Begzuo | Mocius; one of the great philosophers of the Warring States period; who preached love without distinction | 墨子; 墨翟
Bexnghuzuo | Mencius | 孟夫子; 孟子; 孟軻
Bexngzuo | Mencius | 孟子
Hongthaezuo | Crown Prince | 皇太子
Huozuo | female's name | 富子
Jinzuo | the Son of man | 人子
Khofnghuzuo | Confucius | 孔夫子
Khofngzuo tarnsiin | birthday of Confucius ─ September 8 (also Kau-su-chiat 教師節) | 孔子誕辰
Khofngzuo | Confucius | 孔子
Khofngzuo-biø | Confucian temple | 孔子廟
Kitokkaux Lyzuo Zhenglienhoe | Young Women's Christian Association (Protestant); Y.W.C.A | 基督教女子青年會
Kiuoseazuo | the Savior | 救世主
Kiuosex-zuo | the Savior of the World | 救世主
Kiuozuo | the Savior; the Messiah | 救主; 救世主
Kunzuo putciah gafncienkhuy | One who overlooks a slight | 君子無吃眼前虧。
Løfzuo | Lao-tse (Chinese philosopher) | 老子
Nofzuo | Laotzu; the philosopher | 老子
Phohzuo | a city in Chiayi County | 朴子
Phørzuo | a city in Chiayi County | 朴子
Saizuo | a city in Pingtung County | 獅子
Serngkefng zuokae | Commentaries on scripture | 聖經註解
Serngzuo | Lit. the Holy Son ─ the Son of God; Second Person of the Holy Trinity | 聖子; 聖主
Sioxngzuo ee taixgienjiin | person of foresight or forethought (Note: The prophets in the Scriptures are translated as Siong-chu e tai-gian-jin (上主的代言人) spokesman of God.) | 先知; (上主的代言人)
Sioxngzuo | God | 上主; 上帝; 天主
Suzuo Phiefn | Imitation of Christ | 師主篇
Texkizuo | foundation master | 地基主
Thienzuo Sernggieen | Word of God (Catholic) | 天主聖言
Thienzuo Serngsafm | The Holy Trinity (Catholic) | 天主聖三
Thienzuo Serngsiin | Holy Ghost; Holy Spirit (Catholic) | 天主聖神
Thienzuo Zuo | The Son of God | 天主子
Thienzuo busor putzai | God is everywhere; omnipresent God | 天主無所不在
Thienzuo ee Ludhoad | Divine Law (Catholic) | 天主的律法
Thienzuo zabkaix | ten precepts; the Ten Commandments of God | 天主十誡
Thienzuo | God | 上主; 上帝; 天主
Thienzuo-kaux | Roman Cathoric Church | 天主教
Toexkizuo | Foundation Master | 地基主
Zongzuo | an ancient Chinese philosopher | 莊子
Zuzuo | Zhu Zi | 朱子
Zøxbudzuo | the Creator | 造物者; (主)
aezuo | beloved son; favorite son | 愛子
aix biin juu zuo | love the subjects as if they were his own children (said of a ruler or official) | 愛民如子
aizuo | male bereaved of his father | 哀子
baxnzuo cy zuo | Lord of Lords | 萬主之主
befzuo | customer | 買主
benghoaf iuo zuo | the beauty has already been won by someone | 名花有主
bengzuo | head of alliance; acknowledged leader of alliance | 盟主
bexzuo | seller | 賣主; 賣手
biexnzuo | honor; one's face (in the figurative sense) | 面子
binzuo kog | a democratic state | 民主國
binzuo teg | democratic | 民主的
binzuo torng | a democratic party, the Democrats | 民主黨
binzuo zerngthea | democratic government | 民主政體
binzuo zerngti | democracy | 民主政治
binzuo zwgi | democracy | 民主主義
binzuo | democracy; democracy; democratic | 民主
binzuo`ee | democratic | 民主的
bixnzuo | self-respect; reputation; prestige; honor; appearances | 面子
boafnlieen bøo zuo | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
boefzuo | customer; buyer | 買主
boexzuo | seller | 賣主
bong zuo seeng lioong | hope one's children will have a bright future | 望子成龍
budzuo | owner of a thing | 物主
but kog iuo zuo | Everything has its owner | 物各有主
