"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zurn

be pinzurn | groundless; improbable; unworthy of belief | 未憑准; 無能依據
biauzurn | aim at; take aim; collimation; take aim | 瞄準
bunhoax zuyzurn | cultural standing or level | 文化水準
ciaozurn | in accordance with the order; approve a request; give approval to a request | 照准
ciørzurn | aim accurately | 照準
gai laan ciaozurn | It is impossible for this office to grant the permission. (conventional phrase in official communications) | 礙難照準
hauxzurn | to adjust, to calibrate | 校準
hegzurn | approve; approval | 核准
kisut-zuyzurn | technological standard | 技術水準
kiuzurn | ask for accuracy | 求準
kizurn | data; standard | 基準
køsafn-zurnniar | lofty mountains | 高山峻嶺
liaqzurn | consider (that); believe | 掠準; 以為
liaqzwnzurn | aim perperfectly | 掠準準
liau-bøzurn | guessed incorrectly | 沒料準; 沒有猜對
liauxzurn | guess correctly | 料準
liongzurn | nose with a high bridge | 隆準
mxzurn | will not permit | 毋准
nafzurn | as if; suppose; seems like | 哪準; 如果; 好像
naxzurn | if; suppose | 若準
phezurn | give official approval or permission for; rectify; ratification | 批准
phiauzurn kokgie | Mandarin Chinese; Mandarin | 標準國語
phiauzurn sikafn | standard time | 標準時間
phiauzurn | criteria; model; norm; standard; standard; criterion; typical | 標準
phiauzurn-hoax | to standardize, standardization | 標準化
phizurn | to approve, to sanction, to ratify, sanction, ratification | 批准
phoezurn | to approve | 批准
phøezurn | approve; assent to; sanction | 批准
piauzurn | standard; criteria; measure | 標準
pinzurn | (an official) standard; norm; criterion; standard; criterion | 憑準; 依據; 憑證; 準繩; 標準
put'hap-piauzurn | below the mark, not to the standard | 無合標準; 不合標準
putzurn | will not permit | 無准; 不准
pyzurn | aim, measure accurately | 比準; 對準
sarngzwnzurn | sent accurately | 送準準
seng'oah zuyzurn | standard of living | 生活水準
siorngzurn | coincide | 相準
siorngzwnzurn | coincide | 相準準
tegzurn | special permit; to permit; in a special case | 特准
tuiezurn | adjust (a machine part) to the right or proper position; aim at | 對準
tøxzurn | just right | 就準
uizurn | draw a line; set a limit; norm; standard | 為準
unzurn | graciously grant | 恩准
voaxzurn | change for correction | 換準
wnzurn | approve; to grant; to consent | 允准; 允許
ynzurn | approve; to grant; to consent | 允准
zaozurn | approval | 奏准
zatzurn | subside | 節準; 節制
zurn | accurate; correct; exact; right; approve; to permit; allow; to grant; authorize; equivalent | 準; 隼; 准; 花梨隼
zurn`ee | approved | 准的
zurnbea | steed | 駿馬
zurnbun | indifferent; unmoved | 無傷; 無動於衷
zurnbøea | the back part of the water canal | 圳尾
zurnhvoa | banks of a brook; the bank of the canal | 圳岸
zurnkafng | finish work on building | 竣工
zurnkauar | ditch | 圳溝仔
zurnkaupvy | ditch side | 圳溝邊
zurnkaw | irrigation canal | 圳溝; 水圳
zurnkhaf | kegs shaking | 慄腳
zurnkied | hero | 俊傑
zurnkofng | project completed | 竣工
zurnlaam | handsome man | 俊男
zurnlo | a small road along a brook | 圳路
zurnmar | steed | 駿馬
zurnniar | high and steep mountain | 峻嶺
zurnpvy | canal side | 圳邊
zurnsiaw | steep and high | 峻霄; 峻峭
zurnsiux | handsome; good looking (as person) | 俊秀
zurnsviaf | tremulous voice or sound | 顫音
zurntea | canal bottom | 圳底
zurnthaau | the beginning part of the water canal | 圳頭
zurnthviax | momentary pain | 陣痛
zurnzaai | talented person | 俊才
zurnzuie | water of a brook | 圳水
zuyzurn | water level; standard | 水準
zwnzurn | accurate; exact | 很準
zwnzwnzurn | precise | 準準準

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