"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: øeh

Itgøeh | January | 一月
Jixgøeh | February | 二月; 貳月
Kawgøeh | September | 九月
Laggøeh | June | 六月
Siegøeh | April | 四月
armgøeh | a dark night | 暗月
arngøeh | per month | 按月
auxgøeh | next month | 後月; 下個月
auxkørgøeh | next month | 後個月; 下個月
baxnggøeh | watching the moon | 望月
bøeh | stocking; sock | 襪
bøeh'aix | desire | 欲愛
bøeh'arm'ar | sunset | 欲暗仔; 黃昏
bøeh'axm | sunset | 欲暗; 傍晚
bøehsie-bøeh'oah | want life or death; out of control | 要死要活
bøo-zafmzøeh | indecisive | 無斬截
chitgøeh | July | 七月
chitgøeh-pvoax | a festival on the seventh full moon in a lunar year | 七月半; 中元
cidgøeh | one month | 一月
ciencien'gøeh | the month before last | 近前月; 前前月
ciengøeh | the last month | 前月
citgøeh | this month | 這月
cviagøeh | January | 正月
cviagøeh-bøea | end of January | 正月尾
cviagøeh-pvoax | mid lunar January | 正月半
cviagøeh-sii | lunar January | 正月時
cviagøeh-zhøef | beginning of Lunary January | 正月初
e-pvoargøeh | second half of the month | 下半月
exgøeh | next month | 下月; 下個月
exkørgøeh | next month | 下個月; 下月
expvoargøeh | the moon at the last (or third) quarter | 下半月
goangøeh | January | 元月
goxgøeh | May | 五月
goxgøeh-zøeq | the festival of the fifth day of the fifth lunar month | 端午節; 五月節
gvøeh | take up with pincers, claws, carry under the arm, put between pages of a book | 挾
gvøeh'ar | clip; cramp; haix, pincers,claws; | 鍥仔; 夾仔; 鉗子; 鋏仔; 挾子
gøeh | month; moon | 月
hiexngøeh | the present month | 當月
hoef hør gøeh vii | ideal time for a wedding (The flowers are in full bloom; and the moon is full.) | 花好月圓
hoxløeh | round broad brimmed rain hat made out of bamboo leaves usually worn by farmers | 雨笠; 雨傘
høehøef | spotty, scarcely, unreasonable | 花花
ji`gøeh | Feb. | 二月
jidgøeh | the sun and the moon; months and days | 日月
jit bøeh'axm | dusk; night-fall; toward evening | 日要暗; 黃昏; 傍晚
kao`gøeh | September | 九月
kaogøeh | due | 到月; 夠月; 月限已到; 滿月
kawgøeh | September | 九月
kawkøeh | be balky or mischi | 狡腋; 口逆; [*]; 頑皮,淘氣; 猶豫無決或惡作劇
khvoargøeh | admire full moon | 賞月; 看月
khyphøeh | blister | 起沫; 起泡沫
khøeh | a ancient grain measure | 斛
khøeh'ar | small box | 盒仔; 篋仔; 篋子
kuikørgøeh | whole month | 整個月
køeagøeh | over the month | 過月
køeh | piece of part, broken part | 片; 橛; 節
køeh'ar | sickle, reaping-hook | 鐮仔; 鍥仔; 鐮刀
køeh'e | armpit | 腋下
køeh'e-khafng | armpit | 腋窩孔; 胳下空; 腋下
køeh'exkhafng | armpit | 腋下空
køeh'exlafng | armpit | 腋下籠
køh'auxgøeh | another month | 更後月
kørgoaxgøeh | over a month | 個外月
kørgøeh | a month | 個月
laggøeh | June | 六月
laggøeh-thvy | midsummer weather; June weather | 六月天; 盛夏
lak`gøeh | June | 六月
laqgøeh | lunar December | 臘月
liengøeh | month after month | 累月
limgøeh | the month of child-bearing | 臨月; 產期
luxngøeh | intercalary month | 閏月
løeh | bamboo hat | 笠; 笠帽
moafgøeh | completion of the first month after birth of a child | 彌月; 滿月
moafgøeh-ciuo | rice wine for celebrating one month old infant | 滿月酒
moefgøeh | every month | 每月
muygøeh | every month | 每月
nigøeh | year and month | 年月
oankef-loxøeh | enemies will meet in a narrow alley | 冤家路窄
phøeh | spume; foam; froth | 泡沫
puhphøeh | blistering | 暴泡; 起泡
pvoargøeh | half moon | 半月
pwngøeh | this month | 本月
pøeh | pull out, unseethe (sward, knife) | 扒; 拔
pøeh'ee | eight number of (things) | 八個
pøeh'iaa | native Taiwanese god (The eighth father god) | 八爺
pøehgøeh | August | 八月
pøeq`gøeh | August | 八月
sibøeh | silk stocking | 絲襪
sin'gøeh | crescent or new moon | 新月
singøeh | crescent or new moon | 新月
siong-pvoargøeh | first half of a month | 上半月
sitgøeh | eclipse | 月蝕; 蝕月
siøfgøeh | slack season | 小月; 淡季
suxngøeh | within a month before the time of childbirth | 順月; 臨盆月; 臨月
svagøeh | March | 三月
sviwgøeh | enjoy the moonlight | 賞月
søeh | go round in a circle; orbit; revolution | 旋
taggøeh | every month | 逐月
tagkøfgøeh | every month | 每個月
tawløeh | bamboo hat | 斗笠
tefnggøeh | last month | 頂月; 上個月
tefngkørgøeh | last month | 上個月; 頂個月
thoakøeagøeh | dragged over this month- such as delay rent | 拖過月
toaxgøeh | the 31-day months; rush season; high season; season | 大月; 旺季
zab'id-gøeh | November | 十一月
zab'itgøeh | November | 十一月
zabgøeh zhøezap | October 10; the Double Tenth; the National Day of the Republic of China | 十月初十
zabgøeh | October | 十月
zabgøeh-tafng | winter arrived in October | 十月冬
zabji`gøeh | December | 十二月
zabjixgøeh | December | 十二月
zafmzøeh | rapidity and wisdom | 斬截; 乾脆
zap`gøeh | Oct. | 十月
zhawløeh | a bamboo leaf hat | 斗笠; 草笠
zhutgøeh | when the moon comes out | 出月; 月亮出來
zoex-moafgøeh | celebrate one month old newborn | 做滿月
zuyphøeh | water foam | 水沫
zøeh | slice vertically | 做; 絕; 切
zøeh'iexn | festival feast | 做宴
øekhøeh | jostle, crowded | 矮擠
øeqøeh | somewhat narrow or confined | 狹狹

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