | strong and durable | 堅壯
kiexnkhofng-zoxngthaix | state of health | 健康狀態
kiexnzoxng | healthy and robust; strong and vigorous | 健壯
kiongzoxng | strong; vigorous; robust; energetic; hale; vigorous | 強壯
kitøea-zoxngthaix | ground state | 基地狀態; 基底狀態
kokzoxng | state funeral | 國葬
kuxsi-zoxngthaix | macro state | 舊時狀態; 巨視狀態
legzoxng | robust; vigorous | 力壯; 力強
lexkhie-zoxngthaix | excited state | 勵起狀態
liafmzoxng | to shroud and bury | 殮葬
loexzoxnghak | Splanchnology | 內臟學
løqzoxng | to bury | 落葬
oaqzoxng | bury alive | 活葬
pirnzoxng | burial; funeral; bury | 殯葬
pizoxng | solemn and stirring; tragically heroic | 悲壯
pizoxng'iam | inflammation of the spleen | 脾臟炎
poezoxng | bury (a person or things) along with the deceased | 陪葬
pøfzoxngsi | treasure temple | 寶藏寺
sarngzoxng | attend a funeral | 送葬
seng'oah zoxnghorng | living conditions | 生活狀況; (態)
siaozoxng | young and strong | 少壯
simlie zoxngthaix | state of mind | 心理狀態
simzoxnghak | cardiology | 心臟學
simzoxngkhøf | cardiology | 心臟科
simzoxngpve | heart disease (trouble) | 心臟病
simzoxngpvi | heart attack | 心臟病
sixnzoxng'iam | inflammation of the kidneys; nephritis | 腎臟炎
songzoxng | funeral service and burial | 喪葬
sorngzoxng | attend a funeral | 送葬
tengsioong-zoxngthaix | stationary state | 靜常狀態
texngsioong-zoxngthaix | stationary state | 定常狀態
thozoxng | bury in the ground, burial | 土葬
zengsiin zoxngthaix | mental state; moral condition or attitude | 精神狀態
zhutzoxng | funeral procession; carry a coffin out to the grave; escort a funeral | 出葬; 出殯
zoxng | bury; strong | 葬; 壯; 粽; 壯大
zoxnggoaan | highest literary degree | 狀元
zoxnghorng | circumstances; condition; situation; situation | 狀況
zoxnghuo | internal organs; entrails | 臟腑
zoxngkhix | internal organs | 臟器
zoxngsw | storage of books in a library | 藏書
zoxngthai | situation; a state; condition | 狀態
zoxngthaix | situation; a state; condition | 狀態
zuyzoxng | water funeral | 水葬

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