but kuy goanzuo | An object must be returned to its owner | 物歸原主
bylamzuo | handsome guy; handsome man | 美男子
bøefzuo | owner | 買主
bøexzuo | seller | 賣主
bøfzuo cy zeeng | love between mother and child | 母子之情
bøfzuo liensym | Lit.- mother and son's heart always join together; i.e. love between mother and child | 母子連心
bøo zuo'ix | careless, carelessly, not attentively, pay no attention, without taking notice | 無注意
chiahzuo | baby | 赤子
chiazuo | car owner | 車主
chinzuo | father and son | 親子
cinzuo | Allah | 真主
ciorngbuun hofzuo | capable young man from a distinguished family | 將門虎子
citzuo | proton | 質子
ciøhzuo | creditor; creditor | 借主
cviartiexnzuo | positron | 正電子
cviax-lixzuo | positive ion, cation | 正離子
egzuo | change owners or masters | 易主
gegzuo | an unfilial son; unfilial; disobedient or recalcitrant child | 逆子
giabzuo | owner of property; proprietor; property owner | 業主
giedzuo | wicked and incorrigible child; deviate | 孽子
gixzuo | adopted son; godson; formally adopted child | 義子
goanzuo hunliet | atomic fission | 原子分裂
goanzuo sitai | atomic age | 原子時代
goanzuo | atom; atom | 原子; 原主
goanzuo-citliong | atomic mass | 原子質量
goanzuo-hut | atomic nucleus | 原子核
goanzuo-khuyhek | atomic orbital | 原子軌道; 原子軌域
goanzuo-khuytø | atomic orbital | 原子軌道
goanzuo-korzø | atomic structure | 原子構造
goanzuo-leeng | atomic power, atomic energy | 原子能
goanzuo-liong | atomic weight | 原子量
goanzuo-lun | atomic theory | 原子論
goanzuo-pvoarkexng | atomic radii | 原子半徑
goanzuo-su | atomic number | 原子數; 原子序
gui-kunzuo | hypocrite | 偽君子
guihiarm huxnzuo | dangerous elements; undesirable elements | 危險份子
guixkunzuo | hypocrite | 偽君子
haizuo | child | 孩子; 孩兒
haozuo | filial son; filial child | 孝子
heazuo | cargo owner | 貨主
hegzuo hoafn'erngloo | nuke reactor | 核子反應爐
hegzuo texbin chiepok | nuclear experimental explosion on the surface of the earth; nuclear test | 核子地面試爆
hegzuo | nuclear | 核子
hegzuo-bwkhix | nuclear weapon | 核子武器
hegzuo-ciernzefng | nuclear war | 核子戰爭
hegzuo-tvoaa | hydrogen bomb | 核子彈
hngzuo | garden owner | 園主
hoafntong-huxnzuo | reactionary elements | 反動份子
hoafnzuo | After the burial the memorial tablet is taken home | 反主; 出葬後神主牌奉回家中
hoahoaf kongzuo | playboy; a fop | 花花公子
hoahoaf-kongzuo | playboy | 花花公子
hoahoakongzuo | playboy | 花花公子
hoazuo | a beggar | 乞丐; 叫化子
hoeazuo | consignor; owner of commodities | 貨主
hoefzuo | one whose house is the origin of a conflagration | 火主
hoexzuo | the master or president of the club and association | 會主
hofhu buu khiefnzuo | no laggard among the children of a brave or talented man (tiger father will not beget dog son) | 虎父無犬子
hongthaezuo | a crown prince | 皇太子
hongzuo | emperor's children; sons of the emperor | 皇子
hoxzuo | a householder; a family head; the head of household | 戶主
hu-lixzuo | negative ion, anion | 負離子
hudbuun texzuo | Buddhist priests and nuns | 佛門弟子
hudzuo bwkhix | nuclear weapons | 核子武器
hudzuo ciamtherng | nuclear submarine | 核子潛艇
hudzuo ciernzefng | nuclear war | 核子戰爭
hudzuo hongkhfong-bwkaxm | nuclear aircraft carrier | 核子航空母艦
hudzuo poghoad | nuclear blast or explosion | 核子爆發
hudzuo tvoathaau | nuclear warhead | 核子彈頭
