"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Giogzvea | a city in Tainan County of Taiwan | 玉井
Høzuie put'hoan zvefzuie | One should mind his own business. (Don't mix river water with well water.) | 河水無犯井水
Liongzvefhiofng | a village in Taiwan | 龍井鄉
armzvef | secretly | 暗青
chimzvea | courtyard; patio; the open court in center of a house | 天井; 深井
ciøqiuzvea | oil well | 石油井
haxmzvea | trap; a booby trap | 陷阱
iamzvea | salt wells | 鹽井
iuzvea | oil-well | 油井
khiaxzvea'oong | person who likes sophism | 強辯者; 豎諍王
khongtiofng-haxmzvea | air pocket (in aviation) | 空中陷阱
khuizvea | dig; drill a well | 開井
kofzvea zuykef | A frog in a well knows nothing of the great ocean. ─ a person of very limited outlook and experience | 井底之蛙
kofzvea | old well; wells (in general) | 古井; 鼓井
kofzvefzuie | well water | 古井水
lixhiofng poexzvea | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
loxng thienzvea | dig a well; make a atrium; create a skylight | 挵天井
poexzvea lixhiofng | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
siøzvef | contend (with a person for a thing); compete (with a person in doing something); strive to be the foremost; scramble for a seat; try to outdo one another | 相爭; 爭先
siøzvex | disagree; wrangle | 抬槓; 互相爭論
svazvef | quarrel | 相爭; 吵嘴
sykw zvex-kaq piexn oaqpiq | resort to sophistry | 將死龜強辯成活虌; 比喻強詞奪理
syzvex | deadly condemnation | 死諍
tauzvea | drown oneself in a well | 投井
thiaozvea | drown oneself in a well | 跳井
thienzvea | well; courtyard; a patio; skylight | 天井
thvizvea | skylight | 天井
zexzvea koanthiefn | look at the sky from the bottom of a well a very limited view; usually implying short sightedness; ignorance; shallowness | 坐井觀天
zhaixzvea'oong | people who argue fallaciously | 豎諍王; 強辯者
zuyzvea | well | 水井
zvea | dispute | 井
zveasie-zvea'oah | dispute most doggedly or determinedly; denying what is asserted | 諍死諍活
zveasw | lose in debate | 爭輸
zveaviaa | win in debt | 爭贏
zveazhuix | debate | 諍喙
zvef kehoea | quarrel about dividing family property | 爭財產
zvef | quarrel; to dispute; strive | 爭
zvefiaam | salt extracted from brine wells | 井鹽
zvefnoaa | well fence | 井欄
zvefthaau | well top | 井頭
zvefzuie put'hoan høzuie | not to interfere in the affairs of another | 井水無犯河水
zvefzuie | well water | 井水
zveviaa | win the debate | 辯贏
zvex | dispute | 諍; 爭吵
zvezhar | brawl | 爭吵

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