"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zuxjieen

chiauzuxjieen | supernatural | 超自然
putzuxjieen | unnature | 無自然
sibkoaxn seeng zuxjieen | Habit is second nature | 習慣成自然
sun kii zuxjieen | let nature take its course; in accordance with its natural tendency | 順其自然
taixzuxjieen | natural phenomena; nature; mother nature | 大自然
thefng kii zuxjieen | let it take its own course | 聽其自然
toa-zuxjieen | nature, the mother nature | 大自然
zenghok zuxjieen | conquer nature | 征服自然
zuun kaux kiøthaau zuxjieen tit | It will take care of itself when the time comes. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it | 船到橋頭自然直。
zuxjieen ciet'iok | natural birth control | 自然節育
zuxjieen hiexnsiong | natural phenomenon | 自然現象
zuxjieen khøhak | natural sciences | 自然科學
zuxjieen liauhoad | naturopathy, natural ways of healing without drugs | 自然療法
zuxjieen zhusex | natural trend | 自然趨勢
zuxjieen zwgi | naturalism | 自然主義
zuxjieen | natural; spontaneous; nature; a matter of course; of course; certainly or surely: As times goes by; you'll surely see what I mean; (in primary school) natural science course | 自然
zuxjieen-jijieen | matter of course; natural consequences | 自然而然
zuxjieen-sengthai | natural ecology | 自然生態
zuxjieen-tøthaix | evolution; survival of the fittest; natural selection | 自然淘汰

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