hudzuo | nucleus; nuclear | 核子
hudzuo-hoafn'exng | nuclear reaction | 核子反應
hudzuo-tvoaa | nuclear bomb | 核子彈
hunsengzuo | legal children | 婚生子; 依法結婚所生之子
hunzuo | molecules; numerator; particle; element | 分子
hunzuo-korzø | molecular structure | 分子構造
hunzuo-liong | molecular weight | 分子量
huxnzuo | member, element (society) | 份子
huxzuo siongthoaan | passed down through generation from father to son | 父子相傳
huxzuo | father and son | 父子
huzuo | teacher; sage; master; title of respect for the great teachers of old (as Confucius) | 夫子
hwhoax-hunzuo | corrupt or rotten elements | 腐化分子
høeazuo | the owner of cargo | 貨主
iamzuie zuosia | saline injection | 鹽水注射; 打鹽水針
inzuo | (math) factor | 因子
iofngzuo | foster or adopted son; adopted son; bring up a son | 養子
ionghw-siogzuo | vulgar | 庸夫俗子
ioong-lixzuo | positive ion, cation | 陽離子
iorng-goanzuo | oxygen atom | 氧原子
iorng-hunzuo | oxygen molecule | 氧分子
it'hunzuo | a memeber | 一分子
itkaf-cy-zuo | head of the household; head of the family | 一家之主
ittiaau thienzuo ittiaau siin | When a new king is crowned he brings to the court his own favorites and expels those of his predecessor.--the tenuous nature of official positions | 一朝天子一朝臣
iuozuo | young master | 幼主
iwphaix-hunzuo | Rightists | 右派分子
jiar laang zuobok | attract attention (especially undesirable attention) | 惹人注目
jibzuo | take possession | 入主
jinjiin-kunzuo | kind-hearted gentlemen; good people | 仁人君子
jinzuo | son of man | 人子
jixgoanzuo-lixzuo | diatomic ion | 二原子離子
jixnzuo | (Christian) confess Jesus Christ is the Lord | 認主
juzuo | kids | 孺子
kahzuo | person's age; a cycle of sixty years | 甲子
kaozuo | a religious leader; founder of a religion; leader of a sect | 教主
kazuo'ar | coarse grass bag; [[kacie'ar]] | 粗草仔; 加薦仔; 粗草袋
kea-binzuo | bogus democracy | 假民主
keazuo | stepson | 繼子
kefng-goanzuo | hydrogen atom | 氫分子; 氫原子
kefng-hunzuo | hydrogen molecule | 氫分子
kekcixn huxnzuo | radical extremist | 激進份子
kezuo | head of the family | 家主
khekzuo | incompatible with son | 剋子
khiofngpox-hunzuo | terrorist | 恐怖份子; 恐怖分子
khiofngpox-huxnzuo | terrorists | 恐怖份子
khofzuo | victim of robbery or theft; the bereaved family of a murdered person; victim of robbery or theft; bereaved family of a murdered person | 苦主
khørloong-hunzuo | affiliates | 靠攏分子
kimzuo | the master of the gold; rich man; moneybags | 金主
kiongzuo | master of the imperial palace; host of the imperial palace | 宮主
kioxngsarn-hunzuo | communist | 共產份子
kipcixn-hunzuo | radical element | 急進份子
kiuosex-zuo | the Savior; the Messiah | 救世主
kiuozuo | the Savior; the Messiah | 救主
kiuzuo | to pray for a son (said of childless parents) | 求子
ko'aizuo | father-and-motherless orphan (used in obituaries) | 孤哀子
koeazuo | be cooked | 煮過
kofng-lioxngzuo | photon, light quantum | 光亮子; 光量子
kofzuo | stockholder | 股主; 股東
konghunzuo | common numerator | 公分子
kongzuo | a princess; polite designation for another's son | 公主; 公子; 光子
korzuo | employer; employer (This term is only used on official documents). In colloquial Taiwanese usually thau-ke is used. Under the influence of Mandarin lau-pan is frequently used | 雇主
