ahbuo-tøee | flat feet | 鴨母蹄
ahbwtøee | even foot; flat feet | 鴨母蹄; 扁平足
ahbør-tøee | flat feet | 鴨母蹄; 平底腳
ahkhatøee | even foot; flat feet | 鴨腳蹄; 扁平足
apzøee | press well; press even | 壓齊
auxhøee | next time | 後回
bafnhøee | to recall, to restore, to bring back | 挽回
bagciuphøee | eyelid | 目睭皮; 眼皮子
bagciw-phøee | upper eye-lid | 目睭皮; 眼皮
bagphøee | upper eye-lid | 目皮; 眼皮
bahphøee | skin of meat | 肉皮; 豬皮
banphøee | sluggish to response; incorrigible | 蠻皮; 頑皮
beftøee | horse's hoofs | 馬蹄
beftøee-thiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
bexngtøee | a proposition, a thesis | 命題
bixnphøee | feelings; emotions; facial features | 面皮; 臉皮; 面子
bixtøee | riddle | 謎題
buxntøee | questions; problem | 問題
bøee | rice gruel | 糜; 稀飯
bøo buxntøee | no problem | 無問題
chiahphøee | red-bark oak; Cyclobalanopsis gilva; red dark oak | 赤皮
chiuxphøee | rind; bark | 樹皮
chviuphøee | elephant's skin | 象皮
chviuphøee-zexng | elephantiasis | 象皮症
chviuxphøee | elephant's skin | 象皮
chviuxphøee-zexng | elephantiasis | 象皮症
ciapzøee | to support, to help functionally | 接齊
cidhøee | once | 一回
ciefnzøee | cut evenly | 剪齊
cientøee | pre-topic | 前題
cinphøee | real leather, dermis, corium | 真皮
ciuzøee | to relieve, give alms, bestow, assist | 周給; 周濟
ciøhtøee | to make use of a subject as a pretext | 借題
erng'iong-buxntøee | an applied question | 應用問題
gafnphøee | eyelid | 眼皮
gixtøee | topic | 議題
goaxphøee | outer skin; surface; husk; cortical; cuticle; epidermis | 外皮
goghiphøee | alligator leather | 鱷魚皮
guphøee | ox hide; leather | 牛皮
gutøee | cattle's hoof | 牛蹄
gvexphøee | stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬皮
gvixphøee | stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬皮
gytøee | to draft a topic; to draft a subject | 擬題
haqtøee | fit the problem | 合題
harngphøee | swelling skin | 腫肥; 肥胖
hauxhngg-buxntøee | problems on the school grounds | 校園問題
hayhøee | crabs | 海蟹
hengsubuxntøee | criminal case | 刑事問題
hiauhphøee | to peel off the skin; skin peel off; the shedding of shell; to come off or fall off | 剝皮; 脫皮; 脫殼; 脫落
himphøee | bear skin | 熊皮
hoat'høee | return | 發回
hoextøee | remitting money through a bank or post-office | 匯題; 匯兌; [*]
hofphøee | tiger fur | 虎皮
hofphøee-tharn | tiger fur carpet | 虎皮毯
hoxøee | rain shoes, rain boots | 雨鞋
hytøee | words of felicitations | 喜題
høee | answer; reply | 回
høee-jinzeeng | to return a favor; to express one's thanks | 回人情
høexzøee | in unison | 協力; 會齊; 一起
høzøee | unanimously | 和齊; 一致
iaotøee | an important subject | 要題
iefntøee | subject of a discourse | 演題
iuophøee | smooth | 細皮; 幼皮
jiauphøee | wrinkled skin | 皺皮
jinciorng buxntøee | racial problem | 人種問題
jinkhao-buxntøee | population problem | 人口問題
jintø-buxntøee | question of morality | 人道問題
juxnphøee | naughty | 韌皮; 頑皮
juxnpviar-phøee | the Taiwanese spring roll skin to wrap meat; vegetable in | 潤餅皮
jøee | to rub; to knead; to crumple by hand; crush; to massage | 揉; 挼
jøee`sie | crush something or someone to death | 揉死
jøejøee`leq | rub (eyes, skin, etc.) | 揉揉咧; 挼挼咧
kafngtøee | speech subject | 講題
kafntøee | subject or topic of a speech | 講題
kateeng-buxntøee | domestic troubles | 家庭問題
kau-bixnphøee | brazen-faced | 厚面皮; 厚臉皮
kaupøee | make friends with; associate with | 交際; 結交; 交陪
kauthofng-buxntøee | question of communication | 交通問題
kauxbixnphøee | bold; shameless; impudent | 厚臉皮
kauxphøee | thick-skinned | 皮厚; 厚皮
kaytøee | change subject | 改題
kebwphøee | goose bumps | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
kefphøee | imitation leather | 假皮
kekhieløee | mechanical plow (tractor); tilling machine | 機器犛; 耕耘機
khatøee | hoot | 腳蹄; 跤蹄; 腳掌,腳印
khauphøee | peeling | 刨皮; 刮皮; 剝皮