kox bixnzuo | have a sense of honor | 顧面子
kozuo | a male bereaved of his father | 孤子
kuizuo | to return to the Lord--conversion; return to the Lord ─ conversion | 歸主
kunzuo hiabteng | gentlemen's agreement | 君子協定
kunzuo kokkaf | monarchy | 君主國家
kunzuo togzhaai | autocracy | 君主獨裁
kunzuo zerngthea | monarchy | 君主政體
kunzuo | a true gentleman a man of noble character; monarch; sovereign; ruler | 君主; 君子
kuxnzuo | a princess; infanta | 郡主
kuxzuo | one's former master | 舊主
kuy goanzuo | return something to its original owner | 歸原主
køhunzuo | macromolecule | 高分子
lamzuo | man; male person | 男子
lauxpaizuo | an old brand | 老牌子
liabzuo | particle; particulate | 粒子
libzuo | take over | 入主
liogkunzuo | six honor masters | 六君主
liogsiin buzuo | shocked; stunned out of one's wits | 六神無主
liogsiin-buzuo | shocked; stunned out of one's wits | 六神無主
liongsiong-kunzuo | burglar; thief | 樑上君子; 小偷
liongzuo | dragon offspring, intelligent child | 龍子
lioxngzuo | quantum | 量子
lioxngzuo-hoarhak | quantum chemistry | 量子化學
lioxngzuo-hoax | quantification | 量子化
lioxngzuo-leghak | quantum mechanics | 量子力學
lioxngzuo-lun | quantum theory | 量子論
lioxngzuo-tiaukvia | quantum condition | 量子條件
lip thaezuo | investiture of the Crown Prince | 立太子
liuozuo | young culprit; hoodlum; scallywag | 溜子; 狡猾童
lixzuo | ion | 離子
lixzuo-tøxtien | ionic conductance | 離子導電
lizuo | ion | 離子
loanzuo | ovum, egg | 卵子
loaxnsiin-zhadzuo | ministers or generals who rebel against the monarch or collaborate with the enemy | 亂臣賊子
loaxnzuo | disturbance; trouble | 亂子
loxngtoxngzuo | prodigal; debauchee; loafer | 浪蕩子
loxngzuo hoethaau | return of the prodigal son | 浪子回頭
loxngzuo | loafer; prodigal son; prodigal; debauchee | 浪子
lozuo | deaconship of a temple; man who has charge (in turn) of rites in a ward; one who is acting as head of a guild | 爐主
luitaizuo | ring master | 擂台主
lwkongzuo | princess | 女公主
lwzuo | a girl; a woman | 女子
lykongzuo | your daughter (a polite reference to another's daughter); daughter of a famous personality | 女公子
lyzuo zhamzexng | women's suffrage | 女子參政
lyzuo | daughter; womankind; girl | 女子
løflaizuo | a son born in one's old age | 老來子
miaxtiongzuotvia | destined | 命中註定
niusiong-kunzuo | burglars (Lit. gentlemen up on the beams) | 樑上君子
nofzuo | Lao-tzu(a Chinese philosopher) | 老子
oanchinzeazuo | grievance creditor | 冤親債主
ongzuo | sons of a king; prince | 王子; 太子
paix Thienzuo | worship God; adore God (Catholic) | 拜天主
paixkazuo | a prodigal person who grew up in a rich family | 敗家子
paixzuo | a prodigal | 敗子
paizuo | a brand name; a trademark; label | 牌子
pangzuo | gang master | 幫主
panzuo | manager of a band of actors | 班主
parzuo | dictator | 霸主
pekzuo chienswn | May you have descendants abundantly! ─ exceedingly happy lot | 百子千孫
phahsyzuo | leftovers after dividing costs | 打死主; 平分後剩下的
phauzhef-lixzuo | abandon wife and kids | 拋妻離子
phiernzuo | swindler; cheater; swindler; cheat; confidence man; racketeer; impostor | 騙子
phoeha zuosia | hypodermic injection; subcutaneous injection | 皮下注射
pinzuo cixnhoafn | Both the guest and the host are having a great time | 賓主盡歡
pinzuo | guests and hosts | 賓主
pixzuolaan | remarks column | 備註欄
poarnzuo | Son-in-law | 半子
put'haozuo | unfilial son | 無孝子
put'zuo'ix | careless, to overlook, inadvertently | 無注意; 不注意
samkaozuo | three hierarchs | 三教主
samthaezuo | 3rd prince | 三太子
seazuo | first ancestor or founder of a family | 世主
serngzuxzuo | sexual autonomy | 性自主
siarlixzuo | relic | 舍利子
siaukongzuo | handsome childe; playboy | 俏公子
siaxhoe binzuo zwgi | social democracy | 社會民主主義
sid bixnzuo | lose face; disgrace oneself | 失面子
sienjip-zuo | preconception, prejudice | 先入厝; 先入主
sienzuo | master | 仙主
sinzuo | ancestral tablet | 神主; 祖宗牌
sinzuo-pai'ar | tablet | 神主牌仔
siogzuo | everyman | 俗子
siornghw kaozuo | assist the husband and teach the children: duty of a wife | 相夫教子
sirnzuo | believe in the Lord | 信主
sitzuo | The owner of a lost thing; (in law) the owner of lost property or the victim of a robbery; burglary | 失主
sizuo | one who contributes to the Buddhist faith; a term of address used by monks or nuns referring to Buddhist faithful | 施主
sorngzuo | lose one's child | 葬子; 喪子
suozuo | bastard | 庶子
susengzuo | love child; a natural child | 私生子
suxzuo | principal person concerned in any matter; client; victim in a criminal case | 事主; 嗣子
sym pud iuzuo | cannot control one's mind or emotion; cannot help but.. | 心無由主; 心不由己
syn put'iuu zuo | unable to act according to one's own will | 身無由主
syzuo | dead lord | 死主
taixhunzuosoftviuo | | 代分駐所長
taixzuo | godson (Catholic) | 代子
tauky huxnzuo | opportunist; speculator | 投機份子
tegpiet zuoix | special notice | 特別注意
tekzuo | son | 嫡子
texkizuo | foundation owner | 地基主
texzuo cy gii | friendship or hospitality of a host | 地主之誼
texzuo | disciple; a pupil; a student; disciple; junior; pupil; worshipper or devotee of an idol | 弟子
thaezuo | sons of a king; prince | 王子; 太子
thamzuo | a city in Taichung County | 潭子
thienzuo | God; Lord; literally; son of heaven ─ the emperor | 天主; 天子
thoanzuo | leader | 團主
thvy zuotvia | Heaven decrees it; preordained; fixed by heaven | 天註定
tiarmzuo | proprietor (of a store or shop) | 店主
tieseg huxnzuo | intellectuals; educated people; intelligentsia | 智識份子
tieseg-hunzuo | intelligentsia | 知識份子
tiexnzuo hiefnbikviax | electronic microscope | 電子顯微鏡
tiexnzuo keasngrky | electronic computer | 電子計算機
tiexnzuo tan'ui | electromagnetic steel | 電子單位
tiexnzuo | an electron; electronic | 電子
tiexnzuo-hak | electronics | 電子學
tiexnzuo-khuyhek | electronic orbital | 電子軌道; 電子軌域
tiexnzuo-khuytø | electronic orbital | 電子軌道
tiofngzuo keasengkoaan | right of inheritance (of the eldest son); primogeniture | 長子繼承權
tiofngzuo | eldest son | 長子
tiongzuo | neutron | 中子
tngzuo | hall master | 堂主
toa-zaizuo | man of wealth and property | 大財主
toaxloxngzuo | big prodigal son | 大浪子
toaxtexzuo | big landowner; landlord | 大地主
toaxzuo-toaxix | assertive | 大主大意
toexkizuo | land owner | 地基主
toexzuo | property owner | 地主
togsengzuo | only son (of a family); the Only begotten Son | 獨生子
tongtøexzuo | local master | 當地主
tongzuo | (virgin) boy | 童子; 瞳子
tuiethaau-oankezuo | very party with whom we have the feud or quarrel; a rival | 對頭冤家主; 仇家
tvoagoanzuo-lixzuo | monoatomic ion | 單原子離子