khiaxzøee | standing in rows | 豎齊; 排整齊
khie kebøfphøee | go all goose-fleshy (as from terror) | 起雞毛疙瘩; 起雞母皮
khoanpør-buxntøee | Environmental Protection Issue | 環保問題
khoantøee | donation question | 捐題
khofphøee | bitter skin | 苦皮
khorngtøee | to stew or simmer the pig's legs; to stew or simmer the leg-meat of the hog | 爌蹄; 煮豬腳蹄
khvoarzøee | (in military) Face right!; to follow the example of; to emulate (someone) | 看齊
khøee | cripple | 瘸; 腳跛; 魁
khøftøee | examination subject | 考題
khørtøee | subject of study | 課題
kiammøee | salty congee; salty rice gruel | 鹹粥
kienphøee | dry skin i.e. fruit | 凝皮
kikhix-løee | motorized cultivator | 機器犁; 耕耘機
kinpurn buxntøee | fundamental question | 根本問題
kioxngzøee | altogether | 共齊
kiuzhøee | a bat (for tennis etc.) | 球桿; 撞球槌; 球竿
koankiaqaføee | high-heeled shoes | 高屐仔鞋
koaq pauphøee | circumcise | 割損; 割包皮
koeaphøee | be covered with new skin or be healed | 過皮; 長新皮; (傷口)
koefcyphøee | the skin of a fruit | 果子皮
kox bixnphøee | take care of one's reputation; have a sense of honor | 顧面子
kuytøee | how many questions | 幾題
kynkib-buxntøee | burning issue; urgent question | 緊急問題
køee | pickled seafood | 瓜; 膎
køfphøee | fruit skin | 果皮
laau bixnphøee | guard someone's good name; protect the reputation of someone | 給面子
laihøee | round trip, back and forth, come and go | 來回
laihøee-phiøx | round-trip ticket | 來回票
lantøee | conundrum; puzzle; a tough problem; a hot potato | 難題
lextøee | an example; a question for which an answer is provided | 例題
liapzøee | evenly produced | 攝齊
liaqzøee | make even | 捉齊; 掠齊; 對齊
liephøee | flay; to skin | 撕皮; 剝皮
liuophøee | graze the skin; skin comes off; shed skin | 脫皮; 遛皮
lixtøee | to depart from the topic; to digress | 離題
logphøee | deerskin | 鹿皮
longzhoafn buxntøee | rural problem | 農村問題
luophoax phøee | abrasion; scrape | 擦傷; 擦破皮
luxnpviar-phøee | skin of vegetable roll | 潤餅皮
luyzøee | to distribute evenly | 分均
løee | (ship) go aground, head bowed | 垂(頭)
løeløee | head down on disappointment | 笠笠; 犁犁; 低低
løtong-buxntøee | labor question | 勞動問題
mixphøee | dough | 麵皮
mngxtøee | issue, matter, problem, question | 問題
moaphøee | eel skin | 鰻皮
nakiuøee | basketball shoes; sneakers | 籃球鞋
ngphøee | yellow skin | 黃皮; 黃枇
nngfphøee | soft skin | 軟皮
noaxsøee | baby's bib | 爛垂
oexsefng buxntøee | problems relating to hygiene; sanitation | 衛生問題
oextøee | topic; theme; gambit | 話題
ofnghøee | go and return | 往回
ophøee | black marlin, marlin spike fish, Eumakaira nigra | 黑皮; 烏皮; 黑皮旗魚
paizøee | to order evenly | 排齊
pakphøee | to peel off the skin; flay | 剝皮
paktøexphøee | heavy tax | 剝地皮; 惡官; 課重
parphøee | leopard fur | 豹皮
pauaføee | soft cloth shoes | 軟布鞋; 包鞋
pauphøee | a wrapper; a covering; the foreskin | 包皮
peazex buxntøee | currency question | 幣制問題
pehphøee | skin; to rind (strip off) the bark of a tree; to bark (a tree); peel (an orange); peel off with the hand without a knife | 剝皮
phangporøee | canvas shoes | 帆布鞋
phiautøee | title; heading; headline; caption; subject | 標題
phihøee | to reply officially | 批回
phoarphøee | break the skin, broken skin | 破皮
phoartøee | analyze | 破題
phofzøee | rescue all beings | 普濟
phorngphøee | plentiful; chubbiness; fulness; plim; well-developed | 豐滿; 凸皮
phorngtøee | knuckles | 凸蹄
phøee | skin, bark, cover, peel, rind | 皮
phøephøee | only the outside, only the beginning | 皮皮
phøeøee | leather shoes | 皮鞋
piawphøee | the outer skin; the surface | 表皮
pok'høee | to turn down, to refute, to reject (a request) | 駁回
poxngphøee | pork rind | 磅皮; 炸豬皮
puntøee | cloven hoof | 分蹄; 偶蹄的
putzøee | not even | 不齊
pvizøee | neat and straight | 平齊
pwntøee | main topic | 本題
pøee | make restitution; pay compensation; repay | 賠