tvoazuo | altar master | 壇主
tøexzuo | land owner; landlord; lessor | 地主
tøfloan huxnzuo | one who gives trouble; disturbing element | 搗亂份子
tøzuo tøswn | many children and grandchildren (regarded as a blessing) | 多子多孫
tøzuo | three abundances (abundance of blessings; abundance of longevity; abundance of male offspring) which the people of old considered as the ingredients of happy life | 多壽; 三多 (多福; 多子)
u bixnzuo | have one's face or honor preserved; have one's vanity satisfied | 有面子
uizuo | take responsibility; be the most important; be the chief or principal (element; component) | 為主
unzuo | benefactor | 恩主
uxhoong-zuosia | immunization; vaccination | 預防注射
voaxzuo | change owners (house or land); change ownership | 換主
wnkunzuo | opium eater; heavy smoker | 癮君子
wnzuo | safe customer; person to whom we may safely lend money or give goods on credit | 穩主; 有信用的顧客
ym-lixzuo | negative ion, anion | 陰離子
zaizuo | baron; man of wealth and property | 財主; 才子
zaizuo-kajiin | marriage between a brilliant man and a beautiful woman; an ideal couple | 才子佳人
zaizuo-siu | fortune, talent, and long life | 財子壽
zeahiexn Thienzuo | offer sacrifice(s) to Almighty God | 祭獻天主
zeazuo | creditor | 債主
zefng bixnzuo | try to win or excel for the sake of face | 爭面子
zekkek hunzuo | activist; enthusiast; a radical | 積極份子
zengzuo | spermatozoa | 精子
zerngjiin-kunzuo | man of honor; gentleman | 正人君子
zerngti vixgi-huxnzuo | political dissident | 政治異議份子
zexng-texzuo | disciples | 眾弟子
zexngmeh zuosia | intravenous injection | 靜脈注射
zexzuo | fort master | 寨主
zhai sinzuo | set up ancestral tables | 豎神主; 立祖先牌位
zhanzuo | owner of the field | 田主; 地主
zhef li zuo saxn | family break up (Lit. wife leaving and children dispersing) | 妻離子散
zhekzuo | a newborn baby | 赤子
zhezuo | wife | 妻子
zhoanhw-siogzuo | village man | 村夫俗子
zhuozuo | landlord; landlady (of a house); owner of a house | 厝主; 房東
zhørhap-lixzuo | complex ion (chemistry) | 措合離子; 錯合離子; 絡離子
zoeazuo | to be host | 做主
zofngkaozuo | archbishop | 總教主
zunzuo | boat owner; owner of a ship or boat | 船主
zuo | cook; master | 煮; 主
zuo'ix | be careful; pay attention; take notice | 注意
zuo'ix-lat | power of concentration, attention | 注意力
zuo'ix-lek | power of concentration, attention | 注意力
zuo'ym | pronounciation mark | 注音
zuo'ym-huhø | phonetic signs, phonetic symbols | 注音符號
zuo'ym-jixbuo | phonetic alphabets | 注音字母
zuo-cioong | emperor and his courtiers | 注音; 主從
zuo-hof noa | stew something until it's tender | 煮爛
zuo-hof sek | cook thoroughly | 煮熟
zuo-kheq | the master and guests | 主客
zuo-lioxngzwsox | principal quantum number | 主量子素; 主量子數
zuo-soanlut | (in music) main theme | 主旋律
zuo-zaykhie | cook breakfast | 煮早餐
zuo`aq | cooked | 煮矣
zuo`ee | cooked | 煮的
zuobak | pay attention eyes | 注目
zuobeeng | describe and display explicitly; explain or state clearly in writing; make a footnote; make out | 註明
zuoboglea | parade salute (military) | 注目禮
zuobok | eye; rivet; attention; fix the attention on; observation; keep an eye on; pay attention to | 注目
zuoboo | mould; mold; to cast (statue) | 鑄模
zuobuun | order (merchandise) | 訂貨; 注文; 訂購; 定購
zuocvii | coinage | 鑄錢; 造幣