pøee`jibkhix | got in with loss | 賠進去
pøqphøee | thin skin | 薄皮
sayløee | plough back | 駛犁
segphøee | cooked skin | 熟皮
seng'oah buxntøee | problems of livelihood | 生活問題
siahphøee | peel (vegetables) | 削皮
siaxhoe buxntøee | social problems | 社會問題
sibtøee | exercise | 習題
sioghøee | redeem, ransom, atone | 贖回
sioktøee | homework | 習題; 宿題; 家庭作業
sitgiap buxntøee | unemployment problem | 失業問題
siuhøee | to get back, to recover, to restore, to recall | 收回
siuophøee | animal skin or hide; a fur | 獸皮
siuzøee | trim to lign up | 修齊
siøftøee taixzog | make great trouble out of a trifling matter; make much of a trifle; make a mountain out of a molehill | 小題大做
siøhphøee | be careful of one's skin; be afraid of beating; be afraid of getting sick | 惜皮; 怕打; 怕病
siøq bixnphøee | be careful of one's reputation; be afraid of losing face | 顧面子
siør-piautøee | a subheading | 小標題
søee | to hang down; droop | 垂
søee`løqkhix | hang down | 垂落去
tafnzøee | wait till all have come | 等齊
tan'gafnphøee | oriental eyelids; which do not have a distinct fold along the edges | 單眼皮
tangphøee thihkud | brass and iron constitution ─ a strong man | 銅皮鐵骨; 強健
tangzøee | together; all of a lump | 一齊; 同齊
taptøee | answer a question | 答題
tauxhuxphøee | bean curd; thin tofu sheet | 豆腐皮
tauxphøee | dried beancurd made into thin sheets | 豆皮
tekzhøee | bamboo rod | 竹箠; 竹鞭
teng'aføee | track shoes; shoes with spikes | 釘仔鞋
texngphøee | scleroderma; hard skin; in crystate | 硬皮
texphøee | land for building houses; house site; building site | 地皮
thaukhakphøee | scalp | 頭殼皮; 頭皮
thihtøee | iron hoofs | 鐵蹄
thngrphøee | to shed the skin; as a snake does | 脫皮
thoatphøee | shed skin | 脫皮
thophøee | clods of surface soil in ploughed fields | 表土
thøfpøee | ask for damages | 討賠; 要求賠償
thør phøee thviax | ask for trouble | 討皮疼
thørøee | overshoes, galoshes | 套鞋
tiafm phøeøee | mend leather shoes | 修補皮鞋
tiafmzøee | call a roll | 點齊
tiauphøee | sable skin (fur); mink; marten's fur | 貂皮
tiauphøee-toaxy | mink coat | 貂皮大衣
tikhatøee | pig's feet (raw or cooked) | 豬跤蹄
tioxng'iaux-buxntøee | important question; weighty matter | 重要問題
tithauphøee | skin from a pig's head | 豬頭皮
toa-buxntøee | big problem | 大問題
toadhøee | to recapture, recover | 奪回
toarhøee | to bring back | 帶回
tofngphaix buxntøee | problem of parties | 黨派問題
toxmsøee | crestfallen; dejected | 垂頭喪氣 [*]
tøee | write; problem; subject | 題; 蹄
tøexphøee | land; land-estate | 地皮
tøxteg buxntøee | question of morality or ethics | 道德問題
u buxntøee | questionable; doubtful; unreliable | 有問題
viuphøee | sheepskin | 羊皮
voaxtøee | change subject | 換題
zarmtøee | stamp with the hoof | 頓足
zaxm-khatøee | march on the spot (as in military drill) | 踐腳蹄; 蹔跤蹄; 踏腳
zefngzøee | trimness; orderliness; in alignment; in order | 整齊
zengtøee | front hoof | 前蹄
zhaftexphøee | engage in land speculation | 炒地皮
zhaphøee | bark of a tree | 柴皮
zhatøee | shine shoes | 擦鞋
zhawøee | sandal | 草鞋
zheaphøee | fragile | 慷慨; 皮層薄弱
zhehphøee | book cover | 書皮
zhoanzøee | select and make fully ready; and all in order for a purpose; all fully prepared | 備齊
zhophøee | rough skin | 粗皮
zhuietunphøee | lips | 嘴唇皮
zhuttøee | create questions in an examine | 出題
zhvephøee | rawhide; untanned hide | 生皮
zhwhøee | to take back | 取回
zhøee | drag on the floor | 箠; 拖在地上
zoafphøee | paper cover (of a book) | 紙皮
zoantøee | special topics | 專題
zoaphøee | snake skin | 蛇皮
zofngtøee | main-subject | 總蹄; 總題; 主題
zuphøee | book cover | 書皮
zwtøee | theme; subject; motif | 主題
zøee | regular even, uniform, similar | 做; 齊
zøezøee | even | 齊齊; 很整齊
øetøee | topic, theme | 話題
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]