zuogaan | way to keep young facial look | 駐顏
zuogoa | reside in foreign country | 駐外
zuohoeq | blood transfusion | 輸血
zuohoong | canton; defend | 駐防
zuohøfhør | predestined | 註好好; 冥冥之中註定好的
zuoielek | power of concentration; attentiveness | 注意力
zuoietiøh | pay attention | 注意著
zuoix | attention; pay attention; be careful | 注意
zuojibseg | education spoon feeding or cramming (as opposed to developmental method) | 注入式
zuojip | pour into; inject into | 注入
zuokae | explantory note; annotate; annotation | 註解; 注解
zuokayciar | commentator | 註解者
zuokhaf | footnote | 註腳
zuokwn | girl scouts | 駐軍
zuopai | predestined failure | 註敗
zuoparn | cast a plate (e.g.; for printing) | 鑄版
zuoseeng taixzhøx | commit a serious mistake | 鑄成大錯
zuoseg | explain by commentary | 註釋
zuosi | stare at; to gaze; look attentively; focus one's gaze on | 注視
zuosia | injection; give an injection | 注射; 打針
zuosia-ciafm | hypodermic needle | 注射針
zuosia-kex | stand for intravenous bottles | 注射計; 注射架
zuosia-taang | hypodermic syringe | 注射針; 注射器
zuosiaw | logout; log-off; write off; cancel; nullify; annul | 註銷
zuosiaxciafm | injection needle | 注射針
zuosiaxkhix | syringe | 注射器; (筒)
zuosiaxtaang | syringe | 注射器; (筒)
zuosid | report loss of documents; to the authorities concerned | 註失
zuosie | destine to be dead; decree the fated time of death; be destined to die; unfortunately; by chance; by coincidence | 該死; 註死; 湊巧; 倒霉; 註定該死,倒霉,湊巧; 註定
zuosiin | attentive | 注神; 留神
zuosiuo | station troops at a place for defense purposes | 駐守
zuosvi'ar | casting | 鑄生仔
zuosvy | born to be | 註生; 註定
zuosym | attentively | 注心; 專心
zuoteng | destined; predestined; to ordain (as Heaven or fate) | 註定
zuotiong | put importance; regard as important; attach great importance to; lay stress on; emphasize | 注重
zuotioxng`tiøh | emphasized | 注重著
zuotvia | destine to be; bound to; to determine by divine decree or fate; destined; predestined | 註定; 注定
zuoym | pronounce mark; employ phonetic signs or tone marks | 注音
zuoym-huhø | phonetic sign (symbol); tone marks | 注音符號
zuozad | troops be stationed at | 駐紮
zuozai | be stationed (troop or diplomats) | 駐在; 駐紮
zuozhehcvii | registration money | 註冊錢
zuozhehhuix | registration fee | 註冊費
zuozhehzof | registration section | 註冊組
zuozheq chiwsiok | registration procedures | 註冊手續
zuozheq siongphiaw | registered trade mark | 註冊商標
zuozheq zwjim | chief registrar (school) | 註冊主任
zuozheq | register; register (with authorities concerned); register for school | 註冊
zuozheq-zhux | registry, registrar's office | 註冊處; 註冊組
zuozø | foundry; die cast | 鑄造
zuxzuo | independent; independent; autonomy | 自主
zuxzuo-koaan | right of self-decision, personal autonomy | 自主權
zwzuo | cook | 煮煮
zwzuo-sunswn | generation after generation of descendants | 子子孫孫
zøeazuo | act as the person in charge, be a responsible person | 做主
zøfkhefng-hunzuo | the Leftiests | 左傾份子; 左傾分子
zørzuo | be a sponsor; take charge of; be responsible for; be the boss; take the leadership; decide | 做主
zøx-bixnzuo | put up a pleasant front; do something for the sake of appearance | 做面子